HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 2018 3752 2018 1003 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-3752
WHEREAS, the City of Moorpark provides Film Permit application review,
processing, and inspection services; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the cost of these services shall
be fully offset by fees that accompany permit requests; and
WHEREAS, these fees are reviewed periodically to determine if any adjustments
are necessary to reflect actual processing costs; and
WHEREAS, on July 5, 2017, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2017-
3608, adopting the Permit Review and Processing Fees and Deposits, which included
Film Permit fees; and
WHEREAS, information on the costs required to provide the permit application
review and processing services was made available to the public as required by Section
66016 of the Government Code; and
WHEREAS, on October 3, 2018, the City Council conducted a public hearing as
required by Sections 66016 and 66018 of the Government Code to consider updates to
Film Permit fees, took and considered oral and written presentations both for and
against the proposed fees, and reached a decision on this matter; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to restructure Film Permit fees to more
precisely reflect the City's costs to issue a Film Permit; and
WHEREAS, the proposed Film Permit fees do not exceed the estimated
reasonable cost of providing the service for which the fees are charged, as required by
Section 66014 of the Government Code; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish a fee for rental of City-owned
parking lots when rented in conjunction with a Film Permit; and
WHEREAS, the Community Development Director has determined that the
updates to Film Permit fees and establishment of parking lot rental fees are exempt
from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), in that the
action of the City Council does not involve construction or affect the physical
Resolution No. 2018-3752
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with the Community Development Director's determination that the updates to Film
Permit fees and establishment of parking lot rental fees are exempt from the provisions
of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), in that the actions of the City
Council do not involve construction or affect the physical environment.
SECTION 2. COST RECOVERY: City of Moorpark staff shall bill actual time
spent on land use applications and other items eligible for cost recovery where a
deposit is required at a real time cost accounting rate as established by City Council
Resolution No. 2018-3596 as may be amended from time to time. Additional deposits
will be required when staff time charges are projected to exceed the deposit balance.
Any remaining deposit amount left from entitlement processing shall be applied to
condition compliance. Upon certificate of occupancy or final building permit, when all
permit review and processing has been completed, any remaining condition compliance
deposit shall be returned after all costs are deducted for final processing.
SECTION 3. COSTS FOR CONTRACT SERVICES: Contract services shall be
billed at cost, plus fifteen percent (15%), including, but not limited to, City Attorney,
geotechnical/geological services, traffic engineer services, landscape architect review
and inspection services, lighting engineer review and inspection services, and planning
consultant services.
PERMITS: The Community Development Director has the authority to reduce deposit
amounts up to fifty percent (50%) per entitlement application, where the project involves
multiple applications for the same project on the same property, to be processed
concurrently. The applicant retains the responsibility to pay for all costs associated with
the processing of the applications at the adopted billing rates.
SECTION 5. ADOPTION OF FEE SCHEDULE: The Permit Application Review
and Processing Fees and Deposits is adopted as shown in Exhibit A of this Resolution,
thereby updating Film Permit fees and establishing parking lot rental fees.
SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE: This Resolution shall become effective
immediately upon adoption.
SECTION 7. Resolution No. 2017-3608 is hereby rescinded upon the effective
date of this Resolution.
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SECTION 8. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and
shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the book of original resolutions.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of October, 2018.
41011e S. Parvin, Mayor
Qo ks
Maureen Benson, City Clerk
Exhibit A: Schedule of Permit Application Review and Processing Deposits and Fees
Resolution No. 2018-3752
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Pre-Applications and General Plan Amendment Pre-Screening
Pre Application(Non GPA) $1,400
General Plan Amendment Pre-Screening Application $8,400
Entitlement Applications
Specific Plan $43,000
General Plan Amendments $5,700
Zone Change $5,700
Zone Ordinance Amendment $5,700
Development Agreements $34,000
Tentative Tract Map(Less than thirty(30)lots) $10,000
Tentative Tract Map(Thirty(30)lots or more) $21,500
Vesting Tentative Tract Map $28,500
Tentative Parcel Map $7,900
Commercial/Industrial Planned Development-New Const(Less than 50,000 sf) ♦ ♦ $21,500 $300 flat fee for Police Department review also required.
Commercial/Industrial Planned Development-New Const(50,000 sf or more) $28,500 $300 flat fee for Police Department review also required.
Commercial Planned Development -Conversion of Residence to Retail of Office in $5,500 $300 flat fee for Police Department review also required.
Downtown Specific Plan Area where permitted by Specific Plan
Residential Planned Development(Less than thirty(30)units) $21,500 $300 flat fee for Police Department review also required.
Residential Planned Development(Thirty(30)units or more) $28,500 $300 flat fee for Police Department review also required.
Conditional Use Permit $5,500 $300 flat fee for Police Department review also required.
Conditional Use Permit for a Restaurant Use with or without Beer and Wine,or for a $3,900 $300 flat fee for Police Department review also required.
Use Relocating from a Place within the City where an existing Conditional Use Permit
has been granted for the use and there is no change in use,only location
Variance $5,500
Public Hearing Notice $1,300
Appeal of Planning Commission Decision $2,900
Environmental Documentation
Initial Study&Negative Declaration $5,700
Environmental Analysis see note 100%of cost plus 15%administrative fee. Staff to provide estimated cost.
Environmental Impact Report Supplement or Addendum $7,200
Special Studies and Reports
Other Studies, Reports or Analysis as determined necessary by Director see note 100%of cost plus 15%administrative fee. Staff to provide estimated cost.
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Modification-Commercial/Industrial/Residential with existing Planned Development see note 80%of initial deposit amounts.$10,000 deposit for Modifications if no substantial
Permit • • change to site plan or architectural design, not to exceed 80%of initial deposit.
Development Agreement-Annual Review $2,900
Time Extension of Approval—Planning Commission or City Council Decision $2,200
Time Extension of Approval—Staff Decision $700
Parcel Map Waiver,or Conditional Certificate of Compliance $7,200
Condition Compliance
Planning Condition Compliance Review see note 100%of original Map/PD deposit to be paid within 30 days of project approval
Landscape Review&Inspection see note 100%of cost plus 15%administrative fee applied with City consultant services.
Lighting Plan Review/Inspection see note Staff to provide estimated cost.
Violation(Penalty)Conditions of Approval see note 100%of staff time for investigation and enforcement.
City of Moorpark staff shall bill actual time spent on land use applications and other items eligible for cost recovery where a deposit is required at a real time cost accounting rate as established by
City Council Resolution No.2015-3383 as may be amended from time to time. Additional deposits will be required when staff time charges are projected to exceed the deposit balance. Any
remaining deposit amount left from entitlement processing shall be applied to condition compliance. Upon certificate of occupancy or final building permit,when all permit review and processing
has been completed,any remaining condition compliance deposit shall be returned after all costs are deducted for final processing.
Planning and Zoning Permits
Zoning Clearance $110
Zoning Letter/Re-Build Letter $330
Home Occupation Permit $110 Also requires Business Registration
Home Occupation Permit for Persons Under the Age of 18 with Annual Gross Income $0
of less than$10,000
Administrative Exception $720
Administrative Permit-Residential $860
Administrative Permit-Commercial/Industrial $1,400 $300 flat fee for Police Department review also required.
Administrative Permit—Relocation of a Business with an Existing Administrative Permit(not $430 $300 flat fee for Police Department review also required.
involving expansion of more than 50%of floor area,change in the nature of the business,or
sale of alcoholic beverages)
Administrative Permit—Relocation of a Permitted Business that did not Require an $720 $300 flat fee for Police Department review also required.
Administrative Permit when Established(not involving expansion of more than 50%of floor
area,change in the nature of the business,or sale of alcoholic beverages)
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Lot Line Adjustment, Certificate of Compliance,or Reversion to Acreage $2,800 Deposit required for Conditional Certificate of Compliance(see above)
Permit Adjustment-Residential $430
Permit Adjustment-Commercial/Industrial $860
Mobile Home Rent Increase Review $430 Applies to cost-of-living increases only.
Sign Permit $220
Sign Permit for Change of Copy on Existing Permitted Sign $110
Sign Program $860
Temporary Sign and Use Permits
Temporary Sign/Banner Permit $50
Temporary Use Permit-Minor $170 i.e. Outdoor sales, RV as dwelling during residential construction.
Temporary Use Permit-Major $430 i.e. Parades,concerts,carnivals,shows.$300 flat fee for Police Department initial
review also required.An additional deposit may also be required for anticipated
additional staff and police monitoring costs.
Appeal of Community Development Director Decision Requiring Public Notice $1,000
Appeal of Community Development Director Decision without Public Notice $860
Film Permits
Film Permit—Private Property Only $300 An additional$300 flat fee for Police Department review may also be required. An
+$140 per additional deposit may also be required for anticipated additional staff and police
location monitoring costs. If a permit is issued for both private property and City
+$105 per day property/right-of-way locations,then:the$405 base rate for City property/right-of-
way shall be used; private property locations shall use the$140'per location'fee,
and City property/right-of-way locations shall use the$180'per location'fee;and a
'per day'fee of$300 shall apply to any day in which filming takes place on City
property/right-of-way,and a'per day'fee of$105 shall apply to any day in which
filming takes place entirely on private property.
Film Permit—Involving City Property or Public Right-of-Way $405 An additional$300 flat fee for Police Department review may also be required. An
+$180 per additional deposit may also be required for anticipated additional staff and police
location monitoring costs. If a permit is issued for both private property and City
+$300 per day property/right-of-way locations,then:the$405 base rate for City property/right-of-
way shall be used;private property locations shall use the$140'per location'fee,
and City property/right-of-way locations shall use the$180'per location'fee;and a
'per day'fee of$300 shall apply to any day in which filming takes place on City
property/right-of-way,and a'per day'fee of$105 shall apply to any day in which
filming takes place entirely on private property.
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Film Permit—Still Photography Only $110 A deposit may also be required for anticipated additional staff costs.
Parking Lot Rental with Film Permit $250 A refundable clean-up deposit of$1,000 or more may also be required at the
per lot,per day City's discretion.
Special Business Permit Review
Annual Abandoned Shopping Cart Prevention Plan Review $55
Annual Bingo Game Permit $50
Annual Street Vendor Permit $110
Annual Adult Business Permit $550
Annual Adult Business Performer Permit $110
Secondhand Dealer,Thrift Shop,and Pawnbroker Permit $440 $4,400 deposit for police review expenses must be maintained and replenished on
a monthly basis. Thrift shops owned and operated by 501(c)(3)non-profit
organizations are exempt from providing daily police reports and the corresponding
police review deposit.
Open House Directional Sign Permits
Annual Encroachment Permit for Individual Owner/Seller or Real Estate Agent $110 5 sign stickers provided, 50%of annual encroachment permit fee if after July 1
Annual Encroachment Permit for Real Estate Office $330 60 sign stickers provided,50%of annual encroachment permit fee if after July 1
Additional Sign Stickers $5
Retrieved Sign Storage Fee $5 per day Stored signs that are not retrieved within 30 calendar days will be destroyed in
accordance with the law.
Business Registration Permits
Initial Business Registration Permit $100 $1 Annual State Mandated Surcharge for Certified Access Specialist required in
Annual Renewal of Business Registration Permit $40 addition to Business Registration fee pursuant to Government Code Section 4467
Annual Business Registration Permit Limited to Individual Vendor at City-Permitted $50
Swap Meet or Farmers'Market
Business Registration Permit to Persons Under the Age of 18 with Annual Gross $0
Income of less than$10,000
Additional Vehicle Stickers(1 provided with Business Registration for Mobile Business) $2
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A , • • / . ire ; ,
Records Imaging
Building and Safety Drawing Sheets $2.00 Per Sheet
Engineering Improvement Plan Drawing Sheets $2.00 Per Sheet
Planning Drawing Sheets $2.00 Per Sheet
Final Map Sheets $2.00 Per Sheet
Building and Safety Permit Files $0.30 Per Sheet
Planning Entitlement Files $0.30 Per Sheet
Advance Planning
Advance Planning Fee(Includes G P Updates and Traffic Model Maintenance) see note 5%of Building Permit Fee for Valuation of$10,000 or greater
Construction and Demolition Material Management Plan
Review Fee for Projects where No Deposit Fund Exists(otherwise review will be $160
charged to the project deposit fund based on actual time at existing billing rates).
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I, Maureen Benson, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify
under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2018-3752 was adopted by the
City Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular meeting held on the 3rd day of October,
2018, and that the same was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Mikos, Pollock, Simons, Van Dam, and Mayor Parvin
NOES: None
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 5th day of October, 2018.
Maureen Benson, City Clerk