HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA REPORT 1998 0701 CC REG ITEM 10C114, 8/5 ITEM 10-69 CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT City Council Meeting CITY OF MOORPARK ACTION: Ag g a c V e i c i� i f i, re( cric�erici a i i cn TO: The Honorable City Council FROM: Mary K. Lindley, Director of Community Services DATE: June 24, 1998 (CC Meeting of July 1, 1998) SUBJECT: Consider the Conceptual Design for Senior Center Expansion Background The City Council is being asked to consider and approve the conceptual design for the Senior Center expansion. Previously, the City Council appropriated $258,000 from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to expand the Senior Center which was budgeted in the FY 1997/98 Budget. An additional $35,000 was appropriated to the project in April, 1998, effective in the FY 1998/99 Budget, to make ADA accessability improvements to the Senior Center and Community Center, bringing the project's total budget to $293,000. The City has secured the services of Meyer and Associates to design the expansion and develop construction specifications, at a cost not to exceed $23,615. To date, the design budget includes the room expansion adjacent to, and west of, the Citrus Room, the room addition adjacent to, and southeast of the Senior Center, and ADA modifications to the Senior Center and Community Center. Discussion Conceptual Design Options For purposes of this discussion, the room addition to the west of, and adjacent to, the Citrus Room is referred to as the "Citrus Addition ". The room addition adjacent to, and southeast of, the Senior Center is referred to as the "South Addition ". Lastly, the enclosure of the breezeway under the arches at the front of the Senior Center is referred to as the "Breezeway Enclosure ". Throughout the Committee Senior Center Advisory Committee's discussions with the architect and staff, various conceptual design options were identified and are being presented for the City Council's consideration. Design Concept "I" (Attachment A) is the most extensive expansion option and provides for the Citrus Room Addition, South Addition, and the Breezeway Enclosure. It also provides for an operable sound resistant wall and automatic sliding front doors. It is estimated that this option will cost approximately $442,000 ($394,000 for construction and $48,000 for design and project management). If the City Council elected to approve this option, an additional $149,000 would need to be allocated to the project. C:\DOCS\SENIORS\SREXPANS.AGD zml� Senior Center Expansion Page 2 Design Concept "II" (Attachment B) is the design preferred by the Senior Center Advisory Committee. It includes the Citrus Room Addition, the Breezeway Enclosure, and meeting rooms within the Senior Center. The total estimated cost of Concept "II" is $307,000 ($266,000 for construction and $41,000 for design/project management). If approved, this option would require an additional allocation of approximately $14,000. Design Concept "III" (Attachment C) more closely reflects the City Council's direction on July 2, 1997, at which time it indicated its preference for including the South Addition and excluding the Breezeway Enclosure. The total cost estimated for Concept "III" is $312,000 ($269,000 for construction and $43,000 for design and project management). This option would require an additional allocation of approximately $19,000. Design Concept "IV" (Attachment D) is an attempt to present a design that has an estimated cost that meets or is under the budget previously appropriated by the City Council. Concept "IV" includes only the Citrus Room Addition and meeting rooms within the Senior Center. The total cost estimate for Concept "IV" is $236,000 ($205,000 for construction and $31,000 for design and project management). This option would create a savings of approximately $57,000. Variations of the aforementioned concepts are also possible. Senior Center Advisory Committee's Recommendations On two separate occasions, the Senior Center Advisory Committee met with the project architect to discuss and critique various design options created based on input from the Committee, and participated in no less than five planning meetings with staff. While the Advisory Committee initially expressed its support for Design Concept "I ", because it believed that the design most closely meets the current and future needs of the Senior Center, the cost estimates provided by the architect convinced the Committee that it needed to look at a more moderate project. Therefore, the Committee is recommending Design Concept "II ". This design includes the Breezeway Enclosure and the Citrus Addition; and excludes the South Addition. The Senior Center Advisory Committee strongly favored the enclosure of the breezeway in place of the South Addition. When ranked in order of priority, the Committee identified the desirability of the potential room additions as follows: 1) Citrus Room Addition, 2) Breezeway Enclosure, 3) South Addition. Under the Committee's recommendation, the enclosed breezeway provides for a lobby, office, and work space at the front of the building. This leaves space within the Center for small meeting rooms to conduct social service and information and referral services, such as health sceenings, tax assistance, and mental health interviews. The Committee believes locating reception functions in a lobby area, outside of the existing Senior Center, would greatly facilitate their programs and activities. Reception/check -in types of activities currently take place within C:\DOCS\SENIORS\SREXPANS.AGD OOOOS9 Senior Center Expansion Page 3 the existing senior center space, just inside the front door. When activities are held in the Senior Center, they have a difficult time performing reception -type activities or answering the phone because of the noise or the need to speak softly. For these reasons, the Committee believes that the Senior Center would be better served with a lobby inside of the proposed enclosure of the breezeway. Additionally, the Committee reasoned that the Breezeway Enclosure would cost less than the South Addition, and would net more square footage. Under Design Concept 11 ", the larger Citrus Addition has been identified as a multi purpose room. Early on in the process, the Senior Center Advisory Committee identified the need for a sound resistant operable wall, which would allow the Citrus Addition to be divided into two rooms. While it still remains a strong desire of the Committee, it has suggested that the operable wall (with an estimated cost of $21,500) be held back as a bid option, in the event that additionally funding becomes available, and/or construction cost prove to be less than anticipated. The Committee also feels strongly about the inclusion of automatic sliding front doors (estimated to cost $10,000) to facilitate frail and handicapped seniors' access to the building. Participants have been known to complain that the wind makes it very difficult to open the front door. But again, in light of the architect's costs estimates, the Committee suggests that the automatic doors be identified as a bid alternative. While their resources are limited, the Senior Center Advisory Committee has offered to assist with fund raising efforts to complete desirable Senior Center Expansion design components, specifically the inclusion of an automatic front entry door (estimated cost - $10,000). Public Works, Facilities, and Solid Waste Committee's Recommendation On May 21 and June 10, the City Council's Public Works, Facilities, and Solid Waste Committee (Councilmembers Evans and Wozniak) met to review the Senior Center Advisory Committee's recommendation to enclose the breezeway (Breezeway Enclosure), and to expand the project beyond its original scope. The Council Committee did not specifically reject the idea of enclosing the breezeway, but felt strongly about not allocating any additional funds to the project, which would be required under the Senior Center Advisory Committee's recommendation. The Committee expressed the recommendation that the City adhere to the original concept for the expansion which involved the Citrus Room Addition. This recommendation is consistent with Design Concept "IV ", and its estimated total cost is $236,000. Since the City has appropriated $293,000 for the project, the Council could consider a bid option involving either the South Addition or the Breezeway Enclosure. If the cost proposals receive by the City identify lower costs than estimated by the architect, the Council could elect to expand the scope of work at the time it awards the construction contract. C:\DOCS\SENIORS\SREXPANS.AGD 000050 Senior Center Expansion Page 4 Enclosed Breezeway As you may recall, the City Council previously considered the option of enclosing the breezeway. On July 2, 1997, staff requested the Council's consideration of an additional room expansion, in addition to the expansion adjacent to the Citrus Room (Citrus Room Addition). The options considered by the Council included adding the room addition adjacent to the southeast corner of the Senior Center and/or enclosing the breezeway. The Council expressed concerns about impacts to the aesthetics of the building and whether enclosing the area within the arches would detract from the building's design. The Council elected to approve an additional room expansion involving the area adjacent to the southeast corner of the Senior Center (South Addition) and not the breezeway. Staff and the Senior Center Advisory Committee consulted with the architect on the feasibility and desirability of enclosing the breezeway. The architect has indicated that the enclosure could be designed in such a way as to carry on the existing "theme" of the building, so as not to detract from the design of the building. Additionally, the architect suggests that the City identify a bid alternate in the Request of Proposal document to provide for additional work that would involve constructing new arches further out on the patio area, flush with the front of the Community Center (estimated cost - $24,400). Additionally, the Public Works, Facilities, and Solid Waste Committee also discussed the Senior Center Advisory Committee's recommendation to enclose the breezeway. The Committee expressed concern about turning the breezeway area into a "lobby" and /or reception area for the Senior Center. As identified in Design Concepts "I" and "II ", the breezeway would function as the lobby /reception area for the Senior Center. When the public walks into the front door, they would, in effect, be walking into the Senior Center. To access the main entrance of the Citrus Room, the public would have to first enter the Senior Center. The issue of concern is that the Citrus Room will still function as a multi purpose room in the "Community Center ". It will continue to be available for use by the general public and for other City functions; it is not for exclusive use by the Senior Center. Therefore, the public should be able to access the Citrus Room without having to go through the Senior Center. If the City Council elects to approve the Senior Center Advisory Committee's recommendation or a variation which includes the Breezeway Enclosure, the Public Works, Facilities, and Solid Waste Committee recommended that the breezeway area be designed for minimal Senior Center office space (or possibly no office space) and small meeting rooms, with a general foyer. If Senior Center office space is to be allocated within the breezeway, the Committee believes that it should be located at the southern end; the small meeting rooms should be located on the northern end, and could be used for other general purposes when not in use by the Senior Center. The official reception area for the Senior Center should be located within the existing Senior Center. This C:\DOCS\SENIORS\SREXPANS.AGD o0oo5l, Senior Center Expansion Page 5 would preserve the "Community Center" feel when the public first enters the front doors, and would not require the general public to enter the Senior Center to access the Citrus Room. Staff Proposal If the City Council has no objections regarding the Breezeway Enclosure, other than it would require additional funding, staff proposes that the Breezeway Enclosure be included in the final design as a bid option. The architect would be authorized to proceed with design and construction specifications for the Breezeway Enclosure. Contractors submitting cost proposals would be required to provide the City with a separate cost for the Breezeway. At the time the Council is asked to award the construction contract, it would have an opportunity to, again, consider proceeding with the Breezeway Enclosure or rejecting it. The opportunity to review cost proposals from contractors may assist the Council in arriving at a comfortable decision regarding the inclusion of the Breezeway Enclosure. The design cost would be consistent with Design Concept "II" ($26,000), and would not require an amendment to the City's contract with the architect, since the contract already includes two room additions. Additionally, the City would not be obligated to proceed with construction of the Breeze Enclosure if it was not satisfied with the cost proposals and/or was not able to resolve design conflicts. Estimated Costs Staff has provided cost summaries of the various conceptual design scenarios identified in this Agenda Report. As stated above, to date the City Council has appropriated $293,000 from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to fund this project. As previously noted, under each of the design concept options identified in this Agenda Report, the architect's construction estimates exceed the project's funds appropriated by the City Council, with the exception of Design Concept "IV". If the City Council desires to proceed with design concept "I", "II", or "III ", as identified, or a version thereof, it will need to appropriate additional funds. The following is a summary of the Design Concept costs and resulting deficits: Design Concept Recommended by... Estimated Cost Funding Deficid Surplus Concept "I" $442,000 $(149,000) Concept "II" Sr. Center Advisory Com $307,000 $(14,000) Concept "III" $312,000 $(19,000) Concept "IV" PW, F, SW Com $236,000 $ 57,000 C:\DOCS \SENIORS \SREXPANS.AGD 000092 Senior Center Expansion Page 6 If the City Council wishes to increase the Senior Center Expansion budget to accommodate designs "I ", "II ", or "III ", staff recommends that it consider using some of the CDBG funds allocated to the City's Affordable Housing Program. On March 18, 1998, the Council reappropriated $119,917 to the Affordable Housing Program from FY 1995/96 and 1996/97 CDBG fund savings originally budgeted for street improvement projects, and an additional $141,241 from the City's FY 1998/99 CDBG allocation ($261,158 total). The $261,158 has been included in the City's FY 1998/99 Budget. It appears unlikely that the City will spend a significant portion of the funds appropriated to the Affordable Housing Program by the end of FY 1998/99; however, staff does anticipate being able to complete the Senior Center Expansion project by that time (both the Senior Center Expansion and Affordable Housing are eligible uses for CDBG capital funds). When the City receives its next allocation of CDBG funds (FY 1999/2000), the Council could take action to appropriate funds for the Affordable Housing Program to bring it back up to its previous budgeted amount. The County has indicated that the City would not be required to hold a public hearing to reappropriate funds from the Affordable Housing Program to the Senior Center Expansion project. While not recommended, the City Council may wish to consider other potential funding sources including the City's General Fund and /or the Park Improvement Fund. If the City Council elects to approve additional funds for the Senior Center Expansion project, staff will prepare a budget amendment and respective resolution for Council's approval at a later Council meeting. Recommendation Staff recommends that the City Council: Approve the design of Design Concept "II" as proposed by staff, with the Breezeway Enclosure as a bid option; and 2. Direct staff to complete the design plans, construction specifications, and a bid document, identifying Design Concept "II" and the Breezeway Enclosure as a bid option, for City Council approval. C:\DOCS\SENIORS\SREXPANS.AGD KITCHEN SOUTH ADDITION 21'X 213' TOILET RMS. I STOR; WK. RM. I E AN. HALL CORRIDOR FCONJF�J SOR. g X g I CONF. h' X 10' MEETING RM. 0'X21 21'X 24' X J� /- ----WALL CABINETS VEST. / BASE CABINETS 'CITRUS ADDITION MEETING RM, 21'X24' o O SENIOR CENTER ROOM CITRUS ROOM O 0 WORK RM. OFFICE 11'X 15' SUPPLIES BREEZEWAY ENCLOSURE RECEPTION COUNTER LOBBY 11 "X 20' RECEPTION DIR. OFFICE 11'X 18' 11 "X .18' IXXXXXXXI -- Sliding Doors SOUND -RATED OPERABLE WALL COMPUTER EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT STORAGE 10'X 16' Citrus Room Addition ..............$163,000 South Addition ..............64,000 MECH. Breezeway Enclosure.... 61,000 Senior Center Meeting Rooms ....................14,000 ADA Restroom Modifications ......... 20,000 ADA Door Hardware Improvements......... 8,000 KITCHEN Movable Sound Wall .... 21,500 Storage Cabinets (Citrus Room) ........ 4,000 Storage Cabinets (Breezeway) .......... 3,500 Automatic Doors ........... 10,000 Building Facade ............ 25,000 SUBTOTAL: $394,000 TOILET RMS. Design . ........................$30,000 Project Management... 18.000 SUBTOTAL: $48,000 HALL TOTAL: $442,000 ATTACHMENT A Design Concept I CORRIDOR N w i CONF STOR. X g' O 0 SENIOR CENTER ROOM OFFICE SUPPLIES BREEZEWAY ENCLOSURE "1 n Slid' Doors MEETING RM. 21'X 24' CABI S /—BASE CABINETS /CITRUS ADDITION MEETING RM. O CITRUS ROOM TOILET RMS. ATTACHMENT B C Design Concept II S SOUND -RATED OPERABLE WALL ,.,-- COMPUTER EQUIPMENT STORAGE 10'X 16' Citrus Room Addition ..............$163,000 Breezeway Enclosure.... 61,000 MECH. Senior Center Meeting Rooms ....................14,000 ADA Restroom Modifications ......... 20,000 ADA Door Hardware Improvements.... 8,000 KITCHEN SUBTOTAL: $266,000 Design ......................... $ 26,000 Project Management... 15.000 SUBTOTAL: $41,000 TOTAL: $307,000 TOILET RMS. ATTACHMENT B C Design Concept II KITCHEN SOUTH ADDITION 21'X 28' TOILET RMS. STOR. WK. RM. I JAN. HALL I CORRIDOR 7. CST X 9' r.CONF. 10' X 10' O SENIOR CENTER ROOM WORK RM. OFFICE 11' X 15' SUPPLIES ri BREEZEWAY ENCLOSURE LOBBY 11 RECEPTION COUNTER 21'X24' O CITRUS ROOM 0 MEETING RM. i STOR. I ,,— COMPUTER 0'X21 EQUIPMENT � -7ON 21'X 24' 10'X 16' Citrus Room Addition ..............$163,000 L C I ETS VEST. MECH. B E CA ETS i CITRUS ADDITION ADA Restroom MEETING RM. Modifications ......... 20, 000 ADA Door Hardware Improvements:... 8.000 KITCHEN RECEPTION COUNTER 21'X24' O CITRUS ROOM 0 TOILET RMS. HALL 1 S SOUND -RATED OPERABLE WALL ,,— COMPUTER EQUIPMENT � -7ON STORAGE 10'X 16' Citrus Room Addition ..............$163,000 South Addition ..............64,000 MECH. Senior Center Meeting Rooms ....................14,000 ADA Restroom Modifications ......... 20, 000 ADA Door Hardware Improvements:... 8.000 KITCHEN SUBTOTAL: $269,000 Design . ........................$28,000 Project Management... 15,000 SUBTOTAL: $43,000 TOTAL: $312,000 TOILET RMS. HALL 1 DIR.OFFICE � -7ON 11'X18' Sli nO Doors ATTACHMENT C ® Design Concept III KITCHEN TION X 28' II ( TOILET RMS. MEETING RM. I I STOR. 0'X21 21'X 24' STOR. WK. RM. L CABI T VEST. JAN. HALL BA CABIN CORRIDOR CITRUS ADDITION i MEETING RM. CONE. STOR. 10'X10' 8'X9 21'X24' �+. CONF. I il 110' X 10' 0 SENIOR CENTER ROOM 0 WORK RM. OFFICE 11' X 15' SUPPLIES BREEZEWAY ENCLOSURE RECEPTION COUNTER LOBBY X xx� S1' ng Doors O CITRUS ROOM 0 DIR. OFFICE 8' 11' X 18' S SOUND -RATED OPERABLE WALL ,,— COMPUTER EQUIPMENT STORAGE 10'X 16' Citrus Room Addition .............. $163,000 Senior Center Meeting MECH. Rooms ....................14,000 ADA Restroom Modifications ......... 20,000 ADA Door Hardware Improvements.... 8.000 SUBTOTAL: $205,000 KITCHEN Design . ........................ $20,000 Project Management... 11.000 SUBTOTAL: $31,000 TOTAL: $236,000 TOILET RMS. HALL ATTACHMENT D Design Concept IV