ITEM q.0 .
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TO: The Honorable City Council
FROM: Kenneth C. Gilbert, Director of Public Works '/r
DATE: March 8, 1999 (Council Meeting 3- 17 -99)
SUBJECT: Consider Resolution No. 99 - Approving the Negative
Declaration for the Los Angles Avenue [East] Widening
This presents for approval the Negative Declaration for a project to
widen and improve Los Angeles Avenue from South Condor Drive Westerly
to a Point East of the Intersection of Spring Road and High Street.
D A nvl -Dnr TkTn
The City Council has taken the following actions with respect to the
subject project:
1. Approved the future roadway alignment for Los Angeles Avenue
East to shift the centerline to the north (Alt. #2);
2. Approved a corridor width for this street segment of eighty -
eight feet (88') -- a street width wide enough to accommodate
possible ultimate street improvements to include the
• four 12' wide travel lanes;
• one 14' wide raised landscaped center median;
• two 8' wide Bike Lanes;
• curb and gutter; and,
• two 5' wide sidewalks;
3. Approved the conceptual design for the construction of
earthwork and retaining walls for the project, sufficient to
accommodate the above described ultimate improvements;
4. Directed the City Engineer to proceed with the preparation of
a preliminary design for the required earthwork and retaining
walls, in order to determine the limits of the right -of -way
acquisition required for the project.
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L. A. Ave. [East] Negative Declaration
March 8, 1999
Page 2
S. Directed the City Engineer to proceed with the preliminary
design for the construction of street improvements within the
above described corridor, which would to provide for only one
travel lane in each direction, said street improvements more
particularly described as following:
• two 12' wide travel lanes;
• 8' of paved surface beyond the sideline in each direction;
• one 14' wide center paved median (total pavement width of
38'); and,
• two 8' wide unpaved shoulders;
6. Considered alternative retaining wall designs (concrete
retaining wall, interlocking block and crib walls) and
directed the City Engineer to prepare retaining wall easements
of a size sufficient to accommodate any of the design
alternates presented.
7. Directed staff to proceed with the title work, engineering
work and appraisal work necessary to prepare the final Deeds
for all of the right -of -way required, and to determine
estimated cost of said acquisition.
A. Project Scope
This project requires the acquisition of additional street right -
of -way (approximately 30 parcels) and the realignment and
reconstruction of the street to provide two travel lanes, a
center paved median and additional pavement width for bicycles
and pedestrians.
B. Compatibility with the Circulation Element
The subject segment is designated in the City's Circulation
Element as a Rural Collector. The proposed improvements,
including the possible widening of the road to four lanes, is
consistent with the description of a Rural Collector set forth in
the Circulation Element of the Moorpark General Plan. The
proposed project is, therefore, compatible with the General Plan.
C. Project Status
1. Retaining Wall Design: A survey has recently been completed
to provide the engineer with information required to prepare
the final draft design for the retaining walls. This
information is required in order to determine the dimensions
of the retaining wall easements to be acquired. It is
anticipated that the limits of the retaining wall easements
will be determined by April.
L. A. Ave. [East] Negative Declaration
March 8, 1999
Page 3
2. Record of Survey: A Record of Survey is being prepared to
facilitate the preparation of legal descriptions for the
street right -of -way deeds and the retaining wall easements.
It is anticipated that the Record of Survey will be recorded
by April.
3. Deeds: Upon recordation of the Record of Survey the
Engineering Department will proceed with the preparation of
legal descriptions for all of the deeds for the required
street right -of -way and retaining wall easements. It is
anticipated that the required Deeds will be prepared by May.
At that time total area of the properties to be acquired
will be known and a final estimate of right -of -way
acquisition costs can be determined. At present right -of-
way acquisition costs are estimated to be approximately $1
4. Right -of -Way Agent: It is the intent of staff to solicit
proposals for, and ultimately recommend the selection of a
firm to provide land acquisition services for this project.
It is anticipated that a recommendation on this matter will
be presented tot he City Council by June.
5. Title Work: It will also be necessary to retain the services
of a firm to provide preliminary title reports and
ultimately Policies of Title Insurance for all of the right -
of -way parcels and retaining wall easements acquired.
6. Appraisals: It is anticipated that services for a property
appraiser will also be required.
7. Schedule: A tentative schedule of the anticipated dates of
completion for certain tasks, is listed as follows:
06- 01 -99: Record of Survey recorded;
07- 01 -99: legal descriptions prepared;
07- 01 -99: right -of -way agent retained;
12- 01 -99: final design complete;
06- 01 -00: all rights -of -way acquired; and
06- 01 -00: project ready to advertise for bids.
D. Negative Declaration
1. Background: The City retained a consultant (The Planning
Corporation) to prepare a Mitigated Negative Declaration for
this project. This document was prepared and distributed in
a manner consistent with the requirements of the both the
City and State CEQA Guidelines. The document was distributed
to the public on February 17, 1999. Comments were solicited
from the public, relevant local and regional agencies, and
from other parties that may have an interest in this matter.
L A East Neg 000014
L. A. Ave. [East] Negative Declaration
March 8, 1999
Page 4
2. Project Summary: The City of Moorpark Public Works Department
has initiated planning and design work to implement street
improvements to a portion of Los Angeles Avenue from a point
east of the Spring Road /High Street intersection, easterly to
Condor Drive. These improvements include pavement widening,
acquisition of right -of -way for possible future four lanes,
construction of retaining walls, street construction and
overlay, installation of curb and gutter and other
improvements. The programmed improvements and estimated areas
of land acquisition are described and illustrated in the
Mitigated Negative Declaration and Expanded Initial Study.
Land acquisition on portions of about 30 parcels is required
to implement the project.
3. Document Reviev: The proposed undertaking is not exempt from
CEQA and is considered a project for the purposes of
environmental review. Therefore, a draft Mitigated Negative
Declaration was prepared and circulated for a period of 30
days. As of February 25, 1999, no public comment on this
undertaking had been received by the City. Staff has also
prepared a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan as
required under CEQA guidelines. A copy of this Plan is
attached as Exhibit 1.
4. Copy of Document: A copy of the Mitigated Negative
Declaration has been distributed to the City Council under
separate cover.
5. Resolution: The attached Resolution (Exhibit 2) approves the
subject Mitigated Negative Declaration and adopts the attached
Mitigation Monitoring Program. After opening and closing a
Public Hearing on the adequacy of this document, and after
Staff provides responses to comments on the document, the
City Council should adopt the attached resolution.
E. Project Budget
The total project cost estimate for this project is $4,000,000.
The amount budgeted for this project for FY 1998/99 is $1,028,118
[Project 8008], funded by the Los Angeles Avenue AOC Fund.
L. A. Ave. [East] Negative Declaration
March 8, 1999
Page 5
Subsequent to a staff presentation on the project, the Negative
Declaration and any written comments received, it is recommended that
the City Council take the following actions:
1. Open the public hearing and accept public testimony.
2. Review and consider the information in the Initial Study,
Mitigated Negative Declaration.
3. Review and approve the proposed Mitigation Monitoring Program.
4. Make the appropriate findings (to be distributed on March 17'
after receipt of public comments).
S. Adopt Resolution No. 99- approving the Mitigated Negative
Declaration and Expanded Initial Study finding that the
document is an accurate and complete representation of the
environmental effects of the project.
L A East Neg
Verification of
Mitigation Measure
Monitoring Actions
I. Land Use and Planning
(1) The City shall develop parcel specific mitigation plans
City to complete
Continuous activity
Completion of all
for all properties within the right -of -way that may have
access relocation
until acquisition
legally required
access restrictions or have modifications to access as
and acquisition
has been completed
a result of the proposed construction. Restoration of
planning consistent
access in a manner than does not interfere with the
with state law and
resulting in
through traffic objectives of the improvement program
City possession of
shall be prioritized. In cases where access cannot
needed right -of -way
be restored, proper compensation shall be provided
to the effected landowners through eminent domain
(where relevant)
ll. Air Quality
(1) All material excavated or graded shall be sufficiently
Field watering to
Field verification
watered to prevent excessive amounts of dust. Watering
occur during
during initial
of compliance by
shall occur at least twice daily with complete coverage,
grading period
grading period
City Public Works /
preferably in the late morning and after work is
Building Inspectors
completed for the day.
(2) All clearing, filling, grading, earth moving, or
Dust generating
Continuous during
Same as (1) above
excavation activities shall cease during period of
activity to cease
grading period
high winds (i.e., greater than 20 mph averaged over
during periods of
(until asphalt
one hour) to prevent excessive amounts of dust.
high winds
Construction grading shall be discontinued on days
forecasted for first stage ozone alerts (concentration
of 0.20 ppm) as indicated at the County APCD air
quality monitoring station closest to the City of
Moorpark. Grading and excavation operations shall
not resume until the first stage smog alert expires.
Mitigation Monitoring Program - 1 February 17, 1999
Mitigation Measure
Monitoring Actions
Verification of
(3) If any soil material is transported to or from the
Dust suppression to
Continuous during
Same as (1) above
site, this material shall be either sufficiently
be verified for all
the grading
watered or securely covered to prevent excessive
transported or
amounts of dust. Fill materials, to the degree
imported soils
feasible, shall be obtained from appropriate sources
close to the site to minimize construction emissions.
A haul plan (including routes and hours of delivery)
shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review
prior to commencement of any fill or disposal program.
(4) Streets adjacent to the project site shall be swept
Sweeping of streets
Continuous as
Same as (1) above
as needed to remove silt which may have accumulated
to occur on an as
necessary during
from construction activities so as to prevent
needed basis during
the grading
excessive amounts of dust.
(5) Construction vehicles entering and exiting unpaved
Contractors to
Same as (4) above
Same as (1) above
roads onto paved roads during the grading period
provide for vehicle
shall be washed off prior to leaving the site.
clean -up during
VI. Geophysical Impacts
(1) A final geotechnical report shall be prepared by the City
Public Works
One time activity
City Engineer to
prior to the initiation of construction. This report
Department to
(if deemed necessary
review and approve
shall be prepared by a registered geotechnical engineer.
contract for
by the City Engineer)
any required soils
The report shall address site preparation requirements
preparation of
during the planning
or geotechnical
for the design of all structures, including storm water
soils and
phase prior to
conveyance facilities, retaining walls, planning for
geotechnical report
review of grading
settlement compensation, and all other aspects of
and construction
site specific engineering deemed necessary by the City
Engineer. The report shall be subject to the approval
of the City Engineer. The project shall be constructed
in a manner consistent with the approved report.
Mitigation Monitoring Program - 2 February 17, 1999 .�
Mitigation Measure
Monitoring Actions
Verification of
VIII. Water Resources /Hydrology
Drainage and Water Quality
(1) If determined necessary by the City Engineer (as
City to prepare
One time activity
Field verification
determined by the City Engineer in his sole discretion),
required hydrology
during plan
of construction
a drainage conveyance study shall be prepared by a
and drainage design
consistent with
California State Registered Civil Engineer for the
plans by City
review and acceptance by the City Engineer. Hydraulic
Public Works
design shall conform to the current Hydraulic Design
and /or Building
Manual of the Ventura County. The study shall be
subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The
project shall be constructed in a manner consistent
with the approved report.
(2) The City should be required to comply with all NPDES
NPDES compliance
One time activity
Same as (1) above
and stormwater conveyance facility conditions deemed
during construction
during construction
necessary by the Public Works Director or City Engineer.
phase consistent with
Best Management
Practices (BMP)
XI. Noise
(1) To minimize construction noise effects, all stationary
Enclose noise sources
Continuous activity
Field verification
construction noise sources shall be sheltered or enclosed
(if feasible) and
during construction
by City Engineer
to minimize adverse effects on adjacent neighborhoods.
limit construction
and /or Public
When feasible, generators and pneumatic compressors
Works Inspectors
shall be placed in a manner to minimize noise inconvenience
on adjacent residences. Construction shall be prohibited
between 8:00 pm and 7:00 am on weekdays (including Saturday)
and no construction shall occur on Sunday.
Mitigation Monitoring Program - 3
February 17, 1999
Mitigation Measure
Monitoring Actions
Verification of
(2) All contractors involved in the construction program shall
Contractors to
One time activity
City Public Works
provide a written noise construction effects strategy to
prepare written
prior to initiation
or Building
be submitted with building permit applications. The types
noise effects
of construction
Inspectors to
of suppression used will vary on a case by case basis.
reduction plan
verify compliance
Dumpsters, pre - assembly construction tasks, and materials
for City Public
storage shall be limited to defined, prescribed areas.
Works Department
Materials storage and work areas shall be situated to
the degree feasible, on portions of parcels that will
minimize impacts on nearby commercial and residential
areas. Adjacent commercial tenants shall be notified
of the construction schedule for the project.
(3) Once the final alignment of the roadway is determined,
City to contract
One time activity
Plan check verification
the City shall prepare an acoustical report to
for acoustical
prior to implementation
of acoustical
determine what types of noise barriers may be required
study and implement
of the project
mitigations; field
for individual homes that may be impacted by the
recommendations for
verification by Public
relocation of traffic closer to residential locations.
interior and
Works Inspectors or
exterior noise
Mitigation Monitoring Program - 4 February 17, 1999
(I 'c 2)
WHEREAS, the City intends to construct a project to widen,
rehabilitate and improve Los Angeles Avenue from South Condor Drive
westerly to a point east of the intersection of Spring Road and
High Street; and
WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public hearing on March 17, 1999,
the City Council considered the content of a Draft Mitigated
Negative Declaration /Expanded Initial Study for said project; and
WHEREAS, the City Council opened the public hearing on March
17, 1999, and took testimony from all those wishing to testify and
closed the public hearing after public input; and
WHEREAS, the Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration and Expanded
Initial Study was made available to the public for the required
review period set forth in the City and State CEQA Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, responses to comments on the adequacy of the Draft
Mitigated Negative Declaration and Expanded Initial Study were
presented to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, a mitigated monitoring plan conforming with City and
State guidelines was prepared and distributed to the public and
decision - makers prior to taking action on the sufficiency of the
environmental analysis of the project; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that based on the
record as a whole the proposed street improvement program will not
result in any significant impacts that have not been fully and
completely mitigated; and
WHEREAS, appropriate findings concerning the impacts of the
project have been prepared, which have been attached to this
resolution as Exhibit "A."
SECTION 1. The City Council has determined that the
Mitigated Negative Declaration and Expanded Initial Study prepared
for the proposed widening and rehabilitation of Los Angeles Avenue
east of the Spring Road /High Street intersection is accurate and
complete, has been prepared in compliance with CEQA.
Resolution No. 99 -
Page 2
SECTION 2. The City Council has reviewed and approved the
Mitigation Monitoring Plan prepared to implement the Mitigation
Measures set forth in the Mitigated Negative Declaration and
Expanded Initial Study for this project.
SECTION 3. On the basis of the record as a whole, the City
Council determined that the impacts of the proposed project, with
the adoption of mitigation measures, would not have a significant
adverse effect on the environment.
SECTION 4. The City Council hereby approves the Mitigated
Negative Declaration /Expanded Initial Study and Mitigation
Monitoring Plan subject to the attached findings.
SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of
this Resolution and shall cause a certified Resolution to be filed
in the book of original Resolutions.
Deborah S. Traffenstedt, City Clerk
Exhibit "A ": CEQA Findings
Patrick Hunter, Mayor