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TO: The Honorable City Council 9
FROM: Kenneth C. Gilbert Director of Public Worksv
DATE: December 10, 1999 (Council Meeting 1 -5 -00)
SUBJECT: Consider Approval of the Plans and Specifications for
the New Los Angeles Avenue Bridge Widening Project and
Authorization to Advertise for Receipt of Bids for the
Said Work
A. Project Scope
The proposed project provides for the widening of the New Los
Angeles Avenue bridge across the Arroyo Simi, generally
described as follows:
I. South Side Widening Only: The primary purpose of the project
is to widen the bridge structure on the south side of the
street - or the downstream side of the bridge. When
completed the center line of New Los Angeles Avenue will be
shifted southerly.
2. Bridge Width (outside dimension): The current width of the
bridge is 821. The new bridge will be 117' wide.
3. Curb -to -Curb Width at Bridge: Presently there are no curbs.
When the project is completed the curb -to -curb dimension
will be 1021.
4. Eastbound Bridge Approach: The plans include an eastbound
bridge approach approximately 120' long. This will result
in a minimum curb -to -curb width of 102' between Spring Road
and the bridge (existing improvements may exceed 102' curb -
to -curb due to provisions for acceleration or deceleration
lanes) .
New L A Brg —ad 000349
New Los Angeles Avenue Bridge Widening Project
Authorization to Advertise
December 17, 1999
Page 2
5. Eastbound Bridge Departure: Project improvements will be
compatible with the street widening on the south side of the
street, which was recently constructed by the developer of
the Carlsberg Specific Plan area.
&. North Side Improvements: Project improvements include the
addition of a sidewalk on the north side of the bridge. This
new sidewalk will be extended westerly to connect to an
existing sidewalk west of the bridge, and will be extended
easterly to Science Drive.
7. Sidewalks: When the project is completed there will be a
sidewalk on the north side of the street west of Science
Drive and a sidewalk on the south side of the street all the
way to and under the freeway.
8. Emergency Lane (Bicycles): When the project is completed
there will be an eight feet (81) wide (minimum) emergency
lane on each side of the street. The existing NO STOPPING
ANYTIME prohibition on this street segment will remain in
place. Although there will be no painted bike lanes, there
will be painted "sidelines" and additional pavement width
for emergency lanes, which will be more "user - friendly" for
9. Median: When the project is completed, there will be a 14'
wide (minimum) painted median between the freeway and Spring
Road, with left turn lanes in the painted median where
10- Striping: The project plans will include the re- striping of
the street to provide three travel lanes in each direction
between the freeway and Spring Road, plus left -turn lanes
where required. There will be a right -turn lane for both
eastbound and westbound traffic at Science Drive. The number
three westbound lane will convert to a "Right -Turn Only"
lane as it approaches Spring Road. When future planned
widening occurs west of Spring Road, the westbound approach
to Spring Road will have three lanes plus a right -turn lane
and a left -turn lane.
11.Temporary Provisions for Pedestrians / Bicycle: The plans
include the installation of two sets of concrete barriers
along the south side of the street during construction, to
provide a protected area for pedestrians and bicycles during
construction of the project. The installation of these
concrete barriers will require temporary striping
"narrowing" the painted median and shifting the eastbound
traffic to the north.
New L A Brg _ad 000350
New Los Angeles Avenue Bridge Widening Project
Authorization to Advertise
December 17, 1999
Page 3
12-Construction Phasing:
• Stage 1: Temporary striping will be installed shifting
the existing four (4) lanes of traffic (two lanes in each
direction) to the north to allow for the construction of
the bridge widening on the south side of the street.
• Stage 2: Certain excavation work in the travel lanes will
require traffic to be restricted to one lane in each
direction, to be shifted to the north side of the bridge.
It is anticipated that this work and restricted traffic
pattern will last approximately three (3) weeks. At the
end of this work, traffic control will revert back to the
Stage 1 plan.
• Stage 3: Temporary striping will be installed shifting
the four lanes of traffic (two lanes in each direction)
to the south to allow for the construction of the
sidewalk on the north side of the street.
• Traffic Management: If necessary, the traffic signal
controllers will be adjusted to better accommodate
traffic flow for each stage of construction.
• Post Construction: Again at the end of the construction
project the street will be re- striped to provide three
(3) lanes of traffic in each direction, plus turning
lanes where required.
B. Right -of -Way
No additional street right -of -way is required in order to
construct the project.
C. Environmental Document
In 1994, in the early stages of the design process, the City
prepared a Categorical Exemption for this project. The Project
Study Report (PSR) approved by Caltrans identified the project
as Categorically Exempt. Later in the design process, the City
retained a consultant to do a more thorough analysis of the
potential environmental impacts of the project, with an eye
toward assessing the need for upgrading of the environmental
document to a Mitigated Negative Declaration. That review has
been completed and the consultant has determined that a
Categorical Exemption is the proper finding for compliance with
CEQA. A revised Notice of Determination, documenting this
latest finding that the project is Categorical Exempt, has been
issued and distributed to appropriate review agencies. No
comments were received within the review period.
New L A Brg _ad 00035
New Los Angeles Avenue Bridge Widening Project
Authorization to Advertise
December 17, 1999
Page 4
D. Permits and Approvals
1. U. S. Army Corp of Engineers: An Environmental Consultant
retained by the City has obtained a permit from this agency.
2. California Fish & Game Department: An Environmental
Consultant retained by the City has obtained a permit from
this agency.
3. Regional Water Quality Control Board: An Environmental
Consultant retained by the City has obtained a permit from
this agency.
4. VCFCD: A permit has been obtained from the Ventura County
Flood Control District (VCFCD).
5. Caltrans: The Caltrans Encroachment Permit is expected to be
issued in January. The final permit and permit requirements
will be included in the plans and specifications.
E. Cooperative Agreement
The Cooperative Agreement between the City and Caltrans has been
F. Fiscal Impact
1. Construction Cost Estimate: The estimated cost of
construction is summarized as follows:
Element Total ($)
Construction 1,400,000
Contingency (10 %) 140,000
Total 1,540,000
2. Total Project Cost Estimate: The estimated total project
costs are summarized as follows:
Total ($)
Construction (& Cont.)
Admin &
Prior Year Costs
3. Budget / Fhnding: The funding source for the project is the
Los Angeles Avenue AOC Fund [2501). A summary of the prior
year cost plus the current year budget is as follows:
Account Number
New L A Brg _ad
Prior Year Current Year Total Amount
Costs ($) Budget ($) Author. ($)
15,885 1,059,115 1,075,000
New Los Angeles Avenue Bridge Widening Project
Authorization to Advertise
December 17, 1999
Page 5
4. Budget Amendment: It is anticipated that additional funds
will have to be appropriated to fully fund the project
(above estimate exceeds budget amount) . It is recommended
that that action be deferred until the date of the award of
the construction contract. Based upon the above figures,
that budget amendment is summarized as follows:
Current Estimated Amended
Account Number Budget ($) Change ($) Budget ($)
2501.8310.8014.xxxx 1,059,115 690,000 1,749,115
F. Schedule
The tentative schedule for the project is as follows:
• 01/05/00: advertise for bids;
• 02/07/00: open bids;
• 02/17/00: Award contract
• 03/15/00: Notice to Proceed
04/15/00: Work starts in the Arroyo
• 10/15/00: Construction complete
G. Plans and Specifications
A copy of the plans and specs have been placed in the City
Council Office for your review.
Staff recommends that the City Council take the following actions:
1. Approve the plans and specifications for the subject project,
with the above referenced change;
2. Authorize staff to advertise for receipt of bids upon receipt
of the authorization to proceed from Caltrans.
New L A Brg _ad 000353