HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 2019 3779 2019 0116 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-3779
WHEREAS, on May 17, 2006, the City Council approved Vesting Tentative Tract
Map No. 5437 and RPD Permit No. 2004-05 for 21 homes on residential lots and 1
open space lot on approximately 42.4 acres on the east side of Walnut Canyon Road at
Championship Drive. The Vesting Tentative Tract Map and Residential Planned
Development Permit approvals have since expired; and
WHEREAS, on January 16, 2018, an application was submitted by Birdsall
Group, LLC (Scott Birdsall) requesting re-approval of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No.
5437 and a one-year extension of RPD Permit No. 2004-05; and
WHEREAS, at its meetings of August 28, 2018 and November 27, 2018, the
Planning Commission considered the agenda report and any supplements thereto and
written public comments; opened the public hearing and took and considered public
testimony both for and against the proposal; and on November 27, 2018 reached a
decision on this matter recommending denial of the proposal; and
WHEREAS, at its meeting of January 16, 2019, the City Council considered the
agenda report and any supplements thereto and written public comments; opened the
public hearing and took and considered public testimony both for and against the
proposal; and reached a decision on this matter; and
WHEREAS, the Community Development Director has determined this project is
consistent with the Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted for the original project, in
that there are no substantial changes to the project which will require revisions to the
previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, there are no changes to the
circumstances under which the project is undertaken that would require revisions to the
previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, and there is no new information of
substantial importance that shows that the project would have one or more significant
effects not discussed in the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, or that
significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in
the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration and that no additional environmental review
is required.
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concurs with the Community Development Director determination that this project is
consistent with the Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted for the original project, in
that there are no substantial changes to the project which will require revisions to the
previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, there are no changes to the
circumstances under which the project is undertaken that would require revisions to the
previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, and there is no new information of
substantial importance that shows that the project would have one or more significant
effects not discussed in the previously adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, or that
significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in
the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration, and that no additional environmental
review is required.
information set forth in the staff report(s), accompanying studies, and oral and written
public testimony, the City Council finds the proposed one-year extension of RPD Permit
No. 2004-05 is consistent with the original findings, because there have been no
changes in the adjacent areas, the applicant has worked diligently towards use
inauguration during the initial period of time, and the one-year extension will not change
the findings in the original Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project.
set forth in the staff reports) and accompanying maps and studies the City Council has
determined that the Vesting Tentative Tract Map, with imposition of the attached special
and referenced standard Conditions of Approval, meets the requirements of California
Government Code Sections 66473.5, 66474, 66474.6, and 66478.1 et seq., in that:
A. The proposed map would be consistent with the City of Moorpark General Plan
and Zoning Ordinance as amended by General Plan Amendment No. 2004-03
and Zone Change No. 2004-02 to allow for a Residential Planned Development
at a density up to one (1) unit per acre.
B. The design and improvements of the proposed subdivision are consistent with
the City of Moorpark General Plan as amended by General Plan Amendment No.
2004-03 and Zone Change No. 2004-03 for a Residential Planned Development
to allow for a density up to one (1) unit per acre.
C. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed in that the
site can be engineered to allow for all required utilities to be brought to the site,
adequate ingress and egress can be obtained, and the site can be provided with
public and emergency services.
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D. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development of one (1)
unit per acre, in that all City Development standards would be met by the
proposed project as conditioned while preserving 19.63 acres of the project site
as open space.
E. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements are not likely to
cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure
fish or wildlife or their habitat, in that all potential impacts would be mitigated
through project design or conditions of approval including restoration of a 2.2
acre area of Coastal Sage Scrub habitat.
F. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely to
cause serious public health problems, in that adequate sanitation is both feasible
and required as a condition of this development.
G. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements will not conflict with
easements acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of the
property within the proposed subdivision, in that reciprocal access easements
and a construction management plan for improvements between Tract 5045
(Pardee) to the east and the site have been identified and incorporated in the
design of this project.
H. There will be no discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an
existing community sewer system in violation of existing water quality control
requirements under Water Code Section 13000 et seq.
I. The proposed subdivision does not contain or front upon any public waterway,
river, stream, coastline, shoreline, lake, or reservoir, in that it is located on a hilly
site at elevations between 770 and 900 feet, away from any public waterways.
SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and
shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the book of original resolutions.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of January, 2019.
ice S. Parvin, Mayor
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Maureen Benson, City ClerkvAlgt��
Exhibit A — Standard and Special Conditions of Approval f►
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Resolution No. 2019-3779
Page 4
The applicant shall comply with Standard Conditions of Approval for Subdivisions and
Planned Development Permits as adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2009-2799
(Exhibits A and B), except as modified by the following Special Conditions of Approval.
In the event of conflict between a Standard and Special Condition of Approval, the
Special Condition shall apply.
Planning Division Special Conditions
1. Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5437 is approved per the submitted vesting
tentative map as modified by the referenced standard conditions and the special
conditions contained in this resolution.
2. Up to a maximum of twenty-one (21) residential lots may be developed under this
3. Prior to the occupancy of the first dwelling unit, the applicant shall pay
$210,000.00 to the City as the pro-rata share of the street improvements along
the east side of Walnut Canyon Road from the southern property line of the
project site north to the northern city limits, including an improved transition area
beyond the northern city limits. The Final Map shall include an irrevocable offer
for dedication of right-of-way for the east side of Walnut Canyon Road as
determined necessary by the City Engineer and Caltrans for the planned
widening improvements.
4. The existing driveway off of Walnut Canyon Road shall be used solely for
emergency access and shall have a decorative driveway entry and electric gate
constructed and installed to the satisfaction of the Community Development
Director and Fire Department that only opens out to Walnut Canyon Road. A
plan for the design and operation of the gate shall be submitted for review and
approval of the Community Development Director and Fire Department and shall
be constructed prior to the issuance of any residential building permits.
5. The Tract Map shall show a 200' deep setback between the residential
development areas of Lots 1 and 17 and the agricultural land on the adjacent
property to the north within the unincorporated area of the County of Ventura.
The Final Map shall include a restricted use easement over this area which shall
restrict the construction of any structures intended for human habitation prior to
the approval of the Final Map. Structures for non-human habitation, including but
not limited to patios, gazebos, horse barns, tack rooms, horse stalls and riding
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arenas; may be allowed upon the determination and approval of the Community
Development Director on a case by case basis. The future property owners of
Lots 1 and 17 shall be required to sign an acknowledgement of agreement of the
above factors prior to occupancy of any approved residential dwelling unit.
6. The following lots of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5437: One (1) through
Nine (9) and lot Seventeen (17) shall be served with multi-purpose
(hike/bike/equestrian) trails, which shall be placed along both sides of the private
"A" Street, from the eastern project boundary to its intersection with "B" Street,
and shall be constructed out of decomposed granite at a minimum of ten feet
(10') in width and shall also be placed to the back of lots Four (4) through Eight
(8), to the north side of lot Nine (9) and in the front of lots One (1) through Three
(3) and lot Seventeen (17). The Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions shall
prohibit the keeping of equine, bovine and cleft hoofed animals on Lots Ten (10)
through Sixteen (16) and lots Eighteen (18) through Twenty-One (21). The multi-
purpose trail plan shall be submitted for review and approval of the Community
Development Director, and the approved multi-purpose trail plan shall be shown
on the Final Map prior to approval of the Final Map.
7. All future property owners of lots within Tract 5437 shall be required to sign an
acknowledgement that all properties located within Tract 5437 have been created
at substantial sizes which allow the accommodation of various forms of animal
keeping, including but not limited to horse keeping, except for those lots
restricted from horse keeping by condition 6 above.
8. All multi-purpose trails shall be separated from vehicular traffic by the
construction of a tan concrete fence with wood grain appearance at a maximum
height of five feet and with three horizontal cross members subject to the review
and approval of the Community Development Director.
9. Prior to the approval of the Final Map, the applicant shall enter into an agreement
to participate in the development and maintenance agreements of the
Homeowners Association of Planning Areas 8&9 in Tract No. 5045 and
contribute a pro-rated share towards the cost for streets and drainage purposes
to the satisfaction of the City Attorney, City Engineer, and Community
Development Director. The multi-purpose trails located throughout Tentative
Tract Map No. 5437, shall be maintained by the Homeowner's Association.
10. Concurrent with the recordation of the Final Map, a Conservation Easement to
the City of Moorpark shall be granted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and
Community Development Director and pursuant to California Civil Code Section
815 et seq. over all areas shown as open space on the Tentative Tract Map No.
5437 project to preserve the natural, scenic and open space character of the
property in an undeveloped condition. The Conservation Easement shall run
with the property and be binding upon grantors and their successors and
assigns. All development rights shall be dedicated to the City of Moorpark and no
agriculture, extraction of subsurface mineral resources, excavation, drilling,
pumping, mining, or similar activity shall be allowed in any portion of the
Conservation Easement. The Conservation Easement shall be recorded on the
Final Map to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Community Development
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11. The multi-purpose trail, trail fencing, private streets, driveway and driveway gate
for the emergency access off of Walnut Canyon Road, fuel modification areas
and common area slopes, drainage facilities including all NPDES requirements
and dissipation and detention structures, and the open space slope areas shall
all be maintained by the Homeowners Association.
12. All conditions of Residential Planned Development Permit No. 2004-05 shall
apply to this Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5437.
Engineering Department Special Conditions
13. Project soil quantities shall balance. No soil shall be moved to or from this
project for grading purposes.
14. The soils report for this project specifies offsite grading for the remediation of
geotechnical conditions. Letters of permission for offsite grading and any
temporary construction and/or permanent easements shall be provided to the
City Engineer prior to approval of the grading plans.
15. No buildings shall be constructed within 50 feet on each side of any known active
or potentially active fault.
16. The developer shall submit a project specific geotechnical report for review and
approval by the City Engineer prior to final map approval.
17. The existing driveway at the westerly portion of property off of Walnut Canyon
Road shall be for the sole purpose of emergency access only, subject to the
review and approval of the Fire Department.
18. The existing driveway to be used as emergency access only, shall have a
decorative driveway entry and electric gate constructed, with the driveway entry
and gate designed and located subject to the review and approval of the
Community Development Director and Fire Department, and equipped with fire
department approved locks, which shall be installed westerly of the proposed fire
department turnaround.
19. The Streets "A" and "B" and the Street indicated as "C" Drive, on Vesting
Tentative Tract Map No. 5437, must be designed and built to Ventura County
Road condition standard plans to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the
Director of Community Development, and as approved by the Fire Department
for emergency access purposes.
20. A sump condition is proposed on "B" Street and must be designed for 100-year
protection of habitable areas assuming the inlet catch basins in the street clogs
100%. This will require a secondary emergency outlet for the sump waters,
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which will provide a minimum of 1.0 foot freeboard between the maximum water
surface elevation and the minimum adjacent finish floor elevation. This
emergency outlet system must direct overflows to either a downstream street
with adequate capacity or other acceptable downstream conveyance system.
Point of discharge must be analyzed with regard to prevention of downstream
problems. A sump condition exists whenever water ponds and the inlet is
located at a low point and by-pass flow does not occur until right-of-way width
flooding/ponding occurs in the street.
21. The proposed storm drain pipe system outletting easterly of proposed Lot 8 shall
include a dissipater structure and rip-rap pad for hydraulic energy and velocity
scour reduction.
22. The proposed trapezoidal channel located on the easterly boundary of the project
shall be concrete channel or alternative channel design that addresses and
mitigates erosive conditions and shall be approved by the City Engineer and shall
be designed in accordance with Ventura County Watershed Protection District
23. The applicant must show legal ability to use and benefit from, and show
mechanism to in part or in whole maintain the drainage basin known as existing
Permanent Basin M-24 on Tract 5045 and associated facilities located for water
quality and detention purposes, and these plans must be provided prior to
approval of grading plan and filing of Final Map for review and approval.
24. All existing and proposed offsite drainage improvements intended to be used and
benefited as part of this project must be shown capable of properly conveying all
tributary flows and must be submitted for review to the City Engineer.
25. To avoid the sky-lining of houses and to protect the ridgeline viewshed as
observed from valley floors, a building restriction setback shall be placed towards
the rear of Lots 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 indicting that there shall not be any above
ground structures above ten (10) feet in height allowed within a 35-foot setback
distance as measured easterly away from the finished elevation of 930 feet
behind the custom lots. The Final Map shall include this restricted use easement
over this area, which, shall restrict the construction of any above ground
structures above ten (10) feet in height allowed within a 35-foot setback distance
as measured easterly away from the finished elevation of 930 feet behind the
custom lots, prior to the approval of the Final Map. The future property owners of
Lots 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 shall be required to sign an acknowledgement that
they were provided information on the restricted use easement, including an
easement description and map showing the easement, prior to occupancy of any
approved residential dwelling unit. These restrictions shall be made a part of the
CC & R's.
26. Within thirty calendar days of submittal of the first plan check for Final Map, the
applicant shall provide a copy of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions
(C.C.&R.'s) to the Community Development Director and the City Attorney for
review and approval to ensure consistency with the Moorpark Municipal Code,
Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5882 and Residential Planned Development
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Permit No. 2016-01, as conditioned. Submittal of the C.C.&R.'s shall include a
$5,000.00 deposit to be used for the City Attorney's cost of review.
27. CC&R's and Landscaping Easement Requirements: Covenants, Conditions and
Restrictions (CC&R's) and by-laws establishing one or more Homeowners'
Associations for the residential development shall be prepared prior to Final Map
Approval. CC&R's shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of
Community Development and City Attorney. Language shall be placed in the
CC&R's indicating that any subsequent changes to the CC&R's shall be subject
to the review and approval of the Director of Community Development and City
Attorney. All applicable conditions of approval and mitigation measures shall be
incorporated into the CC&R's as requirements, including but not limited to the
following provisions:
a. Identification of all Common Maintenance Areas including maintenance
of all multi-use trails, open space lots, detention basin landscaping,
parkway landscaping for all streets, any shared driveways, private
streets, storm drains, any fencing or walls within common maintenance
areas, recreational areas, and any slope directly affecting drainage or
residential street facilities. The draft CC&R's shall be submitted to the
Director of Community Development and the City Attorney for review
and approval prior to approval of the first phase of the Final Map by the
City Council and the subdivider shall be required to pay all costs
associated with such review. All applicable Tentative Map and
Residential Planned Development (RPD) and conditions of approval
shall be highlighted in the copies of the CC&R's submitted for City
review. Prior to the sale of any lots, the CC&R's shall be approved by
the State Department of Real Estate and then recorded. Approval of
the City shall not be construed to mean that the City has any obligation
to enforce CC&R's. The Homeowners' Associations may modify the
CC&R's only to the extent that they do not conflict with the terms of
approval of the Tentative Tract Map, approved Residential Planned
Development Permit or any approved Development Agreement. Sixty
(60) days' notice must be given to the City of the intent to modify
CC&R's. Further, it is the sole responsibility of the Homeowners'
Associations to enforce the CC&R's.
b. Language indicating that where feasible, the use of recycling materials
shall be included in the construction of the project.
c. Provisions that the Homeowners' Association shall be responsible for
implementing and maintaining the vegetation management
requirements of the Fire Hazard Reduction Program in perpetuity. As
required by the Fire Department fuel modification plan zones are
proposed to be retained in as natural a state as safety and fire
regulations will permit. The zones shall be designed by and planted
under the supervision of a landscape architect with expertise in native
plant materials and habitat restoration, with the approval of the Director
of Community Development, to appear as a transition between the built
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environment and natural open space. Final approval of this Program
by the County Fire Prevention District and Director of Community
Development shall be required prior to the recordation of the first Final
Map. Appropriate language shall be included on the Final Map
indicating the boundary of all areas of fuel modification hazard zones.
d. Provisions prohibiting human, domestic animal, agricultural, and
motorized vehicle use in preserved designated natural open space
areas, except that horses, non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians are
allowed on designated trails. In addition, provisions shall be included
prohibiting tree houses; play structures; vehicle parking or storage;
agricultural use; wireless communication facilities; sale of easements
for residential use purposes; extraction of subsurface mineral
resources, excavation, drilling, pumping, mining, or similar activity; and
all other development restricted by recorded easements.
e. Provisions that individual front yard landscaping must include a
minimum of one (1) 24" box tree as a part of private front yard
f. Provisions requiring that ultra-low water consumption plumbing fixtures
shall be installed consistent with City Ordinance No. 132. The CC&R's
shall also include a requirement for the following energy saving
devices or construction features:
• Stoves, ovens, and ranges, when gas fueled shall not have
continuous burning pilot lights.
• All thermostats connected to the main space-heating source shall
have night setback features.
• Kitchen ventilation system shall have automatic dampers to ensure
closure when not in use.
g. Language restricting front and rear yard lighting to be consistent with
the City's Lighting Ordinance.
h. Language that any modifications to structures shall be designed in
accordance with the approved RPD.
i. Language to insure that no sheet flow of drainage occurs between lots
located within or adjacent to the project.
j. Language requiring the Homeowners' Association to be responsible for
the maintenance of drainage facilities including all NPDES
requirements unless such structures or facilities are accepted into the
master flood protection system by the Ventura County Flood Control
k. Language prohibiting use of roofing material made of wood or asphalt
shingles and requiring tile roofs as determined by the City as roofing
materials for all structures.
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I. Language that discourages excessive noise generating activities in
garages consistent with adopted community noise standards. Garages
shall remain permanently available for the purpose of automobile
m. Language requiring the Homeowner's Association to remove any
graffiti within five (5) days from written notification by the City of
Moorpark. All such graffiti removal shall be accomplished to the
satisfaction of the City.
n. Language requiring that all property areas be maintained free of
o. Language requiring that all on-site storm drains, swales and terrace
drains be cleared at least twice a year, once immediately prior to
October 15 (the rainy season) and once in January. Additional cleaning
may be required by the City Engineer.
p. Language requiring that private roads and parking areas be maintained
free of litter/debris. Sidewalks and parking areas shall be swept
regularly to prevent the accumulation of litter and debris. When swept
or washed, debris must be trapped and collected to prevent entry to
the storm drain system. No cleaning agent may be discharged to the
storm drain. If any cleaning agent or degreaser is used, wash water
shall not discharge to the storm drains; wash water should be collected
and discharged to the sanitary sewer. Discharges to the sanitary sewer
are subject to the review, approval and conditions of the wastewater
treatment plant receiving the discharge.
q. Language requiring that all exterior metal building surfaces be coated
and sealed with rust inhibitive paint to prevent corrosion and release of
metal contaminants into the storm drain system.
r. Language requiring that landscaping be properly maintained with
efficient irrigation to reduce runoff, promote surface filtration, and
minimize the use of fertilizers and pesticides, which can contribute to
urban runoff pollution.
s. Language requiring compliance with the City approved fence/wall plan.
t. Language requiring the Homeowners' Association to be responsible for
the maintenance of private streets, and emergency access roads, and
private street lighting.
u. Unless otherwise stipulated in the Special Conditions of Approval, all
required on-site drainage improvements and/or stormwater quality
[NPDES] features or facilities shall be maintained by the Homeowners'
Association. The Homeowners' Association shall provide verification
to the City Engineer that all on-site storm drains have been cleaned at
least twice a year, once immediately prior to October 1st (the rainy
season) and once in January. The City Engineer may require
additional cleaning depending upon site and weather conditions.
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28. Fence/Wall Plan: A fencing, perimeter, gate, and privacy barrier wall plan,
complete with related landscaping details, identifying the materials to be used
and proposed wall heights and locations shall be submitted to and approved by
the Director of Community Development prior to the issuance of a Zoning
Clearance for grading. The approved fence/wall plan shall be incorporated into
the CC&R's. All fences/walls along lot boundaries shall be in place prior to
occupancy of each lot, unless timing for installation is otherwise stated in these
conditions. Where applicable prior to approval of the final fence/wall plan, the
Director of Community Development shall approve the connection of property
line wall with existing fences and or walls on adjacent residential properties. The
Developer is required at his/her sole expense to connect or reconstruct adjacent
residential walls and or fences to the project perimeter wall utilizing the same
type of material that comprises existing walls and or fences that are to be
connected to the project perimeter wall.
29. Any Final Map identifying any landscape easement or drainage easement
granted to a Private Responsible Party shall also be irrevocably offered for
dedication to the City and shown on said Final Map. The City reserves the right
to assume the maintenance of parkway landscaping, median landscaping or
drainage improvements being maintained by a Private Responsible Party, should
it be determined by the City, at its sole discretion, that the maintenance being
provided by the Private Responsible Party is inadequate.
30. When, and if stipulated in the Special Conditions of Approval, that certain
identified parkway landscaping and/or drainage improvements are to be
maintained by the City, an Assessment District shall be formed to fund City costs
for such maintenance. In such event, any required landscaping and/or drainage
improvements shall be conveyed to the City in easements for such purposes.
31. Prior to issuance of a Zoning Clearance for the first building permit or the
approval of any final map for the Project: the developer shall pay the City a Five
Thousand Dollar ($5,000) Assessment District Formation Fee. The District shall
be for the purposes of funding future costs for the maintenance of landscaping
and irrigation of the landscaped area and related improvements including but not
limited to block walls and hardscape adjacent to Walnut Canyon Road. The City
shall administer the annual renewal of the Assessment District, and any costs
related to such administration shall be charged to the fund established for such
Assessment District revenues and expenses.
32. An Assessment District [herein "Back-Up District"] shall be formed to fund future
City costs, should they occur, for the maintenance of parkway landscaping,
median landscaping or drainage improvements previously maintained by a
Private Responsible Party and then assumed by the City. If a Back-Up District is
formed, it shall be the intent of the City to approve the required assessment each
year, but to only levy that portion of the assessment necessary to recover any
past City costs or any anticipated City costs for the following fiscal year. In the
event the City is never required to assume the maintenance of any such
improvements maintained by a Private Responsible Party, the amount of the
annual assessment actually levied upon the affected properties would be minor
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amount, possibly zero. The City shall administer the annual renewal of the Back-
Up District and any costs related to such administration shall be charged to the
Fund established for such district revenues and expenses.
33. When it has been determined that it is necessary to form an Assessment District
(including a Back-Up District), the applicant shall be required to undertake and
complete the following:
a. At least one-hundred-twenty (120) days prior to the planned recordation of
any Final Map or the issuance of any zoning clearance for building permit,
whichever comes first:
i. submit the final draft plans for any irrigation, landscaping or
Drainage Improvements [herein "Maintained Areas"] to be
maintained by the Assessment District (including a required Back-
Up District), along with any required plan checking fees;
ii. submit a check in the amount of$5,000 as an advance to cover the
cost of Assessment Engineering for the formation of the
Assessment District [Note: Developer shall be required to pay for all
final actual assessment engineering costs related to the
Assessment District formation along with City administrative costs.];
b. At least sixty (60) days prior to the planned recordation of any Final Map
or the issuance of any zoning clearance for building permit, whichever
comes first, submit to the City the completed, "City approved" plans for the
Maintained Areas (landscaping, irrigation and NPDES Drainage
c. Prior to the planned recordation of any Final Map or the issuance of any
zoning clearance for building permit, whichever comes first, submit to the
City a signed Petition and Waiver requesting formation of the Assessment
District [Note: The Petition and Waiver shall have attached to it as Exhibit
'A' the City approved final draft Engineer's Report prepared by the
Assessment Engineer retained by the City.]
34. Prior to approval of any final map for the Project, the developer shall provide a
Subdivision Improvement Agreement for review and approval by the City Council
consistent with Section 66462 of the Government Code.
35. Improvements along Walnut Canyon Road shall include conduit behind the
sidewalk for future use for broadband to the satisfaction of the City
Engineer/Public Works Director.
36. Concurrent with map recordation, the applicant shall provide, as part of the street
improvement plans, a public service easement within the private streets, subject
to approval of the Community Development Director and City Engineer/Public
Works Director.
37. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit, the Developer shall provide the
City with a written request for the City to adopt a resolution authorizing
enforcement of applicable provisions of the California Vehicle Code and
Moorpark Municipal Code.
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38. The Developer shall comply with all mitigation measures of the Mitigated
Negative Declaration. Said mitigation measures are hereby adopted by reference
and made Conditions of Approval.
39. Water impoundment(s) shall be maintained in a manner which will not create
mosquito breeding sources.
40. Prior to or concurrently with approval of the Final Map the applicant shall grant
the City public access easements for future trail and recreational purposes. The
exact location of said easements will be subject to the approval of the
Community Development Director and the City Engineer.
41. Prior to filing the final map with the City Engineer, the applicant shall provide
satisfactory evidence to the Community Development Director that Tract 5437
has permanent, non-construction access rights through Tract 5045-8's (Pinnacle)
private streets and gates and that an enforceable cost-sharing agreement is in
place to compensate Tract 5045-8 for the proportional burden of Tract 5437's
use of such private streets and gates. Satisfactory evidence means either written
confirmation from the Pinnacle Homeowners Association or a declaratory
judgment or other court order.
42. Prior to filing the final map with the City Engineer, the applicant shall provide
detailed drawings showing vehicular access through Lot 11 or Tract 5045-8 and
across the existing trail. Such plans shall address safety of trail users as well as
landscaping/screening and decorative details. Plans shall be subject to
satisfaction and approval of the Community Development Director and City
Engineer/Public Works Director.
43. Prior to filing with the City Engineer a final map for the project, the applicant shall
provide the City with a construction management plan that states that private
streets in Tract 5045-8 (Pinnacle) shall not be used for construction vehicles and
construction traffic during the grading of lots and construction of homes and other
public and private improvements in the project. The plan shall also provide
measures to minimize noise and dust impacts to properties in Tract 5045-8
(Pinnacle). Such plan shall be subject to review and approval of the Community
Development Director and City Engineer/Public Works Director. In addition, the
project applicant shall submit to the City an irrevocable license agreement,
temporary construction easement, or other instrument ensuring ongoing
construction access until construction of the entire project is complete from one
or more access points not from Tract 5045-8 (Pinnacle).
- END —
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I, Maureen Benson, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby
certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2019-3779 was
adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular meeting held on the
16th day of January, 2019, and that the same was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Enegren, Mikos, Pollock, Simons, and Mayor Parvin
NOES: None
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 23rd day of January,
Maureen Benson, City Clerk
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