City Council Meeting
of 1.16.2019
ACTION Heard presentations
and appointed 5 applicants
each to the Arts, Parks &
Recreation, and Planning
BY M. Benson
Appointed Charles Blaugrund, Tania DeHaz, Rose Hobert, Carol Roullard, and Michelle
Barrett to the Arts Commission for a two-year term ending December 2020.
Appointed Steve Morgan, George Estrella, Sandra Thompson, Jesse Norwalt, and
Dylan Gunning for a two-year term ending December 2020.
Appointed Adam Haverstock, Debra Aquino, Kipp Landis, Bruce Hamous, and Mark
DiCecco for a two-year term ending December 2020.
A. Consider Presentations from Applicants for Arts Commission, Parks and
Recreation Commission, and Planning Commission. Staff Recommendation: 1)
Hear the presentations; and 2) Based upon presentations from the December 19,
2018 and January 16, 2019, meetings, appoint five (5) Commissioners each, to
serve on the Arts Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and Plann ing
Commission for two-year terms expiring in December 2020.
Item: 9.A.
TO: Honorable City Council
FROM: Maureen Benson, City Clerk
DATE: January 16, 2019, Regular Meeting
SUBJECT: Consider Presentations from Applicants for Arts Commission, Parks
and Recreation Commission, and Planning Commission
At the City Council meeting of December 19, 2018 the Council heard presentations from
thirteen (13) of the applicants for the Arts Commission, Parks and Recreation
Commission, and Planning Commission. The remaining applicants will attend the
January 16, 2019 meeting to give a presentation with a maximum presentation time of
three (3) minutes. All applications have been provided to Council under separate cover.
The City Clerk will conduct a random drawing of the names of the applicants prior to the
start of the meeting to determine the order in which they will speak.
Following is an alphabetical list of the applicants who have indicated they will attend the
January 16, 2019 special meeting.
Arts Commission Applicants
Michelle Barrett
Charles Blaugrund (previous term 2011-present)
Rose Hoberg (previous term 2013-present)
Parks and Recreation Commission Applicants
George Estrella (previous term 2016-present)
Steve Morgan (previous term 2015-present)
Planning Commission Applicants
Debra Aquino (previous term 2015-present)
Adam Haverstock (previous term 2013-present)\
John Novi
Bruce Rokos
Item: 9.A.
Honorable City Council
January 16, 2019, Regular Meeting
Page 2
The City Council’s current Policies Resolution No. 2018-3763 sets forth the Council
policies for citizen appointments to boards, commissions, and committees. The Council
policies have been followed for the posting and publication of notice of the vacancies.
The Council’s resolution states that the procedure for appointments shall be as follows:
A. The Mayor shall solicit suggested nominees from members of the Council.
B. Prior to making a motion for appointment, the Mayor shall announce the
names of all persons he/she intends to nominate, and in the order to be
nominated, for a board, commission, or committee.
C. The Mayor shall make a motion putting forth each individual name to be
approved for appointment.
D. A second shall be required.
E. The Council shall vote on each appointment individually.
Based upon presentations from the December 16, 2018 and January 16, 2019,
meetings, appoint five (5) Commissioners each, to serve on the Arts Commission, Parks
and Recreation Commission, and Planning Commission for two-year terms expiring in
December 2020.