Meeting of May 9, 2019
ACTION It was the unanimous consensus
of the Council to accept the revised
Strategies, Objectives and Goals for
Fiscal Year 2019/2020 and Fiscal Year
2020/2021 and to schedule adoption at
the June 19, 2019, Regular meeting.
BY B.Garza.
A. Review Goals & Objectives for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 and Fiscal Year
2018/2019 and Consider Proposed Strategies, Objectives and Goals for Fiscal
Year 2019/2020 and Fiscal Year 2020/2021 (Staff: Troy Brown)
Item: 5.A.
TO: The Honorable City Council
FROM: Troy Brown, City Manager
D ATE: May 9 , 2019 Special Meeting
SUBJECT: Review Goals & Objectives for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 and
Fiscal Year 2018/2019 and Consider Proposed Strategies,
Objectives and Goals for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 and Fiscal Year
The City of Moorpark’s Mission Statement is “Striving to preserve and improve
the quality of life in Moorpark”. To achieve sustained progress toward the City’s
mission, the Council has stated priorities and objectives that serve as directives
for City staff that span a two year planning period. The Priorities have tasks that
support them which provide for specific activities the City Council desires to
undertake during a two year planning period, and the tasks fall into six
I. Revitalize downtown Moorpark with a focus on High Street and the
surrounding business district and residential neighborhoods, which
includes consideration of public rail transit, potential for increased
residential density, and governmental and related public uses.
II.Improve traffic circulation and mitigate impacts on the movement of
traffic through the City and enhance trail, bicycle and pedestrian
III.Strengthen the City’s fiscal stability and long-range financial growth.
IV.Enhance the delivery of services and expand program efficiencies.
V. Reinforce and enhance Moorpark’s safe and attractive community
character, safeguard its desirable resources and promote sustainability
Item: 5.A.
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and environmental protection and improve watershed protection and
flood control capabilities.
VI. Enhance open space and greenbelt areas, promote sustainability and
environmental protection and improve watershed protection and flood
control capabilities.
Staff has reviewed the current structure of the goals set forth for the Council and
is proposing to restructure existing goals to implement a strategic approach
toward goal setting for the Council to consider. This structure develops a higher
level vision in articulating the direction the Council wishes to take the City in over
a longer period of time, and outlines milestones and tasks to undertake over the
two-year planning period to make progress on the City’s goals. This new format
does not remove any of the City Council’s previous priorities but provides a more
strategic pathway for the community and the organization in understanding the
overall direction the City is moving in. The staff report outlines the proposed
strategic roadmap and sets for a new vision for the City Council to consider.
Strategic planning is an activity that is used to set priorities, focus and align
resources, strengthens operations and ensures employees and other
stakeholders are working toward common goals.
It is a disciplined, long-term effort that produces fundamental decisions and
actions that shape and guide what an organization is, who it serves, what it does,
and why it does it, with a focus on the future. Effective strategic planning
articulates not only where an organization is going and the actions needed to
make progress, but also how it will know if it is successful.
Strategic Planning starts with clarifying the Mission of an organization. This
consists of identifying the overarching statement articulating the primary goal or
an organization. Moorpark’s Mission statement is: Striving to preserve and
improve the quality of life in Moorpark. Through the strategic planning lenses,
this is why the City of Moorpark exists.
The next step through a strategic planning perspective takes us down one level
lower to identify the broad values that are important to the City. These values
state the central “musts” and “must nots” of the City — the vital principles that are
necessary in guiding leaders and employees in their day-to-day and long-range
decision-making. Stakeholder input is vital to this process and understanding
which services residents’ value, and how strongly these services are valued is an
integral input for strategic planning for cities. From this process, strategic
objectives are formed.
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Strategic “strategies” are long-term, continuous areas that help connect the
mission to the organization. Strategy establishes a way to match the
organization’s strengths with opportunities, so when a service or need arises
there is a focus on the customer. In looking in a strategic way at the City’s goals
and objectives, a question to consider is: Do our goals and objectives articulate
the value of our Mission statement and translate to our employees and
As we continue to through the strategic planning process, next we must decide
the specific objectives (or initiatives/goals etc.) we need to implement to help the
City achieve each of its business strategies. This is done department-by-
department within the City, setting specific objectives within each team, Parks,
Recreation and Community Services, Development Services, Public Works,
Finance, technology, finance and human resources. For example, a business
goal might be "improve morale" and a specific objective of the HR department to
support that goal might be "launch new employee benefits". In general
department-level goals should be limited to a handful of items that the
department can rally around in any one year. And, these objectives need to be
made SMART--Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Focused and
In early spring 2019, the City garnered input from residents to solicit the
community’s values from a service perspective. The community identified it’s
“musts” and “must nots” via a survey that was administered by True North. The
results of the survey will be shared with the Council at the workshop.
In the fall of 2018, Mid-Managers and the Executive Leadership team conducted
a strategic planning exercise in an effort to reorganize and reconnect our work
back to the mission of the organization. This exercise involved an extensive
process where teams were formed to review City’s existing goals and objectives,
analyze the current objectives and identify areas where disconnects exists.
Groups were divided into teams of four to focus on identifying strategies that
support the mission of the organization. The teams reviewed the existing
organizational objectives to make a connection between what activities we are
doing versus how the objective moves the City toward its mission.
The teams identified the following broad strategic strategies by placing a higher
emphasis on how to implement an overarching strategy, while preserving
originally identified objectives. Upon review of the Goals and Objectives, the
teams propose to re-categorize the existing Priority Objectives into the following
Strategic Strategies:
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I. Previous Objective: Revitalize downtown Moorpark with a focus on
High Street and the surrounding business district and residential
neighborhoods, which includes consideration of public rail transit,
potential for increased residential density, and governmental and
related public usesPromote economic development and innovation.
Proposed Strategy: Revitalize downtown with a focus on High Street
and the surround business district and residential neighborhoods.
II. Previous Objective: Improve traffic circulation and mitigate impacts on
the movement of traffic through the City and enhance trail, bicycle and
pedestrian facilities
Proposed Strategy: Improve Accessibility and Mobility.
III. Previous Objective: Strengthen the City’s fiscal stability and long-rang
financial growth
Proposed Strategy: Strengthen fiscal sustainability
IV. Previous Objective: Enhance the delivery of services and expand
program efficiencies
Proposed Strategy: Operations and Internal Services
V. Previous Objective: Reinforce and enhance Moorpark’s safe and
attractive community character, safeguard its desirable resources and
promote sustainability and environmental protection and improve
watershed protection and flood control capabilities
VI. Previous Objective: Enhance open space and greenbelt areas,
promote sustainability and environmental protection and improve
watershed protection and flood control capabilities
Proposed Strategies: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents
The proposed strategies would serve as the overarching principles in achieving
the City mission. The above strategies set the strategic direction for the City and
are less likely to change year-over-year and are intended to span many years.
From the aforementioned strategies, objectives have been identified that more
closely relate to the specific outcomes the City is striving to achieve. Strategic
objectives, like strategies are areas that help connect the mission of the
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organization to the staff work. Objectives are more nimble and adaptable than
strategies. Objectives support strategies and provide the “how” in implementing
a strategy. Holistic objectives are proposed to encompass each of the six
strategic areas. Each of the objectives lead to specific tasks that are measurable
in the City’s short-term action plan.
Each objective will have a series of underlying tasks to be completed during the
planning cycle. The tasks make up the specific activities the City will undertake
in the two-year planning cycle. As progress is made on the tasks, progress on
the objective occurs, thus progress on a particular strategy is made, and
ultimately the mission of the organization is achieved. This process is outlined
On January 22, 2017, the City Council received a status report of the FY 2017/18
and 2018/19 goals and objectives. In addition, objectives were recently
discussed with the Arts Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Library
Board, and Planning Commission at joint meetings on April 10, 2018.
For the FY 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 planning period there are 38 tasks/goals
compared to the 118 objectives proposed in the prior planning period. All
previously discussed goals and objectives have been moved to “out” years, and
the timing and inclusion of the remaining objectives will be determined by the City
Council. There 38 tasks/goals to complete in the 2-year planning cycle is a
relatively high number of objectives to accomplish. However achievement of the
goals does move the City in the strategic direction toward implementing the
mission of the City.
Several years ago the City Council established the current format where the Top
Ten (10) Priorities along with the objectives that are in direct support of a Top
Ten Priority were identified. The format and implementation of the goals were
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not precise in connecting the efforts tasks of the employees to the City’s overall
Mission. Changing the format from a Priority format to a Strategy format
provides a greater connection of the work of the organization to the overarching
Mission of the City, as each of the proposed Strategies support the Mission of the
Staff is proposing the following objectives to support the proposed strategies:
I. Strategy: Revitalize downtown with a focus on High Street and the
surround business district and residential neighborhoods.
Objective: Downtown Revitalization/High Street
Objective: Enhance residential density and Governmental related
public uses
II. Strategy: Improve Accessibility and Mobility
Objective: Identify Key Improvements needed to improve desired Level
of Service.
Objective: Enhance trail, bicycle and pedestrian facilities
Objective: Address Truck Traffic/Safety
III. Strategy: Strengthen fiscal sustainability
Objective: Determine Revenue Enhancement Strategies
Objective: Enhance Long term sustainability
Objective: Reduce costs through efficiencies
IV. Strategy: Governmental Operations and Internal Services
Objective: Expand internal infrastructure to facilitate efficient service
Objective: Employee Development and Succession Planning
Objective: Evaluate programs for continuous improvement
V. Strategy: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents
Objective: Implement Smart Cities Strategies
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Objective: Enhance Public Safety
Objective: Conserve and enhance natural and infrastructure resources
for open space and greenbelt areas
Objective: Promote environmental protection & sustainability
The above proposed strategies with associated objectives and goals make up
the proposed goals and objectives for the two year planning period of FY
2019/20 and 2020/21 as shown in Attachment A. The goals reflect feedback
from City Council input over recent months, community feedback from the recent
survey, staff input, as well as comments from the joint meetings of the City
Council and its commissions. Some new objectives have been added, and other
objectives the City had previously identified have been reorganized to reflect the
current community priorities. A few objectives for the City are being
recommended for removal because they are operational in nature and not
aligned with supporting the City’s mission. For the goals that are proposed to be
removed, staff is proposing to complete those items; however they are not to be
considered as part of the City’s overall Strategies Goals & Objectives.
As in prior years, it is generally acknowledged that with current staff levels, there
are many more objectives listed than can be reasonably expected to be
accomplished in the two years. In fact, many of the objectives will take several
years to fully complete.
The proposed changes from FY 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 are shown in
legislative format on Attachment B. Staff is seeking direction on the new
proposed strategies, the new proposed objectives and ultimately the tasks (or
goals) to implement the proposed strategic direction.
The status of the tasks/goals will continue to be reviewed by the Council each
February and September and with the three commissions and Library Board at
joint meetings each spring and prior to budget deliberations in May. Staff
believes this reorganization of the goals and objectives, coupled with a more
internal strategic planning process will align the organizations resources more
succinctly with the City’s Mission and connect the employees daily tasks with the
Council’s strategic priorities.
There were 118 proposed objectives in the FY 2017/2018 and 2018/2019
planning cycle. Several years ago the City Council established a format where
the Top Ten (10) Priorities along with the objectives that were in direct support of
a Top Ten Priority were identified. It is recommended that rather than identifying
specific dates of completion of each of the objectives for the purposes of this goal
setting, staff is proposing to identify which specific activities in totality the Council
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desires staff to focus on within the two-year planning period. All previously
identified goals and objectives will be considered as part of future planning
Overall, the City has a relatively high number of objectives it would like to
accomplish. As currently proposed there are 38 goals expected to be
accomplished or make significant progress by June 30, 2021.
Staff recognizes this is new planning cycle with a new strategic process being
requested and many of the goals have been re-ordered. However, Council input
is needed and refinements to the tasks/goals are to be expected. Specifically
staff is seeking input on the specific strategies, objectives and tasks to be
undertaken during the 2-year planning period.
Provide feedback on new format of Goals and Objectives. Provide feedback on
Strategies, Objectives and Goals for Fiscal Year 2019/2020 and Fiscal Year
2020/2021 with formal review to occur bi-annually.
A. Proposed Mission Statement, Strategies, Goals and Objectives for Fiscal
Year 2019/2020 and Fiscal Year 2020/2021;
B. Comprehensive List of Objectives from Fiscal Year 2017/2018 and Fiscal
Year 2018/2019 in legislative format.
Mission Statement, Strategies, Goals and Objectives
FY 2019/2020 and FY 2020/2021
Attachment A
Mission Statement, Strategies, Goals, and Objectives
For FY 2019/2020 and FY 2020/2021
Striving to preserve and improve the quality of life in Moorpark.
1. Strategy: Revitalize Downtown with a Focus on High Street and the
Surrounding Business District and Residential Neighborhoods
1.1. Objective: Downtown Revitalization/High Street
1.1.1. Evaluate programs to encourage development within the Downtown
Specific Plan area, including multi-family and single family housing
projects, a commercial façade program and policies to encourage new
and innovative commercial uses.
1.1.2. Modify the approved High Street Streetscape Plan. Develop a Phasing
Plan and construct selected portions of the High Street, Streetscape
Plan, including traffic calming devices, decorative paving, landscaping
and metal trellis (public art) in the Metrolink parking lot.
1.1.3. Renovate the existing north Metrolink parking lot and expand the parking
to the west for a net increase of 29 parking spaces.
1.1.4. Develop Economic Development and Marketing strategy. NEW
1.2. Objective: Enhance Residential Density and Governmental Related Public
1.2.1. Develop a conceptual design proposal for a New City Hall and Library
including a Civic Center master plan with the Library as the initial
construction phase.
1.2.2. Evaluate a potential mixed use (residential/commercial) zone within the
Downtown Specific Plan area with a report to the City Council.
2. Strategy: Improve Accessibility and Mobility
2.1. Objective: Identify Key Improvements Needed to Improve Desired Level of
2.1.1. Complete design and commence construction of Princeton Avenue
widening from Condor Drive west to 1,500 feet east of Spring Road.
Attachment A
2.1.2. Evaluate use of protected/permissive left turn and flashing yellow left
turn traffic signals.
2.1.3. Work with Moorpark College to identify and recommend traffic calming
and pedestrian safety measures around Collins Drive and Campus Park
Drive. NEW
2.2. Objective: Enhance Trail, Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities
2.2.1. Complete Trails Master Plan.
2.2.2. Develop policies and program guidelines for use of Art in Public Places
and Tree and Landscape fees.
2.3. Objective: Address Truck Traffic/Safety
2.3.1. Work with VCTC, CHP, Caltrans, and County of Ventura to site a
permanent truck scale facility west of the City.
2.3.2. Coordinate with Ventura County Sheriff to enhance safety checks of
trucks on Los Angeles Avenue. NEW
3. Strategy: Strengthen Fiscal Sustainability
3.1. Objective: Determine Revenue Enhancement Strategies
3.1.1. Reduce reliance of General Fund subsidy for landscape maintenance.
3.2. Objective: Enhance Long Term Sustainability
3.2.1. Evaluate feasibility of using a two-year Budget process.
3.2.2. Update City’s purchasing ordinance to include standards for
procurement described by the Uniform Guidance.
3.2.3. Develop Spending Plan for use of former Moorpark Redevelopment
Agency 2006 Tax Allocation Bonds for presentation to City Council.
3.3. Objective: Reduce Costs Through Efficiencies
3.3.1. Develop inventory of landscaping assessment districts facilities
maintenance and replacement schedule to improve levy calculation and
capital reserve funding. NEW
3.3.2. Offer mobile merchant payment services during Recreation events.
Attachment A
3.3.3. Purchase of existing City Streetlights and conversion to a more energy
efficient lighting source.
4. Strategy: Governmental Operations and Internal Services
4.1. Objective: Expand Internal Infrastructure to Facilitate Efficient Service
4.1.1. Implement Tyler Technologies ExecuTime software to improve time and
attendance processes; automate data entry of time into the payroll
system and streamline job costing to various developer and City capital
improvement projects.
4.1.2. Complete initial phase of a unified filing system for all City files,
consisting of a complete listing of all departmental files, and an updated
electronic records retention schedule that conforms to federal and state
4.2. Objective: Employee Development and Succession Planning
4.2.1. Complete succession plan. NEW
4.2.2. Develop 5-year staffing plan. NEW
4.2.3. Continue to improve employee engagement. NEW
4.3. Objective: Evaluate Programs for Continuous Improvement
4.3.1. Conduct an Organization and Management Study of the Community
Development Process and prepare an implementation plan. NEW
5. Strategy: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents
5.1. Objective: Implement Smart Cities Strategies
5.1.1. Complete an update of the City’s website design; enhance website
service delivery with additional options to request and receive City
services online, an improved video archive interface, consistency with
ADA requirements, and other best practices for municipal websites.
5.1.2. Conduct study of commercial Broadband in City to a) identify
infrastructure currently in place; b) identify gaps in the current
infrastructure and; c) recommend actions to improve infrastructure,
determine funding needs, evaluate options to provide funding, and
evaluate other actions needed to achieve desired level of commercial
Broadband services within the City.
Attachment A
5.1.3. Design and build a fiber-optic cable infrastructure between all City
facilities as a platform for implementing Smart City technologies and
improved communications.
5.1.4. Develop list of potential short-term Smart City projects for City Council
5.2. Objective: Enhance Public Safety
5.2.1. Work with Ventura County Sheriff to address Part I crimes using
analytical data and preemptive policing methods. NEW
5.2.2. Continue efforts to keep Moorpark among the safest cities in California.
5.3. Objective: Conserve and Enhance Natural and Infrastructure Resources
for Open Space and Greenbelt Areas
5.3.1. Develop design plan to refurbish median landscaping and hardscape on
Campus Park Drive from Princeton Avenue to Collins Drive, and
Princeton Avenue from Condor Drive to Campus Park Drive including
cost estimates, financing, phasing and water conservation measures.
5.3.2. Develop options to enhance open space and greenbelt areas to include
at a minimum: (1) strengthening the Tierra Rejada greenbelt agreement;
and (2) consideration of adding new formal greenbelt(s) and
agreement(s) for the areas north and south of the Ronald Reagan
Freeway (SR 118) near the east end of the City of Moorpark and the
west end of the City of Simi Valley plus contiguous unincorporated
Ventura County and west of the City limits (Los Posas) for consideration
by the City Council.
5.3.3. Evaluate feasibility of constructing an improved bicycle path on the north
side of the Arroyo Simi, from the pedestrian bridge at Arroyo Vista
Community Park to the east side of Spring Road, including a bridge
undercrossing and connections to existing bike lanes on Spring Road.
5.4. Objective: Promote Environmental Protection and Sustainability
5.4.1. Develop a policy for parkway tree maintenance on residential streets and
guidelines for all tree removals.
5.4.2. Update City’s 1995 Master Drainage Plan and incorporate needed
improvements into Capital Improvement Program.
Attachment A
5.4.3. Prepare a comprehensive update of Land Use, OSCAR, and Circulation
Elements including environmental documentation and insure internal
consistency among all General Plan Elements. Consider creation of a
Natural Open Space land use designation and the city’s vision for land
within the City’s Area of Interest as part of the Land Use Element.
5.4.4. Work with other affected public agencies to develop a comprehensive
Arroyo Simi Management Plan that incorporates flood control, habitat
preservation/restoration and recreation components.
Attachment A
Mission Statement, Priorities, Goals and Objectives
FY 2017/2018 and FY 2018/2019
(Approved by City Council 5-17-17)
(Editorially Revised 7-10-17)
Attachment B
Mission Statement, Priorities, Goals, and Objectives
For FY 2017/2018 and FY 2018/2019
Striving to preserve and improve the quality of life in Moorpark.
(The listed items are considered to have equal priority.)
Administrative Services
Complete preparation of Solid Waste Franchise Agreements for presentation to
the City Council by October 31, 2017. (AS, CM & CA)COMPLETED
Develop a 2017 American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and
Transition Plan (2017 Plan) and begin correction of unmet needs to be in
compliance with Title II of the ADA, Standards for Accessible Design by October
31, 2017. (AS, PW & PRCS)COMPLETED
Complete an update of the City’s website design; enhance website service
delivery with additional options to request and receive City services online, an
improved video archive interface, consistency with ADA requirements; and
develop list of potential Smart City items for City Council consideration by June
Conduct study of Broadband in City to a) identify infrastructure currently in place;
b) gaps in the current infrastructure and; c) recommend actions to improve
infrastructure, determine funding needs, evaluate options to provide funding and
other actions needed to achieve desired level of Broadband services within the
City with a report to the City Council by June 30, 2019. CONTINUE AS
City Engineer/Public Works
Complete design and acquire right-of-way to widen Los Angeles Avenue
between Spring Road and Moorpark Avenue by June 30, 2018. (CE/PW)
Acquire right-of-way, prepareComplete design and commence construction of
Princeton Avenue widening from Condor Drive west to 1,500 feet east of Spring
Road By march 31, 2018. (CE/PW) CONTINUE AS PRIORITY
Attachment B
Complete the design and right-of-way acquisition needed for the east side Spring
Road widening project from south of Flinn Avenue to a point north of Los Angeles
Avenue and award bid for project construction by January 31, 2018. (CE/PW)
Realign the intersections of Poindexter Avenue/First Street at Moorpark Avenue
(SR 23) and High Street at Moorpark Avenue (SR23) and improve Moorpark
Avenue (SR23) from approximately Charles Street south to a point consistent
with Caltrans requirements south of Poindexter Avenue/First Street with a
conceptual improvement plan presented to the City Council by June 30, 2018.
(CE/PW & CD)
Update City’s 1995 Master Drainage Plan and needed improvements into Capital
Improvement Program by June 30, 2018. (CE/PW & CD)
Prepare an updated Pavement Management System and associated projections
for maintenance and improvement costs by June 30, 2018. (CE/PW)
City Manager
Develop Spending Plan for use of former Moorpark Redevelopment Agency 2006
Tax Allocation Bonds for Presentation to City Council by December 31, 2017.
Evaluate options and strategies for enhancement of General Fund revenue
including but not limited to potential tax measures for sales, business license, oil
extraction and utility users; mail ballot for increase in assessments for parks,
street lighting and landscaping; and community outreach for City Council
consideration by October 31, 2017. (CM, AS & F)COMPLETED
Acquire property and easements for open space purposes to meet City’s
obligation as part of Sustainability Fee Memorandum of Understanding with
County of Ventura by September 30, 2017. (CM, AS & PRCS) COMPLETED
Community Development
Evaluate the development of a potential mixed -use (residential/commercial)
overlay zone that can be applied within the Downtown Specific Plan area, as well
as other commercial zones within the City with a report to the City Council by
February 28, 2018. (CD, CM & PRCS) CONTINUE AS PRIORITY
Prepare a Traffic Study of the Los Angeles Avenue (SR 118) corridor to
determine ultimate location for traffic signals and other improvements to optimize
traffic flow and minimize impacts on adjacent residential streets and provide
information for use in preparation of the Circulation Element with a report to the
City Council by January 31, 2018. (CD, CE/PW, & CM)COMPLETED
Attachment B
Prepare a comprehensive update of Land Use, OSCAR, and Circulation
Elementsthe City’s General Plan and associated including environmental
documentation and insure internal consistency among all General Plan
Elementsanalysis. Consider creation of a Natural Open Space land use
designation and the City’s vision for land within the City’s Aras of Interest as part
of the Land Use Element Present Land Use Element to City Council by January
31, 2018 and present the Circulation Element including possible designation of
Moorpark Avenue (SR 23) between Casey Road and Los Angeles Avenue (SR
118) as an arterial street to the City Council by October 31, 2018. Present
OSCAR Element including a Trails Master Plan to City Council by June 30, 2019.
Upon adoption of any General Plan Amendments, prepare necessary changes to
the Zoning Ordinance to insure conformity and consistency with the General
Present for City Council consideration General Plan Amendment (GPA) of Land
Use Element and accompanying entitlements for GPA 2016-01 (Pacific
Communities), GPA 2013-02 (Mansi/Aldersgate Investments) and GPA 2015-02
(Duncan/Ashley/Spring Road LLC) by December 31, 2017. (CD & CM)
Modify the approved High Street Streetscape Plan. Develop Phasing plan and
construct selected portions of the High Street, Streetscape Plan, including traffic
calming devices, decorative paving, landscaping and metal trellis (public art) in
the Metrolink parking lot by June 30, 2019. (CD, CE/PW, & PRCS)
Parks, Recreation and Community Services
Construct ADA compliant pedestrian access from Moorpark Avenue to all
buildings at City’s Community Center and improve the bus stop by December 31,
2017. (PRCS & CE/PW)
Complete Ppurchase of existing City Streetlights and conversiont them to a more
energy efficient lighting source by June 30, 2019. (PRCS, CE/PW & F)
Develop conceptual design proposal for New City Hall and Library including a
Civic Center master plan, by June 30, 2018, with Library as initial construction
Dispose of applicable former Moorpark Redevelopment Agency owned
properties by June 30, 2019. (PRCS, CD, CM & F)
Attachment B
The abbreviation used after each objective indicates which department has
responsibility for it. If more than one abbreviation is used, the first one shown
has primary responsibility for that objective. The abbreviations and
corresponding departments used are as follows:
(AS) Administrative Services
(CA) City Attorney
(CE/PW) City Engineer/Public Works
(CM) City Manager
(CD) Community Development
(F) Finance
(PRCS) Parks, Recreation and Community Services
(PD) Police Department
* Denotes City Priority Objective
The notations in the left margin indicate whether funding for an objective is included in
the budget, as follows:
(F) Funded
(NF) Not Funded
(SE) Staff Effort (Staff effort only without need for additional funding)
I. Revitalize downtown Moorpark with a focus on High Street and the
surrounding business district and residential neighborhoods, which
includes consideration of public rail transit, potential for increased
residential density, and governmental and related public uses.
A. 0 to 2 Years
1. (F) Renovate the existing north Metrolink parking lot and expand the parking
lot to the west for a net increase of 29 parking spaces by March 31, 2018 .
2. (SE*) Develop Spending Plan for use of former Moorpark Redevelopment
Agency 2006 Tax Allocation Bonds for presentation to City Council by
December 31, 2017. (CM, F, CE/PW, CD & PRCS) CONTINUE AS
Attachment B
3. (NF) Develop program to encourage new multi and single family housing
projects on underutilized residential and commercial sites within the City
with a report to the City Council by February 28, 2018. (CD, CM & PRCS)
4. (SE*) Evaluate the development of a mixed-use (residential/commercial) overlay
zone that can be applied within the Downtown Specific Plan area, as well as
other commercial zones within the City. (CD, CM & PRCS) - a potential mixed
use (residential/commercial) zone within the
Downtown Specific Plan area with a report to the City Council by February 28,
5. (F*) Modify the approved High Street Streetscape Plan. Develop phasing plan
and construct selected portions of the High Street Streetscape Plan,
including traffic calming devices, decorative paving, landscaping and
metal trellis (public art) in the Metrolink parking lot by June 30, 2019.
B. 2 to 5 Years:
1. (SE) Evaluate feasibility of relocating the Metrolink layover facility and,
alternatively, to screen its east, west, and north perimeters. (CE/PW, CD &
C. 5+ Years
1. (NF) Install raised median with landscaping on Princeton Avenue from Spring
Road to approximately 1,500 feet east of Spring Road. (CE/PW & CD)
2. (NF) Prepare a Commercial Façade Improvement Program to assist with
architectural improvements within the Downtown Specific Plan area. (CD)
II. Improve traffic circulation and mitigate impacts on the movement of traffic
through the City and enhance trail, bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
Attachment B
A. 0 to 2 Years
1. (F) Obtain Caltrans approval for phased construction of a raised median Los
Angeles Avenue from west city limits to SR 23 Freeway by June 30, 2018.
2. (SE) Work with Caltrans to improve traffic signal synchronization for Princeton
Avenue at SR 118 ramps and Condor Drive by June 30, 2019. (CE/PW)
3. (F*) Complete design and acquire right-of-way to widen Los Angeles Avenue
between Spring Road and Moorpark Avenue by June 30, 2018. (CE/PW)
4. (F) Work with Caltrans to construct improvements at the westbound Collins
Drive at SR 118 freeway ramps and determine the scope of improvements
by June 30, 2019. (CE/PW)
5. (F*) Acquire right-of-way, prepare Complete design and commence
construction of Princeton Avenue widening from Condor Drive west to 1,500 feet
east of Spring Road by March 31, 2018. (CE/PW)
6. (F) Determine feasibility of constructing a sidewalk on Arroyo Drive from
Collins Drive to east City limits, and in conjunction with City of Simi Valley
and County of Ventura, pedestrian and bike connections between Collins
Drive and Madera Road by December 31, 2018, with sidewalk adjacent to
Villa del Arroyo Mobile Home Park to be constructed by March 31, 2018.
7. (SE) Develop a plan and cost estimates to comply with Federal Traffic Sign law.
8. (SE) Evaluate options to provide a continuous Class II bike lane on Campus
Park Drive between Princeton Avenue and Beragan Street and present to
City Council by March 31, 2018. (CE/PW)
9. (F*) Complete the design and right-of-way acquisition needed for the east side
Spring Road widening project from south of Flinn Avenue to a point north
of Los Angeles Avenue and award bid for project construction by January
31, 2018. (CE/PW)
10. (F*) Prepare a Traffic Study of the Los Angeles Avenue (SR 118) corridor to
determine ultimate locations for traffic signals and other improvements to
optimize traffic flow and minimize impacts on adjacent residential streets
and provide information for use in preparation of the Circulation Element
with a report to the City Council by January 31, 2018. (CD, CE/PW, & CM)
Attachment B
11. (F*) Realign the intersections of Poindexter Avenue / First Street at Moorpark
Avenue (SR 23) and High Street at Moorpark Avenue (SR 23) and
improve Moorpark Avenue (SR23) from approximately Charles Street
south to a point consistent with Caltrans requirements south of Poindexter
Avenue/First Street with a conceptual improvement plan presented to the
City Council by June 30, 2018. (CE/PW & CD)
12. (SE) Work with VCTC, SCAG, and Caltrans to process environmental review
and complete project design for widening of SR 118 and SR 118/SR 23
connection bridges east of Los Angeles Avenue. (CE/PW, CD & CM)
13. (F) Determine whether or not to have developer complete grading of Alternate
SR 23 and North Hills Parkway within Specific Plan No. 2. or accept cash
in-lieu of grading by December 31, 2017. (CD & CE/PW) OPERATIONAL,
14. (F*) Dispose of applicable former Moorpark Redevelopment Agency owned
properties by June 30, 2019. (PRCS, CD, CM, & F) OPERATIONAL,
B. 2 to 5 Years
1. (SE) Develop conceptual design plans to modify the intersection of Condor
Drive (south), Princeton Avenue and Virginia Colony Place. (CE/PW)
2. (NF) Evaluate feasibility of constructing an additional travel lane on northbound
Princeton Avenue between Condor Drive and SR 118 to allow two travel
lanes to enter eastbound SR 118 freeway ramp. (CE/PW)
3. (NF) Evaluate feasibility of modifying southbound Collins Drive at westbound
SR 118 freeway ramp to allow two travel lanes to enter the westbound
freeway ramp. (CE/PW)
4. (NF) Evaluate feasibility of adding second southbound travel lane on Collins
Drive from University Drive traffic signal to Benwood Drive. (CE/PW)
5. (F) Confer with Caltrans and prepare required Project Study Reports (PSRs)
and environmental document for North Hills Parkway. Evaluate potential
funding options for portion of improvements not developer funded.
Attachment B
Proceed with preliminary design of planned railroad undercrossing.
(CE/PW & CD)
6. (SE) Evaluate use of protected/permissive left turn and flashing yellow left turn
traffic signals. (CE/PW) CONTINUE AS PRIORITY
C. 5+ Years
1. (SE) Work with VCTC, CHP, Caltrans, and County of Ventura to site a
permanent truck scale facility west of the City. (CE/PW) CONTINUE AS
2. (SE) Consider feasibility of pedestrian bridge on Los Angeles Avenue (SR 118)
in vicinity of Moorpark Avenue. (CE/PW)
3. (SE) Assist SCRRA with construction of modifications to the Arroyo Drive
railroad crossing. (CE/PW) COMPLETED
4. (F) Determine the feasibility of new and/or revised connections to the SR
23/118 freeways west of Princeton Avenue to facilitate the possible
construction of roadways to connect to Broadway Road and/or North Hills
Parkway. Confer with Caltrans and evaluate potential funding options for
improvement of Alternate SR 23. (CE/PW)
III. Strengthen the City’s fiscal stability and long-range financial growth.
A. 0 to 2 Years
1. (SE*) Evaluate options and strategies for enhancement of General Fund
revenue including but not limited to potential tax measures for sales,
business license, oil extraction and utility users; mail ballot for increase in
assessments for parks, street lighting and landscaping; and community
outreach, for City Council consideration by October 31, 2017. (CM, AS &
B. 2 to 5 Years: NONE.
C. 5+ Years: NONE.
IV. Enhance the delivery of services and expand program efficiencies.
A. 0 to 2 Years
Attachment B
1. (NF) Complete initial phase of a unified filing system for all City files, consisting
of a complete listing of all departmental files, and an updated electronic
records retention schedule that conforms to federal and state law by June
2. (SE) Develop plan to expand City’s GIS information layers, including estimated
cost to create the data base and layer(s) by June 30, 2019. (AS, CE/PW,
3. (F*) Complete an update of the City’s website design; enhance website
service delivery with additional options to request and receive City
services on-line, an improved video archive interface and consistency with
ADA requirements; and develop list of potential Smart City items for City
Council consideration by June 30, 2018. (AS) CONTINUE AS PRIORITY
4. (SE) Develop a plan to update portions of the Moorpark Municipal Code by
June 30, 2018. (AS, CM & CA)
5. (NF) Present update of City’s Personnel Rules to City Council by October 31,
2017. (AS & CM)
6. (NF*) Conduct study of Broadband in City to a) identify infrastructure currently in
place; b) gaps in the current infrastructure and; c) recommend actions to
improve infrastructure, determine funding needs, evaluate options to
provide funding and other actions needed to achieve desired level of
Broadband services within the City with a report to the City Council by
7. (SE*) Complete preparation of Solid Waste Franchise Agreements for
presentation to the City Council by October 31, 2017. (AS, CM &CA)
8. (F) Complete construction of second access to south Metrolink parking lot
from First Street by December 31, 2017. (CE/PW & CD) UNDERWAY
9. (SE) Upon approval of Parks/Facilities Capital Improvement Program, prepare
a comprehensive City Capital Improvement Program document for
consideration by June 30, 2018. (CE/PW & PRCS) COMPLETED
10. (F*) Prepare an updated Pavement Management System and associate
projections for maintenance and improvement costs by June 30, 2018. (CE/PW)
Attachment B
11. (SE) Update City’s Engineering Policies and Standards by December 31, 2017.
(CE/PW & AS)
12. (SE) Develop plan to update traffic signal controller equipment and software for
presentation to City Council by March 31, 2018. (CE/PW)
13. (SE) Adopt City Film Ordinance by December 31, 2017. (CD, CE/PW & CM)
14. (SE) Evaluate existing financial policies and procedures and consolidate them
as part of the City Council Policies Resolution by October 31, 2017. (F & CM)
15. (SE) Prepare a Parks/Facilities Capital Improvement Program and revision to
Park Improvement Fund Zones for presentation to City Council by October 31,
16. (SE) Seek grant funding for installation of universally accessible play
equipment. (PRCS)
17. (SE) Develop a policy for parkway tree maintenance on residential streets and
guidelines for all tree removals administered by City by September 30, 2018.
18. (SE) Develop rules for use of Country Club Estates and Meridian Hills
equestrian staging areas, by December 31, 2018. (PRCS)
19. (F*) Construct ADA compliant pedestrian access from Moorpark Avenue to all
buildings at City’s Community Center and improve the bus stop by December 31,
2017. (PRCS & CE/PW)
20. (NF) Install a disc golf course at a city park by June 30, 2019. (PRCS)
21. (SE) Evaluate feasibility and develop conceptual plan to expand Arroyo Vista
Recreation Center, including office space and activity rooms by June 30, 2018.
22. (SE) Determine feasibility of leasing a portion of the Southern California Edison
property adjacent to Arroyo Vista Community Park to expand parking and provide
active and passive recreational uses by June 30, 2018. (PRCS)
Attachment B
23. (NF) Evaluate feasibility including legal, financial, and operational issues for
City to consider possible provision of water and wastewater services. (PRCS,
24. (F*) Develop conceptual design proposal for New City Hall and Library
including a Civic Center master plan by June 30, 2018 with the Library as
initial construction phase. (PRCS, CD, & CM) CONTINUE AS PRIORITY
25. (NF) Construct a wood ball wall at Mountain Meadows Park by December 31,
B. 2 to 5 Years:
1. (SE) Vacate excess street right of way on Laurelhurst Road by June 30, 2019.
2. (SE) Consider options for funding construction and maintenance of a
community aquatic facility. (PRCS)RECOMMEND ON HOLD
3. (NF) Purchase and install electrical generators to serve the Active Adult Center,
Arroyo Vista Recreation Center offices, and the Moorpark Public Services
Facility. (PRCS)
4. (SE) Prepare a Senior Adult Master Plan. (PRCS)
5. (SE) Evaluate options for re-use of City Hall Administration Building. (PRCS &
6. (SE) Evaluate feasibility of connecting the Moorpark Country Club equestrian
staging area and the Meridian Hills equestrian staging area with a loop
multi-use trail. (PRCS, CD & CE/PW)
7. (NF) Install additional sports field lighting at Arroyo Vista Community Park
8. (SE) Develop options and potential funding sources to provide a facility for
either or both free-style bicycle and BMX riders. (PRCS)
9. (NF) Expand Arroyo Vista Community Park gym. (PRCS)
10. (SE) Evaluate feasibility of constructing a new pedestrian bridge to Arroyo Vista
Attachment B
Community Park (AVCP) from southern terminus of Leta Yancy Road to
allow vehicular traffic to exit AVCP from the current pedestrian bridge
during special events. (PRCS)
C. 5+ Years
1. (F) Develop program to construct sidewalks on one side of certain streets in
industrial zoned areas to provide a safe path for pedestrians and to
encourage walking by June 30, 2016. (CE/PW, PRCS & CD)
V. Reinforce and enhance Moorpark's safe and attractive community
character, safeguard its desirable resources and promote community
involvement and awareness, and Healthy City activities.
A. 0 to 2 Years
1. (F*) Develop a 2017 American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and
Transition Plan (2017 Plan) and begin correction of unmet needs to be in
compliance with Title II of the ADA, Standards for Accessible Design by
October 31, 2017. (AS, PW & PRCS) COMPLETED
2. (SE) Work with Ventura County Fire Protection District to consider siting a fire
station in the Campus Park area of the City. (AS, PRCS & CM)
3. (F) Underground existing electrical lines on north side of Los Angeles Avenue
in the vicinity of the Arroyo Simi Bridge by June 30, 2018. (CE/PW)
4. (SE) Determine feasibility and interest from property owners for a possible
property-owner funded sound wall on south side of Los Angeles Avenue
(SR 118) between Buttercreek Road and Maureen Lane by June 30,
2019. (For possible County of Ventura $500,000 contribution the bid
award for this project must be awarded by July 1, 2025.) (CE/PW)
5. (SE) Develop plan to work with HOA’s to repair sidewalks on collector streets
(Mountain Meadows Drive, Mountain Trail Street and Walnut Creek Road)
in the Mountain Meadows Community and determine if City should
become responsible for future maintenance by June 30, 2019. (CE/PW,
CD & CM)
Attachment B
6. (SE) Evaluate potential impacts of projects under jurisdiction of other public
agencies including Moorpark Desalter Project, and extensions of quarry
operations, and make recommendations for possible City Council action.
(CD, CM & CE/PW)
7. (F) Present for City Council consideration General Plan Amendment (GPA) of
Land Use Element and accompanying entitlements for Specific Plan No. 1
(Hitch Ranch) by December 31, 2018. (CD & CM) OPERATIONAL,
8. (F) Present for City Council consideration General Plan Amendment (GPA) of
Land Use Element and accompanying entitlements for GPA 2005 – 02
(Chiu) and GPA 2014 – 01 (Kozar/Grand Moorpark/Sky Line 66 LLC) by
9. (F*) Present for City Council consideration General Plan Amendment (GPA) of
Land Use Element and accompanying entitlements for GPA 2016- 01
(Pacific Communities), GPA 2013 – 02 (Mansi/Aldersgate Investments)
and GPA 2015 – 02 (Duncan/Ashley/Spring Road LLC) by December 31,
10. (F) Present for City Council consideration General Plan Amendment (GPA) of
Land Use Element and accompanying entitlements for GPA 2016 – 02
(Moorpark 67/Rasmussen/West Pointe Homes) and GPA 2015- 01 for
Sunbelt Specific Plan by June 30, 2019. (CD & CM) PARKS,
11. (SE) Develop policies and program guidelines for use of Art in Public Places
and Tree and Landscape fees by June 30, 2018. (PRCS & CD)
12. (NF) Consider recommendation for location, design and construction of a water
spray attraction at a City Park by March 31, 2018. (PRCS)
13. (F) Arts Commission to consider and recommend next location and item of
public art to the City Council by June 30, 2018. (PRCS)
14. (SE) Evaluate feasibility of expanding security camera systems to additional
locations by June 30, 2018. (PRCS, AS, CM & PD)
15. (SE) Evaluate options for partial development, sale or continued lease of
Buttercreek Park by June 30, 2019. (PRCS & CM)
Attachment B
16. (SE) Evaluate feasibility of constructing park facilities on remnant property west
of post office by June 30, 2019. (PRCS & CM)
17. (NF) Develop design plan to refurbish median landscaping and hardscape on,
Campus Park Drive from Princeton Avenue to Collins Drive, and Princeton
Avenue from Condor Drive to Campus Park Drive including cost
estimates, financing, phasing and water conservation measures by June
18. (SE) Work with Moorpark Unified School District to construct a walkway and
bike path from Mountain Trail Street (through a portion of Moorpark High
School) to Arroyo Vista Community Park. (PRCS, CE/PW & CM)
19. (SE) Evaluate options to reestablish the Moorpark Art Festival such as
improved participation from local artists or combining it with a concert in
the park event by March 31, 2018. (PRCS)
20. (SE) Evaluate potential alternative uses for the sports field at Miller Park by
21. (SE) Evaluate potential uses for the paved road at the east end of Ridgecrest
Drive and the alternate State Route 23 and North Hills Parkway rights-of
way within the Moorpark Highlands Community including possible trail
connection to College Heights Drive and Happy Camp Canyon Regional
Park by June 30, 2019. (PRCS, CE/PW & CD)
B. 2 to 5 Years
1. (SE) Develop initial work to create an electronic inventory to recognize
significant contributions to the City by individuals and organizations. (AS)
2. (NF) Establish Underground Utility District to underground electrical
transmission lines on Los Angeles Avenue (SR 118) from Shasta Avenue
to Millard Street. (CE/PW)
3. (NF) Install winter holiday decorations on street light poles at various locations
in the City. (CE/PW, PRCS, CD & AS)
4. (SE) Evaluate funding sources for undergrounding of utility lines throughout the
City. (CE/PW)
Attachment B
5. (SE) Work with property owners within the unincorporated area on both sides of
Los Angeles Avenue to improve west City entry. (CD & CM)
6. (NF) Modify and upgrade wall treatment and enhance landscaping on north
side of Los Angeles Avenue (SR 118) between Millard Avenue and Spring
Road. (PRCS, CE/PW & CD)
7. (NF) Landscape excess right-of-way on southeast corner of Tierra Rejada
Road and Moorpark Road and install standard curb and gutter. (PRCS &
8. (SE) Develop a trail linkage between City and Happy Camp Canyon Regional
Park. (PRCS, CD & CE/PW)
C. 5+ Years
1. (NF) Prepare design for extension of Fremont drain north of Los Angeles
Avenue. (CE/PW)
2. (NF) Landscape north side of Poindexter Avenue from Gabbert Road east to
vicinity of Chaparral School. (PRCS, CE/PW & CD)
3. (NF) Update Parks, Recreation and Community Services Master Plan. (PRCS)
4. (SE) Work with Waterworks District No. 1 to screen its maintenance yard from
Walnut Canyon area. (PRCS, CE/PW & CD)
5. (NF) Work with Caltrans to install additional landscape improvements at the SR
23 / Tierra Rejada Road interchange and Princeton Avenue SR 118
freeway ramps. (PRCS & CE/PW)
6. (NF) Develop a Youth Master Plan in collaboration with the various agencies
that serve Moorpark youth, including MUSD and Moorpark Boys and Girls
Club, and interested residents to identify existing needs, services and
programs, including but not limited to the expansion needs of the
Moorpark Boys and Girls Club. (PRCS)
VI. Enhance open space and greenbelt areas, promote sustainability and
environmental protection and improve watershed protection and flood
control capabilities.
Attachment B
A. 0 to 2 Years
1. (SE) Develop a policy and standards for use of more energy efficient street
lights on public and private streets in new developments for City Council
consideration by March 31, 2018. (CE/PW, PRCS & CD)
2. (F*) Update City’s 1995 Master Drainage Plan and incorporates needed
improvements into Capital Improvement Program by June 30, 2018.
3. (SE) Work with owner of Villa Del Arroyo Mobile Home Park to resolve drainage
issues June 30, 2019. (CE/PW)
4. (F*) Acquire property and easements for open space purposes to meet City’s
obligation as part of Sustainability Fee Memorandum of Understanding
with County of Ventura by September 30, 2017. (CM, AS & PRCS)
5. (NF*) Prepare a comprehensive update of Land Use, OSCAR, and Circulation
Elements including environmental documentation and insure internal consistency
among all General Plan Elements. Consider creation of a Natural Open Space land
use designation and the city’s vision for land within the City’s Area of Interest as part
of the Land Use Element. Present Land Use Element to the City Council by January
31, 2018 and present the Circulation Element including possible designation of
Moorpark Avenue (SR 23) between Casey Road and Los Angeles Avenue (SR 118)
as an arterial street to the City Council by October 31, 2018. Present OSCAR
Element including a Trails Master Plan to City Council by June 30, 2019 the City’s
General Plan and associated environmental analysis. Upon adoption of any General
Plan Amendments, prepare necessary changes to the Zoning Ordinance to insure
ensure conformity and consistency with the General Plan. (CD, PRCS & CE/PW)
6.5. (SE) Participate in discussions with County of Ventura, County of Santa
Barbara, and County of San Luis Obispo and other participating Public
Agencies regarding a tri-county community choice energy/aggregation
Joint Powers Authority (JPA) and determine if participation in the JPA will
provide energy and cost saving benefits to the City and present to City
Council by September 30, 2017. (PRCS) COMPLETED
Attachment B
7.6. (SE*) Purchase existing City Streetlights and convert them to a more
energy efficient lighting source by June 30, 2019. (PRCS, CE/PW & F) CONTINUE
8.7. (NF) Develop a Tree Master Plan and Maintenance Plan including tree
inventory and mapping by June 30, 2019. (PRCS)
9.8. (SE) Develop options for use of 80-acre City owned open space parcel
in the Tierra Rejada Valley for consideration by the City Council by June 30, 2018.
10.9. (SE) Develop an Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM) for City
landscape operations by June 30, 2019. (PRCS)
11.10. (SE) Evaluate potential uses for parcels on the north side of the Arroyo
Simi that was deeded to City by SDI. (PRCS, CM, CD, & CE/PW)
B. 2 to 5 Years
1. (SE) In conjunction with the Ventura County Watershed Protection District,
prepare conceptual plans and evaluate potential funding for Arroyo Simi
improvements determined necessary by the FIRM update; and evaluate
the adequacy of existing facilities, determine what improvements are
needed, and develop a funding program to protect downstream properties
during 100 year storm events for:
a. Happy Camp Canyon Drain
b. Strathearn Drain
c. Canyon No. 2 Drain
d. Gabbert Canyon Drain, and
e. Walnut Canyon Drain
2. (SE) Work with other affected public agencies to develop a comprehensive
Arroyo Simi Management Plan that incorporates flood control, habitat
preservation/restoration and recreation components. (CE/PW; CD &
3. (SE) Develop options to enhance open space and greenbelt areas to include at
a minimum: (1) strengthening the Tierra Rejada greenbelt agreement;
and (2) consideration of adding new formal greenbelt(s) and agreement(s)
for the areas north and south of the Ronald Reagan Freeway (SR 118)
near the east end of the City of Moorpark and the west end of the City of
Attachment B
Simi Valley plus contiguous unincorporated Ventura County and west of
the City limits (Los Posas) for consideration by the City Council. (CD &
4. (SE) Evaluate feasibility of constructing an improved bicycle path on the north
side of the Arroyo Simi, from the pedestrian bridge at Arroyo Vista
Community Park to the east side of Spring Road, including a bridge
undercrossing and connections to existing bike lanes on Spring Road.
5. (SE) Evaluate feasibility of establishing a community garden program including
identification of a preferred location. (PRCS)
C. 5+ Years: NONE.
Potential Objectives
1. Conduct an Organization and Management Study and prepare an implementation
2. Evaluate feasibility of establishing a teen center.
3. Adopt formal traffic policies.
4. Work with Historical Society on finalizing a site for its proposed facility.
5. Evaluate feasibility of establishing an equestrian center on a publicly owned site
with privately funded improvements and operations.
6. Evaluate feasibility and cost for modifying traffic signal pedestrian crossing devices
for use by vision impaired and physically disabled persons.
7. Install parkway landscaping and enhanced pavement on collector and arterial
streets that lack such improvements, including the south side of Peach Hill Road
west of Rolling Knoll Road and north side of Peach Hill Road west of Bella Vista
Drive and consider possible use of Xeriscape landscaping.
8. Prepare a City Vision Statement.
9. Evaluate the establishment of a policy for installation of speed humps on City
10. Develop new design for City street name signs and a standard design for street
identification signs in medians.
Attachment B
11. Work with U.S. Postal Service and homeowners’ associations to relocate group
mail boxes to maximize on-street parking.
12. Consider name change for Spring Road from Tierra Rejada Road to Walnut
Canyon Road.
13. Install parkway trees on the west side of Spring Road north of Peach Hill Road.
14. Construct raised landscaped median on Collins Drive from Campus Park Drive to
University Drive.
15. Consider providing youth employment services in conjunction with existing
services in adjacent cities.
16. Evaluate feasibility of using a two-year Budget process.
17. Plant parkway trees on both sides of Princeton Avenue, east of Spring Road.
18. Evaluate feasibility of City serving as authorized agent for commercial / industrial
centers to deter after hours / weekend commercial truck parking.
19. Evaluate feasibility of constructing a small lake in a City park.
20. Construct enhanced entry statements at Spring Road and Roberts Street and
Spring Road and Second Street.
21. Establish a downtown area farmers’ market.
22. Evaluate options for a park ranger program for City parks and open space.
23. Evaluate feasibility of installing raised median on Poindexter Avenue and Gabbert
Road south of Poindexter Avenue.
24. Evaluate construction of Lassen Avenue from Park Lane to Moorpark Avenue to
create a four-way intersection at Third Street.
25. Evaluate need for traffic signal at Campus Canyon Drive and Collins Drive.
26. In conjunction with Historical Society, develop or modify existing walking tour of
Moorpark to promote community’s historical, cultural heritage and public art
27. Prepare an Arts Master Plan which shall include guidelines for fine and cultural
arts expenditures.
Attachment B
28. Evaluate benefits of participating in a Sister City Program.
29. Evaluate feasibility of modifying certain existing streets to increase landscaping
and reduce the amount of asphalt to be maintained.
30. Evaluate benefits of revising current street standards to narrow the street width but
not the right-of-way to encourage more landscaping and reduce future pavement
maintenance costs.
31. Widen Science Drive at Los Angeles Avenue (SR-118) to provide a dedicated right
turn lane.
32. Work with artists and other interested community members in the Moorpark area
to form a formal arts organization to support the arts.
33. Develop cost estimate to acquire temporary, collapsible outfield fencing at Arroyo
Vista Community Park for one of the softball fields.
34. Evaluate the need for a mural ordinance
35. Fund a City volunteer coordinator position.
36. Work with Caltrans to permit installation of City identification sign on Collins Drive
Overpass Bridge and City entry statements in Caltrans right-of-way at selected
37. Consider citywide prohibition on use of rodenticides.
38. Develop an Employee Development Program.
39. Evaluate feasibility and cost for installation of “Blue Lights” (also known as
“Tattletale Lights”) on selected traffic signals to enhance traffic enforcement of red
light violations.
40. Require electric vehicle charging capability for new homes and businesses.
41. Install monument sign at southwest corner of High Street and Moorpark Avenue
for post office and public parking.
42. Evaluate potential uses for APN 513-0-010-225 (formerly referred to as Crawford
Canyon) on north side of Princeton Drive including possible trail connection to
Moorpark Highlands.
43. Evaluate feasibility of a multi-use trail between Spring Road, Calleguas Water
District Pump Station, and Miller Parkway through Tract 4980 / Serenata HOA.
Attachment B
44. Evaluate feasibility of trail from Valley Road to Waterworks District No. 1 offices at
Spring Road / Elk Run Loop intersection (will require ability to go under future
North Hills Parkway to be constructed by Tract 5130, City Ventures).
45. Evaluate need for traffic signal at Princeton Avenue and Nogales Street.
46. Evaluate options for Bus turn-outs on Los Angeles Avenue (SR118).
47. Evaluate need for ordinance mandating spaying and neutering of dogs and cats.
48. Consider revisions to Education Code and other applicable State laws to
recognize differences between City operated libraries and special districts.
49. Evaluate feasibility of adding a parking lot at Campus Canyon Park.
50. Evaluate potential to locate off-site classes for CSUN and CSUCI in Moorpark.
51. Evaluate feasibility of allowing limited use of a park or open space area for remote
controlled aerial devices such as model airplanes, drones and unmanned aerial
vehicles. (MMC12.16.180)
52. Consider Municipal Code provision to address drone use within City.
53. Evaluate potential use of Caltrans property near Princeton Avenue under the
Freeway Bridges.
54. Rename Princeton Avenue to High Street from Spring Road to SR 118 Freeway.
Attachment B