ITEM 10 • G•
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TO: Honorable City Council
FROM: Hugh R. Riley, Assistant City Manager
DATE: April 8, 2005 (City Council Meeting of 4/20/05)
SUBJECT: Approve Proposed Legislative Agenda for Ventura County
Council of Governments
The Ventura Council of Governments (VCOG) has a Draft Legislative
Agenda for consideration by the VCOG Board on May 12 2005. This
draft document is attached for the City Council's approval.
The primary objective for establishing a Legislative Agenda is to
allow the organization to respond to the need for support or
opposition to specific state or federal legislation in a timely
manner. The Legislative Agenda attempts to address only those
issues that are clearly of a regional concern and not contain such
detail so as to create conflict between member agencies that may
have differing views. The VCOG is seeking final approval from each
member agency as to what should be included.
Approve Legislative Agenda for Ventura Council of Governments.
Attachments: Legislative Agenda - VCOG
000.1.4, 4
(revised based on comments received)
(Attachment 2. Proposed Legislative Agenda presented at the March Board meeting)
The goal and intent of VCOG is one of voluntary cooperation among cities and the county of
Ventura for their collective benefit. In this regard, VCOG serves as an advocate in representing
the members of VCOG at the regional, state and federal levels on issues of mutual importance to
the Ventura County area. It also can serve as a forum for the review, consideration, study,
development and recommendation of public policies and plans with regional significance.
Overriding Principles
VCOG believes that cities and counties must be able to control matters within their own
jurisdictions. Therefore, VCOG will take positions on proposed legislation, rules and /or
regulations that affect local control. Additionally, VCOG will take positions on issues that
directly affect the county area. And, when local decisions affect neighboring communities,
VCOG supports local governments working collaboratively and regionally to address regional
Staff will monitor the League of California Cities' Priority Focus, California State Association
of Counties' positions as well as other sources to identify pending legislation that may impact the
member entities.
A Legislative Subcommittee of the VCOG Administrative Committee shall be created composed
of the following three members: Chair, Chair Elect and Immediate Past Chair. The Chair (or
Chair Elect in the Chair's absence) is authorized to sign correspondence expressing VCOG "s
position on pending legislation consistent with the Legislative Program and /or other positions
approved by the Governing Board provided that such correspondence has been sent to the
Legislative Subcommittee for their review with a deadline for their comments but not less than
24 hours before it is finalized.
Copies of all correspondence will be distributed to each Governing Board member and their
jurisdiction and a Legislative Report will be provided at Board meetings.
Pending legislation not addressed by the Legislative Agenda, member requests or staff
recommendations that deviate from the Legislative Agenda, will be agendized for VCOG
Governing Board consideration.
This policy will be reviewed each year with the adoption of the Legislative Agenda.
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Issues Of Common Concern and Areas of VCOG Commitment
I. Fiscal Impact - VCOG is committed to:
A. Maintain the protections that are provided in Proposition lA to protect local revenues
from seizure by the state.
B. Oppose preemption of local authority.
C. Support measures that p i le ter- fiseal independenee to eities t a
(Camarillo Board comment result in
greater stability and predictability in local
government budgeting.
D. Support legislation requiring the state and federal governments to provide full cost
reimbursement to cities and counties for all mandated programs and for all programs
resulting in revenue losses.
E. Encourage the use of state incentives for local government action rather than
mandates and penalties.
II. Transportation & Transit - VCOG is committed to:
A. Support legislation that would provide additional resources to cities and counties to
finance local transportation systems, facilities, and improvements.
B. Protect and enhance current funding levels and local authority for existing State and
Federal transportation revenues and programs
C. Support the immediate halt to transfers to the State General Fund of dedicated State
Transportation funds and the timely return of all previous loans
D. Support the authority of cities and county to manage the public right -of -way and
receive compensation for its use.
III. Economic Development - VCOG is committed to:
A. Support legislation that gives cities and counties resources to finance economic
development efforts, such as business attraction, retention, and growth, as well as
marketing and tourism.
B. Support the retention of the Naval Base Ventura County.
C. Support legislation to ensure sufficient funding to operate one -stop employment and
training centers.
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D. Oppose efforts to cut funding for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
programs and other publicly funded community services and workforce assistance
programs to serve low - income and/or other disadvantaged residents.
E. Support legislation that reforms reporting requirements for redevelopment agencies
by simplifying the process and eliminating reporting confusion.
IV. Land Use - VCOG is committed to:
A. Support efforts that are consistent with the doctrine of "home rule" and the local
exercise of police powers, through planning and zoning processes, over local
land use.
B. Support legislation that strengthens local control to prepare, adopt, and implement
plans for orderly growth, development, beautification, and conservation of local
planning areas, including, but not limited to, regulatory authority over zoning,
subdivisions, annexations, and redevelopment areas.
V. Housing - VCOG is committed to:
A. Support efforts to develop multi jurisdictional (federal, state, county, city)
participation, financial support, and incentives for programs that provide adequate,
affordable housing for the elderly, handicapped, and low - income persons throughout
the community as well as required infrastructure construction.
B. Support Housing Element reform legislation that provides greater local control and
flexibility, simplifies the process, and improves its effectiveness.
C. Support legislation that eliminates the current Regional Housing Needs Allocation
process and defines a more equitable process to determine a "fair share" of new
housing needed to respond to growth trends in the region.
D. Support legislation that streamlines the environmental review process for mixed -use
infill development without compromising environmental quality standards.
E. Support legislation that promotes and provides incentives for environmentally
responsible design and construction.
VI. Environment - VCOG is committed to:
A. Support legislation that streamlines the state's environmental review process and
maintains public participation without compromising environmental quality
B. Air Quality Protection
1. Support mobile source emission reduction activities to improve the environment
without adverse impact on local economy.
2. Support air quality efforts that emphasize use of advanced technologies and market
incentives, including use of alternative fuels and development of an infrastructure
for alternative fuel vehicles.
3. Support port air emission reductions.
4. Support the development of a federal action plan for reducing air pollution from
those sources solely under federal control such as ships and planes which are
increasingly affecting the ability to reach local air quality attainment.
C. Solid Waste
1. Support legislation that provides cities and counties with financial assistance for
programs designed to provide for the safe disposal of solid, hazardous, and special
2. Support legislation that promotes source reduction measures without creating an
unfunded mandate.
3. Support legislation that promotes recycling and expands the market for recycled
materials as well as making grants available to local agencies for programs that
encourage the recycling/reclaiming of resources.
4. Support new resource recovery and conversion technologies, such as bio- diesel
from organic waste, including removing impediments to the adoption of
transformation or conversion technologies to help municipalities and the county
meet and exceed their requirement to divert 50% of their solid waste away from
5. Oppose legislation that would restrict or limit local government's ability to
franchise refuse and recycling collection services, to direct municipal or county
solid waste flow (flow control), or to contractually require haulers to guarantee
achievement of AB 939 goals
6. Support legislation that streamlines AB 939 tracking and reporting requirements.
D. Water Protection
1. Support legislation and cooperative efforts to ensure adequate water supplies for
Southern California and to protect and enhance regional groundwater resources
and watersheds.
2. Support state and federal funding legislation for local storm water and NPDES
programs as well as incentives for the re -use of reclaimed water.
3. Support regulations for local agencies to carry out the NPDES mission
that are practical and capable of being implemented including taking into account
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economic considerations
4. Support scientific investigation and implementation, as funding permits, of
reasonable, cost - effective, and proven best management practices (BMP) and best
available technologies (BAT) to mitigate storm water pollution to the maximum
extent practicable
E. Natural Resources
1. Support funding and legislation for the designation and preservation of open space
and preservation, restoration and enhancement of natural resources.
2. Support legislation and/or programs that provide money to local governments for
energy efficiency and conservation programs.
VIII. Public Safety and Homeland Security - VCOG is committed to:
A. Support legislation that increases local law enforcement resources including providing
cities and counties with a greater share of fines and forfeitures.
B. Support funding for improved public safety programs, specifically the State Grants that
have provided police departments with the funds necessary to support technology
improvements increasing efficiency. This includes grants that support homeland
security, grants through the Office of Traffic Safety, as well as other grants that
support the hiring of law enforcement personnel.
C. Support legislation that would provide additional resources for commercial truck safety
inspections and the enforcement of commercial truck vehicle codes.
D. Support legislation that allows use of state and federal public safety grants for
maintenance efforts in addition to service increases.
E. Support maintenance of existing health care facilities within the county for emergency
response with adequate funding and staffing.
F. Support funding for all hazards, not just terrorism and encourage comprehensive All
Hazards planning
IX. Labor Relations - VCOG is committed to:
A. Oppose legislation that would restrict a local government's ability to use its own
employees on public works projects when such projects have previously been
advertised for bid.
B. Oppose legislation that requires the use of city or county employees rather than
contracting out.
C. Oppose any legislation that would grant employee benefits that should be decided at
the local bargaining table.
D. Support legislation that would reform the Workers' Compensation system to reduce
employer cost through the reduction of system abuse.
E. Oppose any measure that imposes compulsory and binding interest arbitration.
F. Oppose efforts that reduce local control over public employee disputes or impose
regulations of an outside agency on such disputes.
IX. General Government - VCOG is committed to:
A. Support legislation limiting the county and a city's liability associated with hazardous
recreational activities, such as skateboarding and in -line skating.
B. Support legislation that makes funds available to refurbish and improve parks.
C. Oppose legislation that increases local government's exposure to litigation.