City Council Meeting
of November 18, 2020
ACTION Approved Staff Recommendation.
(Roll Call Vote: Unanimous)
BY B.Garza.
H. Consider Agreement with Prudential Overall Supply. Staff Recommendation:
Approve Agreement with Prudential Overall Supply for Uniform and Supply
services; and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement and subsequent
extensions, subject to final language approval of the City Manager. (Staff:
Jeremy Laurentowski)
Item: 10.H.
TO: Honorable City Council
FROM: Jeremy Laurentowski, Parks and Recreation Director
BY: Robert Valery, Parks and Facilities Supervisor
DATE: 11/18/2020 Regular Meeting
SUBJECT: Consider Agreement with Prudential Overall Supply
It is recommended that the City Council approve an Agreement with Prudential Overall
Supply for rental of maintenance equipment and laundering / replacement of uniforms.
The City rents uniforms and other items such as towels, dry mops, and aprons, for use
by staff at various facilities including the Moorpark Public Services Facility (MPSF),
Arroyo Vista Recreation Center (AVRC) and City Hall. Additionally, there are uniforms,
towels and other items picked up weekly for laundering and/or replacement. Currently,
the City’s uniform contract is with Prudential Overall Supply (Prudential) at their “Class
Three” service level, which provides like-for-like replacement of damaged uniforms. If a
uniform is faded or torn they will replace it with one of similar condition or age. In
addition, the City has a separate service contract with Prudential at AVRC for towels
and other cleaning items that has higher prices and different termination dates than the
current uniform contract. The total monthly costs for these services vary but in 2019 the
City spent $7,961.51
Over the years there have been issues with the quality of uniform replacements and
repairs provided at the current service level. With the current like-for-like replacement
service, some of the replacement uniforms came back no better than the ones sent in
for replacement. Staff determined that it was time to get quotes from other vendors to
try to get better service and pricing, as well as consolidate services for all facilities into
one contract. Staff also determined that a higher service level that would replace worn
uniforms with new uniforms would be preferred, as the quality of the replacement
uniforms in the like-for-like replacement plan was below acceptable standards. A
Item: 10.H.
Honorable City Council
11/18/2020 Regular Meeting
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vendor scope outlining quantities of uniforms and supplies was sent to three interested
vendors; Prudential, UniFirst Corp. (Unifirst), and Mission Linen Supply (Mission). The
following table outlines the costs each vendor proposed, and the total cost to the City:
Proposal Costs (Annual)
Facility Weekly Rental Items Prudential UniFirst Mission
MPSF Uniforms (9 staff)
Dust Mops (3) $3,052.40 $3,347.76 $7,232.68
Dust Mops (3)
Microfiber Mops (10)
Towels (24)
$1,402.96 $2,600.00 $853.84
City Hall
Uniforms (1 staff)
Dust Mops (7)
Aprons (15)
Towels (25)
$867.10 $2,600.00 $2,386.80
Total Annual Cost $5,322.46 $8,547.76 $10,473.32
Based on the three vendor quotes, Prudential offers the lowest rates for the desired
service level. The annual cost includes complimentary new uniform setup and lettering
(name and City logo). Subsequent maintenance charges are competitively priced at
$6.00 for garment replacement and $3.50 for lettering.
Staff is recommending moving forward with Prudential. Their pricing is the most
favorable over the other vendors and they are also a local Moorpark company. Staff is
recommending a contract with a three-year term, and automatic month to month
extensions thereafter. The total contract value for the initial three-year period is
approximately $16,000.00, however given the proposed indefinite end date City Council
authorization is required to approve the Agreement and authorize the City Manager to
sign the Agreement.
The annual cost of the new contract is approximately $5,322.46, although the variability
of maintenance charges makes an exact annual cost uncertain. In 2019 the annual cost
for uniform, towel and mop rental was $7,961.51. With the new contract staff expects
savings of approximately $2,600.00 annually. No additional appropriation is requested
as adequate funding for uniform rental service has been included in the Fiscal Year
2020/21 budget.
This action does not support a current strategic directive.
Honorable City Council
11/18/2020 Regular Meeting
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Approve Agreement with Prudential Overall Supply for Uniform and Supply services;
and authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement and subsequent extensions,
subject to final language approval of the City Manager.
Attachment: Agreement
ATTACHMENT~ Pnulential
PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY ("PRUDENTIAL") agrees to furn ish , clean , pick-up and deliver the fo ll ow ing merchandise and CUSTOMER agrees to
rent all merchandise listed below for th e initi al account installation and any additional merchandise ordered from PRUDENTIAL . CUSTOMER agrees to a
serv ice minimum based on the initial account installation. Pri ces will vary for other than week ly service .
Wearing Apparel Other Merchandise
Inventory Total Replacement I Unit Total Replacement Item Rental Rate Wearers or Item I Frequency Per Wearer Items Value Rate Inventory Value
See Addendum A
DATE OF FIRST DELIVERY: Service Rental Agr ee ment is effective th e date signed by both parties. The term of Agreem ent is based on the installation
date of each served iocat ion .
GENERAL PURPOSE MERCHANDISE: Mercha ndise rente d by PRUDENTIAL is for general pur pose only and is not fo r use in areas of flammability risk or
whe re contact wit h toxic or hazardous materia ls is possible. If reque sied , CUSTOMER ag ree s to furnish Safety Data Sheets (SOS) to comp ly with all
ap plicable laws. Merchandise rented by PRUDENTIAL is also not consider ed ANS I/I SEA 107-1999 comp lia nt.
TERMS: Upon app ro va l of CUS TOMER'S cred it, payment is due net 30 days from invoice date or upon rece ipt of mon thiy state men t. All pri ce s reflect credi t
for tim e off due to CUSTOMER / employee vaca tion, holi day or sickn ess.
REPLACEMENT: In the event of damage to wearing appa re l by CUSTOMER, reasonab le wea r accepted, CUSTO MER will pay PRUDENTIAL'S
replacement value unless CUSTOMER elects Budget Pro tecti on Program. CUSTOMER will pay PRUDENT IAL 'S cu rrent re placement va lue for lost
merchandise. In the event of damage to other merchandise or equipmen t by CUSTOMER, CUSTOMER will pay 75 % of PRUDENTIAL 'S current
rep lace ment value . Budge t Prote cti on Program is a per piece rate that covers all da mage re lated charges except gross misuse.
RIGHT OF CANCELLATION : Be cause it would be otheiwi se difficu lt or impractical to fix the exact am ount of dam age to PRUDE NTI AL, in the event
CUSTOMER ca nce ls or breaches this ag reem ent for any reason, CUSTOMER will pay to PRUDENTIAL 50% of the averag e weekly dollar volume for the un-
expi red te rm based on the thirteen week period preceding ca ncellation . CUSTOMER will also pa y unpaid invoices for prior serv ices rende red and any lost or
damage charges . ~ W\ <61\4-l\ 5 MDtitv\ Jt. ~~--
TERM OF AGREEMENT : In consideration of the substantial investmen t by PRUDENTIAL in merchand ise and equipment to prO~~rvice to CUSTOME~,
th is agreement shall conti ~_ue for aigl ,ty . forn t~4) mon ths _from the fi~st de livery date ~pecifie? above and sl'lalhil;llffif!~ea!ly renew fo l ~u bseqaen t p~ri~cts /
#le.same lr;mgtb .isJ~ IDti'al ·1erm :,proweed: tt,s -rmt-terrmnated J:zye1tber !)aFty-ay Wf~eR Ae~s e to -tho-ell:ier-a 1 least fltoot¥{90).da\/S-PCIP C to tb.e..expiraii01Lof. . _ ..
~~ iriilim letm. 01 any ,@eoel !el'ffl . In the event of increased costs , PRUDENT IAL may, alter each anniversary date of thi s agreement , incr ease its rates by
the amou nt of the increa se in the Consu me r Pri ce Index -all areas for the previous twelve months, or six and nine-tenths percent
GENERAL : CUSTOMER shall pay all costs of collection and attorney's fees. PRUDENTIAL will not be !iabie for consequent ial damages resu lting from its
in abi lity to perform iis obligatio ns under this agreeme nt. CUS TOMER ag re es to defend and indemnify PR UDEN TIAL from any clai ms as sociated with the
use of the merchan dise , incl uding any claims allegedly arising from defe ctive mercha ndi se. CUSTOMER agr ees to pay a nonrefundable preparation fee for
each garment placed in serv ice after the origina l thirty (30) days insta llation . CUSTO MER also ag re es to pay for any lettering that is req ue sted , the
environmental fee , a delivery charge , any inventory mai nten ance charge , sales and use taxes , or othe r similar stan dard recurring charges. Shou ld
CUSTOMER'S bus in ess ident ified be low be sold or transferred in any way , this agreement shall remain in full fo rce and effect and shall bind both the
CUSTOMER and th e purchaser. This Agreement is not binding on PRUDENTIAL until executed by the Genera l Manager of PRUDEN TIAL'S faci lity that will
provide service to Customer.
CUSTOMER warrants that it is not co ntractually ob ligated for any of the services represented under this agreement to any other person or concern .
By (Sign ature ):
Printed Name :
Titre :
Da te:
Form 10032A-84, Rev. 05i 22/19
By (Signatu re):
Printed Nam e:
Its Duly
Address :
Customer's Bu siness Legal Name
W. Supply®
Guard Shirt
Industria l Sh irt
Industrial Pants
In dustri al Western Pants
Slash Pocket Jacket
Addendum u A"
Price Structure
City Of Moorpark
82-42-71 $0.27
78-42-71 $0.21
73-44-44 $0.22
75-48-44 $0 .25
58-48-44 $1 .25
$39 .3 5
22 "DustMoc 9313 $2 .00 $20 .96
38 " Dust Mop 9314 $2 .85 $21 .96
Towel Turk Yell ow 9982 $0.22 $.71
36' Dust Pad Micro Fibe r 9361 $0.80 $4.99
50" Dust Mop 9315 $4.00 $24 .96
Rova l Bib Apron D764581 B $.25 $7.50
BarTowel 9930 $.15 $0 .99
► Additional Information:
1. Upon Renewal of a 36 month contract, a one time uniform change out will take
Date :
place _
2. The initial Prep and Lettering will be complimentary at the start of the contract.
3. Class One account for the duration of agreement
4. Prep and Lettering charges will be applicable after 30 days of change out
5. Prep fee of $6.00 per garment and Lettering Charges (Name and City Logo) of $3.50
will be applicable
City Of Moorpark
Date :
"Quality service Since 7932" 5300 Gabbert Road, Moorpark, CA 93021
(805) 529-0833 Fax: (805) 529-3447
Email: pos@prudentialuniforms.com
Prudential Uniforms.com 89