HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 2021 3994 2021 0217 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-3994
WHEREAS, on June 17, 2020, the City Council adopted the Operating and
Capital Improvements Budget for fiscal year 2020/21; and
WHEREAS, certain additions and adjustments to the budget are proposed to
allow for effective service delivery for the balance of the fiscal year; and
WHEREAS, the City Council now wishes to amend the 2020/21 fiscal year
budget as noted in Exhibits "A", "B", "C" and "D".
SECTION 1. A budget amendment as more particularly described in Exhibits
"A", "B" and "C" attached hereto is hereby approved.
SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and
shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the book of original resolutions.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, 2021.
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Attachment: Exhibits "A", "B", "C" and "D" — Mid Year Budget Amendment
Resolution No. 2021-3994
Page 2
Exhibit "A" -
City of Moorpark
Mid Year Budget Amendment for the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year
Summary by Fund
Projected Cost Net Fund Balance
Revenue Projected Containment Impact
Increase Expenditure Measures Increase
Fund (Decrease) Increase (Decrease) (Decrease)
1000 - General Fund 373,887 334,477 (421,590). 461,000
2000 - Traffic Safety Fund (2,200) 2,200
2001 - Traffic System Mgmt Fund 1,997 (1,997)
2018 - Endowment Fund (12,000) (12,000)
2121 - City Affordable Housing 3,210 (3,210)
2123 - Housing-Successor Agency 4,687 (4,687)
2200 - Community Development 81,180 (52,400) (28,780)
2205 - Engineering/PW Fund (60) 60
2300 - AD 84-2 Citywide LLMD 18,000 (45,000) 27,000
2302 - 84-2 Steeple Hill T2865 1,500 (1,500)
2305 - 84-2 Pheasant T3019/3525 1,500 (1,500)
2310 - 84-2 MTN Meadows PC3 11,000 (11,000)
2312 - 84-2 Carlsberg 2,800 (2;800)
2315 - Country Club Estates 3,000 (3,000)
2320 - Meridian Hills 4,000 (4,00.0)
2322 - Moorpark Highlands -
2390 - Park Maintenance District 23,500 (38,500) . 15,000
2410 - Solid Waste AB939 (15,000) (2,225) (12,775)
Resolution No. 2021-3994
Page 3
Exhibit "A"
City of Moorpark
Mid Year Budget Amendment for the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year
Summary by Fund
Projected Cost Net Fund Balance
Revenue Projected Containment Impact
Increase Expenditure Measures Increase
Fund (Decrease) Increase (Decrease) (Decrease)
2412 - Local TDA Article 8A -
2413 - State Transit Assistance 3,000 . (3,000)
2414 - Local TDA Article 8C 524,427 524,427
2415 - Gas Tax 49,655 - (1,350) 51,005
2416 - Road Maint & Rehab 10,658 10,658
2910 - JPA MWPR Conservation Fund 1,100 (1,100)
9000 - Internal Services Fund (4,950) 4,950
$ 931,627 $ 494,952 ($ 568,275) $ 1,000,000
Resolution No. 2021-3994
Page 4
City of Moorpark
Mid Year Budget Amendment FY 2020/21
Account Schema Fund Account Description Current YTD Actual Revision Amended Explanation
Budget Budget
1000-000-00000-40000 General Fund GF-PROP TAXES-CY SEC 4,120,000 2,931,490 (120,000) 4,000,000 Adjust budget to recent estimates
1000-000-00000-40000 General Fund GF-PROP TAXES-CY UNSEC 135,000 132,240 17,018 152,018 Adjust budget to recent estimates
1000-000-00000-40060 General Fund GF-PARCEL TAX 162,500 85,741 (1,500) 161,000 Adjust budget to recent estimates
1000-000-00000-40070 General Fund GF-PROP TAXES-VLF 3,945,000 2,017,975 90,000 4,035,000 Adjust budget to recent estimates
1000-000-00000-40100 General Fund GF-SALES&USE TAX 3,506,000 1,423,141 711,725 4,217,725 Adjust budget to recent estimates
1000-000-00000-40300 General Fund GF-TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX 0 32,901 120,000 120,000 New-Adjust budget to recent estimates
1000-000-00000-41000 General Fund GF-BUSINESS REGIS 125,000 59,577 (15,000) 110,000 Decrease due to stay well at home orders
1000-000-00000-42000 General Fund GF-INVEST EARN 400,000 (125,430) (141,090) 258,910 Decrease due to drop in interest rates
1000-000-00000-42200 General Fund GF-CONTRIB/DONATION 1,500 0 (1,500) - Decrease due to stay well at home orders
1000-000-00000-44000 General Fund GF-MUNI CODE FINES 225,000 22,459 (100,000) 125,000 Decrease due to stay well at home orders
1000-000-00000-44050 General Fund GF-FORFEIT PENALT 1,000 0 (1,000) - Decrease due to stay well at home orders
1000-521-00000-43300 General Fund RECR-RECREATION FEES 30,000 3,059 (25,000) 5,000 Decrease due to stay well at home orders
1000-521-E0007-43300 General Fund ADULT SPORTS-RECREATION FEES 28,000 (3,325) (26,325) 1,675 Decrease due to stay well at home orders
1000-521-E0008-43300 General Fund YOUTH SPORTS-RECREATION FEES 68,799 -(6,287) (58,086) 10,713 Decrease due to stay well at home orders
1000-521-E0009-43300 General Fund CAMP MOORPARK-RECREATION FEES 188,275 54,493 (38,275) 150,000 Decrease due to stay well at home orders
1000-521-E0018-43300 General Fund SANTA EVENT-RECREATION FEES 3,000 (58) (3,000) - Decrease due to stay well at home orders
1000-521-E0064-43300 General Fund PRESCHOOL-RECREATION FEES 189,080 103,492 (34,080) 155,000 Decrease due to stay well at home orders
2018-172-L0069-42050 Endowment Fund 61 HIGH ST-RENTS&CONCESS 36,000 24,000 (12,000) 24,000 Theater Rental-Decrease due to stay well at
home orders
2410-000-G0002-46370 Solid Waste AB939 SLD WSTE-ST GRANTS-SOLID WASTE 20,000 0 (15,000) 5,000 Decrease due to lower grant amount available
for Used Oil Payment Program(OPP)
2414-000-00000-43350 Local TDA Article 8C TRANS-8C-TRANSIT FARES 34,000 0 (34,000) - Decrease due to stay well at home orders
2414-000-00000-46200 Local TDA Article 8C TRANS-8C-TRANSIT ALLOC(CNTY) 675,000 0 (138,406) 536,594 Decrease due to stay well at home orders
2414-000-00000-46550 Local TDA Article 8C TRANS-8C-FEDERAL GRANT 511,741 72,955 696,833 1,208,574 Increase due to federal reimbursements of
expenditures from CARES Act
2415-000-E0048-46300 Gas Tax GAS TX 2105-GAS&VEH TAX(ST) 213,000 97,351 (15,532) 197,468 Adjust budget to recent estimates
2415-000-E0049-46300 Gas Tax GAS TX 2106-GAS&VEH TAX(ST) 134,000 64,717 (6,947) 127,053 Adjust budget to recent estimates
2415-000-E0050-46300 Gas Tax GAS TX 2107-GAS&VEH TAX(ST) 276,000 134,417 (25,354) 250,646 Adjust budget to recent estimates
2415-000-E0052-46320 Gas Tax GAS TX-HUT(ST) 147,000 142,752 139,488 286,488 Adjust budget to recent estimates
2415-000-E0060-46300 Gas Tax GAS TAX LOAN REPAY 42,000 0 (42,000) - Adjust budget to recent estimates
2416-000-E0061-46300 Road Maint&Rehab RD MAINT&REHAB-GAS&VEH TAX(ST) 650,000 276,658 10,658 660,658 Adjust budget to recent estimates
Total Revenue Revision $931,627
Resolution No. 2021-3994
Page 5
City of Moorpark
Mid Year Budget Amendment FY 2020/21
Account Schema Fund Division Account Description Current YTD Actual Revision Amended Explanation
Budget Budget
Remaining balance from prior year
1000-111-E0063-51040 General Fund City Council DISTRICT BASED ELECTION-LEGAL SVC 0 3,011 3,011 3,011 services rendered
Consultant for executive and
1000-120-00000-51000 General Fund City Manager CMGR-CONTRACTUAL SVC 0 0 10,000 10,000 management retreats
Adjusting to additional amount
1000-132-00000-50250 General Fund City Clerk CCLERK-WORKERS COMP INSUR 6,188 7,356 1,168 7,356 invoiced by CJPIA
Amount paid to State for a Records
1000-132-00000-50260 General Fund City Clerk CCLERK-UNEMPLOYMENT INSUR 0 0 2,450 2,450 Clerk position
1000-132-00000-51000 General Fund City Clerk CCLERK-CONTRACTUAL SVC 47,400 2,528 20,000 67,400 Consultant for redistricting
1000-133-00000-51000 General Fund HR/Risk Management HR/RISK-CONTRACTUAL SVC 7,200 880 20,000 27,200 Consultant for compensation study
Additional amount needed for legal
1000-140-00000-51040 General Fund City Attorney CTYATTY-LEGAL SVC 79,400 39,350 108,214 187,614 services rendered
Increase in overtime due to staff
1000-151-00000-50040 General Fund Fiscal&Budget Services FIN-OVERTIME 1,500 7,861 13,500 15,000 vacancies
Additional transfer to Community
1000-160-00000-59010 General Fund CDD Administration CDD ADM-TFER TO OTH FUNDS 1,160,635 0 10,000 1,170,635 Development Fund
COVID PPE(plexi glass,poster
1000-212-E0075-51000 General Fund Emergency Management EM-COVID19-CONTRACTUAL SVC 0 1,236 1,500 1,500 printing,etc.)
Additional amount needed for COVID
1000-212-E0075-51040 General Fund Emergency Management EM-COVID19-LEGAL SVC 0 14,724 50,000 50,000 related legal services
COVID PPE(masks,disinfection and
1000-212-E0075-52010 General Fund Emergency Management EM-COVID19-MAINT&REPAIR SUPPLIES 0 14,033 30,000 30,000 sanitation supplies,etc.)
1000-521-00000-50040 General Fund Recreation Programs RECR-OVERTIME 600 1,914 2,258 2,858 Adjusting the line item in the fund
Adjusting to additional amount
1000-521-00000-50250 General Fund Recreation Programs RECR-WORKERS COMP INSUR 14,216 16,901 2,685 16,901 invoiced by CJPIA
Amount paid to State for part-time
1000-521-00000-50260 General Fund Recreation Programs RECR-UNEMPLOYMENT INSUR 0 0 12,305 12,305 positions
Funding needed for RecTrac
1000-521-00000-51000 General Fund Recreation Programs RECR-CONTRACTUAL SVC 21,440 10,265 20,000 41,440 recreation management software
3RD JULY FRWKS-GENERAL/PROGRAM Funding needed for supplies
1000-521-E0019-52000 General Fund Recreation Programs SUPPL 0 3,798 3,798 3,798 purchased
Consultant for meet me room market
1000-611-00000-51000 General Fund Economic Development ED-CONTRACTUAL SVC 72,255 59,510 18,900 91,155 study
1000-621-00000-51040 General Fund Successor Redevt Agency SARA-LEGAL SVC 10,000 4,687 4,687 14,687 Funding needed for legals service
2001-171-L0016-53000 Traffic System Mgmt Fund Facilities Maintenance POST OFFICE-PROP MAINT SVC 0 1,997 1,997 1,997 Adjusting the line item in the fund
2121-222-00000-50200 City Affordable Housing Code Compliance CODE COMPL-MEDICAL HLTH INSUR 5,461 2,391 1,952 7,413 Change in coverage
2121-222-00000-50300 City Affordable Housing Code Compliance CODE COMPL-PERS CONTRIBUTIONS 1,464 833 1,258 2,722 Adjusting the line item in the fund
2123-424-00000-51040 Housing-Successor Agency Successor Housing Agency SA HSNG-LEGAL SVC 0 4,687 4,687 4,687 Funding needed for legals service
Additional amount due to retirement
2200-160-00000-50020 Community Development CDD Administration CDD ADM-SALARIES(FT) 105,537 81,601 24,883 130,420 payout and promotions
Additional amount due to retirement
2200-160-00000-50300 Community Development CDD Administration CDD ADM-PERS CONTRIBUTIONS 12,973 7,047 3,651 16,624 payout and promotions
Additional amount due to retirement
2200-161-00000-50020 Community Development Planning&Zoning PLANNING-SALARIES(FT) 480,448 307,184 30,609 511,057 payout and promotions
Adjusting to additional amount
2200-161-00000-50250 Community Development Planning&Zoning PLANNING-WORKERS COMP INSUR 9,833 11,694 1,861 11,694 invoiced by CJPIA
Amount paid to State for Planning
2200-161-00000-50260 Community Development Planning&Zoning PLANNING-UNEMPLOYMENT INSUR 0 0 4,947 4,947 Manager position
Additional amount due to retirement
2200-161-00000-50300 Community Development Planning&Zoning PLANNING-PERS CONTRIBUTIONS 76,669 44,539 4,576 81,245 payout and promotions
Resolution No. 2021-3994
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City of Moorpark
Mid Year Budget Amendment FY 2020/21
Account Schema Fund Division Account Description Current YTD Actual Revision Amended Explanation
Budget Budget
2200-222-00000-50200 Community Development Code Compliance CODE COMPL-MEDICAL HLTH INSUR 21,993 9,976 5,954 27,947 Change in coverage
Additional amount due to retirement
2200-222-00000-50300 Community Development Code Compliance CODE COMPL-PERS CONTRIBUTIONS 8,478 4,777 4,699 13,177 payout and promotions
2300-542-P0004-51000 AD 84-2 Citywide LLMD Lighting/Landscaping Districts LANDSCAPING-CONTRACTUAL SVC 23,021 8,697 18,000 41,021 Additional funding for tree inventory
2302-542-P0004-53000 84-2 Steeple Hill T2865 Lighting/Landscaping Districts LANDSCAPING-PROP MAINT SVC 39,560 13,264 1,500 41,060 Additional funding for tree inventory
2305-542-P0004-53000 84-2 Pheasant T3019/3525 Lighting/Landscaping Districts LANDSCAPING-PROP MAINT SVC 35,086 17,287 1,500 36,586 Additional funding for tree inventory
2310-542-P0004-53000 84-2 MTN Meadows PC4 Lighting/Landscaping Districts LANDSCAPING-PROP MAINT SVC 85,052 44,951 11,000 96,052 Additional funding for tree inventory
2312-542-P0004-53000 84-2 Carlsberg Lighting/Landscaping Districts LANDSCAPING-PROP MAINT SVC 83,250 50,883 2,800 86,050 Additional funding for tree inventory
2315-542-P0004-53000 Country Club Estates Lighting/Landscaping Districts • LANDSCAPING-PROP MAINT SVC 107,955 60,042 3,000 110,955 Additional funding for tree inventory
2320-542-P0004-53000 Meridian Hills Lighting/Landscaping Districts LANDSCAPING-PROP MAINT SVC 244,329 62,218 4,000 248,329 Additional funding for tree inventory
2390-541-00000-51000 Park Maintenance District Parks District PARKS-CONTRACTUAL SVC 17,400 5,064 9,000 26,400 Additional funding for tree inventory
2390-541-R0060-53000 Park Maintenance District Parks District CAMPUS CYN PK-PROP MAINT SVC 38,900 12,477 2,000 40,900 Additional funding for tree trimming
2390-541-R0070-53000 Park Maintenance District Parks District COLL VIEW PK-PROP MAINT SVC 41,924 11,927 5,000 46,924 Additional funding for tree trimming
2390-541-R0080-53000 Park Maintenance District Parks District PEACH HILL PK-PROP MAINT SVC 66,570 26,758 3,000 69,570 Additional funding for tree trimming
2390-541-R0090-53000 Park Maintenance District Parks District MONTE VISTA PK-PROP MAINT SVC 29,840 9,028 1,500 31,340 Additional funding for tree trimming
2390-541-R0111-53000 Park Maintenance District • Parks District TIERRA REJA PK-PROP MAINT SVC 49,844 17,002 3,000 52,844 Additional funding for tree trimming
2413-311-00000-51000 State Transit Assistance Street Maintenance STA-SGR-CONTRACTUAL SVC 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 Additional fee for the annual audit
Additional fee for banking service
2910-901-00000-51000 JPA MWPR Conservation Fund MWPRCA JPA MWPRCA-CONTRACTUAL SVC 0 494 1,100 1,100 charges
Total Expenditure Revision $494,952
Resolution No. 2021-3994
Page 7
City of Moorpark
Mid Year Budget Amendment FY 2020/21
Account Schema Fund Division Account Description Current YTD Actual Revision Amended Explanation
Budget Budget
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-111-00000-51560 General Fund City Council CCOUNCIL-TRAVEL COSTS 1,000 0 (800) 200 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-111-00000-52000 General Fund City Council CCOUNCIL-GENERAL/PROGRAM SUPPLIES 2,000 818 (500) 1,500 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-120-00000-51550 General Fund City Manager CMGR-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 18,415 4,558 (12,000) 6,415 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-131-00000-51040 General Fund ASD Administration PILA-LEGAL SVC 10,000 121 (5,000) 5,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-132-00000-51040 General Fund City Clerk CCLERK-LEGAL SVC 15,000 753 (10,000) 5,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-132-00000-51550 General Fund City Clerk CCLERK-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 13,950 405 (10,000) 3,950 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-133-00000-51040 General Fund HR/Risk Management HR/RISK-LEGAL SVC 21,000 8,441 (5,000) 16,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-133-00000-51550 General Fund HR/Risk Management HR/RISK-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 2,970 125 (2,000) 970 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-133-E0055-52000 General Fund HR/Risk Management EMPL RECOG-GENERAL/PROGRAM SUPPL 16,000 7,530 (3,000) 13,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-151-00000-51550 General Fund Fiscal&Budget Services FIN-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 12,650 1,085 (9,000) 3,650 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-151-00000-51560 General Fund Fiscal&Budget Services FIN-TRAVEL COSTS 500 0 (500) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-151-00000-52050 General Fund Fiscal&Budget Services FIN-TOOL&NON-CAPITAL EQUIP 1,500 0 (500) 1,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-151-00000-52990 General Fund Fiscal&Budget Services FIN-PUBL&SUBSCRIPT 1,000 0 (1,000) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-171-F0001-51550 General Fund Facilities Maintenance CITY HALL-EMPL CONT EDUC&DEVT 900 0 (800) 100 containment measures
1000-211-00000-51010 General Fund Police Services POLICE-POLICE SVC 7,072,453 3,285,292 (247,536) 6,824,917 Service cost reductions
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-214-00000-51000 General Fund Parking Enforcement PARK ENF-CONTRACTUAL SVC 29,870 1,400 (14,870) 15,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-214-00000-51080 General Fund Parking Enforcement PARK ENF-ADM/COLLECT SVC FEES 3,500 0 (1,300) 2,200 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-214-00000-56300 General Fund Parking Enforcement PARK ENF-PARK BAIL ST SURCHG 42,500 0 (14,500) 28,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-223-00000-51550 General Fund Engineering/Flood Control ENGR-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 1,500 0 (1,500) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-223-00000-51560 General Fund Engineering/Flood Control ENGR-TRAVEL COSTS 84 0 (84) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-310-00000-51210 General Fund PWE Administration PWE ADM-EQUIP MAINT SVC 500 0 (500) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-310-00000-52010 General Fund PWE Administration PWE ADM-MAINT&REPAIR SUPPLIES 500 0 (300) 200 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-310-00000-54040 General Fund PWE Administration PWE ADM-COMMUNICATION SVC 150 0 (100) 50 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-411-00000-51550 ' General Fund Active Adult Program AAC-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 1,500 150 (1,000) 500 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-411-00000-51560 General Fund Active Adult Program AAC-TRAVEL COSTS 2,500 0 (2,000) 500 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-411-00000-52050 General Fund Active Adult Program AAC-TOOL&NON-CAPITAL EQUIP 5,800 105 (4,000) 1,800 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-411-00000-52990 General Fund Active Adult Program AAC-PUBL&SUBSCRIPT 500 0 (500) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-411-E0002-52000 General Fund Active Adult Program VOLUNTEER BANQ SR CTR-GENERAUPROGRAM SUPPL 3,500 0 (3,500) - containment measures
Resolution No. 2021-3994
Page 8
City of Moorpark
Mid Year Budget Amendment FY 2020/21
Account Schema Fund Division Account Description Current YTD Actual Revision Amended Explanation
Budget Budget
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-411-E0003-51000 General Fund Active Adult Program SR CTR TRUST EXPS-CONTRACTUAL SVC 19,000 0 (16,000) 3,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-411-E0003-51550 General Fund Active Adult Program SR CTR TRUST EXPS-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 100 0 (100) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-411-E0003-52000 General Fund Active Adult Program SR CTR TRUST EXPS-GENERAL/PROGRAM SUPPL 600 0 (600) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-411-E0003-52050 General Fund Active Adult Program SR CTR TRUST EXPS-TOOL&NON-CAPITAL EQUIP 1,600 0 (1,000) 600 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-441-P0001-51550 General Fund Animal/Vector Svc ANIMAL REG-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 3,150 0 (1,000) 2,150 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-441-P0001-54040 General Fund AnimalNector Svc ANIMAL REG-COMMUNICATION SVC 3,400 296 (2,000) 1,400 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-510-00000-51550 General Fund PRCS Administration PRCS ADM-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 4,000 800 (2,000) 2,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-521-00000-51550 General Fund Recreation Programs RECR-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 3,000 460 (2,400) 600 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-521-00000-51560 General Fund Recreation Programs RECR-TRAVEL COSTS 200 0 (200) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-521-E0009-52000 General Fund Recreation Programs CAMP MOORPARK-GENERAL/PROGRAM SUPPL 45,800 2,670 (19,600) 26,200 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-521-E0016-50040 General Fund Recreation Programs HALLOWEEN-OVERTIME 900 0 (900) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-521-E0016-52000 General Fund Recreation Programs HALLOWEEN-GENERAUPROGRAM SUPPL 4,500 3,093 (1,600) 2,900 containment measures
. City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-521-E0018-52000 General Fund Recreation Programs SANTA EVENT-GENERAL/PROGRAM SUPPL 2,500 0 (2,300) 200 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-521-E0020-50040 General Fund Recreation Programs COUNTRY DAYS-OVERTIME 2,000 0 (2,000) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-521-E0020-52000 General Fund Recreation Programs COUNTRY DAYS-GENERAL/PROGRAM SUPPL 1,600 0 (1,600) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-521-E0065-52000 General Fund Recreation Programs SUMMER CAMP OUT-GENERAUPROGRAM SUPPLIES 1,500 473 (1,000) 500 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-521-E0066-52000 General Fund Recreation Programs CONCERTS IN THE PK-GENERAL/PROGRAM SUPPLIES 20,500 1,976 (13,000) 7,500 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
1000-611-00000-51550 General Fund Economic Development . ED-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 3,700 0 (2,500) 1,200 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2000-213-00000-52100 Traffic Safety Fund Crossing Guard CRS GRD-FUEL SUPPLIES 700 199 (200) 500 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2000-214-00000-51200 Traffic Safety Fund Parking Enforcement PARK ENF-PRINT&AD SVC 2,000 275 (1,000) 1,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2000-214-00000-52100 Traffic Safety Fund Parking Enforcement PARK ENF-FUEL SUPPLIES 2,000 324 (1,000) 1,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-160-00000-51200 Community Development CDD Administration CDD ADM-PRINT&AD SVC 6,000 85 (4,000) 2,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-160-00000-51550 Community Development CDD Administration CDD ADM-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 4,600 130 (3,000) 1,600 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-160-00000-51560 Community Development CDD Administration CDD ADM-TRAVEL COSTS 400 0 (400) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-160-00000-52020 Community Development CDD Administration CDD ADM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000 69 (2,500) 500 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-161-00000-51040 Community Development Planning&Zoning PLANNING-LEGAL SVC 30,000 3,751 (20,000) 10,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-161-00000-51550 Community Development Planning&Zoning PLANNING-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 4,800 1,454 (2,500) 2,300 containment measures
Resolution No. 2021-3994
Page 9
City of Moorpark
Mid Year Budget Amendment FY 2020/21
Account Schema Fund Division Account Description Current YTD Actual Revision Amended Explanation
Budget Budget
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-161-00000-51560 Community Development Planning&Zoning PLANNING-TRAVEL COSTS 500 0 (500) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-161-00000-52050 Community Development Planning&Zoning PLANNING-TOOL&NON-CAPITAL EQUIP 10,200 0 (8,000) 2,200 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-161-00000-52990 Community Development Planning&Zoning PLANNING-PUBL&SUBSCRIPT 1,000 0 (500) 500 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-161-00000-54040 Community Development Planning&Zoning PLANNING-COMMUNICATION SVC 650 0 (500) 150 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-222-00000-51040 Community Development Code Compliance CODE COMPL-LEGAL SVC 20,000 3,122 (10,000) 10,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2200-222-00000-52050 Community Development Code Compliance CODE COMPL-TOOLS&NON-CAPITAL EQUIP 1,000 281 (500) 500 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2205-223-00000-51560 Engineering/PW Fund Engineering/Flood Control ENGR-TRAVEL COSTS 60 0 (60) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2300-312-P0006-54010 AD 84-2 Citywide LLMD Street Lighting STREETLIGHTING-ELECTRICITY 295,000 96,289 (45,000) 250,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2390-541-00000-51550 Park Maintenance District Parks District PARKS-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 3,000 460 (2,000) 1,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2390-541-R0020-53000 Park Maintenance District Parks District COMM CTR PK-PROP MAINT SVC 12,680 1,499 (5,500) 7,180 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2390-541-R0030-53000 Park Maintenance District Parks District AVCP-PROP MAINT SVC 311,591 120,545 (7,000) 304,591 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2390-541-R0030-53100 Park Maintenance District Parks District AVCP-RENTAL EXPENSE 1,500 190 (1,000) 500 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2390-541-R0050-53000 Park Maintenance District Parks District CAMPUS PK-PROP MAINT SVC 25,420 5,729 (5,500) 19,920 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2390-541-R0090-53000 Park Maintenance District Parks District MONTE VISTA PK-PROP MAINT SVC 29,840 9,028 (6,000) 23,840 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2390-541-R0150-53000 Park Maintenance District Parks District MILLER PK-PROP MAINT SVC 40,592 14,774 (2,500) 38,092 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2390-541-R0170-53000 Park Maintenance District Parks District MAMMOTH HLND PK-PROP MAINT SVC 42,352 12,869 (7,000) 35,352 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2390-541-R0190-53000 Park Maintenance District Parks District • WALNUT ACRES PK-PROP MAINT SVC 7,000 547 (2,000) 5,000 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2410-445-P0002-51550 Solid Waste AB939 Solid Waste&Recycling AB 939-EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 1,200 0 (1,200) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2410-445-P0002-51560 Solid Waste AB939 Solid Waste&Recycling AB 939-TRAVEL COSTS 200 0 (200) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2410-445-P0002-52020 Solid Waste AB939 Solid Waste&Recycling AB 939-OFFICE SUPPLIES 400 0 (400) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2410-445-P0002-52990 Solid Waste AB939 Solid Waste&Recycling AB 939-PUBL&SUBSCRIPT 100 0 (100) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2410-445-P0002-54040 Solid Waste AB939 Solid Waste&Recycling AB 939-COMMUNICATION SVC 325 0 (325) - containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2415-311-00000-51560 Gas Tax Street Maintenance ST MAINT-TRAVEL COSTS 780 0 (700) 80 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2415-311-00000-52030 Gas Tax Street Maintenance ST MAINT-POSTAGE 1,000 0 (500) 500 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
2415-311-00000-52990 Gas Tax Street Maintenance ST MAINT-PUBL&SUBSCRIPT 150 0 (150) - containment measures
Resolution No. 2021-3994
Page 10
City of Moorpark
Mid Year Budget Amendment FY 2020/21
Account Schema Fund Division Account Description Current YTD Actual Revision Amended Explanation
Budget Budget
City Manager proposed additional cost
9000-134-00000-51550 Internal Services Fund ISD/Cable TV ISD/CABLE -EMPL CONTINUE EDUC&DEVT 8,475 1,320 (4,750) 3,725 containment measures
City Manager proposed additional cost
9000-134-00000-51560 Internal Services Fund ISD/Cable TV ISD/CABLE -TRAVEL COSTS 200 0 (200) - containment measures
Total Expenditure Revision ($568,275)
Resolution No. 2021-3994
Page 11
I, Ky Spangler, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify
under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2021-3994 was adopted by
the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of
February, 2021, and that the same was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Castro, Enegren, Groff, Pollock, and Mayor Parvin
NOES: None
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 17th day of February,
Ky Sp gl r, Ci Jerk
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