TO: Honorable City Council and Planning Commission
FROM: Karen Vaughn, Community Development Director
BY: Douglas Spondello, Planning Manager
DATE: 07/08/2020 Special Joint Meeting
SUBJECT: Presentation Regarding the Draft Hitch Ranch Specific Plan (Specific
Plan No. 1) and Associated Development
Subsequent to the preparation of the staff report, the following correspondence was
received from members of the public.
Item: 5.A.
To:"Michele Berry"; Planning
Cc:Ky Spangler
Subject:RE: Hitch Ranch
Date:Wednesday, July 08, 2020 8:24:46 AM
From: Michele Berry
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2020 9:36 PM
To: Planning
Subject: Hitch Ranch
Kindly revert to the original plan of 415 residences and create a buffer to our semi-rural
We have asked for this repeatedly, please do honor the request.
Michele and Sean Morony
Gabbert Road
From:Jennifer Diamond
To:City Council & City Manager
Subject:Hitch Ranch Project
Date:Wednesday, July 08, 2020 9:20:03 AM
To Whom it may concern,
I have been a homeowner at Gabbert Road since 1998. I move here to enjoy the quite, rural lifestyle with my
horses. I am appalled at the purposed changed density of the Hitch Ranch Project! Originally I was told it would be
415 residential units, with a buffer where it butts up to the Gabbert properties, which are currently zoned at 5 acre
parcels. I now see that the project has been changed to 755 residential units. This is unacceptable to me and does
not fit with the ambiance of our neighborhood. I hope you will re consider the original purposed plan of 415
residential units, with a buffer next to the existing larger properties. I could live with that.
Thank you for your consideration and please feel free to call me with any questions.
Jennifer Diamond
Gabbert Road
From:D Miller
Subject:Draft Hitch Ranch Specific Plan
Date:Wednesday, July 08, 2020 12:02:14 PM
Attachments:July 8 2020 Letter to Moorpark.pdf
I appreciate the chance to participate in tonight’s meeting but due to my husband’s illness, I cannot
even watch through Zoom or call in. Please include my attached letter, which, with titles and name,
address, etc. is 499 words. Thank you.
Doris Miller
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
July 8, 2020
To: Members of the Moorpark City Council and Moorpark Planning Commission
Re: Draft Hitch Ranch Specific Plan 1
The residents of Gabbert Canyon have gone through multiple “battles” to preserve the
lifestyles that we value so highly. These will continue as long as there is a parcel of land
left to subdivide into ever smaller pieces. For example, a current online ad for an ~88
acre parcel of land owned by A-B Properties, encourages a buyer to pick up the
prescreening package approved by the City Council in 2010, and “pursue much higher
values for the next building cycle”. On the other side of Gabbert Canyon is the
Rasmussen development project and now comes Hitch Ranch and with these proposals
come many changes to our area.
Achieving key planning goals of “being sensitive to existing land uses” and maintaining
“neighborhood compatibility” would be very difficult because of three main issues.
1. A huge increase from the original project of 415 residential units to 755 units
increases all the negative results of development such as air pollution, water use,
increased traffic, loss of wildlife corridors, and altered topography.
2. A lack of a genuine buffer area next to the existing Gabbert Canyon properties. The
homes proposed in the westerly section of the project are very large but sit on lots
smaller than one-sixth of an acre. The lifestyles of potential buyers are unlikely to be
similar to ours and could lead to problems. Lawsuits from “Coming to the Nuisance”
have been historically common and successful.
3. The terminus of North Hills Parkway and High Street onto Gabbert Road near the
railroad tracks. In the event of a wildfire, a train derailment, a possible hazardous
chemical spill, or other myriad disaster possibilities, the residents of Gabbert Canyon
would have to line up and “take a number” to exit to safety or to enter to help family or
evacuate our animals.
Of special concern are increasingly frequent wildfires that no longer recognize a “fire
season” but can happen any time for multiple reasons including electrical transmission
line problems, equipment sparks, careless smokers, or illegal fireworks.
I know that developers are in the business to sell units and that their profits are
maximized when they have more units to sell. However, please continue to work with
the developer to reduce the number of units, increase the lot sizes of homes near our
Gabbert Canyon homes (possibly consider equestrian lots), and find another way to
divert through traffic to Los Angeles Avenue without impacting Gabbert Road.
I realize there is a huge need in California for more affordable and low-cost housing.
Siting higher density homes near the city core seems reasonable. Leaving land as open
space in the western end of the project and providing a mix of trails provides residents
with a touch of the natural which is good for all of us. These are the parts of the project I
Doris Miller
Gabbert Rd.
To:Ky Spangler; Karen Vaughn
Subject:FW: Hitch Ranch Specific Plan
Date:Wednesday, July 08, 2020 3:12:07 PM
From: toby wilhelm ]
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2020 2:28 PM
To: Planning
Subject: Hitch Ranch Specific Plan
Dear Mr.Spondello and Council Members,
I have lived in Moorpark for 38 years. I moved here from thousand Oaks where I was born
and raised. Our main reason for choosing our neighborhood in Moorpark was the farm
friendly atmosphere. Our home in Thousand Oaks was horse zoned but not horse friendly.
I did my due diligence and researched before purchasing my lot. It is 3.2 acres and butts up
to the Hitch Project. At the time of our purchase we checked the zoning on the land next to us
and it was zoned agricultural (10 or 40 acres). I have invested 38 years and all of my savings
as a nurse in building this home and property that I treasure.A lifetime of creating this
amazing homestead would be destroyed by allowing this development. When Moorpark
became a city and a specific plan was being planned the people in my neighborhood were
fighting hard to keep some agricultural area in our city and were lied to by the then city
council that making a change to the specific plan was not going to change the zoning. well we
all know how that turned out.
It is not that I am against growth, Moorpark did not even have a supermarket when we
moved here, we shopped at Spencers. Traffic flow is a definite problem in this city and a lot of
this has to due with the fact that we have a major rail system running through the middle of
town and only limited crossing adding 755 more homes will significantly magnify our
existing problems. I have had to evacuate my family and livestock twice due to fires in our
town and have concerns about how it will work out with the added people trying to evacuate
the Hitch Project on Gabbert Road. We know the fires in this area travel SW across the city so
everyone will be using the only road out of our canyon at the same time.
I ask you please consider the lifestyle of the people that already live here. Moorpark could
use property that embraces our roots with larger lots where people can grow their own
vegetables and raise livestock peacefully.
Thank you for your time.
Warmest regards,
Barbara Wareham
From:Makenzie Rasmussen
Subject:Hitch Ranch Comments
Date:Wednesday, July 08, 2020 4:46:32 PM
Good Evening Mayor Parvin & Council Members,
I am in favor of the Hitch Ranch project moving forward. The state of CA is in need of more
housing and this project will be a great addition to the City of Moorpark. We are an adjacent
neighbor and are looking forward to seeing this project be developed. Please expedite the
processing of this project as soon as possible.
Thank you so much,
Makenzie Rasmussen
Project Manager & Sales Agent
License #01948456