CALIFORNIA City Council Meeting of July 7, 2021 ACTION APPROVED STAFF RECOMMENDATION. BY B. Garza. I. Consider Authorizing Submittal of a California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project, South Central Coast Incentive Project Application to Fund Electric Vehicle Chargers at Arroyo Vista Community Park. Staff Recommendation: Authorize submittal of an application for the CALeVIP South Central Coast Incentive Project and authorize the City Manager to sign all related paperwork. (Staff: Chris Ball, Senior Management Analyst) Item: 10.I. MOORPARK CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable City Council FROM: Jeremy Laurentowski, Parks and Recreation Director BY: Chris Ball, Senior Management Analyst DATE: 07/07/2021 Regular Meeting SUBJECT: Consider Authorizing Submittal of a California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project, South Central Coast Incentive Project Application to Fund Electric Vehicle Chargers at Arroyo Vista Community Park SUMMARY Staff is requesting that the City Council authorize the submittal of an application for the upcoming California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project’s (CALeVIP) South Central Coast Incentive Project (SCCIP) to provide partial funding for the installation of two dual-port electric vehicle (EV) chargers at Arroyo Vista Community Park (AVCP), and to authorize the City Manager to sign all SCCIP related paperwork. BACKGROUND In the spring of 2020 staff began exploring the possibility of installing EV charging equipment at AVCP. Preliminary site evaluation and cost estimates indicated that two dual-port, Level 2 charging stations could be installed in the facility’s parking lot B at a total cost of $45,564. In January 2021, the City was awarded a Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program Grant (Carl Moyer Grant) by the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District in the amount of $22,904 to partially fund the installation of the equipment. Sources to fund the remaining amount for the EV stations had not been identified therefore charging stations have not yet been installed. CALeVIP is an incentive program, operated by the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) through a partnership with the California Energy Commission (CEC), that encourages and accelerates access to zero-emission vehicle infrastructure by offering incentives for the purchase and installation of eligible public EV chargers. To date 10 incentive projects have been launched through the program, offering incentive funding in different regions of the state. On June 2, 2021, CALeVIP announced a program, the SCCIP, to provide incentive funding to EV infrastructure projects in Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo counties. A total of $2,750,000 in CEC funding will be distributed Item: 10.I. 360 Honorable City Council 07/07/2021 Regular Meeting Page 2 through the SCCIP to eligible projects in Ventura County, with 50% dedicated to assist disadvantaged and low-income communities. DISCUSSION The CALeVIP SCCIP provides successful applicants a base funding rate of up to $3,500 per charging port for Level 2 EV chargers, with additional incentives for disadvantaged community and multi-unit dwelling sites. For the AVCP EV charging station project, which would provide a total of four charging ports (two ports per charging station), the maximum available funding would be $14,000 (the $3,500 base rate times four). Incentive funding is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, with the application period scheduled to open on July 27, 2021. The application process is highly competitive, with demand for incentive funding quickly exceeding available funding for nearly all of the CALeVIP incentive programs that have been launched to date. In some regions the applications for funding exceeded the available amounts within hours of the application period opening, so there is no guarantee that the funding will be secured, however staff is currently collecting the required information to be best prepared. Applications are submitted electronically through an online application process, although a variety of supporting documentation will also be required including a Site Verification Form (attached), as well as signed application forms if the application is successful. Therefore, staff is requesting authorization to submit an application for the incentive opportunity as well as authorization for the City Manager to sign all related incentive documentation. FISCAL IMPACT There is no fiscal impact associated with submitting the incentive application. As mentioned above, the total anticipated project cost for the AVCP EV charging station project is $45,564. To date $22,904 in funding has been awarded through the Carl Moyer Grant, leaving a balance of $22,660 yet to be funded for the project. If the application is successful, the CALeVIP SCCIP will provide additional incentive funding of $14,000, which would leave an unfunded balance of $8,660 for the project. No appropriation is requested at this time, and staff will bring forth a resolution at a later date to allocate the necessary funding for this project based on the outcome of the CALeVIP SCCIP application. COUNCIL GOAL COMPLIANCE This action does not support a current strategic directive. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Authorize submittal of an application for the CALeVIP South Central Coast Incentive Project and authorize the City Manager to sign all related paperwork. Attachment: Site Verification Form 361 The Applicant Organization is the entity or organization that will receive the rebate payment. Please note that the Applicant Organization must incur project costs to be eligible for the rebate. The Applicant Organization Name below must match the Applicant Organization Name you entered on the online application form. Applicant Organization Name: Please provide the following contact information for an individual that represents the Applicant Organization and can answer follow up application questions if needed. Contact Name (first and last): Phone:Email: Installation Street Address: City: State: ZIP Code: Signature of Authorized Representative of Applicant Organization: Printed Name: Title: Date: South Central Coast Site Verification Form 1 South Central Coast Incentive Project Applicants must submit proof to the satisfaction of the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) that the installation work is authorized by the owner of the real property (Property Owner) and the Applicant. Accordingly, each Property Owner and Applicant must complete, sign and submit this form to CSE. CSE reserves the right to require the submission of additional information from either the Property Owner or Applicant as may be required. The South Central Coast Incentive Project promotes easy access to zero-emission vehicle infrastructure by offering rebates for the purchase and installation of eligible DC fast chargers and Level 2 chargers. Rebates of up to $80,000 per DC fast charger and up to $6,000 per connector for Level 2 chargers are available. More information is available at: calevip.org/incentive-project/south-central-coast. All fields are required to be completed. This form must be submitted via the online portal within 5 calendar days of application date or your application will be cancelled. Applicant Organization hereby represents and warrants to CSE that: (1) all the information provided above is true and correct; and (2) the individual signing below is duly authorized by Applicant Organization to execute and submit this Site Verification Form to CSE on behalf of Applicant Organization. Applicant Organization acknowledges and agrees that CSE is relying on Applicant Organization’s foregoing certifications in reviewing and approving the Application. Please clearly write the first and last name of the person signing above. The installation address must match the installation address entered on the online application form. Discrepancies will delay your application during processing. APPLICANT ORGANIZATION INSTALLATION ADDRESS CSE-CALeVIP-032021 ATTACHMENT 362 Please provide the name of the company, city, trust, or individual that owns the property. Property Owner Name: Please provide the following contact information for the Property Owner or a representative of the Property Owner who can answer follow up application questions if needed. Contact Name (first and last): Phone: Email Signature of Authorized Representative of Property Owner: Printed Name: Title: Date: CSE-CALeVIP-032021 2 Please provide the full installation address in the section below, including street address, city, state and ZIP code. Property Owner hereby represents and warrants to CSE that: (1) the Property Owner is the vested owner of the real property located at _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (“Property”); (2) the Property Owner has consented to Applicant’s installation of certain EV charging station equipment at the Property; and (3) the individual signing below is duly authorized to execute and submit this Site Verification Form to CSE on behalf of Property Owner. Property Owner acknowledges and agrees that CSE is relying on the foregoing certifications in reviewing and approving the Application. Please clearly write the first and last name of the person signing above. PROPERTY OWNER Notice: EV chargers installed with CALeVIP incentives are eligible to generate Low Carbon Fuel Standard credits. Under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) all operational electric vehicle chargers generate credits for dispensing fuel, and DC fast chargers can also generate infrastructure credits based on the capacity of the DC fast charger minus the quantity of dispensed fuel. These credits can be claimed and sold for economic benefit. The EV charger owner typically has rights to these LCFS credits, but they may be assigned/transacted to another party. To learn more about LCFS, see https://calevip.org/sites/default/files/docs/calevip/Low-Carbon-Fuel-Standard-Overview.pdf. 363