CALIFORNIA City Council Meeting of July 21, 2021 ACTION RECEIVED AND FILED. APPROVED STAFF RECOMMENDATION. BY B. Garza. B. Consider Final Update on Strategies, Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Years 2019/20 and 2020/21. Staff Recommendation: Receive and file updates of the Strategies, Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Years 2019/20 and 2020/21. (Staff: PJ Gagajena, Assistant City Manager) Item: 9.B. MOORPARK CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable City Council FROM: PJ Gagajena, Assistant City Manager DATE: 07/21/2021 Regular Meeting SUBJECT: Consider Final Update on Strategies, Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Years 2019/20 and 2020/21 BACKGROUND On May 9, 2019, the City Council held a Special Meeting to conduct a workshop to create the City’s Strategies, Goals, and Objectives for the two-year cycle of Fiscal Years 2019/20 and 2020/21, and formally adopted them on July 17, 2019. The City’s Strategies, Goals, and Objectives provide a strategic pathway for the community and the organization to understand the overall direction of the City. Each strategy is tied to specific and measurable objectives and tasks, and connects the work of the organization to the City’s Mission Statement of “Striving to preserve and improve the quality of life in Moorpark”. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the City’s operations and services, and some goals and objectives were delayed or put on hold. During the pandemic, work on daily assignments and the strategic objectives were redirected to managing COVID-19 activities, maintaining essential operations and services, creating new business models, and finding new ways to operate with limited staff and budgetary resources. The safety and health of staff and the public as well as economic recovery efforts immediately became the most important priorities for the City. In anticipation of these two-year goals ending on June 30, 2021, the City Council identified goals for next two-year cycle for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23 during the Strategic Planning Workshop held by the City Council on February 27, 2021. Results of the National Community Survey conducted in late 2020 were shared at the workshop, which helped identify the community’s needs and priorities. Staff then developed objectives and tasks tied to each goal that could be realistically accomplished within a two-year period considering current workloads and available staffing and funding. Some related goals from the prior cycle were carried over; others incorporated into the City’s long-term Capital Improvement Plan or development plans; and some were integrated into the daily activities of staff. The City Council formally adopted the Strategies, Goals, and Objectives for the next two-year cycle on April 7, 2021. Item: 9.B. 18 Honorable City Council 07/21/2021 Regular Meeting Page 2 DISCUSSION With the prior two-year cycle ending on June 30, 2021, this serves as the final update to the Strategies, Goals, and Objectives for Fiscal Years 2019/20 and 2020/21. The following provides a brief summary on the status of each goal and objective listed by strategy, and Attachment 2 shows more details on the progress made on each of these activities. Any references to “other priorities” below are related to COVID-19 assignments and projects, and/or work deemed higher-level priorities some of which can be found in the City’s Annual Reports for calendar years 2019 and 2020. I. Strategy: Enhance the City’s Economic Development Program. For goal 1.3 of evaluating and deploying tools for adaptive reuse of vacant and existing underutilized sites, staff worked with Kosmont Companies to dispose of former Moorpark Redevelopment Agency-owned properties (goal 1.3.1), most of which are now under Exclusive Negotiating Agreements. The City’s General Plan consultant, Placeworks, Inc., completed the Existing Conditions Report and worked with staff in assembling the General Plan Advisory Committee (goals 1.3.2 and 1.3.4). Significant progress has been made in completing the General Plan, and certain elements are carried over to the new two-year goals for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23. To enhance residential and governmental uses as identified in goal 1.4 staff submitted a draft Arts Master Plan to the Arts Commission in June 2021 (goal 1.4.1); identified the location, design and construction of a water spray attraction at a City park (goal 1.4.2); and presented to the City Council a Civic Center Master Plan and received City Council feedback on the initial draft designs of the new Library (goal 1.4.3). A list of potential Smart City items to assist with sustainable business retention was completed (goal 1.2.2). Efforts to reinvigorate High Street were focused on the development of the High Street Depot project (goal 1.1.1), and this objective is carried over to the new two-year goals cycle as the project breaks ground later this year or in early 2022. Due to the lack of funding and other priorities, other projects on the list were not completed such as the implementation of mobile merchant payment services (goal 1.2.1); presentation of options to the City Council regarding Buttercreek Park (goal 1.3.3); and development of a City “App” (goal 1.4.4), which is carried over to the next two-year cycle. II. Strategy: Improve Mobility through Transportation and Transit Improvements Citywide. For the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project in goal 2.3.1, which is the highest priority for the City, staff worked with Caltrans to acquire an encroachment permit last December 2020. New Temporary Construction Easements (TCE) that specify the term of the TCEs, which have been approved by the City Council, will be submitted to Caltrans. The Moorpark Police Department completed conducting special enforcement 19 Honorable City Council 07/21/2021 Regular Meeting Page 3 of truck and vehicle safety along Los Angeles Avenue to make progress on goal 2.4.3. These efforts will continue going forward as part of the Police Department’s daily activities. Due to other priorities and limited funding, other projects were put on hold such as evaluating the use of protected/permissive left turn and flashing yellow left turn signals (goal 2.1.1); widening Spring Road from south of Flinn Avenue to the McDonald’s driveway (goal 2.1.2); connecting the Moorpark Country Club and Meridian Hills equestrian staging areas with a trail (goal 2.2.1); connecting the City and Happy Camp Canyon with a trail (goal 2.2.3); completing design and acquiring right-of-way to widen Los Angeles Avenue between Spring Road and Moorpark Avenue (goal 2.3.2); obtaining Caltrans approval to construct a raised median on Los Angeles Avenue from Spring Road to the State Route 23 Freeway (goal 2.3.3); realigning various intersections (goal 2.3.4); siting permanent truck scale facilities west of the City (goal 2.4.1); completing the upgrade of traffic signal controllers (goal 2.4.2); and determining the feasibility of constructing a sidewalk on Arroyo Drive from Collins Drive to east City limits (goal 2.2.2), which is carried over to the new two-year goals for Fiscal Years 2021/22 and 2022/23. III. Strategy: Enhance Long-Term Financial Sustainability. To attract job-rich employers and businesses with high point-of-sale figures for goal 3.1, a citywide survey and an outreach and marketing strategy was put on hold due to the pandemic (goals 3.1.1 and 3.1.2). However, the General Plan survey and National Community Survey were resources to determine the types of businesses and services desired by the community, and staff worked on economic recovery efforts to promote shopping local during the pandemic in the short term. Staff also created an economic development and marketing brochure to promote the City. In identifying and deploying feasible revenue enhancement strategies for goal 3.2, staff completed developing a spending plan for use of former Moorpark Redevelopment Agency 2006 Tax Allocation Bonds (goal 3.2.1). The spending plan allocated $1,500,000 toward implementation of the downtown Streetscape Plan, $273,324 for sidewalk repairs within the boundaries of the former redevelopment agency, and $250,000 toward design and construction of the Millard Drain. Goal 3.2.2 to identify residents’ priorities for City services was put on hold due to the pandemic. To reduce costs through efficiencies under goal 3.4, staff completed the implementation of the Tyler Technologies ExecuTime software (goal 3.4.1) and inventory of landscaping assessment districts (goal 3.4.3). Due to other priorities, the evaluation of benefits and impacts of a two-year budget (goal 3.3.1), and updating the City’s purchasing ordinance (goal 3.4.2) were not completed. 20 Honorable City Council 07/21/2021 Regular Meeting Page 4 IV. Strategy: Improve Governmental Operations and Internal Services. To improve internal infrastructure for goal 4.1 (operations, technology, software, facilities, data connectivity) and implement employee development for goal 4.2, staff updated the City’s Personnel Rules (goal 4.1.2), completed an organizational study of the Community Development Department (goal 4.1.3), and completed the evaluation of training and development requirements (4.2.1). Staff will continue to evaluate options for the re-use of the City Hall Administration Building (goal 4.3.4) once a Master Plan for the Civic Center is adopted and plans for an alternative City Hall location is determined, which is underway. An update of the City’s website was not completed (goal 4.1.1) but is carried over to the next two-year goals. Due to other priorities, other tasks were not completed such as completing a succession plan (goal 4.2.2), updating the Municipal Code (goal 4.3.1), and evaluating the feasibility to lease a portion of the Southern California Edison property adjacent to Arroyo Vista Community Park (goal 4.3.3) and expand the Arroyo Vista Recreation Center (goal 4.3.2), which is carried over to the next cycle. V. Strategy: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents For the goal of facilitating the development of housing options for all income levels for goal 5.1, staff presented housing development projects to the City Council such as the Green Island Villas and Chiu project (goal 5.1.1), Moorpark 67/Rasmussen project (goal 5.1.2), and Hitch Ranch (goal 5.1.3). These projects continue to progress and although they are not formally specified as carrying over to the next two-year goals, they are identified as long-term development plan goals and are already incorporated into the daily activities of Community Development staff. To implement Smart City strategies, staff completed the Broadband Strategic Plan (goal 5.2.1) and most streetlights have been converted to energy efficient lighting (goal 5.2.3). To enhance public safety, evaluation of current police resources (goal 5.3.2) and DUI enforcements (goal 5.3.3) were completed. To enhance municipal service delivery through proper maintenance and improvement of City facilities and programs, staff acquired grant funding to install universally accessible play equipment (goal 5.5.3); completed the Metrolink South Parking Lot driveway and is in process of completing the Metrolink North Parking Lot renovation (goal 5.5.1), which is carried over to the new two-year goals. Due to other priorities, other projects were not completed such as evaluating the feasibility of expanding security camera systems to additional locations (goal 5.3.1); constructing a bicycle path along the Arroyo Simi (goal 5.4.3); updating the Pavement Management System (goal 5.5.2); and updating the Parks, Recreation and Community Services Master Plan (goal 5.4.1) and Youth Master Plan (goal 5.4.2), which are carried over to the new two-year cycle. 21 Honorable City Council 07/21/2021 Regular Meeting Page 5 VI. Strategy: Continue Environmental Protection and Stewardship Efforts. To achieve the goal of conserving and enhancing natural resources, open space, and greenbelt areas for goal 6.1, staff completed identifying options for use of an 80-acre City-owned open space parcel in the Tierra Rejada Valley (goal 6.1.2); and completed the rules for the use of the Country Club Estates and Meridian Hills equestrian staging areas (goal 6.1.3). Due to other priorities and lack of funding, other projects were not completed such as developing a policy for parkway tree maintenance on residential streets and guidelines for tree removals (goal 6.1.1); and updating the City’s 1995 Master Drainage Plan (goal 6.2.1), Tree Master Plan (goal 6.2.2), and Integrated Pest Management Plan (6.2.3). FISCAL IMPACT While there is no fiscal impact in providing this update to the Strategies, Goals, and Objectives, many of the activities mentioned above were completed if funding sources were available. For the next two-year cycle, funding was incorporated into the City’s budget priorities. COUNCIL GOAL COMPLIANCE This action provides an update to the City’s current strategic directives. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and file updates of the Strategies, Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Years 2019/20 and 2020/21. Attachment 1: Summary of Strategies, Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Years 2019/20 and 2020/21 Approved by City Council on July 17, 2019 Attachment 2: Current Status of Strategies, Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Years 2019/20 and 2020/21 as of June 30, 2021 22 CITY OF MOORPARK Strategies, Goals, and Objectives FY 2019/20 and FY 2020/21 (Approved by City Council July 17, 2019) ATTACHMENT 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT Task 1: Develop Phasing Plan and construct selected portions of the High Street, Streetscape Plan CD Staff Effort 6/30/2020 Project on hold Task 2: Review and update final design of Streetscape Plan CD Staff Effort 6/30/2021 Waiting on prior task Task 1: Research and Identify potential mobile credit card payment devices compatible with current merchant account. PRCS Staff Effort 12/1/2019 Completed Task 2: Update City Council 5.9 for mobile credit card acceptance and processing. PRCS Staff Effort 12/27/2019 Project on hold pending funding; Funding requested at FY 20/21 mid-year Task 6: Install devices and software and link to merchant account. PRCS Funded 12/31/2019 Scheduled for November 2021 Implementation scheduled for Nov 21 Task 5: Purchase devices.PRCS funded 12/31/2019 Scheduled for November 2021 STRATEGY I: Enhance the City's Economic Development Program 1.1 Reinvigorate High Street 1.1.1 Modify the approved High Street Streetscape Plan. Develop Phasing Plan and construct selected portions of the High Street, Streetscape Plan, including traffic calming devices, decorative paving, landscaping, and metal trellis (public art) in the Metrolink parking lot by June 30, 2020. (CD, PRCS & CE/PW) 1.2. Attract and assist with retention for sustainable businesses Citywide, including Smart City and other strategies. 1.2.1 Offer mobile merchant payment services during Recreation events by December 31, 2019. Task 3: Purchase and install devices and link to merchant account. PRCS/FIN Budgeted 12/31/2019 1 of 29 ATTACHMENT 2 31 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY I: Enhance the City's Economic Development Program Task 7: Train staff and implement mobile credit card processing. PRCS Staff Effort 12/31/2019 Scheduled for November 2021 Task 1: Retain consultant to prepare list of potential Smart City items to assist with sustainable business retention. CM N/A 11/15/2019 Completed Task 2: Develop list of potential Smart City items to assist with sustainable business retention and present it to City Council. CM N/A 12/30/2019 Completed 1.2.2 Develop list of potential Smart City items to assist with sustainable business retention for City Council consideration by December 30, 2019. 1.2. Attract and assist with retention for sustainable businesses Citywide, including Smart City and other strategies. 1.2.1 Offer mobile merchant payment services during Recreation events by December 31, 2019. 2 of 29 32 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY I: Enhance the City's Economic Development Program 1.3.1 Dispose of applicable former Moorpark Redevelopment Agency owned properties. Task 1: Include relevant information on ROPS. Monitor Bond covenants. Distribute proceeds to County. PRCS/FIN N/A N/A Underway Kosmont’s SA fees included on ROPS FY 21-22 Task 1: Release RFP for professional consulting services for GP update and EIR. CDD $500,000 budget amendment (approved 9/4/19) Completed Task 2: Create proposal review team.CDD Staff assistance from other depts 11/11/2019 Completed Task 3: Review proposals and short-list to top four for interviews. CDD Staff assistance from other depts 11/27/2019 Completed Task 4: Conduct interviews.CDD Staff assistance from other depts 12/6/2019 Completed Task 5: Negotiate and prepare consultant contract, and place on City Council agenda for action. CDD/CM Likely will require an additional budget amendment 1/15/2020 Completed Task 6: Hold kick-off meeting with consultant.CDD Staff assistance from other depts Q1 - 2020 Completed 1.3 Evaluate and deploy tools for adaptive reuse of vacant and existing underutilized sites with property owners. 1.3.2 Prepare a comprehensive update of Land Use, OSCAR, and Circulation Elements including environmental documentation, and ensure internal consistency among all General Plan Elements. Consider creation of a Natural Open Space land use designation and the City’s vision for land within the City’s Area of Interest as part of the Land Use Element. Present Land Use Element to the City Council by January 31, 2022, and present the Circulation Element including possible designation of Moorpark Avenue (SR 23) between Casey Road and Los Angeles Avenue (SR 118) as an arterial street to the City Council by October 31, 2022. Present OSCAR Element including a Trails Master Plan to City Council by June 30, 2022. Upon adoption of any General Plan Amendments, prepare necessary changes to the Zoning Ordinance to ensure conformity and consistency with the General Plan. 3 of 29 33 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY I: Enhance the City's Economic Development Program Task 7: Consultant preparation of existing conditions context, interviews with departments & agencies, creation of DAC (internal staff committee) and TAC (citizen committee), and preparation of outreach strategy. CDD Staff assistance from other depts Q1 - 2 2020 Completed Task 1: Discuss potential opportunities for development as part of Warmington Homes Project on Beltramo Ranch Road. PRCS Currently a staff effort; may require resources 6/30/2020 Completed Task 2: Present report to City Council on options such as continue to lease property PRCS Staff Effort 2/1/2021 No progress Task 1: Hold workshop with Planning Commission to identify key aspects of proposed Mixed-Use Overlay Ordinance. CDD 3/24/2020 No longer working on stand-alone mixed-use ordinance; development of mixed- use tools will be rolled into the General Plan and Zoning Code Updates Task 2: Prepare draft ordinance and take to City Council for consideration. CDD 4/15/2020 See above comment 1.3 Evaluate and deploy tools for adaptive reuse of vacant and existing underutilized sites with property owners. 1.3.2 Prepare a comprehensive update ofLand Use, OSCAR, and Circulation Elements including environmentaldocumentation, and ensure internalconsistency among all General PlanElements. Consider creation of a NaturalOpen Space land use designation and theCity’s vision for land within the City’s Area of Interest as part of the Land Use Element. Present Land Use Element to the City Council by January 31, 2022, and present the Circulation Element including possible designation of Moorpark Avenue (SR 23) between Casey Road and Los Angeles Avenue (SR 118) as an arterial street to the City Council by October 31, 2022. Present OSCAR Element including a Trails Master Plan to City Council by June 30, 2022. Upon adoption of any General Plan Amendments, prepare necessary changes to the Zoning Ordinance to ensure conformity and consistency with the General Plan. 1.3.3 Evaluate options for partial development, sale, or continued lease of Buttercreek Park by June 30, 2020. 1.3.4 Develop program to encourage new multi-and single family housing projects on underutilized residential and commercial sites within the City with a report to the City Council by Feb. 28, 2021. 4 of 29 34 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY I: Enhance the City's Economic Development Program Task 1: Complete preparation of Arts Master Plan to update polices and identify program guidelines for use of Art in Public Places fees. PRCS In Budget 6/30/2020 Arts Commission considered draft Arts Master Plan 6/17/21 and recommended approval by City Council. Council consideration scheduled for September 2021. Task 2: Develop Program Guidelines for use of Tree and Landscape Fees. PRCS Staff Effort 6/30/2020 No progress Task 3: Monitor reserves.PRCS/FIN N/A 6/30/2020 No progress Task 1: Define potential locations for water spray attraction at a City park. PRCS Staff Effort 1/30/2020 Completed Task 2: Take recommendation to Parks and Recreation Commission PRCS Staff Effort 3/31/2020 Completed Task 3: Present recommendation to City Council PRCS Staff Effort 2/1/2021 Will schedule at future City Council meeting Task 1:Identify Architect, prepare master plan.PRCS Staff Effort Completed Task 2: Present Master Plan Recommendations to City Council. PRCS Staff Effort Completed Task 3: Begin Design of New Library.PRCS In Budget 10/31/2020 Anticipated to kick off in Summer 2021 1.4. Enhance residential and governmental uses. 1.4.1 Develop policies and program guidelines for use of Art in Public Places and Tree and Landscape fees by June 30, 2020. 1.4.2 Consider recommendation for location, design, and construction of water spray attraction at a City park by March 31, 2020. 1.4.3 Develop conceptual design proposal for new City Hall and Library including a Civic Center Master Plan, by June 30, 2020, with Library as the initial construction phase. 5 of 29 35 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY I: Enhance the City's Economic Development Program Task 1: Identify vendor to develop City mobile app.CM N/A 10/1/2019 No progress Task 2: Develop scope of work and City mobile app.CM Resources Needed 12/10/2019 Waiting on prior task Task 3: Deploy City mobile app.CM N/A 12/30/2019 Waiting on prior task 1.4. Enhance residentialand governmental uses. 1.4.4 Develop a City “App” that can be deployed to residents to push information and connect to City services by December 30, 2019. 6 of 29 36 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT 2.1.1 Evaluate use of protected/permissive left turn and flashing yellow left turn traffic signals Task: Staff has requested Caltrans accomplish a pilot installation on SR 118 PW N/A City staff continues to submit requests to Caltrans for potential pilot projects. 2.1.2 Complete the design and right-of- way acquisition needed for the east side of Spring Road widening project from south of Flinn Avenue to McDonald’s driveway, and award bid for project construction by January 31, 2020. Task 1: City's Right-of-Way Consultant is negotiating extensions of Temporary Construction Easements with 4 property owners PW 1/31/2020 Not an active project. 2.2.1 Evaluate feasibility of connecting the Moorpark Country Club equestrian staging area and the Meridian Hills equestrian staging area with a loop multi- use trail. Task 1: Identify potential trail alignment and property access issues needed to facilitate construction of the trail linkage. PRCS Need Resources N/A No progress - not due until 2021 STRATEGY II: Improve Mobility through Transportation and Transit Improvements Citywide 2.1 Build and maintain strong relationships with our partner agencies, such as Caltrans and regional transit agencies, and state and regional legislators. 2.2 Enhance trail, bicycle path, and pedestrian facilities. 7 of 29 2.2 Enhance trail, bicycle path, and pedestrian facilities. 37 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY II: Improve Mobility through Transportation and Transit Improvements Citywide 2.2.2 Determine feasibility of constructing a sidewalk on Arroyo Drive from Collins Drive to east City limits, and in conjunction with City of Simi Valley and County of Ventura, pedestrian and bike connections between Collins Drive and Madera Road by December 31, 2019, with sidewalk adjacent to Villa del Arroyo Mobile Home Park to be constructed by March 31, 2020. Task 1: Sidewalk construction is feasible. Staff is going to obtain proposal from an engineer to design sidewalk and street resurfacing shortly. The long range plan for the rest of Arroyo and Collins Drive will not occur before 2021. PW Initial sidewalk and paving funded 12/31/2019 Contract awarded to Stantec April 7, 2021. Stantec performing surveying work June 2021. Updated to Goal 2.15 (FY 21/22 - FY 22/23) Improve Arroyo Drive, including complete design and construction of sidewalk on south side of Arroyo Drive east of the train tracks to Simi Valley city limit line; and complete conceptual design of pedestrian improvements between Collins Drive and train tracks, 2.2 Enhance trail, bicycle path, and pedestrian facilities. 8 of 29 38 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY II: Improve Mobility through Transportation and Transit Improvements Citywide Task 1: Identify potential trail alignment and property access issues needed to facilitate construction of the trail linkage. PRCS Need Resources 6/30/2021 No progress Task 2: Identify and apply for grant funding to master plan trail linkage. PRCS Need Resources 9/30/2021 Waiting on prior task Task 3: Identify consultant to master plan trail linkage.PRCS Need Resources 12/30/2021 Waiting on prior task 2.3.1 Commence construction of Princeton Avenue widening from Condor Drive west to 1,500 feet east of Spring Road by December 31, 2020. Task 1: Staff, Consulting Engineer and Caltrans are working to resolve a geotechnical issue adjacent to a tall bridge column to complete Plan Check #3 PW Funded 12/31/2020 Geotech issues resolved. TCEs to be presented to City Council for approval on July 7, 2021. 2.3.2 Complete design and acquire right- of-way to widen Los Angeles Avenue between Spring Road and Moorpark Avenue by December 31, 2020. Task 1: Private property needs to be acquired. AECOM needs to update their design. PW Partially funded 12/31/2020 Project on hold until right-of-way acquisition is complete. 2.3.3 Obtain Caltrans approval for phased construction of a raised median on Los Angeles Avenue from Spring Road to SR 23 Freeway by December 30, 2019. Future phases will complete median to western city limits. Task 1: Caltrans approved the design. Staff is working on bid package for Council approval. PW Funded 12/30/2019 City not moving forward with this project. 2.2 Enhance trail, bicycle path, and pedestrianfacilities. 2.2.3 Develop a trail linkage between City and Happy Camp Canyon Regional Park by December 31, 2021. 2.3 Identify key progammatic and capital improvements and infrastructure needed to attain desired Levels of Service. 9 of 29 2.2 Enhance trail, bicycle path, and pedestrian facilities. 39 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY II: Improve Mobility through Transportation and Transit Improvements Citywide 2.3.4 Realign the intersections of Poindexter Avenue/First Street at Moorpark Avenue (SR 23) and High Street at Moorpark Avenue (SR23) and improve Moorpark Avenue (SR23) from approximately Charles Street south to a point consistent with Caltrans requirements south of Poindexter Avenue/First Street with a conceptual improvement plan presented to the City Council by June 30, 2021. Task 1: Project must be completed before 2037 to utilize CEMEX funding PW Not Funded Not Funded 2.4.1 Work with VCTC, CHP, Caltrans, and County of Ventura to site two replacement, permanent truck scale facilities west of the City. Task 1: Staff continues to follow up with Caltrans staff VCSO/CM Will be funded by State SHOPP funds Caltrans planning not yet completed. 2.4.2 Develop plan to update traffic signal controller equipment and software for presentation to City Council by March 30, 2020. Task 1: Purchasing of equipment underway PW Funded Ongoing 4 of 22 traffic signals upgraded. 2.4.3 Conduct special enforcement of truck/vehicle safety along Los Angeles Avenue to educate commercial drivers on unsafe conditions of tractor trailers coming through the City. VCSO Not currently budgeted for special enforcement. Ongoing 120 hours special enforcement since July + 240 hours regular enforcement since July 2019 2.3 Identify key progammatic and capital improvements and infrastructure needed to attain desired Levels of 2.4 Address truck traffic/safety. 10 of 29 2.3 Identify key progammatic and capital improvements and infrastructure needed to attain desired Levels of Service. 40 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT Task 1: Develop survey.CM TBD 4/30/2020 No progress Task 2: Complete survey and present results.CM 6/30/2020 Waiting on prior task Task 1: Complete survey. CM N/A 6/30/2020 Delayed by COVID Task 2: Develop outreach and marketing strategy.CM TBD 12/30/2020 Waiting on prior task; creation of economic development marketing brochure completed Task 1: Identify prior direction provided to staff.CM N/A 12/1/2019 Completed Task 2: Complete staff report to City Council.CM N/A 12/30/2019 Completed Task 3: Calculate available amount.FIN N/A 12/31/2019 Completed Task 4: Include relevant information on ROPS.FIN N/A 12/31/2019 Completed Task: 1 Identify residents’ priorities for City services.CM Resources Needed 4/30/2020 Completed Task 2: Recommend feasible strategies to enhance service priorities. CM N/A 6/30/2020 On hold due to COVID STRATEGY III: Enhance Long-Term Financial Sustainability 3.1 Emphasize attraction of job rich employers and businesses with high point- of-sale figures. 3.1.1 Survey residents to determine the types of businesses and services desired by the community by June 30, 2020. 3.1.2 Develop an outreach and marketing strategy to promote the City and attract point-of-sale businesses based on resident preferences by December 30, 2020. 3.2 Identify and deploy feasible revenue enhancement strategies. 3.2.1 Develop Spending Plan for use of former Moorpark Redevelopment Agency 2006 Tax Allocation Bonds for Presentation to City Council by December 31, 2019. 3.2.2 Identify residents’ priorities for City services and recommend feasible strategies to enhance service priorities by June 30, 2020. 11 of 29 41 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY III: Enhance Long-Term Financial Sustainability 3.3 Enhance long-term financial sustainability. 3.3.1 Evaluate benefits and impacts of a 2- year budget and make a recommendation to City Council by September 30, 2020. Task 1: Research pros and cons. Prepare a presentation.FIN N/A 9/30/2020 No progress; pending use of software to show 2- year budget; begin discussion with City Council in 2021 Task 1: ExecuTime has already been implemented.FIN N/A 8/3/2019 Completed Task 2: Working on web access for the Managers.FIN Resources may be needed 8/9/2020 Completed 3.4.2 Update City’s purchasing ordinance to include standards for procurement described by the Uniform Guidance by December 31, 2019. Task 1: Met with City Attorney on 1/15/20. Draft will be issued and sent to him for initial review by 2/28/20. FIN N/A 12/31/2021 Underway; draft policy will be ready for Dept review by end of August 2021 Task 1: Identify consultant to assist with development of inventory and replacement schedule. PRCS N/A 1/30/2020 Completed Task 2: Work with PRCS and Willdan and make sure all costs are captured. PRCS/FIN N/A 3/31/2020 Completed 3.4 Reduce costs through efficiencies. 3.4.1 Implement Tyler Technologies ExecuTime software to improve time and attendance processes; automate data entry of time into the payroll system; and streamline job costing to various developer and City capital improvement projects by August 9, 2020. 3.4.3 Develop inventory of landscaping assessment districts facilities maintenance and replacement schedule to improve levy calculation and capital reserve funding by March 31,2020. 12 of 29 42 GOAL ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY III: Enhance Long-Term Financial Sustainability Task 3: Complete Inventory and Replacement Schedule.PRCS N/A 10/1/2020 Completed Task 4: Define new policies and procedures related to landscape maintenance district maintenance and replacement costs and levy calculation. PRCS N/A 11/30/2020 Completed 3.4 Reduce costs through efficiencies. 13 of 29 OBJECTIVE 3.4.3 Develop inventory of landscaping assessment districts facilities maintenance and replacement schedule to improve levy calculation and capital reserve funding by March 31,2020. 43 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT Task 1: Identify website design vendor.CM N/A 1/1/2020 Completed Task 2A: Provide additional on-line services.CM TBD 12/31/2020 Underway Task 2B: Improve video archive interface.CM TBD 12/31/2020 Underway Task 2C: Improve ADA consistency.CM N/A 12/31/2020 No progress Task 3: Complete website update.CM N/A 12/31/2020 Waiting on prior task Task 1: Submit Draft Personnel Rules for City Attorney Review. CM N/A 11/6/2019 Completed Task 2: Submit Draft Personnel Rules for SEIU Local 721 Review. CM N/A 4/3/2020 Completed Task 3: Schedule Resolution Adopting Revised Personnel Rules for City Council approval. CM N/A 3/18/2020 Completed STRATEGY IV: Improve Governmental Operations and Internal Services 4.1 Evaluate and improve internal infrastructure (operations, technology, software, facilities, data connectivity) to facilitate efficient service delivery. 4.1.1 Complete an update of the City’s website design; enhance website service delivery with additional options to request and receive City services online, an improved video archive interface, consistency with ADA requirements, and other best practices for municipal websites by December 31, 2020. 4.1.2 Present update of City’s Personnel Rules to City Council by December 31, 2020. 14 of 29 44 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY IV: Improve Governmental Operations and Internal Services Task 1: Consultant to Revise Executive Summary.CM N/A 11/30/2019 Completed Task 2: Consultant to share results with Dept. Heads.CM N/A 12/31/2019 Completed Task 3: Hire consulting firm to prepare analysis and report.CDD/CM Utilized salary savings; no budget amendment required Completed Task 4: Receive report with identified areas of concern and recommendations. CDD/CM Completed Task 5: Prepare implementation plan for short and long term actions. CDD Q4 - 2019 Completed Task 6: Present report summary and implementation plan to City Council. CDD Q4 - 2019 Completed 4.1 Evaluate and improve internal infrastructure (operations, technology, software, facilities, data connectivity) to facilitate 4.1.3 Conduct an Organization and Management Study of the Community Development Department to review and analyze the development process and prepare an implementation plan by December 31, 2019. 15 of 29 4.1 Evaluate and improve internal infrastructure (operations, technology, software, facilities, data connectivity) to facilitate efficient service delivery. 45 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY IV: Improve Governmental Operations and Internal Services Task 1: CM Office will work with CJPIA to schedule all mandatory (as required by Federal and State law) employee training annually for each new fiscal year. If CJPIA training is not available, the CM Office will look for other training providers. CM N/A 12/31/2019 Completed Task 2: CM Office will provide a link to all employees for completed current list of mandatory training classes scheduled for each fiscal year. CM N/A Completed Task 3: Human Resources will review all draft performance evaluations to ensure there is inclusion of annual training requirements in response to performance concerns and to achieve development objectives. CM N/A 12/31/2019 Completed 4.2.2 Complete succession plan for organization by December 31, 2021. Task 1: Complete succession plan.CM TBD 12/31/2021 Not started, not due until Dec. 2021 4.2 Implement employee development and succession planning programs. 4.2.1 Evaluate training and development gaps among employees and develop annual training schedules. 16 of 29 46 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY IV: Improve Governmental Operations and Internal Services 4.3.1 Develop a plan to update portions of the Moorpark Municipal Code by December 31, 2020. Task 1: Schedule meetings with Department Heads in first quarter 2020 to discuss Code sections within their functional areas requiring updates and develop priority matrix. CM TBD 12/31/2020 Due to COVID-19 priorities, Task 1 was unable to be initiated Task 1: Identify Architect and consultants.PRCS Resources Needed 3/31/2020 No progress Task 2: Prepare plans to evaluate feasibility and conceptual plans for expansion of Arroyo Vista Recreation Center. PRCS Resources Needed 6/30/2020 Waiting on prior task Task 1: Discuss feasibility of lease with Southern California Edison property managers . PRCS Staff Effort Completed Completed Task 2: Formulate and present information to Parks and Recreation Commission for recommendation to City Council. PRCS Staff Effort 6/30/2019 Behind schedule 4.3 Evaluate operations/programs and buildings/facilities to maximize operational efficiency. 4.3.2 Evaluate feasibility and develop conceptual plan to expand Arroyo Vista Recreation Center, including office space and activity rooms, by June 30, 2020. 4.3.3 Determine feasibility of leasing a portion of the Southern California Edison property adjacent to Arroyo Vista Community Park to expand parking and provide active passive recreational uses by September 30, 2019. by September 30, 2019. 17 of 29 47 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY IV: Improve Governmental Operations and Internal Services Task 3: Present Parks and Recreation Commission recommendation to City Council. PRCS Staff Effort 9/30/2019 Waiting on prior task Task 4: Determine if funding and improvements can be tied to Hitch Ranch Development Agreement PRCS/CM Staff Effort In progress 4.3.4 Evaluate options for re-use of City Hall Administration Building. Task 1: Formulate reuse options for City Hall based on master plan selection by City Council. PRCS Staff Effort **In progress 4.3 Evaluate operations/programs and buildings/facilities to maximize operational efficiency. 4.3.3 Determine feasibility of leasing a portion of the Southern California Edison property adjacent to Arroyo Vista Community Park to expand parking and provide active passive recreational uses 18 of 29 4.3.3 Determine feasibility of leasing a portion of the Southern California Edison property adjacent to Arroyo Vista Community Park to expand parking and provide active passive recreational uses by September 30, 2019. 4.3 Evaluate operations/programs and buildings/facilities to maximize operational efficiency. 48 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT Task 1: Kozar/Grand Moorpark (Green Island Villas) to Planning Commission for review and recommendation. CDD 10/22/2019 Completed Task 2: Kozar/Grand Moorpark (Green Island Villas) to City Council for action. CDD 12/30/2019 Completed Task 3: Chiu project – Contract planner to review project application and coordinate CEQA analysis. CDD Q1 - 2020 Task 4: Chiu project – Contract planner to prepare reports, resos, ordinances and present to Planning Commission for review and recommendation and City Council for final action. CDD Q2 - 3 2020 STRATEGY V: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents 5.1 Facilitate development of housing options for all income levels 5.1.1 Present for City Council consideration General Plan Amendment (GPA) of Land Use Element and accompanying entitlements for GPA 2005 – 02 (Chiu) and GPA 2014 – 01 (Kozar/Grand Moorpark/Sky Line 66 LLC) by December 30, 2019. Project needs significant design work and analysis. Anticipating entitlements in late 2020 19 of 29 5.1 Facilitate development of housing options for all income levels 49 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY V: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents Task 1: Moorpark 67/Rasmussen project – Contract planner to work with applicant to develop project design (access) and project description. CDD 6/1/2020 Project reviewed by DRC on 12/6/19. Working with applicant to finalize project design and description in order to kick-off CEQA analysis. Anticipating entitlements in late 2020 Task 2: Moorpark 67/Rasmussen project – City Manager to request ad hoc committee and negotiate Development Agreement. CM 6/1/2020 Completed Task 3: Moorpark 67/Rasmussen project – Contract planner to coordinate CEQA analysis. CDD 6/1/2020 Underway Task 4: Contract planner to prepare reports, resos, ordinances and present to Planning Commission for review and recommendation and City Council for final action. CDD 6/1/2020 Goal to get through Council by end of 2020 5.1 Facilitate development of housing options for all income levels 5.1.2 Present for City Council consideration General Plan Amendment (GPA) of Land Use Element and accompanying entitlements for GPA 2016- 02 (Moorpark 67/Rasmussen/West Pointe Homes) and GPA 2015-01 for Sunbelt Specific Plan by June 30, 2020. (CD & CM) 20 of 29 50 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY V: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents Task 5: Sunbelt Specific Plan – City Manager to determine whether to lift requirement for specific plan. CDD/CM 6/1/2020 Completed Task 1: Hitch Ranch application review and development of Specific Plan. CDD 6/1/2020 Project reviewed by DRC on 11/4/19. Task 2: Hitch Ranch CEQA – preparation of EIR.CDD 6/1/2020 Underway. Led by Applicant, but will be peer reviewed by City consultant Task 3: Hitch Ranch CEQA – preparation of EIR.CDD 6/1/2020 2021 Task 4: Hitch Ranch to PC for recommendation.CDD 6/1/2020 2021 Task 5: Hitch Ranch to CC for final action.CDD 6/1/2020 2021 5.1 Facilitate developmentof housing options for allincome levels 5.1.2 Present for City Councilconsideration General Plan Amendment(GPA) of Land Use Element and accompanying entitlements for GPA 2016-02 (Moorpark 67/Rasmussen/West Pointe Homes) and GPA 2015-01 for SunbeltSpecific Plan by June 30, 2020. (CD & CM) 5.1.3 Present for City Council consideration General Plan Amendment (GPA) of Land Use Element and accompanying entitlements for Specific Plan No. 1 (Hitch Ranch) by June 30, 2020. 21 of 29 5.1 Facilitate development of housing options for all income levels 5.1.2 Present for City Council consideration General Plan Amendment (GPA) of Land Use Element and accompanying entitlements for GPA 2016-02 (Moorpark 67/Rasmussen/West Pointe Homes) and GPA 2015-01 for Sunbelt Specific Plan by June 30, 2020. (CD & CM) 51 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY V: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents Task 1: Retain consultant to prepare Broadband Strategic Plan. CM N/A 8/1/2019 Completed Task 2: Present Broadband Strategic Plan to City Council for adoption. CM N/A 12/31/2019 Completed Task 1: Retain consultant to prepare list of potential Smart City items to assist with sustainable business CM N/A 11/15/2019 Completed Task: 2 Develop list of potential Smart City items to assist with sustainable business retention and present it to City Council. CM N/A 12/30/2019 Completed Task 1: Record Assets/Depreciation FIN/PW N/A 12/30/2019 Completed 5.2 Implement Smart City Strategies 5.2.1 Conduct study of commercial Broadband in City to a) identify infrastructure currently in place; b) gaps in the current infrastructure and; c) recommend actions to improve infrastructure, determine funding needs, evaluate options to provide funding, and evaluate other actions needed to achieve desired level of commercial Broadband services within the City with a report to the City Council by December 31, 2019. 5.2.2 Develop list of potential short-term Smart City projects for City Council review by June 30, 2020. (DUPLICATE) 5.2.3 Complete purchase and convert City streetlights to a more energy efficient lighting source by December 30, 2019. 22 of 29 52 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY V: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents Task 2: Develop replacement schedule and determine funding sources - Lights purchased in September 2019. LED fixtures scheduled for installation Spring 2020. PW N/A 12/30/2019 Stand-alone lights converted to LED in June 2020. High Street decorative lights scheduled for replacement in July 2021. Task 1: Identify consultant to evaluate expansion of security camera system. PRCS Staff Effort 6/30/2020 Completed Task 2: Consultant evaluates expansion of security camera system and provides recommendations. PRCS Resources Needed 6/30/2020 No budget allocated for project. Project is shelved. Task 3: Recommendations presented to City Council. PRCS Staff Effort 9/30/2020 Waiting on prior task Task 1: Work with Police Chief to identify current levels of service. CM TBD 3/31/2020 Completed Task 2: Police Chief to determine staffing models and options for service enhancements, with funding. CM TBD 6/30/2020 Completed - staff resources included in the FY2021/22 budget. 5.2 Implement Smart CityStrategies 5.2.3 Complete purchase and convert City streetlights to a more energy efficient lighting source by December 30, 2019. 5.3. Enhance public safety resources and outcomes. 5.3.1 Evaluate feasibility of expanding security camera systems to additional locations by June 30, 2020. 5.3.2 Evaluate current Police resources and present options for increased Police resources through contract with Ventura County to City Council by June 30, 2020. 23 of 29 53 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY V: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents 5.3.3 Partner with California Highway Patrol and other public safety agencies to conduct DUI enforcement at least four checkpoints to educate the public and enforce DUI restrictions and lower instances of DUI related accidents by June 20, 2021. Task 1: 10 saturation days targeting DUI and 1 checkpoint occurred. VCSO Staff Effort Ongoing Completed 5.3. Enhance public safety resources and outcomes. 24 of 29 54 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY V: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents Task 1: Identify scope and goals of Parks, Recreation, and Community Service Master Plan update. PRCS Staff Effort Delayed due to General Plan update and Arts Master Plan, COVID - Kickoff planned Winter 2021 Task 2: Identify Consultant to prepare update to Parks, Recreation and Community Services Master Plan update. PRCS Resources Needed Waiting on prior task Task 3: Begin Master Planning process PRCS Resources Needed Waiting on prior task Task 1: Identify scope and goals for Youth Master Plan in collaboration with youth serving agencies. PRCS Staff Effort TBD To be undertaken in conjunction with Parks Master Plan update. Task 2: Identify consultant to prepare Youth Master Plan PRCS Staff Effort TBD Waiting on prior task Task 3: Begin Master Planning process.PRCS Resources Needed TBD Waiting on prior task 5.4. Promote community engagement and Healthy City activities. 5.4.1 Update Parks, Recreation and Community Services Master Plan by June 30, 2020. 5.4.2 Develop a Youth Master Plan in collaboration with the various agencies that serve Moorpark youth, including MUSD and Moorpark Boys and Girls Club, and interested residents to identify existing needs, services and programs, including but not limited to the expansion needs of the Moorpark Boys and Girls Club by June 30, 2021. 25 of 29 55 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY V: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents Task 1: Identify potential trail alignment, length, and property access issues needed to facilitate construction of the bike path. PRCS Staff Effort 3/30/2020 Behind Schedule - In process Task 2: Identify consultant to provide conceptual plan of path, construction cost estimates. PRCS Resources Needed 6/30/2020 Waiting on prior task Task 3: Identify grant funding sources to construct the bicycle path improvements. PRCS Staff Effort 12/31/2020 Waiting on prior task 5.5.1 Complete South Parking lot and renovate the existing north Metrolink parking lot and expand the parking lot to the west for a net increase of 29 parking spaces by June 30, 2020. Task 1: Completed design and award bid.PW Staff Effort 6/30/2020 North Parking Lot currently in redesign. Updated to Goal 3.14 Complete renovation of the existing north Metrolink parking lot and expand the parking lot to the west for a net increase in downtown public parking spaces. 5.4. Promote community engagement and Healthy City activities. 5.4.3 Evaluate feasibility of constructing an improved bicycle path on the north side of the Arroyo Simi, from the pedestrian bridge at Arroyo Vista Community park to the east side of Spring Road, including a bridge undercrossing and connections to existing bike lanes on Spring Road by December 31, 2020. 5.5. Enhance municipal service delivery through proper maintenance and improvement of City facilities and programs. 26 of 29 5.4. Promote community engagement and Healthy City activities. 5.5. Enhance municipal service delivery through proper maintenance and improvement of City facilities and programs. 56 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY V: Enhance Quality of Life for Moorpark Residents 5.5.2 Prepare an updated Pavement Management System and associated projections for maintenance and improvement costs by June 30, 2020. Task 1: Procure consultant to conduct work PW Funding available in Engineering Division Budget 6/30/2020 City to perform RFP for Pavement Management System in FY 21/22. Task 1: Identify grant funding opportunities.PRCS Staff Effort 1/15/2020 Completed Task 2: Identify consultant to provide conceptual plan of path, construction cost estimates. PRCS Resources needed 6/30/2020 Completed Task 3: Prepare and submit grant application PRCS Staff efforts 2/3/2020 Completed 5.5. Enhance municipal service delivery through proper maintenance and improvement of City facilities and programs. 5.5.3 Seek grant funding for installation of universally accessible play equipment. 27 of 29 57 GOAL OBJECTIVE ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT Task 1: Research parkway tree maintenance policies and tree removal guidelines of adjacent cities. PRCS Staff effort 4/30/2020 Not started Task 2: Develop policies for parkway tree maintenance and tree removals, including funding sources. PRCS Staff effort 9/30/2020 Waiting on prior task Task 1: Identify funding sources for project planning and construction. PRCS Staff effort 10/31/2019 Completed Task 2: Hire Consultant and begin conceptual design planning. PRCS Budget Amendment needed 11/30/2019 Completed Task 3: Prepare grant application and apply for funding PRCS Staff effort 2/3/2020 Completed Task 4: Once grant funds awarded, commence with design and construction of project. PRCS Resources needed 12/31/2020 Completed Task 1: Research equestrian staging area rules and procedures from surrounding park districts. PRCS Staff effort TBD Completed STRATEGY VI: Continue Environmental Protection and Stewardship Efforts 6.1. Conserve and enhance natural resources, open space and greenbelt areas. 6.1.1 Develop a policy for parkway tree maintenance on residential streets and guidelines for all tree removals administered by City by September 30, 2020. 6.1.2 Develop options for use of 80-acre City owned open space parcel in the Tierra Rejada Valley for consideration by the City Council by June 30, 2020. 6.1.3 Develop rules for use of Country Club Estates and Meridian Hills equestrian staging areas by December 31, 2020. equestrian staging areas by December 31, 2020. 28 of 29 58 GOAL ACTION/TASK LEAD STAFF RESOURCES NEEDED OR PART OF OPERATING BUDGET DUE DATE STATUS COMMENT STRATEGY VI: Continue Environmental Protection and Stewardship Efforts Task 2: Formulate rules for use of equestrian staging areas to facilitate safe enjoyment of these facilities. PRCS Staff effort 12/31/2020 Completed 6.2.1 Update City's 1995 Master Drainage Plan and incorporate needed improvements into Capital Improvement Program by June 30, 2021 Task 1: Developers including Mansi, Comstock, A-B are already working on improvements CE/PW & CDD Not funded 6/30/2021 Not funded Task 1: Identify and hire Consultant(s) to prepare tree inventory and mapping and develop tree master plan. PRCS Staff effort Completed Task 2: Identify funding sources for planning documents and tree inventory. PRCS Staff effort TBD Funding requested FY 20/21 mid-year 6.2.3 Develop an Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM) for City landscape operations by June 30, 2021. Task 1: Research IPM’s and policies from surrounding Cities/County and develop City’s IPM. PRCS Staff effort 12/30/2020 Not started 6.1. Conserve and enhance natural resources,open space and greenbeltareas. OBJECTIVE 6.1.3 Develop rules for use of Country Club Estates and Meridian Hills equestrian staging areas by December 31, 2020. 6.2 Promote sustainability, environmental protection, and flood control capabilities through City efforts and through strategic partnerships. 6.2.2. Develop a Tree Master Plan and Maintenance Plan including tree inventory and mapping by June 30, 2021. 29 of 29 59