Planning Commission Meeting
of May 25, 2021
Approved Staff Recommendation
with Modified Conditions of
ACTION: Approval.
BY: K. Valencia
Item: 8.6.
B. Consider a Resolution Adopting a Mitigated Ngativg Dgclaration Pursugnt to
CEQA and Approving Conditional Use Permit No. 2020-01, to Allow the
Operation of a Distribution and Transportation Facility Within an Existing
200,668 Industrial Building, and Development of a Parking Lot with Associated
Site Improvements, at 6000 Condor Drive on the Application of Doug Hinrichs.
Staff Recommendation: 1) open the public hearing, accept public testimony,
and close the public hearing; and 2) Adopt Resolution No. PC -2021-656
adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and approving Conditional Use
Permit No. 2020-01. (Staff: Philip Neumann).
Item: 8.13.
TO: Honorable Planning Commission
FROM: Philip Neumann, Planning Technician
DATE: 05/25/21 Regular Meeting
SUBJECT: Consider a Resolution Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration
Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and
Approving Conditional Use Permit No. 2020-01 to Allow the Operation
of a Distribution and Transportation Facility Within an Existing 200,668
Square -Foot Industrial Building, Expansion of an existing Parking Lot
and Associated Site Improvements Located at 6000 Condor Drive on
the Application of Doug Hinrichs of HPA, Inc.
1. Open the public hearing, accept public testimony and close the public hearing; and
2. Adopt Resolution No. PC -2021-656 adopting the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative
Declaration and associated Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
and approving Conditional Use Permit No. 2020-01.
On January 28, 2020, Doug Hinrichs, on behalf of HPA, Inc., submitted an application for
a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the operation of a distribution and transportation
facility (Amazon Logistics) within an existing 200,668 square -foot industrial building,
located at 6000 Condor Drive. The proposed distribution and transportation facility would
require parking for both employee and distribution vehicles in excess of what is currently
provided on-site. As a result, the request also includes the expansion of an existing
parking lot at the easterly portion of 6000 Condor Drive, and the development of a new
parking lot on an adjacent parcel with associated site improvements (APN 513-0-060-
295). Site improvements include, but are not limited to, tenant improvements within the
existing building, bike racks, a trash enclosure, planters, landscaping, and outdoor lighting
Pursuant to Section 17.20.060.D.2 of the Moorpark Municipal Code (MMC), a CUP is
required to allow the operation of a distribution and transportation facility within the M-1
Industrial Park zoning district.
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The project site consists of two lots. The first lot, located at 6000 Condor Drive, is 11.78
acres and is developed with an existing 200,668 square -foot warehouse, associated site
improvements, and a vacant area at the easterly portion of the lot. The warehouse
building was previously occupied by the furniture company Abbyson Living, LLC and
operated as a warehouse. The existing building was originally approved through
Development Plan Permit No. DP -392 and was constructed in 1988. The second 2.55 -
acre lot (APN 513-0-060-295) is located immediately northwest of the main site and is
currently undeveloped. The Applicant has submitted for a lot merger to consolidate the
two properties into a single lot.
The following table summarizes the General Plan, zoning, and existing land uses on the
subject property and within the vicinity.
Surrounding Land Uses
General Plan
Zoning / Specific PlanLand
Land Use
Use Designation
Light Industrial
Project Site
Light Industrial (1-1)
Industrial Park (M-1)
Building / Vacant
SR -118 FWY
SR -118 FWY
California State
Route 118
Floodway (FLDWY)
Open Space (OS-20AC)
Arroyo Simi /
Open Space
Floodway (FLDWY)
Open Space (OS-20AC)
Arroyo Simi /
Open Space
Light Industrial (1-1)
Industrial Park (M-1)
Light Industrial
General Discussion:
The proposed distribution and transportation facility would be located within the vacant
light industrial building. Amazon Logistics is a service that fulfills customer orders and
specializes in "last mile" delivery of orders from delivery stations. Packages arrive from
line haul trucks, are sorted based on zip codes, and loaded into delivery vans operated
by delivery service providers or personal vehicles operated by individual contractors used
during the peak season, from September to the beginning of February. Proposed
improvements to the building and site are described in the Proposed Development
Section of this report.
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The warehouse and distribution center would operate 24 hours per day, 7 days a week
and would employ approximately 330 employees. Line haul trucks would deliver
packages to the warehouse distribution center between 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. The
packages are then sorted within the building by delivery route and placed onto moveable
racks. Once sorted, packages are then loaded onto vehicles for delivery. Employees
consist of sorters, administrative staff, tractor trailer drivers, delivery service providers and
private delivery carriers.
General Plan and Zoning Consistency:
The General Plan land use designation for the project site is Light Industrial (1-1). The I-
1 designation is intended to provide for a variety of industrial uses within the City. Suitable
uses include light industrial, service, technical research and business office uses in a
business park context. The Zoning designation for the project site is Industrial Park (M-
1). The purpose of the M-1 zone is to provide suitable areas for the exclusive
development of light industrial, service, technical research and related business office
uses in an industrial park context, in conjunction with stringent standards of building
design, noise, landscaping and performance. The proposed project is consistent with
both the General Plan and zoning designations in that it would consist of a light industrial
use with ancillary office and support functions.
This project is consistent with the following Goals and Policies of the General Plan:
• Goal 10 : Encourage a diversity of industrial uses which are located and designed in
a compatible manner with surrounding land uses.
o Policy 10.1: New industrial development should be located adjacent to
existing industrial uses and along major transportation corridors.
o Policy 10.2: Industrial uses shall incorporate design features, such as
screen walls, landscaping and setbacks, and include height and lighting
restrictions, so as to minimize adverse impacts on adjacent uses and
enhance the visual characteristics of the area.
Policy 10.3: Industrial uses shall be well maintained to enhance the visual
characteristics of the area.
• Goal 13: Achieve a well-balanced and diversified economy within the City which
provides a variety of economic and employment opportunities.
o Policy 13.2: New commercial and industrial uses which will generate long-
term employment opportunities and diversify the community's employment
base shall be encouraged.
o Policy 13.4: The City shall work with the business community in a
cooperative manner to encourage desired businesses to locate and to
remain in the City.
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• Goal 2: Provide a circulation system which supports existing, approved and planned
land uses throughout the City while maintaining a desired level of service on all
streets and at all intersections.
o Policy 2.1: Level of service "C" shall be the system performance objective
for traffic volumes on the circulation system. For roadways and
interchanges already operating at less than a level of service "C", the
system performance objective shall be to maintain or improve the current
level of service.
o Policy 2.2: New development projects shall mitigate off-site traffic impacts
to the maximum extent feasible.
• Goal 5: Provide a citywide system of safe, efficient and attractive bicycle and
pedestrian routes for commuter, school and recreational use.
o Policy 5.6: Bicycle racks shall be required and storage facilities shall be
encouraged at new or modified public, commercial and industrial building
• Goal 7: Develop and encourage a transportation demand management system to
assist in mitigating traffic impacts and in maintaining a desired level of service on
the circulation system.
o Policy 7.2: Industrial and commercial businesses shall be encouraged to
use flex time, staggered working hours and other means to lessen
commuter traffic.
Proposed Development
The proposed project includes tenant improvements within the existing industrial building.
These improvements would not expand the existing building footprint. The interior of the
building would be demised to create an indoor drive thru aisle and parking lot for
employees. New openings are proposed on the exterior of the building to access the
indoor parking lot, interior loading areas, new loading docks, and employee and customer
service offices. Interior tenant improvements also include new restrooms, a
contemplation room/retreat, locker room, break room, and other office uses. Exterior
signage would be reviewed as a separate permit. All tenant improvements would be
reviewed though the building permit process and must comply with Moorpark Municipal
Code Chapter 17.24, and other applicable requirements.
Sitework at 6000 Condor Drive includes a redesign of the existing parking lot to provide
for additional spaces and improved circulation. The existing parking lot would also be
expanded towards the easterly property line. Sitework would also include new outdoor
lighting fixtures, a trash enclosure, planters, bike racks, and landscaping. The proposed
modifications would be reviewed through the grading and building permit process and
must comply with Moorpark Municipal Code Chapters 17.24, 17.30, and 17.32, the City
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of Moorpark Landscape Design Standards and Guidelines, and other applicable
Finally, a new parking lot is proposed on the adjacent 2.55 -acre parcel (APN 513-0-060-
295) to the northwest of 6000 Condor Drive. Access to the new lot would be provided by
the main drive aisle at 6000 Condor Drive and the lot is designed with similar site
improvements as those proposed on the main site, including outdoor lighting fixtures,
planters and landscaping. All sitework must comply with Moorpark Municipal Code
Chapters 17.24, 17.30, and 17.32, among others, in addition to the City of Moorpark
Landscape Design Standards and Guidelines.
Access to the site is provided by one existing driveway entrance along Condor Drive. The
driveway leads through an existing parking area in front of the building to a two-way drive
aisle that surrounds the building and provides access to the rear (east) of the site. Trucks
would use that route to access the loading docks on the eastern side of the building. Vans
and associate vehicles would utilize the same circular route to access their specific indoor
and outdoor parking areas. All parking areas provide two-way access and have been
reviewed for compliance with the access standards of the Moorpark Municipal Code and
Ventura County Fire Protection District.
The nearest bus stop is located on Princeton Avenue, approximately one-half mile from
the project site. Condor Drive does not have existing sidewalks and there is no proposed
change to the existing infrastructure, corridors, or curb cut within the developed industrial
park. On-site pedestrian circulation is provided from the entrance driveway at Condor
Drive and within the parking areas to the building, bicycle racks, and other on-site
Parking and Loading Areas:
Pursuant to MMC 17.32.020(F), the off-street parking required for distribution and
transportation facilities is to be established based upon the specific proposal associated
with the conditional use permit. The applicant provided a parking analysis conducted by
NV5 (included with Attachment 6). The parking analysis forecasts the entry and exit times
of all vehicle types to assess the required on-site parking that would be necessary to
serve the proposed operations.
The parking analysis concludes that a total of 375 off-street parking spaces are required
to serve the business. A total of 375 auto and van spaces, in addition to six motorcycle
stalls, are provided within the existing and proposed parking lots on the property.
Therefore, the proposed site plan provides the required parking determined by the parking
While parking along Condor Drive is permitted between 10 PM and 5 PM, a condition of
approval has been included prohibiting employees and commercial vehicles associated
with the operation from parking on Condor Drive and adjacent public streets. A condition
of approval also requires that the applicant update the parking assessment and determine
adequate on-site parking prior to intensifying the operation or expanding the building.
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Five existing loading docks and two proposed docks along the east side of the building
are provided for tractor trailers. The loading of delivery vans would occur inside of the
building, within the specified loading areas. Vehicles would enter through one of three
proposed drive-in doors on the east side of the building, temporarily park in one of 36
loading spaces, and then exit through a new door proposed on the west side of the
To promote alternative means of transportation for employees, 18 bicycle racks are
proposed on-site. As outlined previously, bus stops for traveling in both directions on
Condor are located within a one-half mile from the property. Information related to
transportation will be available at kiosks/bulletin boards on-site. Management at the
facility will also be coordinating employees' schedules and transportation and promoting
carpool and guaranteed ride home programs. These transportation demand
management strategies are more fully outlined in the CEQA document described in the
environmental analysis section of this report.
Grading and Drainage:
Grading and drainage improvements are proposed on-site within the new parking areas.
The project has been designed to provide for all necessary on-site and off-site storm drain
improvements including compliance with National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) requirements. Catch basins are proposed throughout the site and an on-site
storm drain system would convey runoff to proposed underground/infiltration systems
located on site. With the underground combined infiltration/detention structures and one
bioretention area, all additional runoff will be retained on-site and would not impact the
adjacent Arroyo Simi. Best Management Practices (BMP) Drainage Facilities are also
required so that surface water flows are intercepted and treated. The BMP and NPDES
improvements will be reviewed by the City Engineer/Public Works Director as part of the
condition compliance process, prior to issuance of a grading permit.
Construction of the project would result in ground surface disturbance during partial site
clearance and grading. Disturbance would occur due to site improvements and expansion
of the existing parking lot. The project would include compliance with the Construction
General permit, which requires development of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP). These topics are more fully outlined in the CEQA document described in the
environmental analysis section of this report, which documents that the grading and
drainage associated with proposed development will not have any significant impacts to
adjacent properties or the Arroyo Simi.
The two parcels have a total of 270 trees. 26 trees would be retained. 244 existing trees
are proposed to be removed to accommodate the development of the new parking areas,
one of which is proposed for removal on a neighboring property at 6100 Condor Drive,
due to too many roots being severed by grading along the property line. The applicant
has proposed a landscape plan that includes a variety of trees, shrubs, and groundcover
across the property, including the use of trees and hedges along perimeter. A dense
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landscape screen with trees and shrubs along the north and east boundaries would assist
with screening the parking lot from California State Route 118. Existing fencing on or
near the perimeter would remain in place. No additional fencing is proposed to be added.
As proposed, the project is consistent with the City's Landscape Guidelines. In order to
balance out the loss of existing mature trees, a special condition of approval has been
included in the draft resolution requiring that the proposed landscaping is upsized equal
to the valuation of the trees removed, to the satisfaction of the Community Development
Conditional Use Permit Findings:
1. The proposed use is consistent with the provisions of the General Plan, zoning
ordinance, and all applicable regulations in that the operation of a distribution and
transportation center is a conditionally permitted use within the M-1 zoning district.
2. The proposed use is compatible with both existing and permitted land uses in the
surrounding area in that the distribution and transportation facility is located near
and does not conflict with existing industrial uses along Condor Drive. Existing
industrial uses along Condor Drive primarily keep operations indoors, have large
parking lots, and in some cases include loading and unloading operations.
3. The proposed use is compatible with the scale, visual character, and design of
surrounding properties in that there will be minimal changes to the exterior of the
building as a result of the application. All proposed changes would comply with
the municipal code.
4. The proposed use, as conditioned and with the mitigation measures included in
the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, would not be obnoxious or
harmful, or impair the utility of neighboring property or uses. The inclusion of
specific transportation demand management strategies would be used to reduce
the vehicle miles traveled and promote a lesser number of employees using
personal transportation. Landscaping has been proposed to assist with lessening
the effect of the removal of trees.
5. The proposed use would not be detrimental to the public health, safety,
convenience, or welfare in that the project would be located within an existing
industrial park which is suited for the proposed use and would be required to
comply with all applicable codes and regulations.
Time limits have been established for the processing of development projects under the
Permit Streamlining Act (Government Code Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 4.5), the
Subdivision Map Act (Government Code Title 7, Division 2), and the California
Environmental Quality Act Statutes and Guidelines (Public Resources Code Division 13),
and California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Chapter 3). Under the applicable provisions
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of these regulations, the following timelines have been established for action on this
Date Application Filed: January 28, 2020
Date Application Determined Complete: June 25, 2020
Planning Commission Action Deadline: March 22,2021*
*Additional time permitted to complete the environmental review pursuant to Public
Resources Code Section 21151.5.
In accordance with the City's environmental review procedures adopted by resolution, the
Community Development Director or designee determines the level of review necessary
for a project to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Some
projects may be exempt from review based upon a specific category listed in CEQA.
Other projects may be exempt under a general rule that environmental review is not
necessary where it can be determined that there would be no possibility of a significant
effect upon the environment. A project which does not qualify for an exemption requires
the preparation of an Initial Study to assess the level of potential environmental impacts.
A Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (ISMND) has been prepared for the
project and circulated for public comment from February 17, 2021 to March 18, 2021. A
total of 12 comment letters were received. Additional study was completed and detailed
responses to each of the comment letters are included in the Final ISMND.
The environmental analysis found that the project could have potential significant
environmental effects in the areas of biological resources, cultural resources,
transportation, and tribal cultural resources. Through the application of standard
conditions of approval and targeted mitigation measures, all identified impacts can be
reduced to a less -than -significant level. The Final ISMND, including the responses to
comments and all technical reports, is included in Link 2. The Mitigation Monitoring and
Reporting Program (MMRP) is included in Attachment 5 and fully documents all required
mitigation measures that the project must comply with for the impacts associated with the
development to be less than significant. A high-level summary of the impacts and
associated mitigations are provided below:
Biological Resources:
The environmental analysis contained within the Biological Resources discussion
identified that the project could have a potentially significant impact upon certain special
status species, including the California Legless Lizard and Least Bell's Vireo. A detailed
biological survey was conducted and did not locate any of these species or habitat on the
project site. Regardless, mitigation measures, including but not limited to, pre -
construction surveys and a requirement for a biologist to evaluate the site for potential
habitat prior to vegetation disturbance, will ensure that any impacts to special status
species are reduced to less -than -significant levels.
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To assist with mitigating effects to mature and native oak trees, specific measures,
including but not limited to, tree protection zone fencing, supplemental irrigation, and
having a Certified Arborist on-site have been included to mitigate potential environmental
Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources:
Any cultural resources (tribal or otherwise) encountered during grading will cause all
activities to cease. In coordination with City staff, the Applicant will enlist the services of
an archaeologist/paleontologist and/or the Fernandeno Tataviam Band of Mission Indians
for direction regarding how to proceed.
The project would not result in any significant transportation impacts with the inclusion of
specific transportation demand management strategies to reduce the vehicle miles
Because all potential significant environmental impacts can be reduced to a less -than -
significant level, no further environmental analysis is required. The additional study that
was completed in response to public comments did not result in any newly -identified
impacts or mitigation measures, thus the ISMND was not required to be recirculated for
additional public comments per CEQA Guidelines Section 15073.5.
Public Notice for this meeting was given consistent with Chapter 17.44.070 of the Zoning
Ordinance as follows:
Publication. The notice of the public hearing was published in the Ventura County
Star on May 16, 2021.
2. Mailing. The notice of the public hearing was mailed on May 14, 2021, to owners
of real property, as identified on the latest adjusted Ventura County Tax Assessor
Roles, within 1,000 feet of the exterior boundaries of the assessor's parcel(s)
subject to the hearing, in addition to individuals identified as stakeholders due to
their responses during the processing of this application.
3. Sign. One 32 square -foot sign was placed on the street frontage on May 14, 2021.
WAIN a rKel W l Ti ain, 3
1. Draft Planning Commission Resolution with Recommended Conditions of
2. Location Map
3. Aerial Map
4. Project Plans
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5. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP)
6. Parking Analysis
7. Public Correspondence
1. Draft Initial Study, Mitigated Negative Declaration with Appendices
2. Final Initial Study, Mitigated Negative Declaration with Response to Comments and