HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 2021 4043 2021 0915RESOLUTION NO. 2021-4043
WHEREAS, Government Code Section 34090 authorizes the head of a City
department to destroy certain City records with the approval of the legislative body by
resolution and written consent of the City Attorney after the records are no longer required
to be retained, unless another law imposes a different process; and
WHEREAS, Government Code Section 34090 does not authorize the destruction
of: (a) Records affecting the title to real property or liens thereon; (b) Court records; (c)
Records required to be kept by statute; (d) Records less than two years old; (e) The
minutes, ordinances, or resolutions of the legislative body or of a city board or
commission; and
WHEREAS, the approved Moorpark Records Retention Schedule (RRS)
specifies a retention period for records classified as Correspondence Chronological Files
as Closed plus two (2) years in accordance with Government Code Section 34090(d);
WHEREAS, the RRS specifies a retention period for records classified as Risk
Management -Claims (Against the City) as Closed plus five (5) years in accordance with
Government Code Section 34090(d); and
WHEREAS, the approved RRS does not include a retention period for records
classified as Risk Management -Potential Claims (Against the City); however staff seeks
to apply the same retention period as used for the Risk Management -Claims (Against
the City) record series as Closed plus five (5) years in accordance with Government Code
Section 34090(d); and
WHEREAS, the approved RRS specifies a retention period for records classified
as City Clerk -Agreements, Contracts & Leases as Closed/Completion plus ten (10)
years in accordance with the California Code of Civil Procedure Section 337 .15; and
WHEREAS, other federal or state laws do not affect the record retention period
for the City records proposed for destruction in Exhibit "A".
Resolution No . 2021-4043
Page 2
SECTION 1. The City Council finds that the records set forth in Exhibit "A ",
attached hereto , are older than the applicable retention period required by state law
(including Government Code Section 34090) and are older than the applicable retention
period recommended by the LGRMG and the RRS . Further , the City Council finds that
the records listed in Exhibit "A " are not currently subject to a legal hold that would
otherwise prohibit their destruction .
SECTION 2 . The City Council further finds that the records do not affect title to
real property or liens thereon , are not court records , are not minutes, ordinances or
resolutions of the City Council or any board or commission of the City ; and are not records
required to be kept by statute .
SECTION 3. "Legal Hold", as used herein, refers to the duty of the City to
preserve and not destroy any records that are potentially relevant to any of the following
in which the City may be involved : a reasonably anticipated claim or litigation ; an ongoing
claim or litigation ; a pending employee grievance ; a pending regulatory or governmental
investigation ; a pending subpoena ; a pending Public Records Act request, a pending
audit, or similar legal matter . Any records subject to a Legal Hold must be preserved in
all forms in which the record exists , including both paper and electronic formats .
SECTION 4. The City Council also finds that the City Manager, City Clerk and
the City Attorney have given written consent to the destruction of said records, as shown
on Exhibit "A " of this resolution .
SECTION 5. The City Council hereby authorizes the destruction of, and
authorizes the City Clerk to destroy, the City records listed in Exhibit "A ".
SECTION 6 . The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and
shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the book of original resolutions .
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of September, 2021 .
Ky Spangler , City Clerk
Attachment: Exhibit "A"
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 3
California Government (GC) Code, Section 34090 & CCP 337.15
BE DESTROYED retention
Chronological File 2008-2009; and Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
Correspondence: 2011-2017
City Clerk
Maureen Benson
Chronological File 2002-2003; and Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
Correspondence: 2008-2018
Development Director
David Bobardt
Chronological File 2008-2010 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
Executive Secretary
Debra Broussalian
Chronological File 1998-2001 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
Senior Management
Nancy Burns
Chronological File 2008-2012; and Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
Correspondence: 2015-2018
Assistant Planner I
Freddy Carrillo
Chronological File 2018 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
Planning Technician
Jose Coyotl
Chronological File 2001-2002; Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
Correspondence: 2008-2012; and
Principal Planner; 2015-2017
Assistant Planner I
Joseph Fiss
Chronological File 2008-2018 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
Deputy City Clerk II
Blanca Garza
Chronological File 2001 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
Planning Manager
Lynn Harris
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Chronological File
Secretary I
Amy Hock
Chronological File
Deputy City Manager
Barry HoQan
Chronological File
City Engineer/Public
Works Director
Dave Klotzle
Chronological File
Senior Management
Shaun Kroes
Chronological File
City Manager
Steven Kueny
Chronological File
Planning Manager
John Libiez
Chronological File
Director of Community
Wayne Loftus
Chronological File
Assistant Planner
Craig Malin
Chronological File
Case Planner Joyce
Chronological File
Principal Planner
Paul Porter
BE DESTROYED retention
2009 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2002; and Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2008-2012 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2008-2018 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2008-2018 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2001 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2001 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2001 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2002 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2002 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 5
Chronological File
Gail Rice
Chronological File
Code Enforcement
Officer II
Mario A. Riley Sr.
Chronological File
Acting Community
Development Director
Deborah Traffenstedt
Chronological File
Deputy City Manager
Deborah Traffenstedt
Chronological File
Planning Technician
Feljay Ugalde
Chronological File
Principal Planer
Joseph Vacca
City Council
Chronological File:
Patrick Hunter
Risk Management -
Claims (Against the
City) Files: Claim
letters; Claim forms;
Correspondence and
memos; Court
backup data
(see attached detailed
BE DESTROYED retention
2000-2001 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2000-2001 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2002 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2010-2018 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2001-2002 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
2011-2012 Current+ 2 Years GC 34090
1999-2008 Terminated + 4 Years GC 34090
1984-2014 Closed + 5 Years GC 34090
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 6
Risk Management -
Potential Claims
(Against the City) Files
Closed Agreements ,
Contracts , and Leases
(paper records to be
destroyed, electronic
images available in
Laserfiche which is the
City's archival optical
imaging system)
(see attached detailed
Consent to Destruction:
BE DESTROYED retention
1984 -1999 Closed + 5 Years GC 34090
1983-2009 Closed/Completed California
Plus 10 Years Code of Civil
Procedure ,
Section 337 .15
Ky Spangler , City Clerk
Department Head Authorization : I certify that the records on the above list are no longer
required, are eligible for destruction , and do not have to be retained based upon any
record retention requirements imposed by any statute or law , or pursuant to a grant
received by the City or a bond issued by the City , and are not related to or potentially
relevant to any of the following in which the City may be involved : a reasonably anticipated
claim or litigation, an ongoing claim or litigation , a pending employee grievance , a pending
regulatory or governmental investigation , a pending subpoena , a pending Public Records
Act request, a pending audit , or similar legal matter. I recommend that said records be
destroyed .
Consent to Destruction : I
PJ Gagajena , Assistant City Manager
Attorney Authorization : I do hereby certify that I am the City Attorney for the City of
Moorpark, I have reviewed the above list of records and based upon the representations
made herein by the department head , agree that the above -mentioned records are not
records required to be kept by statute or law , provided destruction thereof has been
approved by the City Council. My review has been limited to the descript ions contained
on the list and did not involve review of th e actual records . Ba sed on the foregoing , I
consent to the destruction of the above -mentioned records .
Consent to Destruction :
Kevin Ennis, City Attorney
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 7
200.2(5) Schultz, Stanley
~0_0.2(6) • Sheld()n,Jc1mes
200.2(7) Skinner, Joan & Michael
200.2(8) Torres, Manueal
200 . .2(9)Figueroa, Ralph
200.2(10) Pacific Sewer
200.2(11) Hoffman, Brian
~90.2(12)!James, A9am
200.2(13) Canary, William
200.2(14) Gillette, Joseph
200.2(15) Roske,_ Vernon
200.2(16) Roske, Gretchen
200.2(17) Bird, Thomas
__ 200.2(18) Pickard, Daryl
200.2(29)1 Pape, Gina
200.2(30)1C. C. Myers, Inc.
200.2(31 )1Wallis, Keith ----------r----------------------- -
200.2(32)1Salas & Hurtado
200.2(36)! Boething Condemnation
__ 2Q0.2(37f Keefer, Ullic:1n J.
_ 200.2(~8) Kavian, Lalezar
200.2(39) Adley, James
- - -
, 12/16/1985
200.2(40)_Regal Homes vs. Greenspan Const~uction 6/2/1988
2QQ-~{4_1) Haines, Cheryl L. 11/28/1987
200.2(42) Gonzalez, Rose Marie 7/1/1988
4/4/1984 4/4/1989
12/19/1984 12/19/1989
8/27/1985 8/27/1990
2/4/1985 2/4/1990
9/24/1984 9/24/1989
8/27/1985 8/27/1990
6/17/1985 6/17/1990
7/12/1985 7/12/1990
5/17/1985 5/17/1990
2/18/1987 2/18/1992
8/19/1985 8/19/1990
- -----------------------------,---
6/24/1996 6/24/2001
8/19/1985 8/19/1990
8/4/1986 8/4/1991 •
12/23/1987 12/22/1992 •
12/12/1987 12/11/1992
10/5/1987 10/4/1992,
---------------------------~ - -
1/19/1988 1/18/19931
- - -------------
11/8/1994 1 11/8/1989
4/21/1988 4/21/1993; ,-
4/26/1998; 4/26/1993
5/16/1989 5/16/1994;
7/18/1988 7/18/1~~3!
1/9/1989 1/9/1994!
- ---------------------j-
10/18/1989 10/18/1994 !
5/16/1989 5/16/1994' 200.2(43) Pegnato, Carole ___
200.2(44) Fickel, Jacob James 8/15/1988 5/16/1989 5/16/1994,
- - ----------------------------------------
200.2(46), Singleton, Kristie 5/6/1988 2/14/1994 2/14/1999
200.2(4 7): Melendez, Guy Louis 12/14/1988 12/12/1989 12/12/1994
200.2(48) i Gutierrez, Arthur/Gutierrez, George Arthur 3/23/1989 10/31/1991 10/30/1996
-----------1---- --------------------------------------------------
200.2(49)! Duchene, Peggy 2/7/1984 3/5/1984 3/5/1989
200.2(50) ! Goodman, Bernard 6/1/1987 12/23/1987 12/22/1992
200.2{52)[ Hamamura, Roy ' 3/8/1989 3/5/1990 3/5/1995
200.2(53)! Schmidt, Daniel J. 3/5/1989 3/5/1989 3/5/1994
200.2(56) 1 Liberty Mutual Insurance i 4/29/1986 5/21/1986 5/21/1991'
_ ?00.2(68):Mclrie A. Cope 1/23/1990 6/18/1990 6/18/1995'
200.2(69) Michael Alan Stanford 9/1/1989 11/7/1990 11/7/1995
200.2(70) Randall L. Jaffe 1/22/1990 9/26/1990 9/26/1995
~Q0.2(!ll_L()r~ C. Jorda11e 1/3/1990 3/26/1991 3/25/1996
200.2(7 4) Malloy, Brendan 2/21/1990 7/6/1992 7/6/1997
200.2(75) Palmer, G.H and Associates (Bond 7/11/1990 12/5/1996 12/5/2001 •
___ Exoneration)
200.2(82) Kellerman vs. Board of Supervisors of 8/23/1990 12/18/1991 12/17/1996
County of_ventura
200.2(85) Rodney Johnson 10/11/1990 12/5/1990 12/5/1995
200.2(87);Mart Gary Smith IV (8/14/90) 11/14/1990 11/19/1990 11/19/1995
200.2(88) Sugimoto, Alice et.al. (6/90) (Rejected 6/10/1990 9/20/1991 9/19/1996
?0_0.2(90). Chuy's R~staurant 6/12/1989 9/12/1991 9/11/1996
- -~ ---------------------------------•
200.2( 117) Cynthia Hubbard 4/91 10/13/1990 5/3/1991 5/2/1996
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 8
200.2(123) GRAY, Calvin Butch 4/5/91
200.2(125) THOMAS, Dominic A. and Nancy M.
Maureen Lane)
~00.2(126) LATUNSKI, J()seph C.(2nd Claim) 3/22/85
200.2(127) At'..JDRADE, Silverio
200.2(128) DURLEY, Leslie 6/91
200.2(129) TYLER, Jesse and Donna 5/91 (Fern Court)
200.2(132) SCHICK, Brooke
200.2(134) SOUTHWORTH vs. Moorpark (Rose Marie
200.2( 136 )_ Fetherolf, Theresa
?QQ.2(1 ~9)_(;riswol9,_James A.
200.2(140) HUIZENGA, Louise
200.2(155) _AY!RS, Ret:>El_cca
200.?(156) HC>Q_GINS, Bill
200.2(157) HANN, Judith L.
200.2(158).Burnan Family Trust of 1982 -UWC-
Moorpark General -UWC-Moorpark
Investors -Personal Injury
200.2(161),PORTS, John H.
200.2(162}-REIFF, Glen-
----- - -
200.2(163) JOHNSON, Caroline -Incident Date: 4/22/93
200.2(164) RENTERIA, Jorge-Incident Date: 11/13/92
200.2(167) SCHENCK, Stephen -Incident Date: 4/9/93
___ ~QQ-~_{170) _ BE:'='=2, _fv1ary -l_~c:i9ent Date: 81!7193
200.2(171):FEUERSTEIN, Steven -Incident Date:
4/5/1991 6/5/1991
4/12/1991 2/5/1992
2/25/1985 3/22/1985
6/12/1991 7/18/1991
- - - -
6/18/1991 4/23/1992
6/14/1991 4/19/1996
8/20/1991 9/30/1991
7/26/1991 2/12/1992
11/7/1991 9/17/1992
1/4/1993 1/24/1994
6/3/1992 5/5/1993
2/10/1993 7/9/1993
2/16/1993 3/17/1993
2/18/1993 8/13/1993
2/10/1992 4/9/1993
4/27/1993 10/7/1993
6/3/1993 4/19/1994
5/20/1993 11/4/1993
5/20/1993 11/3/1993
8/20/1993 9/16/1994
8/17/1993 4/7/1994
-------- ------
9/6/1993 4/15/1994
-----------•------------------------ -------------
200.2(172) CAMPS, Tisha A. -Incident Date: 3/14/93 10/28/1993 7/25/1994
200.2(174) COLMER DEVELOPMENT CO. -2/4/94 2/7/1994 6/2/1994
200.2( 175)~UAGLIAf\J()NI=, John R. -~ 4~1 /89 to 199'4__ 4/22/1994 7/19/1995
' -----
200.2(176),ROCK, George H. -4/22/94 4/22/1994 9/20/1994
200.2(178)'ROSS, Sheila -Incident Date: 6/6/94 6/6/1994 7/18/1994
200.2(180) <3_RIFFIN H()MES 6/20/1994 12/15/1994
200.2(181) GODINEZ, Josie -Incident Date: 5/2/94 8/26/1994 9/21/1994
200.2(182) ASHER, Brandon -Incident Date: 7/11/94 7/11/1994 2/23/1995
200.2(18_4JTRUJIL'=(),Jc1rio M. 11/30/1994 2/6/1995
------- ----------
200.2(185) SIMI FORTY, Cease and Desist Order 10/25/1994 11/28/1994
---' --
200.2(186) GREEN, Andre Ferguson -Incident date 12/8/1994 5/19/1995
200.2(187) _ LADY, Steven M. -Incident date: 1/4/95 1/11/1995 7/5/1995
200.2(188) SOUTHWORTH, William A. 1/17/1995 3/1/1995
200.2(190) SHAW, David C. -Incident date: 9/24/94 3/22/1995 1/23/1996
200.2(191) MCLINN, Lori 12/16/1994 12/22/1994
200.2(192) DAVIS, Debbie 4/18/1995 4/18/1995
200.2(193) GUNY, Abe vs. LIEB, Harry K., Case No. 3/30/1994 9/15/1995
Destroy I BOX# I
6/4/1996 1
2/4/1997 1
3/22/1990 1
7/17/1996 1
4/23/1997 1
4/19/2001 1
9/29/1996 1
2/11/1997 1
9/17/1997 1
1/24/1999 1
5/5/1998 1
7/9/1998 1
3/17/1998 1
8/13/1998 1
4/9/1998 1
10/7/1998 1
4/19/1999 1
11/4/1998 1
11/3/1998 1
9/1511999• 1
4/7/1999 1
4/15/1999 1
7/25/1999 1
6/2/1999 1
7/18/2000, 1
9/20/1999 1
7/18/1999, 1
12/15/1999 1
9/21/1999 1 1
2/23/2000, 1
2/6/2000 1
11/28/1999 1
5/18/2000 1
7/4/2000 1
2/29/2000 1
1/22/2001 1
12/22/1999 1
4/17/2000 1
9/14/2000 1
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 9
200.2(195) Records of the City of Moorpark relating to
contract between Delta Horticulture Svcs
200.2(198).LOPICCOLO, Ann Marie -Incident date
200.2(199) BREDEMANN, Harvey -Incident date
200.2(200) LINEBERRY, Marie & Conejo Detail -
Incident date 4/14/95
200.2(201) MENDEZ, Jesus & Angie -Incident date
200.2(204) ROCKWELL, Darvin & Judith Case No.
200.2(205) SCHAEFER, Jeannie -Incident date
2_00.?(?06) SCARONI, Lynn Properties
200.2(207) GUERRA, Gabriel -Incident date 6/3/95
200.2(208) KUNZE, James -Case No.
96C00 1037 /96C00 1038 (Code Enforcement)
200.2(209) SHAFFER, Jennifer -Incident date 11/22/95
200.2(212) EST AN DIA, Paul -Incident date 10/5/95
200.2(213),FATTRUSSO, Joseph -Incident date 5/4/96
?0Q.2(~14)HASTY, Betty_R. -Incident dat~ 6/1Q/96
200.2(215) Moorpark (People) adv. Mark McQueen
VCMC Case No. 96C001931; Subject
Property: 1 ~J _\t'l.lic:ks Road
200.2(216) MEYER, CAROLANN -Incident date 3/25/96
200.2(217) TONDREAU, KENT -Incident date 8/7/96
200.2(219)1 HERRERA, JUAN -Incident date 10/21/96
200.2(221) Dl'_K~, Jc:>1-iN -Incident dc1t~_ 1_12_?/96
(TMC) CUP 4633 Writ of mandate for failure
. to ccirn_ply w/ CEQA
200.2(223) GAYVERT, TIMOTHY L. -Incident date
--• ---------------
200.2(224) BARAJAS, LISA-Incident date 01/15/97
200.2(225) NUNEZ, LUCY -Incident date 1/21/97
200.2(226) CLINE, Mr. -Code Enforcement -V.C.M.C.
Case No. 96M095653
20Q.?(227) KINNEY, CHA~LES -Incident date 3/1/97
200.2(229) CUMMINGS, VINCE -Incident date 8/4/97
----- - ---
200.2(230) ROSANDER, GLEN ALAN-Incident date
on/or about 4/21 /97 CLOSED 12/24/97
200.2(231) ADAMS, GARY -Incident date 10/14/97
200.2(232) CROSS, MARION E. -Incident date
200.2(233) DONOVAN, JAMES P., JR. -Incident date
9/27/1994 7/26/1996 7/26/2001 1
5/8/1995 12/14/1995 12/13/2000 1
3/30/1995 4/27/1995 4/26/2000 1
4/14/1995 4/28/1995 4/27/2000 1
3/27/1995 5/1/1995 4/30/2000 2
12/16/1996 1/30/1997 1/30/2002 2
7/7/1995 1/11/1996 1/10/2001 2
6/2/1995 11/13/1995 11/12/2000 2
6/3/1995 10/4/1995 10/3/2000 2
1/3/1996 3/5/1996 3/5/2001 2
8/16/1995 2/9/1996 2/8/2001 2
2/21/1996 7/12/1996 7/12/2001 2
6/14/1996 12/2/1998 12/2/2003. 2
6/17/1996 12/6/1996 12/6/2001' 2
8/7/1996 5/13/1997 5/13/2002 2
8/14/1996 3/11/1997 3/11/2002 2
-------------- -----------------------
8/7/1996 10/21/1996 10/21/2001 2
10/30/1996 4/4/1997 4/4/2002 2
12/25/1996 10/10/1997 10/10/2002 2
5/8/1996 1/10/1997 1/10/2002 2
3/10/1997 6/12/1997 6/12/2002 2
- -----
4/9/1997 8/26/1997 8/26/2002 2
4/18/1997 7/15/1997 7/15/2002 2
12/19/1996 9/23/1998 9/23/2003 2
5/28/1997 3/12/2001 3/12/2006 2
8/14/1997 8/28/1997 8/28/2002 2
10/17/1997 1/6/1998 1/6/2003 2
10/15/1997 9/29/1998 9/29/2003 2
11/13/1997 12/4/1997 12/4/2002 2
6/5/1997 6/4/1999 6/3/2004 2
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 10
200.2(234) CUMMINGS, CAROLYN/State Farm
Insurance-Incident date 8/22/96
200.2(235) SHEHYN, STEVE -Incident date 12/15/96
200.2(237). LITTGE, WENDY J. -Incident date 2/11 /98
200.2(239)'Spri-ng Road Bridge Closure (D, P& K LLP
File No. 5000) Quassimali Caz Jairazbhoy (7-
200.2(240) BATENCOURT, OSCAR -Code 7/14/1997
Enforcement Case
- - - ---------------
200.2(242) HALLER, JUDY -Incident date 9/8/98 9/8/1998
200.2(244) OLNEY, SEAN -Incident date 10/5/98 10/5/1998
200.2(246) David Cragoe, 13356 Quail Summit Road, 4/22/1999
Incident date 4/22/99 CLOSED 6/3/99
200.2(248) Yvonne M. Henderson, S-101613-DK 4/13/1999
CLOSED 12/7/99
200.2(249) Southern California Edison -Carl Warren# 8/13/1999
S 101540 DBK, CLOSED 4/21/00 damaged
200.2(250),Hargrove, Wendy A.; S 101080 DBK 6/4/1999
CLOSED 1/20/00
200.2(252) i Fisher, Lonnie - S 108043 DK, fall incident 3/29/2000
• on Moorpci_rk Senior C_e_r,_ter_~ta_irs _______
200.2(253) Donegan, Teresa (Lorr, Michael: Deceased) 8/10/2000
200.2(255): Diederich, Gretchen & Charles; Estate of 11/13/2000
Drew Diederich -Government Claim
CLOSED 9/23/02
200.2(257) i Leocadio Lacerna -4380 Clearwood Road 2/19/1999
200.2(258):Lois J. Blair; Lynn Blair; Brittany Blair; ' 11/20/2000
Breanna Blair; Lynda Blair Burns; Ross Blair;
:susan Blair Ames -Federico C. Sayre, Esq.
'/ Kent M. Henderson, Esq. -Claim No. S-
108911-DK, Date of Incident: 5/16/00 -
Personal Injury/Property Damages
200.2(260) John A. Short Ill, CW File# S 107974 DBK, 3/21/2000
Event Date: 3/8/00
200.2(261) Linda Angus, CW File# S 109203 SWK, 10/4/2000
Event Date: 10/4/00 Status Report #6 dated
2/1 /02 Status Report #9 dated 9/12/02
200.2(264) Mark Englander, CW File # S 109372 DK, 3/20/2001
· Event Date: 6/5/00
200.2(265) Thomas C. Nelson, CW File# S 109406 3/18/2001
DBK, Event Date: 3/18/01, Claim for
200.2(266) Juliann King, CW File# S 109440 DBK, 4/3/2001
Event Date: 3/17/01, Claim for Damages
200.2(267) Asplundh Tree Expert -CW File # Pending, 11/4/2000
(Heirs of Sergio Mendoza, et al -CW File#
S 109559 SWK), Event Date: 11/4/00,
Claims for Money Damages
1/7/1998 1/7/2003 2
9/30/1998 9/30/2003 2
9/14/1998 9/14/2003 2
4/7/2000 4/7/2005 2
9/14/1998 9/14/2003 2
11/17/1998 11/17/2003 2
4/23/1999 4/22/2004 2
6/7/1999 6/6/2004 2
12/15/1999 12/14/2004 2
4/21/2000 4/21/2005 2
1/20/2000 1/19/2005 2
9/22/2000 9/22/2005 2
1/17/2001 1/17/2006 2
9/26/2002 9/26/2007 2
7/13/1999 7/12/2004 2
12/28/2000 12/28/2005 2
5/9/2000 5/9/2005 2
10/14/2002 10/14/2007 2
5/2/2001 5/2/2006 2
6/12/2001 6/12/2006 2
6/28/2001 6/28/2006 2
1/23/2002 1/23/2007 2
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 11
200.2(269) Westfield Farms, Inc./ Nishiden, lnc.(163-
020-210, 163-020-280, & 163-020-290) Carl
Warren File No.: S 109811 DK, Damage to
real property, orchards, crops, capital
investment and loss of income
200.2(272) Robynn Tholander, Claim for Damages, CW
File# S 133391-DBK; Event Date:
200.2(273) David Weinerman, Claim for Damages,
Received 2/7/02
200.2(274) Moustafa Elgamiel, Claim for Damages,
Received 9/9/02, CW File S 134351 DBK;
Event Date 08/08/02; Claim Rejection Letter
CLOSED 10/04/02 Lawsuit filed, court date
1/27/03 Lawsuit: Received 12/26/02 for
,Court Date of 01/27/03
200.2(275) Roger Dixon, Claim Rejection Letter
CLOSED 10/21/02
200.2(276) Francisco Ortiz (Amezua) Claim for
___________ Damages, R~cei1,1~d 12/10/02;
200.2(277): Donald and Mrs. Bahl -Potential Claim
Claim for Damages received by U.S. Mail
12/31/02 Claim Rejected by City Council
2/_5(03 (6 months: 8/6/20Q~) _
200.2(278) Nancy T. Dion, Claim for Damages received
• hand delivered on 2/28/03, Date of Event
9/3/2002, Expenses for Medical/General
Damages, CW File # S-135022-PYK, Draft
Declaration by Ken Gilbert, Claim Rejection
letter mailed on 3/21/2003, Council rejected
on 3/19/03. (6 months: 9/21/2003)
Summons: City of Moorpark & Traditions
Homeowners Association
200.2(279) Amanda Zopfi (Plaintiff) vs. City of
Moorpark; County of Ventura; State of
· California; State Board of Control; Caltrans;
Department of Transportation; and Does 1-
30 Inclusive. Governmental Claim for
Personal Injury and Damages (Pursuant to
Government Code Section 910, ET.SEQ.)
200.2(280) (POTENTIAL CLAIM)Jayme Hirashiki,
2/27/2003, Conejo Valley Adult School
Parking Lot, Laura L. Stringer, S-135023-
DBK, $2,000
7/30/2001 6/28/2002 6/28/2007 2
11/26/2001 2/28/2002 2/28/2007 2
2/7/2002 4/10/2002 4/10/2007 2
9/9/2002 1/30/2003 1/30/2008 2
9/30/2002 12/26/2002 12/26/2007 2
11/26/2002 1/13/2003 1/13/2008 2
-----------' 12/31/2002 4/23/2003 4/22/2008 2
2/28/2003 8/19/2004 8/19/2009 2
4/16/2003 12/9/2003 12/8/2008 2
2/27/2003 8/19/2003 8/18/2008 2
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 12
200.2(283) SBC (Phone Company) C/O Diane Mancini,
6/11/2003, 226 High Street, Moorpark,
building demolition: 50 pair cable was cut by
bull dozer by City contractor, $1,035.71, Bill
for Damages attached to Claim Form
7/21/2003 8/28/2003 8/27/2008 2
200.2(284) Guadalupe (Roberto) Cuadra (Shaun Kroes 6/17/2003 10/29/2003 10/28/2008 2
Vehicle Accident) Date of Event: 6/17/2003;
CW File No. S-135468-DBK
- -
200.2(285) Jose L. Jaurequi, Date of event: 2/23/2003, 8/15/2003 4/5/2004
. CW File No. S 135708 SWK
200.2(286) Paul Bedigian, Date of event: 3/2/2003, CW 8/26/2003 1/19/2005
File No. S 135751 SWK -CLOSED
200. 2(287) M. Anne Dickson, Date of event: 7/1/2003, 9/3/2003 5/10/2004
CW File No. S 135824 DK
200.2(288), Robert Morgenstern/ Wendy Noble (Richard
Garcia), Date of event: 9/16/2003
200.2(289) Bordiers Nursery, Inc. -Attn. William
Russell; Robert L. Compton and Paul W.
Kurzeka of Nordman, Cormany, Hair &
Compton; Date of Event: 2/12/2003; CW File
No. S 135682 DK; Rejected by Council on
9/17/2003; maHE:ldLetter on 9/19/2003
200.2(292) Taylor Ann Naud (Father: Keith Naud); Date
_of Event: 7/25/2003;
200.2(293) Veronica Robichau, 13472 Vista Levana
Drive, Small Claims Case No. SH098868:
Sidewalk is a hazard and slopes towards
house & floods when it rains. $2,175
200 .1 : Potential Claims -1985
200 .1 1 Potential Claims -1986
200.1 Potential Claims -1987
200.1 Potential Claims -1988
200.1 Potential Claims -1989
200.1 Potential Claims -1990
200.1 Potential Claims-1991
200.1 Potential Claims -1992
200.1 Potential Claims -1995
200 .1 _ PotentiaJ g1c1Ims -1997 ( empty)
200 .1 Potential Claims -1998
200.1 • Potential Claims -1999
200.2(296)! Christian Johnson; Sabrina Johnson, and
Amber Johnson (Gary P. Jacobs with
Jacobs & Associates) Fall on Peach Hill
. Road on 6/12/2003
9/16/2003 1/4/2004
8/11/2003 5/21/2004
10/21/2003 2/10/2004
11/10/2003 3/25/2004
3/26/1985 3/26/1985
12/23/1986 12/23/1986
1/16/1987 7/22/1987
1/29/1988 12/28/1988
4/1/1989 9/21/1989
4/13/1990 9/16/1990
12/24/1990 1 0/22/ 1991
4/9/1992 5/7/1992
9/15/1995 12/7/1995
1/1/1997 1/1/1997
3/14/1998 12/2/1998
3/14/1999 12/28/1999
12/8/2003 9/27/2004
200.2(297) Robeth Co. Inc. (Dallin Hutchinson) CW File 6/12/2001 8/17/2001
No. S 109702 DBK -CLOSED
200.2(298) Doris E. Swanson, CW File No. S-142926-12/15/2003 2/9/2004
DK, Trip and Fall
200.2(299) Roy Allan Slurry Seal, Inc.,; S-142923-DK; 9/28/2003 3/2/2004
2003 Slurry Seal Project -Measurement and
Payment of Slurry Seal Material
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 13
200.2(301) Marco Cortez CW File #S-143029-SJK
200.?(303) Gail Sharki sg ~ilE=l f\Jo. -~ 143369 SWK
200.2(304) Mary Lamm Trip & Fall Incident on High
200.2(308) Claim For Damages by: Secret Garden
Restaurant Bardavid Michel
200.2(309) Claim for Damages Related to Signs
Confiscated on Tierra Rejada Road
200.2(311) Governmental Tort Claims from Steven L.
Zelig, Esq. for:Timothy Grimes and Susan
• Lang; and Freddie Craft Individually and on
. Behalf of the Freddie Jefferson Craft Trust
200.2(312) Claim for Damage to Broken Storefront
Window on 111-F Poindexter Avenue; Jason
_f:_larrie; Tang Sao Do University
200.2(314)Claim for Damages: Joe Herzog Claim notes
,that on 1/18/2006, Claiment's 14-year old
. dog was let out of the backyard by Mark
: Newman, Inspector, and was hit by a car in
, front of claiment's house
200.2(321 )'Claim for damages: Richard A. Sasenick
, (claimant) v. Ventura County
200.2(324)1Claim for Damages Pursuant to Government
'Code 91 O; Jesus Ortiz Alvarez vs. City of
200.2(325) Claim for Damages; Miguel Arambula, 156
Charles Street, Sewer line damaged due to
_ _P~p_per Tree in fro_nt<Jfho_u:s~
200.2_(~29) _Clc1_im for Damages frCJn,_ ~C>yceParker
200.2(330 Claim for Damages from Maria Martinez/
Trinidad; Tree/ branches fell on truck/ fence
on 273 High Street
200.2(331) Claim for Damages from Azucena M.
· Castillo; Vehicle Accident involving City
: Employee on 6/6/2007
200.2(332)iClaim for Damages from Sergio Ramirez
200.2(333):Claim for Damages from Camrosa Water
200.2(340) Veronica Tamaru, Claim for Damages:
Damage to Tire on High Street and Spring
Road on December 12, 2007
200.2(334) Claim: Rachel Ostrowiecki
Claimant alleges damage was sustained as
a result of a missing covering on a City
200.2(335) Claim Damages from Errol Hale
200.2(336) Claim for Damages from Daniel I. Cronk
200.2(338) Tina Hare, Claim for Damages: hit manholes
__ _ ci_n Tierra Rejad_a Road
200.2(338)(2) Complaint for Damages: Mid Century
Insurance Company (Summons)
2/26/2004 9/22/2004 9/22/2009 3
5/14/2004 2/11/2005 2/11/2010 3
- - -------
7/26/2004 3/14/2005 3/14/2010 3
7/15/2005 3/29/2006 3/29/2011 3
8/8/2005 11/7/2005 11/7/2010 3
9/22/2005 12/30/2005 12/30/2010 3
1/10/2005 12/28/2005 12/28/2010 3
1/18/2006 7/31/2006 7/31/2011 3
7/24/2007 11/28/2007 11/27/2012 3
1/26/2007 7/17/2007 7/16/2012 3
4/3/2007 7/24/2007 7/23/2012 3
10/11/2007 11/20/2007 11/19/2012 3
.. -------------------
10/21/2007 2/19/2008 2/18/2013 3
6/6/2007 12/28/2007 12/27/2012 3
11/27/2007 7/14/2008 7/14/2013 3
11/27/2007 7/14/2008 7/14/2013 3
2/5/2008 12/9/2008 12/9/2013 3
12/17/2007 10/25/2008 10/25/2013 3
11/24/2007 2/25/2008 2/24/2013 3
11/29/2007 3/26/2008 3/26/2013 3
2/4/2008 8/22/2008 8/22/2013 3
11/26/2008 2/5/2009 2/5/2014 3
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 14
200.2(341) Mike Rovner, an individual, Claimant claim
against a public entity
200.2(344) Jaime Reyes and Dorothy Reyes; Damage
to the pipes on the house
200.2(345) Robert Santillan; Injury/ Damage to Neck
and Back
200.2(347) Claim for Damages Recieved from Natasha
Vanlue (Mercury Insurance); Claimant:
_ J()ann_a:3ummerford; 165 High Street
200.2(348) Helping Hands Outreach Damon Daniel &
Danita Daniel
200.2(349) Kristi Bakel; Motorcycle Accident on
Moorpark Road in front of Moorpark Civic
200.2(350) Ian Mort; Motorcycle Accident on Moorpark
_Roc1d ir, front off\Jloorpc1rk Civic CentElr
200.2(351) Pedro Castillo (Claimant) Vs. Metrolink
200.2(352) Nagiko Sato Kiser; Claim for damages (Eric
_ Smith); Injured at MC 6/2/08
200.2(355) Roger Woolett; Claim for Damages
200.2(357) Bonifacio Rosales
200.2(358) Barbara Woodey
200.2(359): Hayes, Laurie
200.2(366)' Tran, Quang
200.2(367):Anderson, Eileen M.
200.2(369):Mora Fuentes, Ivan
200.2(371) ~ Collet, Amanda
200.-2(3i3)!Pacific Bell(AT&T
200.2(37 4) ! Kaeser, Kelly
200.2(375), Fisher, Michael~d_ ~eronica
200.2(376):Wyman, Robert H.
3/18/2008 2/11/2009
5/27/2008 11/20/2008
5/28/2008 1/13/2009
6/5/2008 10/29/2008
8/11/2008 3/24/2009
9/23/2008 6/18/2009
9/23/2008 6/18/2009
1 0/27 /2008 6/24/2009
· 11/28/2008
9/1/2010 4/14/2011
1 /11 /2012
- -
1/17/2012 ------------ - -------
1/25/2012 3/20/2012
Destroy I
200.2(377) Wolfson, Steven
200.~(378)_Ka_2lan, [?r~vV§< Bess
200.2(379) '. Tack~, Kenneth
200.2(380) i Rios, Ontoniel
200.2(381 )!Whited, Jon A.
200.2(388) Tlrimat, Wajih
200.2(389) Anderson, Kristen
200.2(392) United Services Automobile Association -
, Claims for Damages
200.2(393) Claim for Damages Virga Siauciunaite
200.2(~94) Claim for Damages American Hapkido, Inc.
1/31/2012 3/20/2012
2/2/2012 11/21/2012
10/14/2010 1/25/2011
10/17/2012 11/27/2012
3/23/2012 8/1/2012
7/13/2012 8/6/2012
10/7/2012 12/10/2012
11/13/2012 3/15/2013
11/27/2013 6/25/2014
11/13/2013 10/23/2014
5/28/2014 8/11/2014
9/15/2014 4/15/2015
1 /25/2016
Resolution No . 2021-4043
Page 15
Dest Box No. 1 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2001
114.403 E. M. Entertainment
(1991-030) Live Music for City/D.A.R.E. Dance 5/8/1991 5/18/1991 5/18/2001
114.404 J & R Electrical Company
(1991 -032) Extend Electrical Service for Two Monument Signs
and Two J Boxes 5/24/1991 6/30/1991 6/30/2001
114.405 Gale/Jordan Assoc ., Inc .
(1991-037) Community Center Asbestos Material Survey 5/16/1991 12/31/1991 12/31/2001
114.406 Moorpark Design Services
(1991 -038) Drafting and Collation of Plans for Restroom and
Picnic Facilities at Various City Parks 6/11/1991 12/31/1991 12/31/2001
114.913 Hot Line Construction
Insurance Only 1/10/2000 7/31/2001 8/1/2011
DY 2002
114.443 Pleasant Valley Excavat ion
(1992-032) Haul Dirt from Arroyo Vista Community Park to
Griffin Park 6/12/1992 7/31/1992 8/1/2 002
114.446 Phelps , William
(1992-043) Interim Community Development Director 5/20/1992 9/11/1992 9/12/2002
114.453 D.W . Burhoe
(1992-063) Infrastructure Improvements at Arroyo Vista Park 10/15/1992 2/15/1992 2/15/2002
DY 2003
114.412 City li nk Subscr iber Agreement
(1991 -053) City/ink Subscriber Agreement 5i29/1991 6/30/1992 7/1/2002
(1992-041) Amendment to Agreement No . 1991 -053 for Twelve
Month Extension to Provide City with City/ink Communications 7/1/1992 6/30/1993 7/1/2003
114.437 Blois Const ru ct ion
(1992-012) Construction of Williams Ranch Road Landscape
Barrier 3/30/1992 12/31/1992 1/1/2003
114.438 Thomas M. Vo lk Assoc iates
(1992-016) Review Property Leases along High Street 2/5/1992 12/31/1992 1/1/2003
114.439 Miki Co nstructio n
(1992-020) High Street Storm Drain , Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter
Improvement Project 5/8/1992 12/31 /1992 1/1/2003
114.440 T .I. Ma loney , Inc.
(1992 -024) Landscape Arch Services at Arroyo Vista Park 6/19/1992 6/19/1993 6/20/2003
(1992-037) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 1992-024 for
Additional Landscape Services at Arroyo Vista Park 6/19/1992 6/19/1993 6/20/2003
114.454 JCA E lectrical Services
(1992-059) Hook Up Power to Well Pump at Arroyo Vista
Community Park 10/5/1992 12/31/1992 1/1/2003
114.455 O'Keefe Engineering, Inc .
(1992-066) Construction of Storm Drains and Reconstruction of
the Street, Including Sidewalk, Curbs and Gutters Related to
Charles Street-Phase 1 10/30/1992 10/7/1993 10/8/2003
114.488 American Asphalt
(1993-037) Slurry Seal Repairs on Various Streets 6/14/1993 8/23/1993 8/24/2003
114.490 Santa Barbara Plumbing Co .
(1993-043) Construction of Sidewalks in the Vicinity of Flory
Elementary School 7/12/1993 8/30/1993 8/31/2003
DY = Des truction Year
Resolution No . 2021-4043
Page 16
Dest Box No. 1 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date l C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2004
114.449 El Concilio/City/MUSD
(1992-062) At Risk Youth Programs 10/19/1992 9/30/1994 9/30/2004
1 14.457 AGI Geotechnical , Inc.
(1992-061) Certain Soils Testing Services During Construction
for Arroyo Vista Community Park, Phase 1 10/14/1992 10/14/1993 10/15/2003
(1993-088) Proposal to Perform Geotechnica/ Investigation and
Environmental Site Assessment at Ca/trans Maintenance Yard-
Fitch Site 11/29/1993 6/1/1994 6/1/2004
(1994-064) Retain Consultant for Certain Soils Testing and
Technical Services 6/14/1994 12/14/1994 12/14/2004
114.489 Wyman Testing Labs
(1993-039) Materials Testing Services for Arroyo Vista
Community Park Community Building and Gymnasium 7/1/1993 7/1/1994 7/1/2004
DY 2005
114.447 Moorpark Melodrama
(1992-045) Installation of Chain Link Fence 7/14/1992 7/14/1995 7/14/2005
DY 2006
114.731 National Plant Services, Inc.
(1996-058) Agreement for Contract Services 7/23/1996 8/6/1996 8/7/2006
114.736 Inca Ensemble
(1996-064) Music and Dance Performance for Labor Day
Picnic 9/2/1996 9/2/1996 9/3/2006
DY 2007
114.616 Channel Counties Legal Services Association
(1996-069) Contract for Services 10/18/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
(1995-098) Contract for services 11/1/1995 10/31/1996 11/1/2006
114.742 Diversified Carpet Service
(1996-080) Installation of Carpet in Council Conference Room 1/2/1997 2/1/1997 2/2/2007
114.743 E. Rosen Construction
(1996-081) Repair Damaged Block Wall at Arroyo Vista
Recreation Center 1/13/1997 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
DY 2008
114.802 All Contractors , Inc .
(1997-104) Demolition of Structure at 224 High Street,
Moorpark, CA 12/2/1997 1/12/1998 1/13/2008
114.803 Verrilli, Don & Lupanow, Sabina
(1997-106) Lease Agreement for 661 Moorpark Avenue 11/15/1997 11/14/1998 11/14/2008
114.821 Leach Mounce Architects
(1998-010) Space Needs Study 4/1/1998 8/1/1998 8/1/2008
(1999-089) Amendment No . 1 to Space Needs Study 3/18/1999 11/30/1999 11/30/2009
DY 2009
114.884 DMG -Maximus
(1999 -032) Professional Services for Indirect Cost and Cost
A/location Studies 4/27/1999 9/30/1999 9/30/2009
(1999 -033) Professional Recruitment Services for the Director
of Community Development Position 4/13/1999 4/30/1999 4/30/2009
114.906 Ashley's Painting Services
(1999-084) Paint the Wrought Iron Fence at 11830 Tierra
Rejada Road 11/3/1999 11 /8/1999 11/8/2009
114.907 Star-Wes Roofing
(1999-085) Re-Roof the Community Center 10/26/1999 12/31/1999 12/31/2009
DY = Destruction Y ear
Resolution No . 2021-4043
Page 17
Dest Box No. 1 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2010
114.9 14 West American Roofing , Inc.
(2000-001) Re -Roof Repairs for Housing Rehabilitation Loan
Program 11/29/1999 1/28/2000 1/28/2010
114.916 Stewart's De-Rooting & Plumbing
(2000-009) Storm Drain Cleaning at Two Locations in the City 2/14/2000 8/14/2000 8/15/2010
114.934 Little Elmo & the Cosmos
(2000 -045) Perform Concert at the 3rd of July Fireworks
Extravaganza at Arroyo Vista Community Park 5/22/2000 7/4/2000 7/5/2010
DY 2011
114.734 Rollins Environmental
(1996 -062) Hazardous Waste Collection Program Services 9/9/1996 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
114.909 Scott Thomas -Construction Management Services
(1999-091) Construction Management Services 10/27/1999 10/31/2000 11/1/2010
(2001 -006) Construction Management Services 2/1/2001 7/31/2001 8/1/2011
114.932 Hansons and Son Construction
(2000-038) Installation of Playground Equipment at Peach Hill
Park and Campus Canyon Park 5/1/2000 12/31/2000 1/1/2011
114.1005 Pop Arts Band/Bill A. Rotella
(2001 -052) Fireworks Concert 7/3/2001 7/3/2001 7/4/2011
DY 2012
114.937 Wilshire Builders , Inc.
(2000 -049) Agreement for Construction of Subdivision
Improvements and Reimbursement 7/5/2000 12/31/2001 1 /1/2012
DY 2013
114.1105 Sub-Zero Excavating, Inc .
(2003-38) 2002 Curb Ramps at "T" Intersections 2/25/2003 9/30/2003 9/30/2013
(2003-038) Ramps at T-lntersection -Change Order No . 1 3/17/2003 8/6/2003 8/6/2013
DY 2014
114.804 General Government Management Services (GGMS)
(2000-019) Amendment to Agreement for Professional
Services for CFO No . 97-1 and AD No . 92-1 2/22/2000 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
(2001 -062) Amendment to Agreement No . 1997-108 for
Mission Bell Assessment District Annual Administration 5/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
(2003 -111) Consultant Services for Administration of CFO 97-1
and AD 92-1 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
114.1165 Verizon Wireless
(2004 -062) Cell Phone Contract 11/24/2003 11/24/2004 11/25/2014
114.1206 Mazin, Joanne dba Water Bomb Battle Zone
(2004-218) Waterbombs 12/5/2004 12/5/2004 12/6/2014
DY 2016
114.426(A) lmagistics (formerly Pitney Bowes)
(2003 -085) Facsimile Rental Upgrade Agreement 5/12/2003 5/12/2006 5/12/2016
114.922 Ventura County Transportation Commission
(2000-020) Vocational Training 2/23/2000 7/31/2000 8/1/2010
(2000-098) Vocational Training 8/23/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
(2006-031) Vocational Training 2/16/2006 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
DY 2017
114.808 Moorpark Basketball Association/Moorpark Boys and Girls Club
(1997-112) Use of Arroyo Vista Recreation Center Gym 12/1/1998 11/30/2002 11/30/2012
(2002 -119) Moorpark Basketball Association (gym use) 12/1/2002 11 /3 0/2007 11/30/2017
DY = Destruction Year
Resolution No . 2021-4043
Page 18
Dest Box No. 1 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
114.915 Ventura Appraisa l Consulting Corporation
(2000-007) Professional Services Agreement 1/12/2000 12/31/2000 1/1/2011
(2001 -154) Professional Services Agreement for Appraisal
Services 12/6/2001 1/31/2002 2/1/2012
(2002-041) Professional Services Agreement to Provide
Appraisal Report for APN No . 511-0 -090-250 4/3/2002 12/31/2002 12/31/2012
(2002-078) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 2001 -154 for
Professional Appraisal Services 6/27/2002 12/31/2002 12/31/2012
(2005-072) Professional Services Agreement for Appraisal
Services 5/23/2005 7/8/2005 7/9/2015
(2005 -121) Professional Services Agreement for Appraisal
Services 7/27/2005 8/31/2005 9/1/2015
(2005 -199) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 2005 -121 for
Additional Appraisal Services 11/2/2005 11/12/2005 11/13/2015
(2007-002) Amendment No . 2 to Agreement No . 2005 -121 for
Additional Appraisal Services 7/27/2005 1/12/2007 1/12/2017
(2007-015) Professional Services Agreement for Appraisal
Services 1/12/2007 2/28/2007 2/28/2017
(2007-059) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 2007-015 for
Appraisal Services at the Apostolic Church Property 1/12/2007 2/2 8/2007 2/28/2017
(2007-092) Professional Services Agreement for Appraisal
Services 4/27/2007 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
(2007-108) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 2007-092 for
Additional Appraisal Services 5/14/2007 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
(2007-145) Amendment No . 2 to Agreement No . 200 7-092 for
Additional Appraisal Services 6/19/2007 1213112007 12/31/2017
114.1166 M & R Landscape Construction
(2007-019) Make Landscape Improvements at City Hall 2/1/2007 2/16/2007 2/16/2017
114.1822 City of Ventura
(2007-014) Cooperative Agreement between The City of
Moorpark and The City of Ventura (Strike Out Stroke Health
Screenings) 1/24/2007 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
DY= Destruction Ye ar
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 19
Dest Box No. 2
!Agreement No.
114 .509
114 .506
114 .507
114 .512
Agreement Name
DY 2001
Vital Signs
(1991 -027) Install Three Facility Signs
DY 2002
Wind & Shade
(1992-029) Tennis Court Windscreens Installed at South
Meadows Park
DY 2003
Braitman & Associates
(1992-077) Spheres of Influence Review
Rich-lin Builders
(1993-008) Repair and Re -roof the Former Bank Building at the
Southeast Corner of High Street and Moorpark Avenue
Hi Tec h Pro Construction
(1993-075) Construct an Eight Foot Block Wall and Install
Fence at Bard Street and Metro/ink Station
D.I. Construction
(1993-066) Construction of Metro/ink Steps
Lopez -Garcia -Moreno
(1993 -079) Demolition of Building at 284 Charles Street in
Compliance with Code Enforcement Ac_ti_·on ______ _
DY 2004 --------Cou nty of Ventura -P.S .S .A
(1993 -002) Senior Nutrition Program FY 1993/94
MD Structural Contractors
(1993-045) Play Equipment and Fibar Ground Cover
CNM Paving
(1993-077) Sidewalk Improvements Constructed at Arroyo
Vista Community Park Entry Road
(1994 -025) Construction of Certain Asphalt Pavement and
Related Improvements
(1994 -046) Provide Labor and Materials for Construction of
B/ockwall at Los Angeles Avenue and Shasta Avenue
Peterson Fence Co .
(1993 -067) Install 353 feet of 6 Foot High Chain-Link Fence
Karleskint-Crum, Inc .
(1993 -076) Application for Herbiscide Within the Arroyo Simi
(Urban Streams Grant) Grant No . Z-60134
(A 1993-076) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 1993-0 76 for
Additional Services
Achille Levy Foundation Grant
(1993 -085) Grant in the Amount of $6,000 to the City of
Moorpark to be Used to Fund Three Summer Band Concerts at
Open Date ! Cl osed Date! C + 10Y
5/3/1991 12/31/1991 12/31/2001
6/6/1992 6/24/1992 6/25/2002
11/6/1992 12/31/1993 1/1/2004
3/30/1993 4/30/1993 5/1/2003
10/21/1993 11/12/1993 11/13/2003
9/20/1993 10/1/1993 10/2/2003
10/17/1993 11/21/1993 11/22/2003
2/1/1993 2/1/1994 2/2/2004
6/28/1993 6/28/1994 6/28/2004
10/11/1993 10/31/1993 11/1/2003
3/2/1994 3/2/1995 3/2/2005
5/5/1994 10/19/1994 10/19/2004
9/20/1993 9/20/1994 9/20/2004
10/7/1993 1/1/1994 1/2/2004
10/7/1993 1/1/1994 1/2/2004
City Parks 11/15/1993 11/15/1994 11/15/2004
DY= Destruction Yea r
Donahue & Co ., Inc .
(1994 -020) Appraisal Services for Parcel Located on South
Side of Poindexter Avenue, West of Moorpark Ave nue ,
Designated as APN 511 -08-16
Radio Flyer
(1994-083) Summer Concert- Labor Day in the Park
2/10/1994 7/10/1994 7/10/2004
9/5/1994 9/5/1994 9/5/2004
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Dest Box No. 2 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2005
114.525 City of Simi Valley -Joint Use of RCC -Solid Waste
(1994-008) Joint Use and Funding of a Facility to accept
Recyclable Household Hazardous Waste 2/2/1994 2/2/1995 2/2/2005
114.527 Blois Construction, Inc.
(1994-017) Construction of Miscellaneous Concrete Work 3/7/1994 4/30/1995 4/30/2005
114.535 Weisz & Kennedy
(1994-019) Contract Labor and Materials for City to Regrade
Softball Fields at Campus Canyon Park 2/28/1994 2/28/1995 2/28/2005
114.539 California Landscape Inc.
(1994-027) Construction of Irrigation Systems & Installation of
Landscaping 3/16/1994 3/16/1995 3/16/2005
114.542 John Durbin & The Fabulous Chevelles
(1994-047) Fabulous Chevelles to Provide a Fifties Style
Concert at Arroyo Vista Recreation Center 6/11/1994 6/11/1995 6/11/2005
114.544 County of Ventura
(1994-031) Memorandum of Understanding Between the
County of Ventura and the Cities of Moorpark, Simi Valley and
Thousand Oaks for a Cooperative Household Hazardous
Waste Collection Program 2/16/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005 .. A1994-031 Amendment No . 1 to Agreement Dated February
16, 1994 to Allow CESQG Participation at the City of Thousand
Oaks Household Waste Collection Event 10/26/1994 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
A1994-031 Amendment No . 2 to Agreement Dated February
16, 1994 for Extending the Expiration Date for the Cities of
Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley 7/1/1995 11/5/1995 11/5/2005
114.548 Easy Oil
(1994-059) Supply Leased Equipment to Certified Used Oil
Collection Center 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
DY 2007
114.486 Eastwood Tennis Surfacing, Inc.
(1993-035) Resurface Basketball Courts at Glenwood and
Campus Canyon Park 5/17/1993 5/17/1994 5/17/2004
(1997-038) Resurface Tierra Rejada Park Tennis Courts and
Resurface Basketball Courts at Mountain Meadows and
Campus Canyon Park 7/22/1997 8/31/1997 9/1/2007
114.537 Fugro West, Inc.
(1994-021) Hydrogeologic Consultation at Arroyo Vista
Community Park 2/23/1994 3/31/1994 3/31/2004
(A 1994-021) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 1994-021 for
Geological Analysis, Supplementary Design and Well Drilling
Inspection Services 10/6/1994 12/31/1994 12/31/2004
(A 1994-021) Amendment No . 2 to Agreement No . 1994-021 to
Provide Plans and Specifications for the Installation at A VCP
Pump Well No . 3 1/13/1995 4/1/1995 4/1/2005
(A 1994 -021) Amendment No . 3 to Agreement No . 1994-021 for
Installation and Tie-In Inspection Services at A VCP Pump Well
No . 3 12/22/1995 12/31/1996 1/1/2007
DY= Destruction Year
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Dest Box No . 2 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2009
114.460 Take 5 Office Break Services
(1992-067) Soft Drink and Food Vending Machine Installation
and Services at City Offices Located at 799 Moorpark Avenue 11/11/1992 12/31/1992 1/1/2003
(1994-084) Soft Drink and Food Vending Machine Installation
and Services at Various City Facilities 7/20/1994 9/30/1995 9/30/2005
(1997-007) Vending Machine Service at City Hall and Arroyo
Vista Community Center 2/26/1997 2/28/1998 2/29/2008
(1998-007) Soft Drink and Food Vending Machine Installation
and Services at Various City Facilities 2/28/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
DY 2010
114 .809 Pacific Bell Company
(2000-071) Build Over Agreement for Spring Road Bridge 2/2/1998 6/1/2000 6/2/2010
114.890 Ca lifornia Coffee Roasters
(1999-047) License Agreement between California Coffee
Roasters and the City of Moorpark 7/6/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
114.947 The Sentimentals
(2000-075) Performance for Senior's Birthday Luncheon on
August 30, 2000 8/11/2000 8/31/2000 9/1/2010
114 .954 Valuat ion Resource Management , Inc.
(2000-086) Professional Services Agreement for Fixed Asset
Inventory and Valuation Services 3/24/2000 6/23/2000 6/24/2010
114 .975 Randa ll (Randy) Marsh and Tracy E. Marsh
(2000-131) Agreement of Purchase and Sale 9/20/2000 10/4/2000 10/5/2010
(2000-141) Memorandum of Purchase and Sale Agreement 9/20/2000 10/4/2000 10/5/2010
DY 2012
114.469 Secu rity Above
(1993-009) Security Patrol Services at the Metro/ink Station at
320 High Street 3/17/1993 6/30/1993 7/1/2003
(2000-002) Security Guard Services for the Metro/ink Station 1/1/2000 12/31/2001 1/1/2012
(2002-095) One Year Extension to Provide Security Guard
Services at Moorpark Metro/ink Station 1/1/2001 12/31/2002 12/31/2012
114 .571 Ca l Trans
(Correspondence Only)
Parking Company Management, LLC / Parking Company of
114.958 America
(2000-090) Provide Transit Bus Service to the City 9/1/2000 9/5/2003 9/5/2013
(2002-024) Amedment No . 1 to Agreement No. 2000-090 City
of Moorpark Transit Fixed Route Bus Service 2/27/2002 8/31/2002 8/31/2012
114 .1029 Decision Systems
(2001-103) Teleminder Upgrade, Technical Support,
Reactivation , Training and Annual Renewal Fees at Police
Services Center 4/20/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
114.1072 Venco Electric , Inc .
(2002-066) Connect Existing Generator to City Hall Annex 6/3/2002 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
DY 2013
114 .774 McNamara & Associates
(1997-060) Professional Services Agreement 2/6/1997 9/1/1997 9/2/2007
(2000-063) Professional Services Agreement 8/4 /2000 9/30/2000 10/1/2010
(2002-137) Professional Services for Property and
Redevelopment Agency Appraisals 12 /12/2002 11/30/2003 11/30/2013
DY = Destruction Year
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Dest Box No . 2 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
114.951 Pacific Bell Company
(2000-082) Payphone Service Agreement 8/31/2000 7/31/2003 7/31/2013
114.1059 RLF Publishing
(2002-032) Publishing the City of Moorpark Recreation
Brochure 3/21/2002 3/21/2003 3/21/2013
DY 2015
114.1069 Ca lifornia Traffic Maintenance , Inc .
(2002-062) Biennial Striping Services 5/6/2002 5/31/2004 6/1/2014
(2004-147) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 2002-062 for
Striping Services and Contract Extension 5/15/2004 12/15/2005 12/16/2015
DY 2017
114.491 Premium Co nstruction
(1993-044) Install Curb and Access Ramp at Virginia Colony
Park 6/28/1993 6/28/1994 6/28/2004
(2001-055) Remove Existing Playground Equipment and Install
New Equipment at Campus Park 5/30/2001 6/30/2001 711/2011
(2001 -083) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 2001 -055 for
Installation of Bay Swing at Miller Park 5/30/2001 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
(2002-146) Installation of Community Center Playground
Equipment 1/6/2003 2/28/2003 2/28/2013
(2005-079) Install Playground Equipment at Mountain
Meadows Park 6/29/2005 7/31/200 5 8/1/2015
(2007-086) Installation of Playground Equipment at Tierra
Rejada Park 5/10/20 0 7 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
(2007-126) Amendment No . 1 to Tierra Rejada Park
Playground Project for Glenwood and Mountain Meadows Park
Improvements 6/4/2007 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
114.891 Vavri nek, Trine, Day & Co. LLP
(1999-050) Professional Services Agreement for Auditor
Services 7/6/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
(2001-093) Amendment to Agreement No . 1999-050 for Annual
Auditing Services 8/21/2001 1/14/2003 1/14/2013
(2003-116) GASB 34 lnfastructure Valuation Services 5/21/2003 7/31/2003 7/31/2013
(2004-146) Professional Services for Independent Audit
Services for Fiscal Years 2003-2004 , 2004-2005, and 2005-
2006 6/7/2004 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
(2007-006) Professional Services for Additional Independent
Audit Services for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 1/2/2007 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
DY 2019
114.541 Coast Pump , Inc.
(1994-058) Wells and Pumps Serviced at Arroyo Vista
Community Park 3/1/1994 3/1/1995 3/1/2005
A -1994-058 1994-058 Wells and Pumps Serviced at Arroyo
Vista Community Park 3/1/1994 3/1/1995 3/1/2005
(2007-245) Water Well Deconstruction Services at Poindexter
Park 10/16/2007 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
(2008 -225) Installation of Submersible Water Well Pump 10/16/2008 12/31/2008 1/1/2019
DY = Destruction Year
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Dest Box No . 3 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 1997
114.74 Steiny and Co., Inc.
02.1987 Princeton Avenue Signal Public Works Contract 2/2/1987 3/9/1987 3/9/1997
11 . 1987 Princeton Avenue Signal Public Works Contract
Change Order No . 2 11 /12/1987 12117/1987 12/17/1997
114 .136 Ventura, County of
(05 .06.1987 Cooperative Agreement Transfer of Streetlight
Energy Deposits) 516/1987 6/30/1987 6/30/1997
DY 1999
114.70 Warren, Carl & Company
1985 General Liability Claims Adjustment Service Agreement 7/1/1985 6/30/1986 6/30/1996
1988 Amendment to Service Agreement 7/1/1988 7/1/1989 7/2/1999
DY 2000
114 .270 City of Thousand Oaks
(1989-005) Agreement for Citation Processing Services 2/7/1989 12/31/1989 1/1/2000
DY 2004
114.478 Midway Drilling & Pump Co.
(1993-023) Destroy a Water Well at Arroyo Vista Community
Park 4/20/1993 6/19/1993 6/20/2003
(1994-094) Destroy Water Well at 4550 Tierra Rejada Road 9/21/1994 10/12/1994 10/12/2004
(1994-104) Drilling at Arroyo Vista Community Park Well No . 3 10/14/1994 12/30/1994 12/30/2004
114.499 Urban Streams Restoration Grant
(1993 -057) Environmental Coalition Grant 6/23/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1993-099) Consultant Services to Implement Objectives of the
Environmental Grant 12/10/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
114 .515 Collection Technology, Inc.
(1994 -029) Service Agreement for Collection Services 4/4/1994 10/4/1994 10/4/2004
114.575 All Contractors Inc.
(1994 -088) Removal of Asbestos and Demolition of Structures
at 14404 Avenida Colonia 8/24/1994 12/31/1994 12/31/2004
114.581 JCA Electrical Service
(1994-102) Provide New Electrical Work at 675 Moorpark
Avenue 10/6/1994 11/30/1994 11/30/2004
114.583 Western Oil Spreading
(1994-110) Control Dust on Gravel Access Road and Parking
Lots at Arroyo Vista Community Park 10/14/1994 12/31/1994 12/31/2004
114.585 William L. Murdock
(1994 -115) Slope Restoration , Lot 97-Tract 3049 10/14/1994 11/11/1994 11/11/2004
114 .589 Computerland of San Buenaventura
(1993 -115) Provide and Install Personal Computer Systems 7/1/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
114 .592 M D Structural Contractors
(1994-122) Installation of Game Time Modular Play System
and Fibar Ground Cover at Peach Hill Park 10/19/1994 11/15/1994 11/15/2004
114 .594 CNM Paving
(1994 -125) Asphalt Pavement Reconstruction on Canario
Court, Ganadilla Drive and Tecolote Court 10/19/1994 12/31/1994 12/31 /2004
DY 2005
114.250 Embassy Iron Works Inc.
1988 Construct Fencing & Gates 8/24/1988 9/30/1988 10/1/1998
(1995-014) Home Acres Buffer Zone Fence 4/28/1995 5/15/1995 5/15/2005
DY = De struction Y ear
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Dest Box No. 3 Agreement Name Open Date l Closed Date l C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
114.549 Traffic Counts, Inc .
(1994-042) Traffic Speed Survey 4/28/1994 4/28/1995 4/28/2005
114.570 John Mutlow
(1994-078) Architectural Services for Site Plan (Gisler Field) 8/10/1994 8/10/1995 8/10/2005
114 .591 Printing Carousel
(1994-121) Copying of the Agenda Packet 9/30/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
114.593 Simplex Timer Recorder Co .
(1994-124) Installation , Monitoring and Labor of a Digital Dialer
System at Arroyo Vista Park 612011994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
114.598 Neocomp Systems, Inc.
(1994-130) City Computer Agreement 12/1/1994 11/30/1995 11/30/2005
DY 2007
114 .75 Occupational Health Services
Amendment and Combined Evidence of Coverage and
Disclosure Form 1996 7/111996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
(2004-033) Notice of Acceptance 1994 7/1/1994 7/1/1995 7/1/2005
114.493 MCI Communications Services, Inc.
(1993-052) Service Authorization 6/10/1993 12/31/1996 1/1/2007
114.599 Atassi
(1994-131) Payment of Traffic Mitigation Fees 11/8/1994 12/31/1996 111/2007
114.769 CNM Paving, Inc .
(1997-033) Retro-Fitting Certain Storm Drain Inlets 7/25/1997 10/1/1997 1012/2007
114.799 Data Research Analysis
(1997-100) AB 939 Report Update 9/24/1997 10/31/1997 11/1/2007
DY 2008
114.770 Moorpark Mosquito Abatement District (MMAD)
(1997-064) Vector Control Services 11/1/1997 9/30/1998 9/30/2008
114 .960 J. D. Humann Landscape
(1998-043) Installation of Playground Equipment at Paul E.
Griffin Park 8/1811998 12/3111998 12/31/2008
DY 2009
114.882 Katz Hollis
(1999-036) Katz Hollis for Redevelopment Services for
Downtown Revitalization, City of Moorpark 5/20/1996 8/31/1999 8/31/2009
DY 2010
114.942 Buck Page
(2000-059) Performance for Senior's Birthday Luncheon 6/28/2000 612812000 6/29/2010
DY 2011
114.853 Jemco Plumbing, Inc.
(1998 -080) Lease Agreement for 226 High Street 12/1611998 12/31/1999 12/31/2009
(2000-081) Settlement Agreement and General Release 918/2000 12/31/2000 1/112011
114 .945 Onyx Environmental Services
(2000-070) Household Hazardous Waste Collection Services 7/112000 6130/2001 711/2011
114.949 Tierra Rejada Farms
(2000-077) Provide Hay Rides at Arroyo Vista Community Park
for the Country Western Jamboree 8/25/2000 8/25/2000 8/26/2010
(2000-137) Professional Services Agreement to Provide
Santa 's Sleigh Rides 11122/2000 12131/2000 1/1/2011
114.952 Pacific Bell
(2000-083) Payphone Service Agreement with Service Charge 8/31/2000 7131/2001 811/2011
DY= Destruction Year
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Dest Box No. 3 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
114.971 Ca lifornia Pavement Maintenance Co ., In c .
(2000-113) Public Works Agreement for 2000 Slurry Seal
Project 10/4/2000 4/30/2001 5/1/2011
(2000 -116) Change Order No . 1 to Agreement No . 2000-113
for Certain Areas to Be Slurry Sealed and Added to Scope of
Work 11/2/2000 4/30/2001 5/1/2011
(2000-117) Change Order No . 2 to Agreement No . 2000 -113
for adding Arroyo Vista Park Entry Road and Parking lot 11/15/2000 4/30/200 1 5/1/2011
(2000-130) Change Order No . 3 to Agreement No. 2000-113
for 2000 Slurry Seal Project 12/13/2000 4/30/2001 5/1/2011
(2001-025) Change order No . 4 to Agreement No . 2000-113 for
2000 Slurry Seal Project 2/4/2001 4/30/2001 5/1/2011
DY 2014
114.550 Alcorn Fence Co .
(1994 -039) Construction of Guardrail on Tierra Rejada Road 4/12/1994 4/12/1995 4/12/2005
(2004-049) Fence Improvements at Arroyo Vista Park 4129/2004 5/31/2004 6/1/2014
114 .1185 Norman Bradley Miller
(2004-111) Lease Agreement for 81 Charles Street 7/1/2004 9/30/2004 10/1/2014
DY 2015
114.1277 Giroux Glass, Inc.
(2005-177) Window Repair at 610 Spring Road-Police
Services Center 10/10/2005 11/8/2005 11/9/2015
DY 2018
114 .630 Service Employees International Union Local 998 (SE IU )
1995-028 Memorandum of Agreement 7/1/1995 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
1997-037 Memorandum of Agreement 5/19/1998 6/30/1999 6/3 0/2009
1999-053 Memorandum of Agreement 7/1/1999 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
2000-041 Addendum to July 1999 Memorandum of Agreement 5/18/2000 6/30/200 4 7/1/2014
2000-044 Second Addendum to July 1999 Memorandum of
Agreement 6/5/2000 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
2001-033 Third Addendum to July 1999 Memorandum of
Agreement 3/29/2001 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
2001 -132 Memorandum of Agreement 10/15/2001 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
2002-063 Memorandum of Agreement for Agency Shop
Election 5/17/2002 5/30/200 2 5/30/2012
2002-068 Second Addendum to September 2001
Memorandum Agreement 6/18/2002 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
2002-110 Third Addendum to September 2001 Memorandum
of Agreement 9/30/2002 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
2003-235 Fourth Addendum to September 2001 Memorandum
of Agreement 1/20/2004 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
2004 -167 Memorandum of Agreement 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
2005-117 Memorandum of Agreement 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
2006-121 Memorandum of Understanding 7/1/2006 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
2008-019 Addendum to June 2006 Memorandum of
Understanding 1/25/2008 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
DY = Destruction Year
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Dest Box No. 3 Agreement Name
!Agreement No.
DY 2019
114.1187 MV Transportation , Inc . (Aka MV Transit)
(2004-121) Agreement for Providing Senior and Disabled Dial-
A-Ride Paratransit Services
(2007-132) Amendment No . 1 Dial-A-Ride Paratransit Services
(2008 -149) Amendment No . 2 DAR Paratransit Services
(2008 -246) Amendment No . 3 DAR Paratransit Services
(2009-064) Amendment No . 4 DAR Paratransit Services
DY= Destruction Year
Open Date ! Closed Date! C + 10Y
7/1/2004 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
7/1/2008 12/31/2008 1/1/2019
1/1/2009 3/27/2009 3/28/2019
3/28/2009 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
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Dest Box No. 4 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 1995
114.25 Raines, Marcia
(1984-009) Independent Contractor for Planning Services 7/3/1984 7/3/1985 7/4/1995
(1984-009A) Independent Contractor for Planning Services 7/19/1984 7/19/1985 7/20/1995
114 .53 Morton, Richard
(1985 Agreement for Interim Director of Community
Development) 8/6/1985 9/27/1985 9/28/1995
DY 1996
Levin, Sam
(1986 Contract for Services) 2/24/1986 4/22/1986 4/22/1996
Levin, Steve
(1986 Contract for Services) 2/24/1986 4/24/1986 4/24/1996
Littreal, Louis
(1986 Contract for Services) 2/24/1986 4/22/1986 4/22/1996
Lynden, Bill
(1986 Contract for Services) 4/10/1986 6/22/1986 6/22/1996
DY 1999
114.312 Candlelite Pest Control Company -Community Center 1989/90
1989 Pest Control Service Agreement 5/25/1989 6/5/1989 6/6/1999
114 .314 Caren Dr , Raymond -Temporary Lease -111 W. Poindexter
1989 Temporary Lease Agrrement at 111 West Poindexter
Avenue 1/31/1989 3/31/1989 4/1/1999
114 .332 Tierra Tech . Testing Lab , Inc -Geotechnical Services
1989 Contract for Services 6/24/1989 7/26/1989 7/27/1999
Contractor's Barricade Service -Traffic signs for Moorpark
114.333 Avenue Rubberized R/R crossing
1989 Agreement for Contract Services 8/28/1989 9/12/1989 9/13/1999
Louis Nocera (First StreeUPoindexter Ave. at Moorpark Avenue
114.340 SR 23)
1989 Permit to Enter Private Property for Construction
Purposes 8/18/1989 8/18/1989 8/19/1999
114.342 Identity Signage -Monument Signs -City Hall
1989 Agreement for Contract Services for Three Monument
Signs 10/26/1989 11/17/1989 11/18/1999
114.347 Moore Recreation and Park Equipment Inc.
1989 General Release of All Claims 9/14/1989 9/14/1989 9/15/1999
DY 2000
114.365 David H. Barwick
(1990 -034) Contract for Services as Landscape Architect 7/2/1990 7/31/1990 7/31/2000
114.373 Classic Construction Company
(1990 -036) Tierra Rejada Median Construction of Irrigation and
Landscaping Improvements 8/1/1990 12/15/1990 12/15/2000
114.417 Padilla and Sons Inc.
(1991 -060) Agreement Public Works Contract 8/21/1991 12/23/1991 12/23/2001
114.425 J&B'S Painting Contractors
(1991-093) Agreement for Contract Services 10/7/1991 10/21/1991 10/21/2001
114 .429 California Sports Construction
(1991 -104) Agreement for Contract Service s 12/2/1991 12/20/1991 12/20/2001
114.435 Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth
(1991 -117) Settlement Agreement and Release of Claims 12/30/1991 12/30/1991 12/30/2001
DY= Destruction Year
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Dest Box No. 4 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No .
DY 2004
114.561 Sam Hill & Sons
(1994 -066) Trench Work for Street Lighting on Spring Street 6/22/1994 12/22/1994 12/22/2004
114.565 Ga lick, Eugene
(1994-072) Lease of Agency Property at 224 High Street 1/1/1994 12/31/1994 12/31/2004
114.566 The Bar-B-Q Joint (Mack, A lton, and Betty)
(1994 -074) Lease of Agency Property at 68 High Street 1/1/1994 12/31/1994 12/31/2004
114.567 La P layita (Cano, Benjamin)
(1994 -075) Lease of Agency Property at 104 High Street 1/1/1994 12/31/1994 12/31/2004
114.568 David P ier's Jazz Band (Concert in the Park)
(1994-076) Summer Musical Band Concert at Arroyo Vista
Community Park 6/30/1994 7/10/1994 7/10/2004
114.569 Sapadilla (Concert in the Park)
(1994 -077) Summer Concert at Arroyo Vista Community Park 8/14/1994 8/14/1994 8/14/2004
114.626 Implementation of Urban Streams Restoration Grant
(1994-016) Developing and Implementing a Stipend-
Compensated Student Intern Program 2/14/1994 5/31/1994 5/31/2004
DY 2005
114.554 Computer Recreation Program -Robert Russ i
(1994 -057) Software Program, Computer Registration for
Recreation Programs 4/25/1994 4/25/1995 4/25/2005
114.562 Emeco Postal Machine -Maintenance Agreement
(1994 -068) Postal Machine Annual Service Agreement 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
114.601 Parsans Con structio n
(1995-001) Demolition and Construction of Dorothy Avenue
Wall 1/30/1995 2/15/1995 2/15/2005
114.603 AG I Geotechni ca l Inc.
(1994 -132) Geotechnical Engineering Services for Wicks Road 12/6/1994 1/6/1995 1/6/2005
114.610 Cascade Sprinklers , Inc.
(1995-013) Parkway Median Landscape Project 2/27/1995 5/8/1995 5/8/2005
(1995-013) Notice of Completion 5/8/1995 5/8/1995 5/8/2005
114.611 Pete Peters
(1995 -010) Performance of Drainage and Grading Work 2/15/1995 4/15/1995 4/15/2005
114.620 Electro Construction Corporation
(1995 -015) Ball Diamond Lighting at Arroyo Vista Community
Park 5/8/1995 6/8/1995 6/8/2005
114.627 Swing Fever
(1995-025) Concerts in the Park 8/6/1995 8/6/1995 8/6/2005
114.632 The Fabulous Chevel les
(1995-030) Perform Concert on July 3, 1995 at Moorpark High
School 7/3/1995 7/3/1995 7/3/2 005
114.633 Hood Corporation
(1995-031) High Street Conduit Project 7/12/1995 8/14/1995 8/14/2005
114.654 Blois Construction , Inc.
(1995-059) Pot Holing at Various Locations in the City of
Moorpark 9/18/1995 10/31/1995 10/31/2005
114.656 Best E lectric (Gary Wells)
(1995-061) Electrical Repair at 661 Moorpark Avenue 9/18/1995 9/18/1995 9/18/2005
DY= Destruction Ye ar
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Dest Box No. 4 Agreement Name Open Date ! Cl osed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
114 .658(8) Copier Line (PW/Ma int. Yard Copier)
(1995-066) Service Agreement for Public Works Cannon
Copier Maintenance 9/18/1995 9/18/1995 9/18/2005
114 .664 Big O Ente rprises , Inc .
(1995 -072) Construct Security Lighting at Glenwood Park and
Campus Canyon Park 11/2/1995 12/2/1995 12/2/2005
114.665 CNM Paving
(1995-073) Construction of One Full Basketball Court at Peach
Hill Park 11/28/1995 12/20/1995 12/20/2005
114 .667 PW Environmental
(1995-076) Removal of Underground Storage Tank on Walnut
Street 10/23/1995 12/4/1995 12/4/2005
DY 2006
114 .363 P lanning Corp . of Santa Barbara
(1990-032) Agreement for Case Planning Services 6/26/1990 12/31/1990 12/31/2000
(1994 -052) Agreement for Preparation of a Notice of
Preparation 6/24/1994 6/24/1994 6/24/2004
(1994 -053) Agreement for Preparation of an Environmental
Impact Report for the Bollinger Development 6/17/1994 6/17/1994 6/17/2004
(A 1994-053) Addendums to Agreement for Preparation of EIR 11/3/1994 9/27/1996 9/28/2006
114 .604 T.I. Ma loney
(1995-004) Landscape Architectural Services 2/9/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
(A1995 -004) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 1995-004 for
Landscape Architectural Services 4/17/1996 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
114 .608 Malin, Craig and Melissa
(1995-005) Lease Agreement for 15492 Braun Court 2/1/1995 2/1/1996 2/1/2006
114 .631 Sapadilla
(1995 -029) One Concert Performance on August 27, 1995 at
Arroyo Vista Community Park 8/27/1995 8/27/1995 8/27/2005
(1996 -055) One Concert Performance on July 28 , 1996 at
Arroyo Vista Community Park 7/22/1996 7/28/1996 7/29/2006
114 .635 Ca lTrans (La Falda Avenue Access)
(1995 -033) Contribution Agreement for Constructing Access to
La Falda Avenue 9/15/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
DY 2007
114 .609 Traffic Counts Inc.
(1995-009) Supplemental Speed Study 2/21/1995 4/21/1995 4/21/2005
(1996-070) Speed Study 10/31/1996 1/1/1997 1/2/2007
114 .658 Copier Line (Sen ior Center Copier)
(1995-064) Service Agreement for Senior Center Canon Copier
Maintenance 5/1/1995 5/1/1996 5/2/2006
(1996-045) Service Agreement for Senior Center Canon Copier
Maintenance 5/1/1996 5/1/1997 5/2/2007
(1997-105) Service Agreement for Senior Center Canon Copier
Maintenance 11/17/1997 10/1/1997 10/2/2007
114 .790 All Around Maintenance & Construction
(1997-084) Contract for Services -Rehabilitation Program 3/12/1997 3/12/1997 3/13/2007
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!Agreement No.
DY 2008 12/31/1909
114.658 A Copier Line (AVCP Copier)
(1995-065) Service Agreement for Arroyo Vista Community
Park Cannon Copier Maintenance 9/8/1995 9/8/1996 9/9/2 006
(1996-046) Service Agreement for Arroyo Vista Community
Park Cannon Copier Maintenance 7/1/1996 7/1/1997 7/2/2007
(1997-050) Service Agreement for Arroyo Vista Community
Park Cannon Copier Maintenance 7/1/1997 7/1/1998 7/1/2 008
114.658 C Copier Line (City Hall Annex Copier)
(1995-075) Service Agreement for Annex Cannon Copier
Maintenance 10/6/1995 10/5/1995 10/5/2005
(1996-044) Service Agreement for Annex Cannon Copier
Maintenance 6/10/1996 7/1/1997 7/2/2007
(199 7-049) Service Agreement for Annex Cannon Copier
Maintenance 7/1 /1997 7/1/1998 7/1/2008
114.658 D Copier Line (Finance Department)
(1996 -043) Service Agreement for Finance Department
Cannon Copier Maintenance 6/30/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
(1997-048) Service Agreement for Finance Department
Cannon Copier Maintenance 6/30/1997 6/3 0/1998 6/30/2008
DY 2009
114.658 E Bus iness Equipment Systems
(1997-093) Service Agreement for Public Works Department
Cannon Copier Maintenance 9/17/1997 9/30/1998 9/30/2008
(1997-094) Service Agreement for Moorpark Police Resource
Center Cannon Copier Maintenance 9/19/1997 10/6/1998 1016/2008
(1998-064) Service Agreement for Moorpark Police Resource
Center Cannon Copier Maintenance 10/22/1998 10/6/1999 10/6/2009
(1998-065) Service Agreement for Public Works Department
Cannon Copier Maintenance 10/22/1998 10/12/1999 10/12/2009
DY 2011
114.651 Ventu ra County Transportat ion Commission (VCTC)
(1995 -056) Provide Transportation for Senior Citizens To and
From Senior Nutrition Meal Sites 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
(2000-061) AAA Grant for Senior Nutrition Transportation 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
114.658 F Copier Line (Copier Maintenance Service)
(2000-022) Service Agreement for Copier Maintenance at City
Hall 3/1/2000 2/28/2001 3/1/2011
DY 2012
1 14 .384(1) G.I. Industries
(1991 -011) Franchise Agreement for Collection,
Transportation , Recycling and Disposal of Solid Waste 7/1/1990 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
(1991 -011A) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -011
for Three Month Extension for Collection, Transportation ,
Recycling and Disposal of Solid Waste 7/1/1995 9/30/1995 9/3012005
(1991 -011A) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -011
for Thirty-four Day Extension for Collection , Transportation ,
Recycling and Disposal of Solid Waste 10/1 /1995 1113/1995 11/3/2005
(1991 -011 A) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -011
for Thirty-five Day Extension for Collection , Transportation ,
Recycling and Disposal of Solid Waste 11/1/1995 12/8/1995 12/812005
(1991 -011 A) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -011
for Fourteen Day Extension Amendment to Residential
Exclusive Agreement 12/8/1995 12/22/1995 12/22/2005
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Dest Box No. 4 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
(1991-048) Franchise Agreement for Collection ,
Transportation , Recycling and Disposal of Solid Waste 71111991 613011994 613012004
(1991 -048A) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -048
for Fourteen Day Extension to Commercial Non-exclusive
Agreement 121811995 12122/1995 12/22/2005
(1991-048A) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -048
for Thirty-four Day Extension to Residential Agreement 10/1/1995 11/3/1995 11/3/2005
(1991-048A) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991-048
for Thirty-five Day Extension to Commercial Non-exclusive
Agreement 11/3/1995 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
(1991-048A) Amendment to Franchise Agreement for 1991 -
048 for Three Month Extension Amendment to Commercial
Agreement 7/1/1995 9/30/1995 9/30/2005
(1991-048A) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991-048
for Six Month Extension Amendment to Commercial
Agreement 12131/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
(1991-091) Temporary Non-exclusive Collection,
Transportation , Recycling, and Disposal of Solid Waste 10/1/1991 9/30/1992 10/1/2002
(1993-003) Temporary Non-exclusive Collection ,
Transportation , Recycling, and Disposal of Solid Waste 1/22/1993 9/30/1993 10/1/2003
(1993-090) Temporary Non-exclusive Collection ,
Transportation , Recycling, and Disposal of Solid Waste 11/1/1993 9/30/1994 9/30/2 004
(1993-090A) Amendment No . 1 to Franchise Agreement 1991-
048 for Collection , Transportation , Recycling, and Disposal of
Solid Waste 711/1994 12/31/1994 12/31/2004
(1994 -137) Temporary Non-exclusive Collection ,
Transportation , Recycling, and Disposal of Solid Waste 11/7/1994 9/30/1995 913012005
(1995-108) Franchise Agreement for Residential, Multi-family,
and Commercial Solid Waste Services 1212311995 1213112000 11112011
(1995-108A) Solid Waste Service Fee Schedule 11111998 1213112000 111 12011
1996 Solid Waste Frnachise Agreement Fee Deposit 313111997 1213112 000 11112011
1997 Amendment No . 1 to Franchise Agreement 1995-108 for
Residential, Multi-family, and Commercial Solid Waste
Services 313111997 1213112000 11112011
1997 Solid Waste Franchise Agreement Transfer Document 313111997 1213112000 11112011
(2001-002) Amendment No . 2 to Franchise Agreement for
Residential, Multi-family, and Commercial Solid Waste
Services 11112001 613012002 613012012
DY 2015
114.205 Cal ifornia Land Clea ring , Inc.
(2004-237) 282 Los Angeles Avenue Demolition Services 121112004 1213112004 11112015
DY 2016
114.2 86 Telecommunications Ma nagement Corp .
(2005-112) Consulting Services to Conduct a Reveiw of
Federal Communications Commission Forms 394 for Transfer 71612005 613012006 613 01 2 016
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!Agreement No.
DY 2018
114.54 Sunridge Landscape Maintenance (TURFPRO)
(2004-124) Amendment No . 3 to Landscaped Parks and
Streetscapes Maintenance 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
(2005-069) Amendment No . 4 to Landscaped Parks and
Streetscapes Maintenance 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
(2005-218) Amendment No. 5 to Landscaped Parks and
Streetscapes Maintenance 12/6/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
(2006-069) Amendment No . 6 to Landscaped Parks and
Streetscapes Maintenance 4/17/2006 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
(2006-082) Amendment No. 7 to Landscaped Parks and
Streetscapes Maintenance 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
(2006-279) Amendment No . 8 to Landscaped Parks and
Streetscapes Maintenance 1/1/2007 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
(2007-140) Six Month Contract Extension for Landscape
Maintenance Services 7/1/2007 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
(2007-242) Amendment No . 10 to Add Magnolia Park 10/11/2007 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
(2007-301) Landscape Services 5/1/2008 5/23/2008 5/24/2018
(2008 -028) Landscape Services for North Side of Tierra
Rejada 5/1/2008 5/23 /2008 5/24/2 0 18
DY 2019
114.1364 AT&T Internet Services Inc.
(2006-270) Agreement for AT & T Premier SERVSM Dedicated I 12/19/2006 12/19/2009 12/20/2019
(2007-123) Non-Disclosure Agreement 5/21/2007 5/21/2009 5/22/2019
114 .1586 Chavez , Corinne M.
(2009-262) Resale and Refinance Restriction Agreement 10/16/2009 10/16/2009 10/17/2019
(2009-266) Deed of Trust and Security Agreement 10/16/2009 10/16/2009 10/17/2019
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!Agreement No.
DY 1997
114.168 Varsity Park No . Homeowners Association
(1987 Agreement Varsity Park North Pool) 8/10/1987 9/4/1987 9/4/1997
114.169 Paxin Electric Inc . Gabbet Road Traffic Sig nal
(1987-053) Additional Services Authorization 8/20/1987 12/31/1987 12/31/1997
1987 Change Order No . 1 Gabbert Road Traffic Signal Project 11/1711987 12/15/1987 12/15/1997
1987 Gabbert Road Traffic Signal Project 8/21/1987 12/31/1987 12/31/1997
DY 1998
114.193 Moorpark News -Winter Spring Recreation Brochure Printing
1987 Winter/Spring Recreation Brochure 10/30/1987 12/4/1987 12/4/1997
1988 Summer Recreation Brochure 4/20/1988 6/14/1988 6/15/1998
114.195 JETOC Construction Inc . Storm Drain Improvements
1987 Storm Drain Improvements 11/18/1987 12/31/1987 12/31/1997
1988 Drain Installations at Peach Hill Park 4/25/1988 5/31/1988 6/1/1998
114.204 Eberhard Roofing
(1987 Community Center Re-Roofing Project) 12/16/1987 2/28/1988 2/28/1998
114.234 Channel Island Roofing , Inc.
(1988 Re-Roof Restroom at Campus Park) 4/22/1988 5/31/1988 6/1/1998
114.238 Aiken, Kirk D.
(1988 33 East High Street Lease Agreement) 4/27/1988 6/30/1988 7/1/1998
114 .240 R.Z. Herna nd ez Eng in eeri ng Inc.
(1988 Miscellaneous Curb , Gutter, Sidewalk & Road Repair) 6/11/1988 7/31/1988 8/1/1998
114.244 Casta neda & Associates
(1988 Housing Element of the General Plan) 7/8/1988 8/31/1988 9/1/1998
DY 2000
114.172 Pi oneer Office Machines Maintenance on Typewriters & Fax
1988 Maintenance Agreement on Typewriters & Fax 9/13/1988 9/12/1989 9/13/1999
1989 Maintenance Agreement on Typewriters & Fax 9/8/1989 9/7/1990 9/7/2 000
DY 2005
114.326 PE AVC-MOU 1987 -1888
1988 Memorandum of Agreement 7/1/1987 6/30/1988 7/1/1998
1989 Memorandum of Agreement 7/1/1989 6/30/1991 6/30/2001
1993 Memorandum of Agreement 10/6/1993 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
114.669 Ferrie Construction
(1995-080) Construct Water, Sewer Line Extension and Fire
Hydrant at Arroyo Vista Park 11/30/1995 12/30/1995 12/30/2005
114 .670 Kalban , Inc.
(1995-081) Sidewalk Construction on Sherman Avenue and
Esther Avenue 11/14/1995 12/29/1995 12/29/2005
114.673 Moorpark Investors
(1995-084) Manage and Maintain the Landscaping
Improvements for Country Trail Park for One Year 11/1/1995 10/31/1995 10/31/2005
114 .676 Jones Roofing Company
(1995-089) Roof Repair at 799 Moorpark Avenue Annex
Building and at 14865 Hartford Street Park Restroom Building 11/15/1995 12/7/1995 12/7/2005
114.677 Timothy Fe rrie
(1995-092) Tierra Rejada Road Storm Drain Inlet Project 11/29/1995 12/22/1995 12/22/2005
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!Agreement No.
DY 2006
MOU -Cal TransNentura County Transportation Commission
114.672 (VCTC)
(1995-083) Memorandum of Understanding for Testing the
Advanced Fare Payment Media -Smart Card 11/13/1995 9/30/1996 10/1/2006
114.678 (A) Terra-Cal Construction of Baldwin Park
(1995-053) Construct Restroom and Concession Facility at
Arroyo Vista Park 12/11/1995 2/8/1996 2/8/2006
114.685 Advanced Geotechnica l Services , Inc .
(1995 -104) Geotechnical Engineering Study 12/26/1995 1/8/1996 1/8/2006
MOUW/ Moorpark, Simi Va ll ey, Thousand Oaks & County of
114.687 Ve ntura
(1995-106) Memorandum of Understanding for Administration
of a Joint Discretionary Household Hazardous Waste Grant 12/22/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
114.688 Big Sky Plumbing
(1995-107) Perform Professional Plumbing Services at 661
Moorpark Avenue for the Moorpark Redevelopment Agency 1/4/1996 6/4/1996 6/5/2006
114.691 lwansky, David dba DNA Electric
(1996-005) Electrical Meter Charge at the Bar-B-Que Joint 2/2/1996 3/7/1996 3/8/2006
114.697 Hitch Ranch Owners
(1996-011) Agreement Between the City of Moorpark and the
Owners of Hitch Ranch Estasblishing the Environmental
Impact Report Processing Time Period for the Specific Plan
No . 1 Project 218/1996 2/8/1996 2/8/2006
114.703 Mr. Rooter
(1996-020) Storm Drain Cleaning 3/7/1996 2/25/1996 2/25/2006
114.712 Gansek Construction (Bahram Semnan i )
(1996-031) Masonry Services for Magnolia Block Wall Project 5/29/1996 9/30/1996 10/1/2006
Change Order No . 1 to Agreement No . 1996-031 for Magnolia
Avenue Block Wall Project 6/13/1996 9/30/1996 10/1/2006
DY 2007
114.700 Planning Corporation
(1996-016) Professional Services Agreement for Arroyo Simi
Pedestrian , Equestrian and Bicylcle Bridge 2/22/1996 2/22/1997 2/23/2007
114.701 Cooperation Agreement with Redevelopment Agency
(1996-017) Public Works Cooperation Agreement for
Reconstruction of First Street and Bard Street 2/21/1996 2/21/1997 2/22/2007
114.706 Reimbursement Agreement with Redevelopment Agency
(1996 -024) Reimbursement Agreement 4/3/1996 4/3/1997 4/4/2007
114.716 Bernie I. Garcia & Associates
(1996-036) Southern California Edison Appraisal 5/23/1996 5/23/1997 5/24/2007
DY 2008
114.684 C learwater Constructors
(1995 -103) Installation of Pump and Related Equipment at
Arroyo Vista Community Park Well No . 3 1/11/1996 2/6/1996 2/6/2006
Change Order No . 2 to Agreement No . 1995-103 for Additional
Electrical Work 4/4/1998 4/4/1998 4/4/2008
DY 2011
114.208 XEROX Corporation
(1996 -069 Purchasing Services Agreement for Xerox) 11/4/1996 11/4/2001 11/5/2011
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!Agreement No.
114.1008 Level 3 Communications , LLC
(2001-066) Covenant and Agreement 3/8/2001 9/3/2001 9/4/2011
Beacon Integrate d Professional Resources, Inc. (Hamner,
114.1025 Jewell & Associates
(2001-111) Task Order No . 2001 -1 New Los Angeles Avenue
Bridge 11 /13/2 000 5/31/2001 6/1/2011
(2001 -112) Task Order No . 2001 -2 Los Angeles Avenue and
Beltramo 9/10/2001 3/31/2002 3/31/2012
(2003-118) Task Order No . 2003 -3 Los Angeles Ave . East 7/8/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2004-053) Task Order No . 2004 -2 Los Angeles Ave. Widening
Project 3/26/2004 9/30/2004 10/1/2014
(2004 -066) Task Order No . 2002-1A Los Angeles Ave.
Widening 4/8/2004 3/31/2005 4/1/2015
(2004 -142) Task Order No . 2004-3 Los Angeles Ave. East 9/10/2001 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
(2004-164) Task Order No . 2003-2.1 -Grimes Canyon Rd.
Widening 9/17/2004 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
(2004 -231) Task Order No . 2003 -2.2 -Grimes Canyon Rd.
Widening 11/17/2004 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
(2005 -128) Task Order No . 2003-1A Spring Road Widening
Project 7/27/2005 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
(2007-069) Task Order No . 2007-1 Spring Road Widening 4/5/2007 1/31/2008 1/31/2018
(2007-115) Task Order No . 2006 -1 -Spring Road & Charles
Street 5/18/2007 2/28/2008 2/28/2018
(2007-143) Task Order No . 2003-2.3 Grimes Canyon Rd.
Widening 6/18/2007 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
(2007-191) Task Order No . 2004 -3A Princeton Ave. Widening
Project 8/6/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
(2008-099) Task Order No . 2003-1B Spring Road Widening
Project 8/4/2008 12/31/2008 1/1/2019
(2008-169) Task Order No . 2007-2 7/18/2008 12/31/2008 1/1/2019
(2008-202) Real Property Services 10/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
(2009-178) Real Property Services 7/1/2009 6/30/2011 6/30/2021
(2009 -272) Amendment No . 1 Real Property Services 12/16/200 9 6/30/2010 6/30/2020
(2009 -311) Task Order No . 2009 -1 Princeton Widening Project 12/22/2009 6/30/2010 6/30/2020
(2010-155) Amendment No . 2 Real Property Services 7/1/2010 6/30/2011 6/30/2021
DY 2012
114.636 Security Paving Company, In c.
(1995 -034) City-Wide Street Rehabilitation Project 7/5/1995 12/5/1995 12/5/2005
1995 Change Order No . 2 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for City-
Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Poindexter Avenue
9/1/1995 12/5/1995 12/5/2005
1995 Change Order No . 3 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for City-
Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Everett Street 9/14/1995 12 /5/1995 12/5/2005
1995 Change Order No . 4 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for City-
Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Everett Street 9/14/1995 12 /5/1995 12/5/2005
1995 Change Order No . 5 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for City-
Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Various Streets 9/21/1995 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
1995 Change Order No . 6 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for City-
Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Everett and Magnolia
Street 9/22/1995 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
1995 Change Order No . 7 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for City-
Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Various Streets 10/9/1995 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
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!Agreement No .
1995 Change Order No. 8 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for City-
Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at High Street and Walnut
Street 10/9/1995 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
1995 Change Order No . 9 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for City-
Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Various Streets 10/21 /1995 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
1995 Change Order No . 10 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for
City-Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Various Streets 11/9/1995 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
1995 Change Order No . 11 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for
City-Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Walnut Street 11/14/1991 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
1995 Change Order No. 12 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for
City-Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Poindexter Avenue
11/21/1995 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
1995 Change Order No . 13 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for
City-Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Various Streets 11/29/1995 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
1995 Change Order No . 14 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for
City-Wide Street Rehabilitation Project at Everett Street and
Bard Street 12/17/1995 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
1995 Change Order No . 15 to Agreement No. 1995-034 for
Additional Work at City-Wide Street Rehabilitation Project 4/16/1996 12/31/1996 1/1/2007
1995 Change Order No . 16 to Agreement No . 1995-034 for
City-Wide Street Rehabilitation Project for Concrete Repairs at
Various Streets 4/16/1996 12/31/1996 1/1/2007
(2000-032) New Los Angeles Avenue Widening Project 4/19/2 00 0 12/31/2000 1/1/2011
(2001-064) Change Order No . 1 to Agreement No . 2000-032
for New Los Angeles Avenue Bridge Widening 5/30/2001 12/31/2001 1/1/2012
(2001-064) Change Order No . 2 to Agreement No . 2000-032
for New Los Angeles Avenue Widening Project 4/15/2002 12/31/2002 12/31/2012
DY 2013
114.426 Pitney Bowes
(1995 -088) Facsimile Rental Agreement 12/1/1995 11/30/1998 11/30/2 008
(2000-036) Pitney Bowes Facsimile Rental Agreement 4/24/2000 4/24/2003 4/24/2013
DY 2016
114.492 MD Structura l Contractors
(1995-070) Installation of Handicap Accessible Playground
Equipment and Safety Surface at Mountain Meadows Park 10/9/1995 12/31/1995 12/31/2005
(2006-072) Installation of Playworld Systems' Rock Blocks at
Glenwood Park 5/10/2006 5/20/2006 5/20/2016
DY 2018
114.432 V ideomax
(1991-111) Contract Services 11/1/1991 6/30/1992 7/1/2 002
(1992-022) Contract Services 3/1/1992 6/30/1992 7/1/2 002
(1994-134) Contract Services 10/1/1994 9/30/1996 10/1/2006
(1998-052) Contract Services 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
(1999-095) Contract Services 9/1/1999 8/31/2 00 1 9/1/2011
(2003-055) Contract Services 7/1/2002 6/30/2 004 7/1/2014
(2004 -177) Contract Services 7/1/2004 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
(2006 -181) Contract Services 7/1/2006 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
114.671 Va lley Slurry Seal Company
(1995-082) Slurry Seal Project 11/20/1995 10/9/1996 10/10/2006
(1998 -019) Slurry Seal Project 5/13/1998 12/31/1998 12/31/2008
(2007-050) 2007 Pavement Rehabilitation Project 4/2/2007 5/7/2008 5/8/2018
(2007-080) Lease Agreement 4/2/2007 5/2/20 07 5/2/2017
(2007-099) Change Order No . 2 5/3/2007 5/7/2008 5/8/2018
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!Agreement No .
114 .1326 WPIIDC , Inc .
(2006 -091 Traffic Modeling and Analysis Services for Home
Depot Project 6/20/2006 12/31/2006 12/31/2016
DY 2007
114 .1390 Cornerstone 2000 Inc .
(2007-112) L.A. Rhythm Kings Performance at the 3rd of July
Fireworks 7/3/2007 7/3/2007 7/3/2017
DY 2011
114 .977 Rotary Club of Moorpark
(2000-133) Hold Harmless Agreement for Centennial Event 6/9/2000 6/10/2000 6/11/2010
DY 2013
114.1114 Celia Alexander
(2003 -064) English to Spanish Translation and Bilingual
Testing 4/22/2003 12/17/2003 12/17/2013
114.1123 International Environmenta l Co rporation
(2003-072) Agreement for Demolition Services 5/8/2003 10/9/2003 10/9/2013
114.1131 Steve Abbath Jr. and Charleena Knox
(2003 -102) Property Lease Agreement -47-51 High Street 5/12/2003 11/12/2003 11/12/2013
114.1132 Economic Research Assoc iates (ERA)
(2003-117) Economic and Fiscal Assessment of Residential
Development in Place of Commercial Development
7/17/2 003 8/19/200 3 8/19/2013
114 .1136 MSE Environmental, Inc .
(2003 -149) Rescinding Agreement Regular Monthly Household
Hazardous Waste Event 1/16/2002 8/20/2003 8/20/2013
114 .1140 Benjamin Duarte
(2003-172) Stipulation for lnterlockutory Judgment 9/10/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
114 .1144 Jesmar Construction
(2003 -181) Installation of Two 4" PVC Conduits between
Median Islands on Tierra Rejada Road 10/8/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
DY 2014
114 .1147 Robert G . Gerardi
(2003-216) Visits From Santa 12/12/2003 12/21/2003 12/21/2013
(2004-235) Breakfast with Santa 12/11/2004 12/11/2004 12/12/2014
114 .1169 Casron Services Corporation
(2004 -073) Playground Equipment and Installation at Villa
Campesina Park 4/21/2004 7/7/2004 7/8/2014
114 .1171 The Answer (James Searing)
(2004 -078) 3rd of July Fireworks Performer 7/3/2004 7/3/2004 7/4/2014
114 .1181 Patrick Naish -The Ravelers
(2004 -094) 3rd of July Fireworks Performer 7/3/2004 7/3/2 00 4 7/4/2014
114.1202 Purchase Planners Group
(2004 -211) Moorpark Police Services Center Furniture and
Installation 7/30/2004 8/31/2004 9/1/2014
114.1211 Walter Russ Ireland
(2004 -230) Brunch with Santa 12/12/2004 12/12/2004 12/13/2014
114 .1213 Main Street Jazz
(2004-244) Main Street Jazz Performance at the Hometown
Holiday 2004 12/5/2004 12/5/2004 12/6/2014
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!Agreement No.
DY 2015
114.1119 Steve Fielding
(2003-066) 3rd of July Entertainment 7/3/2003 7/3/2003 7/3/2013
(2004 -099) Blurred Vision Skydiving Team -3rd of July 7/3/2004 7/3/2004 7/4/2014
(2005-044) Blurred Vision Skydiving Team -3rd of July 7/3/2005 7/3/2005 7/4/2015
114.1143 Ron's Maintenance
(2003 -179) 2003 Catch Basin Cleanout Project 10/9/2003 4/30/2004 5/1/2014
(2004 -198) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement for Storm Drain
Maintenance Services 10/6/2004 12/31/2004 1/1/2015
114.1210 North Hollywood Ice Company
(2004-226) Hometown Holiday Snow Scene 12/5/2004 12/5/2004 12/6/2014
(2005 -189) Snow Scene for Hometown Holiday Event 12/3/2005 12/3/2005 12/4/2015
114.1215 Weber Engineering , Inc .
(2005-029) Acti ve Adult Center Roof Repair 3/1/2005 3/15/2005 3/16/2015
114.1221 GPM Sea lrite , Inc.
(2005-010) Double Left Turn Lane -Spring Road at Tierra
Rejada Road 1/27/2005 6/1/2005 6/2/2015
(2005-074) Change Order No . 1 5/23/2005 6/1/2005 6/2/2015
(2005 -135) Arroyo Vista Community Park Parking Lot
Modification 8/15/2005 8/26/2005 8/27/2015
114.1227 Creative Bus Sa les
(2009 -182) Order Contract for CNG Buses 7/1/2009 8/26/2005 8/27/2015
114.1232 Dial Construction
(2005 -041) Little Hollow Place Sub -Drain Agreement 4/8/2005 11/2/2005 11/3/2015
(2005 -088) Change Order No . 1-Little Hollow Sub -Drain
Project 6/15/2005 11/2/2005 11/3/2015
114.1234 Apex General Contractors, Inc.
(2005 -049) Repair Active Adult Center Roof 4/5/200 5 5/13/2005 5/14/2015
114.1235 Ve larde Concrete
(2005-059) Bus Shelter Concrete Pad Installation 4/26/2 0 05 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
114.1237 Fi lm at Eleven
(2005-064) Feature Concert -3rd of July Fireworks
Extravaganza 7/3/2005 7/3/2005 7/4/2015
114.1238 HH Construction
(2005 -068) Virginia Colony Playground Equipment Project 5/18/2005 6/6/2005 6/7/2015
114.1261 Water Res o urce Engineering Associates
(2005 -137) Well Search Report 8/31/2005 9/30/2005 10/1/2015
114.1262 Gothic Landscape , Inc .
(2005 -152) Agreement for Services for Drainage Ditch/Culvert
Arroyo Drive 9/28/2005 10/18/2005 10/19/2015
114.1267 Rotary C lub of Newbury Park
(2005-161) Agreement for Use of Theater on High Street 10/5/2005 10/6/2005 10/7/2015
DY 2016
114.1199 Abergel & Associates
(2004 -189) Agreement for Professional Services -Appraisal
Services 9/16/2005 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
114.1263 Environme nta l Construction , Inc .
(2005 -153) Tierra Rejada Road Median Landscaping Proje ct 10/5/2005 3/15/2006 3/15/2016
(2005 -236) Change Order No . 1 Tierra Rejada Median
Landscape Project 12/21/2005 3/15/2006 3/15/2016
(2006 -057) Change Order No . 2 Tierra Rejada Median
Landscape Project 3/7/2006 3/15/2006 3/15/2016
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Dest Box No. 6 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
114.1276 Waterstone Apartments
(2005-175) Lease Agreement -Waterstone
Apartments/Adams/Cain 10/20/2005 10/20/2006 10/20/2016
114 .1311 Do Rig ht Concrete
(2006-048) Design and Construction for Installation of
Playground Equipment at Virginia Colony Park 4/6/2006 5/3/2006 5/3/2016
114.1315 Knyght Ryder
(2006-061) Live Entertainment Band for the 3rd of July
Fireworks Extravaganza 7/3/2006 7/3/2006 7/3/2016
114.1316 Electric Mayhem
(2006-063) Live Entertainment at 3rd of July Fireworks
Extravagan za 7/3/2006 7/3/2006 7/3/2016
114.1334 Jerry McWorter/Dynamo Jump
(2006-109) Theater on High Street Use Agreement for "Tear 'N
It Up") 6/24/2006 6/24/2006 6/24/2016
114.1337 Nigh thawk Entertai n ment
(2006-113) Theater Use Agreement-Two Hitmen 6/20/2006 6/21/2006 6/21/2016
American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers
114.1338 (ASCAP)
(2006-116) Annual Performance License 1/1/2006 12/31/2006 12/31/2016
(2006-127) License Agreement to Perform 1/1/2006 12/31/2006 12/31/2016
114.1345 CDC Consultants
(2006-203) Preparation of Modular Building Site at 799
Moorpark Avenue 9/7/2006 9/17/2006 9/17/2016
(2006-283) Corporate Yard Modifications to Improvements at
627 Fitch Avenue 12/20/2006 12/31/2006 12/31/20 16
114.1346 C&S Pipeli ne Inc.
(2006-204) Agreement for Contract Services 9/7/2006 9/17/2006 9/17/2016
114.1350 Pel lam Inc.
(2006-226) Lease Agreement for Vehicle Parking, Equipment
and Material Storage 10/3/2006 10/4/2006 10/4/2016
114 .1357 Twent ieth Century Fox Te levision
(2006-252) Lease Agreement -"My Name is Earl" Production
Location 10/31/2006 11/2/2006 11/2/2016
114.1358 Ventura County Gi lbert & Sullivan Repertoire Company
(2006-254) Agreement for Use of High Street Arts Center 11/4/2006 11/26/2006 11/26/2016
DY 2017
114.1116 MNS Engineers, Inc.
(2003-062) Flinn Avenue Realignment Project 4/22/2003 4/30/2004 5/1/2014
(2003-159) Amendment No . 1 to Flinn Avenue Realignment
Project 4/22/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2004 -002) Amendment No . 2 to Flinn Avenue Realignment
Project 1/8/2 004 5/20/2004 5/21/2014
(2005-028) Amendment No . 3 to Los Angeles Avenue
Widening Project 2/11/2005 5/20/2004 5/21/2014
(2005 -043) Amendment No . 3. 1 for Testing Services for Los
Angeles Avenue Widening Project 3/31/2005 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
(2006 -222) Amendment No . 4 for Construction Inspection
Services for Freeway Sign Replacement Project 10/11/2006 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
114 .1236 Civic So lutions , Inc.
(2005-060) Entitlement Case Processing 4/5/2005 7/1/2007 7/1/2017
DY= Destruction Year
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Dest Box No. 6 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
114.1325 Christian West
(2006-088) Coordination and Contract Administration Services
for Dimmer Rack Installation at 45 High Street 6/21/2006 12/31/2006 12/31/2016
(2006-255) Coordination and Contract Administration Services
for Sound System )Installation at 45 High Street 2/6/2007 2/7/2007 2/7/2017
114.1353 Union Ice Company
(2006-233) Professional Services Agreement for Snow Scene
at Hometown Holiday Event 12/2/2006 12/2/2006 12/2/2016
(2007-284) Hometown Holiday Snow Scene 12/8/2007 12/8/2007 12/8/2017
114.1362 Ventura County Sherriffs Department
(2006-268) Homeland Security Grant for Countywide Exercise
Program 1/1/2007 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
114.1385 Campbe ll and Campbell
(2007-090) Agreement for Submittal of a Conceptual Design
for the Veteran's Memorial Project 6/1/2007 7/6/2007 7/6/2017
114 .1387 Kayser, Henry
(2007-097) Revolutionary War Characters for the 3rd of July
Fireworks Extravaganza 7/3/2007 7/3/2007 7/3/2017
DY 2018
114.1142 Geographic Information Service (G IS) (GDMS)
(2003-161) Geographic Information Service (GIS) Site Hosting
Services 9/25/2003 4/29/2008 4/30/2018
114.1229 Appleone Employment Services
(2005-035) Temporary Staff Accountant 3/7/2005 6/2/2005 6/3/2015
(2007-188) Temporary Employment Staffing 7/20/2007 11/20/2007 11/20/20 17
(2008-005) Temporary Staffing Services 1/7/2008 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
(2008-030) Amendment No . 2 Temporary Staffing Services 1/7/2008 6/30/2 008 7/1/2018
(2008-160) Agreement for Temporary Staffing 7/14/2008 10/3/2008 10/4/2018
114.1230 Breakaway (Robert L. Floyd)
(2005 -037) Opening Performer -3rd of July 7/3/2005 7/3/2005 7/4/2015
(2008-085) July 3rd Entertainment 7/3/2008 7/3/2008 7/4/2018
114.1324 Commemorative Air Force (CAF)
(2006 -086) Vintage Plane Fly-Over at the 2006 July 3rd
Fireworks Extravaganza 7/3/2006 7/3/2006 7/3/2016
(2007-159) Vintage Plane Fly-Over at the 3rd of July Fireworks
Extravaganza 7/3/2007 7/3/2007 7/3/2017
(2008 -151) Plane Fly-Over at 3rd of July Event 7/3/2008 7/3/2008 7/4/2018
114 .1508 Brakus , Ralph
(2008-224) Visits from Santa 12/13/2 008 12/24/2008 12/25/2018
114.1521 Spencer , Zach
(2008-274) High Street Arts Center Performance Agreement 11/3/2008 12/30/2008 12/31/2018
114.1522 Shupe , Amy
(2008-275) High Street Arts Center Performance Agreement 11/3/2008 12/30/2008 12/31 /2018
DY 2019
114.1378 Wie land Associates
(2007-025) Freeway Soundwall Study 2/7/2007 7/31/2007 7/31/2017
(2007-279) Amendment No . 1 SR 23 Soundwall Study 11/14/2007 3/14/2007 3/14/2017
(2008-240) Amendment No . 2 Noise Study for High Street
Redevelopment Project 12/1/2008 4/30/2009 5/1/2019
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Dest Box No. 6 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
114.1510 Told Partners, Inc
(2008 -236) Exclusive Right to Represent Owner for Sale or
Lease of Real Property at 33 East High Street 10/9/2008 3/21/2009 3/22/2019
114.151 2 Rock Bottom Inc.
(2008-244) Tierra Rejada Median Landscaping Project Phase
2 12/8/2008 6/3/2009 6/4/2019
(2009 -037) Change Order No . 1 Tierra Rejada Median
Landscaping Phase 2 2/11/2009 6/3/2009 6/4/2019
114.1516 Draper Contractors , Inc. dba Draper Construction
(2008-256) Demolition Services for 484 Charles Street 1/12/2009 2/27/2009 2/28/2019
114.1539 Ikerd , Kathy
(2009-059) Featured Artist at Moorpark Arts Festival 4/26/2009 4/26/2009 4/27/20 19
114.1541 Rasner, Rob
(2009-067) Active Adult Center Entertainment 3/3/2009 8/1/2009 8/2/2019
114.1551 The House of Green Stables
(2009 -112) Lease Agreement of APN# 512-0-090-100 for
Farmers Market 5/9/2009 11/9/2009 11/10/2019
114.1552 AAA Floors
(2009 -119) AVCP Gym Hardwood Floor Maintenance Service 5/27/2009 6/1/2009 6/2/2019
114.1556 Kessin , Rebecca
(2009 -246) High Street Arts Center Performance 10/1/2009 10/15/200 9 10/16/2019
114.1557 Petrello , Rolland
(2009 -142) High Street Arts Center Performance 4/15/2009 6/14/2009 6/15/2019
114.1566 Frank lin , Kaelia
(2009 -174) High Street Arts Center Performance 7/1/2009 7/31/2009 8/1/2019
114.1575 Gary Sade rup , Inc .
(2009 -204) Use of High Street Arts Center 9/19/2009 9/19/2009 9/20/2019
114.1576 Taylor , Shea
(2009 -205) High Street Arts Center Performance Agreement 8/5/2009 9/13/2009 9/14/2019
114.1580 Machold , Jeanne
(2009 -255) High Street Arts Center Performance 9/30/2009 11/15/2009 11/16/2019
114.1581 Rodriguez.Shannon
(2009 -256) High Street Arts Center Performance 10/10/2006 11/15/2009 11/16/2019
114.1582 Parr, Marissa
(2009 -257) High Street Arts Center Performance 10/5/2006 10/15/2009 10/16/2019
114.1583 Hasse lbring , Andrew Dennis
(2009-2 58) High Street Arts Center Performance 10/1/2009 10/15/2009 10/16/2019
114 .1584 Merlin Techno logies , Inc.
(2009-261) Use of the High Street Arts Center 11/20/2009 11/2 1/2009 11/22/2019
114 .1590 Tate , Andrea
(2009 -278) High Street Arts Center Performance 10/28/2009 12/20/2009 12/21/2019
114.1592 Auer , Catrina
(2009 -2 86) High Street Arts Center Performance 11/7/2009 12/20/2009 12/21/2019
114.1593 He lse l , Fred
(2009 -307) Santa Claus Performance 12/19/2009 12 /24/2 009 12/25/2 019
114 .1596 Epoch Films
(2009 -329) Lea se Agreement for Filming 12/21/2009 12 /21/2009 12/22/2019
114 .1602 McEachem , Dann
(2009-348) High Street Arts Center Performance 12/4/2009 12/20/2009 12/21/2019
114 .1604 Cohoon .Ron
(2009 -356) Visits from Santa 12/20/2009 12/24/2009 12/25/2019
DY = Destruction Ye ar
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Dest Box No. 7 Agreement Name Open Date ! Cl osed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 1996
114.116 NEC Music Enterprises
1986 Country Days Performer 9/20/1986 9/20/1986 9/20/1996
DY 1997
114.106 SLM Constructors Inc.
1987 Griffin Senior Park Improvements 4/14/1987 5/31/1987 5/31/1997
114.107 Slurry Sea l of California Inc .
1986 Slurry Seal Project 12/1/1986 7/29/1987 7/29/1997
1987 Change Order No . 1 3/19/1987 7/29/1987 7/29/1997
1987 Change Order No . 2 4/16/1987 7/29/1987 7/29/1997
114 .119 Ca l Coast Charter Inc.
1984 Thousand Oaks/Moorpark Bus Service 7/1/1984 6/3 0/1985 7/1/1995
1985 Thousand Oaks/Moorpark Bus Service 7/1/1985 6/30/1987 6/30/1997
DY 1998
114.99 AC Construction Inc . / Moorpark RV LLC
1986 Addendum No . 1 to Moorpark Road Restoration 5/21/1986 6/30/1986 6/30/1996
1986 Moorpark Road Restoration 5/29/1986 6/30/1986 6/30/1996
1988 Agreement of Settlement and Mutual Re/ease 9/14/1988 9/19/1988 9/20/1998
114.112 Glen Haven Inc .
1987 Landscaping Easement and Maintenance Agreement 11/2/1987 6/7/1988 6/8/1998
1987 Time Extension to Construct Improvements 11/2/1987 6/7/1988 6/8/1998
114.123 Commuter Tra nsportation Services Inc.
1987 Ridesharing Services 7/1/1987 6/30/1988 7/1/1998
114.251 Contractors Barricade Service
1988 Barricade & Sign Installation 8/24/1988 9/3 0/1988 10/1/1998
114.262 Bu il ding Industry Association of Southern California Inc. (B IA)
1988 Mutual Release and Settlement Agreement 11/3/1988 11/10/1988 11/11/1998
114.264 Knudson, Warren
1988 Finance and Accounting Consultant 6/27/1988 10/31/1988 11/1/1998
DY 1999
114.274 W all , Maureen W.
1989 Preparation of City Council & Redevelopment Agency
Minutes 2/1/1989 5/31/1989 6/1/1999
DY 2000
114.148 Ca lifornia Department of Aging
1986 Senior Center Bond Act Grant 4/25/1986 6/30/1987 6/30/1997
1989 Amendment No . 2 Senior Center Bond Act Grant 4/19/1989 12/31/1989 1/1/2000
1989 Amendment No . 3 Senior Center Bond Act Grant 12/22/1989 6/30/1990 6/30/2000
114.256 Tri-Counties Dictating Systems 9/23/1987 9/23/1989 9/24/1999
DY 2001
114 .380 ADS Associates, Inc.
(1990-058) License Agreement 10/19/1990 10/31/1991 10/31/2001
DY 2005
114 .384(3) E. J . Ha rrison & So ns Inc.
(1991 -049) Franchise Agreement for Collection,
Transportation , Recycling and Disposal of Solid Waste 7/1/1991 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1991 -049-1) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991-048
for Six Month Extension 7/1/1994 12/31/1994 12/31/2004
(1991-049-2) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -048
for Six Month Extension 12/31/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
(1991 -049-3) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -048
for Three Month Extension 7/1/1995 9/30/1995 9/30/2005
DY = Destruction Year
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Dest Box No. 7 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
(1991-049-4) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991-048
for Thirty-Four Day Extension 10/1/1995 11/3/1995 11/3/2005
(1991 -049-5) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991-048
for Thirty-Five Day Extension 11/3/1995 12/8/1995 12/8/2005
(1991 -049-6) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -048
for Fourteen Day Extension 12/8/1995 12/22/1995 12/22/2005
(1991-090) Solid Waste Agreement 10/1/1991 9/30/1992 10/1/2002
(1992-071) Solid Waste Agreement 10/1/1992 9/30/1993 10/1/2003
(1993 -092) Solid Waste Agreement 11/1/1993 9/30/1994 9/30/2004
(1994-136) Solid Waste Agreement 12/20/1994 9/30/1995 9/30/2005
114.384(5) Browning-Ferris Industries of Ca lifornia, Inc .
(1994-135) Solid Waste Agreement 11/3/1994 9/30/1995 9/30/2005
DY 2010
114.384(4) Rubbish Control, Inc.
(1991-051) Franchise Agreement for Collection ,
Transportation , Recycling and Disposal of Solid Waste 71111991 6130/1994 6/30/2004
(1991-051 -1) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -051
for Six Month Extension 7/111994 12131/1994 12/31/2004
(1991-051 -2) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -051
for Six Month Extension 12/31/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
(1991 -051 -3) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -051
for Three Month Extension 71111995 9130/1995 9/30/2005
(1991-051 -4) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -051
for Thirty-Four Day Extension 10/1/1995 11/3/1995 11/3/2005
(1991 -051 -5) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991 -051
for Thirty-Five Day Extension 11/3/1995 12/8/1995 12/8/200 5
(1991 -051 -6) Amendment to Franchise Agreement 1991-051
for Fourteen Day Extension 12/8/1995 12/22/1995 12/22/2005
(1992 -019) Solid Waste Agreement 3/1/1992 9/30/1992 10/1/2002
(1992 -070) Solid Waste Agreement 10/1/1992 9/30/1993 10/1/2003
(1998 -084) Transfer Agreement to Republic Industries 1/9/1998 1/31/200 0 1131/2010
DY 2019
114.1038 Department of Parks and Recreation , State of Ca lifornia
1987 Monte Vista Park 6/29/1987 6/3 0/1992 7/1/2 002
(2001 -133) Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris Block Grant Progam 7/1/2001 6/3 0/2 00 9 7/1/20 19
(2001 -134) Per Capita Grant Program 7/1/2000 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
(2004 -004) Per Capita Grant Program 71112003 6/30/2011 6/30/2021
(2004 -005) Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris Block Grant 71112003 6/3012011 6/30/2021
(2004 -008) Roberti-Z'Berg-Harri s Application for Block Grant 12/1912003 1/15/2004 111512014
(2009 -173) Status Report for Poindexter Park Expansion 6/2912009 11/30/2009 12/1/2019
DY = Destruction Year
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Dest Box No. 8 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 1996
114.39 Cal ifornia Industries, Inc.
1986 Mountain Meadows Park Demolition Project 3/6/1986 3/31/1986 3/31/1996
114.57 Sull y-M iller Contracting Company
1985 Moorpark Avenue Pedestrian Safety Project 11/18/1985 4/14/1986 4/14/1996
114.90 L . K. Services
1986 Sidewalk Replacement 2/4/1986 2/9/1986 2/10/1996
114 .96 Universa l Computer Service
1986 Computerzied Parking Citation Tracking System 4/18/1986 4/30/1986 4/30/1996
114.98 A J FJ Construction
1986 Storm Drain Improvements at Peach Hill Park 4/7/1986 5/31/1986 5/31/1996
114.98 B Ca lifornia Sewer and Drilling Company
1986 Remove Cesspool at Mountain Meadows Park 4/24/1986 5/1/1986 5/1/1996
114.98 C Don's Aspha lt
1986 Street Repair Work 1/20/1986 2/28/1986 2/29/1996
114.98 F Delta Horticul tura l Services
1986 Pepper Trees Spraying 5/28/1986 5/31/1986 5/31/1996
114.98 I Simon & Simon Tree Services
1986 Tree Removal 120 Eucalyptus Trees 1/20/1986 2/28/1986 2/29/1996
1986 Tree Removal 4 Pine Trees 1/20/1986 2/28/1986 2/29/1996
114.98 K Coo l Breeze
1986 Heating and Air Conditioning System 6/15/1986 7/31/1986 7/31/1996
114.98 L W a lters, James D.
1986 Stage and Dais Construction 6/16/1986 7/31/1986 7/31/1996
114.100 Cam ino Contracting
1986 Annual Pavement Overlay Project 7/29/1986 9/22/1986 9/22/1996
DY 2001
114.354 Arriaga Concrete
1986 Concrete Planters at Moorpark Community Center 6/2/1986 6/30/1986 6/30/1996
1989 Modify Concrete Walkways 11/6/1989 11130/1989 12/1/1999
(1990-010) Campus Park Slumpstone Wall Repair 5/4/1990 5131/1990 5/31/2000
(1991 -006) Campus Park Slumpstone Wall Reconstruction 1/15/1991 113111991 1/31/2001
(1991-094) Peach Hill Park Concrete Work 9/26/1991 1013111991 10/3112001
DY 2003
114.255 IBM
(1988 -007) Computer Maintenance 912711988 912611993 9127/20 0 3
County of Ventura -So li d Waste Management MOU
114.358 (SRRE/HH W E)
(1990-016) Memorandum of Understanding for Coordinated
Solid Waste Planning 5/16/1990 7/1/1991 7/112001
(1991 -054) First Amendment to Memorandum of
Understanding for Coordinated Solid Waste Planning 6/11/1991 1213111991 12/31/2001
(1992 -023) Second Amendment to Memorandum of
Understanding for Coordinated Solid Waste Planning 4128/1992 12/31/1992 1/1/2003
DY 2004
114.330 Southern Pacific Milling Co. (S.P . Mill ing)
(1989-018) Railroad Crossing Paving 8/28/1989 9/5/1989 9/6/1999
(1989-019) Millard Overlay Project 9/22/1989 6/11/1990 6/11/2000
(1990-049) Street Repair to Maureen Lane 8/1/1990 8/30/1990 8/30/2000
(1993-060) Public Works Contract 9/15/1993 5/24/1994 5/24/2004
114.343 W o lff, Lang, Christopher Architects, Inc.
(1990-003) Architectural Services for Community Center 7/1/1990 5/6/1992 5/7/2002
(1991-103) Architectural Services for Community Use Building
(AVCP) 11/6/1991 6/20/1994 6/20/2004
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Dest Box No. 8 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2005
114.210 Bob's Tree Service
(1988-013) Tree Trimming 1/20/1988 2/29/1988 3/1/1998
(1988-014) Tree Trimming 8/5/1988 6/30/1989 7/1/1999
(1989-010) Tree Trimming 2/17/1989 3/31/1989 4/1/1999
(1989-011) Tree Trimming 7/5/1989 8/31/1989 9/1/1999
(1990-077) Annual Tree Trimming 10/30/1990 11/30/1990 11/30/2000
(1991 -057) Supplemental Tree Trimming 7/29/1991 8/31/1991 8/31/2001
(1991-096) Annual Tree Trimming 11/16/1991 11/30/1991 11130/2001
(1992-053) Annual Tree Trimming 8/24/1992 9/30/1992 10/1/2002
(1993-026) Annual Tree Trimming 4/21/1993 5/31/1993 6/1/2003
(1993-053) Annual Tree Trimming 7/1/1993 6/30/1994 6/3012004
(1994 -098) Annual Tree Trimming 9/17/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
114.247 Satellite Copy Products
(1988-017) Service Agreement 8112/1988 9/30/1988 10/1/1998
(1988-018) Service Agreement 9113/1988 9130/1988 10/1/1998
(1989-013) Service Agreement 9/13/1989 9/30/1990 9/30/2000
(1990-040) Purchase Agreement 7/31/1990 7131/1993 811/2003
(1991-083) Service Agreement 8/13/1991 8/30/1992 8/31/2002
(1991-084) Service Agreement 9/14/1991 9/30/1992 1011/2002
(1992-056) Service Contract 9/18/1992 9/30/1993 1011/2003
(1992 -057) Service Contract 9/22/1992 9/30/1993 10/1/2003
(1993 -042) Service Contract 6/30/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1993-062) Service Contract 9/18/1993 9/18/1994 9/18/2004
(1994-067) Copier Service 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
114 .324 Dwight French & Associates
(1992-015) Assessment Districts 84-2 and 85-1 2/5/1992 8/31/1992 9/1/2002
(1992-015A) Amendment to Assessment District 84-2 3/25/1992 12/31/1992 111/2003
(1995-012) Assessment Districts 84-2 and 85-1 1/4/1995 12/31/1995 12/31/2005
114.352 Asphalt Maintenance Company of California
(1990-009) Slurry Seal Project 5/16/1990 2/1/1991 211/2001
(1994-099) Tierra Rejada Slurry Seal 10/21/1994 6/2/1995 612/2005
114.590 Dwight French & Associates
(1994-120) Design of the Spring Road Bridge 10/19/1994 4/30/1995 4/30/2005
114.644 MUSCO Lighting, Inc.
(1995-045) Installation of Lighting and Poles in Bal/field at
Arroyo Vista Community Park 7/6/1995 12/31/1995 12/31/2005
DY 2006
114 .538 Eastman Kodak Co .
(1994 -022) Euipment Lease-Purchase Agreement 12/11/1993 12/11/1996 12/12/2006
Joint Powers Agreement for Planning & Conservation League
114.646 (PCL) vs. Ventura County Transporation Commission (VCTC)
(1995-050) Joint Powers Agreement for Planning and
Conversation League Among the Cities of Ventura County 7/1/1995 6/25/1996 6/26/2006
DY 2008
114.80 Moorpark Senior Citizens
1988 Senior Citizen Center Lease Agreement 11/1/1988 10/31/1998 10/31/2008
(1991-088) Senior Citizen Center Lease Agreement 10/3/1991 10/31/1998 10/31/2008
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Dest Box No. 8 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No .
114 .245 GTE/GTEL
(1988-004) Municipal Lease Agreement 8/12/1988 8/30/1993 8/31/2003
(1991 -114) Communications Systems Maintenance Agreement 12/6/1991 2/28/1992 2/28/2002
(1993 -024) Municipal Lease Agreement 2/23/1993 2/28/1998 2/29/2008
(1993 -025) Purchase , Installation & Maintenance Agreement 3/30/1993 3/30/1998 3/30/2008
114 .285 Eastman Kodak Credit Corp
(1989-016) Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement 3/1/1989 3/1/1992 3/2/2002
(1993-089) Equipment Lease-Purchase Agreement 11/12/1993 11/30/1998 11/30/2 00 8
DY 2010
114.213 Riela, John CP A
(1988 -001) Accounting Services 3/4/1988 6/30/1993 7/1/2003
(1992 -046) Amendment to Contract for Services 7/1/1992 6/3 0/1993 7/1/2003
(1994-134) Amendment to Contract for Services 8/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/3 0/2005
(1999-010) Financial Accounting Services 2/16/1999 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
(2000-143) Financial Accounting Services 4/27/2000 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
DY 2014
114 .241 Safety Stri pi ng Service , Inc.
(1990-043) Street Striping 8/24/1990 9/30/1990 9/30/2000
(1990-064) Street Striping 10/18/1990 11/30/1990 11/30/2000
(1991 -095) FY 1991 /92 Street Striping 11/1/1991 11/30/1991 11/30/2 00 1
(1991-095A) FY 1991 /92 Amendment to Street Striping 12/4/1991 12/31/1991 12/31/200 1
(1992 -051) School Crosswalks and Legend Striping 8/25/1992 9/30/1992 10/1/2002
(1992 -052) FY 1992193 Street Striping 8/25/1992 6/30/1993 7/1/2003
(1992-065) Striping Stop Bars and Legends 10/21/1992 11/30/1992 12/1/2002
(1993-055) Street Striping & Marking Services 8/18/1993 6/30/1994 6/3 0/2004
(1993-055A) Street Striping & Marking Services 10/15/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/20 04
(1994-086) FY 1994195 Annual Striping 8/30/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2 005
(1997-052) FY 1997/98 Annual Striping 7/28/1997 6/30/1998 6/3 0/2 008
(2004 -055) Re -striping of New Los Angeles Avenue 3/31/2004 4/30/2004 5/1/2014
DY = Destruction Y ear
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Dest Box No . 9 Agreement Name Open Date ! Cl osed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 1998
114.279 MUSCO Sports Lighting, LLC
(1989-015) Peach Hill Park Softball Lights 2/17/1988 2/29/1988 3/1/1998
DY 2000
114.272 County of Ventura
(1989-003) Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement 12/20/1988 9/19/1990 9/19/2000
114.298 Carlsberg
(1990-060) Preparation of Specific Plan and EIR 5/17/1989 8/17/1990 8/17/2000
(1990-066) First Addendum to Agreement for Preparation of
Specific Plan and EIR 9/12/1990 10/31/1990 10/31/2000
114.355 Castaneda Construction Inc .
(1990-011) Curb & Gutter Reconstruction 5/3/1990 6/30/1990 6/30/2000
DY 2001
114.225 Mun imetrix
(1988-009) Software License 4/26/1988 4/30/1989 5/1/1999
(1990-136) Amendment to Software License 8/1/1990 7/31/1991 7/31/200 1
114.346 Fedelety Corp .
(1990-004) Arroyo Vista Community Park Lease Agreement 1/1/1990 12/31/1991 12/31/2001
114 .360 Valencia Construction
(1990 -021) Sidewalk Reconstruction 7/20/1990 1/15/1991 1/15/2001
(A 1990-021) Change Order No . 1 to Sidewalk Reconstruction 8/13/1990 1/15/1991 1/15/2001
(1991-007) Change Order No . 2 to Sidewalk Reconstruction 1/15/1991 1/15/1991 1/15/2001
114.398 Doub le D, Joint Venture
(1991-022) Handicap Access Ramps 3/21/1991 4/30/1991 4/30/2001
114.409 Intersection Maintenance Services (IMS)
(1991-042) Traffic Signal at Peach Hill Road and Spring Road 6/19/1991 8/31/1991 8/31/200 1
DY 2002
114 .416 No rt h Sta r Construction
(1992-047) General Release Agreement 7/28/1992 8/3/1992 8/4/20 02
114.436 Safeco (Stei ny and Compa ny)
(1992-001) Take Over Agreement Traffic Signal Peach Hill and
Spring Road 2/28/1992 8/21/1992 8/22/2002
DY 2003
114.415 Hoffma n Video Systems*
(1991-075) Community Center Renovation Video System and
Cable System 8/23/1991 2/17/1993 2/18/20 03
114.482 Shel l Pipe Line Corporatio n
(1993 -033) Shell Pipe Line Relocation 5/5/1993 8/31/1993 9/1/2003
DY 2006
114.778 Deverich Constructio n
(1997-072) Contract for Construction Services at 328 Sarah
Avenue 8/21/1996 12/6/1996 12/7/2006
114.782 Sun West Construction
(1997-076) Contract for Construction Services at 410 Bonnie
View 9/30/1996 12/6/1996 12/7/2006
114 .783 Sun West Construction
(1997-077) Contract for Construction Services at 383 Susan
Avenue 10/7/1996 12/16/1996 12/17/2006
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Dest Box No. 9 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2007
114.777 Pulse
(1997-071) Performer at 1997 Teen Music Fest on 10/4197 10/4/1997 10/4/1997 10/5/2007
114.784 All Around Maintenance & Construction
(1997-078) Contract for Construction Services at 161 Charles
Street 10/22/1996 1/10/1997 1/11/2007
114.785 Sun West Construction
(1997-079) Contract for Construction Services at 344 Roberts
Avenue 10/23/1996 4/2/1997 4/3/2007
114 .788 Sun West Construction
(1997-082) Contract for Construction Services at 14472 East
Amherst Street 1/3/1997 7115/1997 7/16/2007
114.789 Sun West Construction
(1997-083) Contract for Construction Services at 146 First
Street 12/20/1996 5/19/1997 5/20/2007
114 .792 Mike Rovner Construction
(1997-086) Contract for Construction Services at 468 Bard
Street 9/22/1997 12/10/1997 12/11/2007
114.793 Country Gold
(1997-091) Performer Agreement 10/31/1997 10/31/1997 11/1/2007
114.794 George Peckham
(1997-092) Senior Luncheon Performer 10/29/1997 10/29/1997 10/30/2007
DY 2008
114.474 VCE Civil Engineering & Surveying
(1993-016) Prepare a Design for the Arroyo Vista Community
Park Pedestrian Bridge 4/9/1993 5/1/1994 5/1/2004
(A1993-016) Amendment No . 1 dated 8/04/1993 to Retain a
Soils Engineer to Prepare Soils Report 8/4/1993 5/1/1994 5/1/2004
(A1993-016) Amendment No . 2 dated 2/08/1994 to Prepare
Hydrology Report 2/8/1994 2/8/1995 2/8/2005
(A1993-016) Amendment No . 3 dated 1124197 to Include
Construction Engineering Services and Amending Insurance
Coverage 4/4/1993 12/31/1997 1/1/2008
(A 1993-016) Amendment No . 4 dated 4/08/1997 to Prepare a
Record of Survey for the Easement Acquired from Southern
California Edison 4/8/1997 12/31/1997 1/1/2008
(A 1993-016) Amendment No . 5 dated 7/03/97 to Add Certain
Supplementary Design Services 7/3/1997 12/31/1997 1/1/2008
(1993 -094) Prepare a Survey and Design for Extending the
Ball Diamond at Campus Canyon Park 10/27/1993 10/27/1994 10/27/2004
114.775 John E. Nowak
(1997-067) Professional Services Agreement 9/3/1997 12/31/1997 1/1/2008
114.780 Mike's Remodeling & Construction
(1997-074) Contract for Construction Services at 285 Dorothy
Avenue 9/11/1996 12/16/1996 12/17/2006
(1998-031) Contract for Construction Services at 333 Dorothy
Avenue 5/29/1998 8/31/1998 8/31/2008
(1998-032) Contract for Construction Services at 368 Roberts
Avenue 6/15/1998 11/24/1998 11/24/2008
114 .791 Mike Rovner Construction
(1997-085) Contract for Construction Services at 70 Harry
Street 9/22/1997 1/12/1998 1/13/2008
114.798 Novus Commercial Interiors , Inc .
(1997-099) Arroyo Vista Center Construction Contract 11/17/1997 1/9/1998 1/10/2008
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Dest Box No . 9 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
114 .836 Advanced Cable Systems Inc .
(1998-030) Public Works Agreement Local Area Network
Cabling 6/26/1998 7/26/1998 7/26/2008
114.839 Steven A Scalia Construction
(1998 -037) Police Service Center Tenant Improvements at 26
Flory Avenue 7/15/1998 7/31/1998 7/31/2008
DY 2009
114 .846 Accurate Business Copiers
(1998-060) Copier Service Contract for Senior Center Model
NP-4050 10/14/1998 10 /14/1998 10/14/2008
(1998-061) Copier Service Contract for City Hall Finance Area
Model NP-2020 10/14/1998 10/14/1999 10/14/200 9
(1998-062) Copier Service Contract for Annex Copier Model
NP-6060 10/1/1998 10/1/1999 10/1/2009
DY 2012
114 .84 7 Amigo's Janito ri al Service
(1998-066) Janitorial Services for 26 Flory Avenue 11/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
(2002-033) Amendment to Agreement 1998-066 Janitorial
Services for 26 Flory Avenue 3/5/2002 7/26/2002 7/26/2012
DY 2014
114.1128 Ruiz Engineering Co .
(2003 -087) 2003 Overlay Project 6/6/2003 1/21/2004 1/21/2014
(2003-103) Property Lease Agreement-Fitch Ave. Property 6/20/20 0 3 8/20/2003 8/20/2013
(2003-107) Change Order No . 1-2003 Overlay Project 6/12/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2003-109) Change Order No . 2-2003 Overlay Project 6/12/20 0 3 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2003-125) 2003 Overlay Project Retention 7/15/2 00 3 12/31/200 3 12/31/2013
(2003-135) Change Order No . 3-2003 Overlay Project 8/7/2 003 12/31/2003 12/31 /2013
(2003 -152) 2003 Change Order No . 4-2003 Overlay Project 6/12/2 003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2003-158) Change Order No . 5-2003 Overlay Project 6/12/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2003 -218) Change Order No . 6-2003 Overlay Project 12/3/200 3 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2003-219) Change Order No . 7-2003 Overlay Project 12/3/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
114.1182 The Ad j ul Corp oration dba Lee Construction Company* 1P
(2004 -096) Civic Center Driveway Modifications 5/19/20 04 7/21/2004 7/22/2014
(2004 -126) Change Order No . 1 AIC Patches, Legends 6/1/2004 7/21/2004 7/22/2014
(2004-127) Change Order No . 2 Planter Cleanup, Septic Tank 6/1/2004 7/21/2004 7/22/2014
DY 2016
114 .837 Creative Sounds DJS Inc .
(2005-036) Disc Jockey Performance 6/1/2005 5/30/2006 5/30/2016
114 .843 Tri-Valley Roller Hockey
(1998-047) Multi Purpose Court Improvements for Roller
Hockey League 11 /5/1998 1/31/2002 2/1/2012
(2000-129) Install Two Sets of Bleachers at Multi Purpose
Court at Arroyo Vista Community Park 12/8/2000 1/31/2002 2/1/2012
(2002-058) Use of the Multi Purpose Court at Arroyo Vista
Community Park 1/1/2002 12/31 /2006 12/31/2016
114.1125 Nativ Engineering , Inc.
(2003 -076) Property Lease Agreement 5/19/2003 8/16/2003 8/16/201 3
(2003 -077) Flinn Avenue Realignment Project 5/21/200 3 6/15/2005 6/16/2 015
(2003 -121) Flinn Avenue Realignment-Change Order No .1 5/27/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2003-132) Flinn Avenue Realignment Change Order No . 2 8/1/2003 8/31/2003 8/31/2013
(2003-133) Change Order No . 3 8/1/2003 9/30/2003 9/30/2013
(2003 -155) Change Order No . 3. 1 5/27/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
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Dest Box No. 9 Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
(2003-156) Flinn Ave . Realignment Project-Change Order No .
4 5/27/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2003 -176) Flinn Ave . Realignment Project-Change Order No .
5 9/29/2003 12 /31/2003 12/31 /2013
(2003 -195) Change Order No . 6 10/27/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2003 -221) Change Order No . 7 12/4/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2003 -223) Flinn Avenue Realignment Project-Change Order
No . 2.1 12/9/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
(2003-224) Change Order No . 6. 1 12/9/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
(2004-249) Change Order No . 8 12/9/200 4 12/31/2004 1/1/2015
(2005-076) Change Order No . 10 5/27/2005 12/31/200 5 1/1/2016
(2005-085) Change Order No . 9.1 6/9/2005 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
DY 2017
114 .841 Galindo , Teodoro & Bacilia
(1998-041) Lease Agreement for 661 Moorpark Avenue 8/1/1998 7/31/1999 7/31/2009
(2006-288) Lease Agreement for 661 Moorpark Avenue 1/1/2007 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
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I Dest Box No. 1 0 I Agreement Name Open Date ! Cl osed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2001
114.427 OST Trucks & Cranes
(1991 -097) Agreement for Services -Griffin Park Monument
Signs 10/18/1991 12/3 1/1991 12/31/2001
DY 2002
114.420 Landscape , Inc .
(1991 -106) Parkway Landscape Annual Contract 11/13/1991 6/30/1992 7/1/2002
114.448 C Summer Youth Program 1992 92-54
(1992-054) Summer Youth Training Program 6/24/1992 8/31/1992 9/1/2002
DY 2003
114.444 State of California
(1990-076) Grant Project Agreement for Arroyo Vista
Community Park 4/13/1990 6/30/1992 7/1/2002
(1992 -035) Amendment to Agreement for Time Extension 4/13/1990 6/3 0/1993 7/1/2003
DY 2004
114.500 Unocal - Union Oi l Co .
(1993 -071) Removal of Storage Tanks 10/1/1993 10/1/1994 10/1/2004
114.501 Gonce Electric Compa ny . (GEC)
(1993 -058) Installation of Electrical Power Outlet at Peach Hill
Park and Installation of Security Light at North Meadows Park 8/10/1993 8/10/1994 8/10/2004
114 .502 Coastline Electric
(1993-059) Installation of Three Additional 20 Amp /120 Volt
Circuits Along the Center Aisle Cubicals at City Hall 8/30/1993 8/30/1994 8/30/2004
114 .513 Ca li fornia Conservation Corps
(1993-093) Moorpark EEMP Arrundo Removal 10/4/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
114.514 L.A.P. More Const ruct ion
(1993-096) Installation of 16" x 16" Metal Vision Lite with
Polished Wire Glass Door in Copy Room 10/7/1993 10/7/1994 10/7/2004
Urban Streams Restorat ion Gra nt -Imp lementation
114 .517 Agreements
(1993-101) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract with
Independent Contractor 12/30/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1993 -102) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract with
Independent Contractor 12/30/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1993 -103) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract with
Independent Contractor 12/30/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2 004
(1993 -104) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract with
Independent Contractor 12/30/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1993 -105) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract with
Independent Contractor 12/30/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1993-106) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract With
Independent Contractor 12/30/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1993-107) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract with
Independent Contractor 12/30/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1993 -113) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract With
Independent Contractor 12/30/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1994 -004) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract with
Independent Contractor 12/30/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1994 -005) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract With
Independent Contractor 12/30/1993 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1994 -006) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract With
Independent Contractor 12/30/1993 6/30 /1994 6/30/2004
DY = Destruction Year
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I Dest Box No. 10 I Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date l C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
(1994-033) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract with
Independent Contractor 3/16/1994 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
(1994-034) Urban Streams Restoration Grant Contract with
Independent Contractor 3/16/1994 6/30/1994 6/30/2004
114 .521 Crafts Cabinets , Inc .
(1993 -111) Install Cabinets and Tops at Arroyo Vista
Community Park 1/7/1994 4/1/1994 4/1/2004
DY 2006
114 .587 Ralp h Andersen & Assoc iates
(1994-118) Analysis for Specific Plan No . 8 2/21/1995 2/21/1997 2/22/2007
(1995-017) Analysis for Bollinger Development Project 5/12/1995 5/12/1996 5/13/2006
DY 2008
114.430 Dynacon
(1991 -108) Agreement for Installation of Playground
Equipment 11/22/1991 12/31/1991 12/31/2001
(1998-042) Agreement for Purchase & Installation of
Playground Equipment 8/13/1998 12/31/1998 12/31/2008
(1998-042A) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement for Playground
Equipment 8/14/1998 12/31/1998 12/31/2008
DY 2010
114 .979 Tony Goldstein
(2000-136) Santa Claus at the Breakfast with Santa , Santa's
Sleigh Rides , Visits with Santa 12/9/2000 12/23/2000 12/24/2010
DY 2012
114 .1073 American Red Cross
(2002-070) Group Training/Standard First Aid 6/17/2002 7/16/2002 7/16/2012
DY 2013
114 .774 McNamara & Associates
(2002-148) Professional Services Agreement 12/30/2002 3/31/2003 3/31/2013
DY 2014
114 .1036 Flavell, Tennenbaum & Edwards
(2001 -121) Agreement for Professional Services 8/28/2 001 10/31/2001 11/1/2011
(2004 -217) Addendum to Professional Services Agreement 10/26/2004 11/30/2004 12/1/20 14
DY 2015
114 .1217 Aaron Di ngus
(2004 -259) Lease Agreement -81 Charles Street 1/19/2005 3/31/2 005 4/1/2015
114 .1225 Martinez Landscape Company Inc .; Martinez Landscape , Inc .
(2005 -022) Spring Rd. Median Landscape & Tierra Rejada Rd. 2/28/2005 6/1/2005 6/2/2015
(2005-084) Changer Order No . 1 Spring Road Median
Landscaping 6/9/2005 6/9/2005 6/10/2015
DY 2016
114 .1314 Iron Mountain (Vanguard Vaults, Inc.)
(2006-056) Data Storage & Service 3/10/2006 3/11/2006 3/11/2016
114 .1319 Dream on Theater Works/Rosemary Moffat
(2006 -073) Wedding 6/2/2006 6/3/2006 6/3/2016
(2006 -085) Additional Use of Theater 6/2/2006 6/3/2006 6/3/2016
114 .1321 Warburton , Saderup Productions
(2006-078) Use of Theater on High Street for Othello
Performances 5/15/2006 5/21/2006 5/21/2016
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I Dest Box No. 10 I Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2017
114 .1049 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc .
(2002 -001) Provide Construction Engineering Services 1/7/2002 5/14/2007 5/14/2017
(2002-045) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 2002-001 for
Design Engineering Services, Traffic Signal Modification on
Los Angeles Avenue and Tierra Rejada Road 4/11 /2002 5/14/2007 5/14/2017
(2003 -058) Amendment No . 2 to Agreement No . 2002-001 for
Engineering Services, Signal Interconnect Project on Los
Angeles and Tierra Rejada Road 4/10/2003 5/14/2007 5/14/2017
(2006-059) Amendment No . 3 to Agreement No . 2002-001 for
Signal Interconnect Project Modifications and Updates 3/30/2006 5114/2007 5/14/2017
114 .1402 Arteaga , Antonia
(2007-172) Right of Entry Agreement for APN# 513-0-032 -055 7/3/2007 7/17/2007 7/17/2017
114 .14 2 3 California Department of Public Health
(2007-256) Letter of Award #VBDS-MCF-7300J 8/2/2007 12/31/2007 12/31/2017
DY 2018
114.1416 Pleasant Va ll ey Recreation and Park District
(2007-226) Strike Out Stroke Health Screening and Education
Project 9/28/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
114.1420 Excel Paving Company
(2007-236) Tierra Rejada and Second Street Pavement
Rehabilitation 10/17/2007 4/16/2008 4/17/20 18
(2007-262) Change Order No . 1 Catch Basin Replacement 11/1 /2007 4116/2008 4/17/20 18
(2007-281) Change Order No . 2 Digouts on Tierra Rejada
Road 12/5/2007 4116/2 008 4/17/2018
(2007-287) Change Order No . 3 Grind Out Paving Fabric on
Tierra Rejada Road 12/5/2007 4116/2008 4/17/2018
(2007-288) Change Order No . 4 Modify Local Depressions on
Tierra Rejada Road 11/21/2007 4/16/2008 4/17/2018
(2008 -051) Change Order No . 5 Adjust Water Valves 3/5/2008 4/16/2008 4/17/2018
(2008 -052) Change Order No . 6 Paving Fabric Removal 3/5/2008 4/16/2 008 4/17/2018
(2008 -053) Change Order No . 7 Crack Seal 3/5/2008 4/16/2008 4/17/2018
(2008-054) Change Order No . 8 Water Truck 3/5/2008 4/16/200 8 4/17/2018
114.1431 California Counci l for Humanities
(2008 -061) Grant Agreement "How I See It: Moorpark" 2/20/2008 8/20/2008 8/21/2018
114.1436 Best Western Posada Royale Hotel & Suites
(2007-311) Catering Agreement for Teresa Jones' Retirement
Party 12/15/2007 1/12/2008 1/12/2018
114.1441 Newtones Productions
(2008 -024) Arbor Day Entertainment 318/2008 3/8/2008 319/2018
114.1443 Food Share Inc .
(2008 -027) Brown Bag Site Application and Agreement 1/16/2008 12/30/2008 12/31/2018
114.1447 Lundberg, Shannon
(2008-043) Artist for Moorpark Arts Festival 5/4/2008 5/4/2008 5/5/2018
114 .1459 Freeform Photography
(2008-069) Professional Photographer for Arts Festival 5/4 /2008 5/4/2008 5/5/2018
114 .1467 California Department of Conservation
(2008-089) Beverage Recycling and Litter Reduction Act Grant 711 /2008 7/1/2008 7/2/2018
114 .1471 Bitburg Limited
(2008 -096) Lease Agreement 4/28/2008 5/2 /2008 5/3/2018
DY= De struction Y ear
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I Dest Box No. 10 I Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
114 .1476 21st Cent ury Skydiving
(2008 -118) Skydiving Pelformance 7/3/2008 7/3/2008 7/4/2018
114 .1477 Swank Motion Pictures Inc .
(2008-106) Exhibition Request Forms 7/19/2008 8/16/2008 8/17/2018
114.1481 CommCinema
(2008-114) Outdoor Movie Event 8/16/2008 8/16/2008 8/17/2018
114 .1487 City of Moorpark
(2008-156) 25th Anniversary Waiver Forms 4/16/2008 4/16/2008 4/17/2018
DY 2019
114 .1394 Clean Harbors Environmenta l Services , Inc .
(2007-133) Agreement for Services 7/1/2007 3/30/2009 3/31/2019
114.1425 Livings ton Memorial Foundation
(2007-260) 2007/2008 Grant Application Consideration 10/17/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
(2008-098) Letter of Acceptance for Grant Award 5/5/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
114 .1426 Carter's Pest Control
(2007-261) Pest Control Services 11/1/2007 12/31/2008 1/1/2019
114 .1445 Pacific Telemanagement Services (PTS)
(2008-036) Pay Phone Service 3/4/2008 12/31/2008 1/1/2019
114 .1451 Ventura County Arts Co un cil
2008-058 Display Panel Rental 3/4/2008 5/5/2008 5/6/2018
2009-213 Display Panel Rental 4/24/2009 4/27/2009 4/28/2019
114 .1466 A lphabet Soup Puppeteers
(2008-084) Kids Day in the Park Entertainment 5/10/20 08 5/10/2008 5/11/2018
(2009-053) Day in the Park Entertainment 5/9/2009 5/9/2009 5/10/2019
114 .1470 Mccann , Jonathan and Rebecca
(2008-094) Lease Agreement for 250 East Los Angeles
Avenue 5/1/2008 4/30/2009 5/1/2019
114 .1488 Manhe imer, Rachel
(2009-239) High Street Arts Center Pelformance 9/8/2009 11/15/2009 11/16/2019
114 .1489 Herrera , Jose
(2008-158) Lease Agreement for 450 Charles Street 7/1/2008 12/31/2008 1/1/2019
California Landscape and Design , Inc . dba California
114 .1545 Skateparks Inc .
(2009-083) Poindexter Park Expansion Project 4/22/2009 12/3/2009 12/4/2019
(2009-202) Change Order No . 1 Poindexter Park Expansion
Project 8/14/2009 12/3/2009 12/4/2019
(2009-229) Change Order No . 2 Poindexter Park Expansion
Project 9/3/2009 12/3/2009 12/4/2019
(2009-265) Change Order No . 3 Poindexter Park Expansion
Project 10/15/2009 12/3/2009 12/4/2019
(2009-297) Change Order No . 4 Poindexter Park Expansion
Project 12/1/2009 12/3/2009 12/4/2019
DY = Destruction Y ear
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I Dest Box No . 11 I
!Agreement No.
114 .395
114 .786
114 .787
114 .1408
114 .995
114 .1161
114 .1162
114 .1291
114 .1193
114 .1280
DY= Destruction Year
Agreement Name
DY 2001
Repub lic Fence
(1991-018) Fence Repair and Construction at Various
DY 2005
Ortco , Inc .
(1995-043) Polygon Hex Steel Shelter and Concrete Slab for
Arroyo Vista Park
DY 2007
Sun West Construction
(1997-080) Contract for Construction Services at 356 Susan
All Around Ma intenance & Construction
(1997-081) Contract for Construction Services at 447 Sarah
DY 2008
Matrix Consulting Group
(2007-174) Finance Department Organizational Study
(2008-015) Wastewater (Sewer) Study
DY 2011
Noe l Webb
(2001 -012) Entertainment for Community Center
More land and Associates
(2001-018) Financial Accounting Services
Emergency Management Services dba Terra Firma Enterprises
(2001-030) Emergency Management Services
Pyro Spectaculars , Inc.
(2001-041) Pyro Spectaculars Display Agreement
DY 2012
TDS Engineering , Inc.
(1996-006) Installation of Temporary Traffic Signal at Tierra
Rejada and Moorpark Roads
(2001-129) Battery Back-Up System
DY 2014 ---·-------Shoop, Douglas (One Last Dance)
(2004 -035) One Last Dance
Flack , Mel (R iverboat Dixie)
(2004 -037) Riverboat Dixie
(2004-206) Riverboat Dixie
Vermeer California , Inc .
(2005-229) Notice Inviting Sealed Bids for Puchase of Vermeer
1 000XL Brush Chipper
DY 2015
Green Cu lture, Inc .
(2004-162) Green Culture Composters
Glendale Amusements
(2004-166) Glendale Amusements
Asplundh Tree Expert Company
(2005-178) Lease Agreement -Asplundh Tree Expert
Hasan Consultants
(2005-183) FEMA OF/RM Review
Open Date ! Closed Date! C + 10Y
3/4/1991 3/20/1991 3/20/2001
5/9/1995 5/23/1995 5/23/2005
10/24/1996 7/7/1997 7/8/2007
12/9/1996 1/15/1997 1/16/2007
8/21/2007 11/30/2007 11/30/2017
1/24/2008 9/30/2008 10/1/2018
2/5/2 00 1 2/28/2001 3/1/2011
2/26/20 0 1 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
3/2 0/2001 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
7/3/2001 7/3/2001 7/4/2011
3/6/1996 7/30/1996 7/31/2006
10/8/2 00 1 4/3 0/2002 4/3 0/2012
5/8/2004 5/8/2004 5/9/2014
5/9/2004 5/9/2004 5/10/2014
12/5/2004 12/5/2004 12/6/2014
12/27/2004 12/27/2004 12/28/2014
6/20/2005 6/20/2005 6/21/2015
9/1/2004 8/31/2005 9/1/2015
10/21/2005 12/20/2005 12/21/2015
11/29/2005 11/29/2005 11/30/2015
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I Dest Box No . 11 I Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No .
DY 2016
114.1138 The Keith Companies, Inc .
(2003-169) Civic Center Aerial Topography 8/21/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
(2003-178) High Street Survey 10/2/2003 9/30/2004 10/1/2014
(2003 -182) Amendment No . 1 -Spring Roadfrierra Rejada
Road Double Left Turn Lane 10/9/2003 4/30/2004 5/1/2014
(2003-183) Amendment No . 2 -Mountain Trail Street
Landscaped Median 10/9/2003 4/30/2004 5/1/2014
(2003-184) Amendment No . 3 -Civic Center Driveway
Modifications 10/9/2003 4/30/2004 5/1/2014
(2003-191) Amendment No. 4 -Spring Road Realignment 10/20/2003 10/31/2004 11/1/2014
(2005-001) Amendment No . 5 -City Hall Survey, Civil
Engineering Services 1/18/2005 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
114.1146 Jim Anderson/All Aire Heating & Air Conditioning Company
(2003-217) Agreement to Provide Heating and Air Conditioning
Services 11/1/2003 12/31/2004 1/1/2015
(2004 -212) Amendment No . 1 1/1/2005 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
114.1153A V iola , Inc.
(2007-020) Settlement Agreement 9/5/2006 9/18/2006 9/18/2016
114 .1167 Giron Engineers, Inc.
(2004-070) Civil Engineering Services -Double Left Turn Lane 4/20/2004 10/31/2004 11/1/2014
(2004 -190) Civil Engineering Services for Parcel 1 Subdivision 9/24/2004 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
(2005 -062) Amendment No . 1 -Magnolia Street Closure
Project 10/18/2004 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
(2005-063) Amendment No . 2 -Metro/ink Pedestrian Access 10/18/2004 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
114.1192 County of Ventura
(2006-093) Child Care Agreement -Camp Moorpark 6/19/2006 8/20/2006 8/20/2016
Department of Housing a nd Community Deve lopment (WFH
114 .1252 Program)
(2005-188) Standard Agreement Workforce Housing Reward
Funds 11/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
114 .1282 Central Coast Surface Grindings, Inc .
(2005-195) Citywide Sidewalk Inventory 12/13/2005 2/28/2006 2/29/2016
(2006-006) Change Order No . 1 to Agreement 2005-195
Citywide Sidewalk Inventory Project 1/13/2006 2/28/2006 2/29/2016
(2006-015) Change Order No . 2 to Agreement 2005-195
Citywide Sidewalk Inventory 1/27/2006 2/28/2006 2/29/2016
114.1283 Jon Ainsworth
(2005 -197) Parking Citation Hearing Officer 12/2/2005 12/31/2005 1/1/2016
114.1296 Grace Bret hren High Schoo l
(2006 -008) Agreement For Use of the Theater on High Street 1/13/2006 1/31/2006 2/1/2016
114.1305 Wolco Business Systems, Inc .
(2006-028) Equipment Lease Agreement 1/16/2006 1/24/2006 1/25/2016
114.1318 Brigade of the American Revolution
(2006-068) Professional Services Agreement for Colonial Life
and Revolutionary War Encampment at 3rd of July Fireworks
Extravaganza 7/3/2006 7/3/2006 7/3/2016
DY 2018
114.1406 Atlantic Express of L.A . Inc .
(2007-182) Agreement for Bus Services 7/23/2007 5/31/2008 6/1/2018
DY = Destruction Year
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I Dest Box No. 11 I Agreement Name
!Agreement No .
114 .1428 Green , Scott
(2007-267) Purchase and Sale Agreement 33 High Street
DY 2019
114 .1172 LNI Custom Manufacturing , Inc.
(2004-079) Bus Shelter Installation Project# 2003 BS-1
(2007-274) Construction of Refuse Enclosure Roofs
(2008-031) Amendment No . 1 Design and Construction of
Refuse Enclosure Roof
(2008-201) Amendment No . 2 Refuse Enclosure Roofs
114 .1295 Jarman , Bruce & Janet
(2005-240) Volunteer Informed Consent and Release
(2007-062) Volunteer Informed Consent and Release
(2008-010) Volunteer Informed Consent and Release
(2009 -069) Volunteer Informed Consent and Release
114 .1382 Tropical Creations, Inc .
(2007-038) Los Angeles Avenue/Tierra Rejada Road Parkway
Landscaping Agreement
(2007 -076) Change Order No . 1 -Los Angeles Avenue/Tierra
Rejada Road
(2007 -098) Change Order No . 2 -Los Angeles Avenue/Tierra
Rejada Road
(2007 -114) Change Order No . 3 -Los Angeles Avenue/Tierra
Rejada Road
(2007 -305) Landscape Improvements
114.1542 Machado Environmental Corporation
(2009 -070) Arroyo Vista Community Center HVAC Cleaning
DY = Destruction Ye ar
Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 1 OY
11/9/2007 5/1/2008 5/2/2018
4/29/2004 7/9/2004 7/10/2014
1/18/2008 2/29/2008 3/1/2018
2/20/2008 2/29/2008 3/1/2018
9/11/2008 12/31/2008 1/1/2019
8/20/2 005 11/30/2005 12/1/2015
3/13/2007 11/30/2007 11/30/2017
12/29/2007 11/30/2008 12/1/2018
2128/2009 11/30/2009 12/1/2019
3115/2007 7/18/2007 7/18/2017
4/5/2007 7/18/2007 7/18/2017
5/3/2007 7/18/2007 7/18/2017
5/18/20 0 7 7/18/2 00 7 7/18/2017
1/11/2008 12/31/2008 1/1/2019
4/14/2009 4/30/2009 5/1/2019
Resolution No . 2021-4043
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I Dest Box No. 12 ! Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 1996
114.95 City Manager Approved Contracts 1986
Moorpark High School Contract 2/24/1986 4/22/1986 4/22/1996
DY 1997
114.95 City Manager Approved Contracts 1987
Youth Counselors Contract 6/29/1987 8/31/1987 8/31/1997
Adult Instructor Contract 6/29/1987 8/31/1987 8/31/1997
Youth Instructor Contract 6/29/1987 8/31/1987 8/31/1997
Officials and Scorekeeper Contract 6/29/1987 8/31/1987 8/31/1997
Adult Sports Officials and Scorekeeper Contract 3/1/1987 5/21/1987 5/21/1997
Tracey Koehn Contract 1/5/1987 6/30/1987 6/30/1997
DY 2000
114.95 City Manager Approved Contracts 1989
Debbie Owens -Contract 12/4/1989 2/9/1990 2/10/2000
Millie Escalante -Contract 12/4/1989 2/9/1990 2/10/2000
Chris DeK/otz -Contract 12/4/1989 2/9/1990 2/10/2000
Lance Court -Contract 12/4/1989 2/9/1990 2/10/2 000
Martin Ramirez -Contract 12/4/1989 2/9/1990 2/10/2000
Doris Warren -Contract 9/19/1989 11/14/1989 11/15/1999
Debbie Owens -Contract 9/11/1989 12/15/1989 12/16/1999
Sandi Lane -Contract 9/11/1989 12/15/1989 12/16/1999
Richard Askay -Contract 9/11/1989 12/15/1989 12/16/1999
Lois Lebman -Contract 9/11/1989 12/1/1989 12/2/1999
Gene Hatton -Contract 6/19/1989 8/7/1989 8/8/1999
Bob Tayman -Contract 5/1/1989 6/1/1990 6/1/2000
Manuel Ruiz -Contract 4/20/1989 6/1/1989 6/2/1999
Shelley Richardson -Contract 4/19/1989 8/15/1989 8/16/1999
Debbie Owens -Contract 4/19/1989 8/15/1989 8/16/1999
BIGS Gym -Contract 4/19/1989 6/19/1989 6/20/1999
Doris Warren -Contract 4/11/1989 6/8/1989 6/9/1999
114.362 A Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts -1990
Eric Dyer -Contract 10/20/1990 12/1/1990 12/1/2000
John Klymshyn -Contract 10/27/1990 1/12/1991 1/12/2001
Nielsen & Nielsen Ballroom Dancing -Contract 10/23/1990 12/11/1990 12/11/2000
Robert & Betty Jackson -Contract 10/13/1990 11/27/1990 11/27/2000
Kathi Peck -Contract 10/11/1990 12/8/1990 12/8/2000
Robin Lorenzen -Contract 10/9/1990 11/22/1990 11/22/2000
Cathy Foley -Contract 10/8/1990 11/12/1990 11/12/2000
Don & Joanne Law -Contract 10/8/1990 10/29/1990 10/29/2000
Ruben Estrada -Contract 8/11/1990 8/11/1990 8/11/2000
Anne Coo/bough -Contract 7/9/1990 8/13/1990 8/13/2000
Chris DeK/otz -Contract 7/24/1990 8/31/1990 8/31/2000
Chris DeK/otz -Contract 4/11/1990 5/30/1990 5/30/2000
Jim Jackson -Contract 7/9/1990 8/14/1990 8/14/2000
Michael Spoehr -Contract 7/9/1990 8/13/1990 8/13/2000
Don Law -Contract 7/9/1990 7/31/1990 7/31/2000
Don Anderson -Contract 7/9/1990 8/31/1990 8/31/2000
Doris Warren -Contract 7/3/1990 8/31/1990 8/31/2000
Robin Lorenzen -Contract 7/9/1990 8/7/1990 8/7/2000
Vickie McGowan -Contract 7/9/1990 8/31/1990 8/31/2000
Debbie Block -Contract 7/9/1990 8/12/1990 8/12/2000
Debbie Block -Contract 7/9/1990 8/12/1990 8/12/2000
Nancy Hormel -Contract 7/9/1990 8/16/1990 8/16/2000
Pete Peters -Contract 6/18/1990 8/31/1990 8/31/2000
DY= Destruction Year
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I Dest Box No. 12 I Agreement Name Open Date I Cl osed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
Doris Warren -Contract 4/9/1990 5/31/1990 5/31/2000
Mike Spoehr -Contract 4/9/1990 6/11/1990 6/11/2000
Vickie McGowan -Contract 4/9/1990 6/6/1990 6/6/2000
Sandi Lane -Contract 4/20/1990 6/1/1990 6/1/2000
Nancy Hormel -Contract 4/9/1990 6/11/1990 6/11/2000
Lance Court -Contract 4/9/1990 5/31/1990 5/31/2000
Don Anderson -Contract 4/9/1990 6/15/1990 6/15/2 000
Don Anderson -Contract 4/9/1990 6/15/1990 6/15/2000
Vickie McGowan -Contract 4/9/1990 6/6/1990 6/6/2000
Cathy Foley -Contract 4/9/1990 5/31/1990 5/31/2 000
Nancy Hormel -Contract 4/9/199 0 6/11/1990 6/11/2 00 0
Chris DeK/otz -Contract 4/11/199 0 5/30/1990 5/3 0/2 000
Doris Warren -Contract 4/9/1990 5/31/1990 5/31/2000
Mike Spoehr -Contract 4/9/1990 6/11/1990 6/11/2000
DY 2006
114.362 E Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts FY 95/96
Diane Arkenstone -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Kelly Watson -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Mary Sutherland -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Tim Bednar -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2 00 6
Neill Frankie -1995/1996 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Wilderness Institute -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/20 06
Lori Barondess -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Cathy Foley -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2 00 6
Kelly Watson -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/20 06
Catherin Baum -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/3 0/1996 7/1/2 00 6
Garry Coleman -Winter 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
John Hugg; D2R Gymnastics -Winter 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Adriane Levy -Winter 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2 006
Adriane Levy -Winter 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Catherine Baum -Winter 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/3 0/1996 7/1/2 00 6
Lee Yalowiec -Winter 1996 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/3 0/1996 7/1/2 00 6
Kelly Watson -Winter 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/3 0/1996 7/1/20 06
Kelly Watson -Winter 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/20 06
Sydney L. Balbesma -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/3 0/1996 7/1/20 06
Todd Walker -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Robin Lorenzen -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Tom Williams -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/3 0/2005
Vicky Funfar -1995/1996 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2 006
Mary Sutherland -1995/1996 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Mary Sutherland -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Adriane Levy -1995/1996 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Steve Burkhardt -1995/1996 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2 00 6
Cathy Foley -Fall 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/20 06
Dee Susmark -1995/1996 Jnstructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/20 06
Dee Susmark -1995/1996 Jnstructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
John Hugg; D2R Gymnastics -Fall 1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Catherine Baum -Fall 1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Catherine Baum -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Sydney Ba/bes -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Garry Coleman -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Kelly Watson -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
DY= De struction Y ear
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I Dest Box No . 12 I Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
Nicole Meffley -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/20 05
Robin Lorenzen -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Mel Pralgo -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Lori Barondess -Fall 1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Jay Byam & Lori McGee -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Jason Flame -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Sydney Lawrence Ba/bes -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Doris Warren -1994/1995 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Catherine Baum -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Dee Susmark -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/3 0/2005
Diane La Douceur -Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Doris Warren -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Randall Harold -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Tom Williams -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Kelly Watson -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/3 0/1995 6/30/2005
Kelly Watson -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Kelly Watson -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Kelly Watson -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Kelly Watson -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Kelly Watson -1994/1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Animal Behavior & Training Associates -1994/1995 Instructor
Contract 7/1 /1994 6/3 0/1995 6/30/2 005
DY 2007
114.362 F Parks & Recreation lnstucto r Service Contracts FY 1996/97
Bobbie Johnson -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Mary Sutherland -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Joe Silverstein -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2 007
Troy Ballman -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2 007
Mary Sutherland -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2007
Catherine Baum -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2007
Mindy Glazer -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2007
Harley's Simi Bowl -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2007
Robin Twarowski -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2 00 7
Mina /zadsepas -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2 00 7
Jose Leuvano -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2 007
Sandy Ron -Winter 1997 /nstru ctor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2 007
Kim Johnson -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/20 0 7
Gerry Main -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Todd Walker -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2 00 7
Peggy Harkins -Winter 199 7 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
John Hugg; D2R Gymnastics -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 613 0/1997 711/2007
Mary Sutherland -Winter 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2007
Judiann Barnes -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Georgia Fizdale -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Tanya Deukmedjian -1996/199 7 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Robin Lorenzen -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Diane La Douceur -1996/199 7 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Robin Twarowski -Fall 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Mary Jane Ivey -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
G. H. "Marty " Martsegias -1996/1997 Instructor Contr act 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Jean Thomas -1996/199 7 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Kim Johnson -1996/199 7 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Robbie Johnson -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
DY = Destruction Ye ar
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! Dest Box No. 12 ! Agreement Name Open Date ! Cl osed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
Garry Coleman -Fall 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Mary Sutherland -1995/1996 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Catherine Baum -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Sydney Ba/bes -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Jean Calderone -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Sports Pros -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Kathy Bailey -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Gerald Main -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
John Hugg; D2R Gymnastics -Fall 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Jeff McKendricks -Fall 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Todd Walker -1996/199 7 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Lori Barondess -Fall 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Mindy Glazer -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Darci Sevcik -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Peggy Harkins -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Marilyn McQuinn -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Jose M. Luevano -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Sandy Ron -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
The Parenting Experience/Laure Arnoff -1996/199 7 Instructor
Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
John Hugg; D2R Gymnastics -Summer 1996 Instructor
Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Garry Coleman -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Catherine Baum -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Adriane Levy -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Terry Garon -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Mary Sutherland -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Patricia Hesselbach -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Tim Bednar -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Sports Pros -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Mina lzadsepas -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/2005
Wilderness Institute -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Mary Sutherland -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Robin Twarowski -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Mary Sutherland -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Kathy Bailey -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Randy Shoemaker -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Jean Calderone -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
The Parenting Experience -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Don Law -Summer 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Jose Leuvano -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Eugene Hatton -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Doris Warren -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Robin Lorenzen -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Lori Barondess -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Todd Walker -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Vicky Funfar -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Sydney Bacbes -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Peggy Harkins -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Marci Marigliano -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Marci Marig/iano -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Jose Luevano -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Lori Barondess -Spring 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1 /1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Mary Sutherland -Spring 1995 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
DY = Destruction Ye ar
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I Dest Box No. 12 ! Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
Harley's Simi Bowl -Winter 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Tom Williams -Spring 1995 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2 006
Patricia Hesselbach -1995/1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/3 0/1996 7/1/2006
Adriane Levy -Spring 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Kathy Watson -Spring 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Jason Flame -Spring 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
Kelly Watson -Spring 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/3 0/1996 7/1/2006
John Hugg; D2R Gymnastics -Spri ng 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/20 06
Harley's Simi Bowl -Spring 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/20 06
Jose Luevano -Spring 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/3 0/1996 7/1/20 06
Garry Coleman -Spring 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2 006
Catherine Baum -Spring 1996 Instructor Contract 7/1/1995 6/30/1996 7/1/2006
DY 2008
114 .362 C Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts -1992
Mona Gilbert -Instructor Service Contract 9/29/1992 10/15/1992 10/16/2002
Victoria McGowan -Instructor Service Contract 6/2 0/1992 8/31/1992 9/1/2 00 2
Debbie Rodgers -Instructor Service Contract 6/8/1992 12/31/1909
Lynne Liechty -Instructor Service Contract 6/1/1992 7/15/1992 7/16/2 002
Chet Johnston -Instructor Service Contract 5/14/1992 6/30/1992 7/1/200 2
John R. Robertson -Instructor Service Contract 5/3/1992 5/10/1992 5/11/2 00 2
Mona Gilbert -Instructor Service Contract 4/23/1992 5/31/1992 6/1/2 00 2
Gary J. Coleman -Instructor Service Contract 4/23/1992 5/31/1992 6/1/2 00 2
Ledvia Hinojosa -Instructor Service Contract 4/22 /1992 5/31/1992 6/1/2002
Randall Harold -Instructor Service Contract 4/16/1992 5/31/1992 6/1/2002
Lynne Liechty -Instructor Service Contract 4/7/1992 5/31/1992 6/1/2002
Catherine By/ -Instructor Service Contract 4/2/1992 8/21/1992 8/22/2 00 2
Cal Sun Gymnastics -Instructor Service Contract 3/18/1992 12/31/1909
Edward Peters -Instructor Service Contract 3/12/1992 12/31/1909
Vaune Pierce -Instructor Service Contract 7/16/1992 7/30 /1992 7/31/2002
Debbie Robles -Instructor Service Contract 6/22/1992 8/21/1992 8/22/20 02
Valorie Krone -Instructor Service Contract 6/22/1992 8/21/1992 8/22/2002
Lance Court -Instructor Service Contract 7/7/1992 10/7/1992 10/8/2002
Robert L. Jackson -Instructor Service Contract 1/18/1992 2/22/1992 2/22/2002
Catherine Foley -Instructor Service Contract 1/13/1992 5/11/1992 5/12/2002
Bruce Levy -Instructor Service Contract 3/8/1993 12/31/1909
114.362 G Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts FY 1997 /98
Dr. Tanya Deukmedjian -Spring 1998 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Kim Johnson -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Mary Sutherland -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Troy Ballman -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2 00 8
Garry Coleman -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/3 0/1998 6/30/2008
Lynne Tepper -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Cathy Baum -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Maraleen Gradle -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Marilyn Meriaux -Fall 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Alisa Shaw -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Tanya Deukmedjian -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Steve Hagerty -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Alisa Shaw -Fall 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Mary Sutherland -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/3 0/2 008
Jane Ivey -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Donna Lucky -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Mina Jzadsepas -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
DY = Destruction Year
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 63
! Dest Box No. 12 ! Agreement Name Open Date ! C l osed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
Kathy Bailey -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/3 0/1998 6/30/2 00 8
Darci Sevcik -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/20 08
Kim Johnson -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
G. H . "Marty " Martsegias -Fall 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
John & Joelle Hugg -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Judian Barnes -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/3 0/2008
Wendy Petrovits -Fall 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/3 0/2008
Debbie Cohn -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2 008
Maraleen Gradle -Fall 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/3 0/1998 6/30/2008
Mary Jane Ivey -Fall 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2 008
Skyhawks Sports Academy -Summer 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Tim Bednar -Summer 199 7 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Michael Williams -Summer 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Garry Coleman -Summer 1997 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2 007
Michael Chad Penrod -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/19 96 6/30/1997 7/1/20 07
Catherin Baum -Summer 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2 008
Darcie Sevcik -Summer 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2007
John Hugg; D2R Gymnastics -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Tanya Deukmedji an -Oster/oh -Summer 1997 Instructor
Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2 008
Mary Sutherland -Summer 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/3 0/1998 6/30/20 08
Don Law -Summer 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/3 0/2 008
Mina /zadsepas -Summer 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/3 0/2008
Kim Johnson -Summer 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Alisa Shaw-1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/20 0 7
Mary Sutherland -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2 007
Bobbie Johnson -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2 00 7
Georgia Fizdale -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1994 6/30/1995 6/30/20 05
Georgia Fizdale -1996/1997 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2 00 7
Catherine Baum -1996/1997 Instructo r Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Harley's Simi Bowl -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2007
Chafe Lubell -1996/1997 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/20 07
Marty Martsegias -Spring 1997 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2 007
Todd Walker -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Garry Coleman -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2007
Patricia Hesselbach -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/3 0/1997 7/1/2007
John Hugg; D2R Gymnastics -Spring 1997 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2 007
Peggy Harkins -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2 00 7
Jane Ivey -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/20 07
Kathy Bailey -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Darci Sevcik -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Vicky Funfar -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Mindy Glazer -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Mina lz adsepas -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Kim Johnson -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Mina lz adsepas -Spring 199 7 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Tanya Deukmedjian -Osterloh -Spring 1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Kim Johnson -1996/199 7 /nstructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Gerry Main -1996/1997 Instructor Contract 7/1/1996 6/30/1997 7/1/2007
Mary Jane Ivey -Summer 199 7 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
DY = Destruction Yea r
Res olution No . 2021-4043
Page 64
I Dest Box No . 12 I Agreement Name Open Date I Cl osed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2009
114.362 G (2) Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts FY 1998
Joy Garcia -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/20 09
Walter Moody -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Donna Lucky -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Amelia Chaffee -Fall 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Ted Tegart -Fa/11998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/3 0/1999 6/30/2 009
Ginny Sullivan -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Maraleen Gradle -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Darci Sevcik -Winter 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
John & Joelle Hugg -Fa/I/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Katie Barry -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/3 0/1999 6/3 0/2 009
Mary Sutherland -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Rebecca Finley -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Cathy Baum -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Melinda Comeau -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Lynne Tepper -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/3 0/2009
Kim Johnson -Fa/I/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/3 0/2009
Kathy Bailey -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Rebecca Finley -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2 009
Mina lzadsepas -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Butterfly Plant Co . -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/3 0/1999 6/30/2009
Tim Bednur -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Kevin Judd -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Lena Lawson -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Jason Flame -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/3 0/1999 6/3 0/2009
Michelle Dombrowski -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/3 0/1999 6/3 0/2 00 9
Oscar Rocha -Professional Services Agreement 4/24/1998 4/24/1999 4/24/2 00 9
Rebecca Finley -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2 00 9
Mina lzadsepas -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Ginny Sullivan -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Donna Lucky -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/3 0/2009
Cathy Baum -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2 009
Debbie Cohn -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/3 0/2 00 9
Garry Coleman -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
John & Joelle Hugg -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Michelle Dombrowski -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Tanya Deukmedjian -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2 00 9
Butterfly Plant Co . -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/3 0/1999 6/30/2 00 9
Maraleen Gradle -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/3 0/2 009
Ginny Sullivan -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/3012008
Julie Olson -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/20 09
Donna Lucky -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Gary Coleman -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Debbie Cohn -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Mary Sutherland -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Mina lzadsepas -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Darci Sevcik -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
John & Joelle Hugg -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Jason Flame -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/3 0/1999 6/30/2009
Michele Weise -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Maraleen Gradle -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Cathy Baum -Spring 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1997 6/30/1998 6/30/2008
Michelle Dombrowski -Summmer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
DY= Destruction Year
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 65
I Dest Box No. 12 ! Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
Kim Johnson -Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Sheryll Kidder -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Mary Sutherland -Summer 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
DY 2010
114.362 H Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts -1999
Total Tennis Academy-Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Mina lzadsepas -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Jacob Flame -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Karen Rakowski -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Maraleen Gradle -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Roxanne Harrison-Diesel -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Darci Sevcik -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Donna Lucky -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Lynn Tepper-Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Kim Johnson -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Alice Cantwell -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Harleys Simi Bowl -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Bridget Mitchell -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
John & Joelle Hugg -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Julie Musburger -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Cathy Baum -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Mina lzadsepas -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Kim Johnson -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Jacob Flame -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Karen Hall -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Alice Cantwell -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Pam Willis -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Emily Taillon -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Walter Moody -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Donna Lucky -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
John & Joelle Hugg -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Julie Musburger -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Roxanne Harrison -Diesel -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Amie Johnson -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Kathy Bailey -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Maraleen Gradle -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Cathy Baum -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Bridget Mitchell -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Darci Sevcik -Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Lynn Tepper-Fall 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Krita Eubank -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Walter Moody -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Donna Lucky -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Tim Bednar-Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Kevin Judd -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Julie Cummings -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
J. Arthur Garcia -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Kathy Baily -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Rebecca Salazar -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Melinda Comeau -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Ami Johnson -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Skyhawks -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Lynne Tepper -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Cathy Baum -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
DY = Destruction Year
Reso lution No. 2021 -4043
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I Dest Box No. 12 I Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No .
Kim Johnson -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2 0 10
Bridget Mitchell -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/200 0 7/1/20 10
Maraleen Gradle -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Roxanne Harrison-Diesel -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Debbie Patterson -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Jane Ivey -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
John & Joelle Hugg -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Jacob Flame -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/20 10
Mina lzadsepas -Summer 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Julie Musburger -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Troy Ballman -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/3 0/20 00 7/1/20 10
Michelle Dombrowski -Fall/Winter 1998 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/200 0 7/1 /20 10
Alex & Christine Ludwig -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Lynne Tepper -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Michelle Dombrowski -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/3 0/1999 6/30/2009
Chris Cutler -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/3 0/1999 6/3 0/2 009
Darci Sevcik -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Walter Moody -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2 0 10
John & Joelle Hugg -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Mina lzadsepas -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Kim Johnson -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
Jacob Flame -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/3 0/2 000 7/1/2010
Maraleen Gradle -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/3 0/1999 6/3 0/2 00 9
Robert & Leone Burger -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/20 10
Jane Ivey -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/200 9
Brian McCoy -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/200 9
Kathy Bailey -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/200 9
Cathy Baum -Spring 1999 Instructor Contract 7/1/1998 6/30/1999 6/30/2009
DY 2011
114.362 I Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts -2000
Mina lzadsepas -Winter 2001 Instructor Contract 7/1/20 00 6/3 0 /2001 7/1/2011
Mike Gennette (Total Tennis Academy) -Winter 2001
Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/3 0/2 00 1 7/1/2011
Cynthia Chambers -Winter 2001 Instructor Contract 7/1/2 000 6/30/2 00 1 7/1/20 11
Jay Byam -Winter 2001 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2 00 1 7/1/2011
Darci Sevcik -Winter 2001 Instructor Contract 7/1/2 0 00 6/30/200 1 7/1 /20 11
Katie Barry -Winter 2001 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Tang Sao Do University -Winter 2001 Contract Instructor
Agreement 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Karen Rakowski -Winter 2001 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Krista Ewbank -Wiinter 2001 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Lynn Tepper -Wiinter 2001 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/200 1 7/1/2011
Kim Johnson -Wiinter 2001 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/200 1 7/1/2011
Jay Byam -Wiinter 2001 Instructor Contract 7/1/20 0 0 6/3 0/2001 7/1/2 0 11
Jay Byam -Fall 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Skyhawks -Fall 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Rachele White -Fall 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1 /2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Jim & Denise Leslie -Fall 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Jason Flame -Fall 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1 /2000 6/30/2001 7/1 /2011
Alice Cantwell -Fall 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Mina lzadsepas -Fall 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Skyhawks Sports Academy -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2 000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Jim & Denise Leslie -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
DY = Destruction Year
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 67
I Dest Box No . 12 I Agreement Name Open Date I C losed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
Darci Sevcik -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/3 0/2001 7/1/2011
Kim Johnson -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Katie Barry -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Jacob Flame -Fall 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Lynn Tepper -Fall 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Jackie Gressman -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2 000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Katie Barry -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2 000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Mike Phillips -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Karin Hanson -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/200 1 7/1/2011
Jennifer Brown -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/200 1 7/1/2011
Mack Calvin -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Kim Johnson -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Lynn Tepper -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2 000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Tim Bednar -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Rebecca Salazar -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
John & Joelle Hugg -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Kristen Shewchuk -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Mina lzadsepas -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Jim & Denise Leslie -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Jacob Flame -Summer 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Jason Berry -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Emily Taillon -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/3 0/20 00 7/1/2010
Elizabeth Lake -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2 000 7/1/2 0 10
Alice Cantwell -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/3 0/2 00 0 7/1/2010
Skyhawks -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Aaron Clarey -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Arthur Garcia -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Total Tennis Academy -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Cheryl Lewis -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Cathy Baum -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Kim Johnson -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Lynn Tepper - -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Jacob Flame -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Alice Cantwell -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/3 0/2 000 7/1/2010
Pam Willis -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2 00 0 7/1/2010
Karen Rakowski -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/3 0/2000 7/1/2010
Maraleen Gradle -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Roxanne Harrison-Diesel -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Jay Byam -Spring 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Jay Byam -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Kristen Shewchuk -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Pam Willis -Winter 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/1999 6/30/2000 7/1/2010
Pam Willis -Fall 2000 Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
DY 2012
114.362 J Parks & Recreatio n lnstuctor Service Contracts -2001
Kathryn Earhart -Instructor Contract 7/1 /2000 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Frank Russo -Artist Contract 11/10/2001 11/10/2001 11/11/2011
Christian Juntilla -Artist Contract 11/10/2001 11 /10/2001 11/11/2011
Alice Cantwell -Instructor Contract 9/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/201 2
John Hugg -Instructor Contract 9/1/2002 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Pam Willis -Instructor Contract 9/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/201 2
Deborah Maron -Instructor Contract 10/2/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Gwen King -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Darci Sevcik -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
DY= Destruction Ye ar
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 68
I Dest Box No. 12 ! Agreement Name Open Date ! Closed Date ! C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
John Hugg -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Karen Rakowski -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Shannah McC/urg -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Johanna C . Rodriguez -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Pamela Bjork/and -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Mina /zadsepas -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Rebecca Salazar -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Kim Johnson -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Jay Byam -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Cynthia Chambers -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Jason Flame -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Total Tennis Academy -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Pam Willis -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Alice Cantwell -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Tim Bednar -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Karin Harson -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Adrian Levy -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Jennifer Ogle -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Pamela Rucker -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Ruth Kramer -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Jason Flame -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Total Tennis Academy -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Mina /zadsepas -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Aim USA -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Darci Sevcik -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
John Hugg -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Katie Barry -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Kim Johnson -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Karen Rakowski -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Pamela Bjork/and -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/2011
Aim USA -Instructor Contract 7/1/2000 6/30/2001 7/1/20 11
114.362 K Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts -2002
Vladimir Oorojinsky -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Jacob Flame -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Lee Yalowiec -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Gwen King -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Marshall Arts for Kids -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Total Tennis Academy -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
John Hugg -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Mina /zadsepas -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Rebecca Salazar -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Cathy Jansen -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
James Swing -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Jay H. Byam-Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Kim Johnson -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Karen Rakowski -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Shari L. Blum -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Rich Rider -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Kathryn Earhart -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Pamela Bjork/and -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Alice A. Cantwell -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Pamela Willis -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Shari Blum -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Susan Fitch -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
DY = Destruction Ye ar
Resolution No. 2021-4043
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I Dest Box No. 12 I Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
Jeanette Nelson -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
Hugh Paul Rumba/I-Petre -Instructor Contract 7/1/2001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
DY 2014
114.362 L Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts -2003
Kim Johnson -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Peter Carrube -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Jackie Gressman -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Smart Art -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Aim USA -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Jennifer H. Batson -Instructor Contract 7/1 /2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Total Tennis Academy -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Pam Willis -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Stephen Jeff King -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Karen Rakowski -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Alice Cantwell -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
James R. Swing -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Skyhawks Sports Academy -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Mina Jzadsepas -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Rodrigo Busby -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
Rodrigo Busby -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Rich Rider -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Kim Johnson -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Cathy Janse n -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Cassandra L. Evans -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Gwen King -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Pamela G . Bjork/and -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Gold Coast Theatre Conservatory -Instructor Contract 7/1/2002 6/30/2003 6/30/2013
DY 2015
114.362 M Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts -2004
Jason Block -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Jason Block -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Bone Health -Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Angela Bowler -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Rodrigo Busby -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Alice Cantwell -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Paulina Chang -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Jan Cleary -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Denise Dearborn -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Roxanne H . Diesel -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Cassandra Evans -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Terynn M. Finkbohner -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Terynn M. Finkbohner -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Jason Flame -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Mina lz adsepas -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Kim Johnson -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Jennifer Joseph -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Thaddeus Kalencki -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Peter Anne Kayashima -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Jeff King -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Keri La Mantain -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Dan Martin -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
On -Site Screening -Instructor Contra c t 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Lisa Rainer -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1 /2015
Rich Rider -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
DY = Destruction Year
Resolution No . 2021-4043
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I Dest Box No. 12 I Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
Skyhawks Sports Academy -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Jim Swing -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Kim Talbot -Instructor Contract 7/1 /2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Jane Taylor -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
David Tucker -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Debra West -Instructor Contract 7/1/2003 6/30/2004 7/1/2014
Debra West -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Pam Willis -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Young at Art -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
DY 2016
114.362 N Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts -2005
Debbie Bavaro -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Rodrigo Busby -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Alice Cantwell -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Elizabeth Cantwell -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Constance Ceklarz -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Constance Ceklarz -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Paulina Chang -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Chess Dreams -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Jan Cleary -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Denise Dearborn -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Denise Dearborn -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Roxanne Diesel -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Linda Easley -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Neda Fioozat -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Karol Gillett -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Jennifer Grodman -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Mina Jzadsepas -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Kim Johnson -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Thaddeus Ka/encki -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Gwen King -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Jeff King -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Dan Martin -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Sue Mee/vogue -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
On -site Health Screening -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Lisa Rainer -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Rich Rider -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Jarvie Salazar -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Jarvie Sala zar -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Skyhawks Sports Academy -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Jim Swing -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Nancy Tapley-Peck -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Nancy Tapley-Peck -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Jane Taylor -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
David Tucker -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Debra West -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Westside Cultural Center -Instructor Contract 7/1/2004 6/30/2005 7/1/2015
Westside Cultural Center -Instructor Contract 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Young at Art -Instructor Contract 7/112005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
DY 2017
114.36 2 0 Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts -2006
Roberta Andrino -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Roberta Andrino -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Debbie Bavaro -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
DY = Destruction Ye ar
Resolution No . 2021-4043
Page 71
I Dest Box No. 12 I Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
Megan Bellomo -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6130/2017
Jan Bowmar -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Arnold Bresky -Contract 5/3/2006 5/24/2006 5/24/2016
Rodrigo Busby -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
John Camarena -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Nick Canady (Tang Sao Do University) -Contract Instructor
Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Alice Cantwell -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Alice Cantwell -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Elizabeth Cantwell -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Peter Carrube -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Constance Ceklarz -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Jan Cleary -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Jan Cleary -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Denise Dearborn -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Jennifer Grodman -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Mina lzadsepas -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Kim Johnson -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Joy Jolissaint -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Dan Martin -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Mari Millhouse -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Efrain Pacheco -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Rich Rider -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Ghislaine Sopher-Phillips -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Ghislaine Sopher-Phillips -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Kristie Spilios -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Kristie Spilios -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Jim Swing -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Kim Talbot -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Nance Tapley-Peck -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2005 6/30/2006 6/30/2016
Nance Peck -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Jane Taylor -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
David Tucker -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Debra West -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
DY 2018
114 .362 P Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts -2007
Roberta Andrino -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Roberta Andrino -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Debbie Bavaro -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
John Camarena -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Ryan Campbell -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Alice Cantwell -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Peter Carrube -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Jan Cleary -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Denise Dearborn -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Roxanne Harrison Diesel -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Christina Eckert -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Jose Fernandez -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Jose Fernandez -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Jason Flame -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Jennifer Grodman -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Elizabeth Cantwell Hare -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Jerrad Hare -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Rebecca Hurt -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
DY= Destruction Year
Resolution No . 2021-4043
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I Dest Box No. 12 I Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
Mina lzadsepas -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Janet Johnson -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Kim Johnson -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Mad Science -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Dan Martin -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Mari Millhouse -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Efrain Pacheco -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Play-We/I Technologies -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Rich Rider -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Margarita Riley -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Angelica Rose -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2006 6/30/2007 6/30/2017
Ghislaine Sopher-Phillips -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Kristie Spil/os -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Nance Tapley-Pack -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
David Tucker -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Debra West -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Young Rembrandts -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
DY= Destruction Y ear
Resolution No. 2021-4043
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I Dest Box No. 131 Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2003
114.475 Jensen Design Group
(1993-018) Surveying for Softball Fields at Arroyo Vista
Community Park 3/15/1993 3/25/1993 3/26/2003
DY 2005
114.420 Landscapes , Inc.
(1993-95) Landscape Improvements on Princeton, Campus
Park and Peach Hill 12/8/1993 12/1/1994 12/1/2004
(1995-23) Design Plans & Specs for Spring Road Parkway 7/10/1995 8/31/1995 8/31/2005
114.610 Cascade Sprinklers, Inc.
(1995-020) Landscaping Services at Home Acres Buffer Zone 5/23/1995 12/20/1995 12/20/2005
114.647 Ralph Andersen & Associates
(1995-051) Classification and Compensation Analysis 8/2/1995 12/31/1995 12/31/2005
DY 2012
114.953 Liebert Cassidy W hi tmore
(2001-161) Special Services 7/1/2 001 6/30/2002 6/30/2012
DY 2013
114.1120 Ronny and the Classics
(2003-065) 3rd of July Extravaganza Performance 7/3/2003 7/3/2003 7/3/2013
114.1126 Roy Allan Slurry Seal , Inc.
(2003 -82) 2003 Slurry Seal Project 5/30/2003 9/3/200 3 9/3/2013
(2003-86) Change Order No . 1 5/30/2003 12/30/2003 12/30/2013
(2003-88) Lease Agreement 6/16/2003 7/16/2003 7/16/2013
(2003-228) Change Order No . 1 12/19/2003 12/31/2003 12/31/2013
DY 2014
114.459 J .C . Construction
(1992-072) Griffin Park Sidewalk Installation 11/12/1992 11/27/1992 11/28/2002
(2002-022) Wall Repair at Campus Canyon Park 2/25/2 00 2 12/31/200 2 12/31/2012
(2002-023) Fence Project at Campus Canyon Park 2/26/2002 3/31/2002 3/31/2012
(2003-009) Replace Wall Caps at Tierra Rejada Road 1/22/2003 2/28/2003 2/28/2013
(2004-028) Repair Wood Railing at 798 Moorpark Avenue 3/1/2 004 3/31/200 4 4/1/2014
(2004-071) Repair Concrete at Various City Parks 4/28/2004 5/31/2 004 6/1/2014
114.1169 Casron Services Corporation
(2004-122) Amendment No . 1 to Agreement No . 2004 -073 for
Villa Campesina Park Improvements 7/6/2 004 7/8/2004 7/9/2014
114.1173 Par Electrical Contractors
(2004-051) Land Lease, Terminus of High Street 3/15/2 004 6/15/2004 6/16/2014
DY 2015
114.1204 Century-TC! Communications, L.P.
(2004-202) Cable System Franchise Agreement 11/9/2004 12/5/2005 12/6/2015
DY 2016
114.849 Ca lifornia Department of Health Services
(1998-073) Pesticide Application 1/1/1999 12/31/1999 12/31/2009
(2003-211) Pesticide Application 1/1/2004 12/31/2004 1/1/2015
(2004-223) Pesticide Application 1/1/2005 12/31/200 5 1/1/2016
114.1146 Jim Anderson / All Aire Heating & Air Conditioning Company
(2005-233) Amendment No . 2 to Agreement No . 2003-217
Expands Scope of Service to Include Bi-Annual Maintenance 1/1/2006 12/31/2006 12/31/2016
114.1207 Personnel Concepts, Inc .
(2004-219) Contract Compensation Study Services 10/25/2004 1/18/2005 1/19/2015
(2006-013) Organizational Study: Parks , Recreation , and
Community Services Department 3/17/2006 4/30/2006 4/30/2016
DY = Destruction Year
Resolution No . 2021-4043
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I Dest Box No. 131 Agreement Name Open Date I Closed Date I C + 10Y
!Agreement No.
DY 2017
114.1002 Toshiba America Business Solutions , Inc .
(2001 -043) Purchase Agreement Copy Machines 4/4/2001 4/30/2004 5/1/2014
(2007-031) Equipment Lease 1/30/2006 7/30/2007 7/30/2017
(2007-094) Equipment Lease 4/25/2007 4/30/2007 4/30/2017
DY 2018
114 .362 Q Parks & Recreation lnstuctor Service Contracts -2008
AbraKadoodle -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Roberta Andrino -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Play-Well Teknologies -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Teri Brown -Contract In structor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Aaron Burch -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
John Camarena -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Ryan Campbell -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Alice Cantwell -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Alice Cantwell -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Peter Carrube -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Challenger British Soccer -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Jan Cleary -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Denise Dearborn -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Roxanne Diesel -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Christie Eckert -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Mike Gennette (Total Tennis Academy) -Contract Instructor
Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Harley's Simi Bowl -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Rebecca Hurt -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Mina lzadsepas -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Kim Johnson -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Mad Science -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Dan Martin -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Maverick's Gym -Contract Instructor Agreement 6/30/2008 12/31/2008 1/1/2019
Mari Millhouse -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1 /2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Efrain Pacheco -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Nance Peck -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Donna Perkins -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Michelle Princinthal -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Sofia Ramirez -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2007 6/30/2008 7/1/2018
Sofia Ramirez -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Rich Rider -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Sciensational Workshops Inc . -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Treble Makers -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Tang Soo Do University -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Dave Thornbury -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Jacqueline Wessely -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Beverely Critcher (Wildlife Experience) -Camp Moorpark
Performer Agreement 6/25/2008 7/15/2008 7/16/2018
Janet Winkler -Contract Instructor Agreement 9/8/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
Young Rembrandts -Contract Instructor Agreement 7/1/2008 6/30/2009 7/1/2019
114 .1439 Adobe Company
(2008-012) Demolition Services 2/20/2008 4/25/2008 4/26/2018
(2008-078) Amendment No . 1 Contract for Demolition Service s 4/4/2008 4/25/2008 4/26/2018
DY= Destruction Year
Resolution No. 2021-4043
Page 75
I Dest Box No. 13 !
!Agreement No.
114 .1444
114 .1473
114 .1520
Agreement Name
Signature Signs
(2008 -038) Fabrication and Installation of Electronic Marquees
Klotzsche , Steven
(2008-101) Interim Finance Director
Pam Rossi's Dance Ten
(2008-268) Use of High Street Arts Center
(2009 -305) Use of High Street Arts Center
Keith KC Lee , Inc.
(2008 -271) Lease Agreement for APN# 512-0-090-050
DY 2019
Easy Law Inc . And Green, Devine & Campbell , LLP
(2008-018) Standard Multi-tenant Office Lease for 33 East
High Street
Granite Construction
(2009 -063) Lassen Avenue Bikeway/Walkway Project MPK 08 -
Open Date ! Closed Date! C + 10Y
4/9/2008 5/31/2008 6/1/2018
5/12/2008 11/6/2008 11 /7/2018
12/13/2008 12/13/2008 12/14/2018
12/13/2008 12/13/2008 12/14/2018
12/3/2008 12/17/2008 12/18/2018
1/1/2008 12/31/2008 1/1/2019
04 1/30/2009 5/20/2009 5/21/2019
DY= Destruction Year
(2009 -079) Change Order No . 1 Lassen Avenue
Bikeway/Walkway Project
(2009 -098) Change Order No . 2 Lassen A venue
Bikeway/Walkway Project
(2009-099) Change Order No. 3 Lassen Avenue
Bikeway/Wa/kway Project
(2009-108) Change Order No. 4 Lassen Avenue
Bikeway/Walkway Project
4/6/2009 5/20/2009 5/21/2019
4/21/2009 5/20/2009 5/21/2019
4/21/2009 5/20/2009 5/21/2019
5/5/2009 5/20/2009 5/21/2019
Resolution No . 2021-4043
Page 76
I, Ky Spangler, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify
under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2021-4043 was adopted by
the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of
September, 2021, and that the same was adopted by the following vote:
Councilmembers Castro, Enegren, Groff, Pollock, and Mayor Parvin
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 15th day of September,
Ky Spangler, City Clerk