CALIFORNIA City Council Meeting of October 6, 2021 ACTION APPROVED STAFF RECOMMENDATION. BY B. Garza. B. Consider Plans and Specifications (Specification No. MPK 21-03), Authorization to Advertise for Construction Bids, and Authorization to Request for Proposals for Construction Management Services for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project (C0020). Staff Recommendation: 1) Consider, review, and approve the Plans and Specifications for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project (C0020), Specification No. MPK 21-03, subject to final language by the City Manager and City Engineer/Public Works Director; 2) Authorize staff to advertise and obtain construction bids for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project (C0020), Specification No. MPK 21-03; and 3) Authorize staff to request proposals for professional services for construction engineering, management, and inspections services for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project (C0020), Specification No. MPK 21-03. (Staff: Daniel Kim, City Engineer/Public Works Director) Item: 9.B. MOORPARK CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable City Council FROM: Daniel Kim, City Engineer/Public Works Director DATE: 10/06/2021 Regular Meeting SUBJECT: Consider Plans and Specifications (Specification No. MPK 21-03), Authorization to Advertise for Construction Bids, and Authorization to Request for Proposals for Construction Management Services for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project (C0020) SUMMARY Staff is requesting that City Council consider the Plans and Specifications for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project (C0020), Specification No. MPK 21-03 for review and approval and authorize project advertisement to obtain construction bids. The proposed scope of work consists of the reconstruction of approximately 3,600 feet of Princeton Avenue, between east of Spring Road and Condor Drive. The proposed improvements include retaining wall structures, screen walls, graded slopes, and storm drainage facilities to accommodate the widening of Princeton Avenue for 8-foot bike lanes, 12-foot vehicle travel lanes (one in each direction), 14-foot left-turn lane, and pedestrian sidewalks. BACKGROUND On July 1, 2009, the City Council approved the conceptual design for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project and directed staff to proceed with the completion of the plans, specifications, cost estimates, and acquisition of the required right-of-way and construction easements. The current scope of improvements for the project includes the widening of the roadway and construction of two vehicle travel lanes, dual left-turn lane, Class II bikeways, sidewalks, curb and gutter, retaining wall structures, storm drainage infrastructure, landscape and irrigation improvements, and utility relocations. In 2010, the City was awarded $900,000 in federal funds from the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) for the construction of the proposed improvements on Princeton Avenue. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is the federal agency Item: 9.B. 33 Honorable City Council 10/06/2021 Regular Meeting Page 2 that is involved in the federal funding and has delegated its authority to the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Office of Local Assistance. Caltrans has the responsibility to ensure that local agencies are administering the federal-aid program and are in conformance with the applicable federal requirements. The following is a summary of recent project milestones for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project. • June 12, 2018: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance and Determination that the project has no significant impacts on the environment. • December 10, 2020: Caltrans Office of Permits approved the City’s Encroachment Permit No. 07-18-N-MC-2457 for the construction of the Princeton Avenue improvements within State right-of-way. • January 7, 2021: Caltrans Office of Permits approved the City’s Encroachment Permit Rider No. 07-18-N-RD-3216 for acceptance of the Hazardous Waste reports associated with construction of the Princeton Avenue improvements within State right-of-way. • August 5, 2021: Obtained NEPA Re-Validation for a minor scope change to the project to include a pedestrian sidewalk along the northside of Princeton Avenue. • August 12, 2021: Right-of-Way Certification was granted by Caltrans. Staff has been working closely with the City’s consultant design engineer, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. (Stantec Consulting), on preparation of the final Plans and Specifications. Attached for the City Council’s reference and consideration are the Plans and Specifications for review and approval. DISCUSSION The proposed scope of work consists of the reconstruction of approximately 3,600 feet of Princeton Avenue, between east of Spring Road and Condor Drive. The proposed improvements include retaining wall structures, screen walls, graded slopes, and storm drainage facilities to accommodate the widening of Princeton Avenue for 8-foot bike lanes,12-foot vehicle travel lanes (one in each direction), 14-foot left-turn lane, and pedestrian sidewalks. The following renderings provide a “before and after” image of the proposed improvements along Princeton Avenue. 34 Honorable City Council 10/06/2021 Regular Meeting Page 3 Figure 1. Before and After Rendering of Princeton Avenue (Aerial) and State Highway 118 Overcrossing 35 Honorable City Council 10/06/2021 Regular Meeting Page 4 Figure 2. Before and After Rendering of Princeton Avenue (Westbound) at State Highway 118 Overcrossing 36 Honorable City Council 10/06/2021 Regular Meeting Page 5 Figure 3. Before and After Rendering of Princeton Avenue (Eastbound) at State Highway 118 Overcrossing 37 Honorable City Council 10/06/2021 Regular Meeting Page 6 The HSIP federal funds for the project have been allocated for Construction and Construction Engineering. This “phase” and eligible construction costs include the actual cost to construct the highway improvements, including appurtenant facilities and removal, demolition, construction management and engineering, and administrative support services. Federal Authorization to Proceed with construction must be obtained in writing, prior to any advertising for construction bids and fee proposals for construction engineering services. At this time, both Caltrans and FHWA will begin processing a new Request for Authorization (RFA) Packages from local agencies after October for the upcoming 2021-2022 Federal Fiscal Year. The project RFA is complete and will be transmitted to Caltrans’ Local Assistance staff for processing as soon as the review period starts. The RFA review process typically can take several weeks. The City Engineer has reviewed the Plans and Specifications for the project and has determined that the documents were prepared in accordance with reasonable, professional engineering judgement, and with due consideration for public safety. Additionally, since much of the improvements to Princeton Avenue occur within State right-of-way, Caltrans’ engineers and staff reviewed the construction plans for conformance with current State Specifications and Standard Plans. Attached for the City Council’s consideration for review and approval are the Plans and Specifications for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project. Staff is requesting that the City Council review and approve the Plans and Specifications, authorize staff to advertise the project for construction bids upon receipt of Project Authorization to Proceed from Caltrans, and authorize staff to prepare and advertise a Request for Proposal (RFP) for construction engineering services upon receipt of Project Authorization to Proceed from Caltrans. FISCAL IMPACT Staff will return to City Council for construction bid award and schedule. The project is identified in the City’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) as CIP C0020. The current funding allocation for construction, Account No. 2014-311-C0020-55200, is $5,369,863.91. Staff and Stantec Consulting estimates the construction cost to be approximately $8,270,467.00. Public Works and Finance staff will work together to determine additional funding sources for the construction of the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project and present funding recommendations once final bid costs are determined. Any new funding appropriation requests will be presented to the City Council for consideration. As previously mentioned, the project was awarded $900,000 in federal HSIP funds. Staff is also in communication with Caltrans Local Assistance and Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) staff for an additional $200,000 in federal Surface 38 Honorable City Council 10/06/2021 Regular Meeting Page 7 Transportation Program (STP) funding. The City’s RFA construction package will also include the additional $200,000 in STP funding. The following is the anticipated construction cost breakdown, based on the Engineer’s Estimate: Construction Cost Estimate Bid Amount Construction Contract Estimate $8,270,467.00 Construction Contingency (10%) $ 827,046.70 Construction Engineering (15% of total construction) $1,364,627.00 Total Construction Phase Cost Estimate $10,462,140.70 COUNCIL GOAL COMPLIANCE This action does not support a current strategic directive for the Fiscal Year 2021-2023 Goals and Objectives, however the improvement of the Princeton Ave has been a City Council priority project for many years. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 1. Consider, review, and approve the Plans and Specifications for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project (C0020), Specification No. MPK 21-03, subject to final language by the City Manager and City Engineer/Public Works Director; 2. Authorize staff to advertise and obtain construction bids for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project (C0020), Specification No. MPK 21-03; and 3. Authorize staff to request proposals for professional services for construction engineering, management, and inspections services for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project (C0020), Specification No. MPK 21-03. Attachment: Plans and Specification for the Princeton Avenue for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project (C0020), Specification No. MPK 21-03 39 CITY OF MOORPARK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE TO BIDDERS, CONTRACT PROPOSAL, AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. C0020 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) JANICE PARVIN, MAYOR DR. ANTONIO CASTRO, COUNCILMEMBER CHRIS ENEGREN, COUNCILMEMBER DANIEL GROFF, COUNCILMEMBER DAVID POLLOCK, COUNCILMEMBER TROY BROWN, CITY MANAGER DANIEL KIM, P.E., CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR BIDS TO BE OPENED ON TBD, 2021 AT 3:00 P.M. Prices: Online No charge Picked Up $50.00 Mailed $60.00 City Clerk 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 517-6223 40 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) 1 Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 CITY OF MOORPARK CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR NAME: Princeton Avenue Improvement Project (CIP C0020) LOCATION: Princeton Avenue, Between Spring Road and Condor Drive-Virginia Colony Place SPECIFICATION NO.: MPK 21-03 FEDERAL AID NO: HSIPL-5436(018) DATE: October 6, 2021 PREPARED BY: _________________________________ Geremy Salts, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer Stantec Consulting Services Inc. REVIEWED BY: _________________________________ Daniel Kim, P.E. City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Moorpark 41 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 2 CITY OF MOORPARK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE TO BIDDERS, SUBCONTRACTORS, AND SUPPLIERS If you discover any error or omission in the plans, specifications, or proposal, or have any question concerning the bidding documents, please contact: Geremy Salts, P.E. OR Daniel Kim Stantec Consulting Services Inc. City Engineer/Public Works Department 111 East Victoria Street City of Moorpark Santa Barbara, CA 93101 799 Moorpark Avenue Telephone: (805) 308-9159 Moorpark, CA 93021 Email: geremy.salts@stantec.com Telephone: (805) 517-6255 Email: dkim@moorparkca.gov Advise the person answering the phone that you have a "Bidding Question." Please do not call other staff members or consultants. All bids must be sealed and submitted at, or before 3:00 p.m., on TBD, 2021, to the following: City Clerk City of Moorpark 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, CA 93021 After the bid opening, bid results may be obtained by calling the Public Works Department. After Notice to Proceed is issued to the successful bidder, all contacts should be through Daniel Kim, City Engineer/Public Works Director, at (805) 517-6255. NOTE: Please mark on the outside of the envelope (and Express shipment envelope, if applicable): PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Sealed Bids – Do Not Open With Regular Mail Bids to be opened at 3:00 p.m. on TBD, 2021 42 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Notice Inviting Sealed Bids ........................................................................... Page 5 Bid Terms and Conditions ............................................................................ Page 9 Proposal ....................................................................................................... Page 17 Documents for Execution by Successful Bidder ........................................... Page 61 Agreement / Bonds / Insurance / Etc. ........................................................... Page 63 Standard Specifications ................................................................................ Page 94 Special Provisions ........................................................................................ Page 109 900 Special Conditions ....................................................................... Page 110 901 Special Construction Requirements ............................................. Page 115 902 Mobilization .................................................................................. Page 120 903 Traffic Control, Construction Signing & Traffic Maintenance ........ Page 122 904 Surveying and Construction Staking ............................................ Page 126 905 Stormwater Pollution Control ........................................................ Page 127 906 Clearing and Grubbing ................................................................. Page 131 907 Excavation and Fill ....................................................................... Page 133 908 Pavement Milling .......................................................................... Page 134 909 Street Surface Preparation ........................................................... Page 136 910 Asphalt Tack Coat ........................................................................ Page 139 911 Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Base ........................................ Page 141 912 Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix (ARHM) ................................................. Page 148 913 Portland Cement/Concrete Improvements ................................... Page 161 914 Adjust Utility and Survey Monument Covers ................................ Page 164 915 Protect Survey Monumentation .................................................... Page 166 916 Chain Link Fences and Gates ...................................................... Page 167 917 Traffic Signing & Pavement Delineation ....................................... Page 168 918 Drainage Systems ........................................................................ Page 173 919 Retaining and Screen Walls ......................................................... Page 176 920 Release on Contract .................................................................... Page 177 921 Cast-In-Place Concrete ................................................................ Page 178 922 Wire and Cabling .......................................................................... Page 207 923 Lighting ........................................................................................ Page 217 924 Landscape Irrigation ..................................................................... Page 227 925 Landscape Planting ...................................................................... Page 239 926 Remove and Replace Asphalt Concrete ...................................... Page 253 927 Potholing ...................................................................................... Page 255 1000 Water Improvements .................................................................... Page 256 1001 Earthwork and Open Trench Pipe Laying .................................... Page 261 43 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 4 1002 Trench Safety Methods ................................................................ Page 277 1003 Pipeline Testing, Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Inspecting .............. Page 278 1004 Portland Cement Concrete (Water Improvements) ...................... Page 280 Appendices .................................................................................................. Page 282 List of Appendices ........................................................................................ Page 283 Appendix A: Release on Contract Appendix B: LAPM Exhibit 12-G, Required Federal-Aid Contract Language Appendix C: Notice to Property Owners and Residents Appendix D: Standard Plans and Details Appendix E: Ventura County Air Pollution Control Board Rule 55, Fugitive Dust Appendix F: Permits Appendix G: Quality Assurance Program Appendix H: Wage Rates Appendix I: Construction Plans 44 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 5 CITY OF MOORPARK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. C0020 SPECIFICATION NO. MPK 21-03 FEDERAL AID NO. HSIPL-5436(018) 45 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 6 NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS Pursuant to statute and to the authorization approved by the Council of the City of Moorpark, California, on October 6, 2021, and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project will be received by the City Clerk, in the City Hall, 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, California, 93021, at or before 3:00 p.m. on TBD, 2021, at which time they will be publicly opened and read. The official bid clock, which will establish the official bid time, will be determined by the City Clerk's Division of the City of Moorpark. SCOPE OF WORK: The work to be performed under this Contract generally consists of removal and reconstruction of approximately 0.7 miles of an existing roadway, new sidewalks, curb and gutter, street frontage improvements, landscape and irrigation improvements, retaining walls and associated structures, street lighting improvements, storm drainage infrastructure, and domestic water improvements, as shown on the Project Plans. The roadway will be removed and/or reconstructed to allow for roadway widening for approximately 5,900 tons of asphalt concrete, 1,950 tons of rubberized asphalt, 23,000 square feet of retaining wall face, thermoplastic striping, and related work as required by the Project Plans and Specifications. The proposal shall be submitted and the work shall be performed by a Class (“A”) State of California licensed contractor in strict conformance with plans and specifications as approved by the City Council on October 6, 2021, and now on file in the City's Department of Public Works and the City Clerk. Plans and specifications can be viewed and downloaded, at no cost, online at http://www.moorparkca.gov/35/Doing-Business. Copies of plans and specifications may be obtained by prospective bidders from the City Engineer/Public Works Department at 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, CA 93021, upon the payment of $50, plus $10 for handling fees, if mailed. All questions regarding the bid documents should be directed to Daniel Kim, City Engineer/Public Works Director, at (805) 517-6255. It is the bidder’s responsibility to check the City’s website for any addenda that may be issued for this project prior to submittal of the bid. Failure to submit the required Addenda Acknowledgment with the bid proposal will disqualify the bidder. All prospective bidders shall abide by the provisions of the Bid Terms and Conditions listed in the project's specifications. 46 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 7 The City reserves the right to retain all proposals for a period of 90 days after the bid opening date for examination, comparison, and to delete any portion of the work from the Contract. The City reserves the right to determine and waive unsubstantial irregularities in any proposal, to reject any or all proposals, to reject one part of a proposal, and accept the other. The bid shall be balanced so that each bid item is priced to carry its share of the cost of the work and also its share of the contractor’s overhead and profit. The City reserves the right to delete any bid item to the extent that the bid is qualified by specific limitation. An unbalanced bid shall be considered as grounds for rejecting the entire bid. The City further reserves the right to make award to the lowest responsible bidder as the interest of the City may require. The City will not consider awarding any contract, based upon any proposal submitted by any contractor, and the City will not consent to subletting any portions of the Contract to any subcontractor, located in a foreign country during any period in which such foreign country is listed by the United States Trade Representative as discriminating against U.S. firms in conducting procurements for public works projects. No Contractor, or subcontractor, shall be listed on a bid proposal or awarded a contract for a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations, pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5. This project is subject to compliance, monitoring, and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. In accordance with the provisions of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1 of the California Labor Code, the California Department of Industrial Relations has established the general prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft, classification, and type of work needed to execute contracts for public works and improvements. The per diem wages published at the date the contract is advertised for bids shall be applicable. Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages are on file at the California Department of Industrial Relations, https://www.dir.ca.gov/Public-Works/Prevailing-Wage.html. Future effective wage rates, which have been predetermined and on file with the Department of Industrial Relations, are referenced but not printed in said publication. The new wage rates shall become effective on the day following the expiration date and apply to this Contract in the same manner as if they had been included or referenced in this Contract. Furthermore, the current Federal General Wage Determinations for this project, as predetermined by the Secretary of Labor, are set forth in these Special Provisions. If there is a difference in the Federal minimum wage rates and the California Department of Industrial Relations for similar classifications of labor, the contractor and their subcontractors shall pay not less than the higher wage rate. The Contractor for this 47 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 8 work shall perform all the basic regulations, requirements, an procedures pursuant to the Davis-Bacon Act and related prevailing wage statutes. The wage rate for any classification not listed by the Federal Department of Labor or the California Department of Industrial Relations, but which may be required to execute the proposed contract, shall be in accord with specified rates for similar or comparable classifications or for those performing similar or comparable duties, within the Agency’s determinations. The work herein proposed will be partly financed with Federal funds, and therefore, all of the statutes, rules and regulations promulgated by the Federal Government, including the Disadvantage Business Enterprise requirements for Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (UDBE), shall apply to this work. The City hereby notifies to all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered pursuant to this advertisement, DBEs will be afforded the opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, gender, or national origin in consideration for an award. In accordance with 49 CFR Part 26, the City has established a DBE contract participation goal of 17 percent. All bids must be made on the Proposal Forms that are included in the Plans and Specifications No. MPK 21-03. Failure to include all of the Proposal Forms may disqualify the proposal. Bidders shall provide a properly executed Bidder's Bond (contained herein), cashier's check, or other bidder's security payable to the City of Moorpark to accompany the Proposal in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid. The proceeds thereof will become the property of the City if the bidder fails to or refuses to execute the contract within ten (10) calendar days after the City has notified the bidder of intent to award the bid or within ten (10) calendar days after notice of the award has been sent by mail to the bidder, whichever occurs first. The bidder to whom the Contract is awarded (Contractor) shall execute the Contract and furnish a surety bond in the amount of 100% of the Contract bid price guaranteeing the faithful performance of the Contract and to secure the payment of claims for materials and labor provided by others in performing the work. The Contractor may substitute securities for retention monies pursuant to Public Contract Code, Section 22300. 48 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 9 CITY OF MOORPARK CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION BID TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. C0020 SPECIFICATION NO. MPK 21-03 FEDERAL AID NO. HSIPL-5436(018) 49 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) 10 Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 BID TERMS AND CONDITIONS Requirement to Meet All Bid Provisions – Each bidder shall meet all of the specifications and bid terms and conditions. By virtue of the bid submission, the bidder acknowledges agreement with and acceptance of all provisions of the specifications, except as expressly qualified in the proposal. Unsubstantial deviations may be considered, provided that the bidder submits a full description and explanation of and justification for the proposed deviations. Whether any proposed deviation is unsubstantial will be determined by the City in its sole discretion. DIR Registration – In accordance with the provisions of the California Labor Code, Section 1771.1, as amended by SB 854, unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), a contractor may not bid, not be listed as a sub-contractor, for any bid proposal submitted for public work on or after March 1, 2015, with certain expectations as set forth in Labor Code 1771.1(a). Further, a public entity cannot award a Public Works contract to a non-registered contractor or sub-contractor, effective April 1, 2015. As such, bidders must be registered with DIR. If any contractor, or sub- contractor, listed in a bid or proposal is believed to be exempt from registration, as set forth in Labor Code 1771.1(a), the bid proposal must set forth the claimed exemption. Failure to provide evidence of registration, or a valid exemption, at the time of bid submittal shall render the bid as non-responsive and shall act as a bar to award the Contract to any bidder not registered with DIR. License – In accordance with the provisions of California Public Contract Code Section 3300, the City has determined that the Contractor shall possess a valid applicable Class A Contractor's License at the time the bid is submitted. Failure to possess the specified license shall render the bid as non-responsive and shall act as a bar to award the Contract to any bidder not possessing said license at the time of bid submittal. Maintenance of License – The Contractor must be properly licensed as a contractor from Contract Award through Contract Acceptance (Public Contract Code § 10164). Communications Regarding Bid – If a prospective bidder is in doubt as to the true meaning or intent of any part of the Contract Documents, or discovers discrepancies or omissions, the bidder may submit to the City Engineer a written request for an interpretation or a correction thereof. Interpretations or corrections of the Contract Documents shall be made only by addendum duly issued by the City Engineer. A copy of such addendum will be mailed or delivered to each potential bidder receiving a set of the Contract Documents. Such addendum shall be considered a part of, and incorporated, into the Contract Documents. 50 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 11 All timely requests for information submitted in writing will receive a written response from the City. Timely requests are those in which the City, in its sole judgment, can reasonably respond to before bid closing. Telephone communications with city staff are not encouraged, but will be permitted. However, any such verbal communication shall not be binding on the City. No inquiries will be accepted later than five (5) business days prior to the bid opening date. Sales Tax Reimbursements – For sales occurring within the City of Moorpark, the City is reimbursed a portion of the sales tax paid. Therefore, for bids from retail firms located in the City of Moorpark at the time of bid closing, for which sales tax is allocated to the City of Moorpark, 1% of the taxable amount of the bid will be deducted from the bid by the City in the calculation and determination of the lowest responsible bid (the 1% being the same percentage reimbursed to the City on the taxable amount of all purchases occurring within the City). In order to receive the 1% adjustment for sales tax reimbursed to the City, bids from contractors who intend to purchase taxable materials, supplies, or services in the City of Moorpark must indicate in the bid submittal the amount of sales tax which is to be deducted from the bid. Additionally, when a contractor's bid receives such an adjustment and becomes the lowest responsible bid, the contract amount will be reduced by the amount of the sales tax reimbursement indicated in the bid submittal. The Contractor will subsequently be reimbursed the amount deducted upon submission and verification of source documentation of the purchase of taxable materials, supplies, or services in the City of Moorpark in accordance with the bid submittal. In no case, however, shall the Contractor be reimbursed an amount greater than the amount of the adjustment indicated in the bid submittal. Contractors who furnish their own supplies or materials and calculate a tax paid to them are not eligible for the sales tax adjustment since the sales tax is allocated to the County and not the City. Bidder's Bond Requirement – Bidders shall provide a properly executed Bidder's Bond (contained herein), cashier's check, or other bidder's security payable to the City of Moorpark to accompany the Proposal in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total bid. The proceeds thereof will become the property of the City if the bidder fails to or refuses to execute the contract within ten (10) calendar days after the City has notified the bidder of intent to award the bid or within ten (10) calendar days after notice of the award has been sent by mail to the bidder, whichever occurs first. Additionally, the proceeds of the bidder's bond will become the property of the City if the bidder fails to or refuses to furnish satisfactory bonds or evidence of insurance required in the contract construction documents within ten (10) days after the bid has been awarded. The bond shall be sufficient and duly executed by a surety admitted to do business in the State of 51 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 12 California. All bid bonds or substitutes therefore will be returned upon timely execution of the Contract and the filing of satisfactory insurance certifications and bonds by successful bidder. Bid Submission – Each bid must be submitted on the form(s) provided in the Proposal. The Proposal shall be enclosed in an envelope which shall be sealed and addressed to the City Clerk, City of Moorpark, 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, California 93021. In order to guard against premature opening, the Proposal shall be clearly labeled with the bid title, name of bidder, and date and time of bid opening. If proposal is delivered to the City via Express Delivery, or other priority mail service, the above information must also be included on the outside shipment envelope. Submission of One Bid Only – No individual, or business entity of any kind, shall be allowed to make or file or to be interested in more than one bid, except an alternative bid when specifically requested. However, an individual who has quoted prices on materials to a bidder submitting a Proposal is not thereby disqualified from quoting prices to other bidders submitting proposals. Bid Withdrawal – A bidder may withdraw its Proposal without prejudice prior to the time specified for the bid opening by submitting a written request to the City Clerk for its withdrawal. If this occurs, the Proposal will be returned to the bidder unopened. No proposal received after the time specified or at any place other than the place stated in the Notice Inviting Bids will be considered. All bids will be opened and declared publicly. Bidders, or their representatives, are invited to be present at the opening of the bids. Bid Quotes and Unit Price Extensions – The extensions of unit prices for the quantities indicated and the lump sum prices quoted by the bidder must be entered in figures in the spaces provided on the Bid Submission Form(s). The Bid Submission Form(s) must be totally completed. If the unit price and the total amount stated by any bidder for any item are not in agreement, the unit price alone will be considered as representing the bidder's intention and the total will be corrected to conform to the specified unit price. Bid Retention and Award – The City reserves the right to retain all proposals for a period of 90 days after the bid opening date for examination and comparison. The City also reserves the right to determine and waive unsubstantial irregularities in any proposal, to reject any or all proposals, to reject one part of a proposal and accept the other, except to the extent that the proposals are qualified by specific limitations, and to make award to the lowest responsible bidder as the interest of the City may require. 52 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 13 Labor Actions – In the event that the successful bidder is experiencing a labor action at the time of the award of the bid (or if its suppliers or subcontractors are experiencing such a labor action), the City reserves the right to declare said bidder is no longer the lowest responsible bidder and may accept the next acceptable low bid from a bidder that is not experiencing a labor action and declare it to be the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Contract Requirement – The bidder to whom award is made, or notice of intent is given, shall execute a written contract with the City within ten (10) calendar days after notice of the award has been sent by mail to the address given in the Proposal or within ten (10) calendar days after receipt by bidder of oral communication of the intent to award, whichever occurs first. The Contract shall be made in the form adopted by the City and incorporated in these specifications. The bidder warrants that bidder possesses, or has arranged through subcontracts, all capital and other equipment, labor and materials to carry out and complete the work hereunder in compliance with all Federal, State, County, City and Special District Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations which are applicable; and further, bidder shall comply with all Federal, State, County, City and Special District Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations which are applicable. Failure to Accept Contract – If upon notification of intent to award the bid by the City, the bidder fails to enter into the Contract within the specified time period, the pending award will be cancelled. Any bid security will be forfeited in accordance with these Bid Terms and Conditions if a bidder's bond or security is required. An award may be made to the next lowest responsible bidder who shall fulfill every term and condition of the bid. Business Registration – The City's Business Registration Ordinance requires that a Business Registration Receipt be obtained before any business, trade, profession, enterprise, establishment, occupation, or calling is conducted within the City. Additional information regarding the City's Business Registration program may be obtained by calling (805) 517-6243. Faithful Performance Bond Requirement – The bidder to whom the Contract is awarded (Contractor) shall execute the Contract and furnish a surety bond in the amount of 100% of the Contract bid price guaranteeing the faithful performance of the Contract. The bond shall remain in force for a period of one year after the date of recordation of Notice of Completion by City. The bond shall be sufficient and duly executed by a surety admitted to do business in the State of California. Material Suppliers and Laborer Bond Requirement – The Contractor shall furnish a surety bond by an admitted surety in the amount of 100% of the Contract bid price to 53 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 14 secure the payment of claims for materials and labor provided by others in performing the work. The bond shall be sufficient and duly executed by a surety admitted to do business in the State of California. Antitrust Claims – In accordance with Section 4552 of the Government Code, in submitting a bid to a public purchasing body, the bidder offers and agrees that if the bid is accepted, it will assign to the purchasing body all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Sec. 15) or under the Cartwright Act [Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 16700) of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code], arising from purchases of goods, materials or services by the bidder for sale to the purchasing body pursuant to the bid. Such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the purchasing body tenders final payment to the bidder. This assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the awarding body tenders final payment to the bidder without further acknowledgment by the parties. Bid Rigging – The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) provides a toll-free hotline to report bid rigging activities. Use the hotline to report bid rigging, bidder collusion, and other fraudulent activities. The hotline number is (800) 424-9071. The service is available 24 hours 7 days a week and is confidential and anonymous. The hotline is part of the DOT's effort to identify and investigate highway construction contract fraud and abuse and is operated under the direction of the DOT Inspector General. Prevailing Wages and Minority Group Skill Upgrade and Employment – Bidders are hereby notified that pursuant to the provisions of the California Labor Code, the California Department of Industrial Relations has ascertained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for legal holiday and overtime work in the locality in which this work is to be performed for each craft, classification, or type of worker needed to execute the Contract. Such wage scale is set forth at length in a Schedule of Prevailing Rates of Wages that is on file at the California Department of Industrial Relations and is available at: https://www.dir.ca.gov/OPRL/DPreWageDetermination.htm The published prevailing wage rates that the Contractor shall pay are hereby incorporated in and made a part these Bid Terms and Conditions. The bidder, to whom the Contract is awarded, shall assist in locating, qualifying, hiring, and increasing the skills of minority group employees and applicants for employment, as set forth in Executive Orders 11246 and 11375. 54 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 15 For Federally funded projects, the current Federal General Wage Determinations shall apply for this project, as predetermined by the Secretary of Labor. If there is a difference in the Federal minimum wage rates and the California Department of Industrial Relations for similar classifications of labor, the Contractor and its sub- contractors shall pay not less than the higher wage rate. The wage rate for any classification not listed by the Federal Department of Labor or the California Department of Industrial Relations, but which may be required to execute the Contract, shall be in accord with specified rates for similar or comparable classifications or for those performing similar or comparable duties, within the Agencies’ determinations. Public Records Act – All information contained in the Proposal, and the Proposal itself, is public information once opened, unless it is bona fide trade secret information and is labeled as such. Any California Public Records Act request for information labeled as a trade secret shall be forwarded to the bidder for legal defense. Failure on the part of the bidder to promptly defend against any such request or action shall be deemed an unqualified waiver of the confidentiality of all trade secret information in the Proposal. Recycled Purchase Requirement – Bidders are hereby notified that pursuant to the provisions of Sections 22150 – 22154 of the California Pubic Contract Code, the City is required to purchase recycled products, as defined in Section 12200 of the same Code, if the product fitness and quality are equal to the non-recycled product and available at the same or a lesser total cost than non-recycled items. Bidders shall offer products and prices to the City that meets these requirements. Accuracy of Specifications – The specifications and the plans for this project are believed by the City to be accurate and to contain neither misrepresentation nor any concealment of any material fact. Bidders are cautioned to undertake an independent analysis of any test results in the specifications, as the City does not guarantee the accuracy of its interpretation of test results contained in the bid package. In preparing its proposal, bidder and all subcontractors named in bidder's proposal shall bear sole responsibility for bid preparation errors resulting from any misstatements or omissions in the plans and specifications, which could have been ascertained by examining either the project site or accurate test data in the City's possession. Although the effect of ambiguities or defects in the plans and specifications will be as determined by law, any patent ambiguity or defect shall give rise to a duty of bidder to inquire prior to bid submission. Failure to so inquire shall cause any such ambiguity or defect to be construed against the bidder and/or waiver of any defect by the bidder. An ambiguity or defect shall be considered patent if it is of such a nature that the bidder, assuming reasonable skill, ability, and diligence on bidder's part, knew or should have 55 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 16 known of the existence of the ambiguity or defect. Furthermore, failure of the bidder or subcontractors to notify City in writing of bid specifications or plans defects or ambiguities prior to bid submission shall waive any right to assert said defects or ambiguities subsequent to submission of the bid. To the extent that these specifications constitute Performance Specifications, the City shall not be liable for costs incurred by the successful bidder to achieve the project's objective or standard beyond the amounts provided therefore in the bid. In the event that, after awarding the bid, any dispute arises as a result of any actual or alleged ambiguity or defect in the plans and/or specifications, or over any other matter whatsoever, Contractor shall immediately notify City in writing and Contractor and all subcontractors shall continue to perform, irrespective of whether or not the ambiguity or defect is major, material, minor or trivial, and irrespective of whether or not a change order, time extension, or additional compensation has been granted by City. Failure to provide the hereinbefore described written notice within one (1) working day of Contractor's becoming aware of the facts giving rise to the dispute shall constitute a waiver of the right to assert the causative role of the defect or ambiguity in the plans or specifications concerning the dispute. Buy America Requirements – For all Federally funded projects, the “Buy America” requirements of Title 23 United States Code, Section 313, and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto, shall apply. 56 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 17 CITY OF MOORPARK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION PROPOSAL FOR PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. C0020 SPECIFICATION NO. MPK 21-03 FEDERAL AID NO. HSIPL-5436(018) CONTRACTOR NAME: _________________________________ SUBMIT PAGES 17 THROUGH 60 FULLY EXECUTED WITH THIS PROPOSAL 57 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 18 LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL FOR PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Bid Proposal Cover Page .............................................................................. Page 17 List of Documents to be Submitted with Proposal .......................................... Page 18 Proposal Sheet ............................................................................................... Page 20 Instructions for Signing Proposal, Bonds, and Contract ................................. Page 21 Contractor’s Proposal Statement ................................................................... Page 22 Proposed Schedule of Work and Prices ......................................................... Page 24 Bidder’s Bond to Accompany Proposal .......................................................... Page 31 Form to Accompany Bid Bond ........................................................................ Page 32 Statement of Bidder’s Qualifications and References .................................... Page 33 Statement of Bidder’s Past Contract Disqualifications .................................... Page 35 Questionnaire Regarding Subcontractors ...................................................... Page 36 Bidder’s Statement of Subcontractors and Material Fabricators .................... Page 37 Non-Collusion Affidavit ................................................................................... Page 39 Equal Employment Opportunity Certification .................................................. Page 40 Public Contract Code Statement .................................................................... Page 41 Debarment and Suspension Certification ....................................................... Page 43 Non-Lobbying Certification for Federal Aid Contracts .................................... Page 44 Exhibit 10-Q: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities .............................................. Page 45 Instructions for Completing Exhibit 10-Q ........................................................ Page 46 Exhibit 12-B: Bidder’s List of Subcontract (DBE and Non-DBE) Part 1 .......... Page 48 Exhibit 12-B: Bidder’s List of Subcontract (DBE and Non-DBE) Part 2 .......... Page 49 Exhibit 15-G: Construction Contract DBE Commitment ................................. Page 50 Instructions for Construction Contract DBE Commitment (Exhibit 15-G) ........ Page 51 Exhibit 15-H: Proposer/Contractor Good Faith Efforts .................................... Page 53 Exhibit 16-Z1: Monthly DBE Trucking Verification .......................................... Page 56 58 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 19 Instructions for Monthly DBE Trucking Verification ........................................ Page 57 Industrial Safety Record Form ........................................................................ Page 58 Compliance with Environmental, Health, and Safety Standards .................... Page 59 Addenda Acknowledgement Form ................................................................. Page 60 59 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 20 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROPOSAL FOR PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Specification No.: MPK 21-03 Bids to be received on: TBD, 2021, at 3:00 p.m. Completion Time: 375 Consecutive Working Days after Receipt of Notice to Proceed Liquidated Damages: $1,000 per Calendar Day Number of Pages in Proposal: 44 CONTRACTOR Name Street Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number Fax Number Email The bid shall be balanced so that each bid item is priced to carry its share of the cost of the work and also its share of the contractor’s overhead and profit. The City reserves the right to delete any bid item to the extent that the bid is qualified by specific limitation. An unbalanced bid shall be considered as grounds for rejecting the entire bid. 60 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 21 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SIGNING PROPOSAL, BONDS AND CONTRACT Corporations a) Give name of Corporation. b) Signatures: President or Vice-president and Secretary or Assistant Secretary. c) Affix corporate seal and notary's acknowledgment. d) Others may sign for the corporation if the City has been furnished a certified copy of a resolution of the corporate board of directors authorizing them to do so. Partnerships a) Signatures: All members of partnership. One may sign if City has a copy of authorization. b) Affix notary's acknowledgment. Joint Ventures a) Give the names of the joint ventures. b) Signatures: All joint ventures. One may sign if City has a copy of authorization. c) Affix notary's acknowledgment. Individuals a) Signature: The individual. b) Affix notary's acknowledgment. c) Another may sign for the individual if the City has been furnished a notarized power-of-attorney authorizing the other person to sign. Fictitious Names a) Show fictitious names. b) Satisfy all pertinent requirements shown above. Bonds a) In addition to all pertinent requirements above, give signature of Attorney-in- fact and apply surety's seal and provide address and telephone number of said surety. PLEASE ADHERE TO THE APPLICABLE SIGNING INSTRUCTIONS. ALL BLANKS IN THE BID PROPOSAL MUST BE APPROPRIATELY RESPONSDED TO. IF AN ANSWER OR RESPONSE IS NOT APPLICABLE, PLEASE RESPOND WITH “N/A.” FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RENDER A BID AS NON-RESPONSIVE AND BE THE BASIS FOR REJECTING AN ENTIRE PROPOSAL. 61 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 22 CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL STATEMENT FOR PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT City of Moorpark Moorpark, California 93021 Pursuant to the foregoing Notice Inviting Bids, the undersigned declares that he/she has carefully examined the location of the proposed work, that he/she has examined the Plans and Specifications and read the accompanying instructions to bidders, and hereby proposes to furnish all materials and to do all the work required to complete such work in accordance with such Plans and Specifications for the prices set forth in this Proposal. The undersigned has carefully checked all the figures in this Proposal and understands that City will not be responsible for any error or omission on the part of the undersigned in preparing this bid nor will City release the undersigned on account of such error or omission. The undersigned swears or affirms under penalty of perjury that the information regarding the Contractor's License is true and correct. The undersigned further agrees that in case of default in executing the required Contract within the applicable ten (10) calendar days or thereafter failing to provide the necessary bonds, within ten (10) calendar days after the contract has been fully executed, the proceeds of check or bond accompanying the bid shall become the property of the City of Moorpark. Licensed in accordance with an act providing for the registration of Contractor’s License No. ________________ Class ____________ Expiration Date DIR Registration No. Expiration Date 62 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 23 Names of Co-Partners or Corporate Officers and Titles: Signature of Bidder Title Signature of Bidder Title Name of Contractor or Firm Date of Submittal , 2021 Telephone No. (____) Address Doing Business as Individual/Partnership/Corporation State of Incorporation (Corporate Seal) Federal Tax Identification Number: ALL SIGNATURES MUST BE NOTARIZED (ATTACH OR AFFIX EXECUTED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM AND CORPORATE SEAL) 63 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 24 PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF WORK AND PRICES FOR PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SCHEDULE A – PRINCETON AVENUE WIDENING AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS Item No. Payment Ref. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount 1A 902-3 Mobilization, Bonds & Insurance (Estimated as 3%) 1 LS 2A 903-8 Traffic Control Plan & Implementation 1 LS 3A 904-3 Surveying & Construction Staking 1 LS 4A 905-3 Storm Water Pollution Control Program 1 LS 5A 906-3 Clearing & Grubbing 1 LS 6A 907-2 Grading – Cut/Fill 20,000 CY 7A 907-2 Grading – Export (including Transport) 10,000 CY 8A 906-3 Sawcut Existing Pavement to Full Depth 4,000 LF 9A 906-3 923-4 Joint Trench & Conduit for Street Light and Communications 3,500 LF 10A 906-3 Remove Existing Road Pavement (9” AC over 4” PCC) 105,000 SF 11A 906-3 Remove Existing Concrete Pavement to Full Depth 15,000 SF 12A 906-3 Remove Existing Curb 150 LF 13A 906-3 Remove Existing Fence 2,200 LF 14A 906-3 Remove Existing Retaining/Screen Wall 300 LF 15A 906-3 Remove Existing Bollard 16 EA 64 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 25 16A 906-3 Remove Existing Traffic Sign 42 EA 17A 906-3 Remove Existing Guardrail 170 LF 18A 906-3 Remove Existing Steel Framework 2 EA 19A 906-3 Relocate Conejo Ready- Mix Wall Units & Materials 1 LS 20A 906-3 Relocate Existing Utility Surface Improvement 20 EA 21A 923-4 Street Lights 54 EA 22A 923-4 Hand Holes for Street Lights 58 EA 23A 923-4 Electrical Service Pedestals 2 EA 24A 906-3 Relocate Portable Structure 1 EA 25A 906-3 Relocate Private Sign, Mailbox, or Other Improvement 10 EA 26A 906-3 Remove or Abandon Existing Storm Drain 1 LS 27A 913-5 Interceptor / Down Drain 400 LF 28A 925-4 Landscape Planting 44,300 SF 29A Blank 0 30A 911-3 AC Pavement 7,100 TON 31A 911-3 Concrete Pavement (6") 2,000 SF 32A 913-5 8" Curb and 24" Gutter 7,500 LF 33A 913-5 P.C.C Sidewalk (4") 50,000 SF 34A 911-3 Crushed Aggregate Base 12,503 TON 35A 914-3 Adjust Utility Structure to Grade 15 EA 36A 913-5 Driveway Apron 16 EA 37A 913-5 Driveway Access 3 EA 38A 908-6 Grind 1.5” Depth 40,000 SF 39A 912-4 Rubberized AC Pavement (1.5” Final Lift) 400 TON 40A 916-4 Chain link fence (6') 625 LF 65 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 26 41A 916-4 Chain link swing gate 1 EA 42A 913-5 Curb Ramps (Std 111-3) 3 EA 43A 918-4 18" RCP 469 LF 44A 918-4 24" RCP 528 LF 45A 918-4 30" RCP 238 LF 46A 918-4 36" RCP 10 LF 47A 918-4 42" RCP 28 LF 48A 923-4 Electrical Trench and Conduit for Street Lights 4,100 LF 49A 918-4 GCP Pipe Inlet (Caltrans D75B) 6 EA 50A 918-4 Drop Inlet w/Steel Traffic Grate (36x36") 3 EA 51A 918-4 Drop Inlet w/Steel Traffic Grate (30x30") 3 EA 52A 918-4 Concrete Collar (Std 380-3) 3 EA 53A 918-4 Concrete Headwall (Caltrans D89) 2 EA 54A 918-4 Riprap Apron 2 EA 55A 918-4 Catch Basin (Std 300-2) 14 EA 56A 918-4 Manhole (Std 321-1) 2 EA 57A 918-4 Junction Structure (Std 331-2, 332-1) 2 EA 58A 918-4 Transition Structure (Std 340-2) 1 EA 59A 919-4 Wall Gutter (B3-6) 2,700 LF 60A 919-4 Wall Drain (B3-6) 7 EA 61A 919-4 Retaining Wall (Greater than 12') 17,000 SF 62A 919-4 Retaining Wall (Less than 12') 9,000 SF 63A 919-4 Screen Wall 2,800 SF 64A 917-7 Traffic Markings 1 LS 65A 917-7 Traffic Striping 20,450 LF 66A 917-7 Sandblast Existing Striping 2,000 LF 66 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 27 67A 924-4 Landscape Irrigation 44,300 SF 68A 919-4 Concrete Barrier with Screen Wall 824 LF 69A 919-4 Concrete Barrier 84 LF 70A 927-3 Pothole Existing Utilities 80 EA 71A 920-2 Release on Contract 1 LS $1.00 $1.00 Total Amount of Bid for Schedule A: $ (Price in words) Contractor’s Name: ___________________________ SCHEDULE B – WATER PIPELINE RELOCATION Item No. Payment Ref. Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount 72B 1001-4 8" PVC Water Pipe AWWA C-900 (Standard Backfill) 2,820 LF 73B 1002-4 OSHA Excavation Shoring Requirements and Trench Safety Methods 1 LS 74B 1001-4 8" PVC Water Pipe AWWA C-900 (Slurry Backfill) 400 LF 75B 1001-4 Water Services 23 EA 76B 1001-4 Reconnection to Water Services 23 EA 77B 1001-4 Blow-Offs 3 EA 78B 1001-4 1" Air Vac Valves 4 EA 79B 1001-4 Fire Hydrants 3 EA 80B 1001-4 Connection to Existing Water Mains 2 EA 67 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 28 81B 1001-4 Remove and Disposal of Existing Facilities 1 LS Total Amount of Bid for Schedule B: $ (Price in words) Contractor’s Name: ___________________________ BID SCHEDULE SUMMARY Total Amount of Bid for Schedule A: $ Total Amount of Bid for Schedule B: $ Combined Total (Schedules A and B): $ (Combined Total price in words) Contractor MUST bid on Schedules A and B. Combined Total will be the basis of award. Contractor’s Name: 68 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 29 PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF WORK AND PRICES PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT *ADDITIONS/DEDUCTIONS Adjusted Total Bid Amount in Words: **Sales Tax Adjustment (If Applicable) * Provisions are made for the bidder to include additions or deductions in price for bid item(s) to reflect last-minute adjustments in bidder's total bid amount. The bid item for which the addition or deduction in price is made shall be listed by the bidder as indicated above. The unit price for that item (if applicable) shall be adjusted by dividing the bid quantity into the new total amount as determined after adding or subtracting the amount listed by the contractor for such item. ** Sales tax deduction entered on this line is the amount the bid is to be reduced in order to receive credit for purchases made in the City of Moorpark pursuant to Bid Terms and Conditions, Sales Tax Reimbursements. The following addenda are acknowledged: Number Date (Bidder must fill in number and date of each addendum or may enter the word “None” if appropriate.) _ _ _ _ _ _ COMINBED TOTAL BID AMOUNT $_____________ Bid Item No. New Total Addition for: ___ __ +____________ Addition for: ___ __ +____________ Addition for: ___ __ +____________ Deduction for: ___ __ -____________ Deduction for: ___ __ -____________ Deduction for: ___ __ -____________ Adjusted Total Bid Amount: $_____________ 69 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 30 QUANTITIES OF WORK: The quantities of work or material stated on the Bid Schedule(s) are estimated amounts based on field observations. The City does not expressly, nor by implication, agree that the actual quantities of work or material will correspond therewith, and reserves the right after award to increase or decrease the quantity of any bid item by an amount up to 25 percent without a change in the bidder’s unit price. The City shall also have the right to delete any bid item in its entirety and receive full credit in the amount shown in the Bid Schedule(s) for the deleted item or work. I make this proposed Bid Amount and certify under penalty of perjury that all the statements in this proposal that I have signed are true and correct. Contractor’s Name Signature Date Signature Date Title Title License No. _ Class ___________ Expiration Date DIR Registration No. Expiration Date ALL SIGNATURES MUST BE NOTARIZED (ATTACH OR AFFIX EXECUTED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM AND CORPORATE SEAL) 70 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 31 BIDDER’S BOND TO ACCOMPANY PROPOSAL (in lieu of cash, certified or cashier’s check) KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, , as Principal, and , as Surety, acknowledge ourselves jointly and severally bound to the City of Moorpark, the obligee, for ten (10) percent of the total bid, to be paid to the City if the Proposal shall be accepted and the Principal shall fail to timely provide the City with complete DBE information as required by in the project Special Provisions, (if applicable), or fails to execute the Contract tendered by the City within the applicable time specified in the Bid Terms and Conditions, or fails to furnish either the required Faithful Performance or Labor and Material Bonds, or fails to furnish evidence of insurance as required in the Standard Specifications, then this obligation shall become due and payable, and Surety shall pay to obligee, in case suit is brought upon this bond in addition to the bond amount hereof, court costs and a reasonable attorney's fee to be fixed by the court. If the Principal executes the contract and furnishes the required bonds and evidence of insurance as provided in the contract documents, this bond shall be extinguished and released. It is hereby agreed that bid errors shall not constitute a defense to forfeiture. WITNESS our hands this day of , 2021. Principal By Title By Title Surety By Title 71 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 32 FORM TO ACCOMPANY BID BOND STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ) SS. CITY OF ) On this day of , 2021, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared know to be the of and the same person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the of said and the said duly acknowledged to me that he/she subscribed the name of thereto as Surety and his/her own name as . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in the certificate first above written. Notary Public in and for said County and State aforesaid. If certified or cashier’s check is submitted herewith, state check number and amount $ . 72 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 33 STATEMENT OF BIDDER’S QUALIFICATIONS AND REFERENCES The bidder is required to state the bidder's financial ability and a general description of similar work performed. Required Qualifications: Bidders must hold a valid State of California Contractor's License (“A”) at the time the bid is submitted to the City, and must have satisfactorily completed at least three Southern California municipal projects in the last five years of comparable size to the scope of this project. Number of years engaged in providing the work included within the scope of the specifications under the present business name: Number of years your organization has been in business under its present business name: Under what other names has your organization operated? If your organization is a corporation, please answer the following:  Date of Incorporation:  State of Incorporation:  Corporate ID Number:  President’s Name: If your organization is a partnership, please answer the following:  Date of Organization:  Type of Partnership (if applicable):  Partner Name:  Partner Name: If your organization is individually owned, please answer the following:  Date of Organization:  Owner Name: List and describe fully the last three contracts performed by your firm which demonstrate your ability to complete the work included with the scope of the specifications. Attach additional pages if required. The City reserves the right to contact each of the references listed for additional information regarding your firm's qualifications. 73 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 34 Reference No. 1 Customer Name: Contact Individual: Phone No. Address: Contract Amount: Year: Scope of Work: Reference No. 2 Customer Name: Contact Individual: Phone No. Address: Contract Amount: Year: Scope of Work: Reference No. 3 Customer Name: Contact Individual: Phone No. Address: Contract Amount: Year: Scope of Work: THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THIS PROPOSAL STATEMENT SHALL ALSO CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THOSE STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS WHICH ARE A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL. 74 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 35 STATEMENT OF BIDDER’S PAST CONTRACT DISQUALIFICATIONS Pursuant to Section 10162 of the Public Contract Code the bidder shall state whether such bidder, any officer or employee of such bidder who has a proprietary interest in such bidder has ever been disqualified, removed, or otherwise prevented from bidding on, or completing a Federal, State, or local government project because of a violation of law or a safety regulation; and if so, explain the circumstances. 1. Do you have any disqualifications, removals, etc., as described in the above paragraph to declare? Yes _______ No _______ 2. If Yes, explain the circumstances. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _________________________ THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THIS PROPOSAL STATEMENT SHALL ALSO CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THOSE STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS WHICH ARE A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL. 75 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 36 QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING SUBCONTRACTORS Bidder shall answer the following questions and submit with the proposal. 1. Were bid depository or registry services used in obtaining subcontractor bid figures in order to compute your bid? Yes( ) No ( ) 2. If the answer to No. 1 is “Yes”, please forward a copy of the rules of each bid depository you used with this questionnaire. 3. Did you have any source of subcontractors’ bids other than bid depositories? Yes ( ) No ( ) 4. Has any person or group threatened you with subcontractor boycotts, union boycotts or other sanctions to attempt to convince you to use the services or abide by the rules of one or more bid depositories? Yes ( ) No ( ) 5. If the answer to No. 4 is “Yes”, please explain the following details: (a) Date: (b) Name of person or group: (c) Job involved (if applicable): (d) Nature of threats: (e) Additional comments: (Use additional paper if necessary) THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THIS PROPOSAL STATEMENT SHALL ALSO CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THOSE STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS WHICH ARE A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL. 76 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 37 BIDDER’S STATEMENT AND LIST OF SUBCONTRATORS AND MATERIAL FABRICATORS Without exception, the bidder is required to state the name and address of each subcontractor and the portion of the work which each will do as required by Section 3-3, “Subcontractors”, of the Standard Specifications and in conformance with Public Contracts Code, Sections 4100 to 4113, inclusive. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any contractor making a bid or offer to perform the work, shall set forth in the Proposal: (a) The name and the location of the place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work or labor or render service to the prime contractor in or about the construction of the work or improvement, or a subcontractor licensed by the State of California who, under subcontract to the prime contractor, specially fabricates and installs a portion of the work or improvement according to detailed drawings contained in the plans and specifications, in an amount in excess of one-half of one percent of the prime contractor's total bid or ten thousand dollars ($10,000), whichever is greater; and (b) The portion of the work which will be done by each subcontractor. The prime contractor shall list only one subcontractor for each portion. The undersigned submits herewith a list of subcontractors in conformance with the foregoing (attach additional sheets, if necessary): Licensed Subcontractor Name & Address License No. & Class DIR No. Item No. of Work or Trade to be Used Estimated Amount ($) 77 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 38 BIDDER’S STATEMENT OF SUBCONTRATORS AND MATERIAL FABRICATORS (Continued) Contractor’s Name Signature Date Signature Date Title Title License No. _ Class __________ Expiration Date DIR Registration No. Expiration Date ALL SIGNATURES MUST BE NOTARIZED (ATTACH OR AFFIX EXECUTED ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM AND CORPORATE SEAL) 78 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 39 NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT (Title 23 United States Code Section 112 and Public Contract Code Section 7106) To the CITY of MOORPARK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. In accordance with Title 23 United States Code Section 112 and Public Contract Code 7106 the bidder declares that the bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a false or sham bid, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any bidder or anyone else to put in a sham bid, or that anyone shall refrain from bidding; that the bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the bid price of the bidder or any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the bid price, or of that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the bid are true; and, further, that the bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her bid price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, bid depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham bid. Note: The above Non-collusion Affidavit is part of the Proposal. THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THE PROPOSAL STATEMENT SHALL ALSO CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THIS NON- COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT. Bidders are cautioned that making a false certification may subject the certifier to criminal prosecution. 79 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 40 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CERTIFICATION The bidder hereby certifies that the bidder and proposed subcontractor(s) (if any), have _____, or have/has not ___ , participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the Equal Opportunity Clauses, as required by Executive Orders 10925, 11114, or 11246, and that, where required, the bidder has filed with the Joint Reporting Committee, the Director of the Office of Federal Contract Compliance, a Federal Government contracting or administering agency, or the former President’s Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, all reports due under the applicable filling requirements. Note: The above certification is required by the Equal Employment Opportunity Regulations of the Secretary of Labor (41 CFR 60-1.7(b) (1)), and must be submitted by bidders and proposed subcontractors only in connection with contracts and subcontracts, which are subject to the equal opportunity clause. Contracts and subcontracts which are exempt from the equal opportunity clause are set forth in 41 CFR 60-1.5. (Generally only contracts or subcontracts of $10,000 or under are exempt.) Currently, Standard Form 100 (EEO-1) is the only report required by the Executive Orders or their implementing regulations. Proposed prime contractors and subcontractors who have participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to the Executive Orders and have not filed the required reports should note that 41 CFR 60-1.7(b) (1) prevents the award of contracts and subcontracts unless such contractor submits a report covering the delinquent period or such other period specified by the Federal Highway Administration or by the Director, Office of Federal Contract Compliance, U.S. Department of Labor. THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THIS PROPOSAL STATEMENT SHALL ALSO CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THOSE CERTIFICATIONS WHICH ARE A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL. 80 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 41 PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE Public Contract Code Section 10285.1 Statement In conformance with Public Contract Code Section 10285.1 (Chapter 376, Stats. 1985), the bidder hereby declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the bidder has ___ , has not ___ been convicted within the preceding three years of any offenses referred to in that section, including any charge of fraud, bribery, collusion, conspiracy, or any other act in violation of any state or Federal antitrust law in connection with the bidding upon, award of, or performance of, any public works contract, as defined in Public Contract Code Section 1101, with any public entity, as defined in Public Contract Code Section 1100, including the Regents of the University of California or the Trustees of the California State University. The term "bidder" is understood to include any partner, member, officer, director, responsible managing officer, or responsible managing employee thereof, as referred to in Section 10285.1. Note: The bidder must place a checkmark after "has" or "has not" in one of the blank spaces provided. The above Statement is part of the Proposal. Signing this Proposal on the signature portion thereof shall also constitute signature of this Statement. Bidders are cautioned that making a false certification may subject the certifier to criminal prosecution. Public Contract Code Section 10162 Questionnaire In conformance with Public Contract Code Section 10162, the Bidder shall complete, under penalty of perjury, the following questionnaire: Has the bidder, any officer of the bidder, or any employee of the bidder who has a proprietary interest in the bidder, ever been disqualified, removed, or otherwise prevented from bidding on, or completing a federal, state, or local government project because of a violation of law or a safety regulation? Yes _____ No _____ If the answer is yes, explain the circumstances in the following space: 81 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 42 Public Contract Code 10232 Statement In conformance with Public Contract Code Section 10232, the Contractor, hereby states under penalty of perjury, that no more than one final unappealable finding of contempt of court by a federal court has been issued against the Contractor within the immediately preceding two-year period because of the Contractor's failure to comply with an order of a federal court which orders the Contractor to comply with an order of the National Labor Relations Board. Note: The above Statement and Questionnaire are part of the Proposal. THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THE PROPOSAL STATEMENT SHALL ALSO CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THIS NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT. Bidders are cautioned that making a false certification may subject the certifier to criminal prosecution. 82 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 43 DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION CERTIFICATION TITLE 49, CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, PART 29 The bidder, under penalty of perjury, certifies that, except as noted below, the bidder or any other person associated therewith in the capacity of owner, partner, director, officer, and manager:  Is not currently under suspension, debarment, voluntary exclusion, or determination of ineligibility by any federal agency;  Has not been suspended, debarred, voluntarily excluded or determined ineligible by any federal agency within the past three (3) years;  Does not have a proposed debarment pending; and  Has not been indicted, convicted, or had a civil judgment rendered against it by a court of competent jurisdiction in any matter involving fraud or official misconduct within the past three (3) years. If there are any exceptions to this certification, insert the exceptions in the following space. Exceptions will not necessarily result in denial of award, but will be considered in determining bidder’s responsibility. For any exception noted above, indicate below to whom it applies, initiating agency, and dates of action. Notes: Providing false information may result in criminal prosecution or administrative sanctions. The above certification is part of the Proposal. Signing the Proposal Statement on the signature portion thereof shall also constitute signature of this Certification. 83 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 44 NON-LOBBYING CERTIFICATION FOR FEDERAL-AID CONTRACTS The prospective participant certifies, by signing and submitting this bid or proposal, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: (l) No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. The prospective participant also agrees by submitting his or her bid or proposal that he or she shall require that the language of this certification be included in all lower tier subcontracts, which exceed $100,000 and that all such sub recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THIS PROPOSAL STATEMENT SHALL ALSO CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THOSE CERTIFICATIONS WHICH ARE A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL. 84 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 45 EXHIBIT 10-Q DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES COMPLETE THIS FORM TO DISCLOSE LOBBYING ACTIVITIES PURSUANT TO 31 U.S.C. 1352 1. Type of Federal Action: 2. Status of Federal Action: 3. Report Type: ☐ a. contract ☐ a. bid/offer/application ☐ a. initial ☐ b. grant ☐ b. initial award ☐ b. material change ☐ c. cooperative agreement ☐ c. post-award ☐ d. loan For Material Change Only: ☐ e. loan guarantee year _____ quarter _________ ☐ f. loan insurance date of last report __________ 4. Name and Address of Reporting Entity 5. If Reporting Entity in No. 4 is Subawardee, Enter Name and Address of Prime: ☐ Prime ☐ Subawardee Tier ______ , if known Congressional District, if known Congressional District, if known 6. Federal Department/Agency: 7. Federal Program Name/Description: CFDA Number, if applicable ____________________ 8. Federal Action Number, if known: 9. Award Amount, if known: 10. Name and Address of Lobby Entity 11. Individuals Performing Services (If individual, last name, first name, MI) (including address if different from No. 10) (last name, first name, MI) (attach Continuation Sheet(s) if necessary) 12. Amount of Payment (check all that apply) 14. Type of Payment (check all that apply) $ ______________ ☐ actual ☐ planned ☐a. retainer ☐b. one-time fee 13. Form of Payment (check all that apply): ☐c. commission ☐ a. cash ☐d. contingent fee ☐ b. in-kind; specify: nature ____________ ☐e. deferred Value _____________ ☐f. other, specify _______________________ 15. Brief Description of Services Performed or to be performed and Date(s) of Service, including officer(s), employee(s), or member(s) contacted, for Payment Indicated in Item 12: (attach Continuation Sheet(s) if necessary) 16. Continuation Sheet(s) attached: ☐ Yes ☐No 17. Information requested through this form is authorized by Title 31 U.S.C. Section 1352. This disclosure of lobbying reliance was placed by the tier above when his transaction was made or entered into. This disclosure is required pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352. This information will be reported to Congress semiannually and will be available for public inspection. Any person who fails to file the required disclosure shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Signature: _________________________________________ Print Name: _______________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________ Telephone No.: ____________________ Date: __________ Authorized for Local Reproduction Federal Use Only: Standard Form - LLL Standard Form LLL Rev. 04-28-06 Distribution: Orig- Local Agency Project Files 85 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 46 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING EXHIBIT 10-Q DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING ACTIVITIES This disclosure form shall be completed by the reporting entity, whether subawardee or prime federal recipient at the initiation or receipt of covered federal action or a material change to previous filing pursuant to title 31 U.S.C. Section 1352. The filing of a form is required for such payment or agreement to make payment to lobbying entity for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress an officer or employee of Congress or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with a covered federal action. Attach a continuation sheet for additional information if the space on the form is inadequate. Complete all items that apply for both the initial filing and material change report. Refer to the implementing guidance published by the Office of Management and Budget for additional information. 1. Identify the type of covered federal action for which lobbying activity is or has been secured to influence, the outcome of a covered federal action. 2. Identify the status of the covered federal action. 3. Identify the appropriate classification of this report. If this is a follow-up report caused by a material change to the information previously reported, enter the year and quarter in which the change occurred. Enter the date of the last, previously submitted report by this reporting entity for this covered federal action. 4. Enter the full name, address, city, state, and zip code of the reporting entity. Include Congressional District if known. Check the appropriate classification of the reporting entity that designates if it is or expects to be a prime or subaward recipient. Identify the tier of the subawardee, e.g., the first subawardee of the prime is the first tier. Subawards include but are not limited to: subcontracts, subgrants, and contract awards under grants. 5. If the organization filing the report in Item 4 checks "Subawardee" then enter the full name, address, city, state, and zip code of the prime federal recipient. Include Congressional District, if known. 6. Enter the name of the federal agency making the award or loan commitment. Include at least one organization level below agency name, if known. For example, Department of Transportation, United States Coast Guard. 7. Enter the federal program name or description for the covered federal action (item 1). If known, enter the full Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for grants, cooperative agreements, loans and loan commitments. 8. Enter the most appropriate federal identifying number available for the federal action identification in item 1 (e.g., Request for Proposal (RFP) number, Invitation for Bid (IFB) number, grant announcement number, the contract grant. or loan award number, the application/proposal control number assigned by the federal agency). Include prefixes, e.g., "RFP-DE-90-001." 86 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 47 9. For a covered federal action where there has been an award or loan commitment by the Federal agency, enter the federal amount of the award/loan commitments for the prime entity identified in item 4 or 5. 10. Enter the full name, address, city, state, and zip code of the lobbying entity engaged by the reporting entity identified in Item 4 to influence the covered federal action. 11. Enter the full names of the individual(s) performing services and include full address if different from 10 (a). Enter Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial (Ml). 12. Enter the amount of compensation paid or reasonably expected to be paid by the reporting entity (Item 4) to the lobbying entity (Item 10). Indicate whether the payment has been made (actual) or will be made (planned). Check all boxes that apply. If this is a material change report, enter the cumulative amount of payment made or planned to be made. 13. Check all boxes that apply. If payment is made through an in-kind contribution, specify the nature and value of the in-kind payment. 14. Check all boxes that apply. If other, specify nature. 15. Provide a specific and detailed description of the services that the lobbyist has performed or will be expected to perform and the date(s) of any services rendered. Include all preparatory and related activity not just time spent in actual contact with federal officials. Identify the federal officer(s) or employee(s) contacted or the officer(s) employee(s) or Member(s) of Congress that were contacted. 16. Check whether or not a continuation sheet(s) is attached. 17. The certifying official shall sign and date the form, and print his/her name title and telephone number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30- minutes per response, including time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0348-0046), Washington, D.C. 20503. SF-LLL-Instructions Rev. 06-04 87 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 48 88 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 49 89 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 50 EXHIBIT 15-G CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DBE COMMITMENT 1. Local Agency: 2. Contract DBE Goal: 3. Project Description: 4. Project Location: 5. Bidder's Name: 6. Prime Certified DBE:  7. Bid Amount: 8. Total Dollar Amount for ALL Subcontractors: 9. Total Number of ALL Subcontractors: 10. Bid Item Number 11. Description of Work, Service, or Materials Supplied 12. DBE Certification Number 13. DBE Contact Information (Must be certified on the date bids are opened) 14. DBE Dollar Amount Local Agency to Complete this Section upon Execution of Award 15. TOTAL CLAIMED DBE PARTICIPATION $ 21. Local Agency Contract Number: 22. Federal-Aid Project Number: % 23. Bid Opening Date: 24. Contract Award Date: IMPORTANT: Identify all DBE firms being claimed for credit, regardless of tier. Names of the First Tier DBE Subcontractors and their respective item(s) of work listed above must be consistent, where applicable with the names and items of the work in the "Subcontractor List" submitted with your bid. Written confirmation of each listed DBE is required. Local Agency certifies that all DBE certifications are valid and information on this form is complete and accurate. 26. Local Agency Representative's Signature 27. Date 16. Preparer's Signature 17. Date 28. Local Agency Representative's Name 29. Phone 18. Preparer's Name 19. Phone 30. Local Agency Representative's Title 20. Preparer's Title DISTRIBUTION: 1. Original – Local Agency 2. Copy – Caltrans District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE). Failure to submit to DLAE within 30 days of contract execution may result in de-obligation of federal funds on contract. 3. Include additional copy with award package. ADA Notice: For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 or TDD (916) 654-3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814. 25. Award Amount: ________________________________________________________ 90 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 51 INSTRUCTIONS – CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT DBE COMMITMENT CONTRACTOR SECTION 1. Local Agency - Enter the name of the local agency that is administering the contract. 2. Contract DBE Goal - Enter the contract DBE goal percentage as it appears on the project advertisement. 3. Project Location - Enter the project location(s) as it appears on the project advertisement. 4. Project Description - Enter the project description as it appears on the project advertisement (Bridge Rehab, Seismic Rehab, Overlay, Widening, etc). 5. Bidder’s Name - Enter the contractor’s firm name. 6. Prime Certified DBE - Check box if prime contractor is a certified DBE. 7. Bid Amount - Enter the total contract bid dollar amount for the prime contractor. 8. Total Dollar Amount for ALL Subcontractors – Enter the total dollar amount for all subcontracted contractors. SUM = (DBEs + all Non-DBEs). Do not include the prime contractor information in this count. 9. Total number of ALL subcontractors – Enter the total number of all subcontracted contractors. SUM = (DBEs + all Non-DBEs). Do not include the prime contractor information in this count. 10. Bid Item Number - Enter bid item number for work, services, or materials supplied to be provided. 11. Description of Work, Services, or Materials Supplied - Enter description of work, services, or materials to be provided. Indicate all work to be performed by DBEs including work performed by the prime contractor’s own forces, if the prime is a DBE. If 100% of the item is not to be performed or furnished by the DBE, describe the exact portion to be performed or furnished by the DBE. See LAPM Chapter 9 to determine how to count the participation of DBE firms. 12. DBE Certification Number - Enter the DBE’s Certification Identification Number. All DBEs must be certified on the date bids are opened. 13. DBE Contact Information - Enter the name, address, and phone number of all DBE subcontracted contractors. Also, enter the prime contractor’s name and phone number, if the prime is a DBE. 14. DBE Dollar Amount - Enter the subcontracted dollar amount of the work to be performed or service to be provided. Include the prime contractor if the prime is a DBE. See LAPM Chapter 9 for how to count full/partial participation. 15. Total Claimed DBE Participation - $: Enter the total dollar amounts entered in the “DBE Dollar Amount” column. %: Enter the total DBE participation claimed (“Total Claimed DBE Participation Dollars” divided by item “Bid Amount”). If the total % claimed is less than item “Contract DBE Goal,” an adequately documented Good Faith Effort (GFE) is required (see Exhibit 15-H DBE Information - Good Faith Efforts of the LAPM). 16. Preparer’s Signature - The person completing the DBE commitment form on behalf of the contractor’s firm must sign their name. 17. Date - Enter the date the DBE commitment form is signed by the contractor’s preparer. 18. Preparer’s Name - Enter the name of the person preparing and signing the contractor’s DBE commitment form. 19. Phone - Enter the area code and phone number of the person signing the contractor’s DBE commitment form. 20. Preparer’s Title - Enter the position/title of the person signing the contractor’s DBE commitment form. LOCAL AGENCY SECTION 21. Local Agency Contract Number - Enter the Local Agency contract number or identifier. 22. Federal-Aid Project Number - Enter the Federal-Aid Project Number(s). 23. Bid Opening Date - Enter the date contract bids were opened. 91 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 52 24. Contract Award Date - Enter the date the contract was executed. 25. Award Amount – Enter the contract award amount as stated in the executed contract. 26. Local Agency Representative’s Signature - The person completing this section of the form for the Local Agency must sign their name to certify that the information in this and the Contractor Section of this form is complete and accurate. 27. Date - Enter the date the DBE commitment form is signed by the Local Agency Representative. 28. Local Agency Representative’s Name - Enter the name of the Local Agency Representative certifying the contractor’s DBE commitment form. 29. Phone - Enter the area code and phone number of the person signing the contractor’s DBE commitment form. 30. Local Agency Representative Title - Enter the position/title of the Local Agency Representative certifying the contractor’s DBE commitment form. 92 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 53 EXHIBIT 15-H: PROPOSER/CONTRACTOR GOOD FAITH EFFORTS Cost Proposal Due Date ___________________ PE/CE Federal-aid Project No(s). _____________________ Bid Opening Date ___________________ CON The (Agency Name) established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal of _____% for this contract. The information provided herein shows the required good faith efforts to meet or exceed the DBE contract goal. Proposers or bidders submit the following information to document their good faith efforts within five (5) calendar days from cost proposal due date or bid opening. Proposers and bidders are recommended to submit the following information even if the Exhibit 10-O1: Consultant Proposal DBE Commitments or Exhibit 15-G: Construction Contract DBE Commitment indicate that the proposer or bidder has met the DBE goal. This form protects the proposer’s or bidder’s eligibility for award of the contract if the administering agency determines that the bidder failed to meet the goal for various reasons, e.g., a DBE firm was not certified at bid opening, or the bidder made a mathematical error. The following items are listed in the Section entitled “Submission of DBE Commitment” of the Special Provisions, please attach additional sheets as needed: A. The names and dates of each publication in which a request for DBE participation for this project was placed by the bidder (please attach copies of advertisements or proofs of publication): Publications Dates of Advertisement   B. The names and dates of written notices sent to certified DBEs soliciting bids for this project and the dates and methods used for following up initial solicitations to determine with certainty whether the DBEs were interested (please attach copies of solicitations, telephone records, fax confirmations, etc.): Names of DBEs Solicited Date of Initial Solicitation Follow Up Methods and Dates 93 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 54   C. The items of work made available to DBE firms including those unbundled contract work items into economically feasible units to facilitate DBE participation. It is the bidder's responsibility to demonstrate that sufficient work to facilitate DBE participation in order to meet or exceed the DBE contract goal. 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%   D. The names, addresses and phone numbers of rejected DBE firms, the reasons for the bidder's rejection of the DBEs, the firms selected for that work (please attach copies of quotes from the firms involved), and the price difference for each DBE if the selected firm is not a DBE:    Names, addresses and phone numbers of rejected DBEs and the reasons for the bidder's rejection of the DBEs: Names, addresses and phone numbers of firms selected for the work above: E. Efforts (e.g. in advertisements and solicitations) made to assist interested DBEs in obtaining information related to the plans, specifications and requirements for the work which was provided to DBEs: Items of Work Proposer or Bidder Normally Performs Item (Y/N) Breakdown of Items Amount ($) Percentage Of Contract 94 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 55 F. Efforts (e.g. in advertisements and solicitations) made to assist interested DBEs in obtaining bonding, lines of credit or insurance, necessary equipment, supplies, materials, or related assistance or services, excluding supplies and equipment the DBE subcontractor purchases or leases from the prime contractor or its affiliate: G. The names of agencies, organizations or groups contacted to provide assistance in contacting, recruiting and using DBE firms (please attach copies of requests to agencies and any responses received, i.e., lists, Internet page download, etc.): Name of Agency/Organization Method/Date of Contact Results H. Any additional data to support a demonstration of good faith efforts:         95 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 56   96 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 57 MONTHLY DBE TRUCKING VERIFICATION The top of Form CEM-2404(F) contains boxes to put in the Contract Number, the Month of the reporting period and the Year of the reporting period. The Form CEM-2404(F) has a column to enter the name of the Truck Owner, the DBE Cert. No. (if DBE certified) and the Name and Address of the trucking company. The Form CEM-2404(F) also requires the Truck No. and the California Highway Patrol CA No. Form CEM-2404(F) is to be submitted prior to the 15th of each month and must show the dollar amount paid to the DBE trucking company(s) for trucking work performed by DBE certified trucks and for any fees or commissions of non DBE trucks utilized each month on the project. The amount paid to each trucking company is to be entered in the column called “Commission or Amount Paid,” in accordance with the Special Provisions Section 5-1.X. Payment information is derived using the following: 1.) 100% for the trucking services provided by the DBE using trucks it owns, operates and insures. 2.) 100% for the trucking services provided by the trucks leased from other DBE firms. 3.) The fee or commission paid to non DBEs for the lease of trucks. The Prime does not receive 100% credit for these services because they are not provided by a DBE company. The total dollar figure of this column is to be placed in the box labeled “Total Amount Paid.” The column “Date Paid” requires a date that each trucking company is paid for services rendered. The next column contains information that must be completed if a lease arrangement is applicable. Located at the bottom of the form is a space to put the name of the “Prime Contractor,” their “Business Address” and their “Business Phone No.” At the bottom of the form there is a space for the Contractor or designee “Contractor Representative’s Signature, Title and Date” certifying that the information provided on the form is complete and correct.   97 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 58 INDUSTRIAL SAFETY RECORD FORM Bidder’s Name: _______________________________________ Current Year of Record 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Total Number of Contracts Total Dollar Amount of Contracts ($1,000s) Number of Fatalities Number of Lost Workday Cases Number of Lost Workday Cases Involving Permanent Transfer to Another Job, Termination of Employment The above information was compiled from the records that are available at this time and that the information is true and accurate within the limitations of those records. THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THIS PROPOSAL STATEMENT SHALL ALSO CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THOSE STATEMENTS CERTIFICATIONS WHICH ARE A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL. 98 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 59 COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH AND SAFETY STANDARDS The Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65) prohibits employers from knowingly discharging or releasing a chemical known to the State of California to cause concern, birth defects or other reproductive harm into water or onto land where such chemical passes or, in all probability, will pass into any source of drinking water. Notwithstanding any provision in this Act exempting Contractor, Contractor hereby agrees to comply with all provisions of the Act relating to the discharge of hazardous chemicals on the job site. Contractor fully agrees that Contractor, Contractor’s employees, and subcontractors shall not discharge such chemicals on the job site which will result in the discharge of such chemicals, and shall, upon completion of performance of all other duties under this contract, remove all supplies, materials and waste remaining on the job site which if exposed, could result in the discharge of such chemicals. Contractor shall be financially responsible for compliance with Proposition 65. Contractor shall also comply with state of California anti-smoking laws which, in part, prohibit smoking in the workplace and enclosed areas. Should Contractor, Contractor’s employees, or subcontractors or their employees fail to comply, within 24 hours from the time City issues and Contractor receives a written notice of non-compliance or within the time of an abatement period specified by any government agency, whichever period is shorter, City may give notice of default to Contractor, and at the City’s option, elect any and all rights or remedies set forth in this agreement. THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THIS PROPOSAL STATEMENT SHALL ALSO CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THOSE STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS WHICH ARE A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL. 99 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 60 ADDENDA ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM Bidder’s Name: ____________________________________ The Bidder shall signify receipt of all Addenda here, if any: Addendum Number Date Received Signature If there are more Addenda than there is room in the chart above, attach another page acknowledging receipt of the Addenda. THE BIDDER'S EXECUTION ON THE SIGNATURE PORTION OF THIS PROPOSAL STATEMENT SHALL ALSO CONSTITUTE AN ENDORSEMENT AND EXECUTION OF THOSE STATEMENTS CERTIFICATIONS WHICH ARE A PART OF THIS PROPOSAL. 100 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 61 CITY OF MOORPARK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION Documents for Execution by Successful Bidder FOR PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. C0020 SPECIFICATION NO. MPK 21-03 FEDERAL AID NO. HSIPL-5436(018) 101 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 62 LIST OF DOCUMENTS FOR EXECUTION BY SUCCESSFUL BIDDER Typical Agreement ......................................................................................... Page 63 Bond for Faithful Performance ....................................................................... Page 84 Form to Accompany Bond for Faithful Performance ...................................... Page 86 Bond for Material Suppliers and Laborers ...................................................... Page 87 Form to Accompany Bond for Material Suppliers and Laborers ..................... Page 89 Worker’s Compensation Insurance Certificate ............................................... Page 90 General Liability Special Endorsement........................................................... Page 91 Automobile Liability Special Endorsement ..................................................... Page 92 DUNS Number ............................................................................................... Page 93 102 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 63 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MOORPARK AND ___________________________________________, FOR THE PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, SPECIFICATION NO. MPK 21-03, FEDERAL AID NO. HSIPL-5436(018) THIS AGREEMENT, is made and effective as of this day of , 2021, between the City of Moorpark, a municipal corporation (“City”) and , a (“Contractor”). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: WHEREAS, City has the need for construction services related to ; and WHEREAS, Contractor specializes in providing such services and has the proper work experience, certifications, and background to carry out the duties involved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City at a meeting held on the day of , 2021, authorized the City Manager to enter into this Agreement after public bidding in accordance with California Public Code Section 20160, et seq. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, benefits, and premises herein stated, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. TERM The term of the Agreement shall be from the date of execution to completion of the work identified in the Scope of Services and in conformance with Exhibit B, unless this Agreement is terminated or suspended as referred to herein. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES City does hereby retain Contractor in a contractual capacity to provide construction services related to , as set forth in Exhibit B: Contractor’s Bid Proposal, dated , which exhibit is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full and hereinafter referred to as the “Proposal” and as set forth in Exhibit B, which include (i) Standard Specifications; (ii) Special Provisions; (iii) Workers’ Compensation Insurance Certificate (Labor Code 1860 and 1861); (iv) Payment and Performance Bonds; and (v) Insurance Certificate for General Liability and Automobile Liability, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full and hereinafter referred to as Exhibit A. Where said Scope of Services is modified by this Agreement, or in the event there is a conflict between the provisions of said Scope of Services and this Agreement, the language contained in this Agreement shall take precedence. Contractor shall perform the tasks described and set forth in Exhibit B and Exhibit , both of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as 103 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 64 though set forth in full. Contractor shall complete the tasks according to the schedule of performance which is also set forth in Exhibit B. Compensation for the services to be performed by Contractor shall be in accordance with Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. Compensation shall not exceed the rates or total value of dollars ($ ) as stated in Exhibit B, without the written authorization of the City Manager. Payment by City to Contractor shall be as referred to in this Agreement. City and Contractor acknowledge that this project is a public work to which prevailing wages apply. Contractor agrees to comply with and be bound by all the terms, rules and regulations described in (a) Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1720) of the California Labor Code, including without limitation Labor Code Section 1771 and (b) the rules and regulations established by the Director of Industrial Relations implementing such statutes, as though set forth in full herein, including any applicable amendments made thereto during the term of this Agreement. For every subcontractor who will perform work on this project, Contractor shall be responsible for subcontractor’s compliance with (a) and (b), and Contractor shall take all necessary actions to ensure subcontractor’s compliance. 3. PERFORMANCE Contractor shall, at all times, faithfully, competently, and to the best of Contractor’s ability, experience, and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Contractor shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. MANAGEMENT The individual directly responsible for Contractor’s overall performance of the Agreement provisions herein above set forth and to serve as principal liaison between City and Contractor shall be , and no other individual may be substituted without the prior written approval of the City Manager. The City’s contact person in charge of administration of this Agreement, and to serve as principal liaison between Contractor and City, shall be the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee. 5. PAYMENT The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit , attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. This amount shall not exceed dollars ($ ) for the total term of the Agreement, unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement. 104 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 65 Contractor shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement, which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager. Contractor shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Contractor at the time City’s written authorization is given to Contractor for the performance of said services. The City Manager, if authorized by City Council, may approve additional work not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the amount of the Agreement. Contractor shall submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted on or about the first business day of each month, or as soon thereafter as practical, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non-disputed fees. If the City disputes any of Contractor’s fees, it shall give written notice to Contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. Contractor shall provide appropriate documentation, as determined by the City, for all reimbursable expenses. 6. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION WITHOUT CAUSE The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend, or terminate this Agreement, or any portions hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. The Contractor may terminate this Agreement only by providing City with written notice no less than thirty (30) days in advance of such termination. In the event of such termination, Contractor shall be compensated for such services up to the date of termination. Such compensation for work in progress shall be prorated as to the percentage of progress completed at the date of termination. If the City Manager, or the City Manager’s designee, determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, the City may proceed in the manner set forth in Section 6-4 of the Greenbook. 7. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR The Contractor’s failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the 105 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 66 Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor’s control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. If the City Manager, or the City Manager’s designee, determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, he/she shall cause to be served upon the Contractor a written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have five (5) working days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 8. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES If the Contractor fails to complete the work, or any portion thereof, within the time period required by this Agreement or as duly extended in writing by the City Manager, Contractor shall forfeit and pay to the City, as liquidated damages, the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per day for each calendar day the work, or portion thereof, remains uncompleted after the above specified completion date. Liquidated damages shall be deducted from any payments due or to become due to the Contractor under the terms of this Agreement [Government Code Sec. 53069.85]. Progress payments made by the City after the above specified completion date shall not constitute a waiver of liquidated damages by the City. 9. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts, and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Contractor shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Contractor shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records; shall give the City the right to examine and audit said books and records; shall permit City to make transcripts therefrom as necessary; and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings, and activities related to this Agreement. Notification of audit shall be provided at least thirty (30) days before any such audit is conducted. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of ten (10) years after receipt of final payment. Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and 106 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 67 may be used, reused, or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Contractor. With respect to computer files, Contractor shall make available to the City, at the Contractor’s office and upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring, and printing computer files. 10. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS Contractor hereby assumes liability for and agrees to defend (at Indemnitees’ option), indemnify, protect, and hold harmless City and its Project Contractors, and engineers, officers, agents, and employees (“Indemnitees”) from and against any and all claims, charges, damages, demands, actions, proceedings, losses, stop notices, costs, expenses (including attorneys’ fees), judgments, civil fines and penalties, liabilities of any kind or nature whatsoever, which may be sustained or suffered by or secured against the Indemnitees arising out of or encountered in connection with this Agreement or the performance of the work including, but not limited to, death of or bodily injury to persons or damage to property, including property owned by or under the care and custody of City, and for civil fines and penalties, that may arise from or be caused, in whole or in part, by any negligent or other act or omission of Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors including but not limited to, liability arising from: a) Any dangerous, hazardous, unsafe, or defective condition of, in or on the premises, of any nature whatsoever, which may exist by reason of any act, omission, neglect, or any use or occupation of the premises by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors; b) Any operation conducted upon or any use or occupation of the premises by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors under or pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement or otherwise; c) Any act, omission, or negligence of Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors; d) Any failure of Contractor, its officers, agents, or employees to comply with any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or any applicable federal, state, regional, or municipal law, ordinance, rule or regulation; and e) The conditions, operations, uses, occupations, acts, omissions, or negligence referred to in Subsections a, b, c, and d, existing or conducted upon or arising from the use or occupation by Contractor on any other premises in the care, custody and control of City. The Contractor also agrees to indemnify City and pay for all damage or loss suffered by City including but not limited to damage to or loss of City property, to the extent not insured by City and loss of City revenue from any source, caused by or 107 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 68 arising out of the conditions, operations, uses, occupations, acts, omissions or negligence referred to in Subsections a, b, c, d, and e. Contractor’s obligations under this Section apply regardless of whether or not such claim, charge, damage, demand, action, proceeding, loss, stop notice, cost, expense, judgment, civil fine or penalty, or liability was caused in part or contributed to by an Indemnitee. However, without affecting the rights of City under any provision of this Agreement, Contractor shall not be required to indemnify and hold harmless City for liability attributable to the active negligence of City, provided such active negligence is determined by agreement between the parties or by the findings of a court of competent jurisdiction. In instances where City is shown to have been actively negligent and where City’s active negligence accounts for only a percentage of the liability involved, the obligation of Contractor will be for that entire portion or percentage of liability not attributable to the active negligence of City. Contractor agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth here in this Section from each and every subcontractor or any other person or entity involved by, for, with, or on behalf of Contractor in the performance of this Agreement. In the event Contractor fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required here, Contractor agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this Section. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth here is binding on the successors, assigns, or heirs of Contractor and shall survive the termination of this Agreement or Section. This Indemnity shall survive termination of the Agreement or Final Payment hereunder. This Indemnity is in addition to any other rights or remedies that the Indemnitees may have under the law or under any other Contract Documents or Agreements. In the event of any claim or demand made against any party which is entitled to be indemnified hereunder, City may, in its sole discretion, reserve, retain, or apply any monies to the Contractor under this Agreement for the purpose of resolving such claims; provided, however, City may release such funds if the Contractor provides City with reasonable assurance of protection of the Indemnitees’ interests. City shall, in its sole discretion, determine whether such assurances are reasonable. 11. INSURANCE Contractor shall maintain, prior to the beginning of and for the duration of this Agreement, insurance coverage as specified in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. 12. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 108 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 69 Contractor is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent Contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement, on behalf of Contractor, shall at all times be under Contractor’s exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, or agents shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor’s officers, employees, or agents, except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees, or agents are in any manner officers, employees, or agents of the City. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability against City, or bind City in any manner. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 13. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Contractor shall keep itself informed of local, state, and federal laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Contractor to comply with this Section. 14. ANTI DISCRIMINATION Neither the Contractor, nor any subcontractor under the Contractor, shall discriminate in employment of persons upon the work because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, or gender of such person, except as provided in Section 12940 of the Government Code. The Contractor shall have responsibility for compliance with this Section [Labor Code Section 1735]. 15. UNDUE INFLUENCE Contractor declares and warrants that no undue influence or pressure is used against or in concert with any officer or employee of the City in connection with the award, terms, or implementation of this Agreement, including any method of coercion, confidential financial arrangement, or financial inducement. No officer or employee of the City will receive compensation, directly or indirectly from Contractor, or any officer, employee, or agent of Contractor, in connection with the award of this Agreement or any work to be conducted as a result of this Agreement. Violation of this Section shall be a material breach of this Agreement entitling the City to any and all remedies at law or in equity. 109 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 70 16. NO BENEFIT TO ARISE TO LOCAL EMPLOYEES No member, officer, or employee of the City, or their designees or agents, and no public official who exercises authority over or responsibilities with respect to the Project during his/her tenure or for one (1) year thereafter, shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in any agreement or sub-agreement, or the proceeds thereof, for work to be performed in connection with the Project performed under this Agreement. 17. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Contractor covenants that neither they nor any officer or principal of their firm have any interests, nor shall they acquire any interest, directly or indirectly, which will conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of their services hereunder. Contractor further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement, they shall employ no person having such interest as an officer, employee, agent, or subcontractor. Contractor further covenants that Contractor has not contracted with nor is performing any services directly or indirectly, with the developer(s) and/or property owner(s) and/or firm(s) and/or partnership(s) and/or public agency(ies) owning property and/or processing an entitlement application for property in the City or its Area of Interest, now or within the past one (1) year, and further covenants and agrees that Contractor and/or its subcontractors shall provide no service or enter into any contract with any developer(s) and/or property owner(s) and/or firm(s) and/or partnership(s) and/or public agency(ies) owning property and/or processing an entitlement application for property in the City or its Area of Interest, while under contract with the City and for a one (1) year time period following termination of this Agreement. 18. NOTICE Any notice to be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing, and all such notices and any other document to be delivered shall be delivered by personal service or by deposit in the United States mail, certified or registered, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid, and addressed to the party for whom intended as follows: To: City Manager City of Moorpark 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, California 93021 To: Either party may, from time to time, by written notice to the other, designate a different address or contact person, which shall be substituted for the one above specified. Notices, payments and other documents shall be deemed delivered upon 110 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 71 receipt by personal service or as of the third (3rd) day after deposit in the United States mail. 19. CHANGE IN NAME Should a change be contemplated in the name or nature of the Contractor’s legal entity, the Contractor shall first notify the City in order that proper steps may be taken to have the change reflected in the Agreement documents. 20. ASSIGNMENT Contractor shall not assign this Agreement or any of the rights, duties, or obligations hereunder. It is understood and acknowledged by the parties that Contractor is uniquely qualified to perform the services provided for in this Agreement. 21. LICENSES At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services in this Agreement. 22. VENUE AND GOVERNING LAW This Agreement is made, entered into, and executed in Ventura County, California, and any action filed in any court or for arbitration for the interpretation, enforcement or other action of the terms, conditions, or covenants referred to herein shall be filed in the applicable court in Ventura County, California. The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. 23. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations, and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party’s own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 24. CAPTIONS OR HEADINGS The captions and headings of the various Articles, Paragraphs, Sections, and Exhibits of this Agreement are for convenience and identification only and shall not be 111 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 72 deemed to limit or define the content of the respective Articles, Paragraphs, Sections, and Exhibits hereof. 25. AMENDMENTS Any amendment, modification, or variation from the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be effective only upon approval by both parties to this Agreement. 26. TIME OF COMPLETION City and Contractor agree that time is of the essence in this Agreement. City and Contractor further agree that Contractor’s failure to perform on or at the times set forth in this Agreement will damage and injure City, but the extent of such damage and injury is difficult or speculative to ascertain. Consequently, City and Contractor agree that any failure to perform by Contractor at or within the times set forth herein shall result in liquidated damages as defined in this Agreement for each and every day such performance is late. City and Contractor agree that such sum is reasonable and fair. Furthermore, City and Contractor agree that this Agreement is subject to Government Code Section 53069.85 and that each party hereto is familiar with and understands the obligations of said Section of the Government Code. 27. PRECEDENCE Contractor is bound by the contents of City’s Bid Package and Proposal, Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. In the event of conflict, the requirements of the City’s Bid Package and this Agreement shall take precedence over those contained in the Proposal. 28. INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT Should interpretation of this Agreement, or any portion thereof, be necessary, it is deemed that this Agreement was prepared by the parties jointly and equally, and shall not be interpreted against either party on the ground that the party prepared the Agreement or caused it to be prepared. 29. WAIVER No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed, or shall constitute, a waiver of any other provision, whether or not similar, nor shall any such waiver constitute a continuing or subsequent waiver of the same provision. No waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party making the waiver. 30. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE The person, or persons, executing this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor warrants and represents that he/she has the authority to execute this Agreement on 112 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 73 behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of obligations hereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF MOORPARK By: __________________________ By:__________________________ Troy Brown, City Manager Title: Attest: _____________________________ Ky Spangler, City Clerk 113 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 74 EXHIBIT A INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, Contractor will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. Contractor will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, it will be amended to do so. Contractor acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this Agreement and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to the City. Contractor shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: 1. Commercial General Liability Commercial General Liability Insurance shall be provided by an Insurance Services Office “Commercial General Liability” policy form CG 00 01 or the exact equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion for claims or suits by one insured against another. Limits shall be no less than $5,000,000 per occurrence for all covered losses and no less than $10,000,000 general aggregate. Contractor’s policy shall contain no endorsements limiting coverage beyond the basic policy coverage grant for any of the following: a. Explosion, collapse or underground hazard (XCU) b. Products and completed operations c. Pollution liability d. Contractual liability Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of contractors, subcontractors, or others involved in the project. Policy shall be endorsed to provide a separate limit applicable to this project. 2. Workers’ Compensation Workers’ Compensation insurance shall be provided on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employers’ liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident for all covered losses. 114 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 75 3. Business Auto Coverage Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the exact equivalent shall be provided. Limits shall be no less than $1,000,000 per accident, combined single limit. If Contractor owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. If Contractor or Contractor’s employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Contract shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. 4. Excess or Umbrella Liability Excess or Umbrella Liability insurance (Over Primary) if used to meet limit requirements, shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for the underlying coverages. Coverage shall be provided on a “pay on behalf” basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion precluding coverage for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of contractor, subcontractors, or others involved in the Work. The scope of coverage provided is subject to the approval of city following receipt of proof of insurance as required herein. Limits are subject to review. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are admitted carriers in the state of California and with A.M. Best rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size of VII. Contractor and City agrees as follows: 1. Contractor agrees to endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees, agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition date of 1985. Contractor also agrees to require all contractors, subcontractors, and anyone else involved in any way with the project contemplated by this Agreement to do likewise. 2. Any waiver of subrogation express or implied on the part of the City to any party involved in this Agreement or related documents applies only to the extent of insurance proceeds actually paid. City, having required that it be named as an additional insured to all insurance coverage required herein, expressly retains the right to subrogate against any party for sums not paid by insurance. For its part, Contractor agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors, subcontractors, or others involved in any way with the project contemplated by this Agreement to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage maintained or procured by Contractor or required of others by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement shall be endorsed to delete the 115 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 76 subrogation condition as to the city, or to specifically allow Contractor or others providing insurance herein to waive subrogation prior to a loss. This endorsement shall be obtained regardless of existing policy wording that may appear to allow such waivers. 4. It is agreed by Contractor and City that insurance provided pursuant to these requirements is not intended by any party to be limited to providing coverage for the vicarious liability of City, or to the supervisory role, if any, of City. All insurance coverage provided pursuant to this or any other Agreement (express or implied) in any way relating to City is intended to apply to the full extent of the policies involved. Nothing referred to here or contained in any agreement involving City in relation to the project contemplated by this Agreement is intended to be construed to limit the application of insurance coverage in any way. 5. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification, and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Contractor shall not make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discover period) that may affect City’s protection without City’s prior written consent. 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of binders of coverage, or endorsements, or certificates of insurance, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled or reduced at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other Agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Contractor or deducted from sums due Contractor, at City option. 8. Contractor agrees to endorse, and to required others to endorse, the insurance provided pursuant to these requirements, to require 30 days notice to City and the appropriate tender prior to cancellation or reduction of such liability coverage and notice of any material alteration or non-renewal of any such coverage, and to require contractors, subcontractors, and any other party in any way involved with the project contemplated by this Agreement to do likewise. 9. It is acknowledged by the parties of this Agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Contractor or any subcontractor, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by 116 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 77 Contractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary non-contributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance available to the City. 10. Contractor agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project who is brought onto or involved in the project by Contractor, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Contractor. Contractor agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this Agreement. Contractor agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in this project will be submitted to City for review. 11. Contractor agrees that all layers of third party liability coverage required herein, primary, umbrella and excess, will have the same starting and expiration date. Contractor agrees further that all other third party coverages required herein will likewise have concurrent starting and ending dates. 12. Contractor agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, architect, engineer, or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of Work on the project contemplated by this Agreement to self-insure its obligations to City. If Contractor’s existing coverage includes a deductible or self-insured retention, the deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Contractor, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self-insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 13. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of this Agreement to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Contractor 90 days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Contractor, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. 14. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, all contracts pertaining to the project will be deemed to be executed when finalized and any activity commences in furtherance of performance under this Agreement. 15. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Contractor of non-compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. 16. Contractor will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuance to this Agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the Agreement is canceled 117 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 78 or terminated for any reason. The insurance shall include but not be limited to products and completed operations and discontinued operations, where applicable. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 17. Contractor agrees to waive its statutory immunity under any workers’ compensation statute or similar statute, in relation to the City, and to require all subcontractors and any other person or entity involved in the project contemplated by this Agreement to do likewise. 18. Requirements of specific coverage features are not intended as limitations on other requirements or as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be all-inclusive. 19. Any provision in any of the construction documents dealing with the insurance coverage provided pursuant to these requirements, is subordinate to and superseded by the requirements contained herein. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this Agreement and are intended by the parties to be interpreted as such. 20. All liability coverage provided according to these requirements must be endorsed to provide a separate aggregate limit for the project that is the subject of this Agreement and evidencing products and completed operations coverage for not less than two years after issuance of a final certificate of occupancy by all appropriate government agencies or acceptance of the completed work by City. 21. Contractor agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to change City or Contractor for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this Agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. 22. Contractor agrees to obtain and provide to City a copy of Professional Liability coverage for Architects or Engineers on this project through Contractor. City shall determine the liability limit. 118 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 79 EXHIBIT B PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 9204 9204. (a) The Legislature finds and declares that it is in the best interests of the state and its citizens to ensure that all construction business performed on a public works project in the state that is complete and not in dispute is paid in full and in a timely manner. (b) Notwithstanding any other law, including, but not limited to, Article 7.1 (commencing with Section 10240) of Chapter 1 of Part 2, Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 19100) of Part 2, and Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 20104) of Chapter 1 of Part 3, this section shall apply to any claim by a contractor in connection with a public works project. (c) For purposes of this section: (1) “Claim” means a separate demand by a contractor sent by registered mail or certified mail with return receipt requested, for one or more of the following: (A) A time extension, including, without limitation, for relief from damages or penalties for delay assessed by a public entity under a contract for a public works project. (B) Payment by the public entity of money or damages arising from work done by, or on behalf of, the contractor pursuant to the contract for a public works project and payment for which is not otherwise expressly provided or to which the claimant is not otherwise entitled. (C) Payment of an amount that is disputed by the public entity. (2) “Contractor” means any type of contractor within the meaning of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code who has entered into a direct contract with a public entity for a public works project. (3) (A) “Public entity” means, without limitation, except as provided in subparagraph (B), a state agency, department, office, division, bureau, board, or commission, the California State University, the University of California, a city, including a charter city, county, including a charter county, city and county, including a charter city and county, district, special district, public authority, political subdivision, public corporation, or nonprofit transit corporation wholly owned by a public agency and formed to carry out the purposes of the public agency. (B) “Public entity” shall not include the following: (i) The Department of Water Resources as to any project under the jurisdiction of that department. (ii) The Department of Transportation as to any project under the jurisdiction of that department. (iii) The Department of Parks and Recreation as to any project under the jurisdiction of that department. (iv) The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation with respect to any project under its jurisdiction pursuant to Chapter 11 (commencing with Section 7000) of Title 7 of Part 3 of the Penal Code. (v) The Military Department as to any project under the jurisdiction of that department. (vi) The Department of General Services as to all other projects. (vii) The High-Speed Rail Authority. 119 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 80 (4) “Public works project” means the erection, construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of any public structure, building, road, or other public improvement of any kind. (5) “Subcontractor” means any type of contractor within the meaning of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code who either is in direct contract with a contractor or is a lower tier subcontractor. (d) (1) (A) Upon receipt of a claim pursuant to this section, the public entity to which the claim applies shall conduct a reasonable review of the claim and, within a period not to exceed 45 days, shall provide the claimant a written statement identifying what portion of the claim is disputed and what portion is undisputed. Upon receipt of a claim, a public entity and a contractor may, by mutual agreement, extend the time period provided in this subdivision. (B) The claimant shall furnish reasonable documentation to support the claim. (C) If the public entity needs approval from its governing body to provide the claimant a written statement identifying the disputed portion and the undisputed portion of the claim, and the governing body does not meet within the 45 days or within the mutually agreed to extension of time following receipt of a claim sent by registered mail or certified mail, return receipt requested, the public entity shall have up to three days following the next duly publicly noticed meeting of the governing body after the 45-day period, or extension, expires to provide the claimant a written statement identifying the disputed portion and the undisputed portion. (D) Any payment due on an undisputed portion of the claim shall be processed and made within 60 days after the public entity issues its written statement. If the public entity fails to issue a written statement, paragraph (3) shall apply. (2) (A) If the claimant disputes the public entity’s written response, or if the public entity fails to respond to a claim issued pursuant to this section within the time prescribed, the claimant may demand in writing an informal conference to meet and confer for settlement of the issues in dispute. Upon receipt of a demand in writing sent by registered mail or certified mail, return receipt requested, the public entity shall schedule a meet and confer conference within 30 days for settlement of the dispute. (B) Within 10 business days following the conclusion of the meet and confer conference, if the claim or any portion of the claim remains in dispute, the public entity shall provide the claimant a written statement identifying the portion of the claim that remains in dispute and the portion that is undisputed. Any payment due on an undisputed portion of the claim shall be processed and made within 60 days after the public entity issues its written statement. Any disputed portion of the claim, as identified by the contractor in writing, shall be submitted to nonbinding mediation, with the public entity and the claimant sharing the associated costs equally. The public entity and claimant shall mutually agree to a mediator within 10 business days after the disputed portion of the claim has been identified in writing. If the parties cannot agree upon a mediator, each party shall select a mediator and those mediators shall select a qualified neutral third party to mediate with regard to the disputed portion of the claim. Each party shall bear the fees and costs charged by its respective mediator in connection with the selection of the neutral mediator. If mediation is unsuccessful, the parts of the claim remaining in dispute shall be subject to applicable procedures outside this section. 120 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 81 (C) For purposes of this section, mediation includes any nonbinding process, including, but not limited to, neutral evaluation or a dispute review board, in which an independent third party or board assists the parties in dispute resolution through negotiation or by issuance of an evaluation. Any mediation utilized shall conform to the timeframes in this section. (D) Unless otherwise agreed to by the public entity and the contractor in writing, the mediation conducted pursuant to this section shall excuse any further obligation under Section 20104.4 to mediate after litigation has been commenced. (E) This section does not preclude a public entity from requiring arbitration of disputes under private arbitration or the Public Works Contract Arbitration Program, if mediation under this section does not resolve the parties’ dispute. (3) Failure by the public entity to respond to a claim from a contractor within the time periods described in this subdivision or to otherwise meet the time requirements of this section shall result in the claim being deemed rejected in its entirety. A claim that is denied by reason of the public entity’s failure to have responded to a claim, or its failure to otherwise meet the time requirements of this section, shall not constitute an adverse finding with regard to the merits of the claim or the responsibility or qualifications of the claimant. (4) Amounts not paid in a timely manner as required by this section shall bear interest at 7 percent per annum. (5) If a subcontractor or a lower tier subcontractor lacks legal standing to assert a claim against a public entity because privity of contract does not exist, the contractor may present to the public entity a claim on behalf of a subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor. A subcontractor may request in writing, either on his or her own behalf or on behalf of a lower tier subcontractor, that the contractor present a claim for work which was performed by the subcontractor or by a lower tier subcontractor on behalf of the subcontractor. The subcontractor requesting that the claim be presented to the public entity shall furnish reasonable documentation to support the claim. Within 45 days of receipt of this written request, the contractor shall notify the subcontractor in writing as to whether the contractor presented the claim to the public entity and, if the original contractor did not present the claim, provide the subcontractor with a statement of the reasons for not having done so. (e) The text of this section or a summary of it shall be set forth in the plans or specifications for any public works project that may give rise to a claim under this section. (f) A waiver of the rights granted by this section is void and contrary to public policy, provided, however, that (1) upon receipt of a claim, the parties may mutually agree to waive, in writing, mediation and proceed directly to the commencement of a civil action or binding arbitration, as applicable; and (2) a public entity may prescribe reasonable change order, claim, and dispute resolution procedures and requirements in addition to the provisions of this section, so long as the contractual provisions do not conflict with or otherwise impair the timeframes and procedures set forth in this section. (g) This section applies to contracts entered into on or after January 1, 2017. (h) Nothing in this section shall impose liability upon a public entity that makes loans or grants available through a competitive application process, for the failure of an awardee to meet its contractual obligations. 121 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 82 (i) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2020, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted statute, that is enacted before January 1, 2020, deletes or extends that date. (Added by Stats. 2016, Ch. 810, Sec. 1. (AB 626) Effective January 1, 2017. Repealed as of January 1, 2020, by its own provisions.) 122 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 83 EXHIBIT C REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS FOR FEDERAL-AID CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS Refer to Local Assistance Procedures Manual, Exhibit 12-G, or Appendix B of the Project Specifications. Provisions of the required Local Assistance Federal-Aid contract language will be made part of the Contract Agreement and will be referenced as Exhibit C. 123 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 84 BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND NO. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor” as principal, and hereinafter referred to as “Surety,” are held and firmly bound unto the City of Moorpark, California, hereinafter referred to as “City”, or “Obligee” in the sum of _________________________ dollars ($_________ ), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. This condition of the foregoing obligation is such that: WHEREAS, said Contractor has been awarded and is about to enter into the annexed Contract with the City of Moorpark, California, for the construction of the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project, and is required by said City to give this bond in connection with the execution of said Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, if said Contractor shall well and truly do and perform all the covenants and obligations of said Contract to be done and performed at the time and in the manner specified herein, then this obligation shall be null and void one year after date of recordation of Notice of Completion by City of the completed work; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect, and Surety shall cause the Contract to be fully performed or to pay to obligee the cost of performing said Contract in an amount not exceeding the said sum above specified, and shall also, in case suit is brought upon this bond, pay to obligee court costs and a reasonable attorney’s fee, to be fixed by the court. 124 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 85 BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE (cont’d) IT IS FUTHER PROVIDED, that any alterations in the work to be done or the material to be furnished shall not in any way release the Contractor or the Surety there under, nor shall any extension of time granted under the provisions of the Contract release either the Contractor of the Surety; and notice of such alterations or extensions of the Contract is hereby waived by the Surety. WITNESS our hands this day of , 2021. Contractor By Title By Title Surety By 125 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 86 FORM TO ACCOMPANY BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ) SS. CITY OF ) On this day of , 2021, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , Personally known to be (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument; and know to be the of and the same person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the of said and the said duly acknowledged to me that he/she subscribed the name of thereto as Surety and his/her own name as . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in the certificate first above written. Notary Public in and for said County and State aforesaid. 126 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 87 BOND FOR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS AND LABORERS KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, hereinafter referred to as “Contractor” as principal, and hereinafter referred to as “Surety,” are held and firmly bound unto the City of Moorpark, California, hereinafter referred to as “City”, or “Obligee” in the sum of dollars ($ ), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The Condition of the foregoing obligation is such that: WHEREAS, said Contractor has been awarded and is about to enter into the annexed Contract with the City, for the construction of Princeton Avenue Improvement Project, and is required by City to give this bond in connection with the execution of said Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, if the said principal as Contractor in said Contract or subcontractors, fails to pay for any materials, provisions, or its other supplies, or items, used in, upon, for or about the performance of the work contracted to be done, or for any work or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code with respect to such work or labor, said Surety will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sum specified above, and also, in case suit is brought upon this bond, a reasonable attorney’s fee to be fixed by the court. This bond shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons named in Section 3181 of the Civil Code of the State of California. 127 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 88 BOND FOR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS AND LABORERS IT IS FURTHER PROVIDED, that any alterations in the work to be done or the material to be furnished, which may be made pursuant to the terms of said Contract shall not in any way release either the Contractor or the Surety there under, nor shall any extensions of time granted under the provisions of said Contract release either the Contractor or the Surety; and notice of such alterations or extensions of the Contract is hereby waived by the Surety. WITNESS our hands this day of , 2021. Contractor By Title By Title Surety 128 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 89 FORM TO ACCOMPANY BOND FOR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS AND LABORERS STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ) SS. CITY OF ) On this day of , 2021, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared , Personally known to be (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument; and know to be the of and the same person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the of said and the said duly acknowledged to me that he/she subscribed the name of thereto as Surety and his/her own name as . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in the certificate first above written. Notary Public in and for said County and State aforesaid. 129 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 90 WORKER’S COMPENSATION INSURANCE CERTIFICATE Section 1860 and 1861 of the California Labor Code require every contractor to whom a public works contract is awarded to sign and file with the awarding body the following statement: “I am aware of the Provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which requires every employer to be insured against liability for Worker’s Compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Contract.” By Date: Title By Date: Title 130 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 91 INSURANCE CERTIFICATE FOR GENERAL LIABILITY Use Standard Accord Form 131 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 92 INSURANCE CERTIFICATE FOR AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Use Standard Accord Form 132 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 93 CITY OF MOORPARK DATA UNIVERSAL NUMBERING SYSTEM (D-U-N-S) NUMBER Submit this form with the Executed Contract. If you fail to submit your D-U-N-S Number, the City will not approve the contract CONTRACT NUMBER: MPK 21-03 CONTRACTOR NAME: __________________________________________________ BUSINESS ADDRESS (D-U-N-S Number Location): STREET: ______________________________________________________________ CITY: _________________________________________________________________ STATE: _______________________________________________________________ ZIP CODE: ____________________________________________________________ D-U-N-S Number: _______________________ Contact Name: ________________________________________________________ Telephone No: ________________________________________________________ 133 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 94 CITY OF MOORPARK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. C0020 SPECIFICATION NO. MPK 21-03 FEDERAL AID NO. HSIPL-5436(018) 134 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 95 CITY OF MOORPARK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 0-1 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Except as hereinafter provided, the provisions of the latest edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC), and all supplements thereto, prepared and promulgated by the Greenbook Committee of Public Works Standards Inc., formerly the Southern California Chapter of the American Public Works Association and the Associated General Contractors of America, and the following modifications thereto are established as the Standard Specifications for the City. They will be referred to in the Special Provisions as the “Standard Specifications.” SECTION 1 – GENERAL 1-2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS 1-2.1 Additional Definitions Acceptance – The formal written acceptance by the City of the completed project. Agency/City – City of Moorpark. Approved Equal – or words of the like refer to a material which has been approved by the City Engineer as similar and equal in all respects and acceptable for use in lieu of the particular materials as specified herein. No “approved equal” material shall be used in any of the work unless to use same is first obtained in writing from the City Engineer. The City reserves the right to reject any and all materials, either before or after installation that are not as specified or approved by the City Engineer in writing. In all cases where propriety articles are specified, it is the intent of these specifications to permit the use of approved equals, unless specifically prohibited. Requests for “approved equal” status for proposed substitutions shall be submitted within fifteen (15) days after the award of the Contract. Such requests shall include substantiating data and the proposed credit to the Contract price for the use of such substitution, should it be approved. Approved, Required, Directed – or words of similar import, refer to and indicate that the work or materials shall be “approved”, “required” or “directed” by the City of Moorpark or its duly authorized representative. Bid – That document included in the Proposal setting forth the performance prices for the work. 135 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 96 City Council – The body constituting the awarding authority of the City. Department – Public Works Department, City of Moorpark. Due Notice – A written notification, given in due time, of a proposed action where such notification is required by the Contract to be given a specified interval of time (usually 48-hours or two working days) prior to the commencement of the contemplated action. Notifications may be from City to Contractor or from Contractor to City. Engineer – The City Engineer of the City of Moorpark. Laboratory - Any laboratory of a public agency or any recognized commercial testing laboratory approved by the City. Prompt – The briefest interval of time required for a considered reply, including the time required for approval by a governing body. Proposal – Includes all those documents which must be submitted by bidder in order to be awarded the Contract. 1-3 ABBREVIATIONS 1-3.3.1 Institutions AAN American Association of Nurserymen ACI American Concrete Institute AGC Associated General Contractors of America AISC American Institute of Steel Construction APCD Air Pollution Control District APWA American Public Works Association ASA American Standards Association ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials CAL-OSHA California Occupational Safety & Health Administration CALTRANS California Department of Transportation CITY City of Moorpark CRSI Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute DISTRICT Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1 IEEE Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineer NEC National Electrical Code NFPA National Fire Protection Association RSRPD Rancho Simi Recreation and Parks District SSPWC Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, latest edition, prepared by the Greenbook Committee of Public Works Standards, Inc., formerly the Southern California Chapters of ACG and APWA 136 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 97 SSS State of California, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications, latest edition VCTC Ventura County Transportation Commission VCWPD Ventura County Watershed Protection District SECTION 2 – SCOPE OF THE WORK 2-2 PERMITS 2-2.1 City Encroachment Permit A City Encroachment Permit is required to work within public right-of-way and will be issued at no cost to the Contractor. 2-2.2 Caltrans Encroachment Permit When work is proposed within State of California Department of Transportation right-of-way, the City will obtain an Encroachment Permit. However, after contract award, the Contractor shall obtain and pay for an Encroachment Permit Rider at the State of California Department of Transportation, District 07, Office of Permits, 100 South Main Street, MS 9, Los Angeles, CA 90012. The Contractor will need to show evidence of possessing bonding that meets the requirements of the State of California Department of Transportation. Such bonding costs will be at Contractor's expense. 2-2.3 Other Encroachment Permits When work occurs in the right-of-way of other entities, the Contractor shall obtain and pay, as required, for an encroachment permit from that entity. SECTION 3 – CONTROL OF THE WORK 3-1 CONTRACT ASSIGNMENT The bidder shall not in whole or in part, assign, transfer, convey, or otherwise dispose of the Contract, or its right, title or interest, or its power to execute such a Contract to any individual or business entity of any kind without the previous written consent of the City. 3-7 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 3-7.1.1 Accuracy of Specifications The specifications and the plans for this project are believed by the City to be accurate and to contain neither misrepresentation nor any concealment of any material fact. Bidders are cautioned to undertake an independent analysis of any materials, test data and results, if any, in the specifications. City does not 137 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 98 guarantee the accuracy of any interpretations of test data and results contained in the specifications. Bidder and all subcontractors named in the Proposal shall bear sole responsibility for bid errors resulting from misstatements or omissions in the plans and specifications which would have been ascertained by examining either the project site or the test data and results, if any, in the City’s possession. Although the effect of ambiguities or defects in the plans and specifications will be as determined by law, any patent ambiguity or defect shall give rise to a duty of the bidder to inquire prior to bid submission. Failure to so inquire shall cause any such ambiguity to be construed against the bidder and/or a waiver of any defect by the bidder. An ambiguity or defect shall be considered patent if it is of such a nature that the bidder assuming reasonable skill, ability, and diligence, knew or should have known of the existence of the ambiguity or defect. Furthermore, failure of the bidder or subcontractors to notify City in writing of bid specifications or plans defects or ambiguities prior to bid submission shall waive any right to assert said defects or ambiguities subsequent to submission of the bid. To the extent that these specifications continue performance specifications, the City shall not be liable for costs incurred by the successful bidder to achieve the project’s objective or standard beyond the amounts provided therefore in the bid. In the event that any dispute arises after awarding the bid as a result of any actual or alleged ambiguity or defect in the plans and/or specifications, or over any other matter whatsoever, Contractor shall immediately notify City in writing. Contractor and all subcontractors shall continue to perform whether or not the ambiguity or defect is major, material, minor and trivial and whether or not a change order, time extension, or additional compensation has been granted by the City. Failure to provide such written notice within one working day of Contractor becoming aware of the facts giving rise to the dispute shall constitute a waiver of the right to assert the causative role of the defect or ambiguity in the plans or specifications concerning the dispute. 3-8 SUBMITTALS 3-8.7 Bidders Required to Make Investigations Bidders are required to make their own investigations and their own estimates of the site. It is not intended nor to be inferred that the specifications are or constitute any representation of warranty, express or implied, by the City of Moorpark or any officer or employee, thereof, that any conditions which may seem to be indicated by the specifications actually exist or are to be relied upon either with reference to site or subsoil conditions, the presence or absence of groundwater, or otherwise. The bidder to whom this Contract is awarded covenants and agrees by execution of Contract that the specifications do not 138 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 99 constitute any warranty or representation, express or implied, respecting actual conditions which will be encountered by the Contractor in performance of the Contract and that the Contractor cannot and does not rely thereon and shall not be relieved of liability under the Contract. Neither the City nor any officer or employee thereof shall be liable to the Contractor as a result of any difference or variance between conditions suggested or seemingly indicated by the specifications of the work or otherwise. It is the overriding purpose and intent of the parties that the Contractor assumes all risks in connection with performance of the work in accordance with the contract documents regardless of any such difference or variance. The Contractor forever and irrevocably waives, relinquishes and releases any claims, rights, demands, damages, actions and causes of action in connection therewith against the City of Moorpark and its officers and employees. 3-8.8 Additional Investigations Required Prior to bid submittal, the Contractor must perform an independent site investigation and by the bid represents that the Contractor has accomplished and is satisfied as to the result of the investigation required under these Bid Terms and Conditions. In addition thereto, the Contractor has investigated all other general and local conditions pertaining to the work to be performed, the site of the work and adjacent and nearby areas, including, but not limited to, those relating to transportation, the disposal, handling and storage of materials, availability of labor, water, electrical power, road and uncertainties of weather, all other physical conditions at and near the site of the work to be performed by the Contractor, including the conformation and conditions of the ground, and the character of equipment and facilities needed prior to and during prosecution of the work. The bidder to whom this Contract is awarded covenants and agrees by execution of the Contract that the Contractor neither has nor shall have any claim, demand, action or cause of action against the City of Moorpark, or any officer or employee thereof, on account of or in respect to any such conditions, whether or not the same are ascertained or known by the Contractor. It is the sole responsibility of the Contractor to estimate properly the difficulties to be encountered in providing necessary labor, quantities of material, and the cost of successfully performing the Contractors work in conformity with the contract documents. Neither the City of Moorpark nor any officer or employee thereof shall be responsible to the Contractor, nor shall any claim, demand, action or cause or action exist or arise in favor of the Contractor, on account of any oral statement or alleged representation made by the City of Moorpark, or any officer or employee thereof, in respect to any of the foregoing matters. 3-12 WORK SITE MAINTENANCE 3-12.2.1 Additional Air Pollution Control Requirement 139 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 100 The Contractor shall comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 7401 et. seq.) as amended. The Contractor shall comply with Ventura County Air Pollution Control District Rule 55, Fugitive Dust (see Appendix E). Violations will be reported to the appropriate authorities. 3-12.3.1 Noise Control Requirements The Contractor shall comply with all local sound control and noise level rules, regulations, and ordinances, which apply to any work performed pursuant to the Contract. Each internal combustion engine used for any purpose on the job, or related to the job, shall be equipped with a muffler of a type recommended by the manufacturer. No internal combustion engine shall be operated on the project without such muffler. The noise level from the Contractor's operations, between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., shall not exceed a maximum of 50 dba at a distance of 50 feet from the source. This requirement in no way relieves the Contractor from responsibility for complying with local ordinances regulating the noise level. Said noise level requirement shall apply to all equipment on the job or related to the job, including but not limited to trucks, transit mixers or transient equipment that may or may not be owned by the Contractor. The use of loud signals shall be avoided in favor of light warnings except those required by safety laws for the protection of personnel. Full compensation for conforming to the requirements of this section shall be considered as included in the prices paid for the various contract items of work involved and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 3-13 COMPLETION, ACCEPTANCE, AND WARRANTY 3-13.1.1 No Waiver of Legal Rights The City shall not be precluded or be stopped by any measurement, estimate, or certificate made either before or after the completion and acceptance of the Work and payment therefore from showing the true amount and character of the work performed and materials furnished by the Contractor, nor from showing that any such measurement, estimate, or certificate is untrue or is incorrectly made, nor that the work or materials do not in fact conform to the Contract. The City shall not be precluded or stopped, notwithstanding any such measurement, estimate, or certificate and payment in accordance therewith, from recovering from the Contractor or Surety, or both, for such damage as it may 140 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 101 sustain by reason of the Contractor's failure to comply with the terms of the Contract. Neither the acceptance by the Engineer or by the Engineer's representative nor any payment for or acceptance of the whole or any part of the Work, nor any extension of time, nor any possession taken by the Engineer shall operate as a waiver of any portion of the Contract or of any power herein reserved or of any right to damages. A waiver of any breach of the Contract shall not be held to be a continuing waiver or a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. 3-13.2.1 Non-Complying Work Neither the final payment nor any provision in the Contract Documents, nor partial or entire occupancy of the premises by the City, nor recordation of Notice of Completion by City shall constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance with the Contract Documents or relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any express warranties or responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. SECTION 5 – LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 5-3 LABOR 5-3.2.1 Labor Laws Labor Code Concerning Forfeiture for Worker Required to Work Excess Hours As provided in Section 1810 of the Labor Code, eight (8) hours shall constitute a legal day's work, and as required by Section 1813 of the Labor Code, the Contractor shall, as a penalty, forfeit to the City twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each worker employed in the execution of the Contract by the Contractor or by any subcontractor for each calendar day during which such worker is required or permitted to work more than eight (8) hours in any one calendar day or 40 hours in any one calendar week. Exception: Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1815, work performed by employees of the Contractor and subcontractors in excess of eight (8) hours per day or 40 hours during any one week shall be permitted upon compensation for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day at not less than 1 1/2 times the basic rate of pay. Labor Code Concerning Forfeiture for Paying Less than Prevailing Wage Rate The Contractor shall comply with all updates of the prevailing wage rates pursuant to Section 1775 of the Labor Code. In accordance with Section 1775 and subsequent amendments of the Labor Code, the Contractor shall forfeit as a penalty to the City of Moorpark, not more than $50.00 for each calendar day or 141 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 102 portion thereof, for each worker paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for such work or craft in which such worker is employed for any work done under the Contract by the Contractor or by any subcontractor in violation of the provisions of said resolution. In addition to said penalty and pursuant to the said Section 1775 and subsequent amendments, the difference between the stipulated prevailing wage rates and the amount paid to each worker for each calendar day or portion thereof for which each worker was paid less than the stipulated prevailing wage rate shall be paid to each worker by the Contractor. Any sums forfeited under the provisions of this section will be deducted from the payments under this Contract by the City of Moorpark. Attention is directed to Section 1735 of the Labor Code, which reads as follows: Neither the Contractor, nor any subcontractor under the Contractor, shall discriminate in employment of persons upon the work because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or military and veteran status of such person; or any other basis protected by applicable federal, state, or local law, except as provided in Section 12940 of the Government Code. The Contractor shall have responsibility for compliance with this Section, if applicable [Labor Code Section 1735]. Attention is directed to Sections 1101 and 1102 of the Labor Code which prohibit discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation, except as provided in Section 1102.1 of the Labor Code. Attention is also directed to the requirements of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code Sections 12900 through 12996 - Stat. 1980, Chapter 992), to the regulations promulgated by the Fair Employment and Housing Commission to implement said Act, and to the nondiscrimination, affirmative action and equal employment opportunity requirements of these Specifications. The Contractor or subcontractor shall comply with the Copeland "Anti-Kick Back" Act (18 U.S.C. 874) as supplemented in the Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR, Part 3). This act provides that each contractor or subcontractor shall not induce, by any means, any person employed in the construction, completion, or repair of public works, to give up any part of the compensation due that person. Any suspected or reported violation will be reported to the appropriate Federal Agency for proper action. Attention is directed to the provisions in Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor. The Contractor shall comply with the General Prevailing Wage determination made by the Director of Industrial Relations, pursuant to California Labor Code, Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 2. 142 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 103 Section 1777.5 requires the Contractor and subcontractors employing tradesmen in any apprenticeable occupation to apply to the joint apprenticeship committee nearest the site of the public works project and which committee administers the apprenticeship program in that trade for a certificate of approval. The certificate will also fix the hourly non-overtime ratio of apprentices to journeymen that will be used in the performance of the Contract; except for Land Surveyors in which case the ratio shall be not less than one apprentice for each five journeyman. The hourly non-overtime ratio of apprentices to journeymen in such cases shall not be less than one to five, if practicable, except: a) When unemployment in the area of coverage by the joint apprenticeship committee has exceeded an average of 15 percent in the 90 days prior to the request for certificate; or b) When the number of apprentices in training in the area exceeds a ratio of one to five; or c) When the trade can show that it is replacing at least 1/30th of its membership through apprenticeship training on an annual basis state-wide or locally; or d) If assignment of an apprentice to any work performed under a public works contract would create a condition which would jeopardize his/her life or the life, safety or property of fellow employees or the public at large, or if the specific task to which the apprentice is to be assigned is of such a nature that training cannot be provided by a journeyman; or e) Contracts of general contractors or specialty contractors not bidding for work through a general or prime contractor when the contracts involve less than thirty-thousand dollars ($30,000) or twenty (20) working days. The Contractor is required to make contributions to funds established for the administration of apprenticeship programs if the Contractor employs registered apprentices or journeymen in any apprenticeable trade on the Contract and if subcontractors on the public works site are making such contributions. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. 5-3.3.1 Payroll Documentation The Contractor's attention is directed to the following provisions of Labor Code Section 1776. The Contractor shall be responsible for compliance with these provisions, including compliance by subcontractors. 143 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 104 (a) Each Contractor and subcontractor shall keep an accurate payroll record, showing the name, address, social security number, work classification, and straight time and overtime hours worked each day and week, and the actual per diem wages paid to each journeyman, apprentice, worker, or other employee employed in connection with the public work. (b) The payroll records required under subsection (a) shall be certified and shall be available for inspection at all reasonable hours at the principal office of the Contractor on the following basis: (1) A certified copy of an employee's payroll record shall be made available for inspection or furnished to such employee or authorized representative on request. (2) A certified copy of all payroll records required in subsection (a) shall be made available for inspection or furnished upon request to a representative of the City, the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement and the Division of Apprenticeship Standards of the Department of Industrial Relations. (3) A certified copy of all payroll records required in subsection (a) or copies thereof shall be made available upon request to the public for inspection. However, a request by the public shall be made through either the City, the Division of Apprenticeship Standards, or the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement. If the requested payroll records have not been provided pursuant to paragraph (2), the requesting party shall, prior to being provided the records, reimburse the Contractor, subcontractor, or the entity through which the request was made the costs of preparation of the requested documents. The public shall not be given access to such records at the principal office of the Contractor. (c) The certified payroll records shall be on forms provided by the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement or shall contain the sample information as the forms provided by the Division. (d) Each Contractor shall file a certified copy of the records required in subsection (a) with the entity that requested such records within 10 days after receipt of a written request. (e) Any copy of records made available for inspection and furnished upon request to the public or any public agency by the City, the Division of Apprenticeship Standards or the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement shall be marked or obliterated in such a manner as to prevent disclosure of an individual's name, address and social security number. The name and address of the Contractor awarded the Contract or performing the Contract shall not be marked or obliterated. 144 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 105 (f) The Contractor shall inform the City of the location of the records required under subsection (a), including the street address, city and county, and shall, within five working days, provide the City a notice of a change of location and address. (g) In the event of noncompliance with the requirements of this section, the Contractor shall have ten (10) calendar days in which to comply with this section. Should noncompliance still exist after such 10-day period, the Contractor shall, as a penalty to the state or political subdivision on whose behalf the Contract is made or awarded, forfeit twenty-five dollars ($25) for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each worker, until strict compliance is effectuated. Upon the request of the Division of Apprenticeship Standards or the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, these penalties shall be withheld from progress payments then due SECTION 6 – PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS OF THE WORK 6-4 DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME 6-4.1.1 Work Delays If the Contractor is obstructed or delayed in the work required to be done hereunder by changes in the work or by any default, act, or omission of the City or by strikes, fire, earthquake, or any other act of God, or by the inability to obtain materials, equipment, or labor due to Federal Government restrictions arising out of defense or war programs, then the time of completion may, at the City's sole option, be extended for such periods as may be agreed upon by the City and the Contractor. 6-6 SUSPENSION OF THE WORK 6-6.3 Temporary Suspension of Work If suspension of work is ordered by reason of the failure of the Contractor to carry out orders or to perform any provisions of the Contract, or by reason of weather conditions being unsuitable for performing any items of work at Contractor's expense, shall do all the work necessary to provide a safe, smooth, and unobstructed passageway through construction for use by public traffic during the period of such suspension. In the event that the Contractor fails to perform the work above specified, the City will perform such work and the cost thereof will be deducted from monies due or to become due the Contractor. If the Engineer orders a suspension of all of the work or a portion of the work, due to unsuitable weather or to such other conditions as are considered unfavorable to the suitable prosecution of the work, the days on which the suspension is in effect shall not be considered working days. 145 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 106 If a portion of work at the time of such suspension is not a current controlling operation or operations, but subsequently does become the current controlling operation or operations, the determination of working days will be made on the basis of the then current controlling operation or operations. If a suspension of work is ordered by the Engineer due to the failure on the part of the Contractor to carry out orders given or to perform any provision of the Contract, the days on which the suspension order is in effect shall be considered working days if such days are working days. SECTION 7 - MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 7-3 PAYMENT 7-3.1.1 Final Payment All measurements and payments shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 9 of the SSPWC, "Measurement and Payment." The items of work for the project are shown in the Proposal and consist of unit price and lump sum items for payment. It is the intent of these specifications that the cost of all work shown or specified on the plans, but not specifically included in a unit price or lump sum item, shall be considered as being included in the amounts bid for the various items in the Proposal. 7-6 TERMINATION OF CITY LIABILITY Prior to receiving final payment, the Contractor shall execute a "Release on Contract" form which shall operate as, and shall be, a release of the City, the City Council and each member of the Council and their agents, from all claims and liability to the Contractor for anything done or furnished for, or relating to, the work or for any act of neglect of the City or of any person relating to or affecting the work, except the claim against the City for the remainder, if there be any, of the amounts kept or retained as provided in sub-section 9-3.2 of the SSPWC "Partial and Final Payment", and except for any unsettled claims listed on said form which have been filed in compliance with the requirements for making claims. A payment of $1.00 will be made to the Contractor for executing this document. 7-7 AFFIDAVIT OF PAYMENT Another requirement prior to receiving the final payment is that the Contractor shall file with the City Engineer the completed attached affidavit sworn to before a Notary Public stating that all workers and persons employed, all firms supplying materials and all subcontractors upon the project, have been paid in full, and that there are no bills outstanding against the project for either labor or materials except certain items, if any, to be set forth in such affidavit, covering disputed claims or items in connection with 146 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 107 which Notices to Withhold have been filed under the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure. The filing of such notarized affidavit by the Contractor is required before the City makes final payment on the Contract. SECTION 402 - UTILITIES 402-7 SCOPE OF WORK Work shall conform to the provisions in Section 5 of the SSPWC. Manhole covers, water valve covers and grates of existing facilities will be adjusted to grade by the respective utility companies if such facilities are not included in the Contract. The Contractor shall cover grates with material suitable for preventing any paving material from passing through the grate. The Contractor shall mark the location of all existing covers by inscribing a cross in the new pavement or overlay. The cross mark shall be clear and legible after final rolling. The Contractor shall remove extraneous material from the interior and exterior of manholes, valve boxes, storm drains, gutters or other facilities. Covers which are partially exposed shall be cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Immediately prior to placing asphalt emulsion, the Contractor shall wrap all utility covers in a 3 mm plastic bag. The Contractor shall take care not to allow asphalt emulsion to run onto the covers. Diesel fuel application to the covers will not be allowed. The Contractor shall contact the respective utility companies and other agencies listed below 48 hours prior to starting any work on each road by which those companies are affected. To make sure that all utility companies are aware of the proposed work, the Contractor shall notify the Underground Service Alert Office (South USA) by calling 1-800-422-4133 at least two working days prior to the start of any resurfacing work. If the Contractor, while performing work pursuant to the Contract, discovers utility facilities not identified correctly or omitted in the Plans or Specifications by the City, the Contractor shall immediately notify the City and utility owner in writing. Payment for costs incurred in protecting utility vaults, manholes, valve boxes, removal of all USA markings, including the requirements pursuant to this section, shall be included in the prices bid for other items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. UTILITY/AGENCIES TELEPHONE CONTACT LIST CITY ENGINEER (805) 517-6256 MED TRANS AMBULANCE (805) 495-4666 TIME-WARNER (805) 526-3186 PACIFIC BELL (805) 583-6640 147 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 108 CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT (805) 532-2700 CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL (805) 654-4710 (4571) VENTURA COUNTY SHERIFF (805) 527-6611 & 494-8200 MOORPARK TRANSIT DIVISION (805) 517-6257 VENTURA COUNTY WATERWORKS DISTRICT NO. 1 (805) 378-3000 CALLEGUAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT (805) 526-9323 SO. CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY (805) 494-7066 THE GAS COMPANY (800) 520-2059 SUNESYS (951) 500-0307 EQUILON CORPORATION (310) 816-2053 TOSCO (805) 525-6312 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT 1-800-422-4133 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. (800) 336-9193 MOORPARK UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (805) 378-6300 VENTURA COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT (805) 398-9738 U.S. POST OFFICE (805) 275-7777 WASTE MANAGEMENT (805) 522-9400 148 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 109 CITY OF MOORPARK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. C0020 SPECIFICATION NO. MPK 21-03 FEDERAL AID NO. HSIPL-5436(018) 149 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 110 SECTION 900 SPECIAL CONDITIONS (Not a Bid Item) 900-1 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS As indicated in Subsection 0-1, the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC), along with the modifications thereto have been established as the Standard Specifications by the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department. These specifications will prevail as the basic Standard Specifications for this project except, as otherwise specifically noted in the Special Provisions when reference is made to the State Standard Specifications. The State Standard Specifications is that document issued by the State of California, Department of Transportation, titled Standard Specifications, 2018, referred to herein as the State Standard Specifications, or the SSS. When references have been made to the SSS, it is for the purpose of utilizing that specifications' traffic and safety provisions as indicated elsewhere herein. Where required by these Special Provisions, work shall conform to the requirements of the SSS, except that when reference is made to other sections of the City's Standard Specifications, all references to "State" shall mean the City. The SSS measurement and payment clauses are not included. Appendices A through I, attached hereto, are considered a part of these Special Provisions. 900-2 INVESTIGATION OF SITE CONDITIONS Bidders are urged to visit the work site to conduct their own investigations as to the existing conditions affecting the Work to be accomplished under these specifications. If the bidder chooses not to visit the site or conduct investigations, the bidder will nevertheless be charged with the knowledge of conditions which reasonable inspection and investigation would have disclosed. 900-3 AWARD OF CONTRACT A construction contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the sum total of Schedules A and B. However, the City reserves the right to award or not to award. 900-4 START OF CONSTRUCTION The Notice to Proceed will be issued upon awarding a construction contract and receipt of the necessary bonds and insurance certificates. The necessary bonds and insurance 150 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 111 certificates shall be submitted to the City within 10 days of the award of contract. Prior to issuing the Notice to Proceed, but subsequent to receiving the submittals of Subsection 901-3, a pre-construction conference will be undertaken. The date of the Notice to Proceed constitutes the start of construction, which date will be the first chargeable working date of the contract. 900-5 TIME OF COMPLETION The Contractor shall complete the work including punch list items (if applicable) within 375 working days from the date of the written Notice to Proceed. The issuance of the Notice to Proceed constitutes the Contractor's authority to enter upon the work site and begin operations. A no fee Encroachment Permit shall be obtained by the Contractor from the City. 900-6 WORKING HOURS & WORKING DAYS Except for work at signalized intersections, and as noted elsewhere in these Special Provisions, construction working hours shall be limited to the hours between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer in writing. Lane closures at signalized intersections and within 200 feet of a signalized intersection shall be limited to the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., except as otherwise indicated in Section 903, "Traffic Control, Construction Signing and Traffic Maintenance," of these Special Provisions. Any overtime for construction survey, geotechnical/testing services, and inspection by City staff, outside of the 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. hours Monday through Friday, and any work on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays, shall be paid for by the Contractor, and such costs will be deducted from the progress payments to the Contractor. The City may, at its discretion, provide geotechnical/testing and inspection services on Saturdays at no cost to the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide at least forty-eight-hour notification for all overtime work requests. The following days are recognized as holidays by the City: 1. January 1st (New Year’s Day) 2. 3rd Monday in January (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) 3. 3rd Monday in February (President’s Day) 4. Last Friday in March (Cesar Chavez Day) 5. Last Monday in May (Memorial Day) 6. July 4th (Independence Day) 7. 1st Monday in September (Labor Day) 8. November 11th (Veteran’s Day) 9. Last Thursday in November (Thanksgiving Day) 10. Last Friday in November (Day after Thanksgiving) 11. December 25th (Christmas Day) 151 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 112 When any of the above listed holidays falls on Sunday, the holiday shall be observed on the following Monday. Whenever any holiday falls on a Saturday, the holiday shall be observed on the preceding Friday. 900-7 FAILED TESTS All retesting of failed materials, field compaction tests, and standby charges for such services will be accomplished at the Contractor's expense. The cost for all retesting and standby charges will be deducted from the progress payments to the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide at least forty-eight (48) hours notification for the need of compaction and materials testing. 900-8 EXTRA WORK MARKUP (a) Work by Contractor. The following percentage shall be added to the Contractor’s costs and shall constitute the markup for all overhead and profits, and all other cost not specifically provided for: (1) Labor ...............................................................20% (2) Materials .........................................................15% (3) Equipment Rental ...........................................15% (4) Other Items and Expenditures ........................15% To the sum of the cost and markups provided for in this section, 1 percent shall be added as compensation for bonding. (b) Work by Subcontractor. When all or any part of the extra work is performed by a Subcontractor, the markup established in 900-8 (a) shall be applied to the Subcontractor’s actual cost of such work. A markup of 10% on the first $5,000 of the subcontracted portion of the extra work and a markup of 5% on work in excess of $5,000 of the subcontracted portion of the extra work may be added by the Contractor. 900-9 PROMPT PROGRESS PAYMENT TO SUBCONTRACTORS A prime contractor or subcontractor shall pay any subcontractor not later than 10 days of receipt of each progress payment in accordance with Sections 10262 and 10262.5 of the Public Contract Code and Section 7108.5 of the California Business and Professions Code concerning prompt payment to subcontractors. The 10-days is applicable unless a longer period is agreed to in writing. Any delay or postponement of payment over 30 days may take place only for good cause and with the agency’s prior written approval. Any violation of Section 7108.5 shall subject the violating contractor or subcontractor to the penalties, sanctions, and other remedies of that Section. This requirement shall not be construed to limit or impair any contractual, administrative, or judicial remedies, otherwise available to the contractor or subcontractor in the event of a dispute involving late payment or nonpayment by the contractor, deficient subcontractor 152 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 113 performance, and/or noncompliance by a subcontractor. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors. 900-9.1 Prompt Payment of Withheld Funds to Sub-Contractors The agency shall hold retainage from the prime contractor and shall make prompt and regular incremental acceptances of portions, as determined by the agency of the contract work and pay retainage to the prime contractor based on these acceptances. The prime contractor or subcontractor shall return all monies withheld in retention from all subcontractors within seven (7) days for construction contracts and fifteen (15) days for consultant contracts after receiving payment for work satisfactorily completed and accepted including incremental acceptances of portions of the contract work by the agency. Any delay or postponement of payment may take place only for good cause and with the agency’s prior written approval. Any violation of these provisions shall subject the violating prime contractor or subcontractor to the penalties, sanctions, and other remedies specified in Section 7108.5 of the California Business and Professions Code and Section 10262 of the California Public Contract Code for construction contracts, and Section 3321 of the California Civil Code for consultant contracts. This requirement shall not be construed to limit or impair any contractual, administrative, or judicial remedies otherwise available to the contractor or subcontractor in the event of a dispute involving late payment or nonpayment by the contractor; deficient subcontractor performance and/or noncompliance by a subcontractor. This clause applies to both DBE and non- DBE subcontractors. 900-10 BUY AMERICA Furnish steel and iron materials to be incorporated into the work with certificates of compliance. Steel and iron materials must be produced in the U.S. except: 1. Foreign pig iron and processed, pelletized, and reduced iron ore may be used in the domestic production of the steel and iron materials [60 Fed Reg 15478 (03/24/1995)]. 2. If the total combined cost of the materials does not exceed the greater of 0.1 percent of the total bid or $2,500, materials produced outside the U.S. may be used. Production includes: 1. Processing steel and iron materials, including smelting or other processes that alter the physical form or shape (such as rolling, extruding, machining, bending, grinding, and drilling) or chemical composition. 2. Coating application, including epoxy coating, galvanizing, and painting, that protects or enhances the value of steel and iron materials. 153 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 114 900-11 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for work performed or for compliance with the requirements out lined in this Section, “Special Conditions.” Full compensation for such work and features shall be considered as included in the contract unit or lump sum prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 154 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 115 SECTION 901 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS (Not a Bid Item) 901-1 PERMITS 901-1.1 City Encroachment Permit: The Contractor is required to obtain a no-fee Encroachment Permit from the City prior to commencing any construction. 901-1.2 State of California Department of Transportation Encroachment Permit The Contractor is required to obtain a Double Encroachment Permit from the State of California Department of Transportation prior to commencing any construction within State right-of-way. Refer to Section 902. 901-1.3 County of Ventura Public Works Agency Watershed Protection Agency Encroachment Permit The Contractor is required to obtain an Encroachment Permit from County of Ventura Public Works Agency Watershed Protection Agency prior to commencing any construction within County property and right-of-way. Refer to Section 902. 901-2 MOBILIZATION Mobilization shall consist of preparatory work and operations including, but not limited to, those necessary for the movement of personnel, equipment, materials, supplies, and incidentals to the project sites, and for all other work operations which must be performed, or costs incurred, prior to beginning work on the various contract items on the project sites. Refer to Section 902. 901-3 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN One week prior to the Pre-Construction Conference, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for review: 1) a project Construction Schedule in accordance with the SSPWC Subsection 6-1, "Construction Schedule and Commencement of Work," 2) Traffic Control Plan addressing the requirements of Section 903, "Traffic Control, Construction Signing and Traffic Maintenance," 3) a Stormwater Pollution Control Plan (SWPCP) addressing the requirements of Section 905, of these Special Provisions, for the affected project sites, and 4) hauling routes of pavement materials. 155 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 116 The Contractor's sequence and scheduling of construction shall provide for on-street parking within one hundred and fifty feet of any residence or business, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the City Engineer. Any revisions to the originally approved Construction Schedule must be approved by the Engineer, in writing, at least three working days prior to any construction. 901-4 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE The Contractor shall phase his/her construction operations such that the cold milling operation is a maximum of three working days ahead of the rubberized asphalt concrete overlay. All operations shall proceed in the direction of travel. The contractor shall submit his/her construction schedule to reflect the phasing based on providing for on-street parking within 150 feet of any residence or business, unless authorized by the City Engineer. The schedule must be approved by the Engineer in writing prior to the commencement of cold milling operations. 901-5 NOTICE TO AREA PROPERTY OWNERS/BUSINESS OWNERS/ RESIDENTS In residential and business areas, the Contractor shall give written notice to all adjacent residents and businesses as applicable at least four (4) workdays prior to restricting driveway access or starting any work. The written Notice shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be a “door hanger,” or similar, style. The Notice shall describe the impending work and shall identify dates and the stages of work. The Notice shall include a contact number for the Contractor’s on-site job superintendent. See Appendix C. Special consideration shall be given to multi-family complexes and other high density uses and businesses. Provisions shall be made for the urgent needs of property owners/business owners/residents for medical, fire, and police services. 901-6 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING The Contractor shall provide all necessary construction surveying in accordance with the SSPWC Section 3-10, "Surveying" and Section 904, “Surveying and Construction Staking.” The Contractor shall bear all costs for restaking or remarking. The Contractor shall provide at least forty-eight hours notification for the need of survey services. The locations and limits of removal and construction of miscellaneous concrete and asphalt concrete facilities will be staked or marked by the Contractor and verified by the Engineer in the field. 156 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 117 901-7 COORDINATION OF WORK The Contractor shall coordinate the work with all respective utility companies for any related relocations and/or construction work. The contractor shall also coordinate the work with the U.S. Post Office at (805) 275-7777, Moorpark Unified School District at (805) 378-6300, Ventura County Fire Department at (805) 578-2980, Moorpark Police Department (805) 532-2700, and Waste Management at (805) 522-9400. The Contractor shall make every effort to eliminate or minimize any impacts on U.S. Post Office, Moorpark Police Department, Ventura County Fire Department, and school traffic. The Contractor shall coordinate the work with the City’s Landscaping Inspector for temporary shutting off the irrigation systems by notifying at least two (2) full working days prior to the work. The Contractor shall coordinate the work so that placement of slurry seal does not occur on a trash pick-up day. 901-8 REMOVAL OF MATERIALS All materials which are to be disposed of, including but not limited to, saw-cut concrete and asphalt concrete pavement, asphalt grindings, pavement fabric, miscellaneous concrete, and excess excavated earth and base material and other extraneous materials and debris, shall be removed immediately from the construction site. No overnight storage of materials or debris will be allowed in the street or surrounding areas. All surplus and extraneous materials and debris shall be disposed of by the Contractor at an approved landfill or disposal site at the Contractor's expense. 901-9 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS STORAGE The Contractor shall arrange and maintain a secure storage site(s) for all equipment and materials. All equipment and unused materials shall be returned to this site(s) at the end of each work day. The Contractor shall submit a route plan for the delivery of materials to both the job and storage sites at least three (3) working days before commencing work. Construction equipment, vehicles and materials shall not be placed or parked in front of or within shopping center and other business establishments. No overnight storage of materials or equipment will be allowed in the street or surrounding areas 901-10 WORK BEYOND PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Subsection 2-3, "Right-of-Way", of the SSPWC is hereby deleted, and replaced as follows: All improvements proposed to be constructed for this project, per the Plans, are physically located within the public street rights-of-way with the exception of any 157 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 118 restoration of landscape planting and irrigation system improvements disturbed during construction and the matching of existing onsite improvements at driveways. Should the Contractor, however, require or desire temporary work areas and facilities beyond and outside of the public street rights-of-way, the Contractor shall make arrangements, pay for, and assume all responsibility for acquiring, using, disposing, and restoring of temporary work areas and facilities. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from all claims for damages caused by such actions. 901-11 PROTECTION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS During construction of the proposed improvements, extreme care shall be exercised to protect existing public and private property improvements, such as concrete and block walls, hardscape, fences, walks, brick planters, curbs, valves, asphalt, irrigation lines, landscaping, garden lights, utility meters, drainage structures, posts, signs, garden walls, mailboxes, etc., unless otherwise identified in these Special Provisions, or shown on the Plans for relocation/removal/ reconstruction by the Contractor. The protection of existing improvements in place may require shoring and/or bracing depending upon the condition of the facilities. Repair and/or replacement of any facilities damaged and/or removed by the Contractor, that is to remain, shall be at the expense of the Contractor. No markings will be allowed on existing cross-gutters, spandrels, curb/gutters, and sidewalks. All USA and other markings shall be removed by the Contractor. 901-12 DUST AND NOISE CONTROL The Contractor shall provide the means to prevent dust, grit, excessive noise and other waste products from becoming a nuisance in and around the working areas. The Contractor shall take such steps, with the approval of the Engineer, to reduce or eliminate such nuisance. The Contractor is required to control dust during the entire contract period, including holidays and weekends. If the Contractor fails to control dust in accordance with these contract specifications, the City reserves the right to hire another contractor or agency to perform such work on a "force account" basis. The total cost for performing this work will be deducted from the total price of this Contract. 901-13 SURVEY MONUMENT TIES ADJUSTMENTS The Contractor shall locate, protect and save any and all survey monuments and ties that will be, or may be damaged or destroyed by the Contractor's operation. All existing nails and markers within the limits of sidewalks, curbs, curb/gutters, curb ramps and streets shall be tied down by the City's Contract Surveyor prior to such removals for subsequent adjustment and/or installation. Where a survey monument and/or property corner tie will be removed due to this construction, the Contractor shall save the monuments, markers, and appurtenances. The reinstallation of the actual monuments and/or property corners will be accomplished by the City's Contract Surveyor. A forty- eight hour notification to the City is required before removal of a survey monument tie. 158 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 119 901-14 MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING DRAINAGE SYSTEM The Contractor shall maintain the existing drainage system within the streets and the adjacent, affected private property during the entire duration of the construction. This item shall include applicable erosion control. 901-15 SUBMITTALS Section 3-8, "Submittals," is hereby supplemented as follows: Submittals (as applicable) shall consist of mix design and pre-testing of asphalt concrete, asphalt rubber hot mix, aggregate base, Portland Cement Concrete, material certification for tack coat, crack sealant, and pavement fabric. Tests will largely be performed in accordance with the City’s adopted Quality Assurance Program “QAP” (see Appendix “G”). The City will undertake plant inspections and testing of special items such as asphalt concrete and aggregate base. Three weeks prior to the use of any material, the Contractor shall provide written certifications, shop drawings, and mix designs of all materials to be incorporated in the work. The Contractor shall not deliver any or use such materials prior to the approval of the Engineer in writing. 901-16 PROGRESS PAYMENTS The Contractor, or its designated representative, shall sign a monthly quantity payment sheet of completed work in order to expeditiously process monthly progress payments. 901-17 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION Water for construction purposes, as required by these specifications, may be obtained from the Ventura County Water Works District No. 1, (805) 378-3000. The Contractor shall make all arrangements to obtain and transport the water, and shall, at his own expense, furnish and install all necessary metering, piping and fittings. All costs associated with water for construction shall be borne by the Contractor. 901-18 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for any other work or other features as required and outlined in this Section, "Special Construction Requirements". Full compensation for all other work and features shall be considered as included in the contract unit or lump sum prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 159 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 120 SECTION 902 MOBILIZATION (Bid Item No. 1A) 902-1 MOBILIZATION Mobilization shall consist of preparatory work and operations including, but not limited to, those necessary for the storage and movement of personnel, equipment, materials, supplies, and incidentals to the project sites, and for all other work operations which must be performed, or costs incurred (including bonds and insurance), prior to beginning work on the various contract items on the project sites. The Contractor shall submit two copies of a video documentation, on DVD, of the jobsite prior to the start of construction, for the purpose of providing a record of existing conditions. The video shall provide a view encompassing the entire project with sufficient clarity and scope that will satisfy the Engineer. The video should include and confirm utility markings prior to excavation. The Contractor shall submit the video with a written log stating any defects or irregularities in the existing improvements along the proposed improvements and project site. The log shall include the location, date, and time the video was made. Upon acceptance by the Engineer, the video (DVD) and logs shall become the property of the City. The video shall include existing landscaping to be removed and reinstalled during construction 902-2 PERMIT FEES The following permitting and agency fees shall be included in the cost of Mobilization. 902-2.1 City Encroachment Permit: The Contractor is required to obtain a no-fee Encroachment Permit from the City prior to commencing any construction within City right-of-way. 902-2.2 State of California Department of Transportation Encroachment Permit The Contractor is required to pay for and obtain a Double Encroachment Permit from the State of California Department of Transportation prior to commencing any construction within State right-of-way. The City has obtained an approved Encroachment Permit from the State. The State (Caltrans) Encroachment Permit No. is 07-18-N-MC-2457 and the Double Permit Fee is $8,364.00. 902-2.3 County of Ventura Public Works Agency Watershed Protection Agency Encroachment Permit The Contractor is required to pay for and obtain an Encroachment Permit from County of Ventura Public Works Agency Watershed Protection Agency prior to 160 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 121 commencing any construction within County property and right-of-way. The City has processed an Encroachment Permit application with the County and is ready for issuance. The County Watershed Protection District Encroachment Permit No. is 2021016, County Project No. is 8D100, Permit Fee and Deposit is $2,000.00. 902-3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment for this item will be made on the lump sum basis as identified within the Bid Proposal form. No separate payment will be made for any other work or other features as required and outlined in the Section, "Special Construction Requirements". Full compensation for all other work and features shall be considered as included in the contract unit or lump sum prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 161 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 122 SECTION 903 TRAFFIC CONTROL, CONSTRUCTION SIGNING AND TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE (Bid Item Nos. 2A) 903-1 GENERAL Traffic control, construction signing and traffic maintenance shall consist of all traffic control involved in the Contractor's operations as required by these Specifications. Traffic control shall be in accordance with the most recent revision of the Caltrans "Manual of Traffic Controls for Construction and Maintenance Work Zones" and “Standard Plans” and the SSS Subsections 7-1.03, "Public Convenience," 7-1.04, "Public Safety," and Section 12, "Temporary Traffic Control." Nothing in these Specifications shall be construed as relieving the Contractor from his/her responsibility as provided in the SSS Subsection 7-1.04. All measurement and payment clauses of the SSS are hereby deleted and modified herein. 903-2 CONSTRUCTION - TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES Construction signing shall consist of furnishing, installing, maintaining and removing construction signs, barricades, and arrow boards in accordance with the most recent version of the Caltrans Manual of Traffic Controls and Standard Plans. The traffic control system shall be installed prior to starting work at each location and shall not be removed until all work has been completed. The Contractor shall post and maintain all necessary construction signs and flaggers. The Contractor, where directed and as approved by the Engineer, shall furnish and place temporary "No Parking" signs, 12 inches x 18 inches minimum size, along the affected streets, at a spacing not exceeding 50 feet. The signs shall be placed two working days in advance of any work. The signs shall include the day and the time during which parking will not be permitted. These signs shall be posted on laths only. Trees, mailboxes, utility posts, etc., shall not be used. The Contractor shall remove these signs immediately when they are no longer needed. The Contractor shall furnish, erect, maintain and remove when no longer necessary traffic control devices including fences and barriers, when and where it may be necessary to do so, in order to give adequate warning to the public of conditions resulting from the Contractor's operations and to guide traffic through or around the construction area. If the Contractor's operations interfere with existing traffic, and regulatory measures and traffic control devices are not adequate to safely control traffic, or if the nature of the work requires additional control, the Contractor shall provide experienced flaggers to perform the function of traffic control. While on duty, flaggers shall be properly attired and equipped. If in the opinion of the City Engineer, the Contractor fails to adequately control the flow of traffic, the City Police will be engaged to safely direct the vehicular traffic. Such added cost will be at the expense of the 162 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 123 Contractor. In addition, if an intersection is blocked causing unnecessary congestion, the Contractor may be liable for a fine of $1,000 for each incident. The Contractor shall place and maintain barricades at each end of and along an excavation, obstruction, or other restrictive condition and at distances of not more than fifty feet apart along the length thereof. In addition, flashers or other approved warning devices shall be placed at the same intervals/locations as the barricades and shall be illuminated from sunset each day until sunrise of the following day. 903-3 SPECIAL TRAFFIC ADVISORY SIGNS Project Advisory Signs The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain “Temporary Road Construction” signs as shown in Appendix “D” for each street under construction. A total of four (4) such signs shall be placed at locations to be determined by the Engineer. These signs shall be in place seven (7) working days prior to the start of construction. The signs shall be maintained for the duration of the project. Business Entrance Advisory Signs The Contractor shall furnish, install and maintain “Temporary Business Entrance” signs as shown in Appendix “D” in the quantities appropriate for each business entrance affected by the construction and as determined by the Engineer. The Contractor shall maintain each sign, with each arrow properly oriented, until the business entrance is no longer affected by the construction. 903-4 TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE The Contractor shall provide a traffic control plan (TCP) for each street and submit it to the Engineer for approval. The TCP shall show the locations of all traffic control devices, address the movement of traffic, especially in intersections, and include the flashing of traffic signals in red by City inspection staff during paving in intersection areas. If prior approval of the City Engineer is received, standard traffic control drawings from the Caltrans Manual of Traffic Controls or Standard Plans may be substituted for engineered plans for typical locations and shall include written details regarding the street segment affected and the hours of operation. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer relative to handling traffic through all work areas, and shall make his/her own arrangements relative to keeping the working area clear of parked vehicles, and in maintaining clear and continuous access to adjacent properties. The Contractor shall provide for controlled pedestrian crossings through the work area. Crossings shall provide pedestrians the means of passing over or through the work without tracking either tack coat or hot asphalt concrete, or endangering pedestrian safety. 163 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 124 Throughout the life of the project, safe, unobstructed and adequate pedestrian and vehicular access shall be continuously provided and maintained to fire hydrants, bus stops, and all affected property and all affected intersecting streets and driveways, unless otherwise approved in advance on a specific location basis by the Engineer. Care must be taken to comply with access requirements, for those access points that serve as the sole access to one or more properties. Where non-motorized (pedestrian, equestrian, or bicycle) facilities exist, they shall be maintained in passable condition or other facilities shall be provided. Passage between facilities at intersections shall likewise be provided. In areas of high volume non- motorized traffic, such as shopping centers, the Contractor shall provide for controlled pedestrian crossings through the work or schedule work to avoid peak non-motorized volumes. Crossings shall provide for the existing non-motorized volumes. The crossings shall provide a means of passing over or through the work without tracking construction materials such as tack coat or hot asphalt concrete. The Contractor's equipment, and personal vehicles of the Contractor's employees, shall not be parked on the traveled way or on any section where traffic is restricted at any time. When material excavated for substructure construction is placed adjacent to the trench or excavation, it shall be placed in such manner as to economize space and minimize interference with traffic. If necessary, such material shall be confined by suitable bulkheads or other devices. If the street is not of sufficient width to hold excavated material without using part of an adjacent walkway, a passageway at least one-half the width of such walkway shall be kept open at all times. The Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer in locating all traffic control devices required. If the Contractor fails to promptly provide traffic control devices as required under this Section, the City may, at its option, so provide them at the Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall pay to the City, or the City may deduct, the cost of such work from any moneys due the Contractor from the City. 903-5 PUBLIC RELATIONS, CONSTRUCTION PHASING, AND ACCESS This project includes work in business and residential areas and it is imperative that access to each driveway during construction is maintained per these Specifications. The Contractor shall conduct his/her operations so as to minimize inconvenience to the public vehicular traffic. The Contractor shall have under construction no greater amount of work than is demonstrated that the Contractor can handle properly with due regard for the rights of the public. Project construction shall be phased to facilitate safe and efficient traffic flow, and to maintain public relations and minimize the inconvenience to the public. In an effort to meet this objective, the construction operations throughout the length of each street segment on each schedule shall be performed to accommodate one lane (12 feet wide) 164 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 125 with an experienced flagger on each end to control the flow of traffic to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 903-6 ACCESS TO LOCAL RESIDENCES AND BUSINESSES Access to adjacent streets and residential and business driveways must be considered and respected at all times. Steps to accommodate the ingress and egress to these adjacent properties must be implemented, especially during the morning and late afternoon peak traffic periods. The required traffic control plan shall incorporate provisions or steps for the accommodation of the access needs. 903-7 RESTRICTIONS ON CLOSURE OF STREETS AND TRAFFIC LANES The Contractor shall at all times provide a minimum of one traffic lane. Experienced flaggers, with radio communication devices, shall be provided at each end of the travel lane, to coordinate alternating traffic flow in each direction. The full width of the traveled way shall be open for use by the public on Saturday, Sunday and any day designated by the City as a legal holiday; after 4:30 p.m. Friday, after 4:30 p.m. on the day preceding a designated legal holiday; and on any working day when construction operations are not actively in progress. When a section of pavement has been completed, it shall, when ordered by the Engineer, be opened for use by traffic. 903-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for traffic control, construction signing, and traffic control maintenance, including special traffic advisory signs, complete in place, will be made at the contract lump sum price bid as shown in the Bid Schedule. The above price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary for traffic control, construction signing and traffic control maintenance, complete in place, including preparation of traffic control plans, notices, signs, barricades, delineators, sign relocations and maintenance, flaggers, and auxiliary police services, as specified in the SSPWC and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. 165 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) 126 Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 SECTION 904 SURVEYING AND CONSTRUCTION STAKING (Bid Item No. 3A) 904-1 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING Delete the first sentence of SSPWC Section 3-10.1. The Contractor shall provide all necessary construction surveying in accordance with the SSPWC Section 3-10, "Surveying". The Contractor shall bear all costs for survey staking and restaking or remarking. The Contractor shall provide at least forty-eight hours notification for the need of survey services. 904-2 SURVEY MONUMENT TIES ADJUSTMENTS Delete the first sentence of SSPWC Section 3-10.1. The Contractor shall provide all necessary construction surveying in accordance with the SSPWC Section 3-10, "Surveying". The Contractor shall bear all costs for survey staking and restaking or remarking. The Contractor shall provide at least forty-eight hours notification for the need of survey services. The Contractor shall locate, protect and save, any and all, survey monuments and ties that will be, or may be damaged or destroyed by the Contractor's operation. All existing nails and markers within the limits of sidewalks, curbs, curb/gutters, curb ramps and streets shall be tied down by the City's Contract Surveyor prior to such removals for subsequent adjustment and/or installation. Where a survey monument and/or property corner tie will be removed due to this construction, the Contractor shall save the monuments, markers, and appurtenances. The reinstallation of the actual monuments and/or property corners will be accomplished by the Contractor’s Surveyor. 904-3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for this item of work will be completed on a percent complete of the lump sum basis as provided on the Bid Proposal form and in accordance with the contract documents. Full compensation for all other work and features shall be considered as included in the contract unit or lump sum prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 166 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 127 SECTION 905 STORMWATER POLLUTION CONTROL (Bid Item No. 4A) 905-1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Contractor shall take all necessary steps during the project construction period to prevent or reduce discharge of pollutants from the work sites to the City storm drain system utilizing the following prevention measures:  Maintain clean work sites through good housekeeping measures and regular clean-up and disposal of all debris, storage materials, saw-cut slurry, waste, etc.  Eliminate discharge of sanitary water/septic waste to storm drain system by providing convenient and well maintained facilities, and regular service and disposal.  Manage and operate construction vehicles and equipment in a manner to prevent leaks, spills, and waste.  Prevent and control the discharge of: Soil Sediments Concrete and mortar waste Asphalt and bituminous materials Chemicals from treated wood products Paints, solvents, adhesives, and cleaning solutions Soil, trimmings, and garden chemicals Construction water from collecting and transporting pollutants Saw-cut slurry materials  Prevent pollution of the storm drain system during import, export, stockpiling, and spreading or grading of earthwork materials.  The Contractor shall exercise every reasonable precaution to protect rivers and bays from pollution with fuels, oils, bitumens, calcium chloride, and other harmful materials and shall conduct all operations so as to avoid the mudding and silting of said rivers and bays.  Methods to keep pollutants and prohibited wastewaters from the rivers and bays are referred to as Best Management Practices (BMPs). The Contractor shall exercise all BMPs to keep pollutants and prohibited wastewaters from rivers and bays. 167 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 128  Effective erosion control devices are required during the rainy season, October 15 though April 15, to control surface drainage. The Contractor shall provide emergency, 24-hour contact information and telephone numbers of responsible personnel. The following runoff control measures shall be observed at all times during the course of construction: 1. Sediment, construction waste, and other pollutants from construction sites and parking areas shall be retained on the site to the maximum extent practicable. 2. Any sediment or other materials which are not retained on the site shall be removed within 24 hours. 3. Excavated soil shall be located on the site in a manner that minimizes the amount of sediments transported into the street or adjoining properties. Soil piles shall be covered until the soil is used or removed. 4. No washing of construction or other industrial vehicles shall be allowed at or adjacent to the construction site. No water from the washing of vehicles shall be allowed to run off into a storm drain system. 5. Stormwater pollution from concrete materials and wastes shall be eliminated: a. Washout of concrete trucks shall occur in designated site areas. Do not wash concrete trucks where runoff might enter storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams; b. Storing materials under cover, away from drainage rainfall or flow paths; c. Avoiding mixing excess amounts of concrete or cement on-site. For more detailed information and specifications for stormwater pollution control at construction sites, refer to document titled, "Stormwater Pollution Control Guidelines For Construction Sites," which by reference forms a part of these Special Provisions and is available at the Public Works counter. To assure achieving the above requirements, a Stormwater Pollution Control Plan (SWPCP) shall be submitted with the contract documents at least one week prior to the Pre-Construction Conference for the Engineer's review. The SWPCP shall include the Contractor’s proposed provisions for diverting and controlling water around the project site, and the prevention of pollutant discharge as described herein. 168 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 129 905-2 STORM WATER CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Various applicable documents including but not limited to: Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), Construction General Permit (CGP) or Stormwater Construction Permit, Rain Event Action Plans (REAP) etc. 905-2.1 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall update the following on the SWPPP:  Notice of Intent (NOI)  Risk Level Assessment  Legally Responsible Person  Signed Certification Statement The Contractor shall review the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as provided by the City. The Contractor shall implement and maintain the SWPPP as needed during the course of work to reflect actual construction progress and construction practices. The City has designated a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP), as defined by the CGP and who has passed the exam, who will be responsible for compliance with CGP requirements for the Project at all times. The Contractor shall be responsible to coordinate with the City’s designated QSP. The Contractor shall maintain a copy of the SWPPP data and documentation at the Project Site on demand if so requested by Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board Staff during a site inspection. The SWPPP shall not be construed to be a waiver of the Contractor’s obligation to review and understand the CGP before submitting a bid. By submitting a bid, the Contractor acknowledges that he has read and understands the requirements of the CGP. 905-2.2 SWPPP Reporting The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all reports required by the CGP (monitoring, inspection, Rain Event Action Plans, annual reports, etc.). The requirements of Construction General Permit (CGP) shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Administer, implement, maintain, and ensure adequate functioning of the various storm water quality control measures identified within the SWPPP during construction including all Numeric Action Level (NAL) and Numeric Effluent Limitation (NEL) sampling, monitoring and reporting requirements statutorily required for the determined Risk Level of the PROJECT site. 169 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 130 These tasks must be performed by Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP). Effective on September 2, 2011, a QSP shall meet the requirements listed in the CGP. 2. Provide and maintain all documentation (at the jobsite) and administration for the entire Contract period. 3. Perform all work required for compliance with the requirements of the CGP, including preparation of all construction of effective treatment control BMPs (i.e., contingency basins, chemical treatments, etc.) 4. Provide all labor, tools, equipment, and materials for any additional BMPs which may be required to comply with the requirements of the CGP. 905-3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The measurement and payment for Stormwater Pollution Control will be paid for at the contract lump sum price bid as shown in the Bid Schedule. The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary to accomplish the prevention and control of pollutant discharge to stormwater, including good housekeeping practices, containment of waste, control of construction site perimeter, vehicle and equipment management, management of concrete and mortar products, management of asphalt and bituminous products, stockpiles, paint, solvents, solutions, dust control, and the preparation of the SWPCP, complete, as specified in these Special Provisions, and as required by the federal NPDES for Stormwater Pollution Control Program, and as directed by the Engineer. 170 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 131 SECTION 906 CLEAR AND GRUBBING DEMOLITION (Bid Item Nos. 5A, 8A thru 20A, 24A thru 26A) 906-1 GENERAL The scope of work for demolition includes the removal and/or relocation of items as identified on the project plans and in accordance with the Bid Schedule. The items include saw cutting; removal of pavement, curb, fence, walls, bollards, signs, guardrails, and steel framework; relocation of wall units, materials, utility surface improvements, portable structure, and mailboxes. The Contractor shall take all necessary steps in accordance with Section 300-1 Clearing and Grubbing of the Standard Specifications except as note herein. 906-2 CONSTRUCTION In the performance of the demolition and relocation work, the Contractor shall do the following:  Identify, locate, and protect utilities to remain.  Identify, locate, and protect survey monumentation to remain.  Conform to applicable Codes for demolition of structures, safety of adjacent structures, and dust control.  Obtain required permits from local and regulatory agencies.  Notify affected utility companies before starting work and comply with their requirements.  Will not close or obstruct roadways without permits.  Conform to applicable regulatory procedures when hazardous or contaminated materials are discovered.  Protect existing landscaping materials, appurtenances, and structures that are not to be demolished.  Conduct operations with minimum interference to public or private accesses. Maintain protected egress and access at all times.  Obtain written permission from adjacent property owners when demolition equipment will traverse, infringe upon, or limit access to their property.  Sprinkle demolition areas with water to minimize dust. Provide hoses and water connections for this purpose.  Disconnect and cap designated utilities within demolition areas.  Remove disconnected utilities. 171 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 132  Remove foundation walls and footings to a minimum of two feet below finished grade beyond area of new construction.  Remove concrete slabs on grade.  Rough grade and compact areas affected by demolition to maintain site grades and contours.  Remove demolished materials from site. Disposal of removed materials shall be at contractor’s cost.  Do not burn or bury materials on site. Leave site in clean condition.  Remove temporary work. 906-3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for clearing and grubbing (demolition), complete in place, will be made at the contract unit prices bid for the various bid items shown in the Bid Schedule. The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, materials, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary for removal or relocation of items specified in the Bid Schedule, complete in place, as specified in the SSS and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. Damage of any items outside the clean payment lines, as a result of the construction operations, shall be considered as included in the contract unit lump sum prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. Disposal of all demolished and removed materials from the site shall be considered as included in the contract unit prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 172 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 133 SECTION 907 EXCAVATION AND FILL (Bid Item Nos. 6A, 7A) 907-1 GENERAL Earthwork shall conform to the provisions in Section 300, "Earthwork," of the Standard Specifications and these special provisions. Quantities of all types of existing subbase or base or surfacing removed will be included in the quantities of the type of excavation in which they are located, and no separate payment will be made therefor. Existing asphalt pavement indicated to be removed on the plans shall be removed and disposed outside of the project limits in a legal manner, in accordance with Section 906 of these Special Provisions and the Standard Specifications. Existing asphalt pavement to be removed is not considered roadway excavated material. Surplus excavated material shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of in conformance with the provisions in Section 300-2.6, "Surplus Material," of the Standard Specifications. Surplus excavated material not designated as hazardous waste due to aerially deposited lead shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of in conformance with the provisions in Section 300-2.6, "Surplus Material," of the Standard Specifications. 907-2 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for excavation and fill, complete in place, will be made at the contract unit prices bid for the various bid items shown in the Bid Schedule. The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, materials, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary for removal or relocation of items specified in the Bid Schedule, complete in place, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. Damage of any items outside the clean payment lines, as a result of the construction operations, shall be considered as included in the contract unit lump sum prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 173 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 134 SECTION 908 PAVEMENT MILLING (Bid Item No. 38A) 908-1 SCOPE The existing pavement adjacent to existing curbs, gutters, cross gutters or at the ends of overlays, and at bridge approaches shall be cold planed as specified herein. The limits, depths and dimensions of pavement milling are designated on the Plans. 908-2 EQUIPMENT The machine used for milling shall have performed satisfactorily on similar work and shall meet the following requirements: The milling machine shall be specially designed and built for milling of bituminous pavements without the addition of heat. It shall have the ability to mill Portland Cement Concrete patches in the bituminous pavement or Portland Cement Concrete pavements. The cutting drum shall be a minimum of thirty (30) inches wide and shall be equipped with carbide tip cutting teeth placed in a variable lacing pattern to produce the desired finish. The machine shall be capable of being operated at speeds of 0 to 40 feet per minute; it shall be self-propelled and have the capability of spraying water at the cutting drum to minimize dust. The machine shall be capable of removing the material next to the gutter of the pavement being reconditioned and so designed that the operator thereof can at all times observe the milling operation without leaving the controls. The machine shall be adjustable as to slope and depth. The Contractor's attention is directed to Subsection 3-12.2 "Air Pollution Control" of the Standard Specifications. 908-3 CONSTRUCTION After cold milling Contractor shall place asphalt concrete around all utility covers to serve as a smooth transition from the existing surface to the top of the cover. Contractor will be responsible for maintaining any temporary asphaltic fill material over these facilities until the final paving surface is installed. Remaining material around utility covers and at gutter lips shall be removed to the depth of the adjacent milled surface after completion of milling. If pavement against utility covers, gutter lips, or other features, cannot be removed by the milling machine, Contractor shall use other means to remove this material. 174 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 135 The surface of pavement after milling shall be uniformly rough. The grade shall not deviate from a suitable straight edge more than three-eighths (3/8) inch at any point. Milling may require more than one (1) inch removal of existing asphalt above gutter lips in addition to the required depth below the gutter lip due to prior overlays. Pavement against curb faces shall be removed to the full depth designated for that particular section of roadway. If pavement against curb faces cannot be removed by the milling machine, the Contractor shall use other means to remove this material. 908-4 REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF MATERIAL During the milling operation, the Contractor shall sweep the street with mechanical equipment and remove all loosened material from the project site until completion of the removal work. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to avoid dispersion of dust. All material removed shall be considered the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of by the Contractor at its expense. No material shall be stockpiled within City right-of-way. In addition to removing the cold milled asphalt concrete, the contractor shall remove any slurry seal or asphalt concrete which is adhered to the top of the adjacent gutter, cross gutter or spandrel. 908-5 TEMPORARY TRANSITIONS The Contractor shall construct temporary pavement transitions at all vertical cold milled joints including but not limited to manhole and utility covers, structures, street intersections and driveway approaches prior to allowing traffic onto the cold milled areas. Temporary asphalt transitions shall be five (5) feet per one inch of vertical cold milling depth at the drop off edge of cold milled joint, measured perpendicular to the joint. Ramps shall be constructed the same day as cold milled, continuously maintained, and removed the same day as final overlay cap paving. Temporary pavement transitions shall be constructed on bond breaker material such that upon removal of the temporary pavement transition, a clean notch remains. The Contractor shall install “UNEVEN LANES” and “ROUGH ROAD” signs as directed by the Engineer. Payment for construction, removal, and disposal of temporary asphalt concrete ramps shall be considered included in the item for cold milling. 908-6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Milling on roadways to be milled shall be measured and paid for on a square foot basis. Payment will be made at the unit price bid on the basis of actual measured quantities of cold milling completed in accordance with the Plans and these Special Provisions. Such payment shall be considered full compensation for providing all labor and equipment and performing all work related to milling, including dust control and disposal of the material removed, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work in accordance with the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. 175 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 136 SECTION 909 STREET SURFACE PREPARATION (Not a Bid Item) 909-1 GENERAL Minor failures, such as cracks 1/8-inch wide or wider at the pavement surface after cold milling, shall be repaired. This repair work shall consist of weed removal, crack cleaning and sealing, and patching cracks greater than 1 inch and potholes of any size and depth by placing and compacting asphalt concrete hot mix. Where cracks have formed, and the pavement has been raised creating a ridge, the Contractor shall remove the ridge by chipping, grinding, or a method approved by the Engineer, prior to filling the crack. Vacuum or air generated type sweepers shall be used for surface preparation. Mechanical type sweepers shall not solely be used. 909-2 CRACK SEALING This work shall consist of routing and filling all cracks 1/8-inch wide or wider in asphalt concrete pavement to be overlaid with sealant material, meeting the following specifications. Excess crack sealing materials shall be removed from the pavement surface by cold milling as directed by the Engineer. 909-2.1 Routing All cracks in the asphalt concrete pavement receiving sealant shall be routed by mechanical means to a minimum width of 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch deep. 909-2.2 Blowing of Cracks All cracks in the asphalt concrete pavement receiving sealant shall be blown clean and free from dirt, debris and vegetation with compressed air at not less than 100 psi. 909-2.3 Sealing All properly prepared cracks shall be sealed by inserting a nozzle into the crack and filling it from the bottom up with the approved sealant material, meeting the following specification. 176 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 137 TEST PARAMETER SPECIFICATION LIMITS Cone Penetration (ASTM D3407) 15 – 45 Resilience (ASTM D3407) 30% min. Softening Point, (ASTM D36) 200°F min. Ductility, 77°F (ASTM D113) 30 cm-min. Flexibility (Crafco Procedure) Pass @ 30°F Asphalt Compatibility (ASTM D3047) Pass Bitumen Content (ASTM D3407) 60% min. Tensile Adhesion (ASTM D3583) 400% min. Safe Heating Temperature 400°F Recommended Pour Temperature 380°F Brookfield Viscosity, 375°F (ASTM D3236) 4000 - 15000 cp 909-2.4 Squeegeeing After filling the cracks with the sealant, they are to be squeegeed with a "U" shaped squeegee. The sealant shall not be left flush with the adjacent pavement but remain down 1/4 inch below the adjacent pavement surface. 909-2.5 Equipment The router shall be a two wheeled, Impact router. The sealant machine shall be a double boiler heat system capable of heating the sealant to the manufacturer's recommendations without placing direct heat on the sealant. The compressor shall be a compressor capable of providing a minimum of 100 psi at the nozzle for removal of any debris, dirt or vegetation remaining in the cracks after the routing. The squeegee shall be a "U" shaped, rubber footed tool capable of leaving the sealant 1/4 inch below the adjacent pavement surface, and without leaving excess material in the cracks and any material on the adjacent pavement after filling. 909-3 GRASS AND WEED KILLING Prior to the cold milling and crack sealing operations, all grass and weeds shall be destroyed by application of weed killer. The application shall be performed by a person 177 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 138 or firm licensed for this type of work, using the chemical “Roundup” for the contact kill (including application of the identification dye) and the chemical “Oust” as the pre- emergent and long lasting kill, or approved equal. The pre-emergent herbicide selected was recommended by a State of California licensed pest control advisor and the application is approved for use in California. 909-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT No separate measurement and payment for street surface preparation will be made. The contractor shall include this work and associated cost within the Pavement Milling Section 908 as provided within the Special Provisions. 178 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 139 SECTION 910 ASPHALT TACK COAT (Not a Bid Item) 910-1 DESCRIPTION Work to be performed under this Section covers all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to furnish, apply, and complete in place tack coat in conjunction with the asphalt concrete overlay and other asphalt paving work. All such work shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Standard Specifications, and these Special Provisions. 910-2 MATERIALS The tack coat shall be asphalt grade PG 64-10. 910-3 APPLICATION The tack coat shall be applied as specified in Subsection 302-5.4 of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. The Engineer will determine if the pavement is sufficiently dry for the application of the tack coat. Tack coat shall not be applied when the temperature of the surface to be tacked is below 40° Fahrenheit in the shade. Contractor shall clean the surfaces so that they are free of dirt and debris prior to the application of the tack coat. City Inspector shall approve surface prior to application of tack coat. The tack coat shall be applied only so far in advance of paving as is anticipated for that day's surfacing as permitted by the City Inspector. Any heated scarified recompacted pavement that is not overlaid and which becomes contaminated with dirt, debris, dust, etc., or is left overnight shall have a tack coat applied prior to overlaying. Tack coat shall be applied to all vertical surfaces of existing pavements, curbs, gutters and construction joints in the surfacing against which additional material is to be placed, to a pavement to be surfaced and to other surfaces designated by the City Inspector. Any tack material deposited on concrete surfaces not to be overlaid with asphalt concrete will be removed within five (5) working days or the City will cause the work to be done and any cost incurred shall be deducted from contract retention monies due. Tack coat shall be applied in one application at a rate of between 0.05 and 0.10 gallon per square yard of surface covered. Tack coat material shall be applied at minimum 350 degrees Fahrenheit (F) from a distributor truck with a heating element capable of raising the temperature at least 3 degrees F per hour. 179 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 140 The tack coat shall be applied by distributor equipment at a uniform rate. In areas inaccessible to the spray bar on the applicator truck, SS-1h emulsion may be substituted and applied from a hand wand at a rate of 0.08 gallons per square yard. In any case where emulsified material is used, the tack coat shall be allowed to completely break, that is turn completely black (not dark brown), prior to paving. The area to which tack coat has been applied shall be closed to public traffic. Care shall be taken to avoid tracking binder material onto adjacent surfaces. If the area is left unattended, then appropriate “fresh oil” signs must be posted. The Contractor shall be responsible for resolving all claims related to asphalt materials splashed/tracked on vehicle, concrete, and private property. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting existing storm drain catch inlets and to ensure that no tack coat spoils are sprayed into storm drain inlets. No tack coat shall be left exposed overnight. Immediately in advance of placing the asphalt concrete overlay, additional tack coat shall be applied, as directed by the Engineer to areas where the tack coat has been destroyed or otherwise rendered ineffective, and no additional compensation will be allowed for such work. Existing concrete curb faces, gutters and driveways shall be protected against disfigurement from the asphalt. Residue of the tack coat material shall be removed from curb faces, gutters and driveways by sandblasting to the extent required by the Engineer. 910-4 PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for work or other features as required and outlined in this Section, "Asphalt Tack Coat." Full compensation for such work and features shall be considered included in the price bid for "Remove and Replace Asphalt Concrete," “Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Base,” and “Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix” and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. Such payment shall be considered full compensation for furnishing and maintaining all materials, labor, equipment, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work in accordance with the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. 180 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 141 SECTION 911 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND BASE (Bid Item Nos. 30A, 31A, and 34A) 911-1 DESCRIPTION This section includes the materials and execution requirements for the placement of Asphaltic Concrete (A.C. Pavement) and Class 2 Aggregate Base material. The contractor shall use the Caltrans Standard Specifications except as modified herein. 911-2 MATERIALS AND EXECUCTION 911-2.1 Aggregate Base Aggregate base shall be Class 2 and shall conform to the provisions in Section 26, “Aggregate Bases,” and compaction shall conform to Section 26-1.02 of the Caltrans Specifications and these Contract Specifications. Recycled aggregate base will not be allowed. Aggregate base exceeding a workable moisture content will be rejected by the Engineer and shall be immediately removed from the project site by the Contractor. At least 4 inches of aggregate base shall be placed under concrete curb, gutter, sidewalk and other minor repairs unless specified otherwise on the plans or elsewhere in these Contract Specifications. The grading of the material shall conform to the 3/4-inch maximum, specified in Section 26-1.02B, “Class 2 Aggregate Base,” of the Caltrans Specifications. Aggregate base shall be spread in accordance with the provisions of Section 26- 1.03D, "Spreading" and Section 26-1.03E, "Compacting," of the Caltrans Specifications. Spreading and compacting shall be performed by methods that will produce a uniform base, firmly compacted and free from pockets of coarse or fine material. No spreading operation shall begin until the physical characteristics of aggregate base have been approved by the Engineer. Aggregate base, regardless of its use, shall be compacted to 95% (ninety-five percent) relative compaction. 911-2.2 Hot Mix Asphalt Paving (HMA) Comply with Section 39, "Asphalt Concrete," of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Asphalt Concrete (AC) shall be Type A 3/4" HMA and shall conform to the provisions in Section 39, "Asphalt Concrete," of the Caltrans Standard 181 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 142 Specifications and these Special Provisions. Asphalt Concrete shall be used for new roadway pavement sections. The amount of asphalt binder (PG64-10) to be mixed with the aggregate for Type A asphalt concrete will be determined by the Engineer in accordance with California Test 367 using the samples of aggregates furnished by the Contractor in conformance with Section 39-2.01A(3), "Submittals," of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. Per the requirements in Section 39-2.01C(2), "Spreading and Compacting Equipment," of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, asphalt paving equipment shall be equipped with automatic screed controls and a sensing device or devices. When placing asphalt concrete to lines and grades established by the Engineer, the automatic controls shall control the longitudinal grade and transverse slope of the screed. Grade and slope references shall be furnished, installed and maintained by the Contractor. Should the Contractor elect to use a ski device, the minimum length of the ski device shall be 30 feet. The ski device shall be a rigid one piece unit and the entire length shall be utilized in activating the sensor. When paving contiguously with previously placed mats, the end of the screed adjacent to the previously placed mat shall be controlled by a sensor that responds to the grade of the previously placed mat and will reproduce the grade in the new mat within a 0.01-foot tolerance. The end of the screed farthest from the previously placed mat shall be controlled in the same manner as when placing the initial mat. Should the methods and equipment furnished by the Contractor fail to produce a layer of asphalt concrete conforming to the requirements, including straightedge tolerance, of Section 39-2.01C(15), "Compaction," of the Caltrans Standard Specifications, the paving operations shall be discontinued and the Contractor shall modify his/her equipment or furnish substitute equipment. Should the automatic screed controls fail to operate properly during any day's work, the Contractor may use manual control of the spreading equipment for the remainder of that day, however, the equipment shall be corrected or replaced with alternative automatically controlled equipment conforming to the requirements in this Section before starting another day's work. Half-width surfacing operations shall be conducted in such manner that, at the end of each day's work, the distance between the ends of adjacent surfaced lanes shall not be greater than can be completed in the following day of normal surfacing operations. 182 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 143 A minimum air temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit shall be required while resurfacing operations are in progress. This work includes producing and placing hot mix asphalt (HMA) Type A using the standard process. 911-2.2.1 Quality Control/Quality Assurance With the job mix formula (JMF) submittal, submit: 1. California Test 204 plasticity index results 2. California Test 371 tensile strength ratio results for untreated HMA 3. California Test 371 tensile strength ratio results for treated HMA if untreated HMA tensile strength ratio is below 70 At project start-up and once during production, submit samples split from your HMA production sample for California Test 371 to the Engineer and the specified independent laboratory. With the JMF submittal, at project start-up, and each 5,000 tons, submit the California Test 371 test results for mix design and production to the Engineer. For the mix design, determine the plasticity index of the aggregate blend under California Test 204. Choose an antistrip treatment and use the corresponding laboratory procedure for the mix design in compliance with: Antistrip Treatment Lab Procedures for Mix Design Antistrip Treatment Lab Procedure Plasticity index from 4 to 10 (1) Dry hydrated line with marination LP-6 Line slurry with marination LP-7 Plasticity index less than 4 Liquid LP-5 Dry hydrated line without marination LP-6 Dry hydrated line with marination LP-6 Lime Slurry LP-7 Notes: (1) If the plasticity index is greater than 10, do not use that aggregate blend. For the mix design, determine tensile strength ratio under California Test 371 on untreated HMA. If the tensile strength ratio is less than 70: 1. Choose from the antistrip treatments specified based on plasticity index. 2. Test treated HMA under California Test 371. 3. Treat to a minimum tensile strength ratio of 70. 183 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 144 On the first production day and at least every 5,000 tons, sample HMA and test under California Test 371. The City does not use California Test 371 test results for JMF verification and production to determine specification compliance. 911-2.2.2 Data Cores Three business days before starting coring, submit proposed methods and materials for backfilling data core holes. Submit to the Engineer: 1. A summary of data cores taken 2. A photograph of each data core For each data core, the summary must include: 1. Project identification number 2. Date cored 3. Core identification number 4. Type of materials recovered 5. Type and approximate thickness of unstabilized material not recovered 6. Total core thickness 7. Thickness of each individual material to within: 7.1. For recovered material, ½-inch 7.2. For unstabilized material, 1.0 inch 8. Location including: 8.1. Lane number 8.2. Lane direction 8.3. Station Each data core digital photograph must include a ruler laid next to the data core. Each photograph must include: 1. The core 2. Project identification number 3. Core identification number 4. Date cored 5. Lane number 6. Station 7. Lane direction After data core summary and photograph submittal, cores shall be considered the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of off the Work site by the Contractor. 184 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 145 911-2.3 Vertical Joints If you perform half-width paving, at the end of each day's work the distance between the ends of adjacent surfaced lanes must not be greater than can be completed in the following day of normal paving. Before opening the lane to public traffic, pave shoulders and median borders adjacent to a lane being paved. Place HMA on adjacent traveled way lanes so that at the end of each work shift, the distance between the ends of HMA layers on adjacent lanes is between 5 feet and 10 feet. Place additional HMA along the transverse edge at each lane's end and along the exposed longitudinal edges between adjacent lanes. Hand rake and compact the additional HMA to form temporary conforms. You may place Kraft paper or another approved bond breaker under the conform tapers to facilitate the taper removal when paving operations resume. 911-2.4 Widening Use for widening if new structural section is to be placed to the elevation of the existing surfacing for the entire length of the project before placing the uppermost layer of HMA. 911-2.5 Conforming Tapers Place additional HMA along the pavement's edge to conform to road connections and private drives. Hand rake, if necessary, and compact the additional HMA to form a smooth conform taper. 911-2.6 Data Cores Take data cores that include the completed HMA pavement, underlying base, and subbase material. Protect data cores and surrounding pavement from damage. Take 4-inch or 6-inch diameter data cores: 1. At the beginning, end, and every 1/2 mile within the paving limits of each route on the project 2. After all paving is complete 3. From the center of the specified lane On a 2-lane roadway, take data cores from either lane. On a 4-lane roadway, take data cores from each direction in the outermost lane. On a roadway with 185 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 146 more than 4 lanes, take data cores from the median lane and the outermost lane in each direction. Each core must include the stabilized materials encountered. You may choose not to recover unstabilized material but you must identify the material. Unstabilized material includes: 1. Granular material 2. Crumbled or cracked stabilized material 3. Sandy or clayey soil Before opening the lane to public traffic, pave shoulders and median borders adjacent to a lane being paved. Do not leave a vertical joint more than 0.15 foot high between adjacent lanes open to public traffic. Place additional HMA along the pavement's edge to conform to road connections and private drives. Hand rake, if necessary, and compact the additional HMA to form a smooth conform taper. Contractor shall perform Quality Control Testing according to Section 39-2.02 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications. The Owner will perform Engineer’s Acceptance Testing according to Section 39 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications and reduced payment factors based on compaction results (measured percent of maximum theoretical density) apply. 911-3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Quantities of Class 2 Aggregate Base to be paid for by the TON will be measured in conformance with the provisions in Section 9-1.02, "Measurement," and Section 26- 1.04, “Payment,” of the Caltrans Specifications. The weight of material to be paid for will be determined by deducting from the weight of material delivered to the work, the weight of water in the material, at the time of weighing, as determined by California Test 226, in excess of one percentage point more than the optimum moisture content as determined by California Test 216. The weight of water deducted in conformance with the provisions in Section 26-1.04 will not be paid for quantities of aggregate base will be paid for at the contract price per Ton for the Class 2 Aggregate Base. The above prices and payments shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in constructing aggregate base, complete in place, as shown on the plans, and as specified in these specifications and the special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. 186 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 147 “A.C. Pavement (Type A, PG 64-10)” will be measured and paid for by the Ton. Measurement and verification of quantities shall be coordinated with the Project Inspector by the Contractor. The contract price paid per TON for “Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A PG64-10)” shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals and doing all work involved in constructing asphalt concrete, including mix design preparation, contractor quality control according to Standard Method (Section 39 – Hot Mix Asphalt, quality control plan and quality control testing), complete in place, as shown on the plans and as specified in these Technical Specifications or as directed by the Engineer. Data cores will not be paid for separately and full compensation shall be considered included in the price paid per Ton for Hot Mix Asphalt (Type A, PG70- 10) and includes furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved in data coring, complete in place, as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these special provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. 187 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 148 SECTION 912 ASPHALT RUBBER HOT MIX (ARHM) (Bid Item 39A) 912-1 GENERAL Asphalt-rubber hot mix shall conform to the specifications of 203-11 of the Standard Specifications, Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix (ARHM) Wet Process, except as modified herein. 912-2 MATERIALS The contractor shall supply the City, for approval, a binder formulation and samples of the materials to be used in the asphalt-rubber binder at least 14 days before construction is scheduled to begin. The binder formulations shall consist of the following information: A. Paving Asphalt and Modifiers: 1. Source and grade of paving asphalt. 2. Source and identification (or type) of modifiers used. 3. Percentage of asphalt modifier by mass of paving asphalt. 4. Percentage of the combined blend of paving asphalt and asphalt modifier by total mass of asphalt-rubber binder to be used. 5. Laboratory test results for test parameters shown in these special provisions B. Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM): 1. Source and identification (or type) of scrap tire and high natural CRM from single source. One Hundred percent (100%) California waste tires must be used. 2. Percentage of scrap tire and high natural CRM by total mass of the asphalt-rubber blend. Laboratory test results for test parameters as specified in the Greenbook Section 203-11.2.3 and these special provisions. 912-2.1 Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM) The last sentence of the first paragraph of Subsection 203- is hereby deleted. The fifth paragraph of Subsection 203- is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: 188 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 149 The percentage of high natural CRM in the total CRM shall be equal to 1000 divided by the percentage of natural rubber (as a whole number) in the high natural CRM, e.g. for high natural CRM with 40% natural rubber content 1000/40 equals 25 percent. The remainder of CRM shall be scrap tires, as specified in 203-11.2.3 above. The maximum value for Natural Rubber Content in Table 203-11.2.3(B) is hereby deleted. The sixth (last) paragraph of Subsection 203-11.2.3 is hereby deleted. The high natural CRM shall consist of ground or granulated rubber derived from a single material that utilizes high natural rubber sources. 912-2.2 Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM) Certification The Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM) shall be derived from one hundred percent (100%) California waste tires. Prior to approval of the final progress payment, Contractor shall complete and submit the Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM) Certification form CIWMB 74G-RAC. 912-2.3 ARHM Mixtures The ARHM shall be ARHM-GG-C and shall conform to Section 203-11.3 of the Standard Specifications. 912-2.4 Mixture Design Contractor shall submit for the City’s review a proposed ARHM mix design to be used at least 14 days prior to production of that ARHM mixture. The asphalt concrete mix design shall be prepared by a Caltrans qualified laboratory in accordance with the City’s Quality Assurance Program and approved by the City. Aggregate quality and asphalt concrete mix design test results shall be no more than six months old when production of the asphalt concrete mixture starts. The mixture design shall recommend the job-mix formula and shall list the following information: 1. Aggregate - source and identification (for each material used) - gradation (for each material used) - blend percentage - mixture gradation 2. Asphalt-Rubber - source and grade of asphalt cement - source and type of extender oil or modifier 189 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 150 - source and identification of ground rubber - ground rubber percentage for the asphalt-rubber binder - type and amount of additive(s), if required - temperature when added to aggregate 3. Recommended asphalt-rubber binder content by both weight of total mix and weight of dry aggregate. 4. Recommended mixture production temperature. 5. Recommended lay down temperatures. 6. Compacted Unit Weight. Aggregate for ARHM asphalt concrete shall be of such quality and gradation that the optimum amount of asphalt-rubber binder to be mixed with the aggregate, as determined by California Test 367 (as amended below) shall be a minimum of 7.6 percent by mass of dry aggregate and a maximum of 9.5 percent by mass of dry aggregate. Aggregates which result in an optimum asphalt-rubber binder content of less than 7.6 percent, or more than 9.5 percent by mass of dry aggregate shall not be used. The Contractor shall submit the determined optimum asphalt-rubber binder content to be mixed with the aggregate in conformance with the requirements in California Test 367 (as amended below). The City’s Engineer will verify the optimum amount of asphalt-rubber binder to be mixed with the aggregate. California Test 367 is amended as follows: A. The specific gravity used in California Test 367, Section “B. Voids Content of Specimen,” shall be determined using California Test 308, Method A. B. California Test 367, Section “C. Optimum Bitumen Content,” is revised as follows: 1. Plot asphalt-rubber binder content versus void content for each specimen on Form TL-306 (Figure 3), and connect adjacent points with straight lines. 2. From Figure 3 select the theoretical asphalt-rubber binder content that has 4 percent voids. 3. Record the asphalt-rubber binder content in Step 2 as the Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC). 4. To establish a recommended range, use the Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC) as the high value and 0.3 percent less as the low value. Notwithstanding, the recommended range shall not extend below 7.6 percent nor shall the high value to establish recommended range be above 9.5 percent. If the OBC is 7.6%, then there shall be no recommended range, and 7.6% shall be the recommended value. 190 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 151 C. Laboratory mixing and compaction shall be in conformance with the requirements of California Test 304, except that the mixing temperature of the aggregate shall be between 300º F and 325º F. The compaction temperature of the combined mixture shall be between 290º F and 300º F. If tests on finished ARHM material during production demonstrate non- compliance with minimum air voids or minimum binder content, production shall not proceed on the day following such determination. In that case, the mix design must be retested and samples resubmitted to the City’s Project Representative for approval prior to restart of production. 912-2.5 Mixing The third paragraph of Subsection 203-11.4 is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: The proportions of the materials, by total weight of asphalt rubber binder, shall be 80% +/- 2% combined paving asphalt and asphalt modifier, and 20% +/- 2% CRM. However, the minimum amount of CRM shall not be less than 18.0 percent. Lower values which are rounded up shall not be allowed. The CRM shall be combined at the production site and shall contain 75 percent +/- 2 percent scrap tire CRM and 25 percent +/- 2% high natural CRM, by mass. The temperature of the blended asphalt and modifier shall be between 380º F minimum and 440º F maximum when the CRM is added. The temperature shall not exceed 10º F below the actual flash point of the mixture. The CRM shall be combined and mixed together in an asphalt rubber mechanical blender meeting the requirements of 203-11.5. The combined asphalt and CRM shall be pumped into a reaction tank or distributor truck meeting the requirements of 203-11.5, Item 3, part (A) herein. The required minimum reaction time shall be 90 minutes. The temperature of the asphalt rubber mixture shall be between 380º F minimum to 425º F maximum during the reaction period. The reaction period shall be set as described in 203-11.5, item 3, part (A) herein. After reacting, the asphalt rubber binder shall conform to the requirements in Table 203-11.4(A) (as modified herein). Table 203-11.4(A) Test Parameter ASTM Test Method Requirement Min. Max. Haake Field Viscosity @ 375ºF, (Centipoise) See Section 203 -11.4.1 1500 2600 Cone Penetration @ 77ºF, mm D217 25 70 Resilience @ 77ºF, Percent Rebound D3407 18 -- Field Softening Point, ºF D36 125 165 191 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 152 The reaction period shall begin at the time that complete incorporation of materials into the mix at the minimum reaction temperature specified above is achieved and end at the time that the asphalt rubber meets all specifications for reacted material. The reaction period shall be the minimum time to bring the material into full compliance with specifications, but not less than 90 minutes. Once established, the reaction period shall remain unchanged, unless there are changes in materials or equipment that affect rubber digestion, in which case a new reaction period shall be established per specifications. The City’s Project Representative’s decision shall be final for the determination of the reaction period. All material shall be tested for viscosity and verified as to complete reaction prior to transfer to any storage tank or use of the reaction tank for feed to the hot mix plant. Test results shall be reported in writing daily. Inability to maintain reaction temperatures above specified minimums will be cause to terminate paving operations. The Contractor is reminded that if the reaction tank or the method of filling the tank is not capable of sustaining the specified reaction temperature, there exists the potential for such below minimum temperatures to seriously delay production, or depending on heat input potential, even become an irreversible condition. A Production Schedule Form shall be submitted with the bid demonstrating that the proposed asphalt rubber production equipment can meet the demands of the project. The Contractor shall test viscosity and record the following information for every tank of asphalt rubber prior to being transferred to storage or directed to feed to the hot mix plant on an Asphalt Rubber Batch Log: 1) Temperature of stored asphalt cement material at time of loading 2) Time the reaction tank is fully loaded 3) The beginning time of reaction (as defined above) 4) Time of each viscosity test 5) The binder temperature during each viscosity test 6) The measured viscosity A copy of the Asphalt Rubber Batch Log shall be provided to the City’s Project Representative upon request. A copy of the batch log sheet shall be faxed to the City within 1.5 hours of placing the final batch for the day into storage or feed to the plant. A copy of the daily paper circle chart shall be faxed with the batch log sheet. To fit 8-½ x 11 inch sheets, the circle chart may be faxed in halves with an overlapping strip. See Section 712-2.7 below for circle chart requirements. One passing sample for viscosity tests on each batch, prior to transfer to storage 192 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 153 or converting to feed to the ARHM mix plant shall be poured into a clean gallon can that has been pre-certified by the City’s Project Representative. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that sufficient sample cans with lids are at the plant, such that they can be pre-certified at least three days prior to use. The City’s Project Representative will certify the cans by numbering them consecutively and affixing his or her signature to each can. The Contractor shall conduct sampling such that the pre-certified sample can numbers correspond to batch numbers beginning with number one at the start of the project, increasing consecutively with each batch, without restarting the count at any point. After testing and recording the information for the batch, the corresponding pre- certified sample can shall be filled and stored for the duration of the project or until the City’s Project Representative Takes possession of the can. 912-2.6 Hand Held Viscometer Test The second and third sentence of Item number 5 under Test Procedure is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: In one continuous operation, turn off the spindle rotation, remove the spindle vertically from the binder (after heating), discontinue stirring the binder and immediately insert the spindle back in the center of the binder. While holding the viscometer level, wait 5 seconds, turn the spindle on and watch the needle on the viscometer dial and record the maximum value obtained on the dial. 912-2.7 Equipment for Production of Asphalt Rubber Add the following to Item c) of 203-11.5: A) Reaction Tank: The asphalt rubber material shall be held in a reaction tank separate from the storage tank feeding the ARHM plant until the reaction is complete. The reaction tank shall have agitation sufficient to increase the viscosity of the mixture to a peak viscosity reading at least 20 percent higher than the viscosity reading of the material measured at the time that the binder meets all specifications for reacted material. The period of reaction shall not be less than the minimum reaction time specified in Section 203-11.4 and may be extended as needed to produce this result. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to demonstrate to the City’s Project Representative through viscosity readings at fifteen- minute intervals through a batch reaction cycle that the equipment conforms to these requirements. The reaction tank shall have a functioning paper circle chart thermometer device, which shall record tank temperatures whenever asphalt rubber is in any stage of production. Seven days 193 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 154 before production of asphalt rubber starts, the Contractor shall provide the City’s Project Representative at least 60 blank circle charts suitable for use with the circle chart thermometer device to be used on the project. These charts shall be numbered and signed by the project manager and returned to the Contractor prior to start of construction. These signed and numbered charts shall be used throughout the production of the asphalt rubber. Charts will be used in consecutive order starting with number one and shall be returned weekly after used to the project manager. Charts shall be identified with the date they were used by the Contractor at time of installing on the equipment, and shall be identified as to the tank to which they were attached. Production of asphalt rubber shall be terminated if this procedure is not followed and shall not be restarted until Contractor demonstrates to the City’s Project Representative that it is capable of complying with this requirement. At the start of each production day, the paper chart shall be replaced with a new signed and numbered sheet, the lead scribe shall be sharpened, and the circle chart shall be calibrated against a sample of material drawn early from the first batch of the day. Any calibration adjustments shall be recorded in the appropriate space provided on the batch log sheet. A spare functional circle chart device shall be at the plant at all times for immediate installation should a failure occur on a circle chart device being used. Calibration shall be performed as part of such installation. The lack of a functional circle chart device on the reaction tank shall be cause to terminate production of asphalt rubber. A blunt lead scribe or a paper chart used on a prior day will be considered to render the device non- functional. B) Storage Tank: After a complete reaction is verified by viscosity readings acceptable to the City’s Project Representative, the material shall be held in a storage tank that is fully isolated from material that is not fully reacted. This tank shall be the only tank feeding the ARHM plant. No material shall be transferred to the storage tank feeding the ARHM plant until reaction is complete in the reaction tank. 912-3 CONSTRUCTION METHODS 912-3.1 General ARHM shall conform to the specifications for Subsection 302-5 of the Standard Specifications except as modified herein. ARHM shall consist of one or more courses of an asphalt-rubber binder and graded aggregate as herein specified placed upon a prepared roadbed or base 194 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 155 or over existing pavement. The courses shall be of the type of mixture and the dimensions shown on the Plans or Specifications. 912-3.2 Distribution Spreading Section 302-11.3 of the Standard Specifications is hereby modified as follows: At the time of delivery to the work site, the temperature of ARHM shall not be lower than 300° Fahrenheit or higher than 350° Fahrenheit. The procedure whereby material is deposited in a windrow then picked up and placed in the asphalt paver with loading equipment may be used. The following shall be provided for the windrow operation: 1. The asphalt paver is of such design that the material will fall into a hopper which has a movable bottom conveyor to feed the screed. 2. The loader (pick-up machine) is constructed and operated so that substantially all of the material deposited on the roadbed is picked up and deposited in the paving machine. 3. Only one truck shall dump ahead of the paving machine, with only enough windrow remaining from the previous dump to provide for adequate material for paving between windrows. The windrow procedure will not be accepted if the temperature of the asphalt concrete in the windrow falls below the specified temperatures. 4. All loose material outside of the windrow shall not be placed on the windrow itself. The loose material shall become property of the Contractor and removed from the site. The Contractor shall designate staging areas for trucks to switch trailers and perform clean out, if necessary. Trucks shall use only designated areas for these purposes. The Contractor shall spread rock dust blotter at a rate of 0.5 pounds per square yard within 500 feet leading away from these areas and on a continuous run back to the point where trucks exit and or enter the area to be paved. The cost of this application will be borne by the Contractor as included in the unit cost for asphalt rubber hot mix. In order to prevent cold longitudinal joints, if a street is not completed in the same day, only transverse joints shall be left open for the next workday. A longitudinal joint will only be allowed at the center of the traveled lane or at the joint of traveled lanes. Longitudinal joints coinciding with existing longitudinal joints will not be allowed. 195 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 156 To avoid picking up loose rock in the overlay area, the tires of all trucks must be lightly oiled with linseed oil or soybean oil or approved equal, but not to the point of runoff. Diesel fuel will not be allowed on the project for oil down of equipment. The provisions of Subsection 5-3.1 of the Standard Specifications are hereby incorporated into these Special Provisions, whereby incompetent operators shall be removed from the work. Indications of lack of experience, or unfamiliarity with the equipment or its operation will be considered incompetence. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting existing storm drain inlets, swales and culverts to ensure that no sand, gravel, rock dust, tack coat, asphalt, or spoils from paving operations enter into storm drain inlets. All PCC, brick or other decorative surfaces within 500 feet of the work limits that are to be crossed by trucks used to haul pavement material shall be covered with sand or other durable covering prior to applying tack coat. The Contractor shall have sufficient power brooms on site during all periods of distribution and spreading to provide for cleanup of haul routes and work areas. Power broom shall provide miscellaneous cleanup of pavement material spoils as directed by the City’s Project Representative. Power brooms used ahead of paving operations after acceptance of cold milling shall only sweep areas that are accepted as completed for cold milling. Power brooms shall not be operated more than 80 percent full of sweepings. Power brooms that have swept areas not accepted as completed for cold milling shall not enter onto areas that are accepted as completed for cold milling. 912-3.3 Rolling To ensure optimum quality control, the use of more than one paver must be approved in advance by the Engineer, and will generally require one foreman, one sweeper, and a full complement of rollers per Subsection 302-11.4 of the Standard Specifications and this Subsection 712-3.3 for each paving machine. Section 302-9.4 of the Standard Specifications is hereby modified as follows: A vibratory roller shall be used for initial breakdown rolling. The initial breakdown rolling shall be completed before the asphalt-rubber hot mix temperature falls below 275° Fahrenheit measured immediately in front of the roller. Pneumatic rollers shall not be used. The contractor shall provide sufficient rollers to assure complete compaction before the mixture reaches 260° Fahrenheit. If the contractor at any time fails to meet these criteria, placement of additional asphalt concrete shall be suspended until compaction is completed on the material already laid down. 196 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 157 An extra breakdown roller shall be on site at all times, free of defects. An intermediate roller of the same or greater width than the breakdown roller shall be rolling directly behind the breakdown roller at all times, and paving shall cease if intermediate rolling is terminated for any reason. Additional intermediate rollers may be necessary depending on production rates. Once a rolling pattern proves effective and the Contractor elects to use it, the rolling pattern shall remain consistent, unless conditions change and a modified rolling pattern is needed to conform to specification. Paving shall cease whenever the intermediate roller stops rolling. A finish roller shall be provided in addition to intermediate rolling to perform all finish rolling, such that the intermediate roller can stay immediately behind the breakdown roller at all times. 912-3.3.1 Density and Smoothness Density and smoothness shall conform to Subsection 302-5.6.2 of the Standard Specifications, except the second and third paragraph of Subsection 302-5.6.2 shall not apply to ARHM. The relative compaction of the finished mat after final rolling shall be a minimum of 95 percent as measured by California Test 375. The field density of compacted ARHM shall be determined by a nuclear asphalt testing device, calibrated and correlated to cores in conformance with California Test 375. 912-3.3.2 Maximum Density Maximum density samples shall be prepared in conformance with California Test 304, except: A. Compaction shall be performed between 290 and 300 degrees Fahrenheit. 912-3.3.3 Compaction Payment Reduction Based on laboratory tests on AC pavements revealing a highly significant loss of life span accelerating with each 1 percent reduction of compaction, and the well known catastrophic effect of oxidation and stripping of asphalt products due to interconnected voids that develop below 95 percent compaction, and the extreme expense of removing and replacing pavement not compacted to the specified minimum, a nominal deduction of payment will be applied for under-compacted ARHM pavement. The bidder in submitting a bid fully accepts the provisions in this Subsection 197 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 158 712-3.3.3 and agrees that the nominal payment deduction is acceptable and reasonable for these purposes. Payment reductions shall be applied to ARHM compacted less than 95 percent (the specified minimum) and greater than 91.9 percent of the maximum density based on nuclear testing with Part 3 – Test Site Selection of California Test 375 modified as follows: A lot shall be one day’s production or other lesser portion of paving as determined by the City’s Project Representative to be reasonably contiguous and uninterrupted and deficient in terms of compaction, and a pull shall be the width between joints as the lot is placed. Test site selection shall conform to California Test 375, Part 3, except the number of tests shall be the area of the lot in square feet divided by 400, or a minimum 20 tests, whichever is greater, and any test site within 1.5 feet of a grade break or pavement joint shall be relocated laterally towards the center of the pull to 1.5 feet from such joint or grade break. The mathematical mean average of percent of maximum density represented by all tests shall be calculated, except any test results outside of this mean plus two standard deviations based on all tests, shall be rejected. The mean average shall be calculated directly from the remaining values. A compensation reduction shall be deducted from the contract unit price for ARHM for material within any lot determined to be below minimum relative compaction in conformance with Table 712- 3.3.3A. To compute the compensation reduction, multiply the unit price for ARHM times the reduced compensation factor corresponding to the mean average compaction of the lot. Any lot with tests indicating a mean average compaction of 91.9 percent or less shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s expense. TABLE 712-3.3.3A REDUCED COMPENSATION FACTORS Relative Compaction (Percent) Reduced Compensation Factor Relative Compaction (Percent) Reduced Compensation Factor 95.0 0.000 93.4 0.062 94.9 0.002 93.3 0.068 94.8 0.004 93.2 0.075 94.7 0.006 93.1 0.082 94.6 0.009 93.0 0.090 94.5 0.012 92.9 0.098 94.4 0.015 92.8 0.108 198 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 159 94.3 0.018 92.7 0.118 94.2 0.022 92.6 0.129 94.1 0.026 92.5 0.142 94.0 0.030 92.4 0.157 93.9 0.034 92.3 0.175 93.8 0.039 92.2 0.196 93.7 0.044 92.1 0.225 93.6 0.050 92.0 0.300 93.5 0.056 912-3.4 Intersections Where asphalt concrete overlay work is required on a through street at an intersection without a concrete cross gutter, the overlay on the cross street shall extend to the ECR return where a keycut will be made transverse to the cross street as noted on the Plan or as directed by the City Inspector. Transverse keycuts shall be completed from curb to curb. 912-3.5 Sampling The Engineer will sample the asphalt concrete from the truck bed, paving machine hopper or mat behind the spreading machine at various intervals. The contractor shall facilitate the sampling process. 912-3.6 Tack Coat A Tack Coat shall be furnished and applied to all areas to be surfaced in accordance with the provisions of the Standard Specifications Section 302-5.4 "Tack Coat," and Section 910 of these specifications. 912-3.7 Rock Dust Blotter At the option of the engineer, a rock dust blotter may be required. Rock Dust per Subsection 200-1.2 of the Standard Specifications shall be uniformly applied using a mechanical spreader at a rate of approximately three pounds per square yard. The cost of this application will be borne by the contractor. Lack of uniformity of application of rock dust shall be cause to terminate paving operations. The rock dust spreader apparatus shall have the capability to allow the carrier vehicle to back down the new ARHM mat on the rock dust as it is distributed ahead of the vehicle. Rock dust shall not be spread until final rolling is complete and pavement temperatures have dropped below 200 degrees Fahrenheit, except as authorized by the engineer. 199 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 160 912-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment of ARHM shall be the same as for asphalt concrete per Subsection 302-5.9 of the Standard Specifications. Payment for ARHM shall be made at the contract unit price per ton. Such payment shall be considered full compensation for furnishing and maintaining all materials, labor, equipment, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work in accordance with the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. 200 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 161 SECTION 913 PORTLAND CEMENT/CONCRETE IMPROVEMENTS (Bid Item Nos. 27A, 32A, 33A, 36A, 37A, and 42A) 913-1 GENERAL New and existing concrete facilities, including curb, curb and gutter, local depressions, sidewalk, commercial and private driveways, handicap ramps, stamped and colored median, concrete cross gutters and spandrels, and other facilities shown on the Plans shall be removed and replaced or constructed at the locations indicated on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. The existing concrete shall be sawcut full depth prior to excavation. In locations where the curb and gutter were cast monolithically with the sidewalk, the sawcut shall extend to the full depth required to assure complete separation of the curb from the sidewalk. Any concrete broken due to the Contractor's failure to comply with these requirements shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Where sidewalk, curb, and curb and gutter is to be removed and replaced or constructed within the same location that has been disturbed by tree roots, and where roots are found, the base and soil shall be over excavated an additional 12 inches and any tree roots removed. 913-2 BASE PREPARATION The existing concrete to be replaced shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor in accordance with the construction documents. The existing subgrade shall be compacted to 90% relative compaction and trimmed to the dimensions shown on the plans. All work shall comply with Section 300 of the Standard Specifications. Soil sterilization shall be performed in accordance with Section 301-1.2 of the Standard Specifications. 913-3 MATERIALS Concrete shall conform to Section 201 of the Standard Specifications and shall be Class 520-C-2500. Colored stamped concrete shall match the pattern and color of the existing median. 913-4 CONSTRUCTION Construction shall conform to Section 303 of the Standard Specifications and the following standard plans (see Appendix D). 201 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 162 Concrete Curb SSPWC 120-1, A1-150(6) Concrete Curb and Gutter SSPWC 120-1, A1-150(6) Concrete Curb Ramp SSPWC 111-4, Case B, Type 4 Concrete Driveway SSPWC 110-1 Concrete Cross Gutter SSPWC 122-1 Concrete Sidewalk County of Ventura Plate E-3 Rev. E SSPWC 112-1 SSPWC 113-1 New curb ramps shall include truncated domes in conformance with current standards. The new concrete facilities shall be placed as marked by the Engineer. The line and grade of the replaced facilities shall conform to the existing facilities. In most instances, this will consist of a straight line between existing facilities. The Contractor shall water test all repaired curbs and gutters, cross gutters, and other repaired drainage facilities in the presence of the City's Inspector. Contractor shall protect work until the concrete has cured sufficiently to prevent vandalism (graffiti inscriptions) to the finished work. Vandalized concrete shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Where curb or curb and gutter is to be removed and replace adjacent to pavement which is to remain in place, the asphalt concrete shall be removed at least 24 inches away from the concrete. After concrete is placed and cured, roadway subgrade shall be compacted to 90% relative compaction and the void filled with asphalt concrete in lifts not to exceed 3 inches. A minimum of two lifts shall be used and the top lift shall be 1- 1/2 inches thick. For concrete to be removed but not replaced, the void left shall be backfilled with clean native material. After curing has been completed and forms have been removed from the new curb and gutter or sidewalk, the void between the new concrete and the existing parkway shall be filled with clean native material and the entire parkway left in a clean and orderly condition. Driveways and alley approaches, including curb and gutter section adjacent, shall be removed and replaced within twenty four (24) hours. Curing time shall be seventy-two (72) hours. 913-5 PAYMENT Payment for the various types of concrete improvements shall be paid for on a unit price basis for each item, as enumerated in the bid proposal. The unit cost of each item shall include all costs associated with the work including, but not limited to, excavating; removal of roots; disposal of excavated materials; crushed aggregate base as called for in the Standard Plans; forming; placing and finishing concrete; stamping and coloring concrete; placing the appropriate grooving on access ramps; patching of the adjacent 202 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 163 asphalt concrete; and cleanup. Such payment shall be considered full compensation for furnishing and maintaining all materials, labor, equipment, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work in accordance with the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. 203 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 164 SECTION 914 ADJUST UTILITY AND SURVEY MONUMENT COVERS (Bid Item No. 35A) 914-1 SCOPE OF WORK All manhole, utility valve, sewer clean-outs, and survey monument covers shall be adjusted to finish grade after slurry seal operations are completed as directed by the Engineer. The work includes manhole frames, grates, covers, utility valve and survey monument covers. All covers shall be marked and protected as specified herein. 914-2 CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall mark, as approved by the Engineer, and completely protect with heavy plastic or other suitable material, as approved by the Engineer, all utility covers or other items which are visible on the surface and will be covered by his operations. This shall be completed prior to the start of that operation, and approved by the Engineer. For all sewer manhole covers, the Contractor shall ensure that the pick hole is clear of all asphaltic or fabric materials immediately after each stage of work, thus enabling identification of any sewer system back-up by the visible presence of effluent. The Contractor shall also scribe an “X” into the fresh pavement over all utility covers immediately after each stage of work, to assist crews in locating any covered manhole or valve. All manhole, utility valve, and survey monument covers shall be raised to grade after construction of the final resurfacing materials. The length of time between paving and the raising of any given cover shall not exceed seven (7) days. Care shall be taken to keep frames and covers clean. Any materials that have adhered to the frames and covers shall be removed. The concrete around the manholes shall be left 1-1/2" lower than the adjacent pavement. The surface shall be tack coated with 0.10 gallons per square yard and paved with Type D-3 asphalt concrete. Immediately after placement, the surface shall be sand sealed. 914-3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for adjusting utility and survey monument covers to finish grade will be made at the contract unit price per each per type of cover. The above unit prices include any costs incurred for keeping the sewer manhole cover pick holes clear and for marking with an “X” the fresh asphalt over manhole covers, and no further payment will be made for these items. The above contract unit price shall include full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation, and 204 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 165 incidentals for adjusting utility and survey monument covers in accordance with the Contract Documents. 205 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 166 SECTION 915 PROTECT SURVEY MONUMENTATION (Not a Bid Item) 915-1 GENERAL The work shall consist of protecting existing survey monumentation both in the existing pavement area and in existing concrete facilities including sidewalks and curbs. The existing monumentation to be protected shall include all existing survey monuments; pipes; railroad spikes; lead and tacks; scribes in concrete; and other survey markers which may be disturbed by the work. The Contractor shall identify such monuments to the City, which are not indicated on the plans. The survey monumentation to be protected shall be verified by the City prior to any work to protect the monument. 915-2 CONSTRUCTION Where a survey monument will be removed due to this construction, the Contractor shall save the monuments, markers, and appurtenances. The reinstallation of the actual monuments and/or property corners will be accomplished by the City's Contract Surveyor. A forty-eight hour notification to the City is required before removal of a survey monument tie. 915-3 PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for work performed or for compliance with the requirements outlined in this Section, “Special Conditions.” Full compensation for such work and features shall be considered as included in the contract unit or lump sum prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 206 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 167 SECTION 916 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES (Bid Item Nos. 40A, 41A) 916-1 GENERAL Chain link fences and gates shall conform to the specifications of Section 80 Fences of the 2018 Caltrans Standard Specifications, except as modified herein. 916-2 MATERIALS The chain link fence fabric, posts, braces, wires, turnbuckles, truss tighteners, truss rods, stretcher bars, bar bands and other incidental accessories shall be galvanized. The contractor shall not use materials that are imperfectly galvanized, coated or with serious abrasions. All material shall conform to the specification of Section 80-3, “Chain Link Fences” and details A85, A85A and A85B of the 2018 Caltrans Standard Plans. 916-3 CONSTRUCTION The contractor shall install the chain link fence and gate in accordance with Section 80- 3.3, “Construction”, of the 2018 Caltrans Standard Specifications. The contractor shall use Caltrans Standard Plan A85, A85A and A85B details for spacing of posts, tension wires, diagonal/horizontal bracing, truss rods and any other items as noted on said details. 916-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for chain link fences and gates, complete in place, will be made at the contract unit prices bid for the various bid items shown in the Bid Schedule. The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, materials, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary for construction of chain link fences and gates, complete in place, as specified in the SSS and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. Damage of any existing fence, gates, posts or post sleeves as a result of the construction operations, shall be considered as included in the contract unit lump sum prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 207 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 168 SECTION 917 TRAFFIC SIGNING AND PAVEMENT DELINEATION (Bid Item Nos. 64A, 65A, and 66A) 917-1 GENERAL Traffic signing and pavement delineation shall consist of the restoration of the existing painted traffic striping, reflective and non-reflective raised pavement markers (including blue hydrant markers), providing traffic signs, temporary lane line delineation. The Contractor shall locate and reference any existing pavement striping and marking prior to starting any work at any location if not shown on the striping plans. The pavement shall be delineated as specified in these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. The traffic signs, traffic paint, raised pavement markers, reflective materials, the application of new painted striping, and pavement markings, the installation of new raised pavement markers, and the removal of existing signs, striping, pavement markings and raised pavement markers shall conform to the provisions in the SSS Sections: 56, "Overhead Sign Structures, Standards, and Poles"; 82, "Signs and Markers"; and 84, "Markings"; in addition to the Standard Plans, and these Special Provisions. The SSS Measurement and Payment clauses are hereby deleted. 917-2 REFLECTIVE AND NON-REFLECTIVE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS Raised pavement markers shall be supplied and be placed in accordance with the SSS Section 85 and these Special Provisions. Pavement markers shall be the type and color shown on the Plans, and the work shall be in conformance with the SSS Subsection 85-1. A materials certificate of compliance will be required prior to the placement of any markers. Placement of the markers shall be in conformance with the provisions of the SSS Subsection 82-5. Pavement markers shall be in place no sooner than fourteen (14) days after the surface course of pavement has been opened to public traffic. 917-3 PAVEMENT DELINEATION Striping, pavement legends and symbols shall be thermoplastic, painted and raised markers as shown on the plans. Striping, pavement legends and symbols shall not be placed until spotted and the spotting is approved by a City representative. All paint shall be approved for use in this area by the APCD. Paint shall be applied in three (3) coats with adequate drying time between applications. The first coat of paint shall be applied no sooner than seven (7) calendar days after final paving. The second and third coats shall be placed after the previous coat is dry, and both shall be 208 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 169 reflectorized. All striping and markings shall be completed within 14 days of completing the paving. Striping details, pavement legends and symbols shall conform to those in Caltrans Standard Plans, current edition. Pavement legends and symbols shall be white, unless noted otherwise. All conflicting existing striping and pavement markers, which will not be covered by new construction, shall be removed by wet sandblasting. Painted lines and markings shall be removed by wet sandblasting. In areas adjacent to the pavement overlay where existing striping must be revised to conform to a revised striping pattern on the overlay, conflicting striping shall be removed by wet sandblasting. 917-4 TRAFFIC SIGNS All details and dimensions for traffic signs shall conform to the Caltrans Sign Specifications, Traffic Manual, Maintenance Manual, and Standard Plans and Standard Specifications. Copies are available from the Caltrans Central Publication Distribution Unit, 6002 Folsom Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95819. All signs shall be reflectorized high intensity sheeting on 0.080 inch thick 5052H38 aluminum. Materials shall be certified by the manufacturer as meeting all applicable specifications. Sign posts shall be wide flange metal posts. Sign installation hardware shall be vandal resistant. Wood posts are not acceptable. In dirt areas, sign posts shall be embedded 24-inches into an 8-inch diameter by 24- inch deep PCC foundation. In existing pavement areas, sign posts shall be driven 24- inches through a core-drilled hole and then grouted in place. In new pavement areas (paved medians and sidewalks), sign posts shall be driven 24-inches through a 6-inch diameter pavement sleeve and then grouted in place. Prior to installation, the Contractor shall verify with the Engineer the precise locations of all traffic signs. Traffic signs to be relocated shall be removed and re-set on the existing posts/sleeves or better. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to protect the signs and posts/sleeves during relocation for their re-use. Signs and posts/sleeves damaged during relocation shall be replaced at the Contractor’s expense, in accordance with these Special Provisions. 917-5 TEMPORARY MARKINGS Temporary pavement delineation shall be furnished, placed, maintained and removed in accordance with the provisions in the SSS Section 12-3.01, "General," and these Special Provisions. Nothing herein shall be construed as to reduce the minimum 209 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 170 standards specified in the Manual of Traffic Controls, or as relieving the Contractor from his/her responsibility as provided in the SSS Section 7-1.04, "Public Safety." Lane line and/or centerline pavement delineation where pre-existing or shown to be installed in like kind shall be provided at all times for traveled ways open to public traffic. Whenever the work causes obliteration of any pavement delineation, temporary pavement delineation or permanent traffic stripes delineation of the appropriate color and detail shall be in place prior to opening the traveled way to public traffic. The delineation shall be placed in the location shown on the striping plans for permanent delineation (modified if necessary to provide a proper length transition to an adjacent Segment). Existing pavement markers, when no longer required for traffic lane delineation as directed by the Engineer, shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with the SSS Section 84-9, "Existing Markings." Surfaces on which temporary pavement delineation is to be applied shall be cleaned of all dirt and loose material and shall be dry when the pavement delineation is applied. All work necessary to establish satisfactory lines for temporary pavement delineation shall be performed by the Contractor. Temporary pavement delineation that is damaged from any cause during the progress of the work shall be immediately repaired or replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. Temporary pavement delineation for lane lines and centerlines shall consist of temporary reflective pavement markers placed and maintained at longitudinal intervals of not more than 24 feet apart. The interval for multiple left turns through intersections shall be not more than 10 feet apart. Temporary reflective pavement markers shall be the same color (yellow to separate opposing traffic or white to separate adjacent lanes in the same direction) as the lane line or centerline the temporary pavement markers replace. The temporary reflective pavement markers shall be, at the option of the Contractor, one of the following or equal: Temporary Overlay Marker (Types Y and W) manufactured by Davidson Plastics Company, 18726 East Valley Highway, Kent, Washington 98032, Telephone (206) 251-8140. Safe-Hit Temporary Pavement Marker, manufactured by Safe-Hit, Corporation, 930 West Hinton Avenue, Building #11, Hayward, CA 95545. Swareflex Pavement Marker (Models 3553, 3554, Cat Eyes Nos. 3002 and 3004), manufactured by Swarecon and distributed by Servtech Plastics Inc., 1714 South California Street, Monrovia, CA 91016, Telephone (818) 359-9248. 210 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 171 Stimsonite Construction Zone Marker (Model 66), manufactured by Amerace Corporation, Signal Products Division, 7542 North Natchez Avenue, Niles, IL 60648, Telephone (312) 647-7717. Flex-O-Lite Raised Construction Marker (RCM), manufactured by Flex-P-Lite, Lukens Company, P.O. Box 4366, St. Louis, MO 63123-0166, Telephone (800) 325-9525. 3M Scotch-Lane A200 Pavement Marking System (reflective raised pavement marker on reflective traffic line tape), manufactured by 3M Company, Traffic Control Materials Division, 223-3N 3M Center, St. Paul, MN 55144. MV Plastic Chip Seal Marker (1280/1281 Series), manufactured by MV Plastics, Inc., 533 Collins Avenue, Orange, CA 92667, Telephone (713) 532-1522. Temporary reflective tape (intersection multiple left turns only). Temporary reflective pavement markers shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Butyl adhesive pads shall be used to apply temporary reflective pavement markers to the top layer of permanent surfacing or existing surfacing. Temporary pavement delineation shall be maintained until replaced with the planned permanent pavement striping. When no longer required, temporary pavement delineation that conflicts with permanent pavement delineation, as determined by the Engineer, shall be removed and disposed of in accordance with the provisions in Section 7-1.13 of the SSS, "Disposal of Material Outside the Highway Right of Way." Full compensation for furnishing, placing, maintaining, and replacing (regardless of the number of times it is required) temporary pavement delineation, and for removal and disposal of the temporary reflective pavement markers shall be considered as included in the contract prices bid paid for the various items of work and no separate payment shall be made therefore. Full compensation for removing and disposing of existing or temporary pavement markers shall be considered as included in the contract unit price bid for asphalt concrete pavement and no separate payment shall be made therefore. 917-6 THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING MATERIAL Thermoplastic pavement marking materials and installation shall conform to SSS Section 84-2. Materials shall consist of extruded alkyd binder thermoplastic in conformance with State Specification 8010-19A. 211 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 172 917-7 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for traffic signing, striping, and pavement delineation, complete in place, will be made at the contract unit prices bid for the various bid items shown in the Bid Schedule. The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, materials, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary for construction of traffic signing and pavement delineation, complete in place, as specified in the SSS and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. Full compensation for the installation, removal and disposal of existing and temporary pavement markers shall be considered as included in the contract unit price bid for other applicable items of work and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. Damage of any signs, posts or post sleeves as a result of the construction operations, shall be considered as included in the contract unit lump sum prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 212 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 173 SECTION 918 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS (Bid Item Nos. 43A to 47A, 49A to 58A) 918-1 GENERAL The work performed in connection with drainage systems shall conform to the Standard Specifications Section 207 “Gravity Pipe” and Section 306 “Open Trench Conduit Construction”, except as modified within these Special Provisions. 918-2 MATERIALS 918-2.1 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Reinforced Concrete Pipe shall conform to the specifications of A.S.T.M. Designation C76 and shall be the class as identified on the project plans. Portland Cement used in the manufacture of reinforced concrete pipe shall conform to the requirements of the specifications for Type II Portland Cement, A.S.T.M. Designation C150. Tests on reinforced concrete pipe shall be required to determine conformance with "D" load and reinforcing requirements of these specifications. Pipe samples for testing shall be furnished, without charge, by the Contractor one week in advance of construction. The cost of testing the pipe shall be borne by the Contractor. One section of pipe from each lot to be used shall be tested in accordance with the procedures outlined in A.S.T.M. C76. Lots tested shall be marked with the date made as well as by lot number for shipment to the specific project for which that lot has been tested. Any pipe arriving on the job without the appropriate markings shall be rejected and sent back to the supplier until such lot or lots can be tested and accepted for use. In lieu of the above testing of reinforced concrete pipe, the Contractor may submit to the City Engineer the manufacturer's "Certificate of Compliance" guaranteeing the requirements of A.S.T.M. C76. 918-2.2 Precast Structures Drainage Inlets noted on the project plans shall be precast and comply with the requirements of Section 303 “Concrete and Masonry Construction” of the Standard Specifications. Associated as cross-references as note within Section 303 of the Standard Specifications apply. 213 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 174 Approved manufactures: Precon Products, Simi Valley, CA Mid State Concrete Products, Santa Maria, CA 918-2.3 Rip Rap Riprap stone shall be of the size and weight as designated on the project plans and shall conform to Section 200-1.6 “Stone for Riprap” of the Standard Specifications. 918-2.4 Steel Grates and Cast-Iron Lids Steel grates, frames and lids shall be provided and installed as designated on the project plans. The materials shall conform to the following: Steel Grates shall be traffic rated and conform to Section 206-2 “Steel Castings” of the Standard Specifications. Drainage Grates and frames shall be galvanized in accordance with Section 210- 3 “Galvanizing” of the Standard Specifications Manhole frame and cover shall conform to Section 206-3 “Gray Iron and Ductile Iron Castings” of the Standard Specifications. 918-2.5 Miscellaneous Concrete Concrete used for headwalls, structures, and concrete collars shall conform to the requirements as identified in Section 913 “Portland Cement/Concrete Improvements” of these Special Provisions. 918-3 CONSTRUCTION The contractor shall use the specifications of Section 306 “Open Trench Conduit Construction” of the Standard Specifications for the installation of the required items. The specified section identifies requirements for trenching, backfill, laying pipe, bedding, and joining pipe. 918-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for drainage systems, complete in place, will be made at the contract unit prices bid for the various bid items shown and Bid Schedule Item Nos. 43A to 47A and 49A to 58A. Measurement from center of manhole to center of manhole or catch basin, or from center of manhole to wall of outlet structure as the case may be. Measurement shall be along a line parallel to the grade of the storm drain. 214 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 175 The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, materials, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary for removal or relocation of items specified in the Bid Schedule, complete in place, as specified in the SSS and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. Damage of any items outside the clean payment lines, as a result of the construction operations, shall be considered as included in the contract prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 215 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 176 SECTION 919 RETAINING AND SCREEN WALLS (Bid Item Nos. 59A to 63A, 68A, 69A) 919-1 GENERAL The work performed under this section shall comply with the Sections; 201 “Concrete, Mortar, And Related Materials,” 202 “Masonry Materials,” 303 “Concrete And Masonry Construction” of the Standard Specifications except as modified herein and on the project plans. 919-2 MATERIALS The project plans identify specifications for concrete, mortar, reinforcing steel, block, drains, expansion joints, sealant, waterproof membrane, etc. 919-3 CONSTRUCTION The contractor shall install the walls in accordance with the project plans and Section 303 of the Standard Specifications. 919-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for wall gutter, wall drain, retaining wall (greater than 12 feet and less than 12 feet) and screen wall, complete in place, will be made at the contract unit prices bid for the various bid items shown in the Bid Schedule. Wall gutters measurement will be made linearly along the gutter, whereas wall drains will be made for each installation. Wall measurement will be made on a square foot basis of the wall face. The wall face is defined as the area from the top of the footing to the top of the wall. There will be no measurement of the wall footing, and all materials required to construct the wall shall be included within the measurement of the wall face. The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment, materials, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary for construction of the items specified in the Bid Schedule, complete in place, as specified in the SSS and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the Engineer. Damage of any items outside the clean payment lines, as a result of the construction operations, shall be considered as included in the contract prices bid for other applicable items of work, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 216 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 177 SECTION 920 RELEASE ON CONTRACT (Bid Item No. 71A) 920-1 GENERAL Prior to receiving final payment, the Contractor shall execute a "Release on Contract" form (included in Appendix "A" of these Specifications) which shall operate as, and shall be a release to the City, the City Council, and each member of the City Council and their agents, from all claims and liability to the Contractor for anything done or furnished for, or relating to, the work or for any act of neglect of the City or of any person relating to or affecting the work, except the claim against the City for the remainder, if any there be, of the amounts kept or retained as provided in the SSPWC Subsection 7-3, "Payment," and except for any unsettled claims listed on said form which have been filed in compliance with the requirements for making claims. 920-2 PAYMENT A payment of $1.00 will be made to the Contractor for executing this document. 217 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 178 SECTION 921 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (STREET LIGHT) (Not a Bid Item) 921-1 GENERAL 921-1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide cast-in-place concrete, joints in concrete, reinforcement steel and appurtenant work, formwork, bracing, shoring, supports, and shall design and construct falsework, complete and in place, in accordance with the Contract Documents. Paragraph 1.2B1 applies to California projects only. For projects in other states, unless similar formwork submittal requirements exist, omit paragraph 1.2B1. 921-1.2 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Furnish submittals in accordance with Section [01300] [01 33 00] - Contractor Submittals. B. Shop Drawings 1. Detailed drawings of the falsework proposed to be used. Such drawings shall be in sufficient detail to indicate the general layout, sizes of members, anticipated stresses, grade of materials to be used in the falsework, and typical soil conditions. 2. Shop bending diagrams, placing lists, and drawings of reinforcing steel prior to fabrication. 3. Details of the concrete reinforcing steel and concrete inserts shall be submitted at the earliest possible date after receipt by the CONTRACTOR of the Notice to Proceed. Details of reinforcing steel for fabrication and erection shall conform to ACI 315V and the requirements herein. The shop bending diagrams shall show the actual lengths of bars, to the nearest inch measured to the intersection of the extensions (tangents for bars of circular cross section) of the outside surface. Include bar placement diagrams which clearly indicate the dimensions of each bar splice. 4. Where mechanical couplers are required or permitted to be used to splice reinforcing steel, submit manufacturer's literature which contains instructions and recommendations for installation for each type of coupler used; certified test reports which verify the load capacity of each type and size of coupler used; and Shop Drawings 218 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 179 that show the location of each coupler with details of how they are to be installed in the formwork. 5. If reinforcement steel is spliced by welding at any location, submit mill test reports that contain the information necessary for the determination of the carbon equivalent per AWS D1.4 Structural Welding Code – Reinforcing Steel. The CONTRACTOR shall submit a written welding procedure for each type of weld for each size of bar which is to be spliced by welding; merely a statement that AWS procedures will be followed is not acceptable. The CONTRACTOR shall submit certifications of procedure qualifications for each welding procedure used and welder qualifications, for each welding procedure, and for each welder performing the WORK. Such qualifications shall be as specified in AWS D1.4. 6. Manufacturer's information demonstrating compliance with requirements of the following: a. Bearing pads b. Neoprene sponge c. Preformed joint filler d. Backing rod e. Bond breaker f. Slip dowels g. PVC tubing h. Form ties and related accessories i. Form gaskets j. Form release agent k. List of form materials and locations of use l. Mill tests for cement m. Admixture certification. Chloride ion content shall be included. n. Aggregate gradation test results and certification 219 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 180 o. Materials and methods for curing 7. Placement drawings showing the location and type of joints for each structure. C. Mix Designs: Prior to beginning the WORK, submit preliminary concrete mix designs which shall show the proportions and gradations of materials proposed for each class and type of concrete. The mix designs shall be checked by an independent testing laboratory acceptable to the ENGINEER. Costs related to such checking shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility. When a water reducing admixture is to be used, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish mix designs for concrete both with and without the admixture. D. Delivery Tickets: Where ready-mix concrete is used, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish certified delivery tickets at the time of delivery of each load of concrete. Each ticket shall show the state certified equipment used for measuring, and the total quantities, by weight, of cement, sand, each class of aggregate, admixtures, the amounts of water in the aggregate, added at the batching plant, and the amount allowed to be added at the Site for the specific design mix. In addition, each certificate shall state the mix number, total yield in cubic yards, and the time of day to the nearest minute, corresponding to the time when the batch was dispatched, when it left the plant, when it arrived at the Site, when unloading began, and when unloading was finished. 921-1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing of Reinforcing Steel B. If requested by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish samples from each heat of reinforcing steel in a quantity adequate for testing. Costs of initial tests will be paid by the OWNER. Costs of additional tests, if material fails initial tests, shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility. C. If requested by the ENGINEER, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish samples of each type of welded splice used in the WORK in a quantity and of dimensions adequate for testing. At the discretion of the ENGINEER, radiographic testing of direct butt welded splices will be performed. The CONTRACTOR shall provide assistance necessary to facilitate testing. The CONTRACTOR shall repair any weld that fails to meet the requirements of AWS D1.4. The costs of testing will be paid by the OWNER; but the costs of tests that fail to meet requirements shall be the CONTRACTOR's responsibility. D. Testing of Materials 220 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 181 1. Tests on component materials and for compressive strength of concrete will be performed as indicated herein. Tests for determining slump will be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C 143 - Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic Cement Concrete. 2. Testing for aggregate shall include sand equivalence, reactivity, organic impurities, abrasion resistance, and soundness in accordance with ASTM C 33 - Concrete Aggregates. 3. The cost of laboratory tests on cement, aggregates, and concrete, will be paid by the OWNER. However, the CONTRACTOR shall pay the cost of any additional tests and investigations on WORK that does not meet the Specifications. The laboratory will meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM C 1077 - Standard Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and Concrete Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for Laboratory Evaluation. 4. Concrete for testing shall be furnished by the CONTRACTOR at no cost to the OWNER, and the CONTRACTOR shall assist the ENGINEER in obtaining samples and disposal and cleanup of excess material. Continuous inspection of test specimens and concrete placement may be required by some jurisdictions. E. Inspections: Continuous inspection by a special inspector approved by the local building department having jurisdiction and by the ENGINEER will be required where necessary to conform, to code requirements. Costs of the special inspector shall be paid for by the CONTRACTOR. Inspection reports shall be submitted to the ENGINEER. The special inspector shall observe the following WORK for conformance with the Drawings and Specifications: F. During the preparation and taking of required test specimens. G. Placing of concrete except sitework concrete fully supported on earth.] H. Field Compression Tests 1. Compression test specimens shall be taken during construction from the first placement of each class of concrete herein and at intervals thereafter as selected by the ENGINEER to insure continued compliance with these Specifications. Each set of test specimens will be a minimum of 4 cylinders. 2. Compression test specimens for concrete will be made in accordance with Section 9.2 of ASTM C 31 - Standard Practice for 221 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 182 Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field. Specimens will be 6-inches diameter by 12-inches high cylinders. 3. Compression tests will be performed in accordance with ASTM C 39 - Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. One test cylinder will be tested at 7 Days and 2 at 28 Days. The remaining cylinder will be held to verify test results, if needed. I. Evaluation and Acceptance of Concrete 1. Evaluation and acceptance of the compressive strength of concrete will be according to the requirements of ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, Chapter 5 "Concrete Quality", and as indicated herein. 2. If any concrete fails to meet these requirements, immediate corrective action shall be taken to increase the compressive strength for subsequent batches of the type of concrete affected. 3. Concrete that fails to meet the ACI requirements and these Specifications is subject to removal and replacement as part of the WORK. J. Construction Tolerances: The CONTRACTOR shall set and maintain concrete forms and perform finishing operations so that the concrete is within the tolerances herein. Surface defects and irregularities are defined as finishes and are to be distinguished from tolerances. Tolerance is the permissible variation from lines, grades, or dimensions indicated. Where tolerances are not indicated, permissible deviations will be in accordance with ACI 117 - Standard Tolerance for Concrete Construction and Materials. K. The variation from required lines or grades shall not exceed 1/4-inch in 10- feet and there shall be no offsets or visible waviness in the finished surface. 921-1.4 FOUNDATIONS A. Reinforced cast-in-drilled-hole concrete pile foundations for traffic signal and lighting standards shall conform to the provisions in Section 49-3.02 “Cast-In-Drilled-Hole Concrete Piling” of the Standard Specifications B. Portland cement concrete for foundations shall conform to Section 90-2, "Minor Concrete", of the Caltrans Specifications and shall contain not less than 470 pounds of cement per cubic yard, except concrete for reinforced 222 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 183 pile foundations and spread footings (if required) shall contain not less than 564 pounds of cement per cubic yard. C. Where existing foundations are removed, they shall be removed completely. When a foundation is removed, the excavated portion shall be filled with 1 sack sand slurry. D. Where equipment is to be located at the right-of-way line, the edge of the foundation shall be coincident with the right-of-way line, and no part of foundation shall be located outside the right-of-way. E. Wherever existing concrete sidewalk (that is not designated for demolition) must be removed for foundation or conduit installation, sawcuts shall be made on existing weakened plane joints or in a manner approved by the City’s Representative. In no case shall concrete sidewalk be saw cut and removed so that less than one square remains. In areas where new standards are designated to be constructed, existing pavement shall be saw cut and removed, the foundations and standards installed to grade and temporary pavement placed and maintained until permanent facilities are constructed. F. The center points of foundations shall be staked according to the dimensions shown on the plans. The exact location of all foundations for signal and lighting equipment shall be approved by City’s Representative prior to the start of any excavation work. 921-2 PRODUCTS 921-2.1 FORM AND FALSEWORK MATERIALS A. Except as otherwise expressly accepted by the ENGINEER, lumber for use as forms, shoring, or bracing shall be new material. B. Materials for concrete forms, formwork, and falsework shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Lumber shall be Douglas Fir or Southern Yellow Pine, construction grade or better, in conformance with U.S. Product Standard PS 20 - American Softwood Lumber Standard. 2. Plywood for concrete formwork shall be new, waterproof, synthetic resin bonded, exterior type Douglas Fir or Southern Yellow Pine plywood manufactured especially for concrete formwork and shall conform to the requirements of PS 1 - Construction and Industrial Plywood for Concrete Forms, Class I, and shall be edge sealed. 3. Form materials shall be metal, wood, plywood, or other material that will not adversely affect the concrete and will facilitate 223 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 184 placement of concrete to the shape, form, line, and grade required. Metal forms shall be an approved type that will accomplish such results. Wood forms for surfaces to be painted shall be Medium Density Overlaid plywood, MDO Ext. Grade. C. Unless otherwise indicated, exterior corners in concrete members shall be provided with 3/4-inch chamfers or be tooled to a 1/2-inch radius. Re- entrant corners in concrete members shall not have fillets unless otherwise indicated. D. Forms and falsework to support the roof and floor slabs shall be designed for the total dead load, plus a live load of 50 psf (minimum). The minimum design load for combined dead and live loads shall be 100 psf. 921-2.2 FORM TIES A. Form ties shall be provided with a plastic cone or other suitable means for forming a conical hole to insure that the form tie may be broken off back of the face of the concrete. The maximum diameter of removable cones for rod ties or other removable form-tie fasteners having a circular cross- section shall not exceed 1-1/2 inches; and such fasteners shall be such as to leave holes of regular shape for reaming. Form ties shall be Wrench Head Snap Ties by MeadowBurke, Snap Ties by Dayton/Richmond, or equal. B. Removable taper ties may be used when approved by the ENGINEER. Taper ties shall be Taper Ties by MeadowBurke, Taper Ties by Dayton/Richmond, or equal. 921-2.3 REINFORCEMENT STEEL A. General: Reinforcement steel for cast-in-place reinforced concrete construction shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Bar reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 615 - Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement, for Grade 60 Billet Steel Reinforcement, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Welded wire fabric reinforcement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A 185 - Steel Welded Wire Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement, and the details indicated. Welded wire fabric with longitudinal wire of W4 size wire and smaller shall be either furnished in flat sheets or in rolls with a core diameter of not less than 10-inches. Welded wire fabric with longitudinal wires larger than W4 size shall be furnished in flat sheets only. 224 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 185 3. Spiral reinforcement shall be cold-drawn steel wire conforming to the requirements of ASTM A 82 - Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement. B. Accessories 1. Accessories shall include necessary chairs, slab bolsters, concrete blocks, tie wires, dips, supports, spacers, and other devices to position reinforcement during concrete placement. Bar supports shall meet the requirements of the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice including special requirements for supporting epoxy coated reinforcing bars. Wire bar supports shall be CRSI Class 1 for maximum protection with a 1/8-inch minimum thickness of plastic coating which extends at least 1/2-inch from the concrete surface. Plastic shall be gray in color. 2. Concrete blocks (dobies) used to support and position reinforcement steel shall have the same or higher compressive strength than required for the concrete in which they are located. Where concrete blocks are used on concrete surfaces exposed to view, the color and texture of the concrete blocks shall match that required for the finished surface. Wire ties shall be embedded in concrete block bar supports. C. Epoxy coating for reinforcing and accessories, where indicated, shall conform to ASTM A 775 - Epoxy Coated Reinforcing Steel Bars. 921-2.4 MECHANICAL COUPLERS A. Mechanical couplers shall be provided where indicated and where approved by the ENGINEER. Couplers shall develop a tensile strength that exceeds 125 percent of the yield strength of the reinforcing bars being spliced at each splice. 921-2.5 WELDED SPLICES A. Welded splices shall be provided where indicated and where approved by the ENGINEER. Welded splices of reinforcement steel shall develop a tensile strength exceeding 125 percent of the yield strength of the reinforcing bars that are connected. B. Materials required to perform the welded splices to the requirements of AWS D1.4 shall be provided. 921-2.6 CONCRETE MATERIALS A. Materials shall be delivered, stored, and handled so as to prevent damage by water or breakage. Only one brand of cement shall be used. Cement 225 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 186 reclaimed from cleaning bags or leaking containers shall not be used. Cement shall be used in the sequence of receipt of shipments. B. Materials for the WORK shall comply with the requirements of Sections 201, 203, and 204 of ACI 301- Structural Concrete for Buildings, as applicable. C. Storage of materials shall conform to the requirements of Section 205 of ACI 301. D. Materials for concrete shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Cement shall be standard brand Portland cement conforming to ASTM C 150 - Portland Cement for Type II or Type V. 2. Water shall be potable, clean, and free from objectionable quantities of silty organic matter, alkali, salts, and other impurities. The water shall be considered potable, for the purposes of this Section only, if it meets the requirements of the local governmental agencies. Agricultural water with high total dissolved solids (over 1000 mg/l TDS) shall not be used. 3. Aggregates shall be obtained from pits acceptable to the ENGINEER, shall be non-reactive, and shall conform to ASTM C 33. Maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be as indicated. Lightweight sand for fine aggregate will not be permitted. 4. Ready-mix concrete shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 94 - Ready-Mixed Concrete. 5. Air-entraining agent meeting the requirements of ASTM C 260 – Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete shall be used. Concrete floors to receive a dry-shake floor hardener shall have an air content not to exceed 3 percent. The OWNER reserves the right, at any time, to sample and test the air-entraining agent. The air-entraining agent shall be added to the batch in a portion of the mixing water. The solution shall be batched by means of a mechanical batcher capable of accurate measurement. Air content shall be tested at the point of placement. Air entraining agent shall be Micro-Air by Master Builders, Daravair by W.R. Grace, Sika AEA-15 by Sika Corporation, or equal. 6. Admixtures: Admixtures may be added at the CONTRACTOR's option to control the set, affect water reduction, and increase workability. In either case, the addition of an admixture shall be at the CONTRACTOR's expense. The use of an admixture shall be subject to acceptance by the ENGINEER. Concrete containing an 226 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 187 admixture shall be first placed at a location determined by the ENGINEER. If the use of an admixture is producing an inferior end result, the CONTRACTOR shall discontinue use of the admixture. Admixtures shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 494 - Chemical Admixtures for Concrete. The required quantity of cement shall be used in the mix regardless of whether or not an admixture is used. Admixtures shall contain no free chloride ions, shall be non-toxic after 30 Days, and shall be compatible with and made by the same manufacturer as the air entraining admixture. a. Concrete shall not contain more than one water-reducing admixture. Concrete containing an admixture shall be first placed at a location determined by the ENGINEER. b. Set controlling admixture may be either with or without water-reducing properties. Where the air temperature at the time of placement is expected to be consistently over 80 degrees F, a set retarding admixture such as Plastocrete 161 MR by Sika Corporation, Pozzolith 300R by BASF, Daratard by Grace Construction Products, or equal shall be used. Where the air temperature at the time of placement is expected to be consistently under 40 degrees, a set accelerating admixture such as Plastocrete 161FL by Sika Corporation, MasterSet FP 20 by BASF, Polarset by Grace Construction Products, or equal shall be used. c. Normal range water reducer shall conform to ASTM C 494, Type A. It shall be WRDA 79 by Grace Construction Products, Pozzolith 322-N by BASF, Plastocrete 161 by Sika Corporation, or equal. The quantity of admixture used and the method of mixing shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. 7. Calcium Chloride: Calcium chloride will not be permitted in concrete. 921-2.7 CURING MATERIALS A. Materials for curing concrete shall conform to the following requirements and ASTM C 309 - Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete: 1. Curing compounds shall be white-pigmented and resin-based. Sodium silicate compounds shall not be allowed. Concrete curing compound shall be Kurez VOX White Pigmented by Euclid Chemical Company, Cure R-2 by L&M Construction Chemicals, 1200-White by W.R. Meadows, or equal. When curing compound 227 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 188 must be removed for finishes or grouting, curing compounds shall be Kurez DR VOX by Euclid Chemical Company, Masterkure- 100W by ChemRex MBT, L&M Cure R by L&M Construction Chemicals, 1100-Clear by WR Meadows, or equal. Curing compounds shall meet local VOC requirements. 2. Polyethylene sheet for use as concrete curing blanket shall be white and shall have a nominal thickness of 6-mils. The loss of moisture when determined in accordance with the requirements of ASTM C 156 - Standard Test Method for Water Retention by Concrete Curing Materials, shall not exceed 0.055 grams per square centimeter of surface. 3. Evaporation retardant shall be a material such as MasterKure ER 50 by BASF/Master Builders, Eucobar by Euclid Chemical Company, E-CON by L&M Construction Chemicals, Inc., or equal. 921-2.8 JOINT MATERIALS A. Materials for joints in concrete shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Joint filler material shall be of the preformed non-extruding type joint filler constructed of cellular neoprene sponge rubber or polyurethane of firm texture. Bituminous fiber type will not be permitted. Non-extruding and resilient-type preformed expansion joint fillers shall conform to the requirements and tests set forth in ASTM D 1752 - Preformed Sponge Rubber and Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction; for Type I, except as otherwise indicated. 2. Elastomeric joint sealer shall conform to the requirements of Sealants and Caulking. 3. Mastic joint sealer shall be a material that does not contain evaporating solvents; that will tenaciously adhere to concrete surfaces; that will remain permanently resilient and pliable; that will not be affected by continuous presence of water and will not in any way contaminate potable water; and that will effectively seal the joints against moisture infiltration even when the joints are subject to movement due to expansion and contraction. The sealer shall be composed of special asphalts or similar materials blended with lubricating and plasticizing agents to form a tough, durable mastic substance containing no volatile oils or lubricants and shall be capable of meeting the test requirements set forth hereinafter, if testing is required by the ENGINEER. 228 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 189 921-2.9 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Dampproofing agent shall be an asphalt emulsion such as Hydrocide 600 by ChemRex Sonneborn, Emulsified Asphalt by Euclid Chemical Company, Sealmastic by W. R. Meadows Inc., or equal. B. Epoxy adhesives shall be the following products: 1. For bonding freshly-mixed, plastic concrete to hardened concrete, Sikadur 32 Hi-Mod Epoxy Adhesive by Sika Corporation, MasterEmaco ADH 326 by BASF/Master Builders; BurkEpoxy MV by Burke by Edoco, or equal. 2. For bonding hardened concrete or masonry to steel, Sikadur 31 Hi- Mod Gel by Sika Corporation, BurkEpoxy NS by Burke by Edoco, Concresive Paste (LPL) by Chem Rex MBT; or equal. C. Epoxy grout for grouting reinforcing bars shall be specifically formulated for such application, for the moisture condition, application temperature, and orientation of the hole to be filled. Epoxy grout shall meet the requirements in Grouting. 921-2.10 CONCRETE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. General 1. Concrete shall be composed of cement, admixtures, aggregates, and water of the qualities indicated. In general, the mix shall be designed to produce a concrete capable of being deposited so as to obtain maximum density and minimum shrinkage, and where deposited in forms, to have good consolidation properties and maximum smoothness of surface. The proportions shall be changed whenever necessary or desirable to meet the required results at no additional cost to the OWNER. Mix changes shall be subject to review by the ENGINEER. 2. The CONTRACTOR is cautioned that the limiting parameters below are NOT a mix design. Admixtures may be required to achieve workability required by the CONTRACTOR's construction methods and aggregates. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for providing concrete with the required workability. B. Water-Cement Ratio and Compressive Strength: The minimum compressive strength and cement content of concrete shall be not less than the following tabulation. 229 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 190 Type of Work Class of Concrete Min 28-Day Compressiv e Strength, psi Max Size Aggregate in Cement Content Per cu yd, lbs Max W/C Ratio (by weight) Structural concrete 4,000 1 564 to 600 0.45 Sitework concrete 3,000 1 470 (min) 0.50 Lean concrete 2,000 1 376 (min) 0.60 921-2.11 CONSISTENCY A. Consistency of the concrete in successive batches shall be determined by slump tests in accordance with ASTM C 143. The slumps shall be as follows: Part of Work Slump (in All concrete unless indicated otherwise 3-inches plus or minus 1-inch Ductbank and pipe encasement 5-inches plus or minus 1-inch 921-2.12 MEASUREMENT OF CEMENT AND AGGREGATE A. The amount of cement and of each separate size of aggregate entering into each batch of concrete shall be determined by direct weighing equipment furnished by the CONTRACTOR and acceptable to the ENGINEER; provided that, where batches are so proportioned as to contain an integral number of conventional sacks of cement and the cement is delivered at the mixer in the original unbroken sacks, the weight of the cement contained in each sack may be taken without weighing as 94 pounds. 230 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 191 921-2.13 MEASUREMENT OF WATER A. The quantity of water entering the mixer shall be measured by a suitable water meter or other measuring device of a type acceptable to the ENGINEER and capable of measuring the water in variable amounts within a tolerance of one percent. 921-2.14 READY-MIXED CONCRETE A. At the CONTRACTOR'S option, ready-mixed concrete may be used if it meets the requirements as to materials, batching, mixing, transporting, placing, the supplementary requirements as required herein, and is in accordance with ASTM C 94. B. Ready-mixed concrete shall be delivered to the WORK, and discharge shall be completed within one hour after the addition of the cement to the aggregates or before the drum has been revolved 250 revolutions, whichever comes first. In hot weather, under conditions contributing to quick stiffening of the concrete, or when the temperature of the concrete is 85 degrees F or above, the time between the introduction of the cement to the aggregates and discharge shall not exceed 45 minutes. C. Truck mixers shall be equipped with electrically-actuated counters by which the number of revolutions of the drum or blades may be readily verified. The counter shall be of the resettable, recording type, and shall be mounted in the driver's cab. The counter shall be actuated at the time of starting the mixer at mixing speed. D. Each batch of concrete shall be mixed in a truck mixer for not less than 70 revolutions of the drum or blades at the rate of rotation designated by the manufacturer of equipment. Additional mixing, if any, shall be at the speed designated by the manufacturer of the equipment as agitating speed. Materials including mixing water shall be in the mixer drum before actuating the revolution counter for determining the number of revolutions of mixing. E. Each batch of ready-mixed concrete delivered to the WORK shall be accompanied by a delivery ticket furnished to the ENGINEER in accordance with the requirements above. 1. The use of non-agitating equipment for transporting ready-mixed concrete will not be permitted. Combination truck and trailer equipment for transporting ready-mixed concrete will not be permitted. The quality and quantity of materials used in ready- mixed concrete and in batch aggregates shall be subject to continuous inspection at the batching plant by the ENGINEER. 231 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 192 921-2.15 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS A. Small Samples: 1. Two 72-inch by 72-inch samples of precast concrete unit finish shall be submitted, as required for the project. Each sample shall show matrix color, surface color, surface texture, and panel back finish. 2. The face of each sample shall contain at least two areas of approved size and shape which have been chipped out and then patched and repaired and one form joint; the color, texture and appearance of patched areas and form joint shall match that of adjacent surface. 3. Samples will be inspected for color and texture match to the samples selected by the ENGINEER, uniformity of color and texture throughout the panel and acceptability of patching and joint treatment. Exposed face of samples shall be tested for efflorescence in accordance with ASTM C 67; rating shall not be more than "slightly effloresced." 4. If the ENGINEER rules a sample, or samples, to be unacceptable, the CONTRACTOR shall fabricate and resubmit additional samples. 5. When approved, one sample will be kept at the ENGINEER's field office and the other shall be picked up by the CONTRACTOR and returned to the manufacturing plant. These sample panels will be used as a comparison to judge acceptability of the full-size panel samples and, where necessary, the production precast units. B. Full-Size Panel Samples at Manufacturing Plant: 1. After the small samples and Shop Drawings have been approved, and prior to fabricating panels for the project, a full-size panel of specified color and each finish shall be produced and erected at the manufacturing plant for inspection and approval by the ENGINEER. 2. The full-size panels shall be fabricated utilizing tools, forms, materials and techniques proposed and the dimensions, profile cross section, color and texture required for the project. Panels will be inspected for color and texture to match approved samples, uniformity of color and texture throughout the panel, accuracy and sharpness of shape, acceptability of patched and repaired areas, and form joint treatment. 232 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 193 3. If the ENGINEER rules a sample to be unacceptable, the CONTRACTOR shall fabricate additional revised panel(s). When approved, panels shall be preserved, remain at the plant, and become the job standard against which all panels will be compared as they come off the production line. C. Full-Size Panel Samples at Project Site: From the first loads of acceptable panels for the Project, the ENGINEER will select one panel of each texture which is scheduled to be erected in a prominent location. If the ENGINEER chooses, panels may be selected from a later load. The selected panel(s) together with the 72-inch by 72-inch panel kept at the ENGINEER's field office, will become the Site standard against which all panels will be compared. D. Mix Proportions: Prior to commencing operations, including fabrications of the precast for any mock-up, a statement shall be submitted giving the nominal maximum aggregate size and proportions of all ingredients that will be used in the manufacture of concrete. The statement shall include test results from an approved testing laboratory, certifying that the proportions selected will produce concrete of the properties required. No substitutions shall be made in materials used in the concrete mix without approval and additional tests to verify that the concrete properties are satisfactory. A copy shall be submitted of concrete mix with each set of samples. E. Test Reports: Tests for compressive strength of concrete shall be performed by an independent commercial testing laboratory. Copies of test reports including all test data and all test results shall be submitted. F. Certificates of Compliance: Certificates of compliance shall be submitted attesting that materials and products meet or exceed specified requirements. G. Manufacturer's Qualifications: Prior to commencing operations, a statement shall be submitted giving the qualifications of the precast concrete manufacturer, and evidence that the manufacturer and plant are PCI certified. 921-3 EXECUTION 921-3.1 GENERAL FORMWORK REQUIREMENTS A. Forms to confine the concrete and shape it to the required lines shall be used wherever necessary. The CONTRACTOR shall assume full responsibility for the adequate design of forms, and any forms that are unsafe or inadequate in any respect shall promptly be removed from the WORK and replaced. A sufficient number of forms of each kind shall be 233 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 194 available to permit the required rate of progress to be maintained. The design and inspection of concrete forms, falsework, and shoring shall comply with applicable local, state and federal regulations. Design, construction, maintenance, preparation, and removal of forms shall be in accordance with ACI 347 - Guide to Formwork for Concrete and the requirements herein. B. Forms shall be true in every respect to the required shape and size, shall conform to the established alignment and grade, and shall be of sufficient strength and rigidity to maintain their position and shape under the loads and operations incident to placing and vibrating the concrete. 921-3.2 CONSTRUCTION A. Vertical Surfaces: Vertical surfaces of concrete members shall be formed, except where placement of the concrete against the ground is indicated. Not less than 1-inch of concrete shall be added to the indicated thickness of a concrete member where concrete is permitted to be placed against trimmed ground in lieu of forms. Permission to do this on other concrete members will be granted only for members of comparatively limited height and where the character of the ground is such that it can be trimmed to the required lines and will stand securely without caving or sloughing until the concrete has been placed. B. Construction Joints: Concrete construction joints will not be permitted at locations other than those indicated, except as may be acceptable to the ENGINEER. When a second lift is placed on hardened concrete, special precautions shall be taken in the way of the number, location, and tightening of ties at the top of the old lift and bottom of the new to prevent any unsatisfactory affect whatsoever on the concrete. Pipe stubs and anchor bolts shall be set in the forms where required. C. Form Ties 1. Embedded Ties: Wire ties for holding forms will not be permitted. No form-tying device or part thereof, other than metal, shall be left embedded in the concrete. Ties shall not be removed in such manner as to leave a hole extending through the interior of the concrete members. The use of snap-ties which cause spalling of the concrete upon form stripping or tie removal will not be permitted. If steel panel forms are used, rubber grommets shall be provided where the ties pass through the form in order to prevent loss of cement paste. Where metal rods extending through the concrete are used to support or to strengthen forms, the rods shall remain embedded and shall terminate not less than 1-inch back from the formed face or faces of the concrete. 234 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 195 2. Removable Ties: Where taper ties are approved for use, after the taper tie is removed, the hole shall be thoroughly cleaned and roughened for bond. A precast neoprene or polyurethane tapered plug shall be located at the wall centerline. The hole shall be completely filled with non-shrink or regular cement grout. Exposed faces of walls shall have at least the outer 2-inches of the exposed face filled with a cement grout which shall match the color and texture of the surrounding wall surface. 921-3.3 REUSE OF FORMS A. Forms may be reused only if in good condition and only if acceptable to the ENGINEER. Light sanding between uses will be required wherever necessary to obtain uniform surface texture on exposed concrete surfaces. Exposed concrete surfaces are defined as surfaces which are permanently exposed to view. 921-3.4 REMOVAL OF FORMS A. Careful procedures for the removal of forms shall be strictly followed, and this WORK shall be done with care so as to avoid injury to the concrete. No heavy loading on green concrete will be permitted. Members which must support their own weight shall not have their forms removed until they have attained at least 75 percent of the 28-Day strength of the concrete. Forms for vertical walls and columns shall remain in place at least 48 hours after the concrete has been placed. Forms for parts of the WORK not specifically mentioned herein shall remain in place for periods of time as recommended in ACI 347. 921-3.5 GENERAL REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS A. Reinforcement steel, welded wire fabric, couplers, and other appurtenances shall be fabricated, and placed in accordance with the requirements of the Building Code and the supplementary requirements indicated herein. 921-3.6 FABRICATION A. General 1. Reinforcement steel shall be accurately formed to the dimensions and shapes indicated, and the fabricating details shall be prepared in accordance with ACI 315 and ACI 318, except as modified by the Drawings. 2. The CONTRACTOR shall fabricate reinforcement bars for structures in accordance with bending diagrams, placing lists, and 235 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 196 placing drawings. Said drawings, diagrams, and lists shall be prepared by the CONTRACTOR. 3. Unless otherwise indicated, dowels shall match the size and spacing of the spliced bar. B. Bending or Straightening: Reinforcement shall not be straightened or rebent in a manner that will injure the material. Bars shall be bent or straight as indicated. Do not use bends different from the bends indicated. Bars shall be bent cold unless otherwise permitted by the ENGINEER. No bars partially embedded in concrete shall be field-bent except as indicated or specifically permitted by the ENGINEER. 921-3.7 PLACING A. Reinforcement steel shall be accurately positioned as indicated and shall be supported and wired together to prevent displacement, using annealed iron wire ties or suitable clips at intersections. Reinforcement steel shall be supported by concrete, plastic or metal supports, spacers or metal hangers that are strong and rigid enough to prevent any displacement of the reinforcement steel. Where concrete is to be placed on the ground, supporting concrete blocks (or dobies) shall be used in sufficient numbers to support the bars without settlement, but in no case shall such support be continuous. Concrete blocks used to support reinforcement steel shall be tied to the steel with wire ties which are embedded in the blocks. For concrete over formwork, the CONTRACTOR shall provide concrete, metal, plastic, or other acceptable bar chairs and spacers. B. The portions of accessories in contact with the formwork shall be made of concrete, plastic, or steel coated with a 1/8-inch minimum thickness of plastic which extends at least 1/2-inch from the concrete surface. Plastic shall be gray in color. C. Tie wires shall be bent away from the forms in order to provide the required concrete coverage. D. Bars additional to those indicated which may be found necessary or desirable by the CONTRACTOR for the purpose of securing reinforcement in position shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR as part of the WORK. E. Unless otherwise indicated, reinforcement placing tolerances shall be within the limits specified in Section 7.5 of ACI 318 except where in conflict with the requirements of the Building Code. F. The minimum spacing requirements of ACI 318 shall be followed for reinforcing steel. 236 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 197 G. Welded wire fabric reinforcement placed over horizontal forms shall be supported on slab bolsters having gray, plastic-coated standard type legs. Slab bolsters shall be spaced not more than 30-inches on centers, shall extend continuously across the entire width of the reinforcing mat, and shall support the reinforcing mat in the plane indicated. H. Welded wire fabric placed over the ground shall be supported on wired concrete blocks (dobies) spaced not more than 3-feet on centers in any direction. The construction practice of placing welded wire fabric on the ground and hooking into place in the freshly placed concrete shall not be used. 921-3.8 SPLICING A. General: Reinforcement bar splices shall only be used at locations indicated. When it is necessary to splice reinforcement at points other than where indicated, the character of the splice shall be reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER. B. Splices of Reinforcement 1. The length of lap for reinforcement bars, unless otherwise indicated, shall be in accordance with ACI 318, Section 12.15.1 for a Class B splice. 2. Welded splices shall be performed in accordance with AWS D1.4. 3. Laps of welded wire fabric shall be in accordance with the ACI 318. Adjoining sheets shall be securely tied together with No. 14 tie wire, one tie for each 2 running feet. Wires shall be staggered and tied in such a manner that they cannot slip. 921-3.9 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Reinforcement steel shall always be protected from conditions conductive to corrosion until concrete is placed around it. B. The surfaces of reinforcement steel and other metalwork to be in contact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, grease, loose scale and rust, grout, mortar, and other foreign substances immediately before the concrete is placed. Where there is delay in depositing concrete, reinforcing shall be reinspected and, if necessary recleaned. 921-3.10 PROPORTIONING AND MIXING A. Proportioning: Proportioning of the concrete mix shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 3 "Proportioning" of ACI 301. 237 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 198 B. Mixing: Mixing of concrete shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 7 ACI 301. C. Slump: Slumps shall be as indicated herein. D. Retempering: Retempering of concrete or mortar which has partially hardened shall not be permitted. 921-3.11 PREPARATION OF SURFACES FOR CONCRETING A. General: Earth surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted by sprinkling prior to the placing of any concrete, and these surfaces shall be kept moist by frequent sprinkling up to the time of placing concrete thereon. The surface shall be free from standing water, mud, and debris at the time of placing concrete. B. Joints in Concrete: Concrete surfaces upon or against which concrete is to be placed, where the placement of the concrete has been stopped or interrupted so that, as determined by the ENGINEER, the new concrete cannot be incorporated integrally with that previously placed, are defined as construction joints. The surfaces of horizontal joints shall be given a compacted, roughened surface for good bonding. Except where the Drawings call for joint surfaces to be coated, the joint surfaces shall be cleaned of laitance, loose or defective concrete, and foreign material, and be roughened to a minimum 1/4-inch amplitude. Such cleaning and roughening shall be accomplished by hydroblasting. Pools of water shall be removed from the surface of construction joints before the new concrete is placed. C. Placing Interruptions: When placing of concrete is to be interrupted long enough for the concrete to take a set, the working face shall be given a shape by the use of forms or other means, that will secure proper union with subsequent WORK; provided that construction joints shall be made only where acceptable to the ENGINEER. D. Embedded Items 1. No concrete shall be placed until formwork, installation of parts to be embedded, reinforcement steel, and preparation of surfaces involved in the placing have been completed and accepted by the ENGINEER at least 4 hours before placement of concrete. Surfaces of forms and embedded items that have become encrusted with dried grout from previous usage shall be cleaned before the surrounding or adjacent concrete is placed. 2. Reinforcement, anchor bolts, sleeves, inserts, and similar items shall be set and secured in the forms at locations indicated or by 238 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 199 Shop Drawings and shall be acceptable to the ENGINEER before any concrete is placed. Accuracy of placement is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR. E. Casting New Concrete Against Old: Where concrete is to be cast against old concrete (defined as any concrete which is greater than 60 Days of age), the surface of the old concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned and roughened by hydroblasting (exposing aggregate) prior to the application of an epoxy bonding agent. Application shall be according to the bonding agent manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. F. No concrete shall be placed in any structure until water entering the space to be filled with concrete has been properly cut off or has been diverted by pipes, or other means, and carried out of the forms, clear of the WORK. No concrete shall be deposited underwater nor shall the CONTRACTOR allow still water to rise on any concrete until the concrete has attained its initial set. Water shall not be permitted to flow over the surface of any concrete in such manner and at such velocity as will injure the surface finish of the concrete. Pumping or other necessary dewatering operations for removing ground water, if required, shall be subject to the review of the ENGINEER. G. Corrosion Protection: Pipe, conduit, dowels, and other ferrous items required to be embedded in concrete construction shall be so positioned and supported prior to placement of concrete that there will be a minimum of 2-inches clearance between said items and any part of the concrete reinforcement. Securing such items in position by wiring or welding them to the reinforcement will not be permitted. H. Openings for pipes, inserts for pipe hangers and brackets, and anchors shall, where practicable, be provided for during the placing of concrete. I. Anchor bolts shall be accurately set and shall be maintained in position by templates while being embedded in concrete. 921-3.12 HANDLING, TRANSPORTING, AND PLACING A. General: Placing of concrete shall conform to the applicable requirements of Chapter 8 of ACI 301 and the requirements of this Section. No aluminum materials shall be used in conveying any concrete. B. Non-Conforming WORK or Materials: Concrete which during or before placing is found not to conform to the requirements indicated herein shall be rejected and immediately removed from the WORK. Concrete which is not placed in accordance with these Specifications or which is of inferior quality shall be removed and replaced. 239 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 200 C. Unauthorized Placement: No concrete shall be placed except in the presence of a duly authorized representative of the ENGINEER. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER in writing at least 24 hours in advance of placement of any concrete. D. Placement in Wall and Column Forms 1. Concrete shall not be dropped through reinforcement steel or into any deep form nor shall concrete be placed in any form in such a manner as to leave accumulation of mortar on the form surfaces above the placed concrete. In such cases, some means such as the use of hoppers and, if necessary, vertical ducts of canvas, rubber, or metal shall be used for placing concrete in the forms in a manner that it may reach the place of final deposit without separation. In no case shall the free fall of concrete exceed 4-feet in walls and 8-feet in columns below the ends of ducts, chutes, or buggies. Concrete shall be uniformly distributed during the process of depositing and in no case after depositing shall any portion be displaced in the forms more than 6-feet in horizontal direction. Concrete in wall forms shall be deposited in uniform horizontal layers not deeper than 2-feet; and care shall be taken to avoid inclined layers or inclined construction joints except where such are required for sloping members. Each layer shall be placed while the previous layer is still soft. The rate of placing concrete in wall forms shall not exceed 5-feet of vertical rise per hour. Sufficient illumination shall be provided in the interior of forms so that the concrete at the places of deposit is visible from the deck or runway. 2. The surface of the concrete shall be level whenever a run of concrete is stopped. To insure a level, straight joint on the exposed surface of walls, a wood strip at least 3/4-inch thick shall be tacked to the forms on these surfaces. The concrete shall be carried about 1/2-inch above the underside of the strip. About one hour after the concrete is placed, the strip shall be removed and any irregularities in the edge formed by the strip shall be leveled with a trowel, and laitance shall be removed. E. Conveyor Belts and Chutes: Ends of chutes, hopper gates, and other points of concrete discharge throughout the CONTRACTOR'S conveying, hoisting, and placing system shall be so designed and arranged that concrete passing from them will not fall separated into whatever receptacle immediately receives it. Conveyor belts, if used, shall be of a type acceptable to the ENGINEER. Chutes longer than 50-feet will not be permitted. Minimum slopes of chutes shall be such that concrete of the required consistency will readily flow in them. If a conveyor belt is used, it shall be wiped clean by a device operated in such a manner that none of 240 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 201 the mortar adhering to the belt will be wasted. Conveyor belts and chutes shall be covered. F. Temperature of Concrete: The temperature of concrete when it is being placed shall be not more than 90 degrees F nor less than 40 degrees F in moderate weather, and not less than 50 degrees F in weather during which the mean daily temperature drops below 40 degrees F. Concrete ingredients shall not be heated to a temperature higher than that necessary to keep the temperature of the mixed concrete, as placed, from falling below the required minimum temperature. If concrete is placed when the weather is such that the temperature of the concrete would exceed 90 degrees F, the CONTRACTOR shall employ effective means, such as precooling of aggregates and mixing water, using ice, or placing at night, as necessary to maintain the temperature of the concrete, as it is placed, below 90 degrees F. The CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to no additional compensation on account of the foregoing requirements. G. Cold Weather Placement 1. Placement of concrete shall conform to ACI - 306.1 - Cold Weather Concreting, and the following. 2. Earth foundations shall be free from frost or ice when concrete is placed upon or against them. 3. Maintain the concrete temperature above 50 degrees F for at least 72-hours after placement. 921-3.13 PUMPING OF CONCRETE A. General: If the pumped concrete does not produce satisfactory end results, the CONTRACTOR shall discontinue the pumping operation and proceed with the placing of concrete using conventional methods. B. Pumping Equipment 1. The pumping equipment shall have 2 cylinders and be designed to operate with one cylinder only in case the other one is not functioning. In lieu of this requirement, the CONTRACTOR may have a standby pump on the Site during pumping. 2. The minimum diameter of the hose conduits shall be in accordance with ACI 304.2R - Placing Concrete by Pumping Methods. 3. Pumping equipment and hose conduits that are not functioning properly, shall be replaced. 241 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 202 4. Aluminum conduits for conveying the concrete shall not be permitted. 921-3.14 TAMPING AND VIBRATING A. As concrete is placed in the forms or in excavations, it shall be thoroughly settled and compacted, throughout the entire depth of the layer which is being consolidated, into a dense, homogeneous mass, filling all corners and angles, thoroughly embedding the reinforcement, eliminating rock pockets, and bringing only a slight excess of water to the exposed surface of concrete. Vibrators shall be high speed power vibrators (8000 to 12,000 rpm) of an immersion type in sufficient number and with at least one standby unit as required. B. Concrete in walls shall be internally vibrated and at the same time rammed, stirred, or worked with suitable appliances, tamping bars, shovels, or forked tools until it completely fills the forms or excavations and closes snugly against all surfaces. Subsequent layers of concrete shall not be placed until the layers previously placed have been worked thoroughly. Vibrators shall be provided in sufficient numbers, with standby units as required, to accomplish the required results within 15 minutes after concrete of the prescribed consistency is placed in the forms. The vibrating head shall not contact the surfaces of the forms. Care shall be taken not to vibrate concrete excessively or to work it in any manner that causes segregation of its constituents. 921-3.15 FINISHING CONCRETE SURFACES A. General: Surfaces shall be free from fins, bulges, ridges, offsets, honeycombing, or roughness of any kind, and shall present a finished, smooth, continuous hard surface. Allowable deviations from plumb or level and from the alignment, profiles, and dimensions indicated are defined as tolerances and are indicated above. These tolerances are to be distinguished from irregularities in finish as described herein. Aluminum finishing tools shall not be used. B. Acceptable surface finish of walls is difficult to define and can vary radically from owner to owner. If possible, discuss the issue with the OWNER to define the finish they wish to buy. It is better to get the desired finish as part of the original Bid than as a change order. C. Formed Surfaces: No treatment is required after form removal except for curing, repair of defective concrete, and treatment of surface defects. Surface holes larger than [1/2]-inch in diameter or deeper than [1/4]-inch are defined as surface defects in basins and exposed walls. D. Unformed Surfaces: After proper and adequate vibration and tamping, unformed top surfaces of slabs, floors, walls, and curbs shall be brought to 242 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 203 a uniform surface with suitable tools. Whenever the air temperature exceeds 85 degrees F or the wind speed exceeds 25 mph at the time of placement, the concrete shall be treated as follows. Immediately after the concrete has been screeded, it shall be treated with a liquid evaporation retardant. The retardant shall be used again after each WORK operation as necessary to prevent drying shrinkage cracks. The classes of finish for unformed concrete surfaces are designated and defined as follows: 1. Finish U1 - Sufficient leveling and screeding to produce an even, uniform surface with surface irregularities not to exceed 3/8-inch. No further special finish is required. 2. Finish U2 - After sufficient stiffening of the screeded concrete, surfaces shall be float finished with wood or metal floats or with a finishing machine using float blades. Excessive floating of surfaces while the concrete is plastic and dusting of dry cement and sand on the concrete surface to absorb excess moisture will not be permitted. Floating shall be the minimum necessary to produce a surface that is free from screed marks and is uniform in texture. Surface irregularities shall not exceed 1/4-inch. Joints and edges shall be tooled where indicated or as determined by the ENGINEER. 3. Finish U3 - After the Finish U2 surface has hardened sufficiently to prevent excess of fine material from being drawn to the surface, steel troweling shall be performed with firm pressure such as will flatten the sandy texture of the floated surface and produce a dense, uniform surface free from blemishes, ripples, and trowel marks. The finish shall be smooth and free of irregularities. 4. Finish U4 - Trowel the Finish U3 surface to remove local depressions or high points. In addition, the surface shall be given a light broom finish with brooming perpendicular to drainage unless otherwise indicated. The resulting surface shall be rough enough to provide a nonskid finish. E. Unformed surfaces shall be finished according to the following schedule: UNFORMED SURFACE FINISH SCHEDULE Area Finish Grade slabs and foundations to be covered with concrete or fill material U1 Floors to be covered with grouted tile or topping grout U2 243 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 204 Slabs to be covered with built-up roofing U2 Interior slabs and floors to receive architectural finish U3 Slabs U4 Top surface of walls U3 921-3.16 PROTECTION A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect concrete against injury until final acceptance. B. Fresh concrete shall be protected from damage due to rain, hail, sleet, or snow. The CONTRACTOR shall provide such protection while the concrete is still plastic and whenever precipitation is imminent or occurring. 921-3.17 CURING IN COLD WEATHER A. Water curing of concrete may be reduced to 6 Days during periods when the mean daily temperature in the vicinity of the Site is less than 40 degrees F; provided that, during the prescribed period of water curing, when temperatures are such that concrete surfaces may freeze, water curing shall be temporarily discontinued. B. Concrete cured by an application of curing compound will require no additional protection from freezing if the protection at 50 degrees F for 72 hours is obtained by means of approved insulation in contact with the forms or concrete surfaces; otherwise, the concrete shall be protected against freezing temperatures for 72 hours immediately following 72 hours protection at 50 degrees F. Concrete cured by water shall be protected against freezing temperatures for 72 hours immediately following the 72 hours of protection at 50 degrees F. C. Discontinuance of protection against freezing temperatures shall be such that the drop in temperature of any portion of the concrete will be gradual and will not exceed 40 degrees F in 24 hours. In the spring, when the mean daily temperature rises above 40 degrees F for more than 3 Days, 72 hour protection at a temperature not lower than 50 degrees F may be discontinued for as long as the mean daily temperature remains above 40 degrees F; provided, that the concrete shall be protected against freezing temperatures for not less than 48 hours after placement. 244 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 205 D. Where artificial heat is employed, special care shall be taken to prevent the concrete from drying. Use of unvented heaters will be permitted only when unformed surfaces of concrete adjacent to the heaters are protected for the first 24 hours from an excessive carbon dioxide atmosphere by application of curing compound; provided, that the use of curing compound for such surfaces is otherwise permitted by these Specifications. 921-3.18 TREATMENT OF SURFACE DEFECTS A. As soon as forms are removed, exposed concrete surfaces shall be carefully examined and any irregularities shall be immediately rubbed or ground in a satisfactory manner in order to secure a smooth, uniform, and continuous surface. Plastering or coating of surfaces to be smoothed will not be permitted. No repairs shall be made until after inspection by the ENGINEER. In no case will extensive patching of honeycombed concrete be permitted. Concrete containing minor voids, holes, honeycombing, or similar depression defects shall be repaired as indicated below. Concrete containing extensive voids, holes, honeycombing, or similar depression defects, shall be completely removed and replaced. Repairs and replacements shall be performed promptly. B. Defective surfaces to be repaired shall be cut back from trueline a minimum depth of 1/2-inch over the entire area. Feathered edges will not be permitted. Where chipping or cutting tools are not required in order to deepen the area properly, the surface shall be prepared for bonding by the removal of laitance or soft material, plus not less than 1/32-inch depth of the surface film from hard portions by means of an efficient sandblast. After cutting and sandblasting, the surface shall be wetted sufficiently in advance of shooting with shotcrete or with cement mortar so that while the repair material is being applied, the surfaces underneath will remain moist but not so wet as to overcome the suction upon which a good bond depends. The material used for repair shall consist of a mixture of one sack of cement to 3 cubic feet of sand. For exposed walls, the cement shall contain such a proportion of Atlas white Portland cement as is required to make the color of the patch match the color of the surrounding concrete. C. Holes left by tie-rod cones shall be reamed with suitable toothed reamers so as to leave the surfaces of the holes clean and rough. These holes then shall be repaired in an approved manner with dry-packed cement grout. Holes left by form-tying devices having a rectangular cross-section, and other imperfections having a depth greater than their least surface dimension, shall not be reamed but shall be repaired in an approved manner with dry-packed cement grout. 245 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 206 D. Repairs shall be built up and shaped in such a manner that the completed WORK will conform to the requirements of this Section as applicable, using approved methods which will not disturb the bond, cause sagging, or cause horizontal fractures. Surfaces of repairs shall receive the same kind and amount of curing treatment as required for the concrete in the repaired section. 921-3.19 CARE AND REPAIR OF CONCRETE A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect concrete against injury or damage from excessive heat, lack of moisture, overstress, or any other cause until final acceptance. Particular care shall be taken to prevent the drying of concrete and to avoid roughening or otherwise damaging the surface. Any concrete found to be damaged, or which may have been originally defective, which becomes defective at any time prior to the final acceptance of the completed WORK, which departs from the established line or grade, or which, for any other reason, does not conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents, shall be satisfactorily repaired or removed and replaced with acceptable concrete. END OF SECTION 246 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 207 SECTION 922 WIRE AND CABLING (Not a Bid Item) 922-1 GENERAL 922-1.1 SUMMARY A. The CONTRACTOR shall provide wire and cable, complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. B. In the event that motors provided are larger horsepower than the motors indicated, raceways, conductors, starters, overload elements, and branch circuit protectors shall be revised as necessary to control and protect the increased motor horsepower in accordance with Electric Motors. Revisions are part of the WORK of this Section. 922-1.2 ACTION SUBMITTALS A. The CONTRACTOR shall submit Shop Drawings in accordance with Contractor Submittals and Electrical Work, General. Submit cable test results. 922-1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. The CONTRACTOR shall protect all cables from damage at all times. B. Cable ends shall be protected from water entry in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended procedures. Cable ends shall not be left open in manholes or other locations subject to submergence. If the cable ends become submerged prior to splicing or termination, the cables shall be replaced in their entirety. C. Cables shall be pulled into raceways in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Under no circumstances shall cable pulling tensions exceed the manufacturer’s written instructions. D. Pulling tensions on raceway cables shall be within the limits recommended by the cable manufacturer. Wire pulling lubricant, where needed, shall be UL approved. 247 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 208 922-2 PRODUCTS 922-2.1 EQUIPMENT A. Conductors, include grounding conductors, shall be stranded copper. Aluminum conductor and/or solid conductor wire and cable will not be permitted. Insulation shall bear the UL label, the manufacturer's trademark, and identify the type, voltage, and conductor size. Conductors except flexible cords and cables, fixture wires, and conductors that form an integral part of equipment such as motors and controllers shall conform to the requirements of Article 310 of the National Electric Code, latest edition, for current carrying capacity. Flexible cords and cables shall conform to Article 400, and fixture wires shall conform to Article 402. Wiring shall have wire markers at each end. B. Low Voltage Power and Lighting Wire 1. Wire rated for 600 volts in duct or conduit for power and lighting circuits shall be single conductor, Class B Type XHHW or XHHW-2 cross-linked polyethylene conforming to UL-44 - UL Standard for Thermoset-Insulated Wires and Cables. THHN/THWN wire shall not be permitted to be used for any power or control wiring in this project, except as specifically permitted within control panels. 2. Conductors for feeders as defined in Article 100 of the NEC shall be sized to prevent a voltage drop exceeding 3 percent at the farthest outlet of power, heating, and lighting loads, or combinations of such loads, and where the maximum total voltage drop on both feeders and branch circuits to the farthest connected load does not exceed 5 percent. 3. Conductors for branch circuits as defined in Article 100 of the NEC shall be sized to prevent voltage drop exceeding 3 percent at the farthest connected load or combinations of such loads and where the maximum total voltage drop on both feeders and branch circuits to the farthest connected load does not exceed 5 percent. 4. Wiring for 600 volt class power and lighting shall be as manufactured by Okonite, General Cable, Southwire, or equal. C. Low Voltage Control Wire 5. Low voltage control wire in duct or conduit shall be the same type as power and lighting wire indicated above. 6. Control wiring shall be No.14 AWG. 248 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 209 7. Control wires inside panels and cabinets shall be machine tool grade type MTW, UL approved, rated for 90 degrees C at dry locations, and be as manufactured by American, General Cable, or equal. D. Instrumentation Cable 1. Instrumentation cable shall be rated at 300 volts, minimum. 2. Individual conductors shall be No. 16 AWG stranded, tinned copper. Insulation shall be color coded polyethylene: black-clear for 2 conductor cable and black-red-clear for 3 conductor cable. 3. Instrumentation cables shall be composed of the individual conductors, an aluminum polyester foil shield, a No. 18 or larger AWG stranded, tinned copper drain wire, and a PVC outer jacket with a thickness of 0.047-inches. 4. Single pair, No. 16 AWG, twisted, shielded cable shall be Belden Part No. 8719, similar by General Cable, or equal. 5. Single triad, No. 16 AWG, twisted, shielded cable shall be Belden Part No. 8618, similar by General Cable, or equal. E. Low Voltage Power and Control, Multi-Conductor/Tray Cable 1. Multi-conductor tray cable shall be rated 600 volts, listed by UL as Type TC cable per Article 336 of the NEC. The individual conductors shall be UL listed as Type XHHW or XHHW-2, with a sunlight-resistant PVC overall jacket. 2. Minimum conductor sizes shall be the same as for power and lighting wire and control wire as specified above. 3. Multiple conductor power cables include the following: Phase Conductor Size (AWG) Minimum Ground Wire Size (AWG) No. of Conductor s (not incl. Ground) 12 12 2 3 10 10 2 3 8 10 3 6 8 3 249 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 210 Phase Conductor Size (AWG) Minimum Ground Wire Size (AWG) No. of Conductor s (not incl. Ground) 4 6 3 2 6 3 1/0 6 3 2/0 4 3 4/0 4 3 4. Multi-conductor control cables include the following: Conductor Size (AWG) No. of Conductors (Including 1#14 AWG Ground) 14 3 14 4 14 5 14 7 14 9 14 12 14 19 14 37 F. VFD Power Cable 1. VFD power cable shall be three (3) conductor, stranded copper, PVC jacketed, shielded type, tray cable (TC) rated 600 volts with three (3) symmetrical ground conductors. The individual conductors shall be UL listed as Type XHHW-2 or RWH-2 rated for 90 degrees C at wet and dry locations, with XLPE insulation. 2. VFD Cables shall be as manufactured by Belden, Alpha, General Cable, or equal. G. Medium Voltage Cable - General 1. Individual conductors shall be copper, Class B, stranded. H. Medium Voltage - 5 KV Cable 250 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 211 1. Cable used in conduit or duct shall be composed of a single conductor, ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) insulation rated at 105 degrees C, shield, and black polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket. Insulation level shall be 133 percent, 115 mil. Shield shall be copper tape type, or corrugated drain wire type. Cable shall be UL Type MV-105 in accordance with UL 1072 and ICEA-S-93- 639/NEMA-WC74 - Medium Voltage Power Cables, as manufactured by Okonite, Southwire, General Cable, or equal. 2. Tray cable shall be composed of 3 phase conductors and a copper grounding conductor, ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) insulation rated at 105 degrees C, interlocked aluminum armor, and yellow PVC outer jacket. Insulation level shall be 133 percent, 115 mil. Tray cable shall be UL Type MV-105 in accordance with UL 1072 and ICEA-S-93-639/NEMA-WC74 as manufactured by Okonite, Southwire, General Cable, or equal. I. Medium Voltage -15 KV Cable 1. Cable used in conduit or duct shall be composed of a single conductor, ethylene-propylene rubber (EPR) insulation rated at 105 degrees C, shield and black polyvinyl chloride (PVC) outer jacket. Insulation level shall be 133 percent. Shield shall be copper tape type, or corrugated drain wire type. Cable shall be UL Type MV- 105 in accordance with UL 1072 and ICEA-S-93-639/NEMA-WC74 as manufactured by Okonite, Southwire, General Cable, or equal. J. Cable Splices and Terminations 1. Where cable lugs are required for power cable terminations, utilize compression lugs – 3M Scotchlok 30000 and 31100 Series, Penn Union HBBLU and BLU, Burndy Hylug, or equal. Utilize compression tools as recommended by the manufacturer. Pressure type, twist-on connectors (wire nuts) will not be acceptable. 2. Pre-insulated fork tongue lugs shall be Thomas & Betts, Burndy, or equal. 3. General purpose insulating tape shall be Scotch No. 33, Plymouth Slip-knot, or equal. High temperature tape shall be polyvinyl as manufactured by Plymouth, 3M, or equal. 4. Labels for coding 600 volt wiring shall be computer printable or pre- printed, self-laminating, self-sticking, as manufactured by W.H. Brady, 3M, or equal. 251 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 212 5. Stress cone material for make-up of medium voltage shielded cable shall be as manufactured by Raychem, 3M, or equal. 6. Shielded power cable shall be spliced using kits specifically designed to splice medium voltage, shielded power cables. Splice kits shall be designed for continuous submergence. Heat shrink splice kits shall be Raychem “Type HVS”, or equal. “Cold” shrink splice kits shall be 3M “5760 Series”, or equal. The CONTRACTOR’s personnel shall be trained by the splice kit manufacturer for proper installation of the splices and shall submit certification of training as a shop drawing. A certified trainee shall perform the splice work. 922-3 EXECUTION 922-3.1 INSTALLATION 1. All conduit and connections placed for this project shall be Schedule 40 PVC with bell ends at all exposed terminations. 2. When conduit is placed in a trench (not under sidewalk or pavement), after the bedding material is placed and conduit installed, the trench shall be backfilled with commercial quality concrete containing not less than 421 pounds of cement per cubic yard, to not less than 4 inches above the conduit before additional backfill material is placed. 3. The outline of all areas of pavement to be removed shall be cut to a minimum depth of 3 inches with a concrete saw or with a rock cutting excavator specifically designed for this purpose. Cuts shall be neat and true with no shatter outside the removal area. 4. Where conduits terminate inside a pull box the top of the conduit installed shall be a minimum of 5” and a maximum of 7” below the top of the pull box. 5. After conductors have been installed, the ends of conduits terminating in pull boxes, service enclosures, controller cabinets, and under roadway surfaces shall be sealed with an approved type of sealing compound. 6. At locations where conduit is to be installed under pavement, and in the event that obstructions are encountered, upon approval of the Engineer, small holes may be cut in the pavement to locate and/or remove obstructions. Jacking or drilling pits shall be kept at a minimum of 2 feet clear of the edge of any type of pavement wherever possible. 252 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 213 7. At all locations where conduit is to be installed by jacking or drilling, installation shall be as provided in Section 87-1.03B, “Conduit Installation,” of the Standard Specifications. 8. Conduits shall be to a depth of not less than 18 inches below grade under concrete sidewalks and curbed paved median areas, and not less than 30 inches below finished grade in all other areas. 9. Wherever existing concrete sidewalk must be removed for foundation or conduit installation, saw cuts shall be made on existing weakened plane joints or in a manner approved by the City’s Representative. In no case shall concrete sidewalks be saw cut and removed so that less than one square remains. 10. Unless shown otherwise on the plans, existing street lighting pull boxes within the construction limits shall be removed and disposed offsite. Existing conduits not incorporated into the new electrical system at each location shall be removed or abandoned. Conductors shall be removed from abandoned conduits. 11. The Contractor shall relocate or repair damaged irrigation equipment during the course of trenching for new conduit paths. 922-3.2 FIELD ASSEMBLY A. General 1. Wire taps and splices shall be properly taped and insulated according to their respective classes. 2. In general, there shall be no cable splices in underground manholes or pullboxes. If splices are necessary, the cables shall be spliced using submersible cable splices, suitable for continuous submergence. Splices in underground manholes and pullboxes may be made only with the approval of the ENGINEER. 3. Stranded conductors shall be terminated directly on equipment box lugs making sure that conductor strands are confined within lug. Use forked-tongue lugs where equipment box lugs have not been provided. 4. Excess control and instrumentation wires shall be long enough to terminate at any terminal block in the enclosure, be properly taped, be identified with origin, and be neatly coiled. B. Control Wire and Cable 253 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 214 1. Control conductors shall be spliced or terminated only at the locations indicated and only on terminal strips or terminal lugs of vendor furnished equipment. 2. In motor control centers, and control panels, control wire and spare wire shall be terminated to terminal strips. 3. The CONTRACTOR shall provide as a minimum the number of control wires listed in the conduit schedule or as indicated in the Contract Documents. Excess wires shall be treated as spares. C. Instrumentation Wire and Cable 1. Shielded instrumentation cables shall be grounded at one end only, preferably the receiving end on a 4 - 20 mA system. 2. Two and 3 conductor shielded cables installed in conduit runs which exceed available standard cable lengths may be spliced in pullboxes with the prior approval of the ENGINEER. Such cable runs shall have only one splice per conductor. D. Power Wire and Cable 1. 120/208-volt, 120/240-volt, and 480/277-volt branch circuit conductors may be spliced in suitable fittings at locations determined by the CONTRACTOR. Cables rated above 2,000 volts shall be spliced or terminated only at equipment terminals indicated. 2. Splices to motor leads in motor terminal boxes shall be wrapped with mastic material to form a mold and then shall be taped with a minimum of 2 layers of varnished cambric tape overtaped with a minimum of 2 layers of high temperature tape. 3. Shielded power cable shall be terminated with pre-assembled stress cones in a manner approved by the cable and terminal manufacturer. The CONTRACTOR shall submit the proposed termination procedure as a Shop Drawing. 4. VFD shielded power cables shall have the shield grounded at all locations where it is exposed. E. Cable Identification 1. General: Wire and cable shall be identified for proper control of circuits and equipment and to reduce maintenance effort. Identification shall be installed at every termination point. 254 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 215 2. Identification Numbers: The CONTRACTOR shall assign to each control and instrumentation wire and cable a unique identification number. Numbers shall be assigned to conductors having common terminals and shall be shown on "as built" drawings. Identification numbers shall appear within 3-inches of conductor terminals. "Control and Instrumentation Conductors" shall be defined as any conductor used for control, interlock, alarm, annunciator, or signal purposes. a. Multiconductor cable shall be assigned a number which shall be attached to the cable at intermediate pull boxes and at stub-up locations beneath free-standing equipment. It is expected that the cable number shall form a part of the individual wire number. Individual control conductors and instrumentation cable shall be identified at pull points as described above. The instrumentation cable numbers shall incorporate the loop numbers assigned in the Contract Documents. b. 120/208 - volt system feeder cables and branch circuit conductors shall be color coded as follows: Phase A - black, Phase B - red, Phase C - blue, and Neutral - white. The 120/240 - volt system conductors shall be color coded as follows: Line 1 - Black, Line 2 - Red, and Neutral - White. The 480/277 - volt system conductors shall be color coded as follows: Phase A - Brown, Phase B - Orange, Phase C - Yellow, and Neutral - Gray. Branch circuit switch shall be yellow. Insulated ground wire shall be green, and neutral shall be gray. Color coding and phasing shall be consistent throughout the Site, but bars at panelboards, switchboards, and motor control centers shall be connected Phase A-B-C, top to bottom, or left to right, facing connecting lugs. Color coding tape shall be used where colored insulation is not available. Colored identification tape may be used on conductors between the local disconnect and the load, where permitted by the NEC. Any phase changes necessary for proper rotation shall be made at the driven equipment where colored insulation is used. Phase changes may be made on the load side of the local disconnect, where phase colors are identified using tape. c. General purpose AC control cable shall be red. General purpose DC control cable shall be blue. d. Spare cable shall be terminated on terminal screws and shall be identified with a unique number as well as with destination. 255 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 216 e. Terminal strips shall be identified by computer printable, cloth, self-sticking marker strips attached under the terminal strip. 922-3.3 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Cable Assembly and Testing: Cable assembly and testing shall comply with applicable requirements of ICEA Publication No. S-95-658/NEMA WC70 - Ethylene-Propylene-Rubber Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy. Factory test results shall be submitted in accordance with Contractor Submittals, prior to shipment of cable. The following field tests shall be the minimum requirements: 1. Insulation resistance testing, using a DC megohmeter, shall be performed on cables operating at more than 2,000 volts to ground. Time-resistance readings shall be taken and recorded at intervals of 30 seconds and one minute. Time-resistance voltage levels shall be per the cable manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Power cable rated at 600 volts shall be tested for insulation resistance between phases and from each phase to a ground using a megohmeter. 3. Field testing shall be done after cable is installed in the raceways. 4. Field megger testing may be performed by the CONTRACTOR or a NETA-certified test organization. When tested by the CONTRACTOR, submit test equipment calibration sheets prior to performing any field testing. Test results shall be submitted to the ENGINEER for review and acceptance. 5. Cables failing the tests shall be replaced with a new cable or be repaired. Repair methods shall be as recommended by the cable manufacturer and shall be performed by persons certified by the industry. B. Continuity Test: Control and instrumentation cable shall be tested for continuity, polarity, undesirable ground, and origination. Such tests shall be performed after installation and prior to placing cable in service. END OF SECTION 256 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 217 SECTION 923 LIGHTING (Bid Item Nos. 9A, 21A, 22A, 23A, 48A) 923-1 GENERAL 923-1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide luminaires and accessories, complete and operable, in accordance with the Contract Documents. 923-1.2 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS, CODES, AND STANDARDS A. Codes NFPA 70 National Electric Code NEMA 250 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1,000 Volts Maximum) International Building Code (IBC) Earthquake Requirements UL-595 Standard for Safety Marine-Type Electric Lighting Fixtures UL-844 Standard for Safety Electric Lighting Fixtures for Use in Hazardous (Classified Locations) UL-924 Standard for Safety Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment ANSI C82.1 Specifications for Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts ANSI C84.4 Specifications for High-Intensity-Discharge Lamp Ballasts (Multiple SupplyType) Standards of the Certified Ballast Manufacturer’s Association 923-1.3 CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Furnish the following product information in accordance with the requirements of Section 01 33 00 – Contractor Submittals. B. Furnish the following information: 1. Interior Luminaires a. catalog data sheets and photos 257 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 218 b. luminaire finish and metal gauge c. lens material, pattern, and thickness 1) candlepower distribution curves in 2 or more planes d. candlepower chart, 0 to 90 degrees e. lumen output chart f. average maximum brightness data in foot-lamberts g. coefficients of utilization for zonal cavity calculations h. mounting or suspension details i. heat exchange and air handling data 2. Exterior Luminaires a. catalog data sheets and photos b. luminaire finish and metal gauge c. lens material, pattern, and thickness d. IES lighting classification and isolux diagram e. fastening details to wall or pole f. ballast type, location, and method of fastening g. for light poles: wind loading; complete dimensions; and finish 3. Lamps a. voltages b. colors c. approximate life (in hours) d. approximate initial lumens e. lumen maintenance curve f. lamp type and base 4. Ballasts 258 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 219 a. type b. wiring diagram c. nominal watts and input watts d. input voltage and power factor e. starting current, line current, and restrike current values f. sound rating g. temperature rating h. efficiency ratings i. low-temperature characteristics j. emergency ballasts rating and capacity data 5. Photocells a. voltage and power consumption b. capacity c. contacts and time delay d. operating levels e. enclosure type and dimensions f. temperature range 923-2 PRODUCTS 923-2.1 LUMINAIRES A. General 1. Additional WORK requirements are indicated in the Luminaire Schedule on the Drawings. 2. LED luminaires that can be serviced in place shall be provided with a disconnecting means either internal or external to each luminaire, in accordance with the requirements of NEC. 3. Provide a feed-through type or separate junction box. 259 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 220 4. Provide minimum 18 AWG wire leads. 5. Installations shall be UL-labeled as "Suitable for Wet Locations." 6. Provide removable and prewired ballast. 7. When factory installed photocells are provided, the entire assembly shall be UL-labeled. 923-2.2 LED LUMINAIRES A. Luminaires shall be LED Roadway Lighting rated for an 100,000 hour design life with 21,000 lumen output, 3000K Color temperature and Type III distribution pattern and shall conform to Section 86-1.01C(3) and 1.02K(2) “LED Luminaires” of the Standard Specifications. 923-2.3 LIGHTING CONTROL A. Time Switch 1. Time dial as indicated and day-omitting device 2. Bypass Switch a. pre-wired b. externally-operated ON/AUTO/OFF switch for each circuit indicated 3. contact configuration and rating for circuits as required 4. Enclosure: Style 32, Type S 5. Reserve Power a. spring-driven b. capable of operating the time switch for 16 hours after power failure 6. Wired for use with indicated photocell B. Photocell 1. Photo Control: automatic ON-OFF switch 2. Housing: self-contained; die-cast aluminum; unaffected by moisture, vibration, or temperature changes 260 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 221 3. Settings: ON at dusk; OFF at dawn 4. Provide a time delay feature in order to prevent false switching. 5. Field-adjustable to control operating levels 923-2.4 PULL BOXES A. Pull boxes shall be of concrete construction, No. 5 minimum. Plastic pull boxes and covers will not be allowed. B. Street lighting pull boxes shall each be appropriately marked "STREET LIGHTING" as shown on Standard Plan ES-8A and Section 86-1.02C “Pull Boxes” of the State Standard Specifications. C. A minimum of 6” of clean crushed rock with a 1-1/2” PVC drain shall be installed in all pull boxes (new and existing) within the project area. Grout shall also be placed in all pull boxes, as needed. D. Where the sump of an existing pull box is disturbed by the Contractor's operations, the sump shall be reconstructed. E. Provide a 2-year manufacturer replacement warranty for pull box and cover from the date of installation of the pull box and cover. All warranty documentation must be submitted before installation. F. Replacement parts must be provided within 5 business days after receipt of failed pull box, cover, or both at no cost to the City. G. The pull box and cover must comply with ANSI/SCTE 77, “Specification for Underground Enclosure Integrity,” for tier 22 load rating and must be gray. H. Each pull box cover must have an electronic marker cast inside. I. The bolts, nuts, and washers must be captive bolt design. J. The captive bolt design must be capable of withstanding torque range of 55 to 60 ft-lb and a minimum pull out strength of 750 lb. Perform the test with the cover in place and the bolts torqued. The pull box must not be damaged while performing the test to the minimum pull out strength. K. Stainless steel hardware must have an 18 percent chromium content and an 8 percent nickel content. L. Galvanize ferrous metal parts under section 75-1-.05. M. Manufacturer’s instructions must provide guidance on: 261 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 222 1. Quantity and size of entries that can be made without degrading the strength of the pull box below tier 22 load rating. 2. Where side entries cannot be made. 3. Acceptable method to be used to create the entry. N. Tier 22 load rating must be labeled or stenciled by the manufacturer on the inside and outside of the pull box and on the underside of the cover. M. Do not install pull box in curb ramps or driveways. N. A pull box for a post or a pole standard must be located within 5 feet of the standard. Place a pull box adjacent to the back of the curb or edge of the shoulder. If this is impractical, place the pull box in a suitable, protected, and accessible location O. If only the cover is to be replaced, anchor the cover to the pull box. 923-2.5 CONDUIT A. All conduit and connections placed for this project shall be Schedule 40 PVC with bell ends at all exposed terminations. 923-2.6 SERVICE PEDESTAL A. Hinges shall be aluminum or stainless steel with a stainless steel hinge pin. The hinges shall be bolted to the enclosure. The hinge pins and bolts shall not be accessible when the door and/or hood are closed. B. The door, hood, meter reading cover door, photo cell window, and line access cover panel shall have the entire inside perimeter of the door, hood, panel, etc., lined with a neoprene gasket. All neoprene gaskets shall be permanently bonded to the aluminum. C. All bolts, washers, nuts, screws, hinge pins, and door latch assembly parts used to fabricate the service enclosure shall be (Type III-BF anodized aluminum). The enclosure shall be rain-tight and dust-tight (3R). D. All service equipment to be furnished shall be currently listed on the Department of Transportation qualified products list. E. The Contractor shall construct a foundation for each service equipment enclosure as shown on Standard Plan ES-2E and shall install the service equipment enclosure on the foundations. 262 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 223 F. When mounted to the foundation, there shall be no gap greater than 0.0625-inch between the enclosure and the foundation. After installation the joint between the foundation and the base of the enclosure shall be sealed with a sealant approved by the City’s Representative. G. The Contractor shall furnish and install conduit and shall arrange for the installation of conductors by the serving utility between the service point and the service equipment enclosure. The Contractor shall arrange with the serving utility for connection of the service conductors and meter and shall pay all costs and fees required by the utility. Except for power for the Contractor’s operation, energy costs for operation of public facilities, including traffic signals and roadway lighting, will be paid for by the City. Each street lighting service shall be provided with 30A, 2P, 240V breakers. 923-2.7 POLES A. Rating (with luminaire): 100-125 mph steady winds without incurred damage. B. Material: Prestressed Concrete 923-3 EXECUTION 923-3.1 LUMINAIRES A. General 1. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 2. Provide a cast-in-place concrete base. 3. Provide branch circuit in-line fuses, located within the pole base handhole. 4. Install the pole base flush with the finished grade where located in grassy areas not subject to vehicular traffic, and 30 inches above the finished grade when the pole is located in areas subject to damage from vehicular traffic. 5. Set the luminaire poles on anchor bolts and secure with double nuts on each bolt. 6. After the luminaire has been leveled and plumbed, dry-pack the luminaire base with grout. 263 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 224 7. Install the luminaire plumb and level. 923-3.2 LIGHTING CONTROL A. The photocells shall switch lights ON at dusk and OFF at dawn. B. The photocells shall switch the time clock ON at dusk and the time clock shall switch lights OFF at a preset time. 923-3.3 CONDUIT A. When conduit is placed in a trench (not under sidewalk or pavement), after the bedding material is placed and conduit installed, the trench shall be backfilled with commercial quality concrete containing not less than 421 pounds of cement per cubic yard, to not less than 4 inches above the conduit before additional backfill material is placed. B. The outline of all areas of pavement to be removed shall be cut to a minimum depth of 3 inches with a concrete saw or with a rock cutting excavator specifically designed for this purpose. Cuts shall be neat and true with no shatter outside the removal area. C. Where conduits terminate inside a pull box the top of the conduit installed shall be a minimum of 5” and a maximum of 7” below the top of the pull box. D. After conductors have been installed, the ends of conduits terminating in pull boxes, service enclosures, controller cabinets, and under roadway surfaces shall be sealed with an approved type of sealing compound. E. At locations where conduit is to be installed under pavement, and in the event that obstructions are encountered, upon approval of the Engineer, small holes may be cut in the pavement to locate and/or remove obstructions. Jacking or drilling pits shall be kept at a minimum of 2 feet clear of the edge of any type of pavement wherever possible. F. At all locations where conduit is to be installed by jacking or drilling, installation shall be as provided in Section 87-1.03B, “Conduit Installation,” of the Standard Specifications. G. Conduits shall be to a depth of not less than 18 inches below grade under concrete sidewalks and curbed paved median areas, and not less than 30 inches below finished grade in all other areas. H. Wherever existing concrete sidewalk must be removed for foundation or conduit installation, saw cuts shall be made on existing weakened plane joints or in a manner approved by the City’s Representative. In no case 264 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 225 shall concrete sidewalks be saw cut and removed so that less than one square remains. I. Unless shown otherwise on the plans, existing street lighting pull boxes within the construction limits shall be removed and disposed offsite. Existing conduits not incorporated into the new electrical system at each location shall be removed or abandoned. Conductors shall be removed from abandoned conduits. J. The Contractor shall relocate or repair damaged irrigation equipment during the course of trenching for new conduit paths. 923-3.4 CLEAN-UP A. Remove labels and other markings, except the UL listing mark. B. Wipe the luminaires inside and out in order to remove construction dust. C. Clean the luminaire plastic lenses with an antistatic cleaner only. D. Touch up painted surfaces of the luminaires and the poles with matching paint provided by the manufacturer. E. Replace defective lamps at the Date of Substantial Completion. 923-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The measurement and payment for Street Lighting Conduit and Conductors for the north side of the street will be made at the contract unit prices bid for Joint Trench & Conduit for Street Light and Communications (Bid Item 9A) as shown in the Bid Schedule The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary to sawcut, trench, furnish and install conduit and bedding, including sweeps to pull boxes, poles and service pedestals, backfilling and compaction, pulling streetlight conductors and making connections to provide a fully operational streetlight system complete and in place and no additional compensation will be paid. The measurement and payment for Street Light Poles and Foundations will be made at the contract unit prices bid for Street Lights (Bid Item 21A) as shown in the Bid Schedule The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary to furnish all materials to install pre-stressed 265 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 226 concrete street light poles, drilling for pole foundations, placing reinforcement and anchor bolts, pouring concrete foundations, setting and securing poles on foundations, attaching luminaire arms and LED cobra heads, running conductors from head to hand holes and make electrical connections to provide a fully operational streetlight system complete and in place and no additional compensation will be paid. The measurement and payment for Street Light Pull Boxes will be made at the contract unit prices bid for Hand Holes for Street Lights (Bid Item 22A) as shown in the Bid Schedule The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary to furnish and install pull boxes with crushed rock and drain complete and in place and no additional compensation will be paid. The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary to sawcut, trench, furnish and install conduit and bedding, including sweeps to pull boxes, poles and service pedestals, backfilling and compaction, pulling streetlight conductors and making connections to provide a fully operational streetlight system complete and in place and no additional compensation will be paid. The measurement and payment for Electrical Service Pedestals will be made at the contract unit prices bid for Electrical Service Pedestal (Bid Item 23A) as shown in the Bid Schedule The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary to furnish and install the electrical services cabinet on an approved foundation with appropriate clearances, wiring connections and coordination with SCE regarding energizing the service complete and in place and no additional compensation will be paid. The measurement and payment for Street Lighting Conduit and Conductors for the south side of the street will be made at the contract unit prices bid for Trench & Conduit for Street Lighting (Bid Item 48A) as shown in the Bid Schedule The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary to sawcut, trench, furnish and install conduit and bedding, including sweeps to pull boxes, poles and service pedestals, backfilling and compaction, pulling streetlight conductors and making connections to provide a fully operational streetlight system complete and in place and no additional compensation will be paid. END OF SECTION 266 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 227 SECTION 924 LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION (Bid Item No. 67A) 924-1 GENERAL This section sets forth the requirements for Irrigation System Improvements. Perform the work in accordance with Sections 800 – Landscape and Irrigation Materials and 801 – Landscape and Irrigation Installation of the SSPWC, latest edition, as modified and supplemented below. 924-1.1 Work Included 1. Furnish and install sleeving, boring, piping, fittings, sprinkler heads, valves, and accessories. 2. Furnish and install all electrical connections and wiring. 3. Excavate and backfill trenches. Place lateral and main irrigation lines as depths detailed on the plans within +/-1”. 4. Testing as indicated in the notes and specifications and as required by the governing agency. 5. Installation and end of maintenance walk and corrections. 6. Ninety-day maintenance period. 7. One year guarantee of Irrigation work and materials. 924-1.2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1. Landscape Planting and Maintenance. 2. Weekly attendance by superintendent. 3. Repair of irrigation system until project is accepted. 924-1.3 Protection of Work The Contractor shall adequately protect the work, adjacent property and the public, and shall be responsible for any damage, injury and/or loss due to the construction of the irrigation system. Damaged facilities shall be repaired within a reasonable amount of time at no additional cost to the City. All existing irrigation systems shall be kept in operation at all times. If the Contractor damages an existing system, it shall be repaired immediately, at no additional cost to the City. If damaged by the public, the City shall compensate the Contractor for the cost of the repair. After each repair, all heads of the repaired lateral(s) shall be removed and flushed so the lines can be clear of all dirt and foreign matter. 267 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 228 924-1.4 Submittals Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 2-5.3 Submittals and as specified herein. 1. Materials List- Within fifteen (15) calendar days from the award of contract, the Contractor shall provide a materials list of all irrigation equipment as specified in the drawings, manufacturer’s brochures, maintenance manuals, guarantees and operating instructions. 2. Shop Drawings- Within fifteen (15) calendar days from the award of contract, the Contractor shall provide shop drawings as required or necessary to complete the work. 3. Schedule of Work- Within fifteen (15) calendar days from the award of contract, the Contractor shall provide a proposed Schedule of Work. 4. Record Drawings- The Contractor shall provide and keep up-to-date “As- Built” drawings on the job site at all times. The Contractor shall record accurately on one set of “As-Built” drawings all changes in the work constituting departures from the original approved drawings. The changes and dimensions shall be recorded in a legible and workmanlike manner. All dimensions shall have two (2) permanent points of reference, such as the roadway station points or measures along median center lines. Prior to the landscape architect of record construction certification, the Contractor shall provide corrected and completed sepia mylars of the Record Drawings. Delivery of the sepias will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing information that may have been omitted from the prints. The following items shall be shown on the Record Drawings: a. Connection of existing water lines. b. Water meter(s). c. Electrical power connection. d. Electrical meter(s). e. Controller(s). f. Routing of mainlines. g. Sleeves. h. Gate Valves. i. Ball Valves. j. Remote Control Valves. k. Quick Coupling Valves. l. Other Related Equipment. m. The area watered by each Remote Control Valve. 5. Controller Charts- Prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall provide to the City Representative two (2) hermetically sealed, controller charts illustrating valve 268 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 229 numbers, gpm’s and permanently colored locations of the area covered by each valve. The controller charts shall be of a size that will fit inside the door of the controller cabinet. Controller charts will identify to the nearest foot the locations of mainlines, sleeves valves, controllers and point of connection appurtenances. The controller charts shall reflect any changes made during construction. A copy of each controller chart shall be provided to the City prior to installation certification by the City. 6. Operation and Maintenance Manuals- Prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall deliver two (2) hard cover, three-ring binders containing: a. Index sheet stating the Contractor’s address and telephone number, list of equipment and addresses of local manufacturer’s representatives. b. Catalog and parts sheets on every material and all equipment installed under this contract. c. Guarantee statement. d. Complete operating and maintenance instruction on all major equipment. 7. Equipment to be Furnished- Prior to final acceptance, the Contractor shall provide the following equipment as part of this contract: a. Two sets of keys for all controllers and enclosures. b. Two wrenches for each type of sprinkler head. c. Two quick coupler keys with hose swivels. Substitutions- Substitutions may be permitted under the provisions of Section 4- 1.6 Trade Names or Equals. Submittals presenting “equal” products will be considered for approval if the City’s Representative determines that the product is equal in all features, product material and performance. No substitutions shall be allowed without prior written approval from the City’s Representative. The Contractor shall be responsible for the performance of any substituted material or product. If the City determines that the substituted material or component is unsatisfactory or if there has not been prior approval, it shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s expense with the specified material or component. 924-1.5 Quality Assurance and Requirements 1. Permits and Fees- See General Provisions, Section 7-5 for payment of permits and fees for Capital Improvement Projects. 2. Manufacturer’s Instructions- Manufacturer’s instruction and detailed drawings shall be followed in all cases where the manufacturers of 269 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 230 materials used in the contract furnish directions covering points not shown in the drawings and specifications. 3. Ordinances and Regulations- Contractor shall abide by all applicable local, state and federal rules and regulations relating to the Work Included. All work and materials shall be in full accordance with the latest rules and regulations of the National Electric Code, Uniform Plumbing Code. 4. Explanation of Drawings- Due to the scale of drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc. The Contractor shall be fully acquainted with the site prior to construction. Drawings are diagrammatic and are generally indicative of the work to be completed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting and architectural features. Any discrepancies in the plans or with existing field conditions shall be brought to the attention of the Landscape Architect immediately. The Contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in area dimensions exist that might not have been considered in the Landscape Design. In the event that notification is not performed, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revision necessary. 5. Correction of Work- Any and all discrepancies or unsatisfactory work shall be corrected by the Contractor at no additional cost to the City. The correction of work shall be finished within a reasonable period of time mutually agreed upon between the City and the Contractor. 924-1.6 Delivery and Storage All materials shall be new, first quality, commercial quality and in the original shipping cartons or boxes. The Contractor is responsible for all materials until final acceptance of the work. Store materials in enclosures. Plastic pipe and other materials which can be damaged by weather shall be stored in such a manner as to protect them from sunlight, wind, rain, etc. Do not store materials directly on the ground. Materials which are damaged in transit or become damaged during storage or progress of the work shall be rejected and replaced at no additional cost to the City. Handle and carry materials in a manner to ensure delivery and placement on the site in sound and undamaged condition. Keep pipes and fittings free from dirt or debris. Do not drag pipe. 924-1.7 Guarantee and Replacement 270 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 231 The Contractor shall furnish a written guarantee of materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance. The Contractor shall repair or replace defective items within a reasonable time, but not more than 14 calendar days, from notification by the City at no addition cost to the City. 924-2 MATERIALS Add the following to Section 800-2.1.1 General. “Piping shall be as follows: 1. The Service line from the metered Point of Connection (P.O.C) through the backflow prevention device shall be: Type K copper or red brass. 2. All pressurized mainlines 2” and smaller shall be: SCH 40 solvent-weld P.V.C. 3. All pressurized mainlines 2 1/2” to 3” shall be: CL 315 solvent-weld P.V.C. 4. Pressurized mainlines greater in diameter than 3” shall be: CL 315 bell and gasket P.V.C. 5. Lateral lines up to 2” shall be: SCH 40 solvent-weld P.V.C. 6. Lateral lines greater than 2” shall be /cl 315 solvent-weld P.V.C. 7. All fittings shall be SCH 40 P.V.C. and conform to the latest ASTM standards. 8. All threaded nipples shall be SCH 80 P.V.C. with molded threads. 9. All male threaded fittings shall receive ¾” Teflon tape during installation. 10. All reclaimed piping shall conform to all State, Federal, and Local codes and regulations and shall be marked accordingly. 11. All piping shall be installed subsurface. Pipe on grade shall not be allowed unless written preauthorization has been given by the City.” Modify Section 800-2.1.3 Plastic Pipe for Use with Solvent Weld Socket or Threaded Fittings to delete any reference to Schedule 80 pipe for pressurized pipe. Add the following after paragraph 3: “Thrust blocks shall be placed at each change or direction in the mainline sized 3” and larger and shall be per manufacturer’s recommendation. All fittings shall be Schedule 40 PVC connected with primer and solvent per manufacturer’s recommendations. Plastic pipe shall bear the following markings: manufacturer’s name, nominal pipe size, schedule or class, type of material, pressure rating, NSF seal of approval, and the date of extrusion. All fittings shall bear the manufacturer’s name or trademark, materials, designation, size, applicable schedule and NSF seal of approval.” Add the following at the end of Section 800-2.2.1 General: “Provide and install one valve box for each Master Valve, Ball Valve, Gate Valve, Remote Control Valve, or Quick Coupler.” Delete Section 800-2.2.7 Valve Boxes in its entirety and replace it with: 271 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 232 “Valve Boxes. Valve boxes shall be made from a durable plastic material resistant to weather, sunlight and chemical action of soils. The cover shall be secured with a stainless-steel bolt down mechanism and shall be able to sustain a load of 1,500 psi. Valve box extensions shall be by the same manufacturer as the valve box. All valve boxes shall be manufactured by Ametek, Carson, or approved equal.” Add the following at the end of Section 800-2.3 Backflow Preventer Assembly: “All Backflow Preventer Assemblies shall be plumbed with copper, brass, or bronze pipe and fittings. A bronze or brass union shall be provided on the downstream side. Backflow shall be installed in a vandal resistant, locking enclosure as specified on the plans and approved by the City Representative for each project. The enclosure shall be installed on a concrete slab per manufacturer’s recommendations.” Add “Section 800-2.3.1 Master Valve and Flow Meter Assembly: Each Point of Connection shall include a Master Valve and Flow Meter Assembly. The Master valve shall be as recommended by the controller manufacturer. The master valve shall be wired back to the Controller and have the ability to shut down the irrigation system in case of a high flow occurrence such as a mainline break.” Add: “Section 800-2.6 Check Valves: Check valves shall be installed on all heads or on laterals which have a differential in elevation or 3’ or more or as needed to prevent laterals from draining after the system has been shut down. Spring-loaded check valves shall be of plastic construction with soft composition disks. Spring tension shall be adjustable from 4 psi to 15 psi. They shall be located in the swing assembly or be integrated into the sprinkler body. Check valves shall be Valcon ADV, Rain Bird, Hunter, Toro, or approved equal.” Add: “Section 800-2.7 Sleeves: All piping which is located under hardscape surfaces shall be placed in CL 315 sleeves a minimum of 2 times the line size. Control wires shall be placed in a separate conduit adjacent to the pipe sleeving.” Modify Section 800-3.2.1 Conduit. Conduit shall be SCH 40 PVC plastic, gray in color. Add the following at the end of Section 800-3.2.2 Conductors. “Control wires shall be a different color for each controller valve. Common wires shall be white. Each controller shall have an independent common wire. Wiring 272 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 233 shall occupy the same trench and shall be installed along the same route as the pressurized mainline where possible with the exception of road and sidewalk crossings. Control wires shall be separately sleeved in Schedule 40 conduit under all paved surfaces. Where wire is placed in the mainline trench, the wiring shall be taped together at interval of ten (10) feet. A two (2) foot expansion curl shall be provided within three (3) feet of each wire connection. Wire connections shall be grease type connectors, 3M DBY Direct Bury Splice Kit PN-09053, or approved equal. Use one kit per connection. Three continuous spare control wires, blue in color, shall be installed with all pressurized Mainline(s) from the controller enclosure to the ends of the Mainline.” Add the following at the end of Section 800-3.3 Controller Unit: “All controller components shall be fused and have a chassis ground. All controllers shall be equipped with a 4” x 4” electrical junction box, with an on/off switch, and a grounded receptacle mounted inside the enclosure. The controller enclosure shall be vandal-resistant and stainless steel manufactured as indicated on the irrigation legend and approved by the City Representative in writing. The enclosure shall be installed per the manufacturer’s recommendations and as approved by the City Representative. The Controller Unit shall be compatible with the City’s irrigation controller standards. The Controller shall include communication capabilities, complete and operational, all other incidental equipment required to meet City controller standards.” Add the following to the end of Section 801-5.1 General: “Contractor shall use extreme caution in working near utilities. The Contractor shall be responsible to call Underground Service Alert of Southern California, a.k.a. Dig Alert for location of utilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utilities that are caused by his/her operations or neglect. The Contractor shall verify all grades and installation conditions. No work shall begin until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected.” Drip Irrigation: 1. Bubbler heads, Rotators and Dripline: Types and sizes as shown on the Contract Drawings. 2. Provide equipment of one type and flow characteristic from the same manufacturer and bearing the manufacturer's name and identification code in a position where they can be identified in the installed position. 3. Bubbler Head and Rotators to be pressure compensating type. 924-3 EXECUTION Add the following to the end of Section 801-5.1 General: 273 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 234 “Contractor shall use extreme caution in working near utilities. The Contractor shall be responsible to call Underground Service Alert of Southern California, a.k.a. Dig Alert for location of utilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for damages to utilities that are caused by his/her operations or neglect. The Contractor shall verify all grades and installation conditions. No work shall begin until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected.” Modify Section 801-5.3.1 General, second paragraph: Pipe shall be bedded in 3” of sand above and below the pipe rather than 2”. Add the following at the end of Section 801-5.3.1 General: 1. Staking of Lines: Prior to installation, the Contractor shall stake out all pressure supply lines, routing, and location of water distribution heads. The City shall approve the location of all equipment and Point(s) and Connection prior to installation. 2. Water Supply: The irrigation system shall be connected at the approximate location shown on the plans and approved in the field by the City Representative. 3. Electrical Supply: Electrical connections for the controller shall be made as indicated at the approximate location on the plans and approved in the field by the City Representative. The Contractor shall be responsible for connecting the irrigation controller to the nearest power source. Contractor shall coordinate with the electrical provider and the City. 4. Observation Schedule: The Contractor is responsible for notifying the Inspector in advance for the following meetings/inspections: a. Pre-construction meeting- 7 days b. Mainline pressure test- 48 hours c. Lateral line & head installation- 48 hours d. Coverage test- 48 hours e. Final turn over- 7 days 5. Installation: a. Trenching: i. Trenches shall be straight, on an even grade, and in the approximate location shown on the plans. ii. Where it is necessary to excavate adjacent to existing trees, the Contractor shall take every precaution to avoid injury to the trees or their roots. No backhoe or trenchers shall be 274 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 235 used within the tree dripline unless City Representative is on site. Hand digging is required within tree driplines. All roots 2” and larger shall be tunneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with burlap to prevent scarring or excessive drying. When the roots are smaller than 2” in diameter, the wall of the trench adjacent to the root shall be hand trimmed, making clean cuts through the roots. Trenches adjacent to the root shall be closed within twenty-four (24) hours. Where this is not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept moist and shaded with burlap or canvas. iii. Provide a minimum cover of 24” over all pressurized mainlines. iv. Provide a minimum cover of 18” over all non-pressurized lateral lines. v. Provide a minimum cover of 24” for all control wire. vi. Provide a minimum of 30” cover under AC paving and roadways. b. Backfilling: Trenches shall not be backfilled until all required tests and inspection have been performed and the conditions have been approved by the City Representative. Trenches shall be filled with 3” sand above and below mainline pipes. No material larger than ½ inch shall be permitted in the initial backfill. Backfill shall be tamped in 4-inch layers under all piping and mechanically compacted to a dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil in landscape areas and shall conform to adjacent grade. Truck wheels shall not be used to compact soil. If settlement occurs and subsequent adjustments in pipe, valves, valve boxes, sprinkler heads, lawn, planting, or other construction is necessary, the Contractor shall make all required adjustments at no additional cost to the City. c. Trenching and Backfilling under Paved Surfaces: i. The Contractor shall install and cap all piping under paved surfaces prior to paving work whenever possible. ii. Sleeves under existing pavement may be installed by directional boring. No hydraulic driving is permitted under AC pavement at depths less than 36”. No hydraulic driving shall be permitted under concrete roadways. The Contractor shall repair any and all damage to existing facilities including paved surfaces with like materials in accordance with City standards and details. iii. Any cutting or breaking of sidewalks and/or concrete that is necessary shall be completed and replaced in kind by the 275 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 236 Contractor as a part of the contract cost. Permission to cut or break sidewalks and/or concrete shall be obtained from the City prior to start of work. iv. Sleeves shall be installed a minimum of 6” beneath the bottom of the pavement subgrade or 36” from finish surface, whichever is greater. v. Mainline sleeving shall be a minimum of 2 times the line size diameter. The sleeve shall have a minimum of 1 inch clearance from the mainline and shall extend a minimum of 18” beyond such pavement unless physically impossible. In- line fittings or couplings shall not be permitted under paved surfaces except when the length of the line is greater than 20 feet. The ends of sleeves shall be capped until piping is laid. d. Line Clearance: All lines shall have a minimum clearance of six (6) inches from each other and from lines of other trades. Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. e. Assemblies: f. i. Routing of lateral lines is diagrammatic. Install lines and assemblies in such a manner as to conform with the intent of the drawings, comply with the irrigation details, and provide and complete an operable irrigation system. The Contractor shall not willfully install a system, which will not fulfill the intent of adequate coverage. The Contractor shall be responsible for adjustments to system to achieve adequate coverage at no additional cost to the City. ii. No manifolds shall be allowed in the irrigation system. Each assembly shall have its own outlet. iii. Install all assemblies in accordance with its respective detail. In the absence of a detail or specifications, complete the work in accordance with best standard practice with prior approval of the Landscape Architect of Record or the City Representative. iv. Carefully inspect all PVC pipes and fittings to ensure that they are cleaned of dirt, dust, and moisture prior to installation. Solvent welding methods shall be as recommended by the pipe, fitting, and solvent manufacturers. v. On PVC to metal connections, the Contractor shall work the metal connections first. Teflon tape or approved equal shall be used on all threaded PVC to PVC connections and on threaded PVC to metal joints. Where threaded PVC connections are required, use threaded hardening pipe dope 276 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 237 on all threaded plastic-to-metal connections, except where noted otherwise. vi. The Contractor shall construct concrete thrust blocks at all changes in direction on mainlines 3” or larger. Pipe restraints may be used in lieu of thrust blocks on bell and gasket piping. Delete the first sentence of paragraph two (2) of Section 801-5.5.3 Riser and Nozzle Line Installation which states: “Risers for oscillation sprinklers and nozzle lines shall be galvanized steel pipe. All other risers may be galvanized steel or Schedule 80 PVC.” Replace with “All risers shall be threaded Schedule 80 PVC pipe.” Delete reference to single-swing joint assemblies in paragraph six (6). All riser assemblies shall be a minimum of double-swing joints. Add the following paragraph after paragraph two (2) of Section 801-5.5.4 Sprinkler Head Adjustment: “The Contractor shall adjust all irrigation components for optimum performance. There shall be no irrigation water onto walks, or roadways. If it is determined that adjustments in the irrigation equipment will provide proper and more adequate coverage, then adjustments shall be made at no additional cost to the City. Adjustments may also include but are not limited to: changes in nozzle size, adding heads, or changing the riser locations.” Add the following after the first paragraph of Section 801-5.6 Automatic Control System Installation: “The location of the controller shall be as shown on the plans and shall be approved by the City Representative before installation. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the electrical service connection and connecting the controller to the power source. Remote control valves shall be connected to the controller in numerical sequence as shown on the plans.” Add the following to Section 801- Pipeline Pressure Test. General: “Pressure mains shall be tested prior to the installation of control valves. Lines shall be capped at the control valve connections. Mainlines shall be tested at a pressure of 150 psi for not less than four hours. Lateral lines shall be tested at a pressure of 100 psi for not less than two hours.” Add the following to the end of Section 801-5.7.4 Operational Test: “Any items deemed not acceptable by the City Representative shall be reworked to the complete satisfaction of the City Representative. The Contractor shall have 277 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 238 turned over all accessories, charts, record drawings, and equipment as required before the project can be accepted. The Contractor shall provide certification testing for all backflow preventers by a certified backflow prevention technician. Certification shall be conducted in accordance with all State, Federal, and local codes and regulations. The original written certification shall be submitted to the City prior to acceptance of the project. The Contractor shall arrange and pay for all testing and certification. The Contractor shall complete an irrigation coverage test and have written acceptance of the same prior to beginning any planting work with the exception of planting specimen trees and palms.” Add the following section: “Section 801-5.7.5 Temporary Repairs. The City reserves the right to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the irrigation in operating condition. The exercise of this right by the City shall not relieve the Contractor of his/her responsibility under the terms of the guarantee.” Add the following section: “Section 801-9 Guarantee. The Contractor shall repair or replace defective items within a reasonable time frame at no additional cost to the City. Damage to plant materials or adjacent facilities due to defective items or workmanship shall be repaired or replaced at no additional charge to the City.” 924-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The contract price paid for Irrigation system components as listed in Bid Items 67A shall be paid at the Unit Prices as indicated in the Bid Schedule shall include full compensation for installation of a functioning irrigation system, including connection to water meter and coordination with the water purveyor, complete in place as shown on the plans, as specified in the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions, and as directed by the City Representative and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. 278 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 239 SECTION 925 LANDSCAPE PLANTING (Bid Item No. 28A) 925-1 GENERAL This section sets forth the requirements for Landscape Improvements. Perform the work in accordance with Sections 800 – Landscape and Irrigation Materials and 801 – Landscape and Irrigation Installation of the SSPWC, latest edition, as modified and supplemented below. 925-1.1 Work Included 1. Gather soil samples and coordinate soil testing of import soils. 2. Complete finish grading, furnish and install all import soil necessary to replace over excavated material and for backfill required to complete the planting shown on the plans and details. 3. Furnish and install all required backfill material, soil amendments, fertilizers, and herbicides. 4. Furnish all labor, material, equipment, and services necessary to provide all landscape planting, complete, in place, as shown and specified. 5. Furnish and install all planting accessories, tree stakes, ties, and guys. 6. Provide a plant establishment period of not less than thirty (30) continuous calendar days after all plant material has been installed and is in a healthy condition. 7. Provide maintenance to a period of not less than sixty (60) continuous calendar days after completion of the plant establishment period and acceptance of construction. 8. Guarantee and provide replacement as necessary, in accordance with Section 1.7 of these Landscape Planting and Maintenance provisions. 279 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 240 925-1.2 Related Work Specified Elsewhere 1. Irrigation System 925-1.3 Protection of Work The Contractor shall adequately protect the work, adjacent property and the public, and shall be responsible for any damage, injury and/or loss due to the construction of the landscape improvements. Damaged facilities shall be repaired within three working days at no additional cost to the City. 925-1.4 Submittals Submittals shall be made in accordance with Section 2-5.3 Submittals. 1. Agronomic Soils Report- After completion of rough grading and prior to soil preparation, the Contractor shall provide the testing of import soils for approval by the City Representative, and composted materials by an independent agronomic soils testing laboratory at least 2 weeks in advance prior to actual work (member of the California Association of Agricultural Labs). No less than two (2) samples within the median planter areas shall be taken. Representative soil samples shall be taken in the field and a written report shall be prepared by the soil scientist and shall include tests for texture, fertility, toxicity along with recommendations for soil amendments as measured in cubic yards per 1,000 square feet to a depth of 6 inches, excavation pit fertilization and post maintenance fertilization. Soils test shall be performed after soil preparation to confirm that amended soil is in compliance with the pre-plant soils report and specifications. Deviation from the control mix shall not exceed twenty percent (20%). 2. Materials List- Within two weeks (14) calendar days after award of Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the City’s representative, documentation that all materials are available for approval. Materials shall not be ordered until materials submittals have been approved. Submit the following: a. Plant Materials (include pictures of plant(s) with a scaling object such as a ruler or person). City Representative shall tag all trees at the nursery and has the option of tagging all project plant material at the nursery. b. Amendments. c. Topsoil- Class A. d. Commercial Fertilizer. 280 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 241 e. Mulch. 3. Substitutions- Any and all substitutions due to unavailability must be requested in writing prior to confirmation of ordering. Contractor shall provide a list of nurseries and suppliers contacted for verification of unavailability. Substitutions shall not be permitted after the Material List has been reviewed and accepted. No substitutions will be allowed without prior written approval by the City Representative. Equipment or materials installed or furnished without prior written approval may be rejected and the Contractor required to remove and replace such materials from the site at the Contractor’s own expense. The Contractor shall not request a plant substitution based solely on the Contractor’s failure to verify the cost of plant material prior to bidding. The Contractor shall bear the responsibility of providing the material as shown on the plans. Delivery to the site may begin upon approval of samples by the City’s Representative. 4. Certificates of Delivery- Prior to installation, the Contractor shall submit to the City’s Representative all manufacturer’s literature, receipts of sale, and laboratory analytical data, bearing the manufacturers or supplier’s guaranteed analysis. The Contractor shall provide certificates of delivery with each shipment of materials. Certificates shall state source, quantity or weight, type and analysis, and date of delivery. All certificates shall be delivered to the City’s Representative. Written certifications required to be submitted include: a. Size and quantity of plant materials. b. Quantity of all soil amendments. c. Quantity and quality of topsoil. d. Quantity of commercial fertilizer. e. Quantity of other additives such as sulfur, iron sulfate, gypsum, etc. Quantity and composition of organic mulch. 925-1.5 Quality Assurance and Requirements 1. Permits and Fees: See General Provisions, Section ‘E’ 7-5 for payment of permits and fees for Capital Improvement Projects. 2. Ordinances and Regulations: Contractor shall abide by all applicable local, state and federal rules and regulations relating to the Scope of Work. 3. Explanation of Drawings: The Contractor shall be fully acquainted with the site prior to construction. Drawings are diagrammatic and 281 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 242 are generally indicative of the work to be completed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between irrigation systems, planting and architectural features. Any discrepancies in the plans or with existing field conditions shall be brought to the attention of the City’s Representative immediately. The Contractor shall not willfully install the planting as shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in area dimensions exist that might not have been considered in the landscape design. In the event that notification is not performed, the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any revision necessary. 4. Manufacturer’s Recommendations: Manufacturer’s recommendations shall apply when no other direction is given or when it is a more stringent requirement than these Specifications. 5. Correction of Work: The Contractor, at no additional cost to the City, shall correct any and all discrepancies or unsatisfactory work. The correction of work shall be finished within a reasonable period of time mutually agreed upon between the City and the Contractor. 925-1.6 Delivery, Storage, and Handling Plant Material: The Contractor shall notify the City’s Representative seven (7) days in advance of delivery of all plant materials and shall submit an itemized list of the plants in each delivery. Maintain and protect plant material in a healthy condition prior to planting. Plant material which has been rejected or damaged after acceptance shall be removed from the site and replaced with acceptable materials. 925-1.7 Guarantee and Replacement Written Guarantee: The Contractor shall furnish a written guarantee of materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance. The Contractor shall repair or replace defective items within a reasonable time, but not more than 14 calendar days, from notification by the City at no addition cost to the City. All shrubs, groundcover, and lawn shall be guaranteed for a period of ninety (90) days from final acceptance. All trees shall be guaranteed for a period of one (1) year from final acceptance. All guarantee periods shall begin from the time of final written acceptance by the City. This acceptance shall be after the Installation Maintenance period which consists of a 30-day Plant Establishment Period and the 60-day Maintenance Period have been accepted and approved in writing by the City. 282 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 243 925-1.8 Order of Work The irrigation shall be complete and operational prior to the start of any planting installation. The Contractor shall have completed an irrigation test in the presence of the City’s Representative and have written approval for the installation. An exception may be made in the case of the installation of specimen trees 24” and larger and palms. The Contractor shall be responsible to provide adequate water to the specimen trees by whatever means necessary until the irrigation is complete and operational. 925-2 MATERIALS Add the following to Section 800-1 Landscape Materials: “Use only materials of the brands, type or species noted on the drawings or approved equal. Materials shall be new; plants shall be of the type and size specified, standard approved and first grade quality free from diseases or insects. All plants shall be tagged with botanical name (including variety) and size in accordance with the standards of practice recommended by the American Association of Nurserymen. Any rejected material shall be promptly removed from the site.” Add the following to Section 800-1 Topsoil: “Topsoil shall be Class “A” as specified in Section 800-1.1. Topsoil to be used as planting medium shall be fertile, well-drained, of uniform quality, free from stones over 1-inch in diameter, sticks, oils, chemicals, plaster, concrete and other deleterious materials.” Add the following to the topsoil requirements at the end of Section 800-1.1.2: “d) Boron and Sodium Content. Boron content shall not exceed 1 PPM as measured by the saturation extract. Sodium absorption ratio (SAR) shall not exceed 6 and the electrical conductivity of the saturation extract shall not exceed 3.0 milliohms per centimeter at 25 C.” Add the following at the end of Section 800-1.2.1 General: “Soil Amendment. The following organic soil amendments are for bid purposes only: 1. After soils test and at the direction of the soils lab, provide stable humus with a carbon/nitrogen ratio of less than 25. See attached soils report. 2. Iron sulfate, 20% iron (expressed as metallic iron), derived from ferric and ferrous sulfate, 10% (expressed as elemental). Ten pounds per 1,000 square feet.” The Contractor is directed to fertilize, amend or otherwise treat the soil as recommended and specified by the soils laboratory report.” 283 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 244 Add the Following at the end of Section 800-1.2.3 Commercial Fertilizer: “Fertilizer pellets or granules shall be slow-release, 12-8-8 by Gro Power (15065 Telephone Avenue, Chino, CA (909) 393-3744), Best Fertilizers or approved equal and shall be mixed by the commercial fertilizer supplier. It shall be applied at the rate recommended by the manufacturer and the soils report. Fertilizer shall be applied every 45 days through-out the maintenance period at a rate agreed upon by the Soils testing consultant A minimum of two applications shall be completed. The Contractor shall provide the City’s Representative with materials receipt for the fertilizers used. The Contractor shall provide the City with 48-hour notice prior to fertilization. Should the Contractor fail to provide said notice or materials receipt, the Contractor may be subject to reapplication of the materials in the presence of the City’s Representative. Plant tablets shall be slow-release, 21-gram tablets as manufactured by Scott’s Agriform, Best, or approved equal. They shall be applied at a rate of one tablet per 1 gallon plant, three tablets per 5-gallon plant, nine tablets per 15-gallon plant, twenty tablets per 24” box tree, and per manufacturer’s recommendations for larger box sizes.” Add the following to Section 800-1.2.4 Organic Soil Amendment: “Organic Soil Amendment shall be Type 1 and shall not include Pine or Eucalyptus.” Add the following to Section 800-1.2.5 Mulch: “Mulch shall be Type 1 only (ground wood product). Mulch shall be recycled chippings from an approved source which do not contain Pine, Eucalyptus, trash, or debris. If recycled materials are not available, a premium grade shredded cedar bark shall be used. The Contractor shall apply a 2” depth of mulch to all planter areas having a grade of 1:6 or less. Mulch shall be a typical “Forest Floor Blend” with particles having a size between 2” and 4”. Contractor shall submit a sample of the proposed mulch to the City’s Representative for approval prior to delivery to the site.” Add the following Section: “800-1.2.6 Pesticides and Herbicides. All chemicals used for pest control shall be registered by the State of California Department of Food and Agriculture and the Environmental protection Agency with registration identification on the label. All chemicals shall be applied as per the registered label instruction and manufacturer’s recommendations. Restricted chemicals shall be applied in a manner consistent with State and Federal Law by a licensed applicator possessing the appropriate classification. No chemicals may be used on site without prior written approval of the City’s Representative.” Add the following to Section 800-1.4 Plants: 284 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 245 “Trees and shrubs provided shall be of equal or better quality to that available at Norman’s Nursery, Brightview Tree Company or Boething Treeland Farms. A. Additional plants may be necessary to fill all areas at the on center spacing or not illustrated on the plan. B. All plant material shall be No. 1 grade healthy, disease, and pest free, without visible damage, abrasions, or disfigurement. C. Plants specified shall be delivered in the containers specified and true to industry standard size for the container specified. Plants shall have been growing with the specified container a minimum of six months and no longer than one (1) year and shall be properly rooted without being rootbound. Plants with cracked or broken root balls shall be rejected.” Delete the last sentence of Section 800-1.4.1 General which states: “Other than normal side pruning during the growth period, no pruning shall be done prior to inspection at the nursery.” And replace it with: “Trees which have be topped, headed back, or otherwise damaged by pruning, shall be rejected. Side pruning of lower branches is discouraged and may be grounds for rejecting trees. Trees shall not be pruned after selection and delivery to the site without prior written approval of the Landscape Architect of record or City’s Arborist. Trees which have been pruned without authorization may be subject to removal and replacement at no additional cost to the City.” Add the following to Section 800-1.4.2 Trees: 1. “All trees shall be true to type or name as ordered or shown on the plans and shall be individually tagged or tagged in groups by species and cultivar (variety). 2. All trees shall be healthy, have a form typical for the species or cultivar, be well-rooted, strong in branching pattern and properly trained. Trees which are deemed by the City Representative not to have these qualities will be rejected and replaced without additional charge to the City. 3. All trees shall comply with Federal and State laws requiring inspection for plant diseases and pest infestations. Inspection certificates required by law shall accompany each shipment of plants. Clearance from the County Agricultural Commissioner as required by law, shall be obtained before planting trees delivered from outside the County in which they are to be planted. 4. The rootball of all trees shall be moist throughout and the crown shall show no signs of moisture stress. 5. The tree crown of broad-leaved, decurrent trees shall have a single straight trunk that has not been headed or topped. Potential lateral scaffolds (height of lowest scaffold depends on landscape use) for small- 285 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 246 growing trees such as Crape Myrtle shall be at least 2” apart vertically, which could be trained in the landscape to 3 to 7 branches 4” or more apart vertically. Large-growing trees such as Oak shall have lateral scaffolds at least 6” apart vertically, which could be trained in the landscape to 5 to 9 branches 18” apart or more vertically. Branches shall be radially distributed around the trunk, be not more than 2/3 the diameter of the trunk measured 1” above the branch and be free of included bark in attachments (bark embedded between the trunk and a lateral). No laterals below the lowest potential scaffold should be larger than ¼ the trunk diameter at point of attachment. 6. Small temporary branches (less than ¼ diameter of trunk) below the scaffold branches should not be removed. 7. Broad-leaved or coniferous, excurrent (central trunked) trees shall have a single, straight trunk with no double leaders (co-dominant stems) or vigorous, upright branches competing with the leader. Radial and vertical distribution of branches shall form a symmetrical crown. 8. Each tree shall comply with the above criteria without having or having had to remove, now or within the previous growing season (at least six months), more than 25 percent of the branches of a size similar to or larger than those of the potential scaffold branches. 9. The tree shall be free of roots visibly circling the trunk, and free of “knees” (roots) or kinks protruding above the soil. 10. If in a tapered container, the rootball periphery shall be free of circling roots larger than ¼” in diameter and a bottom mat of roots ¼” or larger (the acceptable diameter of circling peripheral roots depends on species and size of the rootball). 11. When untied from the nursery stake, the tree shall not bend to touch the top rim of the container. 12. The trunk and main roots shall be free of circling roots and kinks within 2” of the trunk to a depth of 2-1/2”. Inspect the roots by tipping the rootball or container on its side and with a small jet of water expose the roots within 2” of the trunk to a depth of 2-1/2” below the topmost root attached to the trunk. After inspection, replace soil washed from around the trunk with a similar soil mix (less than ten percent of the total rootball volume should be added). If circling of roots is suspected, a representative sampling of approximately two trees or two percent of the total for each species whichever is greater may be removed from their containers and cleaned of soil. The trunk and main roots shall be free of circling and kinked roots. Circling roots at the periphery of the rootball shall not be reason for rejecting a tree unless the circling roots are large for the species and shoot growth is not acceptable for the species. 13. In case the sample trees inspected are found to be defective, the City reserves the right to reject the entire lot or lots of trees represented by the defective samples. Any plants rendered unsuitable for planting because of this inspection will be considered as samples and will not be paid for. 286 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 247 14. Trees shall be of sufficient height and caliper for the container size and plant type specified. Typically, 15-Gallon trees shall be 6’-8’, 24” box trees shall be 8’-10’, 36” box trees shall be 10’ –12’. 15. Tree pits shall be tested for adequate drainage prior to planting trees. 12- inch diameter by 72” depth augered pits (locations per plan) shall be dug and filled with water in the presence of the City Representative. After 24 hours, the City Representative shall observe all holes to determine if water has drained completely. Relocate tree(s) or install augured sumps in holes which fail to drain properly, as directed by the City Representative.” Add the following at the end to Section 800-1.4.4 Flatted Plants: “All material from flats shall be well rooted, not cuttings. Flat grown plants shall remain in the flats until transplanting.” Modify Section 800-1.5.3 Tree Stakes as follows: Delete the first sentence “The type of tree stake shall be as specified in the Special Provisions.” And replace with the following: “Tree stakes shall be straight Lodge Pole Pine free from knots, splits, checks or disfigurement. Stakes shall be 2-inch nominal size and 10 feet in length. Stakes shall have a tapered drive point and chamfered top and shall be treated with an approved wood preservative. Supports for staking shall be rubber cinch ties manufactured by V.I.T. Company, Phone: (949) 891-8338, or approved equal, attached in a figure eight position, and secured with a nail at the stake. All wood preservatives shall be in accordance with the latest State, Federal, and local codes and regulations. Stakes shall not rub the lower branches in such a way the injury is caused to the tree. In some cases, the stake may need to be cut so they do not cause damage to the scaffold branches.” 925-3 EXECUTION Add the following at the end of Section 801-1 General: “Perform actual planting only during periods when weather and soil conditions are suitable and in accordance with locally accepted practice.” Modify Section 801-2.1 to delete the reference to Class B Topsoil. Only Class A Topsoil will be utilized on the project. Add the following after the last sentence: 1. Clearing and Grubbing a. All existing planting within the limits of work shall be removed, with the exception of the plants specifically called out in the drawings to 287 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 248 remain, or as specified by the City’s Representative in the field. Protect in place plants to remain. All vegetation to be removed shall be grubbed, raked, and cleared from the site. The Contractor shall remove from the site and dispose of in a lawful manner, all materials grubbed from the site at no additional cost to the City. b. All subsurface rocks over 2” in diameter and other underground obstructions which may hinder proper fine grading, tilling, or planting shall be removed to a minimum depth of 12”. All abandoned utility lines uncovered or severed shall be cut below grade and capped or plugged with concrete. Explosives shall not be used for removal. Damage to utility lines shown on the plans shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense. 2. Perennial Weed Abatement- If live perennial weeds exist on site at the beginning of work, a non-selective herbicide shall be sprayed per manufacturer’s recommendations. Contractor shall mix dye with the herbicide to insure adequate coverage. The sprayed plants shall be left intact for a minimum of 15 days. The plants shall then be mowed and grubbed to a depth of at least 4” below the finished surface. 3. Weed Abatement and Removed Tree Root Sprouting- Upon completion of soil preparation and installation of all specimen trees, begin the weed abatement program Spray a non-selective, translocative herbicide to eradicate any germinated weeds or newly sprouted roots from trees that have been removed. Translocation shall be 7-10 days or an approved alternate time period. If weeds or grasses exist, re-water four times daily for fourteen consecutive days, until new growth appears. Reapply herbicide. Remove weeds after herbicide has had sufficient time to kill the weeds. Repeat as necessary to eradicate weeds. Maintain the site weed free until final acceptance by the City utilizing mechanical, manual, and/or chemical treatment. After all plant material has been installed and a 30- day plant establishment period has passed an approved pre-emergent shall be applied before installation of organic wood mulch. Herbicide must be approved by the City Representative. 4. Soil Amendment- All planting areas with slopes flatter than 2:1 shall receive soil amendments. The amendments specified in the included agronomic soils report shall be uniformly spread and cultivated thoroughly by means of a mechanical tiller into the top 6” of soil.” Add the following at the end of Section 801-2.4 Finish Grading: “All rocks, clods, sticks or other debris shall be removed from the site and disposed of in a lawful manner at the Contractor’s expense.” 288 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 249 Delete from Section 801-4.5 reference to the use of Type 2 or 3 soil amendment. Only Type 1 shall be used. Delete any reference to Type 2 through 6 mulches. Only Type 1 mulch shall be used. Item c) shall be modified from “c) Prepared soil mix shall be deposited in the remainder of the hole to finish grade.” to “c) Prepared soil mix and planting tablets per Section 800- 1.2.3 shall be deposited in the remainder of the hole to finish grade.” Add the following to the end of the section: “Planting Layouts. Locations for all trees, specimen shrubs (5 gallon and larger), and outlines of areas to be planted shall be marked on the ground by the Contractor before any plant pits are dug. All locations shall be approved by the Landscape Architect and City’s Representative. Layout shall be accomplished with flagged grade stakes indicating plant names and specified container size on each stake. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to confirm with the City and governing agency, the location and depth of all underground utilities and obstructions. No planting shall take place until an irrigation coverage test has been completed and the irrigation system has been approved, in writing by the City, as complete and in place. (See Section 1.8 of these specifications.”) Section 801-4.6 Plant Staking and Guying, including Sections 801-4.6.1 Method “A” Tree Staking, 801-4.6.2 Method “B” Tree Staking and 801-4.6.3 Guying shall be deleted in its entirety, and replaced with: “Tree Staking. Trees shall be staked as shown on the Plans. Trees 36” and larger may not need to be staked. The Contractor shall not stake trees if they are able to stand straight without added support. The Contractor shall be responsible for determining the necessity of staking. Staking and guying shall be done immediately after planting using the materials specified in Section 800-1.5.3 (modified by these specifications). After staking, all plant material shall be removed within 18” of the tree trunk. This area shall be covered with Type 1 mulch to meet finish grade.” Delete from Section 801-4.7 Ground Cover and Vine Planting, the following sentence from paragraph four (4): “A 1-inch layer of Type 1,2,3, or 4 mulch shall be spread over the planted areas.” and replace with “A minimum 2” layer of Type 1 mulch shall be spread over all planted areas.” Refer to Section 801-6 Maintenance and Plant Establishment of these specifications for more information. Add: “Section 801-4.9.6 Clean Up. The Contractor shall maintain the site in a tidy manner at all times. Remove all trash, excess soil, empty plant containers, and debris from the site on a daily basis during the course of the work. All trash shall be placed in a proper container or dumpster which shall be emptied as needed. The Contractor shall 289 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 250 leave the site broom-clean and shall wash down all paved areas within the Contract area on a weekly basis or as needed to maintain a safe work area.” Add: “Section 801-4.9.7 Observation Schedule. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the City Representative and the landscape architect of record 48 hours in advance for the following site visits: 1. Job start conference. 2. Acceptance of finish grade. 3. Acceptance of plant material. 4. Acceptance of planting layout. 5. Acceptance of tree pits, prior to planting. 6. Acceptance of soils preparation and planting. 7. Completion of planting and acceptance into the plant establishment period. 8. Completion of 30-day plant establishment period, acceptance of pre- emergent and acceptance into the maintenance period. 9. Final acceptance of the project and turnover items.” Delete Section801-6 Maintenance and Plant Establishment in its entirety and replace it with the following: “801-6 Plant Establishment and Maintenance. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, material, equipment, and services required to maintain the landscape in pleasing manner. Watering, mowing, rolling, edging, trimming, fertilizing, weeding, spraying, and pest control shall be included in the plant establishment and maintenance periods. All hardscape surfaces shall be kept clean and all gutters, drains and drainpipes shall be free of silt and debris. The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining adequate protection of the area. Damaged areas including, but not limited to, plant death, vandalism, and theft, shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense until such time as the Contractor receives written acceptance of the project by the City. The project will have one (1) 90-day maintenance and plant establishment period. Maintenance and plant establishment shall adhere to the following guidelines: 1. Plant Establishment- It is the responsibility of the Contractor to inform the City of completion of the project and request an inspection or order to begin the Plant Establishment period. The project will not be accepted into the Plant Establishment period until the following items have been completed and accepted by the City: a. All punch list and correction items have been completed and accepted. b. An irrigation coverage test has been completed and accepted. c. Permanent power has been established and is continuous to the automatic controller(s). 290 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 251 The Plant Establishment Period shall be a minimum of 30 days during which time all plant materials shall thrive. All plants shall thrive without disease, pest infestation, stress, die-back, broken branches, or poor pruning. All planting areas shall be weed free. Any plants or seeded areas that are not thriving at the end of the 30 days shall be replaced at the Contractor’s expense. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to request an inspection at the end of the 30-day period. If the Contractor fails to do so, or if the plant materials are not in a satisfactory condition, the Plant Establishment period will be extended until all areas are acceptable to the City. The project shall not be segmented into maintenance phases unless specifically authorized in writing by the City. 2. Maintenance Period- Once the project has been accepted into the Maintenance Period of 90 days, the Contractor shall inspect the site weekly performing all, fertilizing, edging, trimming, weeding, trash removal, plant replacement, or other maintenance duties as needed to maintain an attractive environment at no additional cost to the City. a. The irrigation shall be checked weekly and adjusted as needed to maintain plant health without run-off, overwatering, or overspray. b. During the maintenance period, a balanced fertilizer shall be applied at the rate recommended by the approved agronomic soils report. In the event that ground cover, trees or shrubs, exhibit nutrient deficiencies, necessary action shall be taken by the Contractor at no additional cost to the City. c. No pruning shall be done without approval of the City and shall be in strict accordance with the International Society of Arboriculture Standards and Practices. A Certified Arborist and/or Certified Tree Worker shall perform pruning. d. Shrubs shall not be clipped into balls or boxed forms. Trees and shrubs shall be pruned back to the lateral branches or buds. Stubbing will not be permitted. e. Old, wilted flowers and foliage shall be pinched or cut off and removed. f. No supplemental daytime irrigation shall be allowed during the post-establishment maintenance period without prior approval. g. The site shall be kept free of all clippings, debris and trash. Drains shall be kept free of trash, silt or debris. h. Paved areas shall be kept clean. i. The Contractor shall be responsible for pest management, including insect, disease, invertebrate, or vertebrate. Pest management shall be performed in accordance with all Federal, State and local codes and regulations. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the City, the local agency, the landscape architect of record and all other necessary parties 10 days 291 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 252 prior to the completion of the 90-day maintenance period (includes the 30- day plant establishment period). All parties shall walk the site and create a punch list of outstanding items to be corrected prior to the final acceptance. 3. Final Acceptance- The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the City, the local agency, the landscape architect of record and all other necessary parties 10 days prior to the completion of the maintenance period. Deficiencies noted during the final inspection shall extend the maintenance period until all deficiencies are corrected. All irrigation shall be adjusted to required height in relation to finish grade. All planters shall be maintained in a weed-free condition throughout the establishment and maintenance periods. Plant material not showing vigor or that has been damaged or is missing shall be replaced. If substantial amounts of plant material have failed or is missing, the maintenance period shall be extended until the health of the plants has been established for not less than 30 days. All turn over items, including the turnover sheet, maintenance manuals, equipment items, “As-built” plans, irrigation controller charts and written guarantee shall be received and accepted by the City prior to final acceptance. The end of maintenance shall occur only upon written acceptance by the City.” 925-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The contract price paid for Planting, (Bid Item No. 28A) will be measured at the Unit Prices as indicated in the Bid Schedule and shall include full compensation for each item complete and in place. The Bid Schedule unit prices shall include full compensation for all finish grading, soil preparation, planting, planting accessories and all appurtenances required for a complete planted landscape and no additional compensation will be allowed, therefore 292 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 253 SECTION 926 REMOVE AND REPLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE (Not a Bid Item) 926-1 GENERAL The work of Remove and Replace Asphalt Concrete consists of removing and replacing the existing asphalt concrete and base if necessary to the specified depth or to the base layer. 926-2 MATERIALS Materials used shall be Asphalt Concrete as specified in Subsection 203-6 of the Standard Specifications. The class of combined aggregate grading and grade of asphalt shall be Class B PG 70-10. 926-3 CONSTRUCTION Where asphalt is to be removed and replaced within the same location that has been disturbed by tree roots, and where roots are found after removal of asphalt, the base and subgrade shall be over excavated an additional 12 inches below the asphalt removal and any tree roots removed. The subgrade and base shall then be replaced and recompacted. All removed material including but not limited to asphalt concrete, concrete, base material, earth, pavement fabric and any other extraneous materials and debris shall be removed from the site at the contractor’s expense. If base rock is exposed, the surface shall be rolled. Asphalt concrete shall be constructed as specified in Section 302-5 of the Standard Specifications. 926-4 DISTRIBUTION AND SPREADING Placement of asphalt concrete shall be in conformance with Subsection 302-5.5 of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. No longitudinal joints will be allowed. The Contractor shall designate staging areas approved by the City Engineer for trucks to transfer trailers and perform clean out, if necessary. Trucks shall only use the approved designated areas for these purposes. To avoid picking up loose rock in the project area, the tires of all trucks must be lightly oiled with linseed oil or soybean oil or approved equal, but not to the point of runoff. Diesel fuel will not be allowed on the project for oil down of equipment. 293 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 254 The provisions of Subsection 5-3.1 of the Standard Specifications are hereby incorporated into these Special Provisions, whereby incompetent operators shall be removed from the work. Indications of lack of experience, or unfamiliarity with the equipment or its operation will be considered incompetence. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting existing storm drain inlets, swales, and culverts to ensure that no sand, gravel, rock dust, tack coat, asphalt, or spoils from paving operations enter into storm drain inlets. All PCC, brick or other decorative surfaces within 500 feet of the work limits that are to be crossed by trucks used to haul pavement material shall be covered with sand or other durable covering prior to placement of asphalt concrete. The Contractor shall have sufficient power brooms on site during all periods of distribution and spreading to provide for cleanup of haul routes and work areas. Power broom shall provide miscellaneous cleanup of pavement material spoils as directed by the City’s Project Representative. 926-5 ROLLING Rolling of asphalt concrete shall be in conformance with Subsection 302-5.6 of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. An extra breakdown roller shall be on site at all times, free of defects. Breakdown rolling shall commence when the asphalt concrete is placed. Rolling shall be accomplished with the drive wheel forward and with the advance and return passes in the same line. 926-6 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for work or other features as required and outlined in this Section, "Remove and Replace Asphalt Concrete." Full compensation for such work and features shall be considered included in the price bid for "Pavement Milling," “Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Base,” and “Asphalt Rubber Hot Mix” and no additional compensation will be allowed therefore. Such payment shall be considered full compensation for furnishing and maintaining all materials, labor, equipment, and all incidentals necessary to complete the work in accordance with the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. 294 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 255 SECTION 927 POTHOLING (Bid Item No. 70A) 927-1 GENERAL Work to be performed under this Section covers all labor, materials, tools, equipment, traffic control, and incidentals necessary to determine the exact locations of all existing, underground utilities. All such work shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions. 927-2 CONSTRUCTION The Contractor shall determine the exact location of all existing utilities and underground PCC pavement, whether shown or not shown on the plans, prior to beginning construction of Contract Work. Potential conflicts with underground utilities include, but are not limited to, water and sewer lines, electrical lines, communications lines, gas lines, and other underground facilities. Contractor shall pothole and verify elevations at utility/sleeve crossings prior to construction. Contractor shall confirm exact location of existing utilities within the areas that the roadway finish grade elevations are being lowered to confirm that the exiting utilities will have adequate cover, as determined by the Engineer, and that any existing utility covers can be lowered without conflicting with the existing utility, facility, or structure. If conflicts are discovered, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer. Finally, the Contractor shall confirm the exact locations and limits of the underground, existing PCC pavement and notify the Engineer of any location discrepancies from what is shown on the Plans. 927-3 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT The measurement and payment for Potholing will be made at the contract unit prices bid for the bid item shown in the Bid Schedule The above contract price and payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation and incidentals, and for doing all the work involved and necessary to determine the exact location of all existing utilities and underground PCC pavement. The cost of potholing shall include traffic control and trench plating, if necessary, and no additional compensation will be paid. 295 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 256 SECTION 1000 WATER IMPROVEMENTS (Not a Bid Item) 1000-1 GENERAL DESICRIPTION OF WORK The Contractor shall furnish all materials, equipment, tools and labor for the construction of: PRINCETON AVENUE WIDENING - WATER IMPROVEMENT PLAN In accordance with the plans and specifications, the work shall include but not be limited to: sheeting and shoring; trenching; excavation; potholing; bedding and backfill; removal and reconstruction of existing improvements; dewatering; installing water pipe and appurtenances; flushing, testing and disinfecting; disposal of all excess excavated or removed materials; the construction of temporary and permanent pavement resurfacing; and needed work as indicated and shown in these plans and specifications. 1000-2 PROJECT LOCATION The work to be done under this contract is situated in Moorpark, starting east of the intersection of Princeton Avenue and Nogales Avenue east of the 118, north of the UPRR crossing, and extending approximately 3,215 feet westerly on Princeton Avenue and connecting to existing water pipe. A more detailed location map is shown on the plans for this project. 1000-3 PRE-BIDDING CONFERENCE A pre-bid conference and site tour will be held at _______________10:00 a.m. at the Ventura County Waterworks District No.1 office at 6767 Spring Road, Moorpark, CA 93020, telephone (805) 378-3005. Bidders are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held for the purpose of answering any questions concerning the project. None of the information transmitted at this meeting is to be construed to modify the plans and specifications in any way. Any modification will be forwarded to all plan holders as an addendum. 1000-4 SUBSURFACE DATA AND REPORTS The following reports have been prepared for this project and is available for review at the City of Moorpark Public Works Department, located at 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, CA 93021. 296 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 257 Geotechnical Studies Prepared by Earth Systems Southern California:  Geotechnical Report VT-24436-2, dated August 28, 2011, and updated September 8, 2011 “Geotechnical Update Report, Princeton Avenue Widening”  Geotechnical Report 16-4-69, dated April 28, 2016  Geotechnical Report 20-2-70, dated February 14, 2020 1000-5 PERMITS, EASEMENTS, AND LICENSES Some of the work to be performed under these Plans and Specifications is located where encroachment permits are required. The Agency has applied for and obtained a County Encroachment Permit. The Contractor shall have on site a current general excavation permit from OSHA. The Contractor shall comply with all permits related to this project. The Contractor shall also obtain any other permits, as required by Local, County, or State Ordinances. 1000-6 WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION The Contractor may take construction water from a fire hydrant at a location to be deter- mined by the Agency. The Contractor will not be charged for the water; however, the Contractor shall pay the hydrant meter installation fee and the refundable trust deposit. Actual fees and costs will be determined by the District. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to coordinate the acquisition of the required fire hydrant meter from the Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1 (District). The District will install the hydrant meter at the appropriate hydrant and the Contractor shall be responsible for transporting that water from the meter to the site. Transporting may be by hoses, temporary pipes or water truck but whichever method is used, it shall be leak-free and shall not cause an accumulation of water on the road or in the work or staging areas. 1000-7 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS MATERIAL The Contractor shall be responsible for lawfully disposing of all surplus soil and other materials resulting from excavation and trenching at a proper place of disposal. 1000-8 GENERAL GUARANTEE The Contractor's attention is directed in particular to the last paragraph of Section 6-8 of the Ventura County Standard Specifications (VCSS). Manufacturer's standard guarantee shall be submitted with all shop drawing submittals. 1000-9 SURVEYING 297 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 258 Survey services shall be provided by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. Survey services shall be in accordance with Section 2-9 of the VCSS. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer forty eight hours in advance of the times and places at which he intends to do work, in order that lines and grades may be checked, and that necessary measurements for record and payment may be made with minimum inconvenience to the Agency or delay to the Contractor. 1000-10 WATER SHUT-DOWN The Contractor shall not operate the existing water system. Any shutdown of the existing system as required to perform the work in this contract shall be coordinated with the District at least 14 working days prior to intended shut-down. In the event of an emergency, the Contractor shall call (805) 378-3005. 1000-11 RECORD DRAWINGS The Contractor shall maintain at the jobsite one set of full size contract drawings neatly marked with red lines to show any deviations that have been made from the contract documents including buried or concealed construction and utility features that are revealed during the course of construction. Said record drawings shall be supplemented by any detailed sketches as necessary or directed to indicate fully the work as actually constructed. Record drawings shall be accessible to the Engineer at all times during the construction period and shall be delivered to the Engineer upon completion and prior to acceptance of the work. Progress payments may not be accepted if the record drawings are not kept current. Request for final payment shall not be approved until completed, legible record drawings showing all variations between the "work as constructed" and as originally shown on the contract documents has been delivered and approved by the Engineer. 1000-12 DIMENSIONS AND VERIFICATIONS The stationing shown on the plans and in these Specifications was established by formal survey methods. No warranty is made, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of these dimensions, and it is the Contractor's responsibility to verify all dimensions before construction in accordance with these Specifications. Prior to ordering any materials or beginning any construction, the Contractor shall expose the existing system at the intended point of connection with new facilities, and shall verify the location, elevation, types, and sizes of materials and fittings required to make the connection. The Contractor shall verify the exact location of existing water, sewer, oil, and gas mains and laterals, telephone cables, storm drainage, and other utilities and obstructions prior to construction in order that revised grades or alignment may be established if required. When existing conditions are encountered which, in the opinion of the Engineer, require temporary suspension of work for design modifications or for other determinations, the Contractor shall move to other areas of work until such 298 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 259 determinations are made. No additional compensation to the Contractor shall be made, except that an appropriate time extension for completion may be allowed when it affects the overall construction schedule. 1000-13 SHOP DRAWINGS AND SUBMITTALS The Contractor shall submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 2-5.3 of the VCSS, except as herein noted. The Contractor shall review, stamp with his approval, and submit for review by the Engineer shop drawings for all materials and equipment to be incorporated into the work. Shop drawings shall be submitted with promptness and in orderly sequence to cause no delay in the prosecution of the work. Shop drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, performance charts, brochures and other data which are prepared by the Contractor or any Subcontractor, Manufacturer, Supplier or Distributor, and which illustrate some portion of the work. Shop Drawings requirements are: Items 1 per Section 2-5.3.2 of the General Provisions:  Gradation sheets and certifications for imported earth material.  Mix design and certifications for concrete and asphalt.  Dimensional drawings and exploded materials of construction drawings and certifications for all mechanical and electrical equipment, including valves, hydrants, air and vacuum valves, blow-offs and couplings.  Dimensional drawings, joint information and certifications for pipe materials including branches, mains, and couplings.  Paint mixes, Safety Data Sheets, and color swatches for field coating of above grade facilities and for protective coating of below grade iron fittings.  Slurry Backfill  Base Material  Bedding Material 1000-14 PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING The Contractor shall attend a pre-construction meeting scheduled by the Engineer at the City of Moorpark Public Works Department, located at 799 Moorpark Ave., Moorpark, CA 93021. The meeting shall be attended by the Contractor's project superintendent, foremen, subcontractors, suppliers, and representatives from other agencies appropriate to the agenda. 1000-15 DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS The Ventura County Waterworks District Nos. 1, 16, 17 & 19 have prepared standard specifications and standard drawings for water system construction. The standard 299 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 260 drawings are identified on the plans as VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan. These references are included in the Appendix for reference. 1000-16 UTILITY CROSSINGS Changes in alignment and grade of the pipeline or changes in the fittings at connections due to utility crossings shall be approved by the Engineer. The cost incurred in making utility crossings shall be included in the price bid. 1000-17 SALVAGE MATERIALS Existing pipe and fittings to be removed as part of this work and designated by the District to be salvaged, shall be salvaged and delivered intact to the District yard at 6767 Spring Road, Moorpark, CA 93020. Set materials in a neat stack at a location designated by the yard manager. Materials to be removed and not salvaged shall be disposed of in accordance with the demolition plan per Ventura County Integrated Waste Management Division (IWMD) permit requirements. 1000-18 PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS The Contractor shall be responsible for the protection of property adjacent to the work site. Protection and restoration of existing improvements shall be in accordance with Subsection 7-9 of the VCSS. 1000-19 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Measurement and payment for other items of work are stated in the proposal and specified in the appropriate technical specifications. The prices stated in the proposal for the various items of work shall constitute the full and complete compensation for the work. Where the bidder feels an item of work is not covered by an item listed in the proposal, the Contractor shall include the price of the work item in the various items of bid to which that work item is pertinent and no additional payment shall be made therefore. Where quantities are shown, said quantities are estimates of the required work. At the completion of the work and prior to final payment, the Contractor and the District shall agree on final quantities and a Change Order, in accordance with the General Provisions, shall be prepared to account for additions or subtractions in the quantities of the installed work and the final payment shall be calculated based on the adjusted quantities. Payment for compliance with the conditions of this section shall be considered as included in the various work items shown on the bid form and no additional payment shall be made therefore. END OF SECTION 300 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 261 SECTION 1001 EARTHWORK AND OPEN TRENCH PIPE LAYING (Bid Item Nos. 72B, 74B to 81B) 1001-1 GENERAL DESICRIPTION OF WORK Work shall include all clearing, grubbing, grading, trenching, excavation, trench and structural backfilling and compacting, disposing of excess material, importing and placing special bedding or backfill, and installing pipe as required for the complete performance of the work as indicated on the plans or as specified herein. Except as specified in these Special Provisions, earthwork shall be performed in accordance with Part 3 of the VCSS and Standard Plans and Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC), The “Greenbook”. All existing facilities such as utilities, drainage or irrigation structures, fences, walls, and other structures encountered, shall be protected in place and any damage to such facilities shall be repaired or replaced immediately to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Fences and other structures may be removed only with the permission of the Engineer. Private roadways shall be kept in a safe condition and open to traffic at all times. 1001- 2 MATERIALS 1001-2.1 Pipe and Appurtenances 1001-2.1.1 General The work performed under this section includes the provisions, shipment, storage and installation of water pipe for open-trench, or in accordance with the Specifications, except as modified herein. 1001-2.1.2 Submittals Submit manufacturer's data sheets showing dimensions and materials for construction for each type of pipe to be installed. Submit Certificates of Compliance with all material specifications (ASTM's, MILSPEC or others) as required by these Specifications. 1001-2.1.3 Selection and Use of Alternative Pipe Materials The Contractor shall select alternative pipe materials to be utilized for the size of pipe and method of installation subject to review and approval of the Engineer. Once selected, there shall be no change of materials except by written approval of the Engineer. 301 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 262 1001-2.1.4 Materials A. PVC Pipe 1. PVC pipe 8-inch in diameter and larger shall be in accordance with the latest revision of AWWA C900 Table 1A DR18. 2. PVC pipe 6-inch in diameter shall be in accordance with AWWA C- 900 Table 1A, DR 14. 3. Joints: Pipe joints for C-900 pipe shall be push on Rubber Ring Joints per AWWA C111 except as shown on the plans. 4. Fittings: Elbows, tees, crosses and other fittings shall be cast iron Restrained Mechanical Joint. Mechanical Joint bells shall be integrally cast into the fitting. The follower shall be a restraining follower that compresses a rubber gasket to seal the water, then has teeth that bite into the pipe to restrain the connection. Restraining followers shall be made specifically for use on the pipe used on the project. Restraining followers shall be EBAA Iron Megalug, Romac Roma-Grip, or equal. Locator Wire: All pipes shall have affixed to the top thereof a 14-gauge solid core insulated locator wire in accordance with VCWWD No.1 Standard Plan W-1. B. Valves Gate valves: Cast iron bodied resilient wedge gate valves, size as shown on the plans. Bonnet bolts shall be stainless steel. Valve stems shall be low-zinc bronze. Valve shall be epoxy bond coated at the factory. Valves shall be as designated in VCWWD No. 1 Approved Materials List. Install per VCSS 306-10 and VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-2. Air and vacuum valves: Air Vac valves shall be per VCWWD No. 1 Approved Materials List. Install per VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-3. Fire hydrants: 4” x 2 ½” x 2 ½” x 6” inlet, in accordance with VCSS 306-10, and VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-9. The distance from the end cap of the 4-inch nozzle to the end of the operating stem shall not exceed 16 ½ inches when in the closed position. Blow-offs: Per Plans 302 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 263 C. Delivery and Temporary Storage of Pipe Ship, store, and place pipe at the installation site supporting the pipe uniformly. Avoid scratching the pipe surface. Do not stack higher than four feet nor stack with weight on bells. Cover to protect from sunlight. Do not install gouged or scratched pipe that shows a clear depression or pipe that has been discolored by prolonged exposure to sunlight. 1001-2.2 Bedding Material Bedding material for the pipe shall be in accordance with VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-1, Trench Details. 1001-2.3 Trench Stabilization Where required by the Engineer, or where meeting the criteria set forth in VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-1, a trench foundation shall be installed in accordance with Note 3 of the VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-1. 1001-2.4 Trench Backfill Above the Pipeline Slurry backfill above the pipe sand cover shall be 1-1/2 sack cement sand slurry with a slump sufficient for flowable mix. 1001- 3 CONSTRUCTION 1001-3.1 General The Contractor shall comply with the Plans, Standard Specifications, Standard Plans and with these Special Provisions regarding all excavation and earthwork. Particular attention shall be given to Section 7-10.4 of the VCSS. Existing substructures and utilities shown on the drawings were taken from available records. However, the Contractor shall, by potholing or other means, verify the existence and/or location of all utilities, substructures and service laterals. The Contractor shall, during the life of this project, provide for the protection of all existing substructures or utilities in or adjacent to the work and provide for their uninterrupted service. If any such utility or substructure is interrupted from service due to the Contractor's activities, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide temporary service and, if required, replace the utility to the District’s satisfaction. In the event of any unauthorized over excavation, all work required for backfill and compaction shall be at the Contractor's expense. Excavation and backfill for structures shall be in accordance with VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-1 and these Special Provisions. 303 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 264 1001-3.2 Trench Excavation Trench excavations shall be open-cut wherever possible and shall conform to Section 306-1 of the VCSS. Trenches shall be excavated as indicated in VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-1 such that the pipe cover will be as shown on the plans. VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-1 is hereby modified as follows: Native Backfill or PMB @ 90% Compaction (UNPAVED AREAS) is hereby changed to 95% COMPACTION. The trench bottom shall be graded to provide a smooth, straight, firm and stable foundation at every point throughout the length of the pipe. The trench bottom shall be free of rocks, clods or debris, and shall not have raised area more than four inches above the average trench bottom so that no protrusions through the bedding into the pipe wall will be possible. Bedding material shall be a minimum of six inches below the pipe. At each joint in the pipe, the bottom of the trench shall be recessed in such a manner as to relieve the bell or coupling from all loads and to insure continuous bearing along the pipe barrel. This recess shall also be large enough to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe. Except as required to replace unsuitable material, any excavation carried below the subgrade shown shall be refilled to the required grade with the same material as required for FOUNDATION MATERIAL per Note 5 of VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-1. Such work shall be performed by the Contractor at his own expense. All subgrade and/or natural soils subgrade material shall be compacted to obtain a firm subgrade before installing pipe or bedding sand. Excavated material shall be neatly placed and kept shaped to cause the least possible interference with public travel. To the maximum possible extent, free access must be provided to all fire hydrants, water valves, meters and private driveways. The Contractor shall control grading to prevent surface water from running into excavations. Obstruction of normal surface drainage shall be avoided and means shall be provided whereby storm water can flow uninterrupted in existing ditches, culverts, other surface drains or in temporary drains. All excess excavated material shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the site and disposed of at his own expense. During trench excavation, place the excavated material only within the working areas. The Contractor shall conform to federal, state, and local codes governing the safe loading of trenches with excavated material. 304 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 265 1001-3.4 Dewatering of Trenches and Excavations Work to be performed under this section covers all labor, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to dewater the project construction areas as required by the presence of groundwater, introduction of construction water, pipe disinfection water, and pipe drainage and flushing water and to comply with all provisions of the SWPPP. The last sentence of the first paragraph of Section 3-2.2.1, "Contract Unit Prices," of the VCCS, is hereby deleted for this item of work. Removal of groundwater to a level of two (2) feet below any pipe and structure subgrade shall be accomplished prior to installation of bedding or foundation sand. All bedding and construction materials shall be placed on a subgrade that is compacted to a minimum of 90% maximum density ASTM D- 1557, and completely free from water. Such ground water dewatering shall be maintained below the pipe and structure subgrade until the backfill and compaction of the pipe trenches and structure excavations have been completed. All ground or surface water encountered shall be disposed of in a manner that shall not damage private and public property and in accordance with the requirements of the RWQCB as set forth in the SWPPP. 1001-3.5 Sand Bedding The bedding shall be installed and compacted in accordance with the above mentioned VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-1. Excavate bell holes for the bell and spigot joint so the barrel of the pipe is fully supported along its length. After installation of the pipe and wire, install bedding material evenly on both sides of the pipe to prevent movement of the pipe during backfill. Care shall be taken to place the sand in such a way the locator wire does not get pushed off the top of the pipe. In the event the wire is pushed off the top of pipe, work shall be stopped, the wire recovered and retaped to the top of the pipe. At no time shall the wire be allowed to travel under the pipe, thus shielding it from transmitting a locator signal to the surface. Once the sand has been placed along the sides of the pipe, the Contractor shall compact the sand to 90% relative density. Then a second lift of sand to the required thickness shall be placed and compacted to the same standard. The compacted thickness of sand over the top of pipe shall be 12 inches. Jetting is not allowed. After the placement of the sand and conditioning the sand to near optimum moisture content, the Contractor shall pass over the sand with a mechanical tamper to consolidate and compact the sand to the percentage specified in the aforementioned detail. Compaction testing shall be completed on the sand prior to trench section backfill. 1001-3.6 Trench Foundation 305 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 266 Trench foundation shall be placed at locations deemed as unsuitable for support of the pipe and pipe bedding as determined by the Engineer. Trench foundation shall be as indicated in VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-1. 1001-3.7 Installing Pipe 1001-3.7.1 General Install pipe as shown on the plans and as specified herein. Where conflicts occur between the manufacturer's recommendations and these Plans and Specifications, the Contractor shall alert the Engineer prior to installing pipe. 1001- PVC Pipe Installation A. GENERAL PVC pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the applicable sections of AWWA Manual No. 23, "PVC Pipe - Design and Installation", and these Special Provisions using approved tools and equipment. B. HANDLING PIPE Hoist pipe with mechanical equipment using a cloth belt sling or a continuous fiber rope which avoids scratching the pipe. Do not use a chain. Pipes up to ten inches in diameter may be lowered by rolling on two ropes controlled by snubbing. Pipes six inches in diameter or less can be lifted by hand. C. ASSEMBLY OF PIPE Assembly of Pipe Rubber Ring Joints: per AWWA C111. D. CURVES Curves in pipes may not be accomplished by bending or stressing the pipe. Curves shall be negotiated by offsetting the joints no more than one-half the allowable offset published by the manufacturer. Where curve radii do not allow the offsetting of full- length pipe, shorter joints may be used. At no time shall any joint less than five feet in length be used to negotiate a curve. In the event more deflection is required, the angle shall be negotiated by the addition of a ductile iron bend fitting. 1001-3.7.3 Coatings 306 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 267 BURIED PIPE FITTINGS – Buried metal pipe fittings, cast and fabricated flanges, flange bolts and miscellaneous couplings and special fittings shall receive one heavy brush coat (20-30 mils DFT) of mastic coating prior to backfill. Mastic shall be Tapecoat Mastic Protecto Wrap 160/160H Mastic, or equal. After coating, plastic wrap all buried metal pipe and/or fittings per AWWA C105. Above ground ferrous metals, other than stainless steel and equipment, including all steel and ductile iron piping shall be prepared and coated in accordance with the following requirements, except where painting or galvanizing is specified elsewhere: a. Surface preparation: All surfaces shall be free of dirt, rust, grease, or other foreign matter before coating. Surfaces shall be cleaned in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Council SSPC-SP-10 (Near white blast cleaning). Weld surfaces, rough edges and coatings splatter or defects shall be ground smooth and weld splatter removed. Items having a shop applied primer shall not be blast cleaned. b. Application: Application shall be in strict conformance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. All sharp edges, nuts, bolts or other items difficult to coat shall receive a brush-applied coat of the specified coating prior to application of each coat. Coating System: Primer: Shop primed materials: one coat, polymeric epoxy amine having 99% solids – 2 mils DFT, Carboline Rustbond Blast Cleaned Metals surfaces: Cycloaliphatic Amine Epoxy having 90% solids: 3 mils DFT per coat, two coats. Carboline Carbomastic 90. Coating System: Finish Coat: Aliphatic Acrylic Polyurethane having 70% solids, 2.5 mils DFT, 2 coats, Carboline Carbothane 134 VOC. Apply coatings in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. The total system shall have a minimum 8 mils DFT. 1001- Services Install domestic, fire and irrigation services as indicated on the plans. Services smaller than 3-inch shall be type K soft copper and bronze service saddles as shown on VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-5 and W-6. 3-inch and 4-inch services shall be in accordance with VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-7 and W-8. For fire services, a Double Detector Check 307 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 268 Valve Assembly per VCWWD No.1 Standard Plan W-13 is required and for all commercial or irrigation services, a Reduced Pressure Principal backflow preventer per W-14 is required. 1001-3.8 Trench Backfill 1001-3.8.1 Pipe Installation Install pipe in accordance with ASTM C12, the manufacturer's recommendations and SSPWC Section 306-1, except as modified below: Provide and maintain means and devices at all times to remove and dispose of all water entering the trench during the process of pipelaying. The trench shall be kept dry until the pipelaying, jointing, and backfill are completed. 1001-3.8.2 Trench Backfill Backfill zone material shall be placed in such a manner as to obtain a relative compaction of not less than that shown on VCWWD No. 1 Standard Plan W-1. For all excavations within the State right-of- way, backfill in the trench zone shall consist of slurry from the top of the pipe zone one foot above the pipe to the bottom of the paving zone, flush with the bottom of the aggregate base section. Place slurry after pipe installation and inspection, thrust block and thrust block placement. 1001-3.9 Compaction Tests Relative soil compaction shall be determined by the Agency, using ASTM D1557 test method. The first compaction test shall be paid for by the Agency. The Contractor shall pay for all subsequent re-tests until the required compaction is verified to the satisfaction of the Engineer. 1001-3.10 Connections Upon completion of installation, disinfection, pressure testing and acceptance of the pipeline and appurtenances, carefully expand the excavation around all intended points of connection to the existing pipeline and customer service assemblies and expose the intended work areas. Identify where removals of existing pipe and appurtenances shall take place and determine the required fittings, pipe, concrete, dewatering 308 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 269 equipment, disinfectant and appurtenant materials. Assemble all required fittings, tools, disinfectants, and prepare fittings, pipe etc. for making the connection. Once the connections have been planned and scheduled, and a minimum of 14 working days in advance of intent, the Contractor shall notify the District of intent to make connection and request a shut-down of the existing water system. Forty-eight hours prior to starting the work, the Contractor shall again notify the District of intent to make connection and shall request a shutdown of the existing system. In the event the scheduled tie-ins are expected to take longer than eight hours from start of shut-down to full service restoration, the District shall require by-pass piping to those customers that will be out of service. Once the District has completed shutdown of the pipeline, the Contractor shall install plastic sheeting in the area under the pipe where the water from the pipe will be drained and create a sump for the water. Once the plastic is in place, the Contractor shall open the pipe and allow water to exit the pipe into the sump created. A dewatering pump and hoses shall be used to keep the water exiting the pipe lower than the pipe outlet and shall not allow the water to reenter the pipe. In the event the water leaving the pipe backs into the pipe, the pipe will then be considered as contaminated and shall be disinfected in accordance with the method specified herein for the new pipe system. After dewatering, the Contractor shall carefully remove all pipe and fittings necessary to complete the installation and connection. All pipe and appurtenances removed shall be delivered as salvage to the County Waterworks Moorpark maintenance yard and stored where designated by the District’s Representative or disposed of in accordance with the demolition plan per IWMD permit requirements. Once the removals are complete and installation is ready to commence, the Contractor shall prepare a solution of one gallon of non-odorized household bleach in four gallons of potable water. The ends of the existing pipe to remain shall be carefully washed completely around the inside, and outside where sleeve couplings are used, of the pipe immediately prior to installing any new pipe or fitting. Immediately before being lowered into the trench, any new product that may come in contact with the water shall be washed with the chlorine solution over the entire portion inside and outside where potable water will be in contact. Valves shall be washed with the valve open, and then be closed and the disc face washed on each side. At all times, the wash rag, cloth, sponge or other device shall be kept clean and free of dirt. In the event the device is placed in, or falls in the dirt, it shall be replaced with clean devices; in no case shall it be washed and reused. 309 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 270 The new product shall be installed with due care and diligence to prevent any foreign material from entering the pipe during installation. In the event foreign material does enter the pipe, the work shall be stopped, the item cleaned and rewashed with the chlorine solution, then reinstalled. Upon completion of the installation and connection, all bolts and connections shall be fully tightened, greased, wrapped and appropriate thrust and anchor blocks installed. Once the anchor blocks are cured to an acceptable state, the Contractor shall so notify the District, who shall then recharge the pipeline. With the pipeline fully restored to full service, the Contractor and the District shall watch the exposed connection and carefully inspect for leakage over a 10-minute period. Any leakage discovered shall be repaired. Upon completion of the leakage test, remove the plastic sheeting and install the sand bedding and backfill, valve risers and boxes, and other appurtenances, and repave the excavation. The Contractor shall provide sufficient crews that all mainline connections and all meter crossovers shall be completed within one scheduled shut- down period of eight hours. 1001-3.11.1 Limits of Excavation A. EXCAVATION LIMITS: At no time shall the trench be excavated more than 300 feet in advance of the pipe installation nor shall full trench backfill (or slurry placement) be more than 200 feet behind pipe installation. There shall be no open trench at the conclusion of the work period. B. PLATING: At the conclusion of the work for each night on all roads, the Contractor shall cover the trench utilizing trench plating and temporary paving mix. Trench plating shall be limited to no more than 400 horizontal feet. Trench plating shall be recessed into paving ground to provide a notch equal to the thickness of the plate. Each plate shall overhang the sides of the trench by no more than one foot. Each plate shall be tack welded to the adjacent plates on each side and shall have a welded bead traction pattern on the surface. C. TEMPORARY AC PAVING: Temporary AC paving shall be placed over trenches in AC paved work areas when final paving will not be 310 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 271 placed immediately after backfilling. In areas of PC paving, temporary AC paving shall not be used. Temporary AC paving shall consist of a 4-inch (minimum) thick section of compacted cold- mix asphalt. Temporary asphalt shall fill the trench and provide a smooth transition along the trench wall between the existing asphalt and the temporary on each side. Temporary asphalt shall be removed entirely from the trench prior to saw-cutting for final pavement. The Contractor may use sand above the slurry as filler between the slurry and the temporary pavement until the permanent paving is completed. Sand used for this purpose shall be removed before placement of base over the slurry. D. Unpaved Areas: At the conclusion of each day’s work, the trench shall be backfilled and compacted to finish surface or covered with steel trench plates. There shall be no open trench allowed overnight. 1001-3.12 Removal and Abandonment of Water Distribution Systems Once the new water system has been connected, and all customers are taking water from the new pipeline, the old systems shall be abandoned. Asbestos Cement Pipe Removal and Disposal: A. The Contractor shall follow AWWA guidelines for handling, removing and disposing of ACP as stated in the applicable sections of AWWA Standards C400, C401, C402, and C403 covering Asbestos Cement Transmission and Distribution Pipe. B. The CONTRACTOR shall perform all cutting and handling of asbestos cement pipe in accordance with State of California requirements. The CONTRACTOR shall provide sufficient supervision and perform monitoring to assure conformance with State requirements. Under no circumstances shall the CONTRACTOR utilize methods of removal that result in the release of asbestos fibers into the air. C. Asbestos Cement Pipe Removal and Disposal Plan: The Contractor shall complete and submit to the District Inspector an “Asbestos Cement Pipe Removal and Disposal Plan.” The Contractor shall clearly describe his proposed methods for the removal and disposal of ACP that ensures no exposure to airborne asbestos by the Contractor’s personnel. The written plan shall be submitted to the District Inspector for review and approval at least one week in advance of the proposed date of removal. 311 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 272 D. Snap cutting tools shall be used for the removal of asbestos cement pipe whenever the removal of intact pipe sections is not possible. Power “Cut-Off” saws, hand-saws, and other devices and methods that result in the release of asbestos fibers into the air shall not be used for the removal of ACP. E. If during the removal of ACP broken edges occur, the broken edges shall be encapsulated with Certane 1000 Post Removal Encapsulant, or approved equal. Removal: A. The CONTRACTOR shall, whenever possible, accomplish the removal of ACP by removing intact pipe sections. Where connections are to be made to existing ACP waterlines, the ACP shall be removed in sections back to the nearest ACP coupling. The CONTRACTOR shall pothole and expose the pipe and ACP couplings prior to developing his proposed “Asbestos Cement Pipe Removal and Disposal Plan”. B. Snap cutting tools shall be used for the removal of asbestos cement pipes whenever the removal of intact pipe sections is not possible. The pipe shall be wetted prior to the snapping operation being performed. Use of a hammer and chisel to gradually split an ACP coupling lengthwise may only be performed if the “Asbestos Cement Pipe Removal and Disposal Plan” developed by the CONTRACTOR incorporates measures to prevent the release of asbestos fibers into the air, and is approved by the DISTRICT. Power “Cut-Off” saws, hand-saws, and other devices and methods that result in the release of asbestos fibers into the air shall not be used for the removal of ACP. C. The CONTRACTOR shall continuously wet the ACP around the snap cutting tool during the removal operation. All personnel handling the ACP shall wear properly fitted respirators during the removal and bagging operation, and shall be trained in the use of the respirator equipment. All pedestrian traffic shall be rerouted to maintain 30 feet clear of the ACP work area. D. All removed sections or pieces of ACP shall be bagged and prepared for disposal immediately after removal as described below. If during the removal of ACP broken edges occur, the broken edges shall be encapsulated with Certane 1000 Post Removal Encapsulant, prior to bagging, in accordance with the Manufacturers’ recommendations. 3.3 Disposal: 312 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 273 A. The CONTRACTOR shall transport all sections and pieces of ACP in accordance with State requirements and shall be delivered to the District yard for disposal. All sections or pieces of ACP shall be wetted and double wrapped or bagged with polyethylene wrap immediately after removal. The minimum thickness of polyethylene wrap shall be 6 mils. The outer wrap shall be securely held in place with tape in a manner to prevent the release of airborne asbestos fibers. Ductile Iron Pipe Removal and Disposal: A. Remove all surface features, plug any pipe remaining below grade with a concrete plug. B. Remove and dispose of ductile iron pipe to the limits shown on the plans. C. Backfill the trench and any voids resulting from the pipe removal with compacted fill per the Earthwork Specifications and recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineer’s recommendations. 1001-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 1001-4.1 Bedding and Trench Backfill Payment for bedding and trench backfill shall be considered as included in the unit costs for the related items of work and no additional payment shall be made therefore. 1001-4.2 Trench Foundation Measurement and payment for trench foundation shall be on a per linear foot of pipe basis at the unit price stated in the proposal for Bid item 73B. For bidding purposes only, it was determined that 300 feet of trench may require trench foundation. Payment shall be made based on the actual horizontal footage of trench foundation installed, as agreed upon between the Engineer and the Contractor. 1001-4.3 Pipeline Installation Measurement and payment for the water pipeline shall be per linear foot as measured by station and calculated by slope length in accordance with Bid Items 2B and 4B. Said measurement shall be continuous along the alignment and include all fittings, and in-line valves. Such payment shall be full compensation 313 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 274 for pipe installation regardless of method, type of pipe, or finish surface condition including but not limited to; excavation, bedding, disposal of excavated material, trench dewatering, furnishing and installing pipe, removal of obstructions, backfilling and compaction, finished surface replacement, testing, flushing, disinfection, inspecting, restoration of existing improvements and all work necessary to complete the installation of the water pipeline complete in place and operable in accordance with these Plans and Specifications. 1001-4.4 Air & Vacuum Valve Assembly Measurement and payment for Air & Vacuum Valve Assembly shall be made on a unit basis for the respective item as stated in the proposal for Bid Item 78B. Payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing and installing the item indicated, including, but not limited to, excavation and backfill, concrete pad, valve covers, pipe and fittings, painting and coating, disinfection and testing, repaving and surface restoration and all other items of work appurtenant to furnishing and installing the item indicated complete in place and operable in accordance with the plans and these specifications. 1001-4.5 Tee Assemblies Measurement for tee assemblies shall not be made. Payment for tee assemblies shall be considered as included in Bid Items 72B and 4B for the mainline pipe and the branch pipe and no additional payment shall be made therefore. 1001-4.6 Connection to Existing 12-inch ACP at Station 1+00 Payment for the connection to the existing pipeline at Station 1+00 shall be made at the unit price stated in the proposal for Bid Item 80B. Said payment shall be considered as full compensation for providing excavation, cutting and disposing of AC pipe, dewatering of pipeline, fittings, disinfection, connecting to existing and new pipe, visual leakage testing, backfill and compaction, paving and incidental work for furnishing all labor, tools equipment and material as necessary to complete the connection of the new pipeline to the existing pipe complete in place pipe and operable in accordance with the plans and these specifications. 1001-4.7 Connection to Existing 10-inch ACP at Station 5+46 and 6-inch ACP at Station 29+85.20 at Nogales Avenue Payment for the connection to the existing pipeline at Station 5+46 and Station 29+85.20 (Nogales Avenue) shall be made at the unit price stated in the proposal for Bid item 80B. Said payment shall be considered as full compensation for providing excavation, cutting and disposing of AC pipe, dewatering of pipeline, 314 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 275 fittings, disinfection, connecting to existing and new pipe, visual leakage testing, backfill and compaction, paving and incidental work for furnishing all labor, tools equipment and material as necessary to complete the connection of the new pipeline to the existing pipe complete in place pipe and operable in accordance with the plans and these specifications. 1001-4.8 4-inch Blow-Off Assembly Payment for 4-inch blow-off assembly shall be made for each assembly at the unit price stated in the proposal for Bid Item 77B. Said payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing the materials tools, labor and equipment, and for performing the work for, excavation, installation, backfill, resurfacing, pressure testing and disinfecting the assembly, and for furnishing and installing 4-inch Blow-off Assembly complete in place and operable in accordance with the plans and these specifications. 1001-4.9 Abandon Existing Features and Pipeline Payment for removing and abandoning the existing pipelines, features and appurtenances shall be made at the lump sum price stated in the proposal for Bid Item 81B for the ductile iron pipe removals. Said payment shall be considered as full compensation for furnishing the materials tools, labor and equipment, and for performing the work for, excavation, cutting and removing pipe and tubing as necessary, removing all above grade features, disposal and/or salvage of all materials, slurry filling abandoned pipe to remain (if any), backfill and surface restoration and all work necessary to abandon and remove the existing pipe and appurtenances complete in accordance with the plans and these specifications. 1001-4.10 Services Measurement for service connections shall be per each as shown on the plans. Payment shall be made per service as designated in Bid Items 75B. Said payment shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials tools, labor and work, including, but not limited to, trenching, tapping saddles and corporation valves, or tees and gate vales, piping to the meter location, meter boxes and vaults, corporation valves, backflow preventers, double check detector assemblies and incidentals all as necessary to furnish and install services complete in place and operational. 1001-4.11 Customer Service Reconnections Payment for the re-connection of existing customer services (at Station 3+17.13) to the new pipeline on shall be made at the unit price stated in the proposal for Bid Item 76B. Said payment shall be considered as full compensation for providing excavation, cutting and disposing of existing service pipe, fittings, disinfection, connecting to new pipe, visual leakage testing, backfill and 315 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 276 compaction, paving and incidental work for furnishing all labor, tools equipment and material as necessary to complete the customer service connection to the new pipeline complete in place pipe and operable in accordance with the plans and these specifications. Connections to the customer service pipelines shall not be made until after the pipeline is tested and disinfected. Connections shall be made on the same day the main line is connected to existing pipelines. No customer shall be out of water for more than one day. END OF SECTION 316 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 277 SECTION 1002 TRENCH SAFETY METHODS (Bid Item No. 73B) 1002-1 GENERAL DESICRIPTION OF WORK The Contractor shall conform to the orders of the State of California, Division of Industrial Safety (DIS), Cal-OSHA Standards and Section 306-1of the SSPWC for furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing all sheeting, shoring, and bracing. The Contractor shall obtain a DIS permit and supply the Engineer with a copy at the preconstruction conference. In accordance with VCSS Sub-Section 7-10.4.1, seven days prior to the start of construction the Contractor shall submit to the District a shoring plan signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer in the State of California to the Engineer. Acceptance, as used in the referenced section, shall be construed to mean the District has received the complete shoring plan. In no case shall the District be perceived as having reviewed or approved the plan. 1002-2 MATERIALS Not used. 1002-3 CONSTRUCTION 1002-3.1 General The Contractor shall retain on site all necessary permits and shall abide by the conditions thereof. 1002-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment for Trench Safety Methods shall be made at the Contract Lump Sum Price bid for Bid Item No. 73B. Said payment shall include, but not be limited to, furnishing, installing and removing all sheeting, shoring or bracing, providing shoring diagrams, and for performing all the work for Trench Safety Methods in accordance with this section. Payment shall be made based on the estimated percentage of completion for the major items of work. 317 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 278 SECTION 1003 PIPELINE TESTING, CLEANING, DISINFECTING, AND INSPECTIN (Not a Bid Item) 1003-1 GENERAL The work performed under this section includes the cleaning, testing, disinfecting and inspection of water system after completion of installation. 1003-2 MATERIALS (NOT USED) 1003-3 CONSTRUCTION 1003-3.1 Temporary Connection to Existing Pipelines The Contractor may connect to the existing water pipeline at a point designated by the engineer. The connection between the existing and new pipelines shall contain a backflow prevention device to preclude water from the new pipe from backing into the existing pipe. At the end of the disinfection and testing process, the temporary connection shall be disassembled, and a permanent connection shall be made. 1003-3.2 Inspection, Disinfection, and Testing Schedule Test and inspect the pipe after installation and cleaning. Installation shall be considered complete when the final asphalt layer is installed, sealed and striped. The Contractor may test the pipe before the final asphalt work is complete for his own knowledge and comfort, however, the District’s acceptance pressure test and disinfection shall not take place until after all the work is in place, with the exception of the connections. 1003-3.3 Cleaning During installation, keep the pipe clean and free of all construction debris, mud and silt. In the event foreign material enters the pipe during installation, immediately clean the pipe before completing the installation. All portions of the water system which have been constructed under this contract shall be cleaned of all sand, mortar, cement, bricks, and all other construction material, debris, dirt, mud and silt before starting the testing. Cleaning the completed pipe by flushing shall be such that a flushing velocity in excess of 2 feet per second is maintained until the pipe is determined by the District to be cleaned. 1003-3.4 Leakage of Testing of Pipe 1003-3.4.1 Pressure Pipelines 318 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 279 Where any section of the piping contains concrete thrust blocks or encasement, do not make the pressure test until at least ten days after the concrete has been poured. When testing mortar lined piping, fill the pipe to be tested with water and allow it to soak at least 48 hours to absorb water before conducting the pressure test. For PVC pipe, allow the water to sit in the pipe under pressure for a period of 24 hours to allow the entrained air to migrate to the air and vacuum valves. Apply and maintain the test pressure by means of a hydraulic force pump. Pressure test the pipe in accordance with SSPWC 306-8.9, except there shall be no allowable leakage. The test pressure shall be 200 psi. Repair and retest any pipes showing leakage rates greater than allowed in the above criteria. 1003-3.4.2 Failures of Testing Any pipe that fails the water pressure test shall be removed, replaced and retested. 1003-3.5 Disinfection Disinfect pipe in accordance with VCSS Section 306-9 and AWWA C651, Continuous Feed or Slug method. Chlorine pellets or powders shall not be used inside the pipe during installation to avoid chemical burning of the pipe wall material. Disinfection shall be performed by a Contractor experienced in the disinfection of pipe. The District shall sample and test for Bacteria and Chlorine residual. In the event the testing reveals disinfection is not satisfactory, the Contractor shall again disinfect the pipe at his own expense. Flushing and disposal of flushed disinfection water shall be in accordance with Section 4 of the AWWA C-651, including the requirement for dechlorination of flushed water. 1003-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment for disinfection, inspection and testing shall be considered as included in the unit price and lump sum bid amounts to which it is appurtenant, and no additional payment shall be made therefore. 319 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 280 SECTION 1004 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE (WATER IMPROVEMENTS) (Not a Bid Item) 1004-1 GENERAL The work to be performed under this section includes excavation, compaction, forming, placing reinforcement, pouring, consolidation and finishing of Portland Cement concrete improvements. 1004-2 MATERIALS 1004-2.1 Portland Cement Concrete Portland cement concrete for thrust blocks pipe collars, pipe encasement and utility support shall conform to Section 201 of the SSPWC except as modified herein. The concrete shall be Type II Common. The 28-day strength shall be in accordance with Section 201-1.1.2 of the SSPWC and the applicable details. Where a discrepancy exists, the higher value shall apply. 1004-2.2 Concrete Aggregates Concrete aggregates shall conform to Section 201-1.3.2. of the SSPWC. However, Alternate Rock Material-Type S as specified in Section 400-3. may be substituted. All aggregate shall be gradation C. Soundness loss determined by California Test Method 214 shall not exceed 10 percent. 1004-2.3 Reinforcing Steel Reinforcing steel shall conform to Section 201-1, of the SSPWC, Grade 60. 1004-3 CONSTRUCTION 1004-3.1 Finish Buried concrete, such as thrust blocks and slurry shall be finished by dragging a steel-bladed square point shovel over the surface of the wet concrete to smooth protrusions or rough spots. Concrete that will be visible after completion of the work, such as footings, slabs or walls, shall receive a Class 1 surface finish in accordance with Section 303-1.9 of the SSPWC, first paragraph (broom finish). 320 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 281 1004-4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT Payment for Portland Cement Concrete Construction shall be considered as included in the various bid items to which it is appurtenant, and no additional payment shall be made, therefore. 321 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 282 CITY OF MOORPARK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION APPENDICES FOR PRINCETON AVENUE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. C0020 SPECIFICATION NO. MPK 21-03 FEDERAL AID NO. HSIPL-5436(018) 322 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018) Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 283 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A – Release on Contract APPENDIX B – Exhibit 12-G: Required Federal Aid Contract Language APPENDIX C – Notice to Property Owners and Residents APPENDIX D – Standard Plans and Details APPENDIX E – Ventura County Air Pollution Control Board Rule 55 Fugitive Dust APPENDIX F – Permits  City of Moorpark Encroachment Permit Application and Standard Conditions  Caltrans Encroachment Permit No. 07-18-N-MC-2457  Caltrans Encroachment Permit Rider No. 07-20-N-RD-3216  County of Ventura Public Works Agency Watershed Protection District Permit Encroachment Permit No. 2021016 APPENDIX G – Quality Assurance Program APPENDIX H – Wage Rates APPENDIX I – Construction Plans 323 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)   Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020         Appendix A: Release on Contract 324 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)   Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 RELEASE ON CONTRACT CONTRACT NAME: Princeton Avenue Improvement Project SPECIFICATION NO.: MPK 21-03 WHEREAS, by the terms of the contract, dated ___________, entered into by the City of Moorpark and the undersigned Contractor, agreed to perform certain work for the compensation specified in said contract; and WHEREAS, the Contractor represents that said work is fully completed and that final payment is due to the Contractor under terms of said contact, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and the payment by City of Moorpark to the Contractor of the amount due under the contract, to wit, the sum of $___________, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the Contractor, the Contractor hereby releases and forever discharges City of Moorpark of and from all manner of debts, dues, demands, sum or sums of money, accounts, claims and causes of action, in law and in equity, under or by virtue of said contract except as follows: (If none, leave blank) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the hand and seal of the Contractor have been hereunto set this day of 2021. THIS FORM MUST BE NOTARIZED using proper acknowledgment form (See Civil Code Section 1189, 1190, 1190a). Contractor By Title By Title 325 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)   Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020         Appendix B: Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 326 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language EXHIBIT 12-G REQUIRED FEDERAL-AID CONTRACT LANGUAGE (For Local Assistance Construction Projects) The following language must be incorporated into all Local Assistance Federal-aid construction contracts. The following language, with minor edits, was taken from the Code of Federal Regulations. MAINTAIN RECORDS AND SUBMIT REPORTS DOCUMENTING YOUR PERFORMANCE UNDER THIS SECTION 1. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (DBE) ................................................................................ 2 A. NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT .............................................................................................. 2 B. CONTRACT ASSURANCE ............................................................................................................... 3 C. PROMPT PROGRESS PAYMENT ................................................................................................... 3 D. PROMPT PAYMENT OF WITHHELD FUNDS TO SUBCONTRACTORS ...................................... 3 E. TERMINATION AND SUBSTITUTION OF DBE SUBCONTRACTORS .......................................... 4 F. COMMITMENT AND UTILIZATION ................................................................................................. 5 G. DBE RUNNING TALLY OF ATTAINMENTS ................................................................................... 6 2. BID OPENING ................................................................................................................................................ 6 3. BID RIGGING ................................................................................................................................................. 6 4. CONTRACT AWARD ..................................................................................................................................... 6 5. CONTRACTOR LICENSE .............................................................................................................................. 6 6. CHANGED CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................................. 6 A. DIFFERING SITE CONDITIONS ....................................................................................................... 6 B. SUSPENSIONS OF WORK ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER ......................................................... 6 C. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THE CHARACTER OF WORK.......................................................... 7 7. BEGINNING OF WORK, TIME OF COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES...................................... 7 8. BUY AMERICA ...............................................................................................................................................7 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE................................................................................................................................. 8 10. PROMPT PAYMENT FROM THE AGENCY TO THE CONTRACTORS........................................................ 8 11. FORM FHWA-1273 REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS FEDERAL-AID CONTRACTS....................... 8 12. FEMALE AND MINORITY GOALS .............................................................................................................. 21 13. TITLE VI ASSURANCES .............................................................................................................................. 22 14. USE OF UNITED STATES-FLAG VESSELS (CARGO PREFERENCE ACT)............................................. 23 15. FEDERAL TRAINEE PROGRAM ................................................................................................................. 23 Page 1 of 25 January 2021 327 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 1. DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (DBE) The contractor, subrecipient or subcontractor shall take necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that DBEs have opportunity to participate in the contract (49 CFR 26). To ensure equal participation of DBEs provided in 49 CFR 26.5, the Agency shows a contract goal for DBEs. The prime contractor shall make work available to DBEs and select work parts consistent with available DBE subcontractors and suppliers. The prime contractor shall meet the DBE goal shown elsewhere in these special provisions or demonstrate that they made adequate good faith efforts to meet this goal. It is the prime contractor’s responsibility to verify that the DBE firm is certified as DBE at date of bid opening and document the record by printing out the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP) data for each DBE firm. A list of DBEs certified by the CUCP can be found here. All DBE participation will count toward the California Department of Transportation’s federally mandated statewide overall DBE goal. Credit for materials or supplies the prime contractor purchases from DBEs counts towards the goal in the following manner: • 100 percent counts if the materials or supplies are obtained from a DBE manufacturer. • 60 percent counts if the materials or supplies are obtained from a DBE regular dealer. • Only fees, commissions, and charges for assistance in the procurement and delivery of materials or supplies count if obtained from a DBE that is neither a manufacturer nor regular dealer. 49 CFR 26.55 defines "manufacturer" and "regular dealer." The prime contractor receives credit towards the goal if they employ a DBE trucking company that performs a commercially useful function as defined in 49 CFR 26.55(d)(1) as follows: • The DBE must be responsible for the management and supervision of the entire trucking operation for which it is responsible on a particular contract, and there cannot be a contrived arrangement for the purpose of meeting DBE goals. • The DBE must itself own and operate at least one fully licensed, insured, and operational truck used on the contract. • The DBE receives credit for the total value of the transportation services it provides on the Contract using trucks it owns, insures, and operates using drivers it employs. • The DBE may lease trucks from another DBE firm, including an owner-operator who is certified as a DBE. The DBE who leases trucks from another DBE receives credit for the total value of the transportation services the lessee DBE provides on the Contract. • The DBE may lease trucks without drivers from a non-DBE truck leasing company. If the DBE leases trucks from a non-DBE truck leasing company and uses its own employees as drivers, it is entitled to credit for the total value of these hauling services. • A lease must indicate that the DBE has exclusive use of and control over the truck. This does not preclude the leased truck from working for others during the term of the lease with the consent of the DBE, so long as the lease gives the DBE absolute priority for use of the leased truck. Leased trucks must display the name and identification number of the DBE. a. Nondiscrimination Statement The contractor, subrecipient or subcontractor will never exclude any person from participation in, deny any person the benefits of, or otherwise discriminate against anyone in connection with the award and performance of any contract covered by 49 CFR 26 on the basis of race, color, sex, or national origin. In administering the Local Agency components of the DBE Program Plan, the contractor, subrecipient or subcontractor will not, directly, or through contractual or other arrangements, use criteria or methods of administration that have the effect of defeating or substantially impairing accomplishment of the objectives of the DBE Program Plan with respect to individuals of a particular race, color, sex, or national origin. Page 2 of 25 January 2021 328 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language b. Contract Assurance Under 49 CFR 26.13(b): The contractor, subrecipient or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR 26 in the award and administration of federal-aid contracts. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate, which may include, but is not limited to: (1) Withholding monthly progress payments; (2) Assessing sanctions; (3) Liquidated damages; and/or (4) Disqualifying the contractor from future bidding as non-responsible. c. Prompt Progress Payment The prime contractor or subcontractor shall pay to any subcontractor, not later than seven days after receipt of each progress payment, unless otherwise agreed to in writing, the respective amounts allowed the contractor on account of the work performed by the subcontractors, to the extent of each subcontractor’s interest therein. In the event that there is a good faith dispute over all or any portion of the amount due on a progress payment from the prime contractor or subcontractor to a subcontractor, the prime contractor or subcontractor may withhold no more than 150 percent of the disputed amount. Any violation of this requirement shall constitute a cause for disciplinary action and shall subject the licensee to a penalty, payable to the subcontractor, of 2 percent of the amount due per month for every month that payment is not made. In any action for the collection of funds wrongfully withheld, the prevailing party shall be entitled to his or her attorney’s fees and costs. The sanctions authorized under this requirement shall be separate from, and in addition to, all other remedies, either civil, administrative, or criminal. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors. d. Prompt Payment of Withheld Funds to Subcontractors The Agency may hold retainage from the prime contractor and shall make prompt and regular incremental acceptances of portions, as determined by the Agency, of the contract work, and pay retainage to the prime contractor based on these acceptances. The Agency shall designate one of the methods below in the contract to ensure prompt and full payment of any retainage kept by the prime contractor or subcontractor to a subcontractor. The Agency shall include either Method 1, Method 2, or Method 3 below and delete the other two. Method 1: No retainage will be held by the Agency from progress payments due to the prime contractor. Prime contractors and subcontractors are prohibited from holding retainage from subcontractors. Any delay or postponement of payment may take place only for good cause and with the Agency’s prior written approval. Any violation of these provisions shall subject the violating contractor or subcontractor to the penalties, sanctions, and other remedies specified in Section 7108.5 of the California Business and Professions Code and Section 10262 of the California Public Contract Code. This requirement shall not be construed to limit or impair any contractual, administrative or judicial remedies, otherwise available to the contractor or subcontractor in the event of a dispute involving late payment or nonpayment by the contractor, deficient subcontractor performance and/or noncompliance by a subcontractor. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors. Method 2: No retainage will be held by the Agency from progress payments due to the prime contractor. Any retainage kept by the prime contractor or by a subcontractor must be paid in full to the earning subcontractor within seven (7) days after the subcontractor’s work is satisfactorily completed. Any delay or postponement of payment may take place only for good cause and with the Agency’s prior written approval. Any violation of these provisions shall subject the violating contractor or subcontractor to the penalties, sanctions, and remedies specified in Section 7108.5 of the California Business and Professions Code and Section 10262 of the California Public Contract Code. This requirement shall not be construed to limit or impair any contractual, administrative or judicial remedies, otherwise available to the contractor or subcontractor in the event of a dispute involving late payment or nonpayment by the contractor, deficient subcontractor performance and/or noncompliance by a subcontractor. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors. Page 3 of 25 January 2021 329 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language Method 3: The Agency shall hold retainage from the prime contractor and shall make prompt and regular incremental acceptances of portions, as determined by the Agency of the contract work and pay retainage to the prime contractor based on these acceptances. The prime contractor or subcontractor shall return all monies withheld in retention from all subcontractors within seven (7) days after receiving payment for work satisfactorily completed and accepted including incremental acceptances of portions of the contract work by the Agency. Any delay or postponement of payment may take place only for good cause and with the Agency’s prior written approval. Any violation of these provisions shall subject the violating prime contractor or subcontractor to the penalties, sanctions, and other remedies specified in Section 7108.5 of the California Business and Professions Code and Section 10262 of the California Public Contract Code. This requirement shall not be construed to limit or impair any contractual, administrative or judicial remedies otherwise available to the contractor or subcontractor in the event of a dispute involving late payment or nonpayment by the contractor; deficient subcontractor performance and/or noncompliance by a subcontractor. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontractors. Any violation of these provisions shall subject the violating prime contractor or subcontractor to the penalties, sanctions and other remedies specified therein. These requirements shall not be construed to limit or impair any contractual, administrative, or judicial remedies otherwise available to the prime contractor or subcontractor in the event of a dispute involving late payment or nonpayment by the prime contractor, deficient subcontract performance, or noncompliance by a subcontractor. e. Termination and Substitution of DBE Subcontractors The prime contractor shall utilize the specific DBEs listed to perform the work and supply the materials for which each is listed unless the contractor obtains the Agency’s written consent. The prime contractor shall not terminate or substitute a listed DBE for convenience and perform the work with their own forces or obtain materials from other sources without prior written authorization from the Agency. Unless the Agency’s prior written consent is provided, the contractor shall not be entitled to any payment for work or material unless it is performed or supplied by the listed DBE on the Exhibit 15-G Construction Contract DBE Commitment form, included in the Bid. The Agency authorizes a request to use other forces or sources of materials if the bidder shows any of the following justifications: 1. Listed DBE fails or refuses to execute a written contract based on plans and specifications for the project. 2. The Local Agency stipulated that a bond is a condition of executing the subcontract and the listed DBE fails to meet the Local Agency’s bond requirements. 3. Work requires a contractor's license and listed DBE does not have a valid license under Contractors License Law. 4. Listed DBE fails or refuses to perform the work or furnish the listed materials (failing or refusing to perform is not an allowable reason to remove a DBE if the failure or refusal is a result of bad faith or discrimination). 5. Listed DBE's work is unsatisfactory and not in compliance with the contract. 6. Listed DBE is ineligible to work on the project because of suspension or debarment. 7. Listed DBE becomes bankrupt or insolvent. 8. Listed DBE voluntarily withdraws with written notice from the Contract 9. Listed DBE is ineligible to receive credit for the type of work required. 10. Listed DBE owner dies or becomes disabled resulting in the inability to perform the work on the Contract. 11. The Agency determines other documented good cause. The prime contractor shall notify the original DBE of the intent to use other forces or material sources and provide the reasons, allowing the DBE 5 days to respond to the notice and advise the prime contractor and the Agency of the reasons why the use of other forces or sources of materials should not occur. Page 4 of 25 January 2021 330 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language The prime contractor’s request to use other forces or material sources must include: 1. One or more of the reasons listed in the preceding paragraph. 2. Notices from the prime contractor to the DBE regarding the request. 3. Notices from the DBEs to the prime contractor regarding the request. If a listed DBE is terminated or substituted, the prime contractor must make good faith efforts to find another DBE to substitute for the original DBE. The substitute DBE must perform at least the same amount of work as the original DBE under the contract to the extent needed to meet or exceed the DBE goal. f. Commitment and Utilization Note: In the Agency’s reports of DBE participation to Caltrans, the Agency must display both commitments and attainments. The Agency’s DBE program must include a monitoring and enforcement mechanism to ensure that DBE commitments reconcile to DBE utilization. The bidder shall submit the Exhibit 15-G Construction Contract DBE Commitment, included in the Bid book. This exhibit is the bidder’s DBE commitment form. If the form is not submitted with the bid, the bidder must remove the form from the Bid book before submitting their bid. The bidder shall complete and sign Exhibit 15-G Construction Contract DBE Commitment included in the contract documents regardless of whether DBE participation is reported. The bidder shall provide written confirmation from each DBE that the DBE is participating in the Contract. A copy of a DBE's quote serves as written confirmation. If a DBE is participating as a joint venture partner, the bidder shall submit a copy of the joint venture agreement. If the DBE Commitment form, Exhibit 15-G, is not submitted with the bid, it must be completed and submitted by all bidders to the Agency within five (5) days of bid opening. If the bidder does not submit the DBE Commitment form within the specified time, the Agency will find the bidder’s bid nonresponsive. The prime contractor shall use each DBE subcontractor as listed on Exhibit 12-B Bidder’s List of Subcontractors (DBE and Non-DBE), and Exhibit 15-G Construction Contract DBE Commitment form unless they receive authorization for a substitution. The Agency shall request the prime contractor to: 1. Notify the Resident Engineer or Inspector of any changes to its anticipated DBE participation 2. Provide this notification before starting the affected work 3. Maintain records including: • Name and business address of each 1st-tier subcontractor • Name and business address of each DBE subcontractor, DBE vendor, and DBE trucking company, regardless of tier • Date of payment and total amount paid to each business (see Exhibit 9-F Monthly Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Payment) If the prime contractor is a DBE contractor, they shall include the date of work performed by their own forces and the corresponding value of the work. Before the 15th of each month, the prime contractor shall submit a Monthly DBE Trucking Verification (LAPM Exhibit 16-Z1) form. If a DBE is decertified before completing its work, the DBE must notify the prime contractor in writing of the decertification date. If a business becomes a certified DBE before completing its work, the business must notify the prime contractor in writing of the certification date. The prime contractor shall submit the notifications. Upon work completion, the prime contractor shall complete a Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Certification Status Change, Exhibit 17-O, form and submit the form within 30 days of contract acceptance. Page 5 of 25 January 2021 331 I Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language Upon work completion, the prime contractor shall complete Exhibit 17-F Final Report – Utilization of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), First-Tier Subcontractors and submit it within 90 days of contract acceptance. The Agency will withhold $10,000 until the form is submitted. The Agency releases the withhold upon submission of the completed form. g. DBE RUNNING TALLY OF ATTAINMENTS After submitting an invoice for reimbursement that includes a payment to a DBE, but no later than the 10th of the following month, the prime contractor/consultant shall complete and email the Exhibit 9-F: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Running Tally of Payments to business.support.unit@dot.ca.gov with a copy to the Agency. 2. BID OPENING The Agency publicly opens and reads bids at the time and place shown on the Notice to Contractors. 3. BID RIGGING The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) provides a toll-free hotline to report bid rigging activities. Use the hotline to report bid rigging, bidder collusion, and other fraudulent activities. The hotline number is (800) 424-9071. The service is available 24 hours 7 days a week and is confidential and anonymous. The hotline is part of the DOT's effort to identify and investigate highway construction contract fraud and abuse and is operated under the direction of the DOT Inspector General. 4. CONTRACT AWARD If the Agency awards the contract, the award is made to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder. 5. CONTRACTOR LICENSE The Contractor must be properly licensed as a contractor from contract award through Contract acceptance (Public Contract Code § 10164). 6. CHANGED CONDITIONS a. Differing Site Conditions 1. During the progress of the work, if subsurface or latent physical conditions are encountered at the site differing materially from those indicated in the contract or if unknown physical conditions of an unusual nature, differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in the work provided for in the contract, are encountered at the site, the party discovering such conditions shall promptly notify the other party in writing of the specific differing conditions before the site is disturbed and before the affected work is performed. 2. Upon written notification, the engineer will investigate the conditions, and if it is determined that the conditions materially differ and cause an increase or decrease in the cost or time required for the performance of any work under the contract, an adjustment, excluding anticipated profits, will be made and the contract modified in writing accordingly. The engineer will notify the contractor of the determination whether or not an adjustment of the contract is warranted. 3. No contract adjustment which results in a benefit to the contractor will be allowed unless the contractor has provided the required written notice. 4. No contract adjustment will be allowed under this clause for any effects caused on unchanged work. (This provision may be omitted by the Local Agency, at their option.) b. Suspensions of Work Ordered by the Engineer 1. If the performance of all or any portion of the work is suspended or delayed by the engineer in writing for an unreasonable period of time (not originally anticipated, customary, or inherent to the construction industry) and the contractor believes that additional compensation and/or contract time is due as a result of such suspension or delay, the contractor shall submit to the engineer in writing a request for adjustment within 7 calendar days of receipt of the notice to resume work. The request shall set forth the reasons and support for such adjustment. 2. Upon receipt, the engineer will evaluate the contractor's request. If the engineer agrees that the cost and/or time required for the performance of the contract has increased as a result of such suspension and the suspension was caused by conditions beyond the control of and not the fault of the contractor, its suppliers, or subcontractors at any approved tier, and not caused by weather, the engineer will make an adjustment (excluding profit) and modify the contract in Page 6 of 25 January 2021 332 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language writing accordingly. The contractor will be notified of the engineer's determination whether or not an adjustment of the contract is warranted. 3. No contract adjustment will be allowed unless the contractor has submitted the request for adjustment within the time prescribed. 4. No contract adjustment will be allowed under this clause to the extent that performance would have been suspended or delayed by any other cause, or for which an adjustment is provided or excluded under any other term or condition of this contract. c. Significant Changes in the Character of Work 1. The engineer reserves the right to make, in writing, at any time during the work, such changes in quantities and such alterations in the work as are necessary to satisfactorily complete the project. Such changes in quantities and alterations shall not invalidate the contract nor release the surety, and the contractor agrees to perform the work as altered. 2. If the alterations or changes in quantities significantly change the character of the work under the contract, whether such alterations or changes are in themselves significant changes to the character of the work or by affecting other work cause such other work to become significantly different in character, an adjustment, excluding anticipated profit, will be made to the contract. The basis for the adjustment shall be agreed upon prior to the performance of the work. If a basis cannot be agreed upon, then an adjustment will be made either for or against the contractor in such amount as the engineer may determine to be fair and equitable. 3. If the alterations or changes in quantities do not significantly change the character of the work to be performed under the contract, the altered work will be paid for as provided elsewhere in the contract. 4. The term “significant change” shall be construed to apply only to the following circumstances: • When the character of the work as altered differs materially in kind or nature from that involved or included in the original proposed construction; or • When a major item of work, as defined elsewhere in the contract, is increased in excess of 125 percent or decreased below 75 percent of the original contract quantity. Any allowance for an increase in quantity shall apply only to that portion in excess of 125 percent of original contract item quantity, or in case of a decrease below 75 percent, to the actual amount of work performed. 7. BEGINNING OF WORK, TIME OF COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES The Contractor shall begin work within 15 calendar days after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed. This work shall be diligently prosecuted to completion before the expiration of WORKING DAYS beginning on the fifteenth calendar day after the date shown on the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor shall pay to the City/County the sum of $ per day, for each and every calendar days’ delay in finishing the work in excess of the number of working days prescribed above. 8. BUY AMERICA Furnish steel and iron materials to be incorporated into the work with certificates of compliance and certified mill test reports. Mill test reports must indicate where the steel and iron were melted and manufactured. Steel and iron materials must be produced in the U.S. except: 1. Foreign pig iron and processed, pelletized, and reduced iron ore may be used in the domestic production of the steel and iron materials [60 Fed Reg 15478 (03/24/1995)]; 2. If the total combined cost of the materials does not exceed the greater of 0.1 percent of the total bid or $2,500, materials produced outside the U.S. may be used. Production includes: Page 7 of 25 January 2021 333 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 1. Processing steel and iron materials, including smelting or other processes that alter the physical form or shape (such as rolling, extruding, machining, bending, grinding, and drilling) or chemical composition; 2. Coating application, including epoxy coating, galvanizing, and painting, that protects or enhances the value of steel and iron materials. 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE The Local Agency uses a Quality Assurance Program (QAP) to ensure a material is produced to comply with the Contract. The Local Agency may examine the records and reports of tests the prime contractor performs if they are available at the job site. Schedule work to allow time for QAP. 10. PROMPT PAYMENT FROM THE AGENCY TO THE CONTRACTORS The Agency shall make any progress payment within 30 days after receipt of an undisputed and properly submitted payment request from a contractor on a construction contract. If the Agency fails to pay promptly, the Agency shall pay interest to the contractor, which accrues at the rate of 10 percent per annum on the principal amount of a money judgment remaining unsatisfied. Upon receipt of a payment request, the Agency shall act in accordance with both of the following: 1. Each payment request shall be reviewed by the Agency as soon as practicable after receipt for the purpose of determining that it is a proper payment request. 2. Any payment request determined not to be a proper payment request suitable for payment shall be returned to the contractor as soon as practicable, but not later than seven (7) days, after receipt. A request returned pursuant to this paragraph shall be accompanied by a document setting forth in writing the reasons why the payment request is not proper. 11. FORM FHWA-1273 REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS FEDERAL-AID CONTRACTS (Excluding ATTACHMENT A -EMPLOYMENT AND MATERIALS PREFERENCE FOR APPALACHIAN DEVELOPMENT HIGHWAY SYSTEM OR APPALACHIAN LOCAL ACCESS ROAD CONTRACTS) [The following 12 pages must be physically inserted into the contract without modification.] Page 8 of 25 January 2021 334 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language FHWA-1273 --Revised May 1, 2012 REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS FEDERAL-AID CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS Page 9 of 25 January 2021 335 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language I. General II. Nondiscrimination III. No segregated Facilities IV. Davis-Bacon and Related Act Provisions V. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act Provisions VI. Subletting or Assigning the Contract VII. Safety: Accident Prevention VIII. False Statements Concerning Highway Projects IX. Implementation of Clean Air Act and Federal Water Pollution Control Act X. Compliance with Government wide Suspension and Debarment Requirements XI. Certification Regarding Use of Contract Funds for Lobbying ATTACHMENTS A. Employment and Materials Preference for Appalachian Development Highway System or Appalachian Local Access Road Contracts (included in Appalachian contracts only) I. GENERAL 1. Form FHWA-1273 must be physically incorporated in each construction contract funded under Title 23 (excluding emergency contracts solely intended for debris removal). The contractor (or subcontractor) must insert this form in each subcontract and further require its inclusion in all lower tier subcontracts (excluding purchase orders, rental agreements and other agreements for supplies or services). The applicable requirements of Form FHWA-1273 are incorporated by reference for work done under any purchase order, rental agreement or agreement for other services. The prime contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor, lower-tier subcontractor or service provider. Form FHWA-1273 must be included in all Federal-aid design-build contracts, in all subcontracts and in lower tier subcontracts (excluding subcontracts for design services, purchase orders, rental agreements and other agreements for supplies or services). The design-builder shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor, lower-tier subcontractor or service provider. Contracting agencies may reference Form FHWA-1273 in bid proposal or request for proposal documents, however, the Form FHWA-1273 must be physically incorporated (not referenced) in all contracts, subcontracts and lower-tier subcontracts (excluding purchase orders, rental agreements and other agreements for supplies or services related to a construction contract). 2. Subject to the applicability criteria noted in the following sections, these contract provisions shall apply to all work performed on the contract by the contractor's own organization and with the assistance of workers under the contractor's immediate superintendence and to all work performed on the contract by piecework, station work, or by subcontract. 3. A breach of any of the stipulations contained in these Required Contract Provisions may be sufficient grounds for withholding of progress payments, withholding of final payment, termination of the contract, suspension / debarment or any other action determined to be appropriate by the contracting agency and FHWA. 4. Selection of Labor: During the performance of this contract, the contractor shall not use convict labor for any purpose within the limits of a construction project on a Federal-aid highway unless it is labor performed by convicts who are on parole, supervised release, or probation. The term Federal-aid highway does not include roadways functionally classified as local roads or rural minor collectors. II. NONDISCRIMINATION The provisions of this section related to 23 CFR Part 230 are applicable to all Federal-aid construction contracts and to all related construction subcontracts of $10,000 or more. The provisions of 23 CFR Part 230 are not applicable to material supply, engineering, or architectural service contracts. In addition, the contractor and all subcontractors must comply with the following policies: Executive Order 11246, 41 CFR 60, 29 CFR 1625- 1627, Title 23 USC Section 140, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 USC 794), Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and related regulations including 49 CFR Parts 21, 26 and 27; and 23 CFR Parts 200, 230, and 633. The contractor and all subcontractors must comply with: the requirements of the Equal Opportunity Clause in 41 CFR 60-1.4(b) and, for all construction contracts exceeding $10,000, the Standard Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Construction Contract Specifications in 41 CFR 60-4.3. Note: The U.S. Department of Labor has exclusive authority to determine compliance with Executive Order 11246 and the policies of the Secretary of Labor including 41 CFR 60, and 29 CFR 1625-1627. The contracting agency and the FHWA have the authority and the responsibility to ensure compliance with Title 23 USC Section 140, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 USC 794), and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and related regulations including 49 CFR Parts 21, 26 and 27; and 23 CFR Parts 200, 230, and 633. The following provision is adopted from 23 CFR 230, Appendix A, with appropriate revisions to conform to the U.S. Department of Labor (US DOL) and FHWA requirements. 1. Equal Employment Opportunity: Equal employment opportunity (EEO) requirements not to discriminate and to take affirmative action to assure equal opportunity as set forth under laws, executive orders, rules, regulations (28 CFR 35, 29 CFR 1630, 29 CFR 1625-1627, 41 CFR 60 and 49 CFR 27) and orders of the Secretary of Labor as modified by the provisions prescribed herein, and imposed pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 140 shall constitute the EEO and specific affirmative action standards for the contractor's project activities under this contract. The provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.) set forth under 28 CFR 35 and 29 CFR 1630 are incorporated by reference in this contract. In the execution of this contract, the contractor agrees to comply with the following minimum specific requirement activities of EEO: a. The contractor will work with the contracting agency and the Federal Government to ensure that it has made every good faith effort to provide equal opportunity with respect to all of its terms and conditions of employment and in their review of activities under the contract. b. The contractor will accept as its operating policy the following statement: "It is the policy of this Company to assure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, religion, sex, color, national origin, age or disability. Such action shall include: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, and/or on-the-job training." FHWA-1273 --Revised May 1, 2012 Page 10 of 25 January 2021 336 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 2. EEO Officer: The contractor will designate and make known to the contracting officers and EEO Officer who will have the responsibility for and must be capable of effectively administering and promoting and active EEO program and who must be assigned adequate authority and responsibility to do so. 3. Dissemination of Policy: All members of the contractor's staff who are authorized to hire, supervise, promote, and discharge employees, or who recommend such action, or who are substantially involved in such action, will be made fully cognizant of, and will implement, the contractor's EEO policy and contractual responsibilities to provide EEO in each grade and classification of employment. To ensure that the above agreement will be met, the following actions will be taken as a minimum: a. Periodic meetings of supervisory and personnel office employees will be conducted before the start of work and then not less often than once every six months, at which time the contractor's EEO policy and its implementation will bereviewed and explained. The meetings will be conducted by the EEO Officer. b. All new supervisory or personnel office employees will be given a thorough indoctrination by the EEO Officer, covering all major aspects of the contractor's EEO obligations within thirty days following their reporting for duty with the contractor. c. All personnel who are engaged in direct recruitment for the project will be instructed by the EEO Officer in the contractor's procedures for locating and hiring minorities and women. d. Notices and posters setting forth the contractor's EEO policy will be placed in areas readily accessible to employees, applicants for employment and potential employees. e. The contractor's EEO policy and the procedures to implement such policy will be brought to the attention of employees by means of meetings, employee handbooks, or other appropriate means. 4. Recruitment: When advertising for employees, the contractor will include in all advertisements for employees the notation: "An Equal Opportunity Employer." All such advertisements will be placed in publications having a large circulation among minorities and women in the area from which the project work force would normally be derived. a. The contractor will, unless precluded by a valid bargaining agreement, conduct systematic and direct recruitment through public and private employee referral sources likely to yield qualified minorities and women. To meet this requirement, the contractor will identify sources of potential minority group employees, and establish with such identified sources procedures whereby minority and women applicants may be referred to the contractor for employment consideration. b. In the event the contractor has a valid bargaining agreement providing for exclusive hiring hall referrals, the contractor is expected to observe the provisions of that agreement to the extent that the system meets the contractor's compliance with EEO contract provisions. Where implementation of such an agreement has the effect of discriminating against minorities or women, or obligates the contractor to do the same, such implementation violates Federal nondiscrimination provisions. c. The contractor will encourage its present employees to refer minorities and women as applicants for employment. Information and procedures with regard to referring such applicants will be discussed with employees. 5. Personnel Actions: Wages, working conditions, and employee benefits shall be established and administered, and personnel actions of every type, including hiring, upgrading, promotion, transfer, demotion, layoff, and termination, shall be taken without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability. The following procedures shall be followed: a. The contractor will conduct periodic inspections of project sites to insure that working conditions and employee facilities do not indicate discriminatory treatment of project site personnel. b.The contractor will periodically evaluate the spread of wagespaid within each classification to determine any evidence of discriminatory wage practices. c. The contractor will periodically review selected personnel actions in depth to determine whether there is evidence ofdiscrimination. Where evidence is found, the contractor will promptly take corrective action. If the review indicates that the discrimination may extend beyond the actions reviewed, such corrective action shall include all affected persons. d. The contractor will promptly investigate all complaints of alleged discrimination made to the contractor in connection with its obligations under this contract, will attempt to resolve such complaints, and will take appropriate corrective action within a reasonable time. If the investigation indicates that the discrimination may affect persons other than the complainant, such corrective action shall include such other persons. Upon completion of each investigation, the contractor will inform every complainant of all of their avenues of appeal. 6. Training and Promotion: a. The contractor will assist in locating, qualifying, and increasing the skills of minorities and women who are applicants for employment or current employees. Such efforts should be aimed at developing full journey level status employees in the type of trade or job classification involved. b. Consistent with the contractor's work force requirements and as permissible under Federal and State regulations, the contractor shall make full use of training programs, i.e., apprenticeship, and on-the-job training programs for the geographical area of contract performance. In the event a special provision for training is provided under this contract, this subparagraph will be superseded as indicated in the special provision. The contracting agency may reserve training positions for persons who receive welfare assistance in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 140(a). c. The contractor will advise employees and applicants for employment of available training programs and entrance requirements for each. d. The contractor will periodically review the training andpromotion potential of employees who are minorities and women and will encourage eligible employees to apply for such training and promotion. Page 11 of 25 January 2021 337 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 7. Unions: If the contractor relies in whole or in part upon unions as a source of employees, the contractor will use good faith efforts to obtain the cooperation of such unions to increase opportunities for minorities and women. Actions by the contractor, either directly or through a contractor's association acting as agent, will include the procedures set forth below: a. The contractor will use good faith efforts to develop, in cooperation with the unions, joint training programs aimed toward qualifying more minorities and women for membership in the unions and increasing the skills of minorities and women so that they may qualify for higher paying employment. b. The contractor will use good faith efforts to incorporate an EEO clause into each union agreement to the end that such union will be contractually bound to refer applicants without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability. c. The contractor is to obtain information as to the referral practices and policies of the labor union except that to the extent such information is within the exclusive possession of the labor union and such labor union refuses to furnish such information to the contractor, the contractor shall so certify to the contracting agency and shall set forth what efforts have been made to obtain such information. d. In the event the union is unable to provide the contractor with a reasonable flow of referrals within the time limit set forth in the collective bargaining agreement, the contractor will, through independent recruitment efforts, fill the employment vacancies without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability; making full efforts to obtain qualified and/or qualifiable minorities and women. The failure of a union to provide sufficient referrals (even though it is obligated to provide exclusive referrals under the terms of a collective bargaining agreement) does not relieve the contractor from the requirements of this paragraph. In the event the union referral practice prevents the contractor from meeting the obligations pursuant to Executive Order 11246, as amended, and these special provisions, such contractor shall immediately notify the contracting agency. 8. Reasonable Accommodation for Applicants / Employees with Disabilities: The contractor must be familiar with the requirements for and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and all rules and regulations established there under. Employers must provide reasonable accommodation in all employment activities unless to do so would cause an undue hardship. 9. Selection of Subcontractors, Procurement of Materials and Leasing of Equipment: The contractor shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment. The contractor shall take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure nondiscrimination in the administration of this contract. a. The contractor shall notify all potential subcontractors and suppliers and lessors of their EEO obligations under this contract. b. The contractor will use good faith efforts to ensure subcontractor compliance with their EEO obligations. FHWA-1273 --Revised May 1, 2012 10. Assurance Required by 49 CFR 26.13(b): a. The requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 and the State DOT’s U.S. DOT-approved DBE program are incorporated by reference. b. The contractor or subcontractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this contract. The contractor shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the contractor to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this contract, which may result in the termination of this contract or such other remedy as the contracting agency deems appropriate. 11. Records and Reports: The contractor shall keep such records as necessary to document compliance with the EEO requirements. Such records shall be retained for a period of three years following the date of the final payment to the contractor for all contract work and shall be available at reasonable times and places for inspection by authorized representatives of the contracting agency and the FHWA. a. The records kept by the contractor shall document the following: (1) The number and work hours of minority and non-minority group members and women employed in each work classification on the project; (2) The progress and efforts being made in cooperation with unions, when applicable, to increase employment opportunities for minorities and women; and (3) The progress and efforts being made in locating, hiring, training, qualifying, and upgrading minorities and women. b. The contractors and subcontractors will submit an annual report to the contracting agency each July for the duration of the project, indicating the number of minority, women, and non- minority group employees currently engaged in each work classification required by the contract work. This information is to be reported on Form FHWA-1391. The staffing data should represent the project work force on board in all or any part of the last payroll period preceding the end of July. If on-the-job training is being required by special provision, the contractor will be required to collect and report training data. The employment data should reflect the work force on board during all or any part of the last payroll period preceding the end of July. III. NONSEGREGATED FACILITIES This provision is applicable to all Federal-aid construction contracts and to all related construction subcontracts of $10,000 or more. The contractor must ensure that facilities provided for employees are provided in such a manner that segregation on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin cannot result. The contractor may neither require such segregated use by written or oral policies nor tolerate such use by employee custom. The contractor's obligation extends further to ensure that its employees are not assigned to perform their services at any location, under the contractor's control, where the facilities are segregated. The term "facilities" includes waiting rooms, work areas, restaurants and other eating areas, time clocks, restrooms, washrooms, locker rooms, and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and housing provided for employees. The contractor shall provide separate or single-user restrooms and necessary dressing or sleeping areas to assure privacy between sexes. Page 12 of 25 January 2021 338 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language IV. DAVIS-BACON AND RELATED ACT PROVISIONS This section is applicable to all Federal-aid construction projects exceeding $2,000 and to all related subcontracts and lower-tier subcontracts (regardless of subcontract size). The requirements apply to all projects located within the right-of-way of a roadway that is functionally classified as Federal-aid highway. This excludes roadways functionally classified as local roads or rural minor collectors, which are exempt. Contracting agencies may elect to apply these requirements to other projects. The following provisions are from the U.S. Department of Labor regulations in 29 CFR 5.5 “Contract provisions and related matters” with minor revisions to conform to the FHWA-1273 format and FHWA program requirements. 1. Minimum wages a. All laborers and mechanics employed or working upon the site of the work, will be paid unconditionally and not less often than once a week, and without subsequent deduction or rebate on any account (except such payroll deductions as are permitted by regulations issued by the Secretary of Labor under the Copeland Act (29 CFR part 3)), the full amount of wages and bona fide fringe benefits (or cash equivalents thereof) due at time of payment computed at rates not less than those contained in the wage determination of the Secretary of Labor which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, regardless of any contractual relationship which may be alleged to exist between the contractor and such laborers and mechanics. Contributions made or costs reasonably anticipated for bona fide fringe benefits under section 1(b)(2) of the Davis-Bacon Act on behalf of laborers or mechanics are considered wages paid to such laborers or mechanics, subject to the provisions of paragraph 1.d. of this section; also, regular contributions made or costs incurred for more than a weekly period (but not less often than quarterly) under plans, funds, or programs which cover the particular weekly period, are deemed to be constructively made or incurred during such weekly period. Such laborers and mechanics shall be paid the appropriate wage rate and fringe benefits on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed, without regard to skill, except as provided in 29 CFR 5.5(a)(4). Laborers or mechanics performing work in more than one classification may be compensated at the rate specified for each classification for the time actually worked therein: Provided, That the employer's payroll records accurately set forth the time spent in each classification in which work is performed. The wage determination (including any additional classification and wage rates conformed under paragraph 1.b. of this section) and the Davis-Bacon poster (WH–1321) shall be posted at all times by the contractor and its subcontractors at the site of the work in a prominent and accessible place where it can be easily seen by the workers. b. (1) The contracting officer shall require that any class of laborers or mechanics, including helpers, which is not listed in the wage determination and which is to be employed under the contract shall be classified in conformance with the wage determination. The contracting officer shall approve an additional classification and wage rate and fringe benefits therefore only when the followingcriteria have been met: FHWA-1273 --Revised May 1, 2012 (i) The work to be performed by the classification requested is not performed by a classification in the wage determination; and (ii) The classification is utilized in the area by the construction industry; and (iii) The proposed wage rate, including any bona fide fringe benefits, bears a reasonable relationship to the wage rates contained in the wage determination. (2) If the contractor and the laborers and mechanics to be employed in the classification (if known), or their representatives, and the contracting officer agree on the classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe benefits where appropriate), a report of the action taken shall be sent by the contracting officer to the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC 20210. The Administrator, or an authorized representative, will approve, modify, or disapprove every additional classification action within 30 days of receipt and so advise the contracting officer or will notify the contracting officer within the 30-day period that additional time is necessary. (3) In the event the contractor, the laborers or mechanics to be employed in the classification or their representatives, and the contracting officer do not agree on the proposed classification and wage rate (including the amount designated for fringe benefits, where appropriate), the contracting officer shall refer the questions, including the views of all interested parties and the recommendation of the contracting officer, to the Wage and Hour Administrator for determination. The Wage and Hour Administrator, or an authorized representative, will issue a determination within 30 days of receipt and so advise the contracting officer or will notify the contracting officer within the 30-day period that additional time is necessary. (4) The wage rate (including fringe benefits where appropriate) determined pursuant to paragraphs 1.b.(2) or 1.b.(3) of this section, shall be paid to all workers performing work in the classification under this contract from the first day on which work is performed in the classification. c. Whenever the minimum wage rate prescribed in the contract for a class of laborers or mechanics includes a fringe benefit which is not expressed as an hourly rate, the contractor shall either pay the benefit as stated in the wage determination or shall pay another bona fide fringe benefit or an hourly cash equivalent thereof. d. If the contractor does not make payments to a trustee or other third person, the contractor may consider as part of the wages of any laborer or mechanic the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing bona fide fringe benefits under a plan or program, Provided, That the Secretary of Labor has found, upon the written request of the contractor, that the applicable standards of the Davis-Bacon Act have been met. The Secretary of Labor may require the contractor to set aside in a separate account assets for the meeting of obligations under the plan or program. Page 13 of 25 January 2021 339 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 2. Withholding The contracting agency shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor, withhold or cause to be withheld from the contractor under this contract, or any other Federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other federally-assisted contract subject to Davis- Bacon prevailing wage requirements, which is held by the same prime contractor, so much of the accrued payments or advances as may be considered necessary to pay laborers and mechanics, including apprentices, trainees, and helpers, employed by the contractor or any subcontractor the full amount of wages required by the contract. In the event of failure to pay any laborer or mechanic, including any apprentice, trainee, or helper, employed or working on the site of the work, all or part of the wages required by the contract, the contracting agency may, after written notice to the contractor, take such action as may be necessary to cause the suspension of any further payment, advance, or guarantee of funds until such violations have ceased. 3. Payrolls and basic records a. Payrolls and basic records relating thereto shall be maintained by the contractor during the course of the work and preserved for a period of three years thereafter for all laborers and mechanics working at the site of the work. Such records shall contain the name, address, and social security number of each such worker, his or her correct classification, hourly rates of wages paid (including rates of contributions or costs anticipated for bona fide fringe benefits or cash equivalents thereof of the types described in section 1(b)(2)(B) of the Davis-Bacon Act), daily and weekly number of hours worked, deductions made and actual wages paid. Whenever the Secretary of Labor has found under 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1)(iv) that the wages of any laborer or mechanic include the amount of any costs reasonably anticipated in providing benefits under a plan or program described in section 1(b)(2)(B) of the Davis-Bacon Act, the contractor shall maintain records which show that the commitment to provide such benefits is enforceable, that the plan or program is financially responsible, and that the plan or program has been communicated in writing to the laborers or mechanics affected, and records which show the costs anticipated or the actual cost incurred in providing such benefits. Contractors employing apprentices or trainees under approved programs shall maintain written evidence of the registration of apprenticeship programs and certification of trainee programs, the registration of the apprentices and trainees, and the ratios and wage rates prescribed in the applicable programs. b. (1) The contractor shall submit weekly for each week in which any contract work is performed a copy of all payrolls to the contracting agency. The payrolls submitted shall set out accurately and completely all of the information required to be maintained under 29 CFR 5.5(a)(3)(i), except that full social security numbers and home addresses shall not be included on weekly transmittals. Instead the payrolls shall only need to include an individually identifying number for each employee ( e.g. , the last four digits of the employee's social security number). The required weekly payroll information may be submitted in any form desired. Optional Form WH–347 is available for this purpose from the Wage and Hour Division Web site at http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/forms/wh347instr.htm or its successor site. The prime contractor is responsible for the submission of copies of payrolls by all subcontractors. Contractors and subcontractors shall maintain the full social security number and FHWA-1273 --Revised May 1, 2012 current address of each covered worker, and shall provide them upon request to the contracting agency for transmission to the State DOT, the FHWA or the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor for purposes of an investigation or audit of compliance with prevailing wage requirements. It is not a violation of this section for a prime contractor to require a subcontractor to provide addresses and social security numbers to the prime contractor for its own records, without weekly submission to the contracting agency. (2) Each payroll submitted shall be accompanied by a “Statement of Compliance,” signed by the contractor or subcontractor or his or her agent who pays or supervises the payment of the persons employed under the contract and shall certify the following: (i) That the payroll for the payroll period contains the information required to be provided under §5.5 (a)(3)(ii) of Regulations, 29 CFR part 5, the appropriate information is being maintained under §5.5 (a)(3)(i) of Regulations, 29 CFR part 5, and that such information is correct and complete; (ii)That each laborer or mechanic (including each helper, apprentice, and trainee) employed on the contract during the payroll period has been paid the full weekly wages earned, without rebate, either directly or indirectly, and that no deductions have been made either directly or indirectly from the full wages earned, other than permissible deductions as set forth in Regulations, 29 CFR part 3; (iii) That each laborer or mechanic has been paid not less than the applicable wage rates and fringe benefits or cash equivalents for the classification of work performed, as specified in the applicable wage determination incorporated into the contract. (3) The weekly submission of a properly executed certification set forth on the reverse side of Optional Form WH–347 shall satisfy the requirement for submission of the “Statement of Compliance” required by paragraph 3.b.(2) of this section. (4) The falsification of any of the above certifications may subject the contractor or subcontractor to civil or criminal prosecution under section 1001 of title 18 and section 231 of title 31 of the United States Code. c. The contractor or subcontractor shall make the records required under paragraph 3.a. of this section available for inspection, copying, or transcription by authorized representatives of the contracting agency, the State DOT, the FHWA, or the Department of Labor, and shall permit such representatives to interview employees during working hours on the job. If the contractor or subcontractor fails to submit the required records or to make them available, the FHWA may, after written notice to the contractor, the contracting agency or the State DOT, take such action as may be necessary to cause the suspension of any further payment, advance, or guarantee of funds. Furthermore, failure to submit the required records upon request or to make such records available may be grounds for debarment action pursuant to 29 CFR 5.12. Page 14 of 25 January 2021 340 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 4. Apprentices and trainees a. Apprentices (programs of the USDOL). Apprentices will be permitted to work at less than the predetermined rate for the work they performed when they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a bona fide apprenticeship program registered with the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Apprenticeship Training, Employer and Labor Services, or with a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized by the Office, or if a person is employed in his or her first 90 days of probationary employment as an apprentice in such an apprenticeship program, who is not individually registered in the program, but who has been certified by the Office of Apprenticeship Training, Employer and Labor Services or a State Apprenticeship Agency (where appropriate) to be eligible for probationary employment as an apprentice. The allowable ratio of apprentices to journeymen on the job site in any craft classification shall not be greater than the ratio permitted to the contractor as to the entire work force under the registered program. Any worker listed on a payroll at an apprentice wage rate, who is not registered or otherwise employed as stated above, shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed. In addition, any apprentice performing work on the job site in excess of the ratio permitted under the registered program shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the work actually performed. Where a contractor is performing construction on a project in a locality other than that in which its program is registered, the ratios and wage rates (expressed in percentages of the journeyman's hourly rate) specified in the contractor's or subcontractor's registered program shall be observed. Every apprentice must be paid at not less than the rate specified in the registered program for the apprentice's level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the journeymen hourly rate specified in the applicable wage determination. Apprentices shall be paid fringe benefits in accordance with the provisions of the apprenticeship program. If the apprenticeship program does not specify fringe benefits, apprentices must be paid the full amount of fringe benefits listed on the wage determination for the applicable classification. If the Administrator determines that a different practice prevails for the applicable apprentice classification, fringes shall be paid in accordance with that determination. In the event the Office of Apprenticeship Training, Employer and Labor Services, or a State Apprenticeship Agency recognized by the Office, withdraws approval of an apprenticeship program, the contractor will no longer be permitted to utilize apprentices at less than the applicable predetermined rate for the work performed until an acceptable program is approved. b. Trainees (programs of the USDOL). Except as provided in 29 CFR 5.16, trainees will not be permitted to work at less than the predetermined rate for the work performed unless they are employed pursuant to and individually registered in a program which has received prior approval, evidenced by formal certification by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. FHWA-1273 --Revised May 1, 2012 The ratio of trainees to journeymen on the job site shall not be greater than permitted under the plan approved by the Employment and Training Administration. Every trainee must be paid at not less than the rate specified in the approved program for the trainee's level of progress, expressed as a percentage of the journeyman hourly rate specified in the applicable wage determination. Trainees shall be paid fringe benefits in accordance with the provisions of the trainee program. If the trainee program does not mention fringe benefits, trainees shall be paid the full amount of fringe benefits listed on the wage determination unless the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division determines that there is an apprenticeship program associated with the corresponding journeyman wage rate on the wage determination which provides for less than full fringe benefits for apprentices. Any employee listed on the payroll at a trainee rate who is not registered and participating in a training plan approved by the Employment and Training Administration shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the classification of work actually performed. In addition, any trainee performing work on the job site in excess of the ratio permitted under the registered program shall be paid not less than the applicable wage rate on the wage determination for the work actually performed. In the event the Employment and Training Administration withdraws approval of a training program, the contractor will no longer be permitted to utilize trainees at less than the applicable predetermined rate for the work performed until an acceptable program is approved. c. Equal employment opportunity. The utilization of apprentices, trainees and journeymen under this part shall be in conformity with the equal employment opportunity requirements of Executive Order 11246, as amended, and 29 CFR part 30. d. Apprentices and Trainees (programs of the U.S. DOT). Apprentices and trainees working under apprenticeship and skill training programs which have been certified by the Secretary of Transportation as promoting EEO in connection with Federal-aid highway construction programs are not subject to the requirements of paragraph 4 of this Section IV. The straight time hourly wage rates for apprentices and trainees under such programs will be established by the particular programs. The ratio of apprentices and trainees to journeymen shall not be greater than permitted by the terms of the particular program. 5. Compliance with Copeland Act requirements. The contractor shall comply with the requirements of 29 CFR part 3, which are incorporated by reference in this contract. 6. Subcontracts. The contractor or subcontractor shall insert Form FHWA-1273 in any subcontracts and also require the subcontractors to include Form FHWA-1273 in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime contractor shall be responsible for the compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with all the contract clauses in 29 CFR 5.5. 7. Contract termination: debarment. A breach of the contract clauses in 29 CFR 5.5 may be grounds for termination of the contract, and for debarment as a contractor and a subcontractor as provided in 29 CFR 5.12. Page 15 of 25 January 2021 341 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 8. Compliance with Davis-Bacon and Related Act requirements. All rulings and interpretations of the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts contained in 29 CFR parts 1, 3, and 5 are herein incorporated by reference in this contract. 9. Disputes concerning labor standards. Disputes arising out of the labor standards provisions of this contract shall not be subject to the general disputes clause of this contract. Such disputes shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures of the Department of Labor set forth in 29 CFR parts 5, 6, and 7. Disputes within the meaning of this clause include disputes between the contractor (or any of its subcontractors) and the contracting agency, the U.S. Department of Labor, or the employees or their representatives. 10. Certification of eligibility. a. By entering into this contract, the contractor certifies that neither it (nor he or she) nor any person or firm who has an interest in the contractor's firm is a person or firm ineligible to be awarded Government contracts by virtue of section 3(a) of the Davis- Bacon Act or 29 CFR 5.12(a)(1). b. No part of this contract shall be subcontracted to any person or firm ineligible for award of a Government contract by virtue of section 3(a) of the Davis-Bacon Act or 29 CFR 5.12(a)(1). c. The penalty for making false statements is prescribed in theU.S. Criminal Code, 18 U.S.C. 1001. V. CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT The following clauses apply to any Federal-aid construction contract in an amount in excess of $100,000 and subject to the overtime provisions of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act. These clauses shall be inserted in addition to the clauses required by 29 CFR 5.5(a) or 29 CFR 4.6. As used in this paragraph, the terms laborers and mechanics include watchmen and guards. 1. Overtime requirements. No contractor or subcontractor contracting for any part of the contract work which may require or involve the employment of laborers or mechanics shall require or permit any such laborer or mechanic in any workweek in which he or she is employed on such work to work in excess of forty hours in such workweek unless such laborer or mechanic receives compensation at a rate not less than one and one-half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty hours in such workweek. 2. Violation; liability for unpaid wages; liquidated damages. In the event of any violation of the clause set forth in paragraph (1.) of this section, the contractor and any subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable for the unpaid wages. In addition, such contractor and subcontractor shall be liable to the United States (in the case of work done under contract for the District of Columbia or a territory, to such District or to such territory), for liquidated damages. Such liquidated damages shall be computed with respect to each individual laborer or mechanic, including watchmen and guards, employed in violation of the clause set forth inparagraph(1.) of this section, in the sum of $10 for each calendar day on which such individual was required or permitted to work in excess of the standard workweek of forty hours without payment of the overtime wages required by the clause set forth in paragraph (1.) of this section. FHWA-1273 --Revised May 1, 2012 3. Withholding for unpaid wages and liquidated damages. The FHWA or the contacting agency shall upon its own action or upon written request of an authorized representative of the Department of Labor withhold or cause to be withheld, from any moneys payable on account of work performed by the contractor or subcontractor under any such contract or any other Federal contract with the same prime contractor, or any other federally-assisted contract subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, which is held by the same prime contractor, such sums as may be determined to be necessary to satisfy any liabilities of such contractor or subcontractor for unpaid wages and liquidated damages as provided in the clause set forth in paragraph (2.) of this section. 4. Subcontracts. The contractor or subcontractor shall insert in any subcontracts the clauses set forth in paragraph (1.) through (4.) of this section and also a clause requiring the subcontractors to include these clauses in any lower tier subcontracts. The prime contractor shall be responsible for compliance by any subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor with the clauses set forth in paragraphs (1.) through (4.) of this section. VI. SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNING THE CONTRACT This provision is applicable to all Federal-aid construction contracts on the National Highway System. 1. The contractor shall perform with its own organization contract work amounting to not less than 30 percent (or a greater percentage if specified elsewhere in the contract) of the total original contract price, excluding any specialty items designated by the contracting agency. Specialty items may be performed by subcontract and the amount of any such specialty items performed may be deducted from the total original contract price before computing the amount of work required to be performed by the contractor's own organization (23 CFR 635.116). a. The term “perform work with its own organization” refers to workers employed or leased by the prime contractor, and equipment owned or rented by the prime contractor, with or without operators. Such term does not include employees or equipment of a subcontractor or lower tier subcontractor, agents of the prime contractor, or any other assignees. The term may include payments for the costs of hiring leased employees from an employee leasing firm meeting allrelevant Federal and State regulatory requirements. Leased employees may only be included in this term if the prime contractor meets all of the following conditions: (1) the prime contractor maintains control over the supervision of the day-to-day activities of the leased employees; (2) the prime contractor remains responsible for the quality of the work of the leased employees; (3) the prime contractor retains all power to accept or exclude individual employees from work on the project; and (4) the prime contractor remains ultimately responsible for the payment of predetermined minimum wages, the submission of payrolls, statements of compliance and all other Federal regulatory requirements. b. "Specialty Items" shall be construed to be limited to work that requires highly specialized knowledge, abilities, or equipment not ordinarily available in the type of contracting organizations qualified and expected to bid or propose on the contract as a whole and in general are to be limited to minor components of the overall contract. Page 16 of 25 January 2021 342 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 2. The contract amount upon which the requirements set forth in paragraph (1) of Section VI is computed includes the cost of material and manufactured products which are to be purchased or produced by the contractor under the contract provisions. 3. The contractor shall furnish (a) a competent superintendent or supervisor who is employed by the firm, has full authority todirect performance of the work in accordance with the contract requirements, and is in charge of all construction operations (regardless of who performs the work) and (b) such other of its own organizational resources (supervision, management, and engineering services) as the contracting officer determines is necessary to assure the performance of the contract. 4.No portion of the contract shall be sublet, assigned orotherwise disposed of except with the written consent of the contracting officer, or authorized representative, and such consent when given shall not be construed to relieve the contractor of any responsibility for the fulfillment of the contract. Written consent will be given only after the contracting agency has assured that each subcontract is evidenced in writing and that it contains all pertinent provisions and requirements of the prime contract. 5. The 30% self-performance requirement of paragraph (1) is not applicable to design-build contracts; however, contracting agencies may establish their own self-performancerequirements. VII. SAFETY: ACCIDENT PREVENTION This provision is applicable to all Federal-aid construction contracts and to all related subcontracts. 1. In the performance of this contract the contractor shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws governing safety, health, and sanitation (23 CFR 635). The contractor shall provide all safeguards, safety devices and protective equipment and take any other needed actions as it determines, or as the contracting officer may determine, to be reasonably necessary to protect the life and health of employees on the job and the safety of the public and to protect property in connection with the performance of the work covered by the contract. 2. It is a condition of this contract, and shall be made a condition of each subcontract, which the contractor enters into pursuant to this contract, that the contractor and any subcontractor shall not permit any employee, in performance of the contract, to work in surroundings or under conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous to his/her health or safety, as determined under construction safety and health standards (29 CFR 1926) promulgated by the Secretary of Labor, in accordance with Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3704). 3. Pursuant to 29 CFR 1926.3, it is a condition of this contract that the Secretary of Labor or authorized representative thereof, shall have right of entry to any site of contract performance to inspect or investigate the matter of compliance with the construction safety and health standards and to carry out the duties of the Secretary under Section 107 of the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C.3704). VIII. FALSE STATEMENTS CONCERNING HIGHWAY PROJECTS This provision is applicable to all Federal-aid construction contracts and to all related subcontracts. In order to assure high quality and durable construction in conformity with approved plans and specifications and a high degree of reliability on statements and representations made by engineers, contractors, suppliers, and workers on Federal-aid highway projects, it is essential that all persons concerned with the project perform their functions as carefully, thoroughly, and honestly as possible. Willful falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation with respect to any facts related to the project is a violation of Federal law. To prevent any misunderstanding regarding the seriousness ofthese and similar acts, Form FHWA-1022 shall be posted on each Federal-aid highway project (23 CFR 635) in one or more places where it is readily available to all persons concerned with the project: 18 U.S.C. 1020 reads as follows: "Whoever, being an officer, agent, or employee of the United States, or of any State or Territory, or whoever, whether a person, association, firm, or corporation, knowingly makes any false statement, false representation, or false report as to the character, quality, quantity, or cost of the material used or to be used, or the quantity or quality of the work performed or to be performed, or the cost thereof in connection with the submission of plans, maps, specifications, contracts, or costs of construction on any highway or related project submitted for approval to the Secretary of Transportation; or Whoever knowingly makes any false statement, false representation, false report or false claim with respect to the character, quality, quantity, or cost of any work performed or to be performed, or materials furnished or to be furnished, in connection with the construction of any highway or related project approved by the Secretary of Transportation; or Whoever knowingly makes any false statement or false representation as to material fact in any statement, certificate, or report submitted pursuant to provisions of the Federal-aid Roads Act approved July 1, 1916, (39 Stat. 355), as amended and supplemented; Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years or both." IX. IMPLEMENTATION OF CLEAN AIR ACT AND FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT This provision is applicable to all Federal-aid construction contracts and to all related subcontracts. By submission of this bid/proposal or the execution of this contract, or subcontract, as appropriate, the bidder, proposer, Federal-aid construction contractor, or subcontractor, as appropriate, will be deemed to have stipulated as follows: 1. That any person who is or will be utilized in the performance of this contract is not prohibited from receiving an award due to a violation of Section 508 of the Clean Water Act or Section 306 of the Clean Air Act. 2. That the contractor agrees to include or cause to be included the requirements of paragraph (1) of this Section X in every subcontract, and further agrees to take such action as the contracting agency may direct as a means of enforcing such requirements. Page 17 of 25 January 2021 343 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language FHWA-1273 --Revised May 1, 2012 X. CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, INELIGIBILITY AND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSION This provision is applicable to all Federal-aid construction contracts, design-build contracts, subcontracts, lower-tier subcontracts, purchase orders, lease agreements, consultant contracts or any other covered transaction requiring FHWA approval or that is estimated to cost $25,000 or more – as defined in 2 CFR Parts 180 and 1200. 1. Instructions for Certification – First Tier Participants: a. By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective first tier participant is providing the certification set out below. b. The inability of a person to provide the certification set out below will not necessarily result in denial of participation in this covered transaction. The prospective first tier participant shall submit an explanation of why it cannot provide the certification set outbelow. The certification or explanation will be considered in connection with the department or agency's determination whether to enter into this transaction. However, failure of the prospective first tier participant to furnish a certification or an explanation shall disqualify such a person from participation in this transaction. c. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when the contracting agency determined to enter into this transaction. If it is later determined that the prospective participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the contracting agency may terminate this transaction for cause of default. d. The prospective first tier participant shall provide immediatewritten notice to the contracting agency to whom this proposal is submitted if any time the prospective first tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. e. The terms "covered transaction," "debarred," "suspended," "ineligible," "participant," "person," "principal," and "voluntarily excluded," as used in this clause, are defined in 2 CFR Parts 180 and 1200. “First Tier Covered Transactions” refers to any covered transaction between a grantee or subgrantee of Federal funds and a participant (such as the prime or general contract). “Lower Tier Covered Transactions” refers to any covered transaction under a First Tier Covered Transaction (such as subcontracts). “First Tier Participant” refers to the participant who has entered into a covered transaction with a grantee or subgrantee of Federal funds (such as the prime or general contractor). “Lower Tier Participant” refers any participant who has entered into a covered transaction with a First Tier Participant or other Lower Tier Participants (such as subcontractors and suppliers). f. The prospective first tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency entering into this transaction. g. The prospective first tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include the clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transactions," provided by the department or contracting agency, entering into this covered transaction, without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions exceeding the $25,000 threshold. h. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant is responsible for ensuring that its principals are not suspended, debarred, or otherwise ineligible to participate in covered transactions. To verify the eligibility of its principals, as well as the eligibility of any lower tier prospective participants, each participant may, but is not required to, checkthe Excluded Parties List System website (https://www.epls.gov/), which is compiled by the General Services Administration. i. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require the establishment of a system of records in order to render ingood faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of the prospective participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. j. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph (f) of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency may terminate this transaction for cause or default. * * * 2. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension,Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion – First Tier Participants: a. The prospective first tier participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: (1) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; (2) Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (3) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (a)(2) of this certification; and (4) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default. b. Where the prospective participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. Page 18 of 25 January 2021 344 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 2. Instructions for Certification - Lower Tier Participants: (Applicable to all subcontracts, purchase orders and other lower tier transactions requiring prior FHWA approval or estimated to cost $25,000 or more - 2 CFR Parts 180 and 1200) a.By signing and submitting this proposal, the prospective lowertier is providing the certification set out below. b. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department, or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. c. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. d. The terms "covered transaction," "debarred," "suspended," "ineligible," "participant," "person," "principal," and "voluntarily excluded," as used in this clause, are defined in 2 CFR Parts 180 and 1200. You may contact the person to which this proposal is submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. “First Tier Covered Transactions” refers to any covered transaction between a grantee or subgrantee of Federal funds and a participant (such as the prime or general contract). “Lower Tier Covered Transactions” refers to any covered transaction under a First Tier Covered Transaction (such as subcontracts). “First Tier Participant” refers to the participant who has entered into a covered transaction with a grantee or subgrantee of Federal funds (such as the prime or general contractor). “Lower Tier Participant” refers any participant who has entered into a covered transaction with a First Tier Participant or other Lower Tier Participants (such as subcontractors and suppliers). e. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this proposal that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated. f. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include this clause titled "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transaction," without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions exceeding the $25,000 threshold. g. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant is responsible for ensuring that its principals are not suspended, debarred, or otherwise ineligible to participate in covered transactions. To verify the eligibility of its principals, as well as the eligibility of any lower tier prospective participants, each participant may, but isnot required to, check the Excluded Parties List System website (https://www.epls.gov/), which is compiled by the General Services Administration. FHWA-1273 --Revised May 1, 2012 h. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. i. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph e of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies, including suspension and/or debarment. * * * * * Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion--Lower Tier Participants: 1. The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal, that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in covered transactions by any Federal department or agency. 2. Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. * * * * * XI. CERTIFICATION REGARDING USE OF CONTRACT FUNDS FOR LOBBYING This provision is applicable to all Federal-aid construction contracts and to all related subcontracts which exceed $100,000 (49 CFR 20). 1. The prospective participant certifies, by signing and submitting this bid or proposal, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: a. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. b. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. Page 19 of 25 January 2021 345 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 2. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. 3.The prospective participant also agrees by submitting its bid or proposal that the participant shall require that the language of this certification be included in all lower tier subcontracts, which exceed information of participant is not required to exceed that which is $100,000 and that all such recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. Page 20 of 25 January 2021 346 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language 12. FEMALE AND MINORITY GOALS To comply with Section II, "Nondiscrimination," of "Required Contract Provisions Federal-Aid Construction Contracts," the following are for female and minority utilization goals for Federal-aid construction contracts and subcontracts that exceed $10,000: The nationwide goal for female utilization is 6.9 percent. The goals for minority utilization [45 Fed Reg 65984 (10/3/1980)] are as follows: MINORITY UTILIZATION GOALS Economic Area Goal (Percent) 174 Redding CA: Non-SMSA (Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area) Counties: CA Lassen; CA Modoc; CA Plumas; CA Shasta; CA Siskiyou; CA Tehama 6.8 175 Eureka, CA Non-SMSA Counties: CA Del Norte; CA Humboldt; CA Trinity 6.6 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA: SMSA Counties: 7120 Salinas-Seaside-Monterey, CA 28.9 CA Monterey 7360 San Francisco-Oakland CA Alameda; CA Contra Costa; CA Marin; CA San Francisco; CA San Mateo 25.6 176 7400 San Jose, CA CA Santa Clara, CA 7485 Santa Cruz, CA CA Santa Cruz 19.6 14.9 7500 Santa Rosa CA Sonoma 9.1 8720 Vallejo-Fairfield-Napa, CA CA Napa; CA Solano 17.1 Non-SMSA Counties: CA Lake; CA Mendocino; CA San Benito 23.2 177 Sacramento, CA: SMSA Counties: 6920 Sacramento, CA CA Placer; CA Sacramento; CA Yolo Non-SMSA Counties CA Butte; CA Colusa; CA El Dorado; CA Glenn; CA Nevada; CA Sierra; CA Sutter; CA Yuba 16.1 14.3 Stockton-Modesto, CA: SMSA Counties: 5170 Modesto, CA 12.3 178 CA Stanislaus 8120 Stockton, CA CA San Joaquin 24.3 Non-SMSA Counties CA Alpine; CA Amador; CA Calaveras; CA Mariposa; CA Merced; CA Tuolumne 19.8 Fresno-Bakersfield, CA SMSA Counties: 179 0680 Bakersfield, CA CA Kern 2840 Fresno, CA 19.1 26.1 Page 21 of 25 January 2021 347 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language CA Fresno Non-SMSA Counties: CA Kings; CA Madera; CA Tulare 23.6 Los Angeles, CA: SMSA Counties: 0360 Anaheim-Santa Ana-Garden Grove, CA 11.9 CA Orange 4480 Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA 28.3 180 CA Los Angeles 6000 Oxnard-Simi Valley-Ventura, CA CA Ventura 6780 Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA 21.5 19.0 CA Riverside; CA San Bernardino 7480 Santa Barbara-Santa Maria-Lompoc, CA 19.7 CA Santa Barbara Non-SMSA Counties CA Inyo; CA Mono; CA San Luis Obispo 24.6 San Diego, CA: SMSA Counties 181 7320 San Diego, CACA San Diego 16.9 Non-SMSA Counties CA Imperial 18.2 For the last full week of July during which work is performed under the contract, the prime contractor and each non material-supplier subcontractor with a subcontract of $10,000 or more must complete Form FHWA PR-1391 (Appendix C to 23 CFR 230). Submit the forms by August 15. 13. TITLE VI ASSURANCES During the performance of this Agreement, the contractor, for itself, its assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter collectively referred to as CONTRACTOR) agrees as follows: a. Compliance with Regulations: CONTRACTOR shall comply with the regulations relative to nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be amended from time to time, (hereinafter referred to as the REGULATIONS), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this agreement. b. Nondiscrimination: CONTRACTOR, with regard to the work performed by it during the AGREEMENT, shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, or disability in the selection and retention of sub-applicants, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. CONTRACTOR shall not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the agreement covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. c. Solicitations for Sub-agreements, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by CONTRACTOR for work to be performed under a Sub-agreement, including procurements of materials or leases of equipment, each potential sub-applicant or supplier shall be notified by CONTRACTOR of the CONTRACTOR’S obligations under this Agreement and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin. d. Information and Reports: CONTRACTOR shall provide all information and reports required by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the California Department of Transportation or FHWA to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Page 22 of 25 January 2021 348 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language Regulations or directives. Where any information required of CONTRACTOR is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, CONTRACTOR shall so certify to the California Department of Transportation or the FHWA as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts CONTRACTOR has made to obtain the information. e. Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of CONTRACTOR’s noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this agreement, the California Department of Transportation shall impose such agreement sanctions as it or the FHWA may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: i. withholding of payments to CONTRACTOR under the Agreement within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 90 days; and/or ii. cancellation, termination or suspension of the Agreement, in whole or in part. f. Incorporation of Provisions: CONTRACTOR shall include the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (6)in every sub-agreement, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto. CONTRACTOR shall take such action with respect to any sub-agreement or procurement as the California Department of Transportation or FHWA may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance, provided, however, that, in the event CONTRACTOR becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a sub-applicant or supplier as a result of such direction, CONTRACTOR may request the California Department of Transportation enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the State, and, in addition, CONTRACTOR may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. 14. USE OF UNITED STATES-FLAG VESSELS (CARGO PREFERENCE ACT) The CONTRACTOR agrees- 1. To utilize privately owned United States-flag commercial vessels to ship at least 50 percent of the gross tonnage (computed separately for dry bulk carries, dry cargo liners, and tankers) involved, whenever shipping any equipment, material, or commodities pursuant to this contract, to the extent such vessels are available at fair and reasonable rates for United States-flag commercial vessels. 2. To Furnish within 20 days following the date of loading for shipments originating within the United State or within 30 working days following the date of loading for shipments originating outside the United States, a legible copy of a rated “on-board” commercial ocean bill-of-lading in English for each shipment of cargo described in paragraph (1) of this section to both the Contracting Officer (through the prime contractor in the case of subcontractor bills-of-lading) and to the Division of National Cargo, Office of Market Development, Maritime Administration, Washington, DC 20590. 3. To insert the substance of the provisions of this clause in all subcontracts issued pursuant to this contract. Federal Trainee Program Special Provisions (to be used when applicable) 15. FEDERAL TRAINEE PROGRAM For the Federal training program, the number of trainees or apprentices is . This section applies if a number of trainees or apprentices is specified in the special provisions. As part of the prime contractor’s equal opportunity affirmative action program, provide on-the-job training to develop full journeymen in the types of trades or job classifications involved. The prime contractor has primary responsibility for meeting this training requirement. If the prime contractor subcontracts a contract part, they shall determine how many trainees or apprentices are to be trained by the subcontractor. Include these training requirements in each subcontract. Where feasible, 25 percent of apprentices or trainees in each occupation must be in their 1st year of apprenticeship or training. Page 23 of 25 January 2021 349 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language Distribute the number of apprentices or trainees among the work classifications on the basis of the prime contractor’s needs and the availability of journeymen in the various classifications within a reasonable recruitment area. Before starting work, the prime contractor shall submit to the City/County of : 1.Number of apprentices or trainees to be trained for each classification 2.Training program to be used 3.Training starting date for each classification The prime contractor shall obtain the City/County of approval for this submitted information before the prime contractor starts work. The City/County of credits the prime contractor for each apprentice or trainee the prime contractor employs on the job who is currently enrolled or becomes enrolled in an approved program. The primary objective of this section is to train and upgrade minorities and women toward journeyman status. The prime contractor shall make every effort to enroll minority and women apprentices or trainees, such as conducting systematic and direct recruitment through public and private sources likely to yield minority and women apprentices or trainees, to the extent they are available within a reasonable recruitment area and show that they have made the efforts. In making these efforts, the prime contractor shall not discriminate against any applicant for training. The prime contractor shall not employ as an apprentice or trainee an employee: 1.In any classification in which the employee has successfully completed a training course leading to journeyman status or in which the employee has been employed as a journeyman 2.Who is not registered in a program approved by the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training The prime contractor shall ask the employee if the employee has successfully completed a training course leading to journeyman status or has been employed as a journeyman. The prime contractor’s records must show the employee's answers to the questions. In the training program, the prime contractor shall establish the minimum length and training type for each classification. The City/County of and FHWA approves a program if one of the following is met: 1.It is calculated to: Meet the your equal employment opportunity responsibilities Qualify the average apprentice or trainee for journeyman status in the classification involved by the end of the training period 2.It is registered with the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training, and it is administered in a way consistent with the equal employment responsibilities of Federal-aid highway construction contracts The prime contractor shall obtain the State's approval for their training program before they start work involving the classification covered by the program. The prime contractor shall provide training in the construction crafts, not in clerk-typist or secretarial-type positions. Training is allowed in lower level management positions such as office engineers, estimators, and timekeepers if the training is oriented toward construction applications. Training is allowed in the laborer classification if significant and meaningful training is provided and approved by the division office. Off-site training is allowed if the training is an integral part of an approved training program and does not make up a significant part of the overall training. Page 24 of 25 January 2021 350 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 12-G Required Federal-Aid Contract Language The City/County of reimburses the prime contractor 80 cents per hour of training given an employee on thiscontract under an approved training program: 1.For on-site training 2.For off-site training if the apprentice or trainee is currently employed on a Federal-aid project and prime contractor does at least one of the following: a.Contribute to the cost of the training b.Provide the instruction to the apprentice or trainee c.Pay the apprentice's or trainee's wages during the off-site training period 3.If the prime contractor complies with this section. Each apprentice or trainee must: 1.Begin training on the project as soon as feasible after the start of work involving the apprentice's or trainee's skill 2.Remain on the project as long as training opportunities exist in the apprentice's or trainee's work classification or until the apprentice or trainee has completed the training program The prime contractor shall furnish the apprentice or trainee with a copy of the program that the prime contractor will comply with in providing the training Page 25 of 25 January 2021 351 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)   Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020         Appendix C: Notice to Property Owners and Residents 352 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)   Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS, BUSINESS OWNERS, RESIDENTS Date: Dear Property Owner/Business Owner/Resident, In approximately four days, , a contractor for the City of Moorpark Public Works Department, will be constructing the Princeton Avenue Improvement Project. Your street is a part of this contract and will be affected. To accomplish this construction, it will be necessary to partially close your street or temporarily limit street parking on the days the work is in progress. The Contractor will post temporary "No Parking" signs at least three working days in advance of starting this work. Unfortunately, it will be necessary to prohibit parking in certain areas between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. In cases of inclement weather, it may be necessary to reschedule the Contractor's operation. During this construction, we request your cooperation in parking your automobile(s) in a location(s) away from the actual construction zone or on other nearby street(s) not under construction. We also request that children refrain from playing in, or around, the construction zones for their safety. We regret any inconvenience this work may cause, and we thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding in assisting us in improving your neighborhood in the most efficient way possible. Should you have any questions regarding the project, please call: Contractor: Telephone: City Contact: Daniel Kim, City Engineer (805) 517-6255 dkim@moorparkca.gov CONTRACT NAME: Princeton Avenue Improvement Project SPECIFICATION NO.: MPK 21-03 353 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)   Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020         Appendix D: Standard Plans and Details 354 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)     Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 355 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)     Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020   356 4' (1200 mm) MIN y 4' (1200 mm) MIN y INTEGRAL CURB 4' (1200 mm) MIN y STR rA. GRADE BREAKS ~ 0:: w 0 0:: 0 R m w ...... A TYPE A GRADE BREAKS TYPE B GRADE BREAK w J . a.,- TYPE C 4' (1200 mm) MIN y GJl" -1 (25 mm) CF . . SECTION A-A CURB FACE, inches X, inches Y, inches (mm) (mm) (mm) 6" (150) or less 3'-o" (900) 4'-o" (1200) 7" (175) 3'-6" (1050) 4'-9" (1425) 8" (200) 4'-0" (1200) 5'-8" (1700) 9" (225) 4 1 -6 11 (1350) 6'-6" (1950) 1 o" (250) 5'-o" (1500) 7'-3" (2175) 11" (275) 5'-6" (1650) 8'-0" (2400) 12" (300) or more 6'-o" (1800) 8'-9" (2625) NOTES: 1. RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE 4" (100 mm) THICK PCC. 2. COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE 6" (150 mm) THICK PCC. 3. WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT BOTH SIDES OF A DRIVEWAY AND AT 10' (3.0 m) INTERVALS. 4. CURB FOR TYPE C DRIVEWAY SHALL BE INTEGRAL AND MATCH ADJACENT CONSTRUCTION. 5. REFER TO LOCAL DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACCESS REQUIREMENTS AND MAXIMUM PERMITTED DRIVEWAY WIDTHS. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC. GREENBOOK COMMITIEE 1964 REV, 1996, 2009 DRIVEWAY APPROACHES USE WITH STANDARD SPECIF/CATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCT/ON STANDARD PLAN 110-2 SHEET 1 OF 1 357 CURB CURB FACE R I • 4' 1220 mm MIN TRANSITION 4:1 MIN X I, ' I . X , I I !~4' (1220 mm) ........ ~< A I{)::,; X ~RB 4' 1220 mm ' I :14· 'd2'20 :ml' I ~!W A ORB SEE FIGURE 1 R TYPE 1 TYPE 2 CASE A PARTS OF THIS STANDARD PLAN SHOW INSTALLATION FOR TYPICAL RETROFIT CONDITIONS, AND ARE NOT FULLY COMPLIANT WITH CALIFORNIA BUI.LDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW DEVELOPMENT. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGAlEO BY TttE PUBLIO WORKS STANDARDS INC, GREENBOOK COMMITTEE 1992 REV. 1996, 2000, 2005, 2009, 2013 CURB RAMP USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 111-5 SHEET 1 OF 10 358 4' 1220 mm WHERE PLANTING AREA IS ADJACENT TO THE CURB RAMP, USE CASE A, TYPE 6 a1- <o "<'-" 4' 1220 mm >-~ " ~ PLANTING a.. AREA CURB CURB FACE WHERE PLANTING AREA IS ADJACENT TO THE CURB RAMP, USE CASE A, TYPE 6 BCR GRADE BREAK STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CURB RAMP TYPE 3 TYPE 4 CASE A STANDARD PLAN 111--5 SHEET 2 OF 10 359 ~RB 4' 1220 mm R ,.z., ,.z .. , PLANTING AREA I· ~~·I ~!J 1ioo mm) PCC WALK 4 1220 mm MIN R NOTE 2 PLANTING AREA IF PLANTING AREA IS NOT ADJACENT TO SIDE FLARE, USE "X" PER TABLE 2 FOR THAT FLARE A ORB SEE FIGURE 1 PARKWAY R ..,.IIHn 2% MAr <( w ~ "' z F z :s 0.. R TYPE 5 · 1 TYPE 6 CASE A STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN CURB RAMP 111-5 SHEET 3 OF 10 360 CURB CURB FACE C /• Z=X •~ ,. Z=X ., ) • X ~ .1. NOT~ 8 • , 4' / llx (1220 mm)....,i ~ C "' 2% MAJ< TYPE 1 ~ <' "'1..t TYPE 2 fjj CASE B STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN CURB RAMP 111-5 HEET 4 OF 10 361 SKEW ANGLE a=45' OFFSET b=O UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS CURB CURB FACE SKEW ANGLE, a SEE DETAIL A. B, C, OR D A PLANTING AREA CURB CURB FACE SEE DETAIL A, B, C OR D A NOTE 2 A ~ y ) NOTE 2 NOTE 8 TYPE 1 X=4' (1220 mm) IF ADJACENT TO PLANTING AREA, OTHEWISE SEE TABLE 1 TYPE 2 STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CURB RAMP CASE C CASED STANDARD PLAN 111-5 SHEET 5 OF 10 362 s 4' (1220 mm) X <l 4' (1220 mm ~ N CURB CURB FACE X=4' 1220 mm WHEN ADJACENT TO PLANTING AREA s NOTE 2 4' (1220 mm) );-<!~ U'.l:,;: MARKED CROSSWALK _.J l;-<1~ "':,;: X s MARKED CROSSWALK X NOTE 2 NOTE 8 MARKED CROSSWALK TYPE 1 ---x+jju X GRADE BREAK MARKED CROSSWALK TYPE 2 CASE E STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN CURB RAMP 111-5 HEET 6 OF 10 363 P RKWAY 4' 1220 mm SEE NOTE 6~ EXISTING I I ROADWAY /5% ~ A2-0 CURB AND GUTTER SECTION A-A y 4' ROUNDED EDGE ...__,e--1- SECTION B-B SEE NOTE 6~ EXISTING I I ROADWAY /5 ~ -.::;:.L._+-~-~-"2=%~M~A~X~-f-~ P RK AY y 4' (1220 mm) MIN L-~::.iA2-0 CURB AND GUTTER SECTION C-C 1220 mm USE FIGURE 1 TO DETERMINE WHICH OF SECTIONS A-A, B-B OR C-C IS APPROPRIATE. DEPRESS BACK OF WALK SEE DETAIL A, B, C OR D, SHEET 10 . DEPRESS BACK OF WALK SEE DETAIL A, B, C OR D, SHEET 10, a DEPRESS BACK OF WALK ~A I~\ ( ~ilf,i,t ~ <:..pee SIDEWALK SECTION R-R z I j(1220 mm)I !(1220 mm) ~--"""71"DEPRESS BACK OF WALK ),__~~,</~ &~~i,</k ~-~ ( -~ ~C SIDEWALK SECTION S-S STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CURB RAMP STANDARD PLAN 111-5 SHEET 7 OF 10 364 PARKWAY WIDTH, FT (m) 4' 5' 6' 7' s· 9' 10' 11' 12' 13' 14' 15' 16' 17' 18' 19' 20' (1.2) MIN(1.5) (1.8) (2.1) (2.4) (2.7) (3.0) (3.3) (3.6) (3.9) (4.2) (4.5) (4.8) (5.1) (5.4) (5.7) (6.0) ,......_ 1" (25) "" E 2" (50) ' E ..._,,. " (/) 3" (75) " I w ~ I 4" {100) .....L "' / u u ' SECTION A-A r' z 5" (125)-~ I /1 LANDING = 4' (1220 mm) 1 -I u ~ w 6" (150)-u ,_z " <( 0 LL 7" (175)-I-f-- "" u en 8" (200)-~~ i ' Cl:'.'. J 'f'.._ :::::> 9" (225) u "--SECTION B-B V I""-:;i 10" (250) ./' CALCULATE Z DIMENSION "' 2 I PER FORMULA BELOW ...... Cl:'.'. 11" (275) l ... 0 ' z 12" (300) OR MORE FIGURE 1 - SECTION USAGE NORMAL WHERE FIGURE 1 SHOWS USE OF SECTION 8-B, FIGURE Z CURB FACE, SECTION Y-Y DIMENSION AS FOLLOWS: INCHES (mm) X, FT (mm) Y, FT (mm) W = PARKWAY WIDTH 2" (50) 4.00' (1220) MIN 2.63' (790) L = LANDING WIDTH, 4' (1220 mm) TYP 3" (75) 4.00' (1220) MIN 3.95' (1185) Z = [(Y+L)-W] x 0.760 4" (100) 4.00' (1220) MIN 5.26' (1580) IF (Y+L) < W, THEN Z = 0 5" (125) 4.17' (1275) 6.58' (1975) 6" (150) 5.00' (1525) 7.90' (2370) 7" (175) 5.83' (1775) 9.21' (2765) 8" (200) 6.67' (2035) 10.53' (3160) 9" (225) 7.50' (2285) 11.84' (3555) 10" (250) 8.33' (2540) 13.16' (3950) 11" (275) 9.17' (2795) 14.47' (4340) 12" (300) 10.00' (3050) 15.79' (4735) SEE SHEET 9 FOR STREET SLOPE ADJUSTMENT FACTORS, ALL STREETS TABLE 1 -X ANDY VALUES TABLE 1 REFERENCE FORMULAS: X = CF / 8.333% Y = CF / (8.333% -2% WALK CROSS SLOPE) STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN CURB RAMP 111-5 SHEET 8 OF 10 365 4' (1220 mm) j'Eo~I I .z.u!I / ,..,1r--..;::,::'-,I" ~GRADE BREAK T&// ~~ ~jT CURB/" / CURB FACE GUTTER T,'"X.DOWN, I , .1. SLOPE, S L4• X.UP :r (1220 mm) TYPICAL CURB RAMP 1 ,X.DOW~, ~ BACK OF WALK~~ I ~ ~--'-~~=--_:::::,.L-----'};Z_ 'GUTTER SECTION T-T FLOW LINE SLOPED STREET FOR SLOPED STREETS, MULTIPLY THE DIMENSIONS PARALLEL TO THE STREET, X AND Z, UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM OF THE RAMP, BY THE FACTORS IN THE FOLLOWIN.G TABLE. FOR EXAMPLE, X.DOWN = X x K.DOWN s K.DOWN K.UP 0% 1.000 1.000 0.2% 0.977 1.025 0.5% 0.943 1.064 1% 0.893 1.136 2% 0.806 1.316 3% 0.735 1.563 4% 0.676 1.923 5% 0.625 2.500 TABLE 2 -SLOPE ADJUSTMENTS TABLE 2 REFERENCE FORMULAS: K.DOWN = 8.333% / (8.333% + S) K.UP = 8.333% / (8.333% - S) STREET SLOPE ADJUSTMENTS STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN CURB RAMP 111-5 SHEET 9 OF 10 366 ' ~ @ ~ E@ (D N @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ = ~ E 0.90" ~ E (" mm)@ O:s, @ SINGLE @ @ @ PATIERN O "TRUNCATED DOME" I 12.35" (60 mm) GROOVING DETAIL DETECTABLE WARNING DETAIL CONSTRUCT FENCE OR HANDRAIL PER CONTRACT PLANS ~ 6" (150 mm) [-"-I PAVED SURFACE RETAINING CURB -I I I ,::::PAVED SURFACE \,,____~1 C DETAIL A DETAIL 8 GRADED SLOPE 2 '1 -PAVED SURFACE MAX---...._ ~= RETAINING CURB------. -,\--==========~~~ W&,W,. \ ) ~F"" DETAIL C DETAIL D GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS 520-C-2500 (310-C-17) CONFORMING TO SSPWC 201-1.1.2 AND SHALL BE 4" (100 mm) THICK. 2. THE RAMP SHALL HAVE A 12" (305 mm) WIDE BORDER WITH 1/4" (6 mm) GROOVES APPROXIMATELY 3/4" (19 mm) QC. SEE GROOVING DETAIL. 3. THE RAMP SURFACE SHALL HAVE A TRANSVERSE BROOMED SURFACE TEXTURE CONFORMING TO SSPWC 303-1.9. 4. USE DETAIL "A" OR "B" IF EXISTING SURFACE BEHIND LANDING IS PAVED. 5. USE DETAIL "c" OR "D" IF EXISTING SURFACE BEHIND LANDING IS UNPAVED. 6. R = 3' (900 mm) UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLAN. SEE SHEET 7. 7. ANGLE = t,/2 UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ON PLAN. 8. CONSTRUCT DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE PER DETAIL THIS SHEET. MATERIALS SHALL BE PER CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ST AND ARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CURB RAMP STANDARD PLAN 111-5 SHEET 10 OF 10 367 CURB RAMP f--, 0.. X w f-..., -, i 0.. X w ~~ 9il EXP JT -~E~X~P~J~T--, ~ WP J f-ll--'W"-P---'J---, WPJ TREE WELL WPJ t-t+~~W"'P~J~---< EXP JT ~ILITY POLE EXP JT WPJ EXP JT ECR &ro ~1 </ f-..., 0.. X CURB RAMP w f-..., 0.. X w DRIVEWAY ABBREVIATIONS: WPJ WEAKENED PLANE JOINT BCR BEGINNING OF CURB RETURN EXP JT EXPANSION JOINT ECR END OF CURB RETURN NOTES: 1. WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS SHALL BE USED FOR ALL JOINTS, EXCEPT THAT EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE BCR AND ECR IN CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK, AND AROUND UTILITY POLES LOCATED IN SIDEWALK AREAS. 2. WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT REGULAR INTERVALS NOT EXCEEDING 10' (3000 mm) IN WALKS AND 20' (6000 mm) IN GUTTERS. JOINTS IN CURB AND WALK SHALL BE ALIGNED. 3. CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED SEPARATELY FROM SIDEWALK. \ROPERTY LINE ..., -, ] !l: 0.. ,. -, 0.. ,. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC. GREENBOOK COMMITTEE 19B4 REV, 1996, 2009 CURB AND SIDEWALK JOINTS USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 112-2 SHEET 1 OF 1 368 WALK OR FILL-IN REPLACEMENT FOR EXCAVATIONS MADE PARALLEL TO CURB OR PROPERTY LINE WALK ADJACENT TO PROPERTY LINE WALK LESS THAN 5' (1500 mm) WIDE WALK WALK ADJACENT TO CURB WALK LESS THAN 5' (1500 mm) WIDE WALK 5' (1500 mm) WIDE OR MORE WALK~~~lE~XC~A~V~A~Tl~ON~5~-REPLACE WALK I ENTIRE WALK GUTTER FILL-IN REPLACEMENT REPLACE 30" (750 mm) MIN IF LESS THAN 30" (750 mm) REPLACE ENTIRE WALK FILL-IN LESS THAN 5' (1500 mm) WIDE FILL-IN 5' (1500 mm) WIDE OR MORE Pl:" WALK Pl:' IF LESS THAN 30" SAWCUT IF SCORELINE-, (750 mm) REPLACE SAWCUT IF SCORELINE~ 1 WALK I I FILL-IN,-IJ!~~S~AW~C~U~T~~~~i>--ENTIRE FILL-IN FILL -IN~!,~~EX~:r.i~VAiT~IO~"~'~,~-REPLACE 'A EXCAVATION°" '"" REPLACE 30" \ ENTIRE FILL-IN (750 mm) MIN w~ w~ WR~ WALK OR FILL-IN REPLACEMENT FOR EXCAVATIONS MADE NORMAL TO CURB OR PROPERTY LINE WALK Pt z 0 SAWCUT-;:: -30" (750 mm) MIN > FILL-IN <( u CURB. X w GUTTER THESE REQUIREMENTS ALSO APPLY TO ENDS OF PARALLEL EXCAVATIONS, IF AN EXCAVATION FALLS WITHIN 30" (750 mm) OF AN EXPANSION JOINT, CONSTRUCTION JOINT, WEAKENED PLANE JOINT, OR EDGE, THE CONCRETE SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE JOINT OR EDGE, IF AN EXCAVATION FALLS WITHIN 12" (300 mm) OF A SCORELINE, THE CONCRETE SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE SCORELINE, THE SCORELINE SHALL BE SAWCUT BEFORE CONCRETE REMOVAL, THE MINIMUM LENGTH OF REPLACEMENT IN BOTH CASES SHALL BE 30" (750 mm), STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED BY lHE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC. GREENBOOK COMMITIEE 1993 REV, 1996, 2009 SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTR CTION STANDARD PLAN 113-2 SHEET 1 OF 2 369 NOTES 1. CONCRETE WALK, FILL-IN AND DRIVEWAYS REMOVED IN CONNECTION WITH CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REPLACED TO NEATLY SAWED EDGES. ALL CUTS SHALL BE PARALLEL TO OR PERPENDICULAR TO THE CURB; ON CURVES, THE CUT SHALL BE RADIAL TO THE CURB. 2. DRIVEWAY APRONS IN WHICH THE ''W" DISTANCE IS LESS THAN 11' (3300 mm) SHALL BE REPLACED IN THEIR ENTIRETY IF CUT IN ANY AREA. 3. DRIVEWAY APRONS IN WHICH THE ''W'' DISTANCE IS 11' (3300 mm') OR MORE MAY BE CUT WITHIN THE ''W" SECTION. THE MINIMUM REPLACEMENT SHALL BE 30" (750 mm) IN LENGTH. THE MINIMUM DISTANCE ALLOWED BETWEEN SUCH CUTS SHALL BE 14' ( 4200 mm'). 4. DRIVEWAY APRONS IN WHICH THE ''W" DISTANCE IS 11' (3300 mm) OR MORE MAY BE CUT IN THE "X" OR "R" SECTION. REPLACEMENT SHALL BE THE ENTIRE "X" OR "R" SECTION. 5. DRIVEWAY APRONS SHALL BE REPLACED FROM THE BACK OF THE CURB TO THE FRONT EDGE OF THE WALK, EXCEPT, WHERE WALK IS ADJACENT TO CURB, REPLACEMENT SHALL BE FROM BACK OF CURB TO BACK OF WALK. 6. WALK PORTIONS OF DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE REPLACED AS SHOWN ABOVE FOR EXCAVATIONS MADE PARALLEL OR NORMAL TO CURB. 7. REPLACEMENT OF THE''X''OR"R" SECTION SHALL MATCH EXISTING CONSTRUCTION. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY REPLACEMENT 113-2 SHEET 2 OF 2 370 '? E u.. u E ' E (!) ~ E E ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ w z ::J m "' ::::, ---'6~"----, u 150 mm BATTER 3:12 A1-6(150) AND A1-8(200) w z ::J m "' ::::, ~ 6" u w :::-L 150 mm BATTER 3: 12 SLOPE 2.0% u.. u E ' E (!) 0 ~ ~ LEVEi 6" 150 mm w z ::J m "' ::::, u w BATTER 3: 12 SLOPE 8.3% LEVEL 1" fi5mm) A2-6(150) AND A2-8(200) 6" (150 mm') MIN u.. u 6" w z ::J (20 mm) R BATTER 3:12 BOTH SIDES ~ ! . 131 ~ . 0 ~ '--------------'-.-:.:.c_:_2_J_... ~ D1-6 150 AND D1-8 200 A3-6(150) AND A3-8(200) NOTES: 1. THE LAST NUMBER IN THE DESIGNATION IS THE CURB FACE (CF) HEIGHT, INCHES (mm). 2. GUTTER WIDTH, W, IS 24" (600 mm) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 3. TYPES A 1, AZ, A3 AND C1 SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM PCC. 4. TYPE D1 CURB SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM ASPHALT CONCRETE. 5. TYPE C1 CURB SHALL BE ANCHORED WITH STEEL DOWELS AS SHOWN OR WITH AN EPOXY APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 6. ALL EXPOSED CORNERS ON PCC CURBS AND GUTTERS SHALL BE ROUNDED WITH A 1 /2" (15 mm) RADIUS. I 1" 1'"(25 mm") u.. u 3" (75 mm) @ w z ::J #4 x 10" @ 4" OC (#13M x 250 mm @ 1200 mm DC) GROUTED IN PLACE BATTER 3:12 C1-6(150) AND C1-8(200) STANDARD PLAN FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED BY lHE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC. GREENBOOK COMMITTEE 1984 REV, 1996, 2009 CURB AND GUTTER - BARRIER USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 120-2 SHEET 1 OF 1 371 1" (25 mm) ·[ • • • "'o N 4" (100 mm) STREET SLOPE LESS THAN 4% E E ~I GUTTER TRANSlllON GUTTER TRANSlllON g <O (25 mm") (45-00 mm) 1" 15' PROPERTY LINE FOUR EQUALLY SPACEO OOWELS FOR CONTACT JOINTS-SEE NOTE 4 FLOW LINE 5' 1500 mm) TYP ~ 0 E z'" E oS 2' o !::o 6 O mm) ~ ~~ GUTTER ~ g~ XP JT ~---"W----+ EXP J ~ i TYPICAL CROSS GUTTER PLAN STREET SLOPE LESS THAN 4% STR GR E E f-0 ~ 0 a_ <O /j . LONGITUDINAL GUTTER STREET SLOPE 4% OR GREATER CURB NORMAL CF MINUS 2" (50 mm) GUTTER SECTION A-A STREET CENTERLINE c_ __ ____cF..cLO;.:W'-= _____ _ PROPERTY LINE I 4ft " al IL ECR FLOW LINE PROPERTY LINE TYPICAL CROSS GUTTER PLAN STREET SLOPE MORE THAN 4% 6' (1800 mm) 1" 3' 3' 1' (25 mm (900 mm) (900 mmJ (25 mm) 900 mm ...-.. ~ ~ t<")~ (900 mm) CURB +E LEVEL SECTION B-B E (600 mm) E 'N 0 ~ SECTION C-C ~ 0 0 .. 4 (100 mm) • '-E "' 0 N • • • • - SECTION 0-D -s1 DO X EQUALLY SPACED WELS FOR CONTACT JOINTS STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED BY 1HE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC. GREENBOOK COMMITTEE 19S4 REV, 1996, 2009 CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL GUTTERS USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 122-2 SHEET 1 OF 2 372 NOTES: WEAKENED PLANE JOINT OR OPTIONAL CONTACT JOINT PER NOTES 1, 2 AND 3 ~ WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS PER NOTES 1 AND 2 \ : I i~acl' ~ D ~~~-1-r~,~:--::__~.f1--+-4/~~~"' 115' (4500 mmJi c,)\ 1 , ' I ~ \ ~ / ~ • JOINT NEEDED WHEN 51,( ECR -:bJ--W -46' (14 m) OR MORE "' 1 ;;J-r 5' (1500 mm) TYP CROSS GUTTER WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS _ 5 , PER NOTES 1 AND 2 (1500 mm) TYP GUTTER TYPICAL JOINT PLAN 1. WEAKENED PLANE AND /OR CONTACT JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED IN CURB AND GUTTER AT LOCATIONS SHOWN ON THE TYPICAL JOINT PLAN HEREON. 2. WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS SHALL BE PLASTIC CONTROL JOINTS OR 1-1/2" (40 mm) DEEP SAW CUTS. CONCRETE SAWING SHALL TAKE PLACE WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONCRETE IS PLACED. 3. DOWELS FOR CONTACT JOINTS SHALL BE #4 BARS 18" LONG (#13M BARS 450 mm LONG). 4. PLACE A WEAKENED PLANE OR CONTACT JOINT WHERE LONGITUDINAL ALLEY GUTTER JOINS CONCRETE ALLEY INTERSECTION. 5. ALL EXPOSED CORNERS ON PCC GUTTERS SHALL BE ROUNDED WITH 1/2" (15 mm) RADIUS. 6. CONCRETE SHALL BE INTEGRAL WITH CURB UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN CROSS AND LONGITUDINAL GUTTERS 122-2 SHEET 2 OF 2 373 1" (25 mm) ci (100 mm) PCC 11'1 "' CONCRETE CURB-------! ! 1 1 AND GUTTER ,'t ~ ::, (.? 0 z <( ro "' ::, u (_) z 0 u 15' (4500 mm) 6' (1800 mm) 3' 3' (900 mm) (900 mm) E ':a-E ;;;-ffi, 1" (25 mm) PLAN T E E T • • • • T E, E "' 4" 100 mm) SIX EQUALLY SPACED DOWELS FOR CONTACT JOINTS 0 ~ II I BCR WEAKENED PLANE OR CONTACT JOINT SECTION A-A 2' -(600 mm) SECTION B-B < E • E L1) 0 :il & 5' (1500 mm) 5' (1500 mm) DETAIL A STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED BY TI-IE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC. GREENBOOK COMMITTEE 1993 REV, 1996, 2009 CROSS GUTTER AT T INTERSECTIONS USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION A + 0.05' (15 mm) MINIMUM A + 0.15' (45 mm) MINIMUM A + 0.05' (15 mm) MINIMUM CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER STANDARD PLAN 123-2 SHEET 1 OF 2 374 NOTES: 1. WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS SHALL BE PLASTIC CONTROL JOINTS OR 1-1/2" (35 mm) DEEP SAW CUTS. CONCRETE SAWING SHALL TAKE PLACE WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER CONCRETE IS PLACED. 2. DOWELS FOR CONTACT JOINTS SHALL BE #4 BARS 18" LONG (#13M BARS 450 mm LONG). 3. ALL EXPOSED CORNERS SHALL BE ROUNDED WITH 1 /2" (15 mm) RADIUS. 4. CONCRETE SHALL BE INTEGRAL WITH CURB UNLESS OllHERWISE SPECIFIED. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CROSS GUTTER AT T INTERTERSEC TIONS STANDARD PLAN 123-2 SHEET 2 OF 2 375 DETAIL 1 --DETAIL 2 --DETAIL 5 --DETAIL 6 -- DETAIL 8 --DETAIL 9 -- A CENTERLINES (2 LANE HIGHWAYS) D A D I I · (10.80 ml BMll\&i&il 48'-o" 14.40 m A C I I l888ii88MII 1a'-o" c 1a'-o" 181 5.40 m k8IM1ll88Ri! 5.40 m 1111 LANELINES (MULTILANE HIGHWAYS) A D A = = D 48' o• (14.40 m: A = NO PASSING ZONES ONE DIRECTION DETAIL 15 --DETAIL 16 --DETAIL 18 -I B -DETAIL 19 -- ·- • I I 1 •-~ = E r. B 18' -~' ~ 14.40 rr;_l , 1 'E : :O" : :O" w:,: ~ I• I • l N E (7.20 m) (7.20 m) g C 36'-0" C ~~ ,J (10.80 m) "b@d ' g M 58W88&§§M@3 r,.... ~ 18'-0" C 18'-0" 'E ~ (5.40 mjb......J (5.40 m'.ili M E P88WW$/9$6&§§§§ ,,..... ~ 1111 24'-0" 1111 24'-0" lll~E I• (7.20 m) •I' (7.20 m) •I "'! ~ NO PASSING ZONES-TWO DIRECTION ':::':_ -~ ,:::,. ,.._: ' ,.:J~: : ~:·:'=~~ LEFT EDGELINES _ (DIVIDED HIGHWAYS) DETAIL 24 ~ -'-.__EDGE OF TRAVELED WA/ ! E ~ E ·u:::::"'.•'.:,:,:•:'•·~·:·:-:,•:,· :::;u•u,:,:,:•:•:·:·,:,·" DETAIL 25 - DETAIL 25A - DETAIL 26 - DETAIL 28 - E •>• "·'. """::::::::··. '.:Y ::'.•"" ·,;::;:.;;:;'.' '•" ·:2'::! :;; • '.._ EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY ~. 48'-o" (14.40 m) .~ , E NE g MEDIAN ISLANDS l! l -i:, !lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!ll!llllllllll!!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllSlll!it IZ ······························································•·:·•·•·•·:-:-:. "'"'' '~ s ,.._,. ,.._,. J ~ -E ~· (7.20 m)~ (7.20 m)~~ i,, ~~ ' ~ -J~1111 1111 !Ill~ N ::E N~ SEE SHEET 2 FOR DIMENSIONS A TO D fis STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS STANOA~OS INC. GREENSOOK COMMITTEE 2011 PAVEMENT MARKERS AND TRAFFIC LINES USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 170-0 SHEET OF 4 376 DETAIL 31 - -DETAIL 32 - TWO-WAY LEFT TURN LANES ~' (10.80 m) ~' (10.80 m) '~ E =iMiMiliiM&M&=~!!ililll~;;:~im~=~**lllllo:§~:~~~==*~;,-,t~'1 Eg , .. l It) E ad 96 -0 (28.80 m b , E '?;;;, l 24)-o" 24 1 -0'1 24'-o" 24'-o" I 24'-o" ' 24'-o" No~ E"" ~ 1!111-(7.20 m) lllll (7.20 m) !!ii \7.20 m) !Ill t].20 ml l!lll (7.20 m lllll (7.20 m)!!i! ien £_ '<j> ~ - 0 (5.40 m)liililll!l!!lll 36'-o" (10.,WJ m) iill!.!!lllllll , I, C I (10.80 m) ~ 9..- ~18' o" • E 5.40 m~--- !l!l 1111 !!Ii! 1111 1111 "' E ~i.~---~9~5_·-~o~"~c~2s~·~so'--"-m~l ____ -i,I~ c ~ CHANNELIZING LINE BIKE LANE LINE ~ c=6" (150 mm) WHITE LINE t DETAIL 39 f DETAIL 38 c= 8' (200 mm) WHITE LIN~, ~ { { °'o m 24'-o" m 24'-o" m I • • 1 ~ I (7.20 m) (7.20 m) THROUGH iRAFFIC- INTERSECTION LINE BIKE LANE DETAIL 38A f c= 8" (200 mm) WHITE LINE t DETAIL 39A I , ,, 200' -0" (60.0 m) , 1 IJ'lTERSECTION I c::J CJ c;;:i D -L,J_H'=_o" '-s" (150 mm) 8'-o"-7~\1.20 m) WHITE LINE LANE LINE EXTENSIONS THROUGH INTERSECTIONS (2.40 m) DETAIL 40 6'·-0" /-0" )I I, ~1.80 m) 0.30 m D D ~ D D 4" (100 mm) WHITE LINE CENTER LINE EXTENSIONS THROUGH INTERSECTIONS DETAIL 41 6'-0" 11-0" /., c--' 0-.3-"-0-m_),__I """I •-'-"'j-' I ( 1.80 m) 1!11 llllll! ~ 111!111 1!1111 4" (100 mm) YELLOW LINE DIMENSIONS A = 7'-0" (2.10 m) B = 8' -6" (2.55 m) c = 12'-o" (3.60 m) D = 17'-0" (5.10 m) STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT MARKERS AND TRAFFIC LINES STANDARD PLAN 170-0 SHEET 2 OF 4 377 LEGEND MARKERS 0 TYPE A WHITE NON-REFLECTIVE ® TYPE AY YELLOW NON-REFLECTIVE [D TYPE B CLEAR TWO-WAY RETROREFLECTIVE §J TYPE RED / CLEAR RETROREFLECTIVE lllll TYPE D YELLOW TWO-WAY RETROREFLECTIVE [I TYPE G CLEAR ONE-WAY RETROREFLECTIVE Iii TYPE H YELLOW ONE-WAY RETROREFLECTIVE llIIJ TYPE I BLUE TWO-WAY RETROREFLECTIVE ~ 1 1 411 WHITE ~ 4" YELLOW -DIRECTION OF TRAVEL i: E oE ITTE 1nE ":E "E r---E «>E dlO do ~ f s! d 0 "' 3.88" TO 4.13" r:> ~ 3.88" TO 4.13" fg;; (98 TO 105 mm) ~:-g O C::::::::::Swg; ~ (98 TO 10:!!!~!!!!!m!!!!!r!!!!!)!!!!!' I~; ~ ! ~ ~ g ~00~ ne.o o~ C}J: TYPE A & TYPE AY ~TY~P~E_B~T~Y~P~E ~C~T~YP~E-D~&~TY~P~E~I llflll RETROREFLECTIVE FACE MARKER DETAILS TYPE G & TYPE H STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT MARKERS AND TRAFFIC LINES STANDARD PLAN 170-0 SHEET 3 OF 4 378 4" (100 mm) CLEAR , , • 1~ ¢ FIRE HYDRANT ¢ FIRE HYDRANT 2'-0" (600 mm) STREETS WITH CENTER LINE OR SINGLE LANE STRIPING STREETS WITHOUT LANE STRIPING I I\ 4• (100 mm) CLEAR I ~ ¢ FIRE HYDRANT I I I I /_ --0-FIRE HYDRANT hMARKER PLACED IN FRONT OF DRIVEWAY STREETS WITH MULTIPLE LANE STRIPING AT DRIVEWAY OR SOME DISTANCE FROM STREET FIRE HYDRANT MARKERS STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT MARKERS AND TRAFFIC LINES STANDARD PLAN 170-0 SHEET .4 OF 4 379 1 · 6'-o" (1.83 m) ·1 Vi A \ V I I \ , r,.,. ~ I 1 ' '\ i:, E I.,,_ " .,,. '\ ...... 00 • N ~ ' ' " ll., "'l\ 1'1 / I ,. V +--!--+---Ir-+-~--- 1'-0" x 1'-o" GRID (305 x 305 mm) A=15 FT' (1.39 m') TYPE II (L) ARROW (FOR TYPE II (R) ARROW, USE MIRROR IMAGE) 1'-9 11 lisfB'inm) +-f-+-hl-1-H-+--- I I 6" x 6" GRID I I 6" (150 x 150 mm) (150 mm) A=7 FT' (0.65 m2 ) BIKE LANE ARROW \ 1'-0" X 1'-0" GRID I .. I 1'-0" (305 x 305 mm) ~ mm) A=27 FT' (2.51 m') TYPE Ill (L) ARROW (FOR TYPE Ill (R) ARROW, USE MIRROR IMAGE) 4" x 8" GRID (100 x 200 mm) 1 · (1.065 m)' I +--1----.l~t--+· - I \ ' +--1-~..._t--+· -I 1'-0" I (305 mm) A=14 FT' (1.30 m') TYPE I 1 O' (3 m) ARROW I 4'-s" I • (1.42 m) ' A=17.5 FT' (1.63 m') I, <1:~2 8:i , I I t1:~a 1~> , I A=16.5 FT' (1.53 m') A=19.5 FT' (1.81 m') I, 3' 4" • J (1.00 m) A=7 FT' (0.65 m') 4" x 4" GRID (100 x 100 mm) NUMERALS BIKE LANE SYMBOL STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED BY lliE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC, GREENBOOI< COMMITIEE 2011 PAVEMENT MARKINGS ARROWS AND SYMBOLS USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 171-0 SHEET 1 OF 5 380 1 · 51 6 11 · 1 (1.68 m) j \ I \ I ' \ • "E ' \ "' I "' 1 . "' I "' . ~ I \ ...... \ ' ~ "II -,..._ b E 1~ j ' "' "'! /JI 0 - /.... 1$ f a: ts & & A=42 FT' (3.90 m') 'Si I jf I TYPE II t,RROW RIGHT LANE DROP ARROW ts ,,,,. i..,,,-I (FOR LEFT LANE, 8 20·'/ USE MIRROR IMAGE) f::c: & 1'-0" x 1'-0" GRID !! r (305 x 305 mm) NOTES: 1. IF A MESSAGE CONSISTS OF MORE THAN ONE WORD, IT SHALL READ "UP"; THAT IS, THE FIRST WORD SHALL BE NEAREST THE DRIVER. 2. THE SPACE BETWEEN WORDS SHALL BE AT LEAST FOUR TIMES THE HEIGHT OF THE CHARACTERS FOR LOW SPEED ROADS, BUT NOT MORE THAN TEN TIMES THE HEIGHT OF THE CHARACTERS. THE SPACE MAY BE REDUCED APPROPRIATELY WHERE THERE IS LIMITED SPACE BECAUSE OF LOCAL CONDITIONS. 3. MINOR VARIA110NS IN DIMENSIONS MAY BE ACCEPTED BY THE ENGINEER. 4. PORTIONS OF A LEDER, NUMBER, OR SYMBOL MAY BE SEPARATED BY CONNECTING SEGMENTS NOT TO EXCEED 2" (50 mm) IN W1DTH. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN PAVEMENT MARKINGS 171-0 ARROWS AND SYMBOLS SHEET 2 OF 5 381 . . 4" x 8" GRID (100 x 200 mm) A=22 FT' (2.04 m') l1TIT A=24 FT2 (2.23 m') ,. !- ,. A=19 FT' (1.77 m') A=23 FT' (2.14 m') A=26 FT' (2.42 m') . mt Ifft A=26 FT' (2.42 m') A=19 FT' (1.77 m2 ) A=24 FT2 (2.23 m2 ) A=22 FT' (2.04 m2 ) A=21 FT' (1.95 m') A=16 FT' (1.49 m') A=18 FT' (1.67 m') 4'-5 1 ' 2'-81 II (0.83 m A=32 FT' (2.97 m') A=14 FT' (1.30 m') A(WHITE)=9 FT2 (0.84 m2 ) A(BLUE)=14 FT' (1.30 m') DISABLED PERSONS PARKING SYMBOL STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT MARKINGS ARROWS AND SYMBOLS STANDARD PLAN 171-0 SHEET 3 OF 5 382 A=27 FT2 (2.51 m') A=42 FT' (3.90 m') A=24 FT2 (2.23 m 2 ) A=43 FT' ( 4.00 m') A=6 FT2 (0.56 m') A=31 FT' (2.88 m 2 ) 2" x 4" GRID (50 x 100 mm) A=5 FT2 (0.47 m2 ) A=35 FT2 (3.25 m') STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT MARKINGS ARROWS AND SYMBOLS STANDARD PLAN 171-0 SHEET 4 OF 5 383 4" x 8" GRID (100 x 200 mm) A=24 FT' (2.23 m') ""-....... A=23 FT' (2.14 m') A=21 FT' (1.95 m') 1, .. - - A=20 FT' (1.86 m') 1'-0" x 1'-0" GRID (305 x 305 mm) '-4 a'-o" (2.44 ml \ \ \ ' lo--' \ ,,_.!( C 4\ r!l ' \ I Q. \ ' ' \ ' \ \ I '\ ' , I l ' , 1.:.1 • I ' • l I JI \ , I \ ' 1 I • I \ ' I ' I I I ~ ~ ' I I I ' --2'-0° X WID -- • > ' ~ OE • I ,-.. :'!N "' ~ (610 mm) TH OF LANE ' ~~-0,47 I rn) • 'I I l ,,....... b E L..I' ' E I 0 0 I ~ ~ ~ -"' (0 ~ ~ \ \ 1 \ \ 1 . ~ :"' >E o,.... .IN ... "' ~~ -- A=17 FT' (1.58 m') 2'-0" x WID (610 mm) TH OF LANE -- A=70 FT' (1.86 m')* * DOES NOT INCLUDE THE 2'-0" (610 mm) TRANSVERSE LINES . .3'-3" 0.99 m RAil ROAD CROSSING SYMBOL A=11 FT' (1.02 m') DIAMOND SYMBOL STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PAVEMENT MARKINGS ARROWS AND SYMBOLS STANDARD PLAN 171-0 SHEET 5 OF 5 384 E ~12" WHITE . ,,,. { (300 mm) roN -a- ~ft-~~~~+-~~~n-~~~~~~-..........._ \..,._ R1 \ @~~~ -20' (7 m) RED CURB ~ Wf "' OR SEE PLANS !\__DETAIL 22 OR SEE PLANS -LEGEND SHALL BE CENTERED ON THE TRAFFIC LANE EXCLUDING PARKING AND /OR BIKE LANE STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGA1ED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC, GREENBOOK COMMITTEE 2011 STOP AND STOP BAR USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBllC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 172-0 SHEET 1 OF 1 385 PAVEMENT ARROWS PER SPPWC 171 --- DETAIL 28, 29 OR 30 OR RAISED CURB (SEE PLANS) --<. NOTES: ~CAT-TRACKING PER / SPPWC 170 DETAIL 40 --4" (100 mm) WHITE LINE WITH TYPE G MARKERS AT EITHER END z SE '? 0 "' ,~--,DETAIL 8, 9 OR 10 (SEE PLANS) U---t---DETAIL 38 CURB POINT OF CURVATURE 1. ARROWS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE BEGINNING OF ALL LEFT TURN AND RIGHT TURN POCKETS. 2, ARROWS SHALL OPTIONALLY BE INSTALLED AT THE END OF LEFT AND RIGHT TURN POCKETS 100' (30 m) OR MORE IN LENGTH. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC. GREENBOOK COMMITTEE 2011 INTERSECTION APPROACH STRIPING USE WITH STANDARD SP CIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 173-0 SHEET OF 1 386 SIDEWALK ...... 12" 5' 1.5 m) MIN URB LINE 1.5 m 12" SIDEWALK 10' (3 m) 12" CURB LINE 5' (1.5 m) 12" ;; (300 mm) (300 mm) CROSSWALK STRIPING (300 mm) (300 mm) CROSSWALK -STRIPING CASE I CASE II NOTES: 1. ALL CROSSWALKS SHALL BE WHITE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS. 2. CASE II SHALL BE USED ONLY IF THE 5' (1.5 m) MINIMUM DIMENSION FOR CASE I CANNOT BE MAINTAINED. 3. CASE I SHALL BE USED WITH 90' DELTA AND 25' (7.5 m) OR GREATER CURB RETURN RADIUS. 10'x2' (3 000 x 600 mm) THERMOPLASTIC MARKING -- PROLONGATION OF CURB LINE 1' (300 mm) E ,,., THERMOPLASTIC MARKING--+- CURB LINE OF ROADWAY - VARIES CURB LINE LADDER STYLE STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGA'TU> BY lttE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC. GREENBOOK COt.lMITIEE 2011 CROSSWALK STRIPING USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 174-0 SHEET 1 OF 1 387 DETAIL 22 OR PER PLANS ---i-~. II REFLECTIVE WHITE LEGEND MARKINGS PER CALTRANS STD PLAN A24D 12" (300 mm) WHITE CROSSWALK LINES 5' (7.5 m) RED CURB 100' (30 m) MIN KINu_-+-1·'::>.-32· (9.6 ml PED, _ _,___,_ W54A 8' (2,4 m) PEDESTRIAN MARKING AT CROSSWALK 12" (300 mm YELLOW CROSSWA~LK~Ll~NE~S~;;;;;~n==d-•- DETAIL 22 OR SW25 PER PLANS 25' (7.5 m) RED CURB 1 oo' (30 m) MIN 8' (2.4 m)~-- 32' ( 9. 6 m) 'S::---\.',--4 REFLECTIVE YELLOW LEGEND MARKINGS PER CALTRANS STD PLAN A24D / SR4 (WHERE POSTED SPEED LIMIT EXCEEDS 25 MPH) -•-W63 OR SW24 (WHERE POSTED OR PRIMA FACIE SPEED UMIT=25MPH) PEDESTRIAN MARKING AT SCHOOL CROSSWALK NOTES: 1. LEGEND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN EACH TRAFFIC LANE APPROACHING A SCHOOL OR PEDESTRIAN CROSSING UNLESS THE PLANS SHOW A DOUBLE SET OF LEGEND MARKINGS INSTALLED IN ONE EXCEPTIONALLY WIDE LANE. 2. LEGEND SHALL BE CENTERED ON THE TRAFFIC LANE EXCLUDING PARKING AND/OR BIKE LANE. 3. MINIMUM RED CURB ON APPROACH CROSSWALK SHALL BE 25' (7.5 m), WITH 15' (4.5 m) ON DEPARTURE LEGS. 4. ALL SCHOOL AND PEDESTRIAN WARNING SIGNS (W54, W54A, W63, SW24, SW25 and SR4) SHALL BE HIGH-VISIBILITY FLOURESCENT YELLLOW-GREEN. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGAlED BY lliE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INO. GRE£NB00K COMMITIEE 2011 PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 175-0 SHEET 1 OF 1 388 1 ....__1----TYPE F, CLASS 2 DELINEA TORS ...J EACH 200 FT (60 m) • • • • ~ 3 MINIMUM z ~ z 0 F Vi z <( g, ~~~ ~ 'R4-1 ' CENTER vTYPE IV ARROWS DIVIDER V .,, (_ -EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY ~ ---" ...,__~ W9-1 NOT TO SCALE SEE PLANS FOR DIMENSIONS d, L, AND W SEE SHEET 2 FOR MUTCD (CA) GUIDELINES FOR DISTANCE d LANE DROP SPEED 40 MPH (65 km /H) OR LESS CENTER DIVIDER • • • • • ...J R4-1 NOT USED WHERE TWO OR MORE LANES REMAIN BEYOND LANE DROP I---EDGE OF TRAVELED WAY --~ ..L.-~ W9-1 LANE DROP SPEED 45 MPH (70 km /H) OR MORE STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROl,4ULGATEO SY 'THE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC. GREENSOOK COMMITTEE 2011 LANE REDUCTION MARKINGS USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 176-0 SHEET 1 OF 2 389 W4-7(R) --'-.- LEFT TRAP LANE NOT TO SCALE W73A(CA)(L), -~ DETAIL 378 OR 37C ----- . " ------- R3-7(L)-t:).._ ~'? • en g~ CURB LINE, o!i!l I SEE PLANS FOR DIMENSION d, ADVANCE PLACEMENT DISTANCE POST SIGNS IN MEDIAN WHERE POSSIBLE MUTCD (CA) EXCERPT: "TYPICAL CONDITIONS ARE LOCATIONS WHERE THE ROAD USER MUST USE EXTRA TIME TO ADJUST SPEED AND CHANGE LANES IN HEAVY TRAFFIC BECAUSE OF A COMPLEX DRIVING SITUATION. TYPICAL SIGNS ARE MERGE AND RIGHT LANE ENDS. THE DISTANCES ARE DETERMINED BY PROVIDING THE DRIVER A PIEV TIME OF 14.0 TO 14.5 SECONDS FOR VEHICLE MANEUVERS {2001 AASHTO POLICY, EXHIBIT 3-3, DECISION SIGHT DISTANCE, AVOIDANCE MANEUVER E) MINUS THE LEGIBILITY DISTANCE OF 175 FEET OF THE APPROPRIATE SIGN." - MUTCD { CA) GUIDELINES FOR ADVANCE PLACEMENT DISTANCE POSTED OR 85th PERCENTILE SPEED 20 mph 25 mph 30 mph 35 mph 40 mph 45 mph 50 mph 55 mph 60 mph 65 mph 70 mph 75 mph I !!,l; / -L--.-,!- R3-7{R) _.....DETAIL 378 ------OR 37C -L.---W73{CA) R) d 225' (59 m) 325' (99 m) 450' (137 m) 550' (168 m) 650' (198 m) 750' (229 m) 850' (259 m) 950' (290 m) 1100' (335 m) 1200' (366 m) 1250' {381 m) 1350' (411 m) RIGHT TRAP LANE ..... --~ W4-7{L) STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN LANE REDUCTION MARKINGS 176-0 SHEET 2 OF 2 390 DETAIL 39 . 100'-200' (30-60 m) --,-SEE PROJECT ~ PLANS ( , ' ' 6" (150 mm) WHITE STRIPING V 6' 5' 6' (1.8 m) (1.52 m) (1.8 m) / c_./ ' VARIABLE. SEE PLANS.~ CURB LINEc_/ GUTTER TOE LINE , ) 4 (1.2 m MIN FROM EDGE OF GUTTER r R81(CA) BIKE LANE (CLASS II) NOT TO SCALE ~ 5' 6' E ~E (1.52 m) (1.8 m) ::,; 0 4" (100 mm) \,.D YELLOW CENTERLINE--------... £SHOULDER Ne ~ E ' Ea:: \ ' 8::'i ""' ~~d ~ ~ en"' E ui <OZ w-,,.;5 -------o I J2.7 m I ':i I-oa. ~ =l> >. I-uJ ro'id'" w 0.9 m ' (/) (3') (9')' ~ ' ' "---EDGE OF BIKE PATH SHOULDER) E ~E "'a \,.D TWO-WAY BIKE PATH (CLASS I) Ne NOT TO SCALE NOTE: ALL BICYCLE STRIPING AND MARKINGS SHALL BE WHITE REFLECTIVE PAINT EXCEPT AS NOTED FOR TWO-WAY BIKE PATH. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION 5' -(1,52 m) PROMULGA 1EO BY THE PUBLIC WORKS STANOAROS INC. STANDARD PLAN GREENBOOK COMMITTEE 2.011 BIKE LANE MARKING &: STRIPING USE WI n STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION 177--0 SHEET 1 OF ' 391 INSTALL MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER (SEE NOTE 1C) PROPOSED GRADE OR TOP OF MANHOLE INSTALL MANHOLE FRAME AND rPROPOSED GRADE OR COVER (SEE NOTE 1C)=" _ TOP OF MANHOLE 1/2" (15 mm) CLASS "D" MORTAR EXISTING 1 1 1 1 I I II I I II MANHOLE -----..ii I I II II I I II JI I ~. l l1 JI I rw t II 11 I I II 11 I I 11 j I I 11 11 I I 11 11 I I 11 11 I I 11 II I I 11 11 I /-1-, I 11 11 "--L 1+-',>_i--> 11 j ~ -,1 1, L __________ _J EXISTING GRADE OR D TOP OF EXISTING ksEE NOTE 18)1 12" (300 mm) MIN. 24" (610 mm) MAX. (SEE NOTE 2A) MANHOLE :::-::'::,..,__m------ 8 I 8 TOP OF EXISTING BRICKWORK REMOVE EXISTING BRICKWORK TO AN ELEVATION AT WHICH INSIDE DIAMETER OF EXISTING MANHOLE IS NOT LESS THAN 30" (750 mm) ,-;:;J-----------1;:;{--+ I I \ \ :z~ I I \ \ :, ::> I I \ \ ~Est I I \ \ E I I I \ \ EE~ I I \ \ g~o /ut-----------tul "'"~ I I I I ~ ... /b~ I I I I-"' I I I I fc,/------L-----juj I I I I I I I !-,__ I I I I EXISTING L.L __________ _j_...J MANHOLE r1--==r1y==--n ~t-----T-----+~ L.L-----1------1....I RAISING EXISTING PRECAST CONCRETE SEWER MANHOLES EXISTING GRADE OR TOP OF EXISTING MANHOLE-.._ ------------------------~- RAISING EXISTING BRICK MANHOLES PROPOSED GRADE OR TOP OF MANHOLE INSTALL MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER RECONSTRUCT BRICKWORK, 40" (1 m) MIN. 1/2" (15 mm) CEMENT PLASTER ru, (SEE NOTE 1c) I I I I /Ur---------iw,;--- 1,_rl D l,_rl ~(SEE NOTE 1B)~ lul----------\u\1--...... I I \ \ z~ I I \ \ :;; ::> I I \ \ ~Est I I \ \ E I I I \ \ EE~ I I \ \ gfflo /ut-----------tul "'"~ I I I l ~"o~ I I I I-"' I I I I fc,1---- --1------Jul I I I I I I I I I I I I""--EXISTING L.L __________ _j_...J MANHOLE r1--==r11==--n ~t-----T-----+~ L.L-----1------1....J LOWERING EXISTING BRICK MANHOLES LOWERING EXISTING PRECAST CONCRETE SEWER MANHOLES BRICK MANHOLES PRECAST CONCRETE SEWER MANHOLES PROMULGATED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARD, INC. GREENBOOK COMMITIEE 1984 REV, 1996, 2009 STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION SEWER MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT USE ~TH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 205-2 SHEET 1 OF 3 392 NOTES: 1. GENERAL A. EXCEPT AS INDICATED HEREON OR ON THE PLANS, MANHOLES SHALL CONFORM TO: SPPWC 200, PRECAST CONCRETE SEWER MANHOLE AND SPPWC 203, BRICK SEWER MANHOLE. B. DIMENSION "D" SHALL BE THE SAME AS THE SIZE OF MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER TO BE USED. C. THE CONTRACTOR MAY REUSE THE EXISTING MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER, UNLESS DAMAGED DURING THE WORK OR WHEN OTHERWISE SHOWN IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. ITEMS DAMAGED BY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REPLACED WITH IDENTICAL NEW ITEMS AT NO EXPENSE TO THE AGENCY. D. EXISTING STEPS LOCATED WITHIN REMOVAL LIMITS SHALL BE REPLACED. WHEN REMOVAL OF EXISTING STEPS BEYOND THE MANHOLE REMOVAL LIMITS IS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, THE STEPS SHALL BE REMOVED TO A DEPTH OF 2" (50 mm) BEYOND THE INSIDE FACE OF THE BRICK MANHOLE AND THE HOLES SHALL BE FILLED WITH CLASS "D" MORTAR. 2. RAISING EXISTING BRICK MANHOLES A. BRICK MANHOLES TO BE RAISED LESS THAN 1' (300 mm) MAY BE EXTEND VERTICALLY, PROVIDED THAT AT A DEPTH OF 2 1 /2' (750 mm) BELOW THE TOP OF THE MANHOLE AT ITS NEW ELEVATION, THE INSIDE DIAMETER OF THE MANHOLE IS 30" (750 mm) OR GREATER. B. BRICK MANHOLES TO BE RAISED LESS THAN 3 1 /2" (90 mm) MAY BE RAISED BY APPLYING CLASS "D" MORTAR TO THE TOP OF THE EXISTING BRICKWORK. IF THE BRICK MANHOLE IS TO BE RAISED 3 1 /2" (90 mm) OR MORE, A NEW COURSE OR COURSES OF BRICKWORK SHALL BE PLACED ON TOP OF THE EXISTING BRICKWORK. 3. LOWERING EXISTING BRICK MANHOLES A. WHERE A BRICK MANHOLE IS TO BE LOWERED LESS THAN 1' (300 mm), THE FRAME MAY BE RESET ON THE EXISTING BRICKWORK AND THE 40" (1 m) MINIMUM BRICKWORK RECONSTRUCTION OMITTED, PROVIDED THAT THE BASE OF THE FRAME DOES NOT OVERHANG THE BRICKWORK ON THE INSIDE SURFACE OF THE MANHOLE MORE THAN AN AVERAGE OF 1 1/2" (35 mm) IN ANY QUADRANT NOR MORE THAN 2" (50 mm) AT ANY POINT. 4. RAISING EXISTING PRECAST CONCRETE SEWER MANHOLES A. PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLES TO BE RAISED LESS THAN 3" (75 mm) MAY BE RAISED BY APPL YING CLASS "D" MORTAR TO THE TOP OF THE EXISTING MANHOLE, PROVIDED THE TOTAL HEIGHT OF MORTAR, EXISTING AND NEWLY APPLIED, DOES NOT EXCEED 3" (75 mm). B. WHERE THE PRECAST CONCRETE MANHOLE IS TO BE RAISED 3" (75 mm) OR MORE, OR WHERE THE TOTAL HEIGHT OF MORTAR, EXISTING AND NEWLY APPLIED, WOULD EXCEED 3" (75 mm), GRADE RINGS SHALL BE UTILIZED. CLASS "D" MORTAR MAY BE USED FOR FINAL ADJUSTMENT, BUT NOT MORE THAN 3" (75 mm) IN HEIGHT. WHERE RAISING THE MANHOLE WOULD RESULT IN THE UPPER SEGMENT OF THE SHAFT BEING MORE THAN 30" (750 mm) IN HEIGHT, REMOVE THE REDUCER AND THE UPPER SEGMENT OF THE SHAFT, INSTALL ADDITIONAL RINGS OR PIPE TO THE LOWER SEGMENT OF THE SHAFT, AND REINSTALL THE REDUCER AND GRADE RINGS AS REQUIRED. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN SEWER MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT 205-2 SHEET 2 OF 3 393 5. LOWERING EXISTING PRECAST CONCRETE SEWER MANHOLES A. REMOVE SUFFICIENT GRADE RINGS TO LOWER THE MANHOLES AS REQUIRED, APPLY CLASS "D" MORTAR TO A HEIGHT NOT EXCEEDING 3" (75 mm) FOR ADJUSTMENT TO FINAL GRADE. B. WHERE REMOVAL OF GRADE RINGS WOULD RESULT IN THE UPPER SEGMENT OF THE SHAFT BEING LESS THAN 12" (300 mm) IN HEIGHT, REMOVE THE REDUCER AND SUFFICIENT SECTIONS OF THE LOWER SEGMENT OF THE SHAFT AND REINSTALL ANY NECESSARY SEGMENT OF THE LOWER SHAFT, THE REDUCER, AND THE GRADE RINGS TO CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PLAN. C. EXISTING GRADE RINGS NEED NOT BE REMOVED IF EXISTNG MORTAR IS REMOVED, AND AT LEAST 1 1/2" (35 mm) OF MORTAR MAY BE PLACED ON TOP OF THE EXISTING GRADE RINGS TO RESEAT THE FRAME. 6. REPLACEMENT OF BRICK REDUCER WITH PRECAST CONCRETE REDUCER AND SHAFT UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR MAY INSTALL A PRECAST CONCENTRIC CONCRETE REDUCER, CONCRETE GRADE RINGS, AND CONCRETE PIPE IN LIEU OF RECONSTRUCTING A BRICK REDUCER, PROVIDED: A. THE MAXIMUM ID OF SEWER PIPE CONNNECTED TO THE MANHOLE DOES NOT EXCEED 8" (200 mm). B. THE CONTRACTOR SECURES PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE ENGINEER TO INSTALL THE CONCENTRIC REDUCER ONTO THE MANHOLE SHAFT. THE ENGINEER MAY, AS PART OF THE INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS, REQUIRE THE CONTRACTOR TO COAT THE INSIDE OF THE REDUCER, RINGS, AND PIPE WITH AN APPROVED COATING. C. THE CONCRETE GRADE RINGS, THE CONCRETE REDUCER, AND ANY CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE JOINED TOGETHER AND BEDDED ONTO THE EXISTING BRICK MANHOLE WITH CLASS "D" MORTAR. THE DEPTH, WIDTH, AND THICKNESS OF THE MORTAR SHALL BE OF SUFFICIENT DIMENSIONS TO PROPERLY AND ADEQUATELY JOIN AND BED THE COMPONENT PARTS. STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN SEWER MANHOLE ADJUSTMENT 205-2 SHEET 3 OF 3 394 :'\ ::: •' ',6 .,.., ... .4 I I I RAISING RINGS TO BE MADE OF STEEL, ASTM DESIGNATION AT MERCHANT QUALITY WELD JOINTS AND GRIND FLUSH. WELD PENETRA- TION TO BE 1 /8" (3 mm). ~----J____ B 9/32" (7 mm) DIA ;'f/ HOLE COUNTER-,:, 24" 610 mm 12 305 mm 1 1 286 mm RAWL LENGTH EQUALS 0+1 /~ljf:I\ 40 mm) MIN STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME PER SPPWC 210 STEEL RAISING RINGS 7/8" 22 m ) CAST IRON RAISING RING EXISTING SURFACE:--~ 5/8" (16 mm) STAINLESS STEEL SOCKETHEAD CONE- POINTED SETSCREW, 5/8" (16 mm) IINC- 1 (25 mm) SECTION B-B SECTION A-A CAST IRON RAISING RINGS STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION PROMULGATED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS STANDARDS INC, GREENBOOK COMMITIEE 1984 REV. 1996, 2009 MANHOLE RAISING RINGS USE WITH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN 206-2 SHEET 1 OF 2 395 NOTES: 1. MACHINE SEATS FROM CAST IRON RINGS. 2. THE CAST IRON USED SHALL CONFORM TO SSPWC 206-3. 3. THE METAL RAISING RINGS MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF THE REGULAR METHOD OF ADJUSTMENT UTILIZING MORTAR OR BRICK AND MORTAR UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS. A. ONLY ONE ADJUSTMENT WITH RAISING RINGS WILL BE ALLOWED ON ANY MANHOLE. B. MAXIMUM "D" SHALL BE 3" (75 mm). STANDARD PLANS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION STANDARD PLAN MANHOLE RAISING RINGS 206-2 SHEET 2 OF 2 396 1. CONCRETE CURBS & GUTTERS 1.1 Where Required The requirements for installing curbs and gutters are shown on B-Series plates. 1.2 Design Curbs and gutters shall be constructed per SPPWC Standard Plan 120, types A1-6 and A2-6. W = 18" or to match adjacent gutter. Where a sidewalk crosses a driveway the thickness of the sidewalk must be at least 6 inches. 1.3 PCC Class Concrete class and construction shall be as specified in Plate A-7. Permeable concrete can be used for gutters beside an A1-6 curb where a moisture barrier is used to prevent water from infiltrating into the road base and subgrade under the pavement. The moisture barrier shall be single-ply, 30 mil thick PVC, and be placed between the edge of pavement and the gutter. It must be a minimum of 5 feet in depth extending vertically from the top of the permeable concrete gutter. Excess water that cannot infiltrate must be drained into a storm drain system or a dry well system separated from the roadway. 1.4 Base Required Where roadway subgrade has an R-value of ”14, min 4" thickness of PMB shall be placed under curbs and gutters. Where permeable concrete is used as the gutter place 1 foot of open graded aggregate wrapped in geotextile filter fabric as the base layer. 2. CROSS GUTTERS 2.1 Where Required Cross gutters shall be installed wherever surface drainage is to be carried across a road. 2.2 Where Prohibited No surface drainage is to be carried across a road and no cross gutters are permitted across the following road sections: a) Primary or Secondary roads (Plates B-2 & B-3 [A]). b) Collector roads (Plates B-3 [A], B-4 [A], B-5 [A] and B-7 [A]) except at locations where vehicular traffic is required to stop or where through traffic movement is precluded such as at the single leg of a T-intersection. 2.3 Design Cross gutters shall be constructed per SPPWC Standard Plan 122 and 123. 2.4 PCC Class Concrete class and construction shall be as specified in Plate A-7. 2.5 Base Required Cross gutters and spandrels shall be constructed over 6 " thickness of PMB. COUNTY OF VENTURA PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY ROAD STANDARDS REVISION:PLATEUS UNITS ADOPTED BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 05-16-2017 APPROVED BY:REVISION DATE:DESCRIPTION: D F J P CURBS & GUTTERS E-1 397 2. DRIVEWAYS 2.1 Residential Residential driveways shall be constructed according to SPPWC Std. Plan 110, Type A with the following limitations: 2.1.1 W • 10 feet and W ” 27 feet. 2.1.2 The sum of W's for all driveways shall not exceed 40% of the property frontage, however at least one W = 10' driveway is allowed on each lot. 2.1.3 No driveway shall be constructed in the curb return area at intersections or within 5' of the BCR or ECR. 2.1.4 No driveway or driveway apron shall be constructed in the area occupied by a catch basin's local depression. 2.1.5 The outer edge of the driveway warp shall be 2 feet clear of obstructions in the R/W such as fire hydrants, utility poles, street light standards, signs and mailboxes. 2.1.6 No driveway is allowed unless there is space on the private property for parking an 18' long vehicle. 2.1.7 Where the road grade exceeds 5% and there is no sidewalk next to the curb, an L-shaped deflector curb shall be installed on the downslope side of the driveway. The curb shall be SPPWC 120, Type A1-6, 6" high above the roadway curb, extending 5' along the driveway and 2' along the roadway curb. 2.1.8 PCC may be colored or textured or both. Texturing shall not reduce the required thickness and shall not be either so smooth or so rough as to be hazardous to pedestrians. 2.1.9 Driveways shall be PCC class 520-C-2500, 6" thick. Where the existing road does not have PCC curbs, driveways may be constructed of AC C1 or C2-PG 64-10, either 6" thick or 2" thick over 4" of PMB. Sidewalks over driveway and driveway aprons must be 6' thick. 2.2.0 Where the existing road does not have PCC curbs, driveways shall be constructed at an elevation compatible with future construction of curbs and gutters. 2.2.1 Minimum distance between outer edges of adjacent driveway slopes: On same lot • 22' On adjacent lots • 1' COUNTY OF VENTURA PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY ROAD STANDARDS REVISION:PLATEUS UNITS ADOPTED BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 05-16-2017 APPROVED BY:REVISION DATE:DESCRIPTION: D F J P RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS E-2 398 2. DRIVEWAYS (continued) 2.2. Commercial Commercial driveways shall be constructed according to SPPWC Std. Plan 110, Type A with the following limitations: 2.2.1 Minimum W = 10 feet. The sum of all W's shall not exceed 60% of lot frontage. Lot width Maximum W < 100' 20' 100' to 150' 30' > 150' 20% of lot frontage but ” 60' 2.2.2 Minimum distance between outer edges of adjacent driveway slopes: On same lot • 22' On adjacent lots • 1' 2.2.3 No driveway shall be constructed in the curb return area at intersections or within 5 feet of the BCR or ECR. 2.2.4 No driveway is allowed where there is any obstacle that prevents any vehicle entering the driveway from completely clearing the public right-of-way when parked on the lot. 2.2.5 Driveways shall be PCC class 520-C-2500, 9" thick over 4" of PMB (Rvalue=78). Where the existing road does not have PCC curbs, driveways may be constructed of AC C1 or C2 PG-64-10,7 in.thick or 3" thick over 8" of PMB. 2.2.6 The outer edge of the driveway warp shall be 5' clear of obstructions in the R/W such as fire hydrants, utility poles street light standards, signs and mailboxes. 2.2.7 Where the road grade exceeds 5% and there is no sidewalk next to the curb, a L-shaped deflector curb shall be installed on the downslope side of the driveway. The curb shall be SPPWC 120, Type A1-6, 6" high above the roadway curb, extending 5 feet along the driveway and 2 feet along the roadway curb. 2.2.8 Where the existing road does not have PCC curbs, when requested by the County, driveways shall be constructed at an elevation compatible with future construction of curbs and gutters. COUNTY OF VENTURA PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY ROAD STANDARDS REVISION:PLATEUS UNITS ADOPTED BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 05-16-2017 APPROVED BY:REVISION DATE:DESCRIPTION: D F J P COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAYS E-2a 399 3. SIDEWALKS The requirements for installing sidewalks are shown on B-Series plates. 3.1 Design & Construction 3.1.1 Sidewalks shall be constructed per SPPWC Standard Plan 112. 3.1.2 Sidewalks shall be constructed of PCC, 4 inches thick. At driveways, sidewalks shall meet the requirements of Plates E-2 and E-2a. 3.1.3 Where roadway subgrade has a R-value ”14, 4 inches of PMB shall be placed under the sidewalks. 3.1.4 Concrete class and construction shall be as specified in Plate A-7. 3.2 Curb Ramps Curb ramps, as required by the Americans With Disabilities Act and state law, shall be installed at all intersections. Construction shall be per SPPWC Standard Plan 111-5,Case A. Sidewalks, sidewalk flares at intersections and right-of-way widths may have to be increased to accommodate ramp design. 4. SURFACE ACCESS TO UNDERGROUND FACILITIES (MANHOLES, etc.): All surface accesses to underground facilities located within a sidewalk, side path or a marked or unmarked (Vehicle Code 275) crosswalk area of a roadway, shall meet the following requirements: 1 Covers shall support a load of 500 lbs. applied to a 1 in.diameter area at any location on the cover. The deflection, when so loaded, shall not exceed 1% of the longest dimension of the cover. There shall be no residual deflection after the load is removed. Plastic covers shall be ultraviolet resistant. Covers located in roadways, driveways or other locations to which vehicles have access, shall be designed for traffic loading. 2 No variation in the surface of the access closure shall exceed 1/8" from the surrounding surface. 3 No opening in the access closure shall exceed 1/2 in.in width nor 2 1/2" in length. Circular openings shall not exceed 3/4 in. in diameter. 4 Hold down fastenings shall be flush with the surface of the access closure. 5 The exposed surface of the access closure shall have a permanent slip resistant surface. 6 The resultant finished access closure, as installed, shall not result in a significant variation in the sidewalk, side path or crosswalk surface that will cause a hazard to pedestrian use. COUNTY OF VENTURA PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY ROAD STANDARDS REVISION:PLATEUS UNITS ADOPTED BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 05-16-2017 APPROVED BY:REVISION DATE:DESCRIPTION: D F J P SIDEWALKS AND SURFACE ACCESS CLOSURES E-3 400 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)   Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020       Appendix E: Ventura County APCD Rule 55, Fugitive Dust 401 August 12, 2008 Page 1 of 5 Ventura County Air Pollution Control District COMPLIANCE ASSISTANCE ADVISORY Ventura County APCD Rule 55, Fugitive Dust On June 8, 2008, the Ventura County Air Pollution Control Board adopted Rule 55, Fugitive Dust. Rule 55 was adopted to comply with a state law that requires local air districts with air quality levels exceeding the state’s particulate matter (PM) standards to adopt control measures to reduce PM air pollution. Ventura County exceeds the state’s air quality standards for PM. The adverse health impacts from PM air pollution include asthma and other lung diseases, heart disease, and premature death. Ventura County APCD staff estimates that Rule 55 will reduce PM air pollution by 6 tons per day. Rule 55 becomes effective on October 8, 2008. Rule 55 applies to any disturbed surface area, or man-made condition capable of generating fugitive dust, including bulk material handling, earth-moving, construction, demolition, storage piles, unpaved roads, track-out, or off-field agricultural operations. In summary, the key provisions of Rule 55 are as follows: 1) Visible dust from an applicable source is prohibited or limited; 2) Measures must be taken to reduce or prevent track-out onto paved public roadways from an applicable source; 3) Track-out must be removed from roadways; 4) Visible dust exceeding 100 feet in length from earth-moving activities is prohibited; 5) Bulk material handling facilities with a monthly import or export of 2,150 cubic yards or more of bulk material must take measures to reduce or prevent track-out onto a paved public road, and; 6) Outbound trucks with bulk materials or soil must either be tarpped, have a 6 inch freeboard below the rim of the truck bed or be wetted or treated to minimize the loss of material to wind or spillage. A more detailed summary of Rule 55 is attached. Copies of Rule 55 may be obtained at www.vcapcd.org under Rule Development (Current Rules and Regulations). For additional information on Rule 55, contact air pollution engineer Stan Cowen at 805/645-1408. 402 August 12, 2008 Page 2 of 5 Ventura County APCD Rule 55, Fugitive Dust Summary of Rule Requirements1 Effective October 8, 2008 General Requirements – All Fugitive Dust Sources Visible Dust Beyond the Property Line: No one shall cause or allow fugitive dust from any applicable source beyond the midpoint (width) of a public street or road adjacent to the property line of the emission source or beyond 50 feet from the property line if there is not an adjacent public street or road. Opacity: No one shall cause or allow fugitive dust from any applicable source that equals or exceeds 20 percent opacity for 3 minutes or more in any one hour. Track-Out: No person shall allow track-out to extend 25 feet or more in length unless one of the following control measures is used: ü Track-Out Area Improvement: Pave or apply chemical stabilization to maintain a stabilized surface starting from the point of intersection with the public paved surface, and extend for a distance of at least 100 feet with a width to accommodate traffic ingress and egress from the site. ü Track-Out Prevention: Check and clean the undercarriage and wheels on all vehicles before leaving unpaved surface or install a track-out control device(s) that prevents track-out of soil onto paved public roads. ü Track-Out Removal: Remove track-out from pavement as soon as possible but no later than one hour after it has been deposited on the road. If a street sweeper is used to remove any track-out, only “PM10-efficient” street sweepers certified to meet South Coast AQMD Rule 1186 requirements shall be used. The make, model information and certification documentation of any sweeper used shall be made available to APCD personnel upon request. All track-out shall be removed at the conclusion of each workday or evening shift. The use of blowers for removal of track-out is prohibited. Specific Activity Requirements Earth-Moving: No person shall engage in earth-moving activities in a manner that creates visible dust emissions over 100 feet in length. Bulk Material Handling Facilities Track-Out Prevention: No person shall conduct an operation with a monthly import or export of 2,150 cubic yards or more of bulk material without 1 This is a summary of the Rule requirements. Refer to Rule 55, Fugitive Dust, for specific requirements. 403 August 12, 2008 Page 3 of 5 utilizing at least one of the following measures at each vehicle egress from the site to a public paved road: ü Install a pad consisting of washed gravel (one inch minimum size) maintained in a clean condition to a depth of at least six inches and extending at least 30 feet wide and at least 50 feet long. ü Pave the surface at least 100 feet long and at least 20 feet wide. ü Utilize a wheel shaker/wheel spreading device, also known as a rumble grate, consisting of raised dividers (rails, pipe, or grates) at least 24 feet long and sufficient width to allow all wheels of vehicle traffic to travel over grate to remove bulk material from tires and vehicle undercarriages before vehicles exit the site. ü Install and utilize a wheel washing system to remove bulk material from tires and vehicle undercarriages before vehicles exit the site. ü Any other control measure or device that prevents track-out onto public paved roads. Truck Hauling: No person, including the facility or site operator, shall load or allow the loading of bulk materials or soil onto outbound trucks unless at least one of the following dust prevention measures is used: ü Use properly secured tarps or covering that covers the entire surface area of the load or use a container-type enclosure. ü Maintain a minimum of 6 inches of freeboard below the rim of the truck bed where the load touches the sides of the cargo area and insure that the peak of the load does not extend above any part of the upper edge of the cargo area. ü Water or treat the bulk material to minimize the loss of material to wind or spillage. ü Any other effective dust prevention control measures. Exemptions Rule 55 does not apply to the following (this is a partial list - refer to Rule 55, Section D): ü On-field agricultural operations. ü Weed abatement operations provided that: (1) Mowing, cutting or other process is used which maintains weed stubble at least three inches above the soil, or (2) Any disking or similar operation where effective dust control measures are used. ü Unpaved service roads, with a daily traffic volume of 20 vehicle trips or fewer, used by public agencies for inspection of infrastructure. 404 August 12, 2008 Page 4 of 5 ü Motion picture, television, or video production activities when dust emissions are required for visual effects. The APCD must receive notification in writing at least 72 hours in advance of any such activity and no nuisance results from such activity. ü Any paved road unless it has track-out or any publicly-owned unpaved road. ü The disturbance (i.e., disking, ripping, or scraping) of spreading ground lands in preparation for percolative groundwater recharge. Frequently Traveled Private Unpaved Roads: The Visible Dust and Opacity requirements do not apply to dust from frequently traveled (more than 20 vehicles per day passing in either direction) unpaved roads if the road is covered with a low silt content material such as recycled road base or gravel to a minimum of four inches or implements all of the following control measures: ü Control Speed: Control speed to 15 miles per hour (mph) or less on unpaved roads through worker notification, signage, and any other necessary means. ü Restrict Access: Restrict access to private unpaved roads used by the public either through signage or physical access restrictions. ü Road Treatments: Treat unpaved and uncovered frequently traveled roads with water, mulch, or a non-toxic chemical dust suppressant that complies with all applicable air and water quality government standards. If treated, roads shall be treated in a manner that will avoid the sticking of mud to tires that will be carried onto paved public roads. Lightly Traveled Unpaved Private Road Conditional Exemption: The Visible Dust and Opacity requirements do not apply to dust from lightly traveled unpaved roads if the operator implements both of the following control measures: ü Control Speed: Control speed to 15 mph or less on unpaved roads through worker notification, signage, and any other necessary means. ü Restrict Access: Restrict access to private unpaved roads currently used by the public either through signage or physical access restrictions. Storage Pile Conditional Exemption: The Visible Dust and Opacity requirements do not apply to dust from storage piles if the operator has implemented at least one of the following control measures: ü Wind Sheltering: Enclose material in a three or four sided barrier equal to the height of the material. ü Watering: Apply water at a sufficient quantity and frequency to prevent dust. ü Chemical Stabilization: Apply a non-toxic dust suppressant at a sufficiently to prevent wind driven dust. 405 August 12, 2008 Page 5 of 5 ü Covering: Install and anchor tarps, plastic, or other material to prevent wind driven dust. High Wind Exemption: The Visible Dust, Opacity and Earth-Moving requirements do not apply to dust when on-site wind speed exceeds 25 mph for at least 5 minutes in any one hour provided: ü Applicable control measures outlined in Table 1 (of the Rule) have been implemented, and ü Daily records of specific dust control measures have been maintained. Track-out Exemption: The Track-Out requirements do not apply to on-road vehicles (trucks and passenger vehicles) associated with agricultural operations that have caused track-out due to excessively muddy conditions resulting from rainfall. Recordkeeping Requirements Consult Rule 55 for specific recordkeeping requirements 406 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)   Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020 Appendix F: City of Moorpark Encroachment Permit Application and Standard Conditions Caltrans Encroachment Permit No. 07-18-N-MC-2457 Caltrans Encroachment Rider No. 07-20-N-RD-3216 County of Ventura Public Works Agency Watershed Protection District Encroachment Permit No. 2021016 407 408 Permit #0718-NMC-2457 Hazardous Waste Special Provisions Address the following hazardous waste review comments prior to start of construction. ACM and LBP Survey Report 1. Section 3.3 Visual inspection, last sentence of the first paragraph states "noted that" twice. 2. Section 3.6 Deviations from the Proposed Scope of Work. State that the decontamination of the reusable sampling equipment was performed with wet wipes and not the three rinse method. 3. Section 5.0 LBP Background – State that the LBP survey was performed on the yellow traffic stripe. Sections 5.0 and 6.0 discuss LBP but no mention is made of where the suspect LBP is located until Section 7.0. 4. Section 6.5.2 Soluble Lead, states the sample "reportedly" contained Cal WET soluble lead. Please clarify the use of "reportedly". Focused Aerially Deposited Lead Investigation Report 1. Page iv, Executive Summary, paragraph one. Item 2 states “None of the samples reported lead or metals above EPA or DTSC residential use screening levels, except for …” The statement needs to be revised to state that a constituent was detected above the screening level, followed by a statement that other metals were not detected above the screening levels. Make this change throughout the document (appears on Page 7.3). 2. Page 1.1, Section 1.2 Purpose and Objectives, paragraph two. State that the results will be used for preparing a Lead Compliance Plan in compliance with the 8 CCR §1532.1. 3. Page 3.2 Deviations from the Proposed Scope of Work, state the proposed depth of the borings meeting refusal and identify if these borings are located on the eastbound or westbound side of the roadway. 4. Page 4.2, Section 4.2.3 Sample Collection and Preservation a. Paragraph two, provide a description of the soil characteristics and the evidence of staining and odors. b. Paragraph four, sentence two, states, "The sample jars will filled to …" Please correct sentence. Lead Compliance Plan (LCP) The LCP is accepted, subject to the condition that the contractor provide written acknowledgement to that they will meet the conditions and provide the necessary documentation specified below, prior to start of work. 1. Page 1.1, Section 1.0 Introduction, paragraph three, state that the LCP has been prepared in accordance with Caltrans requirements. 2. Section 3.3 Personnel Roles and Responsibilities – Provide the names and contact information of the key personnel and their role and responsibilities, including the Site Safety Officer and CIH. 3. Section 4.0 Personal Protective Equipment 409 a. State that PPE includes outer protective clothing or coveralls b. Provide the PPE upgrade for change in conditions 4. Section 5.1 Safe Work Practices a. Paragraph two states dust removal with vacuuming, downdraft booth, or other cleaning method. State that the vacuuming will be performed with a vacuum with HEPA filter, the downdraft booth will require use of a respirator and fit testing, and other cleaning methods will be methods that do not result in dust becoming airborne with no brushing, shaking, or patting. b. Paragraphs three and four state that the practices described are not required. State that dust removal may use these practices and that dry sweeping, shoveling, and brushing will not be used. 5. Provide a description of the equipment that will be used for each task that will be performed and the hazards associated with the task and equipment. 6. Section 6.0 Decontamination Procedures – State that decontamination of equipment is required and will be performed. 7. Section 7.0 Air Monitoring – State that the concentration of lead in soil being below 600 mg/kg is objective data that can be used for the initial determination and does not require personal air monitoring. 8. Section 9.0 Training Requirements – State that Lead Awareness training is required for all employees that will be working with disturbance or excavation of soil pursuant to 8 CCR §1532.1. Delete paragraph one. 9. Provide the Lead Awareness training form with wet signatures of employees. 10. State that all employees will be informed of the conditions for acceptance of this LCP for ADL during the Lead Awareness training and daily safety briefings. 11. The contractor is required to prepare an LCP for traffic stripe removal. 410 411 412 413 STATE OF CALIFORNIA • DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FEE CALCULATION SHEET TR-0406 (NEW 06/2015) THIS PAGE IS FOR CALTRANS USE ONLY DEFERRED BILLING (Utility)EXEMPT PROJECT CODE (ID): PERMIT NO: 07-18-N-MC-2457 WORK ORDER/REFERENCE NUMBER: FEES REVIEW.................................................................................................... hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =560 $45,920 INSPECTION............................................................................................. hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =100 $8,200 FIELD WORK........................................................................................... hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =$ EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS.................................................................................................................................................$ CALCULATED BY:VB DATE:12/10/2020 AMOUNT: $54,120 1. REVIEW.................................................................................................... hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =$ INSPECTION............................................................................................. hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =$ FIELD WORK........................................................................................... hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =$ EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS.................................................................................................................................................$ CALCULATED BY:DATE: AMOUNT: $ 2. REVIEW.................................................................................................... hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =$ INSPECTION............................................................................................. hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =$ FIELD WORK........................................................................................... hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =$ EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS.................................................................................................................................................$ CALCULATED BY:DATE: AMOUNT: $ 3. REVIEW.................................................................................................... hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =$ INSPECTION............................................................................................. hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =$ FIELD WORK........................................................................................... hours @ $ 82.00 / hour =$ EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS.................................................................................................................................................$ CALCULATED BY:DATE: AMOUNT: $ 4. DEPOSITS CREDIT CARD CASH CHECK NUMBER:NAME ON CARD/CHECK: PHONE NUMBER: CASHIER'S INITIALS:DATE: AMOUNT: $ 1. CREDIT CARD CASH CHECK NUMBER:NAME ON CARD/CHECK: PHONE NUMBER: CASHIER'S INITIALS:DATE: AMOUNT: $ 2. CREDIT CARD CASH CHECK NUMBER:NAME ON CARD/CHECK: PHONE NUMBER: CASHIER'S INITIALS:DATE: AMOUNT: $ 3. CREDIT CARD CASH CHECK NUMBER:NAME ON CARD/CHECK: PHONE NUMBER: CASHIER'S INITIALS:DATE: AMOUNT: $ 4. TOTAL DEPOSITS: $ CASH DEPOSIT IN LIEU OF BOND DATE:AMOUNT:$ PERFORMANCE BOND DATE:AMOUNT:$ PAYMENT BOND DATE:AMOUNT:$ IS LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED?AMOUNT:YES NO $ ADA Notice For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For alternate format information, contact the Forms Managem Unit at (916) 445-1233, TTY 711, or write to Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814.414 415 416 8/11/2021 417 STANDARD CONDITIONS 1. Permittee shall maintain Ventura County Watershed Protection District’s (District’s) right-of-way free from any and all debris resulting from the exercise of this permit. 2. Activities and uses authorized under this permit are subject to any instructions of the Engineer-Manager or his representative. All instructions must be strictly observed. 3. Any work performed under this permit prior to notification of District as to start of work will be subject to whatever action, including restoration to condition existing before work was begun, that the Watershed Protection District deems necessary to inspect, correct and/or approve said work. 4. Any damage cause to District structures by reason of exercise of this permit shall be repaired at the cost of Permittee to the satisfaction of this District. 5. This permit is valid only to the extent of District jurisdiction. Permits required by other interested agencies and consent of other interested agencies and consent of underlying fee owner of District easement lands shall be the responsibility of the Permittee. Nothing contained in this permit shall be construed as a relinquishment of any rights now held by the District. 6. Permittee shall indemnify, defend and hold District, its officers, agents and employees harmless from any and all claims, costs, expenses, liabilities, defense and legal costs and judgments for damages arising out of, or in any way connected with, the exercise of this permit by Permittee or its contractor, agents, employees and invitees. 7. Unless otherwise specified herein, this permit is subject to all prior unexpired permits, agreements, or easements, privileges or other rights, whether recorded or unrecorded, in the area specified in this permit. Permittee shall make his own arrangements with holders of such prior rights. 8. Any structures or portions thereof placed upon District rights-of-way, or which affect District structures, must be removed, revised, and/or relocated by Permittee without cost to the District, should future activities of the District so require, unless otherwise specified by the District. 9. If the property subject to this permit changes ownership, the Permittee must advise the new owner to contact the District concerning the need for a transfer of the permit. 10. If conditions change or new facts are discerned concerning the effects of the activities and uses authorized under this permit, or for other good cause, the District may modify the permit in order to protect life and property. 11. The Permittee shall provide the District with a record drawing depicting the accurate location of the subsurface encroachment authorized by the permit within 30 days after installation. Furnishing the record drawing shall not relieve the Permittee of the obligation to maintain permanent location records and accurately locate the subsurface encroachment to facilitate District work. The Permittee shall be liable for all costs incurred by the District as a result of inaccurate location data provided by the Permittee. 12. Permittee shall cause any bond, if required by the permit, to remain in effect to guarantee all the work to be performed and all the materials to be furnished under this permit against defects in materials or workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the completed work by the District. Permittee shall, within reasonable time after receipt of written notice thereof, make good (at his own expense or at his surety’s expense) and without cost to District, any defects in materials or workmanship which may develop during said one-year period and damage to other work caused by such defects or repairing of same. 13. A pre-construction meeting and final inspection are required with the Watershed Protection District Permit Engineer for all construction projects. Call for meeting and inspection schedules at least 48 hours prior to meetings. 14. Permittee shall comply with the requirements of the Ventura Countywide Stormwater Quality Management Program (VCSQMP), as well as other state and federal requirements of the Clean Water Act. SPECIAL PROVISION Attention is directed to Standard Condition No. 5 regarding the permittee’s responsibility for obtaining other required permits. As one example, neither the issuance of a watercourse permit nor an encroachment permit precludes the need for the Permittee to comply with the provisions of Section 1603 of the Fish and Game Code of the State of California. In connection therewith, the Department of Fish and Wildlife may determine the project to be subject to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), notwithstanding that issuance of Watercourse or Encroachment permits by the Ventura County Watershed Protection District is a ministerial act and exempt from the provisions of the CEQA, as provided in Section 4.3.2(a) of the County of Ventura Administrative Supplement to the State CEQA Guidelines (which has been adopted for the Ventura County Watershed Protection District). 418 EP2021-016 Category D SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is for the sole purpose of allowing the reconstruction within District right- of-way of the driveway from Princeton Avenue to the District access road leading to the Arroyo Simi. The project is located approximately 1300 feet southwest of Highway 118 in Moorpark, California. Work shall be completed in accordance with the plans and specifications attached and identified as Exhibit “A” (aerial map, 1 sheet; “Princeton Avenue,” prepared by Stantec for City of Moorpark, dated 7/14/2021, sheets 14, 15, & 17, 3 sheets; 4 sheets in total), the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC), latest edition, the Standard Plans for Public Works Construction (SPPWC), latest edition, and the Standard and Special Conditions and Provisions of this permit. 2. Permits required by other agencies and consent of property owners are the responsibility of the Permittee. 3. The Permittee is responsible for the design and construction of the work authorized under this permit. 4. The Permittee as well as Permittee’s contractor and any subcontractors shall comply with all federal, state, county, and local mandates and directives regarding restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic. Failure to comply will be grounds for a Warning of Non-Compliance or a Stop Work notice. 5. The Permittee and/or Permittee’s contractor(s) shall provide the District with a schedule of work for the project prior to or at the Pre-Construction Meeting highlighting the work in the areas of the District’s jurisdiction as defined above. The District shall be kept updated in writing regarding any changes to the schedule. 6. The Permittee is responsible for providing to the District a construction schedule for work within or adjacent to District right-of-way with sufficient time for the District to review and prepare the inspection estimate. The inspection estimate must be paid by the Permittee before the preconstruction meeting. 7. Permittee shall schedule a pre-construction meeting by calling the Permit Inspection Coordinator at 805-650-4060 or sending an email to sonnette.aquino@ventura.org at least 5 working days prior to the anticipated pre-construction meeting. In addition, upon completion of work the Permittee must arrange for a post-construction meeting. The permit cannot be closed and unexpended funds cannot be returned until a post- construction meeting has been held and all outstanding issues resolved. 8. Permittee shall notify the District in writing of any changes that may impact the conditions or uses authorized under this permit. 9. Permittee is responsible for ongoing coordination with the District representative for issues and conditions related to this permit. Activities and uses authorized under this 419 EP2021-016 Category D permit are subject to any instructions from the District representative. All instructions must be strictly observed. 10. The contractor shall comply with all directives concerning work site maintenance given in SSPWC 3-12 (2018 edition). In addition, the contractor shall comply with all directives concerning public convenience and safety given in SSPWC 5-7 (2018 edition). 11. This encroachment permit has the following requirements for insurance, which must be provided by the Permittee and Permittee’s contractor prior to the preconstruction meeting: a. General Liability insurance i. Ventura County Watershed Protection District must be certificate holder ii. Ventura County Watershed Protection District must be named as additional insured on separate endorsement page; endorsement must have policy number and must be signed iii. $1 million minimum liability coverage per occurrence and $1 million minimum aggregate b. Automobile insurance i. $1 million minimum per accident c. Worker’s Compensation insurance (when required) i. Must be accompanied by a waiver of subrogation with Ventura County Watershed Protection District listed 12. Insurance documents shall be kept current for the duration of this permit. In the event that the Permittee’s or contractor’s insurance certificates expire prior to the expiration date of the permit, it shall be the Permittee’s responsibility to ensure the new certificates are sent to the District prior to the insurance policy expiration date and that the policy remains in full force and effect. Failure to provide the District with current insurance certificates is cause for a Stop Work Notice to be issued by the District on the project. 13. No modification, upgrading, repair, reconstruction, or removal of facilities covered by this permit is authorized without prior written approval by this District and may require issuance of a separate permit as determined by the District. 14. Permittee shall take appropriate measures to mitigate potential damage to the existing Ventura County Watershed Protection District facilities. Any damage caused to the District’s facilities during the exercise of this permit shall be repaired at the Permittee’s expense, to the satisfaction of this District. Permittee shall immediately restore to original conditions or better all District facilities that are damaged or disturbed. 15. The Permittee is required to provide all applicable submittals to the District for review and approval prior to commencement of construction activities. The District shall be 420 EP2021-016 Category D given 20 days to review submittals. Each submittal must have the signature and indication of acceptance of the engineer of record prior to being submitted to the District. Testing shall be in conformance with the SSPWC, SPPWC, and District standards. No work shall commence prior to District approval of applicable submittals. 16. The Permittee shall comply with all of the Waste Discharge Requirements for Storm Water (Wet Weather) and Non-Storm Water (Dry Weather) Discharges, Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board Permit Order No. R4-2010-0108, NPDES Permit No. CAS004002, as amended through the current date. Attention is directed to Part 4.F - Development Construction Program. The Permittee shall determine and implement the BMPs and related actions for the appropriate Construction Site size defined therein and, where applicable, shall determine and perform Enhanced Construction BMP implementation for sites defined in Part 4.F.3. Based on information submitted by the Permittee, this permit is issued based on (check not more than two applicable boxes): No Construction involved Construction site less than 1 acre Construction site 1 acre or greater but less than 5 acres Construction site 5 acres or greater Enhanced Construction BMP Implementation required 17. The Permittee shall comply with the following guidelines concerning equipment and vehicles: a. Any equipment or vehicles driven or operated within or adjacent to the channel shall be checked and maintained daily to prevent damage to the aquatic environment. b. All fueling and equipment maintenance shall be performed in a designated area outside the bed and banks of the channel such that no petroleum products or other pollutants from the equipment may enter the channel via rainfall or runoff. c. All designated maintenance areas shall include a drain pan or drop cloth and absorbent materials to clean up spills. d. Equipment or vehicles shall be removed at the end of each workday from the channel area. e. Stationary equipment such as motors, pumps, generators, and welders located within or adjacent to the channel shall be positioned over drip pans. f. Staging and storage areas for equipment and materials shall be located outside of the bed and banks of the channel. 421 EP2021-016 Category D 18. No dumping of material into the channel or District facilities is allowed. Violation could result in issuance of a Warning of Non-Compliance or a Stop Work Notice, revocation of the permit and possible fines. 19. No stockpiling of excavated material will be allowed within the bed and banks of the channel or District’s rights-of-way. All excavated material shall be properly disposed of off-site in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. 20. No discharge of construction water to the channel will be allowed. Permittee shall employ approved techniques that ensure all construction water is collected and properly disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. 21. Permittee shall employ approved wash water collection techniques that ensure no wash water enters the storm drain system and the District’s facilities. 22. The cleanup of all spills shall begin immediately. The District shall be immediately notified by the Permittee of any spills, and shall be consulted regarding cleanup procedures. 23. The Permittee shall employ good housekeeping practices by complying with all litter and pollution laws. All contractors, subcontractors and employees shall also obey these laws and it shall be the responsibility of the Permittee to ensure compliance. 24. Raw cement/concrete or washings thereof, asphalt, paint or other coating material, oil or other petroleum products, or any other substances which could be hazardous to aquatic life, resulting from project related activities, shall be disposed of at an approved disposal site in accordance with Local, State and Federal regulations. Any of these materials placed within or where they may enter the channel by the Permittee shall be removed immediately. 25. No debris, soil, silt, sand, bark, trash, cement or concrete or washings thereof, oil or petroleum products, bituminous materials or other organic or earthen material from any construction or associated activity of whatever nature shall be allowed to enter into or be placed where it can be washed by rainfall or runoff waters into waters under the regulatory jurisdiction of the District. 26. This project shall not be considered complete in the field until all District permit conditions have been complied with to the satisfaction of the District, as determined by the District at its sole discretion. 27. Permittee shall provide record drawings to the District following completion of construction in the form of a scanned digital image .TIF or .PDF file with a standard resolution of 300 DPI on CD or DVD. The record drawings shall include a statement in the following format signed and sealed by a Civil Engineer. RECORD DRAWING DATE PROJECT COMPLETED _______________________ 422 EP2021-016 Category D REVISIONS SUBMITTED BY _________________________ DRAWINGS REVISED BY ___________________________ I HEREBY CERTIFY BASED ON MY FIELD OBSERVATION THAT THE WORK SHOWN HEREON HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE TO THESE PLANS. APPROVED BY ___________________________________ DATE ______________ (SIGN AND SEAL) 423 LOCATION OF PROJECT EXHIBIT A 2021-016 424 EXHIBIT A 2021-016 425 426 427 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)   Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020     Appendix G: Quality Assurance Program 428 CALIFORNIA STATE TRANSPORTATION AGENCY Gavin Newsom, Governor DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF ENGINEERING SERVICES MATERIALS ENGINEERING TESTING SERVICES AND GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES INDEPENDENT ASSURANCE AND REFERENCE SAMPLE PROGRAM BRANCH TRANSPORTATION LABORATORY-MS 5 Flex your power! 5900 FOLSOM BLVD.Be energy efficient! SACRAMENTO, CA 95819-4612 Status: DATE:4/2/2020 Name of Agency:City of Moorpark Address:799 Moorpark Ave., Moorpark, California 93021 Telephone Number:(805) 517-6200 Fax:(805) 532-2555\ Name and Title of Sean Corrigan, RCE #39479, Exp. 12/31/2021 person In Charge:City Engineer/Public Work Director The document will be reviewed for compliance to California Department of Transportation, Quality Assurance (QAP) Manual for Use by Local Agencies (Jan. 20, 2011 revision) and Federal Highway Administration, 23 CFR 637. A. Document Reviewed ITEM NO. 1 2 3 B. Conditions of acceptance ITEM NO. 1 2 2.1 2.2 Material testing and sampling frequency table: see LAPM Exh. 16-R (also attached to this QAP) 2.3 Test Method (when use): CTM - only Caltrans certified laboratory & tester will perform Acceptance Testing (AT), a secondary Independent Assurance Program (IAP) is not required. 2.4 Test Method (when use): AASHTO/ASTM - qualified laboratory & tester to perform Acceptance Testing (AT) and a separate laboratory and tester with similar or higher qualification to perform Independent Assurance Program (IAP) must be hired through local agency and conform to Section 5 of QAP Manual, Rev. Jan 20, 2011 2.5 Project on NHS/SHS will conform to testing program per item B.2.3 and AASHTO where CTM is not available. 2.6 Agency will use certified private materials laboratory. Check https://sia.dot.ca.gov/ for most update certifications. 3 4 by Oversight Engineer and/or FHWA. C. Reviewed by Caltrans, METS/ORMT - 916.247.1911 CERTIFIED Independent Assurance Engineer DATE. CONDITIONS OF COMPLIANCE accepted as part of this QAP: This QAP is applicable to all projects on NHS, SHS, and non-NHS 4/2/2020 Provide a signed hard copy to District 7 area engineer and/or DLAE for archive. Seree Yenjai, PE. - seree.yenjai@dot.ca.gov This document(letter) shall be a part of QAP, to be attached to project construction document to be reviewed COMPLIANCE Document was reviewed and found to be in COMPLIANCE to our requirements DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION City of Moorpark Quality Assurance Program (QAP) dated 03.05.2020 Local Assistance area engineer -Morris Zarbi, 213.897.2969 Quality Assurance Program REVIEW/ACCEPTANCE LETTER Caltrans Local Assistance District: District 7 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)   Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020     Appendix H: Wage Rates 450 "General Decision Number: CA20210017 09/03/2021 Superseded General Decision Number: CA20200017 State: California Construction Type: Residential Counties: Imperial, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San  Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties  in California. RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS (consisting of single family homes and apartments up to and including 4 stories) Note: Under Executive Order (EO) 13658, an hourly minimum wage of $10.95 for calendar year 2021 applies to all contracts subject to the Davis‐Bacon Act for which the contract is awarded (and any solicitation was issued) on or after January 1, 2015.  If this contract is covered by the EO, the contractor must pay all workers in any classification listed on this wage determination at least $10.95 per hour (or the applicable wage rate listed on this wage determination, if it is higher) for all hours spent performing on the contract in calendar year 2021.  If this contract is covered by the EO and a classification considered necessary for performance of work on the contract does not appear on this wage determination, the contractor must pay workers in that classification at least the wage rate determined through the conformance process set forth in 29 CFR 5.5(a)(1)(ii) (or the EO minimum wage rate,if it is higher than the conformed wage rate).  The EO minimum wage rate will be adjusted annually.  Please note that this EO applies to the above‐mentioned types of contracts entered into by the federal government that are subject to the Davis‐Bacon Act itself, but it does not apply to contracts subject only to the Davis‐Bacon Related Acts, including those set forth at 29 CFR 5.1(a)(2)‐(60). Additional information on contractor requirements and worker protections under the EO is available at www.dol.gov/whd/govcontracts. Modification Number     Publication Date           0              01/01/2021           1              01/08/2021           2              01/15/2021           3              01/22/2021           4              02/05/2021           5              02/12/2021           6              03/05/2021 451           7              03/19/2021           8              04/23/2021           9              07/23/2021           10             08/06/2021           11             08/20/2021           12             09/03/2021  ASBE0005‐002 07/05/2021                                   Rates          Fringes Asbestos Workers/Insulator    (Includes the application of    all insulating materials,    protective coverings,    coatings, and finishes to all    types of mechanical systems).....$ 47.25            24.45 Fire Stop Technician    (Application of Firestopping    Materials for wall openings    and penetrations in walls,    floors, ceilings and curtain    walls)...........................$ 28.92            18.73 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ASBE0005‐004 07/01/2019                                   Rates          Fringes Asbestos Removal    worker/hazardous material    handler (Includes    preparation, wetting,    stripping, removal,    scrapping, vacuuming, bagging    and disposing of all    insulation materials from     mechanical systems, whether    they contain asbestos or not)....$ 20.63            12.17 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ * BRCA0004‐001 05/01/2020                                   Rates          Fringes Bricklayer; Marble Setter        Los Angeles County..........$ 41.53            19.48      Orange County...............$ 41.39            18.95      Riverside & San Bernardino       Counties....................$ 41.48            18.63      Ventura County..............$ 41.39            18.81 452   *The wage scale for prevailing wage projects performed in   Blythe, China lake, Death Valley, Fort Irwin, Twenty‐Nine   Palms, Needles and 1‐15 corridor (Barstow to the Nevada   State Line) will be Three Dollars ($3.00) above the   standard San Bernardino/Riverside County hourly wage rate ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  BRCA0004‐004 11/01/2019 IMPERIAL                                   Rates          Fringes BRICKLAYER; MARBLE SETTER........$ 49.50            18.15 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ * BRCA0004‐009 05/01/2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO AND SANTA BARBARA COUNTIES                                   Rates          Fringes BRICKLAYER; MARBLE SETTER........$ 41.83            17.51   *The wage scale for prevailing wage projects performed in   Blythe, China lake, Death Valley, Fort Irwin, Twenty‐Nine   Palms, Needles and 1‐15 corridor (Barstow to the Nevada   State Line) will be Three Dollars ($3.00) above the   standard San Bernardino/Riverside County hourly wage rate ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  BRCA0018‐001 06/01/2019                                   Rates          Fringes MARBLE FINISHER..................$ 33.43            14.11 TILE FINISHER....................$ 28.23            12.65 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  BRCA0018‐002 06/01/2019 SAN LUIS OBISPO AND SANTA BARBARA                                   Rates          Fringes TILE LAYER.......................$ 40.07            18.36 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  BRCA0018‐003 06/01/2019 IMPERIAL, LOS ANGELES, ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO & VENTURA 453                                   Rates          Fringes TILE LAYER.......................$ 40.07            18.36 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  BRCA0018‐010 09/01/2020                                   Rates          Fringes TERRAZZO FINISHER................$ 33.66            14.20 TERRAZZO WORKER/SETTER...........$ 41.60            14.73 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  CARP0409‐003 07/01/2019                                   Rates          Fringes Drywall        (1)  Work on Wood‐Framed       Single Family Homes, and       Wood‐Framed Apartment       Buildings up to and       including 4 Stories       Drywall Installer/Lather...$ 29.97            13.53       Stocker/Scrapper...........$ 18.02             8.37      (2)  All other Work       Drywall Installer/Lather...$ 50.35            13.53       Stocker/Scrapper...........$ 18.02             8.37 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  CARP0409‐004 07/01/2019 Work on wood frame single family homes and apartments up to and including 4 stories:                                   Rates          Fringes CARPENTER        Cabinet installer...........$ 39.21            13.53      Fence builder...............$ 37.66            13.37      Framer & finish carpenter...$ 39.50            13.53      Insulation installer........$ 24.02            13.21      Roof loader of shingles.....$ 29.16            13.53      Shingler....................$ 38.65            13.53      Subterranean garage       concrete construction and       carpenters performing on       grade slab  concrete       construction................$ 38.13            13.53 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  CARP0409‐009 01/01/2019 454                                   Rates          Fringes Modular Furniture Installer......$ 19.85             6.66 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0011‐003 12/28/2020 LOS ANGELES                                   Rates          Fringes ELECTRICIAN (does not include    fire alarm, hold‐up alarm,    burglar alarm and    surveillance systems)............$ 30.00          3%+6.80 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0011‐006 12/28/2020 COMMUNICATIONS AND SYSTEMS WORK LOS ANGELES COUNTY                                   Rates          Fringes Communications System        Installer...................$ 41.52         3%+14.33      Technician..................$ 33.30         3%+27.82   SCOPE OF WORK: Installation, testing, service and maintenance   of systems utilizing the transmission and/or transference   of voice, sound, vision and digital for commercial,   educational, security and entertainment purposes for the   following: TV monitoring and surveillance, background ‐   foreground music, intercom and telephone interconnect,   microwave transmission, multi‐media, multiplex, nurse call   systems, radio page, burglar alarms and fire alarms.   Communication Systems that transmit or receive information   and/or control systems that are intrinsic to the above   listed systems; inclusion or exclusion of terminations and   testings of conductors determined by their function;   excluding all other data systems or multiple systems which   include control function or power supply; excluding   installation of raceway systems, conduit systems, line   voltage work, and energy management systems. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0413‐002 09/01/2020 SANTA BARBARA COUNTY 455                                   Rates          Fringes Electricians.....................$ 34.00          3%+3.50 WORK AT VANDENBERG AFB:  $3.75 additional per hour. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0413‐004 12/28/2020 COMMUNICATIONS AND SYSTEMS WORK SANTA BARBARA COUNTY                                   Rates          Fringes Communications System        Installer...................$ 39.07         3%+14.21   SCOPE OF WORK: Installation, testing, service and maintenance   of systems utilizing the transmission and/or transference   of voice, sound, vision and digital for commercial,   educational, security and entertainment purposes for the   following: TV monitoring and surveillance, background ‐   foreground music, intercom and telephone interconnect,   microwave transmission, multi‐media, multiplex, nurse call   systems, radio page, burglar alarms and fire alarm (see   last paragraph below).   Communication Systems that transmit or receive information   and/or control systems that are intrinsic to the above   listed systems; inclusion or exclusion of terminations and   testings of conductors determined by their function;   excluding all other data systems or multiple systems which   include control function or power supply; excluding   installation of raceway systems, conduit systems, line   voltage work, and energy management systems.   Fire alarm work shall be performed at the current inside   electrician total cost package. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0440‐002 12/28/2020 RIVERSIDE                                   Rates          Fringes ELECTRICIAN......................$ 46.75         3%+23.67 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0440‐005 12/28/2020 456 COMMUNICATIONS AND SYSTEMS WORK RIVERSIDE AND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTIES                                   Rates          Fringes Communications System        Installer...................$ 37.60         3%+15.84      Technician..................$ 33.09            15.89   SCOPE OF WORK: Installation, testing, service and maintenance   of systems utilizing the transmission and/or transference   of voice, sound, vision and digital for commercial,   educational, security and entertainment purposes for the   following: TV monitoring and surveillance, background ‐   foreground music, intercom and telephone interconnect,   microwave transmission, multi‐media, multiplex, nurse call   systems, radio page, burglar alarms and fire alarms.   Communication Systems that transmit or receive information   and/or control systems that are intrinsic to the above   listed systems; inclusion or exclusion of terminations and   testings of conductors determined by their function;   excluding all other data systems or multiple systems which   include control function or power supply; excluding   installation of raceway systems, conduit systems, line   voltage work, and energy management systems. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0441‐002 03/01/2021 ORANGE                                   Rates          Fringes ELECTRICIAN......................$ 29.77             9.74 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0477‐003 12/28/2020 SAN BERNARDINO                                   Rates          Fringes ELECTRICIAN......................$ 30.00          3%+7.80 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ * ELEC0569‐003 08/30/2021 IMPERIAL 457                                   Rates          Fringes ELECTRICIAN        1 to 3 Stories..............$ 37.28             7.98 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0639‐002 03/01/2017 SAN LUIS OBISPO                                   Rates          Fringes ELECTRICIAN......................$ 23.50             7.72 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0639‐003 12/01/2019 COMMUNICATIONS AND SYSTEMS WORK SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY                                   Rates          Fringes Communications System        Installer...................$ 36.72            14.76      Technician..................$ 30.89            11.66   SCOPE OF WORK: Installation, testing, service and maintenance   of systems utilizing the transmission and/or transference   of voice, sound, vision and digital for commercial,   educational, security and entertainment purposes for the   following: TV monitoring and surveillance, background ‐   foreground music, intercom and telephone interconnect,   microwave transmission, multi‐media, multiplex, nurse call   systems, radio page, burglar alarms and fire alarm (see   last paragraph below).   Communication Systems that transmit or receive information   and/or control systems that are intrinsic to the above   listed systems; inclusion or exclusion of terminations and   testings of conductors determined by their function;   excluding all other data systems or multiple systems which   include control function or power supply; excluding   installation of raceway systems, conduit systems, line   voltage work, and energy management systems.   Fire alarm work shall be performed at the current inside   electrician total cost package. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0952‐002 07/26/2021 458 VENTURA                                   Rates          Fringes CABLE SPLICER        All work within 32 road       miles or less from the       nearest base point..........$ 47.85            28.59 ELECTRICIAN        All work within 32 road       miles or less from the       nearest base point..........$ 43.50            28.46   ALL WORK MORE THAN 32 ROAD MILES FROM NEAREST BASE POINT:   Add $5.00 to the basic hourly rate.  BASE POINTS: the main   Post Office in the cities of Camarillo, Oak View, Oxnard,   Santa Paula and Ventura. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEC0952‐004 12/28/2020 COMMUNICATIONS AND SYSTEMS WORK VENTURA COUNTY ONLY                                   Rates          Fringes Communications System        Installer...................$ 39.82            14.78      Technician..................$ 30.10            12.78   SCOPE OF WORK: Installation, testing, service and maintenance   of systems utilizing the transmission and/or transference   of voice, sound, vision and digital for commercial,   educational, security and entertainment purposes for the   following: TV monitoring and surveillance, background ‐   foreground music, intercom and telephone interconnect,   microwave transmission, multi‐media, multiplex, nurse call   systems, radio page, burglar alarms and fire alarm (see   last paragraph below).   Communication Systems that transmit or receive information   and/or control systems that are intrinsic to the above   listed systems; inclusion or exclusion of terminations and   testings of conductors determined by their function;   excluding all other data systems or multiple systems which   include control function or power supply; excluding   installation of raceway systems, conduit systems, line   voltage work, and energy management systems. 459   Fire alarm work shall be performed at the current inside   electrician total cost package. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEV0008‐004 01/01/2021 SAN LUIS OBISPO                                   Rates          Fringes ELEVATOR MECHANIC................$ 72.10       35.825+a+b FOOTNOTE:   a. PAID VACATION:  Employer contributes 8% of regular hourly   rate as vacation pay credit for employees with more than 5   years of service, and 6% for 6 months to 5 years of service.   b. PAID HOLIDAYS: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence   Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday   after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ELEV0018‐004 01/01/2021 IMPERIAL, LOS ANGELES, ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO, SANTA BARBARA AND VENTURA                                   Rates          Fringes ELEVATOR MECHANIC................$ 59.32       35.825+a+b FOOTNOTE:   PAID VACATION:  Employer contributes 8% of regular hourly   rate as vacation pay credit for employees with more than 5   years of service, and 6% for 6 months to 5 years of service.   PAID HOLIDAYS: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day,   Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after   Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ENGI0012‐001 07/01/2018                                   Rates          Fringes OPERATOR:  Power Equipment    (Cranes, Piledriving &    Hoisting)        GROUP  1....................$ 46.65            25.25      GROUP  2....................$ 47.43            25.25      GROUP  3....................$ 47.72            25.25 460      GROUP  4....................$ 47.86            25.25      GROUP  5....................$ 48.08            25.25      GROUP  6....................$ 48.19            25.25      GROUP  7....................$ 48.31            25.25      GROUP  8....................$ 48.48            25.25      GROUP  9....................$ 48.65            25.25      GROUP 10....................$ 49.65            25.25      GROUP 11....................$ 50.65            25.25      GROUP 12....................$ 51.65            25.25      GROUP 13....................$ 52.65            25.25 OPERATOR:  Power Equipment        GROUP  1....................$ 45.30            25.25      GROUP  2....................$ 46.08            25.25      GROUP  3....................$ 46.37            25.25      GROUP  4....................$ 47.86            25.25      GROUP  5....................$ 48.96            25.25      GROUP  6....................$ 48.08            25.25      GROUP  7....................$ 49.18            25.25      GROUP  8....................$ 48.19            25.25      GROUP  9....................$ 49.29            25.25      GROUP 10....................$ 48.31            25.25      GROUP 11....................$ 49.41            25.25      GROUP 12....................$ 49.48            25.25      GROUP 13....................$ 48.58            25.25      GROUP 14....................$ 48.61            25.25      GROUP 15....................$ 48.69            25.25      GROUP 16....................$ 48.81            25.25      GROUP 17....................$ 48.98            25.25      GROUP 18....................$ 49.08            25.25      GROUP 19....................$ 49.19            25.25      GROUP 20....................$ 49.31            25.25      GROUP 21....................$ 49.48            25.25      GROUP 22....................$ 49.58            25.25      GROUP 23....................$ 49.69            25.25      GROUP 24....................$ 49.81            25.25      GROUP 25....................$ 49.98            25.25 PREMIUM PAY:   $3.75 per hour shall be paid on all Power Equipment Operator   work on the followjng Military Bases: China Lake Naval   Reserve, Vandenberg AFB, Point Arguello, Seely Naval Base,   Fort Irwin, Nebo Annex Marine Base, Marine Corp Logistics   Base Yermo, Edwards AFB, 29 Palms Marine Base   Workers required to suit up and work in a hazardous material   environment: $2.00 per hour additional.  Combination mixer   and compressor operator on gunite work shall be classified   as a concrete mobile mixer operator. CRANES, PILEDRIVING AND HOISTING EQUIPMENT CLASSIFICATIONS   461   GROUP 1: Engineer oiler; Fork lift operator (includes loed,   lull   or similar types) GROUP 2: Truck crane oiler     GROUP 3: A‐frame or winch truck operator; Ross carrier   operator (jobsite)   GROUP 4: Bridge‐type unloader and turntable operator;   Helicopter hoist operator   GROUP 5:  Hydraulic boom truck; Stinger crane (Austin‐Western   or similar type); Tugger hoist operator (1 drum)   GROUP 6: Bridge crane operator; Cretor crane operator; Hoist   operator (Chicago boom and similar type); Lift mobile   operator; Lift slab machine operator (Vagtborg and similar   types); Material hoist and/or manlift operator; Polar   gantry crane operator; Self Climbing scaffold (or similar   type); Shovel, backhoe, dragline, clamshell operator (over   3/4 yd. and up to 5 cu. yds. mrc); Tugger hoist operator   GROUP 7: Pedestal crane operator; Shovel, backhoe, dragline,   clamshell operator (over 5 cu. yds. mrc); Tower crane   repair; Tugger hoist operator (3 drum)   GROUP 8: Crane operator (up to and including 25 ton   capacity); Crawler transporter operator; Derrick barge   operator (up to and including 25 ton capacity); Hoist   operator, stiff legs, Guy derrick or similar type (up to   and including 25 ton capacity); Shovel, backhoe, dragline,   clamshell operator (over 7 cu. yds., M.R.C.)   GROUP 9: Crane operator (over 25 tons and up to and including   50 tons mrc); Derrick barge operator (over 25 tons up to   and including 50 tons mrc); Highline cableway operator;   Hoist operator, stiff legs, Guy derrick or similar type   (over 25 tons up to and including 50 tons mrc); K‐crane   operator; Polar crane operator; Self erecting tower crane   operator maximum lifting capacity ten tons   GROUP 10: Crane operator (over 50 tons and up to and   including 100 tons mrc); Derrick barge operator (over 50   tons up to and including 100 tons mrc); Hoist operator,   stiff legs, Guy derrick or similar type (over 50 tons up to   and including 100 tons mrc), Mobile tower crane operator   (over 50 tons, up to and including 100 tons M.R.C.); Tower   crane operator and tower gantry 462   GROUP 11: Crane operator (over 100 tons and up to and   including 200 tons mrc); Derrick barge operator (over 100   tons up to and including 200 tons mrc); Hoist operator,   stiff legs, Guy derrick or similar type (over 100 tons up   to and including 200 tons mrc); Mobile tower crane operator   (over 100 tons up to and including 200 tons mrc)   GROUP 12: Crane operator (over 200 tons up to and including   300 tons mrc); Derrick barge operator (over 200 tons up to   and including 300 tons mrc); Hoist operator, stiff legs,   Guy derrick or similar type (over 200 tons, up to and   including 300 tons mrc); Mobile tower crane operator (over   200 tons, up to and including 300 tons mrc)   GROUP 13: Crane operator (over 300 tons); Derrick barge   operator (over 300 tons); Helicopter pilot; Hoist operator,   stiff legs, Guy derrick or similar type (over 300 tons);   Mobile tower crane operator (over 300 tons) POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS CLASSIFICATIONS    GROUP 1: Bargeman; Brakeman; Compressor operator; Ditch   Witch, with seat or similar type equipment; Elevator   operator‐inside; Engineer Oiler; Forklift operator   (includes loed, lull or similar types under 5 tons;   Generator operator; Generator, pump or compressor plant   operator; Pump operator; Signalman; Switchman   GROUP 2: Asphalt‐rubber plant operator (nurse tank operator);   Concrete mixer operator‐skip type; Conveyor operator;   Fireman; Forklift operator (includes loed, lull or similar   types over 5 tons; Hydrostatic pump operator; oiler crusher   (asphalt or concrete plant); Petromat laydown machine; PJU   side dum jack; Screening and conveyor machine oeprator (or   similar types); Skiploader (wheel type up to 3/4 yd.   without attachment); Tar pot fireman; Temporary heating   plant operator; Trenching machine oiler   GROUP 3: Asphalt‐rubber blend operator; Bobcat or similar   type (side steer); Equipment greaser (rack); Ford Ferguson   (with dragtype attachments); Helicopter radioman (ground);   Stationary pipe wrapping and cleaning machine operator   GROUP 4: Asphalt plant fireman; Backhoe operator (mini‐max or   similar type); Boring machine operator; Boxman or mixerman   (asphalt or concrete); Chip spreading machine operator;   Concrete cleaning decontamination machine operator;   Concrete Pump Operator (small portable); Drilling machine   operator, small auger types (Texoma super economatic or   similar types ‐ Hughes 100 or 200 or similar types ‐ 463   drilling depth of 30' maximum); Equipment greaser (grease   truck); Guard rail post driver operator; Highline cableway   signalman; Hydra‐hammer‐aero stomper; Micro Tunneling   (above ground tunnel); Power concrete curing machine   operator; Power concrete saw operator; Power‐driven jumbo   form setter operator; Power sweeper operator; Rock Wheel   Saw/Trencher; Roller operator (compacting); Screed operator   (asphalt or concrete); Trenching machine operator (up to 6   ft.); Vacuum or much truck   GROUP 5: Equipment Greaser (Grease Truck/Multi Shift).    GROUP 6: Articulating material hauler; Asphalt plant   engineer; Batch plant operator; Bit sharpener; Concrete   joint machine operator (canal and similar type); Concrete   planer operator; Dandy digger; Deck engine operator;   Derrickman (oilfield type); Drilling machine operator,   bucket or auger types (Calweld 100 bucket or similar types   ‐ Watson 1000 auger or similar types ‐ Texoma 330, 500 or   600 auger or similar types ‐ drilling depth of 45'   maximum); Drilling machine operator (including water   wells); Hydrographic seeder machine operator (straw, pulp   or seed), Jackson track maintainer, or similar type;   Kalamazoo Switch tamper, or similar type; Machine tool   operator; Maginnis internal full slab vibrator, Mechanical   berm, curb or gutter(concrete or asphalt); Mechanical   finisher operator (concrete, Clary‐Johnson‐Bidwell or   similar); Micro tunnel system (below ground); Pavement   breaker operator (truck mounted); Road oil mixing machine   operator; Roller operator (asphalt or finish), rubber‐tired   earth moving equipment (single engine, up to and including   25 yds. struck); Self‐propelled tar pipelining machine   operator; Skiploader operator (crawler and wheel type, over   3/4 yd. and up to and including 1‐1/2 yds.); Slip form pump   operator (power driven hydraulic lifting device for   concrete forms); Tractor operator‐bulldozer, tamper‐scraper   (single engine, up to 100 h.p. flywheel and similar types,   up to and including D‐5 and similar types); Tugger hoist   operator (1 drum); Ultra high pressure waterjet cutting   tool system operator; Vacuum blasting machine operator GROUP 7: Welder ‐ General   GROUP 8: Asphalt or concrete spreading operator (tamping or   finishing); Asphalt paving machine operator (Barber Greene   or similar type); Asphalt‐rubber distribution operator;   Backhoe operator (up to and including 3/4 yd.), small ford,   Case or similar; Cast‐in‐place pipe laying machine   operator; Combination mixer and compressor operator (gunite   work); Compactor operator (self‐propelled); Concrete mixer 464   operator (paving); Crushing plant operator; Drill Doctor;   Drilling machine operator, Bucket or auger types (Calweld   150 bucket or similar types ‐ Watson 1500, 2000 2500 auger   or similar types ‐ Texoma 700, 800 auger or similar types ‐   drilling depth of 60' maximum); Elevating grader operator;   Grade checker; Gradall operator; Grouting machine operator;   Heavy‐duty repairman; Heavy equipment robotics operator;   Kalamazoo balliste regulator or similar type; Kolman belt   loader and similar type; Le Tourneau blob compactor or   similar type; Loader operator (Athey, Euclid, Sierra and   similar types); Mobark Chipper or similar; Ozzie padder or   similar types; P.C. slot saw; Pneumatic concrete placing   machine operator (Hackley‐Presswell or similar type);   Pumpcrete gun operator; Rock Drill or similar types; Rotary   drill operator (excluding caisson type); Rubber‐tired   earth‐moving equipment operator (single engine,   caterpillar, Euclid, Athey Wagon and similar types with any   and all attachments over 25 yds. up to and including 50 cu.   yds. struck); Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator   (multiple engine up to and including 25 yds. struck);   Rubber‐tired scraper operator (self‐loading paddle wheel   type‐John Deere, 1040 and similar single unit); Self‐   propelled curb and gutter machine operator; Shuttle buggy;   Skiploader operator (crawler and wheel type over 1‐1/2 yds.   up to and including 6‐1/2 yds.); Soil remediation plant   operator; Surface heaters and planer operator; Tractor   compressor drill combination operator; Tractor operator   (any type larger than D‐5 ‐ 100 flywheel h.p. and over, or   similar‐bulldozer, tamper, scraper and push tractor single   engine); Tractor operator (boom attachments), Traveling   pipe wrapping, cleaning and bendng machine operator;   Trenching machine operator (over 6 ft. depth capacity,   manufacturer's rating); trenching Machine with Road Miner   attachment (over 6 ft depth capacity): Ultra high pressure   waterjet cutting tool system mechanic; Water pull   (compaction) operator GROUP 9: Heavy Duty Repairman   GROUP 10: Drilling machine operator, Bucket or auger types   (Calweld 200 B bucket or similar types‐Watson 3000 or 5000   auger or similar types‐Texoma 900 auger or similar   types‐drilling depth of 105' maximum); Dual drum mixer,   dynamic compactor LDC350 (or similar types); Monorail   locomotive operator (diesel, gas or electric); Motor   patrol‐blade operator (single engine); Multiple engine   tractor operator (Euclid and similar type‐except Quad 9   cat.); Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator (single   engine, over 50 yds. struck); Pneumatic pipe ramming tool   and similar types; Prestressed wrapping machine operator; 465   Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator (single   engine, over 50 yds. struck); Rubber tired earth moving   equipment operator (multiple engine, Euclid, caterpillar   and similar over 25 yds. and up to 50 yds. struck), Tower   crane repairman; Tractor loader operator (crawler and wheel   type over 6‐1/2 yds.); Woods mixer operator (and similar   Pugmill equipment)   GROUP 11: Heavy Duty Repairman ‐ Welder Combination, Welder ‐   Certified.   GROUP 12: Auto grader operator; Automatic slip form operator;   Drilling machine operator, bucket or auger types (Calweld,   auger 200 CA or similar types ‐ Watson, auger 6000 or   similar types ‐ Hughes Super Duty, auger 200 or similar   types ‐ drilling depth of 175' maximum); Hoe ram or similar   with compressor; Mass excavator operator less tha 750 cu.   yards; Mechanical finishing machine operator; Mobile form   traveler operator; Motor patrol operator (multi‐engine);   Pipe mobile machine operator; Rubber‐tired earth‐ moving   equipment operator (multiple engine, Euclid, Caterpillar   and similar type, over 50 cu. yds. struck); Rubber‐tired   self‐ loading scraper operator (paddle‐wheel‐auger type   self‐loading ‐ two (2) or more units)   GROUP 13: Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator   operating equipment with push‐pull system (single engine,   up to and including 25 yds. struck)   GROUP 14: Canal liner operator; Canal trimmer operator;   Remote‐ control earth‐moving equipment operator (operating   a second piece of equipment: $1.00 per hour additional);   Wheel excavator operator (over 750 cu. yds.)   GROUP 15: Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator,   operating equipment with push‐pull system (single engine,   Caterpillar, Euclid, Athey Wagon and similar types with any   and all attachments over 25 yds. and up to and including 50   yds. struck); Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator,   operating equipment with push‐pull system (multiple   engine‐up to and including 25 yds. struck)   GROUP 16: Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator,   operating equipment with push‐pull system (single engine,   over 50 yds. struck); Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment   operator, operating equipment with push‐pull system   (multiple engine, Euclid, Caterpillar and similar, over 25   yds. and up to 50 yds. struck)   GROUP 17: Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator, 466   operating equipment with push‐pull system (multiple engine,   Euclid, Caterpillar and similar, over 50 cu. yds. struck);   Tandem tractor operator (operating crawler type tractors in   tandem ‐ Quad 9 and similar type)   GROUP 18: Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator,   operating in tandem (scrapers, belly dumps and similar   types in any combination, excluding compaction units ‐   single engine, up to and including 25 yds. struck)   GROUP 19: Rotex concrete belt operator (or similar types);   Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator, operating in   tandem (scrapers, belly dumps and similar types in any   combination, excluding compaction units ‐ single engine,   Caterpillar, Euclid, Athey Wagon and similar types with any   and all attachments over 25 yds.and up to and including 50   cu. yds. struck); Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment   operator, operating in tandem (scrapers, belly dumps and   similar types in any combination, excluding compaction   units ‐ multiple engine, up to and including 25 yds. struck)   GROUP 20: Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator,   operating in tandem (scrapers, belly dumps and similar   types in any combination, excluding compaction units ‐   single engine, over 50 yds. struck); Rubber‐tired   earth‐moving equipment operator, operating in tandem   (scrapers, belly dumps, and similar types in any   combination, excluding compaction units ‐ multiple engine,   Euclid, Caterpillar and similar, over 25 yds. and up to 50   yds. struck)   GROUP 21: Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator,   operating in tandem (scrapers, belly dumps and similar   types in any combination, excluding compaction units ‐   multiple engine, Euclid, Caterpillar and similar type, over   50 cu. yds. struck)   GROUP 22: Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator,   operating equipment with the tandem push‐pull system   (single engine, up to and including 25 yds. struck)   GROUP 23: Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator,   operating equipment with the tandem push‐pull system   (single engine, Caterpillar, Euclid, Athey Wagon and   similar types with any and all attachments over 25 yds. and   up to and including 50 yds. struck); Rubber‐tired   earth‐moving equipment operator, operating with the tandem   push‐pull system (multiple engine, up to and including 25   yds. struck) 467   GROUP 24: Rubber‐tired earth‐moving equipment operator,   operating equipment with the tandem push‐pull system   (single engine, over 50 yds. struck); Rubber‐tired   earth‐moving equipment operator, operating equipment with   the tandem push‐pull system (multiple engine, Euclid,   Caterpillar and similar, over 25 yds. and up to 50 yds.   struck)   GROUP 25: Concrete pump operator‐truck mounted; Rubber‐tired   earth‐moving equipment operator, operating equipment with   the tandem push‐pull system (multiple engine, Euclid,   Caterpillar and similar type, over 50 cu. yds. struck) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  IRON0433‐006 07/01/2020                                   Rates          Fringes IRONWORKER        Fence Erector...............$ 34.58            24.81      Ornamental, Reinforcing       and Structural..............$ 41.00            33.45 PREMIUM PAY: $6.00 additional per hour at the following locations: China Lake Naval Test Station, Chocolate Mountains Naval Reserve‐Niland, Edwards AFB, Fort Irwin Military Station, Fort Irwin Training Center‐Goldstone, San Clemente Island, San Nicholas Island, Susanville Federal Prison, 29 Palms ‐ Marine Corps, U.S. Marine Base ‐ Barstow, U.S. Naval Air Facility ‐ Sealey, Vandenberg AFB $4.00 additional per hour at the following locations: Army Defense Language Institute ‐ Monterey, Fallon Air Base, Naval Post Graduate School ‐ Monterey, Yermo Marine Corps Logistics Center $2.00 additional per hour at the following locations: Port Hueneme, Port Mugu, U.S. Coast Guard Station ‐ Two Rock ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0220‐003 07/01/2019 Residential, 4 Stories 468 SAN LUIS OBISPO AND SANTA BARBARA COUNTIES                                   Rates          Fringes LABORER        GROUP 1.....................$ 35.24            20.09      GROUP 2.....................$ 35.79            20.09      GROUP 3.....................$ 36.34            20.09      GROUP 4.....................$ 37.89            20.09      GROUP 5.....................$ 38.24            20.09 LABORER CLASSIFICATIONS     GROUP 1: Cleaning and handling of panel forms; Concrete   screeding for rough strike‐off; Concrete, water curing;   Demolition laborer, the cleaning of brick if performed by a   worker performing any other phase of demolition work, and   the cleaning of lumber; Fire watcher, limber, brush loader,   piler and debris handler; Flag person; Gas, oil and/or   water pipeline laborer; Laborer, asphalt‐rubber material   loader; Laborer, general or construction; Laborer, general   clean‐up; Laborer, landscaping; Laborer, jetting; Laborer,   temporary water and air lines; Material hose operator   (walls, slabs, floors and decks); Plugging, filling of shee   bolt holes; Dry packing of concrete and patching; post hole   digger (manual);Railroad maintenance, repair track person   and road beds;Streetcar and railroad construction track   laborers; Rigging andsignaling; Scaler; Slip form raiser;   Slurry seal crew (mixer operator, applicator operator,   squeegee person, shuttle person, top person), filling of   cracks by any method on any surface; Tar and mortar; Tool   crib or tool house laborer; Traffic control by any method;   Window cleaner; Wire mesh pulling ‐ all concrete pouring   operations   GROUP 2:  Asbestos abatement; Asphalt shoveler; Cement dumper   (on 1 yd. or larger mixer and handling bulk cement);   Cesspool digger and installer; Chucktender; Chute handler,   pouring concrete, the handling of the chute from readymix   trucks, such as walls, slabs, decks, floors, foundation,   footings, curb, gutters and sidewalks; Concrete curer,   impervious membrane and form oiler; Cutting torch operator   (demolition); Fine grader, highways and street paving,   airport, runways and similar type heavy construction; Gas,   oil and/or water pipeline wrapper ‐ pot tender and form   person; Guinea chaser; Headerboard person ‐ asphalt   installation of all asphalt overlay fabric and materials   used for reinforcing asphalt; Laborer, packing rod steel   and pans; Membrane vapor barrier installer; Power broom   sweeper (small); Riprap stonepaver, placing stone or wet 469   sacked concrete; Roto scraper and tiller; Sandblaster (pot   tender); Septic tank digger and installer (lead); Tank   scaler and cleaner; Tree climber, faller, chain saw   operator, Pittsburgh chipper and similar type brush   shredder; Underground laborer, including caisson bellower   GROUP 3: Buggymobile person; Concrete cutting torch; Concrete   pile cutter; Driller, jackhammer, 2‐1/2 ft. drill steel or   longer; Dri‐pak‐it machine; Gas, oil and/or water pipeline   wrapper, 6‐in. pipe and over, by any method, inside and   out; High scaler (including drilling of same); Hydro seeder   and similar type; Impact wrench multi‐plate; Kettle person,   pot person and workers applying asphalt, lay‐kold,   creosote, lime caustic and similar type materials   (""applying"" means applying, dipping, brushing or handling   of such materials for pipe wrapping and waterproofing);   Operator of pneumatic, gas, electric tools, vibrating   machine, pavement breaker, air blasting, come‐alongs, and   similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein;   operation of remote controlled robotic tools in connection   with Laborer's work;  Pipelayer's backup person, coating,   grouting, making of joints, sealing, caulking, diapering   and including rubber gasket joints, pointing and any and   all other services; Power post hole digger;  Rock slinger;   Rotary scarifier or multiple head concrete chipping   scarifier; Steel headerboard and guideline setter; Tamper,   Barko, Wacker and similar type; Trenching machine,   hand‐propelled   GROUP 4: Any worker exposed to raw sewage;  Asphalt raker,   lute person, ironer, asphalt dump person  and asphalt   spreader boxes (all types); Concrete core cutter (walls,   floors or ceilings), grinder or sander; Concrete saw   person, cutting walls or flat work, scoring old or new   concrete; Cribber, shorer, lagging, sheeting and trench   bracing, hand‐guided lagging hammer; Head rock slinger;   Laborer, asphalt‐rubber distributor boot person; Laser beam   in connection with laborers' work; Over‐size concrete   vibrator operator, 70 lbs. and over; Pipelayer performing   all services in the laying and installation of pipe from   the point of receiving pipe in theditch until completion of   operation, including any and all forms of tubular material,   whether pipe, metallic or non‐metallic,conduit and any   other stationary type of tubular device used for the   conveying of any substance or element, whether water,   sewage, solid gas, air, or other product whatsoever and   without regard to the nature of material from which the   tubular material is fabricated; No‐joint pipe and stripping   of same; Prefabricated manhole installer; Sandblaster   (nozzle person), water blasting,Porta Shot‐Blast; Traffic 470   lane closure, Certified.   GROUP 5: Blaster powder, all work of loading holes, placing   and blasting of all powder and explosives of whatever type,   regardless of method used for such loading and placing;   Driller: All power drills, excluding jackhammer, whether   core, diamond, wagon, track, multiple unit, and any and all   types of mechanical drills without regard to the form of   motive power; Toxic waste removal; Boring system electronic   tracking locator ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0220‐006 07/01/2021 SAN LUIS OBISPO AND SANTA BARBARA COUNTIES                                   Rates          Fringes Brick Tender.....................$ 35.82            20.45 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0300‐002 07/01/2021 LOS ANGELES COUNTY                                   Rates          Fringes Brick Tender.....................$ 35.82            20.45 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0300‐004 07/01/2019 Residential, 4 Stories LOS ANGELES COUNTY                                   Rates          Fringes LABORER        GROUP 1.....................$ 35.24            20.09      GROUP 2.....................$ 35.79            20.09      GROUP 3.....................$ 36.34            20.09      GROUP 4.....................$ 37.89            20.09      GROUP 5.....................$ 38.24            20.09 LABORER CLASSIFICATIONS     GROUP 1: Cleaning and handling of panel forms; Concrete   screeding for rough strike‐off; Concrete, water curing;   Demolition laborer, the cleaning of brick if performed by a   worker performing any other phase of demolition work, and   the cleaning of lumber; Fire watcher, limber, brush loader, 471   piler and debris handler; Flag person; Gas, oil and/or   water pipeline laborer; Laborer, asphalt‐rubber material   loader; Laborer, general or construction; Laborer, general   clean‐up; Laborer, landscaping; Laborer, jetting; Laborer,   temporary water and air lines; Material hose operator   (walls, slabs, floors and decks); Plugging, filling of shee   bolt holes; Dry packing of concrete and patching; post hole   digger (manual);Railroad maintenance, repair track person   and road beds;Streetcar and railroad construction track   laborers; Rigging andsignaling; Scaler; Slip form raiser;   Slurry seal crew (mixer operator, applicator operator,   squeegee person, shuttle person, top person), filling of   cracks by any method on any surface; Tar and mortar; Tool   crib or tool house laborer; Traffic control by any method;   Window cleaner; Wire mesh pulling ‐ all concrete pouring   operations   GROUP 2:  Asbestos abatement; Asphalt shoveler; Cement dumper   (on 1 yd. or larger mixer and handling bulk cement);   Cesspool digger and installer; Chucktender; Chute handler,   pouring concrete, the handling of the chute from readymix   trucks, such as walls, slabs, decks, floors, foundation,   footings, curb, gutters and sidewalks; Concrete curer,   impervious membrane and form oiler; Cutting torch operator   (demolition); Fine grader, highways and street paving,   airport, runways and similar type heavy construction; Gas,   oil and/or water pipeline wrapper ‐ pot tender and form   person; Guinea chaser; Headerboard person ‐ asphalt   installation of all asphalt overlay fabric and materials   used for reinforcing asphalt; Laborer, packing rod steel   and pans; Membrane vapor barrier installer; Power broom   sweeper (small); Riprap stonepaver, placing stone or wet   sacked concrete; Roto scraper and tiller; Sandblaster (pot   tender); Septic tank digger and installer (lead); Tank   scaler and cleaner; Tree climber, faller, chain saw   operator, Pittsburgh chipper and similar type brush   shredder; Underground laborer, including caisson bellower   GROUP 3: Buggymobile person; Concrete cutting torch; Concrete   pile cutter; Driller, jackhammer, 2‐1/2 ft. drill steel or   longer; Dri‐pak‐it machine; Gas, oil and/or water pipeline   wrapper, 6‐in. pipe and over, by any method, inside and   out; High scaler (including drilling of same); Hydro seeder   and similar type; Impact wrench multi‐plate; Kettle person,   pot person and workers applying asphalt, lay‐kold,   creosote, lime caustic and similar type materials   (""applying"" means applying, dipping, brushing or handling   of such materials for pipe wrapping and waterproofing);   Operator of pneumatic, gas, electric tools, vibrating   machine, pavement breaker, air blasting, come‐alongs, and 472   similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein;   operation of remote controlled robotic tools in connection   with Laborer's work;  Pipelayer's backup person, coating,   grouting, making of joints, sealing, caulking, diapering   and including rubber gasket joints, pointing and any and   all other services; Power post hole digger;  Rock slinger;   Rotary scarifier or multiple head concrete chipping   scarifier; Steel headerboard and guideline setter; Tamper,   Barko, Wacker and similar type; Trenching machine,   hand‐propelled   GROUP 4: Any worker exposed to raw sewage;  Asphalt raker,   lute person, ironer, asphalt dump person  and asphalt   spreader boxes (all types); Concrete core cutter (walls,   floors or ceilings), grinder or sander; Concrete saw   person, cutting walls or flat work, scoring old or new   concrete; Cribber, shorer, lagging, sheeting and trench   bracing, hand‐guided lagging hammer; Head rock slinger;   Laborer, asphalt‐rubber distributor boot person; Laser beam   in connection with laborers' work; Over‐size concrete   vibrator operator, 70 lbs. and over; Pipelayer performing   all services in the laying and installation of pipe from   the point of receiving pipe in theditch until completion of   operation, including any and all forms of tubular material,   whether pipe, metallic or non‐metallic,conduit and any   other stationary type of tubular device used for the   conveying of any substance or element, whether water,   sewage, solid gas, air, or other product whatsoever and   without regard to the nature of material from which the   tubular material is fabricated; No‐joint pipe and stripping   of same; Prefabricated manhole installer; Sandblaster   (nozzle person), water blasting,Porta Shot‐Blast; Traffic   lane closure, Certified.   GROUP 5: Blaster powder, all work of loading holes, placing   and blasting of all powder and explosives of whatever type,   regardless of method used for such loading and placing;   Driller: All power drills, excluding jackhammer, whether   core, diamond, wagon, track, multiple unit, and any and all   types of mechanical drills without regard to the form of   motive power; Toxic waste removal; Boring system electronic   tracking locator ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0300‐006 03/01/2021                                   Rates          Fringes Asbestos Removal Laborer.........$ 37.49            21.88 473   SCOPE OF WORK:  Includes site mobilization, initial site   cleanup, site preparation, removal of asbestos containing   material and toxic waste (including lead abatement and any   other toxic material), encapsulation, enclosure and   disposal of asbestos containing materials and toxic   waste(including lead abatement and any other toxic   materials) by hand or with equipment or machinery;   scaffolding, fabrication of temporary wooden barriers and   assembly of decontamination stations. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0300‐007 07/01/2020 Residential, 3 Stories and under                                   Rates          Fringes Laborers        (1) Cleanup, Fencing       (Chain Link or Wood),       Landscaping.................$ 34.91            17.79      (2) All Other Work..........$ 35.91            17.79 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0585‐002 07/01/2019 Residential, 4 Stories VENTURA COUNTY                                   Rates          Fringes LABORER        GROUP 1.....................$ 35.24            20.09      GROUP 2.....................$ 35.79            20.09      GROUP 3.....................$ 36.34            20.09      GROUP 4.....................$ 37.89            20.09      GROUP 5.....................$ 38.24            20.09 LABORER CLASSIFICATIONS     GROUP 1: Cleaning and handling of panel forms; Concrete   screeding for rough strike‐off; Concrete, water curing;   Demolition laborer, the cleaning of brick if performed by a   worker performing any other phase of demolition work, and   the cleaning of lumber; Fire watcher, limber, brush loader,   piler and debris handler; Flag person; Gas, oil and/or   water pipeline laborer; Laborer, asphalt‐rubber material   loader; Laborer, general or construction; Laborer, general   clean‐up; Laborer, landscaping; Laborer, jetting; Laborer,   temporary water and air lines; Material hose operator 474   (walls, slabs, floors and decks); Plugging, filling of shee   bolt holes; Dry packing of concrete and patching; post hole   digger (manual);Railroad maintenance, repair track person   and road beds;Streetcar and railroad construction track   laborers; Rigging andsignaling; Scaler; Slip form raiser;   Slurry seal crew (mixer operator, applicator operator,   squeegee person, shuttle person, top person), filling of   cracks by any method on any surface; Tar and mortar; Tool   crib or tool house laborer; Traffic control by any method;   Window cleaner; Wire mesh pulling ‐ all concrete pouring   operations   GROUP 2:  Asbestos abatement; Asphalt shoveler; Cement dumper   (on 1 yd. or larger mixer and handling bulk cement);   Cesspool digger and installer; Chucktender; Chute handler,   pouring concrete, the handling of the chute from readymix   trucks, such as walls, slabs, decks, floors, foundation,   footings, curb, gutters and sidewalks; Concrete curer,   impervious membrane and form oiler; Cutting torch operator   (demolition); Fine grader, highways and street paving,   airport, runways and similar type heavy construction; Gas,   oil and/or water pipeline wrapper ‐ pot tender and form   person; Guinea chaser; Headerboard person ‐ asphalt   installation of all asphalt overlay fabric and materials   used for reinforcing asphalt; Laborer, packing rod steel   and pans; Membrane vapor barrier installer; Power broom   sweeper (small); Riprap stonepaver, placing stone or wet   sacked concrete; Roto scraper and tiller; Sandblaster (pot   tender); Septic tank digger and installer (lead); Tank   scaler and cleaner; Tree climber, faller, chain saw   operator, Pittsburgh chipper and similar type brush   shredder; Underground laborer, including caisson bellower   GROUP 3: Buggymobile person; Concrete cutting torch; Concrete   pile cutter; Driller, jackhammer, 2‐1/2 ft. drill steel or   longer; Dri‐pak‐it machine; Gas, oil and/or water pipeline   wrapper, 6‐in. pipe and over, by any method, inside and   out; High scaler (including drilling of same); Hydro seeder   and similar type; Impact wrench multi‐plate; Kettle person,   pot person and workers applying asphalt, lay‐kold,   creosote, lime caustic and similar type materials   (""applying"" means applying, dipping, brushing or handling   of such materials for pipe wrapping and waterproofing);   Operator of pneumatic, gas, electric tools, vibrating   machine, pavement breaker, air blasting, come‐alongs, and   similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein;   operation of remote controlled robotic tools in connection   with Laborer's work;  Pipelayer's backup person, coating,   grouting, making of joints, sealing, caulking, diapering   and including rubber gasket joints, pointing and any and 475   all other services; Power post hole digger;  Rock slinger;   Rotary scarifier or multiple head concrete chipping   scarifier; Steel headerboard and guideline setter; Tamper,   Barko, Wacker and similar type; Trenching machine,   hand‐propelled   GROUP 4: Any worker exposed to raw sewage;  Asphalt raker,   lute person, ironer, asphalt dump person  and asphalt   spreader boxes (all types); Concrete core cutter (walls,   floors or ceilings), grinder or sander; Concrete saw   person, cutting walls or flat work, scoring old or new   concrete; Cribber, shorer, lagging, sheeting and trench   bracing, hand‐guided lagging hammer; Head rock slinger;   Laborer, asphalt‐rubber distributor boot person; Laser beam   in connection with laborers' work; Over‐size concrete   vibrator operator, 70 lbs. and over; Pipelayer performing   all services in the laying and installation of pipe from   the point of receiving pipe in theditch until completion of   operation, including any and all forms of tubular material,   whether pipe, metallic or non‐metallic,conduit and any   other stationary type of tubular device used for the   conveying of any substance or element, whether water,   sewage, solid gas, air, or other product whatsoever and   without regard to the nature of material from which the   tubular material is fabricated; No‐joint pipe and stripping   of same; Prefabricated manhole installer; Sandblaster   (nozzle person), water blasting,Porta Shot‐Blast; Traffic   lane closure, Certified.   GROUP 5: Blaster powder, all work of loading holes, placing   and blasting of all powder and explosives of whatever type,   regardless of method used for such loading and placing;   Driller: All power drills, excluding jackhammer, whether   core, diamond, wagon, track, multiple unit, and any and all   types of mechanical drills without regard to the form of   motive power; Toxic waste removal; Boring system electronic   tracking locator ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0585‐004 07/01/2021 VENTURA COUNTY                                   Rates          Fringes Brick Tender.....................$ 35.82            20.45 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0652‐002 07/01/2019 Residential, 4 Stories 476 ORANGE COUNTY                                   Rates          Fringes LABORER        GROUP 1.....................$ 35.24            20.09      GROUP 2.....................$ 35.79            20.09      GROUP 3.....................$ 36.34            20.09      GROUP 4.....................$ 37.89            20.09      GROUP 5.....................$ 38.24            20.09 LABORER CLASSIFICATIONS     GROUP 1: Cleaning and handling of panel forms; Concrete   screeding for rough strike‐off; Concrete, water curing;   Demolition laborer, the cleaning of brick if performed by a   worker performing any other phase of demolition work, and   the cleaning of lumber; Fire watcher, limber, brush loader,   piler and debris handler; Flag person; Gas, oil and/or   water pipeline laborer; Laborer, asphalt‐rubber material   loader; Laborer, general or construction; Laborer, general   clean‐up; Laborer, landscaping; Laborer, jetting; Laborer,   temporary water and air lines; Material hose operator   (walls, slabs, floors and decks); Plugging, filling of shee   bolt holes; Dry packing of concrete and patching; post hole   digger (manual);Railroad maintenance, repair track person   and road beds;Streetcar and railroad construction track   laborers; Rigging andsignaling; Scaler; Slip form raiser;   Slurry seal crew (mixer operator, applicator operator,   squeegee person, shuttle person, top person), filling of   cracks by any method on any surface; Tar and mortar; Tool   crib or tool house laborer; Traffic control by any method;   Window cleaner; Wire mesh pulling ‐ all concrete pouring   operations   GROUP 2:  Asbestos abatement; Asphalt shoveler; Cement dumper   (on 1 yd. or larger mixer and handling bulk cement);   Cesspool digger and installer; Chucktender; Chute handler,   pouring concrete, the handling of the chute from readymix   trucks, such as walls, slabs, decks, floors, foundation,   footings, curb, gutters and sidewalks; Concrete curer,   impervious membrane and form oiler; Cutting torch operator   (demolition); Fine grader, highways and street paving,   airport, runways and similar type heavy construction; Gas,   oil and/or water pipeline wrapper ‐ pot tender and form   person; Guinea chaser; Headerboard person ‐ asphalt   installation of all asphalt overlay fabric and materials   used for reinforcing asphalt; Laborer, packing rod steel   and pans; Membrane vapor barrier installer; Power broom 477   sweeper (small); Riprap stonepaver, placing stone or wet   sacked concrete; Roto scraper and tiller; Sandblaster (pot   tender); Septic tank digger and installer (lead); Tank   scaler and cleaner; Tree climber, faller, chain saw   operator, Pittsburgh chipper and similar type brush   shredder; Underground laborer, including caisson bellower   GROUP 3: Buggymobile person; Concrete cutting torch; Concrete   pile cutter; Driller, jackhammer, 2‐1/2 ft. drill steel or   longer; Dri‐pak‐it machine; Gas, oil and/or water pipeline   wrapper, 6‐in. pipe and over, by any method, inside and   out; High scaler (including drilling of same); Hydro seeder   and similar type; Impact wrench multi‐plate; Kettle person,   pot person and workers applying asphalt, lay‐kold,   creosote, lime caustic and similar type materials   (""applying"" means applying, dipping, brushing or handling   of such materials for pipe wrapping and waterproofing);   Operator of pneumatic, gas, electric tools, vibrating   machine, pavement breaker, air blasting, come‐alongs, and   similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein;   operation of remote controlled robotic tools in connection   with Laborer's work;  Pipelayer's backup person, coating,   grouting, making of joints, sealing, caulking, diapering   and including rubber gasket joints, pointing and any and   all other services; Power post hole digger;  Rock slinger;   Rotary scarifier or multiple head concrete chipping   scarifier; Steel headerboard and guideline setter; Tamper,   Barko, Wacker and similar type; Trenching machine,   hand‐propelled   GROUP 4: Any worker exposed to raw sewage;  Asphalt raker,   lute person, ironer, asphalt dump person  and asphalt   spreader boxes (all types); Concrete core cutter (walls,   floors or ceilings), grinder or sander; Concrete saw   person, cutting walls or flat work, scoring old or new   concrete; Cribber, shorer, lagging, sheeting and trench   bracing, hand‐guided lagging hammer; Head rock slinger;   Laborer, asphalt‐rubber distributor boot person; Laser beam   in connection with laborers' work; Over‐size concrete   vibrator operator, 70 lbs. and over; Pipelayer performing   all services in the laying and installation of pipe from   the point of receiving pipe in theditch until completion of   operation, including any and all forms of tubular material,   whether pipe, metallic or non‐metallic,conduit and any   other stationary type of tubular device used for the   conveying of any substance or element, whether water,   sewage, solid gas, air, or other product whatsoever and   without regard to the nature of material from which the   tubular material is fabricated; No‐joint pipe and stripping   of same; Prefabricated manhole installer; Sandblaster 478   (nozzle person), water blasting,Porta Shot‐Blast; Traffic   lane closure, Certified.   GROUP 5: Blaster powder, all work of loading holes, placing   and blasting of all powder and explosives of whatever type,   regardless of method used for such loading and placing;   Driller: All power drills, excluding jackhammer, whether   core, diamond, wagon, track, multiple unit, and any and all   types of mechanical drills without regard to the form of   motive power; Toxic waste removal; Boring system electronic   tracking locator ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0652‐004 07/01/2021 ORANGE COUNTY                                   Rates          Fringes Brick Tender.....................$ 35.82            20.45 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0783‐003 07/01/2019 Residential, 4 Stories SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY                                   Rates          Fringes LABORER        GROUP 1.....................$ 35.24            20.09      GROUP 2.....................$ 35.79            20.09      GROUP 3.....................$ 36.34            20.09      GROUP 4.....................$ 37.89            20.09      GROUP 5.....................$ 38.24            20.09 LABORER CLASSIFICATIONS     GROUP 1: Cleaning and handling of panel forms; Concrete   screeding for rough strike‐off; Concrete, water curing;   Demolition laborer, the cleaning of brick if performed by a   worker performing any other phase of demolition work, and   the cleaning of lumber; Fire watcher, limber, brush loader,   piler and debris handler; Flag person; Gas, oil and/or   water pipeline laborer; Laborer, asphalt‐rubber material   loader; Laborer, general or construction; Laborer, general   clean‐up; Laborer, landscaping; Laborer, jetting; Laborer,   temporary water and air lines; Material hose operator   (walls, slabs, floors and decks); Plugging, filling of shee   bolt holes; Dry packing of concrete and patching; post hole 479   digger (manual);Railroad maintenance, repair track person   and road beds;Streetcar and railroad construction track   laborers; Rigging andsignaling; Scaler; Slip form raiser;   Slurry seal crew (mixer operator, applicator operator,   squeegee person, shuttle person, top person), filling of   cracks by any method on any surface; Tar and mortar; Tool   crib or tool house laborer; Traffic control by any method;   Window cleaner; Wire mesh pulling ‐ all concrete pouring   operations   GROUP 2:  Asbestos abatement; Asphalt shoveler; Cement dumper   (on 1 yd. or larger mixer and handling bulk cement);   Cesspool digger and installer; Chucktender; Chute handler,   pouring concrete, the handling of the chute from readymix   trucks, such as walls, slabs, decks, floors, foundation,   footings, curb, gutters and sidewalks; Concrete curer,   impervious membrane and form oiler; Cutting torch operator   (demolition); Fine grader, highways and street paving,   airport, runways and similar type heavy construction; Gas,   oil and/or water pipeline wrapper ‐ pot tender and form   person; Guinea chaser; Headerboard person ‐ asphalt   installation of all asphalt overlay fabric and materials   used for reinforcing asphalt; Laborer, packing rod steel   and pans; Membrane vapor barrier installer; Power broom   sweeper (small); Riprap stonepaver, placing stone or wet   sacked concrete; Roto scraper and tiller; Sandblaster (pot   tender); Septic tank digger and installer (lead); Tank   scaler and cleaner; Tree climber, faller, chain saw   operator, Pittsburgh chipper and similar type brush   shredder; Underground laborer, including caisson bellower   GROUP 3: Buggymobile person; Concrete cutting torch; Concrete   pile cutter; Driller, jackhammer, 2‐1/2 ft. drill steel or   longer; Dri‐pak‐it machine; Gas, oil and/or water pipeline   wrapper, 6‐in. pipe and over, by any method, inside and   out; High scaler (including drilling of same); Hydro seeder   and similar type; Impact wrench multi‐plate; Kettle person,   pot person and workers applying asphalt, lay‐kold,   creosote, lime caustic and similar type materials   (""applying"" means applying, dipping, brushing or handling   of such materials for pipe wrapping and waterproofing);   Operator of pneumatic, gas, electric tools, vibrating   machine, pavement breaker, air blasting, come‐alongs, and   similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein;   operation of remote controlled robotic tools in connection   with Laborer's work;  Pipelayer's backup person, coating,   grouting, making of joints, sealing, caulking, diapering   and including rubber gasket joints, pointing and any and   all other services; Power post hole digger;  Rock slinger;   Rotary scarifier or multiple head concrete chipping 480   scarifier; Steel headerboard and guideline setter; Tamper,   Barko, Wacker and similar type; Trenching machine,   hand‐propelled   GROUP 4: Any worker exposed to raw sewage;  Asphalt raker,   lute person, ironer, asphalt dump person  and asphalt   spreader boxes (all types); Concrete core cutter (walls,   floors or ceilings), grinder or sander; Concrete saw   person, cutting walls or flat work, scoring old or new   concrete; Cribber, shorer, lagging, sheeting and trench   bracing, hand‐guided lagging hammer; Head rock slinger;   Laborer, asphalt‐rubber distributor boot person; Laser beam   in connection with laborers' work; Over‐size concrete   vibrator operator, 70 lbs. and over; Pipelayer performing   all services in the laying and installation of pipe from   the point of receiving pipe in theditch until completion of   operation, including any and all forms of tubular material,   whether pipe, metallic or non‐metallic,conduit and any   other stationary type of tubular device used for the   conveying of any substance or element, whether water,   sewage, solid gas, air, or other product whatsoever and   without regard to the nature of material from which the   tubular material is fabricated; No‐joint pipe and stripping   of same; Prefabricated manhole installer; Sandblaster   (nozzle person), water blasting,Porta Shot‐Blast; Traffic   lane closure, Certified.   GROUP 5: Blaster powder, all work of loading holes, placing   and blasting of all powder and explosives of whatever type,   regardless of method used for such loading and placing;   Driller: All power drills, excluding jackhammer, whether   core, diamond, wagon, track, multiple unit, and any and all   types of mechanical drills without regard to the form of   motive power; Toxic waste removal; Boring system electronic   tracking locator ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO0783‐006 07/01/2021 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY                                   Rates          Fringes Brick Tender.....................$ 35.82            20.45 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO1184‐001 07/01/2021                                   Rates          Fringes Laborers: (HORIZONTAL    481 DIRECTIONAL DRILLING)        (1) Drilling Crew Laborer...$ 38.89            17.10      (2) Vehicle Operator/Hauler.$ 39.06            17.10      (3) Horizontal Directional       Drill Operator..............$ 40.91            17.10      (4) Electronic Tracking       Locator.....................$ 42.91            17.10 Laborers: (STRIPING/SLURRY    SEAL)        GROUP 1.....................$ 40.10            20.12      GROUP 2.....................$ 41.40            20.12      GROUP 3.....................$ 43.41            20.12      GROUP 4.....................$ 45.15            20.12 LABORERS ‐ STRIPING CLASSIFICATIONS     GROUP 1: Protective coating, pavement sealing, including   repair and filling of cracks by any method on any surface   in parking lots, game courts and playgrounds; carstops;   operation of all related machinery and equipment; equipment   repair technician   GROUP 2: Traffic surface abrasive blaster; pot tender ‐   removal of all traffic lines and markings by any method   (sandblasting, waterblasting, grinding, etc.) and   preparation of surface for coatings.  Traffic control   person: controlling and directing traffic through both   conventional and moving lane closures; operation of all   related machinery and equipment   GROUP 3: Traffic delineating device applicator: Layout and   application of pavement markers, delineating signs, rumble   and traffic bars, adhesives, guide markers, other traffic   delineating devices including traffic control. This   category includes all traffic related surface preparation   (sandblasting, waterblasting, grinding) as part of the   application process. Traffic protective delineating system   installer: removes, relocates, installs, permanently   affixed roadside and parking delineation barricades,   fencing, cable anchor, guard rail, reference signs,   monument markers; operation of all related machinery and   equipment; power broom sweeper   GROUP 4: Striper: layout and application of traffic stripes   and markings; hot thermo plastic; tape traffic stripes and   markings, including traffic control; operation of all   related machinery and equipment ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO1184‐003 07/01/2019 482 Residential, 4 Stories IMPERIAL AND RIVERSIDE COUNTIES                                   Rates          Fringes LABORER        GROUP 1.....................$ 35.24            20.09      GROUP 2.....................$ 35.79            20.09      GROUP 3.....................$ 36.34            20.09      GROUP 4.....................$ 37.89            20.09      GROUP 5.....................$ 38.24            20.09 LABORER CLASSIFICATIONS     GROUP 1: Cleaning and handling of panel forms; Concrete   screeding for rough strike‐off; Concrete, water curing;   Demolition laborer, the cleaning of brick if performed by a   worker performing any other phase of demolition work, and   the cleaning of lumber; Fire watcher, limber, brush loader,   piler and debris handler; Flag person; Gas, oil and/or   water pipeline laborer; Laborer, asphalt‐rubber material   loader; Laborer, general or construction; Laborer, general   clean‐up; Laborer, landscaping; Laborer, jetting; Laborer,   temporary water and air lines; Material hose operator   (walls, slabs, floors and decks); Plugging, filling of shee   bolt holes; Dry packing of concrete and patching; post hole   digger (manual);Railroad maintenance, repair track person   and road beds;Streetcar and railroad construction track   laborers; Rigging andsignaling; Scaler; Slip form raiser;   Slurry seal crew (mixer operator, applicator operator,   squeegee person, shuttle person, top person), filling of   cracks by any method on any surface; Tar and mortar; Tool   crib or tool house laborer; Traffic control by any method;   Window cleaner; Wire mesh pulling ‐ all concrete pouring   operations   GROUP 2:  Asbestos abatement; Asphalt shoveler; Cement dumper   (on 1 yd. or larger mixer and handling bulk cement);   Cesspool digger and installer; Chucktender; Chute handler,   pouring concrete, the handling of the chute from readymix   trucks, such as walls, slabs, decks, floors, foundation,   footings, curb, gutters and sidewalks; Concrete curer,   impervious membrane and form oiler; Cutting torch operator   (demolition); Fine grader, highways and street paving,   airport, runways and similar type heavy construction; Gas,   oil and/or water pipeline wrapper ‐ pot tender and form   person; Guinea chaser; Headerboard person ‐ asphalt   installation of all asphalt overlay fabric and materials 483   used for reinforcing asphalt; Laborer, packing rod steel   and pans; Membrane vapor barrier installer; Power broom   sweeper (small); Riprap stonepaver, placing stone or wet   sacked concrete; Roto scraper and tiller; Sandblaster (pot   tender); Septic tank digger and installer (lead); Tank   scaler and cleaner; Tree climber, faller, chain saw   operator, Pittsburgh chipper and similar type brush   shredder; Underground laborer, including caisson bellower   GROUP 3: Buggymobile person; Concrete cutting torch; Concrete   pile cutter; Driller, jackhammer, 2‐1/2 ft. drill steel or   longer; Dri‐pak‐it machine; Gas, oil and/or water pipeline   wrapper, 6‐in. pipe and over, by any method, inside and   out; High scaler (including drilling of same); Hydro seeder   and similar type; Impact wrench multi‐plate; Kettle person,   pot person and workers applying asphalt, lay‐kold,   creosote, lime caustic and similar type materials   (""applying"" means applying, dipping, brushing or handling   of such materials for pipe wrapping and waterproofing);   Operator of pneumatic, gas, electric tools, vibrating   machine, pavement breaker, air blasting, come‐alongs, and   similar mechanical tools not separately classified herein;   operation of remote controlled robotic tools in connection   with Laborer's work;  Pipelayer's backup person, coating,   grouting, making of joints, sealing, caulking, diapering   and including rubber gasket joints, pointing and any and   all other services; Power post hole digger;  Rock slinger;   Rotary scarifier or multiple head concrete chipping   scarifier; Steel headerboard and guideline setter; Tamper,   Barko, Wacker and similar type; Trenching machine,   hand‐propelled   GROUP 4: Any worker exposed to raw sewage;  Asphalt raker,   lute person, ironer, asphalt dump person  and asphalt   spreader boxes (all types); Concrete core cutter (walls,   floors or ceilings), grinder or sander; Concrete saw   person, cutting walls or flat work, scoring old or new   concrete; Cribber, shorer, lagging, sheeting and trench   bracing, hand‐guided lagging hammer; Head rock slinger;   Laborer, asphalt‐rubber distributor boot person; Laser beam   in connection with laborers' work; Over‐size concrete   vibrator operator, 70 lbs. and over; Pipelayer performing   all services in the laying and installation of pipe from   the point of receiving pipe in theditch until completion of   operation, including any and all forms of tubular material,   whether pipe, metallic or non‐metallic,conduit and any   other stationary type of tubular device used for the   conveying of any substance or element, whether water,   sewage, solid gas, air, or other product whatsoever and   without regard to the nature of material from which the 484   tubular material is fabricated; No‐joint pipe and stripping   of same; Prefabricated manhole installer; Sandblaster   (nozzle person), water blasting,Porta Shot‐Blast; Traffic   lane closure, Certified.   GROUP 5: Blaster powder, all work of loading holes, placing   and blasting of all powder and explosives of whatever type,   regardless of method used for such loading and placing;   Driller: All power drills, excluding jackhammer, whether   core, diamond, wagon, track, multiple unit, and any and all   types of mechanical drills without regard to the form of   motive power; Toxic waste removal; Boring system electronic   tracking locator ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO1184‐005 07/01/2021 IMPERIAL AND RIVERSIDE COUNTIES                                   Rates          Fringes Brick Tender.....................$ 35.82            20.45 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  LABO1414‐002 08/05/2020                                   Rates          Fringes Laborers: (1 to 3 Stories)        Plaster Clean‐Up Laborer....$ 34.03            21.01      Plaster Tender..............$ 36.58            21.01 Laborers: (4 Stories)        Plaster Clean‐up Laborer....$ 34.03            21.01      Plaster Tender..............$ 36.58            21.01 Work on a swing stage scaffold: $1.00 per hour additional. Work at Military Bases ‐  $3.00 additional per hour:   Coronado Naval Amphibious Base, Fort Irwin, George AFB,   Marine Corps Air Station‐29 Palms, Imperial Beach Naval Air   Station, Marine Corps Logistics Supply Base, Marine Corps   Pickle Meadows,  Mountain Warfare Training Center, Naval   Air Facility‐Seeley, North Island Naval Air Station,   Vandenberg AFB. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  PAIN0036‐005 07/01/2019                                   Rates          Fringes PAINTER (including lead    485 abatement)        Imperial, Los Angeles,       Orange, Riverside & San       Bernardino       (1) Repaint................$ 28.59            15.97       (2) All other work.........$ 32.12            16.09       (3) Journeyman &        Industrial.................$ 34.02            16.49      San Luis Obispo, Santa       Barbara & Ventura       (1) Repaint................$ 25.40            15.87       (2) All other work.........$ 30.04            16.03       (3) Journeyman &        Industrial.................$ 34.02            16.49 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  PAIN0036‐011 10/01/2020 IMPERIAL, LOS ANGELES, ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO, SAN LUIS OBISPO, SANTA BARBARA AND VENTURA COUNTIES                                   Rates          Fringes DRYWALL FINISHER/TAPER...........$ 27.11            17.51 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  PAIN0036‐014 10/01/2020 IMPERIAL                                   Rates          Fringes GLAZIER..........................$ 45.55            18.06 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  PAIN0036‐018 01/01/2020 LOS ANGELES, ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO, SANTA BARBARA AND VENTURA                                   Rates          Fringes GLAZIER..........................$ 43.45            23.39   FOOTNOTE:  Additional $1.25 per hour for work in a condo,   from the third (3rd) floor and up. Additional $1.25 per   hour for work on the outside of the building from a swing   stage or any suspended contrivance, from the ground up. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  PAIN0036‐020 01/01/2021 486 IMPERIAL                                   Rates          Fringes SOFT FLOOR LAYER.................$ 33.52            17.59 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  PAIN0169‐007 06/01/2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO                                   Rates          Fringes GLAZIER..........................$ 40.00            26.76 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  PAIN1247‐003 01/01/2021 LOS ANGELES, ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO, SAN LUIS OBISPO, SANTA BARBARA AND VENTURA                                   Rates          Fringes SOFT FLOOR LAYER.................$ 38.75            14.03 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  PLAS0200‐002 08/04/2021 IMPERIAL, KERN, LOS ANGELES, ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO, SAN LUIS OBISPO, SANTA BARBARA AND VENTURA                                   Rates          Fringes PLASTERER        1 ‐ 3 stories...............$ 42.74            18.39      4‐stories...................$ 45.77            18.39 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  PLAS0500‐003 07/01/2020                                   Rates          Fringes CEMENT MASON/CONCRETE FINISHER...$ 38.50            25.91 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  PLUM0016‐011 09/01/2020                                   Rates          Fringes PLUMBER/PIPEFITTER        Residential.................$ 41.62            20.63 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 487  PLUM0250‐001 09/04/2017 LOS ANGELES AND ORANGE                                   Rates          Fringes REFRIGERATION MECHANIC        Refrigeration Fitter........$ 45.50            21.65 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  PLUM0345‐001 09/01/2020                                   Rates          Fringes PLUMBER        Landscape/Irrigation Fitter.$ 35.30            24.10      Sewer & Storm Drain Work....$ 39.39            21.48 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  ROOF0036‐001 09/15/2020 LOS ANGELES, ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN BERNARDINO,  SAN LUIS OBISPO, SANTA BARBARA AND VENTURA                                   Rates          Fringes Roofer...........................$ 38.74            17.42 FOOTNOTE: Pitch premium: Work on which employees are exposed  to pitch fumes or required to handle pitch, pitch base or  pitch impregnated products, or any material containing coal  tar pitch, the entire roofing crew shall receive $1.75 per  hour ""pitch premium"" pay. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ * ROOF0045‐003 07/01/2021 IMPERIAL                                   Rates          Fringes Roofer...........................$ 37.75            10.24 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  SFCA0669‐005 01/01/2021 AREA 1: IMPERIAL COUNTY; LOS ANGELES COUNTY (does not include the city of Pomona, Catalina Island, and that part of Los Angeles County within 25 miles of the city limits of Los Angeles); ORANGE COUNTY (does not include Catalina Island; San Clemente Island; City of Santa Ana; and remainder of Orange 488 County within 25 miles of the city limits of Los Angeles); RIVERSIDE COUNTY; AND SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY (does not include the northern part of City of Chino, or the cities of Montclair and Ontario) AREA 2:  SAN LUIS OBISPO, SANTA BARBARA COUNTIES, VENTURA (does not include Port Hueneme, Port Mugu, the city of Santa Paula, and that part of Ventura County within 25 miles of the city limits of Los Angeles) COUNTIES                                   Rates          Fringes SPRINKLER FITTER        Area 1......................$ 39.83            26.23      Area 2......................$ 38.95            26.15 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  SFCA0709‐002 01/01/2021 LOS ANGELES COUNTY (the city of Pomona, Catalina Island, and that part of Los Angeles County within 25 miles of the city limits of Los Angeles); ORANGE COUNTY (San Clemente Island, the city of Santa Ana, and that part of Orange County within 25 miles of the city limits of Los Angeles); SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY (the northern part of the city of Chino, and the cities of Montclair and Ontario); VENTURA  COUNTY (Port Hueneme, Port Mugu, the city of Santa Paula, and that part of Ventura County within 25 miles of the city limits of Los Angeles)                                   Rates          Fringes SPRINKLER FITTER.................$ 48.71            29.15 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  SHEE0105‐001 07/01/2021 AREA 1:  LOS ANGELES COUNTY (South of a straight line drawn between gorman and Big Pines, excluding the area South of Imperial Highway East of the Los Angeles River, excluding the cities of Long Beach, Claremont, and Pomona, excluding Catalina Island) AREA 2: LOS ANGELES (Remainder), ORANGE, RIVERSIDE & SAN BERNARDINO COUNTIES Work on general sheet metal and heating and air conditioning on single family dwellings, multiple family dwellings, track homes and apartment buildings individually conditioned by separate and independent units or systems 489                                   Rates          Fringes SHEET METAL WORKER        AREA 1......................$ 30.14            10.74      AREA 2......................$ 29.54            19.09 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  SHEE0206‐003 07/01/2020 IMPERIAL                                   Rates          Fringes Sheet Metal (TECHNICIAN).........$ 30.51             9.49 SHEET METAL WORKER...............$ 40.62            29.55 SHEET METAL TECHNICIAN ‐ SCOPE:   a. Existing residential buildings, both single and   multi‐family, where each unit is heated and/or cooled by a   separate system  b. New single family residential buildings   including tracts.  c. New multi‐family residential   buildings, not exceeding five stories of living space in   height, provided each unit is heated or cooled by a   separate system. Hotels and motels are excluded.  d. LIGHT   COMMERCIAL WORK: Any sheet metal, heating and air   conditioning work performed on a project where the total   construction cost, excluding land, is under $1,000,000  e.   TENANT IMPROVEMENT WORK: Any work necessary to finish   interior spaces to conform to the occupants of commercial   buildings, after completion of the building shell ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  SHEE0273‐001 08/01/2020 SAN LUIS OBISPO, SANTA BARBARA AND VENTURA                                   Rates          Fringes SHEET METAL WORKER...............$ 46.87            31.15   HOLIDAYS: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, President's   Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Indepdendence Day, Labor   Day, Veterans Day,Thankisgiving Day & Friday after,   Christmas Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  TEAM0011‐001 07/01/2020                                   Rates          Fringes 490 Truck drivers:        GROUP  1....................$ 32.59            30.59      GROUP  2....................$ 32.74            30.59      GROUP  3....................$ 32.87            30.59      GROUP  4....................$ 33.06            30.59      GROUP  5....................$ 33.09            30.59      GROUP  6....................$ 33.12            30.59      GROUP  7....................$ 33.37            30.59      GROUP  8....................$ 33.62            30.59      GROUP  9....................$ 33.82            30.59      GROUP 10....................$ 33.12            30.59      GROUP 11....................$ 34.62            30.59      GROUP 12....................$ 35.05            30.59 WORK ON ALL MILITARY BASES ‐ $3.00 PER HOUR ADDITIONAL:   [29 palms Marine Base, Camp Roberts, China Lake, Edwards AFB,   El Centro Naval Facility, Fort Irwin, George AFB, Marine   Corps Logistics Base at Nebo & Yermo, Mountain Warfare   Training Center, Bridgeport, Point Arguello, Point   Conception, Vandenberg AFB] TRUCK DRIVERS CLASSIFICATIONS GROUP 1: Truck driver   GROUP 2: Driver of vehicle or combination of vehicles ‐ 2   axles; Traffic control pilot car excluding moving heavy   equipment permit load; Truck mounted broom   GROUP 3: Driver of vehicle or combination of vehicles ‐ 3   axles; Boot person; Cement mason distribution truck; Fuel   truck driver; Water truck ‐ 2 axle; Dump truck, less than   16 yds. water level; Erosion control driver   GROUP 4: Driver of transit mix truck, under 3 yds.; Dumpcrete   truck, less than 6‐1/2 yds. water level   GROUP 5: Water truck, 3 or more axles; Truck greaser and tire   person ($0.50 additional for tire person); Pipeline and   utility working truck driver, including winch truck and   plastic fusion, limited to pipeline and utility work;   Slurry truck driver   GROUP 6: Transit mix truck, 3 yds. or more; Dumpcrete truck,   6‐1/2 yds. water level and over; Vehicle or combination of   vehicles ‐ 4 or more axles; Oil spreader truck; Dump truck,   16 yds. to 25 yds. water level   GROUP 7: A Frame, Swedish crane or similar; Forklift driver; 491   Ross carrier driver   GROUP 8: Dump truck, 25 yds. to 49 yds. water level; Truck   repair person; Water pull ‐ single engine; Welder   GROUP 9: Truck repair person/welder; Low bed driver, 9 axles   or over   GROUP 10: Dump truck ‐ 50 yds. or more water level; Water   pull ‐ single engine with attachment   GROUP 11: Water pull ‐ twin engine; Water pull ‐ twin engine   with attachments; Winch truck driver ‐ $1.25 additional   when operating winch or similar special attachments GROUP 12: Boom Truck 17K and above ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ WELDERS ‐ Receive rate prescribed for craft performing operation to which welding is incidental. ================================================================   Note: Executive Order (EO) 13706, Establishing Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors applies to all contracts subject to the Davis‐Bacon Act for which the contract is awarded (and any solicitation was issued) on or after January 1, 2017.  If this contract is covered by the EO, the contractor must provide employees with 1 hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours they work, up to 56 hours of paid sick leave each year. Employees must be permitted to use paid sick leave for their own illness, injury or other health‐related needs, including preventive care; to assist a family member (or person who is like family to the employee) who is ill, injured, or has other health‐related needs, including preventive care; or for reasons resulting from, or to assist a family member (or person who is like family to the employee) who is a victim of, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.  Additional information on contractor requirements and worker protections under the EO is available at www.dol.gov/whd/govcontracts. Unlisted classifications needed for work not included within the scope of the classifications listed may be added after award only as provided in the labor standards contract clauses (29CFR 5.5 (a) (1) (ii)). ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐   492 The body of each wage determination lists the classification and wage rates that have been found to be prevailing for the cited type(s) of construction in the area covered by the wage determination. The classifications are listed in alphabetical order of ""identifiers"" that indicate whether the particular rate is a union rate (current union negotiated rate for local), a survey rate (weighted average rate) or a union average rate (weighted union average rate). Union Rate Identifiers A four letter classification abbreviation identifier enclosed in dotted lines beginning with characters other than ""SU"" or ""UAVG"" denotes that the union classification and rate were prevailing for that classification in the survey. Example: PLUM0198‐005 07/01/2014. PLUM is an abbreviation identifier of the union which prevailed in the survey for this classification, which in this example would be Plumbers. 0198 indicates the local union number or district council number where applicable, i.e., Plumbers Local 0198. The next number, 005 in the example, is an internal number used in processing the wage determination. 07/01/2014 is the effective date of the most current negotiated rate, which in this example is July 1, 2014. Union prevailing wage rates are updated to reflect all rate changes in the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) governing this classification and rate. Survey Rate Identifiers Classifications listed under the ""SU"" identifier indicate that no one rate prevailed for this classification in the survey and the published rate is derived by computing a weighted average rate based on all the rates reported in the survey for that classification.  As this weighted average rate includes all rates reported in the survey, it may include both union and non‐union rates. Example: SULA2012‐007 5/13/2014. SU indicates the rates are survey rates based on a weighted average calculation of rates and are not majority rates. LA indicates the State of Louisiana. 2012 is the year of survey on which these classifications and rates are based. The next number, 007 in the example, is an internal number used in producing the wage determination. 5/13/2014 indicates the survey completion date for the classifications and rates under that identifier. Survey wage rates are not updated and remain in effect until a new survey is conducted. 493 Union Average Rate Identifiers Classification(s) listed under the UAVG identifier indicate that no single majority rate prevailed for those classifications; however, 100% of the data reported for the classifications was union data. EXAMPLE: UAVG‐OH‐0010 08/29/2014. UAVG indicates that the rate is a weighted union average rate. OH indicates the state. The next number, 0010 in the example, is an internal number used in producing the wage determination. 08/29/2014 indicates the survey completion date for the classifications and rates under that identifier. A UAVG rate will be updated once a year, usually in January of each year, to reflect a weighted average of the current negotiated/CBA rate of the union locals from which the rate is based.   ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐                    WAGE DETERMINATION APPEALS PROCESS 1.) Has there been an initial decision in the matter? This can be: *  an existing published wage determination *  a survey underlying a wage determination *  a Wage and Hour Division letter setting forth a position on    a wage determination matter *  a conformance (additional classification and rate) ruling On survey related matters, initial contact, including requests for summaries of surveys, should be with the Wage and Hour Regional Office for the area in which the survey was conducted because those Regional Offices have responsibility for the Davis‐Bacon survey program. If the response from this initial contact is not satisfactory, then the process described in 2.) and 3.) should be followed. With regard to any other matter not yet ripe for the formal process described here, initial contact should be with the Branch of Construction Wage Determinations.  Write to:             Branch of Construction Wage Determinations             Wage and Hour Division             U.S. Department of Labor             200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.             Washington, DC 20210 494 2.) If the answer to the question in 1.) is yes, then an interested party (those affected by the action) can request review and reconsideration from the Wage and Hour Administrator (See 29 CFR Part 1.8 and 29 CFR Part 7). Write to:             Wage and Hour Administrator             U.S. Department of Labor             200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.             Washington, DC 20210 The request should be accompanied by a full statement of the interested party's position and by any information (wage payment data, project description, area practice material, etc.) that the requestor considers relevant to the issue. 3.) If the decision of the Administrator is not favorable, an interested party may appeal directly to the Administrative Review Board (formerly the Wage Appeals Board).  Write to:             Administrative Review Board             U.S. Department of Labor             200 Constitution Avenue, N.W.             Washington, DC 20210 4.) All decisions by the Administrative Review Board are final. ================================================================           END OF GENERAL DECISION" 495 Specification No. MPK 21-03 Federal Aid No. HSIPL-5436(018)   Princeton Avenue Improvement Project Capital Improvement Project No. C0020     Appendix I: Construction Plans 496 1 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE WIDENING CITY OF MOORPARK PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TITLE SHEET PRINCETON AVENUE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 HSIPL-5436 497 RELOCATION PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE STA. 1+00.00 TO STA. 10+00.00 DEMOLITION AND UTILITYPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 2 498 RELOCATION PLANPRINCETON AVENUESTA. 10+00.00 TO STA. 15+00.00DEMOLITION AND UTILITYPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 693499 RELOCATION PLANPRINCETON AVENUESTA. 15+00.00 TO STA. 25+00.00DEMOLITION AND UTILITYPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 694500 RELOCATION PLANPRINCETON AVENUESTA. 25+00.00 TO STA. 30+00.00DEMOLITION AND UTILITY5PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69501 RELOCATION PLANPRINCETON AVENUESTA. 30+00.00 TO ENDDEMOLITION AND UTILITY6PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69502 7 GRADING DETAILS AND LEGEND PRINCETON AVENUE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 503 GRADING SECTIONS PRINCETON AVENUE 8 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 504 GRADING PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE STA. 1+00.00 TO STA. 10+00.00 9 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 505 GRADING PLANPRINCETON AVENUESTA. 10+00.00 TO STA. 15+00.0010PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69506 GRADING PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE STA. 15+00.00 TO STA. 25+00.00 11 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 507 GRADING PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE STA. 25+00.00 TO STA. 30+00.00 12 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 508 GRADING PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE STA. 30+00.00 TO END 13 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 509 TYPICAL STREET SECTIONS & DETAILS PRINCETON AVENUE 14 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 510 ····ACCESS ROAD & DRIVEWAY DETAILSPRINCETON AVENUE15PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69511 DRIVEWAY DETAILSPRINCETON AVENUE16PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69512 ···········STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE STA. 1+00.00 TO STA. 10+00.00 17 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 513 ·························STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE STA. 10+00.00 TO STA. 20+00.00 18 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 514 ··············STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE STA. 20+00.00 TO STA. 30+00.00 19 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 515 STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE STA. 30+00.00 TO END 20 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 516 STORM DRAIN DETAILS AND KEY MAPPRINCETON AVENUE21PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69517 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PLANPRINCETON AVENUELINES A, B, X-1, X-222PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69518 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PLANPRINCETON AVENUELINE C, LAT C-123PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69519 STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENT PLANPRINCETON AVENUELINE D, LAT D-1, LAT D-2, LAT D-3, LAT D-424PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69520 WALL NOTESPRINCETON AVENUE”25PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTS OF CONCRETE CONSTRUCTIONTYPECONTINUOUSSPECIALINSPECTIONPERIODICSPECIALINSPECTIONREFERENCEDSTANDARDIBCREFERENCEAPPLICABLE TOWORK IN THISPLAN SET1. Inspect reinforcement, includingprestressing tendons, and verifyplacement.-XACI 318: Ch.20,25.2, 25.3,26.5.1-26.5.31908.40X2. Reinforcing bar welding:-- a. Verify weldability ofreinforcement bars other thanASTM A706;-XAWS D1.4 &ACI 318: 26.5.4-b. Inspect single-pass filletwelds, maximum 5/16" and;-X-c. Inspect all other welds.X-3. Inspect anchors cast in concrete.-X ACI 318: 17.8.2 -X4. Inspection of anchors post-installedin hardened concrete members.---a. Adhesive anchors installed inhorizontally or upwardly inclinedorientations to resist sustainedtension loads.X- ACI 318: -Xb. Mechanical anchors andadhesive anchors not defined in4.a.-X ACI 318: 17.8.2 -X5. Verifying use of required design mix.-XACI 318: Ch. 19,26.4.3, 26.4.41904.1, 1904.2,1908.2, 1908.3X6. Prior to concrete placement,fabricate specimens for strength tests,perform slump and air content tests,and determine the temperature of theconcrete.X-ASTM C 172ASTM C 31ACI 318: 26.4.5,26.121908.10X7. Inspect concrete and shotcreteplacement for proper applicationtechniques.X- ACI 318: 26.4.51908.6, 1908.7,1908.8X8. Verify maintenance of specifiedcuring temperature and techniques.-XACI 318:26.4.7-26.4.91908.90X9. Inspect prestressed concrete for:a. Application of prestressingforces.X- ACI 318: Grouting of bondedprestressing tendons.X- ACI 318: Inspect erection of precastconcrete members.-X ACI 318: Ch. 26.8 --11. Verify in-situ concrete strength,prior to stressing of tendons inpost-tensioned concrete and prior toremoval of shores and forms frombeams and structural slabs.-X ACI 318: 26.10.2 -X12. Inspect formwork for shape,location and dimensions of theconcrete member being formed.-XACI 318:26.10.1(b)-XEXEMPT FROM SPECIAL INSPECTION:Concrete footings that support walls of buildings <=3 stories, supported on earth and design f'c is <= 2,500 psi, per CBC1705.3.2.3.TMS 402 Table 3.1.2 - LEVEL B QUALITY ASSURANCE OF MASONRY CONSTRUCTION*MINIMUM TESTS(d)Verification of Slump flow and Visual Stability Index (VSI) as delivered to the project site in accordance with Specification Article1.5 B.1.b.3 for self consolidating groutVerification of f 'm and f 'AAC in accordance with Specification Article 1.4 B prior to construction, except where specificallyexempted by this CodeMINIMUM SPECIAL INSPECTION(d)INSPECTION TASKFREQUENCY OF INSPECTION(a)APPLICABLETO WORK INTHIS PLANSETCONTINUOUS PERIODIC1. Verify compliance with the approved submittalsXX2. As masonry construction begins, verify that the following are in compliance:a. Proportions of site-prepared mortarXXb. Construction of mortar jointsXXc. Grade and size of prestressing tendons and anchoragesXd. Location of reinforcement, connectors, and prestressing tendonsand anchorages.XXe. Prestressing techniqueXf. Properties of thin-bed mortar for AAC masonry X(b) X(c)3. Prior to grouting, verify that the following are in compliance:a. Grout spaceXXb. Grade, type, and size of reinforcement and anchor bolts, andprestressing tendons, and anchoragesXXc. Placement of reinforcement, connectors, and prestressing tendonsand anchoragesXXd. Proportions of site-prepared grout and prestressing grout forbonded tendonsXXe. Construction of mortar jointsXX4. Verify during construction:a. Size and location of structural elementsXXb. Type, size, and location of anchors, including other details ofanchorage of masonry to structural members, frames, or otherconstructionXXc. Welding of reinforcementXXd. Preparation, construction and protection of masonry during coldweather (temperature below 40°F) or hot weather (temperatureabove 90°F)XXe. Application and measurement of prestressing forceXf. Placement of grout and prestressing grout for bonded tendons is incomplianceXg. Placement of AAC masonry units and construction of thin-bedmortar joints X(b) X(c)5. Observe preparation of grout specimens, mortar specimens, and/orprismsXX(a)Frequency refers to the frequency of Special Inspection, which may be continuous during the task listed or periodically during the listed task, as defined in thetable.(b) Required for the first 5000 square feet of AAC masonry.(c) Required for the first 5000 square feet of AAC masonry.(d) Special Inspection is not required for Veneer constructed in Risk Category 1, 2 or 3 in accordance with TMS 402 Section3.1.1 - Level A Quality Assurance and C-183 Part 4, Chapter 12-Veneer, other than verifying compliance with theapproved submittals.*The above table is a composite of TMS 402 Table 3.1.2, TMS 602 Table 4, and other sections of Code.REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND TESTS OF SOILSTYPECONTINUOUSSPECIALINSPECTIONPERIODICSPECIALINSPECTIONAPPLICABLE TOWORK IN THISPLAN SET1. Verify materials below shallow foundations areadequate to achieve the design bearing capacity.-XX2. Verify excavations are extended to proper depth andhave reached proper material.-XX3. Perform classification and testing of compacted fillmaterials.-XX4. Verify use of proper materials, densities, and liftthicknesses during placement and compaction ofcompacted fill.X-X5. Prior to placement of compacted fill, inspect subgradeand verify that site has been prepared properly.-XX521 WALL A AND B PLAN AND PROFILEPRINCETON AVENUEROAD STA. 1+56.63 TO STA. 10+00.0026PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69522 WALL H PLAN AND PROFILE PRINCETON AVENUE ROAD STA. 5+24.65 TO STA. 8+99.73 27 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 523 28WALL B PLAN AND PROFILEPRINCETON AVENUEROAD STA. 10+00.00 TO STA. 15+48.41PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69524 WALL C PLAN AND PROFILEPRINCETON AVENUEROAD STA. 15+76.80 TO STA. 21+96.1529PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69525 WALL G AND J PLAN AND PROFILEPRINCETON AVENUEROAD STA. 9+25.73 TO STA. 19+26.6930PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69526 WALL D, AND E PLAN AND PROFILEPRINCETON AVENUEROAD STA. 22+25.92 TO STA. 30+00.0031PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69527 WALL E PLAN AND PROFILE PRINCETON AVENUE ROAD STA. 30+00.00 TO 33+87.54 32 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 528 WALL DETAILS PRINCETON AVENUE 33 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 529 WALL DETAILSPRINCETON AVENUE34PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69530 WALL DETAILSPRINCETON AVENUE35PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69531 WALL DETAILS PRINCETON AVENUE 36 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 532 SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE STA. 1+00.00 TO STA. 20+00.00 37 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 533 SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE STA. 20+00.00 TO END 38 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 534 39TITLE SHEETKnow what'sbelow.Callbefore you dig.IN PARTNERSHIP WITHPRINCETON AVENUE WIDENINGCITY OF MOORPARK PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTWATER IMPROVEMENT PLANVENTURA COUNTY WATERWORKS DISTRICT NO. 1PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKWATER IMPROVEMENT PLANENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 PRINCETON AVENUE69V E NTURA COUNTYWATERWORKS DISTR ICTS 535 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKWATER IMPROVEMENT PLANENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 PRINCETON AVENUE69V E NTURA COUNTYWATERWORKS DISTR ICTS 40SHEET INDEX, GENERAL NOTES,LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND LEGENDV E NTURA COUNTYWATERWORKS DISTR ICTS 536 41STA. 2+06 TO STA. 10+25PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKWATER IMPROVEMENT PLANENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 PRINCETON AVENUE69V E NTURA COUNTYWATERWORKS DISTR ICTS 537 STA. 10+25 TO STA. 20+00PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKWATER IMPROVEMENT PLANENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 PRINCETON AVENUE69V E NTURA COUNTYWATERWORKS DISTR ICTS 42538 STA. 20+00 TO STA. 29+50PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKWATER IMPROVEMENT PLANENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 PRINCETON AVENUE69V E NTURA COUNTYWATERWORKS DISTR ICTS 43539 44STA. 29+50 TO STA. 34+30PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKWATER IMPROVEMENT PLANENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 PRINCETON AVENUE69V E NTURA COUNTYWATERWORKS DISTR ICTS 540 45EROSION CONTROL DETAILS & NOTESPRINCETON AVENUEPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69541 EROSION CONTROL PLANPRINCETON AVENUESTA. 1+00.00 TO STA. 10+00.0046PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69542 EROSION CONTROL PLANPRINCETON AVENUESTA. 10+00.00 TO STA. 15+00.0047PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69543 EROSION CONTROL PLANPRINCETON AVENUESTA. 15+00.00 TO STA. 20+00.0048PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69544 EROSION CONTROL PLANPRINCETON AVENUESTA. 20+00.00 TO STA. 30+00.0049PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69545 EROSION CONTROL PLANPRINCETON AVENUESTA. 30+00.00 TO END50PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTCITY OF MOORPARKENGINEERING DIVISIONM O O RPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY1 1 983 69546 PRINCETON AVENUE 51 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 ROAD WORK AHEAD ROAD WORK AHEAD ROAD WORK AHEAD CLOSED SHOULDER TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN CALTRANS ROW TCP OPTION 1 PHASE 1 547 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN PRINCETON AVENUE CALTRANS ROW 52 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 END ROAD WORK ROAD WORK AHEAD ROAD WORK AHEAD ROAD WORK AHEAD END ROAD WORK TCP OPTION 1 PHASE 2 548 PRINCETON AVENUE 53 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 ROAD WORK AHEAD ROAD AHEAD ONE LANE CLOSED LANE ROAD WORK AHEAD ROAD AHEAD ONE LANE END ROAD WORK END ROAD WORK CLOSED LANE CLOSED LANE CLOSED LANE CLOSED LANE CLOSED LANE ROAD WORK AHEAD TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN CALTRANS ROW TCP OPTION 2 549 PRINCETON AVENUE 54 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN CALTRANS ROW TCP OPTION 3 END DETOUR DETOUR DETOUR DETOUR DETOUR DETOUR DETOUR DETOUR END DETOUR DETOUR DETOUR DETOUR 550 PRINCETON AVENUE 55 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK ENGINEERING DIVISIONMOORPARKCALIFORNIAINCORPORATEDJULY11983 69 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN CALTRANS ROW TCP OPTION 3 DETOUR ROAD CLOSED ROAD WORK AHEAD ROAD CLOSED AHEAD DETOUR AHEAD DETOUR ROAD CLOSED THRU TRAFFIC ROAD CLOSED AHEAD ROAD WORK AHEAD ROAD WORK AHEAD TO DETOUR ROAD CLOSED DETOUR AHEAD DETOUR DETOUR AHEAD ROAD CLOSED AHEAD 551 IRRIGATION NOTES 1.IF IT IS FOUND DURING INSTALLATION THAT THE SITE VARIES FROM THE DRAWINGS, NOTIFY THE PROJECT MANAGER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 2.COORDINATE THE INSTALLATION OF ALL SLEEVING WITH CIVIL ENGINEER'S PLANS, ARCH. FOUNDATION PLANS, STRUCTURAL PLANS AND LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION PLANS. 3.PIPE SLEEVE SHALL ALLOW FOR IRRIGATION PIPING AND RELATED COUPLINGS TO EASILY SLIDE THROUGH SLEEVING. EXTEND NEW SLEEVES 12 INCHES BEYOND EDGE OF PAVING. ALL IRRIGATION MAINLINE CROSSINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SCHEDULE 40 SLEEVES THAT ARE A MIN. OF 2X THE DIAMETER OF THE PRESSURE PIPE. PROVIDE LOCATOR WIRE OR TAPE ALONG LENGTH OF SLEEVE. ALSO PROVIDE A SEPARATE IRRIGATION WIRE CONDUIT TAPED TO MAINLINE SLEEVE SIZED TO EASILY PULL WIRES THAT RUNS PARALLEL TO THE SLEEVE. ALL SLEEVES AND CONDUIT MUST BE PERPENDICULAR TO ROAD. 4.ALL IRRIGATION MAINLINE CROSSOVERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SCHEDULE 40 SLEEVES THAT ARE IN A MIN. OF 2X THE DIAMETER OF THE PRESSURE PIPE. PROVIDE LOCATOR WIRE OR TAPE ALONG LENGTH OF SLEEVE. ALSO PROVIDE A SEPARATE IRRIGATION WIRE CONDUIT TAPED TO MAINLINE SLEEVE SIZED TO EASILY PULL WIRES THAT RUNS PARALLEL TO THE SLEEVE. ALL SLEEVES AND CONDUIT MUST BE PERPENDICULAR TO ROAD. 5.COORDINATE THE INSTALLATION OF ALL IRRIGATION MATERIALS, INCLUDING PIPE, WITH THE PLANTING PLAN TO AVOID INTERFERING WITH THE PLANTING. 6.CONTRACTOR SHALL TEST PRESSURE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF PRESSURE IS LESS THAN 80 PSI, NOTIFY THE PROJECT MANAGER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 7.IRRIGATION DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC. LOCATE MAIN LINE AS DIRECTED PER PLAN. LOCATE NEW PIPELINES, VALVES AND EQUIPMENT IN PLANTING AREAS WHEREVER POSSIBLE. 8.PVC SHALL BE LAID WITH CONNECTIONS HORIZONTAL, NOT VERTICAL. 9.SCHEDULE 40 PVC ONLY, NO EXCEPTIONS. 10.FOR WORK WITHIN THE LIMITS OF EXISTING TREES, HAND EXCAVATE WITHIN TREE PROTECTION ZONE. EXISTING ROOTS 2" OR GREATER IN DIAMETER SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNLESS REMOVAL IS APPROVED BY THE PROJECT MANAGER. 11.IRRIGATION CONTROLLER TO BE WEATHER- OR SOIL MOISTURE-BASED CONTROLLER THAT AUTOMATICALLY ADJUST IRRIGATION IN RESPONSE TO CHANGES IN PLANTS' NEEDS AS WEATHER CONDITIONS CHANGE. WEATHER-BASED CONTROLLERS WITHOUT INTEGRAL RAIN SENSORS OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS THAT ACCOUNT FOR LOCAL RAINFALL SHALL HAVE A SEPARATE WIRED OR WIRELESS RAIN SENSOR WHICH CONNECTS OR COMMUNICATES WITH THE CONTROLLER(S). SOIL MOISTURE-BASED CONTROLLERS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO HAVE RAIN SENSOR INPUT. (CA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE 4.304.1 IRRIGATION CONTROLLERS) 12.MOUNT WIRELESS RAIN SENSOR IN LOCATION NOT BLOCKED FROM RAIN BY BUILDING OVERHANG, TREES, OR OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS. 13.PRESSURE TEST ON ALL MAINLINES 4 HOURS AT 150 PSI. CALL INSPECTOR 24 HOURS PRIOR TO TEST. 14.NO IRRIGATION LINES SHALL BE PLACED UNDER ROOTBALLS OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED PLANTS. 15.PRESSURE REGULATING DEVICES ARE REQUIRED IF WATER PRESSURE IS BELOW OR EXCEEDS THE RECOMMENDED PRESSURE OF THE SPECIFIED IRRIGATION DEVICES 16.CHECK VALVES OR ANTI-DRAIN VALVES ARE REQUIRED ON ALL SPRINKLER HEADS WHERE LOW POINT DRAINAGE COULD OCCUR 17.A DIAGRAM OF THE IRRIGATION PLAN SHOWING HYDROZONES SHALL BE KEPT WITH THE IRRIGATION CONTROLLER FOR SUBSEQUENT MANAGEMENT PURPOSES 18.AN IRRIGATION AUDIT REPORT SHALL BE COMPLETED AT THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION 19.A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION SHALL BE FILLED OUT AND CERTIFIED BY EITHER THE DESIGNER OF THE LANDSCAPE PLANS, IRRIGATION PLANS, OR THE LICENSED LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR FOR THE PROJECT. 20.ALL NEW SLEEVING SHALL BE INSTALLED 36" BELOW GRADE UNDER ROADWAY AND SHALL BE INSTALLED BY DIRECTIONAL BORING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. THERE SHALL BE NO CUTTING OF PAVEMENT, CURB OR GUTTER IN THESE AREAS. 21.ALL CUTS/TRENCHING IN ASPHALT OR CONCRETE SHALL BE REPAIRED ACCORDING TO SPPWC STANDARD PLANS, LATEST EDITION. FOR CONCRETE USE SPPWC 132-3 AND FOR AC PAVING USE SPPWC 133-3 OR AS REQUIRED BY CITY ENGINEER. 22.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALLOW FOR MINOR RELOCATION OF BUBBLER HEADS AT HIGH AND LOW SPOTS AT NO CHARGE TO THE CITY. 23.THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL BY THE BEGINNING OF THE PLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD. CITY OF MOORPARK LANDSCAPE INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS (CITY MAINTAINED AREAS) SCHEDULE: THE CITY'S LANDSCAPE REPRESENTATIVE WILL INSPECT FOR INSTALLATION COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE PLANS. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY'S LANDSCAPE REPRESENTATIVE 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF EACH OF THE REQUIRED INSPECTION: 1.PRESSURE TEST OF IRRIGATON MAINLINE. TO BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING TRENCHES. 2.IRRIGATION COVERAGE TESTS. COVERAGE TEST SHALL BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO ANY PLANTING. 3.AFTER TREES AND SHRUBS ARE SPOTTED, BUT PRIOR TO PLANTING. 4.FINAL INSPECTION: AT THE START OF THE ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD. PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE MAY BE GRANTED AT THIS TIME. 5.DOCUMENT SUBMITTAL: AS-BUILT PLANS, BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY CERTIFICATIONS, SOILS ANALYSIS REPORTS, FOUR (4) SETS OF CONTROLLER KEYS, LAMINATED CONTROLLER CHARTS, PRODUCT DATA AND WARRANTIES. DIGITAL PDF AND AUTOCAD FILE FORMAT OF ALL LANDSCAPE AND AS-BUILT PLANS. 60 DAYS PRIOR TO THE END OF THE MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 6.FINAL CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: AT THE END OF THE ONE-YEAR MAINTENANCE PERIOD OR AS SPECIFIED BY THE CITY'S COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE IRRIGATION NOTES & SCHEDULE LI-0.01 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I 56 IRRIGATION SCHEDULE SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER MODEL GPM PSI BUBBLERS SERIES NOZZLE MODEL RADIUS 6 GPH POINT SOURCE EMITTER Hunter Industries(R)Point Source Emitters HE-60-T-IH-RISER-24-60-CV 0 ft 0.10 20 - 50 SHRUB BUBBLER Rain Bird(R)1400 Series Pressure Compensating Full-Circle Bubblers 1401 0 ft 0.25 20 - 90 MISCELLANEOUS FLOW SENSOR RAINBIRD FS150B BRASS TEE FLOW SENSOR W/ FSMLXME SMART MODULE FLUSH VALVE NA PER DETAIL PULL BOX NA PER DETAIL VALVES SERIES MODEL CONTROL VALVE Buckner Superior 950DWRW 950100DWRW 0 - 320 20 - 200 MASTER VALVE Superior 950DW Series 950200DW 0 - 320 20 - 200 GATE VALVE Nibco Gate Valve T-113 0.25 - 30 10 - 150 BACKFLOW PREVENTER Zurn-Wilkins 975XL2 - 2" QUICK COUPLER - RECLAIMED Rainbird 33-DNP PIPE TYPE NOTES MAINLINE WESTERN LASCO PVC Schedule 40 LATERAL LINE WESTERN LASCO PVC Schedule 40 SLEEVES WESTERN LASCO PVC Schedule 40 CONTROLLER MODEL ENCLOSURE CONTROLLER Rain Bird(R)ESPLXD Indoor/Outdoor POINT OF CONNECTION NOTES POINT OF CONNECTION NEW 2" WATER METER, PER WATER DISTRICT **CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL MANUFACTURER LISTED EQUIPMENT OR APPROVED EQUAL PB F POC CC APPROVED CITY OF MOORPARK THESE PLANS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND FOUND TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH RELEVANT SECTIONS OF THE MOORPARK MUNICIPAL CODE. LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTY SUBSTANTIALLY AS SHOWN HEREIN. APPROVED BY: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 552 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE IRRIGATION CALCULATIONS LI-0.02 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE WORKSHEET PROJECT NAME:Princeton Avenue PROJECT TYPE:Commercial PROJECT LOCATION:Moorpark, CA REFERENCE ETo:51.0 TOTAL IRRIGATED LANDSCAPE AREA:44,317 sf Maxium Applied Water Allowance (MAWA) MAWA = (ETo) (0.62) [ (ETAF x LA) + ((1 - ETAF) x SLA) ] MAWA= Maximum Applied Water Allowance ETo = Reference Evapotranspiration (inches per year) 0.62 = Conversion factor (to gallons per square foot) ETAF = Evapotranspiration Adjustment Factor = 0.45 for Non-residential Areas LA = Landscaped Area including SLA (sq ft) SLA = Portion of Landsape Area identified as Special Landscape Area - see Definitions (square feet) Applicant to fill in boxes below: 44,317 Irrigated Landscape Area including Special Landscape Area/SLA (square feet) 0 Portion of Landscape Area identified as Special Landscape Area (square feet) ETo ETAF AREA (sf)Conversion MAWA MAWA for Total LA 51.0 x 0.45 x 44,317 x 0.62 630,592 MAWA for SLA*51.0 x 0.55 x 0 x 0.62 0 Total MAWA 630,592 (gallons per year) Estimated Total Water Use (ETWU)ETAF Calculations ETWU = (ETo) (0.62) [ (PF x HA) / IE + SLA) ]Regular Landscape Areas Total ETAF x Area 13,180 ETWU = Estimated Total Water Use Total Area 44,317 ETo = Reference Evapotranspiration (inches per year)Average ETAF 0.30 0.62 = Conversion factor (to gallons per square foot) PF = Plant Factor from WUCOLS (see Table A)All Landscape Areas HA = Hydrozone Area (square feet)Total ETAF X Area 13,180 IE = Irrigation Efficiency (see Table B)Total Area 44,317 SLA - Portion of Landsape Area identified as Special Landscape Area - see Definitions (square feet)Sitewide ETAF 0.30 Average ETAF meets requirement for this site type. ETWU arrived from Hydrozone Table below =416,748 gallons per year ETWU meets MAWA requirement. HYDROZONE TABLE hydrozone plant water use plant factor (PF) irrigation method irrigation efficiency (IE)ETAF (PF/IE) hydrozone area (HA) (sf) ETAF X Area % of landscape area Hydrozone ETWU REGULAR LANDSCAPE AREAS 1 -VINES-NORTHWEST mod 0.4 drip/bubblers 0.81 0.49 1,989 982 4%31,056 2 -VINES- SOUTH mod 0.4 drip/bubblers 0.81 0.49 4,557 2,250 10%71,155 3 -GROUNDCOVER low 0.2 drip/bubblers 0.81 0.25 6,665 1,646 15%52,033 4 -GROUNDCOVER- SOUTHWEST low 0.2 drip/bubblers 0.81 0.25 7,383 1,823 17%57,641 5 -GROUNDCOVER- NORTH low 0.2 drip/bubblers 0.81 0.25 5,126 1,266 12%40,023 6 -GROUNDCOVER- SOUTHEAST low 0.2 drip/bubblers 0.81 0.25 12,621 3,116 28%98,538 7 -VINES-NORTHEAST mod 0.4 drip/bubblers 0.81 0.49 2,515 1,242 6%39,277 8 -GROUNDCOVER- NORTHEAST low 0.2 drip/bubblers 0.81 0.25 3,461 855 8%27,025 Regular Landscape Area Subtotal 44,317 13,180 100%416,748 SPECIAL LANDSCAPE AREAS (SLA) Special Landscape Area Subtotal 0 0 0%0 Total 44,317 13,180 100%416,748 Table A - PF (Plant Factor)Table B - IE (Irrigation Efficiency) Cool Season Turf*0.8 Overhead Spray 0.75 Warm Season Turf**0.6 Drip/Bubblers 0.81 High Water Using Plants 0.8 can be between 0.7 - 0.9 *Dripline 0.85 Moderate Water Using Plants 0.5 can be between 0.4 - 0.6 *ECO-mat 0.89 Low Water Using Plants 0.2 can be between 0.1 - 0.3 *note: adjustment can be made based on exact type of equipment, see irrigation legendVery Low water Using Plants 0.1 below 0.1 * species include tall fescue, ryegrass, bentgrass and kentucky bluegrass ** species include bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, st. augustinegrass MONTHLY ETo ETo:Thousand Oaks, CA jan.feb.mar.april may june july aug.sept.oct.nov.dec.annual 2.2 2.6 3.4 4.5 5.4 5.9 6.7 6.4 5.4 3.9 2.6 2.0 51.0 PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATION (WORST CASE) P.O.C. 'A' - POTABLE WATER STATION:A6 STATIC PRESSURE:86 PSI GPM:15.9 DESCRIPTION PSI P.O.C.2" WATER METER 0.40 2" REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW 12.00 FITTINGS LOSSES (EST.)0.50 TOTAL 12.90 MAINLINE1 1/2" MASTER VALVE 0.45 1 1/2" FLOW METER 0.45 2" MAINLINE (550 LF)1.50 MAINLINE FITTINGS (@ 10%)0.15 MAINLINE LOSS TOTAL 2.55 LATERAL1" CONTROL VALVE 1.50 LATERAL LINE (1650 LF, SIZES PER PLAN)1.62 LATERAL FITTINGS (@ 23%)0.37 LATERAL LOSS TOTAL 3.49 REQUIREDCOMPONENT LOSS TOTAL (P.O.C.+MAINLINE+LATERAL LINE)18.94 REQUIRED AT HEAD 30.00 COMPONENT LOSSES PLUS HEAD LOSS 48.94 10% SAFTEY FACTOR 4.89 TOTAL PRESSURE REQUIRED 53.84 RESIDUALSTATIC PRESSURE 86.00 PRESSURE LOSS/GAIN FROM ELEVATION CHANGE (+/- 0.433 PSI/FT)-4.33 TOTAL AVAILABLE PRESSURE 81.67 RESIDUAL PRESSURE (TOTAL AVAILAIBLE - TOTAL REQUIRED)27.83 TOTAL PRESSURE ABOVE THE MINIMUM REQUIRED PRESSURE REGULATOR NEEDED HYDROZONE LEGEND HZ#HYDROZONE IRRIGATION TYPE 1 VINES-NORTHWEST BUBBLERS 2 VINES- SOUTH BUBBLERS 3 GROUNDCOVER POINT SOURCE EMITTER 4 GROUNDCOVER- SOUTHWEST POINT SOURCE EMITTER 5 GROUNDCOVER- NORTH POINT SOURCE EMITTER 6 GROUNDCOVER- SOUTHEAST POINT SOURCE EMITTER 7 VINES-NORTHEAST BUBBLERS 8 GROUNDCOVER- NORTHEAST POINT SOURCE EMITTER LATERAL PIPE SIZING GPM SIZE 1-8 3/4" 8-12 1" 12-22 1 1/4" 22-30 1 1/2" 30+2" ANTICIPATED MONTHLY IRRIGATION SCHEDULE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL irr.precip plant daily freq.total daily freq.total daily freq.total daily freq.total daily freq.total daily freq.total daily freq.total daily freq.total daily freq.total daily freq.total daily freq.total daily freq.total total HZ# VALVE/flow irr.effcy.area rate (PR)factor runtime per ETWU runtime per ETWU runtime per ETWU runtime per ETWU runtime per ETWU runtime per ETWU runtime per ETWU runtime per ETWU runtime per ETWU runtime per ETWU runtime per ETWU runtime per ETWU ETWU hydrozone (GPM)type (IE)(sq.ft.)(in/hr.)(PF)(min.)week Gallons (min.)week Gallons (min.)week Gallons (min.)week Gallons (min.)week Gallons (min.)week Gallons (min.)week Gallons (min.)week Gallons (min.)week Gallons (min.)week Gallons (min.)week Gallons (min.)week Gallons Gallons A1 VINES-NORTHWEST 12.25 BUBBLERS 0.81 1,989 0.59 0.4 13 2 1,340 13 2 1,340 13 2 1,340 15 2 1,583 13 3 2,070 13 4 2,740 13 4 2,740 12 5 3,288 14 5 3,593 13 6 4,080 15 5 3,897 12 5 3,288 2,375 A2 VINES- SOUTH 14.50 BUBBLERS 0.81 4,557 0.31 0.4 12 4 3,069 12 4 3,069 12 4 3,069 14 4 3,628 13 6 4,744 14 7 6,278 14 7 6,278 13 9 7,534 15 9 8,232 15 10 9,348 14 10 8,929 13 9 7,534 5,441 A3 GROUNDCOVER 12.70 POINT SOURCE EMITTER 0.81 6,665 0.18 0.2 14 3 2,245 14 3 2,245 14 3 2,245 12 4 2,653 13 5 3,469 14 6 4,591 14 6 4,591 14 7 5,509 14 8 6,019 14 9 6,836 15 8 6,530 14 7 5,509 3,979 A4 GROUNDCOVER- SOUTHWEST 9.00 POINT SOURCE EMITTER 0.81 7,383 0.12 0.2 13 5 2,486 13 5 2,486 13 5 2,486 13 6 2,939 14 7 3,843 15 9 5,086 15 9 5,086 14 11 6,103 14 12 6,668 15 13 7,572 14 13 7,233 14 11 6,103 4,408 A5 GROUNDCOVER- NORTH 7.60 POINT SOURCE EMITTER 0.81 5,126 0.14 0.2 13 4 1,726 13 4 1,726 13 4 1,726 12 5 2,040 14 6 2,668 13 8 3,531 13 8 3,531 14 9 4,238 14 10 4,630 15 11 5,258 14 11 5,022 14 9 4,238 3,061 A6 GROUNDCOVER- SOUTHEAST 15.90 POINT SOURCE EMITTER 0.81 12,621 0.12 0.2 12 5 4,251 12 5 4,251 12 5 4,251 15 5 5,024 14 7 6,569 14 9 8,695 14 9 8,695 14 11 10,433 14 12 11,399 14 13 12,945 15 12 12,366 14 11 10,433 7,535 A7 VINES-NORTHEAST 15.25 BUBBLERS 0.81 2,515 0.58 0.4 13 2 1,694 13 2 1,694 13 2 1,694 10 3 2,002 13 3 2,618 13 4 3,466 13 4 3,466 13 5 4,159 14 5 4,544 13 6 5,160 15 5 4,929 13 5 4,159 3,004 A8 GROUNDCOVER- NORTHEAST 6.10 POINT SOURCE EMITTER 0.81 3,461 0.17 0.2 15 3 1,166 15 3 1,166 15 3 1,166 13 4 1,378 14 5 1,802 13 7 2,385 13 7 2,385 14 8 2,861 15 8 3,126 15 9 3,550 14 9 3,391 14 8 2,861 2,067 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.8 31,869 31,869 57 NOTES: "I HAVE COMPLIED WITH THE CRITERIA OF THE ORDINANCE (AB 1881) AND APPLIED THEM ACCORDINGLY FOR THE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER IN THE IRRIGATION DESIGN PLAN" "I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE AND SUBMIT A COMPLETE LANDSCAPE DOCUMENTATION PACKAGE" LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DATE 553 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE IRRIGATION PLAN STA. 1+00.00 TO STA. 10+00.00 LI-1.01 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I VV VV V V VV V V V VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV(E)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (( (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W ) (W ) (W ) (W ) (W ) (W ) (W )(W)(W) (W ) (W ) (W )VVVV V V (W) + 0+00 + 1+00 + 2+00 + 3+00 +4+00 +5+00 +6+00 +++ + + + 545 570 555 550 560 5 7 5 570565EE E ES VVV VVV SD C B WV WV WV FHUP GU Y ICV ICV DI FD C WMWM GU Y ICV CO M M DI UPGU Y GU Y IC V IC V IC V DI ICV IC V IC V FH WV GU Y UP TM H WV WV WV G M UP UP AV #4578172E#4578173E+ +++++++++++BFPBFPBFPVV VVVVSD C B W M W M W M PRINCE T O N AVENU E (T) (T)(T)(T) (T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T) (T) (T)(T)(T)(T)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G) (G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G ) (G ) (G )E(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) E E EE E E E E E E E E E E E (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)AWAW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAW S D (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OHSDSDSD545 550 555 560 565 560 565 (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) SD SD (G ) 545 545 5 8 0 585 GU YWW WWWWW) (W) (W) #4 5 5 7 1 2 2 E UP 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE - STA . 5+25 SEE BELOW INSTALL MAINLINE AND LATERAL LINE IN PLANTING AREA, 6" FROM EDGE OF HARDSCAPE, TYP. PROPOSED R.O.W. PROP O S E D R.O.W.VVV VV VV VVVV VV V V (E)(E)(E)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(E)(E)(E)(W)(W)(W)VVV V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V VV+++++++ +5+00 +6+00 +7+00 + 8+00 + 9+00 + 10+0 0 + + + + + + 545 550580570 560 545 5 6 5 VV VV V VV VV V VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVF H W V G U Y U P G M GMW M G U Y U P U P G U Y UP H B U P G U Y U P G U Y # 4 5 5 7 1 1 9 E IR O N PI P E VVGMW M W M W M AVENUE (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T)(T)(G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G) (G) (G) (G) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW(G)(G)(G)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) 555 545 (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH)(OH ) (OH ) (OH ) (OH ) (OH ) (OH ) (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(G)545 550560 5 4 5550 555 550 5 4 5 555 545 56 0 SDSD(G) (G) (G) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) 58 0 WW2'- 0 " PRINCETON AVENUE A1 1.00 in 16.25 HZ1 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE- STA. 5+25 SEE ABOVEMATCHLINE- STA. 10+00SEE SHEET LI-1.02PROPOSE D R.O.W. PRO P O S E D R.O. W . PRO P O S E D R.O. W . PROPOSE D R.O.W. INSTALL MAINLINE AND LATERAL LINE IN PLANTING AREA, 6" FROM EDGE OF HARDSCAPE, TYP. IRRIGATION NOTES 1.SEE SHEET LI-0.01 FOR DETAILED IRRIGATION SCHEDULES AND NOTES. 2.SEE SHEET LI-0.02 FOR CA MWELO CALCULATIONS 58 IRRIGATION SCHEDULE (THIS SHEET) SYMBOL DESCRIPTION BUBBLERS / DRIP EMITTERS SHRUB BUBBLER 6 GPH POINT SOURCE EMITTER VALVES CONTROL VALVE MASTER VALVE GATE VALVE PIPE MAINLINE LATERAL LINE SLEEVES POINT OF CONNECTION POINT OF CONNECTION BACKFLOW PREVENTER QUICK COUPLER - RECLAIMED CONTROLLER CONTROLLER MISCELLANEOUS FLUSH VALVE PULL BOX FLOW SENSOR **SEE SHEET LI-0.01 FOR COMPLETE IRRIGATION SCHEDULE PB F POC CC 554 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE IRRIGATION PLAN STA. 10+00.00 TO STA. 15+00.00 LI-1.02 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I VV V V(E)(E)(E)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W(W(W(W(W(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(E)VV V V V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V + 10+00 + 11+00 + 12+00 + 13+00 + 14+00 + 15+00+++++ (E ) (E ) (E) (E) 545 615 610 600595 590 585 580 555 560 560 560 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV V V VVVVV VVV VV UP WV WV FH WV WM GUY GUY UP UP WM TMH PRINCETON AVENUE (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(G)(G)(W)AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) 570575580 585 590 595 600 56 5 57 0 57 5 58 0 58 5 59 0 575 570 565 (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) H)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) 545 550 560 UP 545 (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) DET A I L E D T O P O - IS THER E R E A L L Y A PIPE HER E ? UP UP UP AW5 5 5 560545 560 560 565 E E E (T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T) (T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T) A2 1.00 in 14.50 HZ2 A3 1 1/4 in 12.70 HZ3 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE- STA. 10+00SEE SHEET LI-1.01MATCHLINE- STA. 15+00SEE SHEET LI-1.03PROPOSED R.O.W. PROPOSED R.O.W. PROPOSED R.O.W. PROPOSED R.O.W. INSTALL MAINLINE AND LATERAL LINE IN PLANTING AREA, 6" FROM EDGE OF HARDSCAPE, TYP. IRRIGATION NOTES 1.SEE SHEET LI-0.01 FOR DETAILED IRRIGATION SCHEDULES AND NOTES. 2.SEE SHEET LI-0.02 FOR CA MWELO CALCULATIONS 59 IRRIGATION SCHEDULE (THIS SHEET) SYMBOL DESCRIPTION BUBBLERS / DRIP EMITTERS SHRUB BUBBLER 6 GPH POINT SOURCE EMITTER VALVES CONTROL VALVE MASTER VALVE GATE VALVE PIPE MAINLINE LATERAL LINE SLEEVES POINT OF CONNECTION POINT OF CONNECTION BACKFLOW PREVENTER QUICK COUPLER - RECLAIMED CONTROLLER CONTROLLER MISCELLANEOUS FLUSH VALVE PULL BOX FLOW SENSOR **SEE SHEET LI-0.01 FOR COMPLETE IRRIGATION SCHEDULE PB F POC CC 555 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE IRRIGATION PLAN STA. 15+00.00 TO STA. 20+00.00 LI-1.03 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I VV++++++VVV V V VVV++++++++++++++++(E)(E)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(E)VV V +15+00 +16+00 + 17+00 + 18+00 + 19+00 + 20+00 + ++++ (E) (E)(E) (E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E) (E) (E) (E) (E) 585 580 570565 575595555 560 560565 ++++++++++++++++ ++VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWV WV FH EMH WM ELEC GM ELEC UP WM WM GUY UP UP UP TMH CAISSON (OH ) (OH ) (OH ) AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AWHWY 23(SOUTHBOUND(2)6" OVER 15" CM P (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)575 570 565 585565570 575 560 555 550 560565 (OH) 5 4 5 545 550 555 550 545560 555(2)8" SDMARKER HB UP UP HB GUY DI DIDI +++545 SDSD(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) DETAILED TOPO FOR NEW DRIVEWAY AND STORMDRAIN OUTFALL DETAILED TOPO - IS THERE REALLY A PIPE HERE?565545 560 550570575 580 585 590 595600 GUYSDSD 565EE(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G)(G)(G) (G)SDSDE E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E (T)(T)(E)(E)12" PEP 4'-3" 2'-3" 4'-2" 3'-11" PRINCETON AVENUE POC CPBF PB A4 1.00 in 9.00 HZ4 A5 1.00 in 7.60 HZ5 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE- STA. 15+00SEE SHEET LI-1.02MATCHLINE- STA. 20+00SEE SHEET LI-1.04IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION ‘A’ NEW 2" WATER METER-STATIC PRESSURE 86 PSI (PER VENTURA COUNTY WATERWORKS NO. 1 ON 09/12/2019, TOM BANDAGSKI (805)378-3023). COORDINATE WITH VENTURA COUNTY WATERWORKS NO. 1. NEW 2" BACKFLOW PREVENTER AND APPURTENANCES. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM PRIOR TO IRRIGATION INSTALLATION AND REPORT DISCREPANCES TO CITY REPRESENATIVE. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER PEDESTAL 'A': INSTALL ENCLOSURE PER IRRIGATION LEGEND. LOCATE PEDESTAL AT BACK OF WALK WITHIN CITY R.OW. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE PULL BOX AND CONDUIT FRUN FROM S.C.E. POWER SOURCE TO NEW PEDESTAL. FINAL LOCATION SHALL BE AS DEFINED BY S.C.E. AND APPROVED IN THE FIELD BY A CITY REPRESENTATIVE. PROPOS E D R.O.W. PROPOS E D R.O.W.CALTRANS R.O.W.PROPOSED R.O.W.CALTRANS R.O.W.CALTRANS R.O.W.INSTALL MAINLINE AND LATERAL LINE IN PLANTING AREA, 6" FROM EDGE OF HARDSCAPE, TYP. DIRECTIONAL BORE UNDER ROADWAY PER NOTE #20, SHEET LI-0.01 IRRIGATION NOTES 1.SEE SHEET LI-0.01 FOR DETAILED IRRIGATION SCHEDULES AND NOTES. 2.SEE SHEET LI-0.02 FOR CA MWELO CALCULATIONS 60 IRRIGATION SCHEDULE (THIS SHEET) SYMBOL DESCRIPTION BUBBLERS / DRIP EMITTERS SHRUB BUBBLER 6 GPH POINT SOURCE EMITTER VALVES CONTROL VALVE MASTER VALVE GATE VALVE PIPE MAINLINE LATERAL LINE SLEEVES POINT OF CONNECTION POINT OF CONNECTION BACKFLOW PREVENTER QUICK COUPLER - RECLAIMED CONTROLLER CONTROLLER MISCELLANEOUS FLUSH VALVE PULL BOX FLOW SENSOR **SEE SHEET LI-0.01 FOR COMPLETE IRRIGATION SCHEDULE PB F POC CC 556 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE IRRIGATION PLAN STA. 20+00.00 TO STA. 30+00.00 LI-1.04 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I VV++++++++++++++V V V (E)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(E)(E)V(W)(W)(W)+ 25+0 0 + 26+00 + 27+00 +28+00 +29+00 +30+00 + + + + + (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E)580580 565 570 560 560 575S OHWVVVVVV VVVVV+++++++++++++++++ + EEE EE GUY UP UP TMH WM WM WM FH WV WV WV SMH UP GUY WM UP UP UP RISER TELE #679836E GM NOGALES AVENUE(T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G)(G) (G) (G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)SSSS S S S S S S S (G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)AW A W AW AW AW AW AW AW(G)(G)(OH)(OH)(OH)585 590 595 600 57 5 SDSD (G)(G)(G)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) E E E(G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)WM WM WM WV WVWV WV GUY GUY GUY GUY UP UPFO R ISER EDISON VAULT U P 565EE EE E E E E E E E E E E E (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G)(G)SDSD5 7 5570 56 5 575 57 0565 580560 56 0 575580585590595 600 570 565 580 585590595 580 (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (T) PRINCET O N AVENUE 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE- STA. 25+00SEE ABOVELIMIT OF WORKLANDSCAPE PLANS- STA. 30+00PROP O S E D R.O. W . PROPOSE D R.O.W. INSTALL MAINLINE AND LATERAL LINE IN PLANTING AREA, 6" FROM EDGE OF HARDSCAPE, TYP. VV++++V V ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W ) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)V+20+00 +21+00 + 22+00 + 23+00 + 24+0 0 + 25+00 + + + + +(E)(E)(E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E)(E)(E)(E)(E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E)(E)(E)(E) 570 560 560VV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV V VVSDSD TMH CAISSO N ++++++++PRINCETON AVENU E AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW23THBOUND)42"SD24"SDSDSDSDSDSDSD SD SD 36"SD 560565 570 575 SDSD WM MARKE R DETAIL E D T O P O FOR PI P E EXTEN SI O N UP570560 555555565 SDSDSDSD SD SD565SDSD(G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G) 560 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E EE EE E E E E E E E E (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G)SDSD(T)(T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) 565 570 575 570 565560 575 565 3'-0" 2'-1" A6 1.00 in 15.90 HZ6 A7 1.00 in 15.25 HZ7 A8 1.00 in 6.10 HZ8 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE - STA . 20+00SEE SHEET L I -1 .03MATCHLINE- STA. 25+00SEE BELOWPROPO S E D R.O.W.CALTRANSR.O.W.CALTRANSR.O.W.CALTRANS R.O.W. INSTALL MAINLINE AND LATERAL LINE IN PLANTING AREA, 6" FROM EDGE OF HARDSCAPE, TYP. IRRIGATION NOTES 1.SEE SHEET LI-0.01 FOR DETAILED IRRIGATION SCHEDULES AND NOTES. 2.SEE SHEET LI-0.02 FOR CA MWELO CALCULATIONS 61 IRRIGATION SCHEDULE (THIS SHEET) SYMBOL DESCRIPTION BUBBLERS / DRIP EMITTERS SHRUB BUBBLER 6 GPH POINT SOURCE EMITTER VALVES CONTROL VALVE MASTER VALVE GATE VALVE PIPE MAINLINE LATERAL LINE SLEEVES POINT OF CONNECTION POINT OF CONNECTION BACKFLOW PREVENTER QUICK COUPLER - RECLAIMED CONTROLLER CONTROLLER MISCELLANEOUS FLUSH VALVE PULL BOX FLOW SENSOR **SEE SHEET LI-0.01 FOR COMPLETE IRRIGATION SCHEDULE PB F POC CC 557 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE IRRIGATION DETAILS LI-2.01 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I 62 FLOW 1 LEGEND: FINISH GRADE BARK MULCH VALVE BOX PVC MAINLINE FLOW SENSOR PER LEGEND PROVIDE BRICK FOR BASE SUPPORT WIRES FROM FLOW SENSOR TO CONTROLLER PER MANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS 6" MIN. PEA GRAVEL DRAIN SUMP 4 2 3 1 NOTES: 1.INSTALL VALVE BOX 1" ABOVE TOP OF MULCH2.WRAP ALL THREADED FITTINGS WITH TEFLON TAPE 2 3 5 4 5 6 7 6 8 7 818" MIN.6"FLOW SENSOR Scale: 3/4" = 1'-0"D Resolution 2012-3096 Page 86 6AGl<fI=L.OY'll P~I!VI!NTI!!~ ~I!TAIL. (PL.ATI!! ~-3) City of Moorpark Community Development Department Backflow Preventer Deta iI Plate 2-3 BACKFLOW PREVENTER DETAIL N.T.S.B Resolution 2012-3096 Page 84 ~ 7 , 7 TNIe WR5 TO RIS£R KEY 0~':s~~~~ o WATER ~ ePOXY ~~ 0"TAe. O VIL~ ~ W/(,(JVff.R (11-~~ R&-.V. ~ tMSreR VILVf. IK1 W/V1LVf. NO. 0"-1J5t1 IN L.AMa / ~,.-IN 0~~VIt.~ 7 Pit;. ~ &fJ NflPl.e. & ~ 0 Of'''~ , ~~Plt;.aL~~ It' Pit;. ~ &fJ t.W.e ~ o Pit;. LA~ fltR F\.JH. @) MIN. -f PePT'I1 Of' "/~ WA!!ltIS> fJRINa.. ® ~~ Plt;./f"L .. ~ R!!MOT!! CONTROl-VAl-V! t)!TAII-(PI-AT!! :2-1) City of Moorpark Community Development Department Remote Control Valve Detail Plate 2-1 REMOTE CONTROL VALVE N.T.S.A Resolution 2012-3096 Page 87 KEY TOP a= MJ...t.H 2. FINI£tt ~ ~ LONE7~~ ~ o pvc, 5a1 &0 NIPPLE (l....ENeJTH A5 ~) ® pvc, 5a1 At? ELL® pvc, 5a1 At? STREET ELL CD pvc, 5a1 At? TEE ~ ELL ® pvc, LATERIL PIPE eueeL.l!~ DeTAIL. (PL.ATI! ~-4) d~~~-~ ~.i -~j) _ City of Moorpark Bubbler I !£::r; w. Yfl:Z:1. \ I Community Development Plate 2-4fY'~'" ~J Detail ~ ;J! DepartmentQ~ • ~.i~L-_ ~_-)~~...", BUBBLER DETAIL N.T.S.C 6"LEGEND: KINK RESISTANT FLEXIBLE PIPE FINISH GRADE VALVE BOX COMPACTED NATIVE SUBGRADE PVC LATERAL LINE PROVIDE BRICK FOR BASE SUPPORT PVC MANUAL BALL VALVE THREAD BY BARB ELBOW FITTING 6" MIN. PEA GRAVEL NOTES: 1.INSTALL VALVE BOX 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE OR FLUSH IN PAVED AREAS2. WRAP ALL THREADED FITTINGS W/ TEFLON TAPE 3 2 1 6 4 9 7 5 2 3 4 5 7 6 1 9 8 8 FLUSH VALVE Scale: 1" = 1'-0"E LEGEND: FINISH GRADE VALVE BOX COMPACTED NATIVE BACKFILL PROVIDE BRICK FOR BASE SUPPORT ELECTRICAL CONDUIT WITH SWEEPING ELL 6" MIN. PEA GRAVEL ADJACENT CONCRETE DBY-6 DIRECT BURIAL SPLICE KIT NOTES: 1. INSTALL VALVE BOX 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE OR FLUSH IN PAVED AREAS2. MAXIMUM WIRE SIZES PER CONNECTOR ARE 3-14'S OR 2-12'S 5 3 2 7 8 6 4 11 2 3 5 6 4 7 8 PULL BOX Scale: 3/4" = 1'-0"F LEGEND: BARK MULCH FINISH GRADE WIRE CONNECTORS ELECTRIC MASTER CONTROL VALVE PER LEGEND VALVE BOX PVC MAINLINE PROVIDE BRICK FOR BASE SUPPORT 6" MIN. PEA GRAVEL COMMON WIRE EXPANSION CURL CONTROL WIRE EXPANSION CURL NOTES: 1.INSTALL VALVE BOX 1" ABOVE TOP OF MULCH OR FLUSH IN PAVED AREAS2. WRAP ALL THREADED FITTINGS W/ TEFLON TAPE18" MIN.6"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 MASTER VALVE Scale: 1" = 1'-0"G LEGEND: FINISH GRADE GATE VALVE PER LEGEND PVC SCH80 MALE ADAPTER TWO (2) REQUIRED VALVE BOX PVC MAINLINE PROVIDE BRICK FOR BASE SUPPORT 6" MIN. PEA GRAVEL NOTES: 1. INSTALL VALVE BOX 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE OR FLUSH IN PAVED AREAS2. WRAP ALL THREADED FITTINGS W/ TEFLON TAPE24" MIN.6"1 3 2 6 4 7 5 1 2 3 5 6 4 7 GATE VALVE Scale: 1" = 1'-0"H 558 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE IRRIGATION DETAILS LI-2.02 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I 63 24" MIN.1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 LEGEND: FINISH GRADE QUICK COUPLER VALVE PER LEGEND VALVE BOX PROVIDE BRICK BASE FOR SUPPORT COMPACTED SUBGRADE PEA GRAVEL SCH 80 NIPPLE TWO 90° PVC STREET ELLS PVC MAINLINE SCH 80 SxT COUPLING NOTES: 1. INSTALL VALVE BOX 1" ABOVE FINISH GRADE OR FLUSH IN PAVED AREAS 2. WRAP ALL THREADED FITTINGS W/ TEFLON TAPE F.G.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 QUICK COUPLER Scale: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"A LEGEND: ADJACENT PAVING BASE MATERIAL FINISH GRADE COMPACTED NATIVE BACKFILL SAND BACKFILL - MINIMUM 2" LAYER SAND BED BENEATH LOWEST PIPE, MINIMUM 6" FILL ABOVE HIGHEST PIPE LOW VOLTAGE WIRING IRRIGATION MAINLINE IRRIGATION LATERAL LINE SCH. 40 PVC SLEEVING FOR IRRIGATION MAINLINE AND LATERAL (ALL PIPES SLIDE EASILY W/ EXTRA SPACE) ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FOR WIRES (ALLOW EXTRA ROOM FOR WIRE MOVEMENT) NATIVE SUBGRADE NOTES: 1. EXTEND ALL SLEEVING UNDERNEATH PAVING 12" MINIMUM INTO PLANTERS2. MAINLINE TRENCHING UNDERNEATH TREE DRIP LINES SHALL INCLUDE ROOT PRUNING. NO ROOT OVER 2" DIAMETER SHALL BE CUT WITHOUT APPROVAL BY THE CITY ARBORIST. SECTION UNDER PAVING SECTION IN PLANTER24" MIN.18" MIN.6"6"6"24" MIN.8 11 11 10 11 1 4 6 3 8 9 7 2 2 3 1 4 5 9 6 7 8 5 4 5 TRENCHING Scale: 3/4" = 1'-0"B SS TOP ENTRY CONTROLLER ENCLOSURE N.T.S.C EXISTING SLOPE. SxSxT TEE OR ELL. LATERAL ON GRADE SHALL BE UVR PIPE (SET ABOVE BASIN) TWO 90° PVC STREET ELLS. RISER PER IRRIGATION SCHEDULE POINT SOURCE EMITTERS - 1/2" THREADED CONNECTION. #3 REBAR J-HOOK 10' O.C. MAX. 1:1 CUT SLOPE @ BACK OF SHRUB. BASIN FINISH GRADE. 4" HIGH WATERING BASIN. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 10 LEGEND: NOTE: 1.REFER TO IRRIGATION SCHEDULE FOR MATERIAL MODELS AND MANUFACTURERS. 2.STAKE RISERS WITH 6", 9 GAUGE GALVANIZED TIE DOWN STAKES POINT SOURCE DRIP EMITTER ON SLOPE' Scale: 3/4" = 1'-0"E 1 LEGEND: 2 3 4 52 4 5 6 PLACE EMITTER 9" MAX FROM PLANT STEM. SEE ENLARGEMENT DIFFUSER BUG CAP UNIVERSAL 1/4" TUBING STAKE 1/4" DISTRIBUTION TUBING TOP OF MULCH PRESSURE-COMPENSATING MODULE BARB INLET X BARB OUTLET EMITTER 17MM TUBING PER IRRIGATION LEGEND FINISH GRADE F.G. 9" MIN. SECTION ENLARGEMENT 1 3 8 6 7 7 8 POINT SOURCE DRIP EMITTER Scale: 1 1/2" = 1'-0"D 559 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE PLANTING NOTES & SCHEDULE LP-0.01 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I PLANTING NOTES 1.ALL PLANTED AREAS SHALL BE THOROUGHLY RIPPED TO A DEPTH OF 8", USING RIPPER WITH TEETH NO WIDER THAN 12" O.C. WHERE POSSIBLE. THE RIPPING SHOULD BE DONE IN TWO DIRECTIONS TO REDUCE THE COMPACTION WHICH OCCURS AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION. 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COLLECT A MINIMUM OF EIGHT SOIL SAMPLES FROM NEW PLANTING AREAS FOR AGRONOMIC TESTING & AMENDMENT RECOMMENDATIONS FROM FRUIT GROWERS LAB @ (805) 392-2000. RESULTS SHALL BE TRANSMITTED TO CLIENT AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF RECORD. SOIL MANAGEMENT REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS SHALL ADDRESS THE FOLLOWING AT A MINIMUM: SOIL TEXTURE, SOIL INFILTRATION RATE, SOIL PH, AND SUGGESTED AMENDMENTS BASED UPON PROPOSED PLANTING PALETTE. SEE SPECIFICATIONS. 3.FOR SOILS LESS THAN 6% ORGANIC MATTER IN THE TOP 6 INCHES OF SOIL, COMPOST AT A RATE OF A MINIMUM OF FOUR CUBIC YARDS PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET OR PERMEABLE AREA SHALL BE INCORPORATED TO A DEPTH OF SIX INCHES INTO THE SOIL 4.ALL AMENDMENTS TO BE APPLIED PER SOIL MANAGEMENT REPORT, OR IF NO TECHNIQUE IS SPECIFIED, THEN MIXED TOGETHER AND ROTOTILLED INTO PLANTING AREAS TO A DEPTH OF 6". (UNTIL RESULTS OF SOIL MANAGEMENT REPORT ARE OBTAINED, THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS MAY BE USED FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY. RESULTS OF SOILS ANALYSIS SUPERSEDE THESE QUANTITIES): 5 LBS/1000 SF POTASSIUM SULFATE 5 LBS/1000 SF AMMONIUM SULFATE 5 LBS/1000 SF SINGLE SUPERPHOSPHATE OR EQ. 80 LBS/1000 SF AGRICULTURAL GYPSUM 6 CY GENERAL PURPOSE SOIL AMENDMENT 5.BACKFILL PER CY FOR CONTAINER PLANTS (BACKFILL MIX PROVIDED FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY. RESULTS OF SOILS ANALYSIS SUPERSEDE THESE QUANTITIES): 1/4 LB POTASSIUM SULPHATE 1/4 LB AMMONIUM SULPHATE 1/5 LB SINGLE SUPERPHOSPHATE OR EQ. 4 LBS AGRICULTURAL GYPSUM 5 PARTS BY VOLUME NATIVE SOIL 1 PART BY VOLUME AQUINAGA TURF PLUS 6.GRO-POWER PLANTING TABLETS PLACED 2 INCHES DEEP AND 2" OUTSIDE ROOT BALL: (3) PER 1 GAL; (9) PER 5 GAL; (15) PER 15 GAL, (24) PER 24" BOX AND (24) PER 36" BOX 7.ALL TREES WITHIN 5 FT. OF PAVEMENT TO HAVE CENTURY PRODUCTS LINEAR CP36-2 'POLYETHYLENE' ROOT BARRIERS INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS 1 1/2" OFF BACK OF CURB OR EDGE OF PAVEMENT. ROOT BARRIER TO BE INSTALLED AT BACK OF HARDSCAPE, IN 10 FOOT PANELS CENTERED ON THE TREE TRUNK, (NOT IN CIRCLE AROUND ROOT BALL). 8.PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES LISTED FOR CONVENIENCE OF CONTRACTOR. ACTUAL NUMBER OF SYMBOLS SHALL HAVE PRIORITY OVER QUANTITY DESIGNATED. 9.A MINIMUM 3-INCH LAYER OF MULCH SHALL BE APPLIED ON ALL EXPOSED SOIL SURFACES OF PLANTING AREAS EXCEPT TURF AREAS, CREEPING OR ROOTING GROUNDCOVERS, OR DIRECT SEEDING APPLICATIONS WHERE MULCH IS CONTRADICTORY. 10.MULCH SHALL BE ES-2 MULCH FROM AGROMIN PREMIUM SOIL PRODUCTS (805) 482.8749. PROVIDE SAMPLE TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF RECORD FOR APPROVAL. 11.SEE SHEET, LP-2.01 FOR ALL PLANTING DETAILS 12.ALL SEEDING TO BE HYDROSEED. HYDROSEEDING SLURRY COMPONENTS LBS/ACRE CONWED 1000 WOOD FIBER MULCH 2000 HYDROPOST PREMIUM COMPOST 1000 ECOLOGY CONTROLS M-BINDER/TACK 100 BIOSOL MIX 7-2-3 ORGANICA FERTILIZER 300 AM 120 MYCORRIHIZAL INOCULUM 60 64 PLANT SCHEDULE - VINES/GROUNDCOVER SYMBOL QTY LATIN NAME COMMON NAME WUCOLS SIZE VINES 73 Distictis buccinatoria Scarlet Trumpet Vine M 5 gal 111 Parthenocissus tricuspidata 'Veitchii'Boston Ivy M 5 gal GROUNDCOVER 440 Baccharis pilularis 'Pigeon Point'Dwarf Coyote Bush L 5 gal 180 Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point'Yankee Point California Lilac L 5 gal 560 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE PLANTING PLAN STA. 1+00.00 TO STA. 10+00.00 LP-1.01 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I VV VV V V VV V V V VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VV(E)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (( (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W ) (W ) (W ) (W ) (W ) (W ) (W )(W)(W) (W ) (W ) (W )VVVV V V (W) + 0+00 + 1+00 + 2+00 + 3+00 +4+00 +5+00 +6+00 +++ + + + 545 570 555 550 560 5 7 5 570565EE E ES VVV VVV SD C B WV WV WV FHUP GU Y ICV ICV DI FD C WMWM GU Y ICV CO M M DI UPGU Y GU Y IC V IC V IC V DI ICV IC V IC V FH WV GU Y UP TM H WV WV WV G M UP UP AV #4578172E#4578173E+ +++++++++++BFPBFPBFPVV VVVVSD C B W M W M W M PRINCE T O N AVENU E (T) (T)(T)(T) (T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T) (T) (T)(T)(T)(T)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G) (G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G ) (G ) (G )E(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) E E EE E E E E E E E E E E E (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)AWAW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAW S D (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OHSDSDSD545 550 555 560 565 560 565 (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) SD SD (G ) 545 545 5 8 0 585 GU YWW WWWWW) (W) (W) #4 5 5 7 1 2 2 E UP 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE - STA . 5+25 SEE BELOWPROPOSED R.O.W. PROP O S E D R.O.W.VVV VV VV VVVV VV V V (E)(E)(E)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(E)(E)(E)(W)(W)(W)VVV V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V VV+++++++ +5+00 +6+00 +7+00 + 8+00 + 9+00 + 10+0 0 + + + + + + 545 550580570 560 545 5 6 5 VV VV V VV VV V VVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVV VVVVVVVF H W V G U Y U P G M GMW M G U Y U P U P G U Y UP H B U P G U Y U P G U Y # 4 5 5 7 1 1 9 E IR O N PI P E VVGMW M W M W M AVENUE (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T)(T)(G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G) (G) (G) (G) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW(G)(G)(G)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) 555 545 (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH)(OH ) (OH ) (OH ) (OH ) (OH ) (OH ) (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(G)545 550560 5 4 5550 555 550 5 4 5 555 545 56 0 SDSD(G) (G) (G) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) 58 0 WW2'- 0 " PRINCETON AVENUE 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE- STA. 5+25 SEE ABOVEMATCHLINE- STA. 10+00SEE SHEET LP-1.02PROPOSE D R.O.W. PRO P O S E D R.O. W . PRO P O S E D R.O. W . PROPOSE D R.O.W. PLANTING NOTES 1.SEE SHEET LP-0.01 FOR DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULES AND NOTES. 65 561 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE PLANTING PLAN STA. 10+00.00 TO STA. 15+00.00 LP-1.02 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I VV V V(E)(E)(E)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W(W(W(W(W(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(E)VV V V V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V + 10+00 + 11+00 + 12+00 + 13+00 + 14+00 + 15+00+++++ (E ) (E ) (E) (E) 545 615 610 600595 590 585 580 555 560 560 560 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVV V V VVVVV VVV VV UP WV WV FH WV WM GUY GUY UP UP WM TMH PRINCETON AVENUE (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(G)(G)(W)AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) 570575580 585 590 595 600 56 5 57 0 57 5 58 0 58 5 59 0 575 570 565 (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) H)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) 545 550 560 UP 545 (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) DET A I L E D T O P O - IS THER E R E A L L Y A PIPE HER E ? UP UP UP AW5 5 5 560545 560 560 565 E E E (T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T) (T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T)(T) 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE- STA. 10+00SEE SHEET LP-1.01MATCHLINE- STA. 15+00SEE SHEET LP-1.03PROPOSED R.O.W. PROPOSED R.O.W. PROPOSED R.O.W. PROPOSED R.O.W. PLANTING NOTES 1.SEE SHEET LP-0.01 FOR DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULES AND NOTES. 66 562 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE PLANTING PLAN STA. 15+00.00 TO STA. 20+00.00 LP-1.03 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I VV++++++VVV V V VVV++++++++++++++++(E)(E)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(E)VV V +15+00 +16+00 + 17+00 + 18+00 + 19+00 + 20+00 + ++++ (E) (E)(E) (E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E)(E) (E) (E) (E) (E) 585 580 570565 575595555 560 560565 ++++++++++++++++ ++VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWV WV FH EMH WM ELEC GM ELEC UP WM WM GUY UP UP UP TMH CAISSON (OH ) (OH ) (OH ) AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AWHWY 23(SOUTHBOUND(2)6" OVER 15" CM P (OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)575 570 565 585565570 575 560 555 550 560565 (OH) 5 4 5 545 550 555 550 545560 555(2)8" SDMARKER HB UP UP HB GUY DI DIDI +++545 SDSD(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH) DETAILED TOPO FOR NEW DRIVEWAY AND STORMDRAIN OUTFALL DETAILED TOPO - IS THERE REALLY A PIPE HERE?565545 560 550570575 580 585 590 595600 GUYSDSD 565EE(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G)(G)(G) (G)SDSDE E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E (T)(T)(E)(E)12" PEP 4'-3" 2'-3" 4'-2" 3'-11" PRINCETON AVENUE 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE- STA. 15+00SEE SHEET LP-1.02MATCHLINE- STA. 20+00SEE SHEET LP-1.04PROPOS E D R.O.W. PROPOS E D R.O.W.CALTRANS R.O.W.PROPOSED R.O.W.CALTRANS R.O.W.CALTRANS R.O.W.PLANTING NOTES 1.SEE SHEET LP-0.01 FOR DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULES AND NOTES. 67 563 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE PLANTING PLAN STA. 20+00.00 TO STA. 30+00.00 LP-1.04 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I VV++++++++++++++V V V (E)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(E)(E)V(W)(W)(W)+ 25+0 0 + 26+00 + 27+00 +28+00 +29+00 +30+00 + + + + + (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E)580580 565 570 560 560 575S OHWVVVVVV VVVVV+++++++++++++++++ + EEE EE GUY UP UP TMH WM WM WM FH WV WV WV SMH UP GUY WM UP UP UP RISER TELE #679836E GM NOGALES AVENUE(T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G)(G) (G) (G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)SSSS S S S S S S S (G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)(G)AW A W AW AW AW AW AW AW(G)(G)(OH)(OH)(OH)585 590 595 600 57 5 SDSD (G)(G)(G)(OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) (OH) E E E(G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(OH)(OH)(OH)(OH)WM WM WM WV WVWV WV GUY GUY GUY GUY UP UPFO R ISER EDISON VAULT U P 565EE EE E E E E E E E E E E E (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G)(G)SDSD5 7 5570 56 5 575 57 0565 580560 56 0 575580585590595 600 570 565 580 585590595 580 (W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W)(W) (T) PRINCET O N AVENUE 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE- STA. 25+00SEE ABOVELIMIT OF WORKLANDSCAPE PLANS- STA. 30+00PROP O S E D R.O. W . PROPOSE D R.O.W.VV++++V V ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W ) (W) (W) (W) (W) (W)(W)(W)(W) (W)(W)(W)(W)V+20+00 +21+00 + 22+00 + 23+00 + 24+0 0 + 25+00 + + + + +(E)(E)(E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E)(E)(E)(E)(E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E)(E)(E)(E) 570 560 560VV VV VVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVV V VVSDSD TMH CAISSO N ++++++++PRINCETON AVENU E AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW AW23THBOUND)42"SD24"SDSDSDSDSDSDSD SD SD 36"SD 560565 570 575 SDSD WM MARKE R DETAIL E D T O P O FOR PI P E EXTEN SI O N UP570560 555555565 SDSDSDSD SD SD565SDSD(G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G) 560 E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E EE EE E E E E E E E E (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G) (G)(G)(G)SDSD(T)(T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) (T) 565 570 575 570 565560 575 565 3'-0" 2'-1" 0 20 40 FTMATCHLINE - STA . 20+00SEE SHEET LP -1 .03MATCHLINE- STA. 25+00SEE BELOWPROPO S E D R.O.W.CALTRANSR.O.W.CALTRANSR.O.W.CALTRANS R.O.W. PLANTING NOTES 1.SEE SHEET LP-0.01 FOR DETAILED PLANTING SCHEDULES AND NOTES. 68 564 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY OF MOORPARK DRAWING NO. SHEET OF SPEC. NO. ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY:ENGINEERING DIVISIONDESCRIPTIONAPP'DMARKR.C.E.DATE MOORPA R K CALIF O R NI AINCOR P O RATED J U L Y 11983ENGINEERING REVIEWED BY: DATE 69 MZ BM CITY ENGINEER/PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SEAN CORRIGAN PE 39479 EXPIRATION DATE 12-31-2019 PRINCETON AVENUE PLANTING DETAILS LP-2.01 461 E. Main Street Ventura, Ca 93001 805.644.9697 www.pc-ld.comMICHAEL Z IELS D ORF#6044 TEA R C H Renewal Date Date D SignatureECILLANNSED CS APCE T10/31/21 I MIN. OVERLAP 6"NOTES: 1.OVERLAP JUTE NETTING 3' MINIMUM AT THE TOP AND BOTTOMOF ROLLS. OVERLAP 4" MINIMUM ALONG EDGES OF ROLLS. 2.12" MAX. SPACING OF STAPLES ALONG SLOPE CONTOUR ATTOP AND BOTTOM OF SLOPE AND AT OVERLAPPED ROLL ENDS;5' MAX SPACING DOWNSLOPE.3.EXTEND NETTING TO EDGES OF MANUFACTURED SLOPES 6" LEGEND: METAL STAPLES, 6" MIN. LENGTH JUTE NETTING, SMOLDER RESISTANT, UNIFORM, OPEN, PLAIN WEAVE, UNDYED AND UNBLEACHED SINGLE JUTE YARN, 1.2 LBS/LINEAR YARD, FURNISHED IN 48" WIDTH ROLLS. ADJACENT FINISH GRADE BACKFILL W/ SITE SOILAND COMPACT 6" X 6" TRENCH AT TOP OF SLOPE; SECURE NETTING AT BOTTOM OF TRENCH W/ ROW OF STAPLES; OVERLAP JUTE 6" MIN OVER TOP OF TRENCH AND SECURE W/ ROW OF STAPLES BACKFILL W/ SITE SOIL AND COMPACT 6" X 6" TRENCH AT BOTTOM OF SLOPE; STAPLE NETTING AT BOTTOM OF TRENCH TOP OF SLOPE BOTTOMOF SLOPE 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 JUTE NETTING Scale: 3/8" = 1'-0"C 1 LEGEND: GROUNDCOVER TO BE PLANTED IN FLATS, CUTTINGS, LINERS OR 1 GALLON CONTAINERS PER PLANS. SOIL PREPARATION- REFER TO PLANTING NOTES 2 NOTES: 1.REFER TO PLANTING NOTES FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIFICATIONS 1 2 XX XXSQUARE SPACING TRIANGULAR SPACING X X SQ. FT. PLANTS WILL COVER 64 PLANTS 100 PLANTS 4"7 S.F.11 S.F. 6"16 S.F.25 S.F. 8"28 S.F.44 S.F. 10"45 S.F.70 S.F. 1'0"64 S.F.100 S.F. 1'3"100 S.F.156 S.F. 1'6"144 S.F.225 S.F. 2'0"256 S.F.400 S.F. GROUNDCOVER PLANTING Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0"A Resolution 2012-3096 Page 83 o KEY CD PERMAl-.ENf ~N. ® EXI5r1f'.e €i.OPE ® r>Aa<FLL (PER '5OL5 REPtRr) o ~ROOf~ ® AElRIFORM fll..,6Nf TAtJ5 OR ~. (I PER H'IL. 2. PER ~IL. 4 PER 15--61L. II PER WJ( U)NTA1N:R) et-+~UB ON eL..ope PL.AN"I"INCS DeTAIL.. (pL.ATe 1-e) City of Moorpark Community Development Department Shrub Planting on Slope Detail Plate 1-5 SHRUB PLANTING ON SLOPE N.T.S.B 69 565