HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 2022 4142 2022 1102 RESOLUTION NO. 2022-4142
WHEREAS, on January 22, 2022, Keenan Wolens of Amir Development
(Applicant) for Moorpark Lot A, LP (Owner) submitted an application for an Industrial
Planned Development (IPD) to develop an industrial warehouse and office building,
totaling 90,566 square feet and a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow the maximum
building height of 44 feet which exceeds the maximum height of 30 feet, thereby requiring
a CUP (Proposed Project). The Project Site includes 5.65 acres, located on an
undeveloped and relatively flat lot, located at 10941 Los Angeles Avenue (Assessor
Parcel No. 511-0-200-265) (Project Site, Site); and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15074 of the State Guidelines for the California
Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), (the "State CEQA Guidelines"), an Initial Study and
Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration ("MND"), dated September 2022 have been
prepared by Chambers Group, Inc., and based on the type and intensity of Project and
information contained therein, the Initial Study and Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration
conclude that the Project, with the proposed mitigation measures, would not have a
significant adverse effect on the environment; and
WHEREAS, the MND identified that the Project will have no or less than significant
effects on agriculture and forestry, mineral resources, population and housing, public
services, recreation, aesthetics, air quality, energy, geology and soils, greenhouse gas
emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality noise, tribal
cultural resources, utilities and service systems and wildfire. In addition, the MND
identified that the Project's impacts on biological resources, cultural resources, land use
and planning and transportation are potentially significant but that all such impacts can
be reduced to levels of insignificance by implementation of the mitigation measures
identified in the MND; and
WHEREAS, on July 18, 2022, the City of Moorpark Community Development
Department, as lead agency for the Project, published pursuant to the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) a Notice of Intent to Adopt an MND for the Pentair
Warehouse Expansion Project (State Clearinghouse Number 2022070289) analyzing the
Project's potential impacts on the environment and provided copies of it for a 30-day
comment period between July 18, 2022, and August 17, 2022. The MND was posted on
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the City website, at City Hall and City Library and at the Ventura County Clerk's Office;
WHEREAS, the City received seven comments on the Draft MND during the public
review period and thereafter the City prepared written responses to all comments
received on the Draft MND, as set forth in Attachment 5 to the staff report for this item,
and those responses to comments are incorporated into the MND. A link to the copy of
the MND is set forth in Attachment 5 to the staff report for this item and is incorporated
herein by this reference (www.moorparkca.gov/1070/Pentair-Expansion); and
WHEREAS, in connection with the approval of a project involving the preparation
of an MND that identifies one or more potentially significant environmental effects, CEQA
requires the decision-making body of the lead agency to incorporate feasible mitigation
measures that would reduce those potentially significant effects to a less-than-significant
level; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15074, whenever a lead
agency approves a project requiring the implementation of measures to mitigate or avoid
potentially significant effects on the environment, CEQA also requires a lead agency to
adopt a mitigation monitoring and reporting program to ensure compliance with the
mitigation measures during project implementation. A copy of the Mitigation Monitoring
and Reporting Program ("MMRP") for the Project, which defines the measures which
would be imposed on the Project to mitigation or avoid potentially significant
environmental impacts, is attached hereto as Exhibit B, and incorporated herein by this
reference; and
WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public hearing on September 27, 2022, the Planning
Commission considered the Final MND and proposed Project, including the agenda
report and any supplements thereto and written public comments; opened the public
hearing and took and considered public testimony both for and against the Project
applications; and reached a decision on this matter, adopting Resolution No. PC-2022-
680 recommending that the City Council adopt the Final MND and approve the Project,
with Conditions as amended; and
WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public hearing on November 2, 2022, the City Council
considered the Final MND and proposed Project, including public testimony both for and
against the proposal; opened the public hearing and took and considered public testimony
both for and against the proposal and reached a decision on this matter.
SECTION 1. The findings made in this Resolution are based upon the information
and evidence set forth in the Final MND (attached by reference in the staff report as
Attachment 5) and upon other substantial evidence that has been presented at the
hearings and in the record of the proceedings. The Final MND, agenda reports, technical
studies, appendices, plans, specifications, and other documents and materials that
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constitute the record of proceedings on which this Resolution is based are on file for public
examination during normal business hours at the City of Moorpark Community
Development Department, 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, CA 93021. Each of these
documents is incorporated herein by reference.
SECTION 2. The City Council finds that agencies and interested members of the
public have been afforded ample notice and opportunity to comment on the Final MND
and Project.
SECTION 3. Prior to taking action, the City Council has heard, been presented
with, reviewed and considered the information and data in the record, including oral and
written testimony presented for and during public hearings. The City's independent
environmental consultants, City staff, and the Project Applicant's environmental
consultants reviewed and analyzed the comments received on the Project's
environmental review.
SECTION 4. The City Council, pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15074, finds
in connection with the adoption of the Final MND: 1) that the MND reflects the City
Council's independent judgment and analysis; 2) the IS/MND was presented to, and
reviewed and considered by, the City Council together with all comments received during
the public review process; 3) the MND has been completed in compliance with CEQA
and the State CEQA Guidelines; 4) the MND contains a complete and accurate reporting
of the environmental impacts associated with the Project; 5) the Project will not result in
a significant effect on the environment because the mitigation measures described in the
MMRP have been added to the Project as conditions of approval; and 6) based on its
review of the whole record before it, there is no substantial evidence in the record
supporting a fair argument that the Project will have a significant effect on the
SECTION 5. No comments or any additional information submitted to the City
have produced any substantial new information requiring additional environmental review
or re-circulation of the MND pursuant to CEQA because no new significant environmental
impacts were identified, nor was any substantial increase in the severity of any previously
disclosed environmental impacts identified.
SECTION 6. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081.6, the City
Council adopts the MND, attached as Attachment 5 to the Staff Report for this item, and
the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, attached hereto as Exhibit B to this
Resolution, and incorporated herein by reference, and adopts each mitigation measure
set forth therein, and imposes each mitigation measure as a Condition of the Project's
the information set forth in the staff report(s), accompanying studies, and oral and written
public testimony, the City Council makes the following findings in accordance with City of
Moorpark, Municipal Code Section 17.44.040:
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1. The site design, including structure location, size, height, setbacks, parking,
massing, scale, architectural style and colors, and landscaping, is consistent with
the provisions of the general plan, zoning ordinance, and any other applicable
regulations. The General Plan land use designation for the Project Site is Medium
Industrial (1-2). The 1-2 designation allows for a variety of uses including light
manufacturing, processing, fabrication, and other non-hazardous industrial uses.
The proposed warehouse use is consistent with the 1-2 designation. The proposed
deviations from developments standards, allowed pursuant to Moorpark Municipal
Code (MMC) 17.44.040.C, have been found compatible with nearby industrial
2. The site design would not create negative impacts on or impair the utility of
properties, structures, or uses in the surrounding area. As proposed and
conditioned, the Project Site provides required parking, access improvements, site
lighting, utility upgrades, storm water detention, and landscape improvements
necessary to serve the proposed use and prevent impacts to adjacent properties.
The proposed height of 44 feet, as addressed by the Conditional Use Permit, would
be compatible with the existing height of the neighboring industrial building to the
west and other similar industrial buildings throughout Moorpark. The proposed
Conditions of Approval would ensure the proposed office use would not negatively
impact the surrounding area.
3. The proposed industrial warehouse use and site improvements are compatible
with the existing and permitted uses in the surrounding area. The Project is
compatible to similar nearby uses including adjacent existing and entitled industrial
development to the west, agricultural uses to the north and south, and
undeveloped industrial zoned land to the east. The proposed Project includes
architectural elements, colors and materials similar to the nearby industrial uses
and well-developed landscape plan which will help screen the warehouse
development from the nearby travel routes. In addition, as required by the MMRP,
a new traffic signal will be installed at Montair Drive and Los Angeles Avenue to
mitigate for traffic impacts generated by the traffic at the intersection.
information set forth in the staff report(s), accompanying studies, and oral and written
public testimony, the Planning Commission makes the following findings in accordance
with City of Moorpark, Municipal Code Section 17.44.040:
1. The proposed use is consistent with the provisions of the General Plan, zoning
ordinance, and all applicable regulations in that the industrial warehouse is a
permitted use when associated with a manufacturing and assembly use within the
M-1 zoning district. The CUP is required to authorize an increase to the height of
a structure pursuant to MMC Section 17.24.035, table 17.24.031, whereby a height
of 30 feet is allowed and a maximum height of up to 60 feet may be permitted with
a CUP. The proposed warehouse is 44 feet and is similar in height to the
neighboring industrial building and other industrial and commercial buildings
throughout Moorpark.
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2. The proposed height of 44 feet, which requires a CUP, is compatible with both
existing and permitted structures in the surrounding area in that the warehouse is
located near an existing industrial manufacturing and assembly use building to the
west, which is approximately 45 feet tall. The proposed height is also compatible
with several other industrial and commercial buildings throughout Moorpark.
3. The proposed building height of 44 feet is compatible with the scale, visual
character, and design of surrounding properties, in that the proposed building
height is appropriate for the architecture of the building and consistent with the
adjacent industrial buildings.
4. The proposed use, as conditioned and with the mitigation measures included in
the MMMRP, would not be obnoxious or harmful, or impair the utility of neighboring
property or uses. The project is located near vacant and agricultural uses to the
north, west and south and the adjacent Pentair industrial use to the west. The
inclusion of specific transportation demand management strategies would be used
to reduce the vehicle miles traveled and promote a lesser number of employees
using personal transportation. The Project also includes the installation of a new
traffic signal at the intersection of Montair Drive and State Route 118 to reduce
traffic impacts to the associated intersection consistent with General Plan
Circulation Element Policy 2.1.
5. The proposed building height of 44 feet would not be detrimental to the public
health, safety, convenience, or welfare in that the project would be located along
a well-traveled state route, near existing industrial and agricultural uses, and would
be required to comply with all applicable codes and regulations.
SECTION 9. CITY COUNCIL - Based on all the findings contained in this
Resolution and based on all the evidence in the public hearing for this matter, the City
Council does hereby resolve as follows:
A. The City Council adopts the Mitigated Negative Declaration (attached by
reference to staff report as Attachment 5 and the MMRP contained in Exhibit
B. Approves Industrial Planned Development No. 2022-01. subject to
conditions of approval contained in Exhibit A; and
C. Approves Conditional Use Permit No. 2022-01, subject to the Conditions of
Approval contained in Exhibit A.
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SECTION 10. CERTIFICATION OF ADOPTION: The City Clerk shall certify to the
adoption of this resolution and shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the book of
original resolutions.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of November, 2022.
mice S. Parvin, Mayor
r Cit lerk Ky Spa e , lAIPPIOW
411, -
Exhibit A: Conditions of Approval
Exhibit B: Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
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Project Approval Date: November 2, 2022
Expiration Date: November 2, 2023
Location: 10941 Los Angeles Avenue (Assessor Parcel No. 511-0-200-265)
Entitlements: Industrial Planned Development Permit No. 2022-01 and Conditional
Use Permit No. 2022-02
Project Description: Development of a warehouse building totaling 90,566 square feet
and 44 feet in maximum height.
The applicantlpermittee is responsible for the fulfillment of all conditions and
standard development requirements, unless specifically stated otherwise.
General Conditions
In addition to complying with all applicable City, County, State and Federal Statutes,
Codes, Ordinances, Resolutions and Regulations, Development Agreements, Permittee
expressly accepts and agrees to comply with the following Conditions of Approval and
Standard Development Requirements of this Permit:
1) Within thirty (30) calendar days of approval of this entitlement, the applicant shall
sign and return to the Planning Division an Affidavit of Agreement and Notice of
Entitlement Permit Conditions of Approval, indicating that the applicant has read
and agrees to meet all Conditions of Approval of this entitlement. The Affidavit of
Agreement/Notice shall include a legal description of the subject property and have
the appropriate notary acknowledgement suitable for recordation. [CDD]
2) This Industrial Planned Development and Conditional Use Permit expires one (1)
year from the date of its approval unless the use has been inaugurated by issuance
of a building permit for construction. The Community Development Director may,
at his/her discretion, grant up to two (2) additional one-year extensions for use
inauguration of the development permit if there have been no changes in the
adjacent areas and if the applicant can document that he/she has diligently worked
towards use inauguration during the initial period of time. The request for
extension of this planned development permit must be made in writing, at least
thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the permit and must be accompanied
by applicable entitlement processing deposits. [CDD]
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3) The Conditions of Approval of this entitlement, the City of Moorpark Municipal
Code and adopted City policies at the time of the entitlement approval, supersede
all conflicting notations, specifications, dimensions, typical sections and the like
which may be shown on said plans or on the entitlement application. This
language shall be added as a notation to the final plans for the planned
development. [CDD]
4) Should continued compliance with these Conditions of Approval not be met, the
Community Development Director may modify the conditions in accordance with
Municipal Code Section 17.44.100 and sections amendatory or supplementary
thereto, declare the project to be out of compliance, or the Director may declare,
for some other just cause, the project to be a public nuisance. The applicant shall
be liable to the City for any and all costs and expenses to the City involved in
thereafter abating the nuisance and in obtaining compliance with the Conditions of
Approval or applicable codes. If the applicant fails to pay all City costs related to
this action, the City may enact special assessment proceedings against the parcel
of land upon which the nuisance existed (Municipal Code Section 1.12.170).
5) The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents,
officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding against the City or its
agents, officers or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval by
the City or any of its agencies, departments, commissions, agents, officers, or
employees concerning this entitlement approval, which claim, action or proceeding
is brought within the time period provided therefore in Government Code Section
66499.37 or other sections of state law as applicable and any provision
amendatory or supplementary thereto. The City will promptly notify the applicant
of any such claim, action or proceeding, and, if the City should fail to do so or
should fail to cooperate fully in the defense, the applicant shall not thereafter be
responsible to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City or its agents, officers
and employees pursuant to this condition. a. The City may, within its unlimited
discretion, participate in the defense of any such claim, action or proceeding if both
of the following occur: i. The City bears its own attorney fees and costs; ii. The City
defends the claim, action or proceeding in good faith. b. The applicant shall not
be required to pay or perform any settlement of such claim, action or proceeding
unless the settlement is approved by the applicant. The applicant's obligations
under this condition shall apply regardless of whether a Final Map is ultimately
recorded with respect to the subdivision or a building permit is issued pursuant to
the planned development permit. [CDD]
6) If any of the conditions or limitations of this approval are held to be invalid, that
holding does not invalidate any of the remaining conditions or limitations set forth.
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7) All facilities and uses, other than those specifically requested in the application and
approval and those accessory uses allowed by the Municipal Code, are prohibited
unless otherwise permitted through application for Modification consistent with the
requirements of the zone and any other adopted ordinances, specific plans,
landscape guidelines, or design guidelines. [CDD]
8) Entitlement Processing: Prior to the approval of any Zoning Clearance for this
entitlement, the applicant shall submit to the Community Development Department
all outstanding entitlement case processing fees, including all applicable City legal
service fees. This payment must be made within sixty (60) calendar days after the
approval of this entitlement. [CDD]
9) Condition Compliance: Prior to the issuance of any Zoning Clearance, building
permit, grading permit, or advanced grading permit, the applicant shall submit to
the Community Development Department the Condition Compliance review
deposit. [CDD]
10) Any expansion, alteration or change in architectural elements requires prior
approval of the Community Development Director. Those changes in architectural
elements that the Director determines would be visible from abutting street(s) may
only be allowed, if, in the judgment of the Community Development Director such
change is compatible with the surrounding area. Any approval granted by the
Director must be consistent with the approved Design Guidelines (if any) for the
planned development and applicable Zoning Code requirements. A Permit
Modification application may be required as determined by the Community
Development Director. [CDD]
11) The applicant agrees not to protest the formation of an underground Utility
Assessment District. [CDD & PW]
12) The continued maintenance of the subject site and facilities is subject to periodic
inspection by the City. The Applicant and his/her successors, heirs, and assigns
are required to remedy any defects in ground or building maintenance, as indicated
by the City within five (5) working days from written notification. [CDD]
13) The applicant and his/her successors, heirs, and assigns must remove any graffiti
within five (five) days from written notification by the City of Moorpark. All such
graffiti removal must be accomplished to the satisfaction of the Community
Development Director. [CDD]
14) If any hazardous waste or material is encountered during the construction of this
project, all work must be immediately stopped and the Ventura County
Environmental Health Department, the Ventura County Fire Protection District, the
Moorpark Police Department, and the Moorpark City Engineer and Public Works
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Director must be notified immediately. Work may not proceed until clearance has
been issued by all of these agencies. [CDD, VCFPD, MPD, VCEHD & PW]
15) Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit, the Permittee is encouraged to install
fiber-optic conduit from the proposed building to the right-of-way during grading to
maximize the utility and futureproofing of the building. [ED]
16) The Project shall use electric or propane/compressed natural gas forklifts during
construction and operations of the facility. Use of gasoline or diesel fueled forklifts
on the Project Site is prohibited. [CDD]
Development Fees
17) Capital Improvements and Facilities, and Processing Fees: Prior to the issuance
of any Zoning Clearance, the applicant shall submit to the Community
Development Department, capital improvement, development, and processing
fees at the current rate then in effect. Said fees include, but are not limited to,
building and public improvement plan checks and permits. Unless specifically
exempted by City Council, the applicant is subject to all fees imposed by the City
as of the issuance of the first permit for construction. Fees typically adjust
18) Intentionally omitted.
19) Prior to installation of any signage on the site, the applicant shall submit a Master
Sign Program or a Sign Permit to the Community Development Director for review
and approval. [CDD]
20) The use of highly reflective glass or highly reflective film applied to glass is not
allowed on any structures. Highly reflective glass is defined as glass having a
visible light reflectance (VLR) rating of twenty (20) percent or greater. The use of
darkly tinted glass is only allowed in industrial zones. Darkly-tinted glass is defined
as glass with a visible light transmittance (VLT) rating of fifty (50) percent or less.
The use of low-emissivity (Low-E) glass is encouraged, but it must meet
reflectance and transmittance requirements as noted above. The applicant shall
provide a sample of the glass to be used, along with information on the VLR and
VLT for review and approval by the Community Development Director prior to the
issuance of building permits. [CDD]
21) Site shall provide a minimum of 185 parking spaces, as required by Moorpark
Municipal Code Chapter 17.32. Parking areas must be developed and maintained
in accordance with the requirements of the Moorpark Municipal Code. All parking
space and loading bay striping must be maintained so that it remains clearly visible
during the life of the development. [CDD]
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22) All parking areas must be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, or other surface
acceptable to the Community Development Director, City Engineer and Public
Works Director, and must include adequate provisions for drainage, National
Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) compliance, striping and
appropriate wheel blocks, curbs, or posts in parking areas adjacent to landscaped
areas. All parking, loading and common areas must be maintained at all times to
ensure safe access and use by employees, public agencies and service vehicles.
[CDD & PW]
23) Potential Waters of the U.S./State. Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit or
commencement of other site work within 25 feet of/or in the Gabbert Channel, the
developer shall determine if the California Department of Fish and Wildlife
(CDFW), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), or U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE) have determined that the Gabbert Channel is considered
waters of the state/U.S., the Applicant or its contractor shall obtain, and shall
comply with all mitigation and conditions associated with, one or more of the
following permits, as applicable: a CDFW Lake and Streambed Alteration
Agreement; RWQCB Section 401 Water Quality Certification; or Section 404
USACE permit. Permit compliance shall be met through the purchase of in-lieu
credits for non-vegetated streams at an approved mitigation bank, implementation
of in-kind or out-of-kind restoration, or a combination of these actions. The
mitigation replacement ratio shall be determined by the regulatory agencies during
the permitting process. Evidence of compliance with agency requirements shall be
provided to CSLC staff prior to Proposed Project activities. Evidence of such
determination shall be submitted to the City of Moorpark Community Development
and Public Works Departments. [CDD & PW]
24) The Building Plans must be in substantial conformance to the plans approved
under this entitlement and must specifically include the following:
a) Transformers, backflow prevention devices, fire department apparatus, and
cross connection water control devices (subject to approval by Ventura County
Waterworks District No. 1), screened from street view with a masonry wall
and/or landscaping as determined by the Community Development Director.
b) Bicycle racks or storage facilities, in quantities as required by the Community
Development Director and in accordance with the Municipal Code.
c) Required loading areas with 45-foot turning radii for loading zones consistent
with the AASHO WB-50 design vehicle and as required by the Community
Development Director, City Engineer and Public Works Director. If drains from
the loading area are connected to the sewer system, they are subject to the
approval of Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1.
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d) Final exterior building materials and paint colors consistent with the approved
plans under this permit. Any changes to the building materials and paint colors
are subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director.
e) Identification of coating or rust-inhibitive paint for all exterior metal building
surfaces to prevent corrosion and release of metal contaminants into the storm
drain system. [CDD]
Permit Specific Conditions — Conditional Use Permit
25) The maximum height of the warehouse building associated with this entitlement
shall not exceed 44-feet in height. [CDD]
26) Exterior downspouts are not permitted unless designed as an integral part of the
overall architecture and approved by the City as part of the planned development
permit. [CDD]
27) Mechanical equipment for the operation of the building must be ground-mounted
and screened to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. The
Community Development Director may approve roof-mounted equipment, in which
case, all parts of the roof mounted equipment (such as vents, stacks, blowers, air
conditioning equipment, etc.) must be below the lowest parapet on the roof; and
must be painted the same color as the roofing material. No piping, roof ladders,
vents, exterior drains and scuppers or any other exposed equipment may be visible
from adjacent public rights-of-way. [CDD]
28) Any outdoor ground level equipment, facilities or storage areas including, but not
limited to loading docks, trash enclosures, cooling towers, generators, must be
architecturally screened from view with masonry wall and/or landscaping as
determined by the Community Development Director. [ODD]
Ground Disturbance
29) Due to the potential that archaeological resources may be present on the Project
Site, the City of Moorpark shall require a note on any plans that require ground-
disturbing excavation that there is a potential for exposing buried cultural
resources, including prehistoric Native American artifacts. Construction personnel
associated with earth-moving equipment, drilling, grading, and excavating, shall
be provided with basic training conducted by a qualified archaeologist, to be
retained and compensated by the development team, with the approval of the City
of Moorpark. Issues that shall be included in the basic training will be geared
toward training the applicable construction crews in the identification of
archaeological deposits, further described below. Training will include written
notification of the restrictions regarding disturbance and/or removal of any portion
of archaeological deposits and the procedures to follow should a resource be
identified. The construction contractor, or its designee, shall be responsible for
implementation of this measure. A Native American monitor shall be provided an
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opportunity to attend the pre-construction briefing, upon request. A Native
American monitor from a consulting Tribe under AB 52 monitor (Fernandeno
Tataviam Band of Mission Indians) and a qualified archaeologist, to be
compensated by the development team, shall be available on an "on-call" basis
during ground-disturbing construction in native soil to review, identify, and evaluate
cultural resources that may be inadvertently exposed during construction.
If archaeological remains or tribal cultural resources are uncovered, all
construction activities within a 100-foot radius shall be halted immediately until a
qualified archaeologist, in consultation with the Native American monitor, shall
evaluate whether the resource requires further study. The City shall require that
the applicant include a standard inadvertent discovery clause in every construction
contract to inform contractors of this requirement. If any previously undiscovered
resources are found during construction, the City of Moorpark Community
Development Department shall be contacted; and the resource shall be evaluated
for significance in terms of CEQA criteria by a qualified archaeologist. Prehistoric
archaeological site indicators include but are not limited to: obsidian and chert
flakes and chipped stone tools; grinding and mashing implements (e.g., slabs and
handstones, and mortars and pestles); bedrock outcrops and boulders with mortar
cups; and locally darkened midden soils. Midden soils may contain a combination
of any of the previously listed items, with the possible addition of bone and shell
remains, and fire-affected stones. Historic-period site indicators generally include
but are not limited to: fragments of glass, ceramic, and metal objects; milled and
split lumber; and structure and feature remains such as building foundations and
discrete trash deposits (e.g., wells, privy pits, dumps). If the City and the qualified
archaeologist determine the resource to be significant under CEQA, they shall
determine whether preservation in place is feasible. Such preservation in place is
the preferred mitigation. Contingency funding and a time allotment sufficient for
recovering an archaeological sample or to employ an avoidance measure may be
required. If such preservation is infeasible, the qualified archaeologist shall prepare
and implement a formal Archaeological Monitoring Plan (AMP) which will include
a research design and archaeological data recovery plan for the resource.
Development and implementation of the AMP will be determined by the City of
Moorpark, and treatment of any significant cultural resources shall be undertaken
with the approval of the Project Applicant and the City. The archaeologist shall also
conduct appropriate technical analyses, prepare a comprehensive written report
and file it with the appropriate information center (California Historical Resources
Information System [CHRIS]), and provide for the permanent curation of the
recovered materials. The City of Moorpark and/or development team shall, in good
faith, consult with the Fernandeno Tataviam Band of Mission Indians and
consulting Tribes on the disposition and treatment of any recovered materials. A
Monitoring Closure Report shall be filed with the City of Moorpark at the conclusion
of ground-disturbing construction if archaeological resources were encountered
and/or recovered. After the find has been appropriately mitigated (as defined by
State CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.4(b)), work in the area may resume.
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30) If human remains or funerary objects are unearthed during any activities
associated with the Project, State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 requires
that no further disturbance shall occur within a 100-foot buffer of the find until the
County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin and disposition
pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. If the remains are
determined to be of Native American descent, the Coroner has 24 hours to notify
the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), the Fernandeno Tataviam
Band of Mission Indians, and consulting Tribes. The NAHC will then contact the
deceased Native American's most likely descendant, who will then serve as
consultant on how to proceed with the remains (i.e., avoid, rebury).
31) Inadvertent Discovery of Human Remains. The inadvertent discovery of human
remains is always a possibility during ground disturbances; State of California
Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 addresses these findings. This code
section states that in the event human remains are uncovered, no further
disturbance shall occur until the County Coroner has determined the origin and
disposition of the remains pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section
5097.98. The Coroner must be notified of the find immediately, together with the
City and the property owner. If the human remains are determined to be
prehistoric, the Coroner will notify the Native American Heritage Commission
(NAHC), which will determine and notify a Most Likely Descendant (MLD). The
MLD shall complete the inspection of the site within 48 hours of notification and
may recommend scientific removal and nondestructive analysis of human remains
and items associated with Native American burials and an appropriate
reinternment site. [CDD]
32) Paleontological Plan: If paleontological remains are discovered, a paleontological
mitigation plan outlining procedures for paleontological data recovery must be
prepared and submitted to the Community Development Director for review and
approval. The development and implementation of this Plan must include
consultations with the Applicant's engineering geologist as well as a requirement
that the curation of all specimens recovered under any scenario will be through the
Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History (LACMNH). All specimens
become the property of the City of Moorpark unless the City chooses otherwise. If
the City accepts ownership, the curation location may be revised. The monitoring
and data recovery shall include periodic inspections of excavations to recover
exposed fossil materials. The cost of this data recovery is limited to the discovery
of a reasonable sample of available material. The interpretation of reasonableness
rests with the Community Development Director. [CDD]
Operational Requirements
33) Restrictive hours for loading and unloading may be imposed by the Community
Development Director if there are noise and other issues that make the loading
and unloading incompatible with the adjacent residential uses. There shall be no
idling of trucks while loading or unloading. [CDD]
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Page 15
34) All uses and activities must be conducted inside the building(s) unless otherwise
authorized in writing by the Community Development Director consistent with
applicable Zoning Code provisions. [CDD]
35) Prior to the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for any use which requires handling of
hazardous or potentially hazardous materials, the applicant shall provide proof that
he/she has obtained the necessary permits from Ventura County Environmental
Health Division. Should the Community Development Director determine that a
compatibility study is required; the applicant shall apply for a Permit Modification
to the entitlement. [CDD & VCEHD]
36) Prior to the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for tenant occupancy, the prospective
tenant shall obtain a Business Registration Permit from the City of Moorpark.
Future tenants or uses may require additional discretionary permits, as identified
in the Moorpark Municipal Code. All contractors doing work in Moorpark shall have
or obtain a current Business Registration Permit. [CDD]
37) Prior to or concurrently with the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for occupancy of
any of the buildings, the applicant shall request that the City Council approve a
resolution to enforce California Vehicle Codes (CVC) on the subject property as
permitted by the CVC. [CDD]
38) Prior to or concurrently with the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for a grading
permit, the applicant shall submit the construction phasing plan for approval by the
Community Development Director and City Engineer and Public Works Director.
Phasing shall avoid, to the extent possible, construction traffic impacts to existing
adjacent residential, commercial, industrial areas, schools, parks and other city
facilities, if any. [CDD & PW]
39) No overnight parking, repair operations or maintenance of trucks may occur on
site. The property owner may enter into an agreement with the City to allow the
City to enter the property when the property owner has properly posted signs
restricting the overnight parking, repair or maintenance of truck, to enforce the
onsite restrictions and assume the costs of towing the violating vehicles. [CDD]
40) Prior to issuance of Zoning Clearance for occupancy, the applicant shall provide
proof of taking an on-site waste management education program to the satisfaction
of the City's Solid Waste Management staff. [CDD & EMSW]
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Page 16
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) — Mitigated Negative Declaration
41) All mitigation measures required as part of an approved Mitigation Monitoring
Report and Program (MMRP) for this entitlement are hereby adopted and included
as requirements of this entitlement. Where conflict or duplication between the
MMRP and the Conditions of Approval occurs the Community Development
Director shall determine compliance so long as it does not conflict with the
California Environmental Quality Act and the more restrictive measure or condition
shall apply. [CDD]
42) Biological Resources
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Enforcement
Phase Phase Agency
MM BIO-1: A nesting bird pre-construction survey Prior to Prior to and City of
will be conducted by a Qualified Biologist and construction during Moorpark
submitted to the City three days prior to demolition construction
and/or vegetation removal activities during nesting
bird season (February 1 through September 15).
Should nesting birds be found, an exclusionary
buffer will be established by a Qualified Biologist.
The buffer may be up to 500 feet in diameter
depending on the species of nesting bird found.
This buffer will be clearly marked in the field by
construction personnel under guidance of the
Qualified Biologist,and construction or clearing will
not be conducted within this zone until the
Qualified Biologist determines that the young have
fledged or the nest is no longer active. Nesting bird
habitat within the Project site will be resurveyed
during bird breeding season if a lapse in
construction activities lasts longer than seven
MM BIO-2: To avoid direct mortality, a qualified Prior to and Prior to and City of
biological monitor should be on site prior to and during during Moorpark
during ground and habitat disturbing activities to construction construction
move out of harm's way special status species or
other wildlife of low mobility that would be injured
or killed by grubbing or Project-related
construction activities. Salvaged wildlife of low
mobility should be removed and placed onto
adjacent and suitable (i.e., species appropriate)
habitat out of harm's way. It should be noted that
the temporary relocation of on-site wildlife does not
constitute effective mitigation for the purposes of
offsetting program impacts associated with habitat
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MM BIO-3:Grubbing shall be done to avoid islands During During City of
of habitat where wildlife may take refuge and later construction construction Moorpark
be killed by heavy equipment. Grubbing shall be
done from the center of the Project site, working
outward towards adjacent habitat off site where
wildlife may safety escape. If grading is scheduled
to occur in phases, another round of grubbing
would be required prior to the start of ground
disturbance to allow wildlife that may be present in
the center of the Project site to safely escape.
43) Cultural Resources
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Enforcement
Phase Phase Agency
MM CUL-1: Prior to issuance of grading permits, Prior to Prior to and City of
the Applicant shall be required to obtain the construction during Moorpark
services of a qualified project archaeologist to construction
remain on call for the duration of the proposed
ground-disturbing construction activity. The
archaeologist selected must be approved in writing
by the Community Development Director. Prior to
construction commencing, all construction
personnel associated with earth-moving
equipment, drilling, grading, or excavating shall be
provided with basic training. The training shall be
completed by the Applicant-retained project
archaeologist and shall include written notification
of the restrictions regarding disturbance and/or
removal of any portion of archaeological deposits
and the procedures to follow should a potential
resource be identified during construction activity.
The construction contractor, or its designee, shall
be responsible for implementation of this measure.
A tribal monitor shall be provided an opportunity to
attend the pre-construction briefing, if requested.
The project archaeologist shall be on call and
available to contact in the event of any
unanticipated discovery of archaeological or
historical resources during the proposed
construction activity. If any archeological or
historical resources are uncovered during grading
or excavation operations, all grading or excavation
shall immediately cease in the immediate area, a
50-foot buffer area around the discovery shall be
cordoned off, and the discovery must be left
untouched. The Applicant, in consultation with the
project archaeologist, shall assure the
preservation of the resource and immediately
contact the Community Development Director by
phone, in writing by email, or hand-delivered
correspondence informing the Director of the find.
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Page 18
In the absence of the Director, the Applicant shall
so inform the City Manager. Additionally, all
consulting Native American Tribal groups that
requested notification of any unanticipated
discovery of archaeological resources on the
Project shall be notified appropriately. The
Applicant-retained project archaeologist shall
provide an assessment regarding the sensitivity of
the discovery and, if avoidance is not feasible,
recommend the appropriate treatment and/or
recovery procedures for discovery. The Applicant
shall pay for all costs associated with the
investigation and, if required, the treatment and/or
recovery of the discovery.
MM CUL-2: At the completion of all ground- After After City of
disturbing activities, the project archaeologist shall construction construction Moorpark
prepare an Archaeological Resources Monitoring
Report summarizing all monitoring efforts and
observations, as performed, and any and all
prehistoric or historic archaeological finds as well
as providing follow-up reports of any finds to the
South-Central Coastal Information Center
(SCCIC), as required.
44) Land Use and Planning
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Enforcement
Phase Phase Agency
MM LU-1: Install a signal at the intersection of Los Prior to N/A City of
Angeles Avenue and Montair Drive. issuance of Moorpark
Certificate of
Occupancy for
the building
MM LU-2: Restrict the proposed driveway on Los During N/A City of
Angeles Avenue between the existing facility and operation Moorpark
proposed facility to emergency vehicles only and
design to accommodate emergency vehicle turning
45) Transportation
Mitigation Measure Implementation Monitoring Enforcement
Phase Phase Agency
MM TRA-1: Restrict the proposed driveway on Los During For the first City of
Angeles Avenue between the existing facility and operation 5 years of Moorpark
proposed facility to emergency vehicles only and operation
design to accommodate emergency vehicle turning
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Page 19
The Project will provide an employer-sponsored
vanpool (CAPCOA T-11). At a minimum 12 percent
of employees will need to participate in the vanpool
program. The Project will implement the program,
and costs for the employer could include the
vehicles, labor costs of the driver, and other
incentives for employee participation.
The Project could select to implement this measure
or other equivalent commuter trips reduction
measure(s) that would achieve a similar VMT
reduction, potential including but not limited to:
• rideshare incentive programs,
• ride matching services,
• discounted transit expense program,
• end of trip facilities, or
• telecommuting/alternative work
The Project will provide the City, on an annual basis,
a report indicating the implementation measures
used and the number and percentage of employees
that participate in each of the programs to achieve
the 12 percent participation rate.
Landscaping, Lighting And Maintenance Requirements
46) Prior to or concurrently with the issuance of a Zoning Clearance, applicant shall
provide affirmative votes to establish a Community Facilities District (CFD) for the
continued maintenance of the landscaping along the Hwy 118 frontage area. Upon
written request of City, applicant will advance amounts necessary to pay all costs
and expenses of City to evaluate and structure any CFD or other financing
mechanism, to the end that City will not be obligated to pay any costs related to
the formation or implementation of any CFD or other financing mechanism. City
staff shall meet with the applicant to establish a preliminary budget for such costs
and will confer with applicant from time to time as to any necessary modifications
to that budget. Any CFD may provide for the reimbursement to applicant of any
advances by applicant for any costs incurred as provided immediately above, and
any other costs incurred by applicant that are related to the District, such as the
costs of legal counsel, special tax consultants, engineers, etc. Once the CFD has
been established, the CFD area will be reviewed by the City to determine if the
formation of additional easements will be required along the frontage. Any
landscaping outside of the right-of-way must be within the CFD or an easement.
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Page 20
City of Moorpark Public Works Department Conditions
Engineering Division
General Conditions
47) The applicant agrees not to protest the formation of an underground Utility
Assessment District. [CDD & Pl/V
48) If any hazardous waste or material is encountered during the construction of this
project, all work must be immediately stopped and the Ventura County
Environmental Health Department, the Ventura County Fire Protection District, the
Moorpark Police Department, and the Moorpark City Engineer and Public Works
Director must be notified immediately. Work may not proceed until clearance has
been issued by all of these agencies. [CDD, VCFPD, MPD, VCEHD & PW]
Permit Specific Conditions
49) Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall provide an Irrevocable
Offer of Dedication to the City of an easement for the purpose of providing
ingress/egress access, drainage and parking to the adjacent commercial/industrial
properties. The City of Moorpark shall not assume any responsibility for the offered
property or any improvements to the property until this action has been accepted
by the City Council. If accepted by the City of Moorpark, this easement may be
fully assignable to the adjacent property owners, as an easement appurtenant for
parking, ingress/egress access purposes and all uses appurtenant thereto. The
form of the Irrevocable Offer of Dedication and other required pertinent documents
required to satisfy the above requirements must be to the satisfaction of the
Community Development Director, City Engineer and Public Works Director and
the City Attorney. [CDD, PW & CA]
50) All parking areas must be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, or other surface
acceptable to the Community Development Director, City Engineer and Public
Works Director, and must include adequate provisions for drainage, National
Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) compliance, striping and
appropriate wheel blocks, curbs, or posts in parking areas adjacent to landscaped
areas. All parking, loading and common areas must be maintained at all times to
ensure safe access and use by employees, public agencies and service vehicles.
[CDD & PW]
OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS (Commercial and Industrial)
51) Prior to or concurrently with the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for a Grading
Permit, the applicant shall submit the construction phasing plan for approval by the
Community Development Director and City Engineer and Public Works Director.
Phasing shall avoid, to the extent possible, construction traffic impacts to existing
Resolution No. 2022-4142
Page 21
adjacent residential, commercial, industrial areas, schools, parks and other city
facilities, if any. [CDD & PW]
52) All landscaping must be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free of
weeds, litter and debris. All paved surfaces: including, but not limited to, the
parking area and aisles, drive-through lanes, on-site walkways must be maintained
free of litter, debris and dirt. Walkways, parking areas and aisles and drive-through
lanes must be swept, washed, or vacuumed regularly. When swept or washed,
litter, debris and dirt must be trapped and collected to prevent entry to the storm
drain system in accordance with NPDES requirements. [CDD & PW]
53) Prior to construction, applicant shall submit a construction traffic control plan for
the review and approval of the City Engineer and Public Works Director. Traffic
control plan shall include construction advisory speed limits, speed limit posting
locations, and enforcement measures if needed. [PW]
54) The applicant and/or property owner shall provide verification to the City Engineer
and Public Works Director that all on-site storm drains have been cleaned at least
twice a year, once immediately prior to October 1st (the rainy season) and once in
January. Additional cleaning may be required by the City Engineer and Public
Works Director depending upon site and weather conditions. [PW]
55) Prior to any work being conducted within any State, County, or City right-of- way,
the applicant shall obtain all necessary encroachment permits from the appropriate
agencies and provide copies of these approved permits and the plans associated
with the permits to the City Engineer and Public Works Director. [PW]
56) Reactive organic compounds, nitrogen oxides (ozone/smog precursor), and
particulate matter (aerosols/dust) generated during construction operations must
be minimized in accordance with the City of Moorpark standards and the standards
of the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (APCD). When an air pollution
Health Advisory has been issued, construction equipment operations (including
but not limited to grading, excavating, earthmoving, trenching, material hauling,
and roadway construction) and related activities must cease in order to minimize
associated air pollutant emissions. [PW & VCAPCD]
57) The applicant shall utilize all prudent and reasonable measures (including
installation of a 6-foot-high chain link fence around the construction site(s) and/or
provision of a full time licensed security guard) to prevent unauthorized persons
from entering the work site at any time and to protect the public from accidents and
injury. [PW]
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58) Prior to construction, the applicant shall post, in a conspicuous location, the
construction hour limitations and make each construction trade aware of the
construction hour limitations to the satisfaction of the City. [CDD & PW]
59) Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit, the applicant shall post sufficient surety
with the City, in a form acceptable to the City Engineer and Public Works Director,
guaranteeing completion of all onsite and offsite improvements required by these
Conditions of Approval and/or the Municipal Code including, but not limited to
grading, street improvements, storm drain improvements, temporary and
permanent Best Management Practice (BMP) for the control of non-point water
discharges, landscaping, fencing, and bridges. Grading and improvements must
be designed, bonded, and constructed as a single project. [PW]
60) Prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit, the applicant shall provide written proof
to the City Engineer and Public Works Director that any and all wells that may exist
or have existed within the project have been properly sealed, destroyed or
abandoned per Ventura County Ordinance No. 2372 or Ordinance No. 3991 and
per California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal
Resources requirements. [PW]
61) Written weekly progress reports and a grading completion report must be
submitted to the City Engineer and Public Works Director by the project
geotechnical engineers. These reports must include the results and locations of all
compaction tests, as-built plans of all landslide repairs and fill removal, including
geologic mapping of the exposed geology of all excavations showing cut cross-
sections and sub-drain depths and locations. The lists of excavations approved by
the engineering geologist must also be submitted. Building permits will not be
issued without documentation that the grading and other pertinent work has been
performed in accordance with the geotechnical report criteria and applicable
Grading Ordinance provisions. [PW]
62) Temporary irrigation, hydroseeding and erosion control measures, approved by
the Community Development Director, City Engineer and Public Works Director,
must be implemented on all temporary grading. Temporary grading is defined to
be any grading partially completed and any disturbance of existing natural
conditions due to construction activity. These measures will apply to a temporary
or permanent grading activity that remains or is anticipated to remain unfinished or
undisturbed in its altered condition for a period of time greater than thirty (30)
calendar days except that during the rainy season (October 1 to April 15), these
measures will be implemented immediately. [CDD & PW]
63) Grading may occur during the rainy season from October 1 to April 15, subject to
timely installation of erosion control facilities when approved in writing by the City
Engineer, Public Works Director and the Community Development Director and
when erosion control measures are in place. In order to start or continue grading
Resolution No. 2022-4142
Page 23
operations between October 1 and April 15, project-specific erosion control plans
that provide detailed Best Management Practices for erosion control during the
rainy season must be submitted to the City Engineer and Public Works Director no
later than September 1 of each year that grading is in progress. During site
preparation and construction, the contractor shall minimize disturbance of natural
groundcover on the project site until such activity is required for grading and
construction purposes. During the rainy season, October 1 through April 15, all
graded slopes must be covered with a woven artificial covering immediately after
completion of each graded slope. Grading operations must cease if the applicant
fails to place effective best management measures on graded slopes immediately
after construction. No slopes may be graded or otherwise created when the
National Weather Service local three-day forecast for rain is twenty percent (20)/0),
or greater, unless the applicant is prepared to cover the permanent and temporary
slopes before the rain event. The artificial covering and planting will be to the
satisfaction of the Community Development Director, City Engineer, and Public
Works Director. [CDD & PW]
64) Prior to construction, the applicant shall comply with the City of Moorpark standard
requirements for dust control, including, but not be limited to, minimization of
ground disturbance, application of water/chemicals, temporary/permanent ground
cover/seeding, street sweeping, and covering loads of dirt for the review and
approval of the City Engineer and Public Works Director. All clearing, grading,
earth moving, excavation, soil import and/or soil export operations must cease
during periods of high winds (greater than 15 mph averaged over one hour). [PW
65) At least one (1) week prior to commencement of grading or construction, the
applicant shall prepare a notice that grading or construction work will commence.
This notice shall be posted at the site and mailed to all owners and occupants of
property within five-hundred feet (500') of the exterior boundary of the project site,
as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll. The notice must include current
contact information for the applicant, including all persons with authority to indicate
and implement corrective action in their area of responsibility, including the name
of the contact responsible for maintaining the list. The names of individuals
responsible for noise and litter control, tree protection, construction traffic and
vehicles, erosion control, and the twenty-four (24) hour emergency number, must
be expressly identified in the notice. The notice must be re-issued with each phase
of major grading and construction activity. A copy of all notices must be
concurrently transmitted to the Community Development Department. The notice
record for the City must be accompanied by a list of the names and addresses of
the property owners notified and a map identifying the notification area. [CDD &
66) Applicant has full right to exercise the service of a new engineer in charge at any
time during a project. When there is a change in engineer, the applicant/owner
shall notify the City Engineer and Public Works Director in writing within 48 hours
Resolution No. 2022-4142
Page 24
of such change. Said letter shall specify successor California Registered Civil
Engineer and shall be stamped and signed and dated by said engineer in
responsible charge and shall accept responsibility of project. The letter will be kept
on file at the City. [PW.
67) Prior to construction, applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from Caltrans
District 7 Office of Permits for all construction related activities on Los Angeles
Avenue (State Highway 118). This includes, but is not limited to, construction
traffic control plan and phasing, detours, temporary construction improvements
such as stabilized entrances, and placement of stormwater BMPs. [PW.
68) Prior to issuance of a Grading Permit:
a) Applicant shall coordinate with Caltrans District 7 Office of Permits for any
State requirements for construction related activities, such as, but not limited
to, site improvements, grading operations, storm water pollution prevention
BMPs, traffic control, etc., that may impact Los Angeles Avenue (State
Highway 118). If Caltrans Office of Permit has determined that an
Encroachment Permit is required for construction related activities, applicant
shall obtain a Caltrans Encroachment Permit prior to issuance of a Grading
b) All offsite street improvements, including but not be limited to, utility
improvements, drainage infrastructure improvements, sanitary sewer and
domestic water improvements, and signage and striping improvements, within
State right-of-way (Los Angeles Avenue) will require review and approval by
Caltrans District 7 Office of Permits. A separate Caltrans Encroachment
Permit may be required for all improvements within State right-of-way. [PW]
69) Prior to Grading Permit issuance, all domestic water and sanitary sewer
improvements shall be reviewed and approved by Ventura County Waterworks
District No. 1. [PW]
70) Prior to Grading Permit issuance, site access and fire hydrant locations shall be
reviewed and approved by the Ventura County Fire Department. [PW]
.71) Prior to Building Permit issuance, any existing sub-surface septic systems shall be
removed. [PW]
72) All other requirements, notes and regulations arising from plan review as
determined necessary by the City and their reviewers shall be incorporated into
the design as the need arises during plan review. [PW]
73) Prior to construction, existing utility points of connection shall be potholed to verify
location and elevation. [PW]
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Page 25
74) The applicant shall be responsible for identifying all easements and related
encumbrances on the project plans and related documents and ensuring that all
such easements and encumbrances are not impeded, burdened, and are
adequately maintained in accordance with the terms and language of the original
easement. Determination of such compliance shall be subject to the City of
Moorpark Public Works approval. [PW]
75) Permanent construction within easement extents shall require approval from
easement owners. Proof of approval from easement owners shall be provided prior
to grading plan approval. [PW]
76) Grading operations involving the hauling of dirt shall be controlled and reasonable
efforts to avoid the spillage of dirt onto Public Streets shall be enforced. The
grading contractor shall maintain on site at all times a means of preventing blowing
dust within the project site and onto adjacent sites. [PW]
77) Any deviations from the approved grading plan must be reviewed and approved in
advance by the Public Works Department. The City Engineer may issue a Stop
Work Order Notice if field conditions deviate from the approved plans without
obtaining prior approval from all the appropriate City Departments. [PW]
78) The project's primary access is from Montair Drive through the private property
that is adjoining to the west. A new access easement and agreement will be
required from the adjoining property to the west for continuous access from Los
Angeles Avenue and Montair Drive. The proposed, new access easement and
agreement shall be reviewed by the City Engineer.
79) The applicant shall submit Precise Grading Plans, prepared by a California
Registered Civil Engineer, detailing the design of finished surfaces including
parking lot pavement, curbs, curb and gutter, local depressions, sidewalks
disabled access parking, ramps, connections to public right of way and disabled
access circulation within the site. The plans should include design grades for
proposed buildings, including pad and finished floor elevations, required over-
excavations cut/fill slopes, keyways, subdrains, limits and details of any required
remedial grading. Required retaining walls shall be detailed with top of wall/top of
footing callouts every 25 to 50 feet, related finished grades at the top of walls, and
details of provisions for subdrains and connections to approved points of disposal.
Precise Grading Plans shall be submitted to the City of Moorpark Public Works
Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. [PW]
80) The applicant shall submit a design level Geotechnical Report prepared by a
Geotechnical Engineer and Engineering Geologist. The Geotechnical Report shall
Resolution No. 2022-4142
Page 26
provide specific recommendations for cut/fill slopes, foundations, retaining walls,
temporary excavations, utility trenches, by the proposed development. The report
shall present detailed geotechnical recommendations for design and construction
of the proposed project and improvements, as well as mitigation of known geologic
hazards. The Geotechnical Report shall be prepared in accordance with the
County of Ventura standards and shall be submitted to the City of Moorpark Public
Works Department for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Grading
Permit. [PW]
81) All pavement structural sections shall be designed by the project Geotechnical
Engineer and Engineering Geologist and submitted in conjunction with the final
geotechnical report for review and approval by the City of Moorpark Public Works
Department prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. [PW]
82) All slopes shall be 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) or less in accordance with the
approved geotechnical studies. [PW]
83) The applicant shall provide for the mitigation of the potential for liquefaction and
lateral spreading based on the recommendations in the project Geotechnical
Report. Liquefaction mitigation measures shall be submitted to the City of
Moorpark Public Works Department for review and approval prior to the issuance
of a Grading Permit. [PW]
84) The applicant shall eliminate or remediate all geologic hazards associated with this
proposed development to the satisfaction of the City of Moorpark Public Works
Department. [PW]
85) During grading, the project geotechnical engineer shall observe and approve all
keyway excavations, removal of fill and landslide materials down to stable bedrock
or in-place material, and installation of all sub-drains including their connections.
All fill slope construction must be observed and tested by the project geotechnical
engineer, and the density test results and reports submitted to the City Engineer
and Public Works Director to be kept on file. Cuts and slopes must be observed
and mapped by the project geotechnical and civil engineers who will provide any
required slope modification recommendations based on the actual geologic
conditions encountered during grading. Written approval from the City Engineer
and Public Works Director must be obtained prior to any modification. [PW]
86) The applicant agrees to address and mitigate any and all engineering and
geotechnical design and construction issues not contained within these conditions,
associated with the proposed development that may arise during final design. [PW]
87) The applicant shall provide a current copy of the preliminary title report (dated
within the last ninety (90) days), for the subject property. [PW]
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88) The applicant's engineer shall plot all referenced easements on the site plans and
grading plans. All existing and proposed easements shall be reflected on the
project plans. [PW]
89) Prior to any Grading Permit issuance, offsite construction agreements shall be
obtained from adjacent property where construction for access is proposed. [PW]
90) Prior to any Grading Permit issuance, reciprocal access easement agreement from
both properties shall be obtained for proposed access drive aisle between both
properties. [PW]
91) Prior to grading permit issuance, proof that existing access easement aligns with
proposed entrance from adjacent property shall be provided. If access easement
does not align with proposed entrance, access easement shall be modified to
address the proposed access alignment. [PWV
92) All grading and excavation shall be observed and documented by the project
Geotechnical Engineer, who shall verify that the excavation, grading, subdrainage,
backfill, compaction, and related operations are executed by the site construction
personnel in conformance with the provisions of the approved Geotechnical
Report. Any deficiencies noted shall be brought to the attention of the grading
contractor and the City. Such observations, verifications, related tests, and other
pertinent documentation shall be submitted to the City of Moorpark Public Works
and Community Development Departments for review and approval prior to the
issuance of a Building Permit. [PW]
93) Rough Grade Report. At the completion of rough grading, the project Geotechnical
Engineer shall submit a comprehensive rough grade report summarizing the
required observations, verifications, related tests, and other pertinent
documentation to the City of Moorpark Public Works and Community Development
Departments for review and approval prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.
94) Rough Grade and Building Pad Certifications. Upon completion of rough grading,
the applicant shall submit Rough Grade and Building Pad Certifications on the
City's forms. The certifications shall be signed by the project Geotechnical
Engineer and project Civil Engineer, as well as the Grading Contractor. The
certification shall be accompanied by as-built survey where deemed necessary by
the City Engineer to verify compliance with the limits and elevations required by
the approved grading and drainage plans. The Rough Grade and Building Pad
Certifications shall be reviewed in conjunction with the Rough Grade Report by the
City of Moorpark Public Works Department for approval prior to the issuance of a
Building Permit. [PW]
95) Approval of Rough Grading. The project Rough Grade Report and Rough Grade
and Building Pad Certifications shall be reviewed and approved by the City
Resolution No. 2022-4142
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Engineer. Evidence of such approval shall be provided to the Community
Development Department, Building and Safety Division, prior to the issuance of a
Building Permit. No Building Permit shall be issued for the project without these
approvals. [PW]
96) Final Grade Certification. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy (C of
0), the applicant shall submit a Final Grade Certification on the City's form. The
Final Grade Certification shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior
to the issuance of a C of 0 for the project. [PW]
97) Prior to construction of any public improvement, the applicant shall submit to the
City Engineer and Public Works Director, for review and approval, street
improvement plans prepared by a California Registered Civil Engineer, and enter
into an agreement with the City of Moorpark to complete public improvements, with
sufficient surety posted to guarantee the complete construction of all
improvements, except as specifically noted in these Standard Conditions or
Special Conditions of Approval. [PW]
98) Intentionally omitted.
99) Prior to final inspection of improvements, the project Registered Civil Engineer
shall submit certified original "record drawing" plans with three (3) sets of paper
prints and the appropriate plan revision review fees to the City Engineer and Public
Works Director along with electronic files in a format satisfactory to the City
Engineer and Public Works Director. These "record drawing" plans must
incorporate all plan revisions and all construction deviations from the approved
plans and revisions thereto. The plans must be "record drawings" on 24" X 36"
Mylar® sheets (made with proper overlaps) with a City title block on each sheet.
In addition, the applicant shall provide an electronic file update of the City's Master
Base Map electronic file, incorporating all streets, sidewalks, streetlights, traffic
control facilities, street striping, signage and delineation, storm drainage facilities,
water and sewer mains, lines and appurtenances and any other utility facility
installed for this project. [PW]
100) Prior to reduction of improvement bonds, the applicant must submit reproducible
centerline tie sheets on 3-mil polyester film to the City Engineer and Public Works
Director. [PW]
101) Prior to Grading Permit Issuance, all street dedications and vacations shall be
reviewed for technical correctness and acceptance by the City. [PW.
102) The applicant shall submit Street Improvement Plans, prepared by a California
Registered Civil Engineer, detailing the design of frontage improvements including
curb, gutter, sidewalk, roadway pavement, drainage, signage, striping, utilities and
Resolution No. 2022-4142
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other improvements. Plans shall include designs and details of existing and
proposed sidewalk and driveway transitions compliant with the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) as well as disabled access provisions as contained in the
latest edition of the California Building Code (CBC), as amended by the County of
Ventura and the City of Moorpark. Sidewalk and driveway transitions occurring
within Caltrans right of way shall comply with the requirements of DIB 82-06 or
latest edition per Caltrans District 7 Office of Permits. Driveways and related
transitions and connections to Los Angeles Avenue (State Highway 118) shall be
designed in accordance with requirements of the project traffic study and Caltrans
geometric requirements and standards to accommodate design vehicles,
associated turning movements, and required turn lanes. Any existing frontage
improvements (sidewalk, driveway(s), clearances around above-ground utility
poles, utility boxes, etc.) shall be reviewed and upgraded as necessary to comply
with disabled accessibility standards. Street Improvement Plans shall be
submitted to the City Engineer and Public Works Director for review and approval
prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. [PW]
103) Applicant shall provide street improvements for Montair Drive. Street
improvements shall include, at minimum, full width street pavement, curb and
gutter, curb ramps, and drainage facilities. Street improvements shall comply with
Ventura County Road Standards. [PW]
104) The applicant shall provide plans detailing the design of the horizontal and vertical
alignment for the project's access driveways and vehicle circulation to the
satisfaction of the County of Ventura Fire Department and City of Moorpark Public
Works Department. Such design shall utilize standards for vertical curve, sight
distance and turning movement design consistent with County of Ventura,
AASHTO and City of Moorpark design requirements. Design plans shall be
submitted to the City of Moorpark Public Works Department for review and
approval prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit. [PW]
105) Proposed driveway(s) in Caltrans right of way shall be in compliance with Standard
Plans and Specifications for Public Works Construction and Caltrans Design
Information Bulletin (DIB) 82-06 or latest edition as required by Caltrans District 7
Office of Permits. [PW]
106) Prior to any Grading Permit issuance, the applicant shall obtain approval and/or
permit, if applicable, from Ventura County Watershed Protection District (VCWPD)
for proposed driveway to Los Angeles Avenue and related modifications to
Gabbert Canyon Channel. [PW]
107) Prior to Grading Permit issuance, applicant shall submit structural plans and
calculations for proposed vehicular access over Gabbert Canyon Channel.
Driveway access and associated Gabbert Canyon Channel improvements shall be
designed to accommodate HS-20 loading, as well as any hydrodynamic forces
associated with the analysis of Gabbert Canyon Channel culvert modifications.
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Structural and hydraulic analysis shall be reviewed and approved by VCWPD and
the City of Moorpark Public Works Department. [PW]
108) Prior to grading permit issuance, applicant shall obtain approval from Caltrans
District 7 Office of Permits for new driveway access and public improvements on
Los Angeles Avenue (State Highway 118). Los Angeles Avenue (Highway 118)
has been designated as an Expressway. Existing and new vehicular access
connections and related improvements to Los Angeles Avenue shall conform to
Caltrans' Office of Permits requirements and standards. [PW]
109) Applicant shall construct curb and gutter along the property frontage on Los
Angeles Avenue. Curb and gutter alignment shall be aligned and coordinated with
adjacent property, unless otherwise required by Caltrans District 7 Office of
a) Drainage report shall include analysis of flow patterns along Los Angeles Ave
project frontage. Drainage improvements shall be provided, as necessary, to
mitigate excessive pavement ponding and maintain any required dry lane
width from added curb and gutter in Los Angeles Avenue travel lanes.
110) Applicant shall construct barrier to Gabbert Canyon Channel to the satisfaction of
the City Engineer and Public Works Director. Improvements shall be coordinated
with the adjacent property.
a) Prior to Grading Permit issuance, approval from VCWPD shall be obtained for
improvements to Gabbed Canyon Channel and within VCWPD easement.
111) Applicant shall construct 2" pipe at culvert for future irrigation along the frontage of
Los Angeles Avenue to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Public Works
Director. [PW]
112) Proposed traffic signal at Montair Drive/Los Angeles Avenue shall be reviewed and
approved by Caltrans District 7. Associated intersection improvements for the
proposed traffic signal, including but not limited to signing and striping
improvements, curb and gutter, roadway widening, and drainage improvements,
shall be reviewed by Caltrans and City of Moorpark.
113) Prior to approval of a grading plan, the applicant shall submit a drainage plan with
calculations that analyze conditions before and after development, as well as
potential development proposed, approved, or shown in the General Plan for the
review and approval of the City Engineer and Public Works Director. Quantities of
water, water flow rates, major watercourses, drainage areas and patterns,
Resolution No. 2022-4142
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diversions, collection systems, flood hazard areas, sumps, sump locations,
detention and NPDES facilities and drainage courses must be addressed. [PW]
114) Hydrology calculations must be per current VCWPD Agency Standards and to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer and Public Works Director. [PW]
115) All storm water detention, retention, and impoundment facilities shall provide
access for maintenance purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, maintenance
access roads, vehicle and/or man gates, and adequate space to maneuver
equipment. [PW]
116) Provide a complete Hydrology and Hydraulic Report for the entire development.
This includes all technical analysis for storm water impoundment and conveyance
facilities, peak flow mitigation analysis, storm water runoff calculations, and facility
sizing design requirements. If the improvements are to be phased, any interim
drainage condition shall be considered as part of the proposed improvements.
117) If drainage is conveyed to adjacent properties, additional easements and/or
approvals may be required. [PW]
118) The applicant's engineer shall provide for the interception of tributary areas of
offsite drainage to maintain existing drainage patterns for adjacent properties.
Onsite storm drain systems shall be designed to accommodate the interception
and associated conveyance of such tributary offsite drainage to the satisfaction of
the City Engineer and Public Works Director. [PW]
119) The applicant shall submit a Project Drainage Report, prepared by a California
Registered Civil Engineer, to address existing and proposed hydrology, including
offsite flow patterns which currently influence the project site. Report shall address
developed hydrology associated with the site development, based on the
provisions of the Ventura County Hydrology Manual and associated methodology,
addressing both 10-year and 100-year existing and proposed drainage conditions,
including provisions for the interception and conveyance of the 10-year design
storm and flood hazards associated with the 100-year storm. Calculations for the
mitigation of increased stormwater runoff shall be provided to support on-site
detention facility sizing. Calculations shall address the detailing and sizing of area
drains, catch basins and storm drain laterals on site, and shall be coordinated with
the project Storm Drain Plans. The Project Drainage Report shall be submitted to
the City of Moorpark Public Works Department for review and approval prior to the
issuance of a Grading Permit.
120) The applicant's engineer shall provide for detention of on-site storm drainage,
based on either offsite storm drain capacity limitations or a 'no net increase'
approach, whichever yields the greater volume or required detention. In either case
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the required volume shall be calculated by unit hydrograph or other approved
means. Such calculations shall be included in the Project Drainage Report.
121) Unless specifically approved by the City of Moorpark, the on-site storm drain
system shall be privately owned and maintained. Storm drain plans shall clarify
that the on-site storm drain system is not to be maintained by either the City of
Moorpark or the VCWPD.
122) Prior to any Grading Permit issuance, the applicant shall obtain approval and/or
permit, if applicable, from VCWPD for any storm water connection(s) and
discharges into the Gabbert Canyon Channel. Any requirements for storm drain
connection, including pipe size, type, allowable flow and associated detention shall
be coordinated with the project plans and incorporated in the project drainage
report. [PW]
123) Prior to Grading Permit issuance, applicant shall provide hydraulic analysis of
Gabbert Canyon Channel relative to proposed culvert at driveway access. Culvert
shall be sized to provide sufficient freeboard as required by VCWPD, as well as
associated improvements deemed appropriate by the District to address hydraulic
transitions, channel stability and design of culvert inlet and outlet structures. [PW]
124) Prior to the start of grading or any ground disturbance, the applicant shall identify
a responsible person experienced in NPDES compliance who is acceptable to the
City Engineer and Public Works Director. The designated NPDES person
(superintendent) shall be present, on the project site Monday through Friday and
on all other days when the probability of rain is forty percent (40%) or greater and
prior to the start of and during all grading or clearing operations until the release of
grading bonds. The superintendent shall have full authority to rent equipment and
purchase materials to the extent needed to effectuate Best Management Practices.
The superintendent shall be required to assume NPDES compliance during the
construction of streets, storm drainage systems, all utilities, buildings, and final
landscaping of the site. [PW]
125) Development shall conform to the current requirements for the County's MS4
permit for new developments. [PW]
126) All storm water facilities shall conform to the most current Ventura County
Technical Guidance Manual for Storm Water Quality Control Measures. This
includes all HOA and Facilities District maintained storm water quality facilities.
127) In-tract improvements shall incorporate Low Impact Development standards. [PVV]
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128) A State Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan is required for all ground disturbing
activities that are greater than one acre. Prior to Grading Permit issuance, a Notice
of Intent (NOI) and the SWPPP shall be filed with the State Water Resources
Control Board, and a Waste Discharger Identification (WDID) number and
Construction General Permit must be obtained. [PW]
129) Development shall conform to the current requirements for the County's MS4
permit for new developments. The applicant's engineer shall design required
water quality mitigation features and related storm water mitigation volumes (Qpm)
in accordance with the Ventura County Technical Guidance Manual for Stormwater
Quality Control Measures, NPDES and City requirements. Calculations shall be
submitted with the Project Drainage Report. All covenants shall be submitted to
the City of Moorpark Public Works Department for review and approval and be
recorded prior to Grading Permit issuance. [PW]
130) The applicant's engineer shall provide for the mitigation of the projects storm water
quality impacts. The applicant's engineer shall provide calculations for the sizing
and location of devices intended to mitigate such impacts and coordinate the
locations of required water quality treatment devices on the Storm Drain Plans.
The details of the required devices shall be included in the Project Drainage Report
and detailed on the project plans. [PW]
131) Prior to the issuance of any construction/Grading Permit and/or the
commencement of any qualifying, grading or excavation, the applicant for projects
with facilities identified as subject to the State Board General Industrial and
Commercial permits shall prepare and submit a Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Plan (SWPPP). The SWPPP must address post-construction compliance with
stormwater quality management regulations for the project. The SWPPP,
improvement plans and grading plans must note that the contractor shall comply
with the latest edition of the California Best Management Practices New
Development and Redevelopment Handbook, published by the California
Stormwater Quality Association. The SWPPP must comply with the Ventura
Countywide Stormwater Quality Management Program Land Development
Guidelines, Technical Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Control Measures,
and the Stormwater Management Program (SMP) to develop, achieve, and
implement a timely, comprehensive, cost effective stormwater pollution control
program to reduce pollutants to the maximum extent practicable. The SWPPP
must be prepared in compliance with the form and format established in the
Ventura Countywide Stormwater Quality Management Program, and submitted,
with appropriate review deposits, for the review and approval of the City
Engineer/Public Works Director. The proposed plan must also address all relevant
NPDES requirements, maintenance measures, estimated life spans of Best
Management Practices facilities, operational recommendations and
recommendations for specific Best Management Practices technology, including
all related costs. The use of permanent dense ground cover planting approved by
the City Engineer/Public Works Director and Community Development Director is
Resolution No. 2022-4142
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required for all graded slopes. Methods of protecting the planted slopes from
damage must be identified. Proposed management efforts during the lifetime of
the project must include best available technology. "Passive" and "natural" BMP
drainage facilities are to be provided such that surface flows are intercepted and
treated on the surface over biofilters (grassy swales), infiltration areas and other
similar solutions. The use of filters, separators, clarifiers, absorbents, adsorbents
or similar "active" devices is not acceptable and may not be used without specific
prior approval of the City Council. The use of biological filtering, bio-remediation,
infiltration of pre-filtered stormwater and similar measures that operate without
annual maintenance intervention, that are failsafe, that, when maintenance is
needed, will present the need for maintenance in an obvious fashion and which
will be maintainable in a cost effective and non-disruptive fashion is required. As
deemed appropriate for each project, the SWPPP must establish a continuing
program of monitoring, operating and maintenance to:
a) Provide discharge quality monitoring.
b) Assess impacts to receiving water quality resulting from discharged waters.
c) Identify site pollutant sources.
d) Educate management, maintenance personnel and users, to obtain user
awareness and compliance with NPDES goals.
e) Measure management program effectiveness.
f) Investigate and implement improved BMP strategies.
g) Maintain, replace and upgrade BMP facilities (establish BMP facility inspection
standards and clear guidelines for maintenance and replacement).
h) Secure the funding, in perpetuity, to achieve items "a" through "g" above. [PW]
Solid Waste
132) Prior to issuance of a construction permit, the applicant shall provide a Recycling
Bin Plan for the review and approval of the City's Solid Waste Management staff.
Bins must be labeled with "Recycling Only" and bins containing mixed material
must be sent to a State-approved recycling center or transfer station where the
material is to be sorted for proper recycling. Applicant will also be required to divert
65% of all non-hazardous construction materials from landfill. [SWM]
133) Space must be provided in the trash enclosure for the storage of containers for
recycling, green waste and at least one additional 95-gallon food waste bins to
satisfaction of the City's Solid Waste Management staff. Alternatively, a separate
enclosure must be provided depending on the anticipated volumes of recyclable
and green or organic waste material. [SWM]
134) Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit a Construction and
Demolition Materials Management Plan Estimate for the review and approval of
the City's Solid Waste Management staff and Building and Safety Division for
recycling of waste materials consistent with the aforementioned requirement. The
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Plan must include estimated quantities for each type of material to be diverted or
landfilled. [SWM]
135) Prior to final inspection, the applicant must submit a Final Report Construction and
Demolition Waste Letter of Documentation (including premium gate tickets) to the
Building and Safety Division, demonstrating compliance with the Construction and
Demolition Materials Management Plan Estimate and indicate the total amount of
construction and demolition waste diverted. [SWM]
136) Prior to issuance of a zoning clearance for a building permit, the applicant shall
provide a trash enclosure plan for the review and approval of the City's Solid Waste
Management staff and Community Development Director. Trash enclosure must
include a solid-screen gate with a solid roof design to match building and be of
sufficient size to accommodate appropriate trash bins. [SWM]
Moorpark Police Department
137) Prior to issuance of a zoning clearance for building permit, a security plan shall be
reviewed and approved by the Moorpark Police Department. Security plan shall
include exterior access doors that have viewport windows. [MPD]
138) Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall provide a video
surveillance camera plan for common areas and will be subject to the review and
approval of the Moorpark Police Department. Cameras shall also be registered
with the Ventura County Sheriff's Office Video Surveillance Camera Registration
Program. [MPD]
139) Trash enclosures shall be secured with a durable latch system. [MPD]
Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1 Conditions
140) Prior to the issuance of a Signed Agreement to Install Water and Sewer
Improvements the Applicant shall provide Ventura County Waterworks District with
the following:
a) Water and sewer improvement plans prepared in accordance with District
i) No structures or trees shall be constructed within the District's existing
ii) Proposed sewer main shall extend along the entire length of parcel for
future development.
b) Hydraulic analysis by a registered Civil Engineer to determine the adequacy
of the proposed and existing water and sewer lines to determine the extent of
capital improvements to the existing water and sewer facilities to serve the
subject properties.
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c) Digital copies of the grading, street, and storm drain plans.
d) A plan denoting the location of fire hydrants and copy of approvals by the
Ventura County Fire Protection District for fire hydrant locations.
e) Cost estimates for water and sewer improvements.
f) Plan check deposit, construction inspection deposit, capital improvement
g) sewer connection fee, and meter charges per phase of the project as calculate
by the District.
h) Recorded easements dedicated to the District for water and sewer facility
improvements as shown on the recorded tract map. Dedicated easements
shall be over and across all streets and parking lots for access to maintain and
repair of the District's substructures and facilities. [VCWD1]
141) The District will provide "Will Serve Letters" upon completed review and
acceptance of the water and sewer improvement plans and payment of applicable
fees. [VCWD1]
142) Following the acceptance of the above items, Applicant is to provide Ventura
County Waterworks District with 3 sets of the signed Agreement to Install
improvements and Surety Bonds. Blank copies of the Agreement to Install and
Surety Bond are available upon request. [VCWD1]
Ventura County Air Pollution Control District
143) Prior to issuance of a grading permit, and to ensure that fugitive dust and
particulate matter that may result from site preparation, construction and/or grading
activities are reduced, the applicant shall comply with the provisions of applicable
VCAPCD Rules and Regulations, which include, but are not limited to, Rule 50
(Opacity), Rule 51 (Nuisance), and Rule 55 (Fugitive Dust), and the Air Quality
Assessment Guidelines. [VCAPCD]
144) Prior to issuance of a grading permit, and to ensure that ozone precursor and
particulate emissions from diesel-powered mobile construction equipment are
reduced to the greatest amount feasible, the applicant shall comply with the
provisions of all applicable California State Laws and APCD Rules and
Regulations, and the Air Quality Assessment Guidelines regarding portable
construction equipment and construction vehicles. [VCAPCD]
Ventura County Watershed Protection District
145) Prior to obtaining a grading permit, the applicant shall obtain a
watercourse/encroachment permit issued by the Ventura County Watershed
Protection District. [VCWPD]
146) Prior to issuance of a Zoning Clearance, the applicant shall sign a VCPWA-WP
instrument to not oppose membership of a future special assessment district which
Resolution No. 2022-4142
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will collect fees to pay for the reconstruction, replacement, repair, or rehabilitation
of the Gabbert/Walnut Canyon drainage system which serves the property and has
known deficiencies. [VCWPD]
147) Prior to zoning clearance, the applicant shall record a VCPWA-WP legal
instrument (document, deed, covenant, or other) on the property title which will
hold VCPWA-WP harmless for any flood damage that may occur, effective until
the Project's channel connections are completed and accepted by VCPWA-WP.
148) Prior to obtaining a grading permit, the applicant shall provide a drainage study
that shows adequate mitigation measures will be implemented to prevent negative
impacts to Gabbert/Walnut Canyon channels due to increased site imperviousness
and resultant stormwater runoff. [VCWPD]
Ventura County Fire Department
149) Fire Department Clearance (Submit prior to Building & Safety approval) -
Applicant shall obtain VCFD Form #610 "Fire Permit Application" and Form #625
"Fire Flow Verification" prior to obtaining a building permit for any new structures
or additions to existing structures. [VCFPD]
150) Water System Plans (Submit prior to Building & Safety approval) - Plans for water
systems supplying fire hydrants and / or fire sprinkler systems and not located
within a water purveyor's easement, shall be submitted to the Fire District for
review and approval prior to issuance of grading and/or building permits or signing
of Mylar plans, whichever is first. Plans shall reflect only dedicated private fire
service lines and associated appurtenances. Plan shall be design and submitted
with the appropriate fees in accordance with VCFPD Standard 14.7.2. [VCFPD]
151) Fire Lanes / Access Review (Submit prior to Building & Safety approval) - the
applicant shall submit two (2) site plans to the Fire District for review and approval
of Access and location of fire lanes. Prior to occupancy, all fire lanes shall be
posted "NO PARKING-FIRE LANE-TOW AWAY" in accordance with California
Vehicle Code, the International Fire Code and current VCFPD Fire Lane
Standards. All signs and or Fire Lane markings shall be within recorded access
easements. [VCFPD]
152) Access Covenant (Submit prior to Building & Safety approval) - A covenant and
deed restriction upon parcels 511-0-200-175 & Flood Control Channel Easement
shall be recorded at the time of map recordation and a copy of the record document
shall be provided to the Fire District within (7) days of recordation. This covenant
shall require upon the sale of any of these parcels, a reciprocal access easement
be recorded on all parcels who share the access road / driveway / secondary
access. This easement shall allow for an access road / driveway meeting all
Ventura County Fire Protection District access standards and shall be approved
by the Ventura County Fire Protection District prior to recordation. Access
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Covenant to include new proposed primary access across County Flood Control
to Los Angeles Avenue, and secondary access through Montair Drive. [VCFPD]
153) State Fire Safe Regulations - The project is located within a Local Responsibility
Area (LRA) Very High Fire Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) and shall comply with the
minimum standards of the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 1.5,
Chapter 7, Article 6, Subchapter 2, "SRA/VHFHSZ Fire Safe Regulations" (CCR
T-14 FSR), unless modified by more restrictive local ordinances and requirements.
154) Access Road Width, Private Roads/Driveways - Private roads shall comply with
Public Road Standards. 2.5-foot wide easements shall be provided on each side
of any private access road/driveway to allow for curbs and fire lane signage.
a) Access road width of 24 feet shall be required with no on-street parking
permitted, or per Public Road Standards whichever is stricter.
b) Aerial Ladder Fire Apparatus Access, Multi-Family, Commercial or Industrial
Buildings or portions of buildings or facilities with perimeter eave lines
exceeding 30 feet in height above the lowest level of fire department access
shall require an approved aerial ladder fire apparatus access roads and
driveways. Aerial fire apparatus access roads and driveways shall have a
minimum clear width of 30 feet. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be
located within the aerial ladder fire apparatus access roads and driveways. At
least one of the required access routes meeting this condition shall be located
a minimum of 15 feet and a maximum of 30 feet parallel to one side of the
buildings, as approved by the Fire District. Buildings exceeding 50,000 SQFT
shall have the required access route along a minimum of two sides. Parking
shall be prohibited along the required width of the access roads and driveways.
Landscaping and other improvements between the required access and the
buildings shall not interfere with aerial ladder fire apparatus operations, as
approved by the Fire District. [VCFPD]
155) Construction Access - Prior to combustible construction, a paved all-weather
access road / driveway suitable for use by a 20-ton Fire District vehicle shall be
installed at locations approved by the Fire District. [VCFPD]
156) Construction Access Utilities - Prior to combustible construction, all utilities located
within the access road and the first lift of the access road pavement shall be
installed. A minimum 20-foot clear width shall remain free of obstruction during any
construction activities within the development once combustible construction
starts. [VCFPD]
157) Site Access - Two (2) means of ingress/egress shall be provided to the
development in accordance with Fire District access standards. [VCFPD]
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158) Access Road Gates-Any gates to control vehicle access are to be located to allow
a vehicle waiting for entrance to be completely off the intersecting roadway.
A minimum clear open width of 15 feet in each direction shall be provided for
separate entry / exit gates and a minimum 20 for combined entry / exit gates. If
gates are to be locked, a Knox system shall be installed. The method of gate
control, including operation during power failure (battery back-up), shall be subject
to review by the Fire Prevention Division. Gate plan details shall be submitted to
the Fire District for approval prior to installation. A final acceptance inspection by
the Fire District is required prior to placing any gate into service. [VCFPD]
159) Address Numbers (Commercial, Industrial, Multi-family buildings) - Building
address numbers, a minimum of ten inches (10") high, shall be installed prior to
occupancy, shall be of contrasting color to the background, and shall be readily
visible at night. Brass or gold-plated numbers shall not be used. Where structures
are set back more than 150 feet from the street, larger numbers will be required so
that they are distinguishable from the street. In the event a structure(s) is not
visible from the street, the address number(s) shall be posted adjacent to the
driveway entrance on an elevated post. Individual unit numbers shall be a
minimum of 4 inches in height and shall be posted at the front and rear entrance
to each unit. Additional address directional signs may be required at common
building entrances and stairways. [VCFPD]
160) Fire Hydrant Plan - Prior to construction, the applicant shall submit plans to the
Fire District for placement of fire hydrants. On plans, show existing hydrants within
500 feet of the development. Indicate the type of hydrant, number, and size of
outlets. [VCFPD]
161) Fire Hydrant(s) Required - Fire hydrant(s) shall be provided in accordance with
current adopted edition of the International Fire Code, Appendix C and adopted
amendments. On-site fire hydrants may be required as determined by the Fire
District. [VCFPD]
162) Fire Hydrant Design (Commercial, Industrial, Multi-family buildings) - Fire hydrants
shall be installed and in service prior to combustible construction and shall conform
to the minimum standard of the City of Moorpark Water Works Manual and the
a) Each hydrant shall be a 6-inch wet barrel design and shall have (1) 4 inch and
(2) 2 1/2 inch outlet(s).
b) The required fire flow shall be achieved at no less than 20-psi residual
c) Fire hydrants shall be spaced 300 feet on center and so located that no
structure will be farther than 150 feet from any one hydrant.
d) Fire hydrants shall be set back in from the curb face 24 inches on center.
e) No obstructions, including walls, trees, light and signposts, meter, shall be
placed within three (3) feet of any hydrant.
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f) A concrete pad shall be installed extending 18 inches out from the fire hydrant.
g) Ground clearance to the lowest operating nut shall be between 18 to 24 inches.
163) Fire Hydrant Installation - Prior to combustible construction on any parcel, a fire
hydrant capable of providing the required fire flow and duration shall be installed
and in service along the access road / driveway at a location approved by the Fire
District, but no further than 250 feet from the building site. The owner of the
combustible construction is responsible for the cost of this installation. [VCFPD]
164) Hydrant Location Markers - Prior to occupancy of any structure, blue reflective
hydrant location markers shall be placed on the access roads in accordance with
Fire District standards. If the final asphalt cap is not in place at time of occupancy,
hydrant location markers shall still be installed and shall be replaced when the final
asphalt cap in completed. [VCFPD]
165) Fire Flow (Commercial, Industrial, Multi-family buildings) - The minimum fire flow
required shall be determined as specified by the current adopted edition of the
International Fire Code Appendix B with adopted Amendments and the applicable
Water Manual for the jurisdiction (with ever is more restrictive). The applicant shall
verify that the water purveyor can provide the required volume and duration at the
project prior to obtaining a building permit. [VCFPD]
166) Fire Sprinklers - All structures shall be provided with an automatic fire sprinkler
system in accordance with current VCFPD Ordinance at time of building permit
application. [VCFPD]
167) Fire Protection System Plans - Plans for all fire protection systems (sprinklers, dry
chemical, hood systems, etc.) shall be submitted, with payment for plan check, to
the Fire District for review and approval prior to installation. Note: Fire sprinkler
systems with 20 or more heads shall be supervised by a fire alarm system in
accordance with Fire District requirements. [VCFPD]
168) Fire Alarm System - A fire alarm system shall be installed in all buildings in
accordance with California Building and Fire Code requirements. [VCFPD]
169) Fire Alarm/Sprinkler Monitoring Plans - Plans for any fire alarm system or sprinkler
monitoring system shall be submitted, with payment for plan check, to the Fire
District for review and approval prior to installation. [VCFPD]
170) Fire Extinguishers - Fire extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with the
International Fire Code. The placement of extinguishers shall be subject to review
by the Fire District. [VCFPD]
171) Trash Dumpster Locations - Commercial trash dumpsters and containers with an
individual capacity of 1.5 cubic yards or greater shall not be stored or placed within
Resolution No. 2022-4142
Page 41
5 feet of openings, combustible walls, or combustible roof eave lines unless
protected by approved automatic fire sprinklers. [VCFPD]
172) Hazardous Fire Area - Portions of this development may be in a Hazardous
Watershed Fire Area and those structures shall meet hazardous fire area building
code requirements. Contact the Building Department for requirements. [VCFPD]
173) Fuel Modification Zone and Landscape Plans - The developer shall provide Fuel
Modification Zone (FMZ) and or Landscape plans prepared by a licensed
landscape architect to VCFD for review and approval as follows:
a) Tracts and multiple lot projects: Plans shall be submitted for approval before
the start of construction. This includes slopes, common areas, and individual
lot landscaping install by the developer.
b) Individual Parcels: Plans shall be submitted for approval prior to installation
and or modification of any vegetation / landscape. This includes owner
installed landscaping after original purchase of a parcel or building from the
developer. [VCFPD]
174) Fire Code Permits - Applicant and / or tenant shall obtain all applicable
International Fire Code (IFC) permits prior to occupancy or use of any system or
item requiring an IFC permit. [VCFPD]
Resolution No. 2022-4142
Page 42
Prepared for:
799 Moorpark Avenue
Moorpark, California 93021
Prepared by:
600 West Broadway, Suite 250
Glendale, California 91204
July 2022
Resolution No. 2022-4142
Page 43
Public Resources Code,Section 21081.6(Assembly Bill 3180) requires that mitigation measures identified
in environmental review documents prepared in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA)are implemented after a project is approved.Therefore,this Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program (MMRP) has been prepared to ensure compliance with the adopted mitigation measures during
the construction and operation phase of the Pentair Warehouse Expansion Project.
The City of Moorpark is the agency responsible for implementation of the mitigation measures identified
in the MND.This MMRP provides the City of Moorpark with a convenient mechanism for quickly reviewing
all the mitigation measures including the ability to focus on select information such as timing.The MMRP
includes the following information for each mitigation measure:
• The phase of the project during which the required mitigation measure must be implemented;
• The phase of the project during which the required mitigation measure must be monitored; and
• The enforcement agency.
The MMRP includes a checklist to be used during the mitigation monitoring period.The checklist will verify
the name of the monitor,the date of the monitoring activity,and any related remarks for each mitigation
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Resolution No. 2022-4142
Page 47
I, Ky Spangler, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify
under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2022-4142 was adopted by
the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular meeting held on the 2nd day of
November, 2022, and that the same was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Castro, Enegren, Groff, Pollock and Mayor Parvin
NOES: None
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 3rd day of November,
Ky Spa gler, Cit lerk
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