TO: Honorable City Council
FROM: Jeremy Laurentowski, Parks and Recreation Director
BY: Jessica Sandifer, Deputy Parks and Recreation Director
DATE: 07/19/2023 Regular Meeting
SUBJECT: Consider a Reduction in the Size of the Proposed New Library from
17,500 Square Feet to 14,500 Square Feet; Consider Approval of a
Project Budget of $27,682,193; and Consider Amendment No. 2 with
LPA, Inc. in the Amount of $326,240 for Additional Library Design
Subsequent to the publication of the agenda, correspondence was received from
21 members of the public in opposition to a reduction in the size of the proposed library.
Item: 9.A.
From:Linda Elston
Subject:New Library Reduction Proposal
Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 3:42:43 PM
NO! Absolutely, do NOT reduce the proposed 17,500 square foot to a newly proposed 14,500
foot library!! The current residential surveys, Environmental Studies and the monies already
spent to design the new library would go to waste. It would be fiscally irresponsible to spend
another $326,000+ to redesign a smaller building at this point, not to mention the smaller size
would not be sufficient to accommodate future growing populations in Moorpark.
I truly hope that the City Council will not approve a reduction in the size of the proposed new
library nor approve additional monies for a new redesign.
Linda Elston
Retired MUSD Teacher
MFOTL Member
From:marilyn montoye-ludwig
Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 4:13:36 PM
I have lived in Moorpark since 1988 and have been on the board of the Friends of the Library in the past. It has
always been our hope to expand and improve the library since Moorpark itself has expanded and improved over the
years! I now take my grandson to story time and sometimes is is quite crowded. We need a bigger library! Please
don’t downsize the current plans. Marilyn Ludwig
Sent from my iPad
From:Danny Govea
Subject:New Moorpark Library
Date:Monday, July 17, 2023 10:53:11 PM
Dear City Council,
My name is Danny Govea, a current resident and lifelong Moorparkian for over 30 years.
I appreciate all the hard work the City Council has done for the past 10 years, though there's
always room for improvement, I feel now is a good time to provide my feedback around the
new Moorpark Library.
This summer, my son and daughter have enjoyed multiple trips to Moorpark Library. It has
come to my attention that the City Council is considering a size reduction of the 'approved'
new library. I imagine today's technology may influence your decision, or even financial cost
savings, though I feel strongly about supporting our future children of Moorpark. Libraries
are great for learning, networking, events, access to technology for those without access, air
conditioning...again for those without access, and the future children of Moorpark would be
better served with a larger library than our current.
I do not understand how it makes logical sense to decrease the size of our library, when in fact
Moorpark is looking to increase in businesses and residences from now to 2050. I cannot
imagine us looking back in 25 years to say, "I really think we should have made the library
I hope the council continues to keep the best interest of our future community, and stick to
approved plans we all worked hard to voice out.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
Danny Govea
From:Mary Ellen Cosenza
Subject:Moorpark City Library
Date:Tuesday, July 18, 2023 9:12:39 AM
To the Moorpark City Council:
I was disheartened to hear the City Council is considering reducing the size of the planned
(and previously approved) new library.
Moorpark is a growing city and a new and larger library is important to its continued
development. Even the currently planned size is insufficient to meet the planned future growth
of the City. As a member of the “Friends of the Library” I am also well aware of the work that
has gone into the planning of the new library. State and Federal funding has also been
acquired and promises have been made to the community to solicit donations. It would be
short-sided to save money now only to have to spend more later down the road to meet the
future needs of the City.
As a reminder, I share the following key points from a recent Pew Research Center survey of
the US population (https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2013/12/11/libraries-in-
<!--[if !supportLists]-->§ <!--[endif]-->95% of Americans ages 16 and older agree
that the materials and resources available at public libraries play an
important role in giving everyone a chance to succeed;
<!--[if !supportLists]-->§ <!--[endif]-->95% say that public libraries are important
because they promote literacy and a love of reading;
<!--[if !supportLists]-->§ <!--[endif]-->94% say that having a public library
improves the quality of life in a community;
<!--[if !supportLists]-->§ <!--[endif]-->81% say that public libraries provide many
services people would have a hard time finding elsewhere.
Libraries are a vital resource to a majority of our community and we should be looking for
ways to expand our services, not cutting for budget reasons. I urge the Council to vote note on
the proposal to reduce the size of the new library.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Ellen
Mary Ellen Cosenza, Ph.D.
From:Linda Price
Subject:Moorpark Library
Date:Tuesday, July 18, 2023 11:23:44 AM
To whom it may concern:
I am a 36-year resident of Moorpark and have been an enthusiastic user of our library over these years. The
proposed new library building is almost everything our residents could want and the new proposal to reduce its’ size
seems short sighted. The expected expansion of our city population will greatly increase the need for library services
and the additional expense of more studies will only be another burden on we the taxpayers.
Thank you
Linda Price
From:Susan Salmore
Subject:New Library Reduction Proposal
Date:Tuesday, July 18, 2023 2:02:19 PM
Dear Council Members,
I was shocked and dismayed to hear that the council is considering a proposal to reduce the
size of the new library. As a retired educator, member of Friends of the Moorpark Library, and
longtime Moorpark resident, I urge you to build the library as promised. As our community
continues to grow, the new library will be utilized as a meeting place for many activities for all
age groups. I have been looking forward to the new library and participated in voting for the
design. I will feel let down by the council if the size reduction proposal passes.
Susan Salmore
Subject:I oppose a Reduction in the Size of the Proposed New Library
Date:Tuesday, July 18, 2023 8:14:11 PM
Honorable Moorpark City Council:
Please vote against the proposal to Consider a Reduction in the Size of the Proposed New Library
WE NEED THE NEW LIBRARY at the 18,000 square foot size the Council approved in 2016
which has now already been reduced to 17,500 square feet. The initial study done in 2007 indicated
that Moorpark needed a library of 25,000 square feet. Moorpark cannot afford to build a library that
is too small.
We need the space
for new programs for all ages that can be held in the library itself,
to continue to provide important programs to our children,
to have a place for pre-teens and teens to go after school,
to provide opportunities for teens to explore their areas of interest,
to quickly react to improvements and innovations that the library can initiate (like 3D
to accommodate the increased population,
to provide meeting space for the community,
to provide cooling and heating stations for young and old,
for providing online services to the whole community,
to assist patrons to find jobs (job applications often require the use of a computer), health care,
education opportunities,
to provide a book store that offers low-cost books, audio and visual materials, and
to serve all Moorpark residents.
There is so much more I could say about the necessity of a library that can accommodate a growing
Since 2007, the population of Moorpark has increased considerably and currently there are 4 housing
projects planned for near the downtown area. If you reduce the size of the library now, we will
spend more money expanding the library to accommodate the increased population. We need a
reasonably sized library now!
DO NOT DOWNSIZE THE LIBRARY. Let us increase the availability and programs the library
provides to our citizens.
Dona Pugh
Moorpark, CA 93021
From:Laura Mazzeo
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 12:39:25 AM
I am writing this email to strongly encourage the Moorpark City Council to honor the originally proposed size of our
new library. The original proposal is already under what a city with the population of Moorpark needs.
While it’s easy to only look at building costs and figure not many people use the library any more, this would be
very short sighted. Over many years we’ve all seen how libraries have adapted to meet the needs of a community-
through books, e-books, dvds, audio books, music, computers, homework help, story times, classes, study spaces
and even a quiet place to stay cool.
The Moorpark community deserves a library with enough space to serve its’ needs now and in the distant future.
Thank you,
Laurie Mazzeo
Sent from my iPhone
From:Sandra Banks
Subject:Reduction in Size for the New Moorpark Library
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 9:04:33 AM
I was very disappointed to see that City of Moorpark is considering a reduction in size for the NEW Moorpark
Library. The current library is 43 years old inadequate for its currents needs. The citizens of Moorpark including
the Moorpark Friends of the Library have been working to make this a reality.
The new Moorpark Library has an excellent plan that has had community input. It will have separate areas for
children, youth and adults. Programs can be offered on site. A 17,500 will serve the current population and
expanding population with new housing added to the City of Moorpark. With a
Sent from my iPad
From:Gerhart Jerome
Subject:Comments on the Consideration of a Reduction in the Size of the Proposed New Library
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 9:14:54 AM
To: Moorpark City Council
Dear Sirs,
It has come to my attention that the City Council has a proposal before it to reduce the size of the
already approved new City Library. After all the time and expense already committed to the project,
why are you revisiting this project and willing to incur additional expense and delays with a redesign.
The new Library’s current design is already half of what was originally recommended for a
community of our size. Our city will continue to grow in the coming decades, so let’s not
shortchange the residents of Moorpark nor be shortsighted in the improvement of our community. I
believe Moorpark deserves better.
I respectfully request that you reject this proposal to reduce the size of the new Library.
Gerhart Jerome
Moorpark, CA
From:Jessica jerome
Subject:Written Comment - Tonight"s (7/19/23) City Council Meeting
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 9:57:00 AM
Attachments:Written Comment_July 19_City Council Meeting_Jessica Jerome.pdf
To whom it may concern,
Attached is my written comment for tonight's city council meeting. My written comment is for
agenda item 9A.
Thank you for your time.
Jessica Jerome
July 19, 2023
Jessica Jerome
Moorpark, CA 93021
Moorpark City Council
799 Moorpark Ave
Moorpark, CA 93021
Dear City Council Members,
I am wri�ng today to express my disapproval for item 9A on tonight ’s (July 19, 2023) Agenda, regarding
considering a reduc�on in the size of the Proposed New Library from 17,500 square feet to 14,500
square feet as well as approval of addi�onal funds to redesign a smaller library and it ’s building costs.
Moorpark has been working on ge�ng a new library for nearly 20 years. It has been one of the city
council’s top ten priori�es since 2007. There have been numerous surveys of the residents,
Environmental Studies, determina�on of the new loca�on, the hiring of architects to design the
building, in addi�on to the receipt of a federal grant and state money to fund the new building. I should
know, I was born , raised and con�nue to live and work in my town of Moorpark, since 1982.
I have par�cipated and expressed my ideas and wants for this project since the beginning and every
�me I am provided an opportunity to do so. I believe in this project and all the hard work, energy and
�me spent by many people in and around this community to support our library and its efforts. This
library has never been sufficient. Especially when I was growing up and making use of it back in the late
1980’s un�l 2000 as a school student. And it is s�ll not what it could and should be as I take my nieces
and nephews there, the next genera�on of Moorpark residents.
Libraries are more than a building to house books. They promote community spirit; they can ac�vate a
downtown area and contribute to the success of local businesses.
The already approved new library is half the size of what a hired library consultant by the city had
recommended. Moorpark con�nues to grow and will con�nue to do so over the next several decades.
Let ’s stop talking about yet again another High Street project that is stalled and no further along in
comple�on. Let ’s get working and building towards a newer and improved Moorpark.
As a resident of District 1, I implore, my city council representa�ve Renee Delgado to vote against this
this proposal and to stand by the voices of the many that have wanted, waited and been an�cipa�ng
seeing this project be completed as a wonderful new addi�on.
Jessica Jerome
Subject:Moorpark Library Re-Design - Agenda Item on July 19 Meeting
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 10:42:21 AM
I heard that the city is considering redesigning the library to be smaller. I don’t understand
this and hope that the city moves forward with the library as approved and budgeted for. I see
no reason to spend more money on redesigning and so forth.
I utilize libraries. My children utilize libraries as do many people I know from ages 2 to 200,
okay, that's exaggerated, so maybe 102. When children are introduced to a library, they are
usually in awe of how much there is to explore and know. That impact can only happen in a
physical environment that demonstrates its importance. Yes, libraries are important even in
this digital era and will continue to be an emblem that the community holds literacy as vitally
important. I know of several book clubs with people in their twenties and thirties and they use
a library. Surprisingly, most of them prefer paper versions of books, yet do not have the funds
to buy many books. Numerous books have charts and photos which do not carry over well to
the digital version. Illustrated children’s books must be in hard copy for them to enjoy!
Travel books, art books, and so many genres are best in paper versions.
Libraries do not simply house books; they are busy with community engagement. Reading
programs, computer stations, and so forth have great value. I have been a speaker in
community rooms and attended presentations at libraries. The librarians pull relevant books
that people are interested in reading after the presentation. Those who attended these events
were of all ages. We all met others who lived in our area. A library can facilitate the
cohesiveness of residents. The used bookstore does not simply help to raise some funds, it’s a
great way to buy used books that someone may not have purchased new.
You can’t judge who will enjoy the new library facility by the current attendance and use of
the Moorpark Library. The reason is that nearly everyone I know currently prefers Thousand
Oaks or Camarillo libraries. We deserve a great facility here. I find that the Moorpark
Library does not usually have the book I want, nor have a “mind-expanding” ambiance. It
feels cramped to me, so I also prefer Thousand Oaks. I lived in Woodland Hills before
moving to Moorpark so had always used the Calabasas and Woodland Hills libraries which are
often crowded. In fact, sometimes parking could be challenging. This has not changed due to
This project has already been approved after much time, surveys, and due diligence. Why
delay? Move forward with the new library as approved.
We want lifelong learning here in Moorpark! Show us that it’s important and do not decrease
the size of the new library. Listen to users of libraries, librarians, educators, and keep in mind
those who you want to impress upon to use it when completed.
Thank you for your attention to my opinion.
Joyce Hughes, Moorpark Resident
From:Nancy Alice Truex
Subject:Proposed New Library
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 10:46:53 AM
I have been a Moorpark resident and library user since 1981. The library has been a central feature of
my and my children's lives all these years. We
have seen our library expand more than once, always to serve the residents of Moorpark better. I have
anticipated the new, expanded library for the
past ten years . Each step toward its completion has been a relief and a joy. Imagine my dismay when I
recently found out just recently that so close to
actual building and expansion, the plans that we fought for and applauded have been cut back!
With the current population and the expansion of the population by 3,000 new residents, we need library
facilities more than ever! A library enriches
the experience of all the citizens, from toddler story hours to the reading and computer- using population
to students seeking academic enrichment that only
a library can provide.
Please proceed with the plans and completion of our new library, ten years in the planning!
Nancy Truec
Moorpark, CA 93021
From:Nancy Alice Truex
Subject:Proposed New Library
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 10:46:53 AM
I have been a Moorpark resident and library user since 1981. The library has been a central feature of
my and my children's lives all these years. We
have seen our library expand more than once, always to serve the residents of Moorpark better. I have
anticipated the new, expanded library for the
past ten years . Each step toward its completion has been a relief and a joy. Imagine my dismay when I
recently found out just recently that so close to
actual building and expansion, the plans that we fought for and applauded have been cut back!
With the current population and the expansion of the population by 3,000 new residents, we need library
facilities more than ever! A library enriches
the experience of all the citizens, from toddler story hours to the reading and computer- using population
to students seeking academic enrichment that only
a library can provide.
Please proceed with the plans and completion of our new library, ten years in the planning!
Nancy Truec
Moorpark, CA 93021
From:Christy Corbett
Subject:Letter addressing possible downsizing of the future Moorpark city library
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 11:28:21 AM
Attachments:Letter to City Council.docx
Please see attached request for consideration of my concerns related to item 9A (downsizing of
library). Thanks for all you do! Christy Corbett, Moorpark resident
Sent from Mail for Windows
Thank you to our Moorpark city council for all you do! Our family is thrilled to be
an�cipa�ng a brand new library. I want to urge the council to opt out of
downsizing the new library space. Libraries do more than house books. With our
popula�on growing, we need space for vital programs—such as adult literacy, ESL
classes, tutoring support for struggling young readers (Moorpark reading literacy
is 58%--some 3500 students reading below proficiency and in need of
remedia�on), a�er school homework support and a mee�ng room for large
community gatherings. A library is meant to be a vital hub. It all takes space! Let’s
build it and they will come! I so hope we can now think ahead and create a legacy
for genera�ons to come.
To:City Council & City Manager
Subject:New Library Size Reduction Proposal
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 11:58:50 AM
To: Moorpark City Council
I have read the Agenda Report on the proposal to reduce the size of the planned new library
and have opinions to provide.
The Report contains a good history of the failure of the city to create a new library since
taking control of the Moorpark library from the County in 2007. That history shows a failure
to accomplish that task over 15 years. Reducing the size of the library will further delay
opening the new library, which is not clearly defined in the Report. Additional costs will be
incurred by the redesign and the delay, that do not contribute to the library building. It is past
time to get this high priority project done.
The Report provides metrics of Moorpark and California Avg library size which shows the
current library at 1/3 the size in square feet per capita of the California average. This
obviously reflects very poorly on the City. Yet, even the full size new library plan does not
bring the Moorpark square feet per capita up to the California average. The reduced size plan
leaves that metric at only 60% of the California average. This should not be acceptable to the
City Council or the people of Moorpark.
The Report does not include discussion of other areas within the City budget that could be
reduced. Further the budget reductions desired seem artificial and can be bypassed to
implement a very high priority expenditure. These are choices that should be explicitly defined
and debated.
How a city supports it's library is a clear demonstration of how it values and benefits it's
citizens. The City is failing in this assessment. Nearby cities have done much better. Moorpark
needs to step up and show it is a city that provides the best benefits to it's citizens by
implementing the best library services. "Life can't be this good" without a world class library.
Michael McDowell
13477 Bonita Heights St.
From:Carmen Jerome
Subject:City Council Meeting on July 19, 2023
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 12:20:48 PM
To Moorpark City Council
Dear City Representives,
I would ask you to vote NO on the Proposal to reduce the size of the new City Library. It's
shortsighted to spend good money on a redesign of an already approved library plan and
delay the construction of a new library for upwards of 28 weeks, if not more.
I have been a resident of Moorpark since November 1980 and have seen my share of city
ideas getting bogged down in second-guessing and delays, and ending up with nothing being
accomplished. The need for a new library that can meet the current and future needs of the
community is one that cannot be dismissed or downsized.
Carmen Jerome
Moorpark, CA 93021
From:Eric Mcgregor
To:City Council & City Manager
Subject:NO to Library size reduction
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 12:41:36 PM
Dear Mayor Enegren and City Council Members Delgado, Groff, Means, and Castro,
Thank you for serving Moorpark. I love Moorpark and have lived her since 2003 and have
graduated 3 children from the high school.
Please do not reduce the size of the planned library. We have delayed building this long
enough. We do not need another study.
I insist that we have a new library as currently designed and promised. From
previous studies, it is clear that even this configuration is not perfect for the needs of
a city this size, and certainly not equal to residential growth over the next five to ten
years. I do not support the reduction of the library and this shortsighted plan will
require expansion at higher costs in the near future.
Eric Mcgregor
From:Swan Cheng
Subject:Comments on New Mrpk City Library-Reduction in Size
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 2:52:52 PM
Dear Moorpark City Council,
My family and I moved to Moorpark in 2007. Being relatively new to Southern California, and also having grown
up around public libraries, we did not hesitate to visit Moorpark City Library (MCL) and apply for library cards.
Throughout the years, we have met and made friends with all of librarians and library staff that have worked at
MCL. We go to MCL at least once a week. All of the library staff know my family and I.
My daughters (now at ages 18 and 22) have enjoyed many events at the library, such as Teen Tech Week, Banned
Books Week, Teen Book Club, and both girls have been a part of the Teen Advisory Group. They enjoy reading YA
books and manga (which MCL has an awesome collection of!). My son, who is 10 years old, enjoys borrowing I
Spy books from MCL. He is currently challenging himself with chapter books. Recently, my son just got his very
own library card.
What’s most important to me is that when I went back to school in 2019, MCL has become a safe haven for me to
study at. Prior to the pandemic, I was even able to study inside that glass room in the middle of the library. I also
remember talking to library manager Christine about how it would be nice if the new library has several private
study rooms, in addition to an area inside the library (or a small courtyard) where people can eat snacks and lunch -
similar to what they have at Thousand Oaks Library.
When the designs for the new library were unveiled and the results of the votes were in, we were all very excited to
have a larger space that will cater to the population growth of Moorpark. Currently, when I do go to MCL to study,
it can be a challenge to find a table to study at that is nice and quiet, as the current library space is small and is
shared among adults, teens, and children alike. Furthermore, many middle schoolers have found the library a safe
space for them to hang out after school and during schools breaks; the library provides a space that is air conditioned
(especially important during this heat wave) and where they can use the computer. For many, the library is that safe
space, where they can escape from the not-so-good things happening at home.
Our city is growing and will continue to grow. Moorparkians have patiently waited over 20 years for this new
library. Reducing the size of the proposed new library will render all of our current efforts fruitless, and not to
mention, spend additional money on new architectural plans for a smaller library. We need a large new library that
can accommodate Moorpark children, teens, and adults for many, many years to come. We also need a large new
library in order to be comparable to Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley. (Of course, I can always go to Thousand Oaks
and Simi Valley for a larger library, but I live in Moorpark - I want to be able to use my own city’s library.) Please
consider keeping the current size of the new library and not vote to reduce it. Thank you.
Swan Cheng (mom)
Ivan Yeung (dad)
Lara Yeung (22)
Kaia Yeung (18)
Austen Yeung (10)
From:Leslie Randall
Subject:Library Downsizing
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 3:32:44 PM
To The Moorpark City Council,
Please DO NOT downsize the ALREADY approved and ready to go plans for our much
needed and way overdue upgrading of our library.
The last-minute proposal by one of the council members did NOT go unnoticed as to the
timing. Seems awfully suspicious to have it put on the agenda at rather the last minute so as to
not get many tax-paying residents to know about it, comment about it or attend the meeting
this evening.
In lieu of my non-attendance at tonight's meeting, I am expressing my concern and opinion
that our library needs to be enlarged, especially when you all want more people moving here
while approving more housing like you've done and your desire to want Moorpark to run with
the big dogs and not continue to sit on the porch, please do not downsize our library. We need
it. We deserve it.
Thank you.
Leslie Randall
To:City Council & City Manager
Subject:New library
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 4:00:37 PM
We want no change in plans for new library!the cost of change is over $300,000! So we are not in agreement with
Marie Lewey
Sent from my iPhone
From:Denise Piehn
Subject:Reduction in new library size
Date:Wednesday, July 19, 2023 4:18:10 PM
July 19, 2023
Dear Moorpark City Council,
I recently learned that the new proposed library may be reduced in size 3,000 sq ft. I do not support
this change. I am an avid user of our local library, have also served as a tutor for adults learning
English ( and used our library for tutoring sessions), and am a Moorpark resident for over 35 years.
Please do not make any further changes to the existing proposed library plan.
Thank you,
Denise Piehn
Moorpark, CA 93021