City Council Meeting
of January 15, 2025
BY A. Hurtado.
B. Consider Minutes of the City Council/Successor Agency Regular Meeting of
September 4, 2024. Staff Recommendation: Approve the minutes. (Staff: Ky
Spangler, City Clerk)
Item: 10.B.
Moorpark, California October 2, 2024
A Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Moorpark and the Successor Agency
was held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of said
City located at 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, California. All items listed are heard
and acted upon by the City Council unless otherwise noted.
Mayor Enegren called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
Steve Matthews, Parks and Recreation Facilities Technician, led the Pledge of
Present:Councilmembers Castro, Delgado, Groff, Means, and Mayor
Staff Present: Troy Brown, City Manager; Kevin Ennis, City Attorney;
PJ Gagajena, Assistant City Manager; Brian Chong, Assistant
to the City Manager; Jeremy Laurentowski, Parks and
Recreation Director; Daniel Kim, City Engineer/Public Works
Director; Doug Spondello, Community Development Director;
Hiromi Dever, Finance Director; Jessica Sandifer, Deputy
Parks & Recreation Director; Christine Conwell, City Librarian;
Chris Thompson, Senior Information Systems Administrator;
Captain Darin Hendren, Ventura County Sheriff’s Office; and
Ky Spangler, City Clerk.
A.Proclamation Declaring October 6 through October 12 as Fire Prevention
Mayor Enegren presented Ventura County Fire Department Division Chief,
Dan Horton with a Proclamation declaring October 6 to October 12 as Fire
Prevention Week.
B.Certificate of Recognition to Steve Matthews, Facilities Technician in the
Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department for Receiving the
City’s Apricot Award, Fall 2024.
Item: 10.B.
Minutes of the City Council/Successor Agency
Moorpark, California
Page 2 October 2, 2024
Mayor Enegren presented a Certificate of Recognition to Steve Matthews,
Facilities Technician in the Parks, Recreation, and Community Services
Department as the Apricot Award Recipient for Fall 2024.
Natalia Staneva, Moorpark resident and representing New West Symphony, spoke
to promote the Symphony’s activities and to introduce the new music director for
the symphony.
Michael Christie, Music Director for the New West Symphony spoke to express
enthusiasm for its activities and discussed the collaborations and partnerships
CONSENSUS: It was the consensus of the City Council to pull Item 10.G. from the
Consent Calendar for individual discussion upon the request of Councilmember Means.
Councilmember Delgado reported on September 19 she attended the Association
of Water Agencies Policymaker’s reception where attendees heard from water
policy experts on future management solutions.
Councilmember Delgado reported on September 20 she attended the Moorpark
Chamber of Commerce breakfast along with Mayor Enegren.
Councilmember Delgado reported on September 24 she attended Coffee with a
Cop at Moorpark’s local McDonalds.
Councilmember Delgado reported on September 24 she attended the long -
awaited ribbon cutting for the Moorpark College Teaching Zoo’s Tiger Habitat
along with fellow Councilmembers and City staff.
Councilmember Delgado reported on October 1 she attended the Moorpark
Chamber of Commerce networking mixer along with fellow Councilmembers and
City staff.
Councilmember Groff reported on September 24 he attended the Tiger Habitat
ribbon cutting at the Moorpark College Teaching Zoo.
Councilmember Groff reported on October 1 he attended the Moorpark Chamber
of Commerce mixer.
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Page 3 October 2, 2024
Councilmember Groff reported on October 1 he attended the Candidate Forum at
the High Street Arts Center.
Councilmember Castro reported on September 24 he attended Coffee with a Cop.
Councilmember Means reported on September 24 he attended the Tiger Habitat
ribbon cutting at the Moorpark College Teaching Zoo.
Councilmember Means reported on October 1 he attended the Moorpark Chamber
of Commerce mixer followed by the Candidate Forum at the High Street Arts
Mayor Enegren reported on September 20 he attended the Moorpark Chamber of
Commerce breakfast sponsored by Los Robles Hospital.
Mayor Enegren reported on September 24 he attended the Tiger Habitat ribbon
cutting at the Moorpark College Teaching Zoo.
Mayor Enegren reported on September 25 he volunteered at Walnut Canyon
Elementary School, walked the class to the current library and told them about the
new library the City will be building.
Mayor Enegren reported on October 1 he attended the Moorpark Chamber of
Commerce mixer followed by the Candidate Forum at the High Street Arts Center.
Mayor Enegren announced Monster Mash Skate Night on Friday, October 11 from
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Enjoy an evening of skating, music, and games, plus fun
activities for non-skaters. There will also be a costume contest. The event takes
place at the Arroyo Vista Community Park multiuse court, and admission is free .
For more information visit the City’s webpage.
Movies in the Park continue this October at Arroyo Vista Community Park.
Saturday, October 19 will feature a scary screening of Five Nights at Freddy’s,
recommended for teens and adults and on October 26, families are invited to watch
The Addams Family. The movies will start at 6:30 p.m. Admission is free, and
refreshments will be available for purchase. For details, visit the City’s webpage.
The City of Moorpark is hosting a Suicide Response Training on Thursday,
October 24, 2024, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Moorpark Community Center
located at 799 Moorpark Avenue. To RSVP or for more information, please email
On Halloween night, visit Haunted High Street for some Halloween fun including
trunk-or-treating, a carnival with games and attractions, a live DJ and dance party,
the Moorpark Library’s arts and crafts pumpkin patch, food trucks, and more .
Carnival admission is $5.00 in advance, $10.00 at the gate. All other activities are
free. For details and to purchase carnival tickets, visit the City’s webpage.
Minutes of the City Council/Successor Agency
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Page 4 October 2, 2024
A. Consider Presentation by Fawne Yamashiro, Caltrans Project Manager
Regarding the 2025 Pavement Rehabilitation Project for State Route 118
and State Route 23 (Los Angeles Avenue, between Montair Drive and
Spring Road). Staff Recommendation: Receive presentation.
Mr. Chong introduced Fawne Yamashiro, Caltrans Project Manager, who
gave the presentation. She introduced colleagues Munshi Mohsin, Design
Manager and Marc Bischoff, Public Information Officer.
Questions posed by Councilmembers included construction noise
mitigation plans with the duration of loud activities estimated at
approximately five to six months; construction will be conducted at night;
whether there are ways to reduce the construction timeframe; sequence of
construction and confirmation whether the entire stretch of State Route 118
from Montair Drive to Spring Road will be under construction at the same
time; are there provisions to address loose material that can cause
windshield damage; and anticipated timing of the construction of the future
weigh station and request to consider residents on Hitch Boulevard when
that construction begins.
There were no speakers.
CONSENSUS: It was the consensus of the City Council to receive the presentation.
B. Consider Update on Fine Free Policy at Moorpark City Library. Staff
Recommendation: Receive and file update on Fine Free Policy at the
Ms. Sandifer gave an introduction to the staff report, and Librarian Christine
Conwell discussed various actions taken to implement the Policy.
Questions followed including impact of lost materials on asset value and
how the City may curb that in the future; it was noted that over 77,000 items
circulate annually with approximately 0.44% of the collection being lost;
clarification between fines waived and lost item fines waived; types of
outreach conducted to educate patrons on the fine free policy; staff’s time
to track materials; and discussion of outreach going forward.
There were no speakers.
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Discussion among Councilmembers followed regarding timing for
reassessment of the fine free policy, including gathering additional data
from the City’s Library and others in the region, with staff to provide its
recommendation for City Council to decide whether or not to continue the
policy. The future report should address “what success looks like” for a fine
free program as well as the merits of the program and its long-term impacts.
Discussion included potentially holding a joint meeting with the Library
Board but ultimately the Council consensus did not direct scheduling a joint
CONSENSUS: It was the consensus of the City Council to receive and file the
update on the Fine Free Policy at the Library, and to direct staff return in six months
with additional data including metrics on what success looks like for a fine free
library for the Council to make a determination on continuation of the policy.
C.Provide Direction to Staff on What Issue(s) to Ask Residents for the Custom
Questions in the 2024 National Community Survey. Staff Recommendation:
Provide direction to staff on what issue(s) to ask residents for the custom
questions in the 2024 National Community Survey.
Mr. Gagajena gave the staff report.
There were no speakers.
Questions and brief discussion followed regarding custom questions with
topics including pickleball courts, community swimming pool, community
opinions on a fine free library, satisfaction on High Street development and
revitalization; cannabis retail sales; and increasing the parcel tax for park
maintenance. The 2022 survey included questions on parks and recreation
amenities and a community swimming pool.
CONSENSUS: It was the consensus of the City Council to include custom
questions on parks and recreation and cannabis retail sales.
MOTION: Councilmember Means moved, and Councilmember Delgado seconded a
motion to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of Item 10.G. which was
pulled for individual consideration. The motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
A.Consider Warrant Register for Fiscal Year 2024/25 – October 2, 2024. Staff
Recommendation: Approve the warrant register.
B.Consider Minutes of the City Council/Successor Agency Regular Meeting
of June 19, 2024. Staff Recommendation: Approve the minutes.
C.Consider Minutes of the City Council Special Meeting of June 26, 2024 .
Staff Recommendation: Approve the minutes.
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D. Consider Minutes of the City Council/Successor Agency Regular Meeting
of July 17, 2024. Staff Recommendation: Approve the minutes.
E. Consider Minutes of the City Council Special Meeting of August 22, 2024 .
Staff Recommendation: Approve the minutes.
F. Consider Resolution Amending the Conflict of Interest Code of the City of
Moorpark to Incorporate New Positions and Rescinding Resolution No.
2023-4208. Staff Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2024 -4274,
amending the City’s Conflict of Interest Code and Rescinding Resolution
H. Consider Resolution Authorizing the City of Moorpark’s Fiscal Year 2024/25
Transportation Development Act Claim and Consider Amending Fiscal Year
2024/25 Budget for the Increase in Revenue for the Receipt of TDA Article
8(c) Fund and State Transit Assistance (STA) Funds . Staff
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2024 -4276, authorizing the
submittal of the City’s Transportation Development Act Claim and amending
the fiscal year 2024/25 budget increasing revenue by $105,999 in the
Transportation Development Act Article 8(c) fund (Fund 2414) and
increasing the revenue for State Transit Assistance fund (Fund 2413) by
I. Consider Resolution Amending Fiscal Year 2024/25 Budget for the Receipt
of Low Carbon Transit Operations Program (LCTOP) Funds and Consider
Interagency Agreement with Ventura County Transportation Agency for the
Disbursement and Administration of those Fun ds. Staff Recommendation:
1) Authorize the City Manager to sign the Cooperative Agreement subject
to final language approval by the City Manager and City Attorney; and
2) Adopt Resolution No. 2024-4277. (ROLL CALL VOTE REQUIRED)
J. Consider Resolution Amending Fiscal Year 2024/25 Budget for Moving
Services to 323 Science Drive. Staff Recommendation: Adopt Resolution
No. 2024-4278, amending the Fiscal Year 2024/25 budget by $45,000 for
relocation expenses. (ROLL CALL VOTE REQUIRED)
K. Consider Amendment to Agreement with Moorpark Unified School District for
Use of the Tennis Courts at Arroyo Vista Community Park. Staff
Recommendation: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for Use of
Arroyo Vista Community Park Tennis Courts with staff recommendations as
contained in the agenda report, and authorize the City Manager to sign the
Amendment, subject to final language approval by the City Manager.
L. Consider Amendment No. 1 to Agreement with Granicus, LLC, Hardware
and Software Maintenance and Managed Services for Streaming and
Distribution of Live and Archived Video Content for Broadcast of Public
Meetings. Staff Recommendation: Authorize the City Manager to sign
Amendment No. 1, subject to final language approval by the City Manager.
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Page 7 October 2, 2024
The following item was pulled for individual consideration:
G. Consider Resolution Establishing a New Capital Improvement Program
Project (C0078) “18 East High Street Sewer Project” and Amending the
Fiscal Year 2024/25 Budget by Appropriating $162,602 for Design and
Construction. Staff Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2024 -____
establishing a new Capital Improvement Program Project (C0078) “18 East
High Street Sewer Project” and amending the Fiscal Year 2024/25 budget
to appropriate $162,602 for design and construction. (ROLL CALL VOTE
Assistant City Manager Gagajena gave the staff report.
Prior to Council questions, the City Attorney provided procedural
clarification on how discussion among the Council should proceed.
Questions of staff followed on City’s responsibilities relative to the lease for
the Chamber of Commerce; the amount of time remaining on the existing
lease; alternate locations for the Chamber to occupy; the requirements,
time, and steps associated with complying with the Surplus Land Act should
the City wish to consider disposing of the property; and the trenching and
options for sewer facilities and sewer line sizes.
Vince Daly with the Daly Group, Inc., spoke stating that the High Street
Depot project is being developed in accordance with the Development
Agreement and Disposition and Development Agreement, expressed the
opinion that the staff report is inaccurate, remarked that the Daly Group did
not step away from negotiations to resolve the issue, nor admitted fault, and
noted the City’s obligation to the existing tenant.
There were no additional speakers.
Discussion followed among the Council on whether to repair the building’s
sewer line or do nothing, including pros and cons of repair, associated
costs, and honoring obligations to the existing tenant.
AT THIS POINT in the meeting and following reaching consensus on repairing the sewer
line, City Manager Brown noted Councilmember Groff and Mayor Enegren would be
recusing themselves as they have in the past for items involving Daly Group’s High Street
Depot project and left the dais. The time was 8:56 p.m.
Questions were posed to the developer about the facts and circumstances
associated with the design and construction of the High Street Depot project
and the damage to the sewer line . Mr. Daly stated the construction plans
did not show the existing sewer line, and noted the Daly Group did not step
away from negotiations to correct the problem but were not in agreement
with how the situation has developed. He remarked the issue is not the fault
of the Daly Group, and they are not willing to pay toward repair costs.
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AT THIS POINT in the meeting Councilmember Groff and Mayor Enegren returned to the
dais. The time was 9:11 p.m.
CONSENSUS: It was the consensus of the City Council to direct staff to return with
additional options on the cost to demolish building, other options on cost recovery
discussed as part of a Closed Session item, annual maintenance costs, relocation
options for the Chamber of Commerce if sewer line repairs are not performed, and
the City Attorney to work with staff to structure the agenda item to address potential
MOTION: Mayor Enegren moved, and Councilmember Groff seconded a motion
to reject the recommendation and not approve the resolution. The motion carried
by unanimous roll call vote.
Mayor Enegren adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.
Chris R. Enegren, Mayor
Ky Spangler, City Clerk