Moorpark, California May 20, 2008
A Regular Meeting of the Moorpark Arts Commission of the City of Moorpark was held
on May 20, 2008, in the Council Chambers of said City located at 799 Moorpark
Avenue, Moorpark, California.
6:00 p.m.
Commissioner Amador led the pledge of allegiance.
Present: Commissioners Jean Amador, Clint Harper, Rena Petrello
Christieann Rohal, and Dennis Swinburne
Staff Present: Mary Lindley, Director of Parks, Recreation and Community
Services; Barry Hogan, Deputy City Manager; L.J. Stevens,
General Manager, High Street Arts Center
A. High Street Arts Center Update — Season Two (LJ Stevens, General
Manager, High Street Arts Center)
Ms. Stevens gave an update on Season Two at the High Street Arts
Center. She talked about the addition of a part-time staff person who has
been helpful in following up on group reservations. Ms. Stevens discussed
the proposed Season Three shows for the Arts Center, which include The
Fantastiks; Bell, Book and Candle; The Plight Before Christmas; The Two
and Only; and The Prisoner of Second Avenue.
The Commissioner's came back to the High Street Arts Center update
after the Veteran's Memorial Update. Commissioner Swinburne
commented that the season was very well put together. Commissioner
Harper commented that he thought the program sounds really good. He
commented that the Fantastiks might not draw the younger familys. Ms.
Stevens commented that it might because of the connection between the
college and the Fantastiks. Ms. Stevens commented that generally the
Theater was appealing to the older crowd, which historically is the case
with small theaters regionally. Commissioner Harper commented about
including shows that appeal to the vaudeville aspect. Ms. Stevens stated
that "The One and Only" is very much like a vaudeville show. She also
stated that she will be consulting with the people that used to put on the
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May 20, 2008
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melodrama and vaudeville shows. Ms. Stevens indicated that we have to
be careful when performing vaudeville and melodrama due to issues with
rights. Commissioner Harper suggested that if a parody is being
performed that no rights were needed. Ms. Stevens indicated that was
only the case if you are 501 (c)(3) non - profit corporation, which the
Theater /City is not. Commissioner Petrello wanted to know what the
difference would be if Ms. Stevens had more money, how different would
the season be. Ms. Stevens stated that if she had more money she would
probably not change the season, but spend more money on advertising
and public relations. Ms. Stevens commented that if the Community
Foundation for the Arts were instituted, then the money they raise to
support the Arts Center could be use to hire a public relations firm.
Commissioner Petrello commented that a Public Relations firm would be a
good idea. Commissioner Rohal asked if during the vaudeville show, a
mini - version of the High Street Broadcast could be acted out in the
beginning. Ms. Stevens indicated that if they did that they would have to
pay the equity actor that currently volunteers for the High Street
Broadcast, since he would be acting at a time when there is a ticket price.
Commissioner Amador asked Ms. Stevens if she is intentionally going for
the senior crowd or if there are any of the upcoming shows that would
appeal to the younger crowd. Ms. Stevens indicated that the youth theater
workshop would be a showing of Beauty and the Beast, that the
Fantastiks uses two leads in their early- twenties, and that the melodrama
has a kid character. Ms. Stevens stated that the Fantastiks and The One
and Only would appeal the most to families. Ms. Stevens indicated that
from a "putting butts in the seat" standpoint, the older crowd is who is
willing to go. Ms. Amador indicated that that was due to the content of the
shows. Ms. Stevens indicated that her message at the City Council
meeting was to bring crowds to the Theater, and the only way to do that is
to choose shows that attract people who are willing to go to the Theater.
Ms. Amador indicated that she felt that the message at the meeting was
also one of diversity and choosing different diverse shows to appeal to all
different types of people. Ms. Stevens indicated that a number of a -mails
were sent to the City Council and when they were tallied, the requests for
a melodrama received the most votes. Ms. Stevens indicated that the
Youth Theater Workshop is geared more to families. Ms. Stevens also
said that the City is offering 5 scholarships to kids who are interested in
participating in the youth theater workshop. Ms. Amador stated that she
feels that the fact that diversity is not included in the Arts Center Season is
a big weakness of the Center. Ms. Amador made another comment about
there not being enough diversity in the season.
At this point, Ms. Lindley interrupted the discussion to point out that this
item was only a presentation item which is meant to update the
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May 20, 2008
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Commission and is not open for discussion between staff and the
Commission. She indicated that she would suggest to Mr. Riley that he
agendize this as an Action /Discussion item, which would allow the
Commission to discuss the item.
Commissioner Amador indicated that the role of the Commission was
unclear and perhaps they should wait until the role is clearer before they
have a discussion. Commissioner Petrello indicates that the confusion
comes because last time the Commission was allowed to discuss the
Season. Commissioner Harper indicated that the Commission is
frustrated at not being able to have a meaningful discussion about the Arts
Center Season. Commissioner Harper indicated that he would not reapply
to be on the Commission unless the Commission's role changes
dramatically. Commissioner Amador asked Ms. Lindley at what point the
Commission could request that an item be placed on the Agenda to
discuss the role of the Arts Commission.
B. Veteran's Memorial Update (Mary Lindley, Park's, Recreation and
Community Services Director)
Ms. Lindley gave an update on the Veteran's Memorial. She informed the
Commission that the City Council approved the memorial. The landscape
architect is at about 50% construction drawings, with final drawings to be
ready next week. The City Council will then approve the drawings and the
project will go out to bid. Ms. Lindley indicated that they are trying to have
the memorial completed by Veteran's Day in November.
A. Consider Art in Public Places for Tuscanv Sauare (Commercial Planned
Development No. 2005 -02) to Provide Direction as to the Location and
Type of Public Arts Desired for the approximately 74,402 Square Foot
Retail Commercial Shopping Center on Approximately 6.96 Acres on the
Southwest Corner of Los Anaeles Avenue on the Application of Tuscanv
Partners, LLC Staff Recommendation: 1) Select a preferred location for
the art piece; 2) Suggest the type of art piece preferred; 3) Schedule an
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May 20, 2008
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adjourned meeting of the Arts Commission on a date and time certain in
June to consider and finalize a recommendation to the City Council.
Mr. Hogan gave the staff report. Mr. Hogan requested that the
Commission select the location for the art work and which of the sample
art pieces the Commission liked. Commissioner Petrello asked the
applicant why he prefers the particular location. Larry Greene, Tuscany
Square Partners, stated that the Commission is welcome to come to the
center and visit the proposed preferred location. Mr. Greene indicated that
visibility for pedestrians and vehicular traffic, were the main goals for
selection of the preferred site. The art piece would be placed in the
planter. Commissioner Harper indicated he felt this was not a bad location,
but why the art piece wouldn't be placed near the food court. Mr. Greene
indicated that there was a lot of hardscape, planters and water fountains,
in that location and they felt it was too congested to add another piece of
art, which might overpower the piece in that area. Commissioner Rohal
thinks the location is good, but she was not excited about the art piece
selection. Commissioner Amador thinks that the focal point is in a good
spot. Commissioner Amador thinks the space might be too narrow and too
triangular to display the art piece properly, dependent on what piece is
selected. Mr. Green indicated that they could push the art piece back from
the curb toward the building. Commissioner Amador agreed that would
work. Commissioner Swinburne indicated that he feels that the type of
sculpture will dictate where you put it. Commissioner Swinburne asked
how the Commission was to pick the art pieces. Mr. Hogan indicated that
these were samples of styles and the Commission should pick a style and
the applicant could come back at the next meeting with more
representative artwork. Mr. Hogan indicated that the art piece would be a
reproduction piece given the size of the budget. Commissioner Petrello
indicated that she didn't want the art piece to be cookie cutter, but that it
should be unique to Moorpark. Commissioner Swinburne indicated that he
liked the contemporary style. Commissioner Harper indicated that Greco -
Roman style of architecture would mesh well with the center. Mr. Hogan
recapped the decisions thus far: the location was good, and to review
widening the area, or setting the piece back. Commissioners Rohal and
Petrello like classical style. Commissioners Amador and Swinburne like
the contemporary style. Commissioner Amador also requested a scale of
the piece and picture of the base.
Mr. Hogan requested dates the Arts Commissioners are available for Mr.
Greene to return to the Commission. No dates were decided.
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May 20, 2008
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A. Approval of Minutes for the Arts Commission Meeting of February 19,
2008. Staff Recommendation: Approve as presented.
Commissioner Petrello moved and Commissioner Swinburne seconded a
motion to adopt item 8A. Unanimous
B. Approval of Minutes for the Joint Arts Commission and City Council
Meeting of April 23, 2008. Staff Recommendation: Approve as presented.
Commissioner Harper moved and Commissioner Rohal seconded a
motion to adopt item 8B. Vote 4 -0 with Commissioner Petrello abstaining.
Chair Amador requested a future agenda item for the forthcoming special
meeting to discuss the second season schedule for the high street arts
Commissioner Petrello requested a future agenda item to discuss the
creation of a theater foundation.
Chair Amador requested a future agenda item to discuss the annual
Moorpark arts festival for next year.
Chair Amador requested a future agenda item to discuss the arts
commission role.
Jea Amador, Chair
Hugh R. Wiley, Assistant anager