Moorpark, California
The Special Town Hall Meeting of the City Council of the City of Moorpark,
California was held March 26, 1988 in Roorn A of the City Hall, located at 799
Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, California.
The meeting was called to order at 9:07 p.m. by Mayor John Patrick
Lane. Seven residents were in the audience.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Bernardo Perez.
Present: Councilmembers Eloise Brown, John Galloway, Clint
Harper, Bernardo Perez and Mayor John Patrick Lane.
Steven Kueny, City Manager; Thomas P. Genovese, Deputy
City Manager; Patrick Richards, Director of Community
Development; Lt. Michael Brown, Sheriff's Department;
Dennis Delzeit, City Fngineer; Philip Newhouse, Director
of Community Services; and Maureen W. Wall, City Clerk.
A. Update on all programs_and projects included in the add _ d
1987/88 budget as well as those added by the Council during the
B. Ci t goals and Driorities as established by the—Council.
C. Gann.. _Appropriations Limit and June 7, 1988 Special_ Election
reguesting an increase in_the limit.
D. History and explanation _of the Areas of Contribution -(AOC which
are used to fund major street improvements_ related_ to
development projects.
Due to the low number of people in attendance, Mayor Lane opened the
floor to those present for their remarks.
A. Mr. Paul Coyle, asked the Council to end the Council meetings at
Minutes of the Town Hall Meeting
Moorpark _Calif ornia _ _ 2
. March 26,_1988
Councilmember Galloway responded that the meetings are in a
format to be very open to the public, and this tends to make
meetings longer. In the future, the meetings will be a live
cablecast, so residents may watch the proceedings from their
homes. Additionally, the Council must now reorder the agenda at
11:30 p.m., and the Consent Calendar is being utilized more.
These measures are helping to keep the meeting time shorter.
Councilmember Harper suggested Closed Sessions might be held at
5:00 p.m. He also thought the Consent Calendar might also be
expanded to include more items.
2. Mr. Paul Lawrason, stated he liked the ideas discussed
concerning shortening the length of the Council meetings. He
felt the City was moving towards more efficient meetings.
3. Mr. Bill Mitchell, felt that much improvement had been made
since the early days of incorporation.
4. Ms. Linda Symchek, stated the Town Hall Meeting date was not
very convenient for some, since it was the same day as Little
League sign -ups.
5. Mr. John Roberts, asked what. the City's future plans were to
fund parks maintenance.
Steven Kueny, City Manager, responded the City would be using
the excess proceeds of taxes from 1986/87. Mr. Roberts was
added to the ad hoc committee for review of the Gann Measure to
be placed on the June election ballot.
Councilmember Brown commented the "Gann" money could be returned
to the taxpayer, but to do so would only return approximately
$15 per household, not including the administrative costs
necessary to return those funds. The City was interested in
keeping only those monies already collected.
AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING, there are twelve people in the audience.
6. Mr. Bill Lanahan, asked when the landscaping along Los Angeles
Avenue between Gabbert Road and Maureen Lane, would be
Patrick Richards, Director of Community Development, gave an
overview of how the landscaping is to appear in this area.
CalTrans and the City are working on an agreement to allow this
to proceed.
Councilmember Harper commented the City needed design standards
which would have avoided the problems which were occurring in
this area. The Los Angeles Avenue Corridor was not looking very
nice, in his opinion.
Minutes of the Town Hall Meeting
Moorpark,_California _ _ _ 3
March 26 1988
Mr. Lanahan then asked if anything could be done to keep people
from parking cars for sale in this area. He suggested the City
might create a two hour parking zone.
Mr. Kueny responded the City would have to have permission from
CalTrans to do this, since the roadway is Highway 118.
Councilmember Galloway commented that making the area in front
of the Town Center a no parking zone, only seemed to cause more
problems for the City.
7. Mr. Paul Coyle, asked when the rubberized railroad crossings
would be installed.
Councilmember Brown responded the City was currently working on
the project for the Moorpark Avenue crossing, with the paperwork
from CalTrans to be forthcoming.
8. Mr. Bill Mitchell, asked about. sidewalks along the north side of
High Street.
Mr. Kueny responded staff was in the planning stages, and hoped
to be going out to bid in July with the project to be completed
during the summer months.
The matter of permanent truck scales also came up. Lt. Michael
Brown, Sheriff's Department, responded they were looking for a
full truck scale station which could be constructed within the
City's limits. He reported that 20% of all vehicle traffic_
within the City was comprised of trucks.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 p.m. by Mayor John Patrick Lane.