Moorpark, California June 15, 1988
The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Moorpark,
California was held on June 15, 1988 in the Council Chambers of City
Hall of said City, located at 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, California.
The Meeting was called to order at the hour of 7:10 p.m. by Mayor
John Lane.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilmember Perez.
Present: Councilmembers Eloise Brown, John Galloway, Clint
Harper, Bernardo Perez, and Mayor John Lane,
Steven Kueny, City Manager; Cheryl Kane, City Attorney;
Patrick Richards, Director of Community Development;
Philip Newhouse, Director of Community Services; Thomas
Genovese, Deputy City Manager; John Knipe, Assistant City
Engineer; Lieutenant Mike Brown, Sheriff's Department;
and Maureen Wall, City Clerk.
B. Special Commendations for Annabel Sessler and Betty Marvin
for their service as the City's representatives to the
Ventura County Area Agency on Aging.
In the absence of Ms. Annabel. Sessler. and Ms. Betty Marvin,
Mayor Lane read a letter from the City Council congratulating
them on their recent appointment: to the Ventura County Area
Agency on Aging Advisory Cotincil.
A. Presentation by Mr. David DeRoos from Arthur Young & Company
Concerning the Waterworks District No. 1 Feasibility Study.
Mr. DeRoos presented an overview of a written report
presented to the Council regarding the feasibility of
transferring control of a portion of the County Water Works
Office utilities from the County of Ventura to the City of
Moorpark. Objectives included the identification and
analysis of a number of alternatives, ranging from no utility
Minutes of the City Council
Moorpark, California 2 June 15, 1988
transfer to transfer of most of the utilities to Moorpark, as
well as recommended actions to be accomplished prior to any
transfer to minimize financial., operational and political
effects. The study recommended that the transfer of all
water and wastewater service within the current District No.
1 be considered for implementation. Additionally, it
recommended that an advisory vote be held to poll the desires
of the affected outside -City customers. Estimated time frame
for such a transfer is thirty months.
Discussion followed regarding a vote in the unincorporated
areas, as well as the possibility of transferring only that
portion of the Waterworks District that matches the
boundaries of the City and operate it as a separate division.
Answering Councilmember Harper's question, Mr. DeRoos advised
that to operate an area only within the city boundaries may
temporarily increase costs to City customers since the
economy of scale would be much smaller. This effect would be
mitigated, however, as the City continues to grow.
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Galloway
seconded a motion to proceed with the recommendation of Arthur
Young & Associates to transfer. District No. l wastewater and
Division No. 1 water utilities to the City of Moorpark, and to
recommend acceptance of this transfer to the County Board of
Upon questioning by Councilmember Harper, Councilmember Brown
clarified that the motion did not include calling for an advisory
vote outside the city limits at this time.
The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote.
City Manager, Steven Kueny, requested that the following items be
added to the Agenda: (11.I..) Tract 3049 (U.S. Condo) Grading
Plan; (11.J.) Response to County Concerning General Plan Scoping;
(11.K.) Cable Franchise Extension; (14.I.) Boething vs. City of
Moorpark; and (14.J.) City of Moorpark vs. Boething.
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Harper
seconded a motion to add the items to the Agenda as outlined by
the City Manager since the need to consider these items had
occurred after posting of the agenda.
6.A. Mary Gayle (350 N. Lantana, Camarillo) representing Pardee
Construction, advised the Council that the reimbursement
agreement under consideration as Agenda Item 8 -11, had a
discrepency in the dollar amount on Page 2 of the text. She
advised that Pardee agrees to substitute this page of the
Minutes of the City Council
Moorpark, California 3 June 15, 3.988
agreement with the correct dollar amount subsequent to the
Council's approval of same.
6.B. Tom Zanic (520 Broadway, Santa Monica) representing Urban
West, updated the Council with respect to the status of the
investigation into the moisture problem. He advised that
Converse Consultants has been engaged to do a thorough
investigation of the causes and to recommend solutions to the
moisture problem. That report is due within thirty days, and
Urban West will then take the necessary steps to correct the
6.C. Robert Pride (67 West Bellevue Drive, Pasadena, CA 91105),
President of Converse Consultants, advised the Council that
his company has been employed by Urban West Communities as an
independent consultant to determine the cause(s) and
solutions to the moisture problem in the Mountain Meadows
area. He advised that his company has 40 years of experience
in soils science and their investigation will result in a
report to the Committee of both causes and solutions. He
additionally commented that the quality of the Urban West
homes meets or exceeds the standards for residential projects.
6.D. Paul Coyle (15750 Los Angeles Avenue, Moorpark, CA),
President of the Villa Del Arroyo Homeowners' Association,
advised the Council that the proposed changes to the City's
Mobile Home Rent Control. Ordinance may have an effect on the
Mobile Home Rent Review Board's decision on Agenda Item 1.A.
(Proposed Moorpark Mobile Home Park rent increase), and this
should be considered when action is taken on this item.
6.E. David Garcia (280 Poindexter. Avenue, Moorpark, CA), Program
Director for the Moorpark Boys and Girls Club, advised the
Council that he took exception to a newspaper article which
stated that there is a gang problem in the City of Moorpark.
lie advised that there is no gang activity within the City and
two members of the Boys and Girls Club were present to
reinforce this observation.
6.F. Tyrone Camacho (749 Sir George Court, Moorpark, CA), member
of the Moorpark Boys and Girls Club, advised the Council that
he is unaware of any gang activity in the City of Moorpark,
although he does recognize some problem with graffiti..
6.G. Victor Gomez (254 Harry Street, Moorpark, CA), member of the
Moorpark Boys and Girls Club, advised the Council that he is
17 years old and has lived in the City since 1971. He is
unaware of any gang activity in the City.
Councilmember Brown requested a copy of the article to which Mr.
Garcia referred. Councilmember Perez commended the recently
formed committee to eliminate graffiti. within the City. He stated,
however, that comments this evening are reflective of the City's
Minutes of the City Council
Moorpark, California 4 June 15, 1988
need to make a commitment to provide more activates for youth in
the community through a more cooperative effort with the schools.
Councilmember Harper concurred with the comments of Councilmember
Perez and added that perhaps the School District should first
tackle the problem in a more gentle way, with the City stepping in
later, as needed.
Mayor Lane advised that he had suggested a $500 reward for those
persons turning in vandals to help eliminate graffiti and vandalism
with the City. He clarified that he did not intend, by his
comments, to suggest that there are gangs in Moorpark, but rather
that the gangs in Los Angeles continue to reach out, and if
something isn't done soon, they may exist In the future.
Councilmember Brown advised that she attended the Association of
Ventura County Cities and the Ventura County Association of
Governments. Additionally, she attended the MUSD Board Meeting
where Superintendent Slater announced his resignation.
On a motion by Councilmember Harper., seconded by Councilmember
Brown, the following items were approved by a unanimous roll call
vote of the Council:
B.B. Consider an informational report regarding the construction
of a parking lot at 15 -17 High_ Street._ Staff recommended
that this report be received and filed.
B.D. Approval of Minutes for the May 25, 1988 Regular Meeting and
the June 1, 1988 Special Meeting of the_City Council. Staff
recommended the minutes be approved as presented.
B.G. Consider trading in the small _copy machine currently not in
use for credit against the cost of a_ new drum for the larger
copy machine. Staff recommended that the small copy machine
be traded in.
8.I. Consider the approval of a City Manager approved contract
for the re- roofing of_ the rest - rooms at Caws Park.__ Staff
recommended that the contract be approved.
B.J. Consider a report concerning the moisture problem in the
Mountain Meadows area___Rrepared _by Urban West Communities.
Staff recommended that this report be received and filed.
8.K. Consideration of the Health Benefit Plan for Cif
Personnel. Staff recommended that the City enter into an
agreement with First Ftlrwest Insurance and Bankers of
Nebraska for health care benefits.
Minutes of the City Council
Moorpark, California 5 June 15, 1988
The following items were pulled for individual consideration by
the Council
8.A. Approval of Warrant Register:
- Prepaid Warrants No. 6853, 6922 -6932, 6934 -6937 $29,832.34
- Payable Warrants No. 6938 -6983 $51,416.43
In response to questioning by Councilmmember Brown, Deputy
City Manager Genovese advised that the park drainage problem
has been corrected. Director of Community Services Newhouse
advised that maintenance of the Park was unsatisfactory due to
a communication problem between the building and landscape
contractors. This has now been resolved, and it is expected
that the Park will be maintained in a satisfactory manner.
Upon questioning by Mayor Lane, Staff clarified that the
$66.00 warrant issued to H/M Windmachine was for backflow
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Galloway
seconded a motion to approve the Warrant Register. The motion
carried by a unanimous roll call vote.
B.C. Consider a report regarding_ the proposed _Hazardous Waste
Management Planning (.Tanner_ Plan ) within the County._ Staff
recommended that this report be received and filed.
City Manager Kueny advised that the Council may desire to
defer this item until the County representative can meet with
the Council to discuss the program and concerns.
Councilmember Brown requested that Staff be directed to
contact Hughes Market regarding the recycling being done in
back of their store, and make the necessary permits available
to them.
Councilmember Galloway noted that some of the areas being
considered for repository locations are near water sources
and /or residential housing.
City Manager Kueny advised that a County representative will
make a presentation on the Tanner Plan at the Council Meeting
on June 22. If the Council has questions or concerns, he
requested they be submitted to City Staff for referral to the
County representative, so they can be addressed during the
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Harper
seconded a motion to defer this item until June 22, 1988. The
voice vote was unanimous.
8.E. Resolution No. 88- — . A resolution approving Development
Plan Permit Nos. 393 to 404 and Parcel Map LDM -10 to
construct twelve (12) separate industrial buildings and the
Minutes of the City Council
Moorpark, California 6 June 15, 1988
re- subdivision of three industrial lots into twenty -six (26)
industrial lots. The project is located on the east side of
Maureen Lane north of Los Angeles Avenue. Staff recommended
this matter be deferred until. the next regular meeting.
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Perez
seconded a motion to defer this item until July 6, 1988. The
voice vote was unanimous.
8.F. Consider an award of bid for the City's legal
notices /ordinances. Staff recommended that the contract be
awarded to the Moorpark News for Fiscal Year 1988/89.
Upon questioning, City Clerk Maureen Wall. advised that the
old rate was 66C per line and the new rate is 38.5C per line.
Councilmember Brown expressed concern as to why there was
such a large decrease in cost from previous years.
Councilmember Harper questioned what reduction in cost may be
available if the City were to present all its legal ads
pre - formated, ready for publication, or through phone modems.
City Clerk Wall advised that if phone modems were used, the
cost per line would be 36C rather. thatt 38.5c.
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Harper
seconded a motion to defer this item for one week and direct Staff
to ascertain why the large decrease in cost from previous years,
and what reduction in cost may be available if legal ads were
presented pre - formated, ready for publication. The voice vote was
8.H. Consider a reimbursement agreement with Pardee for Tierra
Re_jada Road improvements within Tract 2865 Staff
recommended that the agreement be approved and the Mayor be
authorized to execute the document on behalf of the City.
City Manager Kueny advised that the amount of the
reimbursement by the City to Pardee for the construction of
the median and related improvements was $56,068.00.
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Perez
seconded a motion to approve the agreement with Pardee for the
Tierra Rejada Road improvements within Tract 2865, and that the
Mayor be authorized to execute the document. The voice vote was
AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING, the following motion was heard:
MOTION: Councilmember Harper moved and Councilmember Brown
seconded a motion to adjourn the City Council meeting to a meeting
of the Mobile Home Park Rent Review Board. The voice vote was
Minutes of the City Council
Moorpark, California 7 June 15, 1988
1.A. Mobile Home Park Rent Review Board _review of a proposed
Moorpark Mobile Home Park rent increase.
Senior Planner Mike Ruben advised that the Moorpark Mobil
Home Park is requesting a $10 per month increase in space
rents, from the current $160 per month to $170 per month.
The park contains 27 spaces, all of which are occupied. The
proposed increase is unprotested and does not require a
public hearing.
Upon questioning by Boardmember Brown, Senior Planner Ruben
advised that all residents of the park were notified of the
pending increase and their right to protest.
In response to Boardmember Galloway, Director of Community
Development Richards advised that if Ordinance 51 were
already in place, an automatic increase of 5% or the CPI
would be allowed without a right to appeal. The automatic
increase in this case would be $5 or $6 rather than the $10
currently being considered. In response to concerns
expressed by Boardmember Brown, Mr.. Richards advised that
upkeep and maintenance of the Park must be monitored and /or
addressed through the code enforcement activities of the City.
MOTION: Boardmember Harper moved and Boardmember Perez seconded
a motion to approve the $10 per month, per space, rent increase
for the Moorpark Mobile Home Park, effective June 16, 1988, with
no provisions for being retroactive. The voice vote was unanimous.
MOTION: Boardmember Harper moved and Boardmember Brown seconded
a motion to adjourn the Mobile Home Park Rent Review Board, and to
reopen the meeting of the City Council. The voice vote was
9.A. Consideration of proposed assessments for _"Moorpark Lighting
and Maintenance Assessment_ District No. AD -84 -2" for the
fiscal year commencing July 1, 1988 and ending June 30, 1989,
and consideration of proposed Resolution 88- a
resolution confirming the assessment for fiscal year 1988/89.
City Manager Kueny recommended that the Council open the
pubic hearing and defer this item until ,Tune 22, 1.988, after
review of the proposed 1.988/89 Budget.
Mayor Lane opened the Public Hearing.
No persons were present desiring to speak on this item.
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Harper
seconded a motion to continue this item until June 22, 1988, with
the public hearing to remain open. The voice vote was unanimous.
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9.B. Consideration of proposed assessments for "Parks Maintenance
Assessment District No. AD -85 -1 for the fiscal year
commencing July 1, 1988 and ending June 30, 1989, and
consideration of a proposed Resolution 88 -__, a resolution
confirming the assessment for fiscal year 1988/89.
City Manager Kueny recommended that the Council open the
public hearing and defer this item until June 22, 1988, after
review of the proposed 1988/89 Budget.
Mayor Lane opened the Public Hearing.
No persons were present desiring to speak on this item.
In response to questioning by Councilmember Galloway, Mr.
Kueny advised that the park maintenance bids would be opened
on June 20, 1988. The bid documents include three schedules
pursuant to the Council's direction.
MOTION: Councilmember Perez moved and Councilmember Brown
seconded a motion to continue this item until June 22, 1988, with
the public hearing to remain open. The motion carried, with
Councilmember Galloway dissenting.
9.C. Appeal No. 4 of a Planning Commission decision by U.S.
Sprint Network Route Development (Randall Murphy). U.S.
Sprint Communications proposes to .install an underground
fiber optic communication cable directly within the Southern
Pacific Railroad right -of -way through the City. Staff
recommended that the Council review the status of the report
and continue the public hearing to the meeting of July 6,
Director of Community Development Pat Richards advised the
Council that he received a draft agreement this date, and
that it would be ready for the Council's consideration on
June 22, 1988.
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Harper
seconded a motion to continue the public hearing on this item to
the meeting of June 22, 1988. 'fhe voice vote was unanimous.
9.D. Planned Development Permit 1062 - Major Modification No. 1
(Embassy Plaza). A request to add an additional 7,886
square foot free standing building on the subject site
located on the northwest corner of Spring Road and Tierra
Rejada Road. The applicant withdrew his request and Staff
recommended that the Council receive and file the applicant's
letter of withdrawal.
The Council directed that the withdrawal letter be filed as
recommended by Staff.
Minutes of the City Council
Moorpark, California 9
June 15, 1988
Councilmember Brown expressed concern with the Caltrans
turning geometries, and suggested another letter be written
to Caltrans advising that the geometries are inadequate for
large trucks making wide tiirns at various intersections in the
Additionally, Councilmember Brown advised that the Ventura
County Planning Department. has received an application from
Blue Star Ready Mix to extend its Conditional Use Permit and
to add an asphalt plant to the existing facility. It is
projected that 250 -300 trucks per day will be loading at the
plant, including 10 trucks during the night. She requested
that Staff advise the County Planning Department that the
City wants to be informed of the progress on this
In response to questioning by Councilmember Harper, Director
of Community Development Richards advised that there is no
current documentation in the City's files to indicate Staff
had any prior knowledge of this; however, he advised that the
City and County Planning Staffs have a close, cooperative
working relationship and this is the first time, to his
knowledge, the City was not :informed of a CUP extension.
By Council concensus, Staff was directed to send a letter to
Caltrans regarding the turning geometries; and a letter to the
County Planning Department regarding the City's position on the
Blue Star Ready Mix CUP extension and the addition of the asphalt
Councilmember Lane suggested that the City adopt a tree
replacement ordinance. He additionally commented that
drivers cannot readily see when proceeding east from the
intersection of Roberts /Sec=ond Street/Spring Street.
Councilmember Harper requested that Staff cheek into
complaints of earth subsiding around the public improvements
in Williams Ranch Road, and report back to the Council.
City Engineer, John Knipe, advised that the developer has
been contacted and the corrective work is scheduled.
ll.A.Consider a report from the Parks and Recreation Commission's
4th of July Ad Hoc Committee. Staff recommended that they be
directed as deemed appropriate.
Councilmember Brown advised that she was contacted by the
circus which performed for the City last year. They are
interested in returning for another run this summer.
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Perez
seconded a motion to cont =inue this it=em for one more meeting, and
Minutes of the City Council
Moorpark, California 10
June 15, 1988
if the Park and Recreation Commission does not make a report, that
it be pulled from the Agenda. The voice vote was unanimous.
ll.B.Consider an award of a contract for the miscellaneous curb,
gutter, sidewalk and road repair_project. Staff recommended that
the bid alternate be awarded to R. Z. Hernandez Engineering.
Based on the written report from Staff and the Assistant City
Engineer., the following motion was made:
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Harper
seconded a motion to award the contract to R. Z. Hernandez for
$114,592.50; to approve a 10% construction contingency in the
amount of $11,460; that Staff be authorized to add additional
areas for repair, not to exceed $126,053; and that the total
project funding be from the gas tax. The voice vote was unanimous.
AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING, the Council recessed, the time being 8:50
p.m. At 9:05 p.m., the full Council reconvened.
11.C.Consider a tree replacement _program for areas of recent
curb, gutter and sidewalk replacement. Staff recommended that
they be directed as deemed appropriate.
Director of Community Services, Phil Newhouse, advised the
Council the cost to replace the 90 trees and 11 stumps
recently removed as part of the curb, gutter and sidewalk
replacement program, would be approximately $9,554.
Alternatives to be considered included replacing one tree per
residence, or replacing one tree for each tree removed.
Staff recommended that 100, 1.5- gallon trees be planted.
Council discussion included consideration of allowing
residents to select the position and type of tree to be
planted in, or in front of., their yards; offering to plant
trees in areas where trees had been removed in the past; and
to have a uniform variety of tree on each street.
City Manager Kueny recommended that the Council appropriate
$10,000 for the tree - planting program and to allow Staff
flexibility in determining the number and placement of trees.
MOTION: Councilmember Harper moved and Councilmember Perez
seconded a motion to approve planting 100 15- gallon trees;
selection and variety to be made by Staff, keeping each street
uniform; authorize Staff to communicate with the property owner in
each case, to advise them of the project, the type of tree, the
placement and care; and that $10,000 be appropriated from budgeted
but unspent funds for this project.
Councilmember Galloway recommended that Staff study further
the varieties of trees, and expand the suggested selections.
Minutes of the City Council
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June 15, 1988
MOTION AMENDMENT: Councilmember Harper amended the motion, and
Councilmember Perez seconded the amendment, to authorize Staff to
meet with Councilmembers Brown and Galloway and, if necessary, an
arborist, to develop a list of acceptable tree varieties for
consideration. The voice vote on the amended motion was unanimous.
11.D.Consider a report from the City_ Attorney concerning the
regulation of dogs. Staff recommended that they be directed as
deemed appropriate.
City Attorney Cheryl Kane presented an ordinance for the
Council's consideration regarding animal control and,
specifically, prohibiting dog owners from allowing their
animals to defecate on any private property or on public
property. She advised that violations of the ordinance would
be prosecuted as either a misdemeanor or an infraction.
Lt. Mike Brown advised that he had not had an opportunity to
review the proposed ordinance, however he clarified that a
misdemeanor is a crime and an infraction is not.
By Council concensus, Lt. Mike Brown was directed to review
the ordinance and report back at the meeting of June 22, 1988.
ll.E.Consideration of an acquisition of Jurniahings for the new
City Hall offices. Staff recommended that the Council approve
the acquisition as outlined in the staff report.
Deputy City Manager Genovese advised the Council that as a
result of the meeting between Staff and the City Facilities
Committee, a recommendation is being made to purchase the
office furnishings defined in the staff report; to authorize
an appropriation of $20,000 from the Equipment Replacement
Fund, and $67,000 from the General Fund for this purpose,
with the understanding that any remaining balance in the City
Hall Construction Fund be used for this purchase prior to use
of any General Fund monies_
Mayor Harper commended Tom Genovese, Deputy City Manager, on
the excellent job he did on this project.
MOTION: Councilmember Harper moved and Councilmember Perez
seconded a motion to approve the Staff recommendation.
Councilmember Galloway clarified that the carpeting for the new
City Hall is part of the City Hall Contract and not a consideration
under "furnishings ". The rolls -.all vote was unanimous.
11.F.Consider a report from the — C_ity_Attorney_, concerning the
issue of a directly elected _Mayor. Staff recommended they be
directed as deemed appropriate.
City Attorney Kane presented the process by which the City
could create an elected mayor position, including the
requirement that the Council initiate the process and the
Minutes of the City Council
Moorpark, California 12
June 1.5, 1988
voters make the ultimate determination. The current five
member City Council would be replaced by an elected mayor and
four councilmembers, if the voters so determined. She
advised that an elected mayor of a general law city does not
have any veto power or any other power that is not created by
state statute or shared in common with the four
councilmembers. She advised the Council that in order to be
placed on the November, 1988 ballot, the City Clerk must have
the full text and the Council must adopt the resolution at a
meeting no later than July 6, 1988.
The Council discussed the differences between the authority
and duties of the mayor of a general law city and the mayor
of a charter city, and the Council's earlier expressed
desires to consider changing from a general. law city to a
charter city.
Councilmember Harper urged the Council to direct Staff to
develop a full report on the advantages and disadvantages of
becoming a charter city, including the authority and
responsibility of the mayor., prior to any decision being made
to proceed with the process to elect a mayor.
Councilmember Galloway expressed concern that the issue of an
elected Mayor not be delayed beyond the deadline to place it
on the November, 1988 ballot. He suggested that the Council
proceed with the election process; and, at some time in the
future if the Council determines to proceed with becoming a
charter city, the issue of the mayor's duties and
responsibilities will be reviewed and addressed along with
all other city matters.
MOTION: Councilmember Harper moved and Councilmember Brown
seconded a motion to direct Staff to develop a report on the
potential for becoming a charter city, its advantages and
disadvantages, and that it be agendized for June 29, 1988.
MOTION AMENDMENT: Councilmember Galloway moved and
Councilmember Brown seconded a motion to amend the motion to
include that the Council proceed to place the issue of an elected
mayor on the November, 1.988 ballot; and that it be in the
following basic form: 1) "Shall the electors elect a Mayor and
four City Councilmembers ? "; 2) "Shall the term of office of
Mayor be two years ? "; 3) "Shall the term of office of Mayor be
four years ?" The motion carried, with Councilmembers Harper and
Perez dissenting.
The voice vote on the original motion was unanimous.
ll.G.Consideration of _the ._proposed _1988189 Fiscal Year Budget.
Staff recommended that thLs item be deferred for consideration on
June 22, 1988.
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June 15, 1988
City Manager requested that the Council consider adjourning
to June 22, 1988 for the purpose of budget review.
Additionally, he advised that Staff will meet with the Budget/
Finance Committee prior to that date.
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Perez
seconded a motion to defer this item until June 22, 1988. The
voice vote was unanimous.
ll.H.Resolution No. 88- Consider a proposed resolution
setting the 1988/89 Fiscal Year Gann Appropriations Limit. Staff
recommended that this item be deferred until June 22, 1988.
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Perez
seconded a motion to defer this item until June 22, 1988. The
voice vote was unanimous.
11.I.Tract 3049 (U.S. Condo)_ Grading.___Plan_. Staff recommended
that the report be received and filed.
Assistant City Engineer John Knipe, presented the Council
with a written report on the status of the grading permit for
Tract 3049.
Mayor Lane directed that the report be received and filed.
ll.J.Res onse_to County concerning General Plan_Scoping.
Pat Richards, Director of Community Development, advised that
R. V. McCormick has submitted a general plan amendment to the
County of Ventura on property consisting of 485 acres and
located generally south of the City of Moorpark in the
easterly terminus of the Santa Rosa Valley, abutting the
existing greenbelt and lying westerly of Moorpark Road. The
request is to change the current open space designation. The
subject area contains 26 .individual parcels and the proposed
re- subdivision of approximately 187 parcels. The proponents
are requesting that the General Plan be amended to allow
reduction in the large -acre subdivision down to one -acre
minimum lot size. The request is now at the first step, and
the Board of Supervisors must determine whether at merits
further consideration for a General Plan Update. Any
comments from the City must be submitted by June 17, 1988.
Mr. Richards advised that the Planning Commission has asked
that this item, as well as the McCrea Ranch, be placed on
their next agenda for consideration.
AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING, the Council recessed, the time being
10:15 p.m. At 10:25 p.m., the full Council reconvened.
Councilmember Brown suggested that a City representative be
present at the screening hearing on this item, and that
letters be sent to the County and the City of Thousand Oaks
asking them not to take action on this item until the City of
Minutes of the City Council
Moorpark, California 14 June 15, 1988
Moorpark has had an opportunity to respond, and outlining the
Council's basic concerns including infrastructure, traffic
and conformance to the General Plan. After the Planning
Commission has heard this item, Council directed that the
Commission's recommendation be forwarded to them for
consideration in sending an additional letter.
11.K.Cable Franchise Extension.
City Manager recommended this item be deferred until the
Adjourned Meeting on June 22, 1988 when the Resolution to
extend the contract will be presented for consideration.
MOTION: Councilmember Harper moved and Councilmember Perez
seconded a motion to defer action on this item until June 22,
1988. The voice vote was unanimous.
12. A. Ordinance No. A proposed ordinance amending the City's
Mobile Home Rent Control ordinance (Ord. 51). Staff recommended
that action on this item be deferred until June 22, 1988.
MOTION: Councilmember Brown moved and Councilmember Harper
seconded a motion to defer this item to the meeting of June 22,
1988. The voice vote was unanimous.
The Council requested the following items be placed on a future
1. Art in public places policy.
2. Report on ordinance to restrict campaign spending, to
include options under a general law city and charter
3. Tree replacement ordinance.
MOTION: Councilmember harper moved and Councilmember Brown
seconded a motion to go into closed session under items: 14.A. -
Personnel; 14.B. - Personnel discussion pursuant to Government
Code Section 54957.6; 14.D. - Negotiations concerning the high
school site; 14.E. - Litigation concerning B.I.A. vs the City of
Moorpark; 14.F. - Litigation concerning Kavian vs the County of
Ventura, et al; 14.I. - Boething vs. City of Moorpark; 14.J. -
Moorpark vs. Boething. The voice vote was unanimous. The time of
adjournment to Closed Session was 10:35 p.m. All Councilmembers
plus Steven Kueny, City Manager; Cheryl Kane, City Attorney; and
Patrick Richards, Director of Community Development were present
for the Closed Session.
Minutes of the City Council
Moorpark, California 15 .Tune 15, 1988
Patrick Richards left the Closed Session at the hour of 11:45 p.m.
The full Council reconvened in Open Session at the hour of 12:10
a. m. Cheryl Kane stated there was no action to report from the
Closed Session.
MOTION: Councilmember Galloway moved and Councilmember Harper
seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting to 6:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, June 22, 1988. The voice vote was unanimous.
City Clerk-