HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1984 116 1984 0718RESOLUTION NO. 84- 116 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR THE COUNTY OF VENTURA TO PERFORM ANIMAL REGULATION SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF MOORPARK COMMENCING JULY 1, 1984. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND nRDER AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That that certain document entitled "AGREEMENT FOR THE COUNTY OF VENTURA TO PERFORM ANIMAL REGULATION SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF MOORPARK" commencing July 1, 1984, a copy of which is attached hereto is EXHIBIT A, be and the same is hereby approved. SECTION 2. That the Mayor ind City Clerk are hereby authorized and instructed to executo said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Moorpark. SECTION 3. The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage and adontion oi- this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of July, 1984. / Ma ATTEST : STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA CITY 01" MOORPA R K ) I, DORIS D BANK[JS _._ , CitV Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do herebV Cel-tifv that the foregoing Resolution No. 84 -116 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular 111,2etin0 thereof held on the 18th day of July , 19 84 , and ChaL LIIC Sal17e waS adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: C'ouncilmembers Straughan, Harper, Prieto and Mayor Yancy- Sutt'an; NOI-S: Councilmember Beaulieu; ABSENT-: None. WITINESS llly hand and the official seal of said (.itV this 18th day of July 10 8;; CITY C;I A."R K AGFEEtlini . . .. ';el. COUNTY OF VENTURA TO PERF,IJ'.'.. ry: i ^SAf. RE,ULATTON SERVICES Prig til I if MOORPARK dais agreement , : ', into by and between the County of 'reetura , California , hr: r , ',r er refer[ ed to as "COUNTY'' , and the City of ,AA p,�r,;v 1. a Cal iiornia municipal ,rp,rr.rt in n , herein in c 'C ., ' r' L ' . . . .- en . er into a cant r. U!.- performance by iri .rf _ertni.n animal regulation ,-,ithin CITP ' s !-.,r .l,, ! e:- • 'NIIVRENS , said . c :. . i _zed and provided for by IP rind,/ is Togs of a ha r.tcr Liar 2 , OiVision t , t to ri , ( section 51306 ) , 5.'H Chapter 12, Part 1 , . Division 2 , Tit Le 5 ( sect inn 4900 et seq . ) of the Government code of the State of Cali flrnia: HOW, THEREFORE , the Dirties hereto agree as follows : 1 . The COUNTY shall perform within the corporate limits of CITY the following ani -nel. regulation services : (a ) The enf.rrce :tent of anpl limbic- state laws respecting the vine i rtion and Licensing of dogs . (b ) The e. , 'tn; lrid inq the issuance of - it;It ions, i , ai .,-I rrl inendes respecting Lie , urtrot of ini al , the extent such ordinances are sebstant.Tally identir:il to county ordinances set forth n Chapter 4 ( exc l un i rig , however, sections 4461, 4462 , 4163 , 4466 , and 4470 ) of Division 4 of the Ventura County FXIITTITT A ir.linance Carle as isuiti.Ieo from time t r t The picking up of abandoned animals and stray animals whi_oh are. sick, injured or -lead . COUNTY shall also issue dog licenses to CITY residents who make application therefor at the COUNTY animal shelter and who pay the appropriate fees , and COUNTY shall supply CITY with records al ] rcenses so issued . The services .described in this section shall be performed in accordance with standard COUNTY prcced,;rest provided , however , that to the extent it can do so without tumlue Inconvenience COUNTY shall follow such special procedures in supplying such services Co CITY as CITY may rednest in writidg . The level of such services to be provided to CITY shall. l:e ,.m,-orrr'n Io to the level of Like services nrnteiel raneously brine provided to the unincorporated area of COUNTY . 2 . To the extent COUNTY takes up and impounds animals in connection with providing the services described in section L of this :Agreement , COUNTY shall impound such animals at an appro- priate animal shelter maintained by COUNTY, and shall care for such animals , give out appropriate notices relating thereto, and dispose of such animals in the same manner as it would if the animals were taken up from the un i.ncfrnorated area of COUNTY . County shall prosecute persons to whom it issues , pursuant to section 1 at this Agree .eat , cit-atinns for violation of C1`. ordinances in the sane Wanner and to the same extent as the COUNTY would prosecute persons issued comparable cita- tions for violation of the corresponding COUNTY ordinances . 3 . COUNTY shall provide for the emergency veterinary medical treatment of all unowned animals taken up within the _Otp.:rate limits I Iiv re.i _ CUI.NfY in such condition that woald wrirant such care . COUr:TI' may , at any time, require that sic. rr injured animals be taken to a veterinary clinic or brs'pital by CITY , the cost of treatment be borne by COI ,'IY ourn.,nt to California Penal Code section 50' ; . 4 . COUNTY shill re.nke available to CITY appropriate dross' : shelter facilities for the cine and holisinq of any stray a n , Tn_ s taken up and impounded by CITY employees within the corporate lisiits of CITY . 5 . In addition to the services described in sections 1 , 2, 3 and 4 of this Agreement, COUNTY shall , if requested by the City, Manager of CITY to do so, perform the follnw- ing animal regulation services: The inspection and canvassing of all properties within CITY in order to locate and provide for the licensing of unlicensed dogs . If CITY requests such additional services , it shall do so by giving 30 days ' written notice to COUNTY . 5 . COUNTY may r,r vide to CITY , but shall not be required to so provide, animal regulation services other than those specified in this Ayrecmeu':, or a higher level of service Uri" that specified in this Agreement , it the City_.Al4FIag£r of CITY so requests in writing tnd the 'lirect:r of COIINTY ' s Animal Regulation Department determines that COUNTY can provide such other services or higher level of services without inter- fering with animal regulation services then being provided by COUNTY to the unincorporated area or to other cities pursuant 3 7 . CITY slra .. l ,•!,V r.'.nrtor I . re. 5 :Y , for services :r :,urt t> sections 1 , 2 and 4 of this A i r .. _ . 3.1 t of the amount_ appropriated for animal ry C. it Ild au iustrat ion/ licensing roil shelter operation s.. . -: I .-a, 'start ygs.;c feu r _'lc= fiscal year in which the services we son to: -1 , . _., a any credits al.lowest pursuant to this sectl *Sr _ .trl I he made within 70 lays after receipt fSAE: ' : sL"CBmCnt [Cr such secvrces rendered in the preceding -lua_ ter . 5u.-11 statement shall show he amount of cre.li ts , i ` any , at Lowed r,ursuant to this section n.] the net amount to be paiI by CI me . Any and all license f =as for dogs licensed cur s'Aerlt ._ t"v "n .it. this AgreeestN. , , , my and all imbeune fwes ail ., col leered in connection ._ t1-1 the disposal of animals asesrnndc.I purstant to this ,Agree- tent , shall be collect ri by Co STY . l'he amount of such License , impound and disposal fees shah : be ca .1ited bgainst. the su:ns p-ryable by CITY to CollgeY oursuan' t this section and , where aupl:cable , section rl of this A-pore. tent . Sri thin 60 days after ._. � c"r;n51-151 11011 of this :Tt ,�,.i,., „I'.^.'f l' shah l pay to CITY the remaining balance, arty . surd, . irense , impound and I _ -posal fees . Any ant all lees for . e.L„rinary services col - boated is connect i .n, with. . .aw=untoe r'ricrais shalt be cnllectel tit no l remUin t i t s r.tr. • _ . 1 . ....I'71Y , re part of such _. or deposits shall be crc:lLLe=r. og.r inst sums payable by CITY . Any and all spay-neuter deposit s col looted in connection with irpounded animals shall be collected and disposed of by COUNTY *Estimated to be $10,700, net, for 1984-85 4 rt. manner preset116st 1r, .; tett Ion 11 111 -1 et the Ventura ,..city ,)rrl inance Code . If , tot any ii scat year et' COUNTY Ito tmn which •..Nis Agreement i ; in _ . , ect , the on.aunt actually expended tlett11TY for .rnimai requi at ion adFr.rn i st_ rat tun/li :ensinn aui ,iiel ter operation services countywide is less than the amount appropriated for such purpose counLyw tie in COUNT-Y s ". in:rl burl-10t for that fiscal year , COUNTY shall , within 60 days after the expiration of such fiscal year, pay CITY in nmaunt egad .0 3.1 g of the tlifference between the amount ac pia lly expended and the amount appropriated . A . If CITY requests the inspection and canvassing rerr- vicos described in section 5 of this Agreement , or if CCT'f re- +tests and COUNTY provides other services or a higher Level of :services pursuant to section 6 of this Agreement, CITY shall pay to COUNTY the entire cost to COIJiT Y of performing such sery ices , less any credits allowed pursuant to section 7 of this Agreement. Such costs shall. include the salaries and wages of all COUNTY officers and employees engaged in providing such services, the costs of supervision, clerical work, office suppl ies , depreciation on machinery and equipment , overhead expenses, insurance costs , travel expenses ( including mileage: of officers and employees) , and al 1 other costs and expenses i .'i .lental to the perforcance nh such services , as detertniue!l by CtoUNTS' in accordance with COUNTY ' s cost account_inq pro- cedures . Overhead expenses shall include but not be limited to COUNTY' s costs incurred in support of such services per- formed pursuant to sections 5 and 6 of this Agreement. 5 Insursece costs ,71,111 , rurr,l ° pro rata share tt CoiiN s costs incurred n :.rai - t thane public liability inscr :-' . coverage or in sell - inruttnoc sell-incur-nor for the arts if CrA Sk%.ns Df COUNTY, its atficers and nployees , and A reasonairle pro r .cr .r share of COUNTY ' S costs recurred ltri self- insuring for wor:ters compensation, cfampatud on the nisi s of t rate per $100 of nay- For Ure partichlar type :; I er '' ice `nt _-.g perform ei . CM 'CI shall submit its ittarazed , t scrae,tt Tgr such e_.„sts . . net -.i7 of the calendar piaster in xhlch tacy are incurre'1 . CITY ,hall make its payment. within 3 ' days After receipt of such statement . 9 . if payment sneci_fic.I _„ sections 7 or t2 of this A ;rceflenr is not rece ivec by Cnt ' . . on or before the due . . ,_c srecified therein , dolIN'YV may satisfy all or any part of s'n 'n tedebUedness from any t ' nls Of ITT on 3eposit with or theta- . liter deposited with or collected by COUNTY . 10 . If , in connection with the performance of services pursuant to this Agreement, CI'T'Y requires that notices , forms , or other documents and scppLies bearing the name or insignia of CI''Y he issue : or used by COnN'rY, CITY shall furnish All nod !jocurnents and supplies to .1(LNTY at C122 ' s own cost and expense . It . CITY snat L enact and maint rlti in full force and etfec-t to ordinance substantially Identical to Chapter 4 ( ex . eluding , however , sections 4461, 4462 , 4463 , 4466 and 4470 ) of Division 4 of the Ventura County ordinance Code, and shall also enact amendments to said ordinance identical to amendments 4163 , 4466 and 4170 ! within 120 , lye t ' i 'ts n.vtified of e Ich amendments hy " [iNT ' . 12 . All persons empl .lye,: _ he per ` tr:nan::e or this Aar eement she L he Cr t. erlpi > C TY employees . .�s anch, s?,al l be taken ov,c by coaSI "i err; s et,r or. eon) oyel by COIl :rY in the performance of tus IL 1: i „nr shall have arca C . . f pension , Civil Sc: '. -. __ It . el n r e Lcl fi'. nt sLntus 1-. staining to CIl o empl ecient . l ,HLv _ for rha 1r:l teJ nur ni �l Lying official status to Crn." 1 'i per;onncl performing sere ices pursuant 10 this Agreement_ , _very Cpl''T1' officer and employee performing such services rih de,iale.1 to be doirr: ... ors an of firer or er.Ilrl -iy,e of CITY . 13 . CITY, its oLticcrs .er..1 employeees by this -Aareenent , ,.n not assume any I lability for the direct payment of any salary or wages to any COUNTY officer ar employee per- forint:11 services hereunder for CITY, or for the li .-ect payment of compensation or indemnity to any COt1NTY oft rcet or employee for any injury to or illness of such officer or emir] oyee arising Out of his employment by COJNTY - 14 . COUNTY, its officers and employees , by this Aar aenient, do not assume my I lability f >r the negligent Or wi ongful acts or rnrissions of ; Ill , nor of any ofrice er. pinyee thereof, nor for any denaerous comma it ton of the streets or property of CITY, and CITY shall hold COUNTY, its officers and employees , harmless from and indemnify and defend COUNTY, its officers and employees , against any and all costs, expens claims , suits and Liability for bodily or personal 7 ii. jv:y to or .leorl: of e.ry person and for injury to or lose of any property resort_iu-.1 frvr• or arising out of or in any way c.,.,.,cctee with any nog I : pent or drony tilt acts or omissions Cf C _1Y its of firers and employees , in performing or authorizing the per fro of :r nc to per fors or authorize Cne per formance pry work , services or furict ions provided for re= ferred to in or i a any way co.urect. d with any work , ry ices or _.v-eftions to be per rancid .ender lib is Agreement . 15 . CI'T'Y , its officers and employees , by this Agreement , Co not assume any liahiIity for the negligent or wrong fu '. act_, nrra.i ssions f Gr1IN'PY , nor of any officer or employee thereof , rml P /i'TY sb it! holci min its officers and employees , harmless from and in.lenniiy Co f.end CITY , its officers and empl ry:n:s . a aaiest any and all costs , expenses , claims , suits and I ia- 'oil ity for bodily or per injury to or death of any person anti for injury t1 er lass of any property resulting from or arising out of or in any way connected with any negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of COUNTY, its officers and employees , is per forming a If fa ire] to perform any work , services or Lt.cr lone orovhicd for, referred to in or in any way connectel .di tin any work , c„ . vices , or functions to he performed under this A..jreement . 16 . Any n..r ice seeai net to be sent to a party hereto may be sent to the party a the address set forth below: 8 C/o )t cr . °a ' . ,L of t i ir., runt 602 El 7if .cr.' _ Crt■ of Mooiparl. c/o CroyAtonay;c! P. O. 13oi 766 Moorpark, CA 93e2i Any notice addressed fa a dirty of _lc foreyotng address , or al. such other address AS SUCAA pan .;y ter gis-,e ro time tut .tith in writing to the other party , shall ne deemed to have peen received by the addressee on the first basinens day next fodlove irk] the day on which seof notice was deposited , postage prepaid in the f!ni ted States toii . 17 . Phe teim of this Agreement shall commence on kiity t , 1984 and shall condone to '.efi_ni rely until terminated pursuant to this section . Lith'r party may terminate this Agreernent, in its sole discretion, with or without cause , as of the 31st day of May of any year by yiviria to the other party written notice of its election _m so terminate at least 30 days prior' to such termination date . The responsihif it ies of the respec- tive parties under parairaphs 14 and 15 of this Agreement shall remain in effect after any termination with respect to any acts or omissions preceding the termination . IN WITNESS WhEPEnif , COUNTY has , ny order of its Boar] ,. ._ Supervisors , caused these presents to be subscribed by the Chairperson of said Board of Supervisors and the seal of said Board to he affixed and attested by the Clerk thereof ; and 9 ClrY has , by order of the City Council , '.inset these present - . siioecribel by th.e presi,ir!11 �' ., cr',,r f :� nl re dates indicated below. CI fl th !:RT : City Clerk APPRDVF.D AS ThI City Attorney Cc/lc:TY oh VE JT0VA Dated: _ by Chair , Boar'. of Supervisors ;,9•.i ILSP sOBSkT1 L . HAMM, County Clerk , County of Ventura , State of California , and ex :officio Clerk of the Board of Super- vlsors thereof . Deputy Clerk 10