HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1984 122 1984 0108Y y "lam', / / K RESOLUTION NO. 84- 122 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI`T'Y OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRON- MENTAL QUALITY ACT AND THE STATE CEQA GUIDE- LINES. WHEREAS, the State CEQA Guidelines, Title 14, California Administrative Code, Section 5022, provides that each public agency must adopt procedures consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA ") and the State CEQA Guide- lines for admini- stering its responsibilities under. CEQA; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The "Procedures of the City of Moorpark to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act ", attached hereto and made a part hereof., is hereby adopted as the procedures to be followed by the City in the administration if its responsibilities under CEQA. SECTION 2. The Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the passage and adoption of this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of Auqust, 1984. May ATTEST: (S ^r'y r PROCEDURES OF THE CITY OF MOOR;'ARK TO IMPLEMENT THF; CALIFORNIA ENV I RONM E N1 AL QUALITY ACT SECTION 1. AUTHORITY These procedures are adopted to implement the California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA "), Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq., and the State CEQA Guidelines ( "State Guidelines "), 14 California Administra- tive Code Section 15000 et seq., as amended, and may be referred to as "The City of Moorprirk C'F;OA Procedures." SECTION 2. RELATIONSHIP TO STATE GUIDELINES The State Guidelines ar.F, hereby incorporated by reference. These implementing procedures are not meant to replace the State Guidelines hut-. to implement and tailor the general provisions of the 5t.at c- c;u idol ines to the specific operations of the City. If any section of these procedures are in conflict with or _,<,ntrary to any provision of the State Guidelines as they now t -xist or may be amended hereafter, the Stato Guidelines sl::rI I control. SECTION 3. DEFINITIONS The term "Department" <is ;rscd in these procedures shall mean the Department of t.()rnmun i t.y Development of the City. The term "Director" as used in these procedures shall mean the Director of C:ommunif} Development, who is responsible for CEQA functions or) X11 projects. The term "advisory body" as used in these proce- dures shall mean the person, committee, or commission which has authority by law or ordinance ccnnrnent. upon or dive an advisory decision on the project rit issue. The tern: "decision -mak i n:I hody" as use(, in these procedures shall mean the person, -Ornini.s` ion or council which has authority by law or ordin(rnce to make a final decision to approve or disapprove the prop ect at. issue. SECTION 4. DELEGATION UP RESPONSIBILITY A. Responsibilities of the Department The Department sha1L be responsible for the preparation and processing of environmental documents for all public and private projects. B. Responsibilities of the Director The Director shall he responsible for the following CE:QA functions: (1) Determination of whether a project is exempt; (2) Conduct of an Initial study; (3) Determination to prepare, and preparation of, a Negative Declaration or FIR; (4) Determination that a Negative Declaration or EIR has been cornpleted within applicable time limits; (5) Preparation of responses to public comments; (6) Filing of applicable Notices. SECTIUN 5. PRELIMINARY REVIEW A. Review for Completeness The Director shall review an application for completeness and notify the project applicant in writing within thirty (30) days after the application is submitted whether or not the application is complete. If the applica- tion is incomplete, the notice shell specify the reasons therefor. B. Review for Exemptions Where it can be seen wit_n certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment., the requirements of CEQA do not apply. Such activities include the statutory exemptions set forth in Article Li? ()f the State Guidelines, -2- projects over which the City has only ministerial. authority and activities which are found to he categorically exempt. (1) Ministerial Permits (a) Building permits (b) Business licenses (c) Dog licenses (d) Such other permits, licenses and entitle- ments that the Director deems ministerial. (2) Categorical Exemptions The City Council of the City of Moorpark hereby finds those classes of activities set forth in Article 19 of the State Guidelines to be categorically exempt with the following exceptions: (a) Location Classes 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11 of the :Mate Guidelines are qualified by consideration of where the project is to be. located - a project that is ordinarily insignificant in its impact on tho environment may in a particularly sensitive environment :>(, significant. There- fore, these classes are considered to apply in all instances, except where the project may impact. )n an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern where designated, precisely mapped, and officially adopted pursuant to law by federal, state or local agencies,. (b) Cumulative l All exemptions for these classes are inapplicable when the cumulative impact of successive projects of the s<3mc type in the same place, over time is significant - for example, annual additions to an existing birildinq under. Class, I of the State Guidelines. (c) Significant h;ffect A categorical exemption shall not be used for an activity where it can be fairly argued that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. (3) Specific Projects Subject to Categorical Exemptions Following is a list. of specific projects often handled by the City which the City has determined to he within the categorical exemptions, -t Article ly of. the State Guidelines. -t- (a) Projects done by encroachment permit, pursuant to Class 4 or Class 5. (b) Projects done by grading permit, pursuant to Class 4. (c) Such other projects as the City Council may deem within the categorical exemptions. (4) Notice of Exemption If the Director determines that a project is exempt under these Procedures and the State Guidelines, he or she may cause to be filed a Notice of Exemption after approval of the project in the form and manner required by Section 15062 of the State Guidelines. SECTION 6. PROCEDURES FOR THE CONDUCT OF INITIAL STUDIES A. Determination That Initial Study Should Be Cnnrliir - tack — If a project is subject. to the requirements of CEnA and not exempted by these Procedures, the Director shall conduct an Initial Study tO determine if the project: may have a significant effect on thc, environment. If the Director can determine that an EIP clearly will he re(,uir.e,d for the project, an Initial Study is not required but may still he made if determined to he desirable. If it is determined that an Initial Study is required for a project, all phases of project. planning, im,)lf.�mentation and operation shall he considered. An initial study or similar analyses prepared pursuant to NFPA may he inert tc) meet the requirements of this Section. 1i. Results of Initia]_5tuc{Y The Initial Study shall he used to provide a written determination of whether a Neclat.ive Declaration or an KIR shall he prepared for a pr()jc�c•t.. It the Director determi nr,�. that. there is substan- tial evidence that any aspect of the project, either individually or cumulatively, may (,.c;use a significant oftect . on the environment, regardless of •.,�1 ether the overall effect. of the project i.s adverse or beneficial, the Director Shall cause an EIR to he prepared. A new F.IR need riot he prepared, it thr Director deter.mi.nes that ; previo us-l.y prepareri 1?lk wou 1 d adeq11atE1 l y anra lyzo the prr� ?(�,,t .;nkir,r i<1<�rtit i ran. If the Director determines that there is no substantial evidence that the project or any of its aspects may cause a significant effect on the environment, the Director shall cause a Negative Declaration to be prepared. C. Determining Significant Effect The determination of whether or not a project may have a significant effect on the environment shall be made as required by Section 15064 of the State Guidelines. D. Contents An Initial Study shall cont =ain in brief form: (1) A description oI- the project including the location of the pro jec:t ; (2) An ident i f icat ior: of the environmental setting; (3) An identification of environmental effects by use of a checklist, matrix, or other method. (4) A discussion ot. ways to mitigate the significant effects iclont i f ied, if any; (5) An examination of whether the project is compatible with existing zoning, Mans, and other- applicable ]an(-'. r5 c�c>nt:ro ls; an (6) The name ()t th(� p( rson or persons who prepared or participated in the Initial Study. E. Submission of Data If the project is to bk.. carried out by a private person or private organization, the Director may require such person or organization to : >ubrTri.t data and information which will enable the Director- t_cr prepare the Initial Study. Any person may Submit any inf.ormar-. i can in any fora to assist the Director in preparing an l n i t i -r ! '�tlydy. F. Format Forms for an applicant'., prc)ject description and a review form for us(- by the Dir�,cto�r ;hall 5e provided by the Department. When rrsed to(Jothor, ' forms woul,i meet the -') - requirements for an Initial Study. If an EIR has been previously prepared which adequately analyzes the project, it may be used as the Initial Study. G. Consultation As soon as a Director has determined that a project is not exempt and that an Initial Study will be required to determine whether a Negative Declaration or an EIR is required, the Director shall consult informally with all Responsible Agencies and all Trustee Agencies responsible for resources affected by the project to obtain the recommendations of those agencies as to whether an EIR or a Negative Declaration should be prepared. During or immediately after preparation of an Initial Study for a private project, the Director may consult with the applicant to determine if the applicant is willing to modify the project. to reduce or avoid the sic,nifi- cant effects identified in the Initial Study. SECTION 7. PROCEDURES FOP THE PREPARATION OF NEGATIVE DEC I.ARAT IONS - -- A. Determination to Prepare Negative Declaration The Director shall cause a proposed Negative Declaration to he prepared for a project: under the following circumstances: (1) The Initial Study shows there is no substantial evidence. that the project may have a significant effect on the environment; or ( "l) The Initial Study identified potentially significant eftects but revisions in the project plans or proposals made by or agreed to by the applicant before the proposed Negatives Declaration is rc,le<3sed for public review would avoid or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur, and there is no sub- stantial. evidence before the Direc:t,or that_ the project: as revised may have 3 significant on the c�,.nvironment. R. Contents A Negative Declaration �-irculated for public review shall include: -6- (1) A brief description -f the project, including a commonly used name for the project if any; (2) The location of the project and the name of the project proponent; (3) A proposed finding that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; (4) An attached copy of the Initial Study documenting reasons to support the finding; (5) Mitigation measures, if any, included in the project to avoid potentially significant effects. C. Public Notice Notice that the decision- making body proposes to adopt a Negative Declaration shall he L)rovided to the public within a reasonable period of time prior to adoption by the decision - making body of the Negative Declaration. Mailed notice shall be given to all organizations and individuals who have previously requested such not. ice and shall also be given by at least one of the followincf procedures: (.1 ) Publication :it least one time by the lead agency in a newsp,3por of general circulation in the area affected fey the proposed project; or (2) Posting of no t. ice on and off_ site in the area where the project. i�; to !)r. located; or ( 3 ) Direct mailing to owners of property within 300 feet of the ,project as such owners are shown on the latest equ(i l ized assessment roll. The public notice shall t_3t.e that the Negative Declaration is available for inspect.ion -it City Hall and at any other location or. loc ct.ions> c ?etermined by the Director to he .)(-,nef icial to pi:hl.ic review. D. Public Review of a Nec,.3Live Declaration The Director shall provioe •3 i>u!)l is review period for a proposed Negative as specified in Section 10(F). -7- A copy of' the notice with the proposed Negative Declaration shall he sent to every Responsible Agency and Trustee Agency -oncerned with the project and every other public agency with jurisdiction by law over resources affected by the project. Where one or more state agencies will be a Responsible Agency or a Trustee Agency or will exercise jurisdiction by law over natural resources affected by the project, the Director shall send copies of the Negative Declaration to the State Clearinghouse for distribution to the state agencies. When a Negative Declaration is submitted to the State Clearinghouse for review by state agencies, the public review period shall be not Less than 30 days unless a shorter period is approved by the State Clearinghouse. E. Consideration Prior to recommending approval or disapproval of a project, the advisory body shall consider the proposed Negative Declaration. F. Approval The decision- making body shall approve the Negative Declaration if it finds on the basis of the Initial Study and any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that tho project will. have 3 significant effect on the environment. G. Notice of Determination After the decision - making body has made a decision to carry out or approve it project for which a Negative Declaration has II)eon prepared, they Director shall file a Notice of Determination. The Notice of Deetermi nation shall include: ( 1 ) An identif_ i.cat ion of the project including its cnmmon name where possihle and its location; (2) A brief description of the project; ( :3 ) The data on which the project was approved; (4) A determinat. ion that the project will not have a significant effect c)n the environment; (5) A statement. that a Negative Declaration has been prepared pursuant t,) the provisions of CF, )A; and (6) The address where a copy of the Negative Declaration may be examined. The Notice of Determination shall be filed with the County Clerk of the County of Ventura. If the project requires a discretionary approval from any State agency, the Notice of Determination also shall be filed with the Secretary for Resources. H. Federal Projects For projects where federal involvement might require the preparation of a finding of no significant effect, the provisions of Article 14 "Projects Also Subject to the National Environmental Oua.lity Act ('NEPA')" of the State Guidelines shall be followed in addition to the procedures set forth in this Section. SECTION 8. PROCEDURES FOR THE PREPARATION OF EIR's A. Decision to Prel)are an EIR When a Director decides that an FIR will be required for a project, he or she sh'A11 follow the procedures contained in this Section and th(? State Guidelines. B. Notice of Preparation (1) Immediately after determining that an EIR will be required for a project, the Director shall send a Notice of Preparation by cert_ifie(? mail or other method of transmittal which provides it. with a notice that the Notice has been received, to each Respon: -,.if)Ie Agency, Trustee Agency responsible for resources Aft-ucted by the project and to each federal agency involv._�d ir, ipproving or funding the project and consult with thos,, ,i0trnc oF; as requ i red by Section 15083 of the Stater C,uidt'l in('>;. (2) The content of the Notice of Preparation shall he as set-. forth in Sect. ion 1 70„2 (a) of the State Guidelines. (3 ) The agenc Les t_() which a Notice of Prepara- tion is sent shall have 30 days to respond in the form and manner set forth in Section 150H2(h) of the State Guidelines. If an agency fails by the end of the 30 day period to respond, or make a we .l1- justified request t t)t id(ti t. i onal time to respond, it shall be presumed that the �onc•y irias: no response to make. (4) The Director shall not circulate a draft EIR for public review before the time period for responses to the Notice of Preparation has expired. C. Early Public Consultation Prior to completing the draft EIR, the Director may consult directly with any person or organization he or she believes will be concerned with the environmental effects of the project. Where the Director, a Responsible Agency, a Trustee Agency or the project applicant has requested a meeting between representatives of the agencies involved to assist in determining the scope and content of a proposed EIR, the director shall convene such a meeting as soon as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days after the meeting is requested. For projects where federal involvement might require preparation of a federal EIS, the Director shall consult with the appropriate federal agencies as provided in Article 14 of the State Guidelines. 1). Preparation of Draft EIR ( I ) One of the following methods or a corn; >i na- tion of them may he used for pr_eparinq a draft HIR: (a) Prepar.inq thc� draft EIR directly with City staff. (b) Contracting with another entity, public or private, to prepare the draft EIR. (c) Usinq a previously prepared FIR. (2) If a draft is prepared by a person other than the City staff, the draft shall he reviewed and analyzed by the Department before it is sent our for public review to ensure its adequacy and objeetivit.y. ( 3 ) The Department, may require the project applicant to suhply data and information to determine whether the project may have a significant effect on the environment and to assist the I)epi3rtmc•nt in preparinct the draft EIR. The project applicant shall also he required to identify any other public at_Iencif,�, wF ich will have jc.trisdic- tion by law over the project.. (4) The Department sha1.1 consider information or comments submitted by any person, whether requested or not, to assist in the preparation of the draft EIR. The information or comments may be ,3ubmitted in any form and may be included in or in part in the draft EIR. E. Notice of Completion As soon as the draft EIR is completed, the Director shall file a Notice of Completion with the Secretary for Resources in the form specified in Section 15085 of the State Guidelines. F. Consultation Concerning Draft EIR The Department shall consult with and request comments on the draft EIR from Responsible Agencies, Trustee Agencies with resources affected by tho project, and other state, federal, and local agencies which exercise authority over resources which may be affect -c' by the project. The Department also may c nsu l.t: directly with any person who has special expert. i ,t wi th respect: to any environmental impact involved. G. Public Review of Draft. EIR The Director shall provide public notice of the completion of a draft EIR at the s.ime time as he or she sends a Notice of Completion to the Sect —tary for Resources. Notice shall be mailed to owners )l property within 300 feet of the proposed project, as shown on nc(, latest equalized assessment roll, and to all oryani.z,itions and individuals who have previously requested such nc t i co ant'. shall also be given by publication at least once in i Inc-1-0- newspaper. Said notice shall state that the draft I, [ : i,-; available for public inspection at the Department cif f i ct� :'n(t M, the I:)uhl is library. The review period shall be < -is spo..tf iod in Section 10(F). The Director shall use t.:lw Clearinghouse to distribute the documents to and local agencies. A public hearing hearing sh,tl ! tie conducted on the draft EIR by the Planning Comm i.ssic,n. The public notice of the completion of the draft PIP s;l,;;I i include the date and time of the hearing. H. Evaluation anti Responses to Comments The Department shall evaluate and respond to comments received from persons who received the draft EIR and make any significant changes resulting from the response to comments by revising the text in the body of the EIR or including marginal notes showing that the information is revised in response to comments. I. Preparation of Final EIR It shall be the responsibility of the Director to prepare (or cause to be prepared) a final EIR. The con- tents of a final. EIR are specified in Section 15132, et seq. of the State Guidelines. An opportunity for review of the final EIR by the public or by commenting agencies hefore the project is approved may he provided. J. Certification of Final EIR The final. I-.IR shall he presented to the decision - making body and that body shall certify that the final EIR has been completed in compliance with CE'QA and the State Guidelines and that the decision -maki ncj hody has reviewed and considered the information -ortai ned in the E'IR prior to the approval of t.ho pro j oct:. K. Notice of Determination After approving a project for which an EIR has been prepared, the Director shall file a Notice of Determi- nat ion. Such not_ i co shall include: ( 1 ) An identification of the project i.ncludiny its common n,irif where possible and its location; (2 ) A brief ,iesc r i pt: ion of the project; (3) The date when tho appropriate decision - makin<, body approvoi thc- project; (4) The determination of the appropriate decision inakincl holy of whether the project in its 1,11yroved form wi l i h,iw(, i significant effect on the envi. ronrnent. - I .) - (5) A statement that an Elk was prepared and certified pursuant to the pr visions of CEQA. (6) Whether mitigation measures were made a condition of the approval of the project. (7) Whether findings were made pursuant to Section 15091 of the State Guidelines; (8) Whether a Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for the project; and (9) The address where a copy of the EIR and the record of project approval may be examined. The Notice of Determination shall be filed with the County Clerk of the County of Ventura. If the project requires discretionary approval from a state agency, the notice shall also be filed with the Secretary for Resources. SECTION 9. APPEALS A. Any decision of the Director to require the preparation of an EIR may be appealed to the Planning Commission by the project applicant or other interested party. The appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Director within ten (10) days after the decision is made. A public hearing shall he conducted by the Planning Commission not less than ten (1.0) days :after notice of the hearing is mailed to owners of property within 300 feet of the proposed project, as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll, and to all organizations and individuals who have previously requested such notice. The Bearing should be held not more than thirty (30) days after the appeal is filed. The decision of the Planning Commission may be appealed to, and shall be heard by, the City Council in accordance with the procedures swt forth in this subsection. B. The decision of the Mannino Commission or other decision- making body, except the City Council, with respect to the approval of a Negative Declaration or certifi- cation of an EIR may be appealed to thn City Council in the same manner that the decision to approve or disapprove the proposed project may be appealed. In the event that the proposed project is not appealable L" tho City Council, the decision with respect to the Ne:lat ive Wlaration or Elk -1 3- shall be heard by the City Council in accordance with the procedures set forth in subsection A. SECTION 10. TIME LIMITS A. General Preparation and review of environmental documents shall be done within a reasonable period of time. Prepara- tion of an EIR should not cause undue delays in the proces- sing of applications for permits or other entitlements to use. The time limitations specified in this Section incorporate Article 8 "Time Limits" of the State Guidelines and any amends thereto. B. Review of At)Dlication for Completeness The Director shall determine whether an applica- tion for a permit or other entitlement for use is complete and notify the applicant in writincl within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the application except as provided in Section 10(L). If the application is incomplete, the notice shall specify the reasons therefor. If no written determi- nation of the comp.lcteness ot: t.ht ,application is made within that period, the application aii 1 1 :,(, deemed complete on the 30t:h day. C. Initial Stud The Director shall determine within 45 days after accepting an application as complete whether it intends to prepare an FIR or a Negative Declaration or use a previously prepared F;IR or Negative Declaration except as provided in Section 10(L). I). Response to Notice of Preparation Responsible Agenciesl and 'Irustee Agencies shall provide a response to a Notice of Preparation to the Director within forty -five (45) days attet rf,ceipt of the Notice. If an agency fails to reply within th(, tort.y -five ( 45 ) days with either . a response or a wc�l 1 ust i t .ied request for additional time, the Director rn�r }� issurn(. that. the agency has no response to mako and may i� ;­)1 a late response. -1 1- E. Convening of Meetings The Director shall convene a meeting with agency representatives to discuss the scope and content of the environmental information as soon as possible but no later than thirty (30) days after receiving a request for the meeting. The meeting may be requested by the Director, a responsible agency, a trustee agency, or by the project applicant. F. Public Review (1) The public review period for a draft EIR should be not less than thirty (30) days nor longer than ninety (90) days except in unusual circumstances. (2) The public review period for a Negative Declaration shall be not less than fourteen (14) days. (3) If a draft EIR or Negative Declaration has been submitted to the State Clearinghouse for review by state agencies, the public review period shall be at least as ]on(; as the review period established by the State Clearinghouse. G. Review by State Auencies When a draft EIR or Negative Declaration is submitted to the State Clearinghouse for review, the normal review period is forty-five (45) days for draft ti;IR's and thirty (30) days for Negative Declarations. The State Clearinghouse may set shorter review period when requested by the lead agency due to exceptional circumstances. H. Approval of Negative Declaration With a private project, the Negative Declaration must be completed and ready for approval within one hundred and five (105) days from the data when the Director accepted the application as complete. The Negative Declaration may be approved at a later time when tho Permit or other entitle- ment- is approved. I. Certification of ELH With a private project, the decision - making body shall certify the final EIR within ()nf., (1.) year after the data when the Dir.cct()r accepted th(.• application a.� complete. The one ( 1. ) year t.inie limit: iTiav ')t• i>x' ori.ied onc f() r i) pE�riod -I �,- of not more than ninety (90) days upon consent of the Director and the applicant. J. suspension of Time Periods An unreasonable delay by an applicant in meeting requests by the Director necessary for the preparation of a Negative Declaration or an EMIR shall suspend the running of the time periods described in Sections H and I for the period of the unreasonable delay. Alternatively, the decision- making body may disapprove a project application where there is unreasonable delay in meeting requests. The Director may allow a renewed application to start at the same paint in the process where the application was when it was disapproved. K. Proiects with Federal Involvement (1) At the request of an applicant, the Director may waive the one (1) year time limit for completing_ and certifying a final EIR or the one hundred and five (IU5) day period for completing a Negative, Declaration if: (a) The project will he subject to CFQA and to the National Fnvi r- Onmental Policy Act; (b) Additional time wi.lL he required to prepare a combined NIR -E:IS or combined negative declaration - finding of no significant impact as provided in Section 15222; and (c) The time required to prepare the combined document will he shorter than the time required to prepare th(� documents separately. (d) The time limi t.s f()r taking final action on a permit for i development project may also he waived where -; :,()inhi ned EMIR -EIS will be prepared. (e) The time Limits t()r processing permits for development. projects under Government Code sections 65950 - 65900 ssha ll. not apply if federal statutes or requl(it.ions require time schedules which excood t hk• :;t_ <ite time limits. In this event., any State? a ;enc if involved shall make a final decision on t-hk, pi o -(e c -t. within the federal time limit,. - -1 6-- L. Projects With.Short Time Periods For Approval Where a statute or ordinance requires a public agency to make decisions on permits within time limits that are so short that review of the project under CEQA would be difficult, the Director shall deem an application for a project not received for filing under the permit statute or ordinance until such time as progress toward completing the environmental documentation required by CEQA is sufficient to enable the CEQA process to be finished within the short permit time limit. This section will apply where all of the following conditions are met: (1) The enabling legislation for a program, other than Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 65920) of Division 1 of 'Title 7 of the Government Code, requires the City to take action on an application within a specified period of time that is six (6) months or less; (2) The enabling legislation provides that the project will become approved by operation of law if the City fails to take any action within such specified time period; and (3) The project_ involves the issuance of a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use. Examples of time periods subject to this section includes but is not limited to an action within fifty (50) days on a tentative subdivision map Cor which an FIR is being or will be prepared pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 66452) of Chapter 3, Division 2, Title 2 of the Government Code but a negative declaration for a subdivision map must he completed within the t:itty (40) day period (see Government Codes Section 66452.1 (c) 1 . In any case subject to this Section, the environ- mental document shall be completed or certified and the decision on the application shall bey mdde within one (1 ) year from the date on which an appl icat ion requesting approval of such project has been received ved anti aceopted as complete for CEOA processing by such agency. This one (1 ) year time limit may he extended once ter a period not to exceed ninety (90) days upon consent "t they public agency and the applicant. -17- M. Development Projects If an EIR is required for a development project, the project shall be approved or disapproved within one (1) year from the date on which an application requesting approval of a project has been received and accepted as complete by the Director. If a Negative Declaration is prepared or if the project is exempt from CEQA, the development project shall be approved or disapproved within six (6) months from the date on which an application requesting approval of the project has been received and accepted as being complete by the Director. If there has been an extension of time pursuant to Section 21100.2 or 21151.5 of the Public Resources Code to complete and certify an EIR, the project shall be approved or disapproved within ninety (90) days after certification of the EIR. The time limits in r_his section may be extended once for a period not to exceed ninet.y (90) days upon consent of the Director and tho :ippl icant. SECTION 11. FEES If a project is to he carried out by any person or entity, other than the City, the Director may collect a reasonable fee from such person or entity to recover the estimated costs incurred in prepar. i nc; the EIR or negative declaration. The Director may J1s(> collect a reasonable fee from any person or entity, other than they City, who files an appeal pursuant to these procedure:; to r(rcover the estimated costs incurred relative to tht_ .3ppoal. -I ti - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA ) SS. CITY OF MOORPA R K ) I, DORIS D. BANKUS , City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No 84 -122 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular meeting thereof held on the 1st day of August , 19 84 , and that the same was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmember-s Straughan, Prieto, Beaulieu and Mayor Yancy- Sutton; NOES: None; ABSENT: Councilmember Harper. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this , day of August