HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1986 363 1986 1222W -- - V7, 4� RESOLUTION NO. 86 -363 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK APPROVING: (1)"THE TRANSFER OF A FRANCHISE FOR A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM FROM STORER CABLE TV, INC., TO VENTURA COUNTY CABLEVISION, INC., (2) THE ACQUISITION OF 'I`fIC STOCK OF VENTURA COUNTY CABLEVISION, INC. By WESTERN COMMUNICATIONS, INC. AND, (3) THE EXTENSION OF THE FRANCHISE THROUGH JULY 7, 1987 WHEREAS, on December 6, 1966, pursuant to Resolution No. 1.10.48, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Ventura granted for a twenty year term, a non- exclusive franchise for a cable television system (hereinafter, the "Franchise ") to Storer Cable TV, Inc. �- ( "hereinafter, "SCTV "); WHEREAS, the Franchise area was subsequently incorporated into the City of Moorpark (hereinafter, the "City "); WHEREAS, Western Communications, :nc. (hereinafter "WCI ") has requested that the City approve (i) the transfer of the Franchise from Storer to Ventura County Cablevision, Inc. (hereinafter, "VCC "), an affiliate of SCTV, and (ii) the acquisition by WCI of the issued and outstanding stock of VCC; WHEREAS, in support of its transfer request., WCI has submitted a Transfer Application, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Moorpark, California, does resolve as Follows: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Moorpark finds that, based upon the representations contaired the Transfer Application sub:r.itttd by WCI, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk, WCI has the financial ability to meet the obligations of the Franchise. SECTION 2. The transfer of'the Franchise from SCTV to VCC, an affiliate of SCTV and a wholly -owned subsidiary of SCIPSCO, Inc., a further affiliate of SCTV, is hereby approved subject to the conditions set forth in Section 4, below. SECTION 3. The acquisition from SCIPSCO, Inc. of all of the issued and outstanding stock of VCC, by WCI is hereby approved subject to the conditions set forth in Section 4, below. SECTION 4. The conditions of approval are as follows: A. That WCI consummate the transaction by which it is to acquire all of the issued and outstanding stock of VCC from SCIPSCO, Inc. B. That VCC accept the current Federal Communications Commission "technical standards" of cable television performance, including the requirement that VCC continue to perform and provide the City with copies of the annual proof of performance tests, as those standards and tests are described at 47 Code of Federal Regulations Sec—or If ".601, et sea. C. That VCC execute the agreement for reimbursement of administrative expenses in connection with Franchise renewal, which is contained in Exhibit A, attached ^eretc. D. That WCI provide within th::ty (30) Jays of its receipt, a copy of the final sales -2- ;RES.3 IC4 document reflecting the sale of :he Franchise from SCTV to WCI. E. That VCC execute the agreement for reimbursement of administrative expenses incurred to process WCI's Transfer Application, which is contained in Exhibit- B, attached hereto. F. That VCC accept an increase of '_he franchise fee to three percent (3 %) of gross revenues, effective February 1, 1987. The term "gross revenues" shall mean any and al'_ revenue or compensation in any form derived directly or indirectly by the Franchisee, is affiliates, its subsidiaries, parents and any person in which the Franchisee has a financial interest from the operation of the Franchise, including, but not limited to monthly , subscriber fees, basic cable service, pay cable and pay -per -view fees, installation and reconnection fees, leased channel fees, fees paid for data transmission, ccrver-er rentals, studio rental, production equipment and personnel fees, advertising revenues and copyright fees, provided, howe•.er, that this term shall not include any taxes on services fOrnished by the Franchisee imposed directly on any subscriber or user by & c_ty, ccunty, state or other governmental uri:t, and collected by the Franchisee or: behalf of such government entity, and provided further, '.:hat the amount of gross revenues ~.ay be reduced by t ^e amount of any bad deb,,s w: t, en off by the -3- SPF /RES0104 Franchisee or refunds returned to subscriber. The Franchisee shall riot indicate the franchise fee as a line item on its monthly subscriber statements so long as the franchise fee is three percr•:;t (3%) •oE gross revenues. The City and the Franchisee shall discuss indicating the franchise fee as a 'line item on monthly subscriber statements prior to the City increasing the franchise fee beyond three percent (3 %) of gross revenues. G. That VCC accept the Memorandum of Under- standing, which is contained in Exhibit C, attached hereto. H. That by February 1, 1987, VCC begin, using its character generator to list those portions of the City Council agendas dealing with public hearings over its local origination channel. The City shall give VCC at least seven (7) days notice of the agenda items to be cablecast. The City may submit items after that date, subject to avail,t:ility of the Franchisee. SECTION 5. The expiration of the Franchise is extended through July 7, 1987. SECTION 6. VCC shall within thi_'_y (30) days after passage of this Resolution, file in the of_ice of the City Clerk a written acceptance of this Resolution, executed by VCC in a form. approved by the City Attorney. VCC, by executing and filing the Acceptance, guarantees performance of all obligations hereunder. SECTION 7. The City Clerk shall certify the adcotior of this Resolution. -4- SFF /R75C104 PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of December , 19 86, MAYOR 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular meeting thereof, held on the '22nd day of. December Council: , 19 86, by the following vote of the AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS Brown, Woolard, Galloway, Harper and Mayor Ferguson NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS - None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS - None APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CONTENTS: CITY ATTORNEY -5- EXHIBIT A AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES NECESSARY TO EVALUATE AN APPLICATION TO RENEW'A CABLE TELEVISICN FRANCHISE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF MOORPARK, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City "), and VENTURA COUNTY CABLEVISION, INC., (hereinafter referred to as "VCC "); WHEREAS, VCC has requested the renewal of its cable television franchise; and WHEREAS, City policy requires that before the City may approve the renewal of a cable television franchise, the City shall enter into an agreement with the Franchisee providing for reimbursement of the City's administrative expenses in connection with the renewa: request; follows: NOW, THEREFORE, City and VCC hereby agree as VCC, shall, prior to or in conjunction with this Agreement, deposit with the City a cash sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) to reimb.:rse the City for its administrative expenses, including legal fees and consulting services, in connection with the renewal request. This sum shall be used for studying, investigating, preparing a cable television ordinance and otherwise processing the renewal request and shall be refundable only t..: the extent it exceeds actual expenses incurred in processing tie renewal. Should the City exceed the cash sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) in administrative expenses, it may submit monthly bills to VCC for expenses incurred, which a:: :u_Vti-CXH VCC shall pay in within thirty days of receipt. The City's denial of the renewal request shall not be grounds for a refund. The City shall provide itepized statements showing incurrence of its administrative expenses on a periodic basis. DATED: DATED: [1Cf� aU ZZA -2 CITY OF MOORPARK By: / r` Mayor / VENTURA COUNTY CABLEVISION, INC. EXHIBIT B AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES NECESSARY TO EVALUATE AN APPLICATION TO TRANSFER A CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF MOORPARK, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City "), and VENTURA COUNTY CABLEVISION, INC., (hereinafter referred to as "VCC "); WHEREAS, Western Communications, Inc. ( "4ICI ") has requested that the City approve (i) the transfer of a City cable television franchise from Storer Cable TV, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "SCTV ") to VCC, a SCTV affiliate, and (ii) the subsequent purchase by WCI of all outstanding and issued stock of VCC from SCIPSCO, Inc. a further affiliate of SCTV; and WHEREAS, City policy requires that before the City may approve the transfer of a cable rele•jision franchise, the City shall enter into an agreement with the transferee providing for reimbursement of the City's administrative expenses in connection with the transfer request; NOW, THEREVORE, City and VCC hereby agree as follows: VCC shall, prior to or in conjunction with this Agreement, deposit with the City a cash sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) to reimburse the City for its administrative expenses, including legal fees and consulting services, in connection with the transfe: request. This sum shall be used for studying, investigating and otherwise processing the transfer request and shalt be refundable only SFF /0104 —EXB to the extent it exceeds actual expenses incurred :n processing the transfer. The City's denial of the transfer request shall not be grounds for a'refund. The City shall provide itemized statements showing tine incurrence of its administrative expenses on a periodic basis. The City acknowledges receipt of the $15,000.00 deposit is of December 17, 1986. DATED: DATED:!�„%,¢c, -2- CITY OF MOORPARK By: Mayor VENTURA COUNTY CABLEVISION, INC. 1, 1 EXHIBIT C MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding :s an Exhibit to Resolution No,BCil6of the City Council of ,he City of Moorpark. The purpose of this Memorandum :s to set forth the minimum standards which the Franchisee, VCC, agrees to in order to obtain renewal of its cable television _franchise. As explained in the Resolution, t're cable television franchise expires January 5, 1987. it is contemplated by the City that any Franchise renewal will be pursuant to a new franchise ordinance. In order to give the City and the Franchisee an opportunity to resolve the terms of a new franchise ordinance, the Resolution extends the Franchise term through and including July :, 1987. However, VCC agrees and accepts that at a minimum, _he City may include the following provisions in any new franchise ordinance: 1. The franchise fee shall be five percent (5 %) of gross revenues. The City shall have the right to reduce the franchise fee by resolution without further amendment of the franchise ordinance. The City shall also have the right to 'increase the franchise fee to the maxim-,x. permitted by state and federal law without further amendment of ttie franchise ordinance. The City shall give the Franchisee at least sixty (60) days notice of any increase or decrease of the franchise fee. 2. The term "gross revenues" shall mean any and all revenue or compensation in any form derived directly or indirectly by the Franchisee, its affiliate subsid'aries, SF7/013 ; -EXC parents and any person in which the Franchisee has a financial interest, from the operation of the Franchise, including, but not limited to monthly subscriber fees for basic cable service, pay cable, and pay - per -view fees, installation and reconnection fees, leased channel fees, fees paid for data transmission, converter rentals, studio rental, production equipment and personnel fees, advertising revenues and copyright fees, provided, however, that this term, shall not include any taxes on services furnished by the Franchisee imposed directly on any subscriber or lser by a city, county, state or other government ,snit, and collected by Franchisee on behalf of such governmental entity, and provided further, that the amount of gross revenues may be reduced by the amount of any bad debts written off by the Franchisee or refunds returned to subscriber. 3. The franchise fee shall be payable within sixty (60) days after the expiration of each quarter of the Franchisee's fiscal year. The City shall have the right to inspect and audit the Franchisee's fiscal records concerning gross revenues. If an independent audit c`_ the Pranchisee's records, directed by the City, shows a franchise fee underpayment of four percent (4 %) or more, the Franchisee shall bear all costs of said audit. Accep,ance of �i franchise fee payment for more than three '3) years after its receipt shall amount to a release and accord and satisfaction as to any claim the City may gave for additiona'_ sums payable. The Franchisee s,al_ maintain gross receipt records for a minimum of t:nr,.3 (3) years. :. The Franchisee will establis a ay statior. within t ^e City thrcugh an arrangement wit`. a lcca`_ merchant or financial instit,tion for the payment c subscribers' -2- statements by July 7, 1987. The Franchisee shall provide a procedure for subscribers to obtain insta:_ation and disconnection of cable television service sithout the necessity of visiting an office outside o: City liRits. 5. The Franchisee shall accept in art)ltta�Lon procedure for the resolution of consumer :,,omplaints and material breaches of the Franchise compar,iole to the one contained at Government Code §53066.1';n). The arbitration procedure shall also provide that before ., may be invoked by a subscriber or the City, the Franchisee nusl be notified of the complaint or the breach and be given a reasonable time period to cure the complaint or breach. 6. The Franchisee shall make reasonable efforts _ to secure the consent of cable systems operated elsewhere within the City for purposes of sharing locally originated subscriber and institutional services through an electrical interconnection. Within a reasonable time, as set by the City, the Franchisee shall contact all other franchise operators within the City for the purpose of exploring and securing a mutually acceptable system interconnect agreement and report the results of said activity tc the City Manager. 7. The Franchisee shall provide a local origination production studio equipped so as to allow high - quality production of both live and edited videotaped programming. 8. The Franchisee shall provide reliable transmission facilities, equipment, and services which meet industry -wide standards and which meet the "technical guidelines" of the Federal Communications :ommission's ( "FCC ") established pursuant to Section 52;(e) of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 as conta.-ied in 4"' CFR 76.01 et -sea. in addition, if it is deter; -,fined that -3- 5rr /V1Ua -LXU franchising authorities may enforce higher technical standards than the FCC's "technical guidelines ", then the City may notice a public hearing to,determine if new, more stringent technical standards are needed. On the basis of the evidence presented at the public hearing, the City may establish new technical standards comparable to industry- wide standards, which exceed the FCC's previous technical guidelines, and which are consistent with statutory and case law. 9. (a) The Franchisee shall extend installation and completion of its cable television system throughout the designated Franchise area with reasonable diligence. The Franchisee shall extend cable television service to any existing and new development or group of residences at its standard rates if the existing or new development or group of residences to be served has a density of at least fifty (50) residences per strand mile or trunk line cable installed. (b) The Franchisee shall extend cable television services to any isolated residence requiring more than a standard one hundred fifty (150) foot drop at a premium installation rate if such service has been requested by the resident directly or through the City Manager. The premium installation rate charged shall be the actual cost for the distance exceeding one hundred fifty (150) feet. The Franchisee-may request advance payment or such installation. If any additional residences are subsequently connected to the system using this same cable extension, there shall be a prorated return of this installation fee in accordance with a reimbursement agreement. -4- J:':' /U:U -LXU 10. The cable system shall be placed underground in localities where both telephone and power lines dre underground. The Franchisee shall Ceplace aerial facilities with underground facilities concurrently and in cooperation with similar programs of the telephone and power utilities. At no time shall the cable television system be the only aerial facility where other utilities are present. Where undergrounding is required, the Franchisee shall have the option of sharing or not sharing utility trenches. 11. The Franchisee shall limit system outages to minimum time duration by locating and correcting the malfunction promptly. Absent catastrophic circumstances, outages shall be corrected within twenty -four (24) hours after the occurrence, irrespective of holidays or other non - business hours. The Franchisee shall be deemed to be in compliance with this provision if system outages are corrected within twenty four hours, eighty percent (80 %) of the time. 12. If service is interrupted to any subscriber as a result of malfunction or repairs for more than twenty -four (24) consecutive hours, or if multiple disruptions of service to a given subscriber total twenty -four (24) or more hours in any 30 -day period, the Franchisee . 3hall rebate to the subscriber, upon request, a pro rata amount of that subscriber's monthly fee for the service c: services interrupted proportionate to the length of the disruption; such rebate may be in the form of a credit ::o the subscriber's account which may be applied :D future fees. 13. The Franchisee shall, upon substantial complaint by subscribers and request of the City Manager, make a demonstration satisfactory to the Ci,y Manage: that a -5- Spr /01' . - EXC signal is being delivered which is of sufficient strength and quality to meet the technical standards set forth in the Franchise. 14. The Franchisee shall render efficient service, making repairs promptly and interrupting service only for good cause and for the shortest time possible. Planned interruptions insofar as possible, shall be preceded by notice given to subscribers twenty -four (24) hours in advance and shall occur during periods of minimum use of the system. 15. (a) The Franchisee shall provide a toll -free telephone service so that subscribers may call in complaints and requests for repairs at any time, day or night, seven days a week. All complaints shall be acknowledged within the next business day. The toll -free telephone number shall be listed in the telephone directories serving the City. The Franchisee shall advise all new subscribers of this complaint process. (b) The City Manager or his designated representative shall be responsible for assisting in the resolution of any consumer complaints. Citizens or the Franchisee may call upon this service. (c) The Franchisee shall designate a "government Liaison person" who shall be responsible for working with the City Manager or his designated representative to resolve consumer complaints. 16. (a) The Franchisee shall maintain records listing the date of customer complaints, identifying Lhe subscriber and describing the nature of the complaint, and indicating when and what action was taken by the Pranchisee in response thereto. A separate record sha.1 identify -6- S7F"0:0 4- EX system outages. These records shall be kept on file at the Franchisee's local office for a period of two (2) years and shall be available for inspection during regular business hours, without further notice or demand, by the City Manager. (b) The Franchisee shall maintain monthly summaries indicating the number of consumer complaints received that month, the category of the complaint, and the —` - -y— resolution of the complaint; said summaries shall be available monthly and delivered quarterly to the City Manager or his designated representative. (This provision does not represent an exclusive list of the records the City may require.) 17. The Franchisee shall provide itemized bills to subscribers, distinctly showing charges for all classifications and tiers of programming and other services, including the charges for late payment, and for installation, disconnection, reconnection, or modification of equipment. 18. Any physical damage caused by employees or subcontractors of the Franchisee to proper, -y shall repaired or replaced, provided, however, this provision shall not be construed to expand the scope of the Franchisee's liability for property damage. 19. The Franchisee shall be directly responsible for the actions of all its subcontractors it connection with their performance of the Franchisee's obligations under the Franchise and shall take positive steps to insure that all applicable Franchise provisions are met. 20• (a) The Franchisee shall provide channel capacity for public, educational and governmental ( "PEG ") -7- , : -.F /0104 -GXC meetings, School Board meetings, and special events as designated by the City. The Franchisee shall provide, operate and maintain the video equipment for said programming, until July 1, 1989, at which time the City and the Franchisee shall discuss the possiblity of dedicating the equipment to the City. The Franchisee shall provide, free of charge, the labor for the first 268 hours per year of said programming. (The Country Days Parade, or an equivalent, shall not be credited against said 288 hours per year of programming.) The City shall pay the labor charges for additional programming at the Franchisee's cost. The City shall give the Franchisee at least five days notice of all meetings to be programmed. The Franchisee shall provide to the City archival copies of all meetings cablecast on 3/4" videotape. The Franchisee shall provide to the City a new 3/4" video tape playback unit, which meets the City's approval. 24. The Franchisee shall provide the technical capability for the origination of live and videotaped programming from City Hall by July 1, 1989. Prior to the time the City requests that live capabilit} become operational, the City and the Franchisee will discuss the possibility of dedicating to the City the equipment necessary for live programming. 25. The Franchisee shall conduct , a,_ least annually, a subscriber satisfaction survey. The City may add to this survey reasonable, cable - related questions. The Franchisee shall provide the City with copies of the survey results. 26. Section 631 of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 (47 CSC 551(c)), prohibits the Franchisee from marketing mailing lists with the names and addresses of -9- SFF /0104 -EXC programming and for local origination programming. The Franchisee shall provide PEG use ip the lowest Basic Service tier. Such PEG channel capacity shall be made available free of charge for use by PEG programmers. The 'ranchisee initially may provide PEG programming over its local origination channel. The City requires a separate PEG channel no later than July 1, 1989. The Franchisee shall make a second, separate PEG channel available pursuant to the usage criteria contained at Governmen, Code Section 53066.1(f)(1)(A). (b) The City, or its designated representative, such as a non - profit entity, shall exercise editorial control of its programming on the PEG channels. 21. The Franchisee shall provide use of its public access equipment and studio facilities, free of charge, to PEG programmers on a non - discriminatory basis. The Franchisee may establish reasonable limitations on the scheduling of equipment availability and total studio time available to PEG programmers; rules establishing such limitations, if any, shall be submitted Ecr approval by the City, which approval the City shall not unreasonably withhold. 22. The Franchisee shall provide video production training for all categories of PEG programmers free of charge, subject to reasonable limitations :':n the total time and resources to be committed by the Franchisee to such training; rules establishing such limitations shall be submitted by the Franchisee for approval by the City, which approval the City shall not unreasonably withhold. 23. Beginning July 1, 1987, the ::anchisee shall cablecast, on a taped -delay basis, and free of charge, City Council meetings, and, upon request, Plar.n :••.g CDm ;r.ission SFF /G10 ', -LXC subscribers unless the subscribers have been provided the opportunity to prohibit or limit such disclosure. ':he Franchisee shall provide a form which-permits the subscriber to check a box and mail in the form to delete his or her name from the mailing list. The Pranchisec shall. provide such a form on at least an annual basis. The format of the form shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the City Manager. 27. The Franchisee shall provide to the City written notice at least sixty (60) days in advance -f the implementation of changes in any of its rates and ci:arges which are not subject to regulation by the City. The notice shall include a statement of the reasons E�,- the rate increase. -10-