HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1987 421 1987 0923RESOLUTION NO. 87- 421
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Moorpark has directed staff to
prepare an implementation resolution with regard to the Residential Development
Management System adopted by the citizens of Moorpark by passage of Measure F on the
November 4, 1986 Municipal Election; and
WHEREAS, the Moorpark Planning Commission has reviewed and considered
the Draft Residential Development Management System on July 10, 1987 and August 3,
1987; held duly noticed public hearings to consider the draft allotment system; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council
approval of the draft allotment system in their recommendation dated August 3, 1987;
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental
Quality Act (Division 13 of the Public Resources Code of the State of California
(beginning at Section 21000)1, an environmental assessment has been made in
accordance with the City's adopted Environmental Guidelines, and as a result it has
been determined that the proposed Residential Development Management System
qualifies for a Negative Declaration, and a Negative Declaration has been filed in
the office of the Clerk of the County of Ventura in accordance with the City's
adopted Environmental Guidelines.
SECTION 1. The City Council hereby finds and determines that the
Residential Development Management System will not have a significant effect on the
environment and that the Negative Declaration was filed with the Clerk of the County
of Ventura.
SECTION 2. Based upon the staff report and the evidence and
testimony received at the public hearing, the City Council hereby approves of the
proposed Residential Development Management System as provided in Exhibit "A"
attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth at
this point.
SECTION 3. The City
resolution and shall cause this
in the office of the City Clerk.
Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this
resolutior and his certification to be filed
Cali l�l�
M— or Clint Harper, City of Moorpark, CA.
ALOCAT /8 /CHRONI 10/09/87
SECTION 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Resolution is to set forth the process
and procedures for issuance of residential building permits under the City's
Residential Development Management System (Initiative Ordinance Measure F 1986,
Initiative Ordinance)).
Residential dwelling units exempted from the Residential Development Management
System which have an approved entitlement may apply for building and grading permits
at anytime as permitted by all relevant Sections, Articles, and Titles of the
Moorpark Municipal Code. The provisions of this resolution shall apply to all
residential projects including mobile hom,- with the exception of the following
exempt projects:
a. Projects of not more than four dwelling units exempt from the
requirement of application for a Planned Development Permit,
limited to only one such project per applicant per calendar year;
b. Fourplexes or lesser numbered multiple dwelling units on a
single existing lot;
C. Single family dwelling iinit on a single existing lot;
d. Rehabilitation or remodeling of an existing dwelling unit or
conversion of apartments to condominiums, so long as no
additional dwelling units are created;
e. Dwelling units of any low income (65% and below of Median
Income based upon State Affordability income limits for Ventura
County per Government Code Section 50079.5)or senior citizen (62
years or older) projects funded or subsidized pursuant to the
provisions of applicable federal, state or local laws or
f. Projects of dwelling units with a minimum lot size of five net
acres per dwelling.
to administer the system set forth in this resolution , a Residential Development
Evaluation Board (hereinafter called the Board) is established, consisting of the
dull appointed members of the Planning Commission of the City. The procedures and
by -laws of the Board shall be developed at a public hearing by the Board subject to
the approval of the City Council. The Community Development Department of the City
shall serve as the staff of the Board.
The number of residential development allotments that are allocated each calendar
year in the City for non - exempt dwelling units shall be as provided by all of the
provisions of Initiative Ordinance or any successor ordinance. The City Council
shall establish by resolution the availability of Development Allotments annually
prior to review of the Boards recommendntion and based on the provisions of the
Initiative Ordinance.
building permit for non - exempted projects may be issued unless a Development
Allotment for such project has been granted. A grading permit may be issued after
an allotment awarded within an approved Planned Development Zone and outside of the
Development Allotment entitlement area if such is required to extend streets,
utilities or other infrastructure improvements so long as such grading is approved
by the City Engineer and Director of Community Development consistent with the
purpose and intent of Measure F and all such areas treated with landscaping in such
a manner so as to eliminate damage due to erosion and to reduce the visual impacts
of such grading as deemed appropriate by the Director of Community Development.
A. Filing After approval of a Planned Development and Tentative
Tract Map entitlement for a residential project under Article 19
of Chapter 1 of the Moorpark Zoning Ordinance, or any successor
ordinance,an applicant may file for a Development Allotment.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -2-
B. Application An application for a Development Allotment shall
be made on the prescribed form provided by the Community
Development Department. The application shall include the
approval date of the Tentative Tract Map and Planned Development
Permit. In order for an application to be accepted by the City
for filing and processing, there must be at least six months of
time remaining on the Tentative Tract Map and Planned
Development entitlement approvals. All applications shall be
signed by the owner of the property or person with appropriate
power of attorney.
C. Filing Fee Each application shall be accompanied by the fee
specified per City Council resolution before it is accepted for
filing and processing.
D. Filing. Period All applications shall be filed during the
designated filing period only. The designated filing period
shall be the calendar month of June.
E. Number of Residential Building Permit Allotments Granted
An applicant may not receive more than 60% of the total number
of allotments available unless the total number of allotments
requested is less than the annual allotment or the project has
demonstrated to the City Council cutstanding Community
Improvement benefits to warrant a percentage increase.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -3- rev.101287
A. Tentative Point Ratings As part of the approval of a Tentative
Tract Map and a Planned Development Permit,the Planning
Commission shall assign tentative point ratings based on the
evaluation system contained in Section 9 in conjunction with
the entitlement approval The ratings will be expressed both in
terms of absolute numbers and as a percentage of the maximum
number of points awardable for each subsection of Section 9.
The maximum number of points awardable shall not include those
elements of the criteria found to be not applicable. The
Community Development Department will coordinate review by other
B. Board Recommendation
1. Public Hearing - The Board shall hold a public hearing
not later than the month of August for applications filed
the previous June, to evaluate the Planning Commission's
tentative point rating of the projects. At least fifteen
(15) days prior to the public hearing, the Board shall
review each application to determine that each is in
accordance with parts A and B Section 9 (Evaluation
System) in regard to each of these criteria; and having
assigned evaluation points on a scale of zero to ten in
accordance with their finding, documenting points awarded
from part A, and part B of Section 9, arranging the
developments in each list in order from that receiving the
greatest total number of evaluation points to that
receiving the lowest number and shall publish the lists by
posting such oii the City }tall Public Hearing Notice
Board. In addition to listing the number of actual points
awarded in each subcategory of both parts, each part will
be totaled and the total shall then be expressed as a
percentage of tho maximum number of points awardable. The
maximum number of points awardable shall not include those
elements of the riterin found to be not applicable.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -4-
Having evaluated each development in accordance with the
foregoing criteria, the Board shall have posted the
results of their review on the public hearing notice board
of City Hall by the secretary of the Board. At least ten
(10) days prior to the hearing, notice of the hearing
shall be given by placement of a quarter page
advertisement in a local newspaper of general circulation
within the City and written notice to the applicant(s).
2. Public Testimony - During the course of the public
hearing, the Board shall receive testimony concerning the
Planning Commission's tentative point rating of the
projects in relationship to the evaluation system
contained in Section 9. Any applicant may request the
Board, at said public hearing, to re- evaluate the point
assignment made can any or all of the criterion. The
primary criteria for the Board to alter its point
assignment on a particular development is demonstration by
the application that there exists pertinent information or
project redesign which the Board was not aware of at the
time of the origin• '
I1 (-valuation.
3. Recommended Point Rating and Ranking - After closing the
public testimony portion of the hearing, the Board shall
consider the Planning Commission's tentative point rating,
the public testimony and the evaluation system contained
in Section 9 to establish the recommended point rating and
ranking by subsection of Section 9 for each application.
(i) The Board shall establish the Recommended Point
Rating by totaling the points that each application
has been awarded.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -5-
(ii) The Board shall rank in order these applications by
dividing the Recommended Point Rating by the total
available points as indicated in the evaluation
system to produce a percentage score. The highest
percentage scoring application shall be ranked first
with subsequent decreasing percentage scoring
applications ranked in descending order.
4. Board Recommendation to the City Council - The Board
shall forward its recommended point rating and the ranking
of each application to the City Council not later than
September 31st. The Board will not cause any application
to be forwarded to the City Council which does not receive
at least forty -ni.ne percent (49%) of the available
absolute points in Section 9.A. (Availability of Public
Facilities and Services) and at least seventy percent
(70 %) of the available absolute points in Section
9.B.(Quality of Design and Contribution of Public Welfare
and Amenity), except by written request from the applicant
within three (3) drys from the Boards decision.
C. Citv Council Permit Allotment
1. Public Hearing - The City Council shall hold a public
hearing upon receipt of the recommendation of the Board.
The hearing shall be held not later than the month of
October for applications filed in June. Notice of the
hearing shall be given in the same manner as provided in
Section 7(b)(1).
2. Public Testimony - During the course of the public hearing
the Council shall receive public testimony and shall
consider the recommended point rating and ranking of each
application forwarded from the Board and may re- evaluate
any application for reassignment of point ratings and
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -6
3. Allotment Awards - The Council shall establish a single
point rating and ranking of all applications. The City
Council shall eliminate from consideration any development
which has not been assigned a minimum of forty -nine
percentage (49 %) points under Section 9.A. herein, or a
minimum of seventy percentage (70 %) points under Section
9.B. The Council shall then award the Development
Allotment from the list.
(i) The award of a Development Allotment for a project
shall be recorded with the Ventura County Recorder
by the applicant prior to the issuance of a
residential building permit. Development Allotments
shall not be transferred to another project or
(ii) If a project does not receive a Development
Allotment the applicant may re -apply during the next
available filing period.
4. Allotments - If in a given year the highest ranking
application does not at least meet both of the minimum
point requirements of Section 7(C)(3), the City Council
shall make no permit allotment for that year. The number
of units will then be added to the next annual
allocation,, as the only allowed exception to the ten
percent (10 %) rule of Section 12.
fail to commence actual construction by placement of an approved foundation within
twenty -four (24) months after award of the Residential Building Permit Allotment,
the City Council, after a public hearing notice pursuant to Government Code 65090,
may by majority vote rescind all or part of the Permit Allotment and may re- assign
the permit allotment to another project that received an allocation in the same
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -7-
SECTION 9. EVALUATION SYSTEM The following point evaluation system shall be
used to evaluate all applications for a development allotment.
A. Availability of Public Facilities_and Services Sixty total
points are awardable, with a potential for additional ten points or
more under (Section 9.A.7), where applicable.
1. Water Service Efficiency and_I pgq
Points shall be awarded in accordance with Part (i) below.
Points shall also be awarded in accordance with Part (ii)
below. No application shall score more than a combined total of
ten (10) points.
(i) Water Supply Impact
Points Standard
10 The entire project can meet domestic and fire flows
without further transmission pipeline, pumping
station, or storage tank improvements which involve
no net capital contributions by the water purveyor.
8 The project consists of less than twenty (20)
dwelling units in an existing pressure zone that has
insufficient storage available, but has sufficient
fire and day -to -day operating storage.
6 The project consists of less than one hundred (100)
but at least twenty (20) dwelling units in an
existing pressure zone that has insufficient storage
available, but has sufficient fire and day -to -day
operating storage.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -8-
4 The project consists of one hundred (100) dwelling
units or more in an existing pressure zone that has
insufficient storage but provides additional storage
or pumping facilities which will not involve capital
contributions by tile water purveyor.
2 The entire project cannot be served hydraulically by
an existing pressure zone system.
0 All other projects.
(ii) Community Improvements
S The project will provide needed system improvements,
as determined by the City, beyond those needed to
satisfy the domestic and fire flow requirements of
the project. To qualify, the improvements must be
judged by the water purveyor as being of substantial
benefit outside project boundaries and must not
require direct financial participation by the water
2. Wastewater Service Impact.
Points shall be awarded in accordance with part (i) below.
Points shall also be awarded in accordance with part (ii)
below. No application shall score more than a combined total of
ten (10) points.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -9-
M Wastewater Capacity Impact
Points Standard
10 Wastewater service can be provided to the project
without plant or existing system improvements which
involve capital contributions by the waterworks
8 Treatment plant capacity exists but the project
requires on -site sewer line improvements.
6 Treatment plant capacity exists but the project
requires off -site sewer line improvements.
4 Treatment plant capacity does exist, but project
proposes to use wastewater lift station units.
2 Any combination of two or more of the impacts
identified in the criteria above.
0 All other projects.
(ii) Community_Improvements
Points Standard
5 The project. will provide one or more needed
wastewater system improvements, as determined by the
City, beyond those required to existing ordinance to
satisfy the domestic requirements of the project.
To qualify, the improvements must be judged by the
wastewater purveyor as being of substantial benefit
outside project boundaries and must not require
direct financial participation by the wastewater
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -10-
3. Storm Water Drainage Impact
No application shall score more than a combined total of ten
(10) points.
Points Standard
(i)Storm Water Drainage Facilities
10 Storm water can be handled without further
sub - surface storm drain improvements outside project
boundaries and does not result in increased peak
runoff in a 10 year frequency storm outside project
boundaries and involve no net capital contributions
by the County Flood Control District or storm water
drainage agency.
7 Storm water can be handled without further
subsurface storm drain improvements outside project
3 Storm water can be handled, but will require
off -site subsurface storm drain improvements.
0 All other projects.
(ii)Community Improvements
Points Standard
S Project will provide needed flood control system
improvements above and beyond normal City
requirements which would benefit a larger area than
just the project itself.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -II-
4. Fire Protection
Points shall be awarded in accordance with Part (i) below.
Points shall also be deducted from the Part (i) score in
accordance with Part (ii) below. No application shall score
more than a combined total of ten (10) points.
(i) Fire Protection
Points Standard
10 Project provides a new fire station or provides
major equipment or major equipment housing at no
financial participation by the Fire District.
10 Fifty percent (50 %) or more of proposed dwelling
units are within one (1) mile driving distance of an
existing or contractually committed fire station.
7 Fifty percent (50 %) or more of proposed dwelling
units are within two (2) miles driving distance of
an existing or contractually committed fire station.
3 Fifty percent (50 %) or more of proposed dwelling
units are within three (3) miles driving distance of
an existing or contractually committed fire station.
0 All other projects.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -12-
(ii) Fire Station and Equipment Adequacy
Two (2) points shall be deducted from the project's Part
(i) score if the Fire District has determined that the
project will require the construction of a new fire
station, or the addition of major equipment housing
facilities to an existing fire station which causes
financial participation by the Fire District.
5. School Impact
Points shall be awarded in accordance with Part (i) below.
Points shall also be awarded in accordance with Part (ii)
below. No application shall score more than a combined total of
ten (10) points. School impact shall be measured from operating,
under construction, State funded or closed existing facilities
for purposes of determining scoring.
(i) Availability of School Capacity
P.,i„rc Cr.- A.,-,A
10 The project consists of one hundred (100 %) senior
citizen housing as defined in Civil Code Section
8 The appropriate school has the capacity to absorb
the children expected to inhabit the project without
necessitating of adding to double sessions or other
unusual scheduling or classroom overcrowding at the
elementary, intermediate and high school, as
determined by the Moorpark Unified School District.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -13-
6 The appropriate school has the capacity to absorb
the children expected to inhabit the project without
necessitating or adding to double sessions or other
unusual scheduling or classroom overcrowding at any
two of the three levels, as determined by the
Moorpark Unified School District.
4 The appropriate school has the capacity to absorb
the children expected to inhabit the project
without necessitating or adding to double sessions
or other unusual scheduling or classroom
overcrowding at any one level, as determined by the
Moorpark Unified School District.
1 The estimated school impact of the project can be
accommodated only if mitigation measures are
required and provided without financial
participation by the School District at one or more
levels, as determined by the Moorpark Unified School
0 All other projects.
(ii) Community Improvements
Points Standard
S to 10 The project will provide needed school district
improvements, as determined by the Mocrparl. Unified
School District beyond those needed to satisfy the
City and State requirements for the project. To
qualify, the improvements must be judged by the
School District a�; being of substantial benefit
beyond those provided through required fees and must
not require Direct financial participation by the
School Dist riot.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -14-
6. Street Traffic Impact
The maximum number of points awardable Part (i) shall be
eight (8), and Part (ii) maximum shall be five (5). No
application shall be. awarded more than a combined total of ten
(10) points.
(i) Ma_jor Street Intersection Impact
Points shall be based on projected peak -hour level of
service at the two major street intersections closest to
the boundaries of the project. The Department of Public
Works shall select the two intersections. The lowest
level of service of the two intersections for a.m. or p.m.
peak -hour cumulative traffic volumes shall be used to
determine the number of points awarded.
Point Level of Service
8 A
7 B
5 C
3 D
0 E or F
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -15-
(ii) Community Improvement
Points Standard
5 Project provides for the construction of a
connection street link in the system of streets
listed in the Moorpark General Plan Circulation
2 Project provides for the construction of a portion
of the length of a connecting link; or the project
provides the widening of an off -site, existing
street listed in the Moorpark General Plan
Circulation Fiement:.
0 All other projects.
7. Tentative Tract Map
Points Standard
10 points Tentative tract map for the project was approved by
per yr. the City prior to November 4, 1986 but after 1984.
B. Quality of Design and Contribution of Public Welfare and Amenity
One hundred and twenty (120) total points are awardable.
1. Design Quality - Buildings No more than ten (10) points shall be
Awarded pursuant to the r.riteria below.
The exterior appearance of the project should relate with the
existing character or theme of the area, enhance the surrounding
vicinity, be compatible with all adjacent land uses, and
maintain a high quality and standard of development. Standards
to be considered are as follows-
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -16-
Exterior materials - The building materials of a project are
durable, have low maintenance, are the same or higher than the
quality of surrounding developments, and do not adversely impact
adjacent land uses.
Relief - To avoid monotonous elevations, architectural relief is
used in the design to provide interest and variety. Details
that create shade and cast shadows are used to provide visual
relief to the building.
Detailing - Detailing is used as a method of illustrating the
theme or character of a building and to add interest to the
Height - The scale of the project shall be proportional to any
adjacent buildings.
Mechanical equipment screening - All equipment is screened from
view with material integrated with the same architectural design
as the project.
Window and door placement - Visibility into adjacent areas is
minimized by the window and door locations.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -17-
Compatibility - The project is designed to
enhance, harmonize, and be appropriate with
the adjacent land uses.
Points Standard
6 -10 The project architecture represents excellent
design in terms of all the above standards
1 -5 The project meets a majority of the above
0 All other projects.
2. Open Space and LandscapiM
No more than ten (10) points shall be awarded pursuant to the
criteria below.
The project should incorporate plant materials that help absorb
sound, act as a filter to the air, curtail erosion, provide
shade, and maintain privacy. Standards to be considered are as
Landscape buffer - Landscaped areas are provided to minimize the
impacts of the project and maintain a gradual transition
internally between uses and externally with the adjacent land
uses and secure a compatible relationship among the uses.
Amount of landscaping. - The quantity, size and type of plant
materials corresponds with the land uses proposed, taking into
account the intensity of adjacent land uses.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -18-
Foundation planting - Where building foundations are visible
from the public stye( +t or from adjacent uses, foundation
landscaping is used. I'his landscaping compliments the building
elevations, connects the building to the site, and increases
Drainage - Storm water retention areas do not detract from the
quality of the landscape design. Within retention areas, the
plant material is compatible with the use. Large areas for
retention are designed to eliminate small unusable areas.
Maintenance - The landscape design facilitates continuous
maintenance, and low maintenance plants are used.
Shade - Considering ;he City's arid, sunny environment, the
landscape design pi,)vides shade for structures, outside
recreational areas, and parking areas.
Low water usage - Low water usage is achieved by the use of
plant materials that do TIOt have a high water usage. Drought
resistant shrubs and trees are the predominant accent plants
used in the landscape (it-sign.
Points Standard
6 -10 The project provides excellent landscaping in terms
of all the above standards.
1 -5 The project. meets a majority of the above standards.
0 All other projects
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -19-
3. Design_uality - Site and Parking
No more than ten (10) points shall be awarded pursuant to the
criteria below. The site layout is very important in creating
the character of a project. The physical, social, and
psychological needs of the users of the project should be
considered within the design. The impacts of the proposed
design on the adjacent. land uses should also be a major
priority. Standards in site design to be considered are as
Setbacks - The buildings are setback from the street and
adjacent property far enough to enhance the appearance of the
project and to protect the users of the project.
Signage - The placement and design of the signage is compatible
with the project and with adjacent land uses.
Security - The project creates a secure physical and
psychological environment both for the site and its occupants.
Buildings are designed to allow surveillance of parking areas to
detect opportunities criminal action.
Walls - Physical separation is used to minimize the impact of
unattractive, noisy areas of the project and to act as a buffer
between the project and adjacent land uses.
Trash and refuse collection areas - Areas which generate noise
or odors are located where they will not disturb adjacent land
uses or the occupants of the project and are not the visual
focal point of a driveway or parking area.
Outside storage - All outside storage areas are screened from
public view and from adjacent land uses.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -20-
Open space - Open space is used to reduce the perceived
crowdedness, density, and tightness of the project and as a
buffer to and from adjacent land uses.
Noise impact - Noise emitted from the project will not
interfere with any adjacent land uses. The occupants of the
project are protected from noise outside and within the site,
through screening, setbacks, and building materials.
Pedestrian circulation - A network of convenient and safe
pedestrian paths is provided to connect areas within the project
and the project with adjacent land uses.
Compatibility with adjacent uses - The project is designed so as
to minimize negative impacts on surrounding uses. A gradual
transition between tho project and adjacent land uses is
achieved through setbacks, building height, walls, landscaping,
and window and door plac..ement.
Topography - The natural features of the land, such as
hillsides, viewsheds and other features are utilized in the
design of the site to enhance the project and can avoid problems
associated with floodplains, steep slopes, drainageways and
other natural features.
Project entry - The entrance to the project is easily identified
by walls, planters or signage made of materials compatible with
the project.
Building entry - Entrances are easily identifiable and act as a
transition between the outside and inside areas. Building
entries are also provided with adequate security, but the
lighting does not impact adjacent land uses.
Utility locations - Utilities will be installed underground.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -21-
Privacy - Site design anti floor plan layout is organized to
provide privacy for the occupants of the project and the
adjacent land uses.
Fire access - The project meets on -site fire hydrant and on -site
emergency access standards regulated by the fire department.
Building separation - The height of the buildings dictates the
distance between the buildings to insure privacy and perceived
openness for the occupants of the project and the adjacent land
Lighting - Lighting is located to provide security and visual
interest, but the lighting does riot impact adjacent land uses.
The major concern when designing a parking lot is not limited to
fitting all the required parking on -site, but also includes
providing ample stall and aisle widths, having a useful
pedestrian circulation system, providing adequate turning
radius, having an efficient traffic movement pattern,
maintaining a pleasant appearance, designing convenient parking
locations, and integrating the parking with the character of the
development. Standards in parking area design to be considered
are as follows:
Maneuvering areas - All maneuvering requirements can be
accomplished entirely on -site. The maneuvering area desigr is
not complex, and is easy to identify and navigate.
Driveway locations - Driveways provide a circulation pattern
which is convenient and safe. Pedestrian traffic is
incorporated into the project design.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -22-
Screening walls along right -of -way - All parking areas are
screened from public view with a wall, berm, or a combination of
the two.
Proximity to structures - The parking area is conveniently
located to provide ease of a(:cess to all users.
Amount /number of spaces - The project has a sufficient number of
on -site parking spaces to accommodate all of its needs.
Covered spaces - Covered parking is compatible with the overall
character of the project.
Parking lot lighting - [sighting will provide adequate
illumination to provide a secure environment but it will not
emit light beyond the project.
Auto headlight intrusion - The parking area is designed so that
illumination from auto headlights will not disturb or disrupt
the occupants of the project or adjacent land uses.
Points Standard
6 -10 The projects site plan represents excellent
design in terms of all the above site and parking
1-5 Project meets a majority of the above standards.
0 All other projects.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -23-
4. Provision of Useable Open Space
No more than ten (10) points shall be awarded pursuant to the
criteria below.
Points Standard
6 -10 The project provides usable public or private open
space, within or as contributions to areas outside
of the project, substantially in excess of adopted
standards, policies, and regulations. Substantially
is defined for purposes of this section as twenty
five percent (25%) or greater.
1-5 The project provides usable public and private open
space in compliance with all adopted standards,
regulations, and policies.
0 All other projects.
5. Deleterious Impact on Trees
No more than five (5) points shall be awarded pursuant to the
criteria below.
The removal of dead or diseased trees or trees determined not
appropriate for retention, as verified by the City, shall not be
counted among the impacted trees.
Points Standard
5 Grading or trenching, as shown on the approved
grading plaii, will impact five percent (5 %) or fewer
of the on -site. and off -site trees having a diameter
of four inches (4 ") or more.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -24-
3 Grading or trenching, as shown on the approved
grading plan, impacts more than five percent (5 %)
but less that twenty five percent (25 %) of the
on -site and off -site trees with a diameter of four
inches (4 ") or greater.
0 All other projects.
6. Provision of Water Conservation Features
Points may be accrued by meeting any of the standards listed
below to a maximum of ten (10) points.
Points Standard
5 Automatic sprinkler controls equipped with automatic
rain shut off control are used throughout the
irrigation system.
5 Drought resistant, low water use plant materials are
used extensively in the landscaping.
5 Other significant water conservation features, as
recognized by the Board or the City Council, are
incorporated into the project.
7. Provision of Energy Conservation Features
Points may be accrued by meeting any of the standards listed
below to a maximum of ten (10) points.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -25-
Points Standard
3 Energy calculations and energy budgets for dwelling
units meet the minimum energy requirements for each
dwelling unit rather than an overall average as
permitted by Section 2- 5351(e) Title 24, Part 2 of
California Administrative Code.
2 Dwelling units are sited to maximize effectiveness
of passive solar features considering sun angles,
wind direction, natural ventilation, and shading
devices and a solar access plan has been prepared.
2 A solar water heating system, that is capable of
conserving fifty percent (50 %) or more of the
unassisted �xpec:ted Annual Water Heating Energy, is
installed for (-very dwelling unit.
2 A effectivo, solar space heating system that is
capable of conserving forty percent 40% or more of
unassisted expected Annual Space Heating Energy is
installed for every dwelling unit.
2 Heat pumps are installed in all dwelling units.
2 Every dwelling unit is pre - plumbed for solar water
heating system.
2 Southern orientation windows in every dwelling unit
are shaded with heavy projections, louvers,
shutters, trellis, or similar shading devices in a
manner that maximizes winter heating and summer
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -26-
2 Exterior lights will utilize high intensity, low
voltage discharge lamps.
2 Exterior lighting fixtures will be activated by
either automatic photoelectric cell or automatic
1 Other recognized significant energy conserving
features, as approved by the Board or the City
Council, are incorporated into the project.
Bicycle and Foot Paths,_Equestrian Trails, Facilities
No more than ten (10) points shall be awarded pursuant to the
criteria below.
Points Standard
6 -10 The project provides all greenbelts consistent
with the General Plan and /or any applicable Specific
Plan of Planned Community Plan on -site Class 1 and
off -site bicycle and foot paths, equestrian trails
and facilities and provides critical linkages for
such bicycle, foot paths and equestrian trails and
1 -5 The project provides all greenbelts consistent
with the General Plan and /or any applicable Specific
Plan or Planned Community Plan on -site and off -site
Class ] bicycle and foot paths, equestrian trails
and facilities and greenbelts required by the
General Plan and /or any applicable Specific Plan or
Planned Community Plan.
0 All other projects.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -27-
9. Site and Architectural.Design__ualit - Topographic
No more than ten (10)points shall be awarded pursuant to the
criteria below.
Points Standard
5 Project design has kept grading to an absolute
minimum in order to maintain the natural character
of the hillsides and to complement the natural land
forms. Project has retained all significant natural
landmarks and other natural outstanding features on
the site. The project has utilized varying setbacks
and heights for buildings, varying building
techniques and unique building forms, materials and
colors but which ensure the compatibility of
buildings with the surrounding terrain. The street
and circulation design respects the natural contours
of the land, minimizes grading and minimizes the
percentage of land devoted to streets. The project
remains entirely below any ridgeline visible from
off -site of the project site.
3 Project design has kept grading to a minimum but
involves cut. and fill slopes which will modify to a
minor degree the existing terrain. The project will
not impact significant natural landmarks and other
natural features on the site.
0 All other pr(,jects.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -28-
(b.) 10. Deleterious Impact on Archaeological Sites
No more than five
(5) points shall be awarded pursuant to the criteria below.
Points Standard
5 The project will have no impact from grading,
trenching, or construction upon any known
archeological resources.
3 The project will have an impact from grading,
trenching or construction on archaeological
resources, but substantial protection or salvage
measures have been provided by the Environmental
Impact Report. or Archaeological Report.
0 All other projects.
11. *Affordable Housin
No more than ten ( 10) points shall be awarded pursuant to the
matrix below:
Percentage of Density increased requested by income group.
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Income Groff
*Moderate 1 1 1 2
*Median 1 2 3 4
*Lower 6 7 8 9
*Very Low 8 9 10 10
*As defined by the State Affordability
Government Code Section 50079.5
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -29-
0 0
0 0
10 10
10 10
Limits for
0 0 0
0 0 0
10 10 10
10 10 10
Ventura County per
b. 12. Absence of Deleterious Impact on the Physical and /or Aesthetical
No more than ten (10) points shall be awarded pursuant to this
criteria below.
D...7- C-.].._.1
10 The project will not create any significant impacts
on air, water, flooding, plants, animals and noise,
takes advantage of natural features in its layout
and unit design, is compatible with adjacent land
uses, has design features which add to the quality
of the area and (toes not significantly diminish any
scenic views. The project does not take any land
out of productive agricultural use.
7 The project creates minimal environmental impacts
which are mitigated at no expense to any public
agency and is compatible with the adjacent land uses
but does not incorporate any exterior quality design
enhancements beyond those required.
3 The project creates significant environmental
impacts which are mitigated by significant cash
contributions or major improvements. The project
involves taking agricultural land out of production
which may have an effect upon adjacent agricultural
0 All other projects.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -30-
b. 13. Needed Public Facilities
No more than ten (10) points shall be awarded pursuant to the
criteria below.
Points Standard
6 -10 The project provides needed on -site public
facilities in addition to those required and
provides a share of off -site facilities required by
adopted standards, and policies and regulations,
plus the project provides on -site or off -site
critical linkage in the major street system,
improved functional park land, school rooms, or
other vital public facilities benefiting more than
just the project itself, consistent with adopted
plans of the public agency that would administer the
particular facility.
1 -5 The project provides needed on -site public
facilities to serve the project, plus a
proportionate share of off -site facilities, as
required by adopted standards, policies or
0 All other projects.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -31-
SECTION 10. CONDITION ON DEVELOPMENT PERMITS All entitlements for residential
development subject to this resolution, including, but not limited to Planned
Development Permits and Major Modifications to Permits, which are approved by the
City during the term of this Resolution shall be subject to a condition providing
that permit approval is complete but no right to development will occur and no
grading permit, building permit, or other City entitlement will be issued for the
project unless and until a Development Allotment is first awarded.
SECTION 11. CONDITION ON SUBDIVISION MAPS All tentative maps for subdivisions
of five or more residential dwelling units which are governed by the Residential
Development Management System and are approved by the City during the term of this
Ordinance shall be subject to a condition providing that the final map may be
approved and recorded prior to awarding of a Development Allotment but no right to
develop shall occur and no grading permit, building permit, or other City
entitlement will be issued for the subdivision finless and until a Development
Allotment is first awarded to the project. Where a tentative tract map on a
subdivision of five or more units was approved prior to the effective date of
Measure F, the final map may be approved and recorded prior to the awarding of a
Development Allotment for land within the subdivision, provided that no right to
develop shall occur and no grading permit, building permit, or other City
entitlement shall be issued for the land within the subdivision unless and until a
Permit Allotment is first awarded.
SECTION 12. ANNUAL DEVELOPMENT ALLOTMENT The annual allocation of Development
Allotments may be modified during the month of October by the City Council to an
amount not greater than ten percent (10 %) more or less for any given year, provided
that the annual allocation for the next succeeding year shall be set higher or lower
as the case may be, in order to redress any excess or deficiettc:y. No Development
Allocation shall be awarded for the calendar year 1986, nor shall any future annual
allocations drawn upon the Allotments for the year 1986 by virtue of issuance of
2354 residential building permits such action meets the purpose and intent of
Measure F for the year 1986.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -32-
Schedule "A" allotments shall have had an approved Tract Tract Map and Planned
Development Permit approved prior to June 30, 1987.
Schedule A- Applications for one - hundred and twenty -five (125) of the two - hundred
and fifty available Development Allotments for the calendar year 1987 shall be filed
within seven (7) working days after the adoption of this resolution. Within thirty
(30) calendar days from the end of the filing period, the Board shall hold a public
hearing in accordance with Section 7.B. and shall make it's final recommendations to
the City Council in accordance with Section 7 but no later than November 2, 1987.
Within thirty (30) days from the final Board recommendations to the City Council.
The City Council shall hold a public hearing in accordance with the criteria of
Section 7 and award allotments thereafter.
Schedule B- Applications for the remaining one - hundred twenty -five (125) allotments
of the calendar year 1987 shall be filed during the first ten (10) working days of
February 1988. Within forty -five (45) calendar days from the end of the filing
period, the Board shall hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 7.B. nnet
shall make it's final recommendations to the City Council in accordance with Section
7 but no later than March 31, 1988. Within thirty (30) days from the final Boar:'.
recommendations to the City Council, the City Council shall hold a public hearing in
accordance with the criteria of Section 7 and award allotments thereafter.
amended upon submittal of a Minor or Major Modification application made in the same
manner as the original application. The application for a Major Modification shall
include a statement from the applicant that.: 1) sets forth the specific reasons for
requesting the modification; and 2) state specifically how the major modification
meets the purpose and intent of Measure F 1986 and the City's General Plan, Goals
and Policies.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -33-
The City Council shall review such a Major Modification application and may grant
the modification as requested, modify the request, or deny the request. A major
modification shall be granted only if the City Council, after reviewing the
proposed modified project in relation to the criteria set forth in Section 9.A. and
?.B., shall find that the major modification has earned as many or more evaluation
points than the original project for which the Allotment was issued. No approvals
for a major modification shall be made to n project receiving less points that the
original application evaluation points.
Adopted by Reso.87 -421 -34-
-)r Pro Tem
City Clerk
City Manager
City Attorney
Director of
Community Development
City Engineer
Chief of Police
City Treasurer
I, Maureen W. Wall, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do
hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No.
87 -421 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a
meeting held on the 23rd day of ._ September 19 87 , and that the
same was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Brown, Ferguson, Galloway and Mayor Harper.
NOES: None.
ABSENT: Councilmember Lane.
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 19
October lg 87
Maureen W. Wall
City Clerk
day of
799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, California 93021 (805) 529 -6864