HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1989 554 1989 0517RESOLUTION NO. 89 -554 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. IPD -88 -8 ON THE APPLICATION OF MOORPARK WEST WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public hearing on May 3, 1989, the City Council considered the application filed by Moorpark West requesting approval to construct an 11,536 square foot industrial building on a 23,020 square foot lot located east of Maureen Lane, west of Bonsai Avenue, and approximately 600 feet north of Los Angeles Avenue, as identified on Exhibit 6B which is incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission after review and consideration at a public hearing adopted Resolutions numbered PC -89 -181 and PC -89 -182 recommending that the City Council make certain findings, approve the Negative Declaration and Mitigation Reporting and Monitoring Program, and make additional findings and approve Tndustrial Planned Development Permit No. IPD -88 -8; and WHEREAS, the City Council after review and consideration of the information contained in the staff reports dated April 24 and April 3, 1989 and the Negative Declaration has found that the subject project will not have a significant effect on the environment, and has reached its decision in the matter; and WHEREAS, at its meeting of May 3, 1989, the City Council opened the public hearing, took testimony from all those wishing to testify, closed the public hearing, and dire(ted staff to prepare a resolution for the City Council's decision; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 of the Public Resources Code of the State of California (beginning at Section 21000) the City Council of the City of Moorpark approves the Negative Declaration and Mitigation Reporting and Monitoring Program. SECTION 2. That the City Council hereby adopts the findings contained in the staff report dated April 4, 1989, and said report is incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth. SECTION 4. That the City Council does hereby find that the approval of the requested permit i,� consistont with the City's General Plan. SECTION 5. That the City Council hereby recommends that the City Council conditionally approve Industrial Planned Development Permit No. IPD -88 -8 subject to compliance with all of the conditions attached hereto. The action with the foregoing direction was approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Harper, Lawrason, Montgomery, Perez and Mayor Brown. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 17TH DAY OF MAY, 1989. ATTEST: I I�ZLo^ 171oise Brown, Mayor APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89 -554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 1 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. The permit is granted for the land and project as shown on the submitted plot plans and elevations. The location and design of all site improvements shall be as shown on the approved plot plans and elevations except or unless indi(:ated otherwise herein. 2. The development is subject to all applicable regulations of the M -2 Zone and all agencies of the State, Venturn County, the City of Moorpark and any other governmental entities. 3. Unless the project is inaugurated (building foundation slab in place and substantial work in progress) not later than one year after this permit is granted, this permit shall automatically expire on that date. The Director of Community Development may, at his discretion, grant up to one (1) additional year extension for project inauguration if there have been no changes in the adjacent areas and if applicant can document that he has diligently worked towards inauguration of the project during the initial one -year period. 4. All facilities and uses other than those specifically requested in the application are prohibited unless a modification application has been approved by the City of Moorpark 5. The design, maintenance, and operatioii of the permit area and facilities thereon shall comply with all applicable requirements and enactments of Federal, State, County, and City authorities, and all such requirements and enactments shnll, by reference, become conditions of this permit. 6. No conditions of this entitlement shall be interpreted as permitting or requiring any violation of law or any unlawful rules or regulations or orders of an authorized governmental agency. In instances where more than one set of rules apply, tine stricter ones shall take precedence. 7. If any of the conditions or limitations of this permit are held to be invalid, that holding shall not invalidate any of the remaining conditions or limitations set forth. 8. The permittee agrees as a condition of issuance and use of this permit to defend, at his sole expense, any action brought against the City because of issuance (or renewal) of this permit or in the alternative to relinquish this permit. Permittee will reimburse the City of any court costs and /or attorneys foes which the City may be required by APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION N0. 89- 554 — INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 2 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 court to pay as a result of sole discretion, participate such participation shall not this condition. any such action. The City may, at its in the defense of any such action, but relieve permittee of his obligation under 9. A sign permit is required for all onsite signs to be approved by the Director of Community Development. Only one monument sign shall be permitted which shall be externally lit. No onsite building sign shall be permitted unless the bii i 1 d i ng is occ>>pi ed by a single user. No offsite signs are permitted. 10. Prior to submission of construction plans for plan check or initiation of any construction activity, <r zoning clearance shall be obtained from the Department of Community Development. 11. Prior to initial tenant occupancy and any subsequent change in tenant occupancy, the owner of the subject building, or the owner's representative shall apply for i Zoning Clearance from the Community Development Department. 12. The Director of Community Development., or his designee, shall have the authority to conditionally approve or deny a Zoning Clearance request for tenant occupancy consistent with Article 45 of the Zoning Code. The cost of the Zoning Clearance shall he bonne by the applicant for tenant occupancy. 13. Jet/ td/ 1! O/ fO At¢l/ AAJ/ 000/ Ot/ 0000/ Ot¢l OA/ ZK¢/ 0�tO OtttOHOV (tool >t tl $WMO-0l td/ w/ 70l XAv 01¢4tswl a>diat osl fot WOWW1 WWI tW O¢tAM0011 OjkW11 Ot/ Wy/ WW¢ttW t¢ oAt �lt���,��a /��l>rx¢ /��t¢¢ zit/ ��/ ����, ���>' �l�¢ �¢ ��> d��1�>~l��zzl>sE /¢�►��,�¢z¢� /z� AN Ooti¢/ W/ AA/ a>6>btOWI ;Wotl #¢AW 001000/ 0/ NAotl ON oosot 000MOd>ti AI >to/ Its / >► � >bb��>bi�¢ x/ ib¢tl tZ/ t #1 t¢O>Qtt001 / t0/tdKW 14. The permittee's acceptance of this permit and /or commencement of construction and /or operations under this permit shall be deemed to be acceptance of all conditions of this permit.. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE. OF A ZONING CLEARANCE, 711E FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 15. The final construction working drawings shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development for review. 16. Complete landscape plans (2 sets), together with specifications and a maintenance program shall be Prepared ley a State Licensed Landscape Architect, generally in accordance with Ventura County Guide to Landscape Plans and in compliant(, with city of Moorpark Ordinance APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89 -_554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 3 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 No. 74, and shall be submitted to the Director of Community Development. The final landscape plans shall be in substantial conformance to the conceptual landscape plan submitted with the application. The applicant shall bear the total cost of the landscape plan review and final installation inspection. The landscaping and planting plan submitted for review and approval shall be accompanied by a deposit as specified by the City of Moorpark. Additional funds may subsegriently need to be deposited to cover all landscape plan check and inspection fees. All landscaping and planting shall be accomplished acid approved by the Director of Community Development, or his designee, prior to the approval of occupancy. The project landscap,- }glans shall include the following: a. A 50 percent shade coverage shall be provided within all parking areas. Shade coverage is described as the maximum mid -day shaded area defined by a selected ;pec:imen tree at 50 percent maturity. b. Any turf plantings associated with this project shall be drought tolerant, low -water using variety. C. Landscaping at site entrances and exits and at any intersection within the parking lot shall not block or screen the view of a seated driver from another moving; vehicle or pedestrian. d. Plantings in and adjacent to parking areas shall be contained within raised planters snrrotinded by six -inch high concrete curbs. e. Landscaping shall be designed so as to not obstruct the view of any exterior door or window from the street. f. Landscaping (trees) shall not be placed directly under any overhead lighting which could cniise a loss of light at ground level. g. Earthen berms shall be provided to screen views of parked vehicles from access roads. h. Landscaping shall be used to screen views of any backflow preventers. 17. Roof design and construction shall include a minimum 18 -inch extension of the parapet wall above the highest point of the roof. 18. All roof mounted equipment (vents, stacks, blowers, air conditioning equipment, etc.) that may extend above any parapet wall shall be enclosed on all four sides by view obscuring material. Prior to the issi►anc:e of a zoning clearance, the final design and materials for the roof screen and location of any roof mounted equipment must he approved by the Director of Community Development. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89 -554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 4 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 19. All trash disposal areas shall he provided in a location which will not interfere with circulation, parking or access to the building and shall be screened with a six foot high, solid wall enclosure with metal gates. The final design of the trash enclosure shall be subject to the approval of the Director of c:ommunit.y Development prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance. 20. Pullover parking (overhangs) shall he limited to 24 inches maximum. No vehicles shall be allowed to encroach onto walkways or into the required landscaped setbacks along roadways. 21. A 45 -foot turning radius shall he provided for loading zones consistent with the AASHO WB -50 design vehicle. Prior to issuance of a zoning clearance, the applicant shall provide a site plan which identifies all loading truck turning movements. 22. All property line walls shall he nn fnrther than one inch from any property line. 23. The building shall be constructed employing energy- saving devices. These shall include those devices required by the California Administrative Code, Title 24. 24. For all exterior lighting, a lighting plan shall be prepared by an electrical engineer registered in the State of California and submitted to the Department of Community Development for review and approval. The lighting plan shall achieve the following objectives: Avoid interference with reasonable use of adjoining properties; minimize onsite and offsite glare; provide adequate onsite lighting; limit electroliers height to avoid excessive illumination; and provide structures which are compatible with the total design of the proposed facility. 25. The lighting plan shall include the following: a. A photometric plan showing a point -by -point foot candle layout to extend a minimum of twenty (20) feet outside the property lines. Layout plan to be based on a ton (10) foot grid center. b. Maximum overall height of +ixt.irres shall he twenty (20) feet. C. Fixtures must possess sharp cut. -off qualities with a maximum of one -half foot candle illumination at property lines. d. There shall be no more than a seven -to -one (7: 1) ratio of level of illumination shown (maximum -to- minimum ratio between lighting standards). APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89 -554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 5 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 e. Energy efficient lighting fixtures shall be provided which are compatible with adjacent properties. f. Average maximum of one -half foot. candle illumination. g. No light shall be emitted above the 90 degree or horizontal plane. 25. A utility room with common access to house all meters and the roof access ladder shall be provided. No exterior access ladder of any kind shall be permitted. 26. No downspouts shall be permitted on the exterior of the building. 27. All exterior building materials and paint colors shall be approved by the Director of the Community Development Department to ensure compatibility with adjacent development. The accent stripe shown on the project elevations shall be -in indentation at least, one -half inch deep or greater. 28. No asbestos pipe or construction mntPrin k shall be used without prior approval of the City Council. 29. All utilities are required to be undergrounded to the nearest off -site utility pole except through transmission lines. Prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance, the applicant shall submit a plan for review and approval to the Director of Community Development which identifies how compliance with the undergrotinding requirement will be met. 30. If skylights are proposed, the specific type and model must be approved by the Director of Community Development to ensure that they shall be of an opaque type to minimize evening illumination as viewed from the exterior. 31. In recognition of the need for public street and traffic improvements to meet the demand generated by cumulative development in the City, the applicant shall prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance execute a covenant running with the land on behalf of itself and its successors, heirs, and assign-, agreeing to participate in the formation of and be subject to any assessment district or other financing technique including but riot limited to the payment of traffic mitigation fees, to provide fonds for such improvements, should such a mechanism be established by the City. 32. The applicant- shall contribute t.o the City of Moorpark an amount of $.25 per square foot of gross floor area to support the City's current and future park system. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO 89- 554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT- IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 6 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 33. The applicant shall contribute to the City of Moorpark's Art in Public Places fund, an amount of $100 per r.anh 1,000 square feet of building floor area. 34. The applicant shall make a monetary contribution to Commuter Computer of $.15 per square foot of floor are,-i t.o fand ridesliaring programs. 35. To encourage employees to use alternative means of transportation to reduce automobile trips, common area bicycle storage facilities such as bicycle racks or lockers shall be provided. Proposed bicycle storage areas and facilities for the industrial park shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development prior to issuance of a zoning clearance. 36. Prior to the issuance of a zoning c:loarance for tenant occupancy, the proposed use shall be reviewed and approved by the Ventura County Environmental Health Division to ensure that. the proposal will comply with all applicable State and local regulations related to the storage, handling, and disposal of potentially hazardous materials, and that any required permits have hePn obtained. If required by the County Environmental Health Division, the applicant. shall prepare a hazardous waste minimization plan. 37. All roof top mechanical equipment and other noise generation sources onsite shall be attenuated to 55 (IBA at the property line, or to the ambient noise level at the property line measured at the time of the occupancy request. Prior to the issua ►ice of a zoning clearance for initial occupancy or any subsequent tenant occupancy, the Director of Community Development may request that. a noise study be submitted for review and approval which demons I.rates that all onsite noise generation sources would be mitigated to the required level. The noise study must be prepared by a Iicansed acoustical engineer in accordance with accepted engineering -,t.andards. 38. The applicant shall have reco►ded reciprocal access easements to ensure that all access roads /driveways shown on the site plan will be available for use by all tenants in the industrial park. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT, THE FOTd.OWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 39. An "Unconditional Will Serve letter" for water and sewer service will be obtained from Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1. 40. The applicant shall pay all school ass(,ssment fees levied by the Moorpark Unified School District APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89- 554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 7 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY THE FOLLOIdING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 41. All parking areas shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete and shall include adequate provisions fot- drainage, striping and appropriate wheel blocks, curbs, or posts iti parking areas adjacent to landscaped areas. 42. All landscaping and planting shall he installed and inspected. 43. No use for which this permit is granted shall be commenced until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building and Safety Division. In addition, no Certificate of Occupancy may be issued until all onsite improvements specified in this permit have been completed or the applicant has provided some form of financial security to guarantee the agreement such as a Faithful Performance Bond. Said onsite improvements shall be completed within 120 days of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. In case of failure to comply with any term or provision of this agreement, the City Council may by resolution declare the surety forfeited. Upon completion of the required improvements to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development, the surety may he exonerated by action of the Director of Community Developmeni. 44. At the time water service connection is made for each project, cross connection control devices shall be installed for the water system in accordance with the requirement of the Ventnra County Environmental Health Department. AFTER ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE APPLICABLE: 45. No later then ten (10) days after any change of property ownership or change of lessee(s) or operator(s) of the subject building, there shall be filed with the Director of Community Development the name(s) and address(es) of the new owner(s), lessee(s) or operator(s) together with a Ietter from any such person(s) acknowledging and agreeing to comply with all conditions of these permits. 46. Reference Condition No. 11 which requires that prior to initial occupancy or any subsequent change of tenant occupancy, the owner of the subject building, or the owner's representative shall apply for a Zoning Clearance from the Community Development Department. The purpose of the Zoning Clearance shall be to determine if the proposed use(s) are compatible with the �oniiig <nnd terms and conditions of the permit. 47. Prior to occupancy by any tenant or subsequent owner whose business would employ or dispose of hazardons materials, a Major Modification approval shall be required. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89- 554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 8 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 48. The continued maintenance of the permit area and facilities shall be subject to periodic inspection by the City. The permittee shall be required to remedy any defects its ground maintenance, as indicated by the Code Enforcement Officer within thirty (30) days after notification. 49. The striping for parking spaces and loading bays shall be maintained so that it remains clearly visible. 50. No outside storage of any materials or overnight parking of any semi - trucks or truck trailers beyond the loading zones shall be permitted. 51. No repair or maintenance of trucks ov- Iny other vehicle shall occur outside of the industrial building. 52. Loading and unloading operations shill not be conducted between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m 53. No noxious odors shall be generated from any use on the subject site. 54. The applicant and his successors, Heirs, and assigns shall remove any graffiti within ten (10) days from written notification by the City of Moorpark. Al such graffiti removal slinll be accomplished to the satisfaction of the City. CITY ENGINEER'S CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ZONING CLEARANCE, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 55. The applicant shall submit to the City of Moorpark for review $A0 000t00Il11 a grading plan prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer $KAY ; / WOW A/ WOWI P¢Ni► 1 000/ sWjl Noy/ WfWolif/ ootot 56. Driveways are to be designed per Ventu rn County Road Standard Plate E -2 and shall be 30 feet in width. 57. The applicant shall demonstrr3te for each building pad to the satisfaction of the City of Moorpark as, follows: a. Adequate protection from 100 -y(�nr frequency storm, and b. Feasible access during a 10-yonr frequency storm. 58. Hertz Street and Bonzai Avenue nr.e to be. completely constructed prior to issuance of zoning clearance of 25 percent of the total developable land area within the LD -M -10 subdivision, or by July 1, 1989, whichever occurs first. Regardless of the above limits, Hertz Street and Bonzai Avenue are to be completed prior to zoning clearance of any lot taking access to Bonzai 1v(,.nii(, or llc,rtz Street, or prior to completion of the Maureen I,nne ign,i I APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89 -554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT- IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 9 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 PRIOR TO ISSSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT, THF. FOLLOWING CONDITION SHALL BE SATISFIED: 58A. The applicant shall obtain city approval of the previously submitted grading plan, shall post sufficient surety guaranteeing completion, and shall obtain a grading permit. DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE FOLLOWING CONDITTONS SHALL APPLY: 59. Prior to any work being conducted within the State or City right -of -way, the applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the appropriate agency. 60. The applicant shall construct any necessary drainage facility, including brow ditch and slope bench drainage channels, with a permanent earth tone color(s) so as to minimize visual impacts. Said color(s) shall be submitted to and approved by the Director of Community Development as part of the grading plans. 61. If any hazardous waste is encountered during the construction of the project, all work shall be immediately stopped and the Ventura County Environmental Health Department, the Fire Department, the Sheriff's Department, and the City Building Inspector shall be notified immediately. Work shall not proceed rant i l clearance has been issued by all of these agencies. 62. Where roads are to be built requiring 4 or more inches of pavement, applicant shall construct the required street section minus 1 -inch cap of paving as an interim condition until all utility cuts or trenching is completed. The final 1 -inch cap of asphalt shall be placed after all necessary trenching is completed. 63. If grading is to take place (luring the, rainy season, an erosion control plan shall be submitted for review and approval along with the grading plan. Along with the (erosion control measures, hydroseeding or landscaping of all graded slopes shall be required within 60 days of completion of grading. 89/ TO/ O #OXOt/ tool Of Yo>fXAW1 Xo/ oototoiofAt/ 0000/ O/ ttoffW oXtool WOW W XWOXXOO/ Of/ tool Wot000fXOAI OX/ 400/ Aotolo$l AIb 00100 VlAot000/ W of / too/ Wol000t/ OYOXX/ ¢000I4W 0016047/ WoXr I WAW Xtoo �t fa0 /Old�l /t� /7t �0 /�ld�l l> dtXOt/ t�l tYO/ X#; al�Oa �¢ O/ oX /O /O�I+�XId�IOXOO�`Ot►OO /Xs�t O/ OO�OXO> �v�or�t />dt��s�¢t />�f��`tOO1�s�OOXO>f/ tO /�Y /I�Ot¢OOtI/ saS /l�Ot¢Ol�t l /OOH/ 9� >dOtOOl�t /Oi�/ tYO /OOIbOX�YOYXO /Y�tt X�O /,�f /YYt6�tX01 / lX t /toXO /X>dtOtd�Ot XO>� /XO >dts�I�XOOO /Y�i /OtoOt/ OO>Qt¢OO/ t¢Xtldl /�OXttOO;al /Otl otoOt /OOraOXOi3�OOtO7/ t>s tY, �l¢ Xt�/ ��> �X1�¢, ��y�/; �az�; ���¢ tX��l l> ���t/ v��l �X�l��ltY�� /¢�l��XtX�►�/�atl�>� c�OX>boo /Ml� /ZOO /�Xt� /otgXOO¢t! APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89- 554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 10 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL APPLY: 64. The applicant shall make a supplementary contribution to the Los Angeles Avenue Area of Contribution in the amount of $70,000 which is to be paid once for the associated I,DM -10, DP's 393 -404, and IPD's 88 -8 to 88 -17. This supplementary contribution represents half of the estimated project cost to construct the traffic signal at the intersection of Maureen Lane at l.,os Angeles Avenue. (The $70,000 was paid prior to issuance of a zoning clearance for DP's 393 -404. The City Engineer's office intends to use $5,000 of this money to conduct a traffic signal warrant study for the Maureen lane /Los Angeles Avenue signal). MOORPARK POLICE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY THE FOLLOWING CONDITTONS SHALT, BE SATISFIED: 65. Lighting devices shall be high enough so as to prevent anyone on the ground from tampering with them. All parking areas shall be provided with a lighting system capable of illuminating the parking surface with a minimum of one -half foot candle of light and shall be designed to minimize the spillage of 11 gilt onto adjacent properties. All exterior lighting devices shall ho protected by weather and breakage- resistant covers. 66. Landscaping shall not cover any exterior door or window. 67. Landscaping at entrances /exits or at any intersection within the parking lot shall not block or sc:rPeri the view of a seated driver from another moving vehicle or pedestrian. 68. Landscaping (trees) shall not lie placed directly under any overhead lighting which could cause a loss of light at ground level. 69. All entrance /exit driveways shall he i minimum of 30 feet in width. 70. All exterior doors shall be constructed of solid wood core, a minimum of 1 and 3/4- inches thick, or of metal construction. Front glass doors commonly used for entry irn acceptable but should be visible to the street. 71. Doors utilizing a cylinder lock shall have a minimum five (5) pintumbler operation with the. locking bar or bolt Pxtending into the receiving guide a minimum of 1 -inch deadholt.. 72. There shall not be any easy exterior access to the roof area, i.e., ladders, trees, high walls, etc 73. If an alarm system is used, it shall hP wired to all exterior doors and windows and to any roof vents or other roof openings where access may be made. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89- 554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 11 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 74. Each single unit in the commercial development, constructed under the same general plan, shall have locks rising combinations which are interchange free from locks used in all other Separate proprietorships or similar distinct occupancies. DURING CONSTRUCTION THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALT. APPLY: 75. A licensed security guard is recommended during the construction phase, or a 6 -foot high chain link fence shall be erected around the construction site. 76. Construction equipment, tools, et.c., shall be properly secured during non - working hours. VEMURA COUNTY FIRE DEPARINKNT CONDITIONS PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A ZONING CLEARANCE, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 77. Any structure greater than 5,000 square feet in area and /or five miles from a fire station shall be provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system in accordance with Ventura County Ordinance No. 14. 78. If the building is to be protected by an automatic sprinkler system, plans shall be submitted, with payment for plan check, to the Ventura County Bureau of Fire Prevention for review and approval. 79. The applicant shall submit plans to the Ventura County Bureau of Fire Prevention for approval of the location of fire hydrants. All existing hydrants within 300 feat of the development must be shown on the plan. 80. Building plans of all A, E, 1, and 11 occupancies shall be submitted to the Ventura County Bureau of Fire Prevention for plan check. 81. The applicant shall submit two site plans to the Ventura County Bureau of Fire Prevention for approval of the location of fire lanes. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89- 554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: 1PD -88 NOS_ 8 -17 PAGE 12 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT, TILE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 82. The minimum fire flow required shall be determined by the type of building construction, proximity to other structures, fire walls and fire protection devices provided, as specified by the I.S.O. Guide for Determining Required Fire Flow. Given the present plans and information, the required fire flow is approximately 2,000 gallons per minute. The applicant shall verify that the water purveyor can provide the required volume at the project. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL APPLY: 83. Access roads shall be a minimum of 25 feet in width and shall be installed with an all weather �rrrfac•.e, suitable for access by fire department apparatus. 84. The access roadway shall be extended to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of any building. Where the access roadway cannot he provided, an approved fire protection system or systems shall he installed as required by the Ventura County Bureau of Fire Prfvention 85. Fire hydrants shall be installed and in service prior to combustible construction and shall conform to the minimum standards of the Ventura County Water Works Manual. a. Each hydrant shall be a 6 -inch wet barrel design and shall have one 4 -inch and two 2 1 /2 -itch ontlet.(s). b. The required f ire f low sha 1 1 he ac:tr i eved at no less than 20 psi residual pressure. C. Fire hydrants shall be spaced 300 feet on center, and so located that no structure will be farther than 150 feet from any one hydrant. d. Fire hydrants shall be recessed in from the curb face 24 inches at center. 86. All grass or brush exposing airy strnc•.Lures shall be cleared for a distance of 100 feet prior to framing, according to the Ventura County Weed Abatement Ordinance. PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY, TILE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALI. BE SATISFIED: 87. Trash containers with an individual capacity of 1.5 cubic yards or greater, shall not be stored within 5 feet of openings, combustible walls, combustible roof Pave lines, unless protected by approved automatic fire sprinklers. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. 89- 554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 13 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 88. Address numbers, a minimum of 6 i.nches high, shall be installed prior to occupancy and shall be of .onLrasting color to the background. Where structures are set back more than 250 feet from the street, larger numbers will be required so that they are distinguishable from the street. In the event a striicturP(s) is(are) not visible from the street, the address number(s) sfinll he posted adjacent to the driveway entrance. 89. Fire lanes shall be posted in accordance with California Vehicle Code, Section 22500.1 and Article 10 of the [Uniform Fire Code. 90. Fire extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with National Fire Protection Association Pamphlet No. 10. The placement of extinguishers shall be reviewed and approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. VF.NTURA COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT CONDITION PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY, THE FOLLDWING CONDITION SHALT. BE SATISFIED: 91. The District shall be notified prior to initial occupancy and prior to any subsequent tenant occupancy so that the District may review activities and materials to be wnrehoused or manufactured. VENTURA COUNTY WATTRWORKS DISTRICT NO. 1 CONDITION GENERAL REQUIREMENT: 92. The applicant for service shall comply with the Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1 "Rules and Regulations" including all provisions of or relating to the existing industrial waste discharge requirements and subsequent additions or revisions thereto. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT, '[W FOILOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 93. The District shall be allowed to review the adequacy and level of service for each project when tenant improvements are requested. Additional facilities, onsite treatment., or other modifications may be required as a condition of certain tenant. improvements. VENTURA COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A ZONING CIEARANCE, THF. FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 94. Prior to issuance of a zoning clearance for the inauguration of any use in the proposed structure, such use shall be reviewed and approved by the Ventura County Environmental ffenith Division. APPROVED AND ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO 89 -554 INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT IPD -88 NOS. 8 -17 PAGE 14 APPLICANT: Siegel & Associates DATE: May 17, 1989 VENTURA COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION CONDITIONS PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A ZONING CLEARANCE, THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: 95. The applicant shall ensure that the volume of hazardous waste will be reduced or eliminated by undertaking the following: a. Alter processes to eliminate or reduce the amount of hazardous waste generated. b. Develop a waste exchange program. C. Recycle the waste. d. Construct or install onsite hazardous waste treatment facilities. 96. The applicant shall ensure that groundwater pollution and other environmental damage will be avoided by undertaking the following: a. Install and maintain proper containment.. b. Comply with all hazardous waste generator laws for storage, handling, transportation and disposril. ADDITIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITION.- APRIL_17,_1989 PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY, THE FOLLOWING CONDITION SHALL BE SATISFIED: 97. A contract shall have been let for the widening of the north side of Los Angeles Avenue between Maureen Lane and Gisler Avenue and for the installation of a traffic signal at. the intersection of Maureen Lane and Los Angeles Avenue, prior t.c, the issuance of any building permit. CITY COUNCIL ACTION OF MAY 3,_ 1989 Delete Condition No. 97. Revise Condition No. 16 to include th.- following requirement: i. The planting area along all entry roadways shall include 24 -inch box size or larger trees capable of growing above the height of the buildings to help obscure the view of the buildings. The type of species selected shall accomplish the intent of this condition within 5 to 7 years. The required trees shall be shown on the landscape plan submitted for the approval of tho Director of Community Development.