HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1990 675 1990 0516RESOLUTION NO 90 -675 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 86 -340, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK ADOPTING THE RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF THE MOORPARK COMMUNITY CENTER AND THE ATTACHED FEE SCHEDULE," AND ADOPTING NEW RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE OF THE MOORPARK COMMUNITY CENTER AND FEE SCHEDULE. The City Council of the City )f Moorpark, California, does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: That Resolution No. 86 -140 is hereby rescinded in full. Section 2: The attached Rules and Regulations (Exhibit A) governing the use of the Moorpark Community Center are hereby adopted and shall be in full force and effect on May 17, 1990. Section 3: The attached Fee Schedule (Exhibit B) for use of the Moorpark Community Center is hereby adopted and shall be in full force and effect on May 3, 1990. Approved and adopted this 16th day of May, 1990. V ul BERNARDO M. PEREZ, MAYOR CCRESOL.AMD /COMMSVRS EXHIBIT A CITY OF MOORPARK COMMUNITY CENTER RULES AND REGULATIONS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL MAY 16, 1990 RESOLUTION NO 90 -575 CCRULES2.REG /COMMSVRS ` CITY OF MOORPARR COMMUNITY rFNTFR RULES & REGIII AT IONS TABLF OF rnNTFNTc, SECTION PAGE_(S) 1. POLICY 3 2. USE APPLICATION 4 3. RENTAL CANCELLATION 5 4. SMOKING 5 5. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 5,6 6. OPEN FLAME DEVICES 6 7. KEYS 6 8. AMPLIFIED SOUND SYSTEMS 6 9. OPENING AND CLOSING PROCEDURE 7 10. CI EAN UP 7 11. ROOM ASSIGNMENTS 7 12. APPROVAL OF APPLICATION 7 13. LIABILITY 7,8 14. RFNTAL OF EQUIPMENT 8 15. SUSPENSION FROM USE 8 16. PUBLIC USE OF ROOMS 9 17. PRIORITY USE GUIDELINES 9 18. RETAIL OR COMMERCIAL USE OF ►ACII►TY 9 19. GRANTING FOR PRIVATE USE 9 20. NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS 9,10 SECTION 21. APPEALS, SUSPENSION OF RULES 22. WAIVER OR MODIFICATION OF FEFS AND CHARGES 23. SETUP /DECORATIONS 24. RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGES TO FACIliTY R EQUIPMENT 25. FEES, RESERVATIONS, SECURITY OEPnS1T'- 26. ADDITIONAL CHARGES 27. HOURS OF USE 28. GAMBLING 29. REFUNDS 30. COMPLAINTS 31. SECURITY 32. EMERGENCIES CCRULES2.REG /C0MMSVRS 2 PAG EU 10 10 10,11 11 11 12 12 12 12,13 13 13 14 SECTION 1 - POLICY: The purpose of these regulations is to provide rules to govern the use of the Community Center This shall be done without any discrimination as to race, relig inn , ­y . Pconomic status, or areas of residence in the City of Moorpark It shall be the policy of the City C.nuncil that. the administration of the Community Center shall be admiriistnrod by the Community Services Department. The Parks and Recreat.ior, Cnmmission serves as an advisory body to the City Council in all inatt.Pr : Pertaining to the operation of the Community Center. Priority use of the facility :hall he established and certain rules and regulations shall he adnptPd and administered by the Community Services Department. laid miles and regulations shall be subject to City Council approval. Use of the Moorpark Communitv Center is primarily intended for the residents of the City of Moorpark and City based non - profit service organizations. However, persnns living outside the corporate boundaries of the City but within the houndaries of the Moorpark Unified School District and othe, rntiil and commercial organizations may rent the Community Center pur-irant to riles and procedures contained in this document. All othp— -,r­ prohihit.ed from rental of the center. Secondly, the Department may Pnr,ni,rage, assist, supplement and coordinate programs and activities snon,,orPd by Moorpark City groups, organizations and associations whose nh.jPctJ ves and programs directly or indirectly benefit the recrr-atinnnl needs of the City and its residents. CCRULES2.REGICOMMSVRS 3 The City may cancel the cnnt.ract of any person, group, organization or association or deny the use of any portion of the Community Center to such person grni,p, organization or association when in the opinion of the City Managar or, City Council the proposed use of the facility will not be it the I)P <.t interest of the City. SECTION 2 - USE APPLICATION: The Community Center is available for the use of individuals or groups subject to the issuance ,.f a hermit and payment of all fees. Reservations for use will be as frllow-- 1. Not accepted more than nine (9) months of date of requested use; 2. Requests received for rental six (6) to nine (9) months from date of required use must he approved by the Director of Community Services or hi,, designated representative; 3. Requests received for rental -, ix (6) months from date of requested use will be or a first come, first served basis. All applications must be signed by an adult (21 years of age or older) who shall agree to be responsib e for -,aid use, meet all conditions required and pay all fees as requir'Pr An application for use must be made at least thirty (30) calendar riav•: in advance of the day of intended use. Requests receiver lP-,,� than thirty (30) days may be considered by the Director of 'nmmiinit.v Cervices or his designated representative. Reservations `or 1,rp will NOT be accepted by telephone. Applications are immediately revocable if false statements are made in reserving the facility or if the individual or groups willfully violates any rules nr requi At.inn established by the City. CCRULES2.REG/COMMSVRS 4 Fees will be retained in the event the ar•t.ivity is terminated due to violation of any rule or requiatimi. )r the falsification of the application. SECTION 3 - RENTAL CANCELLATION: Any group or individual findinq it. necessary to cancel a reservation must do so IN WRITING to the Community Services Department at least thirty (30) calendar days pY•inr• t.n the reservation date. All deposits paid will be refunded 'es, t.en percent. (10 %) of the total rental fee. Any group or indiv,dual whn requests a refund less than thirty (30) calendar days prior •o u-,P of facility shall be granted a refund less twenty -five percent (:'5 %) of the total rental fee. SECTION 4 - SMOKING: Smoking shall be prohibited in all rooms of the Community Center at all times. SECTION 5 - AICOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Possession or consumption of alr•nhnIic beverages is permitted subject to the following conditiow;: A. Dispensing, consumption and /nr possession of alcoholic beverages are allowed in the As --embly Room, M -P Room, kitchen and patio areas only Alcohrlir heverages are not allowed in the parking lot. B. A State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control permit shall be required when alcoholic beverages are to be sold. Said permit shall be secured by the applicant and a copy provided to the Moorpark Community Services Department no less than five (5) calendar days prior to the scheduled date of event. Failure to do so will con-,tit,ute cancellation of event and forfeiture of rental fe< < pto, inil-,ly paid. CCRULES2.REG /COMMSVRS 5 C. Alcoholic beverages shall N01 he sold or served one (1) hour prior to closing time of even) D. The sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages may occur during operating hours only if the function will not disrupt or conflict with the genera' programming of the Center. E. Provide City with a certificate of insurance in the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,nnn nn) with the City of Moorpark named as additional insired SECTION 6 - OPEN FLAME DEVICES: All open flame devices are prohibited in the facility. All closed flame devices shall be approved by the Community Services Department before use permitted. (Title 19; Article 6; Section 624 of the California State Administrative Cede 1 SECTION 7 - KEYS: Keys to the facility will not he i-sued under any circumstances. Staffing will be available during use to accommodate any access needs by groups. SECTION 8 - AMPLIFIED SOUND SYSTEMS: Any amplified sound system shall require an Amplified Sound Permit. Persons using sound amplifiration equipment shall keep the sound level of such equipment at i rpa,nnahlP level to avoid disturbing nearby residents. The determination of a reasonable sound level shall be the judgement of the City Pmploy — on duty and /or the Sheriff's Department, and all instructions -f clrh persons shall be complied with immediately. CCRULES2.REG /COMMSVRS 6 SECTION 9 - OPENING AND CLOSING PROCEDURE The Community Services staff or t.hPir- designated representatives will be responsible for openinq and r-lo�ing for all rentals. Lessee should check the area rented with the assigned City staff person and note any previous unusual damage riot to t.hP lessee's use. SECTION 10 - CLEAN UP: The City shall be responsible fnt clean up of facility after the event except for the Kitchen, which will he the responsibility of the LESEE, excluding the Kitchen floor Also, Lessee should check area after event for damages or misuse with the assigned City staff person. Final decision whether security /cleant,p deposit will be returned shall be made by the Director of Community '�Prvices. SECTION 11 - ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: The Community Services staff will assign rooms to applicants in accordance with the policies contiinPri within this manual and the needs of the applicant as set forth in the appli- ation. SECTION 12 - APPROVAL OF APPLICAT ►ON: The Community Services Director r his designated representative will have the authority to approv P app 1 i r-a t ions in accordance with the policies contained herein. SECTION 13 - LIABILITY: All persons to whom use permits are granted must agree in writing to hold the City harmless and indemnify City from any and all liability CCRULES2.REG /COMMSVRS 7 for injury to persons or property nrcurring as the result of the activity sponsored by lessee, ano said person shall be liable to the City for any and all damages to nark-,, equipment, and buildings owned or controlled by City which result from the activity of lessee or is caused by any participant in saki activity. The form of the Indemnification and Hold Harmless shall bp as approved by the City. A person exercising any of the privileg?�, a(,t.horized by this policy does so at his /her own risk without iability nn the part of the City of Moorpark for any injury to persons or nropPrty resulting therefrom. Additionally, the lessee must pr«vido liability insurance coverage for their event with limits of bodily injury and property damage of not less than $500,000 ($1,000,000 when alcohol is served) with the City named as additional insured. SECTION 14 - RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT: Tables and chairs or other City property shall not be rented or loaned out for any purpose other than City sponsored events or used except as part of an approved use if the Community Center. SECTION 15 - SUSPENSION FROM USE Facility user(s) not abiding by the rules and regulations contained herein may be suspended from i-,P of the facility and all fees and deposits paid forfeited. Al,n, ftitura use of City facilities may be denied. CCRULES2.REG /COMMSVRS 8 SECTION 16 - PUBLIC USE OF ROOMS: All facility rooms may be rent Pd for public use when such use shall not interrupt City business SECTION 17 - PRIORITY USE GUIDELINFS- The following priority gijideline,, are established for the Community Center use to minimize (nnflict.-, A. City of Moorpark sponsored prngrams and activities. B. Nonprofit programs and activities of a recreational, social, cultural or educational nature conducted or sponsored by a recognized City of Moorpark community service group. C. Private organizations and non -city groups. Wedding receptions and dancP- SECTION 18 - RETAIL OR COMMERCIAL1JSF nF FACILITY: Use is restricted to non - profit nrganizations and business and commercial (for profit) organizat on-, where no admission fee is charged and no sales are made. SECTION 19 - GRANTING FOR PRIVATE 11SE: An application for private use may he approved if there is no conflict in accordance with the p,ioriti- established under Section 17. SECTION 20 - NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS - An application for nonprof,t. iJ,:P may be approved to nonprofit organizations for fund raising prnvided that the function sponsor will best serve the interest of the resident-, of Moorpark. Also, that the sponsoring group shall submit a hudget detailing the revenue, expenditures and use of funds r- cPivPd. Nonprofit organizations as CCRULES2.REG /COMMSVRS 9 applied herein shall mean those -lroup-, and organizations that qualify under U.S. Tax Code 501(,,)(3). A copy of the Nonprofit Statement showing nonprofit status must accompany request for use. SECTION 21 - APPEALS, SUSPENSION OF RI►IFS The use of the facilitie, is administered by the Community Services Department. For good cause, rtilos(s) contained herein may be suspended and /or developed govern,ng the use of the facility as deemed necessary by the City Council. Ir the event of an appeal of an administrative decision regarding use or policy, the appeal shall be filed in writing, clearly stating the reasons) therefore, and shall be processed as follows until resolved by: 1. Community Services Director decision referred to; 2. Parks & Recreation Commissinn - decision referred to; 3. City Council - decision shall be final. No appeal will be valid unti it has been submitted and considered in the above - listed order. SECTION 22 - WAIVER OR MODIFICATION OF F-EFS AND CHARGES: Any request for a waiver or inodifiratinn of fees and charges shall automatically be referred to the Cit.v fniinri1 for consideration. The decision of the City Council shall be final SECTION 23 - SETUP / DECORATIONS: City shall setup facility for oac.h event based upon diagram provided by lessee. Setup diagram,, shall be provided to the Maintenance and Operations Supervisor five (5) calendar days prior to CCRULES2.REG /COMMSVRS 10 event. Should setup occur before scheduled use of facility, lessee shall pay current staffing charges has?d on thirty (30) minute intervals (one hour minimum). All decorations must be approved by City and must comply with Section 13 143 (if the Health and Safety Code of the State of California as to tlame proofing of all decorations and materials. Location and method f inst.allation shall also be approved by City. SECTION 24 - RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGF(� TO FACILITY & EQUIPMENT: The use of cellophane tape, adhesive tape, nails, staples, screws, etc. on tables, chairs, walls, Iights or other facilities is NOT permitted. Masking tape may be used on paneling and tables only and must be removed immediately follnwinq it, use. If the facility or any portion thereof, or any equipment. shall be damaged, marred or defaced by the act, default or negligence of the lessee, his employee or employees, patrons, guests or any person admitted to the facility by said lessee, the lessee will pati to the City from the cleaning /damage deposit such sums as the City shall determine to be necessary to restore the facility or such equipment to its condition prior to such damage. Should charges exceed the amnont. on deposit, lessee shall be billed for the difference and al'owec{ shirty (30) days in which to make payment. SECTION 25 - FEES, RESERVATIONS, �ECURJTY DEPOSITS: All rental fees and balance of required deposits must be paid thirty (30) days prior to use of facility. Reservations will be made and confirmed ONLY to individuals age t.wanty -one (21) or older. CCRULES2.REG /COMMSVRS 11 SECTION 26 - ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Additional charges will be levied nver the basic rate under the following conditions: a) When staff is needed for additional setup, breakdown or cleanup beyond normal time requirements; b) When additional staff i, nPPdPd for facility control; c) When facility is damaged and.'or liability insurance fees are required. d) When alcohol is being served or sold. The determination of requirement.-, for additional personnel and associated charges shall be made by t.ha Director of Community Services or his designated representative. SECTION 27 - HOURS OF USE: WEEKDAYS 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 midnight WEEKENDS 7:0n a.m. - 12:00 midnight (Minimum Rental - 2 hours) SECTION 28 - GAMBLING: Gambling is prohibited. Thit, ins hjde-, any game of skill or chance played with cards, dice or any other device for money, checks, credit or any other representative item f valliP SECTION 29 - REFUNDS: Refunds of deposits are contingent upon meeting all the requirements for the rental of facility. Any amount remaining in the CCRULES2.REG /COMMSVRS 12 deposit following the payment of all charges shall be refunded to the person listed on the application. SECTION 30 - COMPLAINTS: All complaints must be in writing and ,Pnt to: City of Moorpark Community Services Department 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, CA 93021 SECTION 31 - SECURITY: To ensure proper use and ,ontrnl of facilities and equipment, security guards shall be required under the following conditions: Private functions identified undPY, Group #2 on the fee schedule: A minimum of two (2) security guards -,hall be provided unless otherwise determined by the City Manager or his dp signated representative. Functions identified under Group,, #1 and #3 on the fee schedule: Security guards shall be at the jiscrPtinn of the City Manager or his designated representative. The applicant shall pay 1 -r all costs related to providing security guards to the security company in advance of the event. A copy of the security guard contract anti proof of payment shall be provided to the Moorpark Community SprvicPC Department no less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the -,,hedi,lpd event. Failure to do so will constitute cancellation of evert. acid forfeiture of rental fees previously paid. This cost is i- addit.inn to any other facility user fees and deposits. CCRULES2.REG /COMMSVRS 13 SECTION 32 - EMERGENCIES: Days, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m . contact City Hall at (805) 529 -6864. Evenings and weekends -ontact the Sheriff's office at (805) 494 -8200. CCRULES2.REG /COMMSURS 14 EXHIBIT B COMMUNITY CENTER RENTAL FFE SCHEDULE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK DOES HEREBY RESOLVE THAT FEES FOR THE USE OF THE MOORPARK COMMUNITY CENTER SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: GROUP CLASSIFICATIONS: 1. Organizations which are tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Revenue Code chart?rPd within the City limits of the City of Moorpark; 2. Residents of the City of Moorpark. This includes such uses as Homeowners Association meetings and political fund raisers for City of Moorpark elections or ether political offices where the candidate is a City resident It mast be for personal use such as wedding receptions, anniver,ariv t (7., and not for a Group 3 use. 3. Residents of the Moorpark Unified School District boundaries that reside outside of the City limits; non - profit service organizations not covered under Group #1; and business and commercial (for profit) organizatinnc where no admission fee is charged and no product is sod. FEE SCHEDULE (Minimum Rental - 2 hours) I. Multipurpose Room: Setup charge - 1st hour Each additional hour 2. A -Room Setup charge - 1st hour Each additional hour 3. Use of room day before function, which does not include setup (if room is available): Multipurpose Room: A -Room: 4. Kitchen GROUP _ #1 $25 /hr. $40 $2`� $20 /hr. $35 $20 $25 /hr. q2n /hr. GROUP #2 $50 /hr. $65 $30 $30 /hr. $45 $30 $50 /hr. $30 /hr. GROUP #3 $75 /hr. $90 $75 $50 /hr. $65 $50 $75 /hr. $50 /hr. $10 /hr. $15 /hr. $30 /hr. $50 max. $75 max. $100 max. 5. Cleanup /Damage Deposit $300 $300 $300 $450 w/a $450 w/a $450 w/a 6. Reservation Fee $75 $75 $75 (Non - refundable fee applied fn rnnm rental rates) CCRESOL.2 /COMMSVRS 7. One Day Alcohol Use Permit $15 8. One Day Alcohol Sales Permit $30 9. One Day Sales Permit $3n 10. Rental includes tables, chairs, lights, heating /cooling, restrooms, patios, and one City staff person. 11. Additional staff fee charge, when required, is $15 /hr. This rate may be periodically adjusted by the director of Community Services to reflect current hourly rite fnr applicable staff and related costs. 12. Pursuant to these rules and cegulat.ionc, the following definitions Fhall apply: A. Resident of wedding reception - Bride or groom or at least one parent of the bride or groom must live within the corporate City limits of Moorpark (Group #2 rates apply) or Moorpark Unified School Di<trir-t. boundaries (Group #3 rates apply). R Anniversary or similar event - Person honored or a parent or child of the person honored mist live within the corporate City limits of Moorpark (Group #2 rates apply) or Moorpark Unified School District. houndari— (Group #3 rates apply). ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCII MAY 16, 1990 RESOLUTION NO 9(1 -675 CCRESOL.2 /COMMSVRS 1. MOORPARK ELOISE BROWN Mayor BERNARDO M. PEREZ Mayor Pro Tem CLINT HARPER, Ph. D. Councilmember PAUL LAWRASON Councilmember SCOTT MONTGOMERY Councilmember RICHARD T. HARE City Treasurer STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA ) CITY OF MOORPARK ) SS. STEVEN KUENY City Manager CHERYL J. KANE City Attorney PATRICK RICHARDS, A.I.C.P. Director of Community Development R. DENNIS DELZEIT City Engineer JOHN V. GILLESPIE Chief of Police I, Lillian E. Kellerman, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that.the foregoing Resolution No. 90=6.75 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on the 16th day of May , 1990, and that the same was adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS BROWN, HARPER, LAWRASON, MONTGOMERY AND MAYOR PEREZ NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 18th day of May ,1990. 7 tillia Kellerman C • c 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, CWifomia 93021 (805) 529 -6864