HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1990 717 1990 1107RESOLUTION NO. 90 -717
Whereas, at a duly noticed public hearing on October 17,
1990, the City Council considered the application filed by George
Shakibam requesting approval to expand an existing neighborhood
shopping center by adding two free - standing buildings approximately
3,300 sq. ft. each in size in the northeast quadrants of the 3.1
acre site.
Whereas, the City Council after review and consideration
of the information contained within the Planning Commission staff
Report dated September 17, 1990, the City Council Staff Report
dated October 3, 1990, and in the Mitigated Negative Declaration
has found that the subject project will not have a significant
effect on the environment; and the City Council has reached its
decision in the matter; and
Whereas on October 17, 1990, the City Council opened the
public hearing, took testimony from those wishing to testify and
closed the public hearing; and
Whereas, on October 17, 1990, the City Council approved
the Major Modification with the Planning Commission recommended
changes to the Conditions of approval as shown on Exhibit A to this
Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of the
California Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 of the Public
Resources Code of the State of California {beginning at Section
210001 the City Council of the City of Moorpark approves the
Mitigated Negative Declaration.
Section 2. That the City Council hereby adopts the
findings contained in the staff report dated September 17, 1990,
said reports are incorporated herein by reference as though fully
set forth.
Section 3. That the City Council conditionally
approves Planned Development Permit No. 897 Major Modification No.
1 subject to compliance with all of the conditions attached hereto
in Exhibit A.
Section 4. That at its meeting of October 17, 1990,
the City Council directed staff to prepare a resolution for
presentation at the next regular meeting to be held on November 7,
Bernardo M. Perez,
Mayor, City of Moorpark
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 1
The following conditions supersede the existing conditions for
Planned Development Permit No. 897 approved by the City Council
on May 3, 1979.
Community Development Conditions:
1. That the permit is granted for the land and project as shown
on the plot plans and elevations except or unless indicated
otherwise herein.
2. That the development is subject to all applicable regulations
of the CPD zone and all agencies of the State, Ventura County,
the City of Moorpark and any other governmental entities.
3. That the location and design of all buildings, fences, signs,
roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other facilities or
features shall be as shown on the plot plans and elevations,
except or unless indicated otherwise herein.
4. That unless the use is inaugurated not later than two years
after the date the permit is granted, this permit shall
automatically expire on that date. The Planning Director may,
in his discretion, grant one additional 6 -month extension for
use inauguration if there have been no changes in the proposed
plot plans, if there have been no changes in the adjacent
areas, and if permittee has diligently worked toward
inauguration of use during the initial one - period.
5. That any minor changes may be approved by the Director of
Community Development upon the filing of a Minor Modification
application. A restaurant use can be accomplished with a
minor modification provided that the parking requirements for
PD -897 are met. Any major changes will require the filing of
a Major Modification application to be considered by the City
6. That all facilities and uses other that those specifically
requested in the application are prohibited unless a
modification application has been approved by the Director of
Community Development.
7. That the design, maintenance, and operation of the permit area
and facilities thereon shall comply with all applicable
requirements and enactments of Federal, State, and County and
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 2
City authorities, and all such requirements and enactments
shall, by reference, become conditions of this permit.
8. That if any of the conditions or limitations of this permit
are held to be invalid, that holding shall not invalidate any
of the remaining conditions or limitations set forth.
9. That prior to the issuance of a zone clearance, a landscaping
and planting plan three (3) sets, together with specifications
and maintenance program, prepared by a State licensed
landscape architect in accordance with County Guidelines for
Landscape Plan Check, shall be submitted to the Director of
Community Development for review and approval. The applicant
shall bear the total cost of such review and of final
installation inspection. The landscaping and planting plan
shall be accompanied by a fee specified by the City of Moor
park. All landscaping and planting shall be accomplished and
approved prior to the issuance of any occupancy permit.
10. That prior to construction of each building, a zoning
clearance shall be obtained from the Community Development
Department and a Building Permit shall be obtained from the
Building and Safety Department. A separate zoning clearance
shall be obtained prior to occupancy of individual lease units
within the shopping center.
11. That all turf plantings associated with this project shall be
drought tolerant, low -water using variety.
12. That trash disposal areas shall be provided in a location
which will not interfere with circulation, parking or access
to the building and shall be screened with a six ( 6' ) foot
high, solid wall enclosed with metal gates, final design of
said enclosure shall be subject to the approval of the
Director of Community Development prior to the issuance of
zone clearance.
13. If project is approved as proposed: That all roof mounted
equipment (vents, stacks, blowers, air conditioning equipment)
that may extend above the parapet wall shall be enclosed on
all four sides by view. Roof design and construction shall
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 3
include a minimum 18" extension of the parapet wall above the
highest point of the location of any roof mounted equipment of
the project must be approved by the Director of Community
14. That continued landscape maintenance shall be subject to
periodic inspection by the City. The permittee shall be
required to remedy any defections in ground maintenance, as
indicated by the City inspector, within two weeks after
15. The final design of front, side and rear building elevations
of each building, and signs, walls, fences, and light
standards, including materials and colors, is subject to the
approval of the Planning Director.
16. A tree Report identifying all trees and the removal of any
trees exceeding four (4") inches in diameter must be submitted
to the City for approval. All trees removed shall be replaced
with an amount of dollar value equivalent to each tree removed
by providing additional landscaping within the project.
17. That all required yards, fences, parking areas, storage areas,
operations yards, and other uses on the site shall be improved
as required by these regulations and shall at all times be
maintained in a neat and orderly manner appropriate for the
CPD zone.
18. That no later than ten (10) days after any change of property
ownership or of lessee(s) or operator(s) of the subject use,
there shall be filed with the Director of Community
Development the names, and addresses of the new owners,
lessees, or operators, together with a letter from any such
persons, acknowledging and agreeing to comply with all
conditions of this permit.
19. That.prior to issuance of a zone clearance, the applicant on
behalf of himself and his successors and assigns, agrees not
to protest or otherwise contest the formation of any
assessment district or method of assessment applicable to the
development which may be established by the City of Moorpark
for the purpose of maintaining landscaping and improvements
within the right -of -way of Campus Park Drive and Princeton
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 4
20. Prior to issuance of a zone clearance, an Unconditional Will
Serve letter shall be obtained from the appropriate water
district for water and County Waterworks for sewage and water
service. Said letter shall be filed with the Community
Development Department. Or if said Unconditional Will Serve
letter in a form satisfactory to the City cannot be obtained
from Camrosa and /or County, the developer shall execute a
Subdivision Sewer Agreement in a form satisfactory to the
City. Said agreement will permit deferral of the
unconditional guarantee for sewer and water service until
issuance of a building permit for any structure within the
21. That prior to occupancy, cross - connection control devices
shall be installed on the water system in accordance with the
requirements of the Ventura County Environmental Health
22. That the building plans for the proposed retail buildings be
approved by the Ventura County Environmental Health Department
as per County Ordinance Code, prior to issuance of building
24. That the permittee agrees as a condition of issuance and use
of this permit to defend, at his sole expense, any action
brought against the City because of issuance (or renewal) of
this permit or in the alternative to relinquish this permit.
Permittee will reimburse the City for any court cost which the
City may be required by court to pay as a result of any such
action. The City may, at its sole discretion, participate in
the defense of any such action, but such participation shall
not relieve permittee of his obligation under this condition.
25. For all exterior lighting, a lighting plan shall be prepared
by an electrical engineer registered in the State of
California and submitted to the Department of Community
Development for review and approval prior to the issuance of
a zone clearance. The lighting plan shall achieve the
following objectives.
a. Avoid interference with reasonable use of adjoining
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 5
b. Minimize on -site glare;
C. Provide adequate on -site lighting. Limit electroliers
height to avoid excessive illumination. Provide
structures which are compatible with the total design of
the proposed facility.
These plans shall include the following:
i. A photometric plan showing a point by point foot
candle layout to extent a minimum of twenty (20)
feet outside the property lines. Layout plan to be
based on a ten (10) foot grid center.
ii. Maximum overall height of fixtures shall be not
more than fourteen (14) feet in or adjacent to
residential areas and not more than twenty (20)
feet in non - residential areas.
iii. Fixtures must possess sharp cut -off qualities at
property lines.
iv. There shall be no more than a seven to one (7: 1)
ratio of level of illumination shown. (Maximum to
minimum ratio between Lighting Standards.)
V. Low pressure energy efficient light fixtures shall
be used.
vi. Minimum of one -foot candle illumination.
26. That prior to issuance of a zone clearance, the final working
drawings shall be submitted to the Director of Community
Development for review and approval.
27. Pullover parking shall be limited to 24 inches maximum.
a. No separate tenant parking shall be allowed.
b. Employee and tenant operation shall utilize the parking
spaces to the west of the existing main building.
28. The planting area shown on sides of the building shall be
landscaped to include 24 inch box trees capable of growing
above the buildings to further obscure the view of the
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 6
building from the nearby residential areas. The twenty -four
inch box trees shall be planted to help obscure the building
and shall be shown on the landscape plan approved by the
Director of Community Development in such a way as to
accomplish the intent within S - 7 years.
29. That prior to the issuance of a building permit the developer
shall pay all School Assessment Fees levied by the Moorpark
Unified School District.
30. That permittee's acceptance of this permit and /or operation
under this permit shall be deemed to be acceptance by
permittee of all conditions of this permit.
31. No outside storage of materials of any kind shall be permitted
after occupancy.
32. That the applicant shall construct a utility room with common
access to house all meters. No exterior ladders shall be
33. That the applicant shall have satisfied all requirements of
the Ventura County Waterworks District No. 1 from annexation
and will be provided with both water and sewer or provided
temporary water service from Ventura County Waterworks
District No. 1 to the satisfaction of the County Waterworks
34. Prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance, a Surety
Performance Bond in the amount of $10,000 shall be filed and
accepted by the Director of Community Development. The
Director of Community Development, may, through a public
hearing to be heard before the City Council recommend that any
or all of the funds in the Performance Bond be forfeited for
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 7
noncompliance of the Conditions of Approval or for some other
just cause. These conditions shall automatically be
superseded by a related resolution or ordinance regarding
condition compliance for entitlement approvals as adopted by
the City Council.
35. No use for which this permit is granted shall be commenced
until certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the building
and Safety Division. In addition, no certificate of Occupancy
may be issued until all on -site improvements specified in this
permit have been completed or the applicant has provided some
form of financial security to guarantee the agreement such as
a faithful Performance Bond. Said on -site improvements shall
be completed within 120 days of issuance of the Certificate of
Occupancy. In case of failure to comply with any term or
provision of this agreement, the City Council may by
resolution declare the surety forfeited. Upon completion of
the required improvements to the satisfaction of the director
of Community Development, the surety may be exonerated by
action of the Director of Community Development.
36. The applicant shall contribute to the City of Moorpark an
amount of $.25 per square foot of gross floor area to support
the City's current and future park system.
37. The applicant shall contribute to the City of Moorpark's Art
in Public Places Fund, an amount of $100 per each 1,000 sq.ft.
of building floor area.
38. The applicant shall comply with all the mitigation measures
and reporting and monitoring program as shown on Exhibit 3.
39. That no liquor except wine and beer be sold on the project
40. That any lights used to illuminate the parking area shall be
arranged so as to reflect the light away from any adjoining
residential property.
41. That all operations authorized by this permit shall be
restricted to between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. with all
deliveries limited from 7:00 ii.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 8
42. That the applicant provide a combination of trees, shrubs, and
ground cover in the new 20 foot landscaped area and to
incorporate the landscape as an integral element of the
overall project design. The trees to be planted shall be in
24 inch box capable of growing above the buildings and
obscuring the buildings from the nearby residential areas.
43. The applicant is required to delete the four parking stalls
which would encroach on the existing, approximately 700 square
feet of landscape planter located north of the easterly
44. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the
determination as to whether the existing pole sign shall be
removed and replaced with a monument sign shall be determined
by the City Council.
45. Prior to the issuance of building permits for the construction
of any food /beverage facility, the applicant shall submit
detailed floor plans, equipment specifications, finish
schedules etc. to the Community Services section of the
Environmental Health Department for review and approval.
46. That the disposal of all pot3ntially hazardous wastes shall be
by a means approved by the Ventura County Environmental Health
47. That any abandoned wells on the property shall be destroyed in
accordance with the Ventura County Well Ordinance.
City Engineer's Conditions
48. The applicant shall submit to the City for review and
approval, a grading plan prepared by a registered civil
engineer; shall obtain a grading permit; and shall post
sufficient surety guaranteeing completion. cut or fill slopes
shall be no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical).
An erosion control plan shall be submitted for review nd
approval if grading is to occur between November lst and April
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 9
15th. Along with the erosion control measures, hydroseeding
of all graded slopes shall be required within 60 days of
completion of grading.
All haul routes shall be approved by the City Engineer. On-
site haul routes shall be limited to graded areas only.
49. The applicant shall submit to the City for review and
approval, a detailed soils and geotechnical report prepared by
both a civil engineer and a geotechnical engineer registered
with the State of California. The report shall include a
geotechnical investigation with regard to liquefaction,
expansive soils, and seismic safety. The grading plan shall
incorporate the recommendations of the approved soils report.
Review of the soils and geotechnical report by the City's
geotechnical consultant may be required by the City Engineer.
If so, the applicant shall reimburse the City for all costs
including the City's administrative costs.
50. The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer that each building pad has:
a. Adequate protection form a 100 year storm;
b. Feasible access during a 10 year storm.
51. The applicant shall submit to the City for review and
approval, drainage plans, hydrologic and hydraulic
calculations prepared by a registered civil engineer; shall
enter into an agreement with the guaranteeing the construction
of the improvements. The drainage plans and calculations
shall indicated the following conditions before and after
Quantities of water, water flow rates, major water courses,
drainage areas and patterns, diversions, collection systems,
flood hazard areas, sumps and drainage courses. Hydrology
shall be per current Ventura County Standards except as
a. all catch basins in sump Locations shall be designed for
a 50 year storm;
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 10
b. all catch basins on continuous grades shall be designed
for a 10 year storm;
C. all catch basins in a sump condition shall be designed
such that the depth of water at intake shall equal the
depth of the approach flows;
d. all culverts shall be designed for a 100 year storm;
e. drainage facilities shall be provided such that surface
flow are intercepted and contained prior to entering
collector or secondary roadways;
f. or a 10 year storm, all collector streets shall be
provided with a minimum of one travel lane with a goal
that local, residential streets shall have one travel
lane available where possible.
g. Drainage to adjacent parcels shall not be increased or
concentrated by this development. All drainage measures
necessary to mitigate storm water flows shall be provided
by the applicant.
52. The applicant shall deposit with the city a contribution of
the Los Angles Avenue Area of Contribution. The actual
deposit shall be the then current Los Angeles Avenue Area of
Contribution rate at the time of zone clearance.
53. The applicant shall indicate in writing to the City Engineer,
the disposition of any water well or any other well that may
exist within the project. If any wells are proposed to be
abandoned, or if they have been abandoned and have not been
properly sealed, they must be destroyed per Ventura County
Ordinance No. 2372.
54. If any of the improvements which the applicant is required to
construct or install is to be constructed or installed upon
land in which the applicant does not have title or interest
sufficient for such purposes, the applicant shall do all of
the following at least 60 days prior to the filing of the
final or parcel map for approval pursuant to Government Code
Section 66457.
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 11
a. Notify the City in writing that the applicant wishes the
City to acquire an interest in the land which is
sufficient for such purposes as provided in government
Code Section 66462.5;
b. Supply the City with:
i. a legal description of the interest to be acquired;
ii. a map or diagram of the interest to be acquired
sufficient to satisfy the requirements of
subdivision (e) of Section 1250.310 of the Code of
Civil Procedure.
iii. a current appraisal report prepared by an appraiser
approved by the City which expresses an opinion as
to the current fair market value of the interest to
be acquired, and
iv. a current Litigation Guarantee Report;
C. Enter into an agreement with the City, guaranteed by such
cash deposits or other security as the City may require,
pursuant to which the applicant will pay all of the
City's cost (including, without limitation, attorney's
fees and overhead expenses) of acquiring such an interest
in the land.
55. The applicant shall execute a covenant running with the land
on behalf of itself and its successors, heirs, and assigns
agreeing to participate in the formation of an assessment
district or other financing technique including, but not
limited to, the payment of traffic mitigation fees, which the
City my implement or adopt, public street and traffic
improvements directly or indirectly affected by the
56. No new driveway(s) shall be granted for this project.
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 12
57. Prior to any work being conducted within the City right of
way, the applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit.
58. If any hazardous waste is encountered during the construction
of this project, all work shall be immediately stopped and the
Ventura County Environmental Health Department, the Fire
Department, the Sheriff's Department, and the City
Construction Observer shall be notified immediately. Work
shall not proceed until clearance had been issued by all of
these agencies.
59. No trees with a trunk diameter in excess of 4 inches shall be
trimmed or removed without prior approval of the City Council.
60. Original "as- built" plans will be certified by the applicant's
civil engineer and submitted with two sets of blue prints to
the City engineer's office. Although grading plans may have
been submitted for checking and construction on sheets larger
than 22" x 36" mylar (made with proper overlaps) with a title
block on each sheet. Submission of "as- built" plans are
required before a final inspection will be scheduled.
Ventura Counter Sheriff's Department Conditions
62. A licensed security guard is required during the construction
phase, or a 6 -foot high chain link fence shall be erected
around the construction site.
63. Construction equipment, tools, etc., will be properly secured
during non - working hours.
64. If an alarm system is used, it shall be connected to all
exterior doors and windows and to any roof vents or other roof
openings where access may be made.
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 13
65. Lighting devices located on poles shall be high enough to
discourage anyone on the ground from tampering with them. All
parking areas shall be provided with a lighting system capable
of illuminating the parking surface with a minimum on 1 -foot
candle of light and shall be designed to minimize the spillage
of light onto adjacent properties. All exterior lighting
devices shall be protected by weather and breakage- resistant
66. Landscaping shall not obstruct any exterior door or window.
67. Landscaping at entrances /exits or at any intersection within
the parking lot shall not block or screen the view of a seated
driver from another moving vehicle or pedestrian.
68. Addresses shall be clearly visible to approaching emergency
vehicles and mounted against a contrasting color.
69. All exterior doors shall be constructed of solid wood core
minimum of 1 -3/4" thick or of metal construction. Front glass
doors commonly used for entry are acceptable but should be
visible to the street.
70. Doors utilizing a cylinder lock shall have a minimum five pin
tumbler operation with the locking bar or bolt extending into
the receiving guide a minimum of one inch.
71. There shall not be any easy exterior access to the roof area,
i.e. ladders, trees, high walls, etc.
72. Upon occupancy by the owner or proprietor, each single unit in
a tract or commercial development, constructed under the same
general plan, shall have locks using combinations which are
interchange free from locks used in all other separate
dwellings, proprietorships, or similar distinct occupancies.
73. Landscaping (trees) shall not be placed directly under any
overhead light.
74. Address numbers shall be a minimum of 6 inches in height and
illuminated during the hours of darkness.
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 14
75. All exterior sliding glass doors or windows shall be equipped
with metal guide tracks at the top and bottom and be
constructed so that the window cannot be lifted from the tract
when in the close or locked position.
76. All entrances /exit driveways shall be a minimum of 30' in
width with radius curb returns or 30' in width without radius
curb returns.
Ventura County Fire Department Conditions
77. That the street width of 25 feet shall be provided. Two way
traffic with off - street parking provided on both sides.
78. That prior to construction the applicant shall submit two site
plans to the Ventura County Bureau of Fire Prevention for
approval of the location of fire lanes. The fire lanes shall
be posted in accordance with California Vehicle Code, Section
22500.1 and Article 10 of the Uniform Fire Code Prior to
79. That address numbers, a minimum of 6 inches high, shall be
installed prior to occupancy, shall be of contrasting color to
the background, and shall readily visible at night. Where
structures are setback more that 250 feet from the street,
larger numbers will be required so that they are
distinguishable from the street. In the even a structure(s)
is not visible from the street, the address number (s) shall
be posted adjacent to the driveway entrance.
80. That prior to construction, the applicant shall submit plans
to the Ventura County Bureau of Fire Prevention for approval
of the location of fire hydrants. Show existing hydrants on
a site plan, within 300 feet of the development.
81. That fire hydrants shall be installed and in service prior to
combustible construction and shall conform to the minimum
standards of the Moorpark Water Works Manual.
a. Each hydrant shall be a 6 inch wet barrel design anq
shall have one 4 inch and two 2 -1/2 inch outlet(s).
b. The required fire flow shall be achieved at no less than
20 psi residual pressure
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 15
C. Fire hydrants shall be spaced 300 feet on center, and so
located that no structure will be farther than 150 feet
from any one hydrant.
d. Fire hydrants shall be recessed in from curb face 24
inches at center.
82. That the minimum fire flow required is determined by the type
of building construction, proximity to other structures, fire
walls, and fire protection devices provided, as specified by
the I.S.O. Guide for Determining Required Fire Flow. Given
the present plans and information, the required fire flow is
approximately 2750 gallons per minute. The applicant shall
verify that the water surveyor can provide the required
quantity at the project.
83. That if any building(s) are to be protected by an automatic
fire extinguishing system (such as, halon or dry chemical)
plans shall be submitted with payment for plan check, to the
Ventura County Bureau of Fire Prevention for review.
84. That building plans of all E occupancies shall be submitted to
the Ventura County Bureau of Fire Prevention for plan check.
85. That fire extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with
National Fire Protection Association, Pamphlet #10. The
placement of extinguisher shall be reviewed by the Fire
Prevention Bureau.
86. That plans for the installation of an automatic fire
extinguishing system ( such as, halon or dry chemical) shall be
submitted to the Ventura County Bureau of Fire Prevention for
plan check.
87. That trash containers with an individual capacity of 1.5 cubic
yards or greater, shall not be stored within 5 feet of
openings, combustible walls, combustible roof eave lines,
unless protected by approved automatic fire sprinklers.
(Uniform Fire Code, Article 11).
Approved, adopted by the City Council on November 7, 1990
Planned Development Permit No.: PD -897 Major Mod. No. 1
Applicant: George Shakibaum
Meeting Date: November 7, 1990
Page 16
Waterworks District No. 1 Conditions
88. Water mains will be required for service from Ventura County
Waterworks District No. 1. Details of on site septic system
including storage facilities, pump lift station, engineering
design criteria, flow rate information, details of grease
removal facilities, wastewater contents and details of
operational and maintenance responsibilities for on site
facilities. Annexation to Ventura County Waterworks District
No. 1 required.
89. Applicant for service shall comply with the Ventura County
Waterworks District No. 1 "Rules and Regulations" including
all provisions of or relating to the existing Industrial Waste
Discharge Requirements and subsequent additions or revisions
Mayor Pro Tem
City Clerk
City Manager
City Attorney
Director of
Community Development
City Engineer
Chief of Police
City Treasurer
I, Lillian E. Kellerman, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark,
California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that
the foregoing Resolution No. 90 -717 was adopted by the
City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on
the 7th day of NOVEMBER , 1990, and that
the same was adopted by the following vote:
AYES- Councilmember Brown,
Mayor Perez
Harper, Lawrason, Montgomery and
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this
Rth day of NOVFMBFR 1990.
illian E. Kel a man
799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, Califomia 93021 (805) 529 -6864