HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1990 721 1990 1107RESOLUTION NO. 90 -721
WHEREAS, at duly noticed public hearings on July 25,
August 1, August 15, September 19, and October 17, 1990, the City
Council considered the application filed by the Macleod
Construction Company for Land Division (parcel map) No. LDM -89 -2
for properties located in an area south of Poindexter Avenue, north
of Los Angeles Avenue, west of Park Lane in the City of Moorpark
(Assessor Parcel Nos. 511- 080 - -195, -205, -215, -245, -255, -265, -
315, and -325); and
WHEREAS, at its meetings of July 25, August 1, August 15,
September 19, and October 17, 1990, the City Council opened the
public hearing, and took testimony from all those wishing to
testify and then closed the public hearing on October 17, 1990; and
WHEREAS, the City Council after review and consideration
of the information contained in the Staff Report dated July 25,
1990 and the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
prepared for the Mission Bell Plaza and Greenleaf Apartment
Projects has reached a decision on this matter;
SECTION 1. The City Council adopts the findings
contained in the City Council Staff Report dated July 25, 1990,
which is incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit A as though
fully set forth, as well as those -onditions of approval as stated
in attached Exhibit B.
SECTION 2. Pursuant to the provisions of the
California Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 of the Public
Resources Code of the State of California), the City Council of the
City of Moorpark determines that the environmental issues, effects
and mitigation of the proposed project is similar to those
addressed in the EIR prepared for the proposed project, and that
the Council has previously taken action to certify the EIR and
approve a Mitigation Monitoring Program, Findings, and a Statement
of Overriding Considerations.
SECTION 3. That the City Council finds that the
proposed project is consistent with the City's General Plan.
SECTION 4. That the City Council approves Tentative
Parcel Map No. LDM -89 -2 pursuant to the findings in the Staff
Report dated July 25, 1990, and the conditions of approval attached
as Exhibit B to this resolution. This approval is for a three -lot
subdivision dividing the commercial property into two lots and the
residential property into one lot, as clarified in Condition No.
19a of Exhibit B.
Gillian E. K llerman
City Clerk
Exhibit A - Findings incorporated by reference
Exhibit B - Conditions of Approval
DATE: November 7,1990
1. The conditions of approval of this Tentative Parcel Map supersede all conflicting notations,
specifications, dimensions, typical sections and the like which may be shown on said map: and
that all provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, City of Moorpark Ordinance and adopted City
policies apply.
2. Recordation of this subdivision shall be deemed to be acceptance by the property owner of the
conditions of this Map.
3. All applicable requirements of any law or agency of the State, City of Moorpark and any other
governmental entity shall be met, and all such requirements and enactments shall, by reference,
become conditions of this entitlement.
The developer's recordation of this map and /or commencement of construction as a result of this
map shall be deemed to be acceptance of all conditions of this map by the applicant.
5. That no condition of this entitlement shall be interpreted as permitting or requiring any
violation of law, or any lawful rules or regulations or orders of an authorized governmental
agency. In instances where more than one set of rules apply, the stricter ones shall take
That if any of the conditions or limitations of this subdivision are held to be invalid, that
holding shall not invalidate the remaining conditions or limitations set forth.
The development shall be subject to all applicable regulations of the CPD or RPD zones as
8. No zone clearance shall be issued for construction until the final map has been recorded. Prior to
the issuance of any permit, a zoning clearance shall be obtained from the Department of
Community Development and a Building Permit shall be obtained from the Department of
Building and Safety after the granting of a zoning clearance.
Prior to approval of a Final Map, the developer shall demonstrate by possession of a District
Release from the Calleguas Municipal Water District that arrangements for payment of the
Construction Charge applicable to the proposed subdivision have been made.
10. The Tentative Parcel Map shall expire thrc4• years from the date of its approval. Failure to
record a final map with the Ventura County Recorder prior to expiration of the Tentative Map
shall terminate all proceedings, and any tiubdivision of the land shall require the filing and
processing of a new Tentative Map.
11. Prior to approval of Final Map, or issuance of a grading permit, grading plans shall be
submitted to the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer for review to insure
that such plans meet with the intent expressed in the Engineer's conceptual plans and /or the
Tentative Parcel Map.
12. Prior to approval of Final map, an unconditional availability letter shall be obtained from the
County Waterworks District No. 1 for sewer and water service for each lot. Said letter shall be
filed with the Department of community Development or, if said Unconditional Availability
Letter in a form satisfactory to the City cannot be obtained from the County Waterworks
District No. 1, the developer shall execute a Subdivision Sewer Agreement in a form
satisfactory to the City. Said agreement shall permit deferral of unconditional guarantee for
sewer and water service until issuance of a building permit for each lot in the subdivision. Said
agreement shall include language holding the City harmless against damages in the event of
the ultimate lack of adequate sewer service
13. Prior to recordation all utility lines (with the exception of 67kV or larger lines) shall be placed
underground to the nearest off -site utility pole. This requirement includes all above - ground
poles on the project site and those along the road frontages in the right -of -way.
14. Prior to recording the land division, the subdivider shall obtain a "District Release" from the
Calleguas Municipal Water District and Waterwork's District No. 1. Applicant shall be
required to comply to Ventura County Waterwork's Rules and Regulations including payment of
all applicable fees.
15. At the time water service connection is made, cross connection control devices shall be installed
on the water system in a manner approved by the County Waterworks District No. 1.
16. As of the date of recordation of final parcel map, the parcels depicted thereon shall meet the
requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and General Plan then applicable to the property.
Compliance with this condition shall be required even if the zoning and General Plan
requirements in effect as of the date the tentative map is conditional approved. Conditional
approval of the tentative map shall neither limit the power of the legislative body to amend
the applicable zoning ordinances and /or General Plan nor compel the legislative body to make
any such amendments.
18. That the subdivider shall defend, indemnifv and hold harmless the City and its agents,
officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding against the City or its agents,
officers or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul any approval by the City or any of its
agencies, departments,commissions, agents, officers, or proceeding is brought within the time
period provided therefore in Government Code Section 66499.37. The city will promptly notify
the subdivider of any such claim, action or proceeding, and, if the city should fail to do so or
should fail to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not thereafter be responsible
to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City or its agents, officers and employees pursuant
to this condition. The city may, within its unlimited discretion, participate in the defense of
any such claim, action or proceeding if both of the follo%ving occur:
The city bears its own attorney tees .ind costs;
b. The city defends the claim, action or proceeding in good faith.
The subdivider shall not be required to pay or perform any settlement of such claim, action or
proceeding unless the settlement is approved by the subdivider. The subdivider's obligations
under this condition shall apply regardles,, of whether a parcel map is ultimately recorded
with respect to the subdivision.
19. a. The applicant shall prepare a parcel map. The final parcel
map shall show a three -lot subdivision consisting of two CPD
zoned parcels and one parcel zoned RPD -15 Units. The final
map shall reflect the revised alignment for Lassen Avenue, the
vacation of Gisler Road and the necessary right -of -way
dedication for Liberty Bell Road and Los Angeles Avenue as
specified in the following conditions of approval.
b. Prior to final map approval or first building permit
(whichever is first), the applicant shall deposit with the
City a contribution for the Los Angeles Avenue Area of
Contribution. The actual deposit shall be the then current
Los Angeles Avenue Area of Contribution rate.
20. The applicant shall submit to the City for review and approval, a
grading plan prepared by a registered civil engineer; shall obtain
a grading permit; and shall post sufficient surety guaranteeing
completion. Cut or fill slopes shall be no steeper than 2:1
At the applicant's request, a staged grading plan can be submitted
for City Engineer review and approval.
An erosion control plan shall be submitted for review and approval
if any grading is to occur between October 15 and April 15. Along
with erosion control measures, hydroseeding of all graded slopes
shall be required within 60 days of completion of grading.
All haul routes shall be approved by the City Engineer. On -site
haul routes shall be limited to graded areas only.
21. The applicant shall submit to the City for review and approval, a
detailed soils and geotechnical report prepared by both a civil
engineer and a geotechnical engineer registered with the State of
California. The report shall include a geotechnical investigation
with regard to liquefaction, expansive soils, and seismic safety.
The grading plan shall incorporate the recommendations of the
approved soils report.
Review of the soils and geotechnical report by the City's
geotechnical consultant may be required by the City Engineer. If
so, the applicant shall reimburse the City for all costs including
the City's administrative costs
22. The applicant shall submit to the City for review and approval,
street improvement plans prepared by a registered civil engineer;
shall enter into an agreement with the City to complete the
improvements; and shall post sufficient surety guaranteeing the
construction of the improvements. Any necessary right -of -way
acquisition necessary to complete the required improvements will be
acquired by the applicant at their expense.
The improvements shall include concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk,
street lights, traffic signals, striping and signing, traffic
control, paving, and any necessary transitions to the satisfaction
of the City Engineer. The applicable Ventura County Road Standard
Plates are as follows:
a. Los Angeles Avenue per Plate B -2A, modified north of
centerline to have 59 feet of right -of -way, 51 foot pavement
width, a 6 foot landscaped area and a 6 foot sidewalk. The
sidewalk shall be located within a pedestrian easement as
necessary. Applicant shall construct improvements north of
the centerline across the frontage of the project.
Applicant shall also construct sufficient roadway widening
along the south side to permit restriping for a westbound
auxiliary lane across the entire frontage of the project, as
well as a 12 foot wide eastbound right turn pocket providing
a minimum of 150 feet of storage at Liberty Bell Road (see
Figure 1). All Los Angeles Avenue improvements shall be shown
first on preliminary plans which shall be submitted to the
City for review and approval, after which they will be
submitted to Caltrans for review and approval. If Caltrans
will not approve the preliminary plans, the preliminary plans
shall be returned to City Council for consideration of
alternative improvements.
Any direct expenses incurred by the applicant relating to the
right -of -way acquisition along the south side of Los Angeles
Avenue shall be reimbursed by the future developer(s) of the
property located along the south side of Los Angeles Avenue.
The City will enter into an agreement with the applicant
agreeing to condition the future developer of the property
along the south side of Los Angeles Avenue to reimburse the
applicant to the extent legally enforceable. The applicant
shall pay all legal costs, including but not limited to,
attorney fees and administrative costs incurred by the City to
impose and /or enforce said agreement. The agreement will be
prepared by the City Attorney, subject to review by the
applicant. The applicant shall pay the City's legal expenses
to prepare the agreem -nt.
The applicant shall make an irrevocable offer of dedication of
an additional 9 feet across the frontage of the project. The
City may, in the future, elect to accept this dedication to
provide for construct on of additional improvements.
The applicant shall design the main driveway project entrance
between Park Lane and ..iberty Bell Road to provide one inbound
lane and one outbound lane. The required Los Angeles Avenue
improvements shall include restriping to provide a striped
island in the vicinit.e of this driveway, thereby prohibiting
left turns in or out f the driveway.
In conjunction with other Los Angeles Avenue improvements, all
necessary transitions shall be designed and constructed to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer and Caltrans. Any
improvements constructed by the City with Los Angeles Avenue
Area of Contribution funds that would normally be the
responsibility of the applicant shall be offset by special
applicant contributions to the Los Angeles Avenue Area of
Contribution fund.
b. Liberty Bell Road per Plate B -3A and shall be designed and
constructed to align with the ultimate Liberty Bell Road
alignment south of Los Angeles Avenue. The Liberty Bell Road
- Los Angeles Avenue intersection must be designed and
constructed to provide for necessary turning pockets and must
be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to
recordation so that the dedication of right -of -way on the map
will be the ultimate right -of -way dedication. Liberty Bell
Road will be a variable width street, with all elements
designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. A
conceptual configuration of the proposed improvements is shown
in the attached Figure 2. Although it is intended that the
concept shown on this figure be implemented, it is understood
that final plan details such as transition design may vary
from that shown in the figure.
c. Lassen Avenue per Plate B -5A, modified to have 56 feet of
right -of -way to match the existing, previously dedicated,
alignment per Parcel Map No. 3781 on the easterly portion of
the project site. Lassen Avenue shall have a 6 foot sidewalk
and 4 foot landscaped area on the south side, within the 8
foot parkway area and a 2 foot landscape and pedestrian
easement. All improvements south of centerline plus 12 feet
north of centerline shall be constructed. All necessary
transitions shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the
City Engineer. The only connection of Lassen Avenue to Sierra
Avenue shall be in the form of an unpaved emergency access
easement area west of Liberty Bell Road. This easement shall
be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, the Director of
Community Development, the Sheriff's Department and the Fire
Department. The connection of Lassen Avenue to Liberty Bell
Avenue shall be in the form of a knuckle per City standard.
d Although not a requirement of' this development, it is noted
for future reference that any future street intersecting
Lassen Avenue in the vicinity of the traffic circle servicing
the proposed office buildings east of Liberty Bell Road shall
not be offset from the traffic circle.
e. No portion of any project driveway may be within 150 feet of
the nearest curb prolongation of an adjacent intersection.
f. The applicant shall construct the necessary improvements to
provide Class II bicycle lanes (5 feet wide) along Liberty
Bell Road per the Circulation Element of the Moorpark General
g. The applicant shall be responsible for all maintenance of the
public sidewalks and landscaped parkways on Los Angeles
Avenue, Liberty Bell Road, and Lassen Avenue.
h. The applicant shall agree to provide the necessary public
maintenance easements for the landscaped areas along and
adjacent to Los Angeles Avenue, Park Lane, Lassen Avenue and
Liberty Bell Road. The applicant shall also not oppose the
formation of a landscape maintenance assessment district, if
and when created by the City.
23. The applicant shall demonstrate for each building pad to the
satisfaction of the City as follows:
a. Adequate protection from 100 -year frequency storm;
b. Feasible access during a 10 -year frequency storm.
24. The applicant shall submit to the City for review and approval,
drainage plans, hydrologic and hydraulic calculations prepared by a
registered civil engineer; shall enter into an agreement with the
City to complete the improvements and shall post sufficient surety
guaranteeing the construction of the improvements. The drainage
plans and calculations shall indicate the following conditions
before and after development:
The Hydrology /Hydraulic Report and Hydraulic Plans shall address the
entire project including the proposed RPD and the following:
• No flows from a 50 year storm shall flow from this project
onto Los Angeles Avenue, or to the existing tract (Tract 1240)
to the west.
• The required storm drain improvements required to pick up off -
site storm water and carry it to its final disposal from
Poindexter Avenue, McFadden Avenue, Cornette Avenue and Park
Lane as identified by the City of Moorpark Master Drainage
Study, shall be designed and constructed. (Note: The
applicant has proposed directing storm water from Poindexter
Avenue directly into the Walnut Canyon drain as an alternative
to carry this storm water across the site. It is emphasized
that this alternative will require permits from the Ventura
County Flood Control District, Southern Pacific Railroad and
City of Moorpark. This alternative can be considered, but all
plans and permits mug *' be completed prior to approval of the
final map.)
• The storm drain along Los Angeles Avenue shall be extended
from its full size terminus to connect to the existing 54" RCP
east of Shasta Avenue. Should the existing storm drain
between Shasta Avenue and the Arroyo Simi require enlargement,
the City shall reimburse the applicant for one -half of the
constriction cost to a maximum of S100,000.
• The on -site drainage system shall be designed to provide
retention such that 10 year flows after development do not
exceed existing 10 year flows. This condition can be waived
if the Moorpark Avenue storm drain is funded by the City of
Moorpark and construction is permitted by Caltrans.
• This study shall analyze the hydraulic capacity of the Shasta
Drain to the Arroyo Simi with and without the Moorpark Avenue
storm drain connection.
Quantities of water, water flow rates, major water courses, drainage
areas and patterns, diversions, collection systems, flood hazard
areas, sumps and drainage courses. Hydrology shall be per current
Ventura County Standards except as follows:
• all catch basins in sump locations shall carry a 50 -year
frequency storm;
• all catch basins on continuous grades shall carry a 10 -year
• all catch basins in a sump condition shall be sized such that
depth of water at intake shall equal the depth of the approach
• all culverts shall carry a 100 -year frequency storm;
• drainage facilities shall be provided such that surface flows
are intercepted and contained prior to entering collector or
secondary roadways;
• under a 10 -year frequency storm, all collector streets shall
be provided with a minimum of one travel lane with a goal that
local, residential streets shall have one travel lane
available where possible
• Drainage to adjacent parcels shall not be increased or
concentrated by this development. All drainage measures
necessary to mitigate storm water flows shall be provided by
the applicant.
• All drainage grates shall be designed and constructed with
provisions to provide adequate bicycle safety to the
satisfaction of the (ity Engineer.
25. The applicant shall demonstrate legal access for each parcel to the
satisfaction of the City.
26. The applicant shall indicate in writing to the City the disposition
of any water well(s) or any other well that may exist within the
project. If any wells are proposed to be abandoned, or if they are
abandoned and have not been properly sealed, they must be destroyed
per Ventura County Ordinance No. 2312 and per Division of Oil and
Gas requirements.
27. If any of the improvements which the applicant is required to
construct or install is to be constructed or installed upon land in
which the applicant does not have title or interest sufficient for
such purposes, the applicant shall do all of the following at least
60 days prior to the filing of the final or parcel map for approval
pursuant to Government Code Section 66457.
a. Notify the City in writing that the applicant wishes the City
to acquire an interest in the land which is sufficient for
such purposes as provided in Government Code Section 66462.5;
b. Supply the City with (i) a legal description of the interest
to be acquired, (ii) a map or diagram of the interest to be
acquired sufficient to satisfy the requirements of subdivision
(e) of Section 1250.310 of the Code of Civil Procedure, (iii)
a current appraisal report prepared by an appraiser approved
by the City which expresses an opinion as to the current fair
market value of the interest to be acquired, and (iv) a
current Litigation Guarantee Report;
C. Enter into an agreement with the City, guaranteed by such cash
deposits or other security as the City may require, pursuant
to which the applicant will pay all of the City's cost
(including, without limitation, attorney's fees and overhead
expenses) of acquiring such an interest in the land.
28. The applicant shall pay all energy costs associated with street
lighting for a period of one year from the initial energizing of the
street lights.
29. The applicant shall execute a covenant running with the land on
behalf of itself and its successors, heirs, and assigns agreeing to
participate in the formation of an assessment district or other
financing technique including, but not limited to, the payment of
traffic mitigation fees, which the City may implement or adopt, and
public street and traffic improvements directly or indirectly
affected by the development
30. The applicant shall post sufficient surety guaranteeing completion
of all improvements which revert to the City (i.e., landscaping,
parks, fencing, etc.) or which require removal (i.e., model homes,
temporary debris basins, etc.).
31. Applicant shall post sufficient surety for the installation of a
traffic signal at the intersection of Los Angeles Avenue - Liberty
Bell Road. The applicant will be eligible to receive reimbursement
from the Los Angeles Avenue Area of Contribution of up to $65,000 or
50 percent of the construction expenses, whichever is less.
33. The applicant shall make a special contribution to the City
representing the applicant's prorata share of the costs of
improvements to the following intersections:
0 Poindexter Avenue - Moorpark Avenue
minimum contribution of $16,800.
0 Los Angeles Avenue - Gabbert Road
minimum contribution of $16,200.
• Los Angeles Avenue - Moorpark Avenue
minimum contribution of $28,500.
• Spring Road - New Los Angeles Avenue
minimum contribution of $25,500.
To determine the final prorated share costs of these improvements,
the applicant shall first prepare conceptual plans to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer. The prorata share shall be
developed based on the incremental traffic added by the project, and
shall be approved by the City Council prior to zoning clearance.
The contribution shall then be paid to City, prior to zoning
34. The applicant shall provide a reciprocal access agreement as
necessary to permit access between CPD 89 -1, CPD 89 -2 and the parcel
abutting the westerly project boundary and Los Angeles Avenue.
35. The applicant shall offer to dedicate on the final map to the City
of Moorpark for public use, all right -of -way for public streets as
shown on the final map.
36. The applicant shall offer to dedicate on the final map access
easements to the City of Moorpark over all private streets shown on
the final map to provide access for all governmental agencies
providing public safety, health and welfare.
37. The applicant shall offer to dedicate on the final map to the City
of Moorpark, public service easements as required.
38. The applicant shall delineate on the final map areas subject to
flooding as a "Flowage Easement" and then offer the easement for
dedication to the City of Moorpark.
39. The applicant shall dedicate on the final map to the City of
Moorpark the access rights adjacent to Los Angeles Avenue,
Poindexter Avenue, Lassen Avenue, and Liberty Bell Road except for
approved access roads as delineated on the final map.
40. Lot to lot drainage easements and secondary drainage easements shall
be delineated on the final map. Assurance shall be provided to the
City, to the satisfaction of the City, that these easements will be
adequately maintained by property owners to safely convey storm
water flows.
41. That prior to any work being conducted within the State or City
right of way, the applicant shall obtain all necessary encroachment
permits from the appropriate Agencies.
42. If any hazardous waste is encountered during the construction of
this project, all work shall be immediately stopped and the Ventura
County Environmental Health Department, the Fire Department, the
Sheriff's Department, and the City Construction Observer shall be
notified immediately. Work shall not proceed until clearance has
been issued by all of these agencies.
43. Where roads are to be built requiring 4 or more inches of pavement,
applicant shall construct the required street section minus 1 -inch
of paving as an interim condition until all utility cuts or
trenching is completed. The final 1 -inch cap of asphalt shall be
placed after all necessary trenching is completed.
44. Construction activities (any noise making activity including the
operation or movement of equipment) shall be limited to only the
hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9:00 a.m.
to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday. No job site activity shall occur before
or after these hours and not at all on Sunday and Holidays.
45. The applicant shall utilize all prudent and reasonable measures
(including a 6 foot high chain link fence around the entire project
perimeter) to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the work
site at any time and to protect the public from accidents and
46. If the land is in a special flood hazard area, the applicant shall
notify all potential buyers of this condition.
47. The Los Angeles Avenue - Liberty Bell Avenue traffic signal shall be
operational prior to any occupancy for this project.
49. All street and storm drain improvements shall be constructed prior
to first occupancy. If right -of -way acquisition or Caltrans
permission can not be obtained, the applicant can request
construction deferment on those portions of construction from the
City Council.
50. a. Sufficient surety guaranteeing the public improvements shall
be provided. The surety shall remain in place for one year
following acceptance by the City Council.
b. Any surety bonds that are in effect three years after final
map approval or after issuance of the first building permit
within LDM 89 -2 shall be increased an amount equal to or
greater than the consumers price index (Los Angeles /Long Beach
SMSA) for the period since original issuance of the surety and
shall be increased in like manner each year thereafter.
51. Original "as- built" plans will be certified by the applicant's civil
engineer and submitted with two sets of blue prints to the City
Engineer's office. Although grading plans may have been submitted
for checking and construction on sheets larger than 22" X 36 ", they
must be resubmitted as "as- builts" in a series of 22" X 36" mylars
(made with proper overlaps) with a title block on each sheet.
Submission of "as- built" plans is required before a final inspection
will be scheduled.
52. Reproducible centerline tie sheets shall be submitted to the City
Engineer's office.
53. The applicant shall file for a time extension with the City
Engineer's office at least six weeks in advance of expiration of the
agreement to construct subdivision improvements. The fees required
will be in conformance with the applicable ordinance section.
Mayor Pro Tem
City Clerk
City Manager
City Attomey
Director of
Community Development
City Engineer
Chief of Police
City Treasurer
I, Lillian E. Kellerman, City ClerY of the City of Moorpark,
California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that
the foregoing Resolution No. _ 90 -1721 __ was adopted by the
City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on
the 7th day of NOVEMBEP _ __ _, 1990, and that
the same was adopted by the following vote:
WI'T'NESS my hand and tl;e c t f i ial seal of said City
this 19th_ day of .__FEBRUARY _ , 1 `)9 T .
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