HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1991 785 1991 1002RESOLUTION NO. 91 -785
NOS. 4726 AND 4738, RPD PERMITS 90 -2, 90 -3, AND 90 -4,
WHEREAS, applications have been filed by Westland Company for
the above referenced entitlements to allow construction of the
Westland Affordable and Market Rate Housing Project allow a 119 lot
subdivision of 35.4 acre site and construction of 175 multi - family
dwellings on a property zoned R -1 -13 which is located south of Los
Angeles Avenue in the vicinity of Maureen Lane and Goldman Avenue
in Moorpark, California [Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 506 - 030 -135,
145, 155, 165 and 180]; and
WHEREAS, the Westland Company Affordable and Market Rate
Single and Multi- family Housing Development Environmental Impact
Report (SCH No. 90010306) provides an environmental assessment of
the proposed projects in accordance with the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and State CEQA Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, public notice of the availability of the Draft
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the above referenced
entitlement permits was provided in compliance with CEQA; and
WHEREAS, at duly noticed public hearings held on February 19,
April 1, and June 3, 1991, the Planning Commission considered the
adequacy of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and the
application filed by Westland Company requesting approval of the
above referenced entitlements, received and considered public
testimony from all those wishing to testify, closed the public
hearing for the Draft EIR on April 1, and adopted a resolution
recommending certification of the EIR on April 15, and closed the
public hearing for the project on June 3 and adopted a resolution
recommending approval of the referenced entitlements on June 17,
1991; and
WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public hearing held on July 17,
1991, and at a continued meeting on July 24, 1991, the City Council
considered the applications filed by Westland Company requesting
approval of the referenced entitlements and considered the
information contained in the staff reports and the EIR; and
WHEREAS, the City Council closed the public hearing for the
Draft EIR at its meeting of July 17, 1991, considered the draft
Final EIR and its meeting of July 24, 1991, and reached its
decision to certify the Final EIR;
Resolution No. 91 -785
Page 2
WHEREAS, at the July 24, 1991 City Council meeting, the
applicant accepted condition 67(b) of Tentative Tract No. 4726,
conditions 45(b) of RPD Permit No. 90 -4, condition 74(b) of
Tentative Tract No. 4738, and condition 59(b) of RPD Permit Nos.
90 -2 and 90 -3 and waived any nexus objections to these conditions
under CEQA and /or the Subdivision Map Act; and
WHEREAS, at its meeting of July 24, 1991, the City Council
directed preparation of this resolution;
SECTION 1. A Final EIR has been completed in compliance
with California Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 of the
Public Resource Code of the State of California). The City Council
has received and considered the information contained in the Final
EIR prior to acting on the proposed projects and has found that
this document adequately addresses the environmental effects of the
proposed projects.
SECTION 2. The Final EIR has identified significant
cumulative environmental effects of the project relative to air
quality, traffic, and public services, and Findings and a Statement
of Overriding Considerations are attached as Exhibit A to this
resolution in compliance with CEQA and incorporated herein by
SECTION 3. The City Council finds that the Statement of
Overriding Considerations can be adopted in that the benefits of
the proposed projects outweigh the unavoidable environmental
effects of said impacts as addressed in Exhibit A and in the record
of both Planning Commission and City Council meetings.
SECTION 4. A Mitigation Monitoring Program has been prepared
in compliance with Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code.
The City Council has received and considered the Mitigation
Monitoring Program, attached as Exhibit B and incorporated herein
by reference, prior to taking final action on the proposed project.
Resolution No. 91 -785
Page 3
SECTION 5. The City Council certifies the Final EIR for
the Westland Affordable and Market Rate Housing Project.
Lillian E. Ke er an City Clerk P'XI
Attachments: °.�� ��'
Exhibit A - Findings and Statem` Overriding Considerations
Exhibit B - Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Exhibit A
Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations
CEQA Findings
A Final EIR has been prepared on the proposed Westland development which addresses the environmental
effects of the project. Mitigation measures have been conceived for all significant effects. Pursuant to Sections
15043 and 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the following findings are recommended
(1) Changes or alternations have been required in the project which avoid or
substantially lessen the significant environmental effects of the project related to
geologic and flooding hazards, impacts on community aesthetics and visual resources,
effects on traffic circulation at intersections in the immediate project vicinity, the
availability of long term water supplies, the effects of noise generated by traffic on Los
Angeles Avenue and traffic within the project, the remediation of hazardous
agricultural and petrochemical materials,
(2) Changes or alterations in the social or physical environment which could lessen
environmental effects but which are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of
another public agency and not the City of Moorpark include effects wastewater
treatment capacity, cumulative effects on traffic circulation, cumulative effects on air
quality, and cumulative effects on education.
(3) Physical and economic considerations make infeasible the full and complete
mitigation of traffic impacts at several intersections in the City and cumulative air
quality impacts.
Statement of Overriding Considerations
Traffic Circulation
Project specific effects on local intersections, road capacity, and safety can be fully offset through the payment
of fees, the installation of off site road improvements, and contributions to eidsting regional traffic circulation
improvement programs. In addition, the project conditions require substantial traffic circulation and flooding
remediation in the immediate project vicinity including widening Los Angeles Avenue between Beltramo and
Liberty Bell, the extension of Unidos Avenue, signal installation, creation of a bus stop, and the correction of
drainage problems at Maureen Lane and Los Angeles Avenue. The applicant has made a conscientious effort
to implement the needed improvements. The number of offsite improvements being required by the City would
adequately offset all project contributions to cumulative effects on the City's circulation system. Applicable
CEQA findings include Findings 1, 2, and 3.
Air Quality
The project's contribution to local air quality improvement through the payment of about $75,000 in fees would
partially offset the increased air quality emissions associated with the project. 'These funds could be used for
the purchase of vans, for the development of ridesharing programs, and related air improvement measures.
The construction effects of the project would be offset to the maximum extent feasible through implementation
of recommended mitigation measures. Applicable CEQA findings in Findings 1, 2, and 3.
Cumulative Effects on Educational Facilities
Funding for educational programs and facilities in California is limited by legislation. Given the current growth
rate in California, many school districts throughout the state have significant financial problems. The pace of
development in Moorpark has the potential to significantly impact the quality of education for the local
population. The present school fee program does not provide sufficient fonds for the development of school
facilities. The applicant would contribute to the solution of this problem through the payment of required fees.
No further mitigation planning can be done on the part of the applicant to solve this cumulative problem.
Applicable CEQA findings include Findings 2 and 3.
In adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations, the decision - makers should also recognize that the
proposed project provides affordable moderate income housing for the community and substantial offsite
transportation improvements. These benefits significantly offset the project's contribution to cumulative traffic,
air quality, and educational problems in the City.
Exhibit B
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
for the Westland Project
CEQA Mitigation and Monitoring Requirements
AB 3180 (Stats 1958, ch.1232) which became effective on January 1989 and has been codified as Public
Resources Code Section 21081.6 Section 21081.6, now requires that, along with the adoption of the
findings specified in an EIR, the lead agency also must adopt a "monitoring/reporting program" to
"ensure compliance during project implementation! The following reporting/monitoring program is
recommended by the consultant to specify timing and personnel responsible for monitoring the
implementation of the mitigation measures recommended in this EIR.
Some of the following mitigation conditions have been revised by the City Engineer in the Conditions
of Approval for Tentative Tract Map Nos. 4726 and 4738 and RPD Permit Nos. 90-2, 90-3, and 904.
Conditions which were modified by the City Engineer subsequent to completion of the Final EIR are
indicated in italics. In cases where a mitigation condition conflicts with a project Condition of Approval
for the entitlements referenced above, the strider condition applies. Fee payments have been adjusted
in the following monitoring program to conform with City Engineer project conditions.
Mitigation Monitoring Program
To assure that all mitigation measures are properly implemented and to assure proper documentation
of mitigation compliance, the consultant recommended the following measure:
1) Prior to issuance of any zoning clearance for the Westland project, the applicant shall fund the
appointment of an Environmental Quality Assurance Program (EQAP) for the project. The
monitor shall be selected by and contracted with the City, this monitor shall be financially and
professionally independent of the developer. This monitor shall be under contract full time for
the duration of the construction period during which all roads, rough and fetish grading, and
utilities are installed Monitoring would be periodic following the completion of these phases
of construction. Monitoring shall begin with the initiation of pre - construction demolition and
be terminated when all landscaping mitigation measures have been implemented and been
field verified. The monitor shall be responsible for all mitigation measure enforcement and
compliance with monitoring reporting requirements.
Implementation Res,pQnsibiW
Reporting /monitoring of this mitigation measure would be an on -going activity which would begin with
field monitoring of initial grading and conclude with documentation of all mitigation measures at the
time a certificate of occupancy is issued. Written progress reports on the monitoring program and
applicant compliance should periodically be provided to the City throughout the project development
Monitoring would begin with initial clearing and grubbing of the project site and continue periodically
through the completion of finish grading and civil works. Periodic monitoring and verification of the
implementation of all conditions would be provided in the form of a written report at the conclusion of
the monitoring program.
Monitoring Division
The EQAP monitor would be responsible to the Director of the Community Development Department
The applicant is responsible for funding the monitoring program and related City administrative costs.
Standards for Success
Periodic progress reports on monitoring compliance will be submitted to the City. Upon completion of
field monitoring and demonstrated compliance with all conditions of approval, a final monitoring
report shall be filed with the City.
Traffic and Circulation
Project Specific Mitigations
The following mitigation measures were modified by the City Engineer to provide payment of a pro-
rata portion of each proposed improvement (indicated in bold print). In addition, several other
measures were recommended which were not included in the EIR. Nonetheless, the compliance
program for traffic mitigation implementation would be as proposed below.
1) Goldman Avenue /Los Angeles Avenue Signalization and Improvements - A traffic
signal shall be installed at this location prior to occupancy of the proposed project The
applicant shall fund all costs related to Installation of the signal. Mw applicant sha0 enter
Into a reimbursement agreement with the City, whereby the applicant will be entitled to
receive 50% reimbursement of the costa associated with the traffic signal construction. U the
traffic signal is deemed wan anted and construction Is permitted by Caltrans, the signal
shall be operational prior to any occupancy. If construction of the signal is not allowed by
Caltrans at the time of the applk=Vs request for occupancy, the applicant shall deposit
125% of the total estimated construction cost with the City. The required bond for this
signal can be exonerated If the cash deposit is provided to the City. This construction cost
shall include associated engineering, construction inspection and administration costs. This
cash deposit does not relieve the applicant from constructing the signal. The applicant shall
construct the signal upon receiving Caltrans permission to do so.
In addition to this stfualaattory the south side of Los Angeles Avenue shall be improved to
ultimate planned width along the project frontagie. This tsegment shall be striped for lane
madangs consistent with existing haffc movements (including a westbound left turn lane).
Northbound and southbound Goldman Avenue shall be striped for separate left and right turn
2) Spring Road/New Los Angeles Avenue - The City of Moorpark is currently coordinating an
intersection improvement project at this location which would require right- of-way acquisition,
widening to allow installation of additional northbound and southbound left turn lanes and
provision of additional eastbound and westbound through lanes, (while retaining all other existing
lanes). The proposed development shall be required to participate in a cost - sharing allocation for
this improvement ($4,090 or 4.5% of the total intersection reconstruction cost).
3) Spring Road & Los Angeles Avenue High Street - No feasible mitigation is available to improve
this intersection to acceptable levels of service due to the limits of existing rights-of-way and
development. Some improvements to I.OS at this location can be achieved by restriping Spring
Road to provide 1 northbound right tune lanes and a combined northbound through -kft turn lane.
The project's pro -rata share or tbls Improvement is $1725 or 4% of the total Improvement
4) Moorpark Avenue at Los Angeles Avenue - The applicant shall contribute to funding
improvements at this intersection to nraWwe both project specific and cumulative effects. The
intersection should be redesigned to provide a northbound kft turn, through and npW turn lame,
ow eastbound kft turn and three through lanes, one left turn and three through lanes westbound,
and one left turn, one throtrgit -left and one nght turn lane on the southbound apptimch. The
appllanes contribution to the Improvement of this intersection is $15,150.
I Q-1
There are a variety of required methods for funding these improvements ranging from full funding by
the applicant to a fair share arrangement involving applicant funding and reimbursement by future
developments. Resolution of the funding for these and related measures recommended by the City
Engineer as Conditions of Approval for the Westland Project have been negotiated between the City
and the Applicant. No occupancy permits should be issued until it is determined that required fees or
improvements have been made that offset the projects contribution to the traffic problems at these
Reporting/monitoring of these related mitigation measures would be on ongoing activity which would
continue during City review of RPD permits and related Trat Map conditions. Most traffic
improvements would be made in connection with initial civil improvements within and adjacent to the
Monitoring Division
The City Engineer's Office and Community Development Department would be responsible for
monitoring implementation of these measures. The City Engineer would be responsible for reviewing
the designs for each improvement.
Standards for Success
To be determined depending on how the improvement is funded and what percentage of the
improvement is paid for by the applicant. Compliance with fee payments and design objectives
included in the City Engineer Conditions of Approval for the project iYould assure success.
Cumulative ltiatfic Mitigation
To assure that the project contributes appropriately to the resolution of problems at cumulatively
impacted intersections the following mitigation measure is required:
S) The applicant shall contribute to the Los Angeles Avenue Area of Contribution. The actual
contribution shall be the adopted fee at the time of official map approval.
Implementation ResWnsibility
Reporting /monitoring of this mitigation measure is a one -time activity which will occur as a condition
of obtaining a building permit. No building permit will be issued until these fees have been paid. This
program will be monitored by the City Engineer's Office and the Community Development
Department Director.
Fees shall be paid prior to final map approval.
Monitoring Division
This measure would be monitored by the Community Development Department and the City
Engineer's Office.
All traffic mitigation fees would be paid by the applicant.
Standards for Success
Payment shall occur prior to final map approval-
Air Quality
To mitigate air quality impacts, the following measures were recommended:
Construction Emissions
1) The applicant shall assure that contractors properly maintain and operate construction
equipment and use direct injection diesel engines or gasoline powered engines if feasible.
2) The applicant shall assure that contractors water exposed graded areas on a daily basis.
3) Dust generation produced during grading shall be suppressed by the following activities:
a. All exposed soil areas shall be sprinkled with water at least once an hour during
grading operations.
b. All trucks importing fill to the site shall use tarpaulins to cover the load and shall
operate between the hours of 9 a.m to 4 p.m. on weekdays only.
C. All active portions of the construction sites shall be sufficiently watered to prevent
excessive generation of dust.
d. All material excavated or graded shall be sufficiently watered to prevent excessive
amounts of dust.
e. All grading and excavation operations shall cease during periods of high winds.
f. On -site vehicle speed shall be limited to no more than 15 miles per hour.
Emissions Associated with New Residences
4. The applicant shall contribute $75,817 in air quality mitigation fees ($45,490 for TR -4726 and
530,327 for TR -4738) to the City of Moorpark. These funds shall be used at the Citys
discretion to pay for programs designed to reduce emissions in the local airshed-
Implementation Resp�ibilb
Measures 1 through 3 would be implemented through field review conducted by the EQAP monitor.
Compliance monitoring would be performed in consultation with the City Grading Inspector and local
APCD staff. The applicimes contractors would be responsible for full compliance with each measure.
Compliance with Measure 4 would be required through payment of fees associated with TR -4726 and
TR -4738 prior to issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for that subdivision.
Field monitoring would be conducted during the construction period. Compliance with Measure 4
would be assured through verification of fee payment which would be coordinated with City staff.
Monitoring Division
Enforcement would be the responsibility of the City and the EQAP Monitor.
All fees, including City administrative costs, would be paid by the Applicant.
Standards for Success
Monitoring of construction site conditions should be documented in the Final compliance report for
the project which should be retained by the City (in the Community Development Department files).
Flood Hazards
The following mitigation measures were modified substantially by the City Engineer to assure that all
flood control issues are completed addressed In addition, several design recommendations were
recommended by the City Engineer which were not included in the EIR. Nonetheless, the compliance
program for flood control mitigation implementation would be as proposed below.
1) Channel bank protection along the Arroyo Simi conforming to County Flood Control District
rrqwwndrts altall be momporazed into the project deafflL 71ne channel bank protection plan
shall address (1) whether the existing toe rock must be increased if the north or south levees are
raised (2) whether than will be any change to the water surface elevation due to the additional
rip -rap to the roe rock and to the top of the levees, (3) the impact of any change to the water
surface elevation on the proposed Arroyo Vuta Park and High School property on the south side
of the Arroyo Simi shaA be mitigated in accordance with FEAL4 and VCFCD requirements, and
(4) how the shallow flooding from the property to the east of the project will be contained and
conveyed to Amvyo Simi. All Flood Control District recommendations shall be incorporated into
project building plans prior to issuance of grading permits and the recommended mitigation
measures shall conform with City Ordinance No 100 riequuments regarding pad elevations and
protection from a 100 year storm.
2) Reinfmcement of the existing sewer line (in the vicinity of the proposed levee reconstruction) shall
be completed to achieve compliance with Caunty Flood Control and Engineering standards. In
consultation with County Flood Control and Waterworks District 1, a final design solution for this
problem shall be decided upon prior to issuance of building permits. 71te final design
configuration shall be acceptable to the sewer line owner of record.
Imolementation Responsibility and F
There are a variety of engineering requirements that need to be met to satisfy the conditions imposed
on the project by the City Engineer. Resolution of the remaining design issues related to flooding and
surface water control will require further consultations with and the review of plans by the County
Public Works Division and the City Engineer. As required by the conditions of appro,,al for TR -4726
and TR -4738, a final map shall not be approved until it is determined that required improvements can
be implemented that solve all of the contingent flood control problems addressed in the City Engineer's
conditions on the project.
Reporting/monitoring of these related mitigation measures would be on ongoing activity which would
continue during City review of RPD permits and related Tract Map conditions. Most flood control
improvements would be made in connection with initial civil improvements within and adjacent to the
MonitodU Division
The City Engineer's Office and Community Development Department would be responsible for
monitoring implementation of these measures. The City Engineer would be responsible for reviewing
the adequacy of the design solutions proposed for each improvement.
Standards for Success
To be determined by the City Engineer. Compliance with all design objectives included in the City
Engineer Conditions of Approval for the project would assure success.
Geologic Hazards
The following mitigation measure was modified by the City Engineer in the final Conditions of
Approval for the project. Nonetheless, the compliance program for geologic hazard mitigation
implementation would be as proposed below.
1) The design mitigations recommended by the geotechnical consultants shall be incorporated into
the project working drawings. The City Engineer shall verify that all design measures are
accounted for in the building plans prior to issuance of any building permits for the project.
Specific design measures are provided in the EIR Technical Appendix (Buena Engineers 19910: 9-
There are a variety of engineering requirements that need to be met to satisfy the soil and geology
related conditions imposed on the project by the City Engineer. Resolution of the remaining design
issues related to liquefaction and settlement will require further consultations with and the review of
plans by the City Engineer. No building permits should be issued until it is determined that required
improvements can be made that solve all of the contingent problems addressed in the City Engineer's
conditions on the project.
Reporting /monitoring of these related mitigation measures would be on ongoing activity which would
continue during City review of RPD permits and related Tract Map conditions. Most structural
recommendations would be implemented in tonne tioa with initial civil improvements within and
adjacent to the development.
Monitorma D' ' 'on
The Building and Safety Department and Community Development Department would be responsible
for monitoring implementation of these measures. 7%e City Engineer would be responsible for
reviewing the adequacy of the design solutions proposed for each improvement.
Standards for Success
To be determined by the City Engineer. Compliance with all design objectives included in the City
Engineer Conditions of Approval for the project would assure success.
Biological and Botanical Resources
To mitigate adverse effects related to biological resources, the following measure was recommended
1) A riparian woodland planting program shall be required along the Arroyo Simi within and
adjacent to the project boundary. This planting plan should be designed to provide a nearly
continuous canopy of local riparian woodland trees along the Arroyo margin within the project
limits. Trees to be planted should include native California broadleaf trees (Sycamore, Box
Elder, Elderberry, Cottonwood, Alder, and other selected species).
Implementation Responsibility
Implementation of this measure would be accomplished through incorporating recommendations into
the project landscaping plan.
Reporting /monitoring of this mitigation measure would be a one -time activity which would occur as a
condition of obtaining a Zoning Clearance for RPD 90.4. No budding permit should be issued until it
is determined that this measure has been incorporated into the Final Landscaping Plan. All planting
should be accomplished prior to the first occupancy approval for TR- 4726/RPD 90-4.
MonitodU Division
Conformance with recommendations would be assured through review of the project plans by the City
Community Development Department.
The proposed addition to the landscaping program would be funded by the applicant.
Standards for Success
Permission for occupancy shall be withheld until the landscaping provisions have been completed. This
portion of the program will be monitored by the Community Development Department and the City
Landscape Architect. Installation of required landscaping should be confirmed through field
inspections prior to issuing certificates of occupancy.
Public Services
School Facilities
1) The new elementary school currently under construction in the project vicinity shall be
completed and operating prior to release of the certificates of occupancy for the Westland
housing project.
2) The project applicant shall pay required school fees to the Moorpark Unified School District
prior to issuance of building permits.
ntation Resnonsi
Reporting/monitoring of mitigation measure 2 is a one -time activity, which will occur as a condition of
obtaining a building permit. No building permit will be issued until the City receives a receipt
documenting that the required fees have been paid to the local school district. Compliance with
Measure 1 would be assured by tuning the approval of occupancy for the project as specified in the
T' *
Full implementation shall be demonstrated prior to obtaining Building permits (for Measure 2) and
certificates of occupancy (for Measure 1).
Monitoring Division
This portion of the program will be monitored by the Building and Safety Department and the
Community Development Director. No field monitoring would be necessary.
All fee payments would be funded by the applicant.
Standards for Success
The building permits shall not be finalized and permission for occupancy shall not be granted until it is
determined that these measures have been complied with. Verification of compliance would involve
verification of fee payment field inspection of installed facilities.
Cumulative Water Supplies
MiLigation Measure
To mitigate the projects cumulative contribution to the long term water supply demand imbalance in
the region, the consultant recommended the following measures:
3) Low water consumption toilets, showers, faucets and exterior landscaping drip irrigation
systems shall be required
4) Kitchen cabinets shall be configured to enable installation of low water demand water
conserving dishwashers and washing machines. All hot water lines shall be insulated.
5) Adequate room shall be planned in utility right -of -ways for installation of reclaimed water
pipelines to service open space landscaped areas, streetscape landscaping, and open space
residential greenbelt areas.
Implementation Responsibility
Reporting/monitoring of this mitigation measure is a one -time activity, which wi71 occur as a condition
of obtaining a building permit and permission for occupancy. No building permit will be issued until it
is determined that all three design measures have been incorporated into the site and building plans.
Full implementation shall be demonstrated prior to obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy.
Monitoring Division
This portion of the program will be monitored by the EQAP Monitor and by both the Building and
Safety Department and the Community Development Director.
Funded by the applicant.
Standards for Sum=
The building permits shall not be finalized and permission for occupancy shall not be granted until it is
determined that these measures have been complied with. Verification of compliance would involve
review of site and building plans in conjunction with zoning clearance and field inspection of installed
In addition to measures required by the City Engineer in the Conditions of Approval for the project,
the following measure was recommended in the EIR:
1) Any required noise reduction walls along internal circulation roads or along the northern
perimeter of the proposed project shall be constructed to conform with requirements
presented in the Noise Technical Report (Walker - Celano 1990) prepared for the project.
Noise barrier locations and designs shall be reviewed and approved by the Community
Development Department prior to issuance of Zoning Clearance.
Implementation Responsibility
Reporting/monitoring of this mitigation measure would be a two -time activity. Initial review for plan
compliance with design recommendations would be conducted by Community Development
Department and Building and Safety Department staff. The second phase of verification would be
performed by the City Building and Safety Department Inspector during routine budding inspections.
The building inspector shall monitor and ensure that all noise reducing features specified in the plans
are properly implemented during construction.
Inspections shall occur during the construction period and plan review would be completed prior to
issuance of building permits.
Monitoring Division
Community Development Department staff and Building and Safety Department inspectors.
Inspections are funded through the payment of fees by the applicant.
Standards for Success
This portion of the program will be monitored primarily by the Building and Safety Department. All
design measures would be implemented by being incorporated into the project working drawings.
Compliance in construction would be assured through periodic field review by Building and Safety
Department staff.
Hazardous Materials
2) Prior to issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall submit a report to the Community
Development Department demonstrating compliance with all remedial actions recommended
in the Phase U Hazardous Materials Assessment. In addition, an environmental engineer
should monitor the demolition of eristing industrial facilities, on the property and if significant
hazardous material contamination is observed or detected, remedial actions shall be required.
Implementation R
Reporting /monitoring of this mitigation measure is a one -time activity, which will occur as a condition
of obtaining a grading permit. No grading permit will be issued until it is determined that procedures
have been established and a consultant has been retained to monitor initial demolition of the existing
industrial facilities on the property.
Compliance should occur prior to issuance of a grading permit for either TR -4726 or TR4738. Field
verification of compliance should be performed by the EQAP monitor.
Monitoring Division
This portion of the program will be monitored by the SOAP Monitor, the Community Development
Department and the City Engineer's Office.
All hazardous materials remediation would be funded by the applicant.
Standards for Success
A compliance report shall be submitted prior to grading permit approval for either subdivision. No
building permit shall be issued until the City Engineer determines in writing that there is no public
health risk from hazardous material contamination on the project site.
799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, California 93021 (805) 529 -6864
I, Lillian E. Kellerman, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark,
California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that
the foregoing Resolution No. _ 91 -785 was adopted by the
City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on
the 2nd day of OCTOBER , 1991, and that
the same was adopted by the following vote:
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City
this 22nd day of JANUARY 1992.
illian E. Ke lerman
City Clerk
Mayor Mayor Pro Tern C4Un( membe,
Counc ilmembe r Cou nc iImember