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RES CC 1992 852 1992 0520
RESOLUTION NO. 92 -852 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, FOR "PARKS MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. AD -85 -1" FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1, 1992 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 1993. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 92 -830, the City Council ordered the City Manager to cause to be prepared an Engineer's Report in accordance with Article 4, Chapter 1, Part 2, Division 15 of the California Streets and Highways Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Resolution, the Engineer's Report was filed with the City Clerk on the 20th day of May, 1992; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has submitted the report to the City Council and the City Council has now reviewed and examined the report as so submitted. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Engineer's Report for "PARKS MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. AD -85 -1" for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1992 and ending June 30, 1993 prepared pursuant to Resolution No. 92 -830 filed with the City Clerk on the 20th day of May, 1992 is hereby approved. SECTION 2. That said Engineer's Report may be further modified or changed, pursuant to the provisions of Section 22630 of the Streets and Highways Code. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 20th _ day of May 1992. Paul W. Law ason Jr., M yor ATTEST: 41 MOORPARK 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark. California 93021 (805) 529 -6864 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA ) ss. CITY OF MOORPARK ) I, Lillian E. Kellerman, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. __92-852 — was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on the 20th day of _MAY 1992, and that the same was adopted by the f'c::lowinq vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS, M,.)NT 0M1;RY, PEREZ, TALLEY, WOZNIAK AND MAYOR LAWRASON NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this _ 21st day of MAY 1992. r_ Lillian E. Kellerman City Clerk MAUL VV lAVlRASON JR JOHN F WO /NIAK SC I. I I t.t 'J 1•;r ,tdl h M RNAMY- t.1 4'I I I HOY L IAI I f f Jli '.1,r;''r '.1:fvrr Pr.i Lv,' ..r .r,. -I. i. r.rnc ii�••n•'n •r 1, tiu n�I�.Trr Lrr ` ( ` � .. / � | -| � | ' ' ' � ------'` ----- - ---------' 1 � � ^° � 90 =~-" � "^-°"~`"^ / � � y | ... � , ___ _ EXHIBIT "B" Assessment District 85-1 Fund Activity (025) ---------------------- ---------------------- Description BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUE AVAILABLE FUNDS EXPENSES Personnel 0&x Capital Improvements Less TOTAL EXPENSES YEAR END BALANCE 04/29/92 * :eneral Fund FY 1991/92 FY 1992/93 FY F1 --------------- - - - - -- Proposed 1989/90 --- - - - - -- 1990/91 - - - - - -- Budget --- - - - - -- Proj Actual ---- - - - - -- Budget Notes: ---- - - - - -- --------------- - - - -- 8,958 13,836 8u,971 54,915 26,116 263,227 337,013 364,161 356,931 427,261 272,185 3h(.,849 454,132 411,846 453,377 '1;,324 111,914 125,916 130,000 25,602 301,665 259,814 307,261 1,423 248,349 311,349 413,579 385,730 437,261 23,836 `.1,500 11),553 26,116 16,116 * :eneral Fund EXHIBIT "C" Department 147 Budget Summary Code Description SALARIES & BENEFITS MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS 623 Supplies 629 Special Supplies 632 Meetings 633 Publications 634 Membership / Dues 636 Education 637 Travel & Milage 638 Uniforms 641 Professional Services 642 Contractual Services 648 Insurance 651 Equip. Maint. 652 Utilities 654 Vehicle Maint 655 Fuel 656 Lubricants 657 Small Tools 658 Maint & Repair 661 Equip Rental 5,366 M &O Total 903 Capital Projects 14,000 Total FY 89/90 FY 90/9L ACTUAL - ACTUAL - -- 80,324 FY 91/92 ' Estimated BUDGET Actual 111.914 125,916 04/25/92 FY 92/93 -- BUDGET - -- 130,000 12,725 15,000 19,840 4,000 1,305 1.000 300 18,261 I J 1.000 100 1,000 82 500 0 500 20 300 0 j 300 167 1,500 250 1,500 0 400 0 �I 400 1,046 1,200 600 II 1,200 5,366 12,000 6,000 14,000 129,884 139,610 114,104 I 140,100 0 22,500 22,500 22,500 I; 24 1,000 300 1,000 56,899 87,755 81,630 85,650 3,420 3,000 700 2,000 645 1,500 400 I I 1,000 G 150 80 150 499 1,250 850 ! 1,000 �I 9,1 -5 9,000 8,960 ;i 8,000 II 4,335 --- - - - - -- 3,000 --- - - - - -- 3,200 --- - - - - -- 4,700 ----- - - - - -- 225,6C2 301,665 259,814 i. I 307,261 4,423 24,000 18,500 li 25,000 248,349 310,344 437,5?9 404,230 I 462,261 Remarks Large part of these e were charged to 1623 EXHIBIT "D" SUMMARY of FY 1991/92 Parks Maintenance Projected Actual Expenses FY1991/92 No Park Budget 1 2 Glenwood Park 3 South Meadows Park 4 North Meadow Park 5 Peach Hill Park 6 Monte Vista Park 7 Campus Park 8 Campus Canyon Park 9 Griffin Park - La Colonia 04/25/92 FY1991/92 Anticipated Year End Expenses ------------------------------------------------------------- Manintenance Costs Utility Costs ---------------------- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - -- Total FYI Contract Rplcmnt Total Water Electr. Cost Surplus I i I 19,255 i 11,304 2,880 14,184 6,700 140 21,024 (1,769) 0 0 33,563 23,362 56,744 I 31,799 4,468 3,670 I 18,580 �I 8,904 38,426 I; 23,760 27,465 11,305 9,200 5,760 1,280 9,100 I 130 300 600 400 0 41,862 56,239 5,440 23,784 57,520 20,265 0 (8,299) 505 (972) (5,204) (19,094) 7,200 - West Meadows Park 0 0 i - Peach Hill Wash Linear Park 0 0 = - GRAND TOTAL 207,701 114,104 *% :2 000 144,504 69,680 11,950 .� 226 134 27 I ( ,633) *Note: 62% from Account 623 28% from Account 658 loo from Account 661 0 0 5,120 28,482 12,100 8,540 4(1,439 I 6,700 96) 1,630 680 2,880 11,784 11,700 5,760 I 29,520 27,400 4,160 15,465 4,400 1,280 9,100 I 130 300 600 400 0 41,862 56,239 5,440 23,784 57,520 20,265 0 (8,299) 505 (972) (5,204) (19,094) 7,200 - West Meadows Park 0 0 i - Peach Hill Wash Linear Park 0 0 = - GRAND TOTAL 207,701 114,104 *% :2 000 144,504 69,680 11,950 .� 226 134 27 I ( ,633) *Note: 62% from Account 623 28% from Account 658 loo from Account 661 "XHIBIT "E" .sessment District 85 -1 Park Maintenance Costs Projection Fiscal Year 1992/93 REFERENCE ONLY Community 04/25/92 Page 1 of 4 FY 1992/93 Recommended Budget 02 )3 04 05 06 07 Obj Center Glenwood South North Peach Monte Campus No. Description (Gen Fund) Park Meadows Meadows Hill Vista Park Maintenance ----------------------------- & Operations j 623 Supplies 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 629 Special Supplies * 1,389 3,195 1,722 1,944 2,944 500 1,750 632 Meetings 120 70 60 40 380 150 633 Publications 60 35 30 20 190 80 634 Membership / Dues 36 2: 18 12 114 48 636 Education 180 i05 90 60 570 240 637 Travel & Milage 48 28 24 16 152 64 8 Uniforms 144 84 72 48 456 192 641 Professional Services * 1,889 1,720 1,420 1,360 1,240 3,280 1,960 642 Contractual Services 7,904 11,304 20,000 23,362 31,799 3,670 8,900 648 Insurance 2,700 1,575 1,350 900 8,550 3,600 651 Equip. Maint. i 120 ") 60 40 380 160 652 Utilities * 4,975 6,840 :2,800 13,380 15,800 830 8,300 654 Vehicle Maint 240 140 120 80 760 320 655 Fuel 120 60 40 380 160 656 Lubricants i 18 11 9 6 57 24 657 Small Tools 120 70 60 40 380 160 658 Maint & Repair 960 560 480 320 3,040 1,280 661 Equip Rental ---- - - - - -- 564 --- - - - - -- 329 - 282 188 1,786 752 M &O Total 16,657 28,989 --- - - - -- 41,n1) --- - - - - -- 43,261 --- - - - - -- 54,093 --- - - - - -- 25,975 --- - - - - -- 28,640 903 Capital Projects TOTAL I ---- - - - - -- 16,657 --- - - - - -- 28,989 -- ; - - - - -- 1,610 --- - - - - -- 43,261 --- - - - - -- 54,093 --- - - - - -- 25,975 --- - - - - -- 28,640 "YHIBIT "E" zessment District 85-1 Park Maintenance Costs Projec Fiscal Year 1992/93 Obj No. Description Maintenance & Operations ----------------------------- 623 Supplies 629 Special Supplies 632 Meetings 633 Publications 634 Membership / Dues 636 Education 637 Travel & Milage 18 Uniforms 641 Professional Services 642 Contractual Services 648 Insurance 651 Equip. Maint. 652 Utilities 654 Vehicle Maint 655 Fuel 656 Lubricants 657 Small Tools 658 Maint & Repair 661 Equip Rental M &O Total 903 Capital Projects TOTAL 04/25/92 Page 2 of 4 FY 1992/93 Recommended Budget ------------------------------ - - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------ 08 09 Campus Griffin Canyon Park Contingency Total 500 1,713 60 30 18 90 24 72 1,300 23,760 1,350 60 23,700 120 60 9 60 480 282 53,688 * 53,688 500 I 4,000 2,493 18,261 120 I 1,000 55 500 33 300 165 1,500 44 400 132 I 1,200 1,720 14,000 11,305 6,000 140,100 2,475 22,500 110 1,000 4,000 85,650 220 2,000 110 1,000 16 150 110 1,000 j 880 8,000 517 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- 4,700 - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- j ----- - - - - -- 25,005 J 0 6,000 307,261 I * � 25,000 --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- 25,005 - - - - -- --- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- 0 6,000 332,261 "YHIBIT "E" ,sessment District 85 -1 Park Maintenance Costs Projection Fiscal Year 1992/93 ACCOUNT DETAIL 1,389 641 Professional Services Assmnt Engineering 889 Water Conservation 1 1,000 ---- - - - - -- 1,889 652 Utilities I 04;25/92 Page 3 of 4 REFERENCE 12,000 ONLY 02 Community Obj Center No. Description (Gen Fund) 629 Special Supplies South Sand 889 Other I 500 1,389 641 Professional Services Assmnt Engineering 889 Water Conservation 1 1,000 ---- - - - - -- 1,889 652 Utilities I 04;25/92 Page 3 of 4 720 420 360 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,720 ,420 1,360 240 2,280 960 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,240 3,280 1,960 Water 4,725 I FY 1992/93 Recommended Budget 12,000 12,100 02 .13 04 05 06 07 Glenwood South North Peach Monte Campus Park Meadows Meadows Hill Vista Park 2,695 ,222 1,444 2,444 0 1,250 500 50C. 500 500 500 500 --- - - - - -- 3,195 - - -- - - - -- ,, ?2, --- - - - - -- 1,944 --- - - - - -- 2,944 --- - - - - -- 500 --- - - - - -- 1,750 720 420 360 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,720 ,420 1,360 240 2,280 960 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,240 3,280 1,960 Water 4,725 I 6,700 12,000 12,100 6,700 Electrical 250 140 800 1,280 9,100 ---- - - - - -- 4,975 i I --- - - - - -- 6,840 --------- :2,800 --- - - - - -- 13,380 --- - - - - -- 15,800 700 130 830 8,000 300 8,300 - XHIBIT "E" ,sessnent District 85 -1 Park Maintenance Costs Projec Fiscal Year 1992/93 ACCOUNT DETAIL 04/25/92 Page 4 of 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FY 1992/93 Recommended Budget 08 09 ' Obj Campus Griffin No. Description Canyon Park Contingency Total 629 Special Supplies Sand 1,213 1,993 14,261 Other 500 500 4,000 --- - - - - -- 1,713 --- - - - - -- 2,493 -- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- (1 1) 0 ----- - - - - -- 0 I ----- - - - - -- 18,261 641 Professional Services Assmnt Engineering 300 720 6,000 Water Conservation 1,000 1,000 8,000 1,300 --- - - -- -- 1,720 --- - - - --- --- - - - - -- --- - - -- -- ( 0 - ---- - -- - -- I 0 � ----- - - - - -- 14,000 II 652 Utilities Water 23,100 3,600 I 0 Electrical 600 400 72,900 --- - - - - -- 23,700 --- - - - - -- 4,000 - -- - - -- --- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 0 1) 0 ----- - - - - -- 0 ----- - - - - -- 72,900 1 �I I �I