HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1992 872 1992 0715RESOLUTION NO. 92 -872
84 -122
WHEREAS, the State CEQA Guidelines, Title 14, California
Administrative Code, Section 15022, provides th,#t each public
agency shall adopt objectives, criteria, and specific procedures
consistent with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines for
administering its responsibilities under CEQA, including the
orderly evaluation of projects and preparation of environmental
documents; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 84 -122, which previously established
the "Procedures of the City of Moorpark to Implement the California
Environmental Quality Act ", requires updating to address revisions
to CEQA since 1984; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Comaission reviewed draft revised
"Procedures of the City of Moorpark to Implement the California
Environmental Quality Act" at its meeting of July 6, 1992, and
adopted a resolution at that meeting recommending City Council
approval of revised CEQA Procedures;
SECTION 1. Resolution No. 84 -122 is hereby rescinded.
SECTION 2. The updated "Procedures of the City of Moorpark to
Implement the California Environmental Quality Act ", attached
hereto and incorporated herein by reference, are adopted as the
procedures to be followed by the City of Moorpark in the
administration of its responsibilities under CEQA.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of July, 1992.
Paul W. LcWrason Jr., ayor
City Clerk
Attachment: Procedures of the City of Moorpark to Implement the
California Environmental Quality Act
These procedures are adopted to implement the California
Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA "), Public Resources Code Section
21000 et seq., and the State CEQA Guidelines ( "State Guidelines "),
Title 14 of the California Administrative Code, Section 15000 et
seq., as amended, and shall be referred to as "The.gity of Moorpark
CEQA Procedures."
The State Guidelines are hereby incorporated by reference. If any
section of the City of Moorpark CEQA Procedures are in conflict
with or contrary to any provision of the current or subsequently
amended State Guidelines, the State Guidelines shall control.
The term "City" as used in these procedures shall mean the City of
The term "Department" as used in these procedures shall mean the
Department of Community Development of the City.
The term "Director" as used in these procedures shall mean the
Director of Community Development, who is responsible for CEQA
compliance for all projects.
The term "advisory body" as used in these procedures shall mean the
person, committee, or commission which has authority by law or
ordinance to comment upon or give an advisory decision on the
project at issue.
The term "decision - making body" as used in these procedures shall
mean the person, commission, or council which has authority by law
or ordinance to make a final decision to approve or disapprove the
project at issue.
The term "EIR" as used in these procedures shall mean an
Environmental Impact Report.
The term "OPR" as used in these procedures shall mean the state
Office of Planning and Research.
The term "NEPA" as used in these procedures shall mean the National
Environmental Policy Act.
A. Responsibilities of the Department
The Department shall be responsible for the following CEQA
functions for all public and private projects:
1. Preparation of an Initial Study.
2. Preparation and processing of all environmental documents
including Negative Declarations and EIR's.
3. Preparation of responses to public comments.
4. Filing of applicable notices including Notice of Preparation,
Notice of Completion, and Notice of Determination.
B. Responsibilities of the Director
The Director shall be responsible for the following CEQA
1. Determination of whether a project is exempt.
2. Determination to prepare a Negative Declaration or EIR.
3. Determination that a Negative Declaration or EIR has been
completed within applicable time limits.
A. Review for Completeness
The Department shall review an application for completeness and
notify the project applicant in writing within thirty (30) days
after the application is received whether or not the application is
complete. If the application is incomplete, the notice shall
specify the reasons why.
B. Review for Exemptions
The requirements of CEQA do not apply where it can be seen with
certainty that a particular activity is exempt from CEQA. Possible
exemptions from CEQA include:
1. The activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378 of
the State Guidelines.
2. The project has been granted an exemption by statute as set
forth in Article 18 of the State Guidelines or by categorical
exemption as set forth in Article 19 of the State Guidelines.
3. The activity is covered by the general rule that CEQA applies
only to projects which have the potential for causing a
significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen
with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity
in question may have a significant effect on the environment,
the activity is not subject to CEQA.
C. Ministerial Projects
Ministerial projects are granted an exemption by statute. The
following actions are determined to be ministeriaJJ by the City:
1. Issuance of building permits.
2. Issuance of business licenses or business registration.
3. Issuance of home occupation permits.
4. Approval of final subdivision maps.
D. Categorical Exemptions
The list of classes of projects set forth in Article 19 of the
State Guidelines are hereby determined to be categorically exempt
with the following exceptions:
1. Location: Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11 of the State Guidelines
are qualified by consideration of where the project is to be
located. A project that is ordinarily insignificant in its
impact on the environment may in a particularly sensitive
environment be significant. Therefore, these classes are
considered to apply in all instances, except where the project
may impact on an environmental resource of hazardous or
critical concern where designated, precisely mapped, and
officially adopted pursuant to law by federal, state, or local
2. Cumulative Impact: All exemptions for these classes are
inapplicable when the cumulative impact of successive projects
of the same type, in the same place, over time, is
significant. For example, annual additions to an existing
building under Class I of the State Guidelines may result in
a cumulative adverse impact.
3. Significant Effect: A categorical exemption shall not be used
for an activity where it can be fairly argued that the
activity will have a significant effect on the environment due
to unusual circumstances.
E. Specific Projects Subject to Categorical Exemptions
The following is a list of specific projects often handled by the
City which are hereby determined to be within the categorical
exemptions of Article 19 of the State Guidelines, subject to the
exceptions previously identified:
1. Encroachment permits, pursuant to Class 4 or Class 5.
2. Grading permits, pursuant to Class 4.
F. Notice of Exemption
If the Director determines that a project is exempt under these
Procedures and the State Guidelines, he or she may cause to be
filed a Notice of Exemption in the form and manner required by
Section 15062 of the State Guidelines, after approval or a
determination to proceed with the project. The Notice of Exemption
shall be mailed to any person who has filed a written request for
such notice with the City Clerk or Director of Community
Development. Requests for Notices of Exemption must be renewed
annually and are subject to a fee which is reasonably related to
the costs of providing this service. Public agencies shall not be
required to pay a fee to receive a Notice of Exemption.
This subsection shall not be construed in any manner which results
in the invalidation of an action because of the failure of a person
to receive a requested notice, provided that there has been
substantial compliance with the requirements of this subsection.
A. Determination that Initial Study Should Be Conducted
If a project is subject to the requirements of CEQA and not
exempted by these Procedures, the Department shall conduct an
Initial Study to determine if the project may have a significant
effect on the environment. If the Director can determine that an
EIR will clearly be required for the project, an Initial Study is
not required but may still be desirable. If it is determined that
an Initial Study is required for a project, all phases of project
planning, implementation, and operation shall be considered. An
Initial Study or a similar analysis prepared pursuant to the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) may be used to meet the
requirements of this Section.
B. Results of Initial Study
The Initial Study shall be used to provide a written determination
of whether a Negative Declaration or an EIR shall be prepared for
a project.
If the Director determines that there is substantial evidence that
any aspect of the project, either individually or cumulatively, may
cause a significant effect on the environment, regardless of
whether the overall effect of the project is adverse or beneficial,
the Director shall require that an EIR be prepared. A new EIR need
not be prepared if the Director determines that a previously
prepared EIR would adequately analyze the project under
If the Director determines that there is no substantial evidence
that the project or any of its aspects may cause a significant
effect on the environment, the Director shall 6ause a Negative
Declaration to be prepared.
C. Contents of An Initial Study
An Initial Study shall contain in brief form:
1. A description of the project including the location of the
2. An identification of the environmental setting.
3. An identification of environmental effects by use of a
checklist, matrix, or other method.
4. A discussion of ways to mitigate the significant effects
identified, if any.
5. An examination of whether the project would be consistent with
existing zoning, plans, and other applicable land use
6. The name of the person or persons who prepared or participated
in the Initial Study.
D. Submission of Data for Initial Study
If the project is to be carried out by a private person or private
organization, the Director may require such person or organization
to submit data and information which will enable the Department to
prepare the Initial Study. Any person may submit any information
in any form to assist the Department in preparing an Initial Study.
E. Format of Initial Study
The Director shall approve the format for an Initial Study
consistent with the format requirements specified in Section
15063(f) of the State Guidelines. The Director may determine that
a previously prepared EIR is adequate for use as the Initial Study
for a later project.
F. Consultation
As soon as the Director has determined that an Initial Study will
be required for a project, the Department shall consult informally
with all Responsible Agencies and all Trustee Agencies responsible
for resources affected by the project to obtain the recommendations
of those agencies as to whether an EIR or a Negative Declaration
should be prepared.
During or immediately after preparation of an Initial Study for a
private project, the Department may consult with the applicant to
determine if the applicant is willing to modifli' the project to
reduce or avoid the significant effects identified in the Initial
G. Determining Significant Effect
The determination of whether or not a project may have a
significant effect on the environment shall be made as required by
Section 15064 of the State Guidelines.
A. Decision to Prepare a Negative Declaration
The Director shall cause a Negative Declaration to be prepared for
a project under the following circumstances:
1. The Initial Study shows there is no substantial evidence that
the project may have a significant effect on the environment,
2. The Initial Study identified potentially significant effects
a. Revisions in the project plans or proposals made by or
agreed to by the applicant before the proposed Negative
Declaration is released for public review would avoid the
effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly
no significant effects would occur; and
b. There is no substantial evidence before the Director that
the project as revised may have a significant effect on
the environment.
Any Negative Declaration shall be prepared directly by, or under
contract to, the City.
B. Contents of a Negative Declaration
A Negative Declaration circulated for public review shall include:
1. A brief description of the project, including a commonly used
name for the project, if any.
2. The location of the project and the name of the project
3. A proposed finding that the project will not have a
significant effect on the environment.
4. An attached copy of the Initial Study documenting reasons to
support the finding.
5. Mitigation measures, if any, included in the project to avoid
potentially significant effects.
6. A reporting or monitoring program for any mitigation measures,
prepared consistent with Section 21081.6 of CEQA, in a format
approved by the Director.
C. Public Notice
1. Notice that the decision - making body proposes to adopt a
Negative Declaration shall be provided to the public not less
than twenty -one (21) days prior to adoption of the Negative
Declaration by the decision - making body. When a Negative
Declaration is submitted to the State Clearinghouse for review
by state agencies, the public notice period shall be not less
than 30 days, unless a shorter review period is approved by
the State Clearinghouse.
For private projects, notice shall be mailed to all
organizations and individuals who have previously requested
such notice, and notice shall also be given by both of the
following procedures:
a. Publication at least one time in a newspaper of general
circulation in the area affected by the proposed project.
b. Direct mailing to owners of property contiguous to the
project as such owners are shown on the latest equalized
assessment roll.
For City projects, notice shall be mailed to all organizations
and individuals who have previously requested such notice, and
notice shall also be given by at least one of the following
a. Publication at least one time in a newspaper of general
circulation in the area affected by the proposed project
and posting of notice at City Hall.
b. Direct mailing to owners of property contiguous to the
project as such owners are shown on the latest equalized
assessment roll.
A copy of the public notice mailing list shall be maintained
as a permanent file record.
2. The public notice of the Negative DeclaratioA " may be provided
at the same time and in the same manner as public notice
otherwise required by law for the project.
3. Approval of a shortened review period by OPR must be given
prior to, and reflected in, the public notice.
4. For any project involving the burning of municipal wastes,
hazardous waste, or refuse - derived fuel, including, but not
limited to, tires, notice shall be given as specified in
Section 21092(b) of CEQA.
5. The notice that the decision - making body proposes to adopt a
Negative Declaration shall be posted in the office of the
County Clerk of the County of Ventura for a period of thirty
(30) days.
6. The Department shall notify any public agency which comments
on a Negative Declaration of the public hearing or hearings,
if any, on the project for which the Negative Declaration was
prepared. If notice to the commenting public agency is
provided pursuant to Section 7.C.1 of these Procedures, that
notice shall satisfy the requirement of this subsection.
7. The public notice shall specify the period during which
comments will be received on the Negative Declaration and
shall include the date, time, and place of any public meetings
or hearings on the proposed project; a brief description of
the proposed project and its location; and the address where
copies of the Negative Declaration are available for review.
The Negative Declaration shall be available for review at City
Hall and any other location or locations determined by the
Director to be beneficial to allow adequate public review.
This subsection shall not be construed in any manner which
results in the invalidation of an action because of the
alleged inadequacy of the notice content, provided that there
has been substantial compliance with the notice content
requirements of this subsection.
D. Public Review of a Negative Declaration
Prior to approving public circulation of a Negative Declaration,
the Director shall independently review and analyze the Declaration
to ensure that it reflects the independent judgment of the City.
After the Director has approved public circulation of a Negative
Declaration, a public review period of not less than twenty -one
(21) days shall be provided prior to approval of the Negative
Declaration by the decision - making body.
When a Negative Declaration is submitted to the Stcite Clearinghouse
for review by state agencies, the public review period shall be not
less than 30 days, unless a shorter period is approved by the State
Any request for a shortened review period shall only be made in
writing by the Director to OPR, consistent with the criteria for
shorter review periods as set forth in the State Guidelines and the
"Shortened Review Guidelines Pursuant to AB 886" prepared by OPR.
A shortened review period for a Negative Declaration shall not be
less than twenty -one (21) days.
A copy of the notice and the proposed Negative Declaration shall be
sent to every Responsible Agency and Trustee Agency concerned with
the project, and every other public agency with jurisdiction by law
over resources affected by the project.
Where one or more state agencies will be a Responsible Agency, a
Trustee Agency, or will exercise jurisdiction by law over natural
resources affected by the project, the Department shall send copies
of the Negative Declaration to the State Clearinghouse for
distribution to the state agencies.
E. Consideration and Approval of Negative Declarations
The Department shall notify any public agency which comments on a
Negative Declaration of the public hearing or hearings, if any, on
the project for which the Negative Declaration was prepared. If
notice to the commenting public agency is provided pursuant to
Section 21092 of the Public Resources Code, the notice shall
satisfy the requirement of this subsection.
Any advisory body making a recommendation to the decision- making
body shall consider the proposed Negative Declaration before making
its recommendation.
Prior to approving the project, the decision - making body shall
consider the proposed Negative Declaration together with any
comments received during the public review process. Prior to
adoption of the Negative Declaration, the decision - making body
shall independently review and analyze the Negative Declaration to
find that it reflects the independent judgment of the City. The
decision - making body shall approve the Negative Declaration if it
finds on the basis of the Initial Study and any comments received
that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a
significant effect on the environment.
When adopting a Negative Declaration, the decision - making body
shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes to
the project which it has adopted or made a condition of project
approval in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the
environment. The reporting or monitoring program shall be designed
to ensure compliance during project implementatidn.
F. Notice of Determination
1. After the decision - making body has made a decision to carry
out or approve a project for which a Negative Declaration has
been prepared, the Department shall file a Notice of
Determination. The content requirements of the Notice of
Determination shall be as set forth in Section 15075 of the
State Guidelines.
2. The Notice of Determination shall be filed with the County
Clerk of the County of Ventura. If the project requires a
discretionary approval from any state agency, the Notice of
Determination also shall be filed with OPR. The Notice of
Determination shall be filed within five (5) working days
after the approval or determination becomes final.
3. At the same time a Notice of Determination is filed with the
County Clerk, Section 711.4 of the Fish and Game Code requires
persons or entities to pay an environmental filing fee for
projects subject to CEQA that may have any adverse affect on
wildlife resources. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section
21089(b) and Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c), a project is
not operative, vested or final until the State Department of
Fish and Game environmental filing fees are paid.
4. The Notice of Determination shall be mailed to any person who
has filed a written request for such notice with the City
Clerk or Director of Community Development. Requests for
Notices of Determination must be renewed annually and are
subject to a fee which is reasonably related to the costs of
providing this service. Public agencies shall not be required
to pay a fee to receive a Notice of Determination.
This subsection shall not be construed in any manner which
results in the invalidation of an action because of the
failure of a person to receive a requested Notice of
Determination, provided that there has been substantial
compliance with the requirements of this subsection.
G. Federal Projects
For projects where federal involvement might require the
preparation of a Finding of No Significant Impact, the provisions
of Article 14 of the State Guidelines, "Projects Also Subject to
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)" shall be followed in
addition to the procedures set forth in this Section.
A. Decision to Prepare an EIR
When the Director decides that an EIR will be required for a
project, the procedures contained in this Section and the State
Guidelines shall be followed.
B. Notice of Preparation
1. Immediately after deciding that an Environmental Impact Report
is required for a project, the Department shall send to each
Responsible Agency a Notice of Preparation stating that an
Environmental Impact Report will be prepared. This notice
shall also be sent to every federal agency involved in
approving or funding the project and to each Trustee Agency
responsible for natural resources affected by the project.
The Notice of Preparation shall be sent by certified mail or
any other method of transmittal which provides the Department
with a record that the notice was received.
When one or more state agencies will be a Responsible Agency
or a Trustee Agency, the Department shall send a Notice of
Preparation to each state Responsible Agency and Trustee
Agency with a copy to the State Clearinghouse.
2. The Notice of Preparation shall be posted in the office of the
County Clerk of the County of Ventura for a period of thirty
(30) days.
3. The contents of the Notice of Preparation shall be as set
forth in Section 15082(a)(1) of the State Guidelines.
4. The agencies which are sent a Notice of Preparation have
thirty (30) days after receiving such notice to respond in the
form and manner as set forth in Section 15082(b) of the State
Guidelines. If an agency fails by the end of the thirty (30)-
day period to provide either a response to the notice or a
well justified request for additional time, the Director may
presume that the Responsible Agency has no response to make.
5. The Department shall not circulate a draft EIR for public
review before the time period for responses to the Notice of
Preparation has expired.
6. The Notice of Preparation shall be mailed to any person who
has filed a written request for such notice with the City
Clerk or Director of Community Development. Requests for
Notices of Preparation must be renewed annually and are
subject to a fee which is reasonably related to the costs of
providing this service. Public agencies shall not be required
to pay a fee to receive a Notice of Preparation.
This subsection shall not be construed in any manner which
results in the invalidation of an action because of the
failure of a person to receive a requested notice, provided
that there has been substantial compliance with the
requirements of this subsection.
C. Early Public Consultation
Prior to completing the draft EIR, the Department may consult
directly with any person or organization it believes will be
concerned with the environmental effects of the project.
If a Responsible Agency, Trustee Agency, or the project applicant
requests one or more meetings between representatives of the
agencies involved to assist the City in determining the scope and
content of the environmental information which the agency may
require, such meetings shall be convened by the City within thirty
(30) days after a meeting request is received.
For projects where federal involvement might require preparation of
an Environmental Impact Statement, early consultation (also known
as scoping) will be required in order to meet the requirements
under NEPA for the federal agency.
D. Preparing the Draft EIR
1. The Department may require the project applicant to supply
data and information both to determine whether the project may
have a significant effect on the environment and to assist the
Department in preparing the draft EIR. The requested
information should include identification of other public
agencies which will have jurisdiction by law over the project.
2. Any person, including the applicant, may submit information or
comments to the City to assist in the preparation of the draft
EIR. The submittal may be presented in any format, including
the form of a draft EIR. All information and comments
received shall be reviewed by the decision - making body and may
be included in the draft EIR in whole or in part.
3. One of the following arrangements or a combination of them
shall be used for preparing a draft EIR:
a. Preparing the draft EIR directly with City staff.
b. Contracting with another entity, public or private, to
prepare the draft EIR.
C. Executing a third party contract or Memorandum of
Understanding with the applicant to govern the
preparation of a draft EIR by an independent contractor.
d. Using a previously prepared EIR.
4. If a draft EIR is prepared by another entity other than the
City, the draft shall be reviewed and analyzed by the Director
before it is sent out for public review to ensure its adequacy
and objectivity and that the draft EIR reflects the City's
independent judgment.
E. Contents of Environmental Impact Reports
Environmental Impact Reports shall contain the information outlined
in Article 9, "Contents of Environmental Impact Reports ", of the
State Guidelines. In addition, a draft reporting or monitoring
program shall be included in the draft EIR for all mitigation
measures proposed in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects
on the environment. The Director shall approve the format of a
mitigation reporting or monitoring program, consistent with the
requirements of Section 21081.6 of CEQA.
F. Notice of Completion
As soon as the draft EIR is completed, the Department shall file a
Notice of Completion with OPR in the format specified in Section
15085 of the State Guidelines.
G. Consultation Concerning Draft EIR
1. The Department shall consult with and request comments on the
draft EIR from each Responsible Agency; Trustee Agency with
resources affected by the project; other state, federal, and
local agencies which exercise authority over resources or
transportation facilities within the City which may be
affected by the project; and any city or county which borders
the City of Moorpark.
2. The Department may consult directly with:
a. Any person who has special expertise with respect to any
environmental impact involved.
b. Persons identified by the applicant, which the applicant
believes will be concerned with the environmental effects
of the project.
C. Members of the public who have made a written request to
be consulted on the project.
H. Public Notice
1. The Department shall provide public notice of the availability
of a draft EIR at the same time as it sends a Notice of
Completion to OPR. The minimum notice of the availability of
a draft EIR shall be not less than thirty (30) days prior to
adoption of the final EIR by the decision - making body. When
the draft EIR is submitted to the State Clearinghouse for
review, the notice period shall be at least forty -five (45)
days unless a shorter review period is approved by the State
For private projects, notice shall be mailed to all
organizations and individuals who have previously requested
such notice and notice shall also be given by both of the
following procedures:
a. Publication at least one time in a newspaper of general
circulation in the area affected by the proposed project.
b. Direct mailing to owners of property contiguous to the
project as such owners are shown on the latest equalized
assessment roll.
For City projects, notice shall be mailed to all organizations
and individuals who have previously requested such notice and
notice shall also be given by at least one of the following
a. Publication at least one time in a newspaper of general
circulation in the area affected by the proposed project
and posting of notice at City Hall.
b. Direct mailing to owners of property contiguous to the
project as such owners are shown on the latest equalized
assessment roll.
A copy of the public notice mailing list shall be maintained
as a permanent file record.
2. The public notice of a draft EIR may be provided at the same
time and in the same manner as public notice otherwise
required by law for the project.
3. Approval of a shortened review period by OPR must be given
prior to, and reflected in, the public notice.
4. For any project involving the burning of municipal wastes,
hazardous waste, or refuse - derived fuel, including, but not
limited to, tires, notice shall be given as specified in
Section 21092(b) of CEQA.
5. The public notice shall be posted in the office of the County
Clerk of the County of Ventura for a period of thirty (30)
6. The public notice shall specify the period during which
comments will be received on the draft EIR and shall include
the date, time, and place of any public meetings or hearings
on the proposed project, a brief description of the proposed
project and its location, and the address where copies of the
draft EIR are available for review. The draft EIR shall be
available for review at City Hall, at the public library
serving the area involved, and at any other location or
locations determined by the Director to be beneficial to allow
adequate public review.
This subsection shall not be construed in any manner which
results in the invalidation of an action because of the
alleged inadequacy of the notice content, provided that there
has been substantial compliance with the notice content
requirements of this subsection.
I. Public Review of a Draft EIR
1. The public review period for a draft EIR shall not be less
than thirty (30) days. When the draft EIR is submitted to the
State Clearinghouse for review, the review period shall be at
least forty -five (4 5 ) days unless a shorter period is approved
by the State Clearinghouse. The public review period shall be
at least as long as the period of review by the State
2. Any request for a shortened review period shall only be made
in writing by the Director to OPR, consistent with the
criteria for shorter review periods as set forth in the State
Guidelines and the "Shortened Review Guidelines Pursuant to AB
886" prepared by OPR. A shortened review period for a draft
EIR shall not be less than thirty (30) days.
3. A copy of the notice and the draft EIR shall be sent to every
Responsible Agency and Trustee Agency concerned with the
project and every other public agency with jurisdiction by law
over resources affected by the project.
4. Where one or more state agencies will be a Responsible Agency
or a Trustee Agency or will exercise jurisdiction by law over
natural resources affected by the project, the Department
shall send the required number of copies of the draft EIR to
the State Clearinghouse for distribution to the state
5 The Department should submit the Draft EIR to the areawide
clearinghouse for review for any project of regional or
areawide environmental significance.
6. A public hearing shall be conducted on the 'draft EIR by the
Planning Commission either in a separate proceeding or in
conjunction with other proceedings of the Planning Commission.
The public notice of the completion of the draft EIR shall
include the date and time of the hearing.
J. Evaluation of and Response to Comments
The Department shall evaluate comments on environmental issues
received from persons who reviewed the draft EIR and shall prepare
or cause to be prepared a written response. The Department shall
respond to comments received during the noticed comment period, and
any extended comment period, and may respond to late comments. At
least ten (10) days prior to certification of a final EIR by the
decision - making body, the Department shall provide or cause to be
provided a written response to any public agency from which the
City has received comments on the project pursuant to CEQA.
The response to comments shall be consistent with the form and
content requirements specified in Section 15088 of the State
R. Preparation of Final EIR
The Department shall prepare or cause to be prepared a final EIR
prior to approval of the project. The contents of a final EIR
shall be consistent with the requirements of Section 15132 of the
State Guidelines.
L. Certification of Final EIR
The final EIR shall be presented to the decision - making body for
certification that the final EIR has been completed in compliance
with CEQA and that the decision - making body has reviewed and
considered the information contained in the final EIR prior to
approving the project. Prior to adoption, the decision - making body
must independently review and analyze the final EIR and find that
the report reflects the independent judgment of the City.
M. Findings
The decision - making body shall not approve or carry out a project
for which an EIR has been completed, which identifies one or more
significant environmental effects of the project, unless it makes
one or more written findings for each of those significant effects,
accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each
finding. The possible findings are:
1. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated
into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the
significant environmental effect as identified in the final
2. Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and
jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency
making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such
other agency or can and should be adopted by such other
3. Specific economic, social, or other considerations make
infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives
identified in the final EIR.
The required findings shall be supported by substantial evidence in
the record. The second finding shall not be made if the agency
making the finding has concurrent jurisdiction with another agency
to deal with identified feasible mitigation measures or
N. Mitigation Reporting or Monitoring Program
When making the findings, the decision - making body shall adopt a
reporting or monitoring program for the changes to the project,
which it has adopted or made a condition of project approval in
order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment.
The reporting or monitoring program shall be designed to ensure
compliance during project implementation. For those changes which
have been required or incorporated into the project at the request
of an agency having jurisdiction by law over natural resources
affected by the project, the City may request that agency to
prepare and submit a proposed reporting or monitoring program.
O. Statement of Overridina Considerations
The decision - making body is required to make a statement of
overriding considerations where approval of a project would allow
the occurrence of significant effects which are not substantially
mitigated. This statement may also be necessary if the decision -
making body makes a finding under Section 15091(a)(2) or (a)(3) of
the State Guidelines. The content of the statement of overriding
considerations shall be as specified in Section 15093 of the State
The statement of overriding considerations shall hk'included in the
record of the project approval and shall be mentioned in the Notice
of Determination.
P. Approval
The decision - making body shall not decide to approve or carry out
a project for which an EIR was prepared, unless the project as
approved will not have a significant effect on the environment; or
the decision - making body has:
1. Eliminated or substantially lessened all significant effects
on the environment where feasible as shown in findings under
Section 15091 of the State Guidelines;
2. Adopted a reporting or monitoring program for the changes to
the project which it has adopted or made a condition of
project approval in order to mitigate or avoid significant
effects on the environment; and
3. Determined that any remaining significant effects on the
environment found to be unavoidable under Section 15091 of the
State Guidelines are acceptable due to overriding
considerations as described in Section 15093 of the State
Q. Notice of Determination
11 The Department shall file a Notice of Determination following
each project approval for which an EIR was considered. The
content of the Notice of Determination shall be as specified
in Section 15094(a) of the State Guidelines.
2. The Notice of Determination shall be filed with the County
Clerk of the County of Ventura. If the project requires
discretionary approval from a state agency, the Notice of
Determination shall also be filed with OPR. The Notice of
Determination shall be filed within five (5) working days
after the approval or determination becomes final.
3. At the same time a Notice of Determination is filed with the
County Clerk, Section 711.4 of the Fish and Game Code requires
persons or entities to pay an environmental filing fee for
projects subject to CEQA that may have any adverse affect on
wildlife resources. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section
21089(b) and Fish and Game Code Section 711.4(c), a project is
not operative, vested or final until the State Department of
Fish and Game environmental filing fees are paid.
4. The Notice of Determination shall be mailed to any person who
has filed a written request for such notice with the City
Clerk or Director of Community Developmene.' Requests for
Notices of Determination must be renewed annually and are
subject to a fee which is reasonably related to the costs of
providing this service. Public agencies shall not be required
to pay a fee to receive a Notice of Determination.
R. Disposition of Final EIR
The Department shall:
1. File a copy of the final EIR with the appropriate planning
agency of any city, county, or city and county where
significant effects on the environment may occur.
2. Include the final EIR as part of the regular project report
which is used in the existing project review and budgetary
process if such a report is used.
3. Retain one or more copies of the final EIR as public records
for a reasonable period of time.
4. Provide or squire a project applicant to provide a copy of
the certified, final EIR to each Responsible Agency.
A. General
Preparation and review of environmental documents shall be done
within a reasonable period of time. Preparation of an EIR should
not cause undue delays in the processing of applications for
permits or other entitlements. The time limits specified in this
Section are intended to be consistent with Article 8 "Time Limits"
of the State Guidelines and any subsequent amendments to CEQA.
B. Review of Application for Completeness
The Department shall determine whether an application for a permit
or other entitlement for use is complete and notify the applicant
in writing within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the
application, except as provided in Section 15111 of the State
Guidelines. If no written determination of the completeness of the
application is made within the thirty (30) day period, the
application will be deemed complete on the 30th day.
C. Initial Study
The Department shall determine within thirty (30) days after
accepting an application as complete whether it intends to prepare
an EIR, a Negative Declaration, or use a previously prepared EIR or
Negative Declaration, except as provided in Section 15111 of the
State Guidelines. The thirty (30) day period may be extended an
additional 15 days upon the consent of the Director and the project
D. Response to Notice of Preparation
Responsible and Trustee Agencies shall provide a response to a
Notice of Preparation to the City within thirty (30) days after
receipt of the notice. If an agency fails to reply within the
thirty ( 30 ) days with either a response or a well-justified request
for additional time, the Department may assume that the agency has
no response to make and may ignore a late response.
E. Convening of Meetings
The Department shall convene a meeting with Responsible and Trustee
Agency representatives to discuss the scope and content of the
environmental information an agency will need to the EIR as soon as
possible, but no later than 30 days after receiving a request for
the meeting. The meeting may be requested by City staff, a
Responsible Agency, a Trustee Agency, or by the project applicant.
F. Public Review
1. The public review period for a draft EIR should be not less
than thirty (30) days nor longer than ninety (90) days except
in unusual circumstances.
2. The public review period for a Negative Declaration shall be
not less than twenty -one (21) days.
3. If a draft EIR or Negative Declaration has been submitted to
the State Clearinghouse for review by state agencies, the
public review period shall be at least as long as the review
period established by the State Clearinghouse.
G. Review by State Agencies
When a draft EIR or Negative Declaration is submitted to the State
Clearinghouse for review, the normal review period is forty -five
(45) days for draft EIR's and thirty (30) days for Negative
Declarations. The State Clearinghouse may set shorter review
periods when requested in writing by the decision - making body due
to exceptional circumstances.
H. Completion of Negative Declaration
With a private project, the Negative Declaration "st be completed
and ready for approval within one hundred and five (105) days from
the date when the Department accepted the application as complete.
The Negative Declaration may be approved at a later time when the
permit or other entitlement for use is approved. The Negative
Declaration shall be approved within six (6) months from the date
on which an application requesting approval of the project has been
accepted as being complete, unless the project proponent requests
an extension of the time limit. The time limit may be extended
once, for a period of not more than ninety (90) days, upon consent
of the Director and the applicant.
I. Completion and Certification of EIR
With a private project, the decision - making body shall complete and
certify the final EIR within one year after the date when the
Department accepted the application as complete, unless the project
proponent requests an extension of the time limit. The time limit
may be extended once, for a period of not more than ninety ( 9 0 )
days, upon consent of the Director and the applicant.
J. Suspension of Time Periods
An unreasonable delay by an applicant in meeting requests by the
Department necessary for the preparation of a Negative Declaration
or an EIR shall suspend the running of the time periods, described
in Sections 15107 and 15108 of the State Guidelines and Subsections
H and I of Section 9 of these procedures, for the period of the
Alternatively, the decision - making body may disapprove a project
application where there is an unreasonable delay by the applicant
in meeting requests for information by the Department. The
Director may allow a renewed application to start at the same point
in the process where the application was when it was disapproved.
K. Projects with Federal Involvement
1. At the request of an applicant, the Director may waive the
one -year time limit for completing and certifying a final EIR
or the one hundred and five (105) day period for completing a
Negative Declaration if:
a. The project will be subject to CEQA and to the National
Environmental Policy Act;
b. Additional time will be required to prepare a combined
EIR -EIS or combined Negative Declaratibn- Finding of No
Significant Impact as provided in Section 15221 of the
State Guidelines; and
C. The time required to prepare the combined document will
be shorter than the time required to prepare the
documents separately.
2. The time limits for taking final action on a permit for a
development project may also be waived where a combined EIR -
EIS will be prepared.
3. The time limits for processing permits for development
projects under Government Code Sections 65950 -65960 shall not
apply if federal statutes or regulations require time
schedules which exceed the state time limits. In this event,
a final decision on the project must be made within the
federal time limits.
L. Proiects with Short Time Periods for ADaroval
1. Where a statute or ordinance requires the Ci.ty to make
decisions on permits within time limits that are so short that
review of the project under CEQA would be difficult, the
Director shall deem an application for a project "not received
for filing ", until such time as progress toward completing the
environmental documentation required by CEQA is sufficient to
enable the CEQA process to be finished within the short permit
time limit. This section will apply where all of the
following conditions are met:
a. The enabling legislation for a program, other than
Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 65920) of Division
1 of Title 7 of the Government Code, requires the City to
take action on an application within a specified period
of time that is six (6) months or less, and
b. The enabling legislation provides that the project will
become approved by operation of law if the City fails to
take any action within such specified time period, and
c. The project involves the issuance of a lease, permit,
license, certificate, or other entitlement for use.
2. Examples of time periods subject to this section are given in
Section 15111 of the State Guidelines.
3. For any project subject to this section, the environmental
document shall be completed or certified and the decision on
the application shall be made within one year from the date on
which an application requesting approval of such project has
been received and accepted as complete for CEQA processing by
the City. This one -year time limit may be Ektended once for
a period not to exceed ninety (90) days upon consent of the
Director and the applicant.
If a project is to be carried out by any person or entity, other
than the City, the Director may collect a reasonable fee from such
person or entity to recover the estimated costs incurred in
preparing the EIR or Negative Declaration. The Director may also
collect a reasonable fee from any person or entity, other than the
City, who files an appeal pursuant to these procedures to recover
the estimated costs incurred relative to the appeal.
Section 711.4 of the Fish and Game Code requires persons or
entities to pay an environmental filing fee for projects subject to
CEQA that may have an adverse affect on wildlife resources. The
California Department of Fish and Game environmental filing fee is
due and payable at the time a Notice of Determination is filed with
the County Clerk. To ensure compliance with Section 711.4 of the
Fish and Game Code, the Department shall require a project
applicant to submit a check, payable to the County of Ventura, for
the Fish and Game fee and the documentary handling fee within two
(2) working days following project approval. The Department shall
then forward the project applicant's check with the Notice of
Determination to the County Clerk within five (5) working days
following project approval.
A. Any decision of the Director to require the preparation of an
EIR or Negative Declaration may be appealed to the Planning
Commission by the project applicant or other interested party.
The appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with the
Director within fifteen (15) days after the environmental
document determination is made.
B. A public hearing on the appeal shall be held not more than
thirty (30) days after the appeal is filed. The public
hearing for the appeal shall be noticed consistent with the
Moorpark Operating Procedures for Legal Notices and Ordinances
- Publication, Mailing & Posting. The decision of the
Planning Commission may be appealed to, and shall be heard by,
the City Council in accordance with the procedures set forth
in this section.
C. The decision of the Planning Commission or other advisory body
with respect to the approval of a Negative Declaration or
certification of an EIR may be appealed to the'City Council in
the same manner that the decision to approve or disapprove the
proposed project may be appealed.
799 Moorpark Avenue MnOrpark, California 93021 (805) 529 -6864
I, Lillian E. Kellerman, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark,
California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that
the foregoing Resolution No. 92 -872 _ was adopted by the
City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on
the 15th day of July 1992, and that
the same was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Montgomerv, Perez, Talley, Wozniak,
Mayor Lawrason
NOES: None
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City
this 20th day of July 1992
�illian E. Ke erman
City Clerk
Mayor Mayor Pro Teem Councdm�mr— 'i.unedrn.rrnt;or 1_ )uncwr..:mtr'r