HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1994 1079 1994 1102RESOLUTION NO 94 - 1079 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA VACATING A PORTION SCIENCE DRIVE IN THE CITY OF MOORPARK WHEREAS, Science Drive ha: been dedicated to the City of Moorpark for public street and highway purposes via the recordation of Parcel Map No. 18:8 as shown on map recorded on September 26, 1983 in Book 38 at Pages 1 through 5 inclusive of Parcel Maps and as shown on Amended Map of Parcel Map No. 3828 recorded on November 14, 1983 in Book 38 of Parcel Maps at page 39, both in the Office of County Recorder of Ventura County; and, WHEREAS, the vacation of a _Dcrtior: of Science Drive in the vicinity of the cul -de -sac of S( ,-ience Drive northerly of New Los Angeles Avenue is required for -_.hE purpose of development of properties in the vicinity of th�� ,-ul -de -sac, as such development, by action of the City Council the ity of Moorpark at its meeting of September 14, 1993, approvod; and, WHEREAS, on December 6, -;3, at ,:00 P.M. the location, purpose and extent of the prep,): - � d ••.,acc:,t i on of said street was duly reviewed by ;.he Planning ;.;_;rn: is. ion of the City of Moorpark; and on said date said Commis::. ;r: adopted Planning Commission Resoulution No. 286 finding 1. -_opo>sed vacation to be in conformance wiLl-. the Moorpark ",,,,. r a . 7 lan and that the location and extent of t -he proposed va(-a* )r :ia.,- not -- required for a non - motorized •Lransporr.at_ ion WHEREAS, )ri January 5, 1 the _'ity Council duly passed and adopted Resolution No. 94 -if dec-aring its intention to vacate i porr..ton of Science Dr ivi t is `'ity of Moorpark; and, WHEREAS, said Resoluti _>r r of eri ,ci to certain maps and reports on file in the office � . t h , City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, for further particu .c,: . f�:,ar 1_nq the proposed street vacat.i.on; and, 1 00068 RESOLUTION NO 94 - X079 WHEREAS, said Resolution fixed 7:00 P.M. on the 2-nd day of February, 1994, in the Community Center at 799 Moorpark Avenue in the City of Moorpark, California, as the time and place for hearing all persons interested Lr, the proposed vacation, and the date of said hearing was not less than fifteen (15) days from the date of the adoption of said Rescli.tion; end, WHEREAS, Notice of Hearing was duly published for twc(2) successive weeks as required by Section 8322 of the .Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and said Resolution was published and posted in the manse: prescribed for the publishing and posting of resolutions of the _t.y of Moorpark; and, WHEREAS, notice of this ..:!reet %,acation was duly posted conspicuously along the line of :,aid street proposed to be vacated as required by Section 8323 of -Jig Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, at least •4o(2) ,reeks before the date set for said hearing, which notices %•.care posted not more than three hundred(300) feet. apart, were Clc >t less Shan three(3; in number, referred to the Resolution of Inl er.t icon, stated the day, hour and place of hearing and contained x ;t-ip sho-:ing the location of the portion of the street t.o be vacat.,ci I:Id WHEREAS, on February '2, 4, at 7:00 P.M.; and February 16, 1.994, at 7:00 P.M.; and Mar at 7:00 P.M. in the Communi.t.y Center at 799 Moorp<.ir k E sue n the City cf Moorpark, California, the City (-ouriciI ).c .J saic? hearing and received testimony and icierc,(3 the evidf : ;- : t': - espect there -o. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: Section I That the portion ): Scien_•e Drive to be vacated, generally describe? -:i Resolution No. 94 -996, and mare part.i.cular.y in ExY:ibit "A" and s, rn ,, F.xh i i i „l „ attached re. to, is 2 00069 RESOLUTION NO 94 - log unnecessary for i-resent- or prospective public street purposes. Section 2 That the portion ct Science Drive to be vacated, as described in EXh;r):t "A" and shown in Exhibit "B ", attached hereto, is not required for a non - motorized transper•ition facility. Section 3 That portion of �'c;enc:e L­ive described as follows is hereby ordered scared That portion of �c;ence Drive described in Exhibit "A" as "A Portio,r f Science Drive to Be Vacated" and shown in E: {:ihit °B" as "Proposed Street vacation ", attach• -� tenet( and made a part hereof. Section 4 The effect of t` i rl: - a,i.on is hereby deemed to vest ownership of th(? 1:1ds va._ated to the owners of the lands adjacent r''ic- : acation as hereinafter described; a) . That portion. which is more ir. h.i Science Dri L�; s" , attac�. shall vest of Parcel k)) That por't:.­_)1. more par. t i ct. l Exhibit Being Vacate, hereto and me fee simple .1 of City of Mc 93 8, reco , Flecorder ), and as is show -i < , f cience Drive herein vacated, gar t ic:larly described as Parcel i "C titled "Portions of lie i.r..l Vacated to Adjoining rere':_ and made a part hereof_, c . slliple interest to the owner Mar- No. 3828, anc Drive herein vacated, r de:;c•r ibed as Parcel "2" in tled "P:- r.tions of Science Drive A..:i :;ining Lots", attached e a p,--,r, hereof, shall vest in e .1. ;;t -.he owner of Parcel A _�z 1 :c e t. L,ine Adjustment ( LLA) in .he Off.:ce of County t "y, x '1 r) l t ' ii " . 3 l' ` I1 RESOLUTION NO 94 - 1079 Section 5 The City Clerk is directed to record a certified copy of this Reso,ution ,f vacation in the Office of the County Re(-(-del cf ( ,)unty of Ventura, State of California. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS __..7nd DAY OF 19 9 4. Maycr ''i of MoorpaT California ATTESTED: I/i 00071 MOORPARK 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, California 93021 (805) 529.6864 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA ) ss. CITY OF MOORPARK ) I, Lillian E. Hare, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 9u -1079 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on the 2nd day of November , 1994, and that the same was adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HUNTER, MONIGOMERY, PEREZ, WOZNIAK, AND MAYOR LAWRASON NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 3rd day of November. , 1994. lian E. Hare City Clerk JL W. LAWRASON JR. PATRICK HUNTER SCOTT MONTGOMERY BERNARDO M. PEREZ JOHN E. WOZNIAK Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Councilrnern•)er Councilmember Concilmember RESOLUTION NO. 94 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF A PORTION OF SCIENCE DRIVE TO BE VACATED EXHIBIT "A" That portion of Science Drive located southerly of Parcel. 4 and 5, westerly of Parcel 6 and northerly of Parcel 7, Parcel clap No.3828 in the City of Moorpark, County of. Ventura, State of California, as shown on map filed in Book 38, Pages 1 -5 inclusive and as amended in Book 38 Page 39, both of Parcel Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said county being described as follows: Beginning at the most southwesterly corner of Parcel 5, of said Parcel Map being also a point on the northerly Right - of -Way of science Drive as shown on said Parcel Man being also a point on the northerly Right of Way of Science Drive as shown on said Parcel Map, which right -of -way line is shown having a radius of 575.00 feet concave to the Southeast; thence, along the right- -of -way of Sciece Drive. 1st: Southeasterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 04 Degrees 21 Minutes 54 Seconds an arc distance of 43.81 feet, to the beginning of a 95.00 foot radius reverse curve, concave to the North, a radial to said beginning bears South 26 Degrees 53 Minutes 52 Seconds West; thence 2nd: Easterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 20 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds an arc distance of 33.16 feet; thence 3rd: South 83 Degrees 06 Minutes 08 Seconds East a distance of 33.79 feet to the beginning of a 45.00 foot tangent curve, concave to the West: thence 4th: Easterly, southerly and westerly along said curve, through a central angle of 220 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Second an arc distance of 172.79 feet; thence 5th: North 43 Degrees 06 Minutes 03 Seconds West a distance of 33.79 feet to the beginning of a 95.00 foot radius tangent curve, c�).cave to the Southwest; thence 6th: Northwesterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 20 Degrees 00 Minutes 00 Seconds an arc distance of 33.16 feet, to the beginning of a 525.00 foot radius compound curve, concave to the Southwest, a radial to said beginning bears North 26 Degrees 53 Minutes 52 Seconds Eas_; the�-.ce 00072 RESOLUTION NO. 94- 1079 7th: Northwesterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 03 Degrees 13 Minutes 14 Seconds an arc distance of 29.51 feet, to the beginning of a 55.04 foot radius non- tangent curve, concave to the Southwest, a radial to said beginning bears South 74 Degrees 32 Minutes 09 Seconds East; thence departing from said right of way line of Science Drive. sth: Northwesterly, along said curves, through a central angle of 87 Degrees 47 Minutes 45 Seconds an arc distance of 84.28 feet, to the beginning of a 575.00 foot radius cusp curve, concave to the South, said beginning also being a point in the northerly right- of-way of Science Drive a radial to said beginning bears North 17 Degrees 40 Minutes 06 Seconds East thence 9th: Easterly, along said curve, being also along the northerly right -of -way line of Science Drive through a central angle of 04 Degrees 51 Minutes 52 Seconds an arc distance of 48.82 feet to the Point of Beginning. Prepared By: South Bay Engineering corporation 304 Tejon Place Palos Verdes Estates, California 90277 Raymond L. Quigley RCE 7191 1/14/94 L,42,6 VUE VACAT.lst Page 2 of 00073 wwp re Ac� rimy Z4fewLi y�l 4 f/d °8 to SCAIE•/'�r�0 � 0 • Eox. NERD, , 1 PA-0 SS Pr�RCEL / z No V� v� VI 1 a a' b h�Q V 0�4 RESOLUTION NO. 94— 1079 220 V , \ _• ��, ILA v .� yQ Y�t) P,AEPArTED BY'1 go SOUTH BAY ENGINEERING ~ � OONSWING ENGINEERS WON ftA" wo► v►�ou auq► uaro+wu 11214 00074 EXHIBIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION THOSE PORTIONS OF SCIENCE DRIVE BEING VACATED TO ADJOINING LOTS PARCEL 111++ Beginning at the southwesterly corner of—Parcel 5 of Parcel Map No. 3828 in the City of Moorpark, County of Ventura, State of California as shown on our map filed in Book 38, pages 1 through 5 inclusive of Parcel Maps, and as amended in Book 38 Page 39 of Parcel Maps; both in the office of the County Recorder of said county; thence: 1. South 60 Degrees 19 Minutes 14 Seconds West a distance of 16,97 feet to a point on a 55.00 foot radiusatangent curve concave tp the southwest; thence 1 2. Northwesterly along said curve though a central angle of 42 Degrees 39 Minutes 09 Seconds an are distance of 40.94 feet to a point on a tangent curve having a radius of 575.00 feet being conoave,to the South; then 3. Southeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 4 1Degrees 51 Minutes 52 Seconds a arc distance of 48.82 to the Point o'f Beginning. 1 PARCEL 1 +2++ 1 That portion of said Science Drive being vacated excepting therefrom: that Parcel referred to-- herein as Parcel 111" Prepared By: South Say Engineering Company -S, 304 Tejon Place P�8 Verde0 VA 90274 p ;e at i Raymond L. Quigley FW7191 %r4. C 2/22/94 L42, 6 f*ftew VUE VACAT.Ist 00075