HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1995 1157 1995 1101RESOLUTION NO. 95 -1157 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MOORPARK, STATE OF CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SCHEDULE OF LAND DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PROCESSING FEE DEPOSITS JANUARY 1, 1996, AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 94 -1086. WHEREAS, the City of Moorpark provides planning services; and WHEREAS, the cost of this service will be offset by fees which accompany land use entitlement requests; and WHEREAS, Community development staff costs are charged against fees, based on real time cost accounting; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the Community Development staff shall bill actual time spent on land use applications at a real time cost accounting rate of $84.00 per hour. SECTION 2. Contract Planning Staff shall be billed at cost, plus fifteen percent (15 %). SECTION 3. That the Community Development Code Enforcement staff shall bill actual time spent on land use applications at a real time cost accounting rate of $59.00 per hour. SECTION 4. That the Administrative Services staff shall bill actual time rate of $82.00 per hour. SECTION 5. That the schedule of Land Development Preliminary Processing Fee Deposits shall be as identified as those revised deposits shown on Attachment "A" to this resolution. SECTION 6. That this resolution shall be effective January 1, 1996. (A)WA-4 SECTION 7. That Resolution No. 94 -1086; adopted the 16th day of November, 1994, is hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1St day of November, 1995. ATTEST Lillian E. Hare City Clerk 2 Paul W. awrason Jr., yor City of Moorpark Attachment B Mailing Costs Above the Overhead Cost Estimates Generally, mailings are completed by the department Clerical Aide. It ... _ f completed by others in the department, it is billed to the prpject and would not be applicable. cost per —_ Cost items unit unit number of units _ ;cost ___ __________ •_______ __—__________________________ Clerical Aide hour 5.79,* 300 0.019300 (fold ing /inserting_— Postage 1st Class 0.32' 1 . 0.32 Envelopes box 28.34 500 0.05668 r- Paper reem 250 sheets 2.666667 0.010667 Clercial Aide (applying postage /sealing env.) _ — — _ _hour 5.79 * 1000 0.00579 . Overhead Supervision /Admin. Sect. 50941 24.49087: 208 ** 0.624 ** Cost per piece 1.036437 * includes 12.22 percent above salary related to employee benefits for part-time employees ** 10 % of time supervising 3 percent of the work —: Revised October 26, 1995 Page I Effective by Resolution No. _ I . Community Development Department Staff - Actual time spent on land use applications at real time cost rate of $84..00 per hour. 2. Contract Planning Staff - Cost plus 15% 3. Code Enforcement Staff - Actual time spent on land use applications and other reimbursable or cost recovery activities at real time cost rate of $69.00/hr. r 4. Administrative Services Staff - Actual time on land use applications and other reimbursable or cost recovery activities at real time cost of $82.00/hr. 5. Final cost of processing will be computed upon actual time expended, (based upon the established hourly rates). If final cost is less than the deposit fee received, the unused portion of the deposit fee received, the unused portion of the deposit shall be refunded to the applicant. If final costs is more than the deposit fee received, the balance shall be payable by the applicant up to 75% of the original deposit. If the cost of processing is expected to be more than the original deposit, plus 75% of said deposit, the City Council may approve the collection of an additional deposit as they deem appropriate. DEPOSITS - A payment for the processing of on Entitlement Permit for those Deposit Items numbered I through 26. Item No. Permit Type: Item No. Staff Hours Dollar Deposit Amount: (Hours x $84.00) NOTE or ADDITIONAL AMOUNT 1. Pre - Application Fee I . 10 hours $840.00 2 Residential Planned Development 2. 2.a Mobilehome Park 2.a. 25 hours $840.00 Plus $9.30 per unit 2.b Residential (Single - family & multi - family) 2.b. 25 hours $840.00 Plus $9.30 per unit 3 Commercial Planned Development 3 120 hours $10,080.00 4 Industrial Planned Development 4 170 hours $14,280.00 5. Conditional Use Permits 5 5.a. Residential & Accessory Uses S.a. 18 hours $1,512.00 5.b. Agricultural & Accessory Uses 5.b 24 hours $2,016.00 S.C. Commercial, Industrial Uses 5.c. 50 hours $4,200.00 5.d. Institutional Uses 5.d. 42 hours $3,528.00 5.e. Oil Drilling & Production 5.e. 170 hours $14,280.00 5.f. Quarries or Mining 5.f. 170 hours $14,280.00 5.g. Waste/Disposal/Treatment 5.g. 170 hours $14,280.00 6.a. Sheriff Department 6.a. 3 hours $252.00 7. Zone Change 7 28 hours $2,352.00 7.a. Zoning Ordinance Amendment 7.a. 20 hours $1,680.00 Revised October 26, 1995 Page 2 Effective by Resolution No. I . Community Development Department Staff - Actual time spent on land use applications at real time cost rate of $84..00 per hour. 2. Contract Planning Staff -Cost plus 15% 3. Code Enforcement Staff - Actual time spent on land use applications and other reimbursable or cost recovery activities at real time cost rate of $69.00/hr. 4. Administrative Services Staff - Actual time on land use applications and other reimbursable or cost recovery activities at real time cost of $82.00/hr. r 5. Final cost of processing will be computed upon actual time expended, (based upon the established hourly rates). If final cost is less than the deposit fee received, the unused portion of the deposit fee received, the unused portion of the deposit shall be refunded to the applicant. If final costs is more than the deposit fee received, the balance shall be payable by the applicant up to 75% of the original deposit. If the cost of processing is expected to be more than the original deposit, plus 75% of said deposit, the City Council may approve the collection of an additional deposit as they deem appropriate. 8 Subdivision Deposits 8.a. Tentative Tract Map 8.a 31 hours $2,604.00 8.a. plus $65.00 per lot or unit. Contract Services include City Consultant work related to Environmental Impact Studies and review of Hydrology. Geological, and Traffic Studies. The Consultant will estimate the deposit required based on each individual application. 8.b Tentative Parcel Map, Parcel Map Waiver, or Conditional Certificate of Compliance 8.b. 31 hours $2,604.00 8.b. plus $65.00 per lot or unit. Contract Services include City Consultant work related to Environmental Impact Studies and review of Hydrology, Geological, and Traffic Studies. The Consultant will estimate the deposit required based on each individual application. 8.c. Time Extension for Approved Tentative Tract Map 8.c. 20 hours $1,680.00 8.d. Time Extension for Approved Tentative Parcel Map 8.d. 15 hours $1,260.00 8.e. Lot Line Adjustment 8.e. 15 hours $1,260.00 9.a. Variance 9 A. 19 hours $1,596.00 Per lot 9.b. Existing Single Family Residential Variance 9.b. 5 hours $420.00 10. Major Modification 10 see note 80% of current deposit amount 1 1. Minor Modification 1 1 7 hours $588.00 12, Appeal 12 see note 25% of current deposit amount or 4 hours, whichever is greater. 13 Environmental Analysis 13 see note In addition to the deposit for permit or entitlement, city will receive 100% of cost from applicant No Cap, including any City Administrative charge for contract employees. Staff will inform applicant of additional costs anticipated for 90 days, when 80% of Initial Deposit has been spent. 13.a Initial Study Review (including Negative Declaration) 13.a. 24 hours $2,016.00 13.b. Environmental Impact Report 13.15. 100 hours $8,400.00 13.c. Environmental Impact Report Supplemental 13.c. 24 hours $2,016.00 14. Special Consultants (for Environmental or other Studies required). 14 100% of actual cost plus 15% Contract Services include City Consultant work related to Environmental Impact Studies Geological Studies and city Attorney review. The Consultant will estimate the deposit required based on each individual application. Revised October 26, 1995 Page 3 Effective by Resolution No I . Community Development Department Staff - Actual time spent on land use applications at real time cost rate of $84..00 per hour. v 2. Contract Planning Staff - Cost plus 15% �e 3. Code Enforcement Staff - Actual time spent on land use applications and other reimbursable or cost recovery activities at real time cost rate of $69.00/hr. 4. Administrative Services Staff - Actual time on land use applications and other reimbursable or cost recovery activities at real time cost of $82.00/hr. 5. Final cost of processing will be computed upon actual time expended, (based upon the established hourly rates). If final cost is less than the deposit fee received, the unused portion of the deposit fee received, the unused portion of the deposit shall be refunded to the applicant. If final costs is more than the deposit fee received, the balance shall be payable by the applicant up to 75% of the original deposit. If the cost of processing is expected to be more than the original deposit, plus 75% of said deposit, the City Council may approve the collection of an additional deposit as they deem appropriate. 15. Land Conservation Act Contract (Agricultural Preserves) 15.a. Applications 15.a. 18 hours 15.b. Cancellation 15.b. 18 hours $1.512.00 15.c. Portion Non - Renewable 15.c. 18 hours $1,512.00 16. Landscape Plan Review & Inspection 16 8 hours $672.00 17. General Plan Amendments 17 25 hours $2,100.00 Plus $9.30 per acre. 18. Specific Plan (455 hours per plan per year) 18 200 hours $16.800.00 Plus $5.60 per lot or unit. City will receive 100% of cost from applicant No Cap, including any City Administrative charge for contract employees. Staff will inform applicant of additional cost anticipated for 90 days, when 80% of Initial Deposit has been spent. 19.a. Development Agreements (City Engineer. City Attorney), Initial Deposit 19. a. 190 hours $15,960.00 19.1b. Annual Review 19.1b. 20 hours $1,680.00 20. Condition Compliance Review 20 see note 100% of current deposit. 21. Traffic Model Use 21 see note 100% of actual cost plus 15 %. Deposit amount determined by staff. 22. Director Approved Administrative Permit 22 3 hours $252.00 23. Cost Recovery Fee (Deposit based on case by case estimate, no less than $84,00) 23 see note At least $84.00, and based on a case by case basis. 24 Temporary Use Permit 24 1 hour $84.00 25 Administrative clearance (minor variance) 25 3 hours $252.00 26 Reversion to Acreage 26 15 hours $1,260.00 27 Other 27 see note 100% of actual costs. Occasionally, special reviews are required and not addressed specifically by this schedule, (such as traffic analysis reviews). These requirements determined by the Director of Community Development, based on the nature of the review. Revised October 26, 1995 Page 4 Effective by Resolution No. I . Community Development Department Staff - Actual time spent on land use applications at real time cost rate of $84..00 per hour. 2. Contract Planning Staff - Cost plus 15% + 3. Code Enforcement Staff - Actual time spent on land use applications and other reimbursable or cost recovery activities at real time cost rate of $69.00/hr. 4. Administrative Services Staff - Actual time on land use applications and other reimbursable or cost recovery activities at real time cost of $82.00/hr. S. Final cost of processing vvill be computed upon actual time expended, (based upon the established hourly rates). If final cost is less than the deposit fee received, the unused portion of the deposit fee received, the unused portion of the deposit shall be refunded to the applicant. If final costs is more than the deposit fee received, the balance shall be payable by the applicant up to 75% of the original deposit. If the cost of processing is expected to be more than the original deposit, plus 75% of said deposit, the City Council may approve the collection of an additional deposit as they deem appropriate. FLAT FEE - City Land Use Development Processing Fee for those Flat Fee Items numbered I through 9. The amounts listed below are "Flat Fees," and cannot be refunded to the applicant should the application be withdrawn. I . Zone Clearance I I .a. Zoning Clearance - Occupancy I .a. .5 hours $42.00 Per lot or unit 1.1b. Zoning Clearance - Tenant Improvements I .b. .5 hours $42.00 I .c. Zoning Clearance - Construction I.C. .5 hours $42.00 2. Violation of Conditions of Approval Penalty 2. see note 100% of Staff time for investigation and enforcement. 3. Sign Permit 3. .5 hour $42.00 Per sign 4. Mobilehome Rent Increase Review (applicable to cost of living increase reviews only). 4. 3 hours $252.00 5. Traffic Model Fee Maintenance S. 3 hours $252.00 6. Home Occupation Permit 6. 1 hour $84.00 One fee if 2- businesses are filed simultaneously under one permit. Separate fee for the 2nd business if added after the original permit is issued. 7. Permit Adjustment Fee 7.a. Residential 7.a. I hour $84.00 per unit 7.b. Commercial 7.1b. 4 hours $336.00 per unit 7.c. Industrial 7.c. 4 hours $336.00 per unit 8 Appeal for Entitlement with deposit or fee less than $500.00 8. see note If initial deposit or fee is less than $500.00, the appeal fee is 50% of the initial entitlement deposit or fee, not to exceed $125.00. 9 Postage Fee 9. see note $1.04 per piece Fee Chart - Agency Fees Reference in Inn —arm n /r__C]C r4 L No. Agency or Single Family Multi - Family Mobilehome Commercial Industrial TA City Development Contribution Dwelling Dwelling Dwelling Use Use I . Area of Contribution a. Los An eles Avenue a. $2,772 a. $2,772 a. $2,772 a. $15,519 /acre a. $15,519 /acre b. Spring/Tierra Re ada Roads b. $3,553 b. $3,553 b. $3,553 b. $19,892 /acre b. $19,892 /acre c. Gabbert/Casey Roads C. $1,S60 c. $1,560 c. $1,560 c. $4,940 /acre c. $4,940 /acre 2. Art in Public Places - per square foot of building area ($10.00 $ .10 /sq.ft... $ .10 /sq.ft.. /100 sq.ft. 3. CALLEGUAS Water District - Primary Supplier - Capital $ I i 58-99 X88 $595 or $940 $ $2429 (Ordinance No. 14) Effective July 6, 1995 $1 ,351.00 /per unit $1,001.00/ per unit Depending on size $9,677.00/per $3,206.00. /per acre The foregoing per acre rates are average values for the land use of lot, acre, , A,d d t; 9 Aal classification as shown for a one -story building or structure. $595 if less Additionally, buildings or structures of two or more floors volt be than 6,000 sq.ft.. steF+es charged for the total area of these floors, above or below the —3A`4 ground floor, at a rate equal to the per acre rate for the land use `* h*FrraF;eaR classification. flees. Residential - Single Units on lots less than 6,000 square feet will be charged at the Multiple Unit rate. Granny flats vAll be charged the Multiple Unit rate. a. Construction Fee Special Cases b. Golf Courses - Double public rate. $$92. $ 1 0,498.00 /per acre C. Greenbelt - $4,44.*er acme $5,249.00 d. Car Wash, Laundromat $1.34 per gallons per day e. Public $4,4:4 $5,249.00./ per acre 4. City Services a. Plannin - Resolution No. 93.987 a. See Resolution a. See Resolution a. See Resolution a. See Resolution a. See Resolution S. b. City Attorney - July 1993 - $135.00 $140.00/170 b. See Resolution b. See Resolution b. See Resolution b. See Resolution b. See Resolution 6. C. City Engineer - Resolution No. 92 -865 c. See Resolution c. See Resolution c. See Resolution c. See Resolution c. See Resolution 7. d. Public Works - Resolution No. 92 -865 d. See Resolution d. See Resolution d. See Resolution d. See Resolution d. See Resolution 8. e. Police - Resolution No. 92.921 e. See Resolution e. See Resolution e. See Resolution e. See Resolution e. See Resolution 9. Citywide Traffic Mitigation Per dwelling unit. Per dwelling unit. Per dwelling unit. Based on use. Based on use. Fund - Driven by land use traffic peneration rates. 10. Fire Protection Facilities Fee - $232.51 /dwelling $170.95 /dwelling $139.07 /dwelling $ . I I / sq.ft.. of $ . I I / sq.ft.. of Facilities Ordinance, County of Ventura Division of Building & gross floor area. gross floor arr1a. Safe ty. (by City of Moorpark Resolution No. 92-894) C �$P5 Q i T� y{�y [ WvT �$ I '�;5 QSi7 7 Q%� Q ][ $v' J�j J' $8i 5 $ 1 , 12. Flood Control - Land Development Fee (per unit - can vary $573. /per dwelling $573. /per dwelling $573. /per dwelling $2,292.• /acre $2,292. /acrd depending upon location.) Threshold Amount $5730..00 Effective I / 1 X95 13. Guarantees - Required for improvements. 14.a. Landscape Review - $60.99 $672.00 per development. NA NA NA Ordinance No. 102 and Resolution No. 88 -524 14.b. Tree & Landscape Fee .05 /gross floor .05 p /gross floor area. area. 15. Lighting - First Year Developer Expense. Future years I st yr, developer I st yr. developer I st yr. developer I st yr. developer I st yr. developer expense. expense. expense. expense. expense. 16. Park Fees a. Based on a. Based on current a. Based on b.$ .25 /sq.ft.. b. $ .25 /sq.ft.. a. Residential (Quimby) Park Fee - 5 acres /1 ,000 persons or an current market. market current market. gross floor area. gross floor area. in -lieu fee Ordinance No. 6 b. Commercial & Industrial Park Fee 17. School - Per dwelling unit or sq.ft.. of gross floor area. $1 .72 / sq.ft.. gross $1.72 / sq.ft.. gross $1.72 /sq.ft.. gross $ .28 / sq.ft.. gross $ .28 /sq.ft.. gross floor area. floor area. floor area. floor area. floor area. 18. Sewer $2,500 /dwelling $2,000 /dwelling $2,000 /dwelling Based on Based on plumbing plumbing fixtures. fixtures. 19. Sheriffs Facilities Fee - $8338 /dwelling $54.16 $55.54 $ .05 /sq.ft.. $ .05 /sq.ft.. Sheriff & Fire Protection District /dwelling /dwelling gross floor area. gross floor area. Facilities Ordinance, County of Ventura Division of Building & Safe ty. (by City of Moorpark Resolution No. 92 -894 20. Traffic System Management - Based upon Air Quality impacts & need for miti ation. 21. Waterworks District No. I (Secondary Supplier) $635 $1510.00 / $63-.5 $1510.00 / $635$1510.00 / $2,222 $5285.00 $549 $5436.00 dwelling dwelling dwelling acre /acre MOORPARK 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, California 93021 (805) 529 -6864 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA ) ss. CITY OF MOORPARK I, Lillian E. Hare, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 95 -1157 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on the 1st day of NOVEMBER , 1995, and that the same was adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS HUNTER, PEREZ AND WOZNIAK NOES: NONE ABSENT: MAYOR LAWRASON ABSTAIN: NONE WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 3rd day of NOVEMBER , 1995. Lillian E. Hare City Clerk S PAUL W. LAW RASON JR. BERNARDO M. PEREZ PATRICK HUNTER SCOTT MONTGOMERY JOHN E. WOZNIAK Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember