HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1996 1207 1996 0619RESOLUTION NUMBER 96 - 1207 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK ESTABLISHING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1996/1997 (FROM JULY 1, 1996 TO JUNE 30, 1997) WHEREAS, on May 29, 1996, the City Manager's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 1996/1997 ( "Proposed Budget ") was submitted to the City Council for its review and consideration; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has provided the opportunity for public testimony and conducted a detailed review of expenditure proposals; and, WHEREAS, as a result of review and analysis, expenditure proposals and revenue projections have been modified as needed. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Annual Budget consisting of revenue projections of $11,244,543 estimated expenditures of $16,804,674, and interfund transfers of $1,014,388, all as outlined in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and described in more detail in the Proposed Budget as amended by Exhibit 4B" attached hereto and incorporated into the Proposed Budget, are approved; Section 2. The City Manager is authorized to approve appropriation transfers within individual funds as required with written notice to the City Council to provide efficient and economical services as long as the total fund appropriation authorized by the City Council is not exceeded; and, Section 3. Amendments of total fund appropriations shall require City Council action. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of June, 1996. Paul W. La ason Jr. Mayor ATTEST: Lillian E. Hare City Clerk City of Moorpark BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND FY's 1995/96 and 1996/97 Beginning ---------------------- - - - - -- Estimated Activity----------------- - - - - -- Estimated ---------------------- - - - - -- Estimated Activity---------------- - - - - -- Estimated Fund FY 1995/96 Fund FY 1996/97 Fund Balance TRANS. TRANS. Balance TRANS. TRANS. Balance UND FUND DESCRIPTION Notes 07/01/95 REVENUE EXPEND. IN OUT 06/30196 REVENUE EXPEND. IN OUT 06130/97 FUNI I GENEPAL FUND 1) ) ( 4,430,204 5,146,069 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS 5,171,803 2 Traffic Safety 1 23,521 3 Gas Tax 30,416 1,540,238 5 Park Improvement 1,891,098 11 Local Transportation - (Streets) 941,472 1,174,053 12 Local Transportation - (Transit) 911,902 0 13 Stator Transit Assistance 3 125,643 14 Federaf & State Transporation Grants 479,323 0 15 TDA Article 3 57,736 18 CDBG Entitlement 235,000 9,610 20 Police Facilities 1,665,000 473,409 21 City Wide Traffic Mitigation 11 728,349 22 Affordable Housing .. ?#3) 468,700 23 AD 84 -2 192,762 24 Traffic System Management 422,628 25 AD 85 -1 0 26 Tierra Rejada/Spring A.O.C. 13 528,360 27 LA Ave A.O.C. (? 7,164,572 28 Casey /Gabbert A.O.C. 43,544 41 Community Development 81,000 91,447 43 Crossing Guard 54,000 104,739 74 Redevelopment- Low & Moderate Hous ::;: 3) ! 2,168,845 145,500 Total Special Revenue 9,610 17,209,254 469,196 DEBT SERVICE 9,610 72 Redevelopment - Debt Service 822,369 506,409 CAPITAL PROJECTS EMS 6 Capital Projects Fund 20 203,470 3'1 Equipment Replacement 854,849 174,179 71 Redevelopment - Capital Projects 11,914,423 Total Capital Projects Funds 12,292,072 4,953,427 4,752,091 649,968 135,439 5,146,069 5,091,921 5,171,803 507,194 4,558,993 1 41,200 34,305 30,416 47,000 35,411 42,005 2 579,217 941,472 1,177,983 596,000 911,902 862,081 3 135,754 1,547,529 479,323 134,575 120,000 493,898 5 609,861 235,000 651 1,548,263 572,745 1,665,000 456,008 11 173,216 173,867 651 0 141,851 140,546 2,500 3,805 12 6,600 132,243 7,000 139,243 13 174,000 174,000 0 555,000 555,000 0 14 43,800 81,000 20,536 82,100 54,000 48,636 15 145,500 145,500 9,610 469,196 469,196 9,610 18 33,000 506,409 49,443 555,852 20 128,000 1,500 854,849 192,000 5,000 1,041,849 21 60,651 529,351 40,096 569,447 22 392,719 493,782 91,699 546,714 596,835 41,578 23 135,684 558,312 357,300 915,612 24 389,958 525,397 135,439 0 442,445 576,348 133,903 0 25 227,650 49,000 707,010 37,000 230,000 514,010 26 1,586,221 315,000 8,435,793 420,785 4,846,000 4,010,578 27 2,200 45,744 2,400 48,144 28 909,046 971,456 29,037 1,424,172 1,415,821 37,388 41 5,300 11,436 98,603 5,200 11,812 91,991 43 117,000 150,838 2,436,683 130,000 400,000 187,136 - ------ -- - --- ---- ------ 2,353,819 - ----- °- - -- --- 74 - - 5,896,577 ----- --- - - --- -- - 5,700,244 --- ----- - - - - -- --------- -- -- -- 286,928 651 --- ----- -- -- --- 17,691,864 ------- - - - - - -- 6,253,022 -- --- -- ------- - 12,032,871 --- 323,539 0 12,235,554 57,000 779,234 732,129 832,264 55,000 775,199 738,234 850,299 72 15,000 218,470 20,000 125,000 363,470 8 9,800 183,979 9,600 245,791 439,370 31 1,837,564 3,102,052 1,532,935 9,117,000 1,968,300 ----- - 2,623,999 - ---------- ---- ----- --- --- ---- 925,370 ---- ----- -- --- 7,535,931 --------------- 71 --- --- - -- --- 1,862,364 - ------ - --- - -- 3,102,052 - -- ------ - ---- -- -- ---- -- -- -- 0 1,532,935 --------- - - ---- 9,519,449 ---- - - --- 1,997,900 2,623,999 370,791 925,370 8,338,771 Consolidated Totals 34,753,899 12,769,368 14,333,621 1,669,025 1,669,025 33,189,646 13,397,843 20,603,872 1,432,564 1,432,564 25,983,617 (note 1) Includes $3,500,000 loan to MRA and advances for FY 94/95 operations of $816,852 (note 2) Includes $82,000 receivable due after one year. (note3) Includes $70,234 receivable due after one year. (note 4) Includes $1,219,158 receivable due after one year. (note 5) Includes Reserved balances for land held for resale. (note 6) Excludes $96,453 reserved for COPS Fast -FY 97/98 07110/96 05:02 PM City of Moorpark Exhibit "B" Department of Administrative Services BUDGET: Fiscal Year 1996197 Changes Recommended by the Budget and Finance Committee Meeting #1 - June 4, 1996 and Meeting #2 - June 6, 1996 and approved by City Council Meeting of June 12, 1996 Req. Amend. Net Impact Regest_ Fund Dept. ObL Item Description _ Amt. Amt. Inct(Dec.) CC 1 111 631 Community Promotion (SSE) 2,000 2,000 0 S 1 112 502 Regular Salaries (CM) 81,990 83,630 1,640 BFC 1 112 634 Memberships and Dues 1,790 2,090 300 BFC 1 112 636 Education/Training 800 1,600 800 Education/Training (CM) 0 500 500 BFC 1 112 637 Car Allowance (CM) 4,200 4,500 300 BFC Car Allowance (ATCM) 2,400 2,700 300 S 1 113 502 Regular Salaries (CC) 53,030 54,090 1,060 BFC 1 113 634 Memberships and Dues 395 695 300 BFC 1 113 636 Education/Training 600 1,200 600 BFC 1 116 636 Education/Training 800 1,600 800 BFC 1 117 502 Regular Salaries (DCM) 63,168 64,432 1,264 Regular Salaries (ASM) 53,957 49,957 (4,000) S 1 117 620 Computer Supplies 21,150 17,100 (4,050) S 1 117 624 Postage for additional pages 0 400 400 S 1 117 631 Additional Pages in Activity Guide 1,100 1,400 300 BFC 1 117 634 Memberships and Dues 9,100 9,400 300 BFC 1 117 636 Education/Training (Gen.) 1,000 2,000 1,000 BFC 1 117 637 Car Allowance (DCM) 2,400 3,600 1,200 S 1 117 653 Telephone 15,750 13,500 (2,250) BFC 1 118 906 Fluid Head Tripod 1,500 0 (1,500) BFC Shotgun Microphone 2,000 0 (2,000) CC Wireless Microphone 1,200 0 (1,200) BFC 1 121 634 Memberships and Dues 300 600 300 BFC 1 121 636 $4001employee training 6,000 8,800 2,800 BFC 1 141 502 Regular Salaries (Dir. PW) 7,162 7,305 143 S 1 145 642 Contract Services 0 4,000 4,000 S 1 148 502 Regular Salaries (Dir. CS) 64,588 65,880 1,292 S 1 148 620 Computer Supplies 4,700 3,800 (900) BFC 1 148 634 Memberships and Dues 795 1,095 300 BFC 1 148 636 Education/Training 1,120 1,600 480 BFC 1 148 637 Car Allowance (Dir. CS) 2,400 2,700 300 BFC 1 148 642 World Fest (to SEP) 4,450 3,500 (950) BFC Labor Day (SEP) 2,000 0 (2,000) CC Poindexter Park Dedication 0 750 750 S 1 148 653 Telephone 3,500 3,000 (500) BFC 1 149 636 Education/Training 0 400 400 BFC 1 150 636 Education/Training 200 400 200 S 1 151 642 Contractual Services (Bus Cont) 0 2,500 2,500 S 1 160 503 Part -time Salaries 4,803 5,110 307 BFC 1 160 636 Education/Training 200 400 200 S 1 161 503 Part -time Salaries 4,803 5,110 307 S 1 162 903 Improvements oft Buildings 0 14,285 14,285 Sub -Total (General Fund): $427,351 :447,629 $20,278 BFC is 149 902 Buildings - Construct Temp. TC 0 75,000 75,000 BFC 1S 147 903 Construct Access Road (Loan to Fund 5) 0 100,000 100,000 BFC Is 149 906 Kitchen Equipment for AVCP (Stove/Ref /Steam T 0 10,000 10,000 BFC 1S General Fund Reserve 0 90,000 90,000 BFC 1S Fund Capital Improvement Fund (31) 0 245,791 245,791 Reserve for Perm. TC (in CIF -31) 0 125,000 125,000 BFC is 147 Augment A/D 85 -1 from G/F 0 225,700 225,700 S 1S Fund Above Items for Fund 1 0 20,278 20,278 S 1S Remaining Undesignated 0 10,362 10,362 Sub -Total (Uses for General Fund Savings): $0 $902,131 $902,131 City of Moorpark Exhibit "B" Department of Administrative Services BUDGET: Fiscal Year 1996/97 Changes Recommended by the Budget and Finance Committee Meeting #1 - June 4, 1996 and Meeting #2 - June 6, 1996 and approved by City Council Meeting of June 12, 1996 Req. Amend. Net Impact Regest. Fund Dept. Obj. _ _ Item DesSdp tion _ _ _ _ Amt. Amt. _Inc /(Decd S 3 142 502 Regular Salaries (Dir. PW) 64,458 65,747 1,289 S 3 142 620 Computer Supplies 7,050 5,700 (1,350) BFC 3 142 634 Memberships and Dues 250 550 300 BFC 3 142 636 Education/Training 1,200 2,400 1,200 BFC 3 142 637 Car Allowance (Dir. PW) 2,400 2,700 300 S 3 142 653 Telephone 5,250 4,500 (750) Sub -Total (Gas Tax Fund): $80,608 $81,597 $989 BFC 5 147 903 Improvements o/t Buildings 198,000 10,000 (188,000) Sub -Total (Park Improvement Fund): $198,000 $10,000 ($188,000) S 12 151 642 Contractual Services (Bus Cont) 87,150 84,650 (2,500) Sub -Total (Transit Fund): $87,150 $84,650 ($2,500) S 18 180 502 Regular Salaries ($11 K to AP /$4K to ASM) 15,000 15,000 0 CC 18 180 902 Buildings 137,963 104,296 (33,667) Sub -Total (CDBG Fund): $152,963 $119,296 ($33,667) CC 23 143 641 Professional Services $10,800 $0 (10,800) CC 23 143 657 Small Tools $1,800 $2,800 1,000 Sub -Total (A/D 84 -2 Fund): $12,600 $2,800 ($9,800) BFC 25 147 636 Education/Training 600 1,200 600 CC 25 147 641 Professional Services 7,200 6,000 (1,200) CC 25 147 657 Small Tools 500 900 400 Sub -Total (A/D 85 -1 Fund): $8,300 $8,100 ($200) S 41 131 502 Regular Salaries (Dir. CD) 73,161 73,161 0 S 41 131 620 Computer Supplies 9,400 7,600 (1,800) BFC 41 131 634 Memberships and Dues 500 800 300 BFC 41 131 636 Education/Training 1,200 2,400 1,200 BFC 41 131 637 Car Allowance (Dir. CD) 2,400 2,700 300 S 41 131 653 Telephone 7,000 6,000 (1,000) S 41 133 631 Printing/ Binding 0 400 400 S 41 133 653 Telephone 0 5,000 5,000 Sub -Total (Community Development Fund): $93,661 $98,061 $4,400 S 71 170 502 Regular Salaries (CM) 20,498 20,908 410 Regular Salaries (DCM) 15,792 16,108 316 Regular Salaries (CC) 5,892 6,010 118 Regular Salaries (AP) 27,184 31,184 4,000 S 71 170 620 Computer Supplies 4,700 3,800 (900) BFC 71 170 636 Education/Training 600 1,200 600 S 71 170 653 Telephone 3,500 3,000 (500) Sub -Total (Redevelopment Fund): $78,166 $82,210 $4,044 CC Senior Ctr 150 906 Specialized Equipment 0 2,200 2,200 Sub -Total (Senior Center Trust Fund): $0 $2,200 $2,200 TOTALS: $1,138,799 $1,838,674 $699,875 MOORPARK 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, California 93021 (805) 529 -6864 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA ) ss. CITY OF MOORPARK ) I, Lillian E. Hare, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 96 -1207 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on the t9th day of JUNE , 1996, and that the same was adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS BROWN,HUNTER, PEREZ, WOZNIAK AND MAYOR LAWRASON NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 11th day of JULY , 1996. Lillian E. Hare, City Clerk PAUL W. LAWRASON JR. JOHN E. WOZNIAK ELOISE BROWN PATRICK HUNTER BERNARDO M. PEREZ Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember