HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1996 1245 1996 1106RESOLUTION NO. 96- -1245 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MOORPARK, STATE OF CALIFORNIA RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SCHEDULE OF LAND DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PROCESSING FEE DEPOSITS JANUARY 6, 1997, AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION 95 -1157. WHEREAS, the City of Moorpark provides planning services; and WHEREAS, the cost of this service will be offset by fees which accompany land use entitlement requests; and WHEREAS, Community development staff costs are charged against fees, based on real time cost accounting; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the Community Development staff shall bill actual time spent on land use applications at a real time cost accounting rate of $86.00 per hour. SECTION 2. Contract Services shall be billed at cost, plus fifteen percent (15 %), including but not limited to the City Engineer accept where otherwise specified, City Attorney, Geotechnical /Geological services, and Landscape Architect reviews and inspection. SECTION 3. That the Community Development Code Enforcement staff shall bill actual time spent on land use applications at a real time cost accounting rate of $61.00 per hour. SECTION 4. That the Administrative Services staff shall bill actual time spent on land use applications at a real time cost accounting rate of $84.00 per hour for processing permits. SECTION 5. That the Director of Community Development has the authority to reduce certain deposit amounts up to fifty percent, where the project involves multiple applications of the same type of project, to be processed concurrently. SECTION 6. That the schedule of Land Development Preliminary Processing Fee Deposits shall be as identified as those revised fees shown in Exhibit "A" to this resolution. SECTION 7. That this resolution shall be effective January 6, 1997, for all increases in fees, and for reductions in fees as contained in items 3a and 4a on Exhibit "A" shall become effective immediately. SECTION 8. That Resolution No. 95 -1157 adopted the 1st day of November, 1995, is hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6 th day of November, 1996. ATTEST Lillian E. Hare iam' City Clerk OR Z � 2 G Paul W. La son Jr., May City of Moorpark PAGE 1/4 EXHIBIT 'A" TO RESOLUTION 9fi- LAND USE DEVELOPMENT FEE AND DEPOSITSCHEDULE Revised November 6, 1996 1. Community Development Staff- Actual time spent on land use applications at real time cost of rate of $86 per hour 2. Contract Planning Staff actual cost plus %15 3. Code Enforcement Staff Actual time spent on cost reimbursement activities at $61 per hour 4. Administrative Services staff- Actual Time Spent on Land Use Development Applications at $84 per hour 5. Final cost of processing will be computed based upon actual time expended using the cost per hour of $86. If final costs is less than the deposit fee received, the unused portion of the deposit will be refunded to the applicant. If final costs are more than the deposit received, the balance shall be payable by the applicant up to 75% of the original deposit amount. If the cost of processing is expected to be more than the original deposit plus 75 %, the Council may approve the based dltem Number = lPermit Type 1.0 ,PRE- APPLICATION FEE T Amount ;88 Der hour INOTE OR 10. .. - - -- 860 �RESI E ITND AL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT_ (RPQ) _ 2.a IMobile Home Park _ _ 25 _ $2,150 Plus $9.55 per unit 2.b Residential (Single Family and Multi - Family) � _ 25 - _ _ _ $2,150 _- ! _ COMMERCIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT CPD L 3.a �CPD- Existing Building _ - - .. - (� - -- 50 T $4,300 -- - _ 3.b ICPD- Now Construction -- 125 - -_._ _ - $10,750 Plus $100 per 1,000 square feet 1 _ . . _.._.. - -- INDUSTRIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ([PD) 4.a IPD- Existing Building 4.b 'IPD- New Construction 50, _ $000 ` 125 $10,750 Plus $100 per 1,000 square feet i' ICONDITIONAL USE PER (CUP) 5.a JCUP- Residential & Accessory Units - 18 - -- -- - I $1,548 - - - 5.b CUP- Agriculture & Accessory Units 24 j $2,064 , i! 5.c - !CUP- Commercial and Industrial Uses - r 50 $4,300 - - -... _. - _ i! 5.d CUP- Institutional Uses CUP- Oil Drilling & Production - 1 _42 170 $3,612 14,620 5.e 5.f 5. CUP- Quarries and Mining Uses 170 14,620 CUP- Waste / Dis I Treatment _ _ 170 $14,620 3 � _ $258 �j 6. jSHERIFF DEPARTMENT REVIEW 7. ZONE CHANGE 28 - - $2,408 'L.—­8­­-. 20 . $1.7201 _ _;ZONE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT_ 10/31/96FEESC97.WK4 PAGE 2/4 EXHIBIT 'A" TO RESOLUTION 96- LAND USE DEVELOPMENT FEE AND DEP0SIT- 8CHEPULE Revised November 6, 1896 1. Community Development Staff- Actual time spent on land use applications at real time cost of rate of $86 per hour 2. Contract Planning Staff- actual cost plus %15 3. Code Enforcement Staff- Actual time spent on cost reimbursement activities at $61 per hour 4. Administrative Services staff- Actual Time Spent on Land Use Development Applications at $84 per hour 5. Final cost of processing will be computed based upon actual time expended using the cost per hour of $86. If final costs is less than the deposit fee received, the unused portion of the deposit will be refunded to the applicant. If final costs are more than the deposit received, the balance shall be payable by the applicant up to 75% of the original deposit amount. If the cost of processing is expected to be more than the original deposit plus 75 %, the Council may approve em um or _ermif�ype - L CA S88 per hour - -` -- - -- _ - -- r 9 -- - - SUB- DIVISION DEPOSITS - 9.a 9.6 - -- Tentative Tract Map _ _ TeMative Parcel Map, Parcel Map Waiver, or _ 31 ; -$2,666 - - - - -1 - Plus $67 per lot or unit- Contract may be applied arxi billed separate - - - - - --- I. ... 9.c Conditional Certificate of Comiance 31 r- 2,666 20 $ Plus 67 per lot or unfit - Contract services may be applied and billed separatel - 1Time Extension of Approved Tentative Tract Ma 9.d - - .$1,720 _ iTime Extension of Approved Tentative Parcel Ma 15 ' - - - - - - -- - ..�- }....... 1 1.290�- -- 9.e Lot Line Adjustment ._. -- - -- - 15 i $1,290 - - 10 1VARIANCES - ;L_... 10.a _Standard ication- CommerdaYIndustrial -- g - $1,634 Per Lot - -- - - -- - � . _ 10.b Existi Si _ _ I n9 Single Family Residential Variance 5 1 $430 ; - - -- -- - - - -- -- -- 11 MAJOR -- Isee note .80 % of current Deposit amount - - 12 1MINOR MODIFICATION - - -- -- -- - - - -- � L - -- -- 602 ; - -- 13 APPEAL -- - -- see note 25 °r6 of current de sit amount or 4 hours which ever is greater 14 -TENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS - 14.a 14.b Environmental Analysis see note __ - Billed in additlon 100% of cost- no ca Contract service to include 15 %admin. - -- - Initial Study and Negative Declaration r 14.c 'f IEnvironmental Impact Report - 24 100 $2,064 - — - $8,600 - 14.d Environmental Impact Report Supplemental 24 $2,064 - - - 15 jSPECIAL CONSULTANTS see note- : i -- - -- - -- F.. �- -- L.. 16 _ ILAND CONSERV. ACT CONTRACT AG.PRESERVE it 16.a !A icatons -- - �- 16.b _ jCancellation _ - - t1_ - -- -- 18 'j � 16.c IPortionn enew Non-Rabie T 18 17 LANDSCAPE REV IEW AND INSPECTION i r - - -- — i see note 10/31/96FEESC97.WK4 100% of cost plus 15% admin. fee to include envir. studies, geological /geotechnical, city engineer, and city attorney review. Staff to provide estimated cost based upon consultant estimate - - -- _... _ $1548 - -- . _..._.... $1,548 __.._. Ko of cost plus 15% admin: fee. - PAGE 3/4 EXHIBIT 'A" TO RESOLUTION 96- LAND USE DEVELOPMENT FEE AND DEPOSIT SCHEDULE Revised November 6, 1996 1. Community Development Staff- Actual time spent on land use applications at real time cost of rate of $86 per hour 2. Contract Planning Staff- actual cost plus %15 3. Code Enforcement Staff- Actual time spent on cost reimbursement activities at $61 per hour 4. Administrative Services staff- Actual Time Spent on Land Use Development Applications at $84 per hour 5. Final cost of processing will be computed based upon actual time expended using the cost per hour of $86. If Anal costs is less than the deposit fee received, the unused portion of the deposit will be refunded to the applicant. If Anal costs are more than the deposft received, the balance shall be payable by the applicant up to 75% of the original deposit amount. If the cost of processing Is expected to be more than the original deposit plus 75 %, the Council may approve hour 18 ,GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS 25 $2,150 Plus $9.55 per acre i 19 ( per an er ear (SPECIFIC PLAN 455 hours _AI n y 20� $17,200 Plus $5.75 r lot or unit. No Ca City to recoup 100% of costs -_�._. -_. R- tY p _._ 20 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS 20.a Initial Deposit (includes City Engineer, CHyMorney) 1 190 $16,340 20.b ;Annual Review 201 1,720 _ _ _ See Note .. 21 ,CONDITION COMPLIANCE REVIEW — Billed at 100% of the original deposit II 22 TRAFFIC MODEL USE See Note jBilled at 100% of the original deposit, plus 15 %- staff to determir _23 ERECTOR APPROVED ADMINISTRATIVE PERMIT + II 24 COST RECOVERY FEE 25 TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 3-L-- $258 — See Note _ _ Determined on a cases by case basis - not less than one hour or 26 JADMINISTRATIVE CLEARANCE (Minor Variance i 258 27 :REVERSION TO ACREAGE ' 15 i - -_ _ $1,290 - -- -- -- 28 ;OTHER I See Note 100% of actual costs. Applies to special reviews required but not a - -- - 1 - -- - -- ias deemed appropriate by the Director 10/31/96FEESC97.WK4 PAGE 4/4 EXHIBIT 'A" RESOLUTION 6- LAND USE DEVELOPMENT FEE AND DEPOSIT SCHEDULE_ Revised November 6, 1996 1. Community Development Staff- Actual time spent on land use applications at real time cost of rate of $86 per hour 2. Contract Planning Staff- actual cost plus %15 3. Code Enforcement Staff- Actual time spent on cost reimbursement activities at $61 per hour 4. Administrative Services staff- Actual Time Spent on Land Use Development Applications at $84 per hour 88 per -- 1 Z ZONE CLEARANCE 1.a T TZone Clearance- Occupancy Permit - - 0 5 Clearance- Tenant Improvement 0 0.5 - - - 1.c ! !Zone Clearance- Construction $ 051 - - 2 ; ;PENALTY - VIOLATION OF CONDITIONS OF APPR. 1 1See Note _ _ 11 00% of staff time for investlgation and enforcement - - 3 -- S SIGN PERMIT - -0:5-jT __... - -- ..._...... . - - ...... - I 4 H HMO ILi9 E HOME RENT INCREASE REVIEW _ _ _ -� � �" -. _ _ 3 - -- - 6 i iHOME OCCUPATION PERMIT - - 1 - - -- 7 P PERMIT ADJUSTMENT FEE 7.a R Residential _ - -- _ 7.b ( (Commercial - 4 : $ -- _. 7.c - us a 4 4 r - - 10/31/96FEESC97.WK4 MOORPARK 1 799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark, California 93021 (805) 529 -6864 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA ) ss. CITY OF MOORPARK ) I, Lillian E. Hare, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 96 -1245 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on the 6th day of NOVEMBER 1996, and that the same was adopted by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS BROWN, HUNTER, PEREZ, WOZNIAK AND MAYOR LAWRASON NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 7th day of NOVEMBER 1996. illian E. Hare City Clerk PAUL W. LAWRASON JR. JOHN E. WOZNIAK ELOISE BROWN PATRICK HUNTER BERNARDO M. PEREZ Mayor Mayor Pro Tern Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember