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RES CC 1998 1470 1998 0617
RESOLUTION NO. 98 -1470 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA ESTABLISHING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1998 -1999 WHEREAS, on May 6, 1998 the City Manger's Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year 1998- 99 was submitted to the City Council for its review and consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council has provided the opportunity for public comment and conducted detailed review of expenditure proposals; and WHEREAS, as result of the reviews and analysis, expenditure proposals and revenue projections have been modified as needed. NOW, THEREFOR, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 The Operating and Capital Improvements Budget for Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 containing revenues totaling $16,523,122, operating expenditures totaling $13,312,270, and capital improvement expenditures totaling $5,662,508 as identified in the Budget document attached hereto and incorporated herein, shall be adopted as the City of Moorpark's Operating and Capital Improvements Budget for the Fiscal Year 1998 -1999. Section 2. The City Manager is authorized to approve appropriation transfers within departments and within individual funds as required, to provide efficient and economical services as long as the total department appropriation and fund appropriation authorized by the City Council is not exceeded. Section 3 Amendments to the total fund appropriations in the FY 1998 -1999 Operating and Capital Improvements Budget shall require Council action by resolution. PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTE ATTEST: 1,DI LX .R. 5 1,,� Deborah S. Traffensted , ity Clerk Resolution No. 98 -1470 Page 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA ) ss. CITY OF MOORPARK ) I, Deborah S. Traffenstedt, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 98 -1470 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on the 17th day of June, 1998, and that the same was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Evans, Perez, Teasley, Wozniak and Mayor Hunter NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 6th day of July, 1998. Deborah S. Traffensteat, City Clerk (seal) W- CITY OF MOORPARK FISCAL YEAR 1998 - 1999 OPERATING and CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS - BUDGET _ July 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999 CITY OF MOORPARK FISCAL YEAR 1998 - 1999 OPERATING and CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BUDGET PATRICK HUNTER Mayor DEBBIE RODGERS - TEASLEY Mayor Pro Tem BERNARDO PEREZ Councilmember STEVEN KUENY JOHN NOWAK KEN GILBERT MARY LINDLEY NELSON MILLER DEBORAH TRAFFENSTEDT DONALD REYNOLDS WAYNE BOYER CHRIS EVANS Councilmember JOHN WOZNIAK Councilmember City Manager Assistant City Manager /City Treasurer Public Works Director Community Services Director Community Development Director City Clerk Administrative Services Manager Accounting Manager Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 Fund Balance O O O ..s Run Date:06 /26/98 City of Moorpark Run Date:11:08:41 Budget Summary by Fund Report #2 -03 FY 1998/99 O1JUL98 Estimated - - - - -- Estimated Activity----------- - - - - -� Beginning Revenues Expenditures Transfers Transfers Ending Fund Balance In Out Fund Balance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- - - -- (100) GENERAL FUND Special Revenue Funds (200) TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND (201) TRAFFIC SYSTEM MANAGEM (202) CITY WIDE TRAFFIC MITI (203) LOCAL TRANSPORTATION - (204) LOCAL TRANSP. - TRANSI (205) CROSSING GUARD FUND (210) ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FU (211) AREAS OF CONTRIBUTION (212) PARK IMPROVEMENTS FUND (220) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (221) AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUN (232) MRA LOW /MOD INCOME HOU (240) GAS TAX FUND (241) STATE TRANSIT ASSISTAN (242) TDA ARTICLE 3 FUND (244) ISTEA FUND (245) CDBG ENTITLEMENT FUND (246) OTHER STATE GRANTS (250) VECTOR CONTROL Subtotal Special Revenue Fu Debt Service Funds (310) MRA AREA 1 DEBT SERVIC Capital Project Funds (400) CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (401) CITY HALL IMPROVEMENT (402) POLICE FACILITIES FUND (403) EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT (410) MRA AREA 1 CAPITAL PRO Subtotal Capital Project Fu Fiduciary Funds (500) FIDUCIARY FUND (501) EMPLOYEE DEFERRED COMP Subtotal Fidicuary Funds GRAND TOTALS 6,098,186 6,266,151 6,219,169 109,400 6,035,768 53,095 42,800 88,945 6,950 999,146 54,000 1,053,146 988,116 52,000 ' 1,040,116 1,440,043 435,000 526,000 1,349,043 205,529 205,529 119,974 6,400 9,426 116,948 90,103 710,701 686,306 5,000 109,498 6,823,976 349,600 2,900,000 4,273,576 519,405 30,700 76,550 473,555 280,587 1,606,997 1,847,653 5,000 34,931 588,113 30,000 43,269 574,844 2,803,078 128,378 348,216 225,000 2,808,240 1,343,019 577,000 708,995 208,000 7,003,024 63,249 1,500 30,000 34,749 25,466 39,534 65,000 () 1,340,000 1,340,000 570,903 48,245 296,158 226,500 1,400,000 138,701 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 1,261,299 ---- - - -- -- ---- - -- - -- 16,137,369 ---- - - - - -- 7,581,042 --- - - - - - -- 4,125,285 225,000 5,451,708 14,366,418 788,254 23,500 800,199 776,700 788,255 5,586,108 5,586,108 437,503 10,500 25,000 423,003 587,919 64,000 651,919 419,553 16,000 26,800 408,753 12,288,595 2,561,929 2,226,281 ---- - - - - -- 1,001,700 -- -- - - - - -- 11,622,543 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 13,733,570 ---- - - - --- 2,652,429 --- - - - - --- 7,839,189 5,586,108 1,026,700 13,106,218 36,757,379 16,523,122 18,983,842 6,587,808 6,587,808 34,296,659 Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 Revenues O O !J O N Run Date :06 /11/98 Run Time:14:30:56 Report #2 -07 Object Object Number Title GENERAL FUND #100 --------------- -- 3001 CURRENT SECURED 3002 CURRENT UNSECURED 3003 PRIOR YEAR SECURED /UNSE 3004 SUPPLEMENTAL SECURED /UN 3005 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER 3007 HOMEOWNERS PROPERTY EXE 3012 SBA LANDSCAPE MAINT 3099 OTHER PROPERTY TAX REVE 3100 SALES AND USE TAXES 3101 SHELL OIL COMPANY 3101 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDI 3101 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS 3102 AB939 FEES ANNUAL EXEMP 3102 AB939 FEES- CONEJO ENTE 3102 A8939 FEES- EJ HARRISON 3102 AB939 FEES- MOORPARK RU 3102 AB939 FEES- OJAI RUBBIS 3107 LANDFILL IMPACT 3111 TELE- COMMUNICATIONS 3111 ENTERTAINMENT EXPRESS 3112 FRANCHISES- CONEJO ENTE 3112 FRANCHISES- EJ HARRISON 3112 FRANCHISES- MOORPARK RU 3112 FRANCHISES- OJAI RUBBIS TOTAL 3202 BICYCLE 3203 BUSINESS REGISTRATION P 3204 HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT 3206 PARKING CITATIONS & MUN 3299 OTHER LICENSES /PERMITS/ TOTAL City of Moorpark Revenue Report Actual Approved Projected Requested Bd9t /Fin Com FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- JUN -98 FY 98/99 Review ----------------------------------------- ------------------- - - - - -- 1,093,839 1,118,300 1,116,000 1,271,000 1,271,000 52,813 47,400 49,100 47,000 47,000 702 700 11000 700 700 16,034 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 119,412 89,400 100,000 120,000 120,000 21,987 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 1,599 400 4,600 1,353,619 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,4001000 1,871 4,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 148,749 156,600 165,587 174,000 174,000 58,482 61,200 68,617 70,000 70,000 244 400 25 117,240 120,000 120,759 125,227 125,227 1,465 2,000 2,013 2,087 2,087 52,270 51,300 51,624 53,534 53,534 418 600 604 626 626 30,000 75,000 75,000 108,421 107,000 107,000 110,000 110,000 23,494 23,000 22,000 23,000 23,000 174,130 90,000 99,465 101,653 101,653 1,465 2,000 2,210 2,257 2,257 30,676 29,100 32,161 32,869 32,869 417 ---- - - -- -- 600 - --- - - - - -- 35,663 ---- 678 678 3,379,346 3,337,500 - - - - -- 3,443,928 ---- - - - - -- 3,645,131 ---- - - - - -- 3,645,131 5 30,930 10,675 32,100 32,000 32,000 32,000 79,810 81,270 90,000 90,000 100,000 1,040 ---- - - - - -- 10,000 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 122,460 123,370 122,000 122,000 132,000 O 0 O J G►� Run Date:06/11/98 Run Time:14:30:56 Report #2 -07 Object Object Number Title 3301 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 3302 RENTS /CONCESSIONS 3303 INTEREST FROM CITY'S RD 3304 PENALITIES AND INTEREST TOTAL 3401 SECTION 9 FEDERAL GRANT 3402 HOME GRANT 3449 OTHER STATE TAXES /GRANT 3455 OFF HIGHWAY MOTOR VEHIC 3456 MOTOR VEHICLE IN LIEU 3460 STATE CIWMB USED OIL GR 3499 TITLE III SR. CTR. GRAN 3499 TITLE V SR. CTR. GRANT 3499 SLESF FUNDING 3499 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT B TOTAL 3501 PHOTOCOPYING 3502 SALE OF DOCUMENTS 3504 FILM PERMITS 3507 CONTRIBUTIONS AND DONAT 3507 WORLD WAR REMEMBERANCE 3507 SENIOR CENTER 3507 SENIOR CENTER- GAMES 3509 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 3510 SPECIAL POLICE DEPT SER 3599 OTHER ADMIN SERVICES FE TOTAL 36xa COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F 3702 GENERAL TEEN PROGRAMS 3702 GENERAL RECREATION 3702 CAMP MOORPARK 3702 CONTRACT CLASSES 3702 CAMP MOORPARK 3702 CONTRACT CLASSES 3702 GENERAL SPORTS 3702 YOUTH SPORTS City of Moorpark Revenue Report Actual Approved Projected Requested Bdgt /Fin Com FY 96/97 ------------------------------------------------------------------ FY 97/98 30- JUN -98 FY 98/99 Review 39,498 5,000 5,000 83,000 83,000 43,724 46,000 42,000 43,000 43,000 350,000 500,000 350,000 482,800 482,800 13,809 ---- - - - --- 8,400 ---- - - - - -- 11,000 ---- - - - - -- 13,000 ---- 13,000 447,031 559,400 408,000 - - - - -- 621,800 ---- - - - - -- 621,800 96,000 96,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 33,134 15,741 14,991 67,500 67,500 436 430 440 500 500 1,129,512 1,137,000 1,137,000 1,160,000 1,160,000 8,152 13,100 9,435 10,145 10,145 11,666 8,366 6,800 6;800 5,187 5,189 6,839 64,578 66,500 65,320 66,000 66,000 ---- - - - - -- 1,252,665 ---- - - -- -- 1,383,960 ---- - - - - -- 1,338,391 ---- - - - - -- 1,360,945 ---- - - - --- 1,360,945 568 831 300 300 300 1,722 1,950 1,000 1,000 1,000 13,927 10,000 4,500 10,000 10,000 14,698 3,510 4,720 1,000 1,000 250 15 1,510 2,800 1,290 86,397 17,500 221,000 15,000 15,000 73,869 31,000 40,000 111,500 88,500 77,379 ---- - -- - -- 35,000 - --- - - - - -- 120,000 ---- - - - - -- 100,000 ---- - - 100,000 268,810 101,301 395,625 - - -- 238,800 ---- - - - - -- 215,800 32,100 32,100 5,000 6,000 6,000 73,511 76,000 77,000 1,399 90,000 65,024 77,000 77,000 70,000 70,000 94,000 72,419 55,000 55,000 20,000 20,000 Run Date:06/11/98 Run Time :14:30:56 Report #2 -07 Object Object Number Title 3702 RECREATION EVENTS TOTAL 3708 PARK /FACILITY USE FEE 3708 POINDEXTER PARK 3708 CAMPENSIA PARK 3708 ARROYO VISTA COMMUNITY 3708 CAMPUS PARK 3708 CAMPUS CANYON PARK 3708 GRIFFIN PARK 3708 VIRGINIA COLONY PARK 3708 PEACH HILL PARK 3708 MONTE VISTA PARK 3708 MOUNTAIN MEADOWS PARK 3708 TIERRA REJADA PARK 3708 COUNTRY TRAIL PARK 3708 GLENWOOD PARK TOTAL 3709 ADVERTISING IN REC. BRO 3709 ADVERTISING IN REC. SRO 3711 CLASS REGISTRATION FEES 100.700.7001.000.3711 3799 OTHER COMMUNITY SERVICE TOTAL 3899 OTHER PUBLIC WORKS FEES 3901 OTHER TRANSFERS IN 3992 ADMIN SVCS TRANSFERS IN 3992 SENIOR CTR TRANSFERS IN TOTAL TOTAL GENERAL FUND: 0 0 0 City of Moorpark Revenue Report Actual Com FY 96/97 ------------------------------------------------------------------ FY 97/98 30- JUN-98 FY 98/99 Review 4,687 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 11,995 ---- - - - - 5,000 5,000 74,910 260,000 -- 224,443 ---- - - - - -- 233,000 ---- - - - - -- 233,000 2,714 1,600 1,350 1,300 1,300 4,721 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 317 300 300 300 300 1,729 1,100 250 500 500 1,265 1,100 500 500 500 2,235 2,400 1,400 1,500 1.,500 484 300 400 400 400 1,890 1,500 700 700 700 142 200 289 ---- - - - - -- 375 ---- - - - --- 100 ---- 100 100 15,784 14,575 - - - - -- 10,700 ---- - - - - -- 11,000 ---- - - - - -- 11,000 8,657 6,400 9,400 2,795 450 9,000 9,000 990 - - - - -- 260 12,442 --- - - - - - -- 6,400 ---- - - - - -- 10,110 ---- - - - - -- 9,000 - - - - - 9,000 69,645 55,000 28,300 97,925 34,375 - - - - -- 9,200 ---- 28,300 - -- - -- 167,570 ---- - - - - -- 55,000 ---- - - - - -- ---------- 5,767,870 5,952,566 6,013,887 6,273,776 6,260,776 0 O O 0 Ln Run Date:06/11/98 Run Time :14:30:56 Report #2 -07 Object Object Number Title SPECICAL REVENUE FUNDS ( #200 -299) --------------- -- 3010 SBA STREET LIGHTING 3011 SBA IMPROVEMENTS 3012 SBA LANDSCAPE MAINT 3013 SBA STRORM DRAIN 3099 OTHER PROPERTY TAX REVE TOTAL 3204 HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT 3205 VEHICLE CODE FINES 3206 PARKING CITATIONS & MUN 3299 OTHER LICENSES /PERMITS/ TOTAL 3301 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 3302 RENTS /CONCESSIONS 3304 PENALITIES AND INTEREST TOTAL 3449 OTHER STATE TAXES /GRANT 345X GAS TAX 2105,2106 & 210 3455 OFF HIGHWAY MOTOR VEHIC 3458 TDA ARTICLE 8 3459 TDA ARTICLE 3 TOTAL 3501 PHOTOCOPYING 3502 SALE OF DOCUMENTS 3505 CDBG LOAN PAYOFF 3507 CONTRIBUTIONS AND DONAT 3509 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 3599 OTHER ADMIN SERVICES FE TOTAL City of Moorpark Revenue Report Actual Approved Projected Requested Bdgt /Fin Com FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- JUN -98 FY 98/99 Review ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 620,930 702,175 636,843 204,884 204,884 6,225 6,220 6,220 6,220 6,220 290,268 504,877 542,998 460,241 459,461 3,002 10,352 10,352 14,356 9,356 ---- - - - - -- 920,426 ---- - - - - -- 1,223,624 ---- - - - - -- 1,196,413 ---- - - - - -- 685,701 ---- - - - - -- 679,921 15,600 8,600 8,600 8,600 43,982 40,000 44,000 40,000 40,000 3,000 ---- - --- -- 46,982 ---- - - - - -- 55,600 ---- - -- - -- 52,600 ---- - - - - -- 48,600 ---- - - - - -- 48,600 986,065 635,100 810,020 710,900 710,900 10,894 10,875 22,000 25,000 25,000 9,741 ---- - - - - -- 2,500 ---- - - - -- 1,006,699 - 648,475 ---- - - - - -- 832,020 ---- - - - - -- 735,900 ---- - - - - -- 735,900 532,440 1,293,345 619,894 1,910,903 1,684,403 512,773 532,000 500,000 512,000 512,000 664,569 514,824 551,899 551,899 600,630 54,000 ---- - - - - -- 44,000 ---- - - - - -- 44,406 ---- - - - - -- 35,534 ---- - - 38,672 1,763,783 2,422,835 1,754,865 - - -- 3,010,336 ---- - - - - -- 2,835,705 595 500 800 800 800 7,548 22,644 7,548 75,391 3,000 2,500 2,500 754 ---- - - - - -- 84,287 ---- - - - - -- 26,144 ---- - - - - -- 8,348 ---- - - - - -- 3,300 ---- - - - - -- 3,300 Run Date:06 /11/98 Run Time:14:30:56 Report #2 -07 Object Object Number Title 36XX COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT F 3621 AREA OF CONTRIBUTION FE TOTAL 3701 FEES IN LIEU OF PARK DE 3704 TREE & LANDSACPE FEES 3705 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES 3706 CONTRACT 0/H CHARGE 15% 3710 TRANSIT FARE REVENUES 3799 OTHER COMMUNITY SERVICE TOTAL 3899 OTHER PUBLIC WORKS FEES 3901 OTHER TRANSFERS IN 3940 MRA ADVANCES FROM CITY 3941 PROCEEDS FROM MMAD DISO 3991 TAX INCEREMENT TRANSFER 3992 OTHER TRANSFERS IN TOTAL TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE City of Moorpark Revenue Report Actual Approved Projected Requested Bdgt /Fin Com FY 96/97 ------------------------------------------------------------------ FY 97/98 30- JUN -98 FY 98/99 Review 1,863,742 1,688,873 1,353,063 1,550,497 1,550,497 691,219 ---- - - - - -- 560,714 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 2,554,962 2,249,587 1,353,063 ---- - - - - -- 1,550,497 ---- - - - - -- 1,550,497 40,289 142,200 6,982 22,100 13,255 40,200 23,151 32,500 15,000 15,000 15,000 12,834 10,000 12,800 13,500 13,500 ---- - - - - -- 96,511 ---- - - ---- 247,000 ---- - - - - -- 27,800 ---- - - - - -- 28,500 ---- - - -- -- 28',_500 443,664 72,638 79,183 60,060 87,378 87,378 1,400,000 1,400,000 215,782 321,837 223,000 225,000 225,000 248,965 ---- - - - - -- 362,000 ---- - - - - -- 161,717 538,070 763,020 ---- - - - - -- 444,777 ---- - - - - -- 1,712,378 ---- - - - - -- 1,712,378 7,455,868 7,636,285 5,669,886 7,775,212 7,594,801 Run Date :06 /11/98 Run Time :14:30:56 Report #2 -07 Object Object Number Title DEBT SERVICE FUND (#310) ----------------- - - - - -- 3301 INVESTMENT EARNINGS /INT 3991 TAX INCREMENT - TRANS. TOTAL 0 0 L'7 a 0 V City of Moorpark Revenue Report Actual Approved Projected Requested Bdgt /Fin Com FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- JUN -98 FY 98/99 Review ------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- 23,663 46,000 23,468 23,500 23,500 728,403 729,199 751,825 776,700 776,700 ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- 752,066 775,199 775,293 800,200 800,200 Run Date:06 /11/98 City of Moorpark Run Time:14:30:56 Revenue Report Report #2 -07 Object Object Actual Approved Projected Requested Bd9t /Fin Com Number Title FY 96/97 ------------------------------------------------------------------ FY 97/98 30- JUN -98 FY 98/99 Review CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS (4)(X) EXCLUDING ---------------------------------------------------- REDEVELOPMENT CITY HALL IMPROVEMENT FUND ( #401) 3301 INVESTMENT EARNINGS /INT 12,133 10,000 10,000 10,500 10,500 3992 OTHER TRANSFERS IN ---- - - - 200,000 200,000 TOTAL - -- 12,133 ---- - - - - -- 210,000 ---- - - -- -- 210,000 ---- - - - - -- 10,500 ---- - - - - -- 10,500 POLICE FACILITIES FUND (#1402) 3301 INVESTMENT EARNINGS /INT 28,589 19,000 30,000 32,000 32,000 3699 OTHER COMMUNITY DEV. FE 16,956 ---- - - -- -- 34,800 ---- - - - - -- 17,000 32,000 32,000 TOTAL 45,545 53,800 ---- - - - - -- 47,000 ---- - - - - -- 64,000 ---- - - - - -- 64,000 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT FUND (#403) 3301 INVESTMENT EARNINGS /INT 22,282 9,000 18,000 16,000 16,000 3622 EQUIP REPLACEMENT ASSES 17,132 3901 SALE OF CITY PROPERTY 16,451 3992 OTHER TRANSFERS IN 281,848 TOTAL ---- - - - - -- 337,713 -- -- - - - - -- 9,000 ---- - - - - -- 18,000 ---- - - - - -- 16,000 ---- - - - - -- 16,000 G C:3 O O O 00 Run Date:06/11/98 City of Moorpark Run Time:14:30 :56 Revenue Report Report #2 -07 Object Object Number Title Actual Approved Projected Requested Bdgt /Fir Com ------------------------------------------------------------------ FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- JUN -98 FY 98/99 Review REDEVLOPEMNT CAPITAL PROJECT FUND ( #410) ---------------------------------------- 3006 TAX INCREMENT 1,420,377 1,287,347 1,287,347 1,325,000 1,325,000 3007 HOMEOWNERS PROPERTY EXE 32,482 ---- - - - - -- 25,000 ---- -- 25,000 25,000 25,000 TOTAL 1,452,859 - - -- 1,312,347 ---- - - - - -- 1,312,347 ---- - - - - -- 1,350,000 ---- - - - - -- 1,350,000 3301 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 521,932 429,000 440,000 440,000 3302 RENTS /CONCESSIONS 105,051 107,424 114,439 106,929 106,929 3304 PENALITIES AND INTEREST TOTAL --- -- - - - -- 626,983 ---- - - - - -- 107,424 -- -- - - - - -- 543,439 ---- - - - - -- 546,929 ---- - - - - -- 546,929 3501 PHOTOCOPYING 3502 SALE OF DOCUMENTS 3504 FILM PERMITS 3507 CONTRIBUTIONS AND DONAT 3509 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 11,269 3599 OTHER ADMIN SERVICES FE 20,670 TOTAL ---- - - - - -- 31,939 ---- - - - --- ---- --- - -- ---- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- 3899 OTHER PUBLIC WORKS FEES 4,807 3901 OTHER TRANSFERS IN 3940 ADVANCES FROM CITY AND 3992 ADMIN SVCS TRANSFERS IN 1,120,395 431,382 759,000 665,000 665,000 TOTAL - ;-- - - - - -- 1,120,395 ---- -� - - -- 431,382 ---- - - - - -- 759,000 ---- - - - - -- 665,000 ---- - - - - -- 665,000 TOTAL REDEVELOPMENT CAPITAL 3,236,982 1,851,153 2,614,786 2,561,929 2,561,929 O O O O d 40 Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 Summary Reports r- Expenditure Sources for FY 1998/99 $205,529 $6,405,785 $1,847,653 $800,199 General Fund 33.74% M RA Capital Proj. 11.68% M RA Debt Service 4.2% ® Assessment District 3.6% Capital Projects 29.7% $98,371 $5,612,906 V Local Transp. 1.08% Comm. Dev. 9.69% Gas Tax 3.72% © Affordable Housing 2.05% ❑ Traffic Safety .52% 000010 r- r- Revenue Sources for FY 1998/99 $6,272,551 $470,8D0 $1,400,000 ) A $1,340,000 $710,701 $577,000 $1,606,997 General Fund 37.96% Vector Control 8.47% Assess. Dist. 4.30% ® Comm. Dev. 9.73% Fed. Grant CDBG 3.46% I $830,363 $570,903 $2,743,807 N Other Capital Proj. 2.86% Fed. Transp. ISTEA 8.11% ® Gas Tax 3.49% M RA- All Sources 16.61 % Local Transp. 4.30% 00001 1 F- $71,000 $1,238,432 $283,861 $1,842,655 ® Police 24.01% ® City Manager 1.40% City Attorney .53% City Clerk 2.13% ® Debt Service 6.01% . City Council .20% $26,000 2,524,898 $800,199 0 Admin. Services 5.57% Comm. Services 18.07% ® Public Works 9.30% Comm. Dev. 13.83% ❑ Redevelopment 18.95% 000012 10 9 8 7 6 c 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 Three Year Expenditure Trends Personnel Oper. & Maint. Debt Service Capital Outlay Capital Projects ® 1996/97 ® 1997/98 ® 1998/99 Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 City Council (Department 100) The City of Moorpark operates under a Council /Manager form of government with an elected Mayor. The Mayor and four City Councilmembers are elected at -large to serve a two -year term and four -year staggered terms, respectively. The City Council sets the policy direction for City operations and programs, approves the annual budget, and provides direction for the City's interaction with other governmental jurisdiction. The City Council appoints the City Manager to implement and administer Council decisions and policy directives. The City Council also serves as the governing body of the Moorpark Redevelopment Agency, the Industrial Development Authority, the Public Finance Authority, and the Mobile Home Rent Control Board. Planning Commission Councilmember John Wozniak 0 0 0 0 Moorpark City Council Citizens of Moorpark Parks and Recreation Commission The Honorable City Council Councilmember Mayor Mayor Pro Tem Councilmember Bernardo Perez I I Patrick Hunter Debbie Rodgers Teasley I I Chris Evans City Attorney I I City Manager The Honorable City Council Department 100 1 -06/11/98 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98199 FY 98/99 9001 ,Honorariums $18,600'1 $18,000', $18,000' $18,000' $18,000 $18,000 — Subtotal ,Personnel Costs I $18,600 $18,000 $18,000: i ;18,000 $18,000' 9116 Appraisal Services $1,250', $01 $0 $0 $0' $0 — 9209 Travel and Mileage $19' $5001 $5001 $500', $500' $0'. 9232 Conference and Meetings $3,1081 $10,000 I $6,000; $7,500', $7,500 $6,000 9233 Community Promotion $1601 i $1,000 i $7001 $1,0001 $0 $0'' — 9251 Special Department Supplies $2,2431 $2,0001 $1,2001, $2,000' $2,000 $2,000 Subtotal !Operations /Maintenance Costs ;6,780 $13,500 I $8,400 $11,000 $10,000 $8,000 Subtotal 'Capital Outlays $0 $0! ;0' ;0 $01 $0'1 —' TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL 125.39n t31 snn t2A Ann t90 nnn 4t9Q nnn t ,)c nnn 000015 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 City Manager (Department 200) The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to implement and administer the City Council's decisions and policy directives. The City Manager has significant responsibility for the operation of the City including: facilitates the policy agenda of the City Council, establishes tactics and procedures for policy /program implementation, maintains the delivery of established services within the community, hires and assigns employees, regulates and allocates the use of resources, and implements federal and state mandates as appropriate. Additionally, the City Manager directs and coordinates the activities of the five City departments through Department Heads. The City Manager helps the organization anticipate and adapt to change, respond to crises, and resolve conflict. The City Manager represents the organization within the community and builds a network with community leaders and other residents in order to assess changing needs and connect the internal organization to the community at- large. The City Manager also serves in this same capacity as the Executive Director of the City's Redevelopment Agency. I Public Works o. 0 0 0 City Manager's Department Organization Chart Executive Secretary Community Development City Manager • Council Relations • Labor Relations • City Attorney Agreement • Goal Setting Administrative Services I I City Clerk I I Community Services City Manager's Department Department 200 1 -06/11/98 Approved Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager - Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98199 9002 Salaries (Full - Time) $86,227 $120,526 $88,403! $106,724 $106,724 $106,724 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $28,787 $31,768 $31,401 $37,281 $37,281 $37,281 9004 Overtime $0' $100!, $01 $0', $0' $0 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $15,293: $17,503:i $13,159 $13,159 $13,159 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $1,009' $1,084', $9021 $909, $909 $909 9012 Unemployment Insurance $604 $847' $762 $594. $594 $594 9013 Retirement Contributions $13,1981 $19,499 $16,5651, $16,349', $16,349 $16,349 9014 Medicare /Social Security $1,226 $1,093 $9271 $541 $541 $541 Subtotal Personnel Costs $146,344 $190,208 $156,463 $175,557 $175,557 $175,557 9201 Computer Supplies and Services $0 $200, $200 $200 $200 $200':. 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $365j $400; $400! $400' $400 $400' 9207 Memberships /Dues $1,4771, $2,3001 $1,8001 $1,750' $1,7501 $1,750! 9208 Education/Training $591 $2,1001 $1,7001 $1,700; $1,700!, $1,700, 9209 Travel and Mileage $5,7191 $8,0001 $6,0001 $5,300 I $5,300' $5,300 9232 Conference and Meetings $641 $1,0001 $900 $1,1001 $1,100 $1,10011 Subtotal 'Operations /Maintenance Costs $8,7931 $14,000 i $11,000' $10,450i $10,450 $10,450 9908 Computer Equipment $0li $1,500 $1,100 $0 $0 $01 Subtotal (Capital Outlays $01, $1,5001 $1,100 $0' $0' SOi - 000017 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 - City Clerk (Department 300) The City Clerk's Department prepares City Council and Redevelopment Agency meeting agenda packets, records the official minutes for City and Agency meetings, certifies the authenticity of municipal documents, and maintains official minute, ordinance, and resolution books. Additionally, the City Clerk's Office conducts municipal elections, provides information and assistance to mayoral and councilmember candidates, distributes voter registration forms to local residents, and administers the City's Internet Home Page (INTERNET address: www.ci.moorpark.ca.us), which allows citizens on -line access to agendas, notices, calendar of events and meetings, the Municipal Code, and other important City information. The City Clerk's Department also monitors all E -Mail sent to the City at moorpark@ix.netcom.com. The City Clerk also functions as the City's records manager and as filing officer for campaign reports and designated employee statements of economic interest, and filing official statements of economic interest required by the Fair Political Practices Commission. The City Clerk's Department also ensures that the City complies with State law governing the posting and publishing of legal notices; attests to all City agreements and contracts; receives, records, and processes all claims against the City; conducts all bid openings for the City; accepts subpoenas; and coordinates the reduction and exoneration of developer performance and payment bonds. In Fiscal Year 1997 -98, the City's Clerk's Department was expanded to include a new Human Resources Division (301) and a Public Information Division (302), which encompass personnel, employee benefits, and cable television related responsibilities, previously managed by the Administrative Services Department. City Clerk/Records • Council/Agency Agendas • Elections • FPPC Filings • Damage Claims • Coordinate Public Bids • Document Recording • Admin City Keys • Political Reform Act Filings • City Newsletter • Developer Sureties • Legislative History • Agreement/Contract Records 0 0 0 0 co City Clerk's Department Organization Chart City Clerk/Personnel Officer Public Information * Home Page * CATV Public Access * Public Information * CATV Government Channel Human Resources * Human Resources * Employee Benefits * Recruitments * Customer Service * Staff Training * Employee Recognition * Volunteer Program City Clerk's Department Department 300 1 -06/11/98 Object Number Line Item Descri lion Actual FY 96/97_ Approved FY 97/98 Projected TDepartment _30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 City Manager FY 98/99 Approved FY 98199 9002 Salaries (Full- Time) $91,275, $94,289' $117,477 $97,8621 $97,862 $97,862 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $3,937 $5,695' $7,035 $7,118 $7,118 $7,118 9004 Overtime $0' $500 $558 $0 $0 $0 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $11,935' $14,496 $13,991 $12,838' $12,838 $12,838 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $614 $672 $697 $686 $686 $686 9012 Unemployment Insurance $614 $761 $885' $778' $778 $778 9013 Retirement Contributions $10,989 $11,409 $13,721 $11,499' $11,499 $11,499 9014 Medicare /Social Security $1,713 $1,869 $2,673' $1,999 $1,999 $1,999 9015 EMT Stipend $0 $0', $100' $0 $0 $0 Subtotal ;Personnel Costs 9116 Appraisal Services 9191 9192 9201 9205 9206 9207 9208 9209 9232 9233 9251 9801 Other Contractural Services Election Expense Computer Supplies and Services Printing and Binding Books /Publications /Subscriptions Memberships /Dues Education/Training Travel and Mileage Conference and Meetings Community Promotion Special Department Supplies Operating Transfers Out $121,077' $129,691 !, $157,137' $132,780 $132,780 $132,780 $0 $3,600 $2,8001 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 $149: $0 $5,3501 $2,000', $4,485'' $4,4851 $4,485'1 $5,789, $2,830 $11,7001 $11,7001 $6,000'1 $6,0001 $13,2001, $011 11 $4,2451 $6801 $01 $01'1 $0, $0, $5,4291 $143,4101 $5,500! $5,500; $5,5001 $5,500'. $5,5001 $2,3171, $2,073 $2,001 $2,3501 $2,350! $3851 $52511 $525 $700 $70011 $700,; $6741 : $1,2001 $1,000! $1,8001 $1,800!, $1,8001 $6111 $10011 $2001 $5001 $5001 $500' $1,751 1 $2,6501 $2,650 j $5,415: $5,415 $5,415' $0'i $1,8001 $1,800,1 $2,800 $0 $0 $1,1891 $937; $1,50011 $1,5001'': $1,500' $1,5001 $01 1 $7,2001 I 1 $01' $01 $0 $0 Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $17,743: $43,315 $31,676: $33,650! $30,850 $38,050 9906 Other Equipment $0 $1,4151 $1,226' $0 $0 $0 9908 Computer Equipment $4,5901 $2,830', 1 $2,830 $1,920' 1 $3,120 $3,120 Subtotal Capital Outlays i $4,590: I 11 $4,2451 $4,056 $1,920 $3,120 $3,120 TOTAL 1DEPARTMENTTOTAL $143,4101 $177,251' $192,869': $168,3501 $166,7501 $173,950 000019 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Human Resources (Division 301) In response to the growing complexity of the City's personnel function, the Human Resources Division of the City Clerk's Department was created in Fiscal Year 1997/1998. Formerly part of the Administrative Services Department, the Human Resources Division -- is responsible for coordinating personnel selection /recruitment, administration of the City's benefit and deferred compensation plans, and review and coordination of the employee evaluation process. Human Resources Division Division 301 1 -06/11/98 blect $0! Actual Approved �- Projected Department City Manager A-- pproved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $0; $0; $0' $36,107 $36,107 $22,567 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $0' $0 $0! $5,980 $7,118 $7,118 9004 iOvertime $0', $01 , $0' $700 $700 $700 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0. $0 $0 $8,621 $8,621 $5,388 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0' $0! $286 $294 $202 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0'' $0 $0 $411 $461 $385', 9013 Retirement Contributions $0' $0 $0 $4,419 $4,419 $2,762; 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0 $0, $0! $1,059 $1,171 $974' 9015 EMT Stipend $0 $0 $0 $300 $300 $300 Subtotal '',Personnel Costs s0I so! SOI $57,883 $59,191 $40,396', 9204 Postage $0! $Oi $0[ $1,800' $1,800( $1,800 9207 Memberships /Dues $0 l $01 $0I $200 $200 I $200' 9208 Education/Training $0 $0I $0I $2,435 $3,435' $4,935! 9209 Travel and Mileage $0' $0 $0 $30; $250 $2501 9231 Employee Recruitment $0 $0' $0 $6,2001 $6,200 $6,200, 9232 ;Conference and Meetings $0I $0 $0 $1,290( $2,380', $2,380'i I 9234 !Employee Recognition $0 $0 $0I $2,700 $3,000 $3,000 Subtotal ,Operations /Maintenance Costs i $0 SO $O $14,655 $17,265' 518,7651 . Subtotal 'Capital Outlays TATAI 'nF:PORTMFNT' so sol $01 I $0! so', so, I $0 $72,538' $76.456' $59.161'i 000020 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 199811999 Budget Public Information Division Division 302 1 -06/11/98 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 Subtotal Personnel Costs $0 $0! $0', $O EO EO 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $5,591 $5,000 $3,000' $5,000' $5,000 $5,000 9191 Other Contractural Services $28,377 $35,000 $35,000' $35,000' $35,000 $35,000 9199 i Other Purchased Services $9391 $9,857' $7,150' $6.000, $0 9221 Equipment Rental $0 $2,000 $0 $2,000' $2,000! $2,000 9233 Community Promotion $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,800 $2,350' 9251 Special Department Supplies $2,0201 $3,500 $3,500 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $36,928 $55,357' $48,650' $51,000 $53,800 $47,350 _.._ 9906 (Other Equipment $19,570 $8,5531 $7,0001 $3,400', $3,4001 $3,400' Subtotal Capital Outlays $19,570 I $8,5531 $7,000 ; $3,400 $3,4001 1 $3,400'1 TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL $56,498 $63,9101 $55,6501 $54,4001 $57,200 $50,750,! _._ 000021 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget OP Ate+ Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 City Atto rn a v � °'" (Department 400) °��•o The City Attorney represents the City of Moorpark in all legal affairs, provides legal advice and assistance to the City Council and staff and engages in litigation as needed. Legal services are provided under contract with a private law firm. .r City Attorney's Department Department 400 1 -06/11/98 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 Subtotal Personnel Costs so, $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 — 9102 Engineering Services $7,750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9121 Legal Services - Retainer $21,85311 $24,000 $22,000, $24,000 $24,000 $24,000 9122 Legal Services - Non Retainer $14,447 !, $32,000 $34,0001 $32,000 $32,000 $32,000 — 9123 Legal Services - Special Services $87,283 $20,000 $10,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000' Subtotal ,Operations /Maintenance Costs $131,3331, $76,0001 i $66,000 $71,000', $71,000 $71,000' Subtotal Capital Outlays $0 $0 $0, I $0', $0 $0" TOTAL DEPARTMENTTOTAL $131,333' $76,000 $66,0001 $71,000' $71,000 $71.000 _ 000022 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget ,M Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 Administrative Services (Department 500) The Administrative Services Department develops and implements City programs relative to finance and accounting, purchasing, law enforcement services, data processing, economic development, special permits, emergency management, Community Development Block Grant programs, and property management, business registration, 'risk management, legislative affairs and intergovernmental programs. The Department also manages the activities of the Moorpark Redevelopment Agency. The Department also provides staff support to The City Council's Budget and Finance and Economic Development Committees. In addition, Administrative Services coordinates budget review and preparation, processes, administers City contracts for public safety and cable franchise agreements, and provides general support to other City departments by managing the procurement and maintenance of copying, communication, and data processing equipment, and developing programs by which City staff may obtain office supplies, papers, and graphic services. IAdministrative Services * Risk Management * Emergency Preparedness * Business Registration * Purchasing * Data Processing * Special Assessment District * Receptionist * Telecommunications Special Projects 0 0 0 w Administrative Services Department Organization Chart Assistant City Manager * Treasurer * Franchise Admin Administrative * Chamber of Commerce Secretary * Legislative Relations * Intergovernmental * V -COG * LAFCO * Budget * Fire /Emergency * Medical Liasion Redev/Econ Dev Police • Redevelopment • Economic Development * Property Management * Film Permits * Special Events * CDBG * Home Rehab Loans * Business Loans * Affordable Housing * Mobile Home Rent * Special Projects Finance * Accounting * Payroll * Audits Administrative Services Department Department 500 1 -06/11/98 Object Number Line Item Description Actual FY 96/97 Approved FY 97/98 Projected 30- Jun -98 Department FY 98199 City Manager FY 98/99 Approved FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $208,854', $228,913 $204,569 $175,180 $175,180 $178,778 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $6,543 $15,730 $13,738 $10,834' $10,834 $10,834 9004 Overtime $772 $800! $8001 , $800 $800 $800 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $27,073', $27,637! $20,537 $16,194 $16,194 $18,339 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $1,951' $2,253,' $1,9831 $1,862 $1,862 $2,431 9012 Unemployment Insurance $1,207 $1,6721 $1,131' $1,075! $1,075 $1,126, 9013 Retirement Contributions $25,4101 $27,861 $24,424' $20,4971 $20,497 $21,378 9014 Medicare /Social Security $3,566 $4,709'' $4,180' $3,410. $3,410 $3,514 9015 EMT Stipend ' $0 I $300 $300 ' $0 $0 $0'' Subtotal Personnel Costs $275,376, $309,875' I $271,6621 $229,852 $229,852' $237,200 9135 I Advertising ! $5641 $2001 $3001 $3001 $300' 9191 Other Contractural Services $9,1981 $75,7701 $13,5001 $10,000 $10,000'1 $10,000; 9198 Allocated O/H - Services $73,6371 $68,8141 $64,8051 $89,6021 $89,602 $89,602! 9199 Other Purchased Services $1,5891 $0 $6001, so! $0', $011 1 9204 ;Postage $9921 $2,000, $900' $7501 $7501 $7501' 11 9205 !Printing and Binding $1,9291 $1,300' $1,200' $1,2001 $1,200 1 $1,200 9206 I� Books /Publications /Subscriptions $856' $6001 $600 $6001 $60011 $6001 9207 Memberships /Dues $8,123' $9,630 $9,000 $8,930' $8,93011 $9,93011 9208 Education/Training $770 $7,0001 $5,000 $5,1001, $5,100' $5,100V 9209 Travel and Mileage $3,264 $4,0001 $3,000 $4,160 !1, $4,160' $4,160 __. 9222 Small Tools /Equipment $01 $800 $8001 $200 $200 $200: 9231 Employee Recruitment $6,545 $6,200 $7,500 $0 $01 $0! 9232 Conference and Meetings $2,4561 $5,100 $4,0001 $3,180! $3,180 $3,180!' - 9233 Community Promotion $13,3301 $12,600 $11,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 9251 Special Department Supplies ! $6,034 $4,000 ! $4,000 $4,200 $4,2001 $4,200 9297 Doubtful Accounts $43,477, $0' $0 $011 $0, $01 -1 9298 Allocated OJH - Supplies $46,152, $64,000 $57,896 $55,755 $55,755 $55,75511 Subtotal'Operations /Maintenance Costs $218,9171 $262,0141 $184,101 $188,9771 $188,9771, I $189,977' 9903 Improvement oft Buildings $1,647 I $7,200 $3,200 1 $0 ! � $ 0 $011 9905 Office Equipment $301 $0 $01 so! $0 $0 9908 Computer Equipment $28,91311 $28,3241 i $24,824 $01 $0 $0'1 Subtotal 'Capital Outlays $30,5901 i $35,524, $28,024' $0 $01 soil TATAI 'nFPAPTMFWT TATAI t49d 9211 tam d41 eAO') V07 &A40 Oen 000024 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Public Safety Division Division 501 1 -06/11/98 Object Vehicles Actual Approved Projected DepartmentCity Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 Subtotal Personnel Costs $0 $0 $0' $0 $O $O 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $85, $1,000' $8001 $1,000' $1,000 $1,000 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $114,801 $123,650' $133,600, $141,974 $139,774 $128,774 9117 Police Services $2,520,755 $2,777,664' $2,712,300' $3,060,238 $2,983,026 $2,890,594 9123 Legal Services - Special Services $01 $600 $0 $0 $0 $0. 9151 Telephone Usage $8,157 $6,800 $7,900: $8,250 $16,000 °, 9191 Other Contractural Services $76,532 $131,212 $98,341 1 $89,880 $89,880 $94,880 9201 Computer Supplies and Services $436 $1,700 $1,580! $1,700 $1,700 $3,400 9202 Office Supplies $517 $1,3001' $1,300,1 $1,500 $1,500 $3,200! 9203 Copy Machine Supplies $527' $1,5001 $1,4001 $1,500' $1,500 $3,8001, 9204 Postage $6671 $1,5001 $1,5001 $1,5001 $1,500 $1,500'1 9205 Printing and Binding $2,306; $3,4001 $2,1401 $2,400 $2,400 $2,400;' 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $764: $6801 $7001 $700! $700!11 9207 Memberships /Dues $991 $600 $550' $600i $600 $600 l 9208 Education/Training $8,894,' $11,5001! $11,700 $12,500 $12,500 1 $17,500'1 9209 Travel and Mileage $269 $5001 $430' $500 $500! $500 9211 Electricity $2,4081, $2,900' $2,5501 $2,700 $2,7001 $0 i 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $4531 $700 $890 $95011 $9501!, $950'1 9215 Natural Gas $486 $650', $480 $6001 $600 $0I 9222 ISmallTools /Equipment $2,520' $5,322!, $4,500 $5,000' $5,000! i $5,00011 9233 'Community Promotion $14,532' $12,0001 $12,5001 $14,0001 $14.000: 9251 Special Department Supplies $6,4051 $4,9501 $6,150 $6,680 $6,680', $9,380 9290 Rental of Real Property SO $14,4001 $14,4001 $0111 Subtotal (Operations /Maintenance Costs $2,761,614' $3,090,1481 $3,001,291 $3,368,5721 $3,289,160 $3,194,178'1 ' 9904 Vehicles $10,2001 i I 1 $34,300 9906 Other Equipment $3,920 9908 Computer Equipment $12,025 Subtotal !Capital Outlays $50,245 811 $14,6001 $10,2001 $16,8001 $23,4831! $23,535' $01 $18,8281'1 $18,828' $4,4801 $56,911 $52,5631 $21,280' 147 $0 $0 $22,000 $0 $4,500, $4,500 $26,500,! $4,500 000025 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 199811999 Budget Finance Division Division 505 1 -06/11198 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9001 Honorariums $1,200' $01 $01 $0 $0. 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $47,629 $51,747 $54,582 $99,298' $99,298 $99,298 - -- 9004 Overtime $341, $2,000 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000, $2,000' 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $12,087' $12,797 $6,601 $6,748 $6,748 $6,748 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $324,' $352 $354, $672 $672' $672` -_ 9012 Unemployment Insurance $334; $353 $3011 $519 $519 $519' 9013 Retirement Contributions $5,793!, $6,333' $6,8201 $12,090 $12,090' $12,090 9014 Medicare /Social Security $7021 , $750 $7821 $1,461 $1,461 $1,461 Subtotal ',Personnel Costs $68,410' $74,332 j '1 $70,440,, $122,7881 $122,788 $122,788 L 9199 Other Purchased Services $32,451 $50,0001 $50,0001 $69,000' $69,000' $62,000!, 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $576 $3001 $300 $400 $400 $400 9207 I� Memberships /Dues $75' $3001 $350 $6001 $600'' $600! -- 9208 Education/Training $4551 $1,6001 $8001 $5,1001 $5,1001 $5,100'1 9209 Travel and Mileage ! $55� $1001 $701 $100! $100' $1001 1 9232 Conference and Meetings $4781 $1,0001 $800; $3,7001 $3,700 $3,700 9251 Special Department Supplies $134 $300 $300 $4501 $450 $450' 11 Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $34,2231 $53,600 $52,620 $79,3501 $79,350 ! i $72,3501 9908 Computer Equipment $1,689 $3,000 $3,000 $01 $0 $0I - Subtotal Capital Outlays $1,6891 $3,0001 $3,000'' $0! $01 SO' TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL $104,3221 $130,932 ' $126,0601_ $202,1381 $202,138 I $195,1381, - 00002E City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Emergency Services Division Division 506 1 -06/11/98 Approved Obgect Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Number Line Item Description _ FY 96/97 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $0 $0 $0 $16,681 $16,681 $16,681 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $0 $0 $750 $750 $750 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0 $0 $0 $113 $113 $113 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0 $0 $01 $63 $63 $63 9013 Retirement Contributions $0 $0 $0 $2,042 $2,042 $2,042 9014 Medicare /Social Security $01 $0 $0 $2421 $242 $242 9015 EMT Stipend $01 $1,200 $1,2001 1 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 Subtotal ,Personnel Costs $0! $1,2001 $1,200 $21,091 $21,091 $21,091 9162 Equipment Maintenance $0 $0j $01 $1,200 $1,200 $1,2001, 9191 Other Contractural Services $0 $10,000 li, $10,000 i $0 $0 $0' 9201 Computer Supplies and Services $0 $400 $0 $0 $0 $0' 9202 Office Supplies $227 $U; $0 i $0, $0 $0 9205 Printing and Binding $716 $1,000! $1,0001 $4,2001 $4,200' $4,200 9207 Memberships /Dues $0, $01 $0j $1251 $125 $1251 9208 Education/Training $5,218'11 $1,600, $2251 $9,5001 $9,500 $9,500 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $0 $O I $0 $200 i $200 $200 9218 Shop and Operating Supplies $3661 i $1,2001 $1,2001 $1,200 i $1,2001 $1,20011 9232 :Conference and Meetings $0 $90011 $9001 $100 $100' $1001 9251 I Special Department Supplies $01 $0' $0 $1,2001 $1,200' $1,200111 1 Subtotal !Operations/Maintenance Costs $6,527 $15,100! $17,725 I $17,725 $17,725;' 9903 Improvements o/t Buildings $6,646' $0 $0 l $01 $01 $011 Subtotal Capital Outlays $6,646 $0 so! $01 $0 $6 000027 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 199811999 Budget Moorpark Redevelopment Agency Division 510 1 -06/11/98 Object Personnel Costs Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9001 Honorariums $2,520 $3,6001 $3,000'1 $3,600 $3,600 $3,600 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $178,964 $208,645' $148,223' $229,544' $229,544 $229,301 9003 Salaries (Part- Time) $7,196 $0 $4,446: $0 $0 $0 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $39,052, $350 $26,658 $33,650 $33,650 $33,754 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $2,354'! $1,406! $1,200' $1,527 $1,527 $1,785 9012 Unemployment Insurance $1,031 $1,207' $721 $1,207 $1,207 $1,209 9013 Retirement Contributions $22,481 $25,276' $18,822 $27,4781 $27,478' $27,448! 9014 Medicare /Social Security $2,6091 $2,690 $2,039 $2,905' $2,905 $2,902'. - 9015 EMT Stipend $251 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0' Subtotal Personnel Costs $256,232 $278,8101 $205,109' I $299,911 $299,911' $299,999;' 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $8,1221 ! $2,600 $2,0001 I $7,7501 $7,750' i $7,750 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $602', $5001 $501 1 $2001 $200 $20011 9123 Legal Services - Special Services $5,3721 $5,0001 $3,0001 $4,0001 $4,000 ! $4,000!',1 9135 Advertising $558; $600 $250'; $3501 $350 $350;1 9162 ,Equipment Maintenance $901 $0!�, $0'' $0 $01 it $0! 9184 Equipment Replacement Assmnt $17,132 $0 $0'', $0: $0 $01 9186 Maintenance Assessments ($101,036) $0: $0 $0 $0 $011 9190 Pass Through Property Taxes $53,1451 $0 $170,000 $60,000 $60,000 $120,0001' 9191 Other Contractural Services I $15,7541 $45,000 $36,600 I $ 27 500'': I $ 27 500 7 $2 ,500, 9198 Allocated O/H - Services $16,363' $15,2921 $14,401 $19,9121 $19,912, $19,912'1 9199 Other Purchased Services $18,772 $41,6001 $2,5001 $177,0001 $177,000 $174,400' 9202 Office Supplies $240! $2501 $0 $200; $200 $200111 9204 Postage $24'1 $1,0001 $251 $500! $5001 $5001] 9205 Printing and Binding $444 $300 $100 $5001 $500' $50011 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $75: $200 $100:1 $400 ! $400 $400 ! 9207 Memberships /Dues $1751 $2,000 $2001 $2,040 $2,0401 $2,040r 9208 EducationJTraining $8131 $1,200, $50011 $2,4001 $2,4001 $2,4001, 9209 Travel and Mileage $7231 $5001 $2,500 $1,6401 $1,6401 $1,6401 9211 Electricity $2031 $200 $200 $01 $0I $011' 9213 Water $1,601 $1,500 $1,500 $01 $0 $0'. 9214 Gasoline /Diesel 1 $211 $0, $0 $0 l $0 $01 9215 'Natural Gas ($15) $0 $201 $0 $0 j $0 9218 !Shop and Operating Supplies $105! $0I $0 $0 $0 $OI,I 9232 Conference and Meetings j $4011 $6501 $100 $3,700 $3,700, $3,7001 9233 Community Promotion $0! $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,0001 9251 Special Department Supplies $221 ($165 $250 $200 $200 $20011 9290 Rental of Real Property $10,4441 $20,9451 $18,000 $18,600 !I $18,6001 $18,1 1!1, 9297 Doubtful Accounts $20,4491 $0 $0 $0 ! $011 9298 Allocated O/H - Supplies $10,25511 $13,5001 $12,866 $12,390 $12,390'1 $12,390111 9402 Rehabilitation Costs $830 $0I $0 $011 $0 $0111 9403 Site Clearance Costs $11 ! $11,050 $19,550 $0 $0, $0 Ili 9701 Debt Service Interest -Loan , , $ $475,000 9704 Debt Principal Payment- Loan $01 $01 $01 $1,000,0001 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 ! 9705 Debt Service Interest - Bond $0 i $0 $0 $0 ! $0 $560,200 000028 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Moorpark Redevelopment Agency Division 510 2-06/11/98 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97198 30- Jun -98 FY 98/_9_9_ FY 98/99 FY 98/9_9_ 9706 Debt Principal Payment - Bond $0' $0 $0' $0 $0 $240,000 9801 Operating Transfers Out $17,577 $53,250 $0 $0, $0 $0 _ Subtotal 'Operations /Maintenance Costs $448,911 $716,9721 $634,712' $1,819,282 $1,819,282 $2,676,882 9903 Improvements o/t Buildings $33,078 $450: $485' $0' $0 $0 9905 Office Equipment $1,706', $0! $100! $0 $0 $0 9908 Computer Equipment $1,8931 $4,9621 $4,962' $0' $0 $0' Subtotal Capital Outlays $36,677' $5,4121 i $5,547! $0 $0 $0, TOTAL DEPARTMENTTOTAL $741,820! $1,001,194' $845,368 $2,119,193 $2,119,193__ S2,976,881 - 000029 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Community Development Block Grant Division Division 511 1 -06/11/98 Object Number Line Item Description Actual FY 96/97 Approved FY 97/98 TProjected 30- Jun -98 Department FY 98/99 City Manager FY 98/99 Approved FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $11,3401 $0 $9,500 $14,121 $14,121 $14,121 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $0 $0,1 $735' $735 $735 — 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0 $0' $0 $96 $96' $96 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0! $0', $0', $63, $63 $63 9013 Retirement Contributions $0' $0 $0I $1728' $1728 $1728' 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0: $0' $205 $205 $205 Subtotal' Personnel Costs $11,340 $0', $9,500 ;16,948 $16,948 ;16,948 9135 Advertising $01 $0 I $0 $1001 $100 $100j 9191 Other Contractural Services $41,0961 $28,8641 $23,8141 , $19,097; $19,097, $19,097', 9199 !Other Purchased Services $0 $0 $01 $2,000 $2,000:1 $2,000' Subtotal ,Operations /Maintenance Costs $41,096 $28,864 $23,814 $21,197 $21,197 $21,197'1 Subtotal Capital Outlays s0 I $0 $0I $0' 0 $ , so,. TOTAL 'DEPARTMENT TOTAL S52 AIR I 17R Arad t11 11A H0 1AC too 4 Ae 1 eee �r 000030 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Housing - Redevelopment (Division 512) The Housing Program under the Moorpark Redevelopment Agency assists in the preservation and addition of housing affordable for households with low and very low incomes. Through deferred payment loan programs, land acquisition, mortgage assistance and other programs, the Housing activity utilizes the 20% of Redevelopment Agency tax increment funds which are set aside by State law for these purposes. MRA Housing Division Division 512 1 -06/11/98 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 _ F 9y 8/99 _FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $41,981 $41,308 $39,772 $33,890 $33,890 $33,890 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $0, $0, $0' $0 $0 $0 9004 Overtime $0', $0 $372 $0 $0 $0 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0' $5,227 $524 $1,765 $1,765 $1,765 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0' $407 $417 $231 $231 $231 9012 Unemployment Insurance $217' $280 $1161 $151 $151 $151' 9013 Retirement Contributions $5,138' $6,6471 $4,902; $4,148, $4,148 $4,148 9014 Medicare /Social Security $608 $787' $582, $491 $491 $491 Subtotal Personnel Costs $47,944: $46,685,! $40,676 $40,676 $40,676 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $0 ! $1,800 $700 !, $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $7' $4001, $200 $200, $200' $200, 9123 Legal Services - Special Services $0 : $12,000 $5,000 $10,000', $10,00011 $10,000 9135 Advertising $0', $2001 $0 $20011 $200' $20011 9191 Other Contractural Services $1,2491 $320 $1,500 $5,500 $5,500 $5,5001 9199 Other Purchased Services $01 $5,000 $5,0001 $10,000 $10,000' $10,00011 9201 Computer Supplies and Services $01 $472' $3001 $200', $200 $200! 9204 Postage $01 $5601 $601 $400.1 $400', $400'. 9205 Printing and Binding $0 $160 $100 $1501 $1501 $150'1 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $0 $1601 $01 $60. $60 $601 9207 Memberships /Dues $01 $800 $1801 $1801 $180 $180 9208 Education/Training $0 $400 $4001 $4001 $400 $400i 9209 Travel and Mileage $1691 $4001 $1501 $200! $200 $200' 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $221 $3651 $8011 $1001 $1001 $100!1 9232 Conference and Meetings $28 $6801 $4001 $700! $700' $700'1 9251 Special Department Supplies $162; $1601 $280 $300' $300 $30011 . 9401 Rehabilitation Grants $50,069; $0 $0 $0' $0 $Of 9402 Rehabilitation Costs $420 $557,670' $30,000 !, $150,000 $150,000 $150,000' 9701 Debt Service Interest $01 $01 $O $7,800' $7,800 $7,800' 9704 Debt Principal Payment $0' $0 $01 1 $117,000 $117,000' $117,000! Subtotal !Operations /Maintenance Costs $52,1261 $5811,547 $306,8901 $306,890 $306,8901 9905 1 Office Equipment $Oi $650 $42511 1 $650; 1 $650 $6501 1 Subtotal 'Capital Outlays $0 $650 $425 I $650,1 $650 $6501 TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL $100,070 $636,8531 $91,460 $348,216 $348,216 1 $3482161 -- 000031 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998/1999 r _ Housing - City (Division 513)' r The City of Moorpark provides General Revenue funds to assist in the preservation of affordable housing for persons of low and moderate income outside of the Redevelopment `" Project Area. City Housing Division Division 513 1 -06/11/98 Object Actual Approved TProjected Department —_ City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $0' $10,327 $12,690 $8,472' $8,472 $8,472 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $917 $131 $441 $441 $441 9011 Workers Camp. Insurance $0 $70 $73' $58 $58 $58 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0 $50 $31 $38 $38 $38 9013 Retirement Contributions $0 $1,264 $1,566' $1,037 $1,037 $1,037 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0' $150' $184' $123' $123 $123 Subtotal Personnel Costs $0, $12,778' $14,675 $10,169 $10,169 $10,169 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $01 $100 $0 $0' $0 $0' 9135 Advertising $0' $200 1 $O $100 $100' $100 9191 Other Contractural Services $0 $1,080 $5001 $2,500 $2,500' $2,500 9199 Other Purchased Services $0 $1001 $0 $100, $1001, $1001 9201 Computer Supplies and Services $01 $1181 $50 1 $100 $1001 $100 9204 Postage so $601 $1001 $1001 $100:1! 9205 Printing and Binding $0 I $401 $0; $0! $0 $0 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $01 $401 $01 $01 $0': $011 9207 :Members hips /Dues $0 $200 $0 so! $0 $0I� 9208 Education/Training $0 $100 $0 $1001 $100 $1001 9209 ,Travel and Mileage $0 $100 $1001 $50 $50 $50 q1 I 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $0 j $85 $0 $0 $0 $0 9232 Conference and Meetings $01 $170 $0 $0' $0', $0' i 9251 Special Department Supplies $15 $40 $401 $50 $50 $50' 9402 Rehabilitation Costs $244 $170,845 $15,0001 $30,000 $30,000 ! $30,000,1 Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $2591 1 $173,3581 I 515,7501 $33,1001 $33,100! $33,100 Subtotal' Capital Outlays $01 S0 $0 $01 $0'. $01. TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL $2591 $186,1361 $30,425 — _$43,2691, $43,269 $43,2691i 000032 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget .� t, r"'� � r:• �.., 3 � , ":" . � ;, 23 :1 � S' �. .k3'�i,x. .vr ?.d,.l ','^. � T4,.,.. ' .'; s : � �:.:, _, 'i:. �: Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 Community Development (Department 600) The Department of Community Development has been organized into five divisions, including Administration, Building and Safety, Engineering, Code Enforcement, and Planning. The Department is responsible for coordinating, processing, reviewing, and inspecting all applications for new development within the City, providing environmental review and public information. The Department also provides advanced planning services, including administration and update of the General Plan and coordinates the City's Code Enforcement program. The Department coordinates development project review and processing with the City Engineer, processes affordable housing entitlement requests, and administers contracts for Building and Safety and landscape plan check and inspection services. The Department also serves as staff to the five member Planning Commission, which is appointed by the City Council. The Planning Commission reviews and acts upon various entitlement requests and advises the City Council on matters related to Community Development Department issues. The Commission also acts as the Moorpark Heritage Board, advising the City Council on matters regarding the preservation of City heritage. Division 600 includes the administrative and support functions for the department including services from other departments which support the entire department. Administrative Secretary Community Development Department Organization Chart Community Development Director Secretary Current Planning Advance Planning * Development Entitlement * Administer & Update General Plan Review * Prepare & Process Specific Plans * Conditional Use Review * Prepare & Process Environmental * Environmental Review Documnets for City Projects * Conditional Compliance * Review of County & * Landscape Review & Inspection Other Agency Projects * Public & Zoning Information * Special Studies & Projects • Development Standards * Citywide Traffic & • Zoning Code Amendments Development Impact Fees • Zoning Map Changes * Fees • Population & Housing Statistics * Fiscal Imapct Studies * Development Reports * Development Agreements * Affordable Housing Require- * Historical Preservation ments for New Developments * Staff to Affordable Housing/ Community Development Committee o * Demographic Projections o * Growth Management o * Sphere of Influence & Greenbelts 0 W — — — — — — — — Planning Commission Code Enforcement * Citizen Complaints * Overcrowding & Housing Violations * Property Maint. Violations * Public Nuisances * Assist Other Depts. & Sheriff with Municipal Code Violations * Neighborhood Preservation * Home Occupation Permits * Vendor Permits I Building & Safety • Plan Check • Permit Issuance * Building Inspections * Occupancy Investigation * Address Assignment * Public Information Engineering * Engineering Review * Construction Inspection Community Development Department Department 600 1 -06111/98 Object Repair and Maintenance Svcs. Actual Approved Projected Department City anager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 ... 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99_ FY 98/99 FY 98/99 Postage 9205 Printing and Binding 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions - 9207 Memberships /Dues 9001 Honorariums $7,600 $12,000' $11,000 $12,000! $12,000 $12,000 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $333,277 $429,739' $388,906, $114,6201 $114,620 $131,747 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $5,287' $27,943 $22,307', $0, 9906 $0 9004 Overtime $3,027 $3,000 $3,0001 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $55,200' $72,712' $48,245 $11,9931 $11,993 $16,509 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $3,214 $4,137' $3,779 $754', $754 $1,390 9012 Unemployment Insurance $2,150 $3,196 $2,801 $634 $634 $740 9013 Retirement Contributions $40,177 $52,409 $48,1051 $13,566 $13,566 $15,662 9014 Medicare /Social Security $4,906 $8,252 $7,250 $1,523 $1,523 $1,771 9020 Uniform Allowance $128 $300 $0' $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Personnel Costs $454,9661 $613,688 $535,393', $158,090! $158,090 $182,819 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services 9123 Legal Services - Special Services 9135 ,Advertising 9191 Other Contractural Services 9198 'Allocated O/H - Services 9199 Other Purchased Services - 9204 Postage 9205 Printing and Binding 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions - 9207 Memberships /Dues 9208 Education/Training 9209 Travel and Mileage 9214 Gasoline /Diesel 9232 Conference and Meetings 9251 Special Department Supplies 9297 Doubtful Accounts 9298 Allocated O/H - Supplies 9801 Operating Transfers Out Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs _ 9903 Improvements o/t Buildings 9905 Office Equipment 9906 Other Equipment 9908 Computer Equipment Subtotal _ 1 . Capital Outlays TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL ($5J $2001, $100 $10011 $1001 $100' $3911i $1,000' $1,600 $0 $0! $0 $26,8691 $38,502 $43,000',, $1,000 $1,000' $1,000', $398' $2,600:: $1,0001 $500. $5001 $5001 $2,5101 $0 $501 $01 $0! $0' $32,727 $30,584 $28,8021 $39,8231 $39,8231, $39,823 $52,0141 $183,000 $50,0001 $40,000i $40,000 $44,8001 $0 $0 $100; $2001 $200 $200 $5071 $1,0001 $500 1 $1001 $100' $100' $6661 $1,3071 $7001 $1501 $150', $150 $691, $1,00011 $1,000' $5001 $500' $500' $3851 $3,2001 $1,000 $800 $800' $800. $2,700 $3,000 $3,0001 $2,700; $2,700 $2,700 $258, $350' $3501 $01 $0', $0 $1,425 ! $5,9001 $2,000 $5,0001 $5,000 $5,000 $535 $1,0001 $1,5001 $3001 $300 $3001 $7,796 $01 $0; $0' $0 $01 , $20,511 ! $27,0001 $25,731 $24,780 $24,780 $24,7801 $17,0551 $36,850; $01 $01 1 $OI $01 $167,4331 $336,4931 I $160,433 $115,953', $115,953', $120,753 $7321 $0' $1,0001 $0 $0'i I $0' $2771 $2,650 $2,650 $0'i $0 $0'. $9791 $0' $0 $OI $O $0 $7,0501 $26,45211 $25,8021 I $0 $0' $0' $9,038 ! $29,1021 $29,452 $01 $0 $0 t914 A47 tole .10.), !79!' 47a &eVA n.n •n-i. n.n .nnw ��w 000034 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 199811999 Budget :mow Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Building And Safety (Division 601) Building and Safety is responsible for enforcing the Uniform Building Codes during the construction of new buildings or the remodel /repair of existing buildings within the City of Moorpark. This process involves the review of plans and the inspection of work during construction. Building and Safety services are contracted through a private firm, -- administered by the Department of Community Development. Building and Safety Division Division 601 1 -06/11198 Object Building & Safety - Res. Plan Chk Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved _Number Line Item Description ___ FY 96/97 _ FY 97/98 _ 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98199 FY 98/99 9145 Building & Safety - Misc Plan Check $0 $8,334 $0 !I $0 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $01 $0; $0 $4,053 $4,053 $4,053 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0; $0 $0 $374 $374 $374 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0' so, 9148 $27 $27 $27 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0: $0, $0 $13 $13 $13 9013 Retirement Contributions $0 $0 $0! $486 $486 $486 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0 $01 $0 1' $58 $58 $58 Subtotal Personnel Costs $0' $01 $01 $5,011 $5,011 $5,011 9143 Building & Safety - Res. Plan Chk $44,922, $88,018, $10,516 $45,469' $45,469 $45,469 9144 Building & Safety - Non Res Pln Check! $39,957 $13,991 $36,116 $23,373 $23,373 $23,373 9145 Building & Safety - Misc Plan Check $0 $8,334 $0 !I $0 $0 $0 9146 Building & Safety - Res Permits $137,450 $125,720 $39,0421 $110,152 $110,152 $110,152'1 9147 Building & Safety - Nonres permits $49,569 !! $41,077 $108,8281 $40,1351 $40,135! $40,135 9148 Building & Safety - Misc $0 $23,332 $0 $0 I $0 $0I 9151 Telephone Usage $2,5221 $5,000 $2,800 $3,500 $3,500! $3,500; 9199 Other Purchased Services $125 , $0 $01 $0 $0 ! $01'11 9204 Postage $4621 $5001' $1,100! $1,2001 $1,200, $1,200,1 9205 Printing and Binding $71 1 $7001 $8501 1 $850 $850 $850'! 9207 Memberships /Dues $0 $425 $425 $425 $425 $425!,' Subtotal 'Operations /Maintenance Costs $275,078 $307,0971 $199,6771 $225,10411 ;225,104 ;225,104 Subtotal Capital Outlays $0 $0 $0 ;0 ;0 $0:1 TOTAL ',DEPARTMENT TOTAL $275,0781 i ! $307,097' $199,6771 1 $230,115 $230,115! $230,1151' 000035 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget ,. Fiscal. Year 1998/1999 ENGINEERING ,(Division 602) The City contracts for engineering services with a private engineering firm and is administered by the Public Works Department. The City Engineer sets forth all engineering conditions for projects involved in the development review process. Engineering staff performs map and plan check review services and approves all improvement plans associated with development projects, including grading, storm drains, street plans, and final tract or parcel map approval. In addition to plan check review, the City Engineer also prepares bond estimates and improvement agreements, conducts construction inspection, and provides design and inspection services for City - financed capital projects. Engineering Division Division 602 1 -06/11/98 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) so, $0 $0 i $4,053, $4,053 $4,053 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $0 $0 $374 $374 $374 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0 $0 $0 $27 $27 $27 9012 Unemployment Insurance $01 $0 $0 $13' $13 $13 9013 Retirement Contributions $0 $0 $0 $486 $486 $486 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0 $0 $0 $58 $58 $58 Subtotal Personnel Costs $01 $0! $0' $5,011 $5,011 $5,011 9155 Engineering - Pub Imp. Plan Chk $847,518 $334,775! $258,9831 $275,800 $275,800 $275,800 9156 Engineering - Pub Imp Inps. $0! $198,363 j $169,1911 $186,700 $186,700 $186,700 9157 Engineering - Encr. Permits $5,362 ! $5,250 $5,250! $5,250' $5,250 $5,250' 9158 Engineering - Pub Imp Map Check $0 j $21,735', $35,797 $14,378 $14,378 $14,378;, 9199 Other Purchased Services $33,780 $34,916 $35,0001 , $35,0001 $35,000 $35,000', 9204 Postage $0'' $0 $0 $100 $100 $100 9205 Printing and Binding $0' $0', $0 $300' $3001, $300 Subtotal 'Operations /Maintenance Costs I Subtotal Capital Outlays '1 ii TOTAL 'DEPARTMENT TOTAL $886,6601 $595,0391 $504,221 so sol so i 60 $595.0391 $504.2211 $517,52811 $517,528' $517,5281 t i1 sol $01 , $0! ' tC99 Via 1 t[90 a .)n eeee Enn 000036 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget a a Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Code Enforcement (Division 603) The Code Enforcement Division is responsible for enforcement of City codes and coordinating enforcement actions with other City, departments and agencies, especially the Sheriffs Department and City Attorney. The Division responds to Citizen complaints relating to Municipal Code violations, relating to overcrowding and housing violations, -- property maintenance, and other public nuisances. The Division also administers permits for solicitors and street vendors, Home Occupations, newspaper racks, and taxicabs. Code Enforcement Division Capital Outlays Division 603 $0 $0 TOTAL 1 -06/11/98 so! s0 $0 Approved l Object Actual Approved Projected —Department City Manager Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $01 $0, $92,297' $92,517 $92,517 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $0 $0', $0 $10,629' $10,629 $10,629 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $0' $0 $14,158, $14,158 $14,158 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0' $0' $0 $1,826' $1,826 $1,826 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0 $0 $0 $837 $837 $837 9013 Retirement Contributions $01 $0 $01 $11,277 $11,308' $11,308 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0' $0 $0 $2,262' $2,265 $2,265' 9020 Uniform Allowance $0 $0 $01, $400, $400 $400 Subtotal Personnel Costs s0! $OI $01 $133,686 $133,940 $133,940 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $0 $0 11 $01 $100 $100 $100 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $01 $011 $0'. $1,0001 $1,000', $1,000 9123 Legal Services - Special Services $01 $0, $0 $25,0001 $25,000'', $25,000' 9204 Postage $01 $0 $0 $100! $1001 $100: 9205 Printing and Binding $0 $0 $0 j $500 $500!: $500 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $01 $0 $0 I $100 $100; $100: 9207 Memberships /Dues $0 I $0 $0 i $200! $200 $200 9208 Education/Training $0 !1 $01' $0 $800 $800' $8001 , 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $01 $0 1 $0, $400 $4001! $4001 9232 Conference and Meetings $0 $0 $0 � $15011 $150 $150 9251 Special Department Supplies $0, $0 I $0I $600: $600 $6001 Subtotal 'Operations /Maintenance Costs $0 so! $01 $28,9501 $28,950 $28,950 9908 Computer Equipment $0 $01 $0I $2,2001 $2,200' $2,200' _ Subtotal Capital Outlays 1 SO $0 $0 TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL so! s0 $0 $2,2001 $2,200 $2,200 RA AIR' t1Rr, nan, tirr non 000037 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget 'r Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Planning (Division 604 The Planning division is responsible for current and advance planning functions. Current Planning is responsible for development entitlement review, coordinating, processing, reviewing and inspecting all applications for new development within the City, providing environmental review and public information. Current Planning also is responsible for review of projects after entitlements are granted, including compliance with conditions and landscape review and inspections. Current Planning reviews all new businesses and uses in the City, issues permits for temporary uses, reviews additions and improvements to existing facilities, provides public information, updates the Zoning Code and maps, and provides population, housing, and development statistics. Advanced Planning is responsible for administration and update of the General Plan, preparation and processing pf Specific Plans and related environmental documents, preparation of environmental documents for City initiated projects, review of County projects and the Sphere of Influence and Greenbelt Agreements, preparation of special studies and projects such as traffic and development impact fees, and ` demographic projections. Planning staff also serves as staff to the Affordable Housing and Community Development "' Committee and various Council Ad Hoc committees. Planning Division Division 604 1 -06/11/98 Object Number Line Item Descript ion Actual FY 96/97 Approved FY 97/98 Projected 30- Jun -98 Department FY 98/99 City Manag6r FY 98/99 rove Approved FY 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $0 $0 $0 $327,048 $327,048 $334,031 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $0 $0 $48,292 $48,292 $48,599 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0 $0 $0 !, $2,221 $2,221 $2,268 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0 $0', $0' $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 9013 Retirement Contributions $0 $0 $0! $39,959', $39,959 $40,814 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0 $0 $0 $4,376' $4,376 $4,477 'Subtotal Personnel Costs $0 $0' $0 $423,496', $423,496 $431,789'. 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $0 $0I $0I $100 $100 $100'. 9123 Legal Services - Special Services $0 $0 I so! $15,000' $15,000 $15,000 9135 Advertising $0' $Oi'i $O $1,500'', $1,500, $1,500' 9199 Other Purchased Services $0' $0 $0! $163,000! $163,000 $163,000, 9204 Postage $0 $01 $O $3001! $300, $3001'1 9205 Printing and Binding $0! $0I $0I $1,0001 $1,000 $1,000 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $01 $0, $0' $6001 $600 $600 9207 'Membershi s /Dues P $O $0' $0' I $750'1 $750' 9208 Education/Training 9 $0 I $0 $0 $2,800 $2,8001 $2,800 9209 Travel and Mileage $0' $0 $01 $300 $300! $30011 9232 Conference and Meetings $0 $0 $01 $1,4001 $1,4001 $1,400'11 9251 Special Department Supplies $0 $0 i $0 $600 $600' $600' Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $0 I $0 $0 � $187,3501 $187,350 $187,350,1, 9905 Office Equipment $01 $0i $0 $0' $0' $0 9908 Computer Equipment $O $0' $O $2,200 $2,200! $2,200!/1 Subtotal ;Ca ital Outlays P� Y $0' $0 $O $2,2001 $2,200; $2,20011 TOTAL 'DEPARTMENTTOTAL 1 $0 $0! $0 I $613,0461 $613,046 $6213391! -- 000038 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 Community Services (Department 700) The Community Services Department consists of the following divisions: recreation, senior citizen programs, facility operations and maintenance, park maintenance and improvement, solid waste and recycling, transit, and animal regulations. The Administration Division is staffed by the Department Head and Department Secretary and oversees the management and function of the various divisions within the Department. -- The Administration Division also coordinates the activities of the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Commission consists of five members who are appointed by the City Council to serve two-year terms. The Commission meets monthly to formulate plans and advise the City Council on matters pertinent to the City's recreation programs, events, and park development. Community Services Department Organization Chart Director of Community Services • Staff P &R Commission • Park Development Administrative Secretary • Park Improvements • Facility Improvements * Lighting /Landscape Assessment District P &R Commission * Libraries * Art in Public Places Park, Parkway Maintenance, and Facilities Recreation Animal Solid Waste Transit Senior Center (AVRC) Regulation • Facilities * Recreation Classes * Animal Control * Solid Waste * Transportation * Senior Citizens Center • Parks - Planning, * Youth & Adult Sports * Refuse Franchises * Metrolink * Classes and Activities Maintenance & * Special Events * Household Hazardous Improvements * Teen Activities Waste • Landscape, Parkways, * Teen Council * Recycling & Median Maint. * Recreation Brochure - * Process Tree Removal (Quarterly) Requests * Park and Facility Rental • Building Security System * Youth Sports Agreements • Landscape Maintenance * At Risk Youth o Contract 0 0 0 Community Services Department Department 700 1 -06/11/98 Object Number Line Item Description Actual FY 96/97_ - Approved FY 97/98 6- - - -- Projected 30- Jun -98 Department FY 98/99 City Manager FY 98/99 - Approved FY 98/99 9001 Honorariums $4,500 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $132,384 $154,708'; $155,7001 $93,741 $93,741 $87,820 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $31,052 $38,328! $37,611 $0 $0 $0 9004 Overtime $604 $500!1 $500 $500' $500 $500' 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $12,806' $24,3691 $14,793' $11,120 $11,120 $10,686 - 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $5,154' $3,813' $3,119' $589 $589 $549 - 9012 Unemployment Insurance $1,314' $1,996 $2,481 $385 $385 $360 9013 Retirement Contributions $19,196 $18,806 $19,878 ! $10,599 $10,599 $9,875 ! 9014 Medicare /Social Security $6,132 $5,435', $5,752! $1,263 $1,263 $1,177 9015 EMT Stipend $575 $3001 $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Personnel Costs $213,7171 i $257,2551 $248,834, $127,197 $127,197 $119,9671 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $8,1261 $0 $0' $0 $0 $0'v 9123 Legal Services - Special Services $1,876 $0' $650 $1,0001 $1,000 $1,000 , 9135 Advertising $0!, $500 $0'� $0! $01 $01 9181 Recreation Class Instructor Pay $1,507' $54,560, $45,2501 $0 $01 $0',i, 9182 Recreation Event Entertainment $4,582 $0 $01 $0 $0 $0; 9191 Other Contractural Services $18,252' $6,000 $6,0001 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 j 9198 Allocated O/H - Services $16,363 $15,2921 $14,401 $19,912 $19,9121 $19,91211, 9199 Other Purchased Services $27,941 $17,0001 $13,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 9201 Computer Supplies and Services $91 $560 $0 $01 $0 $0 9204 Postage $3,392 $4,400 $4,400 $0 $0 $0'I _ 9205 Printing and Binding $7,771 !; $10,000 $9,000' $0 $0 $0', 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $25 $200' $200 $300 $300 $300 9207 Memberships /Dues $6851, $1,185 $700' $550' $550 $550, 9208 Education/Training $728' $1,6801 $400 $1,800 $1,8001 $1,800' 9209 Travel and Mileage $1,360 $3,240 $3,2001 $2,750 j $2,750 $2,75011 9211 Electricity $10,106] $0 $01 $0!'; $0 $0' 9222 Small Tools /Equipment $0 $1,000 $5001 $0! $O $0 9225 Recreation Class Supplies $4,4191 $2,700 $850 i $0 $0 $0 9232 Conference and Meetings i $2,9881 $3,3001 $3,300 $3,160 j $3,160 $3,160'1, 9233 Community Promotion $130,1 $01 $0' $0 $0, $0 9251 Special Department Supplies $2,1091, $2,525 $2,525 $1,4801 $1,480', $1,480 9271 General Event Supplies $27,223; $49,41611 $42,4101 , $01 $01'1 $0'II 9272 Volunteer Recognition $123 $0 $01 $0 $0 $O,I 9298 Allocated O/H - Supplies $10,2551 $13,500 $12,866 $12,390 $12,390' $12,390 I! Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $149.970' S187.058 5159.6521 i5o_3d21 S5n_3d2 tsn Sd211 000040 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Community Services Department Department 700 2-06/11/08 Object Number Line Item Description Actual FY 96/97 Approved FY 97/98 Projected Department _FY 98/99_ City Manager FY 98/99 Aloproved FY 98/99 9902 Buildings $53 $0 $0' $0 $0 $0 9903 Improvements o/t Buildings $366 $0' $0', $0 $0 $0 - 9905 (Office Equipment $123 $0' $0 $0' $0 $0 9908 Computer Equipment $10,559' $14,9631 $14,963 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Capital Outlays $11,101 $14,963 $14,963 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL _ _ $374,788__ $459761 $423,449' $177,539 $177,539 $170,309 000041 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998/1999 _ Senior. Citizen Program (Division 702) The Community Services Department is responsible for administering and coordinating the City's Senior Citizen Program, which provides ongoing programs and services, as well as special activities, for individuals 55 years of age or older. The Senior Citizen Program is managed by one full -time Senior Center Coordinator. A Senior Advisory Committee, appointed by the City Council, meets monthly to provide input to staff on existing and future activities and programs. In the past, the Program has succeeded in securing grants r from Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA) to fund part -time staff. One grant expired in FY 1996/97 and a second expires at the end of FY 1997/98. For FY 1998/99, the City Council approved CDBG funds to supplement the loss of the grants. The Senior Center Coordinator works with a staff of volunteers to provide and/or -~ coordinate ongoing services and activities, including free health screenings, information and referral services, dance and exercise classes, special interest classes (photography, _ arts and crafts), educational classes, monthly birthday luncheons, movie /video screenings, bingo, and drop-in- bridge. Additionally, the Senior Center publishes a monthly newsletter featuring a calendar of events and activities. Congregate noon meals are also served daily at the Senior Center in conjunction with the Ventura County Senior (Nutrition Program. Senior Center Division Division 702 1 -06/11/98 bject Number _ Line Item Descri tion __ Actual FY 96/97 Approved FY 97/98 - di - - Projected 30- Jun -98 - -- it -Ci Department FY 98/99 _ - City Manager FY 98/99 - - -Approved- FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $29,060 $32,586' $36,431 $41,050 $41,050 $41,050 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $13,077 $24,027 $9,469 $21,071 $21,071 $21,071 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $6,848 $6,912 $3,871 $4,240 $4,240 $4,240 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $6771 $386' $494 $425 $425 $425 9012 Unemployment Insurance $640 $1,078', $650 $946 $946 $946 9013 Retirement Contributions $3,5361 $3,988', $4,513' $5,024 $5,024 $5,024 9014 Medicare /Social Security $1,621 ! $2,621 $1,519 $2,481 $2,481 $2,481 Subtotal Personnel Costs $55,459 $71,5981 $56,947' $75,237 $75,237 $75,237 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $139 $5001 $550 $600 i $600 $600 9171 Copier Maintenance Services $0: $2,000;i $2,000'1 $2,0001 $2,000 $2,000 9172 Copier Machine Leases $1,4601 $0'i $0 $0 $0 $0,1 9191 Other Contractural Services $3,634, $1,5001 $900 $1,000', $1,000 $1,000' -, 9199 Other Purchased Services $195! $3,000' $5,9001 $5,9001 1 $5,900' 9202 Office Supplies $01 $300 $2301 $300 $3001, $30011 9203 Copy Machine Supplies $225 $2,5001 $1,5001, $2,000 $2,000 $2,000! 9204 Postage $2,5521 $4,000 $5,5001 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 11 , 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $135'1 $2501 $250 $2501 $250! $250i' 9207 Memberships /Dues $90 $3601 $1001 $2501 $2501 , $250:11 9208 Education/Training so! $4001 $2001 $800, $800: 9209 Travel and Mileage $01 $1001 $130' $1001 $100 $1001 9222 Small Tools /Equipment $0 $1,6001 $1,600', $1,1001. $1,100' $1,700 9232 Conference and Meetings $41 $200 $50 $100 $100 $100',! 9251 Special Department Supplies $6,203 $3,9081 $5,5001 $4,010 1 $4,010 $4,010 9271 General Event Supplies $0 $4,7001 $5,0551 $6,0001 $6,000 $6,000', Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $14,6741 $27,288' $26,56511 $30,410; $30,410 $31,0101, 9906 Other Equipment $5,6491 $2,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 9908 Computer Equipment i $0, $600' $0 $0' $0' $01 Subtotal 'Capital Outlays $5,649: $01 $01 $0' $0 TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL $75,7821 S101.6861 S83.512' S105.6471, 5105.647 tina2d7 -- 000042 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Faci t Ries (Division 703) The Community Services Department coordinates maintenance services and rental activities for alt City facilities, except those managed by the Redevelopment Agency. Facilities that fall under this division include the Community Center and Senior Center, Arroyo Vista Recreation Center, and Parks/Public Works Office. The budget for this division includes all costs associated with custodial maintenance, building repairs and general upkeep. The City's Community Center and Arroyo Vista Recreation Center, located at 799 Moorpark Avenue and 4550 Tierra Rajada Road, respectively, are used for public meetings, special events, recreational activities, and sports programs. The Community Center is the primary formal meeting place for the City Council, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Moorpark Unified School District Board. Arroyo Vista Recreation Center is geared primarily toward recreational activities, including classes and sports activities. The Community Center and Recreation Center are also available for rental by community groups for private functions. Rental rates and �, availability vary, depending upon the type of event planned and the space required. Communty Center Division Division 703 1 -06/11/98 Object Number Line Item Description Actual FY 96/97 Approved FY 97/98 Projected 30- Jun -98 Department FY 98/99 City Manager FY 98/99 Approved FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $33,506 $29,288 $29,288 $47,802 $47,802 $24,409 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $13,056 $5,155' $11,293 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000. 9004 Overtime $2,128 $3,584 $4,321 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $7,941 $8,069' $8,621 $11,602 $11,602 $4,630 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $2,423 $2,476' $2,276, $4,091 $4,091 $2,242 9012 Unemployment Insurance $621 $395 $651 $1,108 $1,108 $573 9013 Retirement Contributions $4,3851 $3,826' $4,100 $5,850 $5,850 $2,987 9014 Medicare /Social Security $1,467 $739 $1,383 $2,611 $2,611 $1,312 9015 EMT Stipend $232 $300 $3001 $0 $0 $0 9020 I Uniform Allowance $726 $1,100'! $8001 $800 $800 $800: Subtotal 'Personnel Costs $66,485 ' $54,932 $63,033,' i $88,864 $88,864 $51,953 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $13,6451 $11,000 •, $11,0001 $12,000! $12,000 $12,000', 9151 Telephone Usage $2,39011 $3,0001 $3,000; $0 $0 $01,! 9162 Equipment Maintenance $1,3951, $1,5001 $7001 $800' $8001 $80011 9191 Other Contractural Services $8,33011 $16,5501 $16,5501 $18,840 i $18,840''1 $18,8401 9199 Other Purchased Services $1,793 $4,500 $6,000 $7,000 $7,000:! $7,500;,' 9202 Office Supplies $0 l $200 I $0 $0! $0 $0 J 9203 Co Machine Supplies PY PP $474 i $O $0 $0 $0 $0 9208 EducationlTraining $437' $400', $0 $40011 $400 $0 9211 Electricity $36,099! $50,0001 , $42,0001 $42,0001 $42,000 $42,000; 9213 Water $0I $2,500 $2,500 $3,5001 $3,500' $3,5001 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $84 ! $100 $1001 $0 $0 $0 i 9215 Natural Gas $2,642 $4,000, $4,0001 $4,300 $4,300 $4,300' 9218 Shop and Operating Supplies $13,281 $10,500 $14,0001 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000',. 9221 Equipment Rental $72 $5001!1 $7001 $8001 $8001 $800'1' 9222 Small Tools /Equipment $441 $1,3001 $1,0001 $800! $800 $80011 9251 Special Department Supplies $3,04811 $10,0001 $10,000' $7,0001, $7,0001 $7,000!1 Subtotal ' Operations /Maintenance Costs $84,131 ! I $116,050 $111,5501 $111,440 $111,440 $111,5401 9902 ',Buildings 1 $0 i $24,000 i 1 $24,000 $01 $0 1 $0' 9905 Office Equipment $0 i $2,9891 $2,9891! $0 $0 $0 � 9906 Other Equipment $6,072' $7,000 1 $7,000 $800 $800 $8001 9907 Furniture /Fixtures $4,4121 $011 $01 $0 $0 $0 I 9908 Computer Equipment i $3,5101 $3,511 $3,511 $011 $011 $0 Subtotal Capital Outlays $13,994! $37,5001 $37,500 $80011 $8001 $8001,1 TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL $164,6101 $208,482 $212,083 !I $201,104! $201,104; $164,293j;: 000043 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Arroyo Vista Recreation Center Division . (704 The Community Services Department is responsible for the development, implementation, and promotion of all recreational activities. Those activities fall under the Recreation Division include: classes, special events, youth and adult sports, youth day camps, and teem programs. Most of the programs in the Recreation Division are designed to be stiff- sustaining. The City's recreation staff and programs operate out of the Arroyo Vista Recreation "Center. The Division is also responsible for developing`a brochure to promote its various activities and programs. The brochure is mailed to Moorpark residents quarterly. Arroyo Vista Recreation Center Division Division 704 1 -06/25198 Object Number Line Item Descri tion Actual FY 96/97 Approved FY 97/98 Projected 30- Jun -98 Department FY 98199 City Manager FY 98/99 Approved FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $0 $61,742 $25,708 $128,824 I $128,824 $128,824 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) • $0 $82,191 $50,129 $101,487 $101,487 $101,487 9004 Overtime $0 $800 $300 $800 $800 $800 9010 Group Medical/Life Insurance $0 $7,855 $3,579 $14,080 $14,080 $14,0801 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0 $2,988 $2,664 $4,048 $4,048, $4,048 , 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0 $2,540 $2,730 $4,319 $4,319 $4,319 9013 Retirement Contributions $0 $13,361 $6,459 $18,566 $18,566 $18,566 9014 iMedicare/Social Security $0 $4,705 $2,991 $8,396 $8,396 $8,396 9015 EMT Stipend $0 $300 $0 $300 $300 $300 9020 Uniform Allowance $0 $850 $700 $700 $700 $700 Subtotal Personnel Costs s0 $177,332 $95,260 $281,520 $281,520 $281,520 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $0 $11,000 $11,000 $9,200 $9,200 $9,200 9135 Advertising $0 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 9151 Telephone Usage $0 $0 $0 $1,700 $1,700 $1,700 9171 Copier Maintenance Services $0 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 9181 Recreation Class Instructor Pay $0 $10,500 $2,000 $57,500 $57,500 $57,500 9183 Excursion Expenses $0 $8,190 $5,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 9199 Other Purchased Services $0 $6,020 $900 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 9201 Computer Supplies and Services $0 $500 $0 $440 $440 $440 9202 Office Supplies $0 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $1,000 i $1,000 9203 Copy Machine Supplies $0 $2,500 $800 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 9204 Postage $0 $1,320 $0 $4,930 $4,930 $3,830 9205 Printing and Binding $0 $900 $300 $10,900 $10,9001 $8,400 9206 Books/Publications/Subscriptions $0 $100 $100 $300 $300 $300 9207 Memberships/Dues $0 $185 $25 $600 $6001 $600 9208 Education/Training $0 $800 $400 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 9209 Travel and Mileage $0 $260 $100 $480 $480 $480 9211 Electricity $0 $8,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 9214 Gasoline/Diesel $0 $0 $100 $0 $0 $0 9222 Small Tools/Equipment $0 $1,130 $500 $2,050 $2,050 $2,050 9225 Recreation Class Supplies $0 $0 $0 $2,700 $2,700 $2,700 9232 Conference and Meetings $0 $0 $0 $1,350 $1,350 $1,350 9251 Special Department Supplies $0 $53,700 $45,000 $68,300 $68,300 $68,250 9271 General Event Supplies $0 $7,575 $2,000 $46,045 $46,045 $39,645 Subtotal Operations/Maintenance Costs $0 $116,180 $77,725 $231,595 $231,595 $221,545 9906 Other Equipment $0 $4,000 $4,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 9907 Furniture /Fixtures $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 9908 Computer Equipment $0 $0 $0 $3,900 $3,900 $3,900 Subtotal Capital Outlays $0 $4,000 $4,000 $14,900 $14,900 $14,900 LTOT�AL- DEPARTMENT TOTAL $0 $297,512 $176,985 $528,015 $528,015 $517,9651 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 998/1999 Bu dget ..v AFIV r WIM i Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Parks Maintenance And Improvements (Division 705) The Community Services Department is responsible for: maintaining the grounds, equipment, and facilities of City parks; coordinating the design and construction of park improvements; and planning future parks. The City of Moorpark currently maintains thirteen (13) park sites (approximately 100 acres), including Campus Park, Campus r Canyon Park, Community Center Park, Country Trail Park, Glenwood Park, Griffin Park, Monte Vista Nature Park, Mountain Meadows Park, Peach Hill Park, Poindexter Park, Tierra Rejada Park, Virginia Colony Park, and the Arroyo Vista Community Park. Park 1► maintenance routinely provides for the upkeep of various soccer, baseball, and multipurpose fields, basketball and volleyball courts, tennis courts, picnic pavilions and tables, play equipment, and restrooms. Prior to FY 1998/99, the Division's operations and personnel were funded primarily by Assessment District 85-1. With the loss of Measure P, park maintenance now falls under the General Fund. All capital improvements are funded from the Park Improvement Fund (212) which consists of developer contributions. Parks Maintenance Division Division 705 1-06/25/98 Object Number Line Item Description Actual FY 96/97 Approved 1 FY 97/98 Projected 30- Jun -98 Department FY 98/99 City Manager Approved 1 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $0 $0 $0 $84,232 $84,2321: i $84,2321 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $0 $0 $0 $9,706 $9,7061 $9,706 9004 Overtime $0 $0 $0 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $0 $0 $15,251 $15,251 $15,251 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0 $0 $0 $6,961 1 $6,961 $6,961 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0 $0 $0 $924 $924 $924 9013 Retirement Contributions $0 $0 $0 $10,310 $10,310 $10,310 9014 Medicare/Social Security $0 $0 $0 $2,134 $2,134 $2,134 9015 EMT Stipend $0 $0 $0 $900 $900 $900 9020 Uniform Allowance $0 $0 $0 $3,200 $3,200 $3,200 Subtotal Personnel Costs $0 $0 $0 $136,618 $136,618 $136,6181 I 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $0 $0 $0 $16,000 $16,000 $15,400 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $0 $0 $0 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 9134 Insurance and Bonds $0 $0 $0 $26,000 $26,000 $22,800 9162 Copier Maintenance Services $0 $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 9191 Other Contractural Services $0 $0 $0 $249,000 $249,000 $219,785 9199 Other Purchased Services $0 $0 $0 $24,800 $24,800 $23,800 9206 Books/Publications/Subscriptions $0 $0 $0 $600 $600 $600 9208 Education/Training $0 $0 $0 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 9211 Electricity $0 $0 $0 $18,400 $18,400 $17,950 9213 Water $0 $0 $0 $106,900 $106,900 $99,450 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $0 $0 $0 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 9218 Shop and Operating Supplies $0 $0 $0 $6,000 $6,000 $5,800 9221 Equipment Rental $0 $0 $0 $7,000 $7,000 $6,500 9222 Small Tools/Equipment $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,0001 9251 Special Department Supplies $0 $0 $0 $8,100 $8,100 $7,900 Subtotal Operations/Maintenance Costs $0 $0 $0 $477,000 $477,000 $434,185 Subtotal Capital Outlays $0 $0 $0 $0 i $0 I $0 [TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL 0 0 0 $613,618 $613,6181 $570,803 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal YAr4998 /1999Bu& u • ,� '�'^� ,lea €: �# ��:' -111 RIM Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Animal Regulation (Division 746) The Animal Regulation Division was recently moved from the Administrative Services Department to the Community Services Department. The Division is responsible for _ administering the City's contract with the Ventura County Animal Regulation Department for animal regulation services within the City of Moorpark. Patrol services are provided weekly and special enforcement services are also requested by the City on an as- needed basis. Revenue from licenses for dogs and cats and other fees offset a portion of the cost of animal regulation services. Animal Regulation Division Division 706 1 -06/11/98 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 Subtotal Personnel Costs $01 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9191 Other Contractural Services $10,345 $13,500' $13,500' $13,500' $13,500 $13,500 9199 Other Purchased Services $35,225 $54,700! $54,700' $54,700 $54,700 9205 Printing and Binding $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $45,570 $68,200 $68,200' $69,200 $69,200 $69,200 Subtotal Capital Outlays $01 , $0 $0 $0 $O $0 TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL _ $45,570 ! $68,200 $68,200 $69,200 $69,200 _ $69,200 000046 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 199811999 Budget a Fiscal Year 1998/1999 .� 'Sol d Waste /AB 939 Division (Division 707) As a part of the City's recent organization efforts, the Solid Waste Management/AB 939 Division was moved from the City. Manager's Office to the Community Services Department. The Division changed with the planning and implementation of solid waste and waste reduction programs, and to provide for citywide compliance with the City's Solid Waste Ordinance. The City has agreements with private refuse haulers to provide residential and commercial collection services throughout Moorpark. The Division is responsible for administering and monitoring the City's franchise agreements, developing ,quarterly -financial, reports, and conducting the annual refuse rate review. In accordance and compliance with AB 939, the City's Solid Waste Management Program promotes source reduction, recycling, composting, and the proper disposal of household hazardous waste. Additional I activities accomplished through the program include residential and commercial recycling, Christmas tree and telephone book recycling, and composting workshops. Program activities are frequently coordinated with other agencies within the county to promote countywide waste reduction efforts. The Solid Waste /AB 939 Program is funded by the General Fund, Used Oil Grants, Household Hazardous Waste Grants, Waste Prevention Grants, and AB 939 fees. Current law, under AB 939, mandates that the City reduce the existing amount of waste disposed in landfills by 25 percent prior to January 1, 1995, and by 50 percent prior to January 1, 2000. In order to achieve these diversion goals, the City has developed a Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE) and a Household Hazardous Waste Element (HHWE), as required, by the State of California. The City's Solid Waste/AB 939 Program also encompasses regional solid waste and household hazardous waste management programs. The City of Moorpark has established a certified used oil recycling center and, in cooperation with the City of Simi Valley, operates a Resource Conservation Center to provide area residents with an ongoing opportunity to dispose of "recyclable" household hazardous waste. To provide for the proper disposal of "non recyclable" hazardous wastes, the City sponsors annual one- day collection events. Solid Waste Division Division 707 1 -06/12/98 Object Number Line Item Description Actual FY 96!97 Approved FY 97198 Projected 30- Jun -98 Department FY 98/99 City Manager FY 98/99 Approved FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $55,201 $56,954 $74,730 $61,943 $61,943 $69,2121 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $e,702 $9,870 $6,174 $10,194 $10,194 $10,194 9004 Overtime $0 $500 $0 $500 $500 $500 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $5,050 $5,147 $4,818 $5,546 $5,546 $6,3041 I 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $398 $425 $385 $489 $489 $538! 9012 Unemployment Insurance $356 $427 $739 $439 $439' $472 9013 Retirement Contributions $5,988 $6,438 $9,014 $7,552 $7,552 $8,442 9014 Medicare/Social Security $1,340 $1,655 $1,542 $1,815 $1,815 $1,921 Subtotal Personnel Costs $75,035 $81,416 $97,402 $88,478 $88,478 $97,563 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 9135 Advertising $686 $3,280 $1,280 $2,0001 $2,000 $2,000 9191 Other Contractural Services $22,681 $33,000 $33,000 $39,10011 $39,100 $39,100 9199 Other Purchased Services $0 $3,150 $2,000 $3,150 $3,150 $4,350 9201 Computer Supplies and Services $160 $410 $520 $500 $500 $500 9204 Postage $0 $2,695 $1,219 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 9205 Printing and Binding $67 $6,925 $4,000 $6,825 $6,825 $6,825 9206 Books/Publications/Subscriptions $149 $350 $300 $350 $350 $350 9207 Memberships/Dues $100 $150 $150 $200 $200 $200 9208 Education/Training $190 $550 $350 $550 $550 $550 9209 Travel and Mileage $29 $300 $300 $200 $200 $200 9232 Conference and Meetings $435 $1,350 $1,000 $1,550 $1,550 $1,550 9251 Special Department Supplies $4,477 $5,500 $5,200 $3,300 $3,3001 $3,300 Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $28,874 $57,660 $48,319 $58,925 i $58,925 $60,125 Subtotal Capital Outlays $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL I DEPARTMENT TOTAL 1 $104,0091 $139,076, $146 721 $147,403 1 $147,403 $157,708 o City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget - F`�.i�'n 01., -TR94 ROW - r+ Fiscal Year 1998/1999 .. Public Transit (Division 708) With the reorganization of several City divisions, the Public Transit Division was moved from the City Manager's Office to the Community Services Department. The Division is responsible for administering the City's contract for bus service. The City owns a bus and contracts for bus operation and maintenance. Moorpark City Transit operates from 7:30 -- a.m. to 4 :30 p.m., Monday through Friday, along a 15 -mile fixed- route. In addition, the City offers paratransit service to eligible disabled riders, in accordance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, through a contract with a local taxi company. The Public Transit Division is also responsible for coordinating "Metrolink" service with the Southern California Regional Rail Authority and Ventura County Transportation Commission, and for overseeing the station's maintenance. The Metrolink Station includes a "Park and Ride" lot which also requires coordination with Caltrans. ... The City of Moorpark is a party to the Vista -East Agreement which provides for a commuter express transit service linking the east County cities. The cost of the service is funded from federal transit funds and local Transportation Development Aid JDAj funds. E Transit Division Division 708 1 -06/11/98 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved _ Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99_ FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $6,098 $4,354 $5,151 $26,415 $26,415 $26,415 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $0 $0 $2,941 $2,941 $2,941 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0 $0 $0 $178 $178 $178 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0 $0 $0 $113 $113 $113 9013 Retirement Contributions $0 $0 $345 $3,203' $3,203 $3,203 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0', $0 $0'1 $379 $379 $379 Subtotal Personnel Costs $6,098 $4,354 $5,496 $33,229 $33,229 $33,229 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $391 $800 $800 $800' $800 $800 9191 Other Contractural Services $121,718,; $156,500' $149,500, $164,000' $164,000 $164,000. 9212 Street Light Energy $806 j $1,100 $800i $1,000 $1,000, 9213 Water $1,332' $1,6001 $1,100; $1,300, $1,300 $1,300' 9233 Community Promotion $2,653 $4,500! $1,000 $5,000' $5,000 $5,000 - 9251 Special Department Supplies $0' $0 $0 $200', $200 $200;i Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $126,9001 $164,5001 $153,200' $172,3001 $172,300' $172,300; 9903 Improvements o/t Buildings $6,9341 $7,000 $7,0001 $0 i $0 $01 9904 Vehicles $0 $120,0001 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Capital Outlays $6,934! $127,000 I $0i s 0 $o TOTAL 'DEPARTMENT TOTAL $139,932! $295,854: $265,696; $205,529 $205,529: $205,529,1 000048 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 Lighting & Landscapin g Maintenance Assessment District (AD -84 -2) ". (Division 711 ) The citywide Lighting and Landscaping Maintenance Assessment District was formed in FY 1983 -84 to accommodate costs associated with street lighting, specified landscaped areas, and maintenance activities of benefit to the entire City. In addition, several "zones of benefit"' have been established to allow for specific property receiving direct benefit from landscaping services to be assessed for those services, in addition to the citywide lighting and landscaping maintenance assessment. Generally, assessments are levied on the basis of benefit received by the individual property, as determined by an assessment engineering study. The Public Works r_ Department is responsible for managing the assessment engineering contract and maintaining street lights, while the Community Services Department assumes responsibility for maintaining landscaped areas within the City. AD 84 -2 Landscaping Division $1,244' Division 711 $2,8001 $3,100 $3,100 $3,100 9102' Engineering Services $250 $501 $0 $100! $100' 1 -06/11/98 Ob'ect 1 Number _ Line Item Description_ Actual FY 96/97 Approved FY 97/98 -- Projected 97/98_ - -._ _ Department FY 98/99_ _ _ City Manager -- Approved 9191 (Other Contractural Services $2,4971 $1,7721 _ _ $4,3001 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $21,523, $18,337 $11,778, $16,430 $16,430 $16,430 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $2,724' $3,159 $1,150 $1,321 $1,321 $1,321 9004jOvertime $423'' $1,156 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $3,277, $4,599, $3,916 $2,507 $2,507 $2,507 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $1,001 $1,247' $1,096 $1,339 $1,339 $1,339 9012 Unemployment Insurance $1591 , $249 $94: $134,1101 $149' $149 9013 Retirement Contributions $1,873 $2,462' $1,464', $2,011 $2,011 $2,011 9014 Medicare /Social Security $4581 $574' $272'', $371 $371 $371 9015'EMT Stipend $144' $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Personnel Costs $31,582, $31,783'1 $20,770 $25,1281 $25,128 $25,128 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $1,244' $2,436 $2,8001 $3,100 $3,100 $3,100 9102' Engineering Services $250 $501 $0 $100! $100' $1001 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $01 $200' $200'1 $200' $200'; $2001' 9191 (Other Contractural Services $2,4971 $1,7721 $0 $4,3001 $4,300 j $4,300,1 1011.919'Landsca a Services P $183,050 $199,103 $184,9881 $192,596. $192,5961 $192,5961 1012.919 'Tree Trimming $43,895 $62,400 $59,6001 $59,600! $59,600' $59,600; 1013.919 Storm Drain Repair $7501 $8001 $5,0001 $1,7001 $1,700' 1 $1,7001; 9211 jElectricity $3,5481 $6,88011 $6,100' $7,2501 $7,25011. 9212'Street Light Energy $204,7421 $209,5001 $203,0171 $211,3671 $211,367 0(' $ 1 9213iWater $127,878 $130,0801 $134,1101 $146,0401 $146,040 $146,040' 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $1,393 $1,2201 $1,220 $1,2201 $1,220' $1,220 92181Shop and Operating Supplies $919 $1,100, $1,0001, $1,000 $1,000; $1,000 9221 (Equipment Rental $1,224 $2,2001 $1,0001 $1,700 $1,700 $1,7001: 1013.922 !Equipment Rental- storm drain rpr $01 $9001 $01 $0I $0 $01i 9222 Small Tools /Equipment $1,1931 $2,2001 $1,000' $1,000 $1,0001 $1,00011, 1013.922 !Small Tools /Equipment -storm drn rpr $0' 1 $200' $01 $0' $0' 9224 Landscape Maintenance Supplies $320' $0 $0 $01 $0 $01 9801 (!Operating Transfers Out $0 $5,000 $0l $0 $0 $0'' 1 9803 Tax Increment Transfers Out $0 $5,000 $0, 1 i 1 $0, i ,Subtotal 'Operations /Maintenance Costs 1 1 $572,903 $631,041 j $600,035 ' $631,173: $631,173 $419,80611 9906 Other Equipment $0; SO $011 $0' $01 I Subtotal Capital Outlays $0 $5,0001 $0 801 SO j S011 TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL $604,4851 $667,8241 I $620.805, 656,301 $656,301 $444,934, 000049 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 Public Works (Department 800) The Public Works Department is responsible for the management of a number of maintenance and service programs, as well as the administration and implementation of the City's Capital Improvement Program. The Department administers contracts for street repairs, street sweeping, traffic signal maintenance, and other related maintenance and repairs. Department personnel perform minor street maintenance, stenciling, sign installation, roadside weed and litter abatement, graffiti abatement and fleet maintenance. The Director of Public Works administers the City's Maintenance Assessment Districts and the contract for City Engineering Services. The various funding sources for Public Works' activities include: General fund, Gas Tax fund, Traffic Safety fund, State Local Transportation funds, and Areas of Contribution (AOC) funds. "Areas of Contribution" are established within the City as a means of financing street - related improvements and traffic signals. Developers pay into an AOC fund in direct proportion to the amount of traffic generated by projects located within the AOC. I Streets Maintenance * Street Repair * Graffiti * Fleet Maintenance * Drainage Maintenance 0 0 0 0 cn 0 Public Works Department Organization Chart Public Works Director Engineering Administrative Secretary * Assessment Districts * Street Lighting * Capital Projects * Areas of Contribution Crossing Guards I NPDES Vector Control * Stormwater Quality IParking Enforcement I * Parking Citations * Citation Appeals Public Works Department Department 800 1 -06/11/98 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 _FY 97/98 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $26,416 $29,823' $28,230 $29,137' $29,137 $29,137 9004 Overtime $449 $500, $100' $500, $500! $500 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $4,834 $4,949 $5,101 $4,463; $4,463 $4,463 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $1,319 $1,406, $1,348, $1,563• $1,563 $1,563' 9012 Unemployment Insurance $163' $209 $191 $188'' $188 $188, 9013 Retirement Contributions $3,263 $3,2891 $3,363' $3,153 $3,153 $3,153 9014 Medicare /Social Security $408, $430 $416 $420 $420 $420' Subtotal Personnel Costs $36,852. $40,606' $38,749 $39,424' $39,424 $39,424. 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $368 $1,000, $500! $1,000; $1,000' $1,000] 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $818! $850 $950 $850! $850, $850 9191 Other Contractural Services $0 ! $2,5001 $2,500 $01 $0 $O ii 9199 Other Purchased Services $0I $0i $01 $0 $01 $3,600' il 9202 Office Supplies j $95 $0 � so; $0 $0 $0 9209 Travel and Mileage $1221 $1001 $2651 $1001 $1001 $1001 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $861 $2001 $50' $200 $2001 $2001 j ail Subtotal ,!Operations /Maintenance Costs j $1,489 $4,650 $4,265 $2,1501 $ , 150 $5,750 9904 Vehicles $O1 $O $0 $12,000 $12,0001 $16,0001 9905 !Office Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0' $2,5501' I9906 I (Other Equipment i $0 $0 $ 0 50' 1 $0' $2,500 l Subtotal 'Capital Outlays I $0' SO $0I $12,000; S 12 000 521,05011 _ TOTAL '!DEPARTMENT TOTAL $38,341 $45.256! W -014' 553 57d CRI Sid tac ')oA I� 000051 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget h, .,, Fiscal Year 1998-1999 Street Maintenance (Division 801 ) The Street Maintenance Division, as part of the Public Works Department, is responsible for maintaining all City streets and rights -of -ways, and for administering related capital improvement projects. Division personnel perform minor street maintenance, stenciling, roadside litter and weed removal, storm drain maintenance, and street sign installation as required to facilitate traffic flow and safety within the City. Major street repairs, street striping,' street sweeping, and traffic signal maintenance are contracted to private firms, as is the design and construction of major street improvement projects. The Gas Tax fund, State Local Transportation fund, Traffic Safety fund, and Area of Contribution (AOC) funds support street maintenance and improvement projects. Street Maintenance Division Division 801 1 -06/11/98 Object Number Line Item Description Actual FY 96/97 Approved FY 97/98 Projected Department City Manager Approved _ 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) S189,608 $230,499 $224,307, $248,660 $248,660 $260,377 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $14,944 $22,697 $21,107 $22,668' $22,668 $22,668 9004 Overtime $1,060 $750 $750' $750' $750 $750' 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $39,134 $44,572 $30,527 $33,719' $33,719' $36,836,, 9011 Workers Camp. Insurance $8,372 $9,2801 $9,114' $9,838, $9,838 $10,307 9012 Unemployment Insurance $1,474, $1,896 $1,745; $1,795 $1,795 $1,868'q 9013 Retirement Contributions $25,3591 $27,119'' $27,505 $28,4561 $28,456 $29,890!; 9014 Medicare /Social Security $3,230' $4,032! $4,241 $4,2541 $4,254 $4,423!1 9015 EMT Stipend $300 $0 $0 $0! $0 $0 9020 Uniform Allowance $1,7401 , $2,0001 1 $0 $0 i $0 $0 Subtotal Personnel Costs $285,2211, $342,8451 $319,296'1 $350,140 $350,140. $367,1191 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $6,925 ! $5,5401 $4,00011 $5,500' $5,5001, $5,500] 9108 Traffic Signal Maintenance $15,371 !' $16,0001 $16,000 ! $16,000 I $16,000 ! $16,000; 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $3,1261 $10,500 $10,5001 $7,000 $7,000 i $7,000'11 9191 Other Contractural Services $77,727' $106,50011 ! $71,6251 $99,7501 $99,750:: $99,7501 9198 Allocated O/H - Services 24 $ ,545 ! $ 22 938 $21,602 $29 867 $29 8671 $29,867', 9199 Other Purchased Services $15,818 j $27,0001 $12,600 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000,1 9204 Postage ($652) $350' $0 $0: $0 $01 9205 Printing and Binding i $6661 $5001 $660 $500 $500', $50011 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $247 $300 $701 - $3001 $300 $30011 9207 Memberships /Dues $1701 $4001 $2501 $290,, $290 $290'.'. 9208 Education/Training $2,691 $2,7401 $1,650 $2,900' $2,9001 $2,9001 9209 (Travel and Mileage $2,587 $3,00011 $3,000! $3,0001 $3,0001 , $3,000!1 9211 Electricity $29,788' $27,5001 $29,6001 $30,0001 $30,000 $30,0001 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $4,462'1 $4,00011 $4,0501 $4,4001 $4,4001 $4,4001 9221 Equipment Rental $4,254' j $6,0001 $1,5001 $5,000 $5,000! $5,000!' 9222 Small Tools /Equipment $2,707] $1,1501 $1,5001 $1,5001 $1,5001 $1,50011 9232 Conference and Meetings $64611 $5001 $500 $1,250!1 $1,250' $1,250 9281 !Paint 1 $3,211 $4,0001 $2,500 $3,5001 $3,500'1 $3,500,1 9282 (Barricades $1,1901 $1,000 $6501 $750? $750 $75011 9283 Safety Equipment $620 $700 $700! $700' $700 $70011 9284 Street Signs $4,118, $4,5001 $1,5001 $3,00011 $3,000! $3,00011 9285 Regulatory Signs 1 $6,7201 $7,000 $7,000 I $5,0001 $5,000 $5,000,1 9286 Warning Signs 1 $3,889, $3,0001 $1,0001 $3,0001 $3,0001 $3,000 9287 Sign Hardware /Poles $10,9151 $14,0001 $7,0001 $8,0001 $8,0001 $8,000!1 9288 Asphalt/Concrete $5,5431 $6,0001 $3,000! $12,500! $12,5001 $12,500111 9289 Weed Abatement Chemicals $3,0121 $2,600 j $3,4501 $3,0001 $3,000 $3,0001 9297 Doubtful Accounts $1,200 ! $0 $0 $01 $0! $0111 9298 Allocated O/H - Supplies $15,383 $21,6001 $19,2991 $18,5851 $18,585, $18,5851'1, 9801 IODeratina Transfer, nit it±az oz7, 24ao nnn @A __ . _ 000052 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Street Maintenance Division Division 801 2-06/11/98 - - = Object _Number — Line Item Description - Actual FY 96/97 Approved FY 97/98 Projected 30- Jun -98 Department FY 98/99 City Manager Approved FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9903 Improvements o/t Buildings $14,478 $0 $2,020' $0 $0 $0 9904 Vehicles $0 $0 $0 $23,000 $23,000 $23,000 9905 Office Equipment $184 $0 $0 , $0 $0 $0 9906 Other Equipment $7,445: $70,924 $0 $0 $0 9908 Computer Equipment $2,8401 $7,444 $0 $900 $900 $900' Subtotal Capital Outlays $24,947 $78,368 i $41,845 $23,900 $23,900 $23,900' TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL $720,984 = $883,531 3586,347' _ ;666,332 $666,332 $683,311 000053 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 Crossing Guards (Division 802) The Public Works Department administers and manages the Crossing Guard Program within the City of Moorpark. Currently, eight (8) crossing guards are employed by the City on a part -time basis to help school children cross intersections at eight critical locations throughout the City. Crossing Guard activities are coordinated by the Crossing Guard Supervisor. Developer fees support the cost of crossing guard services at two of the eight (8) locations, with vehicle fine revenues supporting the other six (6) locations. Crossing Guard Division Division 802 1 -06/11/98 Object Other Equipment Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY-96/97 FY 97/98 _ 30- Jun -98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98199 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $6.878 $20,157 $15,158 $9,651 $9,651 $9,651 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $21,849 $23,252 $19,554 $26,965 $26,965 $26,965 9004 Overtime $564 $8501 $550', $850 $850' $850 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $453 $5,214' $103 $2,038! $2,038 $2,038 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $1,326, $1,165, $1,144 $1,087' $1,087 $1,087 9012 Unemployment Insurance $732! $1,128 $1,117 $1,257 $1,257 $1,257' 9013 Retirement Contributions $1,484' $3,085• $2,448' $1,444' $1,444 $1,444 9014 Medicare /Social Security $1,6671 $2,007! $1,643' $2,405! $2,405 $2,405 1 9020 Uniform Allowance $0 $700 $0 $2001 $200 $200, Subtotal Personnel Costs $34,953 1 $57,558 $41,7171 $45,897 $45,897 $45,897'1 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $264 $1,0001 I $451: $1,155 $1,155; $1,15511, 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $0 $0! $151 $7151, $715 $7151111 9162 Equipment Maintenance $5: $256i $1751 $175' $1751 9202 Office Supplies $0', $0 $0 $1601 $160 $100'1 9204 Postage $OI $0; $Oi $Oj $0 $0 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $0 i $0 $0 ll $601 $60 $60 9208 EducationfTraining so! $011 $300 $3001 $300 $3001 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $01 $011 $1511 $5001 $500' $ 5001 9241 Parking Citation Expense $0 � $0', $0 $01 $0 I $01j 9283 Safety Equipment $O I $0 $0' $750 $750 $7501'. Subtotal 'Operations /Maintenance Costs $2691 $1,3001 $1,3091 $3,815 $3,815 $3,7551 I 9906 Other Equipment $0! $1,5001 $1,125 $2,050 $2,050 $2,050 � 9907 Furniture /Fixtures $01 $01, $0 $01 $0 $0 - Subtotal Capital Outlays $0! $16,50011 $15,669 !I $2,050 i $2,050 $2,0501' TOTAL 'DEPARTMENT TOTAL $35,2221 $75,3581 $58,695 $51,762' $51,762 -$51,70211 000054 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget �d Fiscal Year 1998/1999 .- NPDES - Storm,water Management (Division 803) The Stormwater Management Program, administered by the Department of Public Works, provides for the implementation and management of a number of federally mandated programs under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). These programs, are designed to improve the quality of urban stormwater run -off. NPDES Division Division 803 1-06/11/98 Object Number Line Item Description Actual FY 96/97 Approved FY 97/98 Projected 30- Jun -98 Department FY 98/99 City Manager FY 98/99 Approved FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $0 $0 $0 $2,359 $2,359 $2,359 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $0' $0 $282 $282 $282 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0 $0I $0 $161, $16 $16 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0 $0 $0' $10 $10 $10' 9013 Retirement Contributions $0' $0, $0: $289' $289 $289. 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0' $0I $0' $34 $34 $34 Subtotal Personnel Costs $0 $0' $0 $2,990 $2,990 $2,990 9191 Other Contractural Services $0' $4,000 $3,175', $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 9199 Other Purchased Services $2,898, $5,000, $1,9001 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 - 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $0 $250 $0,: $250', $250 $250 9208 Education /Training $0 $1,000 $0 $500' $500 $500 9218 Shop and Operating Supplies $0 $1,000, $4151 $1,000! $1,000 $1,000 9233 Community Promotion $0 $500:' $201 $1,000', $1,000 $1,000 Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $2,8981 $11,7501 $5,510 i $11,750', $11,750 $11,750'!!, Y _ Subtotal Capital Outlays $0 $0I $0 $0I $0' $0 11 TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL $2,8981 $11,750 $5,510 $14.740 $14.740' S14.740' 000055 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998/1999 .� Vector control (Division 804) The City recently assumed the responsibility for the administration of the Mosquito Abatement Program, as the result of the dissolution of the Moorpark Mosquito Abatement District. Costs related to this program and the services provided by same, are budget ed here. Vector Control Division Division 804 1 -06/11/98 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description__ FY 96/97 FY 97/98 _ 30-Jun-98 98/99 FY 98/99 _ FY 98/99 _ _._ 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $0 $50,190 $50,190 $82,476 $82,476 $82,476 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $7,945 $7,945 $14,427 $14,427 $14,427 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0 $3,970 $3,970 $6,434 $6,434 $6,434 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0 $510 $510 $509 $509 $509 9013 Retirement Contributions $0 $6,225 $6,225' $10,094 $10,094 $10,094 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0 $735 $7351 $1,196, $1,196 $1,196 9020 Uniform Allowance $0 $0 $0', $345 $345 $345 Subtotal Personnel Costs $0' $69,5751 $69,575' $115,481 $115,481 $115,481 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $0' $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $0''i $0 $01', $750 $750' $750'1 9123 Legal Services - Special Services $0I $0 $0 !, $1,000 $1,000 $1,000- 9135 Advertising $0I $0I $0j $50 $50 $50' 9141 Computer Maintenance Services $0 $O l $0i $3001 $3001 $300;1 9151 Telephone Usage $0 $Oi $0' $6001 $600 $6001 9162 Equipment Maintenance so! $0 $0 $1,750 $1,750 $1,750 9199 Other Purchased Services $0I $0! i $0' $7,4001 $7,400 $7,4001 9202 Office Supplies $0 $0, $0' $480 $480 $48011 9204 Postage $01 $0' $0 $1501 $1501 $150ji 9205 Printing and Binding $0j $0' $0' $480' $480, $480i 9207 Memberships /Dues $0; $0 $01 $750 $750' $7501 9209 Travel and Mileage $011 $0' $01 $300' $300 $300'. 9211 Electricity $0! $0I $800 $800 $8001' 9213 Water $0' $01 W $4001 $400' $4001! 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $0 $0; $01 $1,0501 $1,050 $1,050 9221 Equipment Rental 1 $0 $0j $01 $1,2401 $1,240 $1,2401! 9232 Conference and Meetings so, $01 $0 $9001 $900' $900! 9251 Special Department Supplies $01 $01 $0 $1601, $160 $1601 1 9290 Rental of Real Property $01 $01 $0 $1,100'; $1,100 $1,100111 9299 Other Operating Supplies $0 $0 $0'1 $2,560 $2,560 $2,5601' Subtotal (Operations /Maintenance Costs $0; $0 SO $23,220' $23,220' $23,220; Subtotal I, Capital Outlays 1 ' T/1TAI .1c1'1A f'fT�Ir�IT TAT�1 I $0 $0 $0, i sol $0 $o! 7011 S138.701 S138.701 'II 000056 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Parking Enforcement Division Division 805 1 -06111/98 Object Actual Approved Projected Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item Description FY 96/97 FY 97/98_ _ 30-Jun,-98 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $0 $0 $0', $32,481 $32,481 $32,481 9003 Salaries (Part-Time) $0 $0: $0, $0 $0 9004 Overtime $0 $0'' $01 $0 $0 $0 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $0 $0' $5,810, $5,810 $5,810 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0 $0 $0 $578 $578 $578 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0 $0 $0', $234 $234 $234 9013 Retirement Contributions $0 $0' $0' $3,975' $3,975 $3,975 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0 $0, $0 $471 $471 $471 9020 Uniform Allowance $0 $0 $0! $100 $100 $100 Subtotal Personnel Costs $0 $01 $0! $43,6491 $43,649 $43,649' 9101 Repair and Maintenance Svcs. $0: $0 $0 $220 $220 $220',! 9115 Vehicle Maintenance Services $0 $0 $0 $660 $6601 $6601 9162 Equipment Maintenance $01 ! $01 $200 !, $2001 $200 9202 :Office Supplies $0 $01 so! $0 $0 $0' 9204 Postage $0 $0 1 $0 $400 $400 $40011 9206 Books /Publications /Subscriptions $01 , $0, $01 $901 $90, $901 9208 Education/Training $0 ! $0 $01 $2001 $200 $20011 9214 Gasoline /Diesel $0 $0 $01 $5001 $500 I $5001 9241 Parking Citation Expense $01 $0 $0 $1,1001 $1,100' $1,10011 9283 Safety Equipment $0 l $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs $01, $0' $0 $3,370 $3,370' $3,370', 9904 Vehicles $0 $0 $0, $0 i $0 $0 9906 Other Equipment $0 $0 $0 $01 $0 $01 :' 9907 Furniture /Fixtures I $0' $0' $0! $5001 $500 $5001 Subtotal Capital Outlays $011 $01 $01 $500 i $5001 $500 ! TOTAL 'DEPARTMENT TOTAL S01 5011 n ! SA-1-514 1 Sd7 519 Sd7 s1oill 00005% City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Streit, Lighting District AD -84 -2 (Division 811) The citywide lighting and Landscaping Maintenance Assessment District was formed in FY 1983 -84 to fund direct costs pertaining to citywide street lighting and landscape maintenance activities of benefit to the entire City, plus the maintenance of specified landscaped areas funded by assessments levied upon properties within certain designed Zones of Benefit. Generally, assessments are levied on the basis of benefit received by the individual property, as determined by an assessment engineering study. r The Public Works Department is responsible for managing the assessment engineering contract and maintaining street lights. Costs related to these efforts are accumulated here. Landscape maintenance costs funded by Assessment District AD84 -2 are accumulated in Division 711 of the Department of Community Services. ,4 A/D 84 -2 Street Lighting Division Division 811 1 -06111198 Object Actual Approved Projected -Department City Manager Approved Number Line Item _Descri ttion _ FY 96/97 FY 97/_98 30- Jun -98 ___FY 98/99 FY 98/99 FY 98/99 9002 Salaries (Full -Time) $0 $0 $0' $8,447 $8,447 $8,447 9010 Group Medical /Life Insurance $0 $01 $0 $1,262. $1,262 $1,262 9011 Workers Comp. Insurance $0 $0 $0 $414', $414 $414- 9012 Unemployment Insurance $0 $0 $0 $46 $46 $46 9013 Retirement Contributions $0, $0 $0I $828 $828 $828 9014 Medicare /Social Security $0 $0' i $0! $121 $121 Subtotal Personnel Costs $0 $0 $0', $11,118' $11,118 ;11,1181 9135 Advertising $380 $7501, $7501 $7501 , $750 $750, 9199 Other Purchased Services $3,416' $8,096; $12,160 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 9204 Postage $1,7871 $2,1001 $5,000! $5,0001 $5,000 $5,000 9212 Street Lighting Energy $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $211,367 Subtotal Operations /Maintenance Costs ;5,5831 $10,946' ;17,910 $13,7501 ;13,750; $225,117P Subtotal Capital Outlays S0, $0 ;0'', ;0 $01 $0!1 TOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTAL ;5,5831 $10,9461 $17,910 $24,868 $24,868 i $236 2351; 000058 City of Moorpark Expenditures by Department Fiscal Year 1998/1999 Budget VIE "'� 2 Fiscal Year 1998 -1999 - Capital Improvements Budget $2,305,000 (40.£ $6 Capital Improvement Funding Sources Fiscal Year 1998/1999 0.1%) W26,000 (9.3 %) $83,400 (1.5 %) $86,400 (1.5 %) $25,000 (0.4 %) $296,158 (5.3 %) Total Estimated Funding Sources for FY 1998/1999 $5,636,508 ® General o LTF o AD 84 -2 o TR AOC m LA AOC © Parks m Comm. Dev. O Gas Tax o STA o S B -821 M Fed STP 0 CDBG o CH Improv. m MRA CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 0 0 0 c This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one °' year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 Division #: 500 Department/Division: Administrative Services New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 5047 - City Hall Expansion Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT [COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $30,000 $30,000 Construction $150,000 $150,000 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 1 $30,000 $150,000 $180,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98199 NOTES FUND AMOUNT City Hall Improvement Fund 402 $25,000 Community Development Fund 220 $5,000 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$30,000 0 0 0 c This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one °' year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 Division #: 500 Department/Division: Administrative Services New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 5047 - City Hall Expansion Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT [COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $30,000 $30,000 Construction $150,000 $150,000 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 1 $30,000 $150,000 $180,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98199 NOTES FUND AMOUNT City Hall Improvement Fund 402 $25,000 Community Development Fund 220 $5,000 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$30,000 0 0 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 506 Department/Division: Administrative Services /Emergency Services New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 5049 - Improve Citrus Room /E. 0. C. Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $10,000 $10,000 Construction $26,500 $26,500 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $36,500 $0 �— $36,500 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES General Fund (with FEMA reimbursement of 75% or $27,375) FUND 100 AMOUNT $36,500 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 $36,500 0 ° This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one °' year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. I I I I l I I ! 1 I I 1 I I CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 I I I Division #: 511 Department/Division: Administrative Services /CDBG New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 5048 - Affordable Housing Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $61,158 $61,1'58 Post - Construction $0 Other (Land Acq.) $200,000 $200,000 [Other $0 TOTALS: 1 $0 $261,158 $0 $261,158 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES Community Development Block Grant Fund TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 245 AMOUNT $261,158 $261,158 0 0 I[ 11 0 ° This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one Nyear. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. CITY OF . _ . JORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 702 Department/Division: Community Services /Senior Center New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 5021 - Senior Center Improvements Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design/Engineering $0 Construction $254,930 $35,000 $289,30 Post - Construction $0 Other (Land Acq.) $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $254,930 $35,000 $0 $289,930 WITFNTIAI ri im uira eni inf%00 w wln A SMnl 11kVrn - -- - -- -- .+ r .VV... NOTES V ■ we, r I out as FUND Community Development Block Grant Fund 24 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 AMOUNT $35,000 $35,000 cThis form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one m year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. w 0 0 0 0 � ► I t ► i I � ► I ! I � ► ! I CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 703 Department/Division: Community Services /Community Center New Project: Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: Community Center Roof Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Re -roof Community Center Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $40,000 $40,000 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $40,000 $0 $40,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND_ -� AMOUNT $40,000 100 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98199 11$40,1000 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of S500 no nr with a iigafi d fifes of mnrP than nnA rn year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 703 Department/Division: Community Services /Community Center New Project: Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: AVRC Linoleum Replacement Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Dance room and Kitchen. Prior Years' Costs 1998199 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 the Dance Room $3,700 $3,700 Other /Kitchen $3,200 $3,200 TOTALS: $0 $6,900 $0 IF $6,900 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES E FUN 100 AMOUNT $6,900 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$6,900 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one a; year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 212.720 Department/Division: Community Services /Park Improvement New Project: Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: AVCP Phase II Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Conceptual Design of AVCP Phase 11 Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $10,000 $3,000 $13,000 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other I 1 $0 TOTALS: $10,000 1 $3,000 $0 $13,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND J AMOUNT If not completed in FY 98/99, carryover $10,000 and allocate an additional $3000. 212 $13,000 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 $13,000 o This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one M year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. I I I I ! E I I I 1 I I 1 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 212.721 Department/Division: Community Services /Park Improvement New Project: Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: Poindexter Park Gazebo Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Replace gazebo at Poindexter Park. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other $5,000 $5,000 Other I $0 TOTALS: $0 $5,000 1 $0 $5,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES �— FUND 212.721 F AMOUNT $5,000 0 11 II _17- o TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11 $5,000 ° This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one °, year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 a CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 212.723 Department/Division: Community Services /Park Improvement New Project: Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: Griffin Park, Play Lot Upgrade Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Replace and upgrade play equipment and play lot surface material. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other $30,000 $30,000 Other $0 TOTALS: 1 $0 $30,000 $0 IF $30,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 212 AMOUNT $30,000 $30,000 . This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one co year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 212.723 Department/Division: Community Services /Park Improvement New Project: Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: Campus Park Play Equipment Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other $8,000 $8,000 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 1 $8,000 $0 $8,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 212 AMOUNT $8,000 $8,000 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 212.723 Department/Division: Community Services /Park Improvement New Project: Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: Campus and Griffin Park - Tables Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Replace remaining wooden picnic tables at Campus and Griffin Parks (Zone 3). Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $0 Post- Construction $0 Other $4,550 $4,550 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $4,550 $0 $4,550 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND _� 212 AMOUNT $4,550 $4,550 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in PxrPCC of Itrinn nn nr With a i mipfi d lifer of mnrc thon nnn oyear. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 o TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 $16,000 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 212.725 Department/Division: Community Services /Park Improvement New Project: Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: Country Trail Park, Play Lot Surface Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Replace sand and fibar in both play lots. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other $16,000 $16,000 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $16,000 $0 $16,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES Requires a loan from G.F. FUND 212 AMOUNT $16,000 ° This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one �' year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8001 - Alley Reconstruction Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Major contruction contract completed. FY 98/99 costs are for a follow -up project to "pave -out" alley edges. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $7,718 $7,718 Construction $196,811 $29,000 $225,811 Post - Construction $20,992 $20,992 Other (Admin /Insp) $1,000 $1,000 Other I I $0 TOTALS: $225,521 1 $30,000 $0 L�:— $255,521 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES Moorpark Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Fund TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 410 1$30,000 AMOUNT $30,000 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in PYRPCQ of 4.500 nn nr with 7 i ienfi d life of mnro fk�. r..e� ^, year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8002 - Arroyo Vista Pedestrian Bridge Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $48,703 $48,703 Design /Engineering $9,080 $9,080 Construction $563,317 $563,317 Post - Construction $0 Other (ROW) $114,657 $114,657 Other $13,310 $13,310 TOTALS: $749,067 1 $0 1 $0 $749,067 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND AMOUNT 11$0 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one �,,, year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8003 - AVCP Bike Path Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $14,466 $14,466 Construction $216,336 $216,336 Post - Construction $0 Other $12,418 $12,418 Other $2,201 $2,201 TOTALS: $245,421 $0 $0 $245,421 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND AMOUNT 11so, ° This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one �' year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8004 - A/C Overlay 1995/1996 Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering .$0 Construction $622,681 $622,681 Post - Construction $0 Other $59,299 $59,299 Other I $0 TOTALS: $681,980 1 $0 $0 $681,980 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND [TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$0 AMOUNT This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one �„ year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 0 rn I ! I I t I t 1 ! I I I 1 1 I ! 1 I CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8005 - A/C Overlay Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Candidate streets include: Spring Road (LA Avenue to Bridge), Spring Road (High to Charles), Gabbert Road (North of Poindexter), portions of Collins Drive and Campus Park Drive, Harry Street, Dorothy Street, Ruth Street, Minor Street, Fitch Street, and Marquette Street. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $20,000 $20,000 Construction $730,000 $730,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (Admin /Insp) $50,000 $50,000 Other I I 1 $0 TOTALS: $20,000 1 $780,000 1 $0 $800,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES LTF Federal STP [TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 203 244 AMOUNT $300,000 $480,000 11$780,000 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8006 - Bonnie View Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $5,758 $5,758 Construction $37,689 $37,689 Post - Construction $0 Other (Admin) $3,498 $3,498 [Other _t $0 TOTALS: r $46,945 1 $0 1 $0 $46,945 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 11$0 AMOUNT This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of 5500.00 or with a useful I& of mnrP than nnP vyear. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. I i k 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8007 - Everett Storm Drain Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Design complete. Project tabled until property development parameters have been determined. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $17,178 $17,178 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other (ROW) $300 $300 Other 1 $0 TOTALS: $17,478 $0 $0 $17,478 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND AMOUNT 11$0 his form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of vion no nr with a i mpfi d lifts of mnrp than nna '' year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. c 1 I I I 1 I I t I I 1 I 1 1 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8008 - LA Avenue East Widening Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): LA Avenue from a point east of Spring /High, easterly yo South Condor Drive. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $89,871 $20,000 $109,871 Construction $3,000,000 $3,000,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (ROW) $22,605 $1,000,000 $1,022,605 Other I 1 $0 TOTALS: $112,476 1 $1,020,000 $3,000,000 $4,132,476 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES LA -AOC TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 211.901 11$1,020,000 AMOUNT $1,020,000 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of mnre than nnP year. For non- capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98199 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8009 - LA Avenue /New LA Avenue Widening Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits):For alignment and right -of -way study for the segment between Spring Road and Moorpark Avenue. II I Prior Years' Costs 1 1998/99 Budget I Future Costs II TOTAL PROJECT II COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $4,008 $30,000 $34,008 I'anstruction $2,000,000 $2,000,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (ROW) $548 $548 Other $0 TOTALS: $4,556 $30,000 $2,000,000 $2,034,556 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES I FUND AMOUNT LA -AOC 211.901 $30,000 _1 o I TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 $30,000 ° This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one co year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8010 - Maureen Lane A/C Overlay Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $3,340 $3,340 Construction $98,193 $98,193 Post - Construction $0 Other (Admin) $15,000 $15,000 Other $0 TOTALS: $116,533 1 $0 1 $0 IF $116,533 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 11$0 AMOUNT This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one co year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. I I 1 I I I I ) I I I t I I ) 1 1 CITY OF M ORPA K P WM0* K,6,OJPE, ICL KS I MPLETE SCAL EAR /99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8011 - Moorpark Avenue /Spring Road S/D Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $5,173 $5,173 Construction $603,873 $603,873 Post - Construction $0 Other (Admin) $112,719 $112,719 Other $0 TOTALS: $721,765 $0 $0 $721,765 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES [TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND AMOUNT $0 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one 00 year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. I I l I I 1 1 ! I 1 1 ) { I I 1 1 I I CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8012 - New LA Avenue Bridge Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Widening to the north side of the bridge to provide full -width improvements. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $56,741 $56,741 Construction $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (Admin /Insp) $75,000 $75,000 Other $0 TOTALS: —]— $56,741 $1,075,000 $0 $1,131,741 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND LA -AOC 211.901 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$1,075,000 AMOUNT $1,075,000 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in Pxr.PSG of'Viino nn nr with n i mpfi d Iifa of mnnm than rind . year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 ! 7 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8013 - LA Avenue /RT 23 Ramps Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $1,050,000 $1,050,000 Post - Construction $0 Other $150,000 $150,000 Other -L $0 TOTALS: $0 $0 $1,200,000 1 $1,200,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 11$0 AMOUNT This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one co year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8014 - Poindexter Park Street Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Construction of a street along the west side of Poindexter Park. To be constructed by land developer with funding assistance from the MRA. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $20,000 $20,000 Construction $250,000 $250,000 Post - Construction $0 Other $30,000 $30,000 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $0 $300,000 $300,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND AMOUNT 11$0 ° This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one co year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. C3 0 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8015 - Poindexter Park Right Turn Lane Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $41,259 $41,259 Post - Construction $0 Other $5,320 $5,320 Other $0 ITOTALS: $46,579 $0 $0 $46,579 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$0 AMOUNT ° This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one 00 year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 0 ! I ! 1 I ! 1 1 I I 1 I I I ! I I I CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8016 - Sidewalk Reconstruction 1998 Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Replacement of sidewalks, curbs, gutters at various locations as required. Recurring project. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre- Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $29,929 $25,000 $54,929 Post - Construction $0 Other (Admin) $4,375 $4,375 Other 1 $0 TOTALS: _F_ $34,304 $25,000 $0 $59,304 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES IF Gas Tax Fund TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 240 AMOUNT $25,000 11$25,000 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one v year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. I I I I I I I I I 1 ! ! 1 I CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 0 0 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8017 - Spring Road Bridge Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Bridge replacement. FY 98/99 costs are for a follow -up contingency for contract awarded in May, 1998. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $88,774 $88,774 Construction $40,000 $40,000 Post - Construction $2,200,000 $2,200,000 (Admin /Insp) $80,000 $10,000 $90,000 [Other Other (ROW) $700 $700 TOTALS: $2,369,474 $50,000 =$01 $2,419,474 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND Tierra Rejada /Spring Road AOC Fund '211.900 [TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 AMOUNT $50,000 $50,000 ° This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one coyear. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8019 - Valley Road Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $2,824 $2,824 Construction $39,172 $39,172 Post - Construction $0 Other $5,876 $5,876 Other $0 TOTALS: $47,872 $0 $0 $47,872--1 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES �- FUND TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 AMOUNT $0 ° This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one oyear. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. CD 0 0 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8020 - Wicks Road A/C Pavement Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $6,102 $6,102 Construction $40,608 $40,608 Post - Construction $0 (Admin) $4,407 $4,407 [Other Other $0 TOTALS: $51,117 $0 $0 I $51,117 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND AMOUNT 11$0 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in PxcPSS of Tsoo no nr With n i icpfi it Iifa of mnra than nno CM o year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8021 - Wicks Road Slope Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $213 $213 Construction $81,929 $81,929 Post - Construction $0 Other (ROW) $1,068 $1,068 Other (Admin) $4,405 1 $4,405 TOTALS: $87,615 1 $0 $0 $87,615 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 ITO AMOUNT _77 his form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of X500.00 nr with a iiGPfiil UP of mnrP than nnA � year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8029 - Painted Sky Subsidence Repair Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other (Admin) $2,257 $2,257 Other $0 TOTALS: $2,257 $0 $0 1 $2,257 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND AMOUNT 11$0 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $inn nn nr with n i,cPfid lifts of mnra than nnn ,, year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 0 I 1 I I f ) I I 1 1 I f I 1 ( I I l CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8030 - Peach Hill Road Widening East of Spring Road Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Street widening to provide left -turn lane. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $12,700 $1,000 $13,700 Construction $100,000 $100,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (Admin /Insp) $12,000 $12,000 Other $0 TOTALS: $12,700 $113,000 $0 $125,700 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES Gas Tax Fund TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 240 11$113,000 AMOUNT $113,000 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in Pxr.Pss of S5M no nr with a iisPfid fifes of mnra than nna wyear. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 1 I I I I I ! I I ) I ! 1 I CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8031 - Drainage Park Lane South Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $841 $841 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $841 $0 $0 $841 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 =1 FUND 11$0 AMOUNT his form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8032 - Spring Road Median Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $3,729 $3,729 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $3,729 $0 $0 T $3,729 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$0 AMOUNT This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of vino on nr with a iiGPfud UP of mnrP than nn P__ 00 year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. cn 1 ! t I 1 I l I I 1 I I I CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8037 - Slurry Seal Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): FY 98/99 budget provided a contingency follow -up of a contract awarded in May 1998 for the 1998 program. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $5,237 $5,237 Construction $314,597 $20,000 $334,597 Post - Construction $0 Other (Admin /Insp) $53,779 $1,000 $54,779 Other I I I $0 TOTALS: $373,613 1 $21,000 1 -J $ F POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES LTF FUND 203 AMOUNT $21,000 $21,000 0 0 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 o This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one ° year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. co C" Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8039 - Improvements @ Moorpark and TR Rd Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $6,469 $6,469 Post - Construction $0 Other (Admin) $1,995 $1,995 Other $0 TOTALS: $8,464 $0 $0 F $8,464 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES [TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND =F-AMOUNT $0 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one CO year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 0 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8048 - Arroyo Simi Trail Study Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Feasibility study for the development of a levee trail through Moorpark and to extend through Moorpark and to extend to the City of Simi Valley. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $150,000 $150,000 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $150,000 $0 $150,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES LTF Federal STP /CMAQ TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND 203 244 AMOUNT $30,000 $120,000 11$150,000 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one ayear. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 0 0 ° h s form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items ° year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. co co Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8049 - Route 118 Bypass Study Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Feasibility study for the early implementation of all or a portion of a second East -West corridor. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $150,000 $150,000 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $150,000 $0 $150,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 � NOTES FUND AMOUNT STA 241 $30,000 Federal STP /CMAQ 244 $120,000 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$150,000 T I f in excess of &500.00 or with n usPfi it IifP of mnrP than nno 0 0 ° h s form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items ° year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. co co Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8049 - Route 118 Bypass Study Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Feasibility study for the early implementation of all or a portion of a second East -West corridor. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $150,000 $150,000 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $150,000 $0 $150,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 � NOTES FUND AMOUNT STA 241 $30,000 Federal STP /CMAQ 244 $120,000 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 1 1 1 1 t ► 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 0 0 ° his form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items oyear. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8050 - LA Avenue at Maureen Lane Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Right -of -Way acquisition and street widening from a point just east of Maureen Lane, westerly to Beltramo Road. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $20,000 $20,000 Construction $300,000 $300,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (ROW) $2,000 $40,000 $42,000 Other (Admin /Insp) $40,000 $40,000 TOTALS: $2,000 $400,000 $0 $402,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND AMOUNT LA -AOC 211.901 $100,000 Federal STP 244 $300,000 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$400,000 ° T his excPSS of $5nn nn nr with n i mp_fi it IifP of mnrp than nna ° his form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items oyear. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8050 - LA Avenue at Maureen Lane Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Right -of -Way acquisition and street widening from a point just east of Maureen Lane, westerly to Beltramo Road. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $20,000 $20,000 Construction $300,000 $300,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (ROW) $2,000 $40,000 $42,000 Other (Admin /Insp) $40,000 $40,000 TOTALS: $2,000 $400,000 $0 $402,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND AMOUNT LA -AOC 211.901 $100,000 Federal STP 244 $300,000 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$400,000 ° T his 0 0 0 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8051 - LA Avenue Signal Interconnect Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Installation of a "hard- wired" interconnect system for the 10 existing and proposed traffic signals on New Los Angeles Avenue /LA Avenue. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $30,000 $30,000 Construction $340,000 $340,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (Admin /Insp) $30,000 $30,000 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $400,000 $0 $400,00 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND LA -AOC 211.901 Federal STP /CMAQ 244 [TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$400,000 AMOUNT $80,000 $320,000 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in Pxr.Pss of ISnn nn nr with a i icPfi d UP of mnnn than nnc ° year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. L I 1 I I I 1 t ! I 1 I I 1 l 1 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 0 0 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8052 - Poindexter Sidewalk Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Widening to the north side of the street to provide sidewalks and bike lanes. Paved out to south side, west of Sierra. Bike lanes stripping on Gabbert Road. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $22,000 $5,000 $27,000 Construction $200,000 $200,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (ROW) $5,000 $5,000 Other (Admin /Insp) 1 $30,000 $30,000 TOTALS: $22,000 $240,000 $0 $262,000 F_ POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES �— FUND LTF 203 SB -821 242 11 11 [TOTAL POTENTIAL_ FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$240,000 AMOUNT $175,000 $65,000 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in PxrPSC of TSnn W nr with a i msafi d iifa nf mnra than nnn Nyear. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. I I 1 1 I I 1 t I I I I I 1 l I I 1 1 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8053 - Tierra Rejada Parkway Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Construction of a landscaped parkway on the south side of the street, east and west of Southhampton. Funded by zone 2 of AD 84 -2 Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $5,000 $5,000 Construction $50,000 $50,000 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $5,000 $50,000 $55,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES Assessment District 84 -2 (Lighting and Landscaping A/D) TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND '210.711 AMOUNT $5,000 T$5,000 his form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 C3 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8055 - Storm Drain Inlet Retrofit Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $1,648 $1,648 Construction $35,625 $35,625 Post- Construction $0 Other (Admin) $6,410 $6,410 Other $0 TOTALS: $43,683 $0 =$01 $43,683 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11so, AMOUNT This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in Pxr,PSC of Trinn no nr wifh n i mckfi d lifn of mnrc fhnn nr%o 0 .,, year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 0 0 0 I 1 I 1 I 1 ) I ) I I I ► 1 I 1 1 1 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8057 - Watt Annexation Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Annexation of Right -of -Way on the south side of Tierra Rejada Road for the 1994 widening project. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $0 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 (ROW) $1,855 $1,855 [Other Other 1 $0 TOTALS: $1,855 $0 $0 $1,855 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES 11 FUND _J1 11 [TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 AMOUNT $0 o This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one �„ year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. ! 1 f I I I I 1 I 1 1 I ! 1 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 0 0 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: No Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8060 - Casey Road Widening Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Project dropped. To be done by MUSD. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $3,000 $3,000 Construction $0 Post - Construction $0 Other $0 Other $0 TOTALS: $1000 $0 $0 $3,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 FUND AMOUNT 11$0 _7 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of �5nn on nr with a i mpfi d UP- of mnra than nna ° year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. rn 1 1 1 I 1 I I l I I I 1 I 1 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 0 0 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8063 - Spring Road (North of LA Avenue) Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Construction of improvements pursuant to a City /CalTrans Agreement related to highway relinquishment. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $30,000 $30,000 Construction $475,000 $475,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (Inspection) $40,000 $40,000 Other $p TOTALS: $0 $545,000 $0 $545,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES Tierra Rejada /Spring Road AOC Fund FUND '211.900 AMOUNT $545,000 (To be reimbursed by Caltrans) TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$545,000 o This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 1 1 f I I 1 I ! I I I 1 f 1 ! I 1 1 I CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 0 0 0 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8064 - High Street Properties Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Site improvements, as required, to MRA properties on High Street. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $6,400 $6,400 Construction $45,000 $45,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (Inspection) $5,000 $5,000 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $56,400 $0 $56,400 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES FUND Moorpark Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Projects 410 TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 11$56,400 AMOUNT $56,400 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one C) year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. 1 I I I I 1 ► I ) I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF MOORPARK CAPITAL OUTLAY WORKSHEET AND ESTIMATES OF COST FISCAL YEAR 98/99 Division #: 801 Department/Division: Public Works /Street Maintenance New Project: Yes Project Title and Approximate Location /Size: 8065 - TR Road Inlets Description (include location if applicable and currently projected completion date if funded with developer deposits): Construction of additional storm drain catch basins on Tierra Rejada Road to alleviate flooding in peak storm periods. Prior Years' Costs 1998/99 Budget Future Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS Pre - Design $0 Design /Engineering $8,000 $8,000 Construction $55,000 $55,000 Post - Construction $0 Other (Inspection) $7,000 $7,000 Other $0 TOTALS: $0 $70,000 $0 $70,000 POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES AND AMOUNTS FOR FY 98/99 NOTES Gas Tax Fund TOTAL POTENTIAL FUNDING SOURCES FOR FY 98/99 ___]F I FUND —] 240 AMOUNT $70,000 11$70,000 This form is used to request capital outlay expenditures for items in excess of $500.00 or with a useful life of more than one ° year. For non - capital expenses, use the Line Item Detail Form. co