HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1999 1609 1999 0519RESOLUTION NO. 99 -1609 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MINOR MODIFICATION NO. 2 TO SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 92 -1 (CARLSBERG SPECIFIC PLAN) TO MODIFY THE ARCHITECTURAL THEME, INCORPORATE ADDITIONAL DESIGN /DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, REDUCE THE LENGTH AND CHANGE THE LOCATION OF THE PROJECT TRAILS, AND ADD A SECONDARY MONUMENT SIGN ON THE APPLICATION OF LENNAR HOMES OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, on September'7, 1994, the City Council approved the Carlsberg Specific Plan (SP 92 -1) and certified the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report. On September 21, 1994, modifications to the zoning designation of the property described in the Carlsberg Specific Plan were approved; WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 96 -1230 approving Tentative Tract Map Nos. 4975, 4976, 4977 and 4980 on October 2, 1996; and WHEREAS, on April 8, 1999, Lennar Homes applied for Minor Modification No. 2 to the Carlsberg Specific Plan (Specific Plan 92 -1) concerning the architectural theme, design and development standards, signage and trails; and WHEREAS, at its meeting on May 5, 1999, the City Council discussed Minor Modification No. 1 and conditionally approved the Minor Modification to the Carlsberg Specific Plan (SP 92 -1). NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council has determined that approval of this Minor Modification is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Carlsberg Specific Plan and is not a substantial or fundamental change and is categorically exempt from CEQA requirements as a Class 1 exemption for minor alterations. SECTION 2. The Council approves Minor Modification No.2 to Specific Plan No. 92 -1 on the application of Lennar Homes for A) a modification of the architectural theme and incorporation of additional design and development standards including landscaping criteria B) a reduction in the location and number of linear feet of the approved trails system was deferred until additional information is provided. C) addition of a secondary monument sign on the west side of Science Drive south of the commercial area to identify the residential neighborhoods located south of the future commercial /industrial development. Resolution No. 99 -1609 Page 2 SECTION 3. Prior to recordation of the subject Tentative Tract Maps, the applicant shall complete the following conditions: Provide twenty (20) copies of the Revised Amended Specific Plan which includes all approved revisions to the Amended Specific Plan. DESIGN /DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - APPENDIX "1" 1. All design criteria, development standards, landscape concepts and criteria and all building materials, colors and streetscape concepts and other information presented to define the standards for construction and appearance contained in the document titled "Sycamore Ranch" - Appendix "1" to Carlsberg Specific Plan, Amendment 1 (October 1, 1999), incorporated herein by reference and on file with the Community Development Department, shall apply to residential structures and accessory buildings submitted for Zoning Clearance and Building Permit issuance in Tracts 4975, 4976, 4977, and 4980 in the City of Moorpark. REVISIONS TO SYCAMORE RANCH APPENDIX "1" DESIGN CRITERIA: The Sycamore Ranch Appendix "1" document shall be revised by the applicant to incorporate the following design criteria 2. Side yard setbacks as measured from the property line of each lot shall be: a. Interior: Five (5) feet minimum b. Lots 70 feet in width or wider shall have minimum combined sideyard setbacks of 150 of the width of the lot as measured at the front setback line. c. Exterior: Same as interior lots except reverse corner lots; 20 feet on street side. d. A two story dwelling which incorporates windows at the second story level shall include the following design criteria for each type of window opening: i. The minimum height to the bottom sill of a second story window with clear glass, and a fixed sash shall be five and one -half (5.5) feet above the finish floor level of the second story and must be Resolution No. 99 -1609 Page 3 off -set by a minimum of three (3) feet from a window with the similar glazing characteristics on abutting structures. ii. Windows with a bottom sill height less than five and one -half (5.5) feet above the finish floor level of the second floor shall have a fixed sash and obscure glass which may include stained glass or glass blocks. iii. Windows with a bottom sill height less than five and one -half (5.5) feet above the finish floor of the second story, that open or have clear glass shall maintain a ten (10) foot set back from the property line to the face of the window or shall be off -set a minimum distance of three (3) feet when a measurement is taken at the nearest side jambs of windows with similar glazing characteristics on abutting structures. iv. Windows with a top jamb or head height of fourteen (14) feet or less above the level of the first floor shall be considered a first story window. 3. Adjoining residential units may not have the same floor plan and elevation. 4. A minimum of three architectural styles shall be included in each of the individual tracts with no less than 20% of the dwellings in each tract represented by one of the architectural styles. S. A minimum of two sub - styles shall be included in two of the three architectural styles. 6. Side by side dwellings with the same architectural style shall incorporate at least two of the following criteria: a. Single story b. Alternative roof lines C. Increase second story setback by 10 feet from first story setback. d. Incorporate a porch or balcony Resolution No. 99 -1609 Page 4 e. Incorporate a courtyard behind the front setback a minimum of 8 feet in depth and 10 feet wide. f. Reverse plan g. Dormer treatments 7. A minimum of 20% of all units within each separate tract (Tract 4975, 4976, 4977, 4980) shall be limited to a maximum ridgeline height of 28 ft. 8. The roof design for all structures as viewed from any street, (including Highway 23) or from the public park shall be varied unit by unit which may be accomplished through the use of at least one of the following: alternative roof designs; materials and colors a combination roof design such as hip and gable; through the use of dormer details or by off- setting the roof plane or walls of the building either horizontally or vertically by a minimum of four feet. 9. Not more than 20% of the units on any block face shall have the same architectural plan and elevation. 10. Adjacent or opposing cul -de -sac streets shall not have the same sequence of architectural or model plotting. 11. Not more than two side by side dwellings may have a standard three car garage configuration (straight in entrance). 12. A maximum of 39% of garages on Tract 4975 and Tract 4976 and 45% on Tract 4977 and Tract 4980 may be "Standard 3 -car configuration" (straight in entrance). 13. Garage doors located parallel to any abutting street shall be multi paneled to provide relief and painted with a color consistent with the structures architectural features, such that the garage doors are not predominant visual features as viewed directly from the street. 14. Solar panels supplying potable water for use in habitable spaces may be placed on roof areas visible along any street frontage if placed parallel to the plane of the roof surface and architecturally integrated into the design of the residence as approved by the Director of Community Development. Resolution No. 99 -1609 Page 5 15. Accessory buildings over 120 square feet in area or which require a building permit may be located only in rear yard areas and must be of an architectural style and color and constructed of materials consistent with the main structure. 16. Garden walls and fencing to a maximum height of 36 inches may be placed in front yard setback areas provided that they are architecturally consistent with the main building as approved by the Director of Community Development. 17. All property line walls or fences shall be constructed of masonry, stone or concrete products and be in earth tone colors, except for fence lines included in the Community Wall Plan of Sycamore Ranch Appendix "1 ", and interior view lots as may be determined and approved by the Director of Community Development. 18. All walls at the side yard return (side property line to main building) or on a corner lot that are visible from any street shall be constructed of masonry, stone or concrete products and shall be architecturally consistent with the main building to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. 19. All units abutting the gated entrances to Tracts 4975 and 4976 shall be single story in height, except that any portion of the structure that is located more than forty (40) feet from the curb line of the gated street may be two stories or 35 feet in height. 20. Units abutting the gated entrances to Tract 4977 (specifically lot numbers 79 and 96) may be two stories in height provided a landscape buffer sufficient in height be designed, approved by the Director of Community Development, and installed prior to occupancy. Units abutting the gated entrances to Tract 4980 (specifically lot number-& 38, 39, and 138) may be split story in height, providing the single story element faces the gated entry. 21. The maximum allowed lot coverage, which includes the footprint (courtyards and patio decking open to the sky are not included) of any structure requiring a building permit, shall be 50% for lots with a net lot area of 6300 sq.ft. or more, and 60% for lots with a net lot area less than 6300 sq.ft. 22. No expansion, alteration or change in architectural elements that is visible from any abutting street shall be allowed, Resolution No. 99 -1609 Page 6 unless in the judgement of the Director of Community Development it is compatible with all dwellings having frontage on the same street and located within 200 feet of the side property line of the structure proposed for expansion or alteration. 23. Garages shall maintain a clear unobstructed dimension of 20 feet in length and 10 feet in width for each parking stall, with a minimum of two garage - parking stalls required for each dwelling unit. 24. All neighborhood entries shall be of a gated design, the design of which is subject to review and approval of the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer. The design of the gated entries shall be compatible with the scale, colors, visual character and design of the approved Residential Planned Development Permits so as to enhance the physical and visual quality of the neighborhood or tract. 25. The windows on building elevations that are readily visible from streets within and surrounding the development, useable open space, the park site, adjacent church, adjacent school and Highway 23, shall be provided with surrounds or architectural features as approved by the Director of Community Development. 26. All air conditioning or air exchange equipment must be placed at ground level and may not be placed in a side yard area within 15 feet of a opening window at ground floor level of the adjacent structure and shall not reduce the required sideyard to less than 3 feet of level ground. 27. The overall average sideyard separation between residences on abutting lots, not including the architectural features that are allowed to encroach into side yard setback areas as provided for in Sycamore Ranch Appendix No. 1 shall be as follows: RPD 98 -3 (Tract 4975) 16.8 feet RPD 98 -4 (Tract 4976) 15.7 feet RPD 98 -5 (Tract 4977) 15.1 feet RPD 98 -6 (Tract 4980) 16.1 feet 28. The maximum width of the building footprint for all lots in Tract 4975 shall be 45 feet in width except for allowed setback intrusions. Resolution No. 99 -1609 Page 7 29. The maximum width of the building footprint for all lots in Tract 4976 shall be 40 feet in width except for allowed setback intrusions. 30. The maximum width of the building footprint for all lots in Tract 4977 shall be 55 feet in width except for allowed setback intrusions. 31. The maximum width of the building footprint for all lots in Tract 4980 shall be 50 feet in width except for allowed setback intrusions. RAIN GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS: 32. Rain gutters and downspout shall be provided on all sides of the structure for all structures where there is a directional roof flow. Water shall be conveyed to the street or drives in non - corrosive devices as determined by the City Engineer. ROOF MOUNTED EQUIPMENT: 33. No roof - mounted equipment (other than required vents) shall be permitted. Exceptions to this limitation must be approved by the Director of Community Development. VENTS AND METAL FLASHING: 34. All roof vents and metal flashing shall be painted to match the roof color. All deck drains shall drain to the side and not facing the private street. EXTERIOR LIGHTING: 35. Exterior front yard lighting within the development shall be limited to illumination of entryways and address identification. Excessively bright and /or unshielded front door lighting shall be prohibited. 36. Lighting in areas adjacent to the natural open space portions of the site shall be fully hooded and shielded to prevent illumination of sensitive habitats and these restrictions shall be incorporated in the CC &R'S. ENERGY SAVING DEVICES: 37. That all- residential units shall be constructed employing energy saving devices. These devices are to include, but are not limited to the following: Resolution No. 99 -1609 Page 8 a. Ultra low flush toilets (to not exceed 1.6 gallons); b. Low water use shower controllers as required by Title 24 of the Uniform Building Code shall be placed on all shower facilities; c. Natural gas fueled stoves; ovens and ranges shall not have continuous burning pilot lights; d. All thermostats connected to the main space- heating source shall have night set back features; e. To ensure closure when not in use kitchen ventilation systems shall have automatic dampers; and f. Hot water solar panel stub -outs shall be provided. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ZONING CLEARNANCE THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL BE SATISFIED: TREES IN OPEN SPACE 38. Prior to final inspection and the release of utilities on the first residence in each Residential Planned Development or Tract, a prorata share of the 600 additional trees to be planted in the open space areas as required in the amended Specific Plan and Tracts 4973 and Tract 4974 shall be planted within proximity of each of the residential tracts as determined by the Director of Community Development. HIKING TRAILS: 39. Prior to Final Building Inspection and the release of utilities on the first residence in any of the four Residential Planned Developments, the hiking trail required by the Carlsberg Specific Plan shall be installed throughout the entire project area unless the installation of portions of the trail would conflict with grading or construction activities. Where there is the potential for conflict, the Director of Community Development may defer the timing of installation of the trail, however, in no case may release of utilities or granting of occupancy of the building or buildings which were the basis to defer trail construction take place until the trail is completed and accepted by the Director of Community Development. Resolution No. 99 -1609 Page 9 Portions of the hiking trail required by the Carlsberg Specific Plan may be eliminated by future action of the City Council because of conflict with environmental issues. If any portion of the trail is eliminated an in -lieu fee or some other mitigation approved by the City Council may be substituted for elimination of the trail. The substituting mitigation shall be completed or in -lieu fee paid before Final Building Inspection and the release of utilities on the first residence in any of the four Residential Planned Developments /Tracts. SPARK ARRESTOR: 40. An approved spark arrestor shall be installed on the chimney of any structure(s). SECTION 4: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the book of original Resolutions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th days of May, 1999. ATTEST: Deborah S. Traffenste , City Cler trick Hufer, Mayor Resolution No. 99 -1609 Page 10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA ) ss. CITY OF MOORPARK ) I, Deborah S. Traffenstedt, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 99 -1609 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on the 19th day of May, 1999, and that the same was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Evans, Harper, Rodgers, Wozniak and Mayor Hunter NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 19th day of August, 1999. Deborah S. Traffenst�Cityy k (s eal)