HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1999 1608 1999 0519RESOLUTION NO. 99 -1608
WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public hearing on May 5,1999,the
City Council considered the application filed by Lennar Homes of
California for Residential Planned Development Permit (RPD) Nos.
98 -3, 98 -4, 98 -5 and 98 -6; and
WHEREAS, RPD 98 -3 applies to the area approved as Tract 4975,
RPD 98 -4 applies to the area approved as 4976, RPD 98 -5 applies to
the area approved as Tract 4977 and RPD 98 -6 applies to the area
approved as Tract 4980; and
WHEREAS, the proposed Residential Planned Development Permits
for the residential tracts within the Carlsberg Specific Plan
(Specific Plan 92 -1) will implement the Specific Plan by
authorizing Development and modifying or establishing
architectural, design and development standards and landscaping
concepts, streetscape concepts, height and setbacks of structures,
architectural and appearance criteria, fences, walls, hardscape and
landscaping materials as well as colors and building materials; and
WHEREAS, at its meeting of May 5, 1999, the City Council
opened the public hearing, took testimony from all those wishing tc
testify, and closed the public hearing on May 5, 1999; and
WHEREAS, the City Council after review and consideration of
the information contained in the staff report dated April 26, 1999,
has found that the proposed Residential Planned Developments are
consistent with all provisions of the Carlsberg Specific Plan (SP
92 -1) and the environmental effects discussed in the Subsequent EIR
prepared for the Amended Carlsberg Specific Plan and the
environmental effects of these proposed Residential Planned
Developments are sufficiently similar to qualify for an exemption
from the provisions of the Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has
reached it's decision on this matter.
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SECTION 1. The City Council hereby approves adoption of the
following findings:
1. The environmental effects discussed in the Subsequent EIR
prepared for the Amended Carlsberg Specific Plan and the
environmental effects of these proposed Residential Planned
Development Permits are sufficiently similar to qualify for a
finding of exemption under Section 15182 of the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for residential
projects approved by a Specific Plan where a Draft
Environmental Impact Report has been prepared after January 1,
1. The RPD's are consistent with the intent and provisions of the
City's General Plan and this title;
2. The RPD's are compatible with the character of surrounding
3. The RPD's would not be obnoxious or harmful, or impair the
utility of neighboring property or uses;
4. The RPD's would not be detrimental to the public interest,
health, safety, convenience or welfare; and
5. The RPD's are compatible with the scale, visual character and
design of the surrounding properties, designed so as to
enhance the physical and visual quality of the community, and
the structure(s) have design features which provide visual
relief and separation between land uses of conflicting
SECTION 2. The City Council does hereby find that the
Residential Planned Development Permits are consistent with the
City's General Plan and the Amended Carlsberg Specific Plan.
SECTION 3. That the City Council hereby approves Residential
Planned Development Permit Nos. 98 -3, 98 -4, 98 -5 and 98 -6 on the
application of Lennar Homes of California subject to compliance
with all of the following conditions.
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approval for Residential Planned Development Permit No. 98 -3, 98 -4,
98 -5, and 98 -6 General Requirements:
1. The permit is granted for the land and project as identified
on the entitlement application form and as shown on the
approved plot plans and elevations. The location and design
of all site improvements shall be as shown on the approved
plot plans and elevations except or unless indicated otherwise
herein in the following conditions. Any change from the
submitted product mix shall require approval of a modification
to the Residential Planned Development Permit.
2. Unless the project is inaugurated (building foundation slab in
place and substantial work in progress) not later than three
years after this permit is granted, this permit shall
automatically expire on that date. The Director of Community
Development may, at his discretion, grant up to two (2) one
(1) year extensions for project inauguration if there have
been no changes in the adjacent areas and if applicant can
document that he has diligently worked towards inauguration of
the project during the initial two year period and the
applicant has concurrently requested a time extension to the
tentative tract map. The request for extension of this
entitlement shall be made at least 30 -days prior to the
expiration date of the permit.
3. All design criteria, development standards, landscape concepts
and criteria and all building materials, colors and
streetscape concepts and other information presented to define
the standards for construction and appearance contained in the
document titled 'Sycamore Ranch" - Appendix "1" to Carlsberg
Specific Plan, Amendment 1 (October 1, 1999), incorporated
herein by reference and on file with the Community Development
Department, shall apply to residential structures and
accessory buildings submitted for Zoning Clearance and
Building Permit issuance in Tracts 4975, 4976, 4977, and 4980
in the City of Moorpark.
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Sycamore Ranch Appendix 111" document shall be revised by the
applicant to incorporate the following design criteria:
4. Side yard setbacks as measured from the property line of each
lot shall be:
a. Interior: Five (5) feet minimum
b. Lots 70 feet in width or wider shall have minimum
combined sideyard setbacks of 15% of the width of the lot
as measured at the front setback line.
C. Exterior: Same as interior lots except reverse corner
lots; 20 feet on street side.
d. A two story dwelling which incorporates windows at the
second story level shall include the following design
criteria for each type of window opening:
i. The minimum height to the bottom sill of a second
story window with clear glass, and a fixed sash
shall be five and one -half (5.5) feet above the
finish floor level of the second story and must be
off -set by a minimum of three (3) feet from a
window with the similar glazing characteristics on
abutting structures.
ii. Windows with a bottom sill height less than five and
one -half (5.5) feet above the finish floor level of
the second floor shall have a fixed sash and
obscure glass which may include stained glass or
glass blocks.
iii. Windows with a bottom sill height less than five and
one -half (5.5) feet above the finish floor of the
second story, that open or have clear glass shall
maintain a ten (10) foot set back from the property
line to the face of the window or shall be off -set
a minimum distance of three (3) feet when a
measurement is taken at the nearest side jambs of
windows with similar glazing characteristics on
abutting structures.
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iv. Windows with a top jamb or head height of fourteen
(14) feet or less above the level of the first
floor shall be considered a first story window.
5. Adjoining residential units may not have the same floor plan
and elevation.
6. A minimum of three architectural styles shall be included in
each of the individual tracts with no less than 200 of the
dwellings in each tract represented by one of the
architectural styles.
7. A minimum of two sub - styles shall be included in two of the
three architectural styles.
8. Side by side dwellings with the same architectural style shall
incorporate at least two of the following criteria:
a. Single story
b. Alternative roof lines
C. Increase second story setback by 10 feet from first story
d. Incorporate a porch or balcony
e. Incorporate a courtyard behind the front setback a
minimum of 8 feet in depth and 10 feet wide.
f. Reverse plan
g. Dormer treatments
9. A minimum of 20% of all units within each separate tract
(Tract 4975, 4976, 4977, 4980) shall be limited to a maximum
ridgeline height of 28 ft.
10. The roof design for all structures as viewed from any street,
(including Highway 23) or from the public park shall be varied
unit by unit which may be accomplished through the use of at
least one of the following: alternative roof designs;
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materials and colors a combination roof design such as hip and
gable; through the use of dormer details or by off - setting the
roof plane or walls of the building either horizontally or
vertically by a minimum of four feet.
11. Not more than 20% of the units on any block face shall have
the same architectural plan and elevation.
12. Adjacent or opposing cul -de -sac streets shall not have the
same sequence of architectural or model plotting.
13. Not more than two side by side dwellings may have a standard
three car garage configuration (straight in entrance).
14. A maximum of 39% of garages on Tract 4975 and Tract 4976 and
45% on Tract 4977 and Tract 4980 may be "Standard 3 -car
configuration" (straight in entrance).
15. Garage doors located parallel to any abutting street shall be
multi paneled to provide relief and painted with a color
consistent with the structures architectural features, such
that the garage doors are not predominant visual features as
viewed directly from the street.
16. Solar panels supplying potable water for use in habitable
spaces may be placed on roof areas visible along any street
frontage if placed parallel to the plane of the roof surface
and architecturally integrated into the design of the
residence as approved by the Director of Community
17. Accessory buildings over 120 square feet in area or which
require a building permit may be located only in rear yard
areas and must be of an architectural style and color and
constructed of materials consistent with the main structure.
18. Garden walls and fencing to a maximum height of 36 inches may
be placed in front yard setback areas provided that they are
architecturally consistent with the main building as approved
by the Director of Community Development.
19. All property line walls or fences shall be constructed of
masonry, stone or concrete products and be in earth tone
colors, except for fence lines included in the Community Wall
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Plan of Sycamore Ranch Appendix "1 ", and interior view lots as
may be determined and approved by the Director of Community
20. All walls at the side yard return (side property line to main
building) or on a corner lot that are visible from any street
shall be constructed of masonry, stone or concrete products
and shall be architecturally consistent with the main building
to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development.
21. All units abutting the gated entrances to Tracts 4975 and 4976
shall be single story in height, except that any portion of
the structure that is located more than forty (40) feet from
the curb line of the gated "street may be two stories or 35
feet in height.
22. Units abutting the gated entrances to Tract 4977 (specifically
lot numbers 79 and 96) may be two stories in height provided
a landscape buffer sufficient in height be designed, approved
by the Director of Community Development, and installed prior
to occupancy. Units abutting the gated entrances to Tract 4980
(specifically lot number-a 38, 39, and 138) may be split story
in height, providing the single story element faces the gated
23. The maximum allowed lot coverage, which includes the footprint
(courtyards and patio decking open to the sky are not
included) of any structure requiring a building permit, shall
be 50% for lots with a net lot area of 6300 sq.ft. or more,
and 60% for lots with a net lot area less than 6300 sq.ft.
24. No expansion, alteration or change in architectural elements
that is visible from any abutting street shall be allowed,
unless in the judgement of the Director of Community
Development it is compatible with all dwellings having
frontage on the same street and located within 200 feet of the
side property line of the structure proposed for expansion or
25. Garages shall maintain a clear unobstructed dimension of 20
feet in length and 10 feet in width for each parking stall,
with a minimum of two garage - parking stalls required for each
dwelling unit.
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26. All neighborhood entries shall be of a gated design, the
design of which is subject to review and approval of the
Director of Community Development and the City Engineer. The
design of the gated entries shall be compatible with the
scale, colors, visual character and design of the approved
Residential Planned Development Permits so as to enhance the
physical and visual quality of the neighborhood or tract.
27. The windows on building elevations that are readily visible
from streets within and surrounding the development, useable
open space, the park site, adjacent church, adjacent school
and Highway 23, shall be provided with surrounds or
architectural features as approved by the Director of
Community Development.
28. All air conditioning or air exchange equipment must be placed
at ground level and may not be placed in a side yard area
within 15 feet of a opening window at ground floor level of
the adjacent structure and shall not reduce the required
sideyard to less than 3 feet of level ground.
29. The overall average sideyard separation between residences on
abutting lots, not including the architectural features that
are allowed to encroach into side yard setback areas as
provided for in Sycamore Ranch Appendix No. 1 shall be as
RPD 98 -3 (Tract 4975) 16.8 feet
RPD 98 -4 (Tract 4976) 15.7 feet
RPD 98 -5 (Tract 4977) 15.1 feet
RPD 98 -6 (Tract 4980) 16.1 feet
30. The maximum width of the building footprint for all lots in
Tract 4975 shall be 45 feet in width except for allowed
setback intrusions.
31. The maximum width of the building footprint for all lots in
Tract 4976 shall be 40 feet in width except for allowed
setback intrusions.
32. The maximum width of the building footprint for all lots in
Tract 4977 shall be 55 feet in width except for allowed
setback intrusions.
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33. The maximum width of the building footprint for all lots in
Tract 4980 shall be 50 feet in width except for allowed
setback intrusions.
34. All conditions, criteria, fees and provisions of the
Settlement Agreement dated September 7, 1994, and the First
Amendment thereto dated November 12,1996, or its modification
or amendment shall be adhered to.
35. All facilities and uses other than those specifically
requested in the application are prohibited unless an
application for a modification has been approved by the City
of Moorpark. Any minor changes to this permit shall require
the submittal of an application for a Minor Modification and
any major changes to this permit shall require the submittal
of a Major Modification as determined by the Director of
Community Development.
36. The design, maintenance, and operation of the permit area and
facilities thereon shall comply with all applicable
regulations of the applicable zone and all requirements and
enactment's of Federal, State, County, and City authorities,
and all such requirements and enactment's shall, by reference,
become conditions of this permit.
37. Prior to submittal of construction plans for plan check or
initiation of any construction activity, a Zoning Clearance
shall be obtained from the Department of Community
Development. If an applicant desires, construction plans may
be submitted to the Building and Safety Department with a City
approved Hold Harmless Agreement.' Zoning Clearance shall be
obtained prior to initiation of any grading or construction
activity. If the applicant desires, grading may be initiated
upon obtaining a grading permit and providing a City approved
"Hold Harmless Agreement ".
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38. The applicant or his successors and assigns, or the
Homeowners' Association shall remove any graffiti within five
(5) days from written notification from the City of Moorpark.
All graffiti removal shall be accomplished to the satisfaction
of the Director of Community Development.
39. Prior to issuance of a Zoning Clearance for construction, the
applicant shall dedicate all access rights over any access
easements on private streets within the site in order to
provide access for all governmental agencies providing the
public safety, health and welfare services.
40. Any phasing shall be approved by the Director of Community
Development. The Director shall avoid to the extent possible
any impacts to existing residential areas from construction
41. No conditions of this entitlement shall be interpreted as
permitting or requiring any violation of law or any unlawful
rules or regulations or orders of an authorized governmental
agency. In instances where more than one set of rules applies,
the stricter ones shall take precedence.
42. If any of the conditions or limitations of this permit are
held to be invalid, that holding shall not invalidate any of
the remaining conditions or limitations set forth.
43. The permittee agrees as a condition of issuance and use of
this permit to defend, at his sole expense, any action brought
against the City because of issuance (or renewal) of this
permit or in the alternative to relinquish this permit.
Permittee will reimburse the City for any court costs and /or
attorney's fees which the City may be required by the court to
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pay as a result of any such action. The City may, at its sole
discretion, participate in the defense of any such action, but
such participation shall not relieve permittee of his
obligation under this condition.
44. The permittee's acceptance of this permit and /or commencement
of construction and/ or operations under this permit shall be
deemed to be acceptance of all conditions of this permit.
45. Prior to approval of a final map, the subdivider shall post
sufficient surety to assure that all proposed utility lines
within and immediately adjacent to the project site shall be
placed underground to the nearest off -site utility pole. Prior
to the issuance of occupancy permit for the last house in the
tract, all existing utilities shall also be underground to the
nearest off -site utility pole with the exception of 66 KVA or
larger power lines. This requirement for undergrounding
includes all aboveground power poles on the project site as
well as those along the frontage roads of the site. All
utility lines that must connect across Los Angeles Avenue
shall be placed underground via an underground conduit
46. Rain gutters and downspout shall be provided on all sides of
the structure for all structures where there is a directional
roof flow. Water shall be conveyed to the street or drives in
non - corrosive devices as determined by the City Engineer.
47. No roof - mounted equipment (other than required vents) shall be
permitted. Exceptions to this limitation must be approved by
the Director of Community Development.
48. All roof vents and metal flashing shall be painted to match
the roof color. All deck drains shall drain to the side and
not facing the private street.
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49. Exterior front yard lighting within the development shall be
limited to illumination of entryways and address
identification. Excessively bright and /or unshielded front
door lighting shall be prohibited.
50. Lighting in areas adjacent to the natural open space portions
of the site shall be fully hooded and shielded to prevent
illumination of sensitive habitats and these restrictions
shall be incorporated in the CC &R'S.
51. That all - residential units shall be constructed employing
energy saving devices. These devices are to include, but are
not limited to the following:
a. Ultra low flush toilets (to not exceed 1.6 gallons);
b. Low water use shower controllers as required by Title 24
of the Uniform Building Code shall be placed on all
shower facilities;
C. Natural gas fueled stoves; ovens and ranges shall not
have continuous burning pilot lights;
d. All thermostats connected to the main space- heating
source shall have night set back features;
e. To ensure closure when not in use kitchen ventilation
systems shall have automatic dampers; and
f. Hot water solar panel stub -outs shall be provided.
52. The continued maintenance of the permit area and facilities
shall be subject to periodic inspection by the City. The
permittee or owner shall be required to remedy any defects in
ground maintenance, as indicated by the Code Enforcement
Officer within five (5) days after notification.
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53. If any archaeological or historical finds are uncovered during
excavation operations, all grading or excavation shall cease
in the immediate area, and the find left untouched. The
permittee shall assure the preservation of the site; shall
obtain the services of a qualified paleontologist or
archaeologist, whichever is appropriate to recommend
disposition of the site; and shall obtain the Director of
Community Development's written concurrence of the recommended
disposition before resuming development. The developer shall
be liable for the costs associated with the professional
54. Prior to issuance of a Zoning Clearance for construction, a
complete landscape plan consistent with the Landscape Concept
and materials list I Sycamore Ranch Appendix 11111, together
with specifications shall be submitted to the Director of
Community Development. The plans shall conform to the
a. Three sets of plans shall be submitted for each plan
b. Each sheet of the plans shall be wet stamped and signed
by the project landscape architect. The project
landscape architect shall be licensed by the State of
55. The plans shall include the following landscape components as
appropriate: demolition, construction, irrigation, planting,
details and specifications.
56. Unless otherwise specified in these project conditions; the
plans shall be prepared in general conformance with the
Submittal Requirements and Landscape Standards described in
the Ventura County Landscape Design Criteria.
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57. A separate Maintenance Plan shall be prepared in accordance
with the Approval /Installation Verification standards
described in the Ventura County Landscape Design Criteria for
any commonly maintained areas.
58. Unless otherwise specified in these project conditions; the
plans shall be prepared in substantial conformance with the
approved conceptual plans for the project.
59. The applicant shall bear the full cost of landscape plan
reviews, installation and inspections as deemed necessary by
the Director of Community Development.
60. Prior to initial review of the landscape plans, the applicant
shall deposit funds for plan review in an amount specified by
the Director of Community Development. The applicant shall
deposit additional funds upon request as needed to cover all
landscape plan check and inspection fees. Any deposit balance
remaining following final approval of the installation shall
be refunded to the applicant after receipt and approval of a
written request.
61. The following note shall be included on the landscape plans
and shall be a project condition:
a. All plant material shall conform to the current issue of
the American Standard for Nursery Stock published by the
American Association of Nurserymen.
62. Prior to final inspection by the City of Moorpark, the
applicant's landscape architect shall provide written
certification to the City, stating that the installation is in
substantial conformance with the approved landscape plans.
63. Prior to final
applicant shall
operation of all
inspection by the City of Moorpark, the
provide a written certification for the
backflow devices.
64. Unless otherwise approved, all open parking areas shall have
fifty percent (50 %) shade coverage by broadleaf canopy shade
tree. Shade coverage is defined as the maximum shade area
created by a tree at fifty percent (50% at maturity).
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65. The planting plan shall indicate the proposed locations of
light standards. The lighting and tree locations shall be
designed to avoid conflicts.
66. All backflow preventers, transformers, and other above -grade
utilities shall be appropriately screened with walls and /or
67. The planting and irrigation design shall comply with the State
of California Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance.
68. Prior to occupancy, the landscape installation shall be
approved by the Director of Community Development. This
approval shall be based upon written certification of the
landscape installation by the City Landscape Consultant.
69. Subsequent to occupancy, common area landscaping shall be
maintained in accordance with the approved Maintenance Plan.
70. The landscape plan shall include planting and irrigation
specifications for manufactured slopes and all common areas.
71. In the area of future buildings not under construction, turf
and irrigation shall be installed.
72. The final landscape plans shall include landscaping
specifications, planting details, and design specifications
consistent with the following requirements:
a. The landscape plan shall include the final design of all
sidewalks, barrier walls, streetscape elements, urban
landscaping and pedestrian paths within the project
b. All plant species utilized shall not exceed the
Irrigation Water Allowance, as discussed in the State
Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance.
C. Landscaping at site entrances and exits and any
intersection within the parking lot shall not block or
screen the view of a seated driver from another moving
vehicle or pedestrian (PD).
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d. Irrigation shall be provided for all permanent
landscaping, as identified in the approved landscape
plan. The applicant shall be responsible for maintaining
the irrigation system and all landscaping. The applicant
shall replace any dead plants and make any necessary
repairs to the irrigation system consistent with the
landscape plan approved for the development.
e. Exotic plants which are known to spread beyond their
original plantings and invade native habitats such as
Pampus Grass, Spanish Broom, and Tamarisk shall not be
f. Landscaping shall be designed so as to not obstruct he
view of any exterior door or window from the street (PD).
g. Backflow preventers, transformers, or other exposed above
grade utilities shall be show on the landscape plan (s)
and shall be screened with landscaping and /or a wall.
73. Prior to final inspection and the release of utilities on the
first residence in each Residential Planned Development or
Tract, a prorata share of the 600 additional trees to be
planted in the open space areas as required in the amended
Specific Plan and Tracts 4973 and Tract 4974 shall be planted
within proximity of each of the residential tracts as
determined by the Director of Community Development.
74. All final construction working drawings, grading and drainage
plans, plot plans, final map (if requested by the Director of
Community Development), sign programs, and landscaping and
irrigation plans (three full sets) shall be submitted to the
Director of Community Development for review and approval.
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75. The applicant shall pay all outstanding case processing
(Planning and Engineering), and all City legal service fees
prior to issuance of a Zoning Clearance for any residential
structure. The applicant, permittee, or successors in interest
shall also submit to the Department of Community Development
a fee to cover costs incurred by the City for Condition
Compliance review of the RPD.
76. All property line walls shall be no further than one inch-from
the property line.
77. Prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy, the
builder shall provide to the City an image conversion of
building, landscape, public improvement and site plans into an
optical format acceptable to the City Clerk.
78. Television cable service shall be provided to all residential
units consistent with existing cable system requirements.
Undergrounding of cable wires is required and no lines shall
be allowed to be extended along the exterior walls of the
residential buildings.
79. No asbestos pipe or construction materials shall be used.
80. The Director of Community Development may declare a
development project that is not in compliance with the
Conditions of Approval or for some other just cause, a "public
nuisance ". The applicant shall be liable to the City for any
and all costs and expenses to the City involved in thereafter
abating the nuisance and in obtaining compliance with the
conditions of approval or applicable codes. If the applicant
fails to pay all City costs related to this action, the City
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may enact special assessment proceedings against the parcel of
land upon which the nuisance existed (Municipal Code Section
81. WILL SERVE LETTER - An "Unconditional Will Serve Letter" for
water and sewer service shall be obtained from the Ventura
County Waterworks District No. 1.
82. Prior to Issuance of a Zoning Clearance for Construction, the
applicant shall request the City to enforce appropriate
vehicle codes on subject property as permitted by Vehicle Code
Section 21107.7.
83. No Final Inspection approval shall be granted prior to
acceptance of site improvements such as perimeter and
retaining walls, landscaping, fences, slopes, private
recreation areas, and other improvements not related to
grading, etc., or the applicant has provided sufficient
security as approved by the Director of Community Development
to guarantee completion of the improvements. Said on -site
improvements shall be completed within 60 days of issuance of
Final Inspection approval. In case of failure to comply with
any term or provision of this agreement, the City Council may
by resolution declare the surety forfeited. Upon completion
of the required improvements to satisfaction of the City, the
City Council may reduce the amount of the surety. However,
the surety must be kept in full effect for one year after
initial occupancy to guarantee the items such as perimeter and
retaining walls, landscaping, fences, slopes, and other
improvements not related to grading, etc. are maintained.
84. All related perimeter and garden walls shall be constructed
prior to the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for occupancy of
any dwelling units.
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85. No building permits shall be issued for Residential Planned
Development No. 98 -3 (Tract 4975) until it is demonstrated to
the satisfaction of the City Council that the required permits
relating to the vernal pool have been obtained from the
appropriate Federal and State agencies. Management of the
effected area shall be provided through application of a
Conservation Easement or transfer of ownership to an
appropriate government agency or non - profit organization
acceptable to the Federal and State agencies that maintain
authority in this matter. The applicant or their successor in
interest shall be financially responsible for maintenance of
the vernal pool for a period of ten (10) years, provided
however, that the total financial obligation for the ten (10)
year period shall not exceed $100,000. The ten (10) year time
period for financial responsibility for vernal pool
maintenance shall commence on the day following issuance of
Final Building Inspection for the last residence that may be
constructed in RPD 98 -3 (Tract 4975).
86. A licensed security guard is recommended during the off hours
of the construction phase, or a 6' high chain link fence shall
be erected around the construction site.
87. Construction equipment, tools, etc. shall be properly secured
to prevent theft during non - working hours.
88. All appliances (microwave ovens, dishwashers, trash
compactors, etc.) shall be properly secured to prevent theft
prior to installation during non - working hours. All serial
numbers shall be recorded for identification purposes. All
building material shall be properly secured to prevent theft.
89. If an alarm system is used, it should be wired to all exterior
doors, windows, roof vents or other roof openings where access
may be made.
90. Parkways shall be well lighted with a minimum maintained one -
foot candle of lighting at ground level.
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91. Lighting devices shall be protected against the elements and
constructed of vandal resistant materials.
92. Lighting devices shall be high enough to eliminate anyone on
the ground from tampering with them.
93. Landscaping shall not cover any exterior door or window.
94. Landscaping at entrances /exits or at any intersection shall
not block or screen the view of a seated driver from another
moving vehicle or pedestrian.
95. Landscaping (trees) shall not be placed directly under any
overhead lighting, which could cause a loss of light at ground
96. Address Numbers shall be placed on all buildings, in an
obvious sequenced pattern, to be reviewed by the Police
Department prior to designation.
97. There shall not be any easy exterior access to the roof area,
i.e. ladders, trees, high walls, etc.
98. Upon occupancy by the owner or proprietor, each single unit in
the same residential project or commercial building
development, constructed under the same development plan,
shall have locks using combinations which are interchange -free
from locks used in all other separate dwellings,
proprietorships or similar distinct occupancies within such
residential project or commercial building development.
99. In wood framing, horizontal blocking shall be placed between
studs at door lock height for three (3) stud spaces each side
of the door openings.
Resolution No. 99 -1608
Page 21
100. All garage doors shall conform to the following standards:
a. wood doors shall have panels a minimum of 5/16 inch in
thickness with the locking hardware being attached to the
support framing.
b. Aluminum doors shall be a minimum thickness of .0215
inches and riveted together a minimum of eighteen (18)
inches on center along the outside seams. There shall be
a full width horizontal beam attached to the main door
structure which shall meet the pilot, or pedestrian
access, door framing within three (3) inches of the
strike area of the pilot or pedestrian access door.
C. Fiberglass doors shall have panels a minimum density of
six ounces per square foot from the bottom of the door to
a height of seven (7) feet. Panels above seven (7) feet
and panels in residential structures shall have a density
not less that five- (5) ounces per square foot.
d. Doors utilizing a cylinder lock shall have a minimum
five -pin tumbler operation with the locking bar or bolt
extending into the receiving guide a minimum of one (1)
e. Doors that exceed 16 feet in width, but do not exceed 19
feet in width, shall have the following options as to
locking devices:
i. Two lock - receiving points or one garage- door -type
slide bolt may be used if mounted no higher that 26
inches from the bottom of the door;
ii. A single bolt may be used if placed in the center of
the door with the locking point located either at
the floor or doorframe header.
iii. Torsion spring counter balance type hardware may be
used if such hardware substantially complies with
the requirements of this chapter.
Resolution No. 99 -1608
Page 22
iv. Doors with slide bolt assemblies shall have frames
of a minimum of .120 inches in thickness, with a
minimum bolt diameter of one -half inch and protrude
at least 1 inch into the receiving guide. A bolt
diameter of 3/8 inch may be used in a residential
building. The slide bolt shall be attached to the
door with non - removable bolts from the outside.
Rivets shall not be used to attach slide bolt
101. Except for vehicular access doors, all exterior swinging doors
of any residential building and attached garages, including
the door leading from the garage area into the dwelling unit
shall be equipped as follows:
a. All wood doors shall be of solid core construction with
a minimum thickness of 1 -3/4 inches, or with panels not
less than 9/16 inch thick.
b. A single or double door shall be equipped with a single
cylinder dead bolt lock. The bolt shall have a minimum
projection of one (1) inch and be constructed so as to
repel cutting tool attack. The dead bolt shall have an
embodiment the projected bolt. The cylinder shall have
a cylinder guard, a minimum of five (5) pin tumblers, and
shall be connected to the inner portion of the lock by
connecting screws of at least 1/4 inch in diameter. A
dual locking mechanism constructed so that both dead bolt
and latch can be retracted by a single action of the
inside doorknob, or lever, may be substituted, provided
it meets all other specifications for locking devices.
C. Doorjambs shall be installed with solid backing in such
a manner that no voids exist between the strike side of
the jamb and the frame opening for a vertical distance of
six (611) inches on each side of the strike.
d. Doorstops on wooden jambs for in swinging doors shall be
of one -piece construction with the jamb. Jambs for all
doors shall be constructed or protected as to prevent the
violation of the strike.
Resolution No. 99 -1608
Page 23
102. The strike plate for dead bolts on all wood framed doors shall
be constructed of minimum sixteen (16) U.S. gauge steel,
bronze or brass and secured to the jamb by a minimum of two
(2) screws, which must penetrate at least two (2) inches into
solid backing beyond the surface to which the strike is
103. Hinges for out - swinging doors shall be equipped with non -
removable hinge pins or a mechanical interlock to prevent
removal of the hinge pins from the exterior of the door.
104. The inactive leaf of double door(s) shall be equipped with
metal flush bolts having a minimum embedment of 5/8 inch into
the head and threshold of the doorframe.
105. Glazing in exterior doors or within 12 inches of any locking
mechanism shall be of fully tempered glass or rated burglary
resistant glazing.
106. Except where clear vision panels are installed, all front
exterior doors shall be equipped with a wide -angle (180 -
degree) door viewer not to be mounted more than 58 inches from
the bottom of the door.
107. Street numbers and other identifying data shall be displayed
as follows:
a. All residential dwellings shall display a street number
in a prominent location on the street side of the
residence in such a position that the number is easily
visible to approaching emergency vehicles. The numerals
shall be no less than four (4) inches in height and shall
be of a contrasting color to the background to which they
are attached. Dwellings shall have these numerals
illuminated during the hours of darkness.
108. Applicant shall pay the current developer fees to the Moorpark
Unified School District in effect at the time of building
permit issuance. the applicant and or the developer shall work
with the Moorpark Unified School District to alleviate the
potential for traffic issues that diminish student safety in
and around the area of Mesa Verde Middle School.
Resolution No. 99 -1608
Page 24
109. Prior to occupancy of the 227th dwelling unit within the
Carlsberg Specific Planning area, the developer shall dedicate
an improved park to the City. The park shall be improved and
available (open) to the public as described in the Settlement
Agreement and Mutual Release. Prior to approval of the Final
Map, the developer shall post a bond or other security
acceptable to the City for construction of the improved park.
110. Prior to Final Building Inspection and the release of
utilities on the first residence in any of the four
Residential Planned Developments, the hiking trail required by
the Carlsberg Specific Plan shall be installed throughout the
entire project area unless, the installation of portions of
the trail would conflict, with grading or construction
activities. Where there is the potential for conflict, the
Director of Community Development may defer the timing of
installation of the trail, however, in no case may release of
utilities or granting of occupancy of the building or
buildings which were the basis to defer trail construction
take place until the trail is completed and accepted by the
Director of Community Development.
Portions of the hiking trail required by the Carlsberg
Specific Plan may be eliminated by future action of the City
Council because of conflict with environmental issues. If any
portion of the trail is eliminated, an in -lieu fee or some
other mitigation approved by the City Council may be
substituted for elimination of the trail. The substituting
mitigation shall be completed or in -lieu fee paid before Final
Building Inspection and the release of utilities on the first
residence in any of the four Residential Planned
Developments /Tracts.
Resolution No. 99 -1608
Page 25
111. When water is present in the vernal pool, it shall not be
artificially drained or otherwise subjected to disturbance.
Biological methods for mosquito control shall be utilized,
including introduction of mosquito fish or the use of Bacillus
Thuringiensis /israelensis (bt). This shall be completed to the
satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. The
Homeowners' Association shall be responsible for
implementation of all EIR measures relating to maintenance of
the vernal pool area.
112. As a condition of the issuance of a building permit for each
residential, commercial or industrial use within the bound-
aries of the Amended Specific Plan, Developer shall pay City
a mitigation fee (the "Mitigation Fee "). The Mitigation Fee
shall be Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) per residential unit.
The Mitigation Fee shall be Eleven Thousand Two Hundred
Dollars ($11,200) per gross acre of the Sub -
Regional /Commercial (SR /C) or Business Park (BP) lot on which
the commercial or industrial use is located. Commencing on
January 1, 1997, and annually thereafter, both categories of
the Mitigation Fee shall be increased or decreased to reflect
the change in the Highway Bid Price Index for the twelve (12)
month period that is reported in the latest issue of the
Engineering News Record that is available on December 31st of
the preceding year ( "annual indexing "), but in no event shall
either category of Mitigation Fee be decreased below the
original dollar amount specified herein. Institutional uses
shall pay on the same basis as commercial and industrial uses,
except that institutional uses which are exempt from secured
property taxes shall be exempt from the fee. (SA -7)
Resolution No. 99 -1608
Page 26
113. The City of Moorpark, in their sole and unfettered discretion,
may elect not to collect the Mitigation Fee. In the event of
such election, Developers shall be responsible for all costs
for traffic mitigation measures TC12, TC13 (cost of signal
installation or modification at State Route 23 northbound
ramps /Tierra Rejada Road only), TC14 (cost of signal
installation or modification at State Route 23 southbound
ramps /Tierra Rejada Road only) and TC17, as described in the
SEIR. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit
within the boundaries of the Amended Specific Plan, Developers
shall make a written request of City that they decide whether
or not to make the election, and City shall notify Developers
of their decision within thirty (30) days after receipt of the
request. (SA -8) .
114. The Mitigation Fee, if collected, may be expended by City in
their sole and unfettered discretion; provided, however,
payment of the Mitigation Fee represents payment in full of
the "fair share" amounts required by traffic mitigation
measures TC12, TC13 (cost of signal installation or
modification at State Route 23 northbound ramps /Tierra Rejada
Road only), TC14 (cost of signal installation or modification
at State Route 23 southbound ramps /Tierra Rejada Road only)
and TC17 . (SA-8)
115. Payment of the Mitigation Fee does not represent payment, in
full or in part, of certain traffic mitigation measures
described in the Final SEIR that will be installed by others
but for which Developers are required to pay "fair share"
amounts to City. The "fair share" amounts shall be determined
by the following percentages applied to the actual costs of
said installations: TC7 (48 %) , TC10 (34 %) and TC11 and TC13
(signal modification at Spring Road /Los Angeles Avenue only)
(50 %) . (SA -8)
116. The remaining traffic mitigation measures described in the
Final SEIR, to wit: TC1, TC2, TC3, TC4 (100% of the
improvements rather than the 63% provided for in the SEIR),
TC5, TC8, TC13 (signal at Science Drive /New Los Angeles Avenue
only) and TC15 (signal at "A" Street / "B" Street only) shall be
installed by Developers at their sole cost and expense,
without off -set against the AOC Fee or the Mitigation Fee.
The second Tierra Rejada westbound and eastbound lanes
identified in the SEIR have been constructed by City (the
Resolution No. 99 -1608
Page 27
"Widening Project "). Developers shall have no financial
obligation with respect to the Widening Project except as
provided in the Settlement Agreement; provided, however,
Developer shall complete frontage improvements on the north
side of Tierra Rejada Road adjacent to the property described
in Exhibit B, including, but not limited to, approximately
eight (8) feet of paving, striping, curb and gutter, sidewalk,
drainage, parkway landscaping and signage, no later than the
issuance of the first occupancy permit within the boundaries
of the property described in Exhibit "B" of the Settlement
Agreement. (SA -9)
117. A Development Fee as provided for by the Settlement agreement
and Mutual Release between Conejo Freeway Properties and Simi
Moorpark properties, Ltd. And the City of Moorpark executed on
September 7, 1994, shall be paid to the city as a condition of
issuance of a building permit. The initial fee, for each
residential unit was established at $1,587.00, however, the
Agreement calls for the fee to be increased by one -half of one
percent (0.5 %) per month of the first day of the month
beginning one month after the Agreement becomes effective.
118. Prior to the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for construction,
the permittee shall make a total contribution to the Moorpark
Traffic systems Management Fund (TSM) of $1,510,425 ($2,736.28
per residential dwelling unit) to fund TSM programs or clean -
fuel vehicles programs as determined by the City.
119. Traffic signals at the following intersections; Spring
Road /Tierra Rejada Road, Moorpark Road /Tierra Rejada Road and
Science Drive /Tierra Rejada Road shall be installed or
modified prior to the issuance of the first zone clearance for
occupancy within Tract 4975, (TC13. TC14., TC15. and TC16).
Payment of the AOC fee shall represent payment in full of the
applicant's fair share amount for those improvements.
Resolution No. 99 -1608
Page 28
120. The Developer shall contribute their fair share to the
construction of the Moorpark Road /Tierra Road intersection, to
the extent that the following improvements exceed the AOC
widening costs of Tierra Rejada Road; add second westbound
left -turn lane, second northbound right -turn lane, eastbound
right- turn lane, and provide northbound right -turn overlap
with the westbound left -turn overlap as part of signal
installation (project share is 48 %).
121. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit for any
residential, unit within Tract 4975, the applicant shall pay
City the Tierra Rejada /Spring Road Area of Contribution Fee
(the "AOC Fee "). The AOC Fee shall be the dollar amount in
effect at the time of the payment of the fee. (SA -6)
122. Payment of the AOC Fee shall represent payment in full of the
"fair share" amounts required by traffic mitigation measures
TC6, TC9, TC13 (cost of signal installation or modification at
Spring Road /Tierra Rejada Road only), TC14 and TC16 (cost of
signal installation at Moorpark Road /Tierra Rejada Road only)
and TC15 (cost of signal installation at "A" Street /Tierra
Rejada Road only), as described in the SEIR. (SA -6 &7)
123. The applicant /developer shall deposit with the City, financial
surety in a form and amount approved by the City Engineer and
Director of Community Development, to fund any repair's or
reconstruction of Science Drive, Spring Road, Peach Hill Road
and Tierra Rejada Road within or adjacent to the Carlsberg
Specific Plan area to correct any damage to existing pavement,
curb, gutter, sidewalk or related improvements determined by
the City Engineer to have been caused by construction activity
within the tracts subject to these Residential Planned
Development Permits. The obligation to deposit the surety may
be divided amount the developer(s) or the individual tracts
subject to these Residential Planned Development Permits as
determined by the City Manager.
124. All grass or brush exposing any structure (s) to fire hazards
shall be cleared for a distance of 100 feet prior to framing,
according to the Ventura County Fire Protection Ordinance.
Resolution No. 99 -1608
Page 29
125. An approved spark arrestor shall be installed on the chimney
of any structure(s).
126. Applicant shall obtain VCFD Form No. 126 "Requirements for
Construction" prior to obtaining a building permit for any new
structures or additions to existing structures.
127. Subject property is not within the boundaries of Ventura
County Waterworks District No. 1 for water and sewer service.
The property will have to be annexed to the District prior to
final map approval.
Applicant shall be required to comply with the Ventura County
Waterworks District No. 1 Rules and Regulations including all
provisions of or relating to the existing Industrial Waste
Discharge Requirements and subsequent additions or revisions,
thereto, and pay applicable fees. Any requirements by Ventura
County Fire Protection District greater than the District's
existing facilities are the responsibility of the applicant.
SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of
this resolution and shall cause a certified resolution to be filed
in the book of original Resolutions.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of May, 1999.
Deborah S. Traffens edt, City Clerk
Resolution No. 99 -1608
Page 30
I, Deborah S. Traffenstedt, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark,
California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing Resolution No. 99 -1608 was adopted by the City Council of
the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on the 19th day of May,
1999, and that the same was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Evans, Rodgers, and Wozniak
NOES: Councilmember Harper, Mayor Hunter
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 19th
day of August, 1999.
D K E3.
Deborah S. Traffens Ldt, City Clerk