HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 1999 1654 1999 0915RESOLUTION NO. 99 -1654 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN AND A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS, IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, FOR THE MOORPARK HIGHLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN PROJECT (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 95 -2 /SPECIFIC PLAN NO 2; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 95 -2; ZONE CHANGE 95 -4; AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT No. 98 -01) ; AND ADOPTING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 95 -2 AND SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 2 ( MOORPARK HIGHLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN) ON THE APPLICATION OF MORRISON- FOUNTAINWOOD- AGOURA. WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public hearing on January 19, 1999, continued public hearings on February 3, March 3, March 17, April 21, June 16, July 7, August 18, and September 1, 1999, the City Council considered the application filed by Morrison - Fountainwood- Agoura for the Moorpark Highlands Specific Plan Project, consisting of Specific Plan No. 2 /Specific Plan No. 95- 2, General Plan Amendment No. 95 -2, and Zone Change No. 95 -4, and Development Agreement No. 98 -01 for an approximately 445 acre site located within the City of Moorpark, in Ventura County, southerly and proximate to the City no boundary, northerly of Charles Street, westerly of Happy Camp Canyon Regional Park and easterly of existing residential development within the City and incorporating more or less Assessor Parcel Numbers: 500 -0- 240 -035; 500 -0- 240 -045; 500 -0- 270 -075; 500- 0 -270- 085; 500 -0- 270 -195; 500 -0- 270 -205; 512 -0 -160 -125; 512 -0- 160 -525; 512 -0- 160 -545; 512 -0- 160 -555; 512 -0- 160 -705; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Moorpark on December 14, 1998, did adopt Resolution PC -98 -362 recommending to the City Council approval of Specific Plan No. 2 /Specific Plan No. 95 -2, General Plan Amendment No. 95 -2, Zone Change No. 95 -4, and certification of the project EIR, subject to findings and amendments incorporated into that resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Moorpark on August 30, 1999, did adopt Resolution PC -99 -382 recommending to the City Council approval of Development Agreement No. 98 -01; and Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 2 WHEREAS, the City Council on April 21, 1999, certified the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Moorpark Highlands Specific Plan as having been completed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the CEQA Guidelines, and the City's CEQA procedures and meeting all findings required by CEQA; and, WHEREAS, the City Council on September 15, 1999, at a continued public hearing, considered a Mitigation Monitoring Program; a Statement of Overriding Considerations related to the Moorpark Highlands Specific Plan /Specific Plan No. 95 -2; General Plan Amendment No. 95 -2; and Specific Plan No. 95 -2; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City Council of the City of Moorpark finds as follows: A. The Mitigation Monitoring Program attached hereto and incorporated by this reference provides for direction and control of the development proposed by the Specific Plan No. 2 project to ensure consistency with the technical and mitigation recommendations of the Project Final EIR and to reduce overall impacts by the project. B. A Statement of Overriding Considerations attached hereto and incorporated by this reference, has been prepared for the Specific Plan No. 2 project and represents the collective decision of the City Council of the City of Moorpark with regard to the benefits of the project versus any adverse impacts inherent to the project. C. General Plan Amendment No. 95 -2. 1. The amendments contained within the general plan amendment application are necessary to provide implementation of goals and policies for circulation, land use, and open space/ recreational uses permitted or required by the 1992 General Plan update and to Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 3 reflect the circulation components required of the specific plan. D. Specific Plan 95 -2 /Specific Plan No. 2. 1. The Moorpark Highlands. Specific Plan /Specific Plan No. 95 -2, as revised, and dated September, 1999 is consistent with the Moorpark General Plan, as amended through General Plan Amendment 95 -2 for the following reasons: a. Specific Plan No. 2 implements provisions of the Land Use Element of the General Plan, 1992, for the property identified within the Specific Plan. b. Specific Plan No. 2 meets the goals, policies and intents of the General Plan Open Space Conservation and Recreational Element by defining areas for passive and active recreation, preserving ridgelines, preserving visual and aesthetic resources, providing public park land to meet community needs, and providing a habitat conservation area for the preservation and protection of a threatened avian species. C. Specific Plan No. 2 is consistent with the Circulation Element of the General Plan in that the plan provides for the extension of Spring Road from High Street to Walnut Canyon Road, a major component of the City's master circulation system, provides reservations and rights -of -ways for the SR -118 and Sr- 23 alignments, and provides community equestrian and bicycle trail linkages. d. Specific Plan No. 2 and the Final EIR for the specific plan have provided extensive seismic safety and general safety information affecting the design and development of the project consistent with requirements of the General Plan Safety Element. e. Specific Plan No. 2 is consistent with the Noise Element of the General Plan and provides for Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 4 sound attenuation through siting principles and project design as well as provision of walls and insulative techniques. f. Specific Plan No. 2. Provides opportunities for housing all economic segments of the community through an on -site provision related to "for sale" units and in -lieu fee payments to assist development of affordable housing at sites within the greater community, thereby helping the City to meet its "fair share" housing allocations. E. The City Council finds that the Moorpark Highlands Specific Plan Project EIR adequately addresses all issues raised after the close of the public review period and prior to the close of the public hearing on the project, and that no new significant environmental impact has been identified, nor has there been identified any feasible project alternative or mitigation measure considerably different from others previously analyzed that would lessen the identified adverse environmental impacts to less than significant. F. The City Council further finds that the Final EIR certified on April 21, 1999, is adequate to address all issues contained within the Development Agreement and that an addendum to, or re- circulation of the EIR is not required. SECTION 2. The City Council of the City of Moorpark hereby approves and adopts General Plan Amendment No. 95 -2, and Specific Plan No. 95 -2, as revised through September 15, 1999, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. SECTION 3. The City Council hereby designates the Office of the City Clerk and the Community Development Department as the custodians of the records constituting the record of proceedings upon which its decision has been based. Original ordinances and resolutions along with one copy of the attachments referenced therein, except for the Specific Plan document, shall be deposited within the Office of the City Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 5 Clerk. The Community Development Department shall be designated the repository and archive for all historical and active materials related to the Moorpark Highlands Specific Plan project, including the Environmental Impact Report and Specific Plan document. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution, and shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the book of original resolutions. PASSED, AND ADOPTED this 15th day of September,,,1999. ATTEST: S. l Deborah S. Traffens`15edt, City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit A. Mitigation Monitoring Program Exhibit B. Statement of Overriding Considerations Exhibit C. General Plan Land Use Map Designation Exhibit D. General Plan Circulation Element, Figure 2, Circulation Network Exhibit E. General Plan Circulation Element, Figure 3, Bikeway Element Exhibit F. General Plan Circulation Element, Figure 4, Equestrian Trail Network Exhibit G. Specific Plan No.2 /Moorpark Highlands Specific Plan (On file in Community Development Department) Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 6 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM PURPOSE This Mitigation Monitoring Program (NUAP) for the Moorpark Specific Plan No. 2 project in the City of Moorpark, responds to Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code. Section 21081.6 requires a lead or responsible agency that approves or carries out a project where an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) has identified significant environmental effects, to adopt a "reporting or monitoring program for adopted or required changes to mitigate or avoid significant environmental effects." The City of Moorpark is the lead agency for the Moorpark Specific Plan No. 2 project. A Draft EIR was prepared to address the potential environmental impacts of the project. This environmental document recommended mitigation measures to mitigate or avoid impacts identified. Consistent with Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code, a mitigation reporting or monitoring program is required to ensure that the adopted mitigation measures under the jurisdiction of the City are implemented. The City will adopt this MMP when making findings required by California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) after considering the Final EIR. Environmental Procedures This MMP has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA), as amended (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) and the State Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA (CEQA Guidelines), as amended (California Administrative Code Section 15000 et seq.). This MMP complies with the rules, regulations, and procedures adopted by the City of Moorpark for implementation of CEQA. MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code states: "When making the findings required by subsection (a) of Section 21081 or when adopting a negative declaration pursuant to paragraph (2) of subsection c) of Section 21081, the public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes to the project which it has adopted or made a condition of project approval in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the. environment. The reporting or monitoring program shall be designed to ensure compliance during project implementation. For those changes which have been required or incorporated into the project at the request of an agency having jurisdiction by law over natural resources affected by the project, that agency shall, if so requested by the lead or responsible agency, prepare and submit a proposed reporting or monitoring program." P:1 199MN12801\E1R \SEyr- 99\&Qv1P.DOC 1 -1 EXHIBIT A MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 7 MANAGEMENT OF THE MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM The MMP for the project will be in place through all phases of development to occur within the Specific Plan area, including final design, pre - grading, construction and operation. The City of Moorpark will have the primary enforcement role for the mitigation measures. Mitigation measures will be applied to each individual development project within the Specific Plan. Mitigation Monitoring Procedures The mitigation monitoring procedures for this MMP consist of filing requirements, and compliance verification. The Mitigation Monitoring Checklist and procedures for its use are outlined below. Mitigation Monitoring Program Checklist The MMP Checklist at the end of this section provides a comprehensive list of the required mitigation measures. In addition, the Mitigation Monitoring Checklist includes: the implementing action when the mitigation measure will occur; the implementing condition or mechanism; the method of verification of compliance; the timing of verification; the department or agency responsible for implementing the mitigation measures; and compliance verification. Mitigation Monitoring Program Files The records of this MMP shall be retained in the entitlement file for future development projects within the Specific Plan that come forward for Site Plan review. The files shall be organized and retained by the City of Moorpark Community Development Department, as well as the City of Moorpark Public Works Department. Compliance Verification The MMP Checklist shall be signed and dated when compliance of the mitigation measure is met according to the City of Moorpark Community Development Director. The compliance verification section of the MMP Checklist shall be signed, for mitigation measures requiring ongoing monitoring, and when the monitoring of a mitigation measure is completed. The following steps shall be followed for implementation, monitoring, and verification of each mitigation measure: P:\ 1998 \5N12801\E]R\SF-PT- 99\MAV.DOC 1-2 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 8 The City of Moorpark, Community Development Director shall designate a party responsible for monitoring of the mitigation measures. 2. The City of Moorpark Community Development Director shall provide to the party responsible for the monitoring of a given mitigation measure, a copy of the MMP Checklist indicating the mitigation measures for which the person is responsible and other pertinent information. 3. The party responsible for monitoring shall then verify compliance and sign and date the Verification of Compliance column of the MMP Checklist for the appropriate mitigation measures. Mitigation measures shall be implemented as specified by the MMP Checklist, for each individual development project within the Specific Plan. During any project phase, unanticipated circumstances may arise requiring the refinement or addition of mitigation measures. The City of Moorpark Community Development Director, with advice from staff or another City department, is responsible for recommending changes to the mitigation measures, if needed. If mitigation measures are refined, the Community Development Director will document the change and shall notify the appropriate design, construction, or operations personnel about refined requirements. P \199MN129WEIMSM- 99\MtvIP.DOC 1 -3 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 9 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.2 Aesrtivics Project implementation 5.2 -1 Rough Prior to approval of rough grading permits, the project's Grading permit Review and Community will result in the removal grading Tree Report, prepared to determine the health and approval of Tree Development of 70 trees including permit replacement value for all mature trees and oak trees shall Report Department two (2) blue gum, two review be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community (2) southern California Development. The location of trees that will be impacted black walnut, one (1) will be verified. elderberry, and sixty-five (65) California pepper trees. 5.2 -2 Site plan A revised tree report shall be prepared following Grading permit Review and Community review completion of a final geotechnieal analysis of the project approval of 'free Development which reflects the final site design and grading evaluation Preservation Plan Department has been completed. Any additional trees to be impacted by the project, not included in the original assessment, shall be incorporated into the tree report mitigation statistics (replacement value, etc.). To the degree feasible, mature trees and native oak trees located at the margins of grading activity shall be preserved. As required by City Municipal Code, the value of all mature trees and oak trees to be removed as a result of project grading and construction shall be applied to upgrading the size of tree plantings associated with the project. The Tree Preservation Plan shall identify the appraisal value of native oak trees and mature trees to be removed and the upgraded size of tree plantings proposed in compliance with The Municipal Code. P \1998\5N12801TIR\SEf'T -99\KQ.IP LXV 1-4 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 10 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # ?Yining of Verification Mitigation Measures Implemen[ Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.2 A6sTHETres (CONT'D) Mass grading would 5.2 -3 Grading Prior to the approval of a grading permit, complete Grading Permit Review and Community affect existing permit landscaping and irrigation plans (2 sets), together with (except for item approval of Development topography, vegetation review specifications and a maintenance program consistent with "m" below) landscape & Department cover, and vistas. (except for City landscaping and irrigation plan requirements shall be irrigation plans (except for item Throughout much of the item "m" prepared by a State Licensed Landscape Architect for the (except for item "m" below) grading phase, large below) Common Maintenance Areas and habitat replacement "m" below) construction vehicles areas. would be visible from adjacent (and some distant) vantage points. All landscaping and irrigation plans shall be generally in Grading Permit Review and Community Barren slopes and new accordance with the Ventura County Landscape Desk approval of Development development in various Criteria, which is the criteria currently used by the City, landscape & Department stages of construction and shall be submitted to the Director of Community irrigation plans would be visible Development for review and approval. The Applicant intermittently shall bear the cost of the landscape plan review, throughout the installation of the landscaping and irrigation system, and development of the of final landscape inspection. All tree replacement, project. Common Maintenance Area landscaping, and permanent erosion control landscaping shall be installed and receive final inspection prior to issuance of the first occupancy approval. Planting and irrigation specifications shall be included for Grading Permit Review and Community all manufactured slopes over three (3) feet in height for all approval of Development Common Maintenance Areas Proposed to be maintained landscape & Department by the Owner's Association, and for the proposed habitat irrigation plans restoration areas. The purpose of the landscaping shall be to control erosion, prevent aesthetic impacts to adjacent property owners, mitigate the visual impacts of all manufactured slopes three (3) feet or more in height, and replace mature trees lost as a result of construction. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include landscaping specifications, planting details, and design specifications consistent with the following requirements: �\5N12801\E1R\SEP1'- 991NfW 1XX' 1-5 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 11 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impad Mitigation Measure # mining of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.2 AFsTHETtcS 5.2 -3 Grading a. Landscaping for each phase shall be completed prior to Grading Permit Review and Community (CoNT'D) (Cont'd) permit the issuance of a Occupancy Permit for the first unit of the approval of Development review phase, unless otherwise modified by the Director of landscape & Department Community Development and consistent with this intent. irrigation plans Grading b. The landscape plan shall include planting and Grading Permit Review and Community permit irrigation specifications for manufactured slopes over approval of Development review three (3) feet in height, and all common areas proposed to landscape & Department be maintained by the owners' association, maintenance irrigation plans district, or similar entity. Grading c. The purpose of the landscaping shall be to control Grading Permit Review and Community permit erosion, prevent aesthetic impacts to adjacent property approval of Development review owners, mitigate the visual impacts of all manufactured landscape & Department slopes three (3) feet or more in height, and to replace irrigation plans mature trees lost as a result of construction. Grading d. The Applicant shall bear the cost of the landscape plan Grading Permit Review and Community permit review, installation of the landscaping and irrigation system, approval of Development review and of final landscape inspection. landscape & Department irrigation plans Grading e. The landscaping shall be in place and receive final Grading Permit Review and Community permit inspection prior to final inspection of the Grading Permit or approval of Development review prior to occupancy if the slope is within a residential lot. landscape & Department irrigation plans Grading f. The final design of all sidewalks, barrier walls, Grading Permit Review and Community permit streetscape elements, urban landscaping, and pedestrian approval of Development review paths within the project limits shall be consistent with the landscape & Department Specific Plan and are subject to approval of the Director of irrigation plans Community development. P\1998 \5NI28U1 \E1R\SGPT- 99\tvAv1Yf W 1-6 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 12 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description o f Impart Mitigation Measure # Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures Responsible Implement. Method of Division / Verification of Comp4ance Action Verification Section Signature Date 5.2 AesTHF-nes (CONT'D) 5.2 -3 (Cont'd) Grading g. Backflow preventers, transformers, or other exposed Grading Permit Review and Community permit utilities shall be shown on the landscape plan(s) and shall approval of Development review be screened with landscaping and/or a wall. Backflow landscape & Department preventers shall be installed within ten (10) feet from the irrigation plans water meter or as close as practical. It shall be a minimum of 12 inches above grade and not more than 36 inches measured from the bottom of the devise and with a minimum 12 inch side clearance. Grading h. All landscaped pedestrian walkways shall be designed Grading Permit Review and Community permit to provide an aesthetically pleasing streetscape approval of Development review appearance. All pedestrian walkway plans shall be subject landscape & Department to approval of the Director of Community Development. irrigation plans Grading i. Landscaping at site entrances and exits and at any Grading Permit Review and Community permit intersection within the development shall not block or approval of Development review screen the view of a seated driver from another moving landscape & Department vehicle or pedestrian. irrigation plans Grading permit j. Irrigation shall be provided for all permanent landscaping identified in the approved landscape Grading Permit Review and Community review plan unless drought tolerant plants do not require irrigation. approval of Development landscape & Department The Applicant shall be responsible for maintaining the irrigation irrigation system and all landscaping until such time as an plans owners' association, maintenance district, or similar entity accepts the responsibility. Grading k. Prior to Homeowners' Association, Maintenance Grading Permit Review and Community permit District's, or similar entity's acceptance of responsibility for approval of Development review the landscaping, the Applicant shall replace any dead landscape & Department plants and make any necessary repairs to the irrigation irrigation plans system consistent with the landscape plan approved for the subdivision. Grading I. Landscaping (trees) shall not be placed directly under Grading Permit Review and Community permit any overhead lighting which could cause a loss of light at approval of Development review ground. landscape & Department irrigation plans P \1998�5N12801\:IR`,SE:PT- 99\MMP LW 1-7 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 13 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Mitigation Tinting of Description of Impact Measure # Verification Mitigation Measures 5.2 ARsTHETics 5.2 -3 Final m. Prior to final building inspection of any residential (CONT'D) (Cont'd) Inspection structures or any phase, the Applicant shall provide an irrevocable offer of an easement to the City for the purpose of maintaining all landscaping and related drainage improvements for all areas adjacent to public roadways and other common open space areas as determined by the City that are required to be landscaped or maintained. Should the Associations fail to maintain the Common Maintenance Areas, or any portion thereof, in a satisfactory manner, the Common Maintenance areas or portion thereof, shall be placed in an Assessment District, at the City's sole discretion, to assume maintenance of the landscaped areas in the event the Homeowners' Association fails to maintain the landscaping in a manner consistent with the approved plans. If the City assumes the maintenance as provided herein, it may include the landscaping maintenance in the appropriate Assessment District, or any successor District at its sole discretion. The Applicant shall maintain the right to protest the amount of any proposed assessment consistent with the applicable provisions of State law, but not the formation of', or annexation to a Maintenance Assessment District. The total cost of the formation of any Assessment District and the maintenance provided by the Assessment District for the areas described above, including the cost of converting irrigation systems or other required work shall be borne by the property owners, as determined by the City, within the entire area of the Tentative Tract Map. The Applicant shall record a covenant to inform the purchaser of all of the affected lots of this potential action. The CC &R's shall also include all Conditions of Approval as well as the design guidelines as specified in the Specific Plan. The median and parkways on Spring Road and "C" Street, along with the parkways and entryways on all arterial and collector streets, shall be maintained by a master homeowners association. P k 1998\5 N 12801 \L IR\SL• PT- 99\KM1 D(X' 1-8 Responsible Implement Method of Division / Action Verification I Section Final Inspection Final Inspection Building / Engineering / Community Development Departments Verification of Compliance Signature Date Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 14 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # 75ming of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.2 A6Si7 mcs 5.2 -3 Grading n. The use of native and /or drought - tolerant shrubs and Grading Permit Review and Community (CONT'D) (Cont'd) permit trees shall be utilized for landscaping purposes in order to approval of Development review stabilize graded slopes and encourage the return of some landscape & Department wildlife species displaced from the project site as a result irrigation plans of grading activities. Grading o. Exotic plants which are known to spread beyond their Grading Permit Review and Community permit original plantings and invade native habitats such as approval of Development review Pampus Grass, Spanish Broom, and Tamarisk shall not be landscape & Department used. irrigation plans 5.2-4 Prior to Prior to issuance of grading permits, the Applicant shall Grading Permit Rough and fine Engineering & grading ensure that grading plans conform with the principles of grading plans Community the Hillside Management Ordinance relating to contour review Development grading and the preservation of visually prominent Departments ridgelines (horizon lines). Manufactured landforms shall be contoured and daylight grading techniques shall be used to provide a smooth and gradual transition of graded and natural slopes, while preserving the basic character of the ridgelines of the site. Manufactured slopes shall be designed to follow the natural contours of the surrounding areas in order to provide visual irregularity. Rough and fine grading plans for lots shall be reviewed for compliance with these principles by the Director of Community Development and the City Engineer. Also, the grading plans shall indicate the manner in which the graded slopes shall be blended with the natural slope of the site. 5.2 -5 During Graded slopes, visible from off -site to the east shall be Grading Permit Engineering gradiung hydroseeded immediately upon completion consistent & Community with the landscape and erosion control plans. The City Development shall specify any alternative deadlines for completion of all Departments hydroseeding based on the grading schedule. P X1998 \5N12801\E1RV5E1'1'- 99\MMI' ". 1-9 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 15 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Tuning of Verification Mitigation Measures (►nplement. Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.2 AESTHETICS (CONT'D) Due to the project site's 5.2-6 Site Plan Prior to a determination of application completeness for RPD Permit Review and Community proximity to the Happy Review individual development projects within the Specific Plan, approval of Development Camp Canyon Regional a conceptual landscape plan shall be reviewed and conceptual Department Park and other approved by the Community Development Department. landscape plan recreational uses, the The plan shall be prepared and certified by a licensed project may affect public landscape architect taking into account the approved viewers. Specific Plan, EIR mitigation measures, the Habitat Conservation Plan, scenic corridor /resource requirements, and City Standard Conditions of Approval. 5.2 -7 During During construction, all concrete structures, such as Building Site Community Construction drainage ditches, detention basins, rip -rap, crib walls, Permit Inspection Development swales, curbs, located in natural areas shall be constructed Department with colored concrete to blend with the surrounding terrain. 5.2 -8 During Infrastructure shall be placed below grade to avoid visually Site Community construction prominent facilities. Inspection Development Department 5.2 -9 RPD and Prior to RPD permit and CUP approval, detailed design RPD Permit Review and Community CUP Permit plans shall be submitted to the Community Development approval of Development Review Department illustrating the elevation of maximum detailed design Department building heights in relation to adjacent ridgelines. The plans intent of this measure is to ensure that residential development is constructed at an elevation lower than screening ridgelines. Where development is located near ridgelines, care shall be taken in the design to avoid silhouetting. Berming or landscaping shall be used to keep roof tops from exceeding the height of ridgelines, where lowering pad elevations is infeasible. 5.2 -10 Site plan Suitable quantities of trees massed near the landform crest RPD Permit Review & Community review and shrubs of varying sizes on graded slopes shall be used approval of Development to screen structures and to soften the visual appearance of conceptual Department the graded slopes. landscape plan P .1 VV8\5N 12801\EIR\SEPT -99\ v" DCx: 1-10 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 16 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Tuning of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.2 AESTHETICS (CONT'D) The proposed project 5.2-6 # Mitigation Measures 5.2-6 through 5.2 -10 as described * # would affect the existing through above would be implemented. view from Varsity Park 5.2 -10 Homes. The proposed project 5.2-6 * Mitigation Measure 5.2-6 as described above would be * # # may result in implemented. inconsistencies with the City's Hillside Management Ordinance. Implementation of park 5.2 -11 Prior to In conjunction with review of the lighting plans for RPD Permit Review and Community facilities on -site could grading development project applications and building permits, approval of Development create an annoyance to attention shall be given to the need to avoid or minimize lighting plans Department adjacent residences. lighting glare and "spillover" effects. Particular emphasis shall be given to the review of plans for non - residential uses, such as the private recreation areas or neighborhood park uses occurring in proximity to residential areas. Additionally, any plans for night lighting of parks and other outdoor recreation areas shall address the need to avoid lighting impacts on any nearby residential areas. The project would alter 5.2 -1 # Mitigation Measures 5.2 -1 through 5.2 -11 as described the existing natural through above would be implemented. visual characteristics of 5.2 -11 the majority of the Specific Plan site through the construction of residential, public institutional, and recreational uses. *# ' Certain mitigation measures are listed more than one time within the MMP. The Timing of Verification, Implementation Action, Method of Verification, Responsible Division / Section is provided only the first time the mitigation measure is listed in the MMP. '* The stated impact would be reduced with the implementation of the proposed mitigation, however, the project specific and cumulative impact would remain significant and unavoidable P \1998�5N1280I\EIR\SEI "I'- 99kMMP DOC 1 - 1 1 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 17 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Mitigation i tm Responsible ing of Implement Method of Division / Description of In fact Measure it Verification Mitigation Measures Action Verification Section 5.3 EARTH REsouRCEs The proposed project may expose people or 5.3 -1 Prior to building No structure which is expected to have a human occupancy Building Plan Review Engineering structures to geologic permit rate of more than 2,000 person -hours per year shall be placed within the Restricted Use Zone (RUZ) Permit Department / hazards due to fault issuance shown on Exhibit 27, unless future geologic studies are Soils Engineer ,novement. performed which demonstrate the suitability of this zone, or portions thereof, for such development. Full -time habitable structures shall be located behind the proposed building setback limits depicted on Exhibit 27. Construction of roadways and utilities 5.3 -2 Prior to building The placement of parks, roadways, utilities and non - habitable structures, or structures with an expected human Building Permit Site Inspection Engineering across areas of potential ground rupture will permit issuance occupancy rate of less than 2,000 person -hours per year Department / Soils Engineer are considered appropriate within the RUZ. occur with implementation of the proposed Specific Plan. 5.3 -3 Prior to Appropriate construction measures shall be employed to Building Plan Review Engineering building minimize the risk of damage to structures, utilities and/or Permit Department / permit systems allowed within the Restricted Use Zone (RUZ) Soils Engineer issuance including but not limited to the following: P \1998\5N12801T .IR\SEPT- 99\Iv4vfP DOC 1-12 Verification of Compliance Signature Date Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 18 Description of Impaci 5.3 EARTH ResouRces (CONT'U) Mitigation 7tning of Measure # Verification 5.3 -3 Prior to (Cont'd) building permit permit issuance MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM I Implement. Mitigation Measures Action • Prudent civil engineering design whereby the number of Building utility crossings within the RUZ is limited (to a few as Permit practicable), thereby avoiding multiple breaks, extensive repairs and extended down time should utilities become ruptured as a result of fault - related ground deformation. Responsible Verification of Method of Division / Compliance Verification Section Signature Date Plan Review Engineering Department / Soils Engineer Prior to The use of flexible utility connections or systems to Building Plan Review lingineenng building allow minor to moderate ground deformation to occur Permit Department / permit without permanent utility system damage. issuance Soils ingineer Prior to Placement of strengthened engineered fills beneath non- Building Plan Review Engineering building habitable structures and/or utility systems to decrease the Permit Department / permit issuance potential of fault - related ground deformation and to Soils Engineer increase unitary response. Prior to • Use of deformation strengthened foundation systems Building Plan Review Engineering building (such as post tension and engineered mat foundations) Permit Department / permit designed to provide deformation control within acceptable issuance limits. Soils Engineer P v998\_SN1zeoi \EiK\sHwr- 99v.-n„ry noc 1 -13 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 19 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # 15ming of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement. Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.3 EARTH RssouReRs (Conrr'D) The proposed project 53-4 During Potentially compressible recent alluvium shall be removed Grading Permit Site Inspection Engineering may result in the grading down to firm formational earth materials and replaced as Department / potential for recompaetod fill. Soils Engineer liquefaction. The proposed project 5.3 -5 During Graded fills to be placed at depths greater than 20 feet Grading Permit Site Inspection Engineering may result in impacts grading below proposed grade elevations shall be compacted to a Department related to differential minimum of 95 percent relative compaction. Changes in Soils Engineer compaction J seismic fill depth beneath structures shall be kept nominal to help settlement. reduce potential total and differential settlement as the result of variable fill thickness. 5.3-6 During The City approved geotechnical engineer shall carefully Grading Permit Site Inspection Engineering grading observe rough grading removals and recompaction to Department / ensure that grading is performed in a manner that is Soils Engineer gootechnically acceptable for structural foundation support, slope stability and long tern site performance. P \1998\SNI2801UiIR\SEPr•99\mmP roc - 4 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 20 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Tuning of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.3 EARTH RxsouRCES (CONT'D) It is expected that the 5.3 -7 Prior to Prior to the issuance of any building permits, it shall be Building Plan Reveiw Engineering site will experience building proven to the City's Geologist and Geotechnical Engineer Permit Department f strong ground motion permit that all structures are designed in accordance with the City Geologist during the projected issuance seismic design provisions of the Uniform Building Codes. lifetime of the project, that may result in damage. Two (2) moderate -sized 5.3 -8 Prior to Landslide removal, and recompaction using conventional Building Tentative Tract Engineering landslides identified building rough grading techniques shall be performed to eliminate Permit Map Review Department J within the project site permit potential hazards to development from existing landslides Soils J boundaries may not issuance during grading. Constraints may preclude complete Geotechnical meet the minimum removal of the southern site area landslide identified on Engineer factors of slope safety Exhibit 27B of this EIR. In this case, the use of soldier adopted by the City of pile walls with tie backs shall be utilized to provide Moorpark. Reactivation support to affected portions of the proposed Spring Road of these landslides extension. Specific engineering geologic and geotechnical during periods of recommendations for treating these landslides shall be seismic shaking is submitted with the application for the first Tentative Tract possible. Map. Two (2) moderate -sized 5.3 -9 Rough Areas prone to surficial instability shall be treated using Rough grading Rough grading Engineering landslides mapped grading various techniques on a case by case basis, by use of slope permit permit review Department within the project site permit retentive vegetation and/or geotextile fabrics, proper boundaries could affect review irrigation, drainage control, slope refacing or other portions of the project. mitigative techniques, as approved by the City Geologist and Geotechnical Engineer prior to rough grading permit Areas bordering the toe approval. of hillslopes that are to remain natural may be locally impacted by soil slips. P \1998\5N12801\1:1R�SEPT.991MMP DOC )_15 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 21 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement. Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.3 EARTH REsoURCES (CoNT'D) 5.3 -10 Rough The City's Geologist and Geotechnical Engineer shall Rough grading Grading Plan Engineering grading review the preliminary geotechnical report to determine permit Review Department permit the stability of proposed cut and fill slopes prior to a review determination of application completeness for the first Tentative Tract Map. 5.3 -11 During Rough grading of areas of the project site currently Rough grading Field Observation Engineering rough underlain by either recent and/or ancient landslide deposits permit Department grading shall generally be conducted as follows: • All landslide deposits shall be removed down to firm undisturbed materials, as verified by the City's Geologist and Geotechnical Engineer during rough grading development of the site. This includes the large composite landslide which borders the east flank of the major arroyo located on the east side of the project site (as depicted on Exhibit 27 of this document). Complete removal of this landslide in areas of proposed rough grading development shall be conducted. The Applicant shall comply with specific geotcchnical recommendations for landslide treatment as presented as part of the geotechnical review of the proposed Tentative Tract Map. P',I>— ,3N1280PEWSEPT -9 h " LX)C 1 - 1 6 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 22 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # TSming of Verifteadon Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.3 Enerrtt RxsouRczs (CON T'u) The stability analyses 5.3 -12 Prior to first Prior to a determination of application completeness for Tentative Tract Evaluation of Engineering indicate the natural slope Tentative the first Tentative Tract Map, the gross and surficial Map grading plan Department is statically stable but Tract Map stability of proposed cut and fill slopes will require careful may be only marginally evaluation by an engineering geologist and geotochnieal stable during periods of engineer and review by the City's Geologist and strong seismic shaking. Geotechnical Engineer. Measures then can be Accordingly, implemented to mitigate the stability of slopes and help development planned control erosion including but not be limited to, the proximate to the toc of placement of buttress and/or stabilization fills, flattening this hillslope - the slope angle, the use of geotextile fabrics to increase the theoretically could be strength of the soil materials used to build fill slopes, impacted during refacing slopes potentially susceptible to excessive erosion significant earthquakes. and/or surficial instability, cultivation of slope retentive ground cover, hydroseeding, proper drainage control and On -site slopes underlain irrigation. Selective grading shall also be considered to by soils possessing less mix sandy cohesionless soils with fine - grained cohesive than 150 to 175 psf of soils in order to produce fills that are less vulnerable to cohesion may not excessive erosion; ie., 150 to 175 psf of cohesion. achieve adequate surficial stability. P \1998 \5N12801\E1R \SEPT- 99 \MMP DOC 1-17 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 23 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Tuning of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement. Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Comphance Signature Date 5.3 EARTH RKsouRcKs (CONT'n) Orange -brown clays 5.3 -13 During Earth materials encountered and tested to date suggest Grading Field tests ! Engineering classified as highly to grading that the project site is chiefly underlain by materials that Activities observations Department / very highly expansive are in the non - expansive to slightly expansive range. City Geologist are found on -site. Moderate to very highly expansive soils are locally Potentially negative present in relatively minor amounts beneath portions of impacts resulting from the project site. These materials shall be placed near the expansive soils within bottom of planned deep (canyon) fills (ie., W or more the property could below finished pad grade when possible) where they occur. would have no significant impact upon proposed structures, as verified by the City's Geologist and Geotechnical Engineer. 5.3 -14 During Mixing of localized expansive soils with more common Grading Field tests / Engineering rough granular nonexpansive soils present on -site shall be Activities observations Department grading performed during rough grading to minimize the expansion potential of graded fills, as verified by the City's Geologist and Geotechnical Engineer. 5.3 -15 Prior to final The City approved geotechnical engineer shall monitor Grading Site Engineering design and rough grading and conduct expansion tests on Activities Inspection Department f construction representative soils within influence of structure City Geologist foundations prior to their final design and construction. P X1998\5N12801\E1R\Si?PT -99\~ EKW 1 - 1 8 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 24 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.3 EARTH RrsOURCEs (CON T'n) Due to the presence of 5.3 -16 Prior to Prior to approval of a grading permit, an erosion, Grading Permit Review and Community widespread interbedded grading debris/siltation and dust control plan shall be submitted to approval of Development & semi- cohesive to the City for review and approval by the City Engineer and erosion, debris / Engineering cohesionless soils Director of Community Development. Along with these siltation and dust Departments throughout the project control measures, hydroseeding and temporary irrigation & control plan site, planned cut slopes shall be provided on all graded slopes within 30 days of may be susceptible to completion of grading on slopes. Interim borrow sites shall excessive erosion. be hydroseeded within 30 days of completion of grading unless an alternate schedule is assigned by the Director of Community Development. The proposed project 5.3 -17 Prior to All water wells encountered during development shall be Grading Permit Plan Review / Water may result in significant grading abandoned under the supervision of the Water Resources Site Inspection Resources and impacts due to potential permit and Development Department of Ventura County Public Development grading / development issuance Works. Departments / adjacent to the water Engineemg wells. Department The Williams IA oil 5.3 -18 Prior to Development being planned atop former oil well sites is Grading Permit Site Inspection California well is located in an area building subject to certain restrictions and regulations in Regional Water that the project proposes permit accordance with California Division of Oil and Gas Quality Control as a school site, adjacent issuance requirements. A copy of the Division's "Construction Board & to the proposed loop Project Site Review and Well Abandonment Procedure" is California road. Impacts resulting provided in Appendix B of the EIR. All previous oil well Dept. of Toxic from potential grading / sites shall be properly abandoned in accordance with Substances development adjacent to California Division of Oil and Gas requirements. Control / Eng. the Williams I oil well Department may occur. 5.3 -19 During Cleanup of crude oil laded sediments shall be achieved on- Grading Permit Site Inspection California grading site through appropriate land farming techniques or by Regional Water transporting tainted soils off -site to an asphalt recycling Quality Control plant. The California Regional Water Quality Control Board & Board and the California Department of Toxic Substances California Control shall be contacted for review of site conditions Dept. of Toxic prior to initiation of any cleanup. Substances Control / Eng. Department P` 1998\5N 12801 \E1R\5EPT-1)9\1vU,1P D(X' 1-19 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 25 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Responsible Verification of Implement Method of Division / Compliance Mitigation Measures Action Verification Section I Signature Date Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.3 -18 and 5.3- 19 above. I * I * I Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.3 -18 and 5.3- 19 above. I * I * I Refer to Mitigation Measure 5.3- 18 above. I * I * I # Certain mitigation measures are listed more than one time within the MMP. The Timing of Verification, Implementation Action, Method of Verification, Responsible Division / Section is provided only the first time the mitigation measure is listed in the MMP. P \ 1998\5N 12801 \F IR\SEPT -9yVMW Doe 1-20 Mitigation Tliming of Description of Impact Measure # Verification 5.3 EARTH RzsouRces (CONT'D) The BP Williams 1 oil 5.3 -18 • well is located at the and southeast comer of the 5.3 -19 proposed school/parksite, comer of Fountainview Road and Loop Road. Impacts resulting from potential grading / Development adjacent to the BP Williams 1 oil well may occur. ['he Williams 2 oil well 5.3 -18 s located at the south and inc: of the proposed 5.3 -19 tPD at approximately he midpoint. Impacts esulting from potential trading / development djacent to the Williams oil well may occur. 'he Williams 1 oil well 5.3 -18 located in an area Jjacent to C Street, pproximatcly 700 feet om Spring Road, in an Ige of a proposed lot in cul-de -sac. MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Responsible Verification of Implement Method of Division / Compliance Mitigation Measures Action Verification Section I Signature Date Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.3 -18 and 5.3- 19 above. I * I * I Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.3 -18 and 5.3- 19 above. I * I * I Refer to Mitigation Measure 5.3- 18 above. I * I * I # Certain mitigation measures are listed more than one time within the MMP. The Timing of Verification, Implementation Action, Method of Verification, Responsible Division / Section is provided only the first time the mitigation measure is listed in the MMP. P \ 1998\5N 12801 \F IR\SEPT -9yVMW Doe 1-20 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 26 shall be constructed consistent with the approved concept 5.4 -2 Prior to MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description ojlmpaet Mitigation Tun Tinting of Measure # Verification Mitigation Measures Responsible Implement Method of Division / grading the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge and Action Verification Section 5.4 WATER Elimination Systems ( NPDES) stormwater process, the RssouRces relating to Development of the site with residential and 5.4 -1 Prior to Tentative Prior to submittal of a Tentative Tract Map, the Applicant Tentative Tract Approval of Engineering recreational uses would Tract Map shall be responsible for the development of a drainage concept that ensures detention of runoff as calculated by Map Permit drainage concept Department contribute urban the preliminary drainage report (Ramseyer, 1997). pollutants to the Arroyo permits for construction. All permits relating to the Additionally, the drainage concept shall ensure that project system to City Engineer Simi. Additional runoff generated runoff will discharge into Castro-Williams and stormwater system within the Planning Area to be volumes would Happy Camp watersheds, at rates that do not impact cumulatively impact the developed shall be obtained and submitted to the City downstream areas. The drainage concept shall be downstream drainage submitted to the Ventura County Flood Control District Engineer prior to the issuance of a grading permit within system. . - and the City Engineer for approval. The detention basin shall be constructed consistent with the approved concept 5.4 -2 Prior to Each planning area of the Specific Plan shall comply with Grading Permit Obtain & submit Engineering grading the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge and all permits Department Elimination Systems ( NPDES) stormwater process, the relating to Ventura County 208 Water Quality Management Plan, stormwater and the specific requirements of the county s stormwater permits for construction. All permits relating to the system to City Engineer stormwater system within the Planning Area to be developed shall be obtained and submitted to the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a grading permit within the Planning Area. 5.4 -3 Prior to Final Prior to submittal of a Final Tract Map for any phase of Final Tract Review and Engineering Tract Map the project, the Applicant shall design and receive Map approval of a Department approval by the City Engineer and the VCFCD, for a stormwater Stormwater Quality Management Plan for the entire quality project. The Stormwater Quality Management Plan shall management plan contain, at a minimum, the following measures to mitigate stormwater runoff quality into the Arroyo Simi: Prior to Final Tract Map a. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan in accordance the Final Tract Review and Engineering with state's NPDES requirements; Map approval of a Department / stromwater Ventura County quality Flood Control management plan District P %1998\5NI28UI\EIR\SEPT-99wIMP IXk 1-21 Verification of Compliance Signature Date Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 27 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Atitigation Measure # Tuning of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.4 WATER 5.4 -3 Prior to Final b. Measures as described in the county's 208 Water Final Tract Review and Engineering RESOURCES (CONVD) (Contd') Tract Map Quality Management Plan; Map approval of a Department / stormwater Ventura County quality Flood Control management plan District Prior to Final c. Federal EPA/NOAA guidance measures for coastal Final Tract Review and Engineering Tract Map nonpoint source pollution; Map approval of a Department / stormwater Ventura County quality Flood Control management plan District Prior to Final d. Other measures from the State Municipal Best Final Tract Review and Engineering Tract Map Management Practices (BMPs) Manual; Map approval of a Department / stormwater Ventura County quality Flood Control management plan District Prior to Final e. A long -term, post- construction water quality Final Tract Review and Engineering Tract Map management plan, describing commitments to install and Map approval of a Department / maintain structural facilities and to conduct nonstructural stormwater Ventura County BMPs consistent with the 208 Water Quality quality Flood Control Management Plan; and management plan District Prior to Final f. Flood control improvements whose design is sensitive Final Tract Review and Engineering Tract Map to surface water quality management. Map approval of a Department / stormwater Ventura County quality Flood Control management plan District N W(' 1-22 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 28 Mitigation Timing of Description of Impact Measure k Verification 5.5 BIOLOGICAL Rrtsouttces MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Mitigation Measures The loss of 5.5 -1 Prior to Prior to approval of site grading, the Applicant shall enter approximately 58% of grading into an agreement to implement the proposed 94.49 -acre the total habitat area of Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) as approved by the U.S. the Specific Plan No. 2 Fish and Wildlife Service ( USFWS), which contains two site would result in an incremental reduction of segments of the highest quality CSS on the property, needed for maintenance including the two known California Gnatcatchers(CAGN) the overall Coastal Sage use areas. Additional sensitive species known to reside or Scrub (CSS) natural breed within the proposed HCP area include grasshopper resource base. sparrow (5 mapped occurrences), cactus wren (12 * * occurrences), ashy rufous - crowned sparrow (10 occurrences), Catalina mariposa lily (the entire known Potential direct adverse population on the site), black walnut (all mapped trees). impacts to the CAGN as Numerous other species with as yet unknown status on a consequence of the the site also would find suitable habitat resources within proposed roadway the HCP area, if they in fact reside or breed locally. construction and habitat Habitat enhancements proposed within the HCP for area reduction within CAGN resource improvements, which are intended to Specific Plan No. 2 improve values related to overall CAGN population fitness include: (Braden et al, 1997b) also would benefit some of the other species present within the area. • Reduction of foraging habitat and The HCP also shall require that retained open space areas fragmentation of the within the proposed development be preserved. These westernmost use area, open space areas contain varying acreage of CSS habitat. altering habitat values These areas, referred to as Management Areas, shall be needed for maintenance protected against actions which continuously or of existing breeding permanently degrade remnant resource values, and where patterns, possibly presently degraded, will be permitted to recover to higher - causing CAGN to quality CSS formations. Management area parameters and abandon the site; long -term habitat enhancement and protection plans shall be discussed in detail in the HCP document. Responsible Verification of Implement Method of Division / Compliance Action Verification Section Signature Date Grading Permit Copy filed of Community signed HCP Development agreement and Department plan between USFWS and applicant " The stated impact would be reduced with the implementation of the proposed mitigation, however, the cumulative impact would remain significant and unavoidable. P \ 1998 \5N 12801 \EIR\SEPT- 99\rVQvQ> Dc)c 1-23 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 29 Mitigation Description of Impact Measure # 5.5 BIOLOGICAL RgsouRCEs (CONT'n) • Human activity- related disturbance levels within or adjacent to the breeding area sufficient to disrupt nesting behavior and cause the birds to abandon the site; • Loss of some or all of the CAGN in the westemmost use area to collisions with vehicles or other secondary impacts; and • Confinement of the existing CAGN to a smaller overall geographical area, leading to increased predator impacts (native and feral pet) and potential extirpation. • Potential indirect (cumulative or incremental) adverse impacts to CAGN resulting from implementation of the proposed development and roadways include: Timing of Verification MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Mitigation Measures Responsible Verification of Implement Method of Division / Compliance Action Verification Section Signature Date 5.5 -5 Prior to All areas where grading is not allowed shall be clearly Grading Permit Review of construction Community grading shown on the grading plans (all sheets). On -site haul grading plans Development Department & Ventura County routes shall be limited to graded areas only and shall be Fire Protection Department / County Fire Protection District shall be used in fuel discussed at the on -site pre - grading meeting and District & modification zones. To facilitate recovery of native plants delineated on the phased grading plan. in non -fuel management areas, topsoil shall be cleaned, Engineering removed, stockpiled, and then, at the conclusion of Department 5.5-6 5.5 -1, 5.5 -5, and 5.5-6 5.5 -1, 5.5 -5, and 5.5-6 During grading / Native plants shall be used in the restoration of areas disturbed by the construction of the project. The City and Landscape Site Inspection Community construction Ventura County Fire Protection District shall monitor the Development use of native plants through review and approval of all Department & Ventura County project landscape plans. Native plants acceptable to the Fire Protection County Fire Protection District shall be used in fuel District & modification zones. To facilitate recovery of native plants in non -fuel management areas, topsoil shall be cleaned, Project Biologist removed, stockpiled, and then, at the conclusion of grading, redistributed on cut and fill slopes. Replaced topsoil shall be stabilized to prevent erosion. # Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.5 -1, 5.5 -5, & 5.5-6 above. * I Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.5 -1, 5.5 -5, & 5.5-6 above. I * I Certain mitigation measures are listed more than one time within the MMY. The Timing of Verification, Implementation Action, Method of Verification, Responsible Division / Section is provided only the first time the mitigation measure is listed in the MMP. P\1998 \5N12801 \E1WSEPT -9%\M DOC 1 -24 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 30 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Responsible Verification of Mitigation Timing of /implement Me[/rod of Division / Compliance Description of Impact Measure # Verification Mitigation Measures Action Verification Section Signature Date 5.5 BIOLOGICAL RssouRcits (CoNTID) • Reduction of overall 5.5 -1, # Refer to Miggation Measures 5.5 -1, 5.5 -5, & 5.5-6 above. habitat size which could 5.5 -5, and alter existing foraging 5.5-6 and movement patterns, eliminating in- migration of CAGN from other regions and/or fledgling out - dispersal; • Reduction of overall 5.5 -11 * Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.5 -1, 5.5 -5, & 5.5-6 above. * * # habitat area which could 5.5 -5, and reduce biological 5.5-6 "flexibility," placing CAGN at greater risk of extirpation by perturbation (fire, drought, lowered food resources); • Confinement of 5.5 -1, * Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.5 -1, 5.5 -5, & 5.5-6 above. CAGN to a smaller 5.5 -5, and overall geographical unit 5.5-6 which could result in higher levels of nest parasitism and general disturbance in the breeding areas; and • Natural successional 5.5 -1, * Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.5 -1, 5.5 -5, & 5.5-6 above. processes may gradually 5.5 -5, and reduce habitat quality of 5.5-6 the preferred breeding use areas through vegetative senescence, particularly without normal ecological "turnover" actions such as fire. ss • Certain mitigation provided only the measures are listed first time the mitigation more than one measure is time within the MMP. The'fiming of Verification, Implementation listed in the MMP. Action, Method of Verification, Responsible Division / Section is •' The stated impact would be reduced with the implementation of the proposed mitigation, however, the cumulative impact would remain significant and unavoidable P l i vv8 ,5 N 128u I\E IR\SE P1'- 99\MMP fxX�, 1-25 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 31 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # T enring of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.5 BIOLOGICAL ResouRces (CONT'D) The proposed project 5.5 -2 Prior to The Applicant shall provide written documentation to the Grading Permit Letter Community would result in a loss of grading City providing evidence that they contacted the Los acknowledging Development California spineflower Angeles County Arboretum, Theodore Payne Foundation receipt from Department found on -site. and Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden to offer an recipient agency arrangement whereby California Spineflower seeds can be gathered and stored or propagated, at the discretion of these institutions. The proposed pipeline 5.5 -3 Prior to Selection of the final waterline alignment shall be Grading Permit Plan Review Community installation would result grading reviewed by a qualified biologist and may require a field Development in the disturbance, survey with the City and a qualified biologist, to insure Department alteration or loss of 0.8 that the placement is compatible with other conservation acres (approximate) of goals and mitigation measures. Additionally, prior to full CSS habitat potentially excavation of the trench through the alluvial plain, topsoils supporting sensitive (to a depth of approximately 6 inches) shall be scooped species. from the alignment and stockpiled at the margin, for replacement upon completion. Following installation, all excavated soils shall be returned to the alignment and the stockpiled topsoil spread evenly over the disturbed zone. P \ 1998 \S N 12801 \EIR \SfiP "I'- 99\k4W UOC 1-26 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 32 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description oflmpact Mitigation Measure l! Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Method of Responsible Division / Verification of Compliance Action Verification Section Signature Date 5.5 B1oLOGICAL RrsouRcrs (Corrr'o) The proposed project may result in 5.54 Prior to The grading plans shall depict the methods used during Grading Permit Grading plan Community construction impacts to grading grading operations which minimizes, to the extent possible, impacts or disruptions to trees which must be review Development native trees retained protected as identified in the approved applicable tree Department / Engineering within urban reports development. Department Prior to Grading and/or the placement of structures shall be Grading Permit Grading plan Community grading prohibited within the dripline or six feet from the trunks of review Development the tree, whichever is greater. Grading and trenching Department / within this area is to be prohibited. No fill material shall be Engineering placed within this area. Department Prior to grading Pervious types of landscaping materials (such as gravel, redwood chips, porous brick with sand joints, etc.) may be Landscape Plan Plan review Community utilized within the dripline as approved by an arborist and Development the City. Department Prior to Retaining walls shall be used to protect existing grades Grading Permit Grading plan Community grading within the driplines of trees. However, these walls shall review Development not alter drainage from around trees. Department / City Engineer During Drainage shall be directed away from tree trunks to ensure Grading / Plan review / field Community grading that water will not stand at the crown. To avoid drowning Drainage Plan inspection Development trees, water shall not be allowed to pond or collect within Department / the dripline. City Engineer During Construction: During grading i. Trecs within a construction area shall be from Building Field inspection Community protected damage by equipment by Permit Development installing temporary barriers such as fencing at Department / the dripline. Building Department P >d\5N12801\FiR�SEi'T- 99\hWIX):. 1 -27 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 33 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.5 BIOLOGICAL 5.54 During ii. Equipment, debris, building materials and/or Building permit Field inspeciton Community R$souRCSs (CONT'D) (Cont'd) grading excess soil shall not be stored within the Development dripline. Department / Building Department During iii. Trenches for utilities or irrigation shall be Building permit Field inspection Community grading routed around the dripline where possible, as Development determined by the City Engineer, and shall Department / include: Building Department (1) When not restricted by building codes only one trench shall be dug to accommodate all utilities for lots. Where necessary, the roots shall be carefully pruned by a specialist in proportion to the total amount of root zone lost. The boring of a conduit for underground utilities shall be used where possible. (2) The operation of heavy construction equipment shall avoid the driplines of trees where possible. The project has the 5.5 -7 During No grading activities shall take place within at least 100 Grading Plan Plan Review Community potential to adversely grading feet along the perimeter of blue line stream channels Development affect approximately 0.1 before giving proper notification to the California Department acre of Army Corps of Department of Fish and Game, Ventura County Flood Engineers jurisdictional Control District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. wetlands, and 0.2 acres (within the same area, so the total is 0.2) of California Department of Fish and Game jurisdictional area. P \199MN12801\E1R\SF:PT -9%MMP DOC 1-28 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 34 Mitigation Timing of Description of Impact Measure # Verification 5.5 BIOLOGICAL ResouRcEs (CoNT'n) The proposed project 5.5 -1 would incrementally reduce transient use resource values overall for the White - Tailed Kite. Yost- development actions and activities may substantially affect the long -tens habitat values of retained open space areas, thereby further reducing sensitive resource populations, or floristic or faunal diversity on- site. MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Responsible Verification of Implement Method of Division / Compliance Mitigation Measures Action I Verification Section Signature Date Refer to Mitigation Measure 5.5 -1 above. I * I * I Refer to Mitigation Measure 5.5 -1 above. I * I * I * • Certain mitigation measures are listed more than one time within the MMp. The Timing of Verification, Implementation Action, Method of Verification, Responsible Division / Section is provided only the first time the mitigation measure is listed in the MMp. 1'\1998\5N] 2H01 \FWSEPT -99\N" Doe 1 -29 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 35 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.6 TRANSPORTATION/ CMCUI.ATION Under Year 2005 5.6 -1 Building Prior to issuance of any residential building permits, the Building permit Building permit Engineering Condition, the proposed Permit Project Aplicant shall be required to have road and utility issuance review Department / project traffic (i.e., 6,149 Issuance plans approved for the construction of Spring Road as a Community ADT) would contribute four -lane arterial from its current terminus (Charles Street) Development to the need for to Walnut Canyon Road and improvement to four -lane Department intersection and arterial standards from High Street to Charles Street, roadway system construction of a four -lane arterial roadway east of Spring improvement. Road, and construction of a the two4ane local collector roadway system which provides access to the eastern arterial roadway and the Spring Rd extension. Applicant will be responsible for full cost of the engineering and construction of the new alignment including changes to signalization at Walnut Cyn. Rd. and Spring Rd. A traffic signal shall be installed at the intersection of Charles and Spring Road. The project shall fund the installation of traffic signals as required. Except as noted herein all required improvements shall be constructed pri or to oceupany of any dwelling unit. 5.6 -2 Occupancy Prior to final inspection of any residential structures, at a Final inspection Occupancy Building Request minimum, the Project Applicant shall contribute the /occupancy Certificate Department Project's proportionate share (as identified in the March inspection and October, 1997 AFA Traffic Studies contained in Appendix E of the EIR) of the cost associated with the improvements. P \I99$ \5N12801\EIR\SEP'1 -99\K" 1W 1-30 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 36 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Tinting of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement. Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.6 TRANSPORTATION/ CIRCULATION (CONT'D) Under Year 2015 5.6 -3 Granting of Prior to final inspection of any residential structures, an Occupancy Review Engineering Condition, the proposed Occupancy agreement shall be in place requiring the Project agreement Department project traffic (i.e., 6,149 Applicant, at the discretion of the City , to construct or pay ADT) would contribute their proportionate share of the north and south leg to the need for improvements associated with Spring Road and SRI 18 intersection and arterial construction. roadway system improvements. 5.64 Granting of Prior to final inspection of any residential structures, at a Occupancy Review Engineering Occupancy minimum, an agreement shall be in place requiring the agreement Department Project Applicant to contribute the Project's proportionate share (as identified in the March and October, 1997 AFA Traffic Studies contained in Appendix E of the EIR) of the cost associated with the improvements P : j8\5N12801UslR\SEP'1' -99WMP DOO 1-31 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 37 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # l riling of Verification Mitigation Measures lmpleinent Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.6 TRANSPORTATION/ CIRCULATION (CONT'D) 5.6-5 Prior to Final Prior to Final Tract Map approval, the Applicant shall pay Development Fee receipt Engineering Tract Map the Los Angeles Avenue and Casey Road Area of Agreement Department & approval Contribution (AOC) Fees. The AOC fee shall be the dollar City Manager amount in effect at the time of payment. If previous payment of this contribution can be demonstrated, to the City's satisfaction upon concurrence of the City Manager, the Applicant would not have to pay the AOC fees. Required fair share contributions for Tierra Rejada Road arc identified by Measure 4 above and within Appendix E of the EIR. The proposed project 5.6-6 Prior to If new capacity is required and a reciprocal agreement is Development Fee Receipt Engineering may result in impacts to granting of signed between the County and the City prior to final Agreement Department SR- 118 east of Erringer occupancy inspection of any residential structures, a traffic mitigation Road and on SR -23 fee shall be paid by the Applicant for impacts to SRI 18, south of Olsen Road. east of Erringer Road and to SR23, south of Olsen Road, where project contribution is more than 10 percent and one peak hour trip. f' \1998 \5N12801\E1R\SEPT- 99\MMP DOC 1-32 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 38 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Responsible Mitigation Tuning Implement Method of Division / Description of Impact Measure # Verificatioo n Mitigation Measures Action I Verification Section 5.7 AIR QUALITY The proposed project is anticipated to produce 5.7.1 During clearing, During clearing, grading, earth moving or excavation operations, dust emissions shall be controlled by regular Grading Permit Review and Engineering fugitive dust and equipment grading, watering during grading, paving of construction roads or wind speeds are such as to blow excessive dust off site. approval of a dust control plan Department / Community emissions during construction moving, or earth other construction activities when dust prevention Development activities. Earth moving moving, or excavation measures are directed by the City Engineer. The Applicant shall submit a dust control Plan, acceptable to the city, current information about average wind speeds. Department activities for the proposed project may During clearing, concurrently with submittal of the rough (as opposed to the fine) grading plan. This plan shall Include, but not be Grading Permit Field inspection Engineering expose construction limited to: Department earth workers and others to moving, or San Joaquin Valley excavation During clearing, Fever. Grading Permit Field inspection Engineering grading, 2314 as amended. During a. Water all site access roads and material excavated or Grading Permit Field inspection Engineering clearing, graded on or off-site to prevent excessive amounts of dust. Department grading, Watering shall occur a minimum of at least three times earth daily, preferably in the late morning and after the moving, or completion of work for the day. Additional watering for excavation dust control shall occur as directed by the City. The Dust Control Plan shall indicate the number of water trucks which will be available for dust control at each phase of grading. During clearing, b. Cease all clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation operations during periods of high winds Grading Permit Field inspection Engineering grading, (greater than 20 mph averaged over one hour) or anytime Department earth wind speeds are such as to blow excessive dust off site. moving, or The contractor shall maintain contact with the Air excavation Pollution Control District (APCD) meteorologist for current information about average wind speeds. During clearing, c. Water or securely cover all material transported off-site and on -site to prevent excessive amounts of dust. Grading Permit Field inspection Engineering grading, Department earth moving, or excavation During clearing, d. Trucks transporting material off -site shall use tarpaulins in compliance with State Vehicle Code Section Grading Permit Field inspection Engineering grading, 2314 as amended. Department earth moving, or excavation I' 1998\5N12K0VE1R\SEPT- 99\&" DOC 1 -33 Verification of Compliance Signature Date Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 39 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure ii Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Conrphance Signature Date 5.7 AQt QuAmy 5.7 -1 During e. Minimize the area disturbed at any one time by Grading Permit Field inspection Engineering (CONT'D) (Cont'd) clearing, clearing, grading, earth moving and excavation so as to Department grading, prevent excessive amounts of dust. earth moving, or excavation During f. Keep all grading and construction equipment on or Grading Permit Field inspection Engineering clearing, near the site, until these activities are completed. Department firming, earth moving, or excavation During g. Face masks shall be used by all employees involved in Grading Permit Field inspection Engineering clearing, grading or excavation operations during dry periods to Department grading, reduce inhalation of dust which may contain the fungus earth which causes San Joaquin Valley Fever. moving, or excavation During h. Wash of heavy -duty construction vehicles before they Grading Permit Field inspection Engineering clearing, leave the site. Department grading, earth moving, or excavation 5.7 -2 During Mier clearing, grading, earth moving, or excavation Grading Site Inspection Engineering grading, operations, and during construction activities, fugitive dust Construction Department earth emissions shall be controlled by: Activities moving, clearing a. Apply non- hazardous chemical soil stabilizers to all excavation inactive portions of the construction site. When operations, appropriate, seed exposed surfaces with a fast - growing, or soil- binding plant to reduce wind erosion and its construction contribution to local particulate levels. activities P ,i,. o\5N12do1\EtR\SEPT -99vvMP DOC 1 -34 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 40 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Tinting of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.7 Ant QUAt TTY 5.7 -2 b. All active portions of the construction site shall be (CONVT'U) (Cont'd) watered sufficiently to suppress excess dust generation. 5.7 -3 During At all limes, dust emissions shall be controlled by: Grading Permit Site inspection Engineering grading / Department construction a. On -site vehicle speed shall be limited to 15 mph. Signs shall be posted on -site. b. All areas experiencing vehicle traffic (e.g. parking areas, dirt roads linking different construction areas, etc.) shall be sufficiently watered or treated with environmentally -safe dust suppressants as often as necessary to prevent excessive amounts of dust. c. Periodically sweep public streets in the vicinity of the site to remove silt (i.e., fine earth material transported from the site by wind, vehicular activities, water runoff, etc.) which may have accumulated from construction activities. 5.74 During During the smog season (May to October), the Grading Permit Site inspection Engineering grading / construction manager shall order that construction cease Department / construction during Stage III alerts to minimize the number of vehicles Contractor and equipment operating, lower ozone levels, and protect equipment operators from excessive smog levels upon notification by the city. The city, at its discretion, may also limit construction during Stage lI alerts. 5.7 -5 During Ozone precursor construction emissions shall be Grading Permit Site inspection Engineering grading / controlled by: Department / construction Contractor a. Equipment engines shall be maintained in good condition and in proper tune as set forth in manufacturers specifications. b. During smog season (May through October), the time period required for construction may be required to be lengthened to minimize the number of vehicles and equipment operating at the same time; however the hours during which construction takes place shall not exceed Municipal Codc provisions. t> a 998\5N 12ao 1 vak\ssV r 'J%MtviP DOC 1-35 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 41 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.7 AIR QUALITY 5.7 -5 c. Construction activities shall utilize new technologies to (CONT'D) (Cont'd) control ozone precursor emissions as they become available and feasible. 5.7-6 During All diesel engines used in construction shall use Grading Permit Site inspection Contractor / City grading reformulated diesel fuel and high pressure injectors. / Building Inspector Permit 5.7 -7 Prior to Prior to approval of city discretionary actions, the city Grading Permit Review mitigation Community approval of shall, as a part of the determination of CEQA adequacy, / Building measures Development City discre- review the mitigation measures set forth in the Specific Permit Department tionary Plan No. 2 Final EIR for dust suppression and erosion actions control, to determine if such measures will continue to mitigate potential effects associated with Coccidioidomycis ( Valley Fever), or if additional measures are needed. P \i. .5N128011E1R\SEP'r- 9911v"' D0C 1 -36 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 42 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # 1'11ning of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement. Method of Action Verification Responsible Division / Section 5.7 Ant Q1)AUTY (CONT'n) The proposed project is anticipated to exceed 5.7 -8 Future Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Fund. Development Review Community VCAPDC's daily Entitlements VCAPCD's Guidelines (1989) indicate that if a project Agreement Development Development threshold emission still has a significant impact after all quantifiable Agreement Department levels for Nox and ROC. mitigation measures have been applied and no emission The daily exceeding of offsets have been obtained, emissions should be "bought the thresholds for CO down" through a contribution to a city or county off -site and ROC is a long -term TDM fund established specifically to reduce emissions air quality impact. from transportation sources. That is, the remaining emissions in excess of the 25- pound - per -day ROC/NOx significance threshold should be mitigated by funding TDM programs that will reduce non - project generated trips and VMT. This is the case for this project. Future VCAPCD recommends that all projects with significant Development Review Community Entitlements air quality impacts fully mitigate the excess emissions Agreement Development Development through a TDM "buydown" for at least three years. The Agreement Department payment of fees (or construction of facilities) can be phased over the entire Specific Plan buildout period. Therefore, a contribution to a city- managed o; -site TDM fund, or implementation of TDM measures within the Oxnard Plain Airshed that are capable of reducing emissions within the airshed by 62.3 pounds per day (Ppd) of ROC and 33.6 ppd of NOx, or a combination of both, to the satisfaction of the City of Moorpark shall be required. Each future entitlement, including but not limited to subdivision maps, planned development permits, and conditional use permits, may be conditioned to pay its proportionate share of the cost to reduce ROC and NOx emissions. The TDM fee shall be established by the City Council resolution or specified in a Conditions of Approval or other official agreement between the City and the Applicant. r I011- •(n')'Q/ll'[' rq, c r r'1' 'O' E 0 m ' /' 1 —Z7 Verification of Compliance Signature Date Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 43 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement. Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.7 AIR QUALITY 5.7 -8 Future It should be noted that all rideshare arrangements created Development Review Community (CONr'D) (Cont'd) Entitlements by this measure usually will not remain intact over the 3- Agreement Development Development year period. Therefore, the effectiveness of this mitigation Agreement Department measure (and the resulting reduction in emissions) is expected to decrease over time. Nonetheless, a project which implements a 3 -year buydown is considered to have lessened or reduced the significant environmental impact (1989 Ventura County, APCD Guidelines). Future One of the programs in the 1989 VCAPCD Guidelines Development Review Community Entitlements will be implemented with the off -site TDM fund Agreement Development Development contributed by the Project Applicant as potential ways to Agreement Department reduce regional emissions and mitigate residual project impacts. The City can coordinate with VCAPCD for implementation of these programs. The proposed project in 5.7 -1 # Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.7 -1 through 5.7 -7 above. * # # conjunction with other through projects will result in a 5.7 -7 short-term air quality impact due to construction activities. The proposed project in 5.7 -8 # Refer to Mitigation Measure 5.7 -8 above. # # conjunction with other projects will result in significant cumulative long -term impacts to air quality. Certain mitigation measures are listed more than one time within the MNIP. The Timing of Verification, Implementation Action, Method of Verification, Responsible Division / Section is provided only the first time the mitigation measure is listed in the MW. i• The stated impact would be reduced with the implementation ofthe proposed mitigation, however, the cumulative impact would remain significant and unavoidable. P \I,,_..,5N12801 \IR\SEPT- 9\MMP DOC 1-38 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 44 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Mitigation 71m Responsible ing of Implement. Method of Division / Description of /mpact Measure # Verification Mitigation Measures Action Verification Section 5.8 Norse The proposed project has the potential to 5.8 -1 During Construction activities shall be limited to between the Grading Permit Site Community result in significant through establishing hauling routes which avoid construction following hours: a) 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and b) 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 Saturday. / Building Permit Inspection Development short-term noise impacts p.m. Construction work on Saturdays will require payment of a Department / during grading and premium for City inspection services, and may be further plan must be identified as part of the grading plan and Engineering construction. restricted or prohibited should the City receive complaints approved by the City Engineer. Department / Building 5.8 -3 Prior to from adjacent property owners. No construction work is to Grading Permit Site Department construction fitted with modem sound- reduction equipment. be done on Sundays or City recognized holidays, pursuant Inspection Department / to pertaining provisions of the Municipal Code 5.8 -2 During Truck noise from hauling operations shall be minimized Grading Permit Grading Plan Engineering construction through establishing hauling routes which avoid Review Department residential areas and requiring that "Jake Brakes" not be used along the haul route within the City. The hauling plan must be identified as part of the grading plan and approved by the City Engineer. 5.8 -3 Prior to The Applicant shall ensure that construction equipment is Grading Permit Site Engineering construction fitted with modem sound- reduction equipment. / Building Inspection Department / Permit Building Department 5.84 During Equipment not in use for more than ten minutes shall be Grading Permit Site Engineering construction turned off. / Building Inspection Department / Permit Building Department 5.8 -5 RPD permit No exceptions shall be permitted to construction activity RPD Approved Community approval limitations stipulated by the City Noise Ordinance in effect Permit Resoluttion Development at the time of RPD permit approval. Department 5.8-6 During Designated parking areas for construction worker vehicles Grading Permit Site Engineering construction and for materials storage and assembly shall be provided. / Building Inspection Department These areas shall be set back as far as possible from or Permit Building otherwise shielded from residential neighborhoods Department situated northwest, southeast and south of the project site. P \ 1998 \5N12801\EIR\SEPT- 99MWL X• 1 -39 Verification of Compliance Signature Date Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 45 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Tinting of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement. Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.8 NOISE (CONT'D) 5.8 -7 During The Applicant shall provide staging areas on -site to Grading Permit Site Inspection Engineering construction minimize off -site transportation of heavy construction / Building Department f equipment and shall locate these areas to maximize the Permit Building distance between activity and residential areas. Department The proposed project 5.8 -8 Prior to Prior to approval of any Residential Planned Development RPD Permits Plan Review Community may result in significant approval of (RPD) permits, residential units, the school, parks or Development on -site noise levels. RPD permits similar noise sensitive uses shall be located outside the 65 Department / dBA CNEL zone or noise attenuation (i.e., walls or Acoustical barriers) shall be provided to limit the maximum noise Engineer / level 65 dBA CNEL on the exterior and 45 dBA CNEL Building on the interior of any living unit as recommended in a Department noise study prepared by an acoustical engineer. 5.8 -9 Prior to Prior to occupancy, all multifamily dwelling units shall Building Site inspection Building occupancy comply with the sound attenuation measures for unit -to- Permit Department unit construction as provided for in Chapter 35 of the Uniform Building Code. 5.9 POPULATION, HOUSING, AND EMPLOYMENT The proposed project 5.9 -1 Prior to Prior to approval of the Final Tract Map, the Applicant Final Tract Development Community may result in approval of shall enter into a development agreement to implement Map Agreement Development inconsistencies with Final Tract the proposed affordable housing program as described in Department City's housing policies Map the Specific Plan No. 2. related to the provision of affordable housing. P \I5­%5N12S01\E1R%3FPT -99\MW DOC 1 -40 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 46 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Mitigation Tim Responsible Timing of / mplement Method of Division / Description of Impact Measure # Verification Mitigation Measures Action Verification Section 5.10 CULTURAL RasouRces The proposed project may result in the 5.10 -1 During grading A Cultural Resource Monitoring Program shall be instituted during the initial vegetation clearance Grading Site Inspection Community disturbance of cultural and grading for the project including the adjacent off -site Permit Development resources sites. infrastructure improvements. The purpose of this Department & Engineering monitoring program is to determine if any significant Department deposits not identified during the records search and field survey exist within the project boundary and off site infrastructure improvement areas. The monitoring shall be limited to the initial vegetation clearance and initial grading phase of the grading program. If cultural deposits meeting the significance criteria defined in CEQA Guidelines are encountered, limited data recovery shall be conducted. The costs of this data recovery shall be limited as defined in the CEQA Guidelines Appendix K. 5.10 -2 During grading When archeological or historical finds are uncovered during excavation operations, all grading or excavation Grading Permit Site Inspection Community shall cease in the immediate area, and the find left Development Department & untouched. The permittee shall assure the preservation of Engineering the site; shall obtain the services of a qualified Department paleontologist or archeologist, whichever is appropriate to recommend disposition of the site; and shall obtain the Director of Community Development's written concurrence of the recommended disposition before resuming development. 5.10 -3 Prior to Prior to approval of the initial mass grading, the Applicant Grading Plan Review Community approval of initial mass shall implement the recommendations of the October, 1995 Cultural Resources Report for the following historic Permit Development grading sites: CA -VEN- 1265 -H, Loci A, CA -VEN- 1267 -H, and Department & Engineering CA- VEN- 1269 -H. Department P \1998\5N12801\1, IR�SEPT- 994� WC 1 -41 Verification of Compliance Signature Date Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 47 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure ti Tuning of Verification Mitigation Measures Impiement Action Method of Verification Responsibie Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.10 CULTURAL 5.10A Prior to A Paleontological Mitigation Plan prepared by a certified Paleontological File Community RESOURCES (CoNT'D) grading paleontologist approved by the City, outlining procedures Mitigation Plan Paleontological Development permit for paleontological data recovery shall be prepared and Review plan with Department issuance submitted to the Director of Community Development for Community review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit. Development The development and implementation of this program Department shall include consultations with the Applicant's engineering geologist. The monitoring and data recovery shall be performed by a qualified paleontologist. The data recovery shall include periodic inspections of excavations and, if necessary, fossil data recovery shall be performed to recover exposed fossil material. The costs of this data recovery shall be limited to the recovery of a reasonable sample of available material. The interpretation of reasonableness shall rest with the Director of Community Development. The costs of this Paleontological Mitigation Plan shall not exceed the financial limitations set forth in CEQA Appendix K Guidelines. The Applicant is responsible for the preparation of the plan and payment of any cost associated with the preparation, which cost is not part of the CEQA Appendix K Guidelines Limitation. P \JW8\5N12801\E1R\5hPT- 9ftvM' 1xx' 1 -42 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 48 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Tinning of Verification Mitigation Measurer implement. Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.11 PUBLIC SERVICES AND Un nES The proposed project 5.11 -1 Prior to The developer shall be responsible for the construction of Tentative Tract Tentative Map Community may result in impacts to building all on -site and off -site potable water and sanitary sewer Map Recordation Development sewer service. permit facilities to serve the project. The Applicant shall enter Department / issuance into an agreement with Waterworks District No. 1 to Engineering construct the improvements and the system will be Department dedicated to Waterworks District No. 1 for maintenance. 5.11 -2 Prior to Prior to approval of a Final Tract Map, the Applicant shall Final Tract Letter placed in Community approval of demonstrate by possession of a District Release from the Map file with fee Development Final Tract Calleguas Municipal Water District that arrangements for receipt Department / Map payment of the Construction Charge applicable to the Engineering proposed subdivision have been made. The Applicant Department shall comply with Ventura County Waterworks Rules and Regulations, including payment of all applicable fees. 5.11 -3 Prior to Prior to recordation of a Final Tract Map for any phase, an Final Tract Letter placed in Community approval of unconditional availability letter shall be obtained from the Map file Development & Final Tract County Waterworks District No. 1 for sewer and water Engineering Map service for each lot. Said letter shall be filed with the Departments Department of Community Development or, if said Unconditional Availability Letter in a form satisfactory to the City cannot be obtained from the County Waterworks District No. 1, the Applicant shall execute a Subdivision Sewer Agreement in a form satisfactory to the City. Said agreement shall permit deferral of unconditional guarantee for sewer and water service until issuance of a building permit for each lot in the subdivision. Said agreement shall include language holding the City harmless against damages in the event of the ultimate lack of adequate water or sewer service. 5.1 IA Prior to Applicant for service shall comply with the Ventura Building Final inspection Builduis Granting of County Waterworks District No. 1 "Rules and Permit Department Occupancy Regulations ". Ultra low plumbing fixtures are required in all new construction. 11 \199WN12801\E1R�SEP7- 99\N"1 X: 1 -43 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 49 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure aY Tinning of Verification Mitigation Measures /implement Action Method of Verification 5.11 PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES (CONT' D) The proposed project 5.11 -1 # Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.11 -1 through 5.11-4 # may result in impacts to through above. # water supply and 5.114 service. 5.11 -5 Prior to Prior to approval of the first phase of the Final Tract Map, Landscape Plan Plan Review approval of the Applicant shall ensure that an appropriate irrigation the 1 st. system is established for the landscaping; however, Phase of irrigation may be discontinued after landscaping has Final Tract become established and irrigation water is no longer Map required, upon written approval of the Director of Community Development. 5.11.6 Prior to At the time water service connection is made, cross Building Inspection building connection control devices shall be installed on the water Permit permit system in a manner approved by the County Waterworks issuance District No. 1. The proposed project 5.11 -7 Prior to If available within the City Limits, the Applicant shall Grading Plan Review may result in impacts grading implement use of reclaimed water for public and private Permit related to reclaimed permit maintenance areas, and landscaping. Prior to issuance of water usage and issuance grading permits, the Applicant shall submit the provision. project's intentions related the use of reclaimed water to the City Engineer for his review. Responsible Verification of Division / Compliance Section Signature Date Community Development Department County Waterworks District No. I Engineeirng Department Certain mitigation measures are listed more than one time within the MMP. The Timing of Verification, Implementation Action, Method of Verification, Responsible Division /Section is provided only the first time the mitigation measure is listed in the MMP. P AWMN12801 E1R\SEPT -99\~ DW 1 -44 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 50 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure g Tuning of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Adion Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.11 PUBuc SERVICES AND UTJIMES (CONT'D) The proposed project 5.11 -8 Prior to School District fees shall be paid by the Applicant prior to Building Agreement on file Community would impact MUSD building the issuance of building permits for any structures in Permit with Community Development facilities. permit individual phases of the project in accordance with Development Department issuance California Government Code Section 65995, or as Department with specified in any agreement between the Applicant and the fee receipts School District. The proposed project 5.11 -9 Prior to each Prior to approval of each phase of the Final Tract Map, the Final Phase Map Review Community would result in increased phase of Applicant shall dedicate land and/or pay park fees Tract Map Development demand on existing Final Tract consistent with City Subdivision Ordinance requirements. Department parks and recreation Map facilities. 5.11 -10 Grading The Applicant shall submit a final trails plan concurrent Grading Plan Trails Plan in file Community Permit with the grading plan. The plan shall provide for all trails Received & approved Development to be completed with the appropriate grading and Department landscaping for the construction phase. The proposed project 5.11 -11 Prior to Prior to delivery of combustible materials to the site, all Final Tract Field Inspection Fire Department would result in increased rocordatin of weather access road/driveway, suitable for use by a 20 ton Map & Community demand for fire any Final Fire District vehicle shall be installed. This improvement, Development protection services. Tract Map or provisions to guarantee its installation, shall be Department completed prior to recordation of any Final Tract Map for any phase of the project. J'\1 I 998\5N12801T1R\SEPT-99\MW DW 1 -45 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 51 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Tuning of Verification Mitigation Measures Ineplement. Action Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date PUBLIC SERVICES AND 5.11 -12 Prior to Prior to delivery of combustible materials to the site, the Building Plan Review Fire Department UTILnnvs (CONT'D) building Applicant shall provide proof that all driveways shall have Permit & Community permit a minimum vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches (13'6 "), Development issuance approved turnaround areas or easements for fire apparatus Department shall be provided where the access road is 150 feet or longer from the main thoroughfare, and two (2) means of ingress/egress shall be provided to the development in accordance with Fire District Private Road Guidelines. 5.11 -13 Prior to Final Access roads shall be of sufficient width to allow for a 40 Final Tract Map Review Fire Department Tract Map foot turning radius at all sharp turns in the road. Private Map & Community recordation road(s) shall be named if serving more than two (2) Development parcels or if longer than 299 feet. Prior to recordation of Department the Final Tract Map, street names shall be submitted to the City and the Fire District's Communications Center for review. 5.11 -14 Prior to Final Street name signs shall be installed in conjunction with the Final Tract Field Inspection Engineering Tract Map road improvements. The type of sign shall be in Map Department recordation accordance with Plate F4 of the Ventura County Road Standards. 5.11 -15 Prior to Final Prior to Final Tract Map recordation, the Applicant shall Final Tract Confirmation Community Tract Map provide the Fire District verification from the water Map 'Letter filed Development recordation purveyor that the purveyor can provide the required fire Department flow for the project. 5.11 -16 Prior to Applicant shall obtain and comply with VCFD Form No. Building Plan Review Community building 126 "Requirements For Construction" as well as pay the Permit Development permit appropriate fire protection facility fees prior to obtaining a Department & issuance building permit for any new structures or additions to Fire Dept. existing structures. 5.11 -17 Prior to All water mains and applicable hydrants shall be installed Building Site Community building prior to combustible construction. Fire Flow requirements Permit Inspection Development permit shall be calculated for each project individually. Department & issuance Fire Dept. P \1998\5N12801\E1R\SEP1*- 99V,0& DOC 1-46 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 52 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Timing of Verification Mitigation Measurer Implement. Adion Method of Verification Responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.11 PUBLIC SERVICES 5.11 -18 Prior to Prior to approval of the Final Tract Map for the first Landscape Review & Community AND UTtt.rrtes approval of phase, the Applicant shall develop a fire hazard reduction Plan approval of a fire Development (CONT'D) Final Tract program for the entire project in consultation with the hazard reduction Department & Map Ventura County Fire Protection District (VCFPD) and program & Ventura County approved by the City of Moorpark Director of Community Landscape Plan Fire Development. Said program shall be maintained by an Protection entity(ies), such as a homeowner's association, District assessment district, or similar entity, that can assure adequate fire hazard reduction management throughout the lifetime of the project. Development within the 5.11 -19 Prior to Prior to issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall Building Fee Receipt Police Project Area would building pay appropriate Police Facility fees. Permit Department adversely impact the permit level of police services issuance presently provided. 5.11 -20 During Construction equipment, tools, etc., shall be property Building Site Inspection Contractor / construction secured during nonworking hours. Permit Police Department 5.11 -21 During A licensed security guard is required during the Building Site Inspection construction construction phase, unless a 6 -foot high chain link fence is Permit Police erected around the construction site. Department I' \1998\5N12801\EIR\SEPr -gg\& P 1", 1-47 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 53 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures lmplement. Action Method of Verification Responsible Division 1 Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.11 PtMUC SERVICES 5.1 I -22 Prior to Prior to a determination of application completeness for RPD Permit Review and Moorpark Police Am UTUHIES planned planned development permits, conditional use permits, approval of all Department (CONT'D) development and tract/parcel maps, the Moorpark Police Department safety plans CUPS & (MPD) shall review all plans for the purpose of identifying tract maps measures to increase safety and avoid unsafe conditions. approval Specifically, measures shall be identified that focus on the following areas: • Parking lot lighting; • Residential building standard for security; • Landscaping requirements; • Security patrols, and • Neighborhood watch programs. Engineering 5.11 -23 Prior to Prior to the occupancy of structures in all phases, Building Plan Review Department occupancy sufficient emergency access (two points) shall be provided Permit to allow for patrols to enter the Specific Plan site. The proposed project 5.11 -24 Prior to Prior to a determination of application completeness for RPD / CUP Permit Approvals City & Ventura would result in an development planned development permits and conditional use permits, Permit County Solid increase in solid waste and measures to reduce the amount of refuse generated by the Waste generated from the site. conditional proposed project shall be developed in consultation with Management use permit the Ventura County Solid Waste Management Division, Division approvals the City of Moorpark, and in accordance with the waste reduction requirements set forth the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (F). 1' \199SON12801\EIR \SFPT -99\&" DOC 1-48 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 54 MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM Description of Impact Mitigation Measure # Timing of Verification Mitigation Measures Implement Action Method of Verification responsible Division / Section Verification of Compliance Signature Date 5.11 PuBUC SsatvlCtr.S AND UTILrrixs (CONT'D) The proposed project 5.11 -25 Prior to Utilities, facilities and services for the proposed project Building Plan Review / Site Engineering would result in increased building will be extended and/or constructed in conjunction with its Permit Issuance Inspection Department electrical demands. permit phased development by the Applicant as the project issuance proceeds. 5.11 -26 Prior to Prior to issuance of each building permit, the Applicant Building Review & Building building shall submit plans to the City Building Inspector Permit Issuance approval of Department permit demonstrating that each of the project's buildings will compliance plans issuance comply with the State Energy Conservation Standards for New Residential and Nonresidential Buildings (Title 24, Part 6, Article 2, California Administrative Code). The proposed project 5.11 -25 # Refer to Mitigation Measures 5.11 -25 and 5.11 -26 above. would result in increased and demands on natural gas. 5.11 -26 The proposed project 5.11 -27 Prior to The Applicant shall provide development fees to mitigate Building Fee Receipt Community would result in impacts building conditions of increased demand for library services as part Permit Issuance Development to library services and permit of building permit application. These fees shall be based Department facilities. issuance on the fee schedule in effect at the time of the issuance of building pcimits. The proposed project 5.11 -28 Construction Television cable service shall be provided to all residential Building Plan Review Building would result in impacts units consistent with existing cable system requirements. Permit Department related to the provision Undergrounding of cable wires is required and no lines of cable. shall be allowed to be extended along the exterior walls of the residential buildings. The proposed project 5.11 -25 # Refer to Mitigation Measure 5.11 -25 above. will create the need for an extension of telephone services and facilities. Certain mitigation measures are listed more than one time within the MMP. The 'riming of Verification, Implementation Action, Method of Verification, Responsible Division / Section is provided only the first time the mitigation measure is listed in the MMP. P\1- . jN12801UR\SFPT- 99geAP D(X' 1 -49 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 55 STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS Moorpark Highlands Specific Plan No. 2 final EIR indicates that if the project is constructed, certain significant impacts may be unavoidable. However, if the benefits of a proposed project outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects, the adverse environmental effects may be considered "acceptable ". After release of the Draft EIR for public review, the City and the applicant discussed opportunities to lessen significant environmental impacts through project modification. As a result of discussions between City Council and the applicant, the applicant agreed to prepare an alternative plan layout to address Council concerns. The applicant prepared at City Council request, a new alternative for City Council consideration (refer to Section 4.1 of the Response to Comments document). The Moorpark City Council finds this alternative plan to be preferred and slightly superi or to the proposed project; however, unavoidable significant effects as described in Section B still would exist. The Moorpark City Council finds the unavoidable significant effects described in Section B are acceptable to the following overriding considerations. Planning Context The economic character of Moorpark and its surroundings has changed dramatically over the past 10 to 20 years from a predominately rural and agricultural economy to one increasingly dependent on other job sectors. Employment has grown from an agricultural base to include retail commercial, industrial activity, broader service industries, office, and high technology industries. The need for the project derives in part from projections of county growth in population, creating an increased demand for dwelling units. [Wrlyr,701 !I 61P2771 The proposed project is intended to meet many applicant and city objectives as described in Section 3.5 of the final EIR, which are as follows: • Respect for the significant landforms and mature native trees. • Preservation of future Arterial rights -of -way for Highway 23 and 118. • Identification of Spring Road right -of -way. • Preservation of the scenic foothill backdrop and northern viewshed. • Preservation of sensitive biological habitat. • Creation of a cohesive open space system. • Maintenance of large areas of natural open space in a substantially undisturbed condition. c: \office\wpwin\wpd =\edaw\moorpuk\S 99.E. EXHIBIT B STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 56 Provision of park/recreational and public school uses The proposed development occurs below the major regional ridgeline, providing a visual boundary to development and preserves the scenic skyline backdrop. Retention of geotechnically constrained areas in open space or public right -of -way uses. These principles result in a plan where development occurs primarily within the central portion and gently sloping areas of Specific Plan No. 2; the more rugged topography, significant landforms and sensitive biological areas are preserved as natural open space. CITY OF MOORPARK The City ofMoorpark's objectives for the Specific Plan are those goals from the General Plan Land Use Element, which are applicable to the project. They are as follows: • Attain a balanced City growth pattern, which includes a full mix of land uses. • Provide a variety of housing types and opportunities for all economic segments of the community. • Develop new residential housing, which is compatible with the character of existing individual neighborhoods and minimizes land use incompatibility. • Encourage the use of Specific Plans in the undeveloped areas of the community. • Ensure that a full range of public facilities and services are provided to meet the needs of the community. • Establish land uses and development intensities which are compatible with scenic and natural resources and which encourage environmental preservation. • Maintain a high -quality environment that contributes to and enhances the quality of life and protects public health, safety, and welfare. • Enhance and maintain the suburban/rural identity of the community. • Enhance the physical and visual image of the community. • Preserve potential corridors for regional transportation needs for SR 118 and SR 23. The following project benefits will accrue to the City as a result of the approval of the project and are the basis for the city to reach a determination that the benefits derived override the environmental risks of the project noted in the EIR and previously discussed by this Statement. C:\ office\ wpwm\wpd=\ edawVnoor park\september99.EIR\Fmdings.wpa B -2 Resolution No. 99 -1654 j Specific Plan No. 2�.. Page 57 Dedication of Open Space The proposed project includes the offering for dedication of approximately 94 acres of natural open space to be permanently reserved for visual open space and designated as a habitat conservation area. The applicant would dedicate /transfer this land and/or grant a conservation easement in perpetuity over the 94 -acre mitigation area to the City of Moorpark or some other governmental or conservation entity. The applicant will prepare a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) (to be approved by the US Fish and Wildlife Service) to preserve and enhance the California gnatcatcher habitat within the study area and to establish permanent maintenance and protections for the same. The HCP will also assist in maintaining generally higher habitat values within the area overall, to promote and protect its use by other sensitive species, as appropriate. Long range maintenance cost for the HCP will be the responsibility of the applicant. The project also proposes 75 acres of private open space, which would consist of graded and undisturbed open space, owned and maintained by a master homeowners association. The private open space areas would be made accessible via a multi -use trail system. Overall, the proposed project provides acres of open space, which is 57.9 acres above the City- required 25 percent. Public Parks The proposed project includes the construction and dedication of an 7 -acre park site for active open space and recreational uses. This park will meet the needs of future residents, as well as existing residents. The site is proposed as a public park to be maintained through an assessment district established within the project. As encouraged by the City of Moorpark Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation Element, the park would be located adjacent to the proposed intermediate school which may result in the joint use of facilities. The 7 -acre park also has the potential for connection across SR -23 right -of -way to Happy Camp Canyon Regional Park. Trails The project proposes a system of bikeways and multi -use trails and natural trails throughout the project site for current and firture residents. The project also proposes a 12 -foot wide equestrian trail to follow the alignment of the east/west arterial and a portion of the north/south arterial proposed on the site. This trail would allow for equestrian access from the western boundary to the eastern boundary of the site, allowing for access to the Happy Camp Canyon Regional Park. Bikeways connected to the Town Center will also be provided. Educational Facilities The project will provide one (1) intermediate school site consisting of 22 acres within the boundary of the Specific Plan. This development site is larger than the typical elementary school site envisioned by the General Plan. C: \office\wpwm\wpd=\ Cdaw4 noogwk \September99.EIR\Findinp.wpd B -3 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 58 Affordable Housing The Land Use Plan designates 25 of the 570 proposed dwelling units as "affordable" housing units. These 25 units will be single family detached or single family attached "for sale" units to families earning no more than 80% of the Ventura County Median Income. Development of the 25 affordable units will be done in such a manner that effectively mixes the affordable housing units with the market rate units. Provision of these units will assist the City to meet its regional housing allocations for affordable housing. In addition, in lieu of constructing additional affordable housing units on site, the developer shall pay to the City an In -Lieu fee for each of the 570 dwelling units which shall be used by the City for the purpose of providing housing affordable to "very low", "low ", or "moderate" income households. Circulation Improvements The proposed project provides 40.4 acres of roadway connections for City-wide regional circulation. The project also dedicates 49.7 acres of dedicated right -of -way for extension of Highways 23 and 118, consistent with the City's Circulation Element. The project developer will provide transportation mitigation fees, and construct improvements including signalized intersections, at his sole expense. The project provides a north -south connector for circulation within the community by extending Spring Road north with connection to the SR 23 arterial via "C" Street, as identified by the Circulation Element of the General Plan which addresses "improvements to the Circulation System ". Furthermore, Spring Road continues to travel north terminating at Walnut Canyon Road. Project Design The proposed project will ensure the development of a single, cohesive planned residential community by providing specific design measures that encompass landscaping, signage, setbacks, and streetscapes. The project design is sensitive to adjacent land uses and further the aesthetic goals of the community. C:\office\wpwia \wpd=\eda \ nxwp "\Septanber99.Em\Findinp.wpd B-4 20 �, 0 .N U y{ al to � � v V Hti N W� Q Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 60 q 1 1 m- •i N • 1 '(FCC W C 1 1 pl+ � 4pO N i /.— .— .— .— .— .— .— .— .— .— . —. —. —. 0 7L00 4m mm LEGEND FREEWAY INTERCHANGE SIX -LINE ARTERIAL FOUR -L NE ARTERIAL — R— RURAL COLLECTOR LOCAL COLLECTOR SIONALmm INTERSECTION ❑❑ AT-GRADE RR CROSSING GRADE SEPARATED RR CROSSPIO — •— • —• —• —• CITY LIKIT BOUNDARY ■ENSWEE■ SR -118 FREEWAY CORRIDOR NOTE Tin v W d— — pomT - - Nf�me for h- .wawa/� PkYr msep wkk Je 47 d Momprk r Mk 1�«tlbomN iofmmr�C.adv>rdq tk.abpmrel Dcpnmea m i � I �C. ----------------- � O FIGURE 2 i CITY OF MOORPARK GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT HIGHWAY NETWORK September 1999 EXHIBIT D GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT FIGURE 2, CIRCULATION NETWORK 1ca'N1�irrfr ° J # nAr}Npg[p,�n�rttrr�pnn �' '�tlrt'Mpr �, rrrr +ro,aB �e 4q. ' ! 4o- IVA -it 40 1*�+�pi� �'g"r? +br�'�A„ °j'♦ Wi 4 r rl� �r NZ 1% s A sec ?4� age .r t�1 �Z °h s1 Al �o an 9 4,0 9 � ,16 2 S,� rQ r�R iffft 1p �P _ 'Rx _w•R r � rr�� 'e ems, ~ tsrrr �rffff.' +*41 04 C ��Z9 RqL .o rYCjRCO & Q1, .4 �y.4 X91? sepf@� <��'�tir �M c111-� 3 C' Now 4`� � �a Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 62 LEGEND • • • • • • EQUESTRIAN TRAILS RGUR=_ s CITY OF MOORPARK GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION EL.EMENFr EQUESTRIAN TRAIL NETWORK • -• -• -• CITY LIMIT BOUNDARY September 1999 EXHIBIT F GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT FIGURE 41 EQUESTRIAN TRAIL NETWORK Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific plan No. 2 page 63 (ON FILE IN THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT) EXHIBIT G MOORPARK HIGHLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 95 -2 /SPECIFIC PLAN NO.2 Resolution No. 99 -1654 Specific Plan No. 2 Page 64 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA ) ss. CITY OF MOORPARK ) I, Deborah S. Traffenstedt, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 99 -1654 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a meeting held on the 15th day of September, 1999, and that the same was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Evans, Harper, Rodgers and Mayor Hunter NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmember Wozniak ABSTAIN: None WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 3rd day of December, 1999. Deborah S. Traffenstedt, City Clerk �--� (seal)