HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 2004 2224 2004 0721RESOLUTION NO. 2004 -2224
WHEREAS, Section 21082 of the California Public Resources
Code and Section 15022 of the California Code of Regulations
require each public agency in the State to adopt objectives,
criteria, and specific procedures for administering
responsibilities under CEQA; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 92 -872, which previously
established "Procedures of the City of Moorpark to Implement the
California Environmental Quality Act ", requires updating to
address revisions to the CEQA Statutes and CEQA Guidelines since
92 -872 is hereby rescinded.
hereby adopts the updated "Procedures of the City of Moorpark
and Moorpark Redevelopment Agency to Implement the California
Environmental Quality Act ", attached as Exhibit A, to be
followed by the City of Moorpark in the administration of its
responsibilities under CEQA.
Resolution No. 2004 -2224
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OF ADOPTION: The City Clerk shall
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Deborah S. Traffensted , City Clerk
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Exhibit A - Procedures of the City of Moorpark and Moorpark
Redevelopment Agency to Implement CEQA
Resolution No. 2004 -2224
Page 3
ADOPTED , 2004
These procedures are adopted to implement the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) - Division 13 of the Public Resources Code (Section 21000 et seq.), and the
Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (State CEQA
Guidelines) - Title 14, Chapter 3 of the California Code of Regulations (Section 15000
et seq.), as amended. They may be referred to as the "City CEQA Procedures ". These
City CEQA Procedures are intended to satisfy the requirements of Section 21082 of the
Public Resources Code and Section 15022 of the California Code of Regulations for
both the City of Moorpark and the Moorpark Redevelopment Agency. Any reference to
"City" in these guidelines shall be inclusive of both the City of Moorpark and Moorpark
Redevelopment Agency unless expressly stated otherwise.
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The State CEQA Guidelines, as amended from time to time, are hereby incorporated by
reference as authorized under Section 15022(d) of the State CEQA Guidelines. If any
section of the City CEQA Procedures is found in conflict with any provision of the State
CEQA Guidelines, the State CEQA Guidelines shall control.
The Community Development Director or staff member designated by the Community
Development Director shall be responsible for the application and interpretation of these
City CEQA Procedures and the following functions pursuant to the State CEQA
Guidelines for all public and private projects when the City of Moorpark or Moorpark
Redevelopment Agency act as the lead agency:
a) Determination of applicability of CEQA;
b) Review of projects for exemption from CEQA;
c) Review of project applications for completeness;
d) Preparation of Initial Studies and determinations of whether Negative Declarations,
Mitigated Negative Declarations, or Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) shall be
e) Preparation and processing of Negative Declarations, Mitigated Negative
Declarations and related documents;
f) Preparation and processing of EIRs and related documents, including responses to
public comments and draft findings; and
g) Preparation and filing of applicable notices including Notices of Exemption, Notices
of Preparation, Notices of Completion, and Notices of Determination.
h) Preparation and updating of all forms and applications needed to carry out these
a) Determination of Applicability of CEQA to an Activity
Each activity that is initiated by the City, is funded in whole or part by the City, or
requires authorization or entitlement from the City is subject to an initial project review to
determine whether the activity is exempt from CEQA or requires an Initial Study.
Eligible exemptions are identified in CEQA and in the State CEQA Guidelines and
include ministerial projects, emergency projects, other statutory exemptions, categorical
exemptions, and general rule exemptions per State CEQA Guidelines Section
15061(b)(3). The determination of CEQA applicability under the initial project review
shall be made by the Community Development Director. Additional information from the
applicant may be required to make this determination.
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b) Ministerial Activities
Activities over which the City has only ministerial authority and that are exempt from
CEQA under Section 21080(b)(1) of CEQA and Section 15268 of the State CEQA
Guidelines include but are not limited to:
Issuance of a Building Permit where no Discretionary Permit (as listed in Chapter
17.44 of the Moorpark Municipal Code) is required.
2. Issuance of a Zoning Clearance where no Discretionary Permit (as listed in
Chapter 17.44 of the Moorpark Municipal Code) is required.
3. Issuance of a Business License or Business Registration Permit.
4. Issuance of a Home Occupation Permit.
5. Approval of a Final Subdivision Map per Section 66458 of the Government Code.
6. Approval of a Lot -Line Adjustment per Section 66412(d) of the Government
7. Issuance of a Certificate of Compliance per Section 66499.35(a) of the
Government Code.
c) Categorically Exempt Projects
The List of Categorical Exemptions in Article 19 of the State CEQA Guidelines shall
serve as the City of Moorpark's list of specific categorically exempt activities.
Categorical exemptions shall only be considered where a project has not been
determined to be exempt from CEQA as a ministerial project, an emergency project, or
an otherwise statutorily exempt project.
Special circumstances may exist as noted in Section 21084 of CEQA and Section
15300.2 of the State CEQA Guidelines that make such projects ineligible for a
categorical exemption. The Community Development Director shall determine if a
project normally eligible for a categorical exemption is not eligible based on exceptions
set forth in Section 21084 of CEQA and Section 15300.2 of the State CEQA Guidelines,
including the possibility that the activity may have a significant effect on the
environment. The determination of the possibility of a significant effect shall be based
on the same criteria used in an Initial Study, although an Initial Study checklist does not
need to be completed for this determination.
d) Notice of Exemption
i. Preparation and Filing of Notice: Except as provided in Section 21152.1(a) of CEQA,
the preparation and filing of a Notice of Exemption is not mandatory under CEQA and
the State CEQA Guidelines. The decision to prepare and file a Notice of Exemption for
a City project shall be determined by the Community Development Director in
consultation with the Director of the responsible department. Notices of Exemption for
private projects shall be prepared and filed by the Community Development Director
only upon request by the project applicant and payment of fees to offset any staff costs,
consultant costs, or filing fees. Notices of Exemption shall be prepared and filed in the
Resolution No. 2004-2224
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form and manner required by Section 15062 of the State CEQA Guidelines, after
approval or determination to proceed with the project.
ii. Request for Notices: A copy of the Notice of Exemption shall be mailed (or e-mailed if
requested) to any person who has filed a written request for such notice with the City
Clerk or Director of Community Development. Requests to receive Notices of
Exemption shall be renewed annually and are subject to a fee which is reasonably
related to the costs of providing this service. Public agencies shall not be required to
pay a fee to receive a copy of a Notice of Exemption.
a) Application
If a project has been determined to be subject to the preparation of an Initial Study, the
project applicant shall submit all information necessary for its preparation in a form as
determined by the Community Development Director. Within thirty (30) days of receipt
of the application by the City, a determination on completeness shall be made and the
applicant shall be notified of all information required to complete the application.
b) Fees
i. Application Fee: The project applicant shall submit a fee as established by City
Council Resolution for the preparation of the Initial Study at the time of the filing of the
ii. Consulting Services: Consulting services may be necessary to assist City staff in
whole or in part in the preparation of an Initial Study. In such cases for private projects,
within thirty (30) days of receipt of the application, the Community Development Director
shall notify the project applicant of the required deposit to cover the cost of consulting
services along with City administrative fees.
iii. Application Incomplete if Fees Not Paid: The application shall not be considered
complete unless all fees, including fees for Initial Study preparation, consulting services,
and the processing of any other applications that have been filed for the project, have
been paid in full.
c) Determining Significance of Project's Environmental Effects
i. Use of Initial Study Form: The Community Development Director shall determine,
through the preparation of an Initial Study, if a project may cause a significant effect on
the environment, and whether a Negative Declaration, Mitigated Negative Declaration,
or EIR shall be prepared. The Initial Study shall be prepared on a form approved by the
Community Development Director consistent with CEQA and the State CEQA
Guidelines. If determined that an EIR will clearly be required for a project, the
preparation of an Initial Study may be waived by the Community Development Director.
ii. Thresholds of Significance: Thresholds for determining the significance of the
environmental effect of a project shall be based on Sections 15064, 15064.5 and 15065
of the State CEQA Guidelines, the City's General Plan, applicable specific plans, the
Municipal Code, the Redevelopment Plan, and any additional information as deemed
necessary by the Community Development Director.
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iii. Consultation: Prior to completion of an Initial Study, informal consultation shall be
initiated with known responsible and trustee agencies to obtain the recommendation of
those agencies as to whether an EIR, Negative Declaration, or Mitigated Negative
Declaration should be prepared.
iv. Project Modification: During or immediately after the preparation of the Initial Study,
the applicant may be consulted to determine the willingness to modify the project to
reduce or avoid potential significant effects. The unwillingness to modify a project to
reduce or avoid potential significant effects may require the preparation of an EIR
unless other mitigation could be identified.
v. Additional Studies: In order to avoid an unnecessary EIR or to focus the analysis of
an EIR, additional information or data may be requested from the applicant in order to
complete the Initial Study. Should the applicant not agree to provide such information,
an Environmental Impact Report may be required unless mitigation or project
modification could address the concerns for which the specific information is requested.
vi. Appeal of Decision: The decision on whether a Negative Declaration, Mitigated
Negative Declaration, or EIR shall be prepared may be appealed by any person,
including a member of the Planning Commission or City Council, following the
procedures and time limits specified in Chapter 17.44 of the Moorpark Municipal Code.
a) Decision to Prepare a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration
The Community Development Director shall cause a proposed Negative Declaration or
Mitigated Negative Declaration to be prepared for a project when the findings in Section
15070 of the State CEQA Guidelines can be met by the project.
b) Public Review
Upon preparation of a proposed Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative
Declaration, a Notice of Intent to Adopt the Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative
Declaration shall be prepared, published in a newspaper of general circulation, and
distributed for public review in accordance with the requirements of Sections 15072 and
15073 of the State CEQA Guidelines. The time period for public review shall be
determined by the Community Development Director consistent with these
requirements. The notice may be provided in conjunction with any other required notice
for the project, provided that all requirements of the State CEQA Guidelines are met.
c) Consideration and Adoption of Negative Declarations and Mitigated Negative
i. Advisory Body: The Community Development Director shall present the proposed
Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration to any advisory body of the
decision - making body for consideration before making its recommendation. The
advisory body shall make a recommendation on the adoption of the proposed Negative
Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration at the time of making a recommendation
on the project. For the purposes of the section, "advisory bodies" shall include the
Resolution No. 2004 -2224
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Planning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission when acting in an
official advisory capacity to the City Council as set forth in the Moorpark Municipal Code
and /or State law and shall not include City Council standing committees or ad -hoc
ii. Decision - Making Body: The proposed Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative
Declaration shall be presented to the decision - making body of the City prior to
consideration of the project. The Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative
Declaration may be adopted prior to or concurrent with the approval of the project for
which it was prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 15074 of the
State CEQA Guidelines. If the Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration is
adopted by a non - elected decision - making body, that adoption may be appealed to the
City Council by any person, including a member of the Planning Commission or City
Council, following the procedures and time limits specified in Chapter 17.44 of the
Moorpark Municipal Code.
d) Notice of Determination
i. Preparation and Filing: After a decision has been made to carry out or approve a
project for which a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration has been
adopted, the Community Development Director shall cause a Notice of Determination to
be prepared and filed in accordance with Section 21152 of CEQA and Section 15075 of
the State CEQA Guidelines. Any fees associated with the filing of the Notice of
Determination or required under Section 711.4 of the Fish and Game Code shall be
paid by the project applicant upon project approval prior to the filing of the Notice.
ii. Request for Notices: The Notice of Determination shall be mailed (or e- mailed if
requested) to any person who has filed a written request for such notice with the City
Clerk or Community Development Director. Requests to receive Notices of
Determination shall be renewed annually and are subject to a fee which is reasonably
related to the costs of providing this service. Public agencies shall not be required to
pay a fee to receive a Notice of Determination.
a) Use of Consultant to Prepare EIRs for Private Projects
i. Requirement for Private Projects: Due to the need for specialized expertise and
resources, a consultant specializing in the preparation of EIRs shall be retained by the
City under contract to prepare an EIR when required for a private project. A consultant
may be used to assist in all stages of EIR preparation including the preparation of the
Initial Study, Notice of Preparation, Draft EIR, Notice of Completion, Mitigation
Monitoring and Reporting Program, Responses to Comments, Findings, Statement of
Overriding Considerations, and Notice of Determination, as well as the presentation of
information at meetings and hearings, as determined necessary by the Community
Development Director. This requirement may be waived on projects for which an
agreement exists between the applicant and the City that specifically provides for a
different EIR preparation process.
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ii. Selection of Consultant: The Community Development Director shall identify and seek
proposals from at least three (3) consultants that a) meet the qualifications and
restrictions specified in the City's standard professional services agreement, b) have
demonstrated experience in the preparation of EIRs for similar projects, and c) have the
necessary staff and other resources available to prepare an EIR that meets CEQA
requirements within established time limits. The request for proposals shall only be sent
to qualified consultants that have indicated that a proposal will be prepared and
submitted. A consultant that does not submit a proposal after committing to submit a
proposal may be disqualified from receiving future requests for proposals. After
receiving proposals, a review committee established by the Community Development
Director shall select the consultant to prepare the EIR based on criteria set forth in the
request for proposals. Interviews of the prospective consultants may be held if
determined necessary by the Community Development Director.
iii. Applicant Payment of Fees and Agreement with City: After selecting a consultant and
agreed upon a scope of work, the applicant shall be notified of the cost to prepare the
EIR, including both consultant costs and City administrative costs. Before any work on
the EIR may be authorized by the City, the applicant shall deposit with the City an
amount of money that will cover all costs specified above, and enter into an agreement
with the City on terms for the completion of the EIR.
iv. Execution of Professional Services Agreement: Prior to executing a professional
services agreement for the preparation of an EIR, the consultant selected by the City
shall file a statement with the City Clerk to confirm no conflicts of interest per contract
requirements, demonstrate possession of liability insurance and statutory workers
compensation coverage acceptable to the City, and secure a City business registration.
v. Contact between Applicant and Consultant: Only information or data submitted by the
applicant that is authorized by the Community Development Director may be used by
the consultant in the preparation of the EIR. Such information or data must be
independently verified by the consultant. Communication between the applicant and
consultant may only occur if preauthorized by the Community Development Director,
and may be conditioned to only take place with the Community Development Director
present. E- mails, video conferencing or other electronic communication involving both
the applicant and consultant shall be coordinated through the Community Development
vi. Request for Additional Information: During the course of preparation of the Draft EIR,
the Community Development Director may require the project applicant to supply any
additional information needed for its preparation.
vii. Review of Preliminary Draft Materials: The Community Development Director shall
review and approve all reports, notices and any other information related to the EIR
prepared by the consultant prior to release for public review.
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b) Notice of Preparation
i. Preparation and Filing: After determining that an EIR is required and receiving full
payment of fees for its preparation from the project applicant, the Community
Development Director shall cause a Notice of Preparation of an EIR to be prepared,
filed, and distributed in accordance with Section 21080.4 of CEQA and Section 15082 of
the State CEQA Guidelines. The Community Development Director may extend the
notification beyond that required by the State CEQA Guidelines as needed based on the
public interest or potential impact area of the project. The Notice of Preparation and
any comments received during the comment period as set forth in the notice shall be
included in the Draft EIR as an appendix.
ii. Request for Notices: The Notice of Preparation shall be mailed (or e- mailed if
requested) to any person who has filed a written request for such notice with the City
Clerk or Community Development Director. Requests to receive Notices of Preparation
shall be renewed annually and are subject to a fee which is reasonably related to the
costs of providing this service. Public agencies shall not be required to pay a fee to
receive a Notice of Preparation.
ii. Scoping Meeting: If not otherwise required by CEQA or the State CEQA Guidelines, a
scoping meeting may be held during the Notice of Preparation comment period if
determined necessary by the Community Development Director to assist in the
identification of EIR issues and alternatives.
c) Draft EIR
i. Notice of Completion: As soon as the Draft EIR is completed, the Community
Development Director shall cause a Notice of Completion to be prepared and filed with
the State Office of Planning and Research as set forth in the State CEQA Guidelines.
The time period for review of the Draft EIR shall be determined by the Community
Development Director consistent with the requirements of the State CEQA Guidelines.
ii. Consultation: The Community Development Director shall identify, consult with, and
request comments from all agencies and individuals as required under Section 15086 of
the State CEQA Guidelines.
iii. Public Review: At the time the Notice of Completion is prepared and filed, the
Community Development Director shall also cause a notice of the availability of the draft
EIR to be published in a newspaper of general circulation and provided by mail to
property owners owning property within one - thousand feet (1,000') of the project site
boundaries along with other individuals and organizations that have requested
notification. The notice shall comply with all requirements of Section 15087 of the State
CEQA Guidelines and may be provided in conjunction with any other required notice for
the project, provided that all requirements of the State CEQA Guidelines are met.
Copies of the Draft EIR and notice of availability shall be made available for public
review at City Hall, the Moorpark Library, and electronically on the City's web site.
Electronic copies of the Draft EIR shall be made available for purchase at City Hall, and
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paper copies shall be made available for purchase through an arrangement with a local
copying service.
iv. Public Hearing: A public hearing to solicit oral comments on the Draft EIR shall be
conducted by the Planning Commission for projects where the City is the lead agency,
or by the Moorpark Redevelopment Agency where the Moorpark Redevelopment
Agency is the lead agency. The time, date, and location of the public hearing shall be
noticed with the notice of availability of the Draft EIR. The public hearing shall be
scheduled to take place late enough in the Draft EIR comment period to allow sufficient
time for meaningful public review of the Draft EIR as determined by the Community
Development Director. After all individuals and agencies present at the hearing have
had an opportunity to provide oral comments, the public hearing on the Draft EIR shall
be closed and the Planning Commission shall refer all oral comments to the Community
Development Director to be combined with all written comments received during the
Draft EIR comment period for the preparation of responses.
d) Responses to Comments
i. Transmittal of Comments to Consulting Firm: After the review period for the draft EIR
closes, all comments submitted in writing (on paper or through e-mail) and minutes
summarizing oral comments made at the public hearing shall be transmitted to the
consultant for preparation of preliminary draft responses.
ii. Preparation of Revised Draft EIR: After reviewing preliminary draft responses to the
comments received, the Community Development Director shall determine if there are
sufficient changes to the Draft EIR to warrant the preparation of a Revised Draft EIR
that incorporates all the changes. At this time, the Community Development Director
shall also determine if any significant new information will be added to the EIR
warranting recirculation of all or a portion of the EIR pursuant to Section 15088.5 of the
State CEQA Guidelines.
iii. Transmittal of Draft Responses to Commentators: At least fourteen (14) days prior to
consideration of certification of the Final EIR, the Community Development Director
shall cause to be sent to each agency and individual that has commented on the EIR
and has provided a legible mailing address in the comment letter the draft responses to
that agency or individual's comments.
e) Preparation of the Final EIR
The Community Development Director shall determine whether the Draft EIR shall be
reprinted with revisions incorporated based on responses to comments received. The
Final EIR shall include the Draft EIR or a revision of the Draft, comments received in
writing and a synopsis of comments made at the public hearing on the Draft EIR, a list
of agencies and individuals who made comments, the Responses to Comments, and
any additional information determined necessary by the Community Development
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f) Certification of the Final EIR:
A draft of the Final EIR shall be presented by the Community Development Director to
any advisory body for the project for a recommendation to the decision - making body on
certification of the Final EIR. The decision - making body of the City shall certify the final
EIR prior to approval of the project for which the EIR was prepared. If the Final EIR is
certified by a non - elected decision - making body, that certification may be appealed to
the City Council by any person, including a member of the Planning Commission or City
Council, following the procedures and time limits specified in Chapter 17.44 of the
Moorpark Municipal Code.
g) Findings for Approval of Project:
i) Preparation of Draft Findings: When staff or an advisory body is recommending
approval of a project, or as directed by the decision - making body, the Community
Development Director shall cause to be prepared draft written Findings consistent with
the requirements in Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines for any project for
which the EIR identifies one or more significant environmental effects.
ii) Consideration of Findings and Project: The decision - making body shall not approve a
project unless written findings are made for each of the significant effects, accompanied
by a brief explanation of the rationale for each finding. After considering the Final EIR
and in conjunction with making findings, the decision - making body may decide whether
or how to carry out the project. The project for which the EIR was prepared shall not be
approved unless either:
1. the project as approved will not have a significant effect on the environment; or
2. the City has eliminated or substantially lessened all significant effects on the
environment where feasible as shown in the Findings and any remaining
significant effects on the environment have been determined to be unavoidable
under Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines and acceptable due to
overriding concerns as described in Section 15093 of the State CEQA
iii) Mitigation Reporting or Monitoring Program: When making the findings, the decision -
making body shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes to the
project, which it has adopted or made a condition of project approval in order to
substantially lessen or avoid significant effects on the environment. The reporting or
monitoring program shall be designed to ensure compliance during project
implementation. In preparing the reporting or monitoring program, the City may use the
information contained in the draft monitoring or reporting programs that it receives from
trustee agencies.
iv) Statement of Overriding Considerations: If the benefits of a proposed project
outweigh the unavoidable adverse effects, such effects may be considered
"acceptable." If the City approves a project that allows the occurrence of significant
effects, it shall adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations that states specific
Resolution No. 2004 -2224
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reasons to support its action based on the final EIR and /or other information in the
h) Notice of Determination:
L Preparation and Filing: After a decision has been made to carry out or approve a
project for which a Final EIR has been certified, the Community Development Director
shall cause a Notice of Determination to be prepared and filed in accordance with
Section 15094 of the State CEQA Guidelines. Any fees associated with the filing of the
Notice of Determination or required under Section 711.4 of the Fish and Game Code
shall be paid by the project applicant upon project approval prior to the filing of the
ii. Request for Notices: The Notice of Determination shall be mailed (or e- mailed of
requested) to any person who has filed a written request for such notice with the City
Clerk or Community Development Director. Requests to receive Notices of
Determination shall be renewed annually and are subject to a fee which is reasonably
related to the costs of providing this service. Public agencies shall not be required to
pay a fee to receive a Notice of Determination.
i) Disposition of Final EIR
The Community Development Director shall be responsible for the distribution and filing
of the Final EIR consistent with Section 15095 of the State CEQA Guidelines.
For projects subject to CEQA involving the issuance of a lease, permit, license,
certificate, or other entitlement, where the City of Moorpark is the lead agency, the
following time limits apply, consistent with Section 21151.5 of CEQA. These time limits
are measured from the date the application is deemed complete. A reasonable
extension of time is permitted in the event compelling circumstances justify additional
time and the project applicant consents thereto.
a) One (1) year for completing and certifying Environmental Impact Reports.
b) One hundred eighty (180) days for completing and adopting Negative Declarations.
The Community Development Director shall be the point of contact for the review of
CEQA documents prepared for other agencies and shall be responsible for coordinating
City review of other agency documents. When the City acts a Responsible Agency for a
project, the Community Development Director is responsible for complying with the
requirements for a Responsible Agency under Section 15096 of the State CEQA
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I, Deborah S. Traffenstedt, City Clerk of the City of
Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury
that the foregoing Resolution No. 2004 -2224 adopted by the City
Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular meeting held on the
21st day of July, 2004, and that the same was adopted by the
following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Harper, Mikos, Parvin and Mayor
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilmember Millhouse
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this
28th day of July, 2004.
� pux� , I
Deborah S. Traffensted City Clerk