HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 2007 2573 2007 0321RESOLUTION NO. 2007 -2573 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 ADOPTED OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BUDGET WHEREAS, on June 21, 2006, the City Council adopted the Operating and Capital Improvements Budget for fiscal year 2006/2007; and WHEREAS, certain additions and adjustments to the budget are proposed to allow for effective service delivery for the balance of the fiscal year; and WHEREAS, the City Council now wishes to amend the 2006/2007 fiscal year budget as noted in Exhibits "A & B ". NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. A budget amendment in the aggregate increase in expenditures of $22,250 from Internal Services Fund, $7,005 from the General Fund, $10,000 from the Library Facilities Fund, $770 from Traffic Safety Fund, $53,000 from Traffic System Fund, $267,168 from the Community Development Fund, $150 from Affordable Housing Fund, $4,000 from the AD84 -2 Citywide Fund, $14,000 from the Park Maintenance Fund, $50,000 from the Street Maintenance Fund, $45,540 from the Gas Tax Fund, $5,276 from the Shekell Fire Fund, and $3,100 from the Solid Waste Fund; and a budget amendment in the aggregate increase in revenues of $15,000 from Zone 3 Development Fund, $49,000 from Art in Public Places Fund, $10,000 from Library Services Fund, $25,000 from Open Space Maintenance Fund, $18,459 from AD2006 — Goldman Fund, $5,000 from AD2006 — Village at Moorpark Fund, $12,000 from TDA Article 3 Fund, and $85,073 from Endowment Fund, as more particularly described in Exhibits "A & B" attached hereto is here naro . SECTION 2. The City C19A shall certify to tf�e adop�4al n of this resolution and shall cause a certified resolutio to be filed in the boo of oriel( resolutibns. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21 st day of M ATTEST: S,-Tz�ji Deborah S. Traffenstedt, Clfy Clerk Attachment: Exhibits A and B — Mid Year Budget Amendment Exhibit "A" CITY OF MOORPARK Mid Year Budget Amendment for the 2006/2007 Fiscal Year Summary by Fund -0 :U Iy m (Q cn (D O_ N O 3 • no N O O v N (TI v W Projected Projected Net Fund Revenue Expenditure Impact Increase Increase Increase Fund (Decrease) (Decrease) (Decrease) 0100 - Internal Services $ $ 22.250 S (22,250) 1000 - General 310,000 317,005 (7.005) 1010 - Library Services (10,000) 10,000 2000 - Traffic Safety 770 (770) 2001 - Traffic System - 53.000 (53,000) 2113 - Zone 3 Dev 15.000 15.000 2151 - Art in Public Places 49,000 49,000 2154 - Library Facilities - 10.000 (10,000) 2155 - Open Space Maini 25.000 - 25.000 2200 - Community Dev. (772.960) (505,792) (267,168) 2201 - Affordable Housing 150 (150) 2300 - AD84 -2 Citywide - 4.000 (4,000) 2324 - AD2006 - Goldman 18,459 - 18.459 2325 - AD2006 - Village at Moorpark 5,000 - 5.000 2400 - Park Maintenance - 14.000 (14.000) 2502 - Street Maintenance 50.000 (50.000) 2602 - TDA Article 3 12.000 12,000 2605 - Gas Tax - 45,540 (45,540) 2711 - Shekell Fire 5.276 (5,276) 2800 - Endowment B5.073 - 85.073 5001 - Solid WasteAB939 10,700 13.800 (3,100) S (242,726) $ 19,999 $ (262.727) -0 :U Iy m (Q cn (D O_ N O 3 • no N O O v N (TI v W Exhibit 'B" : cD Mid Year Budget Amendment for the 2006/2007 Fiscal Year (n N (D O Object Current Current Amended W E Budget Unit Code Fund Description Budget Actual Revision Budget Explanation REVENUE: Z 1000 3401 General Rents and Concessions $ 71,000 $ 181.316 $ 130.000 S 201 000 Princeton settlement for back rent O 1000 3588 General Other State Funds 51.525 139.028 130,000 1000 3601 General School District Funding - 8.424 40.000 1000 3730 General Contributions /Donations 10.000 10.000 Subtotal 310,000 181 525 S890 payments for prior years N 40.000 HSRO reimbursement per agreement with MUSD O O 10,000 Library donations v N 4 W 2113 3400 Zone 3 Development Fees Investment Earnings 50 5.219 15,000 15,050 Higher cash balance increased interest percentage 2151 3400 Art in Public Places Investment Earnings 4,838 14,391 49.000 53,838 Higher cash balance increased interest percentage 2155 3118 Open Space Maintenance Other Development Fees 70.000 95,000 25.000 95,000 Developer fees for open space 2200 3240 Community Development Residential Building Permits 1.204,052 252,268 (500,000) 704,052 Reduction in permits due to less residential construction 2200 3822 Community Development Zone Clearance 35,000 41.750 35,000 70,000 Additional zone clearances 2200 3831 Community Development Plan Check Residential 243,960 72.340 (118,960) 125.000 Reduction in plan checks due to less residential construction 2200 3832 Community Development Plan Check Non - residential 28,332 45.209 20,000 48,332 Additional plan checks for non - residential construction 2200 3840 Community Development Planning Time Charges 609,000 174,922 (209,000) 400,000 Reduction in planning charges due to less residential construction 2324 3102 AD 2006 - Goldman Landscape Maintenance - 18.459 18,459 18,459 Property taxes for new Lighting & Landscape assessment district 2325 3102 AD 2006 - Village at Mpk Landscape Maintenance - 5.000 5,000 5.000 Prior year developer deposit adjustment 2602 3511 TDA Article 3 Article 3 Bicycle /Pedestrian 13,000 25.000 12,000 25.000 Article 3 revenue higher than budgeted 2800 3809 Endowment Administration Fees - 85.073 85,073 85,073 Moorpark Highlands admin fee and continuing disclosure report 5001 3522 Solid Waste AB939 Universal Waste Program - 10.700 10,700 New Universal Waste Program grant reimbursement Net Total Revenue S (242,728) PRO Budget Unit Object Code Division Exhibit "B" Mid Year Budget Amendment for the 20062007 Fiscal Year Current Current Description Budget Actual Revision iv (D CAD ON .;�, C Amended =! Budget Explanation O EXPENDITURES: Z O 01003120 -0000 9102 Information Systems Contractual Services $ 103.800 S 29.843 $ 10.250 S 114 050 GDMS GIS Site Hosting for 12 months and Ventura County data N 0100 -3120 -0000 9503 Information Systems Computer Equipment 34,160 9.034 12,000 46 160 SOL hardware and installation not included in original vendor quotg Subtotal 22,250 14 1000 - 2100 -2012 9201 City Manager Computer Supplies /Non - capital 0 0 1,000 1,000 Wireless and computer connection equipment v 1000- 2100 -0000 9205 City Manager Special Department Supplies 300 784 800 1.100 Additional department supplies W 1000- 2100 -0000 9232 City Manager Printing 650 519 200 850 Additional printing costs 1000- 2100 -0000 9240 City Manager Community Promotion - 294 500 500 Signage for Country Days 1000 -2100 -2012 9103 City Manager - Modular Bldgs. Special Professional Services - 10,500 10,500 Moving expenses 1000 -2100 -2012 9503 City Manager - Modular Bldgs Computer Equipment - 17.700 17,700 Four additional counter computers in modular bldg 1000- 2100 -2012 9504 City Manager - Modular Bldgs. Other Equipment - 1,435 10,000 10,000 Breakroom and conference room equipment in modular bldg 1000 -2100- 2012 9631 City Manager - Modular Bldgs Furnishings 44,000 17,689 14,000 58.000 Furnishings for modular units 1000- 2100- 2012 9632 City Manager - Modular Bldgs. Improvements Other than Bldgs 154,000 318.430 207,755 361,755 Additional construction /landscaping costs for the modular bldg 1000 - 2210 -0000 9205 Emergency Management Special Department Supplies 1,000 1,108 400 1.400 Additional department supplies 1000 - 2210 -0000 9221 Emergency Management Memberships & Dues 200 220 100 300 Additional membership costs 1000 - 3100 -0000 9205 Administrative Services Special Department Supplies 1,700 - 3.450 5,150 Binders for permanent legislative records and two office chairs 1000- 3110 -0000 9201 Human Resources Computer Supplies 200 597 500 700 Printer /fax machine and ergonomic equipment 1000- 3110 -0000 9202 Human Resources Office Supplies 300 34 600 900 Disposable cameras for city vehicles 1000- 7620 -0000 9252 Facilities Maintenance and repair 50,700 6,302 25.000 75,700 Covered overhangs to City Hall entrances 1000- 7620 -0000 9102 Facilities Contractual Services 27,900 6,588 5.000 32.900 Lease equipment installation /alarm monitoring for modular bldg 1000- 7620 -0000 9245 Facilities Non - Capital Equipment - - 8,000 8,000 14 chairs for large conference room 1000- 7620 -8041 9102 Facilities Contractual Services 11.000 - 10 000 21,000 Janitorial and alarm monitoring services for Corporation Yard 1000- 7630 -0000 9203 Recreation Copy machine supplies - 530 1,500 1,500 AVRC copy machine Subtotal 317,005 1010- 3120 -0000 9102 Information Systems Contractual Services 10,000 (10,000) - Reclassify to Library Facilities Fund 2000- 8210 -0000 9255 Crossing Guards Gasoline /Diesel 423 444 466 889 Gasoline for crossing guard supervisor 2000 - 8210 -0000 9304 Crossing Guards Safety Equipment 500 347 194 694 Green crossing guard pylons for safety 2000 -8210 -0000 9420 Crossing Guards Telephone Service 90 100 110 200 Crossing guard supervisor cellphone 2001- 7310 -0000 9505 Traffic System Management Vehicles - - 53.000 53.000 Retrofit four City buses to meet new state emissions reduction 2154- 7640 -0000 9102 Library Facilities Contractual Services 3,016 3.016 Reclassify from Library Services Fund 2154 - 7640 -0000 9205 Library Facilities Special Department Supplies 30.000 - 3.268 33,268 Reclassify from Library Services Fund 2154 - 7640 -0000 9503 Library Facilities Computer Equipment 65.243 31 813 3,716 68,959 Reclassify from Library Services Fund 2200- 6100 -0000 9003 Community Development Salaries 12,000 - (12.000) - No part-time salaries 2200- 6100 -0000 9232 Community Development Printing 1 500 1.605 1,000 2.500 Additional printing 2200- 6100 -0000 9420 Community Development Telephone Service 540 566 500 1.040 Director cell phone 2200- 6410 -0000 9143 Budding and Safety Residential Plan Check 162.648 20,233 (82,648) 80,000 Reduce plan check costs due to less residential construction 2200 -6410 -0000 9144 Budding and Safety Nonresidential Plan Check 18,889 18,959 1 1 ,1 1 1 30,000 Additional plan check costs for non-residential construction 2200 -6410 -0000 9146 Building and Safety Residential Permits 702,324 61.110 (412.324) 290,000 Reduce permit costs due to less residential construction 2200 -6410 -0000 9147 Building and Safety Nonresidential Permits 47,009 16.050 (15 009) 32,000 Reduce permit costs due to less residential construction 2200 - 6430 - 0000 9016 Code Compliance Bilingual Pay 624 572 506 1,130 Code compliance officer bilingual pay 2200 - 6440- 0000 9016 Planning Bilingual Pay 832 712 572 1 404 Planning staff bilingual pay 2200 - 6440 -0000 9224 Planning Mileage 100 224 300 400 Additional mileage reimbursement 2200- 6440 -0000 9232 Planning Printing 500 315 200 700 Additional printing costs 2200. 6440 -0000 9234 Planning Advertising 2.000 3.349 2.000 4,000 Zoning ordinance amendments 2201- 2430 -0000 9232 City Housing Postage 100 137 150 250 Additional postage costs 2300 - 7900 -7902 9103 Lighting & Landscape Special Professional Services 5,000 5.079 4.000 9.000 Attorney & arbonst fees for High Street pepper trees Exhibit "B" Q CD - Mid Year Budget Amendment for the 200612007 Fiscal Year c CD O Object Current Current Amended U1 .E-r Budget Unit Code Division Description Budget Actual Revision Budget Explanation p 2400 - 7800 -0000 9503 Park Maintenance Computer Equipment 1,337 4,500 4,500 Three computers, monitors & printer for park s/faci iit es personnel Z 2400 - 7800 -7801 9102 Park Maintenance Contract Services 1,400 2,202 3.500 4,900 Poindexter Park weed abatement O 2400- 7800 -7809 9415 Park Maintenance Water 1.000 5,051 6,000 7,000 Water consumption higher than anticipated N 2502- 8310 -8036 9601 Street Maintenance Design /Engineering - 24,582 50,000 50,000 Contract employee and other services for traffic signal connect O 2605 - 8310 -0000 9205 Street Maintenance Special Department Supplies 800 789 778 1.578 Additional printed reports O 2605 - 8310 -0000 9220 Street Maintenance Publications and Subscriptions 300 349 397 697 Publication on new law governing vehicles v 2605 - 8310 -0000 9232 Street Maintenance Printing 300 349 398 698 Printing for various projects 2605 - 8310 -0000 9251 Street Maintenance Other Equipment Maintenance 5,000 4.504 4,008 9,008 Unplanned repair of older skiploader /Gannon CN v 2605 -8310 -0000 9253 Street Maintenance Traffic Signal Maintenance 70,000 37,447 4,894 74,894 Replace 2 controllers damaged from powersurge and battery W backup signal equipment 2605- 8310 -0000 9254 Street Maintenance Vehicle Maintenance 6.000 3,330 660 6.660 Repair brakes on three vehicles 2605 -8310 -0000 9255 Street Maintenance Gasoline /Diesel 10,000 8.040 6.079 16,079 Smog checks for vehicles 2605 -8310 -0000 9301 Street Maintenance Paint 2,500 1.989 1,479 3,979 Graffiti removal 2605 - 8310 -0000 9310 Street Maintenance Asphalt/Concrete 7,000 4,113 1,226 8,226 New sidewalks 2605- 8310 - 0000 9412 Street Maintenance Signal Energy 17,000 9.037 1,074 18,074 Increased energy costs 2605- 8310 -0000 9504 Street Maintenance Other Equipment 1,000 5,371 9,742 10,742 Various small equipment 2605 -8310 -0000 9504 Street Maintenance Other Equipment 1,000 5,371 14.805 15,805 Battery backup system & installation for signal equipment 2711 - 2210- 0000 9004 Shekell Fire Overtime 0 3.116 3.116 3.116 Overtime for emergency fire; will be reimbursed by State Office of Emergency Services 2711 - 2210 -0000 9102 Shekell Fire Contractual Services 0 2,160 2.160 2,160 Videomax Bulletin Board System services, will be reimbursed by State Office of Emergency Services 5001- 7530 -7502 9002 Solid Waste AB939 Salaries 2,887 1.382 3.100 5,987 Grant expenditures for Universal Waste program 5001- 7530 -7504 9205 Solid Waste AB939 Special Department Supplies 0 0 4,000 4,000 Grant expenditures for Universal Waste program 5001- 7530 -7504 9102 Solid Waste AB939 Contractual Services 0 0 3,500 3.500 Grant expenditures for Universal Waste program 5001- 7530 -7504 9234 Solid Waste AB939 Advertising 0 0 3,200 3.200 Grant expenditures for Universal Waste program Net Total Expenditures $ 19,999 Resolution No. 2007 -2573 Page 6 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF VENTURA ) ss. CITY OF MOORPARK ) I, Deborah S. Traffenstedt, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2007 -2573 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular meeting held on the 21 st day of March, 2007, and that the same was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Mikos, Parvin, Van Dam, and Mayor Pro Tempore Millhouse NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Hunter ABSTAIN: None WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 2nd day of April, 2007. Deborah S. Traffenstedt, Ci lerk (seal)