HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES CC 2009 2833 2009 0701RESOLUTION NO. 2009 -2833
WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires public
agencies to conduct environmental review on certain projects that would result in a
physical change to the environment; and
WHEREAS, an Initial Study was prepared in compliance with CEQA for proposed
Project No. 8056: Metrolink Access Driveway, in order to determine if any significant
environmental effects would result from the project; and
WHEREAS, the conclusion of the Initial Study was that, with the incorporation of
mitigation measures, no significant effects would result from proposed Project No. 8056
and a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared; and
WHEREAS, public notice of the Mitigated Negative Declaration was given in
accordance with CEQA with comments accepted between May 26, 2009 and June 16,
2009 and no comments were received during this period.
The City Council has considered the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for
Project No. 8056: Metrolink Access Driveway, together with any comments received
during the public review process.
City Council finds on the basis of the whole record for Project 8056: Metrolink Access
Driveway, including the Initial Study and any comments received, that there is no
substantial evidence that the project will have a significant effect on the environment
with the inclusion of mitigation measures identified in the Mitigated Negative Declaration
included in Exhibit A (Mitigated Negative Declaration), that these mitigation measures
are incorporated into the project as conditions of approval, and that the Mitigated
Negative Declaration prepared for the project reflects the independent judgment and
analysis of the City of Moorpark and is hereby adopted.
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program identified in the Initial Study prepared on
behalf of Project 8056: Metrolink Access Driveway, is hereby adopted.
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 2
SECTION 4. CERTIFICATION OF ADOPTION: The City Clerk shall certify to
the adoption of this resolution and shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the
book of original resolutions.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of July, 2009.
Maureen Benson, Assistant City Clerk
Exhibit A — Mitigated Negative Declaration
Qa0e S. Parvin, Mayor
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 3
ty y /Mooar EXHIBIT A
ci 0 00
9411 p JJ/
799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, California 93021 (805) 517 -6200 fax (805) 532 -2540
The City of Moorpark, after having conducted an Initial Study, has prepared a Mitigated Negative
Declaration for the following project:
Provide a driveway as a primary means of access to the existing Metrolink parking lot by removing two single famil
homes at 49 and 65 First Street. The proposed driveway will provide access to and from the Metrolink parking lot via
a signalized intersection at First Street and Moorpark Avenue. The design includes 8 foot wide bike paths along both
sides of the driveway, a 20 foot wide landscaped parkway along the western side of the driveway and a 23 foot wide
landscaped parkway, which includes a 6 foot wide concrete sidewalk along the eastern side of the driveway. The
driveway has an 8 foot wide landscaped median in the center of the driveway and a 6 foot tall decorative block wall
proposed along eastern property line of the driveway. The plans include a 15 foot wide landscaped median across
First Street, which is designed with curbs to contain a 14 foot wide landscaped area, along with pavers, which are
intended to create a drivable surface for emergency vehicles. The median across First Street forces right hand onl�y
turns for southbound traffic exiting the proposed Metrolink driveway and directs traffic out to the signalized
intersection of First Street and Moorpark Avenue. The existing Metrolink driveway which takes access off of
Moorpark Avenue will be closed to through traffic once the proposed driveway is constructed but will be designed to
accommodate emergency access and ingress / egress for the public in case First Street access is closed.
The project's case number, and location is as follows:
City of Moorpark Proiect Case No: 8056 and the proposed Metrolink parking lot access driveway is located on
the North side of First Street lust east of Moorpark Avenue, (proposed to be located between the properties at
530 Moorpark Ave & 81 First Street), Moorpark, Ventura County.
The proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study are forwarded to your agency for
possible comments relating to your area of interest. Written comments on this Mitigated Negative
Declaration will be accepted in the Community Development Department office from May 26,
2009 to June 16, 2009. Written comments should be directed to:
Joseph R. Vacca, Principal Planner
Community Development Department
City of Moorpark
799 Moorpark Avenue
Moorpark, CA 93021
(805) 517 -6236
jvacca @ci.moorpark.ca.us
The City Council will be considering this proposed project at their regular meeting of July 1, 2009
at or after the hour of 7:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers, 799 Moorpark Avenue.
Additional information on public hearings or meetings for the proposed project can be obtained
from the Community Development Department at (805) 517 -6200.
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Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 4
The proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study and all documents referenced
therein are available for review during normal business hours in the Community Development
office, City Hall, 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, California, 93021.
The project site is not contained on any of the lists enumerated under Section 65962.5 of the
Government Code including, but not limited to lists of hazardous waste facilities, land designated
as hazardous waste property, and hazardous waste disposal sites.
Si usted tiene preguntas relacionadas con esta propuesta, comuniquese por favor con Joseph
Fiss dentro del Departamento del Desarrollo de la Comunidad, al 517 -6226.
Ifavid A. Bobardt
Planning Director
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 5
(805) 517 -6200
The following Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with the California
Environmental Quality Act of 1970 as amended, the State Guidelines, and the Environmental Procedures
of the City of Moorpark.
Public Review Period: May 26, 2009 to June 16. 2009
Project Title /Case No.: Metrolink Parking Lot Access Driveway, City of Moorpark Project No. 8056
Project Location: The proposed Metrolink parking lot access driveway is located on the North side of
First Street just east of Moorpark Avenue, (proposed to be located between the
properties at 530 Moorpark Ave. 8 81 First Street), Moorpark, Ventura County.
Project Description: Provide a driveway as a primary means of access to the existing Metrolink parking lot
by removing two single family homes at 49 and 65 First Street. The proposed
driveway will provide access to and from the Metrolink parking lot via a signalized
intersection at First Street and Moorpark Avenue. The design includes 8 foot wide
bike paths along both sides of the driveway, a 20 foot wide landscaped parkway along
the western side of the driveway and a 23 foot wide landscaped parkway, which
includes a 6 foot wide concrete sidewalk along the eastern side of the driveway. The
driveway has an 8 foot wide landscaped median in the center of the driveway and a 6
foot tall decorative block wall proposed along eastern property line of the driveway
The plans include a 15 foot wide landscaped median across First Street. which is
designed with curbs to contain a 14 foot wide landscaped area, along with pavers,
which are intended to create a drivable surface for emergency vehicles. The median
across First Street forces right hand only turns for southbound traffic exiting the
proposed Metrolink driveway and directs traffic out to the signalized intersection of
First Street and Moorpark Avenue. The existing Metrolink driveway which takes
access off of Moorpark Avenue will be closed to through traffic once the proposed
driveway is constructed but will be designed to accommodate emergency access and
ingress / egress for the public in case First Street access is closed (Environmental
Information Form Attached)
Project Type: Private Project X Public Project
Project Applicant: Yugal Lall, City Engineer / Public Works Director for the City of Moorpark
799 Moorpark Avenue Moorpark CA 93021, (805) 517 -6255
Finding: After preparing an Initial Study for the above - referenced project, revisions have been
made by or agreed to by the applicant consistent with the mitigation measures
identified in the Initial Study With these revisions. it is found that there is no
substantial evidence, in light of the whole record before the City of Moorpark, that the
protect may have a significant effect on the environment. (Initial Study Attached)
Responsible Agencies: Southern California Regional Rail Authority / Metrolink
Trustee Agencies: None
Attachments: Initial Study with Mitigation Measures and Monitoring and Reporting Program
Contact Person: Joseph R Vacca
Community Development Department
City of Moorpark
799 Moorpark Avenue
Moorpark, California, 93021
(805) 517 -6236
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 6
Metro, . Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No. 8056
(805) 517 -6200
Project Title: Metrolink Parking Lot Access Driveway Project No.: 8056
Contact Person and Phone No.: Yugal Lall, City Engineer / Public Works Director (805) 517 -6255
Name of Applicant: City of Moorpark (Public Works Department)
Address and Phone No.: 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark CA 93021 (805) 517 -6255
Project Location: The Metrolink parking lot access driveways proposed on the North side of First Street just east of Moorpark
Avenue (proposed to be located between the properties at 530 Moorpark Ave & 81 First Street), Moorpark,
Ventura County
General Plan Designation
Medium Dens ty Residential (4 DU /AC) Zoning
R -1 —Single Family Residential zone
Project Description: Provide a driveway as a primary means of access to the existing Metrolink parking lot and train platform by
removing two single family homes at 49 and 65 First Street The proposed driveway will provide access to
and from the Metrolink parking lot via a signal zed intersection at First Street and Moorpark Avenue. This proposed location of the
driveway access to the Metrolink parking lot keeps the required access away from residential neighborhoods and properties, except the
one lot directly to the east of the driveway as it is proposed to be located next to the existing commercial developments along Moorpark
Avenue. The design includes 8 foot wide bike paths along both sides of the driveway a 20 foot wide landscaped parkway along the
western side of the driveway and a 23 foot wide landscaped parkway. which includes a 6 fool wide concrete sidewalk along the eastern
side of the driveway The driveway has an 8 foot wide landscaped median in the center of the driveway and a 6 fool tall decorative block
wall proposed along eastern property line of the driveway The plans currently include a 15 foot wide landscaped median across First
Street, which is designed with curbs to contain a 14 foot wide landscaped area, along with pavers, which are intended to create a drivable
surface for emergency vehicles. The proposed median across First Street forces right hand only turns for southbound traffic exiling the
proposed Metrolink driveway and directs traffic out to the signalized intersection of First Street and Moorpark Avenue. The proposed
median across First Street maybe omitted from the plan drawings and may not be constructed it determined not to be necessary Using
an extension to the existing Bard Street for the primary access to the Metrolink Parking lots not a feasible alternative because a
significant amount of overhead power lines are located at the current terminus of the Bard Street Right Of Way which would need to be
relocated or placed underground, and this point of access would encourage cut- through traffi: through the existing residential
neighborhoods surrounding Bard Street in order to access the parking lot The Metroiink parking lot driveway cannot be directly accessed
from Spring Road due to the presence of existing light industrial buildings, driveways and parking spaces which are located on the
adjacent property directly east of the Metrolink parking lot at 555 Spring Road The existing Metrolink driveway which currently takes
access off of Moorpark Avenue will be closed to through traffic once the proposed driveways constructed, but will be designed to
accommodate emergency access and ingress ! egress for the public in case First Street access is closed
Surrounding Land Uses and Setting:
North: Metrolink parking lot. rail lines and train boarding platform
South: Retail business, with commercial land use along Moorpark Avenue. and Single Family Residential uses on First
Street, with an alley and some vacant land located directly to the south of the proposed access driveway
East: Single Family Residential land uses with single family homes located along F -rst Street
West: Commercial businesses, with commercial and office land uses along Moorpark Avenue
Responsible and Trustee Agencies: None
The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project. involving at least one impact that is a
"Potentially Significant Impact" or "Less Than Significant With Mitigation. "as indicated by the checklist on the following pages
X Aesthetics Agricultural Resources Air Quality
i --- ---III
Biological Resources Cultural Resources Geology /Soils
I '
Hazards and Hazardous Materials HydrologyANater Quality I Land Use /Planning
Mineral Resources X Noise Population/Housing
Public Services Recreation I X Transportation/Traffic
Utilities /Service Systems Mandatory Findings of Significance None
DETERMINATION: On the basis of this initial evaluation,
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 7
Metr.- A Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No. 8056
I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant
effect in this case because revisions in the protect have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. Mitigation
measures described on the attached Exhibit 1 have been added to the project. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE
will d DECLARATION l p
Prepared by: . t.� Reviewed by: g
Date: : -:' Date: Od
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 8
Metr(- Parking Lot Access Driveway
Protect No 8056
Prior to approval of plans and specifications, landscaping and irrigation plans
prepared by a licensed landscape architect and a wall plan must be submitted to
the planning director for review and approval. New landscaping must include a
variety of 24 inch boxed trees, 15 - gallon sized shrubs, and ground cover. New
landscaping is to be installed within 90 days of completion of parkways, sidewalks
and concrete median curbs.
Monitoring Action: Review of landscaping and field inspections.
Timing: Prior to approval of plans and specifications, after
installation of landscaping.
Responsibility: Planning Director
2. Construction hours are limited to 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Monday through Saturday
as specified in Chapter 15.26 of the Moorpark Municipal Code.
Monitoring Action: Review of construction specifications.
Timing: Prior to approval of contract.
Responsibility: Director of Public Works
3. The City of Moorpark shall provide relocation assistance as required by California
Law to the occupants of the existing homes at 49 and 65 First Street, if the project
is approved and the homes are removed from the site, prior to approval of
contract for construction of the proposed driveway.
Monitoring Action: Review of construction specifications and provide
relocation assistance to occupants of existing residents.
Timing: Prior to approval of contract.
Responsibility: Redevelopment Manager
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
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Metrolink Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No. 8056
4. Signage is to be provided on both sides of the median planter on First Street at
appropriate locations to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director indicating
that First Street is "Not a Through Street ". Signage must also be provided on
Moorpark Avenue indicating the location of the access to the Metrolink Parking
Monitoring Action: Review of construction specifications and Signing and
Striping Plan.
Timing: Prior to approval of contract.
Responsibility: Director of Public Works
In accordance with the CEQA Guidelines Section 15070 (California Code of Regulations
Title 14, Chapter 3, Article 6), this agreement must be signed prior to release of the
Mitigated Negative Declaration for public review.
Signature of Project Applicant Date
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Metrolink Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No 8056
4) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which X
would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the
Response. The improvements for the driveway access to the existing Metrolink parking lot would require
the removal of two single family homes and front yard landscaping, located along the
northern side of First Street, just east of the commercial property at 530 Moorpark Avenue.
The project would, however, replace the existing front yard landscaping with new landscaped
parkways that range in width between twenty and twenty-three feet and a new landscaped
median proposed to be 8 feet wide in the center of the driveway. A fifteen foot wide
landscaped median is proposed across First Street. Mitigation is included that replacement
landscaping shall be provided in the new parkways and median, along with a new decorative
masonry wall along the eastern property line of the proposed driveway New street lighting
will be installed as part of the project. however, since the street is already lit, this Is
considered a less -than significant impact.
Sources Project description, site plans.
Mitigation Prior to approval of plans and specifications, landscaping and irrigation plans prepared by a
licensed landscape architect and a wall plan must be submitted to the planning director for
review and approval New landscaping must include a variety of 24 Inch boxed trees, 15 -
gallon sized shrubs, and ground cover. New landscaping is to be installed within 90 days of
completion of parkways, sidewalks and concrete median curbs.
B. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES — In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are
significant environmental effects, the City of Moorpark may refer to the California Agricultural Land
Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Dept. of Conservation as an
optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. Would the project
1) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland. or Farmland X
of Slatew de Importance (Farmland), as shown on
maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and
Monitoring Program of the California Resources
agency, to non- agricullural use)
2) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use or a X
Williamson Act contract?
3) Involve other changes in the existing environment which. X
due to their location or nature, could result in
conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use?
Response This project does not affect agricultural resources
Sources. Project description. site plans
Mitigation None required
Less Than
Significant Less Than
With Significant No
Mitigation Impact Impact
A. AESTHETICS — Would the project
1) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista?
2) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but
not limited lo, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic
buildings within a state scenic highway?
3) Substantially degrade the existing visual character or
quality of the site and its surroundings)
4) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which X
would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the
Response. The improvements for the driveway access to the existing Metrolink parking lot would require
the removal of two single family homes and front yard landscaping, located along the
northern side of First Street, just east of the commercial property at 530 Moorpark Avenue.
The project would, however, replace the existing front yard landscaping with new landscaped
parkways that range in width between twenty and twenty-three feet and a new landscaped
median proposed to be 8 feet wide in the center of the driveway. A fifteen foot wide
landscaped median is proposed across First Street. Mitigation is included that replacement
landscaping shall be provided in the new parkways and median, along with a new decorative
masonry wall along the eastern property line of the proposed driveway New street lighting
will be installed as part of the project. however, since the street is already lit, this Is
considered a less -than significant impact.
Sources Project description, site plans.
Mitigation Prior to approval of plans and specifications, landscaping and irrigation plans prepared by a
licensed landscape architect and a wall plan must be submitted to the planning director for
review and approval New landscaping must include a variety of 24 Inch boxed trees, 15 -
gallon sized shrubs, and ground cover. New landscaping is to be installed within 90 days of
completion of parkways, sidewalks and concrete median curbs.
B. AGRICULTURE RESOURCES — In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are
significant environmental effects, the City of Moorpark may refer to the California Agricultural Land
Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Dept. of Conservation as an
optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. Would the project
1) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland. or Farmland X
of Slatew de Importance (Farmland), as shown on
maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and
Monitoring Program of the California Resources
agency, to non- agricullural use)
2) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use or a X
Williamson Act contract?
3) Involve other changes in the existing environment which. X
due to their location or nature, could result in
conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use?
Response This project does not affect agricultural resources
Sources. Project description. site plans
Mitigation None required
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
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h1etrolink Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No 8056
Less Than
Potentially Significant
Less Than
Significant With
Significant No
Impact Mitigation
_ Impact Impact
C. AIR QUALITY — Would the project
1) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable
air quality plan'?
2) Violate any air quality standard or contribute
substantially to an existing or protected air quality
3) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any
criteria pollutant for which the project region is non
attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient
air quality standard (including releasing emissions
which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone
4) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant
5) Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number X
of people?
Response: The improvements for the driveway access to the existing Metrolink parking lot Includes the
addition of two driveway vehicle lanes. but. it is estimated by the Public Works Director that
approximately one hundred (100 0/c) percent of the existing 500 vehicle trips will shift from the
existing Metrolink parking lot access driveway to the proposed access driveway and would
therefore not increase the estimated number of vehicle trips to and from the Metrolink parking
lot. With no growth - inducing impacts that could result in increases In air pollution, no adverse
impact is expected Construction dust may result from the widening activities. but the size of
the project is too small to result in significant fugitive dust as defined in the Ventura County
Air Quality Assessment Guidelines.
Sources Project description, site plans. January 22, 2009 traffic counts at the existing driveway to the
Metrolink parking lot off Moorpark Avenue and First Street off Moorpark Avenue, Ventura
County Air Pollution Control District Ventura County Air Quality Assessment Guidelines
Mitigation: None Required
D. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES — Would the project.
1) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or X
through habitat modifications. on any species identified
as a candidate, sensitive. or special status species in
local or regional plans. policies, or regulations, or by the
California Department of Fish and Game or U S Fish
and Wildlife Service)
2) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat X
or other sensitive natural community identified in local or
regional plans. policies. regulations or by the California
Department of Fish and Game or US Fish and Wildlife
3) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected X
wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water
Act (including. but not limited to. marsh, vernal pool
coastal, etc ) through direct removal, filling hydrological
interruption, or other means?
4) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native X
resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with
established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors.
or impede the use of native wildlife nursery s les)
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 12
5) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting
biological resources. such as a free preservation policy
or ordinance?
Metrolink Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No. 8056
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than
Significant With Significant No
Impact Mitigation Impact Impact
6) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat X
Conservation Plan. Natural Community Conservation
Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat
conservation plan
Response: This project is in an urbanized location and does not affect natural biological resources.
Sources Project description, site plans
Mitigation. None required i
E. CULTURAL RESOURCES — Would the project.
1) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of X
a historic resource as defined in §15064 59
2) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of X
an archaeological resource pursuant to §15064 5?
3) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological X
resource or site or unique geologic feature?
4) Disturb any human remains, including those interred X
outside of formal cemeteries?
Response. This project involves the removal of two single family homes and minor grading and paving of j
a relatively flat area The project area has previously been cleared and graded for the
development of the two single family homes leaving a remote possibility of cultural resources
existing on site.
Sources: Project description, site plans
Mitigation None required
F. GEOLOGY AND SOILS — Would the project
1) Expose people or structures to potential substantial
adverse effects, including the risk of loss. injury. or death
) Rupture of a known earthquake fault as delineated on the X
most recent Alquist- Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map
issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on
other substantial evidence of a known faith Refer to
Division of Mines and Geology Specal Publication 42
i) Strong seismic ground shaking? X
w) Seismic - related ground failure, including liquefaction) X
iv) Landslides? X
2) Result in substantial sod eros,on or the loss of lopsodl X
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 13
1) Create a significant hazard to the public or the
environment through the routine transport. use. or
disposal of hazardous mater als'>
2) Create a significant hazard to the public or the
environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and
accident conditions involving the release of hazardous
materials into the environment?
3) Emit hazardous emission or handle hazardous or acutely
hazardous materials. substances. or waste within one-
quarter mile of an existing or proposed school)
4) Be located on a site which is included on a fist of
hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to
Government Code Section 65962 5 and. as a result.
would it create a sigrnficant'hazard to the public or the
5) For a project located within an airport land use plan or
where such a plan has not been adopted within two
miles of a public airport or public use airport. would the
project result in a safety hazard for people residing or
working in the project area'
6) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip. would
the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or
working in the project area?
7) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an
adopted emergency response plan or emergency
evacuation plan?
8) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss. X
injury or death involving wddland fires. lrctudmg where
wrldlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where
residences are intermixed with wildlands'_ _
Response. This project does not affect hazards of hazardous materials and does not include any
"Cortese list" properties
Metrollnk Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No 8056
Less Than
Significant Less Than
With Significant No
Mitigation Impact Impact
3) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable or
that would become unstable as a result of the project.
and potentially result in on- or off -site landslide lateral
spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse?
4) Be located on expansive soil as defined in Table 18 -1 -8
of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial
risks to life or property)
5) Have sods incapable of adequately supporting the use of
septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems
where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste
Response. The project does not Include the construction of any buildings Soil erosion is not expected,
since the site will be paved and /or landscaped
Sources Project description. site plans
Mitigation None required
1) Create a significant hazard to the public or the
environment through the routine transport. use. or
disposal of hazardous mater als'>
2) Create a significant hazard to the public or the
environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and
accident conditions involving the release of hazardous
materials into the environment?
3) Emit hazardous emission or handle hazardous or acutely
hazardous materials. substances. or waste within one-
quarter mile of an existing or proposed school)
4) Be located on a site which is included on a fist of
hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to
Government Code Section 65962 5 and. as a result.
would it create a sigrnficant'hazard to the public or the
5) For a project located within an airport land use plan or
where such a plan has not been adopted within two
miles of a public airport or public use airport. would the
project result in a safety hazard for people residing or
working in the project area'
6) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip. would
the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or
working in the project area?
7) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an
adopted emergency response plan or emergency
evacuation plan?
8) Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss. X
injury or death involving wddland fires. lrctudmg where
wrldlands are adjacent to urbanized areas or where
residences are intermixed with wildlands'_ _
Response. This project does not affect hazards of hazardous materials and does not include any
"Cortese list" properties
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 14
Melrolink Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No 8056
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than
Significant With Significant No
Impact Mitigation Impact Impact
Sources Project description, site plans, Cortese list (from Cal EPA website)
Mitigation None required
1) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge
2) Substantially deplete groundwater supplies or interfere X
substantially with groundwater recharge such that there
would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of
the local groundwater table level (e g the production
(ale of pre - existing nearby wells would drop to a level
which would not support existing land uses or planned
uses for which permits have been grantedO
3) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site X
or area, Including through the alteration of the course of
a stream or river, in a mariner which would result in
substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site?
4) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site X
or area including through the alteration of the course of
a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or
amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result
In flooding on- or off -site?
51 Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the X
capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage
systems or provide substantial additional sources of
polluted runoff?
6) Otherwise substantially degrade water quality? X
7) Place housing within a 100 -year flood hazard area as X
mapped on a federal Flood Hazard boundary or Flood
Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation
81 Place within a 100 -year flood hazard area structures which X
would impede or redirect flood flows?
91 Expose people or structures to a significant risk of loss X
injury or death involving i) flooding. including flooding as
a result of the failure of a levee or dam?
if) inundation by semche, tsunami, or muciflow?
Response. This project Involves installation of a two way driveway, bike lanes and landscaped parkways
and a median within the driveway and a median across First Street Proper NPDES Best
Management Practices will be employed during construction
Sources Project Description, site plans
Mitigation- None Required
I. LAND USE AND PLANNING — Would the project
1) Physically divide an established community)
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
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hletfohnk Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No 8056
Less Than
Potentially Significant
Significant With
Impact Mitigation
2) Conflict with any applicable land use plan policy or
regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project
(including but not limited to the general plan, specific
plan, local coastal program. or zoning ordinance)
adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an
environmental effect?
Less Than
Significant No
Impact Impact
3) Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or X
natural community conservation plan? —
Response- This project involves the creation of a new primary access driveway to the Metrolink parking
lot which exits to a local street, to accommodate both right hand and left hand turning
movements into and out of the Metrolink parking lot, along with bicycle lanes proposed in
both directions adjacent the driveway The proposal Is consistent with the Circulation
Element which encourages driveways to take access off local streets The proposal is to
create a new primary driveway access to the Metrolink parking lot which provides further
separation from the existing railroad lines, beyond the distances that exist between the
current driveway and rail lines. and the proposed driveway provides closer access to a
signalized intersection which is currently designed to accommodate left hand turning
movements. The landscaped median proposed across First Street will prohibit cut through
traffic while still accommodating for travel of emergency vehicles into the existing residential
neighborhood via Moorpark Avenue. If necessary. therefore, the design minimizes disruption
to adjacent residential neighborhood.
Sources: City of Moorpark General Plan. Zoning Ordinances. Project description, site plans
i Mitigation None required
J. MINERAL RESOURCES - Would the project.
1) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral X
resource that would be of value to the region and the
residents of the state's
2) Result in the loss of availability of a locally - important X
mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local
general plan, specific plan or other land use plan?
Response This project is not In a mineral resource zone and does not affect mineral resources.
Sources: Project description, site plans OSCAR Element
Mitigation: None required
K. NOISE - Would the project result In
1) Exposure of persons to or generation of nose levels in
excess of standards established in the local general plan
or noise ordinance, or app'tcabte standards of other
2) Exposure of persons to or generation of excessive
groundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels
3) A substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 16
in the project vicinity above levels existing without the
4) A substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient
noise levels in the project v cinity above levels existing
without the project?
5) For a project located within an airport land use plan or
where such a plan has not been adopted, within two
miles of a public airport or public use airport. would the
project expose people residing or working in the project
area to excessive noise levels?
Metrolrnk Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No. 8056
Less Than
Less Than
Significant No
Miti ation
Impact Impact
6) For a project within the vicinity of a private airstrip. would x
the project expose people residing or working in the
project area to excessive noise levels'?
— - - -- - - - -... ..-- - -
Response. Construction noise from installation of the proposed driveway could be significant on
residential uses to the east on First Street Mitigation is included to restrict construction
hours, reducing this impact to less -than significant
Sources: General Plan Noise Element (1998), Moorpark Municipal Code. Project description , site
Mitigation. Construction hours are limited to 7 00 AM to 7 00 PM. Monday through Saturday as specified
in Chapter 15.26 of the Moorpark Municipal Code
L. POPULATION AND HOUSING — Would the project
1) Induce substantial population growth in an area either
directly I for example, by proposing new homes and
businesses) or indirectly ( for example through
extension of roads or other infrastructure)?
2) Displace substantial numbers of existing housing
necessitating the construction of replacement housing
3) Displace substantial numbers of people, necessitating the
construction of replacement housing elsewhere
.......... ... ..... —
Response: The proposed driveway is located where two single family homes exist and would be
removed. There are only two single family units affected by the proposed plan, and this does
not present a substantial number of existing housing units being displaced. Mitigation is
included that the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Moorpark would be required to
provide relocation assistance to the occupants of the homes if the project is approved, prior
to construction of the proposed driveway
I Sources Project Application description, site plans
Mitigation: The City of Moorpark shall provide relocation assistance as required by California Law to the
occupants of the existing homes at 49 and 65 First Street, if the project is approved and the
homes are removed from the site. prior to approval of contract for construction of the
proposed driveway.
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 17
Metrolink Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No 8056
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than
Significant With Significant No
Im act Miti ation Im act Impact--
1) Would the project result in Substantial adverse physical
impacts associated with the provision of new or
physically altered governmental facilities. need for new
or physically altered governmental facilities. the
construction of which could cause significant
environmental impacts in order to maintain acceptable
service ratios, response times or other performance
objectives for any of the public services
Fare protection? X
Police protection? X
Schools? X
Parks? X
Other public facilities? X
Response: Vista bus service will benefit from the design of the proposed driveway for access to the
Metrolink parking lot, because the bus route circulation will be improved as the proposed
driveway provides access to a signalized intersection at First Street and Moorpark Avenue
and the driveway is designed to accommodate a minimum twenty five foot turning radius
which is larger that the turning radius of the existing Metrolink parking lot driveway.
Sources: Project description, site plans j
Mitigation. None Required
1) Would the protect increase the use of existing
neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational
facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of
the facility would occur or be accelerated?
2) Does the project include recreational facilities or require
the construction or expansion of recreational facilities —
which might have an adverse physical effect on the
I Response. The project does not affect parks or recreation
i Sources: Project description, site plans
Mitigation: None Required
O. TRANSPORTATION /TRAFFIC — Would the project.
11 Cause an increase In Traffic which Is substantial in relation
to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street
system (i e . result in a substantial increase in either the
number of vehicle trips. the volume to capacity ratio on
roads. or congestion at intersections)?
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 18
Metrolink Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No. 8056
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than
Significant With Significant No
Impact Mitigation Impact Impact
2) Exceed either individually or cumulatively, a level of X
service standard established by the county congestion
management agency for designated roads or h ghways"
3) Result in a change in air traffic patterns. including ether X
an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that
results in substantial safety risks?
4) Substantially increase hazards due to a design feature X
(e g . sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or
incompatible uses (e g , farm equipment)"
5) Result in inadequate emergency access? X
6) Result in inadequate parking capacity-, X
7) Conflict with adopted policies plans or programs X
supporting alternative transportation (e g bus turnouts,
bicycle racks))
Response. The Public Works Director has analyzed the traffic counts from January 22, 2009. of the
existing Metrolink access driveway and has concluded that the majority of vehicle trips to the I
parking lot come from the south The existing users of the Metrolink parking lot coming from
the south are expected to continue to use the existing Metrolink parking lot, as It is a more
direct route with a right hand and left hand turning movement upon entry Into the parking lot
off of Moorpark Avenue and then off of First Street We have concluded that all of the
existing vehicle trips to the Metrolink parking lot will likely continue to use the existing parking
lot, with the use of the proposed access driveway The Public Works Director estimates that
without the median across First Street, twenty (20 %) percent or less of the vehicle trips to the
Metroltnk parking lot would have traveled through the single family neighborhood located
along and east of First Street, as coming In from Spring Road. which totals approximately fifty
(50) cars a day.
The design of the median across First Street forces right hand only turns for southbound
traffic exiting the proposed Metrolink driveway, which will prohibit cut - through traffic in the
nearby neighborhoods, for vehicles exiting the parking lot and heading southbound. Mitigation
is included to address the closure of First Street, reducing this impact to less -than significant
The Public Works Director will be working with Caltrans to adjust timing of the functions of
the traffic signal at First Street and Moorpark Avenue, to accommodate reasonable traffic
flow through this intersection as warranted by this project. Also, to ensure appropriate
circulation and avoid potential conflicts of vehicles with the closure of First Street and the
removal and relocation of the Metrolink Access Driveway to the proposed location, signage
shall be posted to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director Indicating the First Street Is
"Not a Through Street and temporary signage must be provided. indicating that the Metrolink
Access Driveway has been relocated off of First Street
Sources. Project description, site plans January 22. 2009 traffic counts at the existing driveway to the
Metrolink parking lot off Moorpark Avenue and First Street off Moorpark Avenue
Mitigation Signage is to be provided on both sides of the median planter on First Street at appropriate
locations to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director indicating that First Street is "Not a
Through Street ". Signage must also be provided on Moorpark Avenue indicating the location
of the access to the Metrolink Parking Lot
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 19
Less Than
Potentially Significant
Significant With
Impact Mitigation
nk Parking L.ol Access Driveway
Project No. 8056
Less Than
Significant No
__ Impact __ Impact
1) Exceed wastewater treatment requirements of the X
applicable Regional Water Quality Control Board?
2) Require or result in the construction of new water or X
wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing -
facilities. the construction of which could cause
significant environmental effects?
3) Require or result in the construction of new storm water X
drainage facilities or expansion of existing facilities the
construction of which could cause significant
environmental effects?
4) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the X
project from existing entitlements and resources or are
new or expanded entitlements needed"
5) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment X
provider which serves or may serve the project that it has
adequate capacity to serve the project's projected
demand in addition to the provider s existing
6) Be served by ;he landfill with sufficient permuted capacity X
to accommodate the projects solid waste disposal
7) Comply with federal. state, and local statutes and X
regulations related to solid waste
Response. This project does not Involve any land uses that would affect water supplies. wastewater, or
solid waste.
Sources: Project description. site plans
Mitigation. None required
1) Does the protect have the potential to degrade the quality
of the environment. substantially reduce the habitat of a
fish or wildlife species. cause a fish or wildlife population
to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate
a plant or animal community. reduce the number or
restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal
or eliminate important examples of the major periods of
California history of preh stoy*�
2) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited
but cumulatively considerable') ( "Cumulatively
considerable means that the incremental effect of a
project are considerable when viewed in connection with
the effects of past projects the effects of other current
projects, and effects of probable future projects)?
31 Does the project have environmental effects which will
cause substantial adverse effects on human be rgs
either directly or indirectly"
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 20
hletrol nk Parking Lot Access Driveway
Project No. 8056
Less Than
Potentially Significant Less Than
Significant With Significant No
_ Impact _Mitigation Impact Impact_
Response: This project involves providing a driveway as a primary means of access to the existing
Metrolink parking lot and train platform by removing two single family homes at 49 and 65
First Street. The proposed driveway includes bike paths, a sidewalk and landscaped
parkways adjacent to both travel lanes of the driveway and a landscaped median in the
center of the driveway and a landscaped median across First Street which forces right hand
only turns for southbound traffic exiting the proposed Metrolink driveway. Landscaping
enhanced parkways and construction of a decorative masonry wall of 6 feet in height along
the eastern property line will be provided. The area of work is fully urbanized and there is no
expectation of increased traffic or vehicle taps to the existing Metrolink parking lot.
Sources: Project description, site plans
Earlier Environmental Documents Used in the Preparation of this Initial Study
Additional Project References Used to Prepare This Initial Study
One or more of the following references were incorporated into the Initial Study by
reference, and are available for review in the Community Development Office, City Hall,
799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, CA 93021. Items used are referred to by number in the
Response Section of the Initial Study Checklist.
1 The City of Moorpark's General Plan, as amended
2 The Moorpark Municipal Code. as amended.
3 The City of Moorpark Procedures for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines adopted by Resolution No 2004 -2224
4 Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq and California Code of Regulations, Tale 14 Section
15000 et seq.
5 California Community Redevelopment Law
6. Site plan and improvement plans for the project, provided by David C Moe. Redevelopment
Manager for the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Moorpark, plans dated March 6. 2008
7 Email from Dave Klotzle, Assistant City Engineer dated March 16, 2009 with attached traffic counts
for the existing Metrolink Driveway provided as PDF files, specifically of the following.
1) 19 -Hour Turning Movement Vehicle Counts at Moorpark Ave & Existing Metrolink
Parking Lot Driveway
2) 24 -Hour ADT Tube Counts for existing Metrolink Parking Lot Driveway at Moorpark
3) 24 -Hour ADT Tube Counts for 1 st Street at Moorpark Avenue.
Resolution No. 2009 -2833
Page 21
I, Maureen Benson, Assistant City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do
hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2009 -2833 was
adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular meeting held on the 1st
day of July, 2009, and that the same was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers Mikos, Millhouse, Pollock, Van Dam, and
Mayor Parvin
NOES: None
WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 15th day of July, 2009.
Maureen Benson, Assistant City Clerk