Moorpark, California February 10, 1992
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission of
the City of Moorpark was held on Monday, February 10, 1992,
in the Council Chambers of City Hall of said City, located at
799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, California.
The Meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Chairman
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Commissioner
Commissioners John R. Hall, Jr., Sandra G. Thompson,
Connie Volke and Chairman Ronald W. Corzine.
Excused Absence: Commissioner Ginger Stratton.
Staff Present:
Don Reynolds, Management Analyst; Shelly Shellabarger,
Recreation Supervisor; and Debra Broussalian,
Administrative Secretary.
Commissioner Hall requested "Comments from
Commissioners" be heard prior to "Future Agenda Items."
The Commission concurred.
Shelly Shellabarger, Recreation Supervisor, introduced
Moira Shea, the newly hired Recreation Coordinator, to
the Commission.
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Recreation Commission 2 2/10/92
A. Approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission
Minutes of January 13 1992. Staff Recommendation:
Approve as presented.
MOTION: Commissioner Hall moved and Commissioner` Thompson
seconded a motion to approve Item A of the Consent Calendar
as presented and to pull Items B, C, D, E, F, and G for
discussion Unanimously approved.
B. Approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission's
Special Meeting Minutes of February 1 1992. Staff
Recommendation: Approve as presented.
Commissioners Hall, Thompson and Corzine requested
the following items be added to the February 1,
1992, park tour minutes:
Glenwood Park:
1. Relocate the volleyball court in an east /west
direction near the pavilion as the present
location is not conducive to play due to the
volleyball frequently being hit into the
nursery area.
2. Due to the damaged turf area around the
pavilion, consider putting sand around the
3. Add bike racks.
4. Resurface basketball court.
5. Upgrade wooden playground equipment.
6. Add drinking fountain.
Peach Hill Park:
1. Rather than replacing the play equipment, coat
the wood with a finish to eliminate splinters
or rework a new type of flooring on the walk
areas to make the equipment more viable and
Monte Vista Nature Park:
1. Consider moving the North Meadows Park wooden
playground equipment to Monte Vista Nature
Park. Then get new equipment at North Meadows
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Campus Canyon Park:
1. Replace the chain bridge.
2. The sprinkler heads at soccer field are
elevated and need to be corrected.
South Meadows Park:
1. Move the barbecues further out from the
Campus Park:
1. Replace /upgrade picnic tables.
2. Replace the sink in the restroom.
3. Add Skylight to restroom.
Griffin Park:
1. Add additional tot swing
North Meadows Park:
1. Correct the elevated sprinklers that align the
MOTION: Commissioner Thompson moved and Commissioner Hall
seconded a motion to approve the Minutes of February 1, 1992,
with the additions presented tonight. Unanimously approved.
C. Receive Staff's Status Report of City Parks. Staff
Recommendation: Receive and file the report.
In response to Commissioner Hall, Mr. Reynolds
reported the City's Maintenance staff will correct
the broken bench with twisted wire located at the
top of Monte Vista Nature Park; and regarding Peach
Hill Park, they will be testing different types of
coating material for the wooded playground
equipment before pursuing any further pricing
MOTION: Commissioner Thompson moved and Commissioner Hall
seconded a motion to receive and file the report.
Unanimously approved.
D. Summary of Winter Recreation Class Registrations:
Staff Recommendation: Receive and file the report.
Shelly Shellabarger, Recreation Supervisor,
reported the reason why some of the most popular
classes indicated in her staff report also state
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they were canceled is due to classes with the same
title being offered at different days and times.
where one class day and time might be very popular,
another may not. She further reported that the
most popular classes were Introduction to Dance,
Great Beginnings, Mom's Morning Out, Mom and Me,
Preschool Soccer, T -Ball League, T -Ball Clinic, and
Tennis. The Tennis classes were the only classes
which she had to reject registrations due to full
enrollment. The reason Gymnastics was not canceled
but only shown to have a few registrations is
because it is- being offered in combination with
other Cities and Districts. She also stated
discussion of the publicity of the Park Brochure
would not need to be returned to the Commission in
March, as future preparation will be an
administrative decision.
MOTION: Commissioner Hall moved and Commissioner Volke
seconded a motion to accept Item D as presented. Unanimously
E. Consider Policy for Temporary Soccer Goals at North
Meadows Park. Staff Recommendation: Commission
consider draft policy and authorize staff to
present for City Council's consideration on 3/4/92.
MOTION: Commissioner Volke moved and Commissioner Hall
seconded a motion to accept Item 7.E. as written.
Unanimously approved.
F. Park Improvement Fund Status. Staff
Recommendation: Receive and file the report.
Commissioner Hall asked Mr. Reynolds if funds from
one zone could be used to assist funding of another
zone. Mr. Reynolds indicated he would investigate
the matter and report his findings to the
Commission on the March agenda.
MOTION: Commissioner Thompson moved and Commissioner Hall
seconded a motion to receive and file the report.
Unanimously approved.
G. Consider Status Report on South Meadows Park
Plavaround Equipment. Staff Recommendation:
Receive and file the report.
Commissioner Hall stated it was his understanding
that in the tot lot area there should be three tot
swings, not two tot swings and one adult swing as
presently are there. Originally, all swings were
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Recreation Commission 5 2/10/92
present, but one is missing as the installer of the
equipment took it. Also, a part is on order to
extend the tunnel slide. It had been requested the
slide be moved in a northerly direction where the
arch climber is presently. Commissioner Hall
reiterated for safety reasons, the slide should be
moved and the arch climber taken off of the
equipment. Further concerns expressed include:
the use of an inexperienced installer by the
contractor, Urban West Communities; that signs be
posted designating use of the equipment by age
groups; the chain climber be moved back and
vertical safety rails installed; and additional
sand installed and maintained.
MOTION: Commissioner Hall moved and Commissioner Thompson
seconded a motion to accept Item G as amended. Unanimously
A. Consider FY 1992/93 Parks and Recreation Budget as
it Agplies to Capital Improvements in City Parks.
Staff Recommendation: Provide staff with a listing
of items to be researched and report back to the
Commission on March 9, 1992.
Commissioner Thompson stated Commissioner Stratton
had discussed this with her before the meeting, and
they both agreed they would like more time to
review the item. The Commission concurred they
needed additional time to review this item and
prioritize the lists.
MOTION: Commissioner Thompson moved and Commissioner Hall
seconded a motion to bring this item back for discussion in
draft form at the March meeting and then to include and
finalize it during the April meeting.
B. Reconsider Use of "Park, Recreation Program and /or
Activity Evaluation Form." Staff Recommendation:
Eliminate use of the approved form and consider
staff's recommended format in place of the form.
The Commission concurred it would be beneficial to
use the written form as well as the synopsis
prepared by staff to discuss in an open forum.
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Recreation Commission
MOTION: Commissioner Hall moved and Commissioner Thompson
seconded a motion to include the Evaluation Form approved on
January 6 by the Commission with the synopsis prepared by
staff to allow future evaluation of special events at the
Commission meeting subsequent to the event. The Evaluation
Form shall be submitted by each Commissioner to staff two
working days following the special event to allow staff time
to complete the synopsis before the next Commission meeting.
Unanimously approved.
C. Consider Renaming of Parks. Staff Recommendation:
Consider past 'Council action and direct staff as
deemed appropriate.
Commissioner Thompson stated it was her intent to
discuss this item as many residents seem confused
regarding the names of the Mountain Meadows Parks,
i.e. North Meadows Park and South Meadows Park.
MOTION: Commissioner Hall moved and Commissioner Volke
seconded a motion to table this item to the next meeting to
enable staff to obtain additional feedback regarding the
naming of the current parks and to better evaluate renaming
of the parks. Unanimously approved.
D Consider. Revising Rules of Procedure as it Relates
to the Order of the Agenda. Staff Recommendation:
Direct staff as deemed appropriate.
MOTION: Commissioner Thompson moved and Commissioner Hall
seconded a motion to place "Comments from Commissioners"
following "Discussion /Action Items" on the order of the
Commission agendas. Unanimously approved.
E. Consider Selection of the Color of Logo Stitchina
and Shirts for Department Staff Shirts. Staff
Recommendation: Direct staff as deemed
A white shirt with blue logo stitching and a green
shirt with yellow logo stitching were presented to
the Commission.
Commissioner Hall stated the white shirt was
requested in a heavier fabric, and he recommended
bringing in different weights of shirts, without
the embroidered logo, for the Commission's review
at the next meeting. He also stated the blue logo
stitching was too dark (almost appeared black), and
it needs to be a lighter shade of blue. A sampling
of different shades of blue stitching was requested
for the next meeting. The Commission agreed the
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Recreation Commission 7 2/10/92
green shirt was acceptable in fabric weight and
logo stitching color as presented
Commissioner Thompson stated she would like to get
input from all the Department staff personnel who
will be wearing the shirts as to their preferences
between the white or green shirts.
MOTION: Commissioner Hall moved and Commissioner Thompson
seconded a motion to table further discussion of this item to
the next meeting to give,staff an opportunity to furnish the
Commission with the options of the heavier white shirt fabric
and different shades of blue thread stitching and to get
feedback from staff as to their preference of shirt
selection. Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner volke stated the park tour was
enlightening and reminded the Commission the next
meeting date in March is the Monday after the
C.P.R.S. conference.
B. Commissioner Thompson thanked staff for his
preparation time in preparing for the park tour,
and stated there were many strong youth
organizations in the City of Moorpark and hopes at
future meetings they will attend and voice their
C. Commissioner Hall welcomed Don Reynolds as the
City's liaison in the absence of a Director of
Community Services, stated the Commission may want
to move the next meeting date to March 10 instead
of March 9, and thanked Philip Newhouse for his
years of dedication to the City as Director of
Community Services.
D. Chairman Corzine requested all the Commissioners
be in attendance to the upcoming Valentine's Dance
and congratulated Commissioners Hall and Thompson
on their follow -up work regarding South Meadows
For the March 1992 meeting, the following items were
requested by the Commission:
A. Discussion of Arroyo Vista Community Park,
specifically addressing costs and the purpose of
enlarging areas never discussed by the Commission.
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B. Presentation by Shelly Shellabarger on the "At -Risk
Youth Seminar Workshop" she recently attended.
Items carried forward for discussion at the March
meeting are:
A. Consider FY 1992/93 Parks and Recreation Budget as
it Applies to Capital Improvements in City Parks.
B. Consider Renaming of Parks.
C. Consider Selection of the Color of Logo Stitching
and Shirts for Department Staff Shirts.
MOTION: At 9:05 p.m., Commissioner Volke moved and
Commissioner Thompson seconded a motion to adjourn to a
special meeting proposed for Tuesday, March 10, at 7:00 p.m.
provided the Community Center is available for use.
Respectfully submitted,
Administrative Secretary
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Parks & Recreation Commission