Moorpark, California February 26, 2013
A Regular Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Moorpark was held on
February 26, 2013, in the Council Chambers of said City located at 799 Moorpark
Avenue, Moorpark, California.
Chair Gould called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Commissioner Landis led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Present: Commissioners Di Cecco, Hamous, Di Cecco, Vice Chair
Groff, and Chair Gould.
Staff Present: David Bobardt, Community Development Director; Joseph
Fiss, Principal Planner, Joseph Vacca, Principal Planner;
and Joyce Figueroa, Administrative Assistant.
(Future agenda items are tentative and are subject to rescheduling.)
A. Future Agenda Items
i. CUP 2003-05 National Ready Mixed (Continued from August 26,
2009 to a date uncertain.)
ii. ZOA Reasonable Accommodation Ordinance
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iii. ZOA Farm Worker Housing Ordinance
iv. ZOA Sign Ordinance Revision
v. Rescinding Toll Mazur DA, GPA, ZC
Mr. Bobardt briefly discussed future agenda items.
8. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (next Resolution No. PC-2011-579)
A. Consider Residential Planned Development Permit No. 2012-02, a
request to construct a 200-Unit Apartment Project on Approximately 10.57
Acres, Located at 150 Casey Road, on the Application of Essex Property
Trust, Inc. Staff Recommendation: 1) Open the public hearing, accept
public testimony and close the public hearing; 2) Adopt Resolution No.
PC-2013-579 recommending to the City Council conditional approval of
Residential Planned Development Permit No. 2012-02. (Staff: Joseph
Mr. Vacca gave the staff report.
A discussion followed among the Commissioners and staff regarding: 1) parking;
2) will the affordable units moderate be, low or very low ; 3) area for stacking of
vehicles at gated access; 4) is the facility completely enclosed with fencing; 5)
Casey Road primary access; 6) trail network and if there is any way to use the
drainage channel as a trail; 7) no south exit; and 8) balconies/conduit for satellite
Chair Gould opened the Public Hearing.
Andrew Baker, Essex Property Trust, discussed the project and thanked the
Commission for the opportunity to discuss the proposed development and looks
forward to building in Moorpark and being part of the community for years to
A discussion followed among the Commissioners and Mr. Baker regarding: 1) will
the property be completely enclosed with fencing; 2) provide pedestrian access
to the Civic Center, High Street, and Metro-link; 3) reduction in parking; 4)
condition regarding preventing storage in garages; 5) is there an extra fee for a
parking or garage stall; and 6) discussion regarding no circulation and trails.
Carlos Jerez, Casey Road Resident, spoke in opposition of the project and
discussed concern regarding traffic, and the single entrance one entrance to the
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Mario Jerez, Casey Road Resident, spoke in opposition of the project and
discussed concern regarding turning left onto Casey Road and the increase in
Kim Jerez, Casey Road Resident, spoke in opposition of the project and
discussed concern regarding school and bus traffic, week-end festivities, high
traffic area congestion, and the single entrance on Casey Road as a huge
Colin Velasquez, Moorpark Stakeholder, spoke in opposition of the project and
concern about High Street and any emergency access to High Street.
Dennis Hardgrave, Development Planning Services, Project Director for Hitch
Ranch, discussed the project and believes they are very close to having a
detailed Environmental Impact Report (EIR) ready for public review and this
project is a good fit with the eastern portion of Hitch Ranch. Mr. Hardgrave
requests that staff have the Essex engineering design team work closely with the
Hitch Ranch team and City Engineer to make sure that the actual configuration of
the Casey Road and Walnut Canyon intersection is adequate.
A discussion followed among the Commissioners and Mr. Hargrave regarding:
1) plans to widen Casey Road; 2) working with Essex and Planning to make a
wider intersection at Casey Road and Moorpark Road; 3) what the ultimate
Casey Road intersection will look like; and 4) ultimate right of way distance.
John Hamilton, Ventura County Resident, spoke in opposition of the project and
concerns regarding traffic and safety.
Ty Vallelunga, Moorpark Resident, spoke in opposition of the project and
concerns regarding traffic, safety, and environmental concern regarding reducing
water and where it is going to come from.
At the request of Chair Gould, Mr. Baker, Essex Property Trust, applicant,
stepped forward to the lectern and responded to comments that were raised. Mr.
Baker stated that a traffic report was done and Essex Property Trust plans on
complying with all the project specific mitigation measures that were laid out in
the traffic plan.
In response to Chair Gould, Mr. Bobardt stated there was an additional speaker
card from Alan Scales, KTGY Group, Architect Representative. Mr. Scales
responded to comments discussed regarding the balcony detailing.
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A discussion followed among the Commissioners and Mr. Scales regarding: 1)
placement of the carports; 2) disabled access stall location; 3) the location of the
leasing building close to the intersection; and 4) construction and material for the
Chair Gould closed the Public Hearing.
A discussion followed among the Commissioners regarding traffic and parking as
the two major issues, including concerns about: 1) trails; 2) entrances to the gate;
3) landscaping; 4) no off-site parking; 5) egress issues on Wicks Road; and 6)
would like to see pedestrian connection provided to the south in order to allow
access to downtown High Street, Civic Center, Moorpark Library, and the Metro-
link. Based on the traffic study and mitigation measures the Commission is in
support of the project and thanked staff and Essex for putting together an
excellent report.
MOTION: Commissioner Di Cecco moved and Commissioner Hamous seconded a
motion to approve staff recommendation, with changes as proposed by the
Commission, including adoption of Resolution No. PC-2013-579; to include an
additional whereas referencing prior project approvals of MND, GPA No. 2004-05, ZC
No. 2004-04 and RPD No. 2004-06; and include about a condition of approval for
developer to provide a pedestrian access connection to Civic Center and to downtown
Moorpark. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
The City Council has final approval authority for this project.
At this point in the meeting the Commission recessed. The time was 8:32 p.m. The
Planning Commission meeting reconvened at 8:38 p.m.
B. Consider a Resolution Recommending Approval of Tentative Tract Map
No. 5906, a Re-Subdivision of Tract No. 5147 for 17 Industrial Lots on
34.70 Acres, Located 1300 Feet West of Gabbert Road, North of the
Union Pacific Railroad Right-of-Way, on the Application of John Newton
for AB Properties. Staff Recommendation: 1) Open the public hearing,
accept public testimony and close the public hearing; 2) Adopt Resolution
No. PC-2013-580, recommending to the City Council conditional approval
of Tentative Tract No. 5906. (Staff: Joseph Fiss)
Mr. Fiss gave the staff report.
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A discussion followed among the Commissioners and staff regarding: 1) reason
why right-of-way exhibit is done as a new map, and why this isn't a Lot Line
Adjustment; 2) do any of the items such as new MS4, new regulations and storm
water get grandfathered in; 3) Los Angeles Avenue Area of Contribution (AOC);
4) following the sale of the individual lots; and 5) if a new person buys an acre lot,
will they need to contribute toward the Los Angeles Avenue Area of Contribution.
Chair Gould opened the public hearing.
John Newton, Newton and Associates, Applicant Representative, discussed the
project and stated that implementation of the Settlement Agreement is all that is
trying to be accomplished and is trying to record the final map and cannot give
dedicated public access. Mr. Newton stated they will be prevented from
recording the map with the condition and unable to sell the seven lots which they
need to finance construction of the public access.
Mr. Newton also expressed concerns regarding: 1) problem with some of the
language and standard conditions in the Development Agreement that will need
to be amended; 2) current proposal; 3) conditions being imposed on the
Tentative Tract Map when all there supposed to be doing is implementing the
settlement agreement; 4) the original map; 5) public access to Edison and the
secondary map was allowed to record with private access; 6) trying to record
final map, cannot give dedicated public access and going to be using Edison
private easement; 7) stamp page 34, Condition No. 7 regarding recording of the
final map; 8) stamp page 35, Condition No. 11 regarding Community Facilities
District providing funding to improvements of constructing North Hills Parkway
and improvements to Gabbert Road; and 9) bonding.
Mr. Newton also requested a recommendation that staff continue working with
the applicant to solve the conflict between the development agreement and
potential conditions before being presented to the City Council.
A discussion followed among the Commissioners and Mr. Newton regarding: 1) if
the Commission approves the project as is and recommends moving it forward is
there concern that the conditions are set in stone without having the ability to
work with staff; and top three concerns being Condition No. 7, Condition No. 11,
and the Standard Conditions of Approval clause in Exhibit A that adds another
270 conditions.
Paul Burns, A-B Properties, applicant, stated he had no additional comments and
agreed with the concerns of Mr. Newton.
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At the request of the Commission, Mr. Bobardt responded to concerns that were
raised by Mr. Newton regarding 1) additional conditions that were in the
development agreement that were related specifically to the recording of the final
map, Condition 7; 2) issue with financing and that once a final map is recorded
the developer can sell off the lot, and having a funding mechanism in place
before the lots are sold off or we may not get the votes to establish the funding
mechanism; and 3) staff will look at the standard conditions to see if they still
apply. Mr. Bobardt stated that staff is more than happy to discuss Mr. Newton's
concerns with him and see if they can get resolution or if we need to look at an
amendment to the Development Agreement.
A discussion followed among the Commissioners and Mr. Bobardt regarding if
the Development Agreement has to amended, will the item come back to the
Planning Commission.
Chair Gould closed the Public Hearing.
A discussion followed among the Commissioners who recommended that staff
work with Mr. Newton and move this item forward to the City Council.
MOTION: Commissioner Landis moved and Commissioner Di Cecco seconded a
motion to approve staff recommendation, with changes as proposed by the
Commission, including adoption of Resolution No. PC-2013-580. The motion carried by
unanimous voice vote.
The City Council has final approval authority for this project.
C. Consider a Resolution Recommending Approval of Commercial Planned
Development Permit No. 2012-02 and Conditional Use Permit No. 2012-
07 for a 21,644 Square-Foot Church on a 2.78 Acre Lot at 13960 Peach
Hill Road, on the Application of Hollee L. King, AICP/SitesPacific, Inc. for
the Kim Clement Center. Staff Recommendation: 1) Open the public
hearing, accept public testimony and close the public hearing; 2) Adopt
Resolution No. PC-2013-581 recommending to the City Council
conditional approval of Commercial Planned Development Permit No.
2012-02 and Conditional Use Permit No. 2012-07. (Staff: Joseph Fiss)
Commissioner Di Cecco disclosed that he did consulting work with the
applicant over a year ago and his actions tonight will have no impact on
his interest financially or otherwise and is confident that he can make
unbiased decisions for the best interest for the City of Moorpark.
Mr. Fiss gave the staff report.
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A discussion followed among the Commissioners and staff regarding: 1)
did we receive civil plans for this project; 2) seating; 3) parking
requirements; 4) any requirements from the City that the applicant enter
into any parking agreements with adjacent facilities; and is a public art
piece required for a church.
Chair Gould opened the public hearing.
Hollee King, Kim Clement Center, applicant, discussed the project and
stated they are looking for a permanent home and excited to come to
Moorpark. Ms. King thanked Planning staff and is happy with the staff
report and conditions and is committed to get the facility started.
Mark Kiesel, Landscape Architect, Kiesel Design, stated he was available
to answer any questions.
David VanHoy, Architect, discussed the project and stated he was happy
to be here and was available to answer any questions.
A discussion followed among the Commission and Mr. VanHoy regarding:
1) aesthetics; 2) how is rain water dealt with; 3) what is proposed under
the side of the over hangs; and 4) pedestrian connection between the
project and the church to the north.
The Commission also suggested: 1) motorcycle and bike parking closer to
the front entrance; 2) more articulation on the building by the back access
and fire department turn around; and 3) reaching out to the school and
adjacent churches for additional parking.
John Fisher, Architect, JSRA Inc., discussed the project and addressed
the Commission's concern regarding parking.
Chair Gould closed the Public Hearing.
A discussion followed among the Commissioners who all concur that this
is a nice addition to the community and is a very nicely designed project.
MOTION: Commissioner Landis moved and Vice Chair Groff seconded a motion to
approve staff recommendation, including adoption of Resolution No. PC-2013-581. The
motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
The City Council has final approval authority for this project.
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D. Consider Resolution Recommending to the City Council Approval of
Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 2013-01: an Amendment to Section
17.28.020(B) (Home Occupations and Garage Sales) of Title 17 (Zoning)
of the Moorpark Municipal Code. Staff Recommendation: 1) Open the
public hearing, accept public testimony and close the public hearing; 2)
Adopt Resolution No. PC-2013-582 recommending to the City Council
approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment No. 2013-01. (Staff: Joseph
Mr. Fiss gave the staff report.
A discussion followed among the Commission and staff regarding: 1) if the
five-year term is revoked what mechanism is there to ensure that the
Home Occupation Permit continues in the use that it was originally
granted for and how would we monitor that. The Commission also
thanked staff and stated this is a good idea in trying to reduce the fees
and costs to the businesses in Moorpark.
Chair Gould opened the Public Hearing.
In response to Chair Gould, Mr. Bobardt stated there were no speaker
cards or written cards for this item.
Chair Gould closed the Public Hearing.
MOTION: Commissioner Hamous moved and Commissioner Di Cecco seconded a
motion to approve staff recommendation, including adoption of Resolution No. PC-
2013-582. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
The City Council has final approval authority for this project.
MOTION: Commissioner Di Cecco moved and Commissioner Hamous seconded
a motion to approve the Consent Calendar. The motion carried by unanimous
voice vote.
A. Consider Approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes of January 22, 2013.
Staff Recommendation: Approve the minutes.
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MOTION: Commissioner Landis moved and Vice Chair Groff seconded a motion
to adjourn. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. The time was 9:49
Diana S. Goul , Chai
David A. Bobardt, Communi Development Director