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RES CC 2015 3373 2015 0318
RESOLUTION NO. 2015-3373 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING AN ADDENDUM TO A PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, APPROVING MODIFICATION NO. 3 TO VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 5130, AND APPROVING RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 2014-01, FOR 110 HOMES ON APPROXIMATELY 72 ACRES, LOCATED EAST OF WALNUT CANYON ROAD, WEST OF SPRING ROAD, NORTH OF WICKS ROAD, AND SOUTH OF THE VENTURA COUNTY WATER AND SANITATION DIVISION YARD, ON THE APPLICATION OF BILL MCREYNOLDS, FOR CITY VENTURES, LLC WHEREAS, on December 17, 2003, the City Council adopted Resolution Nos. 2003-2149 and 2003-2150, adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and approving Residential Planned Development (RPD) Permit No. 1998-02 and Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM) No. 5130 for 110 homes on approximately 72 acres, located east of Walnut Canyon Road, west of Spring Road, north of Wicks Road, and south of the Ventura County Water and Sanitation Division Yard on the application of Moorpark 150, LLC; and WHEREAS, on November 19, 2008 and April 6, 2011, the City Council adopted Resolution Nos. 2008-2767 and 2011-3012, approving Modification Nos. 1 and 2 to VTTM No. 5130 amending the timing of improvements to Walnut Canyon Road required under VTTM No. 5130; and WHEREAS, the subject property has subsequently been acquired by City Ventures, LLC; and WHEREAS, on December 17, 2012, RPD Permit No. 1998-02 had expired; and WHEREAS, on May 12, 2014, an application was filed by Bill McReynolds on behalf of City Ventures, Inc. for a new RPD Permit No. 2014-01 and Modification No. 3 to VTTM No. 5130 for a 110-unit residential development project with changes to the architectural styles from those previously approved under RPD Permit No. 1998-02, and a modification to the timing of improvements to Walnut Canyon Road required under VTTM No. 5130; and WHEREAS, on January 27, 2015, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC-2015-602, recommending to the City Council, adoption of an Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration and approval of RPD Permit No. 2014-01. The Planning Commission did not consider or make a recommendation on Modification No. 3 to VTTM No. 5130, since this is solely a Council action; and WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public hearing held on March 18, 2015, the City Council considered the agenda report and any supplements thereto and any written Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 2 public comments; opened the public hearing, took and considered public testimony both for and against the proposal, closed the public hearing, and reached a decision on this matter; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Director prepared an Addendum to the previously prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration, revising the project description to include County Water Works District's rear entrance driveway and approximately 800 feet north of Casey Road, contour grading, installation of a retaining wall for approximately 750 linear feet along Walnut Canyon Road. Improvements include undergrounding of overhead utilities on the east side of Walnut Canyon Road, installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk on the west side of Walnut Canyon Road from Casey Road to Water Works driveway, and two separate storm drain systems: a Caltrans storm drain system for runoff from Walnut Canyon and a City of Moorpark (Landscape Maintenance District) storm drain system for runoff from the new development. Both systems would connect to the existing Moorpark storm drain at Casey Road. The project amended to include the road improvements, will have no new significant environmental effects or substantially increase the severity of previously identified effects, as the improvements were previously contemplated as mitigation measures. Subsequently, as the new project under the RPD No. 2014-01 is not substantially different than the previous project RPD No. 1998-02, no new avoidable significant effects have been identified, no new mitigation measures or project revisions are necessary, and the project identified mitigation measures will reduce the potential effects of the project under RPD No. 2014-01 to a less-than-significant level. In addition, Modification No. 3 to VTTM consists of a text change to a condition of approval only, there is no physical change to the map other environmental changes related to MOD-3. Therefore, no further environmental documentation is required. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOORPARK, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1 . ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION: An Initial Study and a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) were prepared for the project in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and City Policy. On December 17, 2003, the City Council adopted an MND for the development of 110 single family residences on approximately 72 acres on east side of Walnut Canyon Road, south of immediately adjacent to the Ventura County Water and Sanitation Services Division Facility. An Addendum to the MND was prepared on October 22, 2014, revising the project description to include the widening of Walnut Canyon Road (SR 23) on the east side between the Ventura County Water Works District's rear entrance driveway and approximately 800 feet north of Casey Road, contour grading, undergrounding utilities, and installation of/ retaining wall for approximately 750 linear feet along Walnut Canyon Road. Improvements also include installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk and on the west side of Walnut Canyon Road from Casey to Water Works driveway, and two separate storm drain systems: Aa Caltrans storm drain system for runoff from Walnut Canyon and a City of Moorpark (Landscape Maintenance District) storm drain system Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 3 for runoff from the new development. Both systems would connect to the existing Moorpark storm drain at Casey Road. The project, amended to include the road improvements, will have no new significant environmental effects or substantially increase the severity of previously identified effects as the improvements were previously contemplated as mitigations post-Project 2. As stated in 1998 Initial Study Checklist for the MND under Transportation/Traffic for Project 1: "At such time as Spring Road is extended to connect to the roadway to be constructed in Project 2, the primary access to Walnut Canyon Road shall be closed and shall be utilized as an emergency access point only. The primary access point shall be North Hills Parkway leading to the Spring Road extension. The applicant shall improve the portions of Walnut Canyon Road which front on the subject property to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the California Department of Transportation. The applicant shall implement traffic calming measures, to include the installation of necessary devices, on Walnut Canyon Road to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. These measures and/or devices shall be designed to increase the safety of ingress to and egress from the project site at the temporary project access point on Walnut Canyon, and at the intersection of Wicks Road and Walnut Canyon Road, the projects secondary access point." Subsequently, as the new project under the RPD No. 2014-01 is not substantially different than the previous project RPD No. 1998-02, no new avoidable significant effects have been identified, no new mitigation measures or project revisions are necessary, and the project identified mitigation measures will reduce the potential effects of the project under RPD No. 2014-01 to a less-than-significant level. Therefore, the Addendum to the MND attached to this resolution as Exhibit A is adopted as prepared. SECTION 2. SUBDIVISION MAP ACT FINDINGS FOR MODIFICATION NO. 3 TO VTTM NO. 5130: Based on the information set forth in the staff report(s) and accompanying maps and studies the City Council has determined that the Tentative Parcel Map, with imposition of the attached special and standard Conditions of Approval, meets the requirements of California Government Code Sections 66473.5, 66474, 66474.6, and 66478.1 et seq., in that: A. VTTM No. 5130 as modified by Modification No. 3 is consistent with the City of Moorpark General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, which allow residential development with a density of up to 1.63 units per acre on the project site. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 4 B. The design and improvements of VTTM No. 5130 as modified by Modification No. 3 are consistent with the City of Moorpark General Plan, which allows residential development with a density of up to 1.63 units per acre on the project site. C. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed in that the site can be engineered to allow for all required utilities to be brought to the site, adequate ingress and egress can be obtained, and the site can be provided with public and emergency services. D. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development, in that all City Development standards would be met by the proposed project. E. The design and proposed improvements of VTTM No. 5130 as modified by Modification No. 3 are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage, in that all potential impacts would be mitigated through project design or conditions. F. The design and the type of improvements associated with VTTM No. 5130 as modified by Modification No. 3 are not likely to cause serious public health problems, in that adequate sanitation is both feasible and required as a condition of this development. G. The design and the type of improvements associated with VTTM No. 5130 as modified by Modification No. 3 will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large, for access through, or use of the property within the proposed subdivision, in that easements for the widening of Walnut Canyon Road have been identified and incorporated in the design of this project. H. There will be no discharge of waste from the proposed subdivision into an existing community sewer system in violation of existing water quality control requirements under Water Code Section 13000 et seq. The proposed subdivision does not contain or front upon any public waterway, river, stream, coastline, shoreline, lake, or reservoir as defined in California Government Code Section 66478.1 et seq. SECTION 3. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FINDINGS FOR RPD 2014-01: Based upon the information set forth in the staff report, accompanying studies, and oral and written public testimony, the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council make the following findings in accordance with City of Moorpark, Municipal Code Section 17.44.040: A. The site design, including structure location, size, height, setbacks, massing, scale, architectural style and colors, and landscaping, is consistent with the provisions of the general plan, any applicable specific plans, zoning ordinance, and any other applicable regulations; because the proposed Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 5 project is compatible with the scale, visual character and design of the surrounding properties, designed so as to enhance the physical and visual quality of the community, and the structure(s) have design features which provide visual relief and separation between land uses, in that the proposed project complies with all development standards of the Moorpark Municipal Code, and the development will utilize high quality architectural materials and treatments to enhance the visual appeal of the structures to be constructed. B. The site design of the proposed project would not create negative impacts on or impair the utility of properties, structures or uses in the surrounding area; because the proposed project is compatible with existing and planned land uses in the general area where the development is to be located, in that the existing and planned land uses in the general area are generally single- family, detached residential uses. The nearby Waterworks District facility is separated from this project by the proposed / future North Hills Parkway and will neither affect, nor be adversely affected by, this development, as conditioned, with the addition of landscaping and a decorative masonry wall along the north side of the North Hills Parkway right-of-way. C. The proposed project is compatible with existing and permitted uses in the surrounding area; because the proposed project is compatible with the character of surrounding development, in that the surrounding development will include a variety of single-family, detached homes. In addition, the proposed project is consistent with the intent and provisions of the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance, in that the proposed project will provide for the orderly development of land identified in the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance as appropriate for residential development. SECTION 4. CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL: The City Council approves Modification No. 3 to Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5130 and Residential Planned Development Permit No. 2014-01, subject to the Conditions of Approval included in Exhibits B and C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 6 SECTION 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the book of original resolutions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of March, 2015. Jajnice S. Pary ni Mayor ATTEST: frits 'ze• ,- .4".1111111,40... � �� Maureen Benson, City Clerk ,:��� Exhibit A - Addendum to Mitigated Negative Declaration Exhibit B - Conditions of Approval for Modification No. 3 to Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5130 Exhibit C - Conditions of Approval for Residential Planned Development 2014-01 Attachment: January 2015 Design Guidelines for Vistas at Moorpark Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 7 `e` , EXHIBIT A we: jorsilis �� ADDENDUM TO *eo MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION 1998--01 CITY OF MOORPARK 799 MOORPARK AVENUE MOORPARK, CA 93021 (805)517-6200 The following Addendum to a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 as amended (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the Environmental Procedures of the City of Moorpark. PROJECT TITLE: Vistas at Moorpark/North Hills Parkway Extension PROJECT SCOPE: PROJECT 1 as analyzed in MND 1998-01 Residential Planned Development (RPD 1998-02) — The project consists of requests for 1) a General Plan Amendment from Rural Low with an overlay allowance for 154 units to Rural High, 2) a Zone Change from RE-5Ac (Rural Exclusive — 5 acre minimum lot size) to RPD-1.53 (Residential Planned Development — 1.53 units per acre), and 3) a Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM) No. 5130 and Residential Planned Development Permit to subdivide approximately 72 acres into 110 lots and construct 110 single family detached residences. The project proposes to utilize Walnut Canyon Road as a primary access point, until an alternative access point via a connection to Spring Road (see Project 2, below) is completed, at which time the Walnut Canyon access point will revert to "emergency access only." Wicks Road will serve as a secondary access point in the case of both alternatives. PROJECT 2 as analyzed in MND 1998-01 RPD 1998-02 — The proposed road project will connect two proposed developments along the Highway 118 bypass right-of-way, also known as the North Hills Parkway Extension. The development on the west is VTTM No. 5130 (Project 1 described above) and the parcel on the east is the Moorpark Highlands Specific Plan project. The properties between the two projects have been acquired to complete this proposed road extension project. This connector road is located along the same alignment as the Highway 118 bypass as defined in the City of Moorpark Circulation Element and Caltrans long range development plans. Right-of-way has been acquired across the Specific Plan No. 2 project area, as well as across other properties along its ultimate path. REVISED PROJECT RPD 2014-01 — A new RPD Permit intended to renew and replace the original RPD No. 1998-02 which expired on December 17, 2012, for development of one hundred and ten (110) single family homes on approximately 72 Adres; and Modification No. 3 to VTTM No. 5130, a request to amend Condition No. 20 of regarding the timing of required improvements to Walnut Canyon and Wicks Road. The Applicant is Bill McReynolds, on behalf of the current owner, City Ventures, LLC, (previous owner Suncal). Since the original project was analyzed with Walnut Canyon Road as the initial access (until Spring Road was completed) and Wicks Road as a secondary access in both alternatives, Spring Road has been completed and will now serve as the initial primary access for the Vistas at Moorpark subdivision (VTTM No. 5130). Wicks Road will serve as the secondary / emergency access point, with no access off of Walnut Canyon. PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION: Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 8 A Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the Vistas/ North Parkway Extension Project was adopted by Resolution No. 2003-2150 of the City Council of the City of Moorpark on January 8, 2004. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION INCLUDED AS PART OF ADDENDUM: Changes to the project include the required offsite improvements for VTTM. No. 5130 which have been amended to include the widening of Walnut Canyon Road (SR 23) on the east side between the Ventura County Water Works District's rear entrance driveway and approximately 800 feet north of Casey Road, contour grading, installation of a retaining wall for approximately 750 linear feet along Walnut Canyon Road. Improvements include undergrounding of overhead utilities on the east side of Walnut Canyon Road, installation of curb, gutter and sidewalk on the west side of Walnut Canyon Road from Casey Road to Water Works driveway, and two separate storm drain systems. A Caltrans storm drain system for runoff from Walnut Canyon and a City of Moorpark storm drain system for runoff from the new development. Both systems would connect to the existing Moorpark storm drain at Casey Road. FINDINGS PURSUANT TO SECTION 15164 OF THE STATE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) GUIDELINES: Minor technical changes or additions to the previously prepared Mitigated Negative Declaration are necessary and none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the State CEQA Guidelines calling for the preparation of a subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration have occurred in that: 1. No substantial changes are proposed in the project that would require major revisions of the Mitigated Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects. The change in the project involves detailed plans for the road improvements that were required for this project. Therefore, the only area requiring discussion is Transportation/Traffic. The original project (RPD No. 1998-02) was originally analyzed with Walnut Canyon as initial access (until Spring Road was completed) and Wicks Road as a secondary access in both alternatives. Subsequently, as Spring Road is now completed, it will now serve as the primary access with Wicks Road serving as the secondary / emergency access point. There will be no access to the Vistas at Moorpark subdivision via Walnut Canyon Road. This is a superior alternative with no access off of Walnut Canyon Road. As stated in 1998 Initial Study Checklist under Transportation/Traffic for Project 1: "Traffic modeling anticipates that this project will reduce the level of service for one intersection below LOS C. This constitutes a significant impact, which is anticipated to be mitigated by the construction of Project 2. " "This project has the potential for significant impacts due to intersection hazards where the initial access point for the project meets Walnut Canyon Road. Traffic speeds, volumes, and sight distances are such that measures will need to be taken to ensure that the ingress and egress for the project are safe until such time as a Spring Road extension reaches the roadway in Project 2." When the project was approved in December 2003, it was redesigned per Project 2, to provide site access from an extension of the North Hills Parkway. There are no substantial changes to the project that could substantially increase the severity of previously identified environmental effects. 2. No substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous Mitigated Negative Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 9 There have been no substantial changes in the surrounding land uses or environmental conditions in the intervening years since the MND was prepared. The project amended to include the road improvements will have no new significant environmental effects or substantially increase the severity of previously identified effects as the improvements were previously contemplated as mitigations post-Project 2. As stated in 1998 Initial Study Checklist under Transportation/Traffic for Project 1: • "At such time as Spring Road is extended to connect to the roadway to be constructed in Project 1, the primary access to Walnut Canyon Road shall be closed and shall be utilized as an emergency access point only. The primary access point shall be North Hills Parkway leading to the Spring Road extension. The applicant shall pay improve the portions of Walnut Canyon Road which front on the subject property to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the California Department of Transportation. The applicant shall implement traffic calming measures, to include the installation of necessary devices, on Walnut Canyon Road 'to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. These measures and/or devices shall be designed to increase the safety of ingress to and egressfrom the project site at the temporary project access point on Walnut Canyon, and at the intersection of Wicks Road and Walnut Canyon Road, the projects secondary access point." Spring Road has been completed and access from Wicks Road is no longer needed. Primary access shall be the superior alternative, the North Hills Parkway leading from the Spring Road extension. No new significant effects result in the previously anticipated improvements to Walnut Canyon Road. 3. No new Information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration was adopted,shows that the project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous Mitigated Negative Declaration. The original 1998 Initial Study/MND evaluated two projects that built upon each other and included mitigations for closure of one vehicular access way when the superior access way was available, The two-pronged approach to the MND confirms the exercise of reasonable due diligence with regard to Traffic/Transportation. The project amended to include the road improvements will not have any new significant effects not discussed in the previous MND. /2m4" 1/2/�20/� Davidobardt, Community Developm- t Director Date Documents Reviewed and on file with the City include: Engineering Plans - City of Moorpark, Public Works Department — Walnut Canyon Road (SR-23 Widening)—(Offsite Work for Tract 5130) Wall Profile—City of Moorpark, (Tract No. 5130) Public Works Department Mitigated Negative Declaration 1998-01 Phase I & II Environmental Site Assessments, prepared by, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., December 3, 2014 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, prepared by, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., January 8, 2014 Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 10 EXHIBIT B STANDARD AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 5130 These conditions replace in their entirety all previously adopted conditions of Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 5130, as amended. STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The applicant shall comply with Standard Conditions of Approval for Subdivisions and Planned Development Permits as adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2009-2799 (Exhibit A), except as modified by the following Special Conditions of Approval. In the event of conflict between a Standard and Special Condition of Approval, the Special Condition shall apply. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the Applicant shall deposit with the City the sum of $25,000 to be held in trust for open space acquisition and maintenance as an offset to impacts related to rare plant communities. This trust fund deposit shall be used at the discretion of the City for purposes consistent with the intent of the biological resources mitigation measures in the Final Mitigated Negative Declaration. Commencing January 1, 2009, and annually thereafter, this fee will be adjusted by any increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) until the fee has been paid in full. The CPI increase will be determined using the information provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for all urban consumers within the Los Angeles/Riverside/Orange County metropolitan area during the prior year. The calculation will be made using the month of October over the prior October. In the event there is a decrease in the CPI for any annual indexing, the fee shall remain at its then current amount until such time as the next subsequent annual indexing which results in an increase. 2. Venturan Coastal Sage Scrub Community Research Contribution: Prior to the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for filing of a Final Map, the Applicant shall pay to the City a contribution of$15,000 and participate in the Venturan Coastal Sage Scrub Community Research Program. Commencing January 1 , 2009, and annually thereafter, this fee will be adjusted by any increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) until the fee has been paid in full. The CPI increase will be determined using the information provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for all urban consumers within the Los Angeles/Riverside/Orange County metropolitan area during the prior year. The calculation will be made using the month of October over the prior October. In the event there is a decrease in the CPI for any annual indexing, the fee shall remain at its then current amount until such time as the next subsequent annual indexing which results in an increase. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 11 3. Prior to the issuance of a Final Map, the applicant shall provide, an irrevocable offer of dedication to the City for a road easement over lots B, C, and P for primary or secondary access to the Project, and a final engineering design on the road. The road shall be designed to meet City of Moorpark street standards as determined by the City Engineer/Public Works Director and the Community Development Director; Caltrans intersection standards; and designed in such a manner that if constructed, its construction will not require any modification of adjacent single family lots. The upper portion of the access road where it intersects with the "B" street shall be shown as a lettered lot "P" on the Final Map and used as a passive recreation lot, landscaped and maintained by the Homeowners' Association unless it is needed for roadway purposes. Prior to the close of escrow for each home in the project, the applicant shall provide the City with a written acknowledgement, the form of which shall be approved in advance by the City Attorney, signed by each buyer indicating they are aware of the potential alternative access. 4. Prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance for occupancy of the first dwelling unit the Applicant shall provide a paved onsite emergency access road from Wicks Road to "B" Street, a minimum of thirty-two feet (32') wide with no parking permitted on either side of the road. A turn-around area shall be provided outside the emergency access gate, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer/Public Works Director, Community Development Director and the Ventura County Fire Protection District. The access drive to Wicks Road shall be gated and used for emergency access only and shall meet Fire Protection District requirements. This access road shall be maintained by the Homeowners' Association so that the asphalt is properly cared for. Separate pedestrian access shall be provided to Wicks Road at this gated emergency access location. 5. Prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance for occupancy of the first dwelling unit, the Applicant shall improve Wicks Road to provide a minimum of twenty-foot (20') wide pavement, with no parking on both sides of the road. A five-foot (5') wide concrete sidewalk with curb and gutter shall be constructed on the south side of Wicks Road from the emergency access road, referenced in Condition 4 above, to Walnut Canyon Road. Thermoplastic or equivalent crosswalk striping will be constructed at the intersection of Wicks Road and the access road for pedestrian access to the sidewalk on the south side of Wicks Road to the satisfaction of the City Engineer/Public Works Director. 6. Prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance for filing of a Final Map, the applicant shall provide an irrevocable offer of dedication for a two-hundred-foot (200') wide future right-of-way along the entire northerly boundary for North Hills Parkway. The applicant shall bond for the construction of full width grading of the roadway from the top of slope at the western end of the property to Spring Road. Additionally, the applicant shall bond for the construction and improvement of the southern one-half (1/2) of North Hills Parkway, including an acceleration/ deceleration lane at the project entrance, two (2) lanes of travel, emergency parking/bicycle lane, curb, gutter, sidewalk drainage, full median and parkway landscaping and street lighting along the entire frontage of the project and east to Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 12 Spring Road. Any easements necessary to complete the required construction and maintenance of the road shall be the applicant's responsibility. 7. Prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance for the first dwelling unit, North Hills Parkway improvements described in Condition No. 6 above, including full width grading shall be completed. 8. Prior to the filing of a Final Map, the applicant shall pay one-third (1/3) of the full equivalent cost, including design, construction, and inspection for the future traffic signalization at the intersection of the northerly entry access road with the North Hills Parkway as determined by the City Engineer/Public Works Director. In addition, the Applicant shall, at the City's discretion, install or pay for one- hundred percent (100%) of the full equivalent cost, including design, construction and inspection of the future traffic signal at the intersection of North Hills Parkway and Spring Road. 9. Prior to approval of the Final Map, the applicant shall provide an irrevocable offer to dedicate vehicular access rights to the City of Moorpark, for the entire project boundary along Walnut Canyon Road, North Hills Parkway, and Wicks Road. 10. Prior to the approval of the Final Map, the applicant shall prepare engineering plans to the satisfaction of the City Engineer/Public Works Director and Community Development Director showing the grade and the vertical and horizontal alignment of a bridge to cross Walnut Canyon Road needed for the construction of the North Hills Parkway. 11. Prior to the approval of a Final Map, the applicant shall create a landscape maintenance district to provide for the perpetual maintenance for landscaping and drainage improvements as determined necessary by the City Engineer/Public Works Director and Parks and Recreation Director. At the City's discretion, all areas to be maintained by the landscape maintenance district, with the exception of public rights-of-way that have been accepted by the City, shall be owned by the Homeowners' Association with an easement to the landscape maintenance district to allow for maintenance. 12. Prior to the approval of a Final Map, the applicant shall include the adjacent property to the east (APN 512-0-160-155) within the Tract boundary. The parcel shall be lettered lot "0". The portions of the parcel which are not dedicated as right-of-way for North Hills Parkway shall be maintained as an open space lot by the Homeowners' Association and deed restricted prohibiting any development on the property including, but not limited to structures, roads, trails, orchards, gardens, and any uses other than natural open space and fuel modification. 13. The Final Map shall include deed restrictions on all common area parcels within the tract as follows: Lot A shall be restricted to allow only a detention basin and natural open space uses in accordance with the conditions of this tract, to include the establishment of an artificial spring and a minimal private trail system, and excluding orchards or ornamental planting; Lot B and C shall be restricted to allow only drainage facilities and landscaping, which may include ornamental, but not orchard planting, at the discretion of the Community Development Director; Lot D shall be restricted to allow no structures or improvements, except Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 13 landscaping as approved by the Fire Protection District; Lot E shall be offered for dedication to the City of Moorpark for road purposes, and if dedication is not accepted, improvement shall be limited to the construction of a roadway to provide primary access to the east; Lots F, I, & J shall be limited to use as private streets and roads, to include such improvements as street lights, fire hydrants, the placement of public utilities, storm drain catch basins, sidewalks, access gates, and other uses directly related to, and customarily accompanying, street uses; Lots G & H shall be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association and shall be restricted to active and passive recreational uses, and any structures shall meet the setback requirements of the seismic hazard zone, and shall not be allowed unless specifically permitted through an appropriate modification to Residential Planned Development Permit No. 2014-01; Lots K, K,, L & M shall be owned and maintained by Homeowners' Association and shall be restricted to ornamental landscaping and walkway purposes, and structures shall not be permitted. 14. Prior to the approval of a Final Map, the applicant shall create additional lots from the existing open space lots that shall serve as fuel modification zones subject to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director and the Fire Protection District. These lots shall have a depth that shall equal the required distance of brush clearance and fuel modification as required by the Fire Protection District. These lots shall be deed restricted to allow only fuel modification activities, and the construction of structures shall be prohibited. Prior to the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for final building permit the applicant shall provide the Community Development Department with a written acknowledgement statement signed by the purchasers of lots adjacent to the fuel modification zones indicating their awareness of the fuel modification zones. The form of the acknowledgement shall be approved by the Community Development Director and City Attorney prior to issuance of the first building permit. 15. No extraction of subsurface mineral resources, grading, excavation, drilling, pumping, mining, or similar activity shall be allowed in any portion of Lots A, B, C, D, G, H, K, K1, and N, or any additional open space lots created to serve as fuel modification zones. Lots A, B, C, D, and N, along with any additional open space lots created to serve as fuel modification zones may include grading for the purpose for establishing and maintaining landscaping as part of a fuel modification zone as determined by the Community Development Director and the Fire Protection District. 16. Street lights shall be provided within the tract to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director and the City Engineer/Public Works Director. Street lights shall be privately maintained by the project Homeowners' Association in perpetuity. 17. Prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the 1st dwelling unit, or March 18, 2017, whichever comes first, construction of roadway improvements to Walnut Canyon Road and overlaying of the pavement on Wicks Road must be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer/Public Works Director. The improvements along Walnut Canyon Road associated with the project must Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 14 cover the full extent of the frontage, as well as south of the property to Wicks Road, including any standard off-site transitions determined necessary by City Engineer and Caltrans. Improvements include, but are not limited to dedication of land to provide a sixty-four-foot (64') right-of-way, horizontal and vertical realignment of Walnut Canyon Road in accordance with City and Caltrans standards with no less than eight-foot (8') paved shoulders, no less than twelve- foot (12') travel lanes, and no less than twelve-foot (12') turning lanes. A five-foot (5') wide concrete pedestrian walkway must be installed from the southern boundary of Tract 5405 along the west side of Walnut Canyon Road. The pedestrian facilities along the west side of Walnut Canyon Road must be extended to the north side of the intersection of Walnut Canyon Road and Casey Road. Pedestrian facilities must meet all City and American Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Crosswalk facilities will be constructed at Casey Road for pedestrian access to the east side of Walnut Canyon Road to the satisfaction of the City Engineer/Public Works Director. The developer shall overlay the paving on Wicks Road consistent with City standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer/Public Works Director prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the 1st dwelling unit, or March 18, 2017, whichever comes first. 18. Prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance for the first dwelling unit, the Charles Street intersection with Moorpark Avenue shall be re-striped to provide proper pedestrian crossings and to maintain clearance for northbound left-turn movements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer/Public Works Director. 19. Prior to the approval of a Final Map, the applicant shall participate in his/her pro- rata share of the costs of intersection improvements for Los Angeles Avenuefrierra Rejada Road, Poindexter Avenue/Moorpark Avenue, Los Angeles Avenue/Moorpark Avenue, Los Angeles Avenue/Spring Road, and Spring Road/High Street. The pro-rata share of the improvement cost shall be based on the impact of the project's 110 units to each of the intersections using the traffic report dated October 30, 2000, by Associated Transportation Engineers for Tract No. 5187, as a reference for that determination. 20. The applicant shall dedicate access rights to all private streets within the proposed project to the City of Moorpark. 21. Prior to the approval of a Final Map, the applicant shall show on the Final Map a gated private street entrance with a seventy-five-foot (75') right-of-way with two (2) entry lanes into the project and a turn-around area for vehicles denied entry. 22. The applicant shall show as part of the grading plan an on-site parking area designated for all construction employees, as well as for the staging of construction equipment. This area shall be away from existing residential structures, the location and design shall be to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. In addition, a phasing plan shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer/Public Works Director and Community Development Director that demonstrates access to the site for grading and construction coming from Spring Road instead of Wicks Road as early as possible in the project. Once Spring Road is available for site access, no Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 15 construction traffic may use Wicks Road, except for improvements to Wicks Road required of the project. 23. Prior to the beginning of each grading phase, the applicant shall develop construction and grading activity schedules and submit the proposed schedule to the City Engineer/Public Works Director and the Community Development Director for review and approval. The schedule shall include a verbatim quote of the City's regulations with regard to construction times, as set forth in the City's Noise Ordinance. All construction and grading activities shall adhere to the City's Noise Ordinance requirements. Once the schedule has been approved by the City Engineer/Public Works Director and the Community Development Director, the applicant shall deliver one copy to each residence at least five working days prior to the start of grading or construction. 24. All existing and proposed utilities shall be under-grounded as approved by the City Engineer/Public Works Director, including under-grounding of all utility poles along the east side of Walnut Canyon Road extending from the northerly boundary of the tract to the south side of Wicks Road. Upon the recommendation of the City Engineer/Public Works Director and the Community Development Director, the City Manager may authorize a cash payment in lieu of the construction of improvements. - END - Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 16 EXHIBIT C STANDARD AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT NO. 2014-01 STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The applicant shall comply with Standard Conditions of Approval for Subdivisions and Planned Development Permits as adopted by City Council Resolution No. 2009-2799 (Exhibit A), except as modified by the following Special Conditions of Approval. In the event of conflict between a Standard and Special Condition of Approval, the Special Condition shall apply. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1 . All site development shall be consistent with the Design Guidelines for the Vistas at Moorpark project, dated December 2014, attached hereto and incorporated herein. Prior to issuance of a Zoning Clearance for the precise grading of the first residential lot, a plotting plan shall be provided for review and approval by the Community Development Director that shows floor plans (including reverse floor plans), architectural styles, and minimum front, side and rear setbacks for all residential lots. 2. For house floor Plans 1 through 4, there shall be no less than 10%, nor more than 40% of any one of the floor plans in the project. 3. At least three architectural styles (Spanish, California Ranch, Montecito) shall be provided per floor plan, with no less than 25%, nor more than 45% of any one architectural style used per floor plan. Adjacent houses of the same floor plan must use different architectural styles. 4. Final colors and materials must be consistent with the Design Guidelines and no adjacent units will be allowed to use the same color and material palette to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. 5. Durable materials shall be used for trim on the ground floor levels of the homes, such as wood window trim, or ''/" minimum cementous stucco coat over foam, to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. 6. Development standards for the project, including minimum building setbacks and heights, shall be consistent with the effective standards established in the Zoning Ordinance for the RPD Zone, except that the minimum front yard setback for side-entry garages shall be 15 feet. 7. The Community Development Director shall have the authority to make changes to building architecture consistent with each established architectural scheme, in order to achieve a higher level of fire resistance. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 17 8. A deed restriction shall be recorded in favor of the City to irrevocably limit residential units on lots 27-31 to one (1) story in height. Each original buyer shall sign an acknowledgement statement indicating that this deed restriction has been explained to them. A copy of the acknowledgement shall be provide to the Community Development Director and shall be filed with each building permit. 9. Accessory buildings over 120 square feet in area or which require a building permit may be located only in rear yard areas and must be of an architectural style and color and constructed of materials consistent with the main structure. 10. Rain gutters and downspouts shall be provided on all sides of the structure for all structures where there is a directional roof flow. 11. Prior to issuance of a Zoning Clearance for the precise grading of the first residential lot, a fencing, wall, and gate plan shall be provided for review and approval of the Community Development Director that is consistent with the Design Guidelines dated December 2014, incorporated herein. 12. Garden walls and fencing to a maximum height of thirty-six inches (36") may be placed in front yard setback areas provided that they are architecturally consistent with the main building as approved by the Community Development Director. 13. All interior property line walls or fences shall be constructed of masonry, stone or concrete products and be in earth tone colors to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. 14. Prior to the issuance of Zoning Clearances for the occupancy of residential units adjacent to North Hills Parkway, sound walls shall be constructed on the rear and exposed sides of these lots to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director and City Engineer/Public Works Director. 15. The entry area and gates shall be designed to reflect a common community architectural theme which is carried through to the public entrance and the recreation building. 16. All access gates shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director, Fire Protection District and the Moorpark Police Department so as to allow the opening of the gates to allow for emergency ingress or egress in the event of a power failure. Separate pedestrian access shall also be provided within the gates, with the design subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director. 17. Prior to the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for the precise grading of the first residential lot, landscaping and irrigation plans shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Parks and Recreation Director and Community Development Director that are consistent with the Design Guidelines dated December 2014 incorporated herein and the City's current Landscape Design Standards and Guidelines. The landscaping and irrigation plans shall include for all common area landscaping areas, private parks, street trees, multi-use trails, and pedestrian trails. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 18 18. As part of the North Hills Parkway improvements required for this project, landscaping and a decorative masonry wall shall be provided along the north side of the North Hills Parkway right-of-way to the satisfaction of the Parks and Recreation Director and Community Development Director to screen public views of the Water and Sanitation District facility. This wall and landscaping shall be maintained by the landscape maintenance district for the project. 19. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the first production home, Homeowner's Association Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (C.C.&R.'s) shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Parks and Recreation Director and Community Development Director that require individual homeowners to provide front yard landscaping consistent with the City's current Landscape Standards and Guidelines. 20. A private recreation area of approximately 0.48 acres shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Parks and Recreation Director and Community Development Director that is consistent with the Design Guidelines dated December 2014 incorporated herein. Amenities shall include a minimum 1,000 square-foot community club house, restrooms, pool, spa, play area, picnic tables, and a viewing gazebo. Plans and specifications shall be provided for all buildings and equipment for the private recreation area. The private recreation area shall be completed prior to issuance of a building permit for the 50th production home. 21. A public multi-use trail shall be provided at developer expense along the south side of North Hills Parkway, connecting the project to Spring Road to the satisfaction of the Parks and Recreation Director, City Engineer/Public Works Director, and Community Development Director prior to the issuance of a building permit for the 50th production home. This trail shall be maintained by the landscape maintenance district for the project 22. A minimally invasive trail system within Lot A shall be devised for the open space area which, to the extent feasible, avoids or minimizes impacts to stands of native vegetation. All motorized vehicles shall be physically prohibited from entering the private open space conservation area. Prior to the approval of the Final Map, the site plan shall be revised to include the dedicated trail alignment across the open space. The trail system shall be constructed as a minor multi- use trail and access to the area shall otherwise be restricted. The trail system shall be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit for the 50th production home. This trail shall be maintained by the homeowners' association for the project. 23. Off-road-vehicle use on property within the project boundaries shall be prohibited (except upon approved private streets and maintenance roads). The CC&R's for this project shall specify fines for unauthorized use of off-road vehicles. Developer shall post signs at entries to project to allow police enforcement of requirements. 24. Prior to the issuance of a zoning clearance for the first dwelling unit, the applicant shall install perimeter fencing in areas where future residents could obtain access to surrounding private lands. The design and location of the fencing shall be to the satisfaction and approval of the Community Development Director. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 19 25. Prior to the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for the first residential unit, the Applicant shall contribute $30,000 for funding endangered wildlife species breeding, predator trapping, or other support programs in the open space easement area as required by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This contribution shall be coordinated with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and be made to an appropriate private conservation institution upon approval of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Evidence of contribution approved by the service shall be presented to the City prior to the issuance of building permits. Commencing January 1, 2009, and annually thereafter, this fee will be adjusted by any increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) until the fee has been paid in full. The CPI increase will be determined using the information provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for all urban consumers within the Los Angeles/Riverside/Orange County metropolitan area during the prior year. The calculation will be made using the month of October over the prior October. In the event there is a decrease in the CPI for any annual indexing, the fee shall remain at its then current amount until such time as the next subsequent annual indexing which results in an increase. 26. Prior to the issuance of a Zoning Clearance for construction, the Applicant shall contribute $15,000 towards the City's sensitive species research program (established as a component of the Open Space Trust Fund related to the maintenance of the Open Space, Conservation, and Recreation Element and related programs). Commencing January 1, 2009, and annually thereafter, this fee will be adjusted by any increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) until the fee has been paid in full. The CPI increase will be determined using the information provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, for all urban consumers within the Los Angeles/Riverside/Orange County metropolitan area during the prior year. The calculation will be made using the month of October over the prior October. In the event there is a decrease in the CPI for any annual indexing, the fee shall remain at its then current amount until such time as the next subsequent annual indexing which results in an increase. 27. Prior to issuance of a Zoning Clearance for a grading permit, a proposed habitat restoration plan shall be developed to ensure compensation for the loss of native habitats that will occur as a result of project development. The habitat restoration plan shall emphasize the selective use of purple needle grass (Stipa pulchra) and other native grasses in the landscape plan for the property and include (subject to approval of the Fire Protection District), the use of native plants common to Venturan Coastal Sage Scrub habitat (e.g., Salvia apiana, Salvia leucophylla, Artemisia California, Rhus integrifolia, Eriogonum fasciculatum, Encelia California) in upland areas surrounding the project that are disturbed as a result of project development (geologic remediation, construction of fire access roads, etc.). 28. Prior to any grading or construction activities of any kind, the applicant shall have a field survey conducted by a qualified biologist to determine if active nests of bird species protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and/or the California Fish and Game Code are present in the construction zone or within one-hundred feet Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 20 (100') (two-hundred feet [200] for raptors) of the construction zone. No earlier than forty-five (45) days and no later than twenty (20) days prior to construction or grading/site preparation activities that would occur during the nesting/breeding season of native bird species potentially nesting on the site (typically February through August), a report of this field survey shall be submitted to the Community Development Director. If active nests are found, a fence barrier shall be erected around the nest site at least fifty feet (50') from the nest (this distance may be greater depending on the bird species and construction activity, as determined by the biologist). Clearing and construction within the fenced area shall be postponed or hatted, at the discretion of the biological monitor, until the nest is vacated and juveniles have fledged, as determined by the biologist, and there is no evidence of a second attempt at nesting. The biologist shall serve as a construction monitor during those periods when construction activities will occur near active nest areas to ensure that no inadvertent impacts on these nests will occur 29. Prior to issuance of the grading permit, the applicant shall complete and submit to the City for approval by the Parks and Recreation Director, City Engineer/Public Works Director, and Community Development Director, a Habitat Enhancement Plan (HEP). The plan shall apply to all existing or created on-site oak woodlands, riparian areas, detention basins, and fuel modification zones. The purpose of this plan shall be to increase the biological carrying capacity of these areas. Landscaping shall be installed prior to final certification of the grading, and shall be maintained in perpetuity by the by the homeowners' association. 30. The applicant shall use native plants in the restoration of areas disturbed by the construction of the project. The City shall monitor the use of native plants through review and approval of all project landscape plans by the Parks and Recreation Director. Invasive plant species, identified in the City's Landscape Standards and Guidelines, shall be prohibited. 31. The permanent removal of approximately forty (40) trees shall be replaced by the applicant at a 10:1 mitigation ratio by planting four-hundred (400) California walnut trees in the private open space area. This tree may also be used as one of several screening trees around the southern perimeter of the development. Pepper trees (Schinus molle) shall not be used in the tree planting program. The trees should be planted dominantly within the upland areas above the detention basin, in private open space. Field research shall be conducted by a qualified landscape architect to determine whether soils, drainage, and compaction of the soil are suitable for survival of the species in all areas where restoration is planned. To ensure maximum survival rates, these replacement trees shall be limited to one gallon specimens. If possible, replacement plantings shall be derived from locally harvested native walnuts in the upper reaches of Walnut Canyon. Otherwise, if nursery stock is used for restoration, no grafted stock shall be permitted. A minimum of one-hundred-ten (110) additional trees, not less than fifteen (15) gallons, six feet (6') tall when planted with a one-inch (1") caliper, shall be planted in the natural open space area, as approved by the Community Development Director, to offset the value of the trees to be removed. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 21 The landscape plan shall also incorporate extensive tree landscaping including specimen size trees, as approved by the Community Development Director. This requirement is in addition to any trees required for graded areas through submittal and approval of a landscape plan and is not intended to substitute for trees required under provisions of the Tree Ordinance. This landscaping shall be maintained by the homeowners' association. 32. Prior to the issuance of any grading permit, or clear and grub activities not covered by the City's grading ordinance, the applicant shall obtain a Clean Water Act Section 401 certification, and Section 404 permit, as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the Army Corps of Engineers. Additionally, a Section 1603 Streambed Alteration Agreement shall be entered into with the California Department of Fish and Game. The Applicant shall adhere to all conditions of these approvals. 33. The purchasers of each home shall be provided with notification, and shall acknowledge in writing, the disclosure that 1) North Hills Parkway is a planned major arterial highway within the City of Moorpark, and that traffic and noise levels significantly in excess of those at the time of purchase can be expected in the future; and 2) that access to the homes may be relocated to Walnut Canyon Road in the future if North Hills Parkway is developed as a limited-access highway. The applicant shall provide the Community Development Director with a copy of the signed acknowledgement prior to the close of escrow for each of the aforementioned lots. 34. Prior to issuance of the first Zoning Clearance for building permit, the applicant shall pay to fund a crossing guard position for a total of 5 years, including City overhead and supervision costs to the satisfaction of the City Manager and City Engineer/Public Works Director. - END - Attachment: January 2015 Design Guidelines for Vistas at Moorpark Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 22 Aral, "a"rn • • -111 VISTAS AT MOORPARK VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 5130 CITY OF MOORPARK Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 23 VISTAS AT MOORPARK DESIGN GUIDELINES Prepared by: CITY VENTURES, LLC 1900 Quail Street Newport Beach, CA 92660 December 2014 Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 24 Table(� of Content VRSIGN GUIDELINE OVERVIEW 4 INTENT OF DESIGN GUIDELINES 4 SITE PLANNING/CML ENGINEERING 5 PLANNING PREMISE 5 ON-SITE CIRCULATIONDESIGN S COMMUNITY FEATURES. 6 ARCHITECTURE 6 ARORLECL PREENSE - 6 NM SITING CRITERIA 6 DESIGNFEATURES COMMONTOAIL SIRES 1 BUILDING ELEVATIONS T ADDITIONAL BUILDING COMEENEWE. B STYLE SPEOMGUIOEIINES 8 SPANISH B CALIFORNIA RANCH 9 MONTECITO. 10 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 11 LANDSCAPE THEME' 11 IRRIGATION' . 11 STREET TREES' 11 FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE' 12 EXISTING TREES,MSGATIONS,AND TRANSPLANTS:. 12 MAINTENANCE: 12 ENTRY FEA NRE Mancunian mo GATES' 12 OPEN SPACE TRAILS' 12 Fun MODIFICATION CLEARANCE' 12 FENCING- 13 RECREATIO*AREAT/GREENBECTS 13 AERIAL OVERVIEW 14 OVERALL SNE PLAN IS PLOT PUN 16 NORTH HILLS PARK 12 PROJECT ENTRY 18 SECONDARY ACCESS GATE 19 MAIN RECREATION AREA 20 MONUMENT SIGN&VEHICULAR GATES 21 WALL AND FENCE PLAN 22 POEN 1 23 PLAN 2 31 PLAN 3. 39 PUN 4.. 50 COLOR SELECTION CHART 62 3I°at-: Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 25 Design Guideline Overview These design guidelines provide a vehicle to assist in the implementation of the Vistas at Moorpark master plan by providing a definition for the plan's design objectives and the intended community design character. These guidelines will be instrumental in directing implementation of the plan as community structure improvements and building occurs. One of the principal objectives of these guidelines is to create an urban design framework which will be carried throughout the entire plan area to establish continuity and community identity,while accommodating variety and individuality within the various development envelopes within the Plan. The Vistas at Moorpark community has been conceived with a variety of architectural design themes which,for the purposes of these design guidelines, are called "American Eclectic". The history of architecture in the United States, and Moorpark,will bring a variety of styles and themes to the Vistas at Moorpark community. In this way, an "established"feel will give the community a feeling of character, ambiance and history. The residential community will have the styles of Spanish, California Ranch and Montecito. Intent of Design Guidelines The design guidelines contained in this document are intended to establish a consistent design expression among site planning, engineering, architectural and landscape components while allowing reasonable flexibility in design. Examples of the desired architectural themes as well as a proto-typical street scene are illustrated on the following pages.These illustrations are conceptual and do not depict final designs, nor should they limit the range of expression among individual builders and their professional design teams. These design guidelines are intended to: • Assist in implementing the Vistas at Moorpark Plan by establishing project design intent. • Create a framework to implement individual project design while maintaining community identity. • Foster a blend of architectural styles and character while at the same time not dictating an exact mix of styles. • Provide a consistent approach to site planning, building design, and other design elements that will endure for the life of the community. These guidelines are provided for the benefit of builders, their design teams, and the City of Moorpark's staff and decision makers in the preparation and review of future construction level development proposals. These guidelines are intended to make this process as smooth as possible by providing clear direction to decision makers on the intent of the plan, and by so doing reducing the possibility of confusing interpretation and subjective decisions regarding plan implementation. al , Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 26 SITE PLANNING/CIVIL ENGINEERING Planning Premise The Vistas at Moorpark is a single-family detached residential community located in the City of Moorpark. The community is 110 homes on an approximately 72 acres and is characterized by a flat mesa top located above the surrounding road network, which provides access to the property.Approximately fifty percent of the site will be for the residential development and fifty percent will be open space. • Typical lot sizes are 8,100 square feet minimum with an overall average lot size of over 11,000 square feet. • Primary access is from proposed North Hills Parkway, via the northerly extension of Spring Road. The primary access point is at a location along the road,which provides the best vehicular site distance and elevation for gaining access to the proposed lots. On-Site Circulation Design • Primary entry road from North Hills Parkway includes a gated entry with turnaround. • No homes will front on the entry road and no parking will be permitted on the entry road. • Upon entering the residential portion of the site, it will have a functional looping system of internal residential tract streets. • The proposed road section is a 52' right-of-way with 40' pavement section. The street plate is based on the County of Ventura road section B-5-8,with a 5'public service easement behind sidewalk. • Community streets are proposed to be private and will be constructed to City/County standards. The private roads will be monitored by the homeowners association. • The internal road system for the community is proposed to have a looping design pursuant to requirements of the City and Ventura County Fire Department. • Any areas consisting of a single point-of-access or those located on a cul-de- sac have a dual access system to egress either the main entry road or the secondary access point along Wicks Road. • The community will provide an access reservation to Walnut Canyon Road. • Cul-de-sacs shall be no greater than 800' in length and include turnarounds to meet city and Ventura County Fire Department standards. • The Wicks Road access point will be gated for emergency access use only. • The community will provide a new sidewalk down Wicks Road to Walnut Canyon Road. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 27 Community Features • The community will provide a private recreation area and pedestrian greenbelts. • Unique architecture-four production models proposed with two being single story(refer to outline under architecture). Forty percent of the homes will be single-story. • On-site storm water detention and treatment to mitigate post-development flows to equal or less than existing flow. On-site treatment of storm flows to enhance water quality. Proposed drainage system is for the community only and is not part of the Master Facility System. • Proposed drainage basins are located "off-line" preserving the existing riparian vegetation in the main drainage bottoms. • Most of internal canyon preserved by clustering development in northern section of project. Placing development in northern section of project reduces impacts of proximal development to existing residences located to the south. • Minimum lot sizes 8,000 square feet with average lot sizes over 11,000 square feet. ARCHITECTURE Architectural Premise The intent of these architectural guidelines is to encourage designs that can create a distinct neighborhood identity while expressing a thoughtful integration of building styles within the plan. To that end,a variety of architectural themes or styles have been selected to provide a historical character to the community. The objective of these guidelines is to achieve high quality neighborhood environments comprised of a variety of historic architectural styles that reflect the heritage of older community development and fit well together. Each of the three sub-sections outlined below describe the architectural guidelines for one of these historic styles: Spanish, California Ranch, and Montecito. Siting Criteria • Buildings shall be sited to front onto neighborhood streets. • Primary entry doors shall be on the front elevation directly facing the street. • Varying front/street elevations shall be used in siting homes in residential tracts. Builders shall provide a minimum of three different architectural elevations for each product. • Corner lots have high public realm visibility and shall have careful architectural detailing. • Where irregularly shaped lots have public realm visibility, careful architectural detailing shall be applied to those elevations with visibility. 6I' Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 28 • Varying setbacks, building heights and roof planes should be considered to provide a varied and more interesting visual character along neighborhood streets. • A mix of one and two story plans are encouraged to create a diverse street scene,variation in building massing and slope edge transitions. Design Features Common to All Styles The following design guidelines apply to all applicable residential development(as indicated), regardless of architectural style. • Each detached residential development is required to incorporate all of the three architectural styles described below,with no individual style comprising less than 25%of the total units in the development. • For each of the architectural styles utilized in residential developments,at least four of the "essential design elements" of the styles chosen must be incorporated into the exterior design. Essential design elements for each style are outlined below. • Each residential development is required to provide a minimum of three different architectural styles for each plan. • All residential garage doors visible from a street shall consist of articulated panels. • Articulation of front elevations shall be achieved with porches, balconies,or bay windows, or other features appropriate to the architectural style of the building. • Windows must be included on least 30%of the of a swing-in garage's front facade (street elevation). Building Elevations • Building elevations shall be harmonious and compatible with the design elements of the architectural style of the building. • Each structure should have a different predominant facade material or color than the immediately adjacent structure to promote individuality within the neighborhood context. • Each elevation shall be designed with a proper visual balance and sense of cohesion and all elevations of a building should have detailing appropriate to the style not just the front elevation. • Functional covered balconies, decks, covered front porches, and other architectural detailing that reflect the style of the building are encouraged. • Garage doors should not dominate the front elevation of the building and shall consist of articulated panels. • Building shall provide architectural trim elements on all four sides. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 29 Additional Building Components • Exposed gutter and downspouts should be painted to match adjacent roof, fascia,trim or wall colors. • Gutters and downspouts should be placed so as not to detract from or compete with the architectural design of the building. • Satellite dishes may be placed on the exterior of the building if placed in a location which is not visible from the public street frontage. • All flashing, sheet metal, vents and pipes should be painted to match the adjacent surface. • Skylights(if utilized) should be incorporated into the roof design to provide natural light and passive solar energy. Frame color should blend with the surrounding roof color, natural aluminum frames are not allowed. • Solar panels, if used, should be integrated into the roof design as an unobtrusive element. Style Specific Guidelines Each of the three sub-sections outlined below describe the architectural guidelines for each historic style. They are meant to be broad in nature to encourage variation within those styles. Such variety will produce the strongest possible street scene by avoiding repetition. The styles chosen (Spanish, California Ranch, and Montecito) here are a reflection of the surrounding context and seek to harmonize with the existing housing stock. SPANISH Inspired by architecture from the coastal regions of Spain where intense sunlight bathes everything and from the low slung haciendas of the planes, the Spanish style emerged as a response to a wonderful climate. Long rectangular and cruciform massings intersect and pinwheel quadrantally out from a high, offset center. The style features long verandas, low-pitched red tile roofs, little or no overhanging eaves, smooth stucco siding and arches, especially above doors, porch entries and main windows. Other defining characteristics include an asymmetrical shape with cross gables and side wings, carved doors, spiral columns and pilasters, courtyards, carve stonework and patterned tile accents. Design Features • Heavy exposed beams • Wrought iron or wood balconies and rails • Arcades and trellis features • Terra Cotta clay pipe vents • Elaborate entry surrounds • Arched openings 'i' Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 30 Roofs • Shallow pitched roofs • Simple, hip,gable and shed forms • Concrete or Terra Cotta Barrel tile Windows • Deep set(8" minimum)windows on front elevation • Arched or half elliptical windows • Decorative grills Color • White • Earth tones • Brown or Beige window frames • Dark brown accents • Vibrant accent colors at shutters Accent Materials • Smooth stucco or sand finish • Cut "stone" accents • Painted ceramic tiles CALIFORNIA RANCH In the early part of the 18th Century, Californians sought to define an indigenous style of architecture by fusing local Spanish-influences, especially the Hacienda, with Midwestern design precedents focused on the cattle industry. Their search eventually led to the emergence of the California Ranch style. This style was perfected in central California and can be traced back to mid-19`"century. It's most commonly seen as a simple single story form with front to back gable roofs and a long exposed wood tails at the eaves. Two story variants emerged as the style solidified in the minds of architects who were drawn to its relaxed presence. Made of simple stucco, brick and timber with wood siding in the gables, these homes usually have shake roofs. Design Features • Stucco, brick& wood siding elements • Shutters • Wood balconies • Simple trims & surrounds • Wood siding in gables • Flower boxes 9iL Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 31 Roofs • Low-pitched front to back gable roof with some forward facing gables • Shake tile • Long eaves with exposed timber tails Windows • Deep set(8" minimum) windows on front elevation Color • Lighter to middle earth tones • Darker trims • Beige or Brown window frames • Slight contrast at shutters • Darker tone roof Accent Materials • Brick forms MONTECITO The Montecito style has emerged as a cleaner reinterpretation of California coastal homes based on Mediterranean precedents. It coalesced during the early California period as southlanders sought to escape northward to a quieter setting. Simple, light stucco or stone clad masses capped with hip roof forms and terra cotta tile dominate this renovationist gem, with the occasional use of shed roof forms. Shaped, moulded eaves, and accent shutters bring a slightly Mexican flair to the design, while the use of timber elements punctuate the usually irregularly assembled compositions. Design Features • Light stucco or stone clad massings • Moulded eaves • Shutters • Wrought iron details & railings • Very simple or no trim • Timber built shed verandas • Elaborate entry surrounds Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 32 Roofs • Low-pitched hipped roof • Terra cotta tiles (Barrel& 'S') • Moulded eaves Windows • Deep set (8" minimum)windows on front elevation • Rectangular openings Color • Lighter tones • Beige or Brown window frames • Middle to lighter tone stone Accent Materials • Stone on full masses • Wood shutters LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Landscape Theme: The landscape theme shall capture that of the natural areas around Moorpark. The landscape shall be a blend consisting mostly of walnuts (per the conditions of approval) oaks, sycamores, olives, and a few other colorful accenting trees.The plant sizes and quantities shall meet or exceed the City of Moorpark's standards. Irrigation: Both the common areas and private slopes shall be irrigated with automatic state-of- the-art systems, hydro-zoned areas, and matched precipitation sprinklers. Street Trees: This project shall not have a formal on-center spacing of street trees. The total required quantity of street trees shall be utilized yet placed within small clusters to provide informal groupings throughout the roadway frontages.The varieties of street trees will differ by each street and shall be determined per the city requirements. 11I Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 33 Front Yard Landscape: Each yard shall be provided by the individual; however, requirements shall be further outlined within the private community CC&Rs within the tract. However, each yard shall be required to provide one (1) 36" Box tree, one (1) 24" box tree, three (3) 15-gallon shrubs and (20) 5-gallon shrubs. Existing Trees, Mitigations,and Transplants: The tree report by L. Newman Design Group dated July 1, 2003 updated the report of December 1997 by Poly Associates. The new report includes all trees that had grown to protected tree status by June of 2003 and additional off-site trees that are now impacted due to the expansion of grading for the proposed North Hills Parkway. A total of 309 trees on inventoried, 56%are pepper trees, 33%are eucalyptus trees, with the remaining trees being mostly California black walnuts along with 3 oak trees, a pine tree, and an English walnut. 223 of these trees are within the limits of grading for the roads, building pads, and detention basin and must be removed.A monetary appraisal of each tree was included in the report. The total value of the removal trees will be returned to the landscape in terms of an increase in the size and number of trees above the minimum required by the City of Moorpark. Some specimen pepper trees may be transplanted for use in the landscape at focal points to enhance the landscape design. Maintenance: A Homeowners Association will be formed to maintain all common landscape areas. All other areas will be privately maintained. Entry Feature Monument and Gates: The entry monuments shall consist of stone pilasters, and accent stone walls with signage, and automatic ornamental entry gates. Open Space Trails: A multi-use trail system shall be provided to traverse the property and connect to the trail system in the Moorpark Park Highlands community. The trails shall mainly follow the existing dirt roadways linking to the community recreation area/greenbelt thoroughfare. Fuel Modification Clearance: The brush clearance and fuel modification requirements shall follow the Ventura County Fire Department criteria. 1:I^ng: Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 34 Fencing: The fencing around the perimeter shall be tubular steel/iron fence above the decorative masonry block except where perimeter fencing is below the development pad in which case masonry block is not needed. Decorative masonry block shall be utilized for privacy between the lots. Heights will comply with the provisions of the Moorpark Municipal Code. Recreation Areas/Greenbelts: A recreation building including restrooms, storage facilities and a multi-purpose community recreation room is proposed. It will include a large pool, spa, play area with state-of-the-art tot lot equipment, picnic tables and a viewing gazebo terrace. All elements within the recreation area shall meet American with Disability Act(ADA) standards. The greenbelt will include a meandering pedestrian walkway with landscaping on both sides. 13 I= Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 35 ilfli . - !; 1i 1 : ' ' i -.. A' . 7:.--: '11-...-,/ r r ly 11' e• j r I _ . r' r i ' r 1 {)I r � * ffill . : il 114.• VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 N ci)/ MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA nsml �" 14I Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 36 w,- :.--;7.31AWrtiityv•P. .L • M dui.. ..t". D.'t • �' ..., IMMI*ACTuRED SLOL'ES — P L.f. -" '. Lel I ^;' •W ro�1A111[ °�aREFER pp V • L- L. TOPLANT MATERIALS A3"�7. .SELECTIONS FUTURE ,ei •�1 I��x!�I' • .(i*•. - HO1EONNF-RS ..tP N• ""', ...13 ' 7'•�S:l i�,.' 1�.... MIRE STREET O°L'S+-. St. 4' S Q RESERVATION r�` y �; ,i1'' • ,�-�n� A'`•P ---aF�;"�' VIEW FENCNG ...:::1"•:: `� Cf 4_ /�, ��in L.l,�� jti Vic. ' URF.RYNt Fcrl�lxf:--`` .': a3F I'' f_`(`'�,_7/ /V 1/1.1Jl .1-l.�I �_etiZi • G2I� . • STREET TREES TO DE y-f A aaY •- �L:.:l'�. r j �• TRESELE LIST PFR PROPOSED ADO GET Of -' r TACORPARN CRITERIA LPICOGFE GREENBELT .EAT" F -A- a ✓ 1.. ,. A �, I WELTER SwALE- `` n 1s l� I f� .— iptf a F•GC'�,p -`1J- Ci . �- t is [aa c o °PY �9 � MENTION R•SP w, atl1 1 B i b-J tt__,,�� .p Vr;'$CD. C+"• �al i NYOROSEEDAmf ;.f G '4.:,-'�--,.."..,„)...*:.14' •d �*- •,,,-,14'•;',.2%.Gr •e •w; - d �. .if ,4'-`4414/e, 3 B(p ^y. K s Cy, _ 6 F®ESRWhTRPA 1...• '• r._-. -: 2T"r:' . ,a,• i. Yi -moi POOL SPA ASOZEAm IRN f, p• RUING.SRAM .44.! J,'R'• �. Cc STRUCTURE PICNIC AREAS. /P ^G. *r -•' •.- - _ TOT LOT,Ab['PEN SPACE ' 1 I \'``-��.I '' ,Q. F A• lb -maFnTER SMA1E .,,,,,:,,,:a^0•''''',.,,,,ti `.0�`\E.'-1 • h+.• • W 'O FUEL ZOE DIRUSa CLFAIHM ARAFET • / p,�' i-TTT'���:---}}}-����'TTT�+ , il`/;�r - Y �' PER MINTY OF VENTURA LANDSCAPE ISLAND AT V V L ' • REWNEMER,51 GUI OE-SAF:TERL@UTIONS "• cr _ .� DETENTION V:,•!3 .AT'.T:1T . V - -• _- xYotoSEEOLaxAR ..-. T:q .-- - mot DE LIN NENANCE • •' NON, • -- OVERALL SITE PLAN __ VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 N MOORPARK . CALIFORNIA ��/ MJS Dcc.:gn Salve:,'=T50' tei O 3 0 GrOuP L'3,1,1 0 IF' MOaR' is I Resolution No. 2015-3373 . , Page 37 _ --, _____ ., • ir; rain, taus PANISS4r i .' , , ,..: ._,,, Lor L 1 1.—Lor , ; /,--,/; • , Norm pus rt. xErisr sum c 27 '..6-, • - 0 / '4" iik0 I. ,.. Gt. I, -,/,„/- .0 oy / . ,, ,,'„'i I i , 40, , . /,,,.....,),,t.4 _ . - - _ e • 110 / / •.///,./v4P4f4,.. mem eli,i, fry Elif P, .)//,' . :. . ./---;,;?.., .„../ ,,--.71/4# , .- Q . ' SOWN LOON DOW Fr / /...- I. 'f 4."....)•to '' .,' / : •C'T'.!. *r .1111. ft. 8 D , s' 4 t / :,.. ,,. ..,,..„ .,1 ,,,, ,,, . ny e? pry 70,„,__, . .11. R . ,1 „. -.'L-,,--:„....., , .1 0 . ,--,:=_„.__ , • , LOT MI ., ..' 3 7, - i ,,,___, ,, ..,,,,„:.....-- 107 P A, , 1 ., •";:,r'r.S.,. !;li'' . I ! ''',- CCIL • i i .! 11105 litA, • -I .:. '\'', NWT MI. .- ciali7fClett ''''' \\ l, , V'TIVIgli 4. .s .,, ., AI tOr A \\ , .. / , 1 ili. I 0 i a g w .„------ ' . . / ,,. .,. • 77 . . 7 ..., . e!, ' ......, .:-.....-- arm 7/ -- -- . _ { . RM= , "'"" oves owl caw A*1 100.0 ••••J. .41.0 ItAl•.7 JII.V f RAP I NOW RA" Mak 4.I Men m.. . .... lairaar NM,MIIII MEM VISTAS AT N1OORPARK TRACT 5 1 3 0 (r,:-, iVER MOORPARK . CALIFORNIA \!,•Sti-. ---- ' 16 I Resolution No. 2015-3373 SPRING ROAD 4r ------- r-7____,, Page 38 ,..: f .,. , • 'Le 4'-• r., .. j):./ 1/ 1 ' ....- 1 . • . .. ..... :••0.-i..! / /4:6,,. •„, ' PROPOSED MONUMENT AT WALL -.. Y. • 21 '*' I . -- 11,„ , MONUMENT al SPRING ROAD . --, ••-.. • 171-7.,44,-, , i 'i „.• •t• ,....„,„ .e.,,,, _.... . . .c.,. .s, .,.,, ,,, , „,,..,..,. We I ; 4, . • ...„ . .. _........,.... ..,,, ? , ,•?,,,,z, -.., • I . , , ..? • 1' ''' • . ' 'SHOW SLOPE PLANTED TO - : ( ' • ;.•,- ', C.' a /1-, • ' ''\--lt• FST DRAIN BENCH ) • ';.•-' ,--).. " - ..—•. . . IF ,4. ' - ... .. ., ..,.. ,,, .. • '- . `'..1''''. ,-, „,-...v ,.. „,2',„:• • r do . , - - •- -.•!I 11.• i., • . ...,. . . . ...- - • •, . ,-(- • ; •- .. -. 4,0b..;,, .. • ....‘i.--.-0,-...0.....D!'. -.4;,... N •D .....S..-- . ..,...... --,•,f 4"4' :but 4 . _ --...... ---. -• Li...:•411;% .•'.. 1 113.4 7L...-t P .-i. .'.. j , i J1------— — -- - HORSE TRAIL -..:... I” ,, ,_ r „,-, 41.... „, ri .,r. - . RAL FENCE Path VINES • 3'PARKWAY tIA.P, I' g '' ---"----N' v• .. . 4• . .:. r, - 1 0 , -- l' 1..- •- ,,,5' ,s4 i, -----.— , --.7,; .. • PA7KWAY is...1:27. i-----z] ......... .__..,,.., 1..-.• • .• 11 I STONE PEASTEFtS at NORTH •--;11'. l'.q, •• HILLS PARKWAY ONLY '4'.- ---) .•"1 - . - .:.,..4 ...:_;1.-- , .,.-----.-P 4.....,ei.14 PROJECT MAIN ENTRY at ---.:--- NORTH HILLS PARKWAY •C/R) a=3. 414 7Th .r..?? ic.,,..,,iir-ar•',-.., .. ... rr, ,'L. .-, -,.; *4..'r 1---rEt-- -- .kacili witt, ._...,____ f,31 . .. Li_.. RNL FENCE wall FLOYNERING VINES at TERIMUS •- INTERIM LANDSCAPE RAPROVEMENTS -,.."8:: • ,.11,•-•-•' •LOW WATER.USE MEADOW 3RASSES • ... . 7' 7;'.;• .' r •SHRUBS and TREES at PERIMETER ONLY ... ... . i___ ... --'.. .e...1. :-.. ,..-,? ' f '-4. .: ;. :-..:,• • •- 41------7--- '4 -.. .. • ' I , •••I-' ”-- • • 1 / 1 1 -:''!''`..•4 - --:=-- "/:".47i.:4'4' ..... 7:-—1-7--------.._, NORTH HILLS PARKWAY MIMI MI El VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA N e 1 MJS Scale r.60 _ IGrcuP• 0 10' 00 ,20' 17 I Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 39 VORTH HILLS PARKWAY + ., ` ~'�, ��` H Pritiw....r. _.; TRAIL CONNECTION W�� TO OPEN SPACE �� 4 ^ - • ''' - • ,,,,,t.- \,,, 4-2c:AdArpok 40/2 .. _,.... • ►J :r S 5.____c(i.,.. __.j. _ > .. . 1,..,:i ,.„ -4, - ...„. ... ..,,,,.,„ -.•-,- y 3'-*' • � ' ,ra6.; d. .: til • M, �rtw:, 'k.>r 1 t -# -1— 14...4 ,, • s .. LOW PLANTER w1h——- -- - Ta / 4 --'• ^'4 • E. s MASONRY LOT LINE WALL CITRUS TREES • ' -�: - I LOW RETAINING WALL VISITOR CALL 80X.- �`- j 1 _ � -. with BRICK CAP f C , • �I .1. r- .. p _��- STONE VENEER PLANTER WALL 1 - `__ _ f�Z with hIATURE OLIVE TREE r . « t• Altli .C-- ------— . `• ..«a • -___ `T-1 + - :.J'' ---IL.-. , --y �: • '/` _ 1 _� f * J -. .- DECORATIVE FENCING ',..� _ ► t , al�•. 1'.3.'.:7. � - '�- on LOWA'ALL r_______. ,ti a". . ..\i• x ' / LANDSCAPE CUL-0o-SAC ISLAND ~.�NJ.. f ..,04,-,7,0 4jI ;Hutu .,.7 . ,erkR rraM r•-+r5 ! �, de a • 7.4 jilt.. c F ' ,., n ce Lw' .. o z UPGRADED LIGHTS at POTS a ENTRY GATE f DECORATIVE STONE PAVING ENTRY ONLY -- PROJECT ENTRY -- VISTAS Al MOORPARK - I' RAC: f 5I30 /A MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA MJS Design Scabs r=TD' I I Croup.. U 6' 70' 70' 18 I Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 40 C. w I f. C LOW RETAINING WALL with STONE VENEER \ N J��00(f B� fAR 0 �tt A/Y F M ., . .. ,.... .....,.‘ . /, �: Y ` ... •. Y `.,kN it I r ` 4' 74,-— i'— O. fr� t � �� �y z• • ACCESS GATES +f_-_ / ?,,..p.,7,..-. `� /Ri ��•.4,4! ){f Ailita, t ENTRY PILASTERS - aIl�.7., l. �.-- K (1 iffat -;%., I. -?� . . .i a G tS 1 SECURITY FENCE :. 4.' - -.G •e.':,1 L vy r�y , I r^ LOW RETAINING WALL wilt STONE VENEER WICKS ROAD '- STONE VENEER PROJECT INTERSECTION MARKER SECONDARY ACCESS GATE ( LOT 1 ) -- -- V I S I A S AI M U U H P A H K IKACI 3 1 3 0 MOURPARK . CALIFORNIA A MJS CC.., ;'1 Scale!Ye"'1'"O' 0 4' G IT 19 Resolution No. 2015-3373 . Page 41 F -" - ' t`" - •. : -. SHADE RA141W CIB ORERT SPt sll DECK _-„rte-i` "-- •''' ,_ te1XC6X fXdIDIM NIIII . .• `TVIVy,Vlq!'1 _- —- Y'�f - V /`t~' NATIVE PLANT NG ISVIIMOX WA !rte ` TNAll • �1 Ni i�L ___. , pi?4 �.tYHOOREM WA ' • t ri ` . ,' h -1'N ------AGa �arprPIsm9a x-T-- � 4, CHILDREN'S SAWN DECK fiCX�3! 0 ' y- - I r, _ wer ` \11 . ,- CONLRkIEWALAWAY i rv v Itig-, t..'P ; N - \,,)/ , 1009 lv-ti g• -.,- \ \. • RAY'TURF�� I• _'; - �\!^-' / N '� - ,, 1 CLB l3Mlc - �� �' e{`\ \-711:4:1L37-53111" St le l�Fe ten • 7 A G I -1r ' — 1a J 1� •„ .r.1: -flt1`� GAA .0 ' • gt • .'-, !� l O '► :I I 'lam —' • PCIcfAL.M E?ITRV EtEYERi- ',..k'�,l "I ..11 C.�.�`. • 1 js!--1 1 r'ro�~� i i .; to •�,• . IA • PLAZA oil DECORATIVE • .46-A - •' tI, • --?J— L' +Ars. 11 ], COICAET'e ,_ =— - i� r '.L�i rf° Sin . I. `( y 2A. - Q� e � POOL RECREAT10N AREAWI N N , p •`mow r•��AAT.��'r��,1�tI ENCLOSURE FENCING �,. �. £•w`71 ter- LAP POOL•S'DEPTH E' .-••" ... /�1 i�.i,R. �` -. SPA 90 .. ', :A, •�:'Y,jn'. `' r OUTDOOWOE RAVILION FIRERACF 9OUE 0 •.. '. -- Ili POOL ENCLOSURE FENCING - OUTDOSRFURNRIWE CABANAS ---- — —(\‘ f MAIN RECREATION AREA ( HOA Lot 'G ' ) V I S IAS Al MOORPAHK - I H ACI 3131) MOORPARK . CALIFORNIA �2G ,�,_ MJS Salle.r=10• (,i rn U(T I.ni. 0 5' 10 M' 20 Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 42 .*1.-� ;fir-/# N^C".- A -:,,.1 iii a _._ �.rzylsrrarPr-,-: 7 "17 MONUMENT SIGN ELEVATION at NORTH HILLS PARKWAY ENTRY CMU.RAS1a.rO000OR 91 META.5011QAM GTL KT50WIf111w GTE ApOl0ON1TKCM OK ION O . __ii�iii III ... M lig.. , O DOUBICOATI ;r j a.. 7 SECONDARY ACCESS GATE AT WICKS ROAD Scale:v:=I'-0' CMU.AASIG.1111STUC_015“91 •CMU w4iwS1U0001 UU OCCOIµOKMCIN N)KSAMGTC ma DKOMTM CN •50DICOM1M CN -ROOMI.WIT 1101R .MY . WIWI OAT! I II11 -iI I 0 I III II � � � ! i II ii i, i t I � � i. t", jUl11, 0110001 , iIIl ,,XX • i .. . . _ X1.tir....YC ,Y%ktix ,. 'I . I r 1 , > , IV , 10 U+11 1 IO , IV LNIAY , IP , > ,7, MAIN ENTRY GATE at NORTH HILLS PARKWAY Sale:W= i•-0' MONUMENT SIGN & VEHICULAR GATES VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 f 4 MOORPARK, CALIFORNIA MJS Scale.1/4'=r 1 1 1 1 IGrcu, o r . a' 21 I Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 43 a . !›.1...!\:„,..._,..,i,_„ \ — — ' NORM PEW PAIIMAr Jr "ter,, • 1 1•j�'1 ili ill Pill . 11111410' L- 11 11 ' ' '' v— ------- ----- /1 , /, . . 44 ,"r;t, NOM PAS RACE aIll , °RAIN/PLACE" ,la /_' �I<1?•,,,ot 1aMIi\ E � I 1 zr:1 ,,., ,/,„ ..,,,/,' ., /,,...iii __. _ _____J , Ip. " .,3 viiii211 , .' Ap. ,,, ,-. .., 1.4, , '-',-,____ . COSIOAC6 ME_,, 511a---ne (1) • g ,f‘ i - .. ._ ..". ' , . ' . _1hi .7cji kr— 2E11J / -., .... 02,444, / / I /11:11:7Zr", El .'14/ "risi, ,1 . / ' tArt ,„„"__..„„. ,, ,i ,tt:ir , . . 1 / , !!`T -nr - 1411 id / .46:1\ .WiliW\ _-- • ._ EI ___________ orna,,vvigil---• ,. \ ...,..._.• ... ..,-- .-11- . to-v7m....."- -----, \\\litiyiii- \ 1,,‘ ' , - i,:ricijkvvs, „\\,..„0. ,„. . . .1 ay ,, I i\-4.......... 0\ 1.10.. i____.,,,,-- .../ , ---....,,,-_-___ 1 N01AIAtl MU ° (( riII - . M5310.7-M5310.-- - / I WNAreWE MT: / j Qi —wwww..ItRawtl I '-.. • /// � I Cl)-I=lin-mwrol recxe I I i ' / , I•wnlu.vwnroc ' / , raclwc 1 /WI 00111.0.1lOeMDIUNAM101. 1 }` M T-� r �.,..!„. i . 1 . l ELEVATION ELEVATION 2 INTERIOR!PROPERTY LINE WALL ELEVATION O PERIMETER FENCE A VIEW FENCE at DOWNHILL LOTS CP11 F.i_1'-0' SOALE••EA' ' SCALE =1'-0' WALL AND FENCE PLAN --=11111111111111.111MIM -,IMMIIII IN IN VISTAS AT MOORPARK- TRACT 5130 N MOORPARK . CALIFORNIA I) InJS /iiG:� Gtr G;;ul ScaleT' . =too' i--,i--,--1--} Group.. IIY.Av,,`II, a so Icv 20C, 22 I Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 44 ,,p '' p ' . • - - - FRONT SPANISH . • �A•of w ,._�.,,...,,�.,:.' •�� , 1 • OR V. a, i t 1 u . -r` 1 I l xL 1 .. r �r y FRONT.� CALIFORNIA RANCH 4';' dk "4-t. , x. 4 •0"+-+' `let y � .f. FRONT MONTECITO PLAN I FRONT ELEVATIONS / i I ti 1 :1 5 A I MU O II l':1 III I Il:1 C 1 5 1 3 U Basso isa Lagoni MOORPARK. CALIFORNIA ----.7..7::--"''' +t ovum+ /!.13,1. 23 Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 45 k i 66-0' i,.- 11 111. 111'. LJ nam 1. _ iIa FI �E- I i-`? i t- 1- Ia. car 1,...00n___ L'H ImxG LI I w i rl a 1� i p. ,,.,!-- - I+ ifit-iliill I 0 ICE pi F H amn 11 - NAT I - n 1 11 0 1 61060.0611 tl ..pr , i , , , s , . I A = 2 4o..q I i • J � , i I A A '� �� ¢] ort.eeol A II EMMY I0 21111:24:101. uu. i � Il II ■., ■ LL iL ■ - ■ �a �� ®I 1 . , I �:no � OF 1 I a ra z : = I 1 c ' Y •' 1 1 O , 80.00' MIN FIRST FLOOR 3BEDROOM•STUDY I3.SRAINS 3-CAA GARAGE FLOOR AREA TABLE IST FLOOR 2619 Sp.FT. 3-CAR GARAGE 679 S4.FT. PORCH 3654.FT. OPT.OUTDOOR LIVING 292 SQ.FT. LOT COVEMf3 43% PLAN I LOTOVERAGLPAE W/ m ......r.- OUTDOOR 16% P i t �ti r r REFLECTS SPANISH ELEVATION 2,035 S.F. mmr_ _ _ ____._---___. - _ _ - 41=I=1 VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 B883BBIB018pOni MOORPARK , CA LIMORNId Bas'�.in;I��.:: C° OADaaMs 16.13111 20 I ., •:, Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 46 _ ,:igu--wiplutm EusE ___. pli , , ,_,, _ - 10 s • OPT.RETREAT 0.00( 13 15 E 1 la n NO Ett 1 „,,,,ir , .1 1,. . 1,..„ , Gdd y_ espRoon4 14 YOROd1. ClIFY i!i�.� L i� i. ,n- 1 DORY III [I I, S , - Pia: 11 P01104icr' ! -- S "L" 1',• 11313.300M 2 ®, I I Fb mill YY it -SII BEDROOM 4/STUDY ALTERNATIVE BEDROOM 2/BEDROOM 4 PLAN I 9 i 1 iTrre.or OPTIONS �� VISTAS AT MOORPARK- TRACT 5130 BasaenianlLagoa ���i M O O R P A R K , CALIFORNIA �a oru....i. .Ols W. 00.04.301 1 ..-- 25 I' Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 47 Ii. la-0' 6a-0` 1 1 C 111111 ar�hrw \ -�' 1 III II111111 4i ::._ :; :; ;: unll - ❑ ;__it a �I, tuna .,O 6ai — "-Iy_ICI ESI Fi Sgni__ Er, .ate L I 1. II III I III 1113 ,1RIl"OM° IAD.3 -- I,r 1 nC D I � � ::iliiii_ail _ all W GNAT 1 � n1 nit i 1tI aI1 _ > 1 Cr 4 il - 6ll ... pj j 1 oMOW n.ow. I� pm'. 01.7117— • LLT''. - ils W.I i JI I- _ _ _.JL 1 isi S ■ 1d01 1 I ®I I y i. C .STIa - _--- G a J WI \4� • Z = I of 4 M 2 80.00' MIN 3 BEDROOMS•STUDY/3SBATHS FIRST FLOOR 3-CAR GARAGE FLOOR AREA TABLE 1ST FLOPS MS SQ.FT. 3-CM GARAGE 639 SQ.FT. PORCH 36 SQ.FT. OPT.OUTDOOR LIVING M SQ.FT. LOT COVERAGE 43% WILOTTOVEMGE .A.,m•.., PLAN LOT RAGE K% P I I 19: Y I� REFLECTS CALIFORNIA RANCH ELEVATION ],855 S.F. VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA 88BBBnienlLBgoni '�` �<nnnal.mlaeLlnwru 90.814x01. c,,,—,,..... 1)6.13111 26 1 m 'V Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 48 2 I I • LL Ii now 0 • n GNAT l.n1 .®.001.3 0On m M , , I ` --- NZ Wel can.crmi A A ! � - �" Q a.em. 6M. 1 . ' w 1 RJR '71'17 Y AUI. : �I 1a , , S . _ S ' • ' .� � � 0 -- .w.001, GARAGE - ii } I � 4u Y I Z ' = I eN. 2 ' 80.00' MIN 3 BEDROOMS.STUDY!3S BATHS FIRST FLOOR 3-CAR GARAGE FLOOR AREA TABLE 1ST FLOOR 3846 SO.FT. 3-CAR GARAGE 679 SO.FT. PORCH 3650.FT. OPT.OUTDOOR LIVING 392 SQ.FT. LOT COVERAGE 43% OWDOORCOVERAGE AGEW�q^�_ � PLAN LOT COVK% P i 1 ISCA*"«.rr REFLECTS MONTECITO ELEVATION 2,855 S.F. Fr= - - .m0 VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 BgssegiqRlLagani �� � MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA a nrn .itIta I.". �—,� 00.04:016 6.1311 3711'..l. . Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 49 TTTthHtTr1 FRONT SPANISH Is/A 1 i1 ROOF PLAN SPANISH Iiri1 I ii ' .....- REAR 1 W �� `T t II 1 II d LEFT I 1 17 7- RIGHT PLAN I I I I Ir. ..w SPANISH ELEVATION / '�Ip�'e�I-'= VISTAS AI' MOORPA RK- TRACT 5130 -.� nl / BdueoiaR LRpo— M OORPARK. CA LI FORNIA mmmv ?pi uin 28 I P ip Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 50 �1 r �,� I 4 lur Jt fl f r r -1 r !t ! 1 P'! :- J 4. 4 Mfr 8 r�r r V.r r 1F t r HH ® - TJ , : i r �f. ,5 QHI/ 1) fs I_... ...: li „ �\\\\\\\� ro FRONT CALIFORNIA RANCH / \ i IPL +Ili 1 Int 1�� li H4 ryVr M1 I V 1 - t inl�iV 4 Vt pfd // lrr J,lHffirlf� (.,,.,'hv'� A, flrt':,.� ., '1 " � r tin y.,! '.�rr'� i r 1`!___ �' (I(b ' ✓ 1fl r . +t / rill � " m0 wcwmnn..m LAN CALIFORNIA RANCH REAR F !;i: igli Y'VIS tii41u7 i 14!$_— _— ", r: 7 f v �1r7,n .p p nital II 11 1 �t I : - I it LEFT ur - « I� t 2i..4,,.ln. Jr . � f j fn II� -j F ? RIGHT PLAN I CALIFORNIA RANCH ELEVATION n VISTAS AT MOORPARK- TRACT 51311 YS B®ui=I lawni MOORPARK. CALIFORNIA m m. in.L.. 29 I° :r:., Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 51 ® Y lull I 'Yr l_... III J_ lI II tl � FRONT MONTECITO ///> „:9N. 1 i1 ! ! Ir ROOF PLAN MONTECITO 11111 HE e I ROOF_ .w REM �Y lr �rJr f n> * - 6I LEFT T � T : :° s 11_ Ir. RIGHT PLAN I Hi—I—I� Y MONTECITO ELEVATION VISTAS AT MOORPARK- TRACT 5130 Bassani . MOORPARK. CALIFORNIA Ile PIP‘,P4 Ile inn 30I ., Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 52 . is .:F- ___, 1 ,., , . 1. , . ..... , .,•:. • .i, . _ ____ _ , .1 III FRONT SPANISH i*, t _ .tom )17k7.04r'r t..-.1'1 •.--.. ••, o F '-- '':'2: • 0.14'7 . �.. _ .. FRONT CALIFORNIA RANCH ti.. w YIJ- - .__,11 'T�� � '" ,h r £ : y A4h o711 rill 'r. C �, ! I SSS . .r.114'-'i).. FRONT MONTECITD PLAN 2 I. .} + Imo, a FRONT ELEVATIONS VISTAS AT MOORPARK- TRACT 1130 t3asseniva Leponi MOORPARK. CALIFORNIA W N 2014 null 31 10'4E 60‘.0- 104E R.zsolution o. 2015-3373 Pie 53 -—I .... 15. is is si 06;72 1:-T,--7 IC 8 a\-...-/em,>, i in Ci psi p = . . Iv ,...,..y r 7 lila ILIC 7 HI NI r=n 1 _. , , T 1 li 1-27"MR-I I, Li 4. 7.•.,1]1 1 1 PI 1 '-n.2 . , E 0 0 I _.c.._ !I -i- --- mani-iat itl .5- clfix • ,:m,pot ,,,,fic___,, 4 az, I° ._ ° j , rc.„ , . . . 1/4i. Li L3 _1 • int=, A p [__ 421 1 , N IN NI III I . , E C:04} r illArm (n.in wi ..•_. ci -7.i ,... I -f . • -=“ • -• r-1- _,.,__,:..,, , ..,__ , . II•I il • id C:e. A A Ile II : 041" I ...,... ... - .im GARAGE. 1 I , , .F .., BEDROCH 3 111 "241CH 1 Y=- iit Hp I 2 .H641 --I 1 1 1 1E= — lil RE: ..,. eF a z B o o 4 BEDROOMS•OFT STUDY/LS BATHS: 3.CAR GARAGE S. 80.00MIN FLOOR AREA TABLE I ST FLOOR 3.2603 SQ.FT. P I_ A N 2 3-CAR GARAGE COURTYARD 613SO FT 237 SQ FT. REFLECTS SPANISH ELEVATION PORCH 2S SO FT 1=1=1=1 tcAte ve•it 3.260 S.F. LOT COvERAGE 47% a es, —— 41=I= ar.r.,Zan.: / VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5 1 3 0 MOORPARK . CALIFORNIA Basstanian I Lagoni 1101111:111-11.AAAAA Pli•1111111111 il,Ceswi.ktittrair.4411 ea .....44 .4.a C41.04.201* 776 13111 32 I P t ' ` Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 54 tcri7 (_ COURTYARD — r �" i nl ICH FIi OPT.H.M.G. OPT.FRENCH DOOR °MORN Oca*F..n • .... �-1., Vii'. .-in. I ' nil :,-_. e.,1 t .EMOpH ` (7A-1 __I L--:) 10 a ofD ❑ LI _.. C -�r __ -11 OPT.BEDROOM 4 OPT.DEN C"'. Oo-w¢ PLAN 2 1 1 1 Isc. •rr OPTIONS u:,,a 00 00 VISTAS ATMOORPARK - TRACT 5130 Bassenian .""• M O O R P A R K , CALIFORNIA . mn•n.a,.i,.mwo., o6.a.xm. .n..6.3...�s 116.13111 331 -':,.;a 101-0^ 601.0' /. Itld . Resolution No. 2015-3373 1 Page 55 — — — — — — — — — — — — -1 I I I a - - `( ���\' I R Trout• l i n a .ATn u1 i nF-C 13jlip 00y96p,111r. , ' , yA I : � GPAT w'�••' n N MOpt a tt I 151 E ''U– 0111Yt1Rii 7` - 3R --_ c !u$ ., 3r4-- eill W _ © 1 WA CI iii 1 l C= A ell 1:11 b o I k ifmm=mDEssanA.- ❑ I MTM>oaU 4""ILi vrc '1 IFa ot11 MM x 1 hI � Y TIIIBI', 0 •IIs !.E.15 nn?. N2 A 1 1 LB — yr GARAGE il I 2 0 I G 4 BEDROOMS 4,OPT STUDY 335 BATHS 3-CAR GARAGE - FLOOR AREA TABLE 810.00' MIN J • ISTFLOOR — — 3,26050.FT. 3.CAN GARAGE 613 SO.FT. COURTYARD 237 SQ.FT. PORCH 28 SQ.FT. LOT COVERAGE 47% PLAN 2 ---------'" 9 1 3 Pr<„T,„..,,. REFLECTS CALIFORNIA RANCH ELEVATION 3.260 S.F. mm mm / VISTAS AT MOORPARK- TRACT 5130 / (444.4:, Bassenianllaponi � ` ` ' MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA BassT,an4P•MTH=, e1"w.4r r".'*". 0.0.2014 776 301°� lira , WO" Resolution No. 2015-3373 1 ;160e-56 — --1 • 1 ()qcp oni la in 11 I \--1 ._ _. • ot ui 1 — ' 11 . .„.... 1 ki .2.. 1.311 Li El C._: CD 3 ::1as 1 i ... .." . .... „ i !, ,....,.,.. ...... [ .... ti ISJ, 41 ' f IL .... .. Ti ,. . • 0 c.—„Awn F:, 1 II' 'N... el — ... 1/4'.1 = MOO 111 Cr: A i le liCa1000 :um 1[7. : a ..-- C—RECODom:e:.,:, 40 0 C) ”._. -,1 i. t A ,IF _ lor S a ':::9Lmt.itlhl A A --., 1, . ono; t., II, 11 RA 3 ' Ile H !. : II • INAM 1 , n pet r/ GAFACA % ma..s>1 KDROOM 1 ..,4). in'Ill ;:trii'l 1 n if L. I. \ r 1 Z PLAN2 17 E 3159.1404 SO FT A 0 c' •BEDROOMS•OPT.STUDY)3.5 BATHS c; 3-CAR GARAGE FLOOR AREA TABLE ,--__ -J • 80.00MIN 1ST ROOK 1260 SO.FT. 1-CAR GRACE 413 SO FT. COURTYARD 737 SO FT. PORCH 20 SO FT LOT COVERAGE PLAN 2 47% -----------.*. : REFLECTS MONTECITO ELEVATION t i floati.r.r. 3,260 S.F. moi ego dd,f,.1",,2:-., VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA Bassenian I Lagoni 411.1,1Mit•nAnig..OU14.011 lel".a.tt 1742;r"."" .I•ilt.•••••••0e. 0t0t2014 776.13111 Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 57 1 i 0 iJ , :: ::,,Fil: : : :::.„ t _ : 111, 1, , ,:::_i i 1a 1 1- ) ) , , FRONT SPANISH / !/// r K r ; FT ROOF PLAN SPANISH 11 11111 ^II .m� rm REAR A n2 L LEFT 1di _ it I Il RIGHT PLAN 2 I I I lu N SPANISH ELEVATION Ay��� VISTAS AT MOORPAR N- TRACT 5130 ®u " .3..0 / B00101 M OORPAR R. CALIFORNIA aw 016 �...�.- 7/6.13111 36 I' F Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 58 - --ter i Ll IL I .;jtIIIL - I1 • 'I j -- ®r , FRONT CALIFORNIA RANCH I 'r r ti r4; 7} Y 'rtl Lr f ;'4 71 I Irl'I1 't ----IhAt t.r4 ,-,>-----,--:----- - -- :7:,---...,' /�� : y rl l urr .. i. , f ..I.u.l rt A i! A u .4, r.-i,(: 1, ii _.._ Jiu,i1'111 JUL REAR 41 _ LEFT rl .i r l 11VrrV i v f- L, Vf LL ly n.'.-[:.JV a q l iF i(N2�y �\` 1— ellt. i� I'. RIGHT PLAN 2 9—✓—�irm,...e CALIFORNIA RANCH / VISTAS AT MOORPARK- TRACT 5130 BGERRRIM I Inpni feireit MOORPARK. CALIFORNIA a. moire... ?lb.inn 3]1 Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 59 I.-1 ti I r i1 V�yi it i(4Q11 r ^-�-r Qiillll � lu I il�lih,_li I III FRONT MONTECITO l5 /110.0 41016.1 .Vii.'? .r... . ..7 .':�Gr.Y.Y. :. ! ! �, . ..'� ROOF PIAN MONTECITO 1111 111 LIII .w REAR Iil a S IIIL=1- 1[ 11 LEFT Erri ly'f-1 afri RIGHT PLAN 2 L I ie MONTECITO ELEVATION VISTAS AT MOORPARK- TRACT 5130 Bmau®II Lngoni MOORPARK. CALIFORNIA r.. . Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 60 4... -- P07 1 :j ;;;,..:j,, .41._..st:, ?' -t . FRONT SPANISH • .. 11 �. . _ 1 . _. ... FRONT CALIFORNIA RANCH 71 ' :et- '' . i . 1 1 1 . LI • ••I...ter'�C...__ _. ..l. .4..y.- . :J.... .. ♦ ♦ FRONT MONTECITO PLAN 3 9 S�w.IK FRONT ELEVATIONS YIS'I AS A I MUURPAKK- I KACT 513U M O O R P A R K. CALIFORNIA »u.Hlweaiaa.l•1 0.6140 lepom 776 I)III 39 Resdfution IVo��Sf5373 — — — — — — — — — — • Pag1 61 , a In. de 55'.0. I I0A' is-. tLR G III II II I IN 'II d--- lb . i_., c ..mlm, I ! • • I,_I14,..1 , li .�.� I STUDY 1 03LX '_I ENTRY pm ell --LL ico t,:::: .i 'rli n A > a n T I ill. IJRCR / 16 H Et ® L i AL A ' ;9, I m —I , Z = I o § 0 L- -------------------�010R�O IA.BONUS ROOM•sTuDY/13 J. 75.00' MIN BATHS FIRST FLOOR 3CNGA"AGE FLOOR AREA TABLE IST FLOOR 1959 Sq.FT. 2ND FLOOR 3010 SQ.FT. TOTAL 5000 SQ.FT. 3-CAR GARAGE 674 SQ.FT. OPT.OUTDOOR LMNG 17750.FT. PORCH 31050.FT. LOT COVERAGE 37% LOT COVERAGE WI OUTDOOR LFANG 39% PLAN 3 _,�..,.�_�._..._. ..-0..— 9 i 3 t{pyF pp.,p REFLECTS SPANISH ELEVATION 4,000 S.F. VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 Baaeaoiaallagani 7✓ MOORPARK , C A L IFORNIA IT�`.rurmpnuuo 06.04.201411,��.,�" � 76.13111 40 I 0 r.,: Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 62 El 1N}R , , .. N.� i — ort.oru ��^m.o�on C p ( V"y s L. ! , tl t. • j "" r frY( 1E1�FF — r-pri - rip c%:-fililit 1Ei N] I ,1 t ImIlOGl1 IAa i T Ii0P00111: 1 . r 1 ,) t.nt LL.. 1 I ! I I SECOND FLOOR PLAN 3 r REFLECTS SPANISH ELEVATION 4,0 0 0 S.F, VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 Bas6BOIoRIEason Aa M 00K P A R K . CALIFO R N I A a "'"CATmu.uuno., C6(I..101. °^'^--- ]]6.^111 41I:: =- Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 63 c_ .. .14 OPT.VANITY MIRRORS 0 e MM f e_ 7i'= "". • RWM 41 1. 111 __ :�, /110 E!I' La OPT.BED.5/TEEN ROOM Gees wan PLAN 3 4 1 . 4suenr. OPTIONS oe eac VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 B*"."rp hour"oni M O O R P A R K , CALIFORNIA .Inumarruma.wee 06.04.301 "17s.1331I 10611 42 Icy v Resc(fution I JoTOt5-3373 — — — — — — — — — — -7 ♦ Pag1 64 R Io•.& / scar I0'ar !r-IP h, NII I WIN E I ■. .■ ' 1 fTt..,',._ idjy L nmi 0 �" r j nnn,� 1 �_ I — .a I® 1 !d IIO01 1 iI( sroonlvx 1 dl .1,_. 'NM / Z ©, �I I� � I ❑ i S �j, P0/101 1 mR Lim - mil NI , It r,L 1 1 i - . - GR,,,, • 7 o ' • 4 el - o1 L_ " '- -- '- " 1 ♦ - - - - ----- -10507—OOf1 9S; ;ONUS ROOM:STUDY/13 75.00' MIN BATHS FIRST FLOOR 3C� GGE FLOOR AREA TABLE IST FLOOR 1959 S0.FT. 2ND FLOOR 2010 SQ.FT. TOTAL 4000 SQ.FT. 3-CAR GARAGE 674 SQ.FT. OPT.OUTDOOR LIVING 177 SQ.FT. PORCH 210SQ.FT. LOT COVERAGE 37% LOT COVERAGE W/ OUTDOOR LING 39% PLAN3 .�........_...r...ro_",.scaos... REFLECTS CALIFORNIA RANCH ELEVATION 41,000 S.F. ea to _. ___-__-__.—. ._ _ Beata VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 Bostonian La0001 MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA .antinn•Plant•1"1"5 ems..1:::=7:41•4 OS '^"".I'^`0604.2014 "".I'^` 176.13111 43 I 0 a .. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 65 I ---s-iii ' OATH ,1 u.v 11 J \IV' 11 d" " i °:� A Imo- tl 1 lit. IT iitt(eli::: :t " ,s2= mil .,, i ' ii71. ®I !Iti Liii 1' . -- - KOA001.3 0 MI PLAN 3 REFLECTS CALIFORNIA RANCH ELEVATION 60005.F. _ .11 lam VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 r a _'_ _ BassenlenlLaponi /may.f_^m MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA ..muu..,,,,I.l.mm�a =COT r- )16.1)111 Resolution No. 2015-3373 Pager.6.6----___________________ _ _. I I ir • I I I I :. .: 07 . N . cr..li Er �, I.. iiiv nnu�� • U I ,Q ri Qir. LF.. ,� .; ® II 1D -' r I.191 - - Iji --- 0Pilillii : Y Z 4:14 �_� ' O M. L_i /OKII IMC / I11 00 10-1F 7 1 t Z = I O ' p 4 ofO O , -L - ------------------- ---- 4 BECAUOMS•BONUS ROOM.STUDY/45 ' 75.00' MIN BATHS FIRST FLOOR ' `~ GARS FLOOR AREA TABLE IST FLOOR 1939 SO.FT. 2ND FLOOR 201054 FT. TOTAL 4090 SO.FT. 3-CM GARAGE 674 SQ.FT. OPT.OUTDOOR LIVING 172 SO.FT. PORCH 21050.FT. LOT COVERAGE 37% LOT COVERAGE W/ OUTDOOR LAING 39% PLAN 3 -------- P 1 P>GLF 1,.•�o REFLECTS MONTECITO ELEVATION 4,0 0 0 S.F. Irl MD-.- —_. —_. -.__.. 9vv VISTAS AT M O O R P A R K - TRACT 5 1 3 0 BaBsenian Lagoni ! ;1(�jtut. M O O R P A R K , CALIFORNIA v 19:1eny.I,..LLlnnl..l 0604.2014caprwn '^'� M.0111 Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 67 9 I,: _. CPT.aa rwiup.".",.e,y . •a t.• H1ZA �" 1 o " .1-‘-. 11Fr g 0 co ..., _ ar. ,N v.' M FT ri i. [' cfr : , FCS T, f _ Lid ` I.r. „fit PLAN 3 9 I i }c„t.,„.,,.�. REFLECTS MONTECITO ELEVATION 4,0 0 0 S.F. cm= ®m VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 Bassenian l Lagoni MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA ."'., i."w.�.�.��,0000 .00 0.. ppoosa 00.04.201147 nn1u W.a1.13111 w11 1. 46I°--F.: Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 68 aC r�- _ >,/, 1. Y lI I___fLi ' ' __ I \N- FRONT - ]FRONT SPANISH ur,. I ) — L .,.•_.•••,,••••� ROOF PLAN SPANISH vovvvava LT. _ i1 REAR 1 1)-- = I 1 iiirim tr.\ LEFT I Li L a ,...H. o `` Ill i I,11�I 11911:n RIGHT PLAN 3 S I 1 I- SPANISH ELEVATION / VISTAS AT MOORPARK- TRACT 5130 Bim 1Uri MOORPARK. CALIFORNIA �.� t-- u m. e.uni 47 I0 ie. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 69 r ^�_ ltiV i!N y r J J i i ..., _ I RR iIL I FRONT CALIFORNIA RANCH I ROOF ULAN CALIFORNIA RANCH 1 .CAU 1fF 11i, vl''It 4", 14'r r 7 14ir ' urJJd11 i1:'l IJ,' .i,la _. REAR �� 41 ifln !lJ. it riifhi -r IFF' JN 1 4.54nt 4 _ .�_ I' Jy hr tJ 7�`` _1lAyL4 •.iW ti- J ... ' c 0 I 111,1 RIGHT PLAN 3 CALIFORNIA RANCH VISTAS AT MOORPARK- TRACT 5130 Banintian I bpi Arita MOORPARK. CALIFORNIA ,... , num. '�'— nl.ui 4RI ° Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 70 t i-• 14::•11,4' l L N `— : I -' 111 !� I _I I - ri 1111 I Itl '1 { ��nl�; "� ;1 ! � TZ I I , u L'1 LI _41Ik FRONT MONTECITO )çJ ROOF PIAN MONTEOTO r 4 c'i!I'-r _. J''Li[ Lli h 1 ,VViy�tir 1 rY, rf l7N— .m,. .... 71 ' ngYill4 . , ,fi, Y,:ili.td .. J I. XSI J CI f'''f IL III _ Min REAR 11 Wfl: it "It 1 1 !CR '.: , I I 1[ ' 1 I II 1=11-i1_'I [Ili RIGHT PLAN 3 I i 1 1r......< MONTECITO 0•4 VISTAS Al' MOORPARK TRACT 5130 Oanaajau I Logan; Airs MOORPARK. CALIFORNIA nam;. ,7„____n161)111 Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 71 . j I �� 41111. 10',. FRONT SPANISH .. 111111011111111°'1 • ILLII • . (Illllt . . • . . . . FRONT CALIFORNIA RANCH • Iii I Y'., 'aSGy,. -� "'� FRONT MON TFCITi PLAN 4 �•s FRONT ELEVATIONS %CAIas No VISI AS AT HOgRPARK • TRACT 5130 Bassaaianilawni M 0O It P A R I.. C A L I I 0 R N I A •11 1•inllnn GAMMAw 1� 77i.11111 501 Resolution No. 2015-3373 Pag[72 I I ivo ig wa• i ioc ,-1 , \ :=i .E ;,R ` e.r O i I -_i ::`• ort. �.k d ..".. M3 �T T�i•LMNG [,_ � � . i` 2. E ~ 1 A 1l , � I 1„ R Gi,....,..,,, L1 L,_ : ii ..--t.--__________ .... J . .HIOTCHEI•11 ... - I 1 -i, I0 =I aila a EMU : o nt.., P—L. I LIVING I II I I O I y II. e it 11 ' _ _ ._._I \ ZI = I I 4 ` i O I 80.00' MIN : MATHS S•STUDY•opwn noon r FIRST FLOOR 4.GMTi THS FLOOR AREA TABLE IST R.00R 2.249 S0.FT. 2ND FLOOR 2.354 SO.FT. TOTAL 1b01 SQ.FT. 4-CAR GARAGE 855 SQ.FT. OPT.OUTDOOR LIVING 195 SO.FT. PORCH H SO.FT. PLAN 4 LOOTCOOVEMTGE WI 378 REFLECTS SPANISH ELEVATION ''n-'- _MN 4 wk&,,..r. A.640 S.F. ear -_ ___.._ _ . ______ . . _____ •aa / VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 B8n80n186IIagOni MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA ao-„„ r..,. ,......L.. 00.042014 n 6.13111 511'-g Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 73 OPT Of 01 or n MOIR ,Y. . . =ROOM 4 ED 5 E 11-, L t`- OATH My ; 11.. --- lir.;.� r.-- 1 a �11 q 4 .t It moor.-.7.1177.771 -iiiiIIIIIL1 — 1:4 El � .. , i 1: tio :it'+-� • a /444:,i,:. r- _ r RA. m _�_@IOM, _ L n J I, q/1— SECOND FLOOR PLAN 4 I 11 Iscut nr.rr REFLECTS SPANISH ELEVATION 4,640 S.F. 00 00 VISTAS AT MOORPARK- "TRACT 5130 inanetBassnian l La ar oni M O O R P A R K , CALIFORNIA wmm 'macaw I• w Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 74 n¢w. 11/4 ;;:i-01-Id / - o : \l: ,��I _ r ,, l`-J IH:I J cii [1 ow ,CilirCkia0 Ar . r _ q n Iran C OPTIONAL GOURMET KITCHEN +202 SQ.FT. e nme^urre w . p r o IT Mr 'll wKROIN Y so I fi it HNIIOIFN,11 I(RCN ,NOOK. w rr� ,.• , r• iii 11 OPTIONAL PREP KITCHEN OPTIONAL WOK KITCHEN 0TuaNurui nrrow r...✓.r PLAN 4 f I 1 lIan..,p 1ST FLOOR OPTIONS /.'dj%��..".,'e- VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 BasFenianlLagoni sir,' / MOORPARK . CALIFORNIA 'i."':r .rr ,Iw no 0604.2014 1)4.11111 531;` :`, Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 75 Icy us "is ® .Gr. Ti IIII si I 0 11. Mt __Id ` ,1 i a 1 1Clll \/ 112 m P 6 v -"1 OPTIONAL MULTI-GEN enCT PLAN 4 1 i 1 i,nuew.r> 1ST FLOOR OPTIONS / VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 BessenlanILagoni MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA ,)6.1)111 Resolution No. 2015-3373 ------------ Pagel-76 — — — — — — --1 • I I PS 100 ' 6004 / 100 r, N °^. It , . 1 i*,,,A„s • 1n--- . '...-‘11 -r-i'uviNG ' i _ . i 0 11 ___ or i .7,.,. 1 '11 II 111 ., .. . KITCHEN ____________.... , „ , 2„,. ,_ _., I :AIL o -___ _ i � ,., ., ,,,,,, _ `mmmr ” munm p..., AHE lal env G,PAGE I. ,® I . + w A r O POLO IIID i a az • ® 1�- J -T, L -4 i Z = I 0 b = 1 0 0 , L — 00.00' MIN ss swim S5 RATI-OF4*STUDY TONUS0.WN! FIRST FLOOR 4.CAR GARAGE FLOOR AREA TABLE I ST FLOOR 2.249 S0 FT, 2ND FLOOR 2.35150.FT. TOTAL 1.404 SQ.n. 4.CAR GARAGE BBS SQ.FT. OPT.OUTDOOR LIMO '94 SO.FT. PORCH 44 SQ.FT. LOT COVERAGE 39% PL A N 4 LOT OUTDOOR MNGF 42% 9 P Isr�L,M-16. REFLECTS CALIFORNIA RANCH ELEVATION x,640 BF, vv ee VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5 1 3 0 8855047/1047/I lagoni MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA M1++u.I.114..+1.+111+,: 6Ba.m+ " '"—^�' 7/6.13111 55 I " ,. Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 77 r . . - ii orr.Ma caw ., r ,r. .n .v. pi 4- 110)11.0014 0 1 — L ® .n Ff �!I I , Id m MAMA v,*n a f•�vs _ .I!!I • h IL ens" 1=== ===1 .. Ee I. "4123-7 _. ill 3.41 I .6.00143 • nlP 0� A sra PLAN 4 I i 7 Ix„E,,,,,.,. REFLECTS CALIFORNIA RANCH ELEVATION 4,640 S.F. oIla. moo VISTAS AT M O O R P A R K - TRACT 5 1 3 0 BeBSeulan l LagOni ��Q / M O O R P A R K . CALIFORNIA .411.1110011•1{0111n.1.11110.1 0,.... 1611.04.2014 776.13111 5611 Resolution No. 2015-3373 • Page 78 a lav , we , 'v.v T m 4 M w5 I, rrr _1IH •-T trsir NO I r �I Y — owl I DRAT 10011 —_— , . raauir• .I..e tvORN 1 w w I� Q' "" .. X11 c= iu�: i A ' H8-` ;O ■uuunu 1111111111 v a A eRRAee A b ill w.0ea RrSII--LSI 1 PCNO4 1.1 r.r CI . O .1 i 1i A L J till - J % Z F o 4 0 0 0 5 BEDROOMS.STUDY.BONUS ROOM; 80.00' MIN SS OATHS 4-CAR GARAGE FIRST FLOOR FLOOR AREA TABLE IST FLOOR 2.249 So.FT. 2ND FLOOR 2.354 so,FT. TOTAL 1.601 SQ.FT. 4-CM GARAGE 885 SQ.FT. OPT.OUTDOOR LIVING 194 SQ.FT. PORCH N SQ.FT. LOT COVERAGE 39% PLAN4 0LL 42% ®tet -.p REFLECTS MONTECITO ELEVATION Pif4,640 S.F. oo - . -- ---- •oo VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 ran88ni8n l Lagan 4��, / MOORPARK . CALIFORNIA LmwIra 00.04.2014 »4.131 I I Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 79 OT..OKR mn plAnu r • .Y, . 1 iv2 6WIIOOM o1 . _ C �r n-i 121 i ..., , ,„„ hi_ , . 0 0 MAMA L Ff ~ ' - -- - IN _ _ _ii If6n'� 4sa III vm le en 11 I' 4fill ➢. ,1 u l 1 III LAU II 111 6l19" — 1.7 I-I L_ .-1 PLAN 4 P i lune ur.rr REFLECTS MONTECITO ELEVATION 4,6 4 0 S.F. / VISTAS AT MOORPARK - TRACT 5130 13assnnianlLapani MOORPARK , CALIFORNIA Mnnwm..umlo.nvueu 00,042014 , 776.13111 )16.1)111 58 Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 80 , IS77T I FRONT SPANISH �..._ ROOF PUN SPANISH .mt. 111 REAR I LEFT 1 RIGHT ...._... PLAN 4 I I Iva SPANISH ELEVATION VISTAS A f MOORPARK- TRACT 5190 BRYRMI I /ty MOORPARK. CALIFORNIA P� I� / ]16.1]111 59Ir Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 81 --cr y 1 ril \ 1 �` 1 11 � 11 j III � =I �L anti �' J r No ---� ' Jh I! Rr 1 1 J Y': I I IGJ4�iIhf )1S 11 ff� .. . .�—.._y l �. — 1I I 1-• 4�l IiI 111 I a I I �� 1 -__ — ] --- I — ] FRONT CALIFORNIA RANCH ROOF PIAN B tan ie Ka nmum caravan*.ni VIfY Y Y it I iV f Y'r I 1101 , REAR 1 it' 1 rr I I r 1 '1 ,�'i 11 1,. — Ir I 1 HH - fl II LEFT `r, 1 II I rl Y Ij1{V I ? 7 / ✓7f i: 1 SI'14 11r. G. xl'Yp '1 4 iuL..v,,l . nr Y Jr:*r..� Ip t7 ,.J_il . II ¶fl ___ G li NGHT PLAN 4 I 1 1 Irw.w..e CALIFORNIA RANCH ELEVATION A " VISTAS VISTAS dT MOORPARK- TRACT 5130 Bassanin I lagan / MOORPARK. CALIFORNIA mOt2OK ]/4 .Mil 60 " _ Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 82 I rill i il ii ` ^ 11: u,.,. - S- s � 11 lI L if ,-u, __, _.:,:271,..,,,T:qw.it,ii,„ r _..., ., - .../0s. f � �1 11w r] S'. R IIer :7} .. .T.-;. � FRONT MONTEOTO ry,--+r ROOF PLAN � MONTTO plih;}:h d++�.f ,ttlr H: L� l :l 1 C:+ + i:Tl,l drh u4lr�: "n Ia Iti r ,ih , ",1hl, :,{: . ,, F1-111-11111 III^III r,;,,< 111 �' L REAR �Rs— a MI in 1_1_ Mill LEFT }I.Jr itilr r,l slI: 1 f. rl v� .I _:. ..... 4 I ' t 1- RIGHT PLAN 4 1. y MONTECITO ELEVATION VISTAS AT MOORPARK- TRACT 5130 Bauma ,,,yyy��A��',,,...��I��-'' MOORP AR K. CALIFORNIA ml ILagom 7?b 11111 -_.-- 611' „ -D XI nT m co (n (D 0 co E w 5,-. D z 0 N VISTAS AT MOORPARK 0 •1 JOB*776-13111 (J1 COLOR SELECTION CHART CAJ City Ventures CAS ROOF: EAGLE STONE:ELDORADO 4 CREATIVE MINES PAINT:FRAZEE BRICK:ROBINSON,SIMON,GLEN GERY W CERAMIC TILE:ARTO TILE GROUT:CUSTOM BUILDING PRODUCTS MORTAR: ORCO BLENDED PRODUCTS PRECAST:VEFO velo-foamshapes c.m GUTTERS B.DOV*4SPOUT: CUSTOM BILI STUCCO.OMEGA 20/30 FINISH SCHEMES 1-4 ARE'A'SPANISH ELEVATIONS SCHEMES 5.8 ARE'B'CALIFORNIA RANCH ELEVATIONS SCHEMES 9-12 ARE'C'MONTECITO ELEVATIONS SCHEME* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 MODEL 1S MODEL 2C MODEL 3M MODEL 4M FASCIA,EAVES, CL 266A CI.2026'• CL 2:53H. CL 2646N CLW 1033W CL 2911W CLW 1033W CLW 1033W HEADERS, DOTCOM BARREN SEA-BITE WIGWAM FORGETMENDT TREE BARK FORGETMENOT FCRGETNENOT BEAMS,POSTS& KICKERS TAILS,SIDE & CL 266A CL 2926A CL 2886N Ct 2646N CLW 1033W CL 2911W CLW 1033W CLW 1033W CL 2866A CL 2896N CL 2897N CL 2656N GARAGE DOOR DOTCOM BARREN SEA-BITE WIGWAM FORGETMEI.1OT TREE BARK FORGETMENOT FCRGETNENOT AVANTE GARDE VINE BLOOM BELLS ON BITTERSWEET PRECAST EMULATE CL 2893M CL 2894D CL 28940 Cl.26750 -------- --------- ------- ----- CL 2894D CLC 1250M CL 2793M CLC 12510 KNAPWEED ROADSIDE ROADSIDE MOMMIA ROADS DE SOYA BEAN NANKEEN _ RODEOCUST SHUTTERS& CL 3217N CL 2617N CL 2967N CL 39260 CLC 1283N CL 3166A CL 3167 CLW 10334V CL 2877N Cl_2697N CL 30350 CL 2976A ENTRY DOORS , TOPSOL BANDIT VELVET WALLS STIGMA ._ CAFFEINE STEEL WOOL CROWS HEAD FOP GETMENOT DIESEL LOST LUGGAGE NATURAL WAY ARMY ISSUE BASE STUCCO12 472 '4 408 715 %A 753 %31 432 Y44 236 46 1, 413 408 2'%20 20/30 FINISH SIDING -------- -- ---- - CL 26350 CLC 1217D CL 2911W CL 2935D — ----.- —.--_- ----_—___- YANEZ BIGSPIE TREE BARK SEAWEED STONE — — -•------- -------- ---- —.- ---- --__ ELDORADO CREATIVE ELDORADO ELDORADO POLERMO NINES BERGAMO SANTA COUNTRY WHITE GOLD HLISTONE BARBARA RUBBLE ORCHARD ASHLAR LIMESTONE BRICK --- — -------- -------- ROB IN SON ROBINSON SIMON GLEN GERY --------- --_--. ----, -------- - CUL PtPItk MISUUI It HtA.L USW Nod HILL PRECAST VEFO VEFO VEFOFFG -------_ __ E5 01 01 *2 -- —-- — CERAMIC TILE SD 111-a SDI 19-c 50117-0 SD-107-a --------- --------- ---- --- _-_-- ' ,, ,l rIl GROUT!MORTAR GROUT GROUT GROUI GROUT MAC PLUS MAC PLUS MACPLUS MAC PLUS MAC PLUS MAC PLUS MAC PLUS MAC PLUS si10 ANTIQUE 0333 010ANT IOUE *122 DRIFTWOOD LT WARM SOFT WHITE CREAM LIGHT KHAKI CREAe ADELANTO MALIBU GOLD WHITE ALABASTER WHITE LINEN GRAY TAN WROUGHT IRON CL 3227N CL 3227N CL 322711 CL 3227N - -------- -._—__-__-- - __ _-_---_-_- ---_-_--- — __-_ - __ -- PANTHER PANTHER PANTHER PANTHER CLAY OUTLOOKER CL 2717N CL 2717N CL 2717N CL 2717N ------- ----------- -._—._.__-- ._-____ -_----• TURPENTINE TURPENTINE TURPENTINE TURPENTINE -" --'-'------' --�-•-• --_.�.___- 'S`ROOF TILE 3880 3702 3645 3636 ---------- --- --- — _�__- — __ _ FLAT TILE(BRUSHED) -------- ------- -__--- _ SCP 8802 5634 5503 SCP 8803 ---------- -- — _--- - FLAT TILE(SMOOTH) ---_—._ --_._._-_-- .---.-- ------ -------- — — ~ 47646 SCB 8708 SCB 8816 4671 WINDOW FRAME TAN TAN TAN TAN TAN TANTANTAN TAN TAN TAN TAN _ GUTTERS& WEATHERED WEATHERED WEATHERED WEATHERED WEATHERED WEATHERED WEATHERED WEATHERED WEATHERED WEATHERED WEATHERED AEATHERED DOWNSPCUT BRONZE BRONZE BRONZE BRONZE BRONZE _ BRONZE ffi4NIE eRoNzE BRONZE _ BRONZE _ BRONZE BRONZE Resolution No. 2015-3373 Page 84 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF VENTURA ) ss. CITY OF MOORPARK I, Maureen Benson, City Clerk of the City of Moorpark, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing Resolution No. 2015-3373 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Moorpark at a regular meeting held on the 18th day of March, 2015, and that the same was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Mikos, Millhouse, Pollock, Van Dam, and Mayor Parvin NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None WITNESS my hand and the official seal of said City this 3rd day of April, 2015. Maureen Benson, City Clerk (seal)