HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA REPORT 2001 0117 CC REG ITEM 10IITEM 10. I . Ciil' 13:- - ,OnRPARK, CALIFORNIA Ci Council :�Icc:in- of ACTION: DIRiF-cTe-�D TC,SENb Ll-? -. IN SUPPORT W7 Na GHAN4C. MOORPARK CITY COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT TO: Honorable City Council FROM: Deborah S. Traffenstedt, ATCM /City Clerk DATE: January 11, 2001 (CC Meeting of 1/17/2001) SUBJECT: Consider Response to Ventura County Transportation Commission (VCTC) Regarding Including Additional City Alternates BACKGROUND Attached is a letter from VCTC Executive Ginger Gherardi and a staff report to VCTC for the January 5, 2001 meeting pertaining to including additional city alternates on the Commission. The letter dated January 5, 2001, requests a written response: "The Commission is interested in knowing how your city feels about this potential change and we would appreciate hearing from you, either in writing or at the February 2, 2001 meeting." STAFF RECOMMENDATION Direct staff as deemed appropriate. Attachment 1: Letter from Ginger Gherardi dated 1 -5 -2001 Attachment 2: VCTC Staff Report dated 12 -22 -2000 Jan 08 01 10:25a VCTC MAW 605 642 4860 P. ATTACHMENT I VENTURA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 950 County Square Drive, Suite 207 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 642 -1591 FAY '809) 642 -486.0 n;f�,' / /WWW C�OVPrltUfrl Cfy January 5, 2001 MEMO TO: ALL MAYORS, COUNCILMEMBERS AND CITY MANAGERS FROM: GINGER GHERARDI, VCTC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CITIES ALTERNATES TO VCTC At the January 5, 2001 VCTC meeting, the Commission acted to solicit input from all cities on the question of expanding number of city alternates so that all ten cities could be represented on VCTC. The Commission has also asked that this matter be scheduled for discussion and possible action at the February 2, 2001 VCTC meeting. The question as to whether all cities could be made alternates to the VCTC first arose at the December 19, 2000 Cities Selection Committee, when it was raised by Thousand Oaks Mayor, Don Del Campo. After researching the bill that created VCTC (SB 1880, Chapter 1136 attached) I found that while the language is very explicit with respect to the composition of the "members " of the Commission — Two from the Board of Supervisors; Three Mayors or Councilmembers; and Two citizens, one appointed by the Board and one appointed by the Cities Selection Committee, the language regarding alternates is less specific. It says under Section 130054.1 (b) "The appointing authority specified in paragraphs (1),(2),(3) and (4) of subdivision (a) may appoint alternate members to the commission to represent, on a temporary basis, regular members they have appointed." No number of alternates is specified in the legislation. Given this lack of specificity, all cities could be appointed as alternates, if the VCTC Administrative Code is amended. The VCTC Administrative Code (bylaws) specifically call for the appointment of 3 city alternates, 2 supervisor alternates (although for the last two years only one alternate has been appointed) and two citizen alternates, one by the cities, one by the County. This language is not statutory and could be changed by the VCTC at any time, upon an affirmative vote of the Commission to do so. The addition of 4 new alternates (6 cities currently serve — 3 regular members and 3 alternates) would not change the VCTC votino structure of the Commission or the Quorum requirements, but could provide a mechanism to assure that each city has a seat at the table and is "represented ". The Commission directed that such an Administrative Code revision be drafted for consideration at the February meeting, along with the expansion to 3 alternates (from the current 2) for the County Board of Supervisors, with the concurrence of County Counsel. In addition, at the suggestion of VCTC Commissioner Robert Turner, Port Hueneme, the Commission asked that the Administrative Code revision also include a provision that as the Commissioner's terms expire alternates would move up automatically, with cities maintaining their position in the rotation, in the event an alternate was not re- elected or chose not to run again. Commissioner Turner also suggested that in an effort to speed up the rotation, regular Commissioners could "voluntarily" step down after two years, (any formal change in the term would require state legislation) allowing alternates to move up sooner. G /IGC1!2_ /_) 1 6 161 C c',C041 Jan 08 01 10:25a VCTC 805 642 4860 p.2 VCTC Alternates January 5, 2001 Page Two In the past there was an effort to change the structure of VCTC to include all cities as voting members. Also VCOG discussions are expected to begin soon on the long -term viability and structure of VCOG. One of the items they are considering is the possibility of asking VCTC to administer VCOG. Another issue that they are considering is the possible combination of the two agencies and acquiring MPO status, separate from SCAG. Most of these efforts, if approved, would require legislative change and take a year or more to go into effect. The expansion of VCTC to include additional city alternates on the Commission may be a simple way to provide "inclusion" while these other discussions continue in an effort to achieve a countywide consensus. The Commission is interested in knowing how your city feels about this potential change and we would appreciate hearing from you, either in writing or at the February 2, 2001 meeting. Any information we receive prior to January 24, 2001 will be included in the February VCTC Agenda. In addition, starting in February, the entire VCTC agenda, including all attachments will be contained on the VCTC webslte www.goventura.org. Thank you for your assistance. c0()G42 Jan 08 O1 10:25a VCTC 805 642 4860 Senate Bill No. 1880 CHAnER 1138 P -3 An act to amend-Section 994.'33.2-of, and to and Sections 1300b0.i, 130454.1, and 130109.1 to, the Public Utilities Code, relating to trans- portatiom (Approved by Governor September 21, 1988. Filed wiLh Secreruy of State September ltd. 1888.1 LECULAT VS COU`SELS DIGS T SB 1880, Davin. 'T`ruuportati= Venters County T ra^.sporta"cn Commission. (1) Existtag Iaw establishes a county tmnsporUdoa com.: -Mon in various counties. Thu bill would create the Ventura County 'I`mnsportation Comrniuion, pretcribe its membership ml powem tpecify the amount of annual revenues to be allocated to the co au Iluion, and provide for the transfor of assets and liabilities from the Ventura County Assodatian of Coveraraeuts, thereby imposing a statb- mandated local program. The Ventura County Board of Supervisors would be autborized to de-signate the commission to have the authority of specdSed local tra spor d n authorities. (Q) Tile Califarnfa Constitution requires the mte to raimbune Iocal aCles and school dlstticia for certain coats ==&ted by tha state. tatutvey provis'ons establish procedures for malting that reimbursement. This bill would provide that no reimbursement k required by this a.-t far a apeeifled reason. 71* people of the State of Calfforrlta do enact as followv SECTION 1. Section 99$331 of the Public Utilities- Code is amended to read: 44433.2 (a) Except as provided to subdividons (b) and (c), there than be allocated to the transportation planning agency, if it is statutorily created, such sums as it may approve, up to 3 percent of annual revenues, for the conduct of the transportation, planning sad pprroogramming process, unless a greater amount is approved by the director. (b) In those areas that have a county transportation. commission created pursuant to Section 130450, tip to 1 percent of annual revenues sba11 be allocated to the coasmiasioa L-1 Loa Angeles County, up to S percent of the annual revenues shall be Allocated to the commissions In Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, and up to 3 percent of annual revenues hall be allocated to the commission in Ora age County for the transportation pla.a.•-ing acid programm.ina sa o0 C 0043 Jan 08 01 10:26a VCTC 805 642 4860 r Ch. 1136 . Z process. In addition, up to threa• fourths of 1 percent of annual revenues, but not more than one trillion dollars ($1,p00,000) per year, &hall be allocated to the muldcounty designated transportation Planning agency, as defined in -Section 130004, for-the transportation planning and progrurnming pprocess. No operator shall grant any funds it receives under this chaptei to the detigaated multieounty transportation planning agency for the purposes cif. the agency carrying out its respoasibi4ties under Division 12 (commencing with Section 130000). (e) In Ventura County, 1 percent of the annual revenues shall be allocated to the Ventura County Trarsportaton Comr- sisston for the tmnsportation planning and programrniag proC -st. SEC. 2 Section 130050.1 is added to the Public Utilities Code, to read. 1300b0.1. There is hereby created the Ventura County Thnspcttation Cornmission. The commission &ball be the successor agency to the Ventura County Association of Governments and shall assume all assets and liabaities of that association. Notwitiutsnding Section 180054, the Board of Supervisors of Ventura County may designate the eeanmission U the authority to carry out the provisions of Division 19 ( commenciag with Section 180000). SEC 3. Section 130454.1 is added to the Public Utilities Code, to read. 130086.1. (a) The Venture Country Transportation Commisrion shall consist of seven voting members and one nonvoting member, appointed as follows: (1) Two members of the Ventura County Board of Supervisors appointed by that board. (P) Three members appointed by the Ventura County City Selection Comn4ttce, who shall be mayors or city council members serving within Ventura County. (3) One citizen member appointed by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors, who shall not be as elected official, but who shall be a resident of Ventura County. (4) One citizen member appointed by the Ventura Counry City Seiect.oa CornmAtee, who shall not be an elected official, but who shall be a resident of Ventura County. (5) Oaa nonvoting member appointed by the Governor. (b) The appointing authority specified in paragraphs (1), (Q); (3), and (4) of subdivision (a) may appoint alternate members to the corrm(iton to represent; on a temporary basis, regular members they have appointed. (c) The following applies to alternate members: (1) With respect to alternate members appointed for the members specified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a), the alternate tmembe:. wall be other members of the board of supervisors. (2) With respect to a3ternate members appointed for the p.4 Jan 08 01 10:26a VCTC 805 642 4860 P,5 —3— Ch. 1136 rrembers rpecLried in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a), the alternate members shall be other mayors or city council members serving within Ventura County. (3) With respect to an alternate member -appointed for the member "rifled in paragraph (3) of, and the member spedified in paragraph (4) of, subdivision (a), the alternate member shall not be an elected official but shall be a resident of Ventura County. (d) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the member of the ccmnmiasion shall serve terms of four years and until their successors axe appointed and qualified. (2) For the irstiil members of the cornmtssion, ore member appointed under paragraph, (1), (2), and (4) of subdivision (a) shall be appointed for a two -year term. Thereafter, persons appointed as those members shall be appointed to a four-year term. All other members shall be appointed For a four-year terns. �3) The terra of any mrmber serving on the commission as a result of olding another public office shall terminate when the member ceases holding the other public office and a new member has been properly seated. (4) Vacancie-s occurring shall be filled by the appointing authority for the unexpired term. SEG 4. Sectioa 130109.1 is added to the Public Utilities Code, to reYd; 130109.1. Up= creation of the Ventura County Transportation C:om=jssicn, and on the eg'ective date of a contract with the Board of Adafaistration of the Public Employees' Retirement System. existing balances in the Ventura County Association of Governments Account in the. Public Employees' Retirement Fund shall be t-an4erred to the commission's account in that fund. SEC- S. No reimbursement is required by this act ppursuaat to Section 6 of Article XAI B of the California Constitution becalus this act is in accordance with the request of a local agency or school district which desired legislative authority to carry out the program specified in this act. L 9t -110 _. ®, MEM ATTACHM 2- VENTURA COUNTY TRAN SPORTATtOM CoMrAlssIoN IVEC 950 ; County Square Drive, Suite 207 RE CE Ventura, CA 93003 Item 9.1 (805) 642 -1591 DEC 2 "7 200 ACTION FAX (805) 642 -4860 http://www.goventura.org CITY CLEriK'S DEPARTMEN-, December 22, 2000 CITY OF MOORPARK MEMO TO: VENTURA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 1/5/2001 MEETING FROM: GINGER GHERARDI, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR SUBJECT: CITIES ALTERNATES TO VCTC RECOMMENDATIONS: • Solicit input from all cities on the issue of expanding number of city alternates; • If the majority of cities concur revise the VCTC Administrative Code at the February meeting. BACKGROUND: On Tuesday, December 19, 2000, the Cities Selection Committee met in Camarillo and voted to make Councilmembers Tom Holden, Oxnard and John Wozniak, Moorpark as standing VCTC Commissioners. The Selection Committee also appointed Councilman Carl Morehouse, San Buenaventura as Alternate 3 and moved Don Gunderson, Fillmore to Alternate 1 and Dennis Gillette, Thousand Oaks to Alternate 2. These appointments will take effect at the February VCTC meeting. At the Cities Selection Committee, Mayor Don Del Campo, Thousand Oaks, asked if all the cities not included on the VCTC Board could be appointed as alternates to the VCTC. My response was that I thought, without checking, that the legislation creating VCTC precluded that from happening. Upon my return to the office, I got out a copy of the bill (SB 1880, Chapter 1136) and found that while the language (attached) is very explicit with respect to the composition of the "members " of the Commission — Two from the Board of Supervisors; Three Mayors or Councilmembers; and Two citizens, one appointed by the Board and one appointed by the Cities Selection Committee, the language regarding alternates is less specific. It says under Section 130054.1 (b) "The appointing authority specified in paragraphs (1),(2),(3) and (4) of subdivision (a) may appoint alternate members to the commission to represent, on a temporary basis, regular members they have appointed." No number of alternates is specified in the legislation. Given this lack of specificity, all cities could be appointed as alternates, if the VCTC Administrative Code is amended. The VCTC Administrative Code and By -Laws specifically call for the appointment of 3 city alternates, 2 supervisor alternates (although for the last two years only one alternate has been appointed) and two citizen alternates, one by the cities, one by the County. This language is not statutory and could be changed by the VCTC at any time, upon an affirmative vote of the Commission to do so. The addition of 4 new alternates (6 cities currently serve — 3 regular CC ' HCG" C H D,1, f i lG l \. 12" i 0 Ili 1"? VCTC Alternates December 22, 2000 Page Two members and 3 alternates) would not change the VCTC voting structure of the Commission or the quorum requirements, but could provide a mechanism to assure that each city has a seat at the table and is "represented ". In the past there was an effort to change the structure of VCTC to include all cities as voting members. Also VCOG discussions are expected to begin soon on the long -term viability and structure of VCOG. One of the items they are considering is the possibility of asking VCTC to administer VCOG. Another issue that they are considering is the possible combination of the two agencies and acquiring MPO status, separate from SCAG. Most of these efforts, if approved, would require legislative change and take a year or more to go into effect. The expansion of VCTC to include additional city alternates on the Commission is a simple way to provide "inclusion" while these other discussions continue in an effort to achieve a countywide consensus. In order to allow every city to be an alternate only one section of the VCTC Administrative Code would need to be changed. Specifically, we would need to amend Article II Membership of VCTC, Section B (5) as follows: 5. With respect to the thfee (3) seven (7) alternate members to VCTC appointed by the City Selection Committee, they shall be designated as Alternates 1, 2, and -3 3,4,5,6 and 7 by the City Selection Committee. Alternate 1 will be the voting member when one (1) city elected official standing member is unable to attend a VCTC meeting; Alternate 2 will also be a voting members when two (2) city elected standing official members are unable to attend a commission meeting; and Alternate 3 will also be a voting member when three (3) city elected official standing committee members are unable to attend a VCTC meeting. If Alternate 1 does not attend a meeting, Alternate 2 shall vote as outlined for Alternate 1 above. If Alternates 1 & 2 do not attend a meeting, Alternate 3 shall vote as outlined for Alternate 1 above. If Alternates 1,2 and 3 do not attend a meeting, Alternate 4 shall vote as outlined for Alternate 1 above. If Alternates 1, 2, 3,and 4 do not attend a meeting, Alternate 5 shall vote as outlined for Alternate 1 above. If Alternates 1,2 ,3, 4, and 5 do not attend a meeting, Alternate 6 shall vote as outlined for Alternate 1 above. If Alternates 1, 2,3,4,5, and 6 do not attend a meeting, Alternate 7 shall vote as outlined for Alternate 1 above. The intent of the procedure for city alternates is to ensure that there will be broad representation of the cities on VCTC, and that Alternates will develop a working knowledge of VCTC responsibilities and activities. In addition to these changes, Supervisor Susan Lacey's retirement means that the Board of Supervisors will appoint at least one new member, and possibly two alternate members. Both terms of the regular (Nancy Grasmehr) and alternate (Joe Kern) citizen members appointed by the County are also expiring, so the Board will need to reappoint or appoint replacements. Hopefully, these appointments will be made so that the new members may be seated at our February 2, 2001 VCTC meeting. Once all the new appointments to the Commission have been made, staff will schedule an "Orientation" meeting for sometime prior to the February meeting. ZAT, Y;Kercx Ie•:::: :cr mci _. , Senate Bill Igo. 1880 CHAPTER 1138 An act to amend Section 99233.2 -d. and to add Sections 130050.1, 13M.1, and 130109.1 to, the Public Utilities Code, relating to trans. portation. (Approved by Govern September 11, 198& filed with Secretary of State September 2& 1988.) LFCLUATIVE COMSEL S DIGEST SB 1880, Davis. Transportation: Ventura County Transportation Coannnission. (1) Existing law establishes a county transportation commission in various counties. This bill would create the Ventura County Transportation Comm; don, prescribe its membership and powers. specify the amount of annual revenues to be allocated to the commisdon, and • provide for the transfer of assets and liabilities from the Ventura County Association of Covernments, thereby Lmn&dncr a state- maadated local program. The Ventura County Heard of Supervisors would be *authorized to designate the commission to have the authority of specified local transportation authorities. (8) The California Constitution requires the state to reimbune Iocal es and school districts for certain costs maadated by the state, tatutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement. This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.. The peaplo of tha State of Californfa do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section 99W3.2 of the Public Utilities- Code is amended to rand: 99ML (a) Except as provided in subdivisions (b) and (c), there &hall be allocated to the transportation planning agency, if it is statutorily created, such sums as it may approve, up to 3 perctmt of annual revenues, for the conduct of the transportation planning and programming process, ualesa a greater amount is approved by the director. (b) In these areas that have a county transportation commission created pursuant to Section 130050, up to 1 percent of annual revenues shall be allocated to the commission in Loa Angeles County, up to 8 percent of the annual revenues shall be allocated to the comnafssions in Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, and up to 3 percent of annual revenues shall be allocated to the corrmUsfon in. Orange County for the transportation planning and programming " 00 C C'CG•s' i. BX. :X�rox Telecopier 7021 ; I- : -a5 Ch. 1138 —2— process. In addition, up to three-fourths of 1 percent of annual revenues, but not more than one million doUars (11,000,000) per year, shall be allocated to the muldcounty designated transportation planning agency, as defined iniection 13M, forth transportation planning and programing m process. No operator shall grant any funds it receives under this chapter to the designated multicounty transportation planning agency for the purposes of. the agency carrying out its responsibilities under Division 12 (commencing with Section 130000). (c) In Ventura County, l percent of the annual revenues shall be allocated to the Ventura County Transportation Commission for the transportation planning and programming process. SEC. 2. Section 130050.1 is added to the Public Utilities Code, to read: 130050.1. There is hereby created the Ventura County Transportation Commission. The commission shall be the successor agency to the Veatura County Association of Governments and shall assume all assets and liabilities of that association. Notwithstanding Section 1800.50, the Board of Supervisors of Ventura County may designate the camn:d %ion as the authority to carry out the provisions of Division 19 ( commencing with Section SEC. 3. Section 130054.1 is added to the Public Utilities Code, to read: - 130064.1. (a) The Vent -_ -a County Transportation Commission shall coruist of seven voting members and one =voting member, appointed as follows.. (1) 71vo members of the Ventura County Board of Supervisor appointed by that board. (2) Three members appointed by the Ventura County City Selection Committee. who shall be mayors or city council members serv{nt within Ventura County. (3) One citizen member appointed by the Ventura County Board of Supervisor, who shall not be an elected official, but who shall be a resident of Ventura County. (1) One citizen member appointed by the Ventura County City Selection Cornmit+.ee, who shall not be an elected offlcial, but who shall be a resident of Ventura County. (5) One nonvoting member appointed by the Governor. (b) The apppoointing authority specified in paragraphs (1), (St); (3), and (4) cf subdivision (a) may appoint alternate members to the commisrion to represent, on a temporary basis, regular members they have appointed. (c) The following applies to alternate members: (1) With respect- to alternate members appointed for the members specified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a), the alternate members shall be other members of the board of supervisors. (2) With respect to alternate members appointed for the -- - _ 69 eo . .1 —3— Ch. 1136 members specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a), the alternate members shall be other-mayors or city council members serving within Ventura County. (3) With respect to an alternate -member- gppofnted for the member specified in paragraph (3) of, and the member specified in paragraph (4) of, subdivision (a), the alternate member shall not be an elected official but shall be a resident of Ventura County. (d) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the members of the commission shall serve terms of four years and until their successors are appointed and qualified (2) For the initial members of the commission, one member appointed under paragraphs (1), (2), and (4) of subdivision (a) shall be appointed for a two-year term. Thereafter, persons appointed as those members shall be appointed to a four-year term. All other members shall be appointed for a four-year terra. (3) The terra of any member serving on the commission as a result of holding another public office shall terminate when the member ceases holding the other public office and a new member has been properly seated (4) Va=cies occurring shall be filled by the appointing authority for the unexpired term. SEC. 4. Section 130109.1 is added to the Public Utilities Code, to read 130109.1. Upon creation of the Ventura County Transportation Commisden, and on the effective date of-a contract with the Board of Adafaistration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, existing balances in the Ventura County Association of Covernmenu Account in the Public Employees' Retirement Fund shall be h aderred to the commission's account in that fund. SEC. S. No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution because this act U in accordance with the request of a local agency or school district which desired legislative authority to carry out the program specified in this act. C - - - -- - - -- - _... 0 4 "-' VENTURA COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 950 County Square Drive. Suite 207 Ventura. CA 93003 Councilman John Wozniak City of Moorpark 799 Moorpark Ave. Moorpark, CA 93021 1. 1. h. ij Owl V ) <r C-) 0 7 z .2 w. 57 U-6. Councilman John Wozniak City of Moorpark 799 Moorpark Ave. Moorpark, CA 93021 1. 1. h. ij Owl V )