TO: The Honorable City CouncLl
FROM: Richard Hare, Deputy Ci* y Manage.. 'J
DATE: July 7, 1994 (CC Mtg. ' 20/94)
Fir i i
SUBJECT: Consider Resolution 94- Establishing the Salaries for
Competitive Service, Non - competitive Service, and Hourly
Employees; and Rescinding Resolution 94 -1038.
Section 607 of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City
of Moorpark and the SEIU Local 99" requires the following:
The City will continue with the current Section 4.5 "Salary
Advancement" for the 1993/94 fiscal year. During the 1993/94,
all employees approved for a merit salary increase will
receive a five percent (5 %) increase. Effective July 1, 1994,
the current five (5) step plan will be replaced with a nine
(9) step plan, each step approximately equal to two and one -
half percent (2 1/2 %). Existing Step "A" will be eliminated,
with current Step "B" becoming the first step of the nine 2
1/2 percent steps. The rangEl will be increased five percent
(5 %). Those persons at the ur.rent "E" Step may advance two
(2) steps based on merit Eligible employees rated
satisfactory receive no mer,t increase; Those rated good
(one level above satisfactory) receive two and one -half
percent (2 1/2 % ); and thus( rated outstanding receive five
percent (5 %).
All current employees will xema n under the existing system
until they reach the equivai.ent of Step "C" of the salary
range for their current position. Employees who have been at
Step "E" of their salary range for at least two years as of
July 1, 1994, shall be elicgi(le for consideration of a merit
salary increase under the new system effective with the
payroll period commencing �n July 9, 1994, and on each
succeeding salary anniversar,, date (with the next succeeding
consideration not occurring �)rior to January 2, 1995) until
they have successfully reach :d Step 9 of the salary range.
The City shall place regu.ar employees hired after the
effective date of this agreeua.ent and before July 1, 1994, at
the "B" step or above.
One or more committees consisting of one SEIU member from each
Unit nominated by the Union members and one or more other
employees selected by the Ci *., Manager shall be appointed by
the City Manager to develop recommendations on objective
criteria for judging performance standards. Each affected
employee shall be allowed to comment on the criteria and
related factors to be used in judging his /her performance
pertaining to the new rating evaluation system during the
development of recommendations. The performance evaluation
form and criteria to be used shall be as standardized as
possible for all affected classifications with the recognition
that criteria unique to certain classifications can be
included. Non - relevant factox-s or criteria shall be excluded,
as appropriate. A numerical rating system will be used so
that there is a clear determination for "satisfactory",
"good ", and "outstanding" ratings. The final determination of
criteria, weighing and rating system will be at the City
Manager's sole discretion after consideration of the
recommendations of the Committee. The Committee(s) shall be
appointed and begin their meetings by November .1, 1993, with
a goal of concluding their work with written recommendations
to the City Manager by April 0, 1994. A program of in -house
training for Supervisors shall be implemented before
commencement of the new system..
The Resolution encompasses the same change for Competitive Service,
Non - Competitive Service and Part -time employees applicable to
maintain consistency in the salary plan. The City Manager and City
Treasurer salaries are established it Section 5, and excluded from
same treatment.
A volunteer Committee consisting Jf thirteen employees was formed
to develop a draft evaluation form as outlined in Section 607 of
the MOA. The draft evaluation form was provided to the City
Manager for his review. Following the City Manager's review the
draft evaluation form was provided to all. staff for their comments.
The final evaluation form is currently being revised and will be
provided to management staff for i_i - -. -house training upon completion.
The attached Salary Resolution in orporates the nine step plan as
outlined above.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends adoption of Resoution. No. 94 -