799 Mca:)rpark Avenue Moorpark, California 93021
TO: The Honoratle City Council
FROM: Richard Hare, Deputy City Manag
DATE: Feb:-;ary 23, 1992
SUBJECT: Cin,::) de N_ayo Status Report
(805) 529 -6864
3A� -/1,Iq-
�; Coun-' Moe`-i-0
hC T IQ N:
-he City has __:geted -2,000 this fiscal year for recreation
activities re__gnizin_ Cinco de Mayo. This would be the third year
cf City fLdi -_ to re__gnize this historic date.
--he first even--, in 1:30 , involved an
ollowed a-_ :venin: dance and Miss
event was mud= =_ed fc_- $2,000. Total
:rith a rev-nu-7 $2,_)0 to the City.
.:ere waive--7 C_-.:ncil, bringing
=o $577.50.
afternoon children's program
Cinco de Mayo Pageant. This
= xpenditures were $4,307.E?
Staff and building costs
the total cost to the Cit-,
- he second ev _ _ _ , in _'9011, involved a day long celebration
_ncluding er___rtainr.._nt, rides, games, arts & crafts and
children's cc-__=r. Ev_ning activities included an adult dance and
"iss Cincc de o Pageant. This event was budgeted for $5,000
:.:hick was eve- --,.:ally _ncreased to $12,000. Final expenditures
=otaled $ =5. = -_.23, cf =set by a total revenue of $4,036.36.
-t was pla_nne_ =c ho_ a family oriented event similar to the
z.opular Da- ___ -he Pa_{ event held in September with this year's
apprcpria__on :f S2,C:3. Staff solicited interest from those
_ nvolved _n p_-_or yea--s' activities and pageant to coordinate
=heir act_ -it__s with the City's planned event.
'• ^YAC has s- _1b7__ _ __d an ambitious proposal requesting an opportunity
_o co- spo -.so_- _ fami oriented Cinco de Mayo event to be held on
aturday, 199= from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm using the Community
_: e - _ _.= ha_ _een reviewed and appears too ambitious an--'
__ey are establishing a budget of
is requesting the City to provide a3,=
rt - -_us the cost of the special event
Mayor Pre =.n Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember
P- ntrod On Re, vded Paper
insurance, use of the area in front of the _ivic Cent_- park,
tras= pickup, custodial services, portable _tile -s, lLve
Eiec -rical hookup outlets, chairs and tables. Xe are eszimazing
that approximately 500 people will attend.
The proposed MYAC event would include acti-:_ties and tames,
pina_as, arts and crafts, face painting, f_�-d bcol:hs adhering to
environmental and county health codes, moc- bour_ce, e- _ertai ^_ment,
lisp --ays of local artists, salsa cook -off tern to -ent contest.
Within this proposed event, all activities would be free with the
exception of food purchases, moon bounce a-_^ pictures. No booth
would handle any cash. All tickets would b_ sold az a central site
near the entrance controlled by two adult '.YYAC me,tubers at all
times. MYAC would give a detailed receipt reimbursement
acco,-:nting summary to City Council immedia_- y follow_ng the
MYAC would also provide bilingual publicit-:, even_ ba:per and
display advertising. MYAC is also recruit_ng o -per =n- profit
orga-izations to assist with the family e: =-
It is proposed that the City provide the r�_-dgete a2, =00 less all
out -of- pocket costs including but not limi_ed to the cost of
Spec-'al Event insurance, clean up and staff abo- :e and beyond the
one maintenance staff person scheduled to work _hat day and the
Recreation Coordinator and Recreation Supervisor. Ins- --rance for
this event would be $145.67 plus $60.30 cc:erinc foot vendors.
`there would not be any alcohol.
The City would also offer use of community center res_rooms,
elec_rical hook -ups, but not extension cords or -any pc er
generator, tables and chairs in addition t:, _he b- --dge -ed $2,000.
The City will also advertise the event on _he Government Channel.
Some concerns with their proposal include= 1) t ^ere is no
allcwance for security; 2) for this amount oL money t -e event is
rela -ively short (only four hours); 3) it appears the budget for
the `vent does not include all costs and =scald ye rc:ised; and 4)
entertainment is too expensive.
Sta_f recommends acceptance of MYAC as cc- sponsor of -he event and
that Council authorize staff to work with 2• _'_AC -o plan an event so
the City's expenditures don't exceed the " geted $2, =00.00
consistent with this report and that the -y ac_ o_ _ov_.= all
_anc,_�age of the advertising and publicity.
Ors -JLna1 Proposal